Jozef Rulof, thanks!
You do not want any thanks, the masters do not want any thanks either, but accept from all of us, who want to be your true followers, that we bow our heads deeply to your personality, your task and your life.
We have got to know ourselves!
Your evenings were priceless!
We will do everything in order to continue your work.
All of us, because we have become different people!
No words can be found to express how we have learned to appreciate your personality.
We bow to the laws of God and the masters!
May God grant you the strength in order to finish your wonderful task and to continue your work, for which we want to live and will die!
We got to know one Father and one God and ‘HE’ is ‘LOVE’, eternally!
We were able to experience this through your life.
Your pupil, Miss Bruning
‘s-Gravenhage, 1951