The Origin of Fatherhood and Motherhood

André is meditating.
We too, but we are following our own path, but are convinced of the ‘absolute’ happening originated by means of the Moon as Mother.
Now André will experience by what means that feeling, the experiencing of love, makes the human being of the earth, as man and woman, so furious, that they can hit so insanely, when man and woman lose that love.
What is the feeling of love?
Yes, child of the earth, what is love actually?
For the human being the highest which can be experienced on earth, isn’t it? André asks you that. You ask yourself that, but up until now there has been no one on earth who has been able to analyse the Primal Source, the origin of your love.
And we stand before that now, it will soon be revealed to us, for the embryonic life and later for the present stage, which you as a human being, as man and wife belong to.
Thousands of books were written about love, about man and woman, truly, you know it.
But was one writer able to tell you what the feeling actually is which you as a human being undergo, feel, get as love, when you feel the process trembling under your heart?
André now already feels what will happen if he receives those wonders on Earth.
He asks himself, what is a kiss?
How deep is the human kiss?
What do I experience of God when I undergo, give or receive His creation?
Am father or mother?
Yes, there comes to him and his personality, he also gets the feelings in order to meditate, in order to be able to ask these questions from the ALL:
What is human love?
How deep is the feeling for the love?
When can the human being experience Divine love?
Is he capable of that?
What is the human being on earth searching for?
Only love!
What does the human being live for?
What does he live on earth for and is he father and mother?
Well, what is love?
How deep is the human kiss?
The human kiss is deep, child of Mother Earth, man and woman, according to how the human being as the personality possesses feeling.
And who now has to give a Protestant kiss, a Catholic, a philosophical one, a kiss is inspired by Buddha, by Mohammed, or one which was inspired by Ancient Egypt, and possesses that depth, does not get to experience any universal depth, to feel any deity, to undergo any divine being one, those kisses and that love are and is the unconscious smack of the human being.
André smiles, I see that and I therefore know what he is thinking about, Master Alcar cannot hide his smiles either, that, this too, is sacred truth!
André now feels the spatial kiss coming to him.
Now he is experiencing the Wayti.
The human being is capable of experiencing a spatial kiss!
The human being is capable of experiencing divine love!
The human being is capable of giving birth and creating spatially deep!
And that was already laid here in the hands of the human being, of and for man and woman, as two souls of one grade of life, one law, one feeling!
And now the human being reaches that spatial oneness.
Now it is no longer dog or cat love, but conscious human love, and now, he feels, all the systems for this incredible depth and pure love react, which the human being undergoes as man and woman when they stand before the Divine dividing and give themselves to the other life.
Now we enter the spatial love, André feels, and can now agree with that too.
But what is a kiss?
How deep is that kiss?
Is that felt and experienced materially?
Is that both spatial and spiritual?
The most meaningless insect can kiss and can give love, but what love is it?
What kind of love is it?
If the human being wants to give love, then he will have to master spatial wisdom, it is only now that the man has love to give the mother.
What is love?
Why do millions of children of God search for love?
But what do they want to experience?
What are they searching for?
What do they want to give?
Does the mother, does the man on earth already have love to give?
Do they possess the highest love, the spiritual one?
He is starting to feel, see and experience that love also possesses and got seven grades of life.
This meditating, the being one with the feeling of love is for that purpose!
The human kiss can represent God, because, there comes to us, the All-Mother also gave and revealed herself by means of this love as feeling!
And that is the Divine truth!
André asks: how deep is the kiss of Buddha?
How deep of Mohammed?
How deep of Ramakrishna?... Of Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Rudolf Steiner, Annie Bessant ....
Of Christ?
How deep was the kiss of Leonardo da Vinci?
Of Rembrandt for his Saskia?
Of all the great ones on earth, given to the life, the soul as mother?
Yes, that was suffered and battled for, kings and queens, emperors, princesses and princes, all the grades of life for social and scientific, spiritual consciousness are open to this and search for this; if they cannot experience that, the life on earth will have no meaning, but all of them gave their love.
What was the love of Romeo and Juliet like, the man and woman who are sung about on earth by means of the feeling of art?
What is the possession on earth after all?
What do we live for as human beings?
As man and woman?
What do we experience, what did they all experience, what did Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Wagner experience, what did all those great ones experience, by means of which Mother Earth received her art, her philosophical systems, her life dramas, her faculties, so human science; what did they experience for and by means of their love?
Were they ready for their spatial love?
Did they experience spatial love by means of their arts and sciences, were they able to give their spatial-conscious kiss?
Were they spatially, universally conscious by means of their arts and sciences and did they get to experience that love, were they one with and connected to the God of all this life in that as man and woman?
How deep was their kiss, my brother?
How deep is your kiss, husband?
Mother, how deep is your kiss?
Is that love?
Is that loving?
Is that experiencing love?
Were you happy?
What is happiness?
Did you know happiness by means of your creations?
What is twin love?
Were you twin souls, souls, as man and wife, of one colour?
One space?
With one feeling, one faith, one knowledge, being one for all these revelations?
Well, my brother, what is love?
The human being of the earth devotes everything to that.
Everything, the animal grade of life is also capable of that.
Does it not mean anything to you?
This already tells you everything!
This becomes the answer to all these questions, which you will soon ask for paternal love and maternal love, it is only now that you will sense as a child of the earth what you will soon give in love by means of your cosmic consciousness and you will sense what Christ meant, how deep Christ is in love!
Believe us, we will follow you in everything!
We know this love.
We possess, carry that love.
We became Divine twin souls as man and wife!
The human being becomes a Deity in love!
And you will analyse all these grades of life for that, for the human love, you are now capable of that.
The human kiss is deep in feeling according to how much the personality can experience, can give her own obtained consciousness!
What is love?
You will get to know that love!
That comes like a thunderbolt to André, to me and to Master Alcar and is for the child of Mother Earth.
That can be experienced, we are meditating for that and preparing ourselves for fatherhood and motherhood.
But it is André, how many experience this reality for the child of Mother Earth, by means of which he can gauge the love of the universe?
How wonderful everything is, he feels, yes, how deep is a kiss?
How deep is the human love?
How do you wish to be able to love deeply, when you stand above damnation?
There is a coffin, a death, a last judgement?
The human being now closes himself off to the spatial love!
Oh, my mother Crisje, he sends to the earth and his dear mother, how great you are in faith, in your love.
He feels the sorrow of the masses who still cannot accept.
And he will fight, give himself for that, in order to take those masses to the spatial awakening.
And he feels ready to attack that hypocritical church and to connect all those theologians with the Absolute, to place the theologian before these truths.
The powers which now come to and into him possess the Divine consciousness, they represent the ALL!
Yes, this is Divine reality, there rejoices in him and he sends to his Crisje, his pure and dear mother.
This is the truth!
What I may experience is Divine reality, mother.
I am living in the Absolute, in and with God, who is Love here.
And yet I am thinking about you, I cannot forget you, Crisje, I am still one with you!
I am so conscious, mother, that I can outstrip every spiritual faculty, can give lectures, because now I know!
There are still no spiritual faculties on earth.
They, who bear and possess these titles, are unconscious of spirit.
That still has no meaning for the universe.
My dog Fanny had more understanding and feeling than all these academics, mother.
In the place where I am now, mother, close to God, here on the Moon, where the first origin of all the Divine Revelations happened, many academics of the earth search for their beginning stage, they want to get to know that, or they will not come any further.
And amongst them cardinals are to be found, real priests of the earth, the good, the true, mother, who are now getting to know their God of Love.
And those souls, people of God, send me their spiritual thoughts, they ask me: break the unconscious power of the Church, strike her down, because it is she who deceives those millions of people, places them before a God who damns, which is not possible and they are now getting to know.
The academics of the Catholic Church, dear Crisje, experience here – if they possess natural light, or they will experience the darkness, the hells, but without fire – their eternal life, the Divine truth, they see here that the human being was born in the waters and the story from the Bible is nonsense.
They now know that they sullied the God of all life by means of this.
All those theologians, my dear Crisje, know that they served the ecclesiastical power on earth and not God, they know that they served themselves and suffocated the spiritual development.
They now know that all those frills, all that gilt means nothing, now they are experiencing the Divine reality, they have to accept all these laws and to master them.
I tell you, dear Crisje, if they had not done any good things, they would not live here, the majority of these souls had to accept the dark spheres!
You should hear, dear Crisje, which truths I can see.
I am, believe me, close to Christ and can talk to Him, I can see Him if I want that, because the Masters brought to his life.
I see that all these millions of souls of the earth weep like children.
They descend into the laws here, they experience their embryonic life and, as I must follow that, the origin of these laws of justice for fatherhood and motherhood, by means of which they see that ‘clay and breath of life’ no longer have an existence for this age.
And those unconscious beings, who are now still living on earth, Crisje, poisoned Socrates, they sullied the God of all this life every hour, because they are now still capable of damning the life of God.
They, those clergymen of the earth, dear Crisje, now curse the Church, because they know how this mother was burnt at the stake.
Is that not perhaps true, Holy mother Church?
How did you get to burning the life of God at the stake?
And that is the truth!
You, as the mother church ... put the life of God on the stake and burned him alive.
Your own servants here call to you: unconscious witch, do not damn any longer!
Do not damn the life of God any longer, you cannot do that!
God does not damn one cell!
Did you think that the All-Mother could forgive you for that?
You will have to make amends for that!
We now know that your power will soon be broken!
Squandering heavens, that will soon be over!
The University of Christ will answer all your questions.
Is that the love which you have to give the child of God?
I am starting to understand, dear Crisje, what the ALL wants from my life.
I am starting to feel and to see that I have a wonderful task to fulfil for this mankind.
I am starting to know now!
I am starting to see and to experience that the human love will only get depth and becoming conscious when this spiritual science is experienced, now a kiss for the mother is winged becoming conscious, her being one with her love is a revelation and both were elevated into the Temple of Christ, to which we already devoted our lives in Ancient Egypt.
My dear Crisje, I can weep from happiness, now that I see and may experience all of this.
I can thank God that you did not have the means to give me a study for the earth, because then they would have messed up my life.
Because what are you if you become an academic?
What are you as a theologist?
You are now starting to represent yourself and your God destructively.
You talk about something which has no spiritual meaning, no law of which is true.
And those people experience that here, they know now, dear Crisje, that it is dangerous to speak about God and to represent Him, if you do not know Him.
Believe me, I see here, on the Moon, millions of children of God, they must get to know their origin, it is only then that they can go further.
Every faculty of the Earth is represented here, every clergyman who possesses light, is kneeling here, is not praying to God now, but is meditating according to the laws of life and grades of life, for fatherhood and motherhood, for the origin of all these laws of justice, by means of which they grow and awaken.
They now know, praying has no meaning if you do not want to experience the laws of God harmonically; singing and saying holy masses will not help you, you will remain poor and unconscious, they know here that they must master the altruistic love, that they are children of one Father.
The mother Church must now bow to these laws.
She is now no longer the only sanctifying Church, that is nonsense, my dear Crisje, that is gossip!
All the Churches will dissolve!
They will disappear from the earth, the University of Christ will come in their place.
And then there will no longer be any death, any damnation, and in addition no last judgement; the human fear will dissolve and make way for the Divine Initiation!
Oh, my dear Crisje, how simple everything is becoming.
I can make comparisons for a moment and also do that, my mother, in order to give you an idea of where I am now living.
Did you never know that I would experience this?
Yes, my Crisje, I am now also standing before Golgotha, but see and experience everything differently, I know now that I have become a prophet.
Were you ever able to dream of this?
And yet, when Master Alcar laid his first foundations during my youth, they were already of Universal depth anyway and they connected both of us to Our Lord, Him, whom I now see and can experience.
I look into the eyes of all the great ones who lived on earth, my dear Crisje.
My kiss is deeper!
My love is becoming deeper!
Because I am getting to know the laws, I am building on this Universal becoming conscious.
I am going on wings, Crisje!
The Catholic Church, Crisje, is looking for her cosmic intellect here and will make amends for what she did wrong.
She is not sacred, believe it, accept it from me, she is deeply unhappy, she is black, the dark spheres await her and the human being who accepted her damned life.
Oh, my Crisje, I can see all those frills, all that gold, those horrible riches of her life.
But here she comes to stand naked before her God, naked, every law of life wants her to bow.
When the technical wonders, to which the direct voice belongs, come to earth, she will fall from her pedestal in one night.
And then the Masters will speak to the child of Mother Earth and people will hear Christ, the real Messiah!
And He is different!
My dear Crisje, soon you will be the mother of a prophet.
The universe tells me that, that comes to my life from the ALL and we have to accept that, but I will prove that to mankind.
You will not believe it, but I can see into the eyes of the first Paul, he is talking to my life.
He says that I am the Paul of the twentieth century.
I can hear Christ speaking to my life, Crisje, you can also accept that wonder, because the soul as human being who has completed her material cycle and possesses light, life and love for this, the spiritual astral world, can experience that.
He says that they can no longer burn me at the stake, no longer hang, nor poison me, those ages are over.
But if that was possible, my Crisje, then that same Holy Church would already have killed me, because I am a terrible heretic in her eyes, a runaway animal, a dangerous human being for the Holy Church.
Can you now feel, dear Crisje, what it is about?
And that it was the human being who nailed Christ to the cross?
I can tell you, because I can see that, that the Church weakened His personality by saying that He, the Divine conscious being, succumbed in the Garden of Gethsemane, that the holy mother church tells untruths, that the Church does not know Him!
I can now explain to you, dear Crisje, that the apostles were asleep and that no one heard that Christ said: My God, let this cup pass from Me; the Divine child never spoke those words!
Can you now feel, Crisje, my mother, that the human being of the earth is destroying Christ by means of this?
By what means did the Bible writers record all of this?
Why does the Church want Christ to be weak, now that we know that thousands of children of God went into the lion’s den for Him, were happy that they were able to die for Him?
Was Christ more insignificant than all these children of God, that were still just children anyway?
I see and can experience these laws, Crisje, I can tell you they are untruths, they are great big lies given by the Holy Church, as she calls herself, to the religious child.
All those untruths will now disappear from the earth, Crisje.
I am it, your own Jeus, who received this task!
The Masters say that, Socrates says that, Plato, Buddha and Ramakrishna say it, Paul says that and all the other apostles of Christ give me that, all the priests of the Catholic Church, who now experience the creation, give me that; but the Masters will prove that by means of the Divine wisdom from the University of Christ!
Yes, my mother, I must put right what the Church, what all those unconscious beings of God bent in the ages which passed, I will be the highest consciousness for this mankind!
And I will serve for that, my dear Crisje; I will give mankind both love and spiritual happiness, the pure kiss, the spiritual Wayti for life and death.
Are you starting to feel, my dear Crisje, that the believing is becoming knowing and that human love is evolving?
That arts and sciences possess grades of life, the wisdom of this universe is receiving the Great Wings, by means of which man and woman will carry each other?
If father could have accepted us into his life, what love would he have experienced then?
Would you not have elevated him into your deep soul?
Would father not have received this love now?
And does all the life on earth not want that?
Is it not true then, mother, that the universe also elevates the love for the human personality and that now the human kiss, the rarity for spirit, for fatherhood and motherhood lays spiritual foundations for the life on the other side?
I am standing before the philosophical systems, my dear Crisje, I must spiritualise every thought for the child of the earth, give this love, it is only then that love will enter millions of hearts and Christ will no longer get a crown of thorns, the Church will no longer squander His life and His love!
These are harsh truths, but they have contact by means of the laws of justice, the own obtained independence for every spark and the possibilities of being able to go further.
This is the life, my dear Crisje!
I spoke to, saw, father and Miets, my Crisje, they also know for what I must now serve, they also awakened and now possess the Universal love and go further.
Father will wait for you and you will make these journeys with him in the astral world, you will go on eternally with him.
See you later now, now and again I will come back to your life, because I will not forget ‘s-Heerenberg, it is there where the first foundations were laid for this task.
It is all so simple, dear Crisje, it is loving, and a revelation for every law of life.
I see that Master Alcar is ready, see you later.
André speaks from the universe to the life of his mother and to many other people who know him.
He cannot forget his Crisje, he is still one with her life, the laws of which Jeus and Jozef must now accept, by means of his consciousness.
And we will also see that happening later, by means of which André will elevate all this characteristics to his consciousness and to this awakening.
Master Alcar now says:
“Now, my brothers, we stand before the independence of fatherhood and motherhood.
We must experience for this how the paternal separated itself from the maternal, in order to give to the child of Mother Earth, that the soul also has to experience and to accept both organisms there.
On earth people laugh, people shrug their shoulders, when we say that the human being must be mother and father, if he wants to evolve for the Divine laws, if he wants to master this universe.
Mr psychologist will laugh when we place him before the Divine laws and say: “Do not laugh, soon, in a few years’ time you will die, but then return to the earth in order to be a mother, to become a mother.”
Millions of people, children of God still laugh about these Divine laws.
The most wonderful truths are laughed at!
The human being shrugs his shoulders and laughs, he does not know that he has to experience thousands of lives before he has completed his cycle on earth, he does not know the laws, no God, no Christ, nothing of what we now have to accept, he still has to awaken for that.
The human being laughs at what he does not understand, but these are no longer laws to be laughed at by the soul as human being who has to experience them, that laughter belongs to the unconscious of spirit.
The Church laughs, the theologian laughs, the psychologists laugh, all of them laugh at this truth, shrug their shoulders and by means of that suffocate the spiritual consciousness of the earth, of millions of children of God.
And we will now have to suffocate that laughter, we will bury those feelings, that terrible laughter about something which people do not know, but by means of which Divine truths are pulverised, are burnt at the stake, now dissolves, now becomes a state of purity for every right-thinking and feeling human child of God, becomes spiritual awakening, the growth of spirit, the preparing of oneself for the life on the other side.
Where are these, the most wonderful laws created by the All-Mother, not laughed at?
The Theologians laugh at reincarnation”!
They laugh at Ramakrishna, laugh and shrug their shoulders at an initiate; that the human being as a man must become a mother is nonsense, is really insane, but by means of those thoughts and feelings they fling everything away from them which must precisely represent the Absolute for the Divine ALL, and by means of which that Divine evolution is experienced.
Academics are so poor, the Catholic Church is so poor, many religions likewise, but must now disappear, because the ‘Cosmology’ will explain all these Divine laws.
And it is only now that growth will come on earth and of course the sponging of a priest and priestess of the Catholic Church will disappear.
Now, my brothers, we experience these Divine laws.
When we, my brother André, experienced the journey for the books ‘The Origin of the Universe’, we did not come that far in order to analyse these wonderful foundations, you were not yet that far.
It is now no longer possible that you succumb, we are capable of that.
You can now carry the Cosmology on earth.
And we as human beings must get to know fatherhood and motherhood as the obtained independence, or we will not come any further.
It is these laws which give us the Divine evolution, by means of this we return precisely to the ALL, no other law connects us with the love, that is only possible by means of fatherhood and motherhood.
But people laugh on Earth, there people laugh right in God’s face and the Church does that, the theologian does that, a psychologist does that, millions of children of God do that, because they do not know any better.
Because they are still unconscious and do not know themselves, or the Father of Love.
But can you feel what is sullied by all those people?
Can you feel what they now trample and suffocate by means of their unconsciousness?
Fatherhood and motherhood, we already experienced that, are the essential laws for the University of Christ, by means of which we explain all the other revelations.
In the East people are that far, initiates live there who mastered this wisdom, the West is still not that far and yet the sober West thinks that it can see the natural East.
Not one soul of God can avoid it, we know that.
The human being must master this wisdom.
If we want to experience the Absolute for fatherhood and motherhood, then we must be one with this birth.
It is only then that you will be able to accept all these wonders.
But you will certainly feel, my brothers, we may not move a foot under our own power, by means of the own ‘will’, the ALL forces us to experience the ‘law’, so that we will see and undergo these foundations, or people will laugh again on earth.
We will not give all those people who laugh any more opportunity to destroy the Divine laws, we will shed Divine light on every law of life for fatherhood and motherhood, so that the human being on earth can overview his obtained divine foundations.
And then we will stand before one grade of life for fatherhood and motherhood.
Now follow me, I am coming to this Divine justice for your life and that of millions of children on earth.
Where are we living now, Master Zelanus?”
“We have returned to the seventh stage for the embryonic life, my Master.”
“That is correct, we are also attuned to that and will go further now.
One of us will now experience the Divine inspiration and our life will speak.
Surrender to that.
Which one of us is it?”
And a few seconds later André can say:
“It is me, my Master, I am now one with the Masters from the Divine ALL.
I am one with this wonder, with fatherhood and motherhood, did you also receive this oneness?
I saw and experienced this descending to these laws a moment ago.
I am now one with that stage, my Master.
I am starting to perceive the Kingdom of God, for the Catholic Church, for the theologists, for millions of children of God.
Here, in this place, we see the seventh grade of life for fatherhood and motherhood as an embryonic consciousness.
I am now becoming an embryo, but I keep my consciousness, so by means of which I can experience these laws.
I am starting to experience the moment when the Moon divided herself as Mother and therefore placed her motherhood in the hands of her life; so we as human beings.
I am now becoming conscious-giving birth-life of feeling and because of this I cannot make any mistakes, experience any untruths, that is not possible now.
The wonderful moment that the Moon as Mother experienced herself, divided herself, that moment now lives under my heart.
Can you feel this tremendous wonder entering your life?
What you now feel, my Master, is Divine love, is Divine being one, but that will become giving birth and creating.
We will experience seven grades of life as a cell, so seven transitions before we could begin with this creating and giving birth.
Now the human age will begin, the human evolution.
The Moon as Divine life possesses all of God, is as God is!
Also we people now, originated from this source as life, will get hold of all of that.
And by means of this we will represent God, we will experience Him but by means of that we will evolve both spiritually and materially, we will expand our life and consciousness, we will awaken for this universe.
I go further and analyse grade after grade, not only for the material embryo, also for the inner life, the soul as human being.
We established and were able to follow that this spark is father and mother.
I am now living in the embryo, I am one with that life, but around me there are thousands of sparks to be found which, along with me, have reached this stage.
What I feel is, and means that the Primal Source lives in me, the All-Love drives me on and will inspire me, what I now feel and want to say: the feeling lives in me in order to reveal myself.
That is the first foundation for fatherhood and motherhood, which I experience, and takes me to that awakening.
Now the urge enters me in order to divide myself.
So this feeling, my Master, is the Divine urge in order to give myself to the other life, to multiply, by means of which I create new life for myself, because I must go further, go higher, I must return to the conscious ALL.
I am starting to feel that I am a part of God, but now there follows, that I must represent the Divine source of life as fatherhood and motherhood.
I will become a human being, but I am a spark of the Divine independence, a particle of the Divine characteristics, by means of which I must accept that the human being is the same as God, that the human being cannot damn himself, because he will expand that All-Source as material, soul, spirit and personality, as father and mother.
No, my Master, we are no longer people, but Divine cells.
We are Divine embryos!
People say on earth that we are people, but who also invented that word?
Who spoke for the first time about people?
The Bible writers did, could do that, but did they understand what a human being actually is for the laws of the All-Mother?
I am starting to see and to experience, my Master, that God did not create any people, but living laws of life, material animals, with the obtained attunement given to that grade of life and is a living spark of His life here.
God represents himself by means of that.
We must see and experience God, and not the human being, as an independence, as a being, by means of which we enter the Divine principle, the God in us as part of this core, the All-Source!
The Bible writers made mistakes, they should have written: God began in order to take himself to the material revelations.
Because the embryonic life now awakened and developed, these laws of life got becoming conscious and this fatherhood and motherhood emerged.
The conscious ALL wants to make it clear to me that they are Gods, that they (feel) like the All-Source, the All-Mother felt before she could begin with the creations.
The human being now who got a name by means of these laws, my Master, represents a Deity, the own birth of which we now follow and experience.
The word in the Bible spoken by God, “Let us make people”, now means: I will materialise and spiritualise myself, because there is no question here either of making people, these are Divine sparks, cells, and would evolve, grow, would soon, because the planets develop, get an own independence with Divine attunement.
I am now laying a new foundation for the University of Christ and can say:
God represents himself in all the universes which originated by means of these material sparks.
God represents himself because he began as an embryonic life with fatherhood and motherhood.
God represents himself by means of soul, spirit and also all those other characteristics, which He will be as a human being one day, but means, a grade of life, a material core, the so desired and known human organism on earth.
That is the deepest foundation for our obtained Deity, the ALL says to my life and we have to accept that.
I now get sent: now go further, but do not forget this foundation, do not forget, we are now Gods, God himself, we have covered that long path and completed our Divine cycle.
Do you realise what this means?
It means that you get to know the own creation outside of the Bible!
And it is only now that you can understand your Deity and you understand that you never can and want to damn yourself!
So I now reach oneness with the Divine core, my Master, with a spark of the All-material, the All-Soul and the All-Life, and with which I will experience fatherhood and motherhood, for which I will divide myself.
The human being on earth therefore possesses Divine attunement!
That is the truth and we have to accept that!
But we will soon come to stand before these laws.
And it is only then that we will be capable of proving to the child of Mother Earth that there is no damnation, it has never existed, because God cannot damn himself.
Is that clear? Then I can go further.
What we now experience, my Master, is therefore a Divine phenomenon.
We cannot avoid it, and if we were now already capable of that, we would create disharmony and we would already have to accept destruction in that, but that is not possible, we must go further, our giving birth and creating life of feeling dominates here for all these laws of life.
I am starting to experience this now for my Deity.
Is that clear to you?
Everything which I get to experience on the Moon and in this universe, that is, because my Divine, but now material life will awaken.
I am therefore starting to represent myself by means of all these laws and now stand before the independence, as father and mother.
By means of this division, because I have reached the conscious human grade of life for the earth, I am now capable of experiencing this birth and mastering the feeling and the wisdom of life of that.
It is my obtained possession, also yours and of millions of other sparks of life of God, the All-Source, who have reached the conscious worlds, but the conscious ALL of which speaks to us.
Now that this division is beginning, my brothers, I am capable of sensing and overviewing my Divine plan.
I am now starting to split myself and by means of that I experience, so after my material releasing, the entering of the astral world, the world for the reincarnation.
When we followed this world, when we made our comparisons, we did not make any mistakes, we now see that we consciously experience this Divine reality and can therefore lay a new foundation for the University of Christ, which says and shows Divinely consciously:
There is no death!
There is reincarnation!
And you, child of Mother Earth, have to accept that, or we would already have dissolved in this stage, we would not have been able to experience any Divine going further, this would already have been the end of our life, our Divine evolution.
God himself evolved!
God experienced His reincarnation, revealed himself by means of the further grade of life which now follows, but by means of which we could begin as independences with a new, but more conscious life.
Those are Divine foundations for the University of Christ!
And now further, my Master.
The Moon now as life, as soul and spirit, but born from the All-Mother, gives me the possibility in order to begin with this life, this evolution.
I am one with another spark, we reach the ‘surrendering’.
We must experience this oneness, divide ourselves, because by means of that new life comes, another cell originates from our existence.
See and experience this wonder.
From the Moon body millions of cells will be born, until the Moon has divided herself completely as a mother and can also begin with her dying.
And we can also experience by means of the present stage that this is also the truth, and we see her dying.
She will therefore divide herself, that is her task, and that will become the human Divine spark on earth, that will be the Divine image, and (which) knows nothing about some clay and breath of life, never felt anything and it is the talk of an unconscious being.
We give a part of ourselves to the other spark.
But now, my Master, there comes to me, that this is also the highest consciousness up to this moment.
So these first cells will always be the furthest advanced for all the universes; that also explains that you, and Master Zelanus, have already reached the Spheres of Light, but that I still live on earth along with millions of other people, but that worlds were filled, worlds originated for higher consciousness, yes, that the soul as human being has reached the ALL.
You can do that and people on earth have to accept that, the church must bow to that, because heavens originated for the present stage in which the Angels of God – as the Church says that – live, which is the truth, but that means for God that one life is further than the other.
And that law takes us back to this first cell, but connects us directly with the conscious Divine ALL, and there comes to my life:
That spark, this cell, so this first birth, develops spiritually and physically and possesses later, in millions of times, the highest consciousness as a human being, as an astral being, but in addition for the Divine All and will one day return to the Earth as Christ, the Messiah.
The laws of life and reincarnation will explain that to us, but then we will stand in the ALL and we will see Christ!
And that therefore means, that Christ also had to experience these laws of the Moon.
It means to you, my Master, and the child of the earth, that numerous sanctities will disappear for the Catholic Church, because they are also contradictory to the Divine reality, because they will say that Christ also once lived on the Moon and that He began there with his life!
Here we must experience these truths incredible to the earth and record them for the University of Christ!
Christ says: “I am not different to you in any way, and the life begot by means of fatherhood and motherhood.
I am soul of His soul, life of His life, spark of His personality, but I was one of these cells which reached this condensing first, experienced fatherhood and motherhood for the All-Mother!
Yes, I came back from the conscious Divine ALL to the Earth, but you know how people received Me there.
Record this Divine truth for ‘My University’!
In the conscious ALL, where we now live, you will see and experience Me.
So go further, we are expecting you!”
The Messiah says that to my life, my brothers, and we have to accept that!
So we see Christ as far as these first cells, my Master.
And we are one with that stage, give ourselves, divide ourselves.
What do you feel now of fatherhood and motherhood?
That consciousness has still not come to and into us.
(With) the following births which now come, we will get and master that becoming conscious.
It is these following births, my Master, by means of which the independent fatherhood and motherhood emerges.
What we must therefore experience as material cells, is this tremendous wonder.
The new and young life, born by means of us, will later attract us, because we belong to that soul life.
So those children possess the life by means of us and we belong to those lives, by means of which this infallible certainty for reincarnation emerged, and we could begin with the following life.
We give to each other.
That is good and that is the truth, but what will we experience by means of that, my Master?
I reach this oneness with your life, we will now experience the tremendous wonder.
How do you feel yourself as embryonic life and consciousness?
We are one of feeling, one of soul and consciousness, we are of the same powers, are of one spirit, but now divide our organism, we absorb each other, until the division comes and we will die as first embryo.
Can you now feel that we only give one meaningless little part of ourselves and that the fertilisation still comes by means of that?
Can you feel, my Master, that you and I do not feel that we are already father or mother and that we still have to experience that independence?
We already divide ourselves, we already experienced that, but now for the independence as father and mother.
Master Zelanus now enters me, it is he now, who will experience this further plan of God with your life, but I am following you and will continue to keep this oneness!
And I can immediately go further and answer:
“That is true, my brothers, now I experience this Divine sanctity.
If we go further now, then we will experience that we will enter the independence of fatherhood and motherhood.
We will therefore be born only in order to get hold of these laws, we will end this life in order to evolve, to expand our consciousness, or we will not come any further.
And that is possible, the following stage gives us that development.
We will therefore give birth and create, return to the astral world, experience the being attracted again, become father or mother again, until we possess that independence.
And that happened here, we experience that wonder, so that we may also lay those foundations, for the University of Christ, as true laws of life, but we experience this independence as an embryonic stage and we must now accept that.”
“These are Divine laws, my brothers”, Master Alcar continues, “by means of which we will analyse for the child of Mother Earth all the phenomena for fatherhood and motherhood, for the life of Mother Nature, also that for the animal kingdom.
It is these seven grades of condensing which will give us as human beings the Divine evolution, by means of which we got growth, awakening and also more feeling, not only materially, so for the organism, but in addition spiritually, then we will get to know the personality for material and spirit.
We will soon follow those independences.
What is the life on earth like now?
How do these laws of condensing reach evolution?
Does the human being, man and woman, know these Divine foundations?
The human being has to experience them, he leaves fatherhood in order to experience the maternal organism, and then becomes mother.
But we know it, millions of souls as human beings, even academics, laugh at these laws and still cannot believe, cannot accept that fatherhood and motherhood are for the soul, that they conquer the creation of God by means of this and that these are essential laws of revelation, by means of which the All-Mother could begin with her evolution.
After all, the ALL wants us to dwell longer on this than the following stages give us to experience, because we can experience here in this stage for the Moon as Mother, all those independences for the soul as human being.
If we go further, then we see that the material embryo has grown, could condense incredibly, but then we stand before the existing creation and the Moon as Mother has already created millions of subsequent grades of life.
The final stage is then the fish stage, the highest for the Moon as Mother.
We left motherhood, you were able to experience that, between the third and the fourth grade.
Does the child of the earth understand this, Master Zelanus?”
“I think, my Master, that all of this is not so simple for the human being who knows nothing about all of these laws.”
“Can you then make a few comparisons with regard to this Divine revelation?”
“Yes, indeed, my Master, that is possible.
I will go back in thought to the Earth.
I can see the wonderful blue for the universe, but change will come now.
What will happen now, my Master?
What I will experience now are the same laws as we were able to behold here for the first moment for the Moon as Mother and happened for the All-Mother.
Condensing now enters the universe, clouds form, André can experience this process every day and can therefore follow me.
An outburst comes, it is a thunderstorm, but those are processes of condensing, those clouds darken, there is rainfall.
The life condensed and divided itself here in this way, but now as an astral Divine life.
You can see a drop of rain as the human, but spiritual spark.
So for here Divine plasma, for the Earth and her universe condensed material as rain, as the human being on earth can experience that.
That is the process of condensing, my Master.”
“Precisely, we now see that these wonders of creation have not changed in anything, that we can still experience them in the sphere of Mother Earth.
Those laws of condensing were born here like that and got the independence.
So rain is an independence for the creation, it originated by means of heating, by means of atmospheric evolution and is understandable for the child on earth, but those laws of life were directly Divine here, because this life is still spiritual, astrally material, but will now be materialised by means of the grades of life which will come.
But now, my brothers, the division for fatherhood and motherhood on earth.
By means of which we can now experience that transition, André, where can that transition for fatherhood and motherhood be seen and established?”
“I know what you want to experience, my Master, so that I can answer you.
There are mothers on earth who possess the organism, but do not possess the feeling in order to experience motherhood.
The academic calls that homosexuality. There are men and women who feel this division and do not know what to do with their organism.
You discussed these possibilities a moment ago, but now we stand before those natural transition stages for fatherhood and motherhood and also have to accept them.
I experienced a moment ago that we entered motherhood from fatherhood.
Between the third and fourth grade I experienced those laws and I was neither father nor mother.
It is clear, my Master, I must discard fatherhood in order to enter motherhood and that is for the human being on earth now the lack of that conscious maternal life of feeling, the consciousness in order to be a mother.”
“Very clear, my brother.
So we can determine for the University of Christ that homosexuality is nothing else on earth, can be nothing else than that the soul as human being becomes free from fatherhood or motherhood, that the soul as human being must experience the stages of transition in order to discard fatherhood or motherhood, or to evolve for those laws!
We can now call to the academics:
Homosexuality has nothing to do with lust, the phenomenon itself as feeling now experiences Divine laws for the conscious fatherhood and motherhood.
But that therefore means that on earth seven different grades of life were born for fatherhood and motherhood.
That fathers and mothers live in there who still do not possess the conscious feeling in order to give birth and to create, but that they can and also must master that feeling by means of the lives which come, it is only then that man and woman will consciously feel both father and mother and there will no longer be any question of homosexuality (see article ‘Homosexuality’ on!
So, my brothers, because we have followed and were able to experience these seven grades of life for fatherhood and motherhood, we are capable of analysing these feelings for the child of Mother Earth, by means of which we, and also the life on earth, also get to know these phenomena.
Science still does not know these laws.
The academics search for lust, the academics say, it is the lust of the personality, but now have to accept that beyond the personality, therefore the human being, as father and mother, the actual law of life is present and lives which dominates everything, every character trait!
The human being who is now busy growing according to the Divine laws for fatherhood and motherhood, experiences between the third and fourth grade that in a life he neither possesses paternal, nor maternal feeling and now stands before these stages.
We are now already capable of analysing thousands of character traits as spiritual phenomena for the child of Mother Earth, but we will do that later when we stand before these human phenomena.
Which phenomena, my brother André, will we then experience for the earth?”
“In the first place homosexuality (see article ‘Homosexuality’ on, in addition to this psychopathy (see article ‘Psychopathy’ on, the many unconscious character traits for man and woman, for spirit, for life and material organism.”
“Very correct and furthermore, Master Zelanus?”
“For the seven grades of life for every disease, my Master.”
“That is also true and we see, if we pass over to that, that the diseases will also possess seven grades of life before the actual destruction can begin.
You will certainly already feel it, we stand before universities for the spiritual science of every phenomenon and are capable of analysing every phenomenon for the child of Mother Earth.
The University of Christ is so deep now!
The law of birth therefore forces the life both to go further and to let go of fatherhood and motherhood, because the soul as human being must experience that independence as father and mother, no, as creating and giving birth life of feeling, if she wants to be able to continue her obtained evolution.
So we experience that we can only experience the laws of condensing by means of fatherhood and motherhood, that these Divine laws will dominate all the other ones and that they are Universally Divine!
So why are we man and woman for the earth?
Did God create, did the All-Mother only create that organism for the mother?
No, the soul as human being got to experience her evolution process by means of this and is both creating and giving birth at the same time, but the human organism got hold of that independence.
And that Divine wonder is ignored by the child of the Catholic Church, by numerous spiritual sects, by means of which the soul as human being now closes itself off to the Divine evolution.
Because what were we able to experience, my brothers?”
“In the first place now, that we would die.”
“And then, André?”
“The entering for the astral-spiritual world.”
“Very correct, what happened then and by means of what laws, Master Zelanus, did we experience something else there?”
“When I had experienced my first death, the dying, I entered that world in order to prepare myself for the following birth.”
“That is the truth, but by what means did we get hold of those laws, André?”
“By means of dying, my Master.”
“That is also clear, but that still does not connect me to the essential happening.
Which law of life is it which forces me to return to the following life?”
“My own giving birth and creating, my Master.
I now feel what you wish to know from me.
I will explain this happening.
What you want to know is for me as a spark of God, the happening in the material.
You want to know whether reincarnation has also become an independence.”
“That’s it, my brothers, that is the essential happening for the soul.
After all, we gave birth and created new life together.
That law now, so this being one, gives us the opportunity in order to continue our own existence later in the material life.
The Divine ALL now wants us to analyse these laws clearly, so that the academic of the earth cannot hide behind his questions again, we must clearly analyse for the University of Christ, that the human being created his reincarnation, his going further himself.
We must establish that there must be reincarnation, or the life, which we already followed, would already be at a standstill here.
The life now, which was born by means of our being one, our own dividing, will have to elevate us, because we belong to that life.
It is therefore our grade of life, and no other, which must elevate us at the moment of dividing, because we belong to that core, that stage.
And that is now the reincarnation, which has already become an independence here and the soul as human being, was already placed in the hands of the human being, for here the embryonic stage, for the Moon.
So we establish those foundations for the University of Christ and can say:
For all the life of God there is reincarnation, or God would have created injustices and we would still not have been able to experience those laws!
We call to the learned child of Mother Earth: you must reincarnate!
Not one soul of God can avoid these laws!
By means of reincarnation we go further as man and woman, by means of fatherhood and motherhood we experience the new and following birth as Divine life, by means of which we expand our life and take it to the Divine Awakening.
Those are Divine systems!
Divine laws!
And all the life of God, wherever the life is to be found for the earth and her universe, must accept these laws, because these are the creating and giving birth laws, which the All-Mother gave to our life and ‘She’ manifested herself by means of them.
So our own life, originated by means of our division, attracts us, calls us back and we experience the following birth, the new life as father or mother, as man or woman, as giving birth or as creating life of feeling.
I believe and assume that the child of Mother Earth is now getting to know itself, she is starting to feel like a mother, so the soul, which she must give birth to and must create, or she will completely disengage herself for the going further and the returning to God, she will now be at a standstill.
Do you understand now, Catholic Church, how you beat your children?
Deform them?
Sully them?
You force the soul as a human being, who follows your laws, to experience deformation.
You place yourself and your followers at a standstill.
And that means:
Your chastity has no meaning.
Your being holy has no value for the Divine creation.
Tell your children to give birth and to create, or you will create disharmony for your personality and as a life of feeling, your Church!
Change these laws, let your followers become father and mother and your teachings, the Catholic faith will remain alive, will become universal for the earth!
If you do not want to listen, it will soon be your destruction, your standstill for your reincarnation!
Do not laugh at these laws any longer, academics, priests, you have to experience them anyway, by means of them you will return to the ALL.
Teach the child of Mother Earth these laws, familiarise your daughter with motherhood, prepare your son for fatherhood, because these are the essential laws created by God and the All-Mother.
For the future on earth these are the laws of life which will be experienced for all the others, the University of Christ forces you to accept and to experience them.
We may now call that to the child of Mother Earth, my brothers, and the life there must be clear.
We will go further now.
By experiencing the dying process, we therefore went further.
Now the dying for every grade of life is therefore, André?”
“Evolution, my Master.
Death is now the completion of that life.
The death for the embryo and later as human being on earth, wants to be awakening and nothing else.”
“Indeed, my brothers, we can now call out, there is no death, the material-physical dying, wherever the life of God is to be found, means Evolution; the soul as human being, and the animal – that is for flower and plant, for every materialised grade of life – experiences her following birth by means of that, the birth for her awakening, the birth for her returning to the All-Source, the conscious Divine existence.
So we are now capable of giving happiness to the child of Mother Earth.
Do not weep any longer for those who pass on from you, they return to God.
Whatever those lives are like, conscious or unconscious, pre-animal-like or animal-like, coarse-material or material, we will also follow and analyse those grades of life for the earth, the soul goes further and higher in there, experiences the material world for fatherhood and motherhood again, or she will then enter the spiritual astral world.
And she goes further in there in order to prepare herself for the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life, another and higher, more conscious universe.
These are the laws for the child of Mother Earth!
Which independences can we already follow here, Master Zelanus?”
“In the first place we have followed it for fatherhood and motherhood and then the spiritual-astral world for reincarnation.
Death is also an independence.
And then reincarnation.
But, my Master, what we must follow here, is, what we establish for the child of Mother Earth, becomes, that by means of death – the ultimate experiencing for the embryo – the material world separated itself and means that the soul as human being also created her own world.”
“That’s it, my brothers, by means of which we can already establish here that a spiritual-astral world was created.
That the soul must one day experience that astral world.
That she as a human being has reached that conscious grade of life one day.
That world now for the embryonic life is now the world for reincarnation.
We call that world, so in our conscious existence, the World of the Unconscious.
That means that the soul has returned in order to pass on, which is the preparing for the following life.
If we now enter the sphere of the earth, we now connect with the laws which the human being must experience on earth, then this possibility has not changed in any way, and means that the human being will also return to the World of the Unconscious in order to prepare itself for the following birth, but we also know that we possess the conscious hereafter.
And that is the becoming free from Mother Earth, now the soul as human being has completed her cycle for the earth.
What now concerns the Masters is the following.
We must now show that the soul as human being got hold of all these laws.
And we can prove, because we were able to experience these laws, that these are the Divine foundations, by means of which the soul as a spark of God will materialise and spiritualise.
So that means:
Beyond death there is life!
Beyond death the soul lives!
Beyond death she prepares to return!
So the material death is only the final stage, which was experienced by means of fatherhood and motherhood.
That is the material dying for both the human and animal life, so also for flower and plant, for all the life of God which is part of His creations and has to represent ‘HIM’ by means of that life.
That is the happiness, is the blessing for the child of Mother Earth; and the Masters have to give to the life of Mother Earth, but by means of Christ, but for which we have to make these journeys.
All of this changes life on earth, my brothers.
If the peoples of the earth accept this Divine wisdom, there will be no suffering or sorrow to be experienced in here, on the contrary, the human being will then know that he will see his loved ones again!
If we follow this life for a moment, my brothers, then we stand before the twin soul.
And that is also a wonderful happening, by means of which the human being on earth can experience the highest love, because he possesses his own grade of life as man or woman there.
Now we come to stand before the laws of marriage and in addition of happiness, understanding, Universal love!
And it must now be clear to you, when we enter the earthly stage, that the human being therefore drove himself away from this Divine love, that he can now experience another, so not his own grade of life, because he created disharmony and makes amends to that grade of life, but by means of which the human suffering and sorrow emerges!
The spark of God experienced the own attunement here, the own grade of life, directly created from God.
So that means that Divine harmony is experienced here.
We already spoke about that, but now we will also analyse these laws, so that the child of Mother Earth will understand that human disturbances originated and that it was the soul as human being who created good and evil, and that she therefore has got to accept her suffering, her misunderstanding.
What is now happiness, my brothers?
What is now love?
The happiness for the human being on earth can only be experienced when the soul as father and mother can experience her own both material and spiritual grade of life.
That is the human being one!
That is fatherhood and motherhood, but beyond this lives, my brother André?”
“The grade of consciousness for the human personality, my Master.”
“Indeed, that is the only answer.
The human personality was able to grow spatially.
That is what has to represent and will experience fatherhood and motherhood, but now according to the obtained consciousness as feeling.
And we will later follow that life of feeling, my brothers, when we experience the laws for that human personality and analyse them for ‘Cosmology’.
Because by means of that we will see that the human being as God is in the ALL, because he mastered the laws of life as wisdom.
You see now, we are penetrating the core for every law of life.
We were not able to make any mistakes!
It is also here that we experience the division for the human timbre, we already spoke about that too.
All these independences reached an own world and the representation of that task, the own imposed task for the organic life and consciousness.
Every tissue which will soon be part of the organism will therefore get to experience an own task and possess an independence.
It is therefore clear, and we have to accept that, that the life of feeling also got that independence.
And that is the spark of God as feeling, as conscious life, for the earth the human being as feeling, as a personality, which has to experience both the spiritual and the material laws.
That is the human being.
And this human being, dear Catholic Church, was not born by means of some clay and breath of life, that story is contradictory to the Divine reality!
This, my brothers, will become the Divine image.
That is the human being as the All-Mother created him.
The human being as material.
The human being as both soul and as spirit, of which we will follow both soul and spirit on our following journey and will analyse for the University of Christ!
So this human being got everything from God and is as God is!
What does the Church represent now on earth?
No more than some spiritual frills!
Also all the sects which want to make a Divine science by means of a faith.
So we can call out and record for the University of Christ:
Protestantism is not more than a faith either!
Being Reformed is no more than a faith, but this, which we now experience, is Divine wisdom!
Is the true!
Is the absolute word!
This is Divine truth of life and brings the University of Christ to earth and is for all the life of God!
What did Buddha bring? Spiritual awakening.
However, he did not bring Divine wisdom, neither he, nor the others were able to lay those foundations, we do that!
What did Ancient Egypt bring to earth?
Wisdom of life, mysticism, and also the conquering of the human organism, by means of which we get to know the occult laws.
Master Zelanus wrote the two books ‘Spiritual Gifts’ for that, my brother André, and analysed the gifts in that, so that we can go further.
All the religions now on earth, bring and represent a faith, they enlighten something, they give the human being something of God, but the majority of them take the human being from dry land into an incredibly deep ditch, which is like mud, but which is capable of driving and beating the life of God insane, those frills began so clearly with the human-spiritual destruction.
Is this the truth?
Yes, the universe calls to my life, the child of God experiences that on earth!
If the child of Mother Earth can accept this, my brothers, then all the religious maniacs will dissolve, then no religious maniac will exist any longer on earth, because it will no longer be possible, because now the human being will know!
This is the gift of God, of Christ for this mankind!
So we have to bring Divine wisdom to earth, Divine spiritual science!
We no longer believe, because we know!
And this will become the possession of mankind, soon every child of God will have to get to know these laws and it is only then, my brother André, that your books will fly over the earth.
Our work, your and our task for Christ, for God, for mankind!
We do not damn, we love everything which lives.
The Church, so ‘Rome’, can now already accept that she will soon stand naked before God.
Now she will have nothing more to tell, nothing, because the Masters will do that.
The child of Mother Earth will then be taught.
This child will only then get to know the God of all this life.
It will come that far and we will serve, serve all the great ones who lived on earth.
So we experience seven material-physical transitions before we enter the conscious fatherhood and motherhood.
Between the third and fourth grade of life fatherhood and motherhood divide themselves.
That we are now capable of analysing all these laws is of vital importance for the laws of Mother Earth and we have to accept that.
We can now go further, my brothers.
But the ALL wants us to emphasise that no disturbances were created here, that God did not know them and never gave feeling to them.
Can you hear what I am saying?
God never gave feeling for a disharmonic law, never!
And by means of that we can soon prove that God has nothing to do with all that misery of the earth either; for nothing, nothing, dear Church, we keep coming back to your consciousness, in order to call to you that God as a Father of Love cannot damn and He has nothing to do with all that misery of Mother Earth and her children either, the human being did that to himself.
God did not create any diseases!
God did not beat His children, His life by destructive laws!
God did not create any burning hells!
God did not want any wars!
God gave His children food and drink, gave His life everything, but it is the human being who gave feeling to his jerky life of feeling, who opened his feeling to destruction and devastation, to lies and conscious deception, who opened himself to murder, arson and all the misery on earth.
The human being as a Divine being was able to do that and did that.
God cannot beat His life, by any means, or He will beat himself!
Is this now becoming clear to you, Catholic Church?
We do not need to speak to Buddha like that, because Buddha did not want to make those mistakes.
It is you on earth who made the most unfortunate frills, it is you who damns the human being, and no other religion was able to do that!
We must explain millions of laws of life to you according to the Divine laws and revelations and we are capable of that.
We will keep coming back to your life and personality of course.
When we have opened the laws for the child of Mother Earth, we will attack your life, because Christ wants you to awaken for the God of all the life!
God cannot forgive you for any sins, He gave you everything!
God cannot forgive you by means of His Son Christ, because every spark of God as human being, possesses and must represent His Deity!
Every religion of Mother Earth will reach the University of Christ!
Blood sacrifices will therefore no longer have any meaning now.
But more about that later, when we enter the human consciousness, we will also get to know those unnatural laws, which neither God, nor the All-Mother created, but you yourself!
You would like that, but we get to know the laws of justice here and have to accept all of this.
You too, Church!
Holy mother Church, we will prove to you that you have nothing to do with this sacred happening, you are still unconscious; what you possess for your consciousness is pride!
Is poverty of spirit!
Are you shocked now?
We will keep on shocking you again on these journeys, so that you can awaken!
Yes, poor woman, you will awaken now and lose your power!
This is for the Catholic Church for the time being, my brothers.
But we will come back when we stand before the Bible and the human being got a faith.
And then we will prove that it was not God who spoke to Moses!
We will then prove Divinely-spiritually-scientifically that it was the Masters, so people who from their world brought the life of Mother Earth to this awakening!
And then we will take away the burning hells from the Catholic Church, also that unfortunate purgatory and all those cursed frills, that nonsense and lies created by her.
Our Christ wants that now.
Then, my brothers, where it concerns Christ, we will establish that the bible begins with an untruth, with nonsense!
Millions of people still believe that, millions of people are deceived by means of that and never get to know the God of all this life, who is and will always remain Love.
Yes, my brothers, what we now experience is wonderful, it is the very highest, no human being for us has been able to behold one law of that, no Buddha, nor Mohammed, none of all the prophets who got a name.
But Christ would have wanted to give this to the child of Mother Earth if people had not murdered Him as the highest conscious being and life!
This is the Divine truth!
Also Divine development!
We will experience later when those disharmonic laws emerge; the moment when the human being became himself, when he started to realise that he could experience his life of feeling.
And then of course we stand before the jungle stage as a human being and the human being has left and conquered the waters, therefore there, where unconscious evil originated, disharmony, and later on earth, conscious evil, by means of which the human being as a Divine independence got to know and got to accept his suffering and sorrow.
We, my brothers, are laying all these foundations for the University of Christ!
So if the human being had been able to keep this pure oneness as a Divine attunement, neither suffering nor sorrow would ever have been born.
Then no diseases would have originated either, nor insanity, nor psychopathy!
But the human being got hold of and to experience his own creation and demanded, dominated, deformed and sullied his Divine oneness and his attunement.
We must also analyse those horrible matters and will then stand before both good and evil, conscious and unconscious deception.
Then the human being freed himself from these Divine harmonic laws, but got to accept his misery.
We will also come across those laws of life and will then follow them.
It was the human being himself who tore himself free from this Divine connection, and the human being also gets that in the present stage, the Church gets to accept that.
Then the human personality emerged, the conscious and the unconscious, the pre-animal-like ... the animal-like, the coarse-material, material and also later the spiritual personality, so the human being who brought himself back to the Divine harmony and could finally say: I am that far, now I will go further in pure love and he entered the life on the other side!
I ask you, was light born here now?
Then we must say, that comes later, when the human being starts to experience his life according to the harmonic laws he will come that far, he will possess light beyond death, life and consciousness in a Sphere of Light, to which he belongs and spiritualised himself.
So we can go further and further, higher and higher, yes, we are going back to the conscious Divine ALL, there, where we must represent our conscious ALL and then be Gods!
What is now twin love?
The human being for the earth who can experience one grade of life, the highest of which is the seventh grade, but now, for his inner life; yes, my brothers, for which states, what all concepts?
And then we stand before, Master Zelanus?”
“Before love.
The understanding.
Reverence, respect, faith, affection, of course before the harmony for all these feelings, before tenderness, gentleness, politeness, mercy, magnamity, and many other, thousands of character traits, which are now part of the personality as human being, as man and woman, as father and mother, in there, if they both want to experience this building, they will stand before the true love and the life on earth will be like a paradise, but the God of all life wanted it like this and Christ died for this.”
“I thank you, my brother, for your feeling and thinking.
Those are indeed already the characteristics for the human being.
And which are they, André, which brought you and me and the child of Mother Nature to the darkness?”
“The disharmonic thoughts and feelings, my Master, which now ...
emerge as pride, haughtiness, as greed, domination, nastiness, egoism, self-love, acquisitiveness, miserliness, but especially the insincerity, the demonic in the human being, the desire for artificial pleasure, the revengefulness, the cruelty, the envy, and thousands of other character traits, but by means of which the human being deformed himself.”
“It is true, my brothers, but then we enter the philosophical systems and we stand before Socrates, before Plato and the others, who founded those systems for the child of Mother Earth, but of which we then lay the spiritual, the spatial and also the Divine foundations for the University of Christ!
And that for soul, life, the spirit and the personality, for the human being as a Deity!
The human being who now gets to know the ‘Age of Christ’, masters the higher characteristics and by means of that he enters, when he has completed his material cycle on earth, the spiritual astral world, the life beyond death!
But here on the Moon we got fatherhood and motherhood in our own hands, however, by means of which all the other characteristics of God revealed themselves.
So what is love?
Do good, experience the laws in harmony and you will get to experience that love as a human being, as man and woman.
You have that happiness yourself, child of Mother Earth, in your hands.
It is up to you to make something of your life!
Did you, my brother André, absorb all these wonders into your life and consciousness”
“Yes, my Master.
It is wonderful.
I will feel enriched when I return there and will also do my best in order to deal with all of this, so that Master Zelanus can soon begin with the writing of the ‘Cosmology’.
I bow my head to all these laws, Master Alcar.”
“I thank you, my brother, André-Dectar.
Know now, you are not building any castles in the air for yourself, but sacred and true possessions for your Deity.
Of course we now stand before the grades of transition, the many laws of condensing, which were created by the Moon as Mother, and we will soon follow them.
But what does that mean, Master Zelanus?”
“That from these seven grades of life thousands of transition stages were created.
The soul now goes further, she will conquer the planet.
And we will soon be able to follow and to experience that.
By means of that millions of lives will be born, until the soul has reached the fish stage and then also goes further, so that she is attracted by another planet.
We will also follow those laws, my Master, we want to experience how the soul as human being was able to reach the planet Earth.”
“Precisely, my brothers, we will soon come to stand before that.
But then on our following journey.
And it is only then that we will be able to give the child of Mother Earth a Divine overview of the own origin and the long cosmic path which the soul as human being got to experience.
If we soon follow and experience the Moon as Mother, we will see how she was able to condense her own life and organism, but then we will enter her final stage.
But we will go from the Moon to the conscious Divine ALL, nothing will stop us!
You will certainly feel that we are capable of writing thousands of books.
We also know that André does not have time for that, but I can now tell you that he and we will soon continue our work.
But now from our life and by means of the technical wonders, by means of which we will speak, analyse the laws for the whole of mankind!
I now get sent that, my brother André, from the conscious Divine for your life and your task.
You can accept this and then we will give Divine lectures from our life.
Then the child of Mother Earth will enter the Kingdom of God.
Christ’s life will then triumph there over all the evil in the human being!
Now another few foundations which want to be experienced.
And they tell us: the human being must both create and give birth, or he will not be able to go further!
Those are Divine gifts!
By means of that the human being can experience the Divine love!
The human being cannot succumb if he wants to experience the laws of God harmonically!
But the human being created misery and troubles and went under because of his own creations!
So all the Divine characteristics live in this cell.
We will analyse those characteristics one by one, because we can follow the spiritualisation and the materialisation.
For the following journey I now also want to record something wonderful and namely for the voice of the mother and the man, however, I tell you, when we experience the life of feeling, we also lay those foundations.
We spoke about the human voice, my brothers.
Did you sense then that by creating the maternal life as that independence, we took the second ‘self’ of ourselves to that division?
Can you now feel that the maternal voice, so her timbres, were born from the creating life of feeling and that they are now maternally inspired for the earth as a human being?
No academic for this art knows the laws for the maternal voice, does not know the beginning stages for this independence, does not know anything about this birth, because this happened on the Moon.
So by means of our division, because motherhood became an independence, her timbre emerged and became the alt, the soprano and the mezzo soprano, so that we can follow and experience that the alt was born from the bass, the soprano from the tenor, the mezzo from the baritone, three subsequent grades of life for the maternal and paternal, the creating and giving birth timbres for the child of Mother Earth, however, who got that independence on the Moon by means of our own division.
That is obvious that the human sound must represent the Divine Timbre and that the human being will one day possess a sonorous timbre is also clear and true, but that not every physical grade of life for the human organism is ready for that timbre, Master Zelanus, must now be clear to you.
But by what means?”
“Because only the highest organism will possess that sound, my Master.”
“And that means again, André?”
“That the jungle stage cannot possess the organism of the child of Mother Earth which the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on can experience, and means that the organic timbres still have to awaken for that sound.”
“Very precise, and it means, the higher the human being climbs as a material being, the more beautiful the human timbre is.
But we will also establish these laws when we follow the human being for his life of feeling and we experience his first love, but in addition as feeling, also for the senses.
Because the mother was born from the creating life of feeling, her timbre has also changed now.
You can now see how wonderful everything is.
However supernatural those laws and gifts are, the University of Christ will analyse them!
What concerns the Masters is now that every grade of life has to represent an own timbre.
So the grade of life for the material organism, the jungle on earth, those people therefore do not sing like the child of Mother Earth who can experience the seventh grade as an organism, because that is not possible, those are laws, so also for the human timbre!
Only in order to suddenly make it clear to the child of Mother Earth, I can prove, that only the Caruso’s (Caruso, 1873-1921, was one of the most famous tenors in the history of the opera) must experience the highest organism, because this organism has to represent the highest for the human being on earth, and the child from the jungle still has to experience and to reach that height.
So that voice, that timbre still has to awaken!
But we will also come back to this.
However, by means of the division in this embryonic stage, these human wonders manifested themselves.
And by means of this, child of Mother Earth, academics, the mother got to experience the alt, the soprano, the mezzo, the man his bass, baritone and tenor, timbres for fatherhood and motherhood.
Is it not wonderful that we are now able to analyse all these laws of God for the child of Mother Earth?
That is the University of Christ ... never forget this!
So it is of Divine significance that we are able to make these journeys.
It is of vital importance that Mother Earth now receives this wisdom!
And in addition we must accept that the All-Mother, so by means of God, has given everything to ‘Her’ life, everything!
And we will experience and analyse that Divine everything by means of numerous journeys!
Theologian, are you still not bowing to these truths?
Now banish all those inhuman stories from your Bible and accept this ‘Bible’ for which we must lay the new foundations, but by means of Christ, so this Christ!
And now also:
This whole society will soon have to accept how infallibly we as human beings got hold of our creation!
But, my brothers, we must also experience other independences and establish by means of that, first of all, that the universe taught, gave us what the All-Mother was able to do for her own life and personality.
She divided herself into myriad particles; and what do we do now as human beings?
She is light, life, soul, spirit; and what are we?
She is father and mother; what did we become?
By means of this we return to her life and represent her there, and that for eternity!
And that now means for this journey, that we were irrevocably Divinely inspired, or we would have lost ourselves completely, which is not possible now.
But, and you will soon see that clearly, cosmic laws and human laws of life were born.
It is true, astronomer of the earth, we will conquer this universe, no matter what this life is like, because we became both people and bodies from that wonderful, because we only have to experience two laws of life after all, the universe and we as human beings, which is and will remain fatherhood and motherhood!
We will also experience what will soon become of our life, we already know how we let rip, destroyed, through our lives, consciously and unconsciously, which was born in pure love.
We know that, and we also have to accept that.
And now I can ask you, my brothers.
How many millions of lives must we experience here before we have reached the fish stage?
Those will become millions of lives!
And for the earth they will be myriad lives before we can say there: I have completed my earthly cycle.
But that means nothing, because for God we experience His infinity.
But by means of this the child of Mother Earth gets the knowledge: which actually means infinity.
So death cannot destroy the human being, many sects are right, are already that far, only the western feeling of life still has to awaken for this.
So both the material and the spiritual world were born here!
For the embryonic life a world of unconsciousness, for the human being who has completed his cycle a conscious world, as we were already able to establish, but is now necessary, or the human being of the earth will not understand it again and will make something else of it again for himself, as the Bible writers were able to do that!
And now, my brothers, before we come to the laws of condensing, I would like to ask you: how deep is Divine creation now.
We know that we live, and soon, from our animal, then we will get to know Mother Nature.
From the first human cell of life, the material self got to experience the animal world itself.
Those grades also created and gave birth to seven subsequent stages, so that we, if we follow the animal, have to follow millions of laws of life, because every grade of life got to experience an own fatherhood and motherhood again, and is now incredibly deep.
Despite that, we will still analyse all those laws, because the University of Christ can analyse them.
But then we will establish the existing and the post-creations.
What does that mean, André-Dectar?”
“You mean, my Master, which lives belong to the post-creations.
And then I see a louse, an adder, a snake, a worm, so lives, which did not know any seventh grade of life, but which could create and give birth to an own stage from those rotting processes, and are post-creations.”
“I know, my brother André, that you also received this word.
Truly, believe it, we can now follow and analyse every law of life and it is the wisdom for the child of Mother Earth, for the Kingdom of God!
We will also get to know those laws.
Every grade of life will soon tell us where the soul, where fatherhood and motherhood were born.
Whether that life now belongs to the waters or to the land organism does not matter, we will get to know that life and it is only then that we will understand our own creations, the organisms which began with the life here on the Moon after us by means of our discarded self.
Madam Blavatsky?
Were you that far?
No, you did not reach this depth, or you would never have spoken those words.
We had begun with our condensing the first and then the animal followed after us.
Isn’t it true, that can be experienced, seen and followed here, we had to accept those laws; from the human cell, the material self as they call that, the first human material skin, seven animal grades of life emerged and that became the animal world, and it is only then that Mother Nature began.
Does Mother Nature possess other laws on Earth?
The ALL wants us, my brothers, to make comparisons for the child of Mother Nature, to follow all those possibilities, it is only then that we will go further.
By means of this we come to the asking of questions and to the human analysis, for human being and also society, religions, arts and sciences, for soul and spirit, for fatherhood and motherhood on earth.
And which laws of life can you feel, Master Zelanus, which require analysis, need the spiritual clarification?”
“What I perceive, my Master, is a law which connects me directly with the child of Mother Earth.
That the human being on earth must return to the material world, is Divine infallibility, but by means of which the soul can experience fatherhood and motherhood and she takes her personality to that awakening.
The soul as human being on earth has to experience that, but the human being as man and woman still does not know these laws.
The human being does not know for what purpose he lives, the human being wonders, for what purpose all of this is necessary.
The masses on earth are still that unconscious!
By giving birth and creating we attract new life.
And we have to do with that life, or we would not attract it.
When we analyse the personality, we meet these laws for man and woman and it is only then that the human being gets to know himself.
You spoke about disharmony, but because of the evil, the human destruction, the soul as human being left the paradise, she let herself perish, which the All-Source never wanted anyway.
God ensured infallible, spiritual and material harmonic laws, the human being sullied, deformed and took all those laws to the darkness.
And we must prove that to the child of Mother Earth; that it is not God who will create misery, but that it is he and she, who inspired this destruction, who gave the feeling that possibility in order to take part in that complete destruction and suffering and sorrow emerged.
Why is there so much sorrow, suffering and misery on earth?
God, we have seen that now, only created happiness.
He created love and justice.
But it has become chaos on earth and we also follow and analyse that for the philosophical systems.
I can tell the soul as human being that she has forgotten herself!
Although she was not capable of changing the Divine laws, she created misery, troubles and deception.
But Mother Earth went further and finishes her organism.
The soul as human being, my Master, as both father and mother, has to accept and to experience these seven grades of life, which she must conquer, or she will never reach the Spheres of Light.
However, we know that she cannot dominate the Cosmic laws and that she will have to bow and will accept sooner or later.
What the soul as a human being must know is that she is attracted on earth by her own physical grade of life and can never avoid that, but that she will experience her love by means of that, which is now animal, material, or already spiritual, of which the highest, the last grade of life, and namely by means of the inner life as consciousness, so the feeling for the good, she can experience her happiness, for which all the life lives and wants to experience, after all, or life on earth will be like a hell beyond the human coffin.
The human being still does not know that, my Master, but for the soul on earth these are the physical and the spiritual laws which she gets to experience.
She must experience thousands of lives for fatherhood and motherhood, for the seven grades of life for the human organism.
She begins in the jungle, we already know that, begins with the first physical grade of life in order to enter the seventh, which are experienced by the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on and the Eastern peoples and then thousands of lives again, in order to make amends for the mistakes, the evil, which she created through all those lives.
We have already seen that we will soon follow those laws for the embryonic life, and it is the fish consciousness for the Moon as the final stage, for material and spirit, but then the soul goes further.
By means of this, by means of fatherhood and motherhood, the soul as human being gets to experience the space which is given to her by the planet as mother.
And that becomes for the Earth as human being, the material, so physical becoming conscious, then the soul as human being can complete her cycle for the earth and she will enter the astral, spiritual world, she will be open to good or evil, she will represent a sphere of light or one which will represent darkness, and she has that in her own hands.
So I can say for the University of Christ, that the soul as human being, as father and mother, will begin with her life for the planet Earth from the jungle!
So the human being lives on earth in order to conquer the planet and then to enter the spiritual world in order to also go further here, because they, man and woman, will return to God!
Man and woman represent God, are Gods, but now still experience animal, material and also spiritual grades of life, but will come that far.
If the human being now finds himself too sacred in order to give birth and to create, which the Catholic Church imposes on the follower, forces the priest and the priestess to do, is the worst thing which there is, because now the soul as human being creates disharmony for her evolution process!
We will soon discuss the awful consequences, my Master, because we will come that far.
Whatever the human being will achieve for the earth, fatherhood and motherhood are the Divine and the Universal everything; the soul as human being has to live and to die for that.
Material tasks have no meaning, all of that remains on earth, only the inner life, the spark of God, is and will continue to exist eternally!
This is why there must be reincarnation for the earth.
When man and woman give themselves their love, that is the dividing for their own Divine awakening and evolution process.
We know what is understood and felt of this; the human being as the personality also lost himself in that and naturally created a chaos.
And now the own grade of life emerges and both man and woman have to accept that!
What we now experience here, I am one with the laws of condensing, they have not changed in any way either for the mother on earth.
It is the creating sperm which the embryonic independence still possesses and then the grades of growth for the foetus in the mother follow, which we also experienced here.
The laws of giving birth and creating, my Master, have therefore not changed.
The soul which is attracted for the earth, experiences nothing different to what we could experience here from the astral world, so for the new birth.
But we know that the material organs grew, the human independent organ was born and is now part of the maternal organism for the earth, and we must agree with that.
You see, all those foundations were laid here, and it proves that we people were born in the waters.
I will go further, my brothers, because thousands of laws of life now want to be experienced, so I am still one with and connected to the ALL.
Growth, condensing, awakening originated, the embryonic spark grew and condensed as a human being, the image which God saw before him when He began with His creations.
For the earth that Universal image is the human being, therefore a Divine product, with Divine attunement.
But is this understood on earth?
Can the human being see himself as a Deity, if he loves damnation?
So on earth it does not concern the material life, but fatherhood and motherhood!
Those are the essential laws!
What is now a grade of life?
That is the human organism as giving birth and creating, as man and woman, by means of which the All-Source sees itself represented as the All-Mother.
Can people already accept that on earth?
No, but this is Divine truth, my brothers!
How do people live on earth?
What do people know about this Divine wonder?
You know it, we can experience murder and manslaughter there, lies and deception, hatred and destruction.
And that is the human being, but that is not God!
A God of hatred never materialised, nor spiritualised the creation!
The Old Testament is also barbaric, it is demonic!
And now the wonder, my Master, which wants to convince me, by means of which a grade of life for the earth cannot be wiped out.
We see here in this embryonic stage that we, you and I, came to the first grade of life at the same time as thousands of cells.
And that can now still be perceived on earth.
After all, we experienced the example of ‘rain’.
An insignificant little cloud like that produced millions of drops of rain, which is the own division for this haze stage in a Divine state.
By means of this the grades of life created themselves as a mass, so as a group.
So I must determine that we as a cell belong to thousands of other cells, which reached both the same height and becoming conscious.
It is this law, my Master, which will explain for the human being on earth why the human being is not capable of wiping out one grade of life.
Isn’t it true, various grades of life now also take part in manslaughter and violence.
Various grades of life for the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on will be wiped out during this war, because the man will end his life on earth too soon, because he has accepted the violence, the destruction.
I must now ask my brother André, where can we experience those laws with regard to a grade of life, so for the Earth and her laws?”
André is ready and can answer:
“We see those laws again on earth with the mother, Master Alcar and my brother Zelanus.
One mother now gives birth to ten children, another murders this Divine law or refuses to give birth and to create.
It is because of that, that mothers give birth to children more than once and by means of this she keeps her own physical grade of life going.”
“Very correct”, Master Alcar goes further, “but we established here, must accept, that the spark of God would only create and give birth to two lives, for man and woman, in order to experience reincarnation.
So we can determine for the University of Christ:
That the mother must give birth to four, five, ten children is because another mother lives in disharmony and refuses to give birth.
So we get through to the problem for the earth, why one mother has to give birth to so many children and the other not one.
Because of this we enter the disharmonic laws created by the human being.
If every human being were to accept and were to experience the Catholic Church, so became a priest, the mother started to live such a holy and chaste life, then the human being would wipe out his creation and in a few years there would be no more human beings on earth.
Does the Church not realise that?
Does it not get through to that consciousness that we as human beings were not capable of completely destroying the life of Mother Earth?
And we must follow these possibilities on earth, my brothers, if the church wants to see, if man and woman want to experience on earth, how destructive it is that she wants her ‘follower’s to live a chaste life, but is now contradictory to all the essential laws of God for the evolution process.
Wars violate these laws, destroy the Divine harmony, every murder violates, destroys the time for the human being, suffocates this Divine plan and we will analyse this for the human being by means of this embryonic stage.
It is because of this now, as you have perceived, that the mother must give birth more than once, so that she protects her own grade of life, to which she therefore belongs, from complete destruction.
According to the Divine laws for the human evolution, man and woman only have to give two souls an organism.
For the mother and the father, in order to return to the material world, to experience reincarnation, so that we can say: a chaos also originated in that on earth!
Science on earth, my brothers, does not know these laws.
These are all laws which the human being has to respect, but by means of which we now lay the foundations for the University of Christ and of course the new ‘Bible’ will originate!
Man and woman therefore represent one organic grade of life along with thousands of other cells.
And that grade of life is represented by the masses, goes further and higher, but we will soon also determine the Divine ‘Harmonic’ of that, when we analyse the soul as the personality.
Do you hear it, the Divine harmonic laws for both thousands and millions of grades of life for the human being, for soul, spirit, for her astral personality, yes, in addition for her Divine attunement.
And then, my brothers, we deny man and woman all their disharmonic creations and he and she get to know each other, not only for the wonderful fatherhood and motherhood, but in the very first place for her Deity.
Now every grade of life knows that disharmonic development for the organism.
We already began with that destruction in the jungle.
But the highest grade, so the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on, was not only able to do that by means of the wars, by means of murder and arson, but in addition by means of faith, priesthood, and it was only then that life on earth became a human chaos.
Precisely that, my brothers, by being chaste and holy, (people) created not only organic, so physical destruction, but in addition the spiritual.
Now the human being loses himself, he can no longer keep going and at that natural moment, the mother gave birth to four, seven and ten children, but at that moment he had lost, sullied and humanly deformed her Divine-Harmonic attunement.
Can it be explained any clearer?
And now further, my brothers.
We have seen that two cells created new life from one grade of life.
When they reached that oneness they were Divinely pure, universally one in everything, this being one could not sully any disharmony.
These cells were Divinely harmonic in this and then experienced this Divine contact.
That became the division of course, as souls of one grade, one life, one consciousness and are now twin souls for God and His universes!
What I must follow now is, and the ALL yearns from my consciousness, and the University of Christ lays down as foundations ...
That God only created happiness, life and love and no misery, that, if these cells know how to protect the harmony, they can never experience troubles, never misery, never destruction, nor disharmonic feelings with regard to the own life, the own grade of life as man and woman, father and mother.
These two cells can now carry everything, because they represent, possess all the Divine harmonic laws.
But, my brothers, now we return to the life on earth and determine how awe-inspiring, how rottenly humanly these lives darkened themselves.
There is no more harmony to be seen for the marriage on earth, the grades of life of God sullied the own obtained independence for fatherhood and motherhood so consciously destructively!
So why is there no happiness, no pure Universal love to be experienced on earth?
Because the human being himself sullied the Divine purity, this ‘Universal’ being one!
Deformed it himself!
Raped it himself!
The human being banished himself from that paradise happiness and is something very different to what the Church, the Bible makes of it.
So we determine for the University of Christ:
That that story from the Bible is also nonsense.
We determine and lay the foundations for God, as a Father of Love.
For the human being as twin souls.
And they, man and woman, come together by means of Divine oneness, are capable of experiencing the creations of the All-Mother in happiness, by means of love, nothing is capable of breaking this sacred oneness.
But we know how the human being on earth feels, how both man and woman experience their love, we know that they created murder and arson and tore themselves from that Divine connection, beat and kicked.
And we must say to the Church:
What the Bible says about the human paradise is contradictory to the Divine reality.
The human being did not eat from forbidden fruits, but he kicked, removed himself from this Divine harmony, because he wanted to live it up and sullied both the other grade of life and his own attunement by means of this, as a result of which his harmonic life completely dissolved for the love, the marriage on earth, so divided itself disharmonically there!
That talk now about the eating of forbidden fruits, is the most pathetic nonsense recorded by the Bible writers.
And yet, millions of men and women accept this nonsense!
The Church still does not want to give up this nonsense, because by means of this she keeps her superior power and all those children walk out of the church.
She now has to accept her powerlessness and she is dissolving, but that must now be prevented.
But the University of Christ now explains all these inhuman stories from the Bible and lays new foundations for the child of Mother Earth.
When will the child of Mother Earth begin to think?
The Church forbids her child from thinking for itself, but by means of this she suffocates the human evolution for all the Divine laws of justice.
Of course, as we already followed, that frightening story about Adam and Eve must disappear from the earth!
This Adam and Eve whom we now get to know, experience another evolution than the Bible says and has to tell about it.
We have nothing to do with that nonsense as Divine sparks.
We did not live in a paradise, where a tree displayed her little apples, we experienced our jungle stages, came from the waters and then began for the first time with our land life; so those wonderful stories are contradictory to the Divine reality and no longer have any grounds, are inhuman nonsense!
And yet this explanation – the power of the Catholic Church – is in order to make those millions of men and women adhere to faith by means of that cursed fear.
You can now accept that the ‘faith’ will disappear from the earth, because the ALL wants the child of Mother Earth to get to know itself and ‘knows’ now!
‘Faith’ is becoming ‘knowledge’!
The human being of Mother Earth will ‘know’ now!
And fatherhood and motherhood will now be purified for the ‘Age of Christ’!
By means of this, fatherhood and motherhood will get both Universal and Divine meaning again.
By means of this, peace and calm, the love for man and woman will return and we will learn to understand each other.
And in addition she will now get hold of her pure grade of life – as the Divine law of justice – universal, so for the Earth and her universe, purely materially and spiritually.
The All-Mother meant that and nothing else.
So it is clear, my brothers, as the soul becomes mother, she evolves, her inner life awakens and her personality evolves.
In this way she conquers the planet and the seven grades of life for the embryonic existence on the Moon revealed themselves.
What the soul as human being yearns for on earth, is the division for the physical yearning, but the own law of life lives beyond that, the Divine birth for the new life.
If you can feel this, then it must be clear to you that the human being one arouses these evolving feelings, but they are now still pre-animal-like, animal-like, coarse-material, material for many grades of life and spiritual for a few souls, but that the masses, that all those millions of people must enter and have to master the spiritual grade.
Is that the truth, André?”
“Yes, my Master, because I can experience those laws on earth.
The human being will possess the feeling in order to grow, to awaken for this universe, but now we stand before the philosophical systems, before good and evil and before the spiritual love.
I know it, on earth the human being, as man and woman, serves for the darkness and the light.
One day she will, so the soul, discard her dark life and she will return to the harmonic law of God.”
“Indeed, my brothers, these are Divine truths.
The physical being one on earth is the Divine evolution process.
Fatherhood and motherhood force the soul as human being to experience the laws, if they were not there, we would have been cast out of the Divine plan here during the embryonic moon stage and this would have meant the end for all the revelations of God.
So the being born on earth is the highest law of life created by God, because the human being evolves by means of that!
Now just refuse to give birth and to create on earth, and you will suffocate your own evolution; which we were now already able to determine by means of various laws and phenomena.
And now further!
What we now get to see for the child of the earth is that the soul as the inner life is working on numerous possibilities of life, and she can only experience that by means of fatherhood and motherhood.
We determine for the University of Christ that she as soul, as life, as spirit, evolves, awakens by means of fatherhood and motherhood, but that by means of this her personality emerges.
From motherhood she enters the descending laws of life for fatherhood, for which she creates her own organs.
We were also able to follow those laws here in the embryonic existence, my brothers.
And that therefore means that the soul as human being, because she evolves, must let go of motherhood and must experience fatherhood consciously.
By means of this now, that we see her, as a human being, that she possesses neither fatherhood nor motherhood, by means of which her unconsciousness for giving birth and creating becomes visible and people on earth call homosexuality.
But those unconscious feelings are only to be found in the animal-like grades, so the human being who feels animal-like, the soul has already conquered those feelings for the spiritual conscious grade.
However, by means of this, and that must also be clear to you, we see and experience that the human being, as man and woman, must also conquer those feelings and will one day be conscious father and mother for every law of life.
We experience those people on the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life, it is obvious there that the human being, man and woman, has spiritualised the spiritual conscious law of life for all the revelations of God.
And that not only for the organism, but especially for the personality, the Universal truth of which we will also get to know.
So this says patently obviously that the human being must conquer this universe, but that we, beyond the human death, ‘the coffin’, still cannot possess any Universe grade, any All-Consciousness, and it means, my brother André, for the human being of the Catholic Church.”
“That when he dies the human being must not think that he can sit down at the table of God like an angel, that he still cannot experience Christ there, because he will be a spiritual being for the first time there, and it means that he has to go millions of worlds further, must conquer them, before he will have reached the conscious Divine ALL.”
“That is also the truth, my brothers, and is the only answer.
The Catholic Church still does not know the worlds created by the All-Mother.
The child of the Catholic Church thinks that when it dies on earth it will already enter the Divine ALL, but we know those suppositions of all those people, we also know their disappointments, when they arrive in the astral world and open their eyes there.
There, we know that, our spiritual life begins for the first time, but where we must master the spatial, in order to prepare ourselves for the further grade of life, which is the Fourth Cosmic Grade, another and new universe created by this universe, because the universe must also evolve, it divides itself, gives birth and creates, for which we were able to experience our previous journey.
So I repeat, Catholic Church, your children will experience the ecclesiastical disappointment beyond the coffin, but the life of God will go further, your children will also have to bow the own head to the Divine truth, this life space, for the Universal fatherhood and motherhood.
So we now see and experience, how simple everything is actually becoming again for the child of Mother Earth.
The human death, however improbable, will take the life back to God.
The human being will have to die, will have to live and to return millions of times before he takes leave of Mother Earth.
Those are the Divine laws for the University of Christ.
So God created grades of life and laws of life for himself, and, now we lay the Divine foundation, revealed himself by materialising himself, that means that we people are actually only Life for the All-Source and that God is busy taking himself back to the conscious ALL.
Because who gave the life of God a name?
The human being invented that himself, the Bible writers are to blame for that, by means of those lives we as the child of Mother Earth were served up all those contradictions!
So finally, my brothers, we stand before our own life and immediately next to that before our Deity!
The living Divine image as Divine independence is represented by fatherhood and motherhood.
How incredibly beautiful and simple everything is now, now that we are getting to know the words, written down by the Bible and given to the child of Mother Earth.
God created the human being in His image, of course, but not as the Bible wants to teach us that, that is contradictory to reality.
This simplifies our life, our consciousness, our fatherhood and motherhood, but also explains that the prophets still did not know themselves either, or they would already have explained the laws during their life on earth, but they were not capable of that, they also had to awaken for the Divine Cosmology.
So these are the laws for human being and animal, for the whole of nature, yes, for all the peoples of the earth!
For every religion, each sect, for millions of worlds created by the All-Mother, the most meaningless insect cannot avoid it.
They are Divine charms for the human being, for the marriage on earth, for the twin souls, as man and woman.
Only, and that will be clear to you now, the spiritual-conscious grade of life for the inner life takes the human being to the pure Universal love, and it is only now that the life on earth can be called perfect.
And everyone yearns to experience that, man and woman want to possess that, but they destroy what was materialised by sacred love.
That now means that the human being himself is to blame for his struggle, his destruction, his misery, his suffering and sorrow!
Because the All-Mother is only love!
Created love for herself, and no sullying!
That is for the child of Mother Earth and man and woman have to accept that, both have to bow to that.
And now look at the universe.
What was brought about here now?
What does this wonderful life mean for the human being on earth?
That Sun and Moon are one, that it is they who enjoy and experience this Divine oneness and that it is they who are capable of placing this wonderful life of feeling in the hands of the spark of God, man and woman, the father and the mother of the Earth.
Even clearer: the universe was created for the human being!
The human being, man and woman were born from this, from Sun and Moon, and now it does not sound so strange when we establish that Sun and Moon also possess and represent the macrocosmic fatherhood and motherhood, by means of which they therefore experience the All.
Why do we live in a universe, human being of the earth?
Why does the Earth trace her own orbit?
Why did stars and planets come?
This wonderful universe, which the human being sees from the Earth, is only fatherhood and motherhood and nothing, nothing else!
And the human being must master that fatherhood and motherhood, for which the child of God gets to experience millions of lives.
And reincarnation lives beyond that, also for Sun and Moon, for this universe, so that we can and must accept that the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life was really also able to materialise and spiritualise itself.
That means, child of Mother Earth, that the Moon is the All-Mother for the universe and the Sun her father.
Do you now know Sun and Moon?
Then we will go further!
So do not forget, Sun and Moon created all your grades of life and laws, Church, you now have to bow!
What does your theologian know about all of this?
No law!
He is an unconscious being!
The theologian is also unconscious!
And the psychologist?
We will speak about him later, he has still not been capable of laying one foundation.
But he is learned and people gave him a title!
By means of all these truths we knock all of them from their pedestals!
They have still not earned those plaques.
Now just pray on earth.
Now just pray to your God, academic, Catholic Church, say masses so that the human being may remain alive, your prayers only possess gravity and never rise out above your ecclesiastical life of feeling, you cannot pray for any death, or your evolution, you will die, young or old, all those processes of dying have Universal meaning and have to do with your own evolution.
When can you pray?
Should you pray?
We will explain that to you by means of the Divine laws, the University of Christ will explain that for your life, fatherhood and motherhood, but especially for all these laws, and it is only then that you will rise out above your narrow-minded Church!
When should you and can you pray?
The Church prays, says holy masses for the sick, for the dying and wants to deny that life, that mother or father, the evolution.
But, dear Church, did that soul not pass from the Earth anyway?
If you could also still conquer that, yes, then you would possess power for the first time, but those laws of life and grades of justice belong to the soul as human being and you will never get to experience them, never get hold of them, it was only then that you were capable of squandering the life of God, which is not possible now.
God preserve us, we have nothing against your Church, nothing against your personality, but these faults must dissolve, you cannot restrict, protect the life by means of the masses, so your praying, the soul as human being and as father and mother got hold of that and cannot obscure, or violate any power, whatever it may be, these are the Divine laws of life for the soul as a Deity!
Can you already feel, Catholic Church, what you actually possess?
If that is not the case, then the University of Christ calls to you that you only possess some frills, created beautiful garments, but no more, nothing else.
Gold, riches, adulation, human consecration, you created that for yourself, you have no concept of spiritual truth, so that – you as a Church have to accept that – sooner or later the child of God will begin to think anyway and will then just say farewell to your sacred life!
Do you not experience that?
So that is your own halt!
The truth, because the life of God does not wish to believe in damnation and cannot do that, because it feels deep within itself that it possesses a Divine attunement.
The University of Christ explains to the life of God when it must and can pray!
We will also explain those laws of life to you!
And now, Catholic Church, see you soon, but we will speak to you again!
So it is clear, my brothers, Divine charm became hatred and animal-like carry-on on earth, kindness became conscious destruction, but God is Love in everything!
So God did not create any ‘pities’, only laws and truths.
It is a pity that that man had to die so young.
God does not know that!
Pity that that man was run over and killed.
God does not know that!
Pity that this child already died in the mother.
God does not know that, that is a law!
Pity that a war came again. What a pity that is?
But that is your own fault, you wanted that yourself, do not take part in destruction any longer.
Do not give your powers for that, you will destroy yourself anyway, you will search for the darkness.
What a pity it is that God does not let Adolf Hitler be murdered?
That is not possible, because Adolf must now finish his task (see articles ‘Hitler’ and ‘Genocide’ on, because it was you as a human being who called him to your life, but then the conscious evil was born, for which this life now has to die.
What a pity that that man is blind.
That is also a law, is disharmony created by yourself, God did not create any blind people!
Those are now the karmic laws, it is cause and effect, human being of the earth, and we will come across that soon, but then we will also explain all those millions of ‘whys’!
And then you will get your Divine, so only spatial answer, your explanation!
But, my brothers, I must convince you of both disharmonic grades of life and laws of life, for the embryonic life.
And is that true, Master Zelanus?”
“No, my Master, you are not capable of that.”
“What do you say now, my brother?”
“That you cannot determine any disharmonic laws.”
“And what do you have to say, André?”
“That it is not possible, my Master.”
“How do you give me this answer, André-Dectar?”
“ Because I was not able to experience any disharmonic laws, my Master.”
“However, I tell you that I was able to determine those laws.
Do you not see in which grade of life they are to be found then?”
“No, my Master, I cannot see them!”
“And you, Master Zelanus?”
“Burn me at the stake, my Master, burn me alive, I tell you, they are not here and I will devote my life for that.”
“Is that your Divine certainty, André-Dectar?”
“Yes, my Master.
Send me into the lion’s den and I will continue to testify, God did not create any disharmony, only Love!
Both Love and Justice and never material nonsense!
The human being of the Catholic Church lets himself be killed for Church and faith; and that is nonsense, that is sacrifice which has no meaning, but I will devote my life to this Divine evolution, to Divine Justice, and not for an ecclesiastical religion, never for an unconscious being.
I tell you, throw me into a lion’s den, I will call to you there: God does not know any disharmony!”
“My brothers, the ALL wanted me to test your life!
You can be grateful for your own life, you have come that far now.
Now you know what millions of children of the earth gave their lives for.
And all of that for nothing.
Or do you wish to represent God by means of murder?
By killing, lying and deceiving?
Do you wish to represent and serve ‘HIM’ by destroying the life of His life?
Do you wish to represent your All-Source by means of ecclesiastical systems?
Did you think, André, that you can represent God by now defending your land and people, by killing lives?
What should the human being do after all, how should he live?
Which laws of life does he have to follow and to respect?
Now listen to what the ALL has to say, and it is only then that we will go further.”
“The soul as human being experiences all the peoples of the earth.
The Earth still does not know these laws, but the University of Christ will bring them to earth!”
And it is only now that the child of Mother Earth will stand before the true ‘CHRIST’, before ‘GOLGOTHA’!
In Gethsemane Christ was sullied by the human being, HE never spoke those words!
He did not need to ask His Father whether God had forsaken Him, Christ is like God!
And a Deity does not know any weakness, does not forget and is not mistaken!
Socrates drained his poisoned cup, not Christ?
For all the life of God ‘CHRIST’ is the Omnipotent!”
My brothers, we were able to lay Divine foundations and will go further now.
Meditate about everything, so that you will soon be ready too.
God never created darkness!
Never, ‘HE’ is always and will remain Love!”
Human being of the earth, awaken!
And love everything which lives!
Experience fatherhood and motherhood!
Become spatial mother and father!