The Development of the Human Organism
Master Alcar immediately goes further and says:
“My brothers, we have come as far as here, it is the highest stage for the Moon, in which we experienced the fish stage.
Before we follow the human development, first of all we will analyse a few laws and we can begin with asking questions.
After all, we know that the Moon is the All-Mother for this universe, but can those laws also be experienced and followed now?
We must go further and we were also able to get to know those laws, because for the present stage the universe also condensed those possibilities of life, planets, suns and stars were born.
I now get my inspiration, I now know what the Masters want us to experience for the child of Mother Earth, but by means of which we establish that going further is possible.
We are still connected to the present stage, but I ask you to attune yourself to the fish stage in order to experience other laws from there, if we want to overview this cosmic whole soon.
The Moon is now experiencing her process of dying and is returning to God.
Her life has also reached the Divine stage.
But we can see her life from these banks and we must follow that life; the soul as an animal-like being has completed her cycle for here.
I ask you: why does this life crawl out of the waters?
The organism still does not possess the land consciousness; and it means that this is the irrevocable end for this being.
And yet this animal seeks out death; the urge to live forces the life to go further.
And now my brothers, you can determine and therefore experience that, determine for yourself, is the Divine attunement of this life, it wants to go further, so that we have to accept this.
Where we will come now, you will experience these same laws there as feeling; you will keep on determining that the life possesses that urge to give birth and to create, by means of which all the life of God was inspired...
We have already seen that this animal-like being possesses everything of God and so we can follow the physical development.
It is now possible to see back to your own past.
But also to your future.
What I am now connected to is also the Moon’s future life and consciousness, but which she placed in the hands of her children, human being, animal and plant, Mother Nature.
The Moon now sent her living energy into the universe.
During her giving birth and creating she also took care of her cosmic life and consciousness, and we will soon experience that, but by means of which we determine that other bodies were born through her energy, and we enter the seven grades of life for the universe, or the secondary planets, which will be ready to attract the first life, this fish stage.
We have to experience that for the University of Christ.
Because the Moon could begin with her condensing, she influenced other life in the universe, which got an own independence by means of the division of God.
But what will you experience, my brother André, if those laws speak to your life?”
“What I see, my Master, and by means of which I receive this oneness, is that by means of the Divine division myriad cosmic sparks were born and that these bodies, now still spiritual, are inspired by the Moon as mother, or there would have been no question of going further.”
“Absolutely correct, that is what we must follow before we can take our leave of the Moon; so the Masters want us to establish that by means of the process of giving birth for the Moon, other, astral bodies also came in order to take care of her maternal life.
You can now already accept that we also come to stand now before the harmonic laws of God.
Astral bodies at a microcosmic attunement are now to be found around the Moon in this universe.
Those bodies have not yet been able to take part in the giving birth and creating, and that is now of vital importance and can be experienced, because by means of this, my brothers, we determine that we can also now experience the seven subsequent laws of giving birth and creating, or we will come to stand before disharmonic worlds.
But if those bodies could have begun with giving birth and creating anyway, so under their own power, then we would have to accept that life was born outside the Moon as mother.
And that cannot be possible, because then there will be no more harmony to be experienced and we will stand before a universal chaos.
So we determine for the University of Christ:
“The Moon created the possibility for her life in order to go further.”
And that means that the Moon as mother inspired secondary planets, that before her life had reached the ultimate, she had also condensed that cosmic oneness, because she radiated her life aura, and was absorbed by those planets as astral bodies.
Feel this purely, my brothers, because these are fundamental laws, for Sun and Moon and for our human and animal going further.
But by what means can that be seen and experienced, Master Zelanus?”
“Because Sun and Moon were one for this stage, the embryonic stage.
There is only one possibility for the whole universe, my Master, only two essential laws were born and they represent fatherhood and motherhood, because we experienced those laws by means of the All-Source.”
“Indeed, that is the answer.
Only fatherhood and motherhood were born for the universe.
The All-Mother or the All-Source are capable of inspiring, but only for themselves.
So there is nothing else to be experienced in the universe than this macrocosmic fatherhood and motherhood.
And now we see, even if myriad sparks of God at a macrocosmic attunement are to be found in this universe, that all the life has to accept Sun and Moon anyway, because Sun and Moon, now the foundation for the University of Christ is coming, represent both fatherhood and motherhood.
So this fatherhood and motherhood will have to give birth and create for itself, so not only for the microcosmos, but also for the universe, but by means of which the secondary planets are now created.
That is the word of the Masters!
By means of this we determine that the Sun as father and the Moon as mother would create new life for the universe and that they got hold of that together.
The universe divided itself, but for fatherhood and motherhood.
Now see the Sun as a luminous power, by means of which the Moon passed over to condensing, and we can accept that.
However, when the Moon began with her first life, that separation occurred and we received the embryonic life, that conscious, so material energy also went into the universe and was absorbed by astral bodies, which got to represent an own place around this motherhood.
What happened at that moment, Master André-Dectar?”
“When the Moon sent out her condensed energy, she inspired that other body, she forced that astral body to absorb her already condensed radiation.”
“That is also correct, my brothers, but now the following moment.
After all, we as human beings and the animal went further.
Was that other planet now, which would become a planet at least, not capable of taking care of the laws of giving birth of the Moon under her own power, so as the Moon was able to experience them?
What I feel and see means: no, that is not possible.
But why not, Master Zelanus?”
“Because this is a further and higher stage, my Master, and means that those bodies cannot experience the first cosmic process of giving birth!
Because that is the possession of the Moon as mother and in which we look and the laws of which we experience, is a further stage.”
“That’s it, my brothers, these are the laws for Sun and Moon, but by means of which the following stage was condensed.
And that stage will now attract this soul life; so this fish life goes further, because the Moon also condensed an organism for the universe and we preserve this Divine harmony.
And that now means that the Moon created the soul life for this universe!
That also says:
The Moon gave the own life to the Divine attunement.
It is the Moon which got hold of that and not the following planets, by means of which it emerges that all those other cosmic organisms, to which the Earth belongs, are children of this Father and Mother!
So we come to stand before the Divine Harmonic laws and can follow and experience them.
But where does that leave the Bible now?
Why did the Bible not tell anything about these Divine wonders?
The answer is: the Bible writers were still not that far!
No one on earth has experienced these laws, that is only possible now!
We go further now.
That urge is present in our life as a fish.
But the universe is also ready and takes care of us, we will experience that soon.
So it is clear that we still possess that Divine harmony here, we still did not create any disharmonic laws of life.
Death is also a Divine providence in this, this dying is evolving!
The dying here gives us:
Physical awakening.
Physical growth, which we experience by means of fatherhood and motherhood.
This dying here for the Moon, is the ultimate accepting, but going further is possible.
We as people, soon also the animal, want to go further, we must return to the Divine All.
And we got that by means of the condensing of the Moon, by means of this Universal oneness for the macrocosmic fatherhood and motherhood, and the interim planets originated.
That Divine benevolence takes us back to the conscious Divine All, there is nothing in the universe which stops us as Divine life, because those laws were not created by Sun and Moon.
So we can say to the theologists on earth:
“It was on the Moon, where the first Adam and Eve experienced the spatial paradise and not on Earth!”
But with this first Adam and Eve millions of sparks of God as fish were ready and went further.
How nonsensical is that story from the Bible now?
How childishly naive is it now that we may observe the truth?
Of course, the Bible gives the development of the House of Israel, but the children of (the House of) Israel were born here on the Moon and got to see and to accept the Divine independence here.
We keep coming back to the Bible writers and if necessary, my brothers, we call them to come to us in order to convince the child of Mother Earth!
And they now have to bow to the University of Christ!
The mercy was placed in our hands in order to write the new ‘Bible’!
So this is not dying!
This is evolution!
This is awakening!
This is for the human and the animal – then Mother Nature came, Madame Blavatsky – the conquering of this universe!
The animal is still lying here, is undergoing the dying, but the soul of this animal-like being, now already a fish life, and as a personality, goes further.
So in this way we experienced a Divine beginning and the end for the Moon as Mother.
The human being now begins with his cosmic revelation, nothing stops this life.
And time has no meaning, only the laws have something to give the life of God, which got to experience the own form by means of fatherhood and motherhood, and we became, creating and giving birth, later, man and woman.
Sun and Moon have determined where we will now go.
Sun and Moon have condensed the following stage, but for us, for all the life which will return along with us to the Divine All.
So the universe will give us that possibility, and had not changed in any way; the Divine laws are like that.
The secondary planets now spread out in the universe.
But, my brothers, now I experience something different and we must also ask that question.
Because she condensed her life, the Moon created an own atmosphere, which is nothing else for the life of God than the source which takes care of the breath of life.
And that universe is present here.
Why do we not see the secondary planets again in this atmosphere now and do they spread out in the universe?
Are you one with and connected to this?
Then give us an answer, Master Zelanus.”
“I can answer you, my Master, because I am also experiencing those laws.
We were able to experience the independence for every cell.
Was that not created for the planets now?”
“Precisely, that’s it, my brothers.
If the life of the Moon wants to experience a higher development, then that cannot be received and undergone in her life space, but outside her atmosphere, it is only then that we enter that higher conscious stage!
It is now very clear that we will experience a higher evolution outside the atmosphere for the Moon as mother, but with everything in us which we condensed by means of fatherhood and motherhood.
By means of this seven subsequent grades of life will also originate for this going further at a macrocosmic attunement.
We know now that the planet Mars is mother and that she gave birth.
Is it not possible now that we pass over to her life and consciously suddenly in order to continue our life, André-Dectar?”
“No, my Master, that is not possible either, because we experienced seven subsequent laws of condensing for fatherhood and motherhood, and are therefore not capable now either of experiencing that spatial leap for our evolution, we must accept these subsequent laws of life!”
“Indeed, that is also the spatial answer, my brothers.
Where can we experience those laws for the earth, Master Zelanus, and do we see that again for us as human beings?”
“With the different races (see article ‘There are no races’ on on earth, my Master!”
“That is also correct!
After all, Mother Earth had to experience the same laws.
She created these subsequent grades of life for the human organism.
The human being and the animal begin in the jungle stage and experience seven physical transitions in order to enter the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on, to which the Eastern peoples belong, as we already know.
So on Earth we see these cosmic physical laws again, and they can also be followed and analysed there.
These laws require universal analysis and are the foundations for the University of Christ, but by means of that we got hold of the universe!
So we can now determine that our inner life possesses attunement to the secondary planet, created by the Moon as mother.
We are one in everything, for every law of life which the secondary planet must possess as consciousness.
And by means of this we go further.
So, because we die, we will soon be attracted by that cosmic body!
And that is a harmonic law!
By means of this, my brothers, we see that the macrocosmos and the microcosmos are one!
And will remain that as far as the Divine All!
The subsequent grade of life takes us to that stage and we have to accept that.
The atmosphere outside the Moon sphere therefore possesses higher consciousness.
We and all the life also experienced that consciousness, we are ready to enter fatherhood and motherhood and that by means of those bodies higher grades of consciousness originate, until we experience the highest for this universe, which is Mother Earth.
That now means that we have to follow Three Cosmic Grades of Life and that the Third created the Fourth Cosmic Grade, and we saw that.
This being one, these laws for harmony now allow us to go further soon as soul and as fish personality.
There is still no question of human consciousness.
So you can say, Master Zelanus?”
“Now that my life is one with the Divine evolution, seen and experienced as Moon consciousness, I will experience subsequent laws of growth for the development of my organic existence, but also for the inner life.
And further, Sun and Moon created those stages for the universe, but we got hold of them, and it means new, heightened awakening for soul, spirit and material, my Master.”
“I thank you for this answer, it is true and we have to accept that.
We were born by means of the Moon and that radiance also possesses the following stage.
Sun and Moon determined the place for that consciousness, but by means of which we get to know God as Harmonic Laws!
It is by means of that, my brothers, that we crawl from the waters and want to experience this dying.
We establish infallibly that the dying of whatever law of life means evolution!
For Mother Earth the soul now gets a human organism and is the universe for the human being of the earth.
The soul here as human being, for this fish stage, passes on.
And that passing on is nothing else but the being ready for the following grade of life.
Both Sun and Moon now created only one organism, and that body is ready, for us and for the animal, for flower and plant.
Now, however, my brothers, there comes to me: “Who is it now who gives the following planet consciousness?
Is that the Moon or the Sun?”
And then I see that we as human beings and animals, will inspire that astral body, will bring that to material awakening, because it is we who got that consciousness for our independence.
Is this also clear to you now?
The conscious Divine All wants us to follow those laws too, by means of which it emerges that the human being gave the next stage the obtained consciousness.
And that means for God that we receive ‘HIS’ laws of life and must represent them for all the grades of life which will still follow.
We therefore possess Divine creation; we as Divine beings possess all the laws of life of God for fatherhood and motherhood, but also for the laws of growth for all the mother planets.
We give consciousness, we give inspiration to the planets which now receive condensing through us, because we will die, but also possess the reincarnation.
These are therefore cosmic foundations for both our human and animal-like existence, also for Mother Nature.
We therefore determine for the University of Christ:
It was the ‘Human Being’ who gave the following planet consciousness.
The Human Being brought new inspiration and both material and spiritual awakening for the following stage.
The Human Being evolves and possesses his own consciousness for the following law of life, by means of which the new life can begin!”
All the stars now, the conscious and unconscious planets and suns, which could begin with the own life by means of the spatial condensing, will soon be part of this one organism, which is the universe!
Only fatherhood and motherhood dominate and will continue to dominate, because these are the Divine foundations for this harmony, this oneness!
And this also means that the Earth as a planet could only begin with that condensing later, only then when we as human beings have reached that stage.
If this had not been created like that, the Earth would also already have had to accept her death, but Mother Earth only began with her evolution ten cosmic seconds ago.
Cosmic seconds now mean millions of years, but we will also get to know those laws of growth for the Earth.
All those bodies, for the present stage, we were able to experience that on our first trip, must fulfil an own task and are part of this macrocosmic organism.
We then stand before fatherhood or motherhood for the universe, but also before half-conscious fatherhood and motherhood, to which the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Uranus, the meteors belong.
The star as such represents fatherhood and is and will remain creating life of feeling, creating material.
And we do not need to doubt this, my brothers, the universe has convinced us of that.
Peace came into my life, because now we can go further.
Our going further is assured!
For that purpose the Moon as Mother created the subsequent law of life as a secondary planet, for us the first stage for the Second Cosmic Grade.
So the first birth for the higher inspiration.
That is also a planet!
We now already know that Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus were not able to experience any motherhood, because that was not necessary for the universe!
Those are not maternal planets either, those are serving breathing organs for this universe and nothing, nothing else, astronomer of the earth!
But fatherhood and motherhood are already assured and that happened in and during the first seconds for the Moon as mother.
From that moment it was certain that she would give birth to and create her life and all that other life got an own task to fulfil, to which this life belongs.
So we will go further, because the universe will take care of us and is also expecting us!
And now we see that the ‘will’ of our life is a Divine law and that we must leave the waters by means of that.
That now gives us: that we will soon possess the land consciousness and that we also take those organs to the physical awakening and it must happen infallibly!
In everything we get to experience our cosmic oneness, and the All-Mother gave that to her laws of growth, for fatherhood and motherhood.
So there is no disharmony to be experienced!
And now, my brothers, we can take our leave of the Moon and we know what we will soon experience.
But we will come back here for the awakening of the soul life.
It is only then that we will experience the Divine ’senses’ and will then follow them for our human awakening.
Know now that the human senses are Divine characteristics.
But you will then get to know how the light came into the human and animal eye, which also got that consciousness.
And do you also feel what we are capable of now?
That will become your blessed development, but that will also be laws of justice for fatherhood and motherhood for all the worlds which will originate.
Now attune yourself to the becoming free from this fish stage.
Now we will experience how the soul as a human being went further, by what means she was attracted, and we have now analysed that.
So soon you will stand before both the truth and the reality of these laws and you will be able to see whether you truly saw and were able to experience what was created by Sun and Moon.
So you can soon convince yourself of this truth.
We, my brother André, have already experienced these laws thousands of times for our spiritual life, because by means of that we got hold of our cosmic consciousness.
And man and woman of the Mother Earth receive that if they possess love for the spiritual life.
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Ramakrishna, Buddha, Annie Besant and Blavatsky had to experience these laws, but they were capable of that; as twin souls they represent all these laws.
That is their cosmic journey after the dying on earth and they prepare themselves for the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life by means of that.
It is only now that they can say: we conquered this universe.
So the universe forces the human being to experience and to analyse every law of condensing for the obtained spiritual consciousness.
That is the life on the other side!
The life in the spiritual Astral-Conscious World!
I ask you, can the human being experience these laws any more clearly now that we as conscious human beings are capable of following the universe?
By means of this the human being as man and woman get hold of the universe as a Divine possession, and you can accept for the earth that man and woman possess Divine attunement!
The human being of Mother Earth, my brother André, will soon, when the earthly cycle has been completed, truly make cosmic journeys and it is the Divine human gift for the own development!
But can you feel what this means?
This is why I was able to give you this universal thinking and feeling during the experiencing and the writing of the Cosmology on earth.
By means of this you can know that we are eternally one and that we undergo this cosmic harmony by means of this and can bring it to earth.
Destroy the life of God now, and you destroy yourself!
Deceive the life of God, and you deceive yourself!
Create disharmony there on earth, and you will not be able to experience any spiritual consciousness beyond the coffin, because you create darkness, and these journeys are not ready for your life.
So you have that in your own hands!
This for the child of Mother Earth!
Anyone who wants to experience harmony, can and must go further.
Anyone on earth who sullies, deforms and rapes the life of God, so anyone who stops this development, serves for the darkness and not for the light, not for the conscious-spiritual personality and beats himself!
By means of this, my brothers, the soul as human being has broken her spatial contact, her universal oneness for this Divine twin soul.
That is the destroying of the Divine plan, the darkening of laws of life, which were given birth to in pure love.
And now, my brothers, I reach oneness with this soul life.
You too?
The All-Source now calls to me: “Come back to Me”, and we will return.
Our going further is now Divine evolution.
Truly, we experience wonders, as human beings we must bow to this reality.
Can you feel now that the soul now falls asleep and must return to the embryonic stage?
This fish consciousness sinks back to the first stage for the birth and will disappear from this universe, because, we experienced that a moment ago, our following stage is ready.
I am conscious, my brothers, but it is being ready of the soul for the following stage.
Oh, Bible, where is the clay now?
Because we are the breath of life for the following stage.
Is it not poor what the Bible writers thought?
And that is still accepted by millions of people of Mother Earth.
I can feel, my brothers, that we are leaving the sphere of Mother Moon.
And I can feel that growth consciously.
Isn’t that wonderful too?
The following stage will attract us infallibly, because that stage was born from us; after all, we experienced those laws.
Our life is growing!
We now find ourselves in the astral world, the world for the following birth.
So this world has not changed in any way, until we enter the conscious astral world and is the other side.
But with this obtained consciousness we begin the life on the following planet.
And we also experience the laws for fatherhood and motherhood now.
What was the soul like during her last life on the Moon?
Father or mother?
Now she gets to experience the waters, but with and by means of the obtained consciousness she undergoes these laws of life and also grows now, condenses herself, awakens, until she has reached the land consciousness.
Soon we will begin with our first birth, so precisely on the Moon, however, with that difference, we have experienced millions of lives, we possess higher evolution and will go continually further in order to conquer this universe, which is possible!
We go from planet to planet, so bodies, which will serve us.
Because we have analysed the laws on the Moon, you can follow and understand your own development.
But can you feel, my brothers, that we are awakening, that we have begun with our first embryonic life?
What happens now?
I absorb the inspiration into me which I receive by means of the planet as mother.
I reach consciousness, I bring life and inspiration into this organism and will condense myself.
And you along with me and millions of sparks along with us, because we are these first sparks which were ready for this evolution.
Can it be any clearer?
No, you are experiencing these laws.
So a moment ago we lived in the silence of God, before we began with our reincarnation, but then this awakening came.
And because we must return to God, because we must continue our life, this awakening reaches our consciousness and we stand again before fatherhood and motherhood.
Can you feel, my brothers, that the dying and being born are one law?
Is the will of the life in order to go further?
And we will undergo our being one again, enter the adult stage again and then die, by means of which we see our following life assured.
So we also have to experience millions of lives for this planet, before we have experienced this universe too, the ultimate stage of which already possesses the land consciousness.
And that is also understandable.
Because we – as a human independence – go further, we also give the planet human consciousness.
We both sensed and saw that on the Moon, and now we have come that far.
Isn’t it wonderful, my brothers?
Can you follow my laws, Master Zelanus?”
“Yes, my Master, André too, we too are conscious and now see that we did not make any mistakes, we reached this new evolution infallibly.
We woke up again and began with this development.
It is a Divine Revelation for the materialising of this universe.
And we will also give birth and create now.
Now, my Master, I could make thousands of comparisons for the Moon and myself, but also for my feeling and thinking on this planet.
There is no difference!
We remained father and mother and nothing has changed in my obtained independence, but I have more consciousness, because my life is also growing now!
And that is now the condensing of my organism, my Master.
I also feel the paternal powers coming to me from the universe and can tell you: the Sun also condensed itself and comes to me as inspiring power, the light in the universe is becoming stronger!
Also here, my Master. So through the haze stage, to the materialising, no other laws were created.”
“My thanks, Master Zelanus, this is the truth!
Here too now the seven subsequent laws of condensing which will send us to the ultimate.
Yes, the macrocosmos and the microcosmos are still one.
And now giving birth and creating, and soon the dying and then the returning to the planet.
Is there anything else to be experienced?
No, my brothers, these are the laws which we experienced on the Moon and which we as human beings also still have to accept on Earth, because these laws will never change.
What we have to experience for our going further will soon be the possibilities of growth, but now we see how the soul as human being was able to conquer this planet, but in addition the others, which bring us to the Second Cosmic Grade of Life.
Every new birth gives us more power and growth now.
We do not experience any standstill.
I now free myself, my brothers, from this birth, because we now go further consciously.
Now look back at all these revelations and to the Sun as the driving power, and you will experience your own condensing and growth for fatherhood and motherhood.
The soul as human being will experience millions of lives, I told you a moment ago, before she has reached the ultimate stage, but we can now already examine that.
And what do we experience then, André?”
“That we will now also leave the waters, but that we will possess more land consciousness, because that is the intention for the human physical development.”
“Yes, indeed, we will soon experience that.
Despite everything, my brothers, but further and higher, more physical and inner consciousness, until we have also conquered this planet.
So we will infallibly accept and experience this progress.
Nothing will stop us!
But the Moon is finishing her life, millions of people will also follow us.
The Moon continues to represent her process of giving birth, but the other planets move away from the Sun and we were also able to follow that on our first journey for the Universe.
So not only that we grow, also the life in the universe.
The planets will gradually move away from the Sun as the creating power and it is the growth of our inner and material life for us.
Those laws of life have not changed in any way either and we can also follow that for the present stage.
This planet is therefore a transition planet.
A preparatory stage in order to reach the Second Cosmic Grade.
There is nothing else to be experienced.
It is therefore clear that Mother Earth gets to experience both a very different place and task for spatial fatherhood and motherhood, because she will both receive and represent that growth, for human being and animal and Mother Nature.
And we can also determine that for the University of Christ, if we experience the present stage.
We therefore get more inspiration, more consciousness, the more we die and are born again.
Those are the absolute laws of life created by the All-Mother and brought to the condensing.
And now we also see the becoming conscious of the planet happening, by means of which we enjoy and have to accept this universal oneness.
The animal also reaches the own becoming conscious and will have to follow us, we will see each other again on earth.
The universe is awakening!
The universe is condensing itself by means of fatherhood and motherhood!
For both soul and spirit, after which every personality will soon be seen and experienced.
Were you able to experience other laws?
No, that is now and that is never possible, because these are the Divine laws of evolution!
Life on this planet can now begin, we were also born in the waters here and the material will condense itself, the same process as the Earth also had to accept.
What is the universe like now?
What is it like with regard to this stage?
The universe is not further in any way either, does not know any other, or higher consciousness, both worlds are still one.
Our paternal and maternal consciousness are not more conscious in anything, Moon and Sun, we as human beings, as man and woman, as giving birth and creating feelings, have one attunement.
Is that not wonderful?
Also on earth, and namely for the present stage, we experience these laws, by means of which the human being will get to know himself.
For the sciences this is the spatial awakening!
Every grade of life will tell us, I want to be experienced!
Every law calls to us: I have attunement with the universe, I am one and will keep that oneness.
That is Divine, or we could never return to the Divine All.
And now further again!
Now look at this animal being, my brothers, and you will see, there is not much difference with the Moon.
Where can we still see this animal being for the earth, Master Zelanus?
Is that possible for the present stage?”
“Yes, Master, we see the same grade of life again in the seas, but now as an animal independence.”
“What does that mean, André-Dectar?”
“That the human being created the land shadow and we likewise see again in the waters.”
“Very correct, because by means of this Darwin thought that we people descend from the apes, but the waters also represent the human fish-animal life at a human attunement.
A sea lion, for example, represents us for the waters as animal life.
If we follow those grades of life for the animal, we will also get to know those laws.
But we now see that the Moon consciousness is evolving, physically and inwardly.
This organism is growing.
It has already left the waters and can now begin with the land life.
And this organism gradually raises itself up, but for which it had to live millions of years in order to reach this becoming conscious.
However, the soul as human being got to experience life after life in order to continue that evolution.
And the animal world and Mother Nature will also come that far.
We now know that she as a human being will reach the Divine All, in order to represent the Divine thinking and feeling there.
And we see, the universe, and also the life, are one attunement.
The universe is not further than the human organism, because that is not possible.
A planet can now be examined.
Also on earth.
The universe was never ahead of the life as human being, animal and plant.
We can also experience these harmonic laws on earth, by means of which we determine this oneness.
This evolving system does not know any disturbances, even if we know that the soul as human being has begun with her spiritual disturbances on earth.
By means of this she sullied her spiritual laws.
A tremendous growth and awakening await us, which were brought to consciousness by Sun and Moon.
However, I ask you, once more, Master Zelanus, is it possible to also determine other laws on this planet?”
“No, my Master.”
“And which laws are also dominant here, André?”
“Those for fatherhood and motherhood.”
“It is true, my brothers, there are no changes to be determined, because these are the essential laws for this Divine evolution.
So the organism gets more space and grows, but the life of feeling awakens.
What the soul achieved on the Moon by means of all her lives, is now her inner possession, and we can experience that depth, but it can also be determined by her organic consciousness.
She can take herself to evolution, because the soul as human being and also the animal life, possess those characteristics, by means of which the All-Mother was also able to manifest herself.
And all these laws can also be experienced on earth.
But it is only there that we get to know the human personality.
The human personality, I say, how deep is that life now?
The psychologist does not know one law of this personality, but when we come to stand before that universe, we will be capable again of analysing the human being, and not only his physical laws, but now for soul, life and spirit.
And namely at a Divine attunement, then we will experience the philosophical systems.
What she is working on, the soul as human being, that can now be followed, but she gets hold of that development by means of the macrocosmos.
The position now of the planet in the universe gets meaning for all the life.
So it is not just like that, that the Earth got her place for this gigantic organism, those are the universal laws and we will get to know them later, even if we were able to follow these possibilities of evolution for the Universe.
It goes without saying that the soul will soon determine her own attunement, by means of the planets, these subsequent grades of life, however, an attunement which was controlled again by Sun and Moon, and the planet gets to represent by means of an own atmosphere.
That oneness can also then be experienced and followed.
By means of the place which the planets experience for the universe, the physical condensing comes about, and can be accepted; after all, the Earth brought about more hardening than Mars and other planets, because she received her place between fatherhood and motherhood, but which occurs by means of the harmonic laws.
So we will not experience disharmony in anything, this material continues infallibly, by means of which the human and the animal organism evolve and reach the ultimate, the organism of Mother Earth.
What is the human soul working on?
On both her inner and material life, her physical growth with regard to her Divine attunement, but by means of which she will conquer her universes.
These powers and laws work infallibly and it is now clear, because this atmosphere possesses that inspiration and that consciousness.
In this way every planet gets to experience her own consciousness as breath of life, which, and we experience that on earth, possesses this spatial oneness, or disturbances would have originated.
So it is clear that grades of life would reach condensing at a macrocosmic attunement, because the life cannot suddenly deal with that spatial transition.
But what this secondary planet possesses what the Moon now as mother achieved, as a subsequent stage, so that we as human beings and the animal life evolve harmonically.
And the whole of the universe is attuned to that.
Those emitted life powers as energy absorbed this planet, but the soul and all the other life is ready for that, because this life was born from that source.
Can it be any simpler?
Those condensings came about, my brothers, and the laws of life for the organism and the inner life got hold of the taking care of Sun and Moon.
Who wants to stop this Divine plan?
God alone manifests himself, now already lives for the universe and for every stage; this is God!
When we follow these laws of life on earth, we already come across those wonders, and they have not changed in any way there either.
If we have experienced the cycle for the earth, we stand before the conscious astral, so spiritual world, before good and evil, before light and darkness.
But in addition before the world which the human being created for himself, by experiencing the Divine laws, and always and eternally by means of fatherhood and motherhood!
The human being now lives in this swamp, the human being as an animal-like being.
But this planet will also harden itself, will materialise itself.
So it is becoming clear to us that the secondary planets live in this universe, but spread out, because now the distance for Sun and Moon has meaning.
So the human being got to experience fourteen transition stages, before the planet Earth was reached.
And yet, this complete whole, so the universe and all the life in there, is only one organism!
Sun and Moon also remain the father and the mother for all the life, they represent the All-Father and the All-Mother for the universe!
I ask you, was our human life on earth created differently?
Do we experience there, does the animal, a flower or plant experience different laws?
We see these laws of life again in the conscious Divine All.
And the soul became father and mother for that purpose!
But also Sun and Moon, that must now be clear to you, created their own children, which are the planets.
So the Earth is the child of Sun and Moon!
And nothing, nothing else!
What we now experience and follow are therefore stages of preparation!
And Sun and Moon possess one life, represent one organism, as we are also able to give the child of Mother Earth and the soul as human being gets to experience.
Stars as suns, so luminous lives, have an own task to fulfil, also Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Venus, and other planets, represent an own task, but for fatherhood and motherhood, such as the human organs also have to fulfil for the organism.
Jupiter and Uranus, and the other planets, therefore represent the organs for this macrocosmic organism and that can now be seen and experienced.
They are inspiration, driving force, they represent the respiratory organs for the organism, for fatherhood and motherhood.
And when we are on earth in order to analyse the human organs there, my brothers, we experience that every human organ also possesses Universal attunement now and got the growth and condensing by means of these cosmic laws.
The human eye now possesses light, but how did that light emerge?
That can be followed, and we will also experience those laws when we experience the further development, only for the life of feeling, then we will analyse the Divine characteristics.
What the human being must master now, that is God, the All-Mother possesses these characteristics and so we got hold of everything.
Soon we will see and then determine that every organism also now radiates that obtained becoming conscious.
And that obtained becoming conscious means that the universe also had to follow that path, but by means of that we remained one with every law of condensing, for the material systems, the organs of and for the human organism.
It must now be clear to you that for the present stage all the interim planets have completed their obtained task, as the Moon now had to experience that.
That means that the life of the Moon has reached a higher development, and that the soul as human being and along with her the animal life, have already conquered those universes.
And it was only then that those planets could begin with the own dying, so that now the Moon is also dying!
But she has infallibly finished her All-Maternal task for this universe, for the three cosmic grades of life, nothing was able to disturb her wonderful task for the life of God.
And that also means: one day this universe will come to an end, this universe will dissolve one day, but then all the life in this universe will have reached the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life.
This stage, fish and animal being will change, the lower part of the body will divide itself, all the organs will evolve, then one day the human organism will emerge.
The head will free itself from the torso, what are now fins will become arms and legs and we see that on the second cosmic grade.
It is therefore clear, my brothers, because the Sun got more and more consciousness, the organism for human being and animal grew.
By means of this we therefore see that all this life is one and that the universe gives the condensing to human being, animal and Mother Nature.
Every planet therefore represents an own consciousness in light, life and condensing, for soul and organism.
We are capable of going further, this universe can now be examined, the ultimate stage is reached and the life span is a bit longer than we were able to determine for the Moon, but the following planet possesses even more growth.”
We now follow all these grades of life.
When we had reached the ultimate stage, we had also had millions of lives.
There was not actually any change in anything, only the ultimate stage can prove that to us.
And that can also be seen.
The animal crawls from the waters, wants to go further again, lives a bit longer on the condensed planet, but then stands before the dying.
But the organism has changed a bit, the body gets more land forms, the skeletal system squeezes itself into progressive possibilities, because the division will also take place, a division which only the lower part of the body will experience.
That becomes land consciousness.
What we now stand before, that becomes the giving birth and creating outside the waters, because we already see that those organs also take themselves to that evolution and will possess those outward characteristics, which were also created once more by the Sun as Father.
When we experience that, Master Alcar says:
“Can you feel this, my brothers?
When we soon experience the soul for the origin of fatherhood and motherhood, I mean how the human organs were able to receive this form, we establish that the sun now also gave those laws to every created cell.
After all, if the soul as human being wants to represent fatherhood and motherhood outside the waters, she will also have to create the organs for that and about which we know that this also happened, but despite that, has cosmic meaning!
You can accept that all of this belongs to the Cosmology.
This animal being begins to divide itself physically, but every organ will experience that with regard to fatherhood and motherhood and it is only then that this life will possess the land consciousness.
Those are the laws for the soul and the personality, but as she went further, those changes also came about and the land fertilisation took place.
This animal now also wants to go higher, wants to go further, now experiences the land life a bit longer, but stands before the dying, before the universal awakening, the following planet is now also ready.
This organism is still crawling, but soon this organism will raise itself up and we will experience the human animal.
Slowly but surely we come to the ‘ape’; the human shadow of which Darwin experienced.
But the human being goes further, the ape consciousness continues to represent the own grade of life, until that animal also goes higher and will ultimately enter the winged species.
So all the life was born in the waters; on Earth we will follow those prehistoric organisms and immediately before that experience every law of life for animal and human being and take that back to the spatial analysis.
From this organism now, my brothers, the Divine Universal legislative powers and forces now emerge and it means that the human being has to irrevocably accept the powers and forces of Sun and Moon.
Those are wonders, physical and inner, so spiritual revelations, given to nature by God.
Material and soul will return to God, for which we have to follow all these universes.
That the human being frees himself from the waters is the awakening for the Divine attunement!
Back to God!
We must also experience all these foundations for the University of Christ, but we can now go further consciously.
The laws for fatherhood and motherhood no longer change, only the organs get to experience that awakening, so that we will soon be able to follow those transformations.
That Sun and Moon now represent an own world is the division for the Universal fatherhood and motherhood and means that both the human being and the animal have to accept that independence, but must also be accepted by every organ.
It is by means of this, my brothers, that every organ also gets to experience that division, by means of which both the giving birth organ and the creating organ get that own independence.
Because the Sun now radiates the own powers, it can already be determined now that the creating organ for the human and animal fatherhood will likewise possess those radiating capacities.
So that becomes the human organ in order to create and to give birth, but which we now experience and analyse according to the spatial laws, and this would also infallibly take place.
However, that is the awakening for all the systems and organs which are a part of the human and animal organism.
You will surely understand that the creating and giving birth organs are now essential, and that from those organs the other parts of this organism will attune themselves with regard to these creating and giving birth powers, can also be accepted, by means of which we experience that later, on Earth then, we will see the human, but Divine image.
It can be seen that this fish life divides itself, but the great wonder is that it is the creating and giving birth organs which get to represent this cosmic wonder, by means of which the soul as human being builds her land physical life.
It can therefore be accepted that Sun and Moon are father and mother, but that the soul as human being, because we experience subsequent planets, creates her organs, is the great wonder which we will soon experience.
It is only then that the organism for that independence as a human being will be ready.
The following planets are in operation for this stage, already dying for the present stage.
So we go straight to the Second Cosmic Grade of Life, because we can experience these transitions, the organism is also capable of absorbing that consciousness, but then all the life has reached the land consciousness.
And that means that we experience the land being born, that the seven human grades got that independence.
Isn’t it true, on earth all the life experiences land consciousness, so the life which possesses that grade of life, because we know that the waters also created an own life, to which all those types of fish belong which people still know on earth and the human being can eat!
Now because, that must also be clear to you, the Sun gains power, the following stage, the following planet also reached that consciousness and that benefits the life on the planet.
But, my Master Zelanus, if this planet had now received an own place in the atmosphere of the Moon, what would that have meant?”
“Then no growth and awakening would have come, my Master.”
“Very precise, indeed, it is true.
By means of this we therefore see that the secondary planets or the transition stages lie spread out in the universe, or material would not evolve, would not get growth.
And now growth means that we as human beings conquer the cycle for a planet by experiencing the subsequent organisms.
Every following stage, also for the human being on earth, creates awakening, for the organism and the inner life.
Fatherhood and motherhood are universal, are experiencing cosmic oneness, by means of which the universe laid the foundations.
In this way we experience that the life in the universe will change, but by means of that the life of the planet grows, awakens, from the animal to the human grade of life, as the planet Earth gives us to experience.
Bible, what kind of untruth did you bring to Earth?
A planet possesses evolution!
A planet possesses awakening!
A planet has to represent the laws of life which human being and animal must master.
As we reach the Earth, the organism changes, because the Sun has condensed her own consciousness, as the academic on earth wants to experience that, but the Sun is now Father!
According to these laws the soul got hold of the possibility of freeing herself from the waters.
The core of the cosmic oneness lived in this organism, locked up as fatherhood and motherhood.
And those powers began directly from the All-Source, completed an own cycle in there and got independence.
The planets would also get that independence, so that the embryonic life could grow.
We have to determine that for the University of Christ.
What do the planets, suns and stars do now for the human organism, André-Dectar?”
“They model, my Master, embellish and inspire our life, they drive and give us that universe love to experience, which we undergo as the human oneness by means of fatherhood and motherhood.
The life serves and works on one organism, the macrocosmic life serves and works on the growth, the awakening of the human organic existence, there is nothing else to be experienced.”
“Those are the laws, my brothers, which we will experience for the whole of the universe.
This is why macro and microcosmos are one and will remain that.
We will infallibly walk that universal path.
What does Jehovah still mean?
Creation is already billions of years old for the present stage.
Should the Earth experience precisely now that this macrocosmic organism will collapse?
Where do the first Adam and Eve live, we will keep asking, and the Catholic Church can answer.
Where? We keep meeting these lives as man and woman and we have to accept, but nothing is capable of destroying this evolution process.
The universe builds and creates for our existence, because it is we who must represent the All-Source as Divine beings!
Is this worthwhile?
Is this something which people human beings on earth can love?
Yes, this is the only Divine answer, for which the human being of Mother Earth has to live and to die.
There is no more to be experienced here either, my brothers, we will soon be able to go further.
But we see, every material cell creates and gives birth.
And those are the laws of life.
We also see these laws of life again on Earth.
Wherever we will be soon, the cosmic grades of life are to be found there, from the jungle to the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on, seven physical transitions for human being and animal, for Mother Nature.
Soon the learned child of Mother Earth will have to accept this wisdom too, because the biologist and the geologist get to experience the waters, and we are standing before this cosmic oneness!
Christ came to the earth for that!
And not in order to be hanged.
The second transition gives the soul more growth, more feeling, for material and spirit.
We experienced those laws, my brother André, for the books ‘The Origin of the Universe’, so that you can now understand all of this.
It goes without saying that the human being who wants to read the ‘Cosmology’ now first has to accept those books, but now gives us the possibility of going further, we do not need to follow all those interim planets, we are capable of examining the transitions.
We now free ourselves from this transition in order to visit the following and to also then go onto the Second Cosmic Grade of Life.
On the way you can attune yourself to the universe and Mother Moon will probably answer you, my brother André, we will also experience that, because this oneness can be received and experienced.
For the University of Christ I must determine:
“The human being and all the life of God was able to master the Consciousness which the Universe possesses.
The universe also possesses the consciousness on earth, for human being and animal!
God created seven transition stages for both the spatial and the human awakening!
And we see those grades of life again for all the laws.
The life as human being created by God must go further!
One hour has no meaning for the universe and the life on earth.
Ages have no meaning, sooner nor later, life is eternal!
The planets are growing, also the life of God as human being and the animal!”
And now to the following stage, my brothers.
You see, the light of the universe, fatherhood, is becoming more conscious and it is by means of that, that the life awakens.
Sun and Moon now take care of the further transition.
But can you feel, my brothers, that this planet also has to radiate her own powers and that we must enter the more conscious stage by means of this?
We learned and saw that the spark of God is evolving and must take part in creation, is a part of it, evolves and creates for itself.
It goes without saying now that this first transition builds up the following stage itself, with the help of cosmic fatherhood and motherhood.
So also now the image that this child is busy becoming father and mother, that the planets also propagate that fatherhood and motherhood, because it is by means of this that we can go further.
It is creating life of feeling, one has attunement to the other life, but it is the growth, the awakening for all the life as material, soul and spirit.
We will now leave the Moon sphere; the first transition already connects us to East, South, North and West for the universe and means that we are now reaching the independence, which every spark of God, so also the planets, get to experience.
That also means that the higher becoming conscious immediately emerges, so free from Moon and Sun, but also in harmony with the spatial, cosmic fatherhood and motherhood, a oneness which will never dissolve.
If the life in the universe wants to awaken and condense now, then it must be able to experience that independence, mustn’t it, the sphere, the universe, the atmosphere of the Moon –for own consciousness – does not give any growth, and we have already followed that, so that we must accept that the secondary planets lie spread out in the universe.
Mother Moon and Father Sun now say to the life: go further, you will experience a universe which will give you condensing, gives awakening, so more conscious atmosphere and I cannot give you that here, you will have to receive an own universe for that.
An own universe in this universe, an own atmosphere, because the materialising of the life created that itself.
When we follow the present stage soon, my brothers, then we will stand before this cosmic atmosphere and will see then for the first time how perfect the life has closed itself off for the other life.
And what does this mean, Master Zelanus?”
“That the planets will now move away from Sun and Moon.”
“Yes, indeed, we have to accept that and they are the laws which now receive and have to experience that condensing.
In this way the pre-stages came about.
You will see that the soul as human being, before she reached the Second Cosmic Grade, created her organic consciousness.
The planet Mars, as the Second Cosmic Grade, then sends us to the Earth, to the Third Cosmic Grade, and she is then ready to give that possibility to us, all here created life.
Of course for animal and also for Mother Nature!
But by means of the Moon as the All-Mother for this universe, we have to accept that it is she who created the soul as an independence and that the following planets which come, will have nothing else to do but finish this organism, which will first reach spatial consciousness by means of the earth and has to represent Mother Nature.
By means of this we as human beings get to experience the universe; and so not one planet, as people on earth think, but the universe as fatherhood and motherhood.
Can you feel this wonderful difference now, child of Mother Earth?
My brothers, do you understand that we will represent God by means of this and that we cannot miss out any grade of life and that the creation is so harmonic?
We people and all the life must therefore travel a cosmic path.
And that has become possible, because we go continually further, but because we experienced the Moon as the first cosmic stage.
What does all of this mean for the academic of Mother Earth and what for astrology?
Soon, when we are that far, we will also experience and determine those laws for the child of Mother Earth, so that the human being of Mother Earth will know what astrology means for soul, life and spirit.
If no transition planets had therefore been born, we could never have left the Moon; but those transitions got the own independence by means of Sun and Moon.
Follow all of this, meanwhile we will have this cosmic walk and attune ourselves to the following grade of life for the universe.”
We have taken leave of the first and second transition planets and are meditating, we are starting to experience these laws.
The universe is speaking to our life, I can feel that André is reaching oneness with Mother Moon.
“Yes”, he can say, “I understand it”, and it is for all the life of God the spatial revelation for soul, spirit and the human personality, which first gets consciousness on earth.
What we perceive takes place by means of the All-Maternal Harmonic laws.
We move away from Sun and Moon and enter that following independence.
Every grade of life for the universe now possesses more becoming conscious, it is by means of this that the life of the waters must enter the land consciousness and makes the organism change, of course.
Yes, we can say to the universe, to Sun and Moon: we have understood everything.
Of course Mars must give us that heightened becoming conscious, it goes without saying that the Earth must possess that heightened consciousness, but then we experience a different age, Mother Earth will only reach this condensing in millions of years’ time, because we as human beings and the animal have come that far.
The universe is now already millions of years old; before the human being and the animal had reached the ultimate stage for the Moon and the secondary planets, so according to earthly calculations, ages passed, they are millions of years.
And now what, when we still have to experience many transitions?
Now what, when we experience and leave Mars?
How many billions of lives did we experience then for the awakening of the human organism?
Must we now still call out to the child of Mother Earth: there is reincarnation?
We only got to experience the Moon by means of reincarnation, or we would already have suffocated in that very first moment on the Moon.
What were we as embryonic life?
What was our consciousness like there?
We had to experience the waters, but we as human beings, and the animals, crawl out of that!
I am working all of this out for myself, André is experiencing other laws, he is one with the Mother of this universe and that is the kiss for his life and personality.
Master Alcar absorbs the laws of life, it is he who keeps on receiving the feelings again from the conscious Divine All, so from the highest Masters, Christ, by means of which we undergo this spatial oneness.
What were we, now that we must accept that we began as embryonic life?
We were born in the waters, yes, indeed, but what was our further development like?
Can the human being on earth not accept now that we went out of those waters?
And what does that mean?
That we experienced the jungles, that we freed ourselves from the jungle, for Mother Earth, and you can still experience that on earth, because those people as grades of life still represent those laws of life.
But it means even more than this!
The University of Christ is recording, for your life on earth:
If we had not experienced any reincarnation, we would already have been placed before this halt on the Moon and there would have been no question of going further!
From the embryonic existence as life to the following stage.
For the Moon alone, we people and the animal already had to experience millions of lives!
We had to accept the ultimate for the Moon!
We could go further then, because Sun and Moon created those transitions!
We, and the animal, also Mother Nature, were able to condense and expand our life, because there are planetary systems which we brought to that evolution.
We as human beings went further, freed ourselves from the transitions and because of this experienced a following grade of life at a macrocosmic attunement!
We as human beings crawled from the waters, but by means of fatherhood and motherhood!
We as human beings did not experience any other laws, these are Divine and they connect us to the following stage, by means of which we will conquer this space as a universe!
No other laws were created!
We as human beings, and the animal, also Mother Nature in the same way, got to experience those laws as independences, and it was only then that we went further consciously, pre-animal-like and later animal-like.
It is only on Earth that we will experience the material grades of life, for which Mother Earth will receive her own life space.
We as human beings come to Earth, but have travelled a cosmic path, not only for the earth, but for the universe!
What do you want, academic?
What do the academics hope to achieve when they announce: the human being, when the child on earth is born, is that the first life?
Not only that the soul as human being has to experience millions of lives on earth before she can end her cycle there, she also had to accept these laws for every transition as a planet.
Because the soul as human being can experience motherhood, she reaches the ultimate for every planet, because motherhood gives her that growth!
Master Alcar was able to follow me and André is capable of analysing these laws, since we experienced that truth.
It is only on Earth that we experience the human attunement, for which we have to follow all these grades of life.
It goes without saying that Mars will give us that growth for the organism, because the planet Mars was already able to condense her life more, because Sun and Moon also came that far.
And the other half-conscious planets, to which Jupiter and Saturn belong, experience their own task for the universe, the laws of which we have experienced.
But all these wonderful bodies work on the human organism, for nothing else!
God takes us through the universe, ‘HE’ manifests Himself through us, the animal and Mother Nature, and that is God now!
People gave that the name God, dear reader, and you can now determine that for yourself.
We make comparisons, and that is necessary too, if you want to understand and analyse these laws for your life on earth.
There is no flaw in the laws of the universe and your life, because every grade was created justly, no Bible, no religion is capable of changing the creations, no other laws were created!
André feels it, and he knows it, he can pass this onto the child of Mother Earth, he knows what he is serving for.
We too!
All the life as human beings, which has reached the Spheres of Light, knows these laws and has to accept them.
By means of the first condensing the following originated, but also the growth.
André sees that the human being has to represent that Divine attunement and that he as a human being has also represent God for all these laws.
Everything is wonderful, certainly, still incomprehensible for the earth, but now we are experiencing the ‘Age of Christ’, the Kingdom of God is approaching.
As the universe gains light, it is also the physical awakening for the life of every planet.
Yes, André sees, exactly as can still be experienced on earth, and the human being, animal and Mother Nature must accept.
We float through the universe and go further purposefully, towards the following stage.
We already know what we will meet.
But we keep standing before wonders of harmony.
A Divine thread connects us to those laws and opens fatherhood and motherhood to our life, we cannot make mistakes, every law of life speaks convincingly to our personality.
André now hears:
“Can you feel, my son, that I can follow you and am speaking to your life?”
“Yes, mother, I can feel it”, he sends back to the All-Mother for this universe, “I am so grateful to you.”
“Is that not wonderful to experience this being one?”
“Yes, mother, and I will say that to your children of Mother Earth.”
“Be careful, my son, soon you will get to know yet other laws, laws for fatherhood and motherhood and so more expanded, awakened, than you have now experienced.
The following stages tell you that and will prove that.
As long as you want to accept that it is I who gave the soul to all my life, it is only now that you reach full spatial oneness and there is no darkness to be experienced.
Ultimately you will leave this universe.”
“I know it, mother, because we were already able to experience that journey.”
“Isn’t it wonderful, André, what the soul as human being received from me?”
“Yes, mother, she got everything from your life.”
“I am dying, my son, and yet I am following my life and I can speak to the highest consciousness of this universe, which Mother Earth, my child, must experience as ebb and flow.
Isn’t it true?”
“Yes, mother, because I know that it is true.”
“Look at the following planet yonder, André, the third transition to the Second Cosmic Grade.
And the body has already come there for the stage of the land consciousness.
You see then that the organism has developed, but I was also able to expand my life and my consciousness.
So I am now giving you an answer and my feeling, when I was still alive, finished my task, my children went into the universe.”
“I understand it, mother, of course, you are going back in thoughts to that stage and are seeing these laws.”
“So you still see me giving birth, don’t you?”
“Yes, that is what I observe again and I am connected to you.”
“That means that you go further with Master Alcar until he will enter the present stage again.
What is my child, Mother Earth, like, André?”
“Very sweet, mother.
All the things she had to experience.
But you did not know that.”
“No, not that evil, every law of life got hold of the harmonic laws of life from me, my life here was not able to be sullied, or deformed with me in anything, there was still no question of lies and deception here, my son.
You know that, after all, don’t you?”
“Yes, mother, I also got to know those laws.”
“Can you also hear and can you see me clearly now?”
“Yes, mother, I can even talk to your child Mother Water.
She will also follow me now.”
“Certainly, that is possible, because we will never lose our oneness.
So you understand, my son, the further you go now my consciousness must also be, or there would be no higher life present.
So that means and you were able to follow that a moment ago, the following grades of life possess the condensing which we, the Sun and I, mastered.”
“That is also clear to me, mother, I can see it, there is no other explanation.
I have to accept your consciousness.”
“I am one with my creating power, my life, the Sun, and will remain that.
Because I was able to grow and was able to condense by means of the creating power, the Sun, so my husband, my life is growing.
We therefore also create and give birth for those following grades of life as universes, by means of which we were capable of taking the Fourth Cosmic Grade to that condensing.
But what is actually our life and yearning, André?”
“I understand what you want to know from me, mother.”
“Just say it.”
“You have finished your life, haven’t you?
But you now create and give birth for your own following stage.”
“Precisely, my son, that is the essential point for my life and my love, we create and give birth for ourselves, because we are of Divine attunement and we are also Gods, but as energy, so as conscious life.
We created and gave birth only in order to give our life that growth, but also for ourselves, because we must also reach the Divine All.
As a human being you are the highest life as a being created by us, but we now make sure that you can soon experience that universe, and it is only possible if you want to accept us as harmonic fatherhood and motherhood.
And the children on earth did not understand that and you will get to know that.”
“Yes, mother, that’s it, by means of which the soul as human being sullied her life, despite that, she will come that far away, and it is only then that she will also say farewell to Mother Earth and enter her spiritual astral world, which you have already finished.”
“Wonderful, my child, it’s true, you are now capable of representing this University.
I and my love, the Sun, therefore remained one.
We did not create any disturbances.
You must hear him talking to me sometime, André, and it is only then that we will experience our love, our kiss.
Can you feel how deep our life already is?”
“Yes, mother!”
“And are you starting to feel what we will be like when this universe, our own organism, is finished?”
“It is awe-inspiring, mother.
I want to master your love and your oneness, it is only then that I will start to understand what pure love is, but now I am descending into her, my love.”
“That’s it, my son, now you experience your love, and that love both deal with and carry our universe.
Now man and woman are one, they experience harmony, happiness, and the radiance from him is for her, the experiencing of this love.
Now man and woman are capable of experiencing our universe, because they give birth and create, and the All-Mother was able to do that and wanted that from all of us.
Isn’t it true, we as macrocosmic lives for fatherhood and motherhood also got our existence and our independence from and out of her.”
“It is awe-inspiring, mother.”
“Can you feel now, my André, what twin love is like, what these twin souls are like, and what they have to represent together?
What they experience when they give birth and create?”
“I can feel it, my mother, it is incredible, but you created this for us as human beings.”
“Precisely, but now man and woman on earth experience God, and not a stupid religion, now they experience laws of nature, and not insanity.
This kiss has attunement to higher thinking and feeling and both possess your Great Wings.
You see, my son, that my husband has become stronger, more conscious and that it is those powers which take care of our life as mother?
You give that power as a human being, André, to the mother, but now as condensed material.
How did the human sperm now condense and what is it?
Can you feel and materialise that now?”
“Yes, my mother, I am one with that and can answer you.
For your life and giving birth it is light, for the human being material, but that material is living radiance, and that became paternal authority, I can see now, mother, that process also got to experience an own independence.”
“Wonderful, André, that’s it.
Originated, born from the light, then it started to condense and it became material, as all the life will have to accept from us.
So the paternal sperm is condensed light, born directly from the All-Mother, but brought to condensing by the Sun as father.
That creates, by means of which the mother gives birth; but do you see and do you experience it a bit differently for the two of us?”
“No, mother, those laws have not changed either, they only had to accept that materialising.”
“Precisely, my son, that’s it and those are the laws which you now follow and the planets got to represent.
But isn’t it simple, now that we are one and can give the revelations to each other?”
“It is the spatial, but benevolent certainty, mother.”
“Well put and also felt clearly, André, it is true!
All my life possesses that benevolence, because I am it myself, the Sun is also it!
Everything down to the puniest insect receives this spatial benevolence and will give birth and create, by means of which that life also gets to experience reincarnation.
Or it would not be there, but you also got to know those lives on earth.
Can you now feel me in everything?”
“Yes, mother.”
“Then you will soon be ready in order to go further.
All these revelations, André, reach the condensing and materialising by means of the giving birth and creating, and all the life in our universe has to accept that.
But you know now, if you want to get to know the laws, you must go back to me and the first division, the moment when the All-Mother began with this, so spiritual revelation.
And now you see that we are only her revelations, that it is ’sHE’ who lives and not us, because ’sHE’ will fill her universes by means of her own life.
So finally, my André, it is God, it is He whom we are a part of, but nothing else either.
He represents ‘himself’!
And by means of all of us!
The child of the earth must get to know this, it is only then that spiritual growth will come there and there will be no more question of damnation.
Then all those insane religions will dissolve.
There are no religious maniacs to be found on earth now, but insane dogmas, crazy thinking and feeling, created by the human being and not by the All-Mother, or God; we have nothing to do with that.
Did we, but you were able to experience that now, create crazy laws?
Why do you not experience any craziness, any destruction, any sullying here?
Because we do not know that disharmony, we only experienced love, pure harmony for every following grade of life.
Isn’t it wonderful and true?”
“Yes, my mother, it is awe-inspiring, no one has yet brought to earth what I am learning and can master, I know it.”
“You can accept that, my son, or it would already have been there.
But was that possible?”
“I also learned to see that, no, that can only be brought to earth now, and can be experienced, mother.
If I had come there sooner, mother, then they would have consciously murdered me, as Galilei and Socrates had to experience that.
How did they receive Christ there?”
“You see, my son, I also talked to my child like that.
I was also one with Him, when He returned to me.
And later with the apostles and with all those millions of children of mine who must return to me, if they want to get know both themselves and us.
But is this not the most wonderful thing which you can experience for yourself and us?”
“Yes, mother, that’s it, because I can see all those millions of people, after all; I talked to all of them who went to you.
Now they experience true love for the first time, their spatial kiss, but on earth your child still has to awaken.”
“And you have now received this task for that, and I know that you are doing your best, and you did not come there one second too soon, or too late, now the child of the earth is that far.
Yes, how many of my children were not murdered there?
Only because they brought wisdom.
Has that remained the consciousness of the Church, she, who calls herself sanctifying?
Who wants to represent everything and yet damns, burns her child at the stake?
You will now prove that to her, my son, now she can bow her unconscious head, this false mother!
Were you already able to establish that one child of mine was damned for eternity?”
“No, mother!”
“Did you already see, André, that I as a mother could curse one of my children?”
“Were you able to establish that I, or my father, let one of our children perish?
Were you able to see that we flung one child out of our harmony?
Did you see and establish anywhere on this long path that we as father and mother could banish our life?
Did you perhaps see that we could murder our child, our own life?
No, we do not burn our own life at the stake, we love, what does the mother Church hope to achieve then with her damnation?
What does she want, to represent her God now that she is capable of burning the life, her followers alive?
You see, my son, that is not a mother!
That is a wild cat, she is prostituting her life, she cannot represent any love because she is capable of disengaging the life of God, which is not possible, but she was able to do it for the material life.
Do you wish to accept, my son, when I tell you, in the name of Christ, that she is not a mother?”
“I understand everything, mother.”
“Is that not a disgrace?
And that calls itself the mother Church, the only sanctifying Church?
That damnation wants to speak those words?
That cursed stake, by means of which she consciously destructively beat thousands of lives and destroyed for God, as a Father of love?
Did you see her cardinals?
Did you see her priests, André, who now curse her life?”
“Yes, mother, I saw and spoke to all those lives.”
“And what do they do now?
Seek for means in order to break her cursed power!
And we will come that far, André.
Soon when the technical wonder is on earth, my child will get hold of all these laws and she will fall, she will kneel at the feet of her own scaffold?
My children have been returning to me for millions of years in order to get to know the laws, but it has been frightening the last fifteen centuries, because millions of children come back to me who were paralysed by the Catholic Church.
Were burnt at the stake!
Were chastised!
Were beaten and kicked!
Were sucked empty, who were covered with pitch, red-hot pitch.
Yes, my son, many people came back to me, who no longer had a life, who were not only raped, but who were beaten and kicked as man and wife, who were eaten up by the ants, because this slut thought that she was in charge, because this whore thought that people had sullied her dark life!
Hit her, André, with these laws of life.
She let millions of children of ours experience the prisons, she took away the life for the earth.
Millions returned to me, who wept and asked: can nothing be changed about that now, mother?
And what could all my children say?
Wait a moment, my dears, but you don’t want us to also burn her at the stake, do you?
Should we cover her with red-hot pitch, now that we are only love?
That will all be okay.
But that animal-like being could do it.
What did the Church burnt at the stake now, André?”
“The soul of the All-Soul, the spirit, the light, fatherhood and motherhood, everything from God.”
“You see, it is by means of that that her clergymen would be able to burn her at the stake when they got to know my laws, but they recoiled from that when they understood, at least those pure souls, that they would return again in order to make amends, in order to become a father and mother.
I am the mother of this universe and not she!
When I say: pure souls, do you feel for certain that not all her followers committed evil, created darkness, there were some who served God, but only saw that injustice in the astral world, then they could begin with my life.
And all of them got that possibility.
I tell you, millions of children of mine were both tortured and destructively beaten by her and is that sacred now?
Do not forget, my son, my child still has to begin with her spiritual development.
Of course, the child of Mother Earth must receive a faith, you are bringing spiritual science there.
But who is God and what is life?
The child of the earth has to learn that, and it is only then that it will enter this love.
Look, André, the Masters are descending to the following transition, new life of mine, but we also gave that child the own independence.
We remain one and you will conquer by means of my love.”
“I am so grateful to you, mother.”
“Socrates wept until his tears ran dry when he returned to me.
I said: come now, others will avenge you by means of wisdom.
“But”, there comes from his heart, “they murdered me there, mother.”
And how many children are not killed there?”
I also said, André, they will have to make amends for that, you will experience one day that it is a paradise there.
And soon you will experience that they will kill my highest-conscious life.
And now he knows that.
He was on Golgotha when people murdered my child, André, and millions of others, who felt my love, who brought all my life to the awakening.
They suffered, of course, but what did we experience?
Soon, you know those laws, when the Masters have brought the direct-voice to earth, the Church will fall, the Masters will burn her at the stake by means of wisdom, and she can bow her head.
But, is it not understandable that she still does not know me?
That when the Church makes mistakes, rapes the laws, she sullies my sacred being one, André will come, because she is still not conscious as a mother.
And when I revealed that to all my children, they could go further again.
Before you now feel the Divine contact, André, know for eternity that I am helping you to carry.
All my life will help you to carry and those sparks of light are capable of that, because they have never known the violence and have served me by means of pure love.”
“Yes, mother, I know it.”
“Look now, André, you can now establish that these planets have worked on the organism.
Now feel how deep my life is, reach oneness with our wonderful organism, our Temple.
What are stars now?
What are meteors, André?
Crumbs of our organism.
And yet, organs, which have to carry out an own task.
But can you hear, can you feel that we never experienced disharmony?
That you can listen to the voice of my soul, my personality.
Certainly, you will also get to know those laws soon when you come back to me again.
What meaning does Jupiter have for your life on earth?
What does Saturn hope to achieve?
Can you see her ring, André?”
“Yes, mother.”
“After all, you know that she condensed her own orbit materially, don’t you?”
“Yes, mother, I know it.”
“But is it not a wonder?”
“It is incredibly beautiful, mother.”
“When that life, one organ of my organism, came to the own life, she absorbed those unconscious powers into her.
Because she experienced her life between me and my husband, she cooled down, at least, you will certainly understand that, began her task, and then, André, she saw where she lived and by what means she had condensed her cycle.
They call that the wonder of the universe, don’t they?”
“Yes, mother, the academics are standing before a great mystery.”
“But for our organism there are no mysteries to be experienced, these are laws, they are the grades for fatherhood and motherhood, and also the task for all our life, for me and the Sun, there is nothing else to be experienced, after all.
And what do the astrologers hope to achieve now?
Soon when the Masters follow those laws, I will come back to you, I will explain a few things to you then.
If you want to attune yourself to that, I could now already ask you: when was the zodiac born?
And by means of what people?”
“I believe that the Egyptians did a lot for that, mother.”
“Precisely, but then the foundations had already been laid.
And who wrote the Bible?
I just want to tell you and then you will suddenly know it, that my child did this and has nothing to do with my grades.
Can you feel it?”
“Yes, mother, I understand you completely.”
“When you follow those things, André, then you see me, but now as we were born, and you come back to the perfectly ordinary human psychology, then you finally come to stand before the fortune teller, because she is also capable of looking into your life infallibly.
Can you feel, where we come to stand, André?”
“Yes, mother, I understand it.”
“This is why astrology will never be a true science, because that is not possible now.
You never did astrology.”
“No, mother.”
“You see, the Masters made sure of that, you have remained untainted, your life was not sullied by anything, by means of which the Masters could elevate you to my life.
Now follow the new birth.
What do you see, André?”
“Master Alcar came to the following stage, we travelled a long way.”
“All of that now has meaning for your awakening.
But it was you yourself who brought you to this evolution, by means of fatherhood and motherhood you got to experience this growth.
You can now examine these planets and you know it, not one child was damned during all those millions of years.
And my children will learn that!
You will give my poor people my consciousness, and you have to accept their misery for that.”
“That does not matter to me, mother,
“I know that, or I would not inspire you either.
Can you see, André, that the organism has materialised itself and that those fins become arms, that the body divided itself?”
“Yes, mother, I can see the wonder.”
“Then you will know that this planet possesses more consciousness than the previous grade.
But now try looking at the universe?
Now you can feel that one is not further than the other, both worlds are still one!
I am not further than this organism, but this life is not ahead of me either, we still experience this universal oneness.
And nothing is capable of stopping us.
Do you see now, my son, that the soul elevates itself, that it is she now as the personality who wants to raise herself up, and that this is necessary, if she soon wants to experience a beautiful body?
That will take millions of years, but we will come that far, it is only on earth that you will have finished the perfect organism, for which my child gets her consciousness.
But is it not a wonder that you can perceive that for my own task?
Now that I am still working, am serving?
Now you can experience wonders, my son, material revelations.
And do you understand why Master Alcar also experiences this planet from the universe, which means that he is not dwelling on every law of life?”
“Yes, mother, because I am capable of making my comparisons, after all.
I can completely examine this grade of life, mother.”
“That’s what I mean.
Soon you will see that this land consciousness, this organism has freed itself from the waters.
That now means that all the seven grades of life for the organic life got land consciousness, but the previous planets only let you see the highest.
I mean, the seventh grade, of which the others experienced the waters, because that planet still does not possess that consciousness.
But this one already has more becoming conscious, this one will inspire the organism, the human being will go further and higher, and that going higher is the physical awakening.
For my consciousness, my son, you have experienced that, the seventh grade only reached the land consciousness, for only a few seconds, but these transition stages create and give birth for the land consciousness, so that the seven transitions will finally receive the land life.
You know these laws for the Earth, but Mars will also experience that stage and you will find that again with me and the Sun, because we also reached that awakening.
Do you know it?”
“Yes, mother, I was already able to experience these laws with Master Alcar for ‘The Origin of the Universe’.”
“So you see, more and more grades of life are getting the land consciousness, the human being must go further on the inhabitable planet.”
“I can see it, mother.”
“Can you see, André, how all these animal-like people are becoming conscious?
And can you see how Mother Nature follows the human animal and was able to condense herself?
And for all this life there is enough food and drink, but later again, André, they will violate themselves and then the misery will begin.
It is also there where the animals become afraid of the human being, and on earth you can experience that the animal has not changed in any way.
If you now want to finally approach that life in love, which is not so simple for the animal life, because the fear remains conscious, you will come that far and you will experience this natural harmony again, which can still be experienced here.
But you not believe that we placed fear in our life, do you?”
“No, mother, you did not do that, I know it.”
“I tell you, we took care of everything, but we got that independence by means of the All-Mother.
Also the thinking and the understanding, then we can experience the love for the first time.
But what is love now?
You will also pass those laws onto the life of Mother Earth.
The Divine spirit roams over the waters, André, but I am it!
You can now feel what is still necessary before the Earth possesses this consciousness, and the Churches have to accept that.
Look, my son, the human being who is busy raising himself up and who will now explore the land life.
Can you see how the organs for fatherhood and motherhood already created themselves?”
“I can see it, mother, that is also a wonder.”
“That all happened of its own accord, my son, the inner urge to give birth and to create, created the organs, that is also a natural happening for the senses and you will see yourself, when you begin with that.
Why did the Bible not say a word about me?
I have become the light for the night and nothing else?
Did those people not know any feelers in order to sense my life?
Is it so incomprehensible then, my child, that you and others will come in order to explain my life?
And you see what is necessary before the human being could experience the Earth, but that will also come, because we will go back to the All-Source.
The human animal is still hardened now, you can see that, but that will become different, the human being will rarefy, spiritualise the material tissue, but by means of us, because it is we who possess these powers, my husband possesses this radiance, this vital power and you can accept that.
Master Alcar follows the spatial life of feeling, that is the consciousness of my soul and me.
And you see that again with the human being and the animal, but now physically, it is only on earth that the inner personality emerges!
That is then for the spirit of the astral world.
And the accompanying Spheres of Light, of course you now recognise good and evil, harmony and disharmonic life, thinking and feeling.
It is on the Second Cosmic Grade of Life where you will meet the giant animal human, as the prehistoric ages have also shown Earth for my child, and can also be experienced there of course because those laws of awakening must be experienced.
But you see it, I and all my life also experienced those times.”
“It is true, mother, Master Alcar showed me those laws, I must bow my head.”
“You know now how you will experience the Second Cosmic Grade.
But how many millions of years have you already lived now?
“That can no longer be followed”, the child of the earth says, but do you see, André, that this is still possible?”
“Yes, mother, I am experiencing it, after all.”
“Now attune yourself to this evolution, my son, I am going back to my life.
Master Zelanus will get to speak, I see.
Soon you will be able to experience me again.
Goodbye, my child.”
“My mother, I give you the kiss from my heart.”
“And I would like to experience that.”
It is true, I get to speak and go further, the mother of this universe was one with the consciousness of André.
It is a universal mercy to experience these feelings and all the life of God undergoes that.
Soon, when the human being takes his leave of the Earth, if you are open to the life of God, there will be no Masters needed to connect you, the life will do that!
And now you can experience the spatial oneness as a human being.
The Cosmology for your life on earth will become, that man and woman are one with the universe, the Moon as mother and the Sun as father, by means of which the laws will speak to your life.
Religions are now no longer necessary, because this oneness gives the life of God everything, the human being gets to experience love, which materialised all these laws.
Certainly, the prophets also get both their spatial and human meaning then, but now seen from the origin for all the life, by Sun and Moon, these twin souls, who created the human being, the animal and of course Mother Nature.
We are not taking anything away from the human being of the earth, on the contrary, we are bringing awakening by means of the universe!
And André-Dectar can now follow and experience that, the Sun will also speak to his personality, because this is our spiritual being one with all the life of God!
Is it not awe-inspiring that you as a human being are now getting this wisdom for your own age?
Is it so unnatural that every age must experience and will receive the own awakening for God?
Every law, so as an organism, will speak to your life, because that will then become your cosmic consciousness and it is only now that your inner life is ready to experience and to accept.
Religions only brought frills, so no spatial foundation, it is only now that Mother Earth and her children are ready to experience this love.
I am now reaching the spatial inspiration and can say:
“Yes, my Master, I have now reached the spatial oneness, but I was able to follow and experience the being one of André.
Mother Moon let us see that state of purity, our experiencing, her love, her feeling, her task, and we can go further.
Yes, my Master, we now enter the Second Cosmic Grade.
We experienced six transitions and all those planets lie spread out in the universe, the origin of which you analysed in the books.
We now see that the universe can experience one process and that is fatherhood and motherhood.
And those laws serve, work on the human organism, we cannot experience anything else, but by means of that the soul awakens, the spirit, the inner life for all these systems.
The human process of origin now gets a form and that is the Human Being!
What can we see now?
We have reached the Second Cosmic Grade!
The human being went further and evolved.
Can that no longer be experienced for the earth?
Does the human being think that he is already finished there?
For the present stage, my brother André, people determined these little planets from the Earth, but as working organisms they can no longer be experienced from there, because all those transition stages have completed their task.
We as human beings got evolution, awakening for the organism.
This universal becoming conscious gave us spatial feeling and thinking, and is the possession for all the life of God, for all the universes which were born.
Where we now live lies billions of ages ago for the Earth, so that means, that the Earth can only begin with her task in billions of years’ time.”
Master Alcar says:
“We too, my brother Zelanus, were able to convince ourselves of this reality.
We left the Moon and awakened, and all the life along with us.
See how nature was able to materialise itself.
You can now make your comparisons, the life materialises, for which all these planets received the own life.
We will now enter the existing, so for the present stage.
Also Mars, we see that, has almost completed her task and can now begin with the dying process.
On this planet, as the Second Cosmic Grade, the organism got land consciousness.
The waters are empty?
No, the waters will also give birth and create own life.
But the human being, and the animal life, crawled out of the waters.
So Sun and Moon created consciousness!
Now all this life will harden itself, which, however, only possesses that independence on earth, because the Earth got to accept a different task.
That task possesses more hardening, so more becoming conscious.
It goes without saying that the soul as the inner life is awakening.
But this is still an animal-like personality.
What are the transitions for the human organism like now?
The first grades, to the fourth, are hardened, those are the animal beings, but the sixth and seventh grade already takes us to the earthly jungle stage.
Is there still any difference to be experienced with the Earth?
Yes, indeed, because on earth, for the present stage, the human being, and also the animal, have reached the normal human.
That means that the prehistoric ages have been conquered, but we see before us here, of course.
It also goes without saying that the life here lasts a bit longer than for the previous grades.
But the universe also got colour and form, the spatial personality gets becoming conscious.
And that is Sun and Moon!
The stars get more light, the half-conscious planets more breath of life, also the human being in this way.
These are therefore animal-like people, because the human stage has not yet been reached.
These are seven grades of life for the human organism, which we see again on Earth.
Mother Earth will finish this garment!
Yes, indeed, my brother André, we actually began here with our destruction.
What the Moon as mother revealed to you, is the truth.
But we will soon experience those laws when we come to stand before the awakening of the soul life, and will then also get to know these laws.
The planet will grow and condense itself, also her life!
Sun and Moon are working on this organism and it is also they who will elevate the Earth to her giving birth and creating.
See now how simple everything is.
Law after law got materialising.
All those millions of grades of life can be experienced, yes, as far as into the conscious Divine All!
The planet expands itself, grows, until the astral life globe has materialised itself, as people can now perceive from the Earth.
Mother Earth was able to do that and all her life will possess that.
It is therefore clear that after the Divine division different organs, so life, born from God, were forced to this serving by Sun and Moon.
By means of this, this wonderful macrocosmic organism originated, the laws of which we got hold of as human beings, and the animal, and also Mother Nature in this way.
And the Masters call this life God, for the earth, for our life they are laws of life, grades of material, for soul, and spirit!
There is no more to be experienced, but by means of this we return to the Divine All, nothing can stop us!
You can now follow this hard life and absorb it into your life.
Why was the Second Cosmic Grade appointed this place for the universe?
That must now be clear to you.
If Mars had reached consciousness in the place of the Earth, then her life would irrevocably have burnt, by means of the more conscious development of the Sun, this wonderful and yet so fragile tissue would have been watered down, because we do not experience the hardening of Mother Earth here.
Can you feel, my brothers, how wonderfully harmonically this spatial organism works?
That the Earth can only begin with her life after Mars and that this universe did not suddenly get the own birth?
That we had to experience grade after grade for the universe and that the secondary planets got hold of this, and they were created for this?
Then you can examine all these laws, and it is understandable that Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, with the other half-conscious sisters, experience a different task than the conscious motherhood got to experience.
All those names of the earth now no longer have any meaning, but the grade of life for fatherhood and motherhood does, by means of which the academic on earth gets to know his creation!
The Masters want us to experience these laws and to give them foundations for the University of Christ, and you see it, we have already recorded these truths!
The Second Cosmic Grade gives us physical growth, awakening, for the human organism, we do not need to experience anything else here, because there is nothing else to be materialised.
Sun and Moon are working on that, but all the life got the own independence.
Only Mother Earth will be capable of finishing this organism.
She will embellish it, because she possesses those powers and is and will remain the Third Cosmic Grade for her life, but by means of which we receive this oneness.
And along with us as human being all the other life of God.
How do people think and feel now on earth?
How does the human being there pray and how does he see his God?
The human being stands there before a deep and wonderful mystery, but we do not know any mysteries, for us God lives by means of His laws and that God is a different one to what the child of Mother Earth can imagine.
Now just pray and you will be powerless, because the human soul goes further, possesses everything, everything!
How did the prehistoric ages awaken on earth?
Did that life know a God?
No, but those people now live in the Divine All, where Christ came from in order to bring the Divine Gospel to earth.
Attune yourself to the seven grades of life and see how Moon and Sun worked on our evolution.
We can now experience a walk over the planet and behold that wonderful evolution.
Six transition stages were needed for us in order to reach the Second Cosmic Grade.
Slowly but surely we freed ourselves from the waters, we drove the organism upwards by means of the powers of the universe, but that took millions of years.
We can now see here that the Earth will reach the human consciousness.
Look at these jungle people, this animal-like being, and you will see your prehistoric age for this planet, soon you will see yourself again on earth, and it is only then that you will be able to accept that the universe was created for the human being.
Mars produced seven subsequent grades of life, but we got to know those laws for the All-Mother and they are still present.
Now we experience those laws of condensing by means of the human organism.
The highest and seventh grade of life now, dominates the grades living under that here, but all those millions of people live spread out across the planet.
Of course the life here is rough and harsh, but what were the prehistoric ages on earth like?
So Mars represents an own atmosphere, which is milder for the Earth, because Mother Earth will soon receive that place for the universe by means of Sun and Moon.
We only come further by means of Sun and Moon.
Nature and animal world are completely one and attuned to each other.
Those are the powers and laws, given to the life by the All-Source, and become the human evolution.
All this life, my brothers, will therefore reach the Divine All.
And that means, my brother André?
I mean for the earth?”
“That the human being and all the life outside and without a religion, has to experience the laws of God.”
“You see, that’s what we are making this journey for.
It must become clear to the child of Mother Earth that God must be experienced, or the human being will not come any further.
The Religions now placed mantraps and traps before the child of Mother Earth and not universal awakening, because that is no longer possible now.
Because we experience the God of all life, we come from grade to grade, these seven transition stages take us to the highest and it is only then that the inner life can go further, but then the cycle for a planet will have been completed.
We cannot experience any other laws than the Earth possesses, that is not possible, but then we will soon enter the present stage for Mother Earth, and it is only now that we will lay the foundations for the University of Christ.
Sense all of this, according to Sun and Moon, and make cosmic comparisons, so that you examine all of this.
We as human beings would experience the universe and represent God by means of that.
By means of this Divine example we must experience other planets, or we will never be able to conquer this universe.
So that means that the soul as human being will not only live on Earth, but that she has already travelled this long path.
The narrow-minded life of feeling of the child of Mother Earth can now be brought to the spatial awakening.
And that is by means of the ‘Age of Christ’!
We will materialise these Divine revelations and this is why all these planets were appointed that task.
So it is clear, my brothers, that Mars cannot possess any other, higher atmosphere, that development still has to come.
But tremendous universes were born, a human organism now possesses that universe, as a sphere and as a world, but also as feeling, even if we see that this life is still pre-animal-like.
But that does not mean anything either, because we go further!
Because Sun and Moon are working on that, the life becomes more conscious and the organs will change.
So Mars is the sister of the Earth and the child of Sun and Moon and means nothing else.
But we know that this life lives on the Fourth Cosmic Grade, and we will experience what the human being is like then after this journey, about which we know that we will observe a Cosmic wonder.
It is therefore clear, because we can follow these seven grades we are capable of analysing the creation.
And Christ wants that!
So the Moon could not experience this evolution herself, but she passed on her consciousness to the following and that became the new grade of life.
Because the Sun became more conscious, the seven grades of life for the organism got this growth and could not be destroyed by anything.
That does not matter what the human being does with his life, he must go further anyway and back to this world again, in order to experience the seventh grade for the organism.
It is clear that we experience a day here, which will soon be determined for the earth by her revolution, but it is the size and the distance of Mars seen from the Sun which makes the day and night.
The academics know that Mars possesses a whole different calculation than the Earth and other planets had to accept that.
We now see why those laws were also materialised.
These get attunement and meaning when we know that Mars got to accept and to represent the Second Cosmic Grade, because this planet could not experience the consciousness of Mother Earth.
The size of the planet passes over to the life, it is by means of this that we see this giant animal, from which the Earth also materialised her laws and showed her prehistoric ages.
So Mars traces a cosmically just orbit around the Sun and that is in harmony with the universe, with the life, with Mother Nature, of course.
When the human being for the present stage says: we cannot live on Mars, that atmosphere is too harsh and too rough, then we can say: you are right, but would you still also be capable now of experiencing the prehistoric age for the earth?
What was the child of Mother Nature like for those ages?
If we are that far, my brothers, then you will see your prehistoric age again, I already told you, the Earth also created those times.
So the human being also gets to experience what the planet possesses, and those are the spatial laws of growth for the human and animal life and for Mother Nature.
That is God!
Those are Divine grades of life, which both the human being and the animal, Mother Nature got to experience, but by means of which the All-Source manifested itself, and is a very different creation than the Bible still wants to represent on Earth, but for which we are now laying the Divine foundations.
And you see it, we are still one with the universe.
The universe is not ahead of us and we are not behind.
That the Sun is getting more and more power is higher consciousness for the life.
And that means, when we enter the present stage, that the Sun as the creating power for all the life, has still not reached the highest for the present stage either.
We will soon also analyse those possibilities, but we will see that again as the spiritual building up and awakening on the Fourth Cosmic Grade, it is there where both the universe and the life reached that becoming conscious.
The size of Mars also received the life.
However, these primal bodies get to experience the pure human image as the All-Source means that, and it is only then that the human being will be like God wants to create ‘HIS’ image.
The man as gem of creating power, but the mother as a spatial beauty, the Adam and Eve who experience the Divine oneness as twin souls, because they are human Gods and nothing else!
It is nonsense that God needed a piece of rib in order to create a human being.
What we have experienced, that is the Divine justice!
We had to follow this now, the planets possess that Divine oneness and gave birth, created our human and the animal organism!
As a Divine part we are capable of experiencing these laws, that is the Soul as Human Being!
And you see it, we are still one with Sun and Moon, because they are our cosmic Father and Mother!
And the maternal of the Moon was materialised here, but means that Mars possesses the heightened stage and for the universe the Second Cosmic Grade of Life for human being and animal, also like that for Mother Nature.
What does that little word Mars mean again?
What does the word God mean?
Words have no meaning for the universe, the human being of the earth gave the thing from the universe a name, but the actual ‘law’ now speaks for this age!
And we will have to master that law.
Now do not pray any longer in order to be able to live, because you will stop your development, you must go further!
Only Mother Earth will be capable of finishing this organism.
This is why she then also gets her place between Sun and Moon and that is also a law of life for this awakening and evolution!
By means of that Mother Earth will be capable of modelling this organism, all this life of Mars, nothing else will happen, but the soul as human being will evolve.
My God, how wonderful everything is!
But, my brothers, you know the unconscious life of feeling of the child of Mother Earth, people there still do not think about all these spatial laws and possibilities.
It goes without saying that the earthly university is not capable of experiencing them either and giving the life of Mother Earth this Divine happiness.
After all, we know what the consciousness of every faculty is like at this moment!
Do you see, Master Zelanus, that the seven grades of life are still present?”
“Yes, my Master, I can now also follow and experience them now for Mars.”
“Indeed, it is true!
The human being brought himself to this grade of life.
Can you hear what I am saying, André?”
“Yes, my Master, I understand you.
The human being got this universe by experiencing fatherhood and motherhood, but by means of the seven grades of life for the organism we got spatial growth and that means that we will leave this universe one day.”
“I thank you, this is the Divine truth!
All the life has to experience and to accept this, we are going back to the conscious Divine All!
Mars still possesses life and working, but for the present stage Mars has also already completed her task, she is preparing herself for this age in order to die, like her mother had to accept.
And along with her all the secondary planets, because these organisms have assured, were able to finish their tasks!
For now, so this moment, the life here came to growth and blossom, but Mars gives her life land consciousness, and also the organs in order to give birth and to create.
And then the end will come for all her life and the human being, Mother Earth and the animal life, will also have completed this spatial cycle.
You see how wonderful this development is.
Seven transitions for the universe were needed for the life of God in order to reach this awakening.
Not one cell remains behind, the planet materialises itself because we as human beings and from us the animal, received her astral life.
Now sense this present stage carefully, if you want to be able to make comparisons for the earth, and you will experience this divine thread which connects your life with the life spaces.
No, no cell can remain behind, as far as the last breath of life, the astral source is materialised, about which we now know that the Earth will also get to experience these same laws.
For the present stage there is no life present on Mars.
But you see it!
Mars is almost finished for the present stage!
And we will repeat that a thousand times, if the human being wants to see that the universe is billions of years old and that the soul as human being has experienced billions of lives, before she could begin with the life on Earth.
That image, my brothers, also gives you spatial feeling, but also the depth to see the depth of the human soul!
Seven physical grades were born, we also determine that on earth, and then we enter, as the academic sees that, the types of race on earth.
Types of race (see article ‘There are no races’ on, yes, indeed, but they are cosmic laws of life, which we as human beings have to accept.
And that means: from the jungle to the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on!
So what Mars has to develop is that she would create land consciousness.
The previous planets still could not do that.
By means of this we now experience our further stage.
There is no more to it, but nothing less.
And the following grades of life bring us to the Earth.
What did God want now?
What did He give to our life?
A religion?
A faith?
The Masters did that and were able to do that, but now the human being is learning to see himself as a Divine being.
What concerns the Masters is that we as human beings must get to know our own laws of production, if we want, and now for the earth, to also be able to lay the foundations for the Fourth Cosmic Grade!
Or the human being of the earth will cling to his meaningless hereafter again, built up by the Church, but we experience something else and those are these Divine universes.
Those are the seven human grades, and the spatial, by means of which we were assured of our All-Consciousness and now also possess everything as a God being, so that we can say to the child of Mother Earth:
“God has nothing more to give us, HE already gave us everything.”
Now we also see, my brothers, that we possess land and water life and it means that a tree will create new life, all the flower and plant life, so as a grade of life for the own independence, but that the waters were also able to do that.
And the actual ‘law’ can now be seen and experienced as organisms, so that the waters also remain filled and is something entirely different than the Bible made of that!!
Every material particle from Mother Nature, down to the most meaningless little blade of grass, possesses these seven transition stages in order to reach the ultimate stage, but therefore also for the own obtained independence.
It goes without saying now that the night of the Second Cosmic Grade lasts longer, that the day lasts longer than the Earth will get to know, because this planet does not possess that becoming conscious which Mother Earth gets to experience, but that has to do with this attunement for the universe.
We were talking about the independence during our first journey, for human being and animal, then for Mother Nature.
But can you see now how those independences have materialised and grow?
All the life grows and can be experienced by us, however, by means of which the becoming conscious emerges.
By means of thousands of facts it can now be shown how unconscious the Bible writers were when they prepared themselves to write the history for human being, plant and animal, with regard to the Divine creations.
Those people had no material, no spiritual consciousness, there was no question of spatial consciousness.
You see it now, when the last cell life has materialised on this planet, this macrocosmic body can begin with both the dying and the returning to God.
By means of this we now learn that the child of Mother Earth sees himself and can begin with a cosmic life!
So what people on Earth made of all this life, must now be clear to you, child of Mother Earth!
And how people think as academics about the stars and planets, lets you see this becoming conscious and that means: the astronomer still has to awaken!
He must also still begin with the first foundations!
It is clear, the astronomers do not know anything either about their Divine creation.
And what do the spiritual faculties know about the soul as human being?
Those people also still have to begin in order to lay foundations.
Can you feel now, André-Dectar, what you will represent on Earth by means of your life?
Whatever people think there, want to experience, the human being, animal and Mother Nature will return to the Divine All!
We are asked to record all of these laws.
Christ wants that!
It is clear, no laws wants to be left out, all this wonderful life now asks for universal analysis, because every cell got to experience that task for land or spatial giving birth and creating.
What did your life receive, André?”
“What I have to experience, my Master, is also that we condensed ourselves by means of the universe, that we received this materialisation by means of the All-Mother, but by means of which the planets also got space.
And now all this life lies open to my consciousness.”
“Indeed, it is true!
And you, Master Zelanus?”
“What we experience here on Mars, is the Divine oneness for Sun and Moon and this wonderful child materialised those laws.”
“I thank you, the child of Mother Earth will also thank you for your experiencing.
One day we will be able to say, this universe lies behind us, we have experienced every law as an organism, but the wisdom of life can be experienced by means of our personality.
Those are the comparisons which we have to experience, but by means of which reincarnation became universal and gave the following foundation to all the life of God and we were able to observe this oneness.
The Moon moved away from the Sun, that is also very clear, as the life in the universe went further.
Those become the laws for the attraction and rejection, the universal laws of balance, but by means of which a planet got to experience the own life orbit, around the paternal powers, around the Sun.
And when Galilei saw those wonders, people suffocated his life, people suffocated this evolution, and that by means of the Divine authority of Mother Earth?
This evolution was suffocated by a pope?
Yes, that happened, that holiness wanted to suffocate the Divine evolution, but God said: “I will send another child soon, Galilei, do not weep, your life and your task are finished, you will return to My Life!”
That growth now, my brothers, is the Divine Providence for our life; however, not for a pope.
This is why we ask, are you so conscious and so holy that you can represent spatial consciousness?
How does the papal consciousness of this age speak?
That has still not changed that much, my brothers, the Church still does not want to accept that the Bible begins with an untruth, but that moment will come.
The Moon moved away from the Sun, but we as human beings and all the other life got our materialisation by means of that!
Pope, can you hear this?
Church, do you wish to accept this?
But you will soon have to bow your ecclesiastical head and also your human thinking and feeling to this Divine truth!
That Masters will force you to do that!
What does the University of Christ give the child of Mother Earth?
Awakening, growth, Divine attunement!
‘The Knowledge’!
Religions will dissolve!
Because the soul as human being will experience creation.
When we look further, my brothers, then we see, we can also experience that growth, that the human being will have reached the Fourth Cosmic Grade, when the Moon as mother is ready.
But she will also have created her universe for the Fourth Cosmic Grade.
So that oneness will have been reached in us, we will also get to experience those laws, Mother Nature too, the animal too.
Water or material dying processes have no meaning, what does have meaning is that the soul as human being is evolving and she can then experience her reincarnation for the following stage, those are the actual laws.
Of course we will soon determine a more rarefied atmosphere for the earth, because the Earth must experience that.
And that can be seen again from her life.
The human organism reaches the material grade of life on Earth.
Here the human being is animal-like and cannot experience any higher grade, because this is the spatial attunement of Mars, for this maternal body, also for the giving birth and creating.
But we see it now, that the All-Mother has watched over our life.
“None of this can be destroyed, pope, you must also return to the Divine All.
But who will you be, if you have to accept this soon?
What will your consciousness on Earth be like then?
Will people still pronounce you a saint there?
Your order could do that, not God!
Every law of life of God tells you that you have still not reached that height of life!
And now angry at us?
At André, when these books soon receive the light of life?
The human being of Mother Earth will tell you it, because this will now become the Holy Gospel!
And André-Dectar is the first pope for that, if you wish to know!
I am not saying that, but Christ is saying that!
These words and thoughts are coming from the Divine All to our life.
Every cell of this universe is telling it to André.
Because it is he, and no other of Mother Earth, who is capable of experiencing these journeys.
And the wisdom will convince you of that!
On this planet, my brothers, you see your own life originating, but now for the Second Cosmic Grade.
But by means of this grade of life we will create the Third and we will also experience the transition stages for that.
Those are the prescribed Universe laws, which grow and condense by means of reincarnation.
So look along with me at all these material revelations and you will know yourself!
Now you are conscious of your Divine attunement!
The more growth we now experience, the more beautiful your organism and your consciousness become, for light, life and especially for your love!
And for everything, always, by means of fatherhood and motherhood!
Does your consciousness still have to experience explanations, André-Dectar?”
“Yes, my Master, because I can now see my spatial image, my spatial feeling and thinking, and then, my obtained personality.
So I am not different in anything for here, because I got to experience my universal life by means of the seven grades of life, I know, I am going back to the Divine All!
I will awaken by means of that!
I will experience millions of stages, my Master, and that is necessary, I have nothing else to do for the universes.
By means of that I am building on my life happiness!
So what the planet possesses in atmosphere is my consciousness.
That is my awakening, about which my organism says: your soul is like that, that is your obtained marital possession, also my twin soul, by means of which I go further and must conquer this universe together.
No star remains outside this working, all that life served me, my Master, it was created by means of that.”
“That is correct, my brothers.
I can now look back to our first Moon life, the moment that the Moon began with her condensing.
The Divine All wants me to look back and I can feel it, because now I am standing before this wonderful growth and can experience every grade of life again, but I can see it from my organism.
I also experience, and now consciously, that the atmosphere of the Moon got consciousness by means of the Sun, and that the human being of the earth has consciousness by means of the atmosphere of Mother Earth, so that we see that those laws of life have not changed in any way.
So in that Divine invisible nothing, everything was present and we now have to accept that.
And you, Master Zelanus, which laws now come back to your life?”
“My Master, I can see my million-fold awakening and namely by means of the power of my organism.
I can see this animal human being and now experience the organism.
This inhuman being has nothing to do with the child of Mother Earth, but this animal will be the human being of the earth one day.
The soul of this animal being goes further, the organism remains behind, so that we will begin with the building up of Mother Earth with spatial consciousness.
I must perceive this for the University of Christ!
If we were not able to go any further, my Master, Mother Earth would never have been born either, but we know it, she will soon have to serve us!
So Mars got an own existence for our life.
Both human being and planet are therefore also completely one!
If the child of Mother Earth, so for the present stage, still cannot accept this, then that life will soon come that far anyway, because then the universities will possess this consciousness and the spiritual life on earth can begin.
But I can see more, my Master.
The giving birth and creating organ also received that development.
By means of these systems the soul got to experience her creation and she also entered this independence.
The fish organ makes way for the animal organ, which are claws here, are arms and fingers on Earth, the feelers in a material state in order to transform the life.
The first four grades of life will free themselves from the animal attunement, this skin will dissolve, my Master, from which we see the seventh grade, and accept that the human being on Earth has now conquered that growth of hair for this first physical grade.
And that means that the human being from the jungle on Earth, so this first physical grade of life, gets to represent the seventh from Mars and we will also determine that.
It can now already be seen that the animal world on the land will not reach this height.
Although the water life does possess that life attunement and the sea lion shows us, we will also determine those laws of life for our life!
We people are here now as prehistoric beings.
But every body part gets to experience the universe and our breath of life is becoming rarefied.
Spiritualised, because that is the attunement.
That is the aim!
That is the following law of life!
And that means, my Master, that the inner life is not further than the organism.
Because Mars got to experience this distance from the Sun, that became the organism for the human being, also for animal and plant.
What does Mars still have to reveal to your life now?
I can feel that we can go further.
This walk gives us the wonderful knowledge, it is death by means of which the soul conquers the planet.
That is also for the Earth!”
We, dear reader, now take a walk over this wonderful planet and determine our past for ourselves and you!
But we will soon see these laws again on Earth and it is only then that you will get to know yourself.
André can also now make his human comparisons, he is capable of that and all the life from the universe now wants to be experienced.
The human organisms ask us: experience me!
They ask us to descend to the soul of this grade of life, and it is only now that we reached that spatial oneness with the life, then the wisdom comes to our consciousness.
Every cell requires it from our consciousness, and we experience fatherhood and motherhood for all these animal beings, then we enter the highest grade of life.
By means of that we now experience your Divine attunement.
But what did the Bible writers tell about this?
They were still not that far.
You will certainly feel that we have to experience not only the origin and being born, but that we must keep on making universal comparisons, because it is these which will soon place us and you before the human personality, and we will also be capable of analysing that depth.
By means of this you get to see a spatial image on Earth for each stage, so foundation after foundation, or we will go too fast through these grades of life and will soon stand before gaps, which is now no longer tolerated by the Universal All!
André now sees, and he can agree with that, that he has awakened by means of the universe and is still one.
He now knows that he as a soul brought himself to this materialising, but that he served Sun and Moon for that, and that it is they who could give us that growth.
That now means for you on earth, that where you see a human being, an animal, also the life of Mother Nature, that is Divine life and that will return irrevocably to the conscious Divine All.
By means of the seven grades of life we get this universal, so Divine awakening.
When I say ‘universal’, that is the universal oneness and everything, and we had to analyse all of that several times, by means of which we and you see God as light, life, fatherhood and motherhood, but now also as laws of condensing and laws of hardening, material and spiritual revelations for human being and animal.
Accept now, the human being from the jungle on earth, we will soon prove that to you, will, as you now experience, represent the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on, because you as the white race possess the highest, the seventh grade of life for the organism, to which many other peoples belong, of course!
André follows all these people, these hairy animals as human beings and trembles and shakes because of it, this human animal is so awe-inspiring.
And yet, that roughness, these animal organisms will change, Mother Earth gets her task for that.
Who still wants to stop this evolution any longer now?
Is it not high time that you there on Earth know how you are born?
And is this not worthwhile?
Only now, believe it and accept it, life on Earth is worthwhile being experienced!
The University of Christ gives you that certainty.
André compares the life on earth with this wonderful existence, but when he is that far, Mother Moon comes back to his life and he hears and we hear her say:
“Well, my child, how do you feel now?”
“I feel”, André replies to her and we have to bow to that, this conversation is also cosmically responsible, “awe-inspiring.”
“Precisely, my child, awe-inspiring, that is the answer.
But is it also not wonderful to already be able to experience this as a child of my child, Mother Earth?”
“Yes, mother, that is the most beautiful thing there is, I know now and I will tell it on earth to your children.”
“Were we not loving now, André?
We are still one, my son, my husband and I, our children also experienced our oneness.
Tell especially on earth that I was able to divide my soul, by means of this you as a human being, as animal, as flower, got an own soul!
That independence, André, is Divine origin, is law, or you would never have been able to experience this independence.
But you see it, nothing is incomprehensible, everything is human and Divinely true!!”
Yes, André knows, back to God, but the human being and we too have to say: back to the All-Source, because we know that the word God is only the frame for this wonderful image, and is nothing and nothing else!
We experience the waters, the life on the land, the condensed planet, and see how the human being, how this Divine life was able to condense itself, about which we know that we will see every grade of life again on Earth.
The Sun as the creating power for the universe speaks to the life of André, a sweet star, his Wayti, will explain the revelations to him, and the life around us represents all these laws.
The organisms for human being and animal are awe-inspiring, Mother Nature did not remain behind either.
That is the work of the planets, by means of the seven grades of life the soul got to experience her evolution.
Human being and universe are one!
The light of the universe became the creating power for the human being!
Sun and Moon drive this life onwards!
A planet is for the soul and the other life, evolution!
What did the All-Mother want?
How was the life light of her life materialised?
What became of all those first revelations?
What do the academics know about all these laws?
What are you, if you as a human being can call yourself a theologian?
What are you as a theologist?
When will the astronomers come that far?
And then the universe calls to our life: “Isn’t it wonderful, even if you stand before the prehistoric ages?
The present stage of this planet will convince you, the soul goes further!”
“Is it a wonder, André?” mother Moon calls back.
“Yes, mother!”
“Follow all of this, my son, but I am the mother of all this life.”
André gets contact with Jeus for a moment; and that child calls out:
“My God, I should have known that before.”
And then André can answer: “That is coming now, my Jeus.
Soon, when we are on earth again, we will speak to each other again.
Now open your eyes wide, because you are experiencing Divine wonders.”
And the Moon comes back again and says to him:
“Kind of you, André, that you are opening Jeus.”
“That will be time, mother.”
“I know it.
How are you now?”
“I can feel and I can see myself, mother.”
Now I could give the human being love, and knowledge!
I am undergoing the splitting of my personality, mother!
I can see grade after grade, everything is wonderful!
And experiencing fatherhood and motherhood is sacred, but is not understood by the Church.
But my time is coming, mother, or your time, your age!
I will bring your children to the awakening, mother!”
“And it is what we want, André, look for yourself, my soul is smiling at you.
Is that life not radiantly conscious?
Can you hear your Wayti now?”
“Yes, mother.”
“Then I will connect you with my child.”
“Thank you, it is all such a deep love for me, mother.”
And then André gets to hear:
“Did you tell an untruth, André?”
“No, my child, everything is the truth.”
“Can I get your kiss?”
“Yes, always, we will remain one for eternity.”
“Can you see what was born during those ages?”
“Yes, Wayti, it is awe-inspiring.”
“And all this life, André, must also conquer that planet.
Did you see that there is still not a hereafter?”
“I can see it, Wayti.”
“Is that not wonderful too?
The hells and heavens are for the earth.
But why did the people make hells of that?”
“Because they did not know anything else, Wayti.”
“It is true, but why did Mars not experience any Moses?”
“Because these animals do not have any understanding for a God, dear.”
“Is that not clear now, André?”
“Yes, Wayti, everything is clear to me.”
“Why does this planet not possess any art, any music, nothing of all those treasures which Mother Earth received?”
“Because it is not necessary, dear.”
“But how does the human being now feel on Earth?”
“There people think that they will be attacked by Mars.
They think there, dear, that Mars is further than the Earth, so possesses more consciousness.
That is the image for the astrologers, Wayti.”
“I understand, but are you starting to feel what that also means?”
“Yes, I know it now and will think about it.”
“I think that you can ask these questions.
After all, just go into it and you will see that everything is different.
What do people on earth do now?
Give human feeling to unconscious spheres of gas.
You are bringing growth of spirit.
Mars must attack the Earth?
This prehistoric animal does not know itself.
Should this animal inspire the human being?
Should this animal go to the Earth in order to conquer that higher consciousness?
Where do all the technical wonders come from?
Where does art come from, André?”
“From the Spheres of Light, dear.”
“Precisely, if Mars possessed a hereafter, if all these planets had got to know a conscious hereafter, yes, then everything would have been different, but that consciousness only belongs to the Earth.
But can you feel and can you see now, how wonderfully those worlds are also in harmony with the universe?”
“Yes, Wayti, I can see it, I am devoting my life to all of this.
How poor the human being of the twentieth century still is.
I now look over the earth, from these animal species.
I know that these animals have lived on earth and they are not any different here.
And that came from the waters.
But on earth the academics search for the prehistoric age, they still cannot accept, dear, that all those species of animals and people now live in our society, but they do not know there that the Divine All is already inhabited.
People now search for everything on earth, I experience the Divine truth here.
The astrologer gives the human being his calculation and prediction, Wayti, but what is left of that?”
“Nothing, André.
Can you feel that the image began with the own life precisely the other way round?”
“I know what you mean.
Yes, it is true.
They give the universe more consciousness than they possess themselves.
I mean, Wayti, that the astrologers still do not know the universe.
I know now that the Moon can inspire you, your mother can do that, but that does not mean that she gives the human being art, that she can protect the human being from thousands of things?
What is left of the own ‘will’, Wayti?
What of the human personality?
Can a sphere of gas inspire the human being?
What do Jupiter and Saturn mean?
What do you mean for the human being, for me on earth?”
“André, you know that, after all, don’t you?”
“I know it.
I as the highest life and being created by God, can talk to your life, but what can you give me for that every-day life?”
“Nothing, André.”
“And now you are radiantly conscious, you are like your father, but what can Venus give me, what can Saturn give me?
What am I myself, now that I know that those bodies got life from me?
Can something inspire me, Wayti, which got the existence by means of me?
Who am I?
How old am I?
Does Saturn have human, inspiring powers?
Does Jupiter possess creating powers and forces?
Yes, those bodies take care of the pure breath of life for all of you.
Isn’t it true, that’s it.
But what I now see and can experience is, Wayti, that that whole zodiac and all those houses for the human being, also that last quarter of an hour, cannot inspire me, because that radiance only elevates the material life inspiringly, but the human being is more, the human being is everything!”
“That is the truth, André.
But try going a bit deeper?”
“Do you know, Wayti, how many people interfere in that?
How many people do astrology?
It is millions of people, who purely determine their daily life by means of the signs of the zodiac.
But they are completely off the mark a hundred thousand times.”
He gets peace for a moment.
We follow the animal grades of life.
Jeus now asks:
“What is that, what are you talking about now?”
“You will hear that soon, Jeus.
But remain one with me, so that we can talk on earth.
And try to forget your dialect.”
“I will do my best.”
“Fine, Jeus, then I will go further.
Did you hear Wayti?”
“Yes, of course, what kind of wonder is that?”
“That is my love, Jeus.”
“Good heavens, but what a mercy.”
“It is true, my Jeus, but Jozef also gets sent every law.”
“That is wonderful, then we can talk together if you have to think there.”
“That is also the intention, Jeus.
But now I will go further.
The astrology is speaking to my life by means of Wayti, and I do not want to miss a word of it.”
And he now says to Wayti:
“Are you still there, dear?”
“Of course, André.
I think Jeus is really sweet.
Fine that you are now elevating him and that will give him a spatial awakening.”
“That is the intention now, Wayti, because it will begin soon.”
“I know it.
The Masters want to speak.”
“Yes, the Masters want that and that is worthwhile.
I will receive the power of the word, Wayti.”
“That is also possible, André.
Did you think about the zodiac, now that you know that the human being also wrote the Bible?”
“You see, Wayti, that’s it, but those people do not understand that.
How did the zodiac originate, Wayti?”
“Because the human being began to think.
The first people, just before Ancient Egypt began, André, took themselves back to the universe, to our life.
And when they started to understand the character to a certain extent, we also got human feelings for those people.
So that means that the human being who got to know himself understood that he had to do with our life.
He thought that the universe, all our life meant something for himself, and that is true, of course, but not as he felt that.”
“I can see it, Wayti.
Did you know Freud too?”
“Of course, anyone on earth who feels our life, touches our soul and then we get to know those people of course.”
“Well, that man thought, every, almost every disturbance for the personality occurs by means of the longing of the human being, by means of fatherhood and motherhood.
That is a learned man, Wayti, and that man searched for the origin of the soul.
He was close by, but he did not see that the human being, the soul, by means of fatherhood and motherhood is now inspired precisely by that All-Source and that the personality has now become a side issue, that the human being must conquer those feeling characteristics.
I thought about that on earth and you know it, also when we were one.
But differently!”
“I will tell you something, André, then you will know it immediately.
Then you will finally be able to draw conclusions.
God created the human being according to His image.
So the All-Mother: and the All-Mother created nothing but goodness and harmony.
After all, you were still not able to experience any disharmonic law, were you?”
“No, that is not possible.”
“Well, where do all those bad thoughts come from then, where does all that destruction come from which the human being feels there?
Do we have to do with badness?
Can we let the human being perish from our life?
Can we hit the human being by means of diseases?
André, can I, can Jupiter, can Saturn, I ask you, hit you?
Can the universe give you disease?
Can a star inspire you?
Can the Moon protect you from theft?
Can my father steal from you?
Can he make sure that nothing can happen to you on your material journeys?
Can, I go further, Uranus protect you from danger?
From a bad marriage?
Elevate yourself to this existence for happiness and for art?
Can the Sun and can the Moon, my parents, protect you from your things which you do there?
Can we help you to earn money?
Can we, I ask you, release you from your cancer now that we know that those people began with their destruction?
We are love, André, we are one in everything, we do not know any destruction, any money, any art, because we serve the life.
And what can I give you for your life?
Did you not receive the life?
What does Jupiter want to do for your life, for your soul and your spirit?
I repeat, we only know the life and the grades of life for fatherhood and motherhood, we want nothing to do with all the other of the earth for the human being!”
“And now, Wayti, they can make a calculation for everything.
Now we have something from Cancer ... and from Capricorn...”
“Yes, indeed, but did you already see that Capricorn in our life?
What do you have of Pisces?
Of course, you were born in the waters, but tell those people how you felt in there.
After all, it concerns our spatial consciousness.
Do the animals whom you now experience have a goatish life of feeling?
What does a stupid crab like that hope to achieve on earth?
What does a post-creation like that wish to mean for your life, André?
Good heavens, how I have to laugh.
Can you hear it, all the life is laughing, laughing at the human being, who wants to see himself in our universe as a wretch.
Who created cancer, I ask you?
Who created disharmony?
Who experiences the seven grades for fatherhood and motherhood?
And what can the human being, what can you now experience by means of your marriage?
What is love?
They do not know it, André!”
“But they make a calculation for everything, Wayti.
First they want to know when you were born.
Down to the last second, they say, or they will come to stand before a wrong calculation.”
“And then what?”
“Well, then they start to calculate and then you get a place in the universe, but that universe is then the zodiac.
They calculate what you have from Saturn, therefore the planets, everything fatherhood and motherhood, but it does not get through to those people that those spheres of gas do not possess any life.
You get a zodiac sign like that, now you have something of Pisces ... Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, can you hear it?
And then also from Libra, on which you can weigh yourself.
And you have something of Aquarius, and really also from Gemini, and you learn to shoot, by means of which they feel the animal kingdom.
The human being as the animal, Wayti, signs of course which gauge the human character, but now that I can experience this wonderful thing, is not worth a jot.”
“I tell you, André, those people do not know our life!
We know where that shoe hurts.
I ask you, when did that thing come to earth?
Who was so smart?
Who thought that up?
Can we, I ask you again, protect you from destruction?
Now that we have not experienced anything else but happiness?
Now that everything is uncontaminated love?
What does the human being hope to achieve with those little figures?
The universe is laughing, André, the human being is forgetting that it is he who created that destruction and not we, and that we want nothing to do with all those thoughts.
Isn’t it true, if you do not know our life, how do wish to inspire then?
Only the life can answer you, of course, but not for everyday matters.
Not for making a mess!
Nor for anything else, which the human being sees and feels and belongs to the self-made matters, we have nothing to do with that.
What does the birth mean?
That the soul as human being returns to the Earth in order to experience fatherhood or motherhood and nothing else.
The birth, André, is fatherhood, or is motherhood, there is nothing else!
And the soul determines her time.
It is the soul as the personality which possesses everything itself, we must follow you, we cannot give you anything, nothing, nor inspire, because you possess the highest consciousness for this universe.
Can you feel this?
The very highest life of feeling, the highest thinking, the highest being one for fatherhood and motherhood; of which all of us only receive the unconscious, and served you, of course. But what does the human being want?
To give us human thinking and feeling, which we do not know what to do with?
Fish attunement is sensitivity?
That is giving birth and creating, my André, nothing else, but the human being now possesses the very highest fatherhood and motherhood.
What does the human being still want to experience now?
There is nothing else to be experienced for our universe!
Nothing else!
We have heard of that nonsense, that goes without saying, because the life of feeling comes to us and we accept that as happiness, the being one with the very highest for our life, the human being.
And that human being now, André, wants to predict a war, now that we know that the human being wants to represent his life by means of destruction?
But is there destruction?
Is that destruction?
Is a war destruction?
Do people not want to accept there that Adolf brings evolution (see articles ‘Hitler’ and ‘Evolution of mankind’ on
Did the All-Mother create sins?
I ask you, can the All-Mother damn you?
Who damned, deformed, sullied himself on earth?
Did we do that?
Did God do that and was able to do that?
Can you feel where this nonsense is taking us?
To the Bible, my André, to the poor thinking and feeling, because the human being does not know himself.”
“They make their calculation for everything, Wayti.
If you want to make a journey there, they look, they calculate whether or not you will perish.”
“And what did you say?”
“I told those people, go, if you have an accident I will pay for everything, but nothing happened, nothing would happen and if something was to happen, it is your time and you cannot avoid that time.
I laughed right in those people’s faces, Wayti.”
“That is the best thing which you can do, they will probably reach the own human thinking now.
And furthermore?”
“Furthermore there are all kinds of things.
They calculate whether you can have an operation.
Whether it will be successful or not, that is calculated.
They calculate whether you will experience your love, whether the woman whom you are searching for belongs to you.”
“That is possible, of course, you can see that, can’t you?
You now stand before the character, but, I ask you, André, now what, if you know where the human being began with his destruction?
Why did the human being deceive his twin soul?
Did those poor of spirit think that they could experience their love now?
Did they think that they were capable of being able to analyse me by means of their figures?
We know how Adolf’s astrologer got him.
We know that; for ages that nonsense has been coming to our life and nothing is true.
If the human being feels something and it contains truth, believe me, the Masters will convince you that I experienced truth, then the own grade of life will speak to the day-conscious self and a child can experience that.
Can millions of grades of life be calculated, for land and water life of feeling?
Is what society possesses not what belongs to the personality?
And I ask you, what did you master during your millions of lives, André?
Is that from me or from Saturn?
Can Uranus give you something for your thinking and feeling, now that we know that everything is fatherhood and motherhood?
You are starting to understand it, my dear, of course, that is possible now, now that you are getting to know the laws, however, we tell you: astrology will never become science, because that calculation cannot lay any cosmic foundations and you can now experience that, for that matter.
Of course, those are Capricorns who rape the life there and cannot be reached now.
However, what does an Aquarius like that hope to achieve if that child gets spatial consciousness?
Work it out for yourself, André, now feel what you can receive from me, in the way we are now one, those people have, not one human being of the earth has been able to experience that yet.
What am I giving you now?
Talk to Uranus and to Saturn one day soon?
They will answer you.
I cannot give you anything of your character, nothing, because you as a personality must master the laws by means of the physical laws of life and that is experiencing the Divine and spatial everything, there is nothing more to be received now, you have everything!
And what do you want now?
What would you like to experience, I ask you, now that we know that fatherhood and motherhood are the highest Divine?
Those shoddy thoughts inspire what the human being feels and possesses there?
Good heavens, André, does it matter to us whether you possess millions of diamonds there?
Possess money like water?
What is money, gold, possession on earth?
Usually destruction for the soul as human being, because she forgets herself by means of that, lives it up, it is nothing else!
What is dying?
Does that astrologer wish to calculate and to warn the human being about death, which means evolution for the soul?
Which is the highest happiness for the soul, because now she experiences a further stage, does the man wish to protect the soul from this cosmic happiness?
Can you feel where all of this is going, André, now that you can experience the spatial laws?
That becomes destruction, my dear!
The astrologer reaches here into the life heart of the All-Mother, an astrologer comes to stand on a slope because of that calculating, he brings disharmony where the harmony is and has to represent everything, because experiencing death is harmonic growth, and does that calculating process wish to stop that?
Can you feel, what a danger this produces?”
“I am starting to see everything, Wayti.”
“If you go even deeper now?
You will feel, my Prince, how stupid everything is becoming.
You know now that that zodiac is only character traits of the human being, but has nothing to do with our spatial life of feeling, because we mean love.
Which of you wants to possess Capricorn airs?
Has something of that?
My dear mother and father perhaps?
That they give those half conscious cells for our life so much human power precisely, is still the worst thing of all.
Because what is Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn?
What they have to do, the plant creates and gives birth to for the waters, those are organs for the breathing, my André, and nothing else.
And that gets human powers, human consciousness from the human being?
It is enough to make you split your sides laughing!”
“You should not go cycling according to those people in that and that month, not go swimming, you may not do business, those months will break your precious neck there and thousands of other matters, Wayti, which they calculate for your life, but which is nonsense to me.
The fortune teller can also do it, the woman with her tea leaves sees sharper than all these foolish people, even we have to do with academics, it is still poorer!
Master Zelanus wrote the books ’spiritual Gifts’, and analysed the seven grades of feeling in them, which all those people of ours will get hold of soon, and then they can know it.”
“Understand well, André, the human being got everything, the very highest, there is nothing more to give the human being.
What do you want to record now for the Cosmology?
Will we experience that for the All-Source for a moment?”
“Gladly, my Wayti.
I can see that the Masters want that.
I am thinking for the University of Christ.”
“Then I will tell you what I am receiving now.
My father tells and my mother gives to me:
“What is astrology?”
Which meaning does astrology have for the human being?
The universe will speak for the University of Christ!
First of all my father and my mother speak.
The Sun as father.
Is my father life, light and love for the human being?
Yes or no, André?
Father is already coming.”
+ +
“The Sun as fatherhood for the universe is speaking for the University of Christ.”
“I am the father for this Universe.
I gave you light.
I gave you my life, my growth, my condensing.
By means of that I as the father for this universe gave everything to your life, but by means of fatherhood and motherhood.
I give radiance, but you will hear soon what my love, the Moon, says, child of the earth, and that is the life of feeling.
I let you experience the seven grades of feeling, feeling, as the life, by means of her.
There is no more to it, nothing else, because this is everything!
What does my love say to your life and being?
Listen and you will know what you received there.”
“I gave you everything, but I remained a planet, or is the material of the Earth, my child, backward?
No, because that material feeds, gives birth, but you as a human being can feel and love me.
I am giving you love!
Only feeling, because I am a mother.
Certainly, also my child, Mother Earth, accepts and feels, experiences my love, she undergoes my powers as ebb and flow, but what is that?
Is that inspiration?
Do you wish to give me your thinking and feeling now?
Do you wish me to protect you from decline, now that we know that you received everything from me?
You can experience me by means of motherhood, I am capable of healing you of many ailments, if you want to experience my oneness.
I am mother in everything, nothing else, and I am open to your life.
Only for the life!
Only for your soul, your spirit, if you can accept the laws of my life, or we will not experience any oneness!
But I am also that for your dog and cat!
For all the life of our universe, but not for things about which you determined your own laws, which you love and we do not know.”
“Can you hear it, André?
That is mother.
And father and mother got the highest authority for our life, father is the king and mother the queen of our universe.
All of us around father and mother have to listen, we have to be able to accept their laws and grades of life, we are part of their fatherhood and motherhood and are nothing else, nothing, but we represent our obtained independence.
And what do Jupiter, Saturn, Venus have to experience now for the human being?
They, who did not know any human, or animal life?
They, who are only particles of our organism, who guarantee the respiratory organs, the state of purity for our organism?
What do they want, to inspire the human being by means of their horrible atmosphere?
To inspire in order to not die?
Do they want to inspire the human being in order to do good business?
Should one spark of our body meddle with those thieves of the earth?
Can a spark of father and mother protect the human being from good and evil, now that we know what evil, what destruction, what injustice is?
We do not know any destruction!
We do not possess any injustice!
We do not want anything to do with thieves!
We only know the grades of life, and know that there is no death!
We feel conscious, yes, indeed, but not for a social, so human feeling and thinking.
We are only the power for the life, the power in order to materialise that life as a grade of consciousness.
We cannot give any human being love, because the human being is love.
However, we know that the human being darkened himself!
We know that father and mother did not create any evil!
We have nothing to do with your journeys and travels!
We, Saturn and Uranus, Venus and Jupiter, every haze spot, every star, represent the Universal Organism, we only have to support the task around father and mother, as particles of their personality.
But that is not human!
We do not give any art, we are not capable of that!
We have no understanding, no feeling for your arts, because you as a human being possess the highest, and are mother!
That is the highest which you can experience and have received for father and mother!
We will tremble and shake if you want to connect us with your destruction!
We know which evolution you have to experience, you will return to the Divine All, as we also have to experience!
Capricorn and Aries in your life, you are that yourself!
You stab the other life, we do want anything to do with your Scorpion nature, we do not know that animal, not in our universe, even if we know that it belongs to the post-creations, to the vermin!
Do you wish to connect us to your own rottings?
We do not want anything to do with your rottenness!
We do not know any kings and queens on earth, only grades of life!
We do not know any people!
Who spoke about people for the first time?
Did my father or my mother say that?
God perhaps?
We only know seven grades of life for the soul as organic life.
You are just mammals!
You are mammals.
Who gave the name to my body?
Who was that?
You do not know my character, you do not know my attunement, we are part of the Universal intestines, if you wish to know, and we are that, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Venus, as main organs, as half-conscious systems for fatherhood and motherhood.”
“Can you hear it, André?”
“Yes, my Wayti, it is tremendous.
I am starting to understand and I must accept this.”
“It is true, André.
What do they want to give us, all those millions of people who do astrology?
For the University of Christ that word means nothing.
The human being gives consciousness to unconscious human material.
Can a piece of stone think?
Can the Earth as material, think?
Can a piece of granite think?
Can gas think?
Can mud think and inspire the human being?
Only life is capable of that, and that is my father and my mother, André.
My father and my mother represent the ‘life’!
And that life, you were able to see that on this journey, materialised by means of the seven grades of life, but for millions of types of material, millions of types of particles, as one whole and independence.
There is not anything else, but this is everything!
Did those people never ever see a meteor?
Did they never sense and feel that hardening?
The bits and pieces sometimes fly over the Earth and that piece of steel is capable of inspiring the human being?
Warning against theft?
Taking to the good marriage?
Is that not ridiculous now?
Is that piece of stone capable of giving you art?
Of protecting your life against the wrong radiations?
It is a ridiculous carry-on, André!
But, when the human being has his piece of luck, you will feel what I mean, then the human with her cards can also do that, and also she who looks into her tea leaves for you, or do you not know that telepathic oneness?
What are you experiencing now with me?
We are connected universally telepathically and the people on earth can master that, but it has nothing to do with our life, or with our spatial attunement.
Is that clear?”
“Yes, dear, I understand everything.”
“The human being will have to accept this soon, André, because he will then know that the Earth possesses the highest human consciousness for the universe.
Who still has to inspire you now?
Who can reach you?
Nothing is capable of experiencing the highest of the earth, if that is not a human being.
And what does this mean, André?
That only the human being is capable of inspiring the human being on earth who has completed his cycle on earth, so lives on the other side.
That is possible, but now people do not need a zodiac, that happens from soul to soul, feeling to feeling, from personality to personality, like the ancient Egyptians too, and you have now received!
Yes, that is possible.
Now the human being is in contact with the higher life, with the soul as a spiritual, conscious grade of life, the laws of which you got to know!”
“Is that not surprisingly simple, Wayti?”
“It is true, André.
But we cannot experience that.
We are not capable of that and we do not want that, because it does not belong to us!
We do not possess that consciousness!
So it is clear, all those people do not know themselves, or our being one!
They know nothing about our cosmic organism, or they would know that this study is a waste of time, standstill.
Yes, we know that the Wise men from the East also did astrology, but is that story from the Bible true?
Did you ever see one star which made itself one, which placed itself before the birth, I know it, our Christ?
Do you believe that little story, André?”
“Not me, Wayti.”
“But how many millions of people are tied to this story?
The star came from the East and went straight to Bethlehem, didn’t it?”
“Yes, people say that there.”
“Can you also feel that untruth?
That is a big lie, André.
Those wise men knew that Christ would come to Earth by means of clairvoyance.
Those Wise Men from the East did not see any star which brought them to Christ, that is contradictory to the reality, André.
Can we go from our own world, can we move away?
No Christ can, no deity can bring about that, if that had really happened, André, then this event would have ripped our whole organism apart and father and mother would have had to experience that.
So you see, everything, which the people thought up there, is different.
In this way there are thousands of matters which you will now experience and for which you have to lay the cosmic foundations for the University of Christ!
Was Mary impregnated by the holy spirit?
Can that also be calculated by means of astrology, André?
What does the Catholic Church hope to achieve soon, when the Masters speak?
Then she can accept her fall and people will no longer need her.
Then the Masters will take hold of all those Churches and the child of Mother Earth can listen to what my father and mother brought about.
Do you still wish to talk to my mother, André?
I see that she also still has something to say.
As long as you know, I will be with you eternally.”
“I know it, dear, and I will not forget you.”
“Good day, my son.”
“My mother?
Wayti has told me a lot, mother.”
“We know it, André.
She is sweet.
Did you understand everything?”
“Yes, mother, it is all so true.”
“Can anything of our life deceive your life?”
“No, mother, but the human being of your child, the Earth, does not know you.”
“You will bring those children to consciousness.”
“I will do my best, mother, I promise you that.”
“And we know that, André.
Can you see the harmony of our life?”
“Yes, mother, in everything.
I know now that astrology will never become science, never!”
“Very good, my son, accept the laws of life, you do not need to do more than that.
And anyone who still does not want to accept these laws, but that will come one day and then that life will have to accept me and all the grades of life.
Did I make mistakes?
Did I give birth to anything else than the ‘life’?
What should we do with the human possession of my child, the Earth?
Are those not the futilities of and for the life as human being?
Do those beads have meaning for life beyond death, the dying there?
What has meaning?
Which laws have eternal meaning?
Did you feel what I said to your life?”
“Yes, mother, also that of your twin soul.”
“That the human being thought up that thing is nice, of course, in order to do something nice with it, to play, of course, but we have nothing to do with that.
It is up to the human being if he wants to protect himself by calculating, but my laws cannot be calculated, nor those of Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter: they must be experienced!
The human being must die if he wants to evolve!
Death gives the soul growth!
There is no death!
Death gives the soul awakening as part of my life!
Death is a blessing from the All-Mother!
Death is the highest gift from the All-Mother!
Death, my son, is the contact with the conscious Divine All!
Death is reincarnation!
Death is worth more than billions of tons of gold on earth!
Because ‘death’ possesses everything and that is the ‘life’; and do those unconscious beings wish to protect you from death?
Inspiration is light, isn’t it, André?”
“Yes, mother!”
“Well, I ask you, how can that light of my soul be experienced?
Only to be experienced by means of the grades of life.
That is the being born on Earth.
However, that is fatherhood and motherhood.
And nothing else comes above that.
That is everything!
The soul as human being, we will just accept that ‘human being’, so that word; the human being cannot receive any more, he has everything!
He has:
Receiving harmony!
The laws of condensing!
The laws of hardening!
The laws for fatherhood and motherhood... by means of which he received everything, everything from the All-Mother; but because he kicked, chased himself out of this harmony, sullied, darkened himself, he started to look for something else, in order to build up that destructive again, to make that misery dissolve, my son, and the zodiac emerged, the fortune telling and that life began with tea leaves!
But, I ask you now, in the name of Christ and the All-Source, why does the human being not begin with that pure love, that justice, that state of purity, that making amends?
That is too difficult now, André.
He does not want that, he wants to protect himself now by means of all those frills, protect from misery, from that destruction, from that sullying, which is not possible, because he must go back to our pure love and harmonic life of feeling!
Am I untrue?
Is this difficult to understand?”
“Everything is the truth, mother!”
“It is true, my son, and tell that to my children on earth.
The Masters will not forget one word of it, believe it, because we are speaking in the name of Christ!
The human being of Mother Earth is searching for a means, in order to be rid of all that misery!
And that is now that zodiac, my child.
Soon it will be something different again.
But if you say, begin with a better and love-life, do not be open to war, to hatred, evil, destruction, do not commit murder, then people will laugh there and the astrologer must calculate that the dear child will not be killed.
But what is simpler now?
What did the true Christ bring?
Bring there?
That thou shalt not kill!
That the human being must love all the life of God!
And what does the child of Christ do now?
The Church says: go and kill!
And is that also in harmony with our life, with all these loving laws of the All-Mother?
Can you feel the nonsense of everything?
The nonsense of this thinking and feeling?
The pathetic rubbish, André?”
“Yes, mother, I know it and people will be surprised at that.”
“It should be like that, that will happen and is a mercy for the human being, is the evolution which will come now.
No, my son, everything is simple, but the human being still does not know himself and my laws.
Do good, wherever you live and you will no longer need calculating!
Love everything which lives and you will be indestructible!
Love the human being, the animal too, everything, and you will evolve!
Love and give your deeds the pure Divine power and you will have nothing to do with sullying, or with diseases, or with destruction, not a hair of your human head will be touched, nothing can destroy your life, you as a human being cannot die one second before your time there, because you want to experience my laws harmonically!
What is a lobster?
A piece of post-creation!
What is a ram?
An animal species, which has no meaning for your attunement, but it does for itself, because that animal is also evolving.
Keep your hands off that animal, or you will sully the life of our universe again.
You sullied everything there, everything!
And this is why you created darkness, misery, a rotting bad character!
Stay away from that scorpion, leave the animals alone, because you are the unconscious animal which lives on earth and does not know itself!
You are the worst species of animal, which the Earth created as Divine life anyway, and you want to sully my waters?
No spark of our life is capable of inspiring you!
No spark of my life is capable of giving you love!
No spark is capable of making you as a human being happy there, because you as my grade of life have to receive the Divine happiness, but you sullied it!
Deformed, darkened!
You prostituted the harmonic laws!
Is the toy of people who want to avoid their created miserable life!
And that is not possible!
We are not capable of helping you there in order to deceive!
We will not help you to deform the life!
We will not serve you, now that we know that you murder!
We cannot inspire you for destruction, or for happiness, for anything, because you will experience the laws and that is possible by means of fatherhood and motherhood.
Did you think, human being of my earth, that we would help you, would be able to inspire, now that we see what misery you created there?
How many lives did you murder as a mother?
How many embryos did you destroy as a mother during your millions of lives?
And do you now wish to look for marital happiness?
Do you wish to calculate that happiness?
By means of astrology?
By means of arithmetic?
And we serve for that?
‘I’? The ’sUN’ perhaps?
Jupiter perhaps?
All of us will first destroy you, all of us ask you: first make amends for those laws, come back to my harmony and perhaps, no, it is certain, that we will inspire you!
But now, as André-Dectar got to accept that!
By loving all the life, you will come that far!
Poor of spirit, what do you still hope to achieve now?
Do you wish to protect yourself from diseases?
Diseases which got becoming conscious by means of your destructive wanting?
Why did you rape my pure grades of life?
Isn’t it true?
You will get to know those laws by means of the Masters!
You raped, sullied, deformed my pure, Divine laws, this is why you created insanity, psychopathy, leprosy, fever, cholera, all those pestilent diseases were materialised by your life, your actions, and not by the All-Mother, or by one spark of our organism, this universe, for which you have to live!
You do astrology?
Poor people!
Unconscious of spirit!
Rulers ... for evil?
Did we materialise all these words?
Was the All-Mother able to do that?
Did your God want that?
Did we want that?
My Saturn perhaps?
Jupiter perhaps?
The Earth perhaps?
Spiritual and material murderer?
Unreal fairy story tellers?
Falsifiers of laws?
You, scribes, do astrology?
You convicts?
Human, animal and natural murderers?
Insane people?
You want to sully all of this by means of astrology?
Corpse lovers?
You do not want to experience that ‘death’?
If you could also conquer that, your kings and queens would buy an eternal life, wouldn’t they, but you will die!
You will die!
Spiritual wretches?
Where you came, you poisoned, cursed, contaminated, deformed, sullied my grades of life there!
You created cancer, cholera, leprosy, diseases of the blood, but did we want that misery?
And you would like to conquer that by means of your pathetic calculating?
By means of your
Falsifiers of Christ?
Animal idols?
You created frightening laws, not those of God, not one of mine is left, or from my twin soul.
You prostituted your blood!
You prostituted every law of life!
And you are that, your kings and emperors, princes and princesses belong to that, all of them, who love evil, devastation, destruction, that murder and sullying, and give their powers for that, all of them, who continue to accept the God of your Old Testament!”
And the Mother of this universe, the Moon, tells you that.
Sun and stars tell you that, all the planets, the organs of our organism tell you that!
Drainage canals?
Agamic feelers?
Agamic unconscious beings?
Blood drinkers of Christ?
Pulverisers of Christ?
Tainters of Christ?
You let HIM speak words, by means of your Bible, which HE never spoke!
But the Masters will also explain that to you there!
My André, was I angry?”
“No, mother, that is the truth!”
“How my life there forgot itself.
How my life there raped the pure laws.
How our life there sullied the All-Source, the
The All-Spirit!
And above all the All-Fatherhood and All-Motherhood.
Those laws of life were raped and deformed on earth by the human being, darkened and contaminated by means of their diseases, but, we, God, the All-Love did not want that!
Do you wish to know even more about your astrology?
Do you wish to know more about the fairground attraction in which you live and can no longer experience any Divine law in pure love?
Even more?
The Masters will do that!
Christ will tell you that now!
My children will come back to our life for that and will have to bow to these laws now.
Did your angel Gabriel fall?
Poor of spirit?
We never created an angel who fell, who fell into what you must experience as your mud.
Who was that angel?
This is your unconscious holy virgin.
That is the Church.
Which calls herself the Church of Christ.
But is she that?
Is she that for the All-Mother?
For the All-Love?
For the All-Life?
For the All-Fatherhood and All-Motherhood?
Now that life and being says: you will be and will remain chaste?
Is she capable of kicking my children out of fatherhood and motherhood?
Is that Omniscience?
Is that love?
That is destruction!
Why did you deny my children fatherhood and motherhood?
Why did you do that?
Can you give my children something different and better than all of us in this universe?
And the following cosmic grades of life, for which we live, and return to the conscious Divine All by means of that?
Is that possible?
Can you do that?
You destroyed Galilei!
You, Church!
You were able to do that!
The life avenges them!
They live in me and possess their spatial evolution, not you, you will die there for eternity!
You will rot!
Rot away under your Church!
You will experience that, holy mother!
You burnt my children at the stake!
You were able to do that!
Dirty beast!
Dirty animal!
Dirty life!
Master Alcar, am I speaking the truth?”
“Yes, mother, billions of children of God devote their lives for that.”
“Master Zelanus, am I speaking the Divine truth?”
“Yes, mother, and I tell you, I will not forget one word from your life.”
“This is why I am coming to your life, my children.
Tell everything, explain every laws, but do not recoil from anything!
Do not alleviate anything!
Do not alleviate any law!
Do not alleviate any love!
Do not alleviate any misery, say what the All-Mother wants there to be said now, fight for our Messiah!”
“Yes, mother, and we will live and die for that.”
“I know it, my children!
And that makes all of us happy.
We will remain love!
We will be that for eternity!
Now go further, my children, and analyse my laws, the All-Mother will inspire your life!
But tell my children on earth that I am not angry.
But that all these things were materialised, and were not created by me, or by the All-Source.
Describe the laws, Master Alcar, my life can now inspire you, only inspire because we are one!
I will tell you about my own awakening, my feeling and thinking, my love, but about my motherhood for everything!
And all my life can explain that to you.
All my life of this universe will explain these laws to you Divinely purely and consciously!
Every star will tell you how that life was born, but no spark is capable of telling you what you have to do there on Earth, if those matters, those thoughts represent the dead material, so society!
“Very well put, my Wayti, very good.” We want nothing to do with your diamonds, nothing to do with the earthly riches, we have nothing to do with religions, or with other sects, we represent the ‘life’, the ‘Love’, the justice for God, fatherhood and motherhood!
We have nothing to do with your arts, you received that there from the Masters.
Isn’t it true, Master Alcar?”
“Yes, mother.”
“You were Anthony van Dyck there and you can now agree that I am telling, speaking the truth!
I possess the Divine Omniscience, I gave every spark of my life that Omniscience and do you now still ask for wisdom, for happiness, for love, in order to sully your life there?
To deform?
Do you wish to act like a king and let your people starve?
Do you wish to hang, murder, whip one of my children?
Burn at the stake?
What do the laws says, Master Alcar?”
“Steal from a human being and you steal from God!
Slander a spark of God and you slander God himself!
Burn the human being at the stake and you burn the All-Mother at the stake!
Demand the death penalty and you demand the death penalty for God!
Take part in war and you murder your Divine attunement!
Become a priest and speak about damnation, you damn yourself and your Deity!
Hate the life of Mother Earth and you hate God!
Rape the life of Mother Earth and you rape yourself!
Shoot the life of God and you shoot Christ!
Poison the life and you poison God!
The God of all life, mother!”
“Precisely, my child, the child of mother earth will accept all of that.
Soon this accepting and the bowing will come, you know it!
Go now, my children, we will continue to follow you.
Come back to my soul soon and I will explain the laws, the senses, the human voice to you, and you will then get to know how the soul has materialised all of that!”
“We thank you, mother, also Your Twin Soul!”
“Look for yourself, he is greeting you, he loves you eternally.
Good day, astrologers.
Don’t make us laugh, do not make us laugh, or you will experience our prediction, but now for the first time for the Jehovah child, because now our life collapses!
But you too!
Try calculating that?
Make us laugh heartily and you will then get to show your colours.
My children, I am going to rest, but I will continue to follow you.”
“We thank you, mother, for everything!”
“We do not want to experience any thanks, we are and will remain ‘love’!”

We also hear: “Is that the sign of the cross for my All-Conscious child, my life?”
“Yes, mother, we made the sign of the cross for Christ and for the All-Mother.”
“Then you have understood me!
All of us thank you!”
“We will serve, mother!”
“If you meet those old Wise men from the East, Masters, then say that they must come to me, I also have something to say to those lives.
And those others?
I will settle with them.
All of them will have to bow here!”
“We know it, mother.”
“Send all of them to me who were burnt at the stake by the Church!”
“Yes, mother!”
“All those who were whipped on earth!”
“Yes, mother!”
“All who refused children!”
“Yes, mother!”
“All who did not want to experience any fatherhood!”
“Yes, mother, we will send those lives to you!”
“All who think they represent God by means of damnation!”
“Very gladly, mother!”
“And I will call the rest myself!”
“We will carry out your orders, mother!”
“I know it!
With this blessing.
Can you feel my kiss?”
“Yes, mother of this universe, we are experiencing your life!”
“Then nothing more is capable of darkening your life!”
We experienced wonders, dear reader, you too?
Can you accept this?
If not, then that will take a while, but it will come!
No spark of God can avoid this.
You will certainly feel, we will have to think humanly again.
When the universe speaks, that terminology becomes different and has nothing to do with what you have to experience there on earth.
For the ‘Cosmology’ we were able to experience wonderful pages and we will write them too!
Then just get angry.
Not we!
Because this is the Divine truth!
André can now say: I know this universe, I know these laws, even if I am still on earth, I know the astrology, I no longer take part in destruction, I want to and I will love!
Cardinal, bishop, pope, do something for mankind!
You still have the power in your hands, do something else!
Soon people will no longer need any of you!
Do not damn any longer!
Your violence on earth can be followed from here and all the life of God knows that!
The mother of this universe is calling her life back.
But Rome!
Rome, why do you approve of this!
Rome, can you still not listen?
Master Alcar goes further now and says:
“You can see it, my brothers, what the planet Mars has done for our organism.
Her moving away from the Moon and Sun became growth and blossom for our life.
You will soon be able to accept that Mother Earth will soon receive her infallible consciousness.
We now know how we lived there.
And yet, we will also make amends for that, and we, Master Zelanus, have already reached the Spheres of Light.
Millions along with us have conquered their cycle for this universe and all of us know, we had to make amends for all our mistakes and we will also get to know those laws.
So if we go further, we do not experience anything else but our own evolution, but, by means of fatherhood and motherhood.
Yes, my brothers, the Church will fall!
That can already be seen here, even if we find ourselves in a prehistoric age, it will come!
These grades of life want to be experienced, and not a Church!
We must master the laws and the Church cannot give us that!
We and all the life of God have to experience and to accept that!
Now look at the highest grade for this planet.
The dying process, you can see it, cannot be experienced any differently for all the other planets, this is one Universal law!
This law materialised itself infallibly.
And we went from the one grade of life to the following infallibly, we did not receive disharmony in anything, but we will soon experience those laws, even if we know that we have begun with this.
The soul returns to the world of the unconscious and the following planet is ready to attract us.
We experience the returning to the All-Source.
We know now that there are planets who cannot represent any life, but they have to fulfil an own task.
What is a star?
Liquid material.
What is Uranus?
Half-conscious fatherhood and motherhood, nothing else!
We know what those organs have to do for the universe.
West, East and South and North now get meaning for the life of the universe, because North, South, East and West created cooling down and laws of hardening!
And that takes us to the personality of these planets, the life of God in the universe.
We also see those laws for the earth again, but now Mother Earth is one with Sun and Moon, with all the sparks of God for this macrocosmic organism.
Whether a star is millions of light years away from the Earth does not interest us!
No one is interested that, who possesses and can now experience the Spheres of Light, we are only interested in Divine fatherhood and motherhood, which is suffocated by the holy, sanctifying Church.
Let me also shrug my shoulders.
It does have meaning where the Earth will begin her task and that will soon be in between spatial fatherhood and motherhood and this child of Sun and Moon will get her food, to drink her milk for her own life.
Precisely, that’s it, the Moon feeds the Earth, her child, by means of her mother milk, and the Sun sees that everything goes well.
By means of this Mother Earth will soon give birth and create, embellish, depict this vermin as a human being, she will finish this organism, which Sun and Moon, all the mother planets began with.
What now also wishes to speak to my life is that life and death do not change.
These revelations were created for all the laws.
So death is a Divine revelation!
Yes, we heard and saw it, a gift from the All-Mother!
Now life is wonderful, because it can die!
Human being of Mother Earth, when will you see your death as we were able to and had to get to know it?
But now a cosmic question, Master Zelanus.
What will you feel, if I ask you and the Divine All wants it, about the following?
Is the life span different on this planet for human being and animal, and flower and plant, than that of the earth?”
“Yes, Master, that goes without saying!”
“And by what can that be determined?”
“On Earth the human being has cut short, deformed his own life, there is no longer any question of cosmic dying there, my Master.”
“Precisely, Master Zelanus, that is the answer and now tells that the life of this planet can experience more harmony than the highest conscious child of Mother Earth.
And that means again, André?”
“That the human being of Mother Earth takes part in murder, destruction, and now has to accept a karmic dying.”
“Very precise, the human being of Mother Earth now experienced his premature end, because he removed himself from the harmonic laws, no, has beaten and kicked, and we have to accept, but which we will speak about later when we follow and analyse the possession of the personality for the dying and being born there.
The soul of Mother Earth as a human being lives in disharmony and has sullied all the laws of life, so that she has to experience a dying too soon.
And that means that these unconscious animal species experience more harmony than the conscious human being of Mother Earth was ever able to, but that must also soon dissolve, because the Kingdom of God is approaching, and, because the University of Christ has to lay these foundations!
So the human being will also have to awaken for the dying process.
There is not one human being on Earth who can say: I am now in harmony with my evolution, my dying, even ‘death’ was sullied by the soul as human being!
Or is that not a disturbance, Church, when you burnt a child at the stake?
Hung, judge?
Beat to death, shot dead, Adolf?
Is all of that harmonic?
Is that in harmony with these laws of the All-Mother and the Mother of this universe?
You cannot avoid that, this is the spatial truth!
So what touched me a moment ago, my brothers, is the justice for every law of life.
Life and death cannot be changed, but life and death which take care of and represent the human, animal and natural evolution, were suffocated, sullied, deformed and also made holy on Earth, by the Church and the academics, the judges, by kings and queens, but who gave them this right?
Those people sullied themselves, those people brought disharmony for life and death!
And the planets know nothing about that and they cannot experience that in the universe, by means of which we can determine these contradictory laws and explain that disharmony!
Because, my brothers, by means of this, happiness for the earth was beaten up, happiness and love were burnt at the stake and hung, the soul as human being did that!
And yet people want to pray to God there?
Beg God for help?
You, as the ‘Mother’ of this universe says it, you, filthy whore?
You hate!
You prostituted and burnt the life at the stake and you want to be holy?
We want nothing to do with you, poisoned consciousness, nothing, nothing!
So the human being cut short his passing over on earth, but, now also comes back too late for reincarnation, so that he now waits thousands of centuries for his following evolution, the new birth.
These animal species here were not able to experience that, people know nothing about burning at the stake here, or about being hung, because these animals do not know any administration of justice, but also no prison, this human being never ripped one embryo too soon from the maternal body, because the soul as the personality did not possess the intellect to bring that about.
And now a pathetic astrologer like that wants to experience and also sully this life?
Was there still not enough sullied by the human being?
Must he now violate the universe?
These animal species know nothing about that, my brothers, and gives your life wisdom, the understanding how life must be experienced.
Had you expected something different?
Did the mother of this universe speak too harshly?
Who prostituted, raped the law of ‘love’, who justice, who fatherhood and motherhood?
The universe must, God must approve of that and people may not say anything about that.
That is harsh?
That sounds inharmonious in the ears of the human being of Mother Earth?
That is still not understood, not felt here?
No, these types of people were still not that far and could not experience those destructive feelings either!
But the consciousness of Mother Earth stands higher and yet, despite that, the human being raped, deformed and sullied life and death!
Indeed, my brothers, we will soon stand before all these laws and will then experience the analyses for the University of Christ, for Mankind!
Indeed, we will soon stand before all these laws, but then we will follow the soul and her grades of life, which she sullied for the earth.
And when we enter the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life, we will get to know all those other wonders, but now in harmony with God and the All-Source.
We created disharmony on Earth.
On this planet we have still not been able to experience that darkness, we were still not that far.
An animal in the waters and the animal from these woods cannot experience any conscious human evil, they are not capable of that, that evil does not exist.
But by means of that the spatial life happiness for the Earth has shrivelled up.
But we can see, we are going further!
On Earth people are wiping out life, the human being is waging war, that is not possible here and where we were.
Descend with me to the highest grade of life and make your own comparisons.
Follow these laws, the laws for life and death.
Also those for the being one, fatherhood and motherhood.
Is there a difference with the earth for fatherhood and motherhood?
No, but the life of feeling has changed.
And that has meaning for the soul as a human being.
The human being was able to protect himself from that darkness.
The human being, my brothers, possesses these laws.
The human being must go back to God!
The human being possesses wonderful laws, by means of which he evolves.
The human being receives his organic life and gives birth!
The human being possesses his reincarnation!
The human being possesses harmonic life, but must master the laws for this!
The human being has to accept all these millions of transition stages!
The human being will conquer this Third Cosmic Grade of Life!
We now see how awe-inspiring our life is.
We have seen how harmonically life and death experience this oneness.
We were able to determine that all these organic grades for soul and spirit, and then for the human personality, are eternal!
And now, my brothers, we want to take mankind to the cosmic awakening and bless it, in the name of Christ!
When is the life of Mother Earth open to the Divine truth?
These laws force us, and all the life, to bow our heads.
And we cannot avoid it.
Every spiritual science on earth is at a standstill.
We are laying the first foundations for that, and also the Divine ones!
To experience Mars is to accept a preliminary stage, but to experience the Earth gives the soul, and all the life, the other side, then, the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Cosmic Grade of Life, the Divine All.
Mars as the sister of Mother, and Mother Earth are one, but not as an inner consciousness, they are one in order to be able to bridge this cosmic gap, for which both received the own life.
Is there anything else to be experienced?
People still do not know these laws on Earth, but we are experiencing them for mankind!
On Earth people are waging war!
On Earth people laugh at occult laws!
On Earth people talk about damnation!
On Earth the human being consciously breaks hearts and himself!
On Earth, my brothers, the life of God is now starving, however, only the highest consciousness; the jungle stages do not know that deformation.
Only the intellectual can bring that about, and that life still wants to complain, call on God for help?
On Earth the human being is suffocating in his misery, not here, we were not able to experience suffering, sorrow, misery, destruction, anywhere, God did not create that anywhere, but the Earth knows all this disharmonic destruction!
We go further and come back to Earth.
Soon we will connect ourselves to the next transition stages, and this journey will also have been experienced and completed.
But on the following journey we will stand before the grades of life of Mother Earth, we will come closer to the human consciousness and that universe will also speak to our life.
Bow to all these laws, my brothers, and love everything which lives!
You can now see that this animal life is freeing itself from the organism, dying is one law everywhere, one world, and you will also be capable of experiencing the astral world here.
What can you see, André-Dectar?”
“We are now coming to the astral world, the world of the unconscious, my Master, in order to determine that these laws did not change here either.
We can experience the dying and follow how the soul returns to the embryonic stage.”
“Indeed, my brothers, the Masters want that and we must also experience that here.
Follow this dying process, the becoming free from the organism is as the soul already had to experience millions of times.
We still do not experience a conscious hereafter.
But for animal and human being death is evolution.
Every grade of life lies open to our consciousness.
Every cell possesses and represents the own life space, as soul, material and spirit.
But the soul will return to the Divine All as the spiritual personality.
My God, we can call out, but how wonderful the human being is!
And this life continues.
Millions of lives die and are born, the human being cannot change anything in this, even if he creates evil and destruction, but we will also get to know the laws for that.
Did you notice that the soul as an animal being here, and where we have been, only gave birth twice?
However she wants to be as soul and human being, and she only gives birth to two lives, for the universe that is the absolute experiencing, but the human being on earth sullied these laws.
The soul as mother gives birth to two lives for herself, and also her creating part, so the man, by means of which she assures her reincarnation.
But we know, on earth the mother gives birth six and nine times, sometimes twenty times, and that is contradictory to the Divine harmony, these births are disharmonic, even if both experience fatherhood and motherhood.
We know that the human being also began with that destruction and that the Church disengaged itself for giving birth and creating, for reincarnation.
Can you now feel how awe-inspiring that destruction is for the human evolution?
And that the Moon as mother is just, even if she flings all these truths to the Earth?
Those are now the gaps which the human being creates for himself, but which must be bridged, or the Divine creation, the human evolution will run aground.
When we come to stand before those laws of life, my brothers, all require the Divine analysis, but it is only on Earth that we get to know that destruction.
But these planets did not experience that.
And yet, when this animal-like human being finishes the other life, it will give birth to three lives, in order to preserve the own grade of life from disharmony and we also see that happening here.
But what does that mean if we experience Mother Earth, the human being there who did not create anything but misery?
Who did nothing else but destroy the life of God?
Who created battlefields, who got rich there by wiping out the grades of life?
It is only then, my brothers, that we come to stand before this disharmony for reincarnation and we get to know millions of laws and are also capable of analysing all those problems.
Millions of sparks as animal beings are to be found in the world of the unconscious in order to prepare themselves for the following step, the new birth, the animal world also goes further.
And every spark as a human being represents the obtained grade of life and that is the world for the cell as human being, as father and mother.
And that harmony is awesome, for which the Moon gave her life.
You see it, it is attracting and giving birth, the soul returns to the material life by means of what she created herself there.
Now back to the material planet; and we see that for this age the Earth is still invisible and that she still cannot begin with her task, because we and the animal are still not that far.
But that will come soon and we will know what we will also experience then.
The secondary planets for the Earth also have to experience this condensing, the human being gets more and more consciousness, physically and spiritually, even if that attunement is pre-animal-like.
This is the wonder of the Third Cosmic Grade of Life, three subsequent worlds as one whole, and we and all the life of God have to experience and to conquer that.
If that is clear to you, then we will free ourselves now, because the Divine All wants us to follow and to experience a few planets, by means of which the Moon as mother forces her children to bow to her laws.
These planets and stars, hazes and suns, are only one organism!
There is nothing else to be experienced, but these laws as sparks of God, created the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Cosmic Grade, the conscious Divine All, for which we and all the other life will both live and die.
We already know that the Fourth Cosmic Grade no longer possesses any interim planets and that we will not experience any disturbances there either, because the human being is harmonic there.
When we are there, my brothers, we can make other comparisons than here and we will enter the Temple for the God human being!
That night and day must dissolve one day is clear, because ultimately North, South, East and West will reach oneness anyway, because people in the conscious Divine All have conquered those stages of development.
We will now follow the following planets consciously for a moment, if you wish to examine the human development for the earth.
But what were we able to master on this journey?
That the human being is ‘God’, even if he had to experience pre-animal-like grades of life.
God did not create any misery, but the human being lost himself.
Despite that, he can go further, because no damnation, no law was created which disengages the life from this Divine evolution, and the Church and all the life of God has to accept that.
Now examine this complete whole.
You can make yourself one with the present stage, the materialised universe to which we belong.
See, André, the transition planets lie there and (there) is Mother Earth, but that took millions of ages.
Every spark of this universe will experience day and night, but the heart for all this life continues to work, and it means that there is never night.
It must now be clear to you how pathetic the Biblical analysis for the present stage is.
To the right behind Mars we can see the first transition for the Earth, by means of West, South and East they condensed themselves and could begin with their task.
The distances for the Sun, but with regard to this evolution, now have meaning, by means of which we will soon get to know the attunement for Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and the other organs.
Distances have no meaning, if we experience the consciousness for the planet, now the distance of the Sun for a celestial body is conscious fatherhood and motherhood, or half-waking life of feeling.
Half-waking life of feeling, what is that?
Soon we will be that far and we will see those planets, we will experience that half-waking consciousness for this organism, this universe, for fatherhood and motherhood.”
+ +
André feels one with the present stage, we also attuned our life and feeling to those laws.
We find ourselves in the universe and look at the planet Earth, we were able to get to know all the previous grades of life.
Master Alcar is meditating, we feel and see that it is he who now receives and must experience the inspiration, which the conscious Divine All wants.
We have travelled a tremendous way, André sees.
Where have we not been?
How did the human organism develop?
We now know every stage and the wisdom for that lives under our heart.
And all of this is only the beginning for the Cosmology, we only laid the first foundations for both the universe and the human organism, what will we experience if we follow the soul, her spirit and her personality?
What is the human organism like in the conscious Divine All?
How does the human being live on the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life?
Those are physical Temples!
The organic life is now universally deep and the soul as human being rises out above this universe, because she then got to know the laws and was able to master the universe.
I think about all these wonders; André thinks about something else, and we can also follow that, because we are completely one in everything.
“Yes, my brother, on Earth there is misery.
On Earth there is suffering and sorrow!
On Earth Europe is being crushed!
On Earth life is horrible!
On Earth there is peace and calm nowhere!
On Earth people still do not know these laws!
On Earth the child of God is searching for the creator of life and death and does not know this bliss!
On Earth people murder the life, the human organism, because the soul will return and live eternally!
It is sorrowful!
André feels that terrible sorrow, we too and all the life of God which has reached the Spheres of Light.
That life cannot feel happy, at least not the ultimate stage for happiness which is infinite, because the soul as human being has to represent all the life.
Can people feel that on Earth?
The human being who has reached the Spheres of Light, now experiences that and is open to that.
That is the feeling and thinking of Christ!
Yes, Europe is being crushed, my brothers, but that is evolution.
Mother Earth is only that old, she lives just above her years of puberty.
The actual conscious life on Earth still has to begin.
Mother Earth is still not that far, and we can see from the laws of the universe, this life has still not reached the spiritual-material grade either, this evolution is continuing!
Only Mother Earth knows that misery, we now know.
That misery cannot be experienced anywhere in the universe, disharmony cannot be determined in this.
Even if the bits and pieces fly from the universe to the Earth, that is not disharmony, but the experiencing for this life of the ‘death’, the evolution process!
Everything is simple when the human being knows these laws!
No, André, on Earth no happiness has been experienced yet, that still has to come and that will come!
But God attached that happiness to His life!
Yes, my brother, only the Earth possesses good and evil.
That cannot be experienced anywhere in the universe.
It is the horrible fight between heathen and Christian child, between the unconscious and materially conscious peoples on Earth, people cannot experience anything else there either.
Yes, my brother, why does the Church not do something for the child of Mother Earth?
The Church can do it, but she thinks about herself.
What the Church can do cannot be seen.
She does nothing for soul and spirit, only riches, the Church, the Catholic Church is interested in that!
But other sects also capitalised themselves.
The Church possesses that power, but the Church sends her children into the wars against each other.
Is that possible?
Yes, that is still possible on Earth.
How does Mother Moon think and feel?
We know that now.
How did she take care of her life?
We know that and we got to know that.
The human being wants to experience happiness, but flings the Ten Commandments away from himself, they were not received for him.
For the Church the human being is allowed to kill!
That is allowed and that is possible, because the Church lives for a fatherland.
But that Church, André, does not possess anything else but hatred and destruction either and cannot represent the All-Source.
The Catholic Church is now still capable, we now live in 1950, of blessing cannons!
Yes, mother of this universe, the Church can do that, that mother can still do that now and people love and people revere that prostituted life there!
I will write until my heart is empty when we begin with this journey, my mother.
I will give everything, André is also capable of that!
The child of Mother Earth searches for happiness and does not find it, but that happiness cannot be found, or searched for, the soul as human being must build up that happiness for himself.
She first has to lay the foundations for that and they are experienced by means of the harmonic laws, for fatherhood and motherhood.
However, they are for soul and spirit!
Why does the Church not do anything?
Because the Church does not possess any Divine foundation, she cannot do anything for the life of God!
She is not capable of that!
Why can the child of Mother Earth not experience any marital happiness?
That is possible, my brother, but who is harmonic there, who can experience his own grade of life there?
What is happiness?
When do we experience our happiness there?
We will also get to know those laws, there comes to me, and then we will stand before the seven grades of life of marriage!
Is that not worthwhile, astrologer?
We do not see any scorpions now, or lobsters, but grades of life!
And it is they, by means of which the human being destroyed his happiness!
There is no suffering to be experienced in the universe, only on Earth!
Does it not mean anything to the academic?
And yet the Earth would represent the highest happiness.
We know it, that will also come, it will come!
The human being on earth raped the Divine happiness.
Is he guilty now?
No, not for God, because God does not know any sins.
God only knows His evolution, there is nothing else.
But then what, there churns in André.
That is clear to us and we have now understood.
There are no people living on earth, but grades of life.
And those grades of life must return to God.
Is there misery?
Yes, but is that misery?
Because God gave the human being ‘HIS’... ‘WILL’..., His life, the human being, began with conscious good and evil, but the wrong brought him to the suffering, the sorrow, the diseases, the human being, that grade of life, got to experience all of that, but God did not intend that.
No, there is no happiness to be experienced on Earth, but it is there anyway!
And the human being received that now, because Christ came to the Earth!
The human being now knows how he has to live!
There is no more to it, but all of this now breaks the Divine happiness.
So descend into the mud and sludge on Earth and you will experience God!
Violate another life and you will violate yourself!
Did we still not analyse the laws enough?
That appears to be the case, because we have begun to make comparisons again.
And you can keep on answering the child of Mother Earth!
Always, we never still stand trembling, we know now!”
“But that terrible Church!”
“Yes, André, that is terrible, because the Church knows what she can do, but she does not do anything!
The pope does not do anything, because he possesses all the power.
He has locked himself up in his golden palace and looks at the world from there, but does not do anything, on the contrary, he does not want the human being to have been born in the waters!
Because then the holy gospel will collapse; and is that possible, André?
Now we stand before another couple of Adams and Eves, but they were embryonic cells, there is now no question of a snake or something!
Everything changes instantly, it is over in a few seconds and the human being lives in his omniscience.
What does the human being on earth do now?
Search for happiness!
Search for God!
He searches for the Divine state of purity!
The human being searches for truth and does not find any peace!
The human being searches for himself, especially for Christ, but Christ was also made visible!
The human being on earth searches for everything, for soul, life and spirit, but he does not find anything!
What he can experience is his own misery.”
“Yes, pope, Holy Father, why do you appear?
Why is your throne made of gold and what did Christ possess?
Go barefoot amongst the people and now the Spheres of Light will be able to inspire your life!”
“Why”, we come across everywhere in the universe of God, “oh, pope, why did you not do more for the life of God?”
And you cannot avoid these questions, André sees, every law of life asks for it and calls to the pope: “Where are you?
Where do you live?
What do you hope to achieve?
To chase the human being of God into damnation?
Is that everything?”
We now hear something else.
Jupiter is speaking.
We get to experience:
“Finally I am getting a visit from people.
Oh, my Masters, how can I thank you.
That has not happened to us before.
Our life was not able to experience that before!
Can you hear me, Masters?
I can feel that you are touching my life.
I can feel that you want to live under my heart.
Is that the truth?
Is that my happiness?
Is that for all our life now?
Are the Masters coming to visit me in this remote corner?
How can it be.
Oh, my God, how I can thank you, we are finally getting meaning for the highest consciousness.”
We deal with this and a moment later there comes again:
“Masters, come to my life and consciousness and experience my love.
My kiss, my everything.
We have finally come that far.
That took billions of years.
Is the human being coming to me now in order to get to know his own life?
That is now the consciousness on earth.
Yes, we know it, but we have waited millions of ages for this moment.
Come into my heart and I will explain my laws to you.”
“Is that clear, my brothers”, Master Alcar continues.
“Is this love?
Attune yourself and we will experience these planets, it is only then that people on earth will know the astrology!
You hear it, that life also wants to speak and we are ready.
This is now a planet which must fulfil the imposed task in between fatherhood and motherhood.
We experience more planets like Jupiter is, but there are also transitions now, grades to be experienced for this consciousness, so these cosmic systems for the spatial organism, for Sun and Moon.
And that will soon be clear to you.
We already sensed that on our previous journeys.
We know for what purpose these were born and by what means planets were born.
But people do not know that on earth, people do not know these organisms, people do not know there which task they have to fulfil.
The astronomer knows that these planets cannot possess any life, but the astrologer gives these planets human feeling and thinking, consciousness, and that is not possible!
Yet, that is clear, all these bodies were able to condense themselves.
Millions of organisms are to be found in the universe and all of them have an own task to carry out, nothing is improbable in this, all this life has meaning, and namely for the fatherhood and motherhood of the universe.
We know that these organisms are only organisms for the spatial image as an organism, that they are part of the glandular systems, blood circulation, the nervous system for the universe.
We also know that all these lives had to accept the own task and that this did not happen just like that, but emerged by means of the Divine evolution.
But why, Master Zelanus, did these organisms reach this half-conscious awakening?
Because these spheres of gas, so half-conscious and conscious material, condensed and hardened, but different to Moon and sun experienced.
Is that something special for God?”
“No, my Master, we got to know those laws.
We as human beings, did not give these planets motherhood.
Then we would have to accept for the human organism that every organ would give birth and create.
But that is not possible, an arm or leg does not possess those systems, the womb for the mother cannot experience the task which a leg got to experience, and that also applies to these planets, so that we must accept that these are physical systems for fatherhood and motherhood, in order to serve fatherhood and motherhood!”
“Indeed, my brothers, that is the answer!
The Sun is the human and spatial eye as it were for the universe.
Neither Jupiter nor Saturn possess that power and consciousness!
So we enter the systems for the universe as planets and stars and the hazes.
Those are the body parts for this organism, to which fatherhood and motherhood belong.
And we know as well, that the human being also got fatherhood and motherhood and must experience both organisms as a soul, but we received that from this universe.
So the universe is predominantly Father and Mother and all the life in here serves fatherhood and motherhood, so that Jupiter and the other unconscious planets have to accept these tasks and do not have to do anything else either for the universe as an organism.
So what got to fulfil a task outside of the Moon sphere and Sun sphere did not reach the giving birth and the creating.
That life as an organ for the universe, so as an organism, is outside of fatherhood and motherhood, but is part of the organism.
We saw and were able to experience these laws and can therefore accept them.
Does this perhaps have to do with the justice of God?
Is one life shown favour above the other?
Did Sun and Moon get to experience a higher task for the universe as an organism?
No and yes, but that is not understood on earth.
Sun and Moon represent fatherhood and motherhood for the universe.
The human being possesses that too, and it means that fatherhood and motherhood are also overpowering for the life on earth and for God.
But that also means that every organ which is part of the human organism has to fulfil an own task for those predominant laws.
And we also experience this wonder for the universe.
The mother on earth is the overpowering life there for God and creation.
The man as the father divides himself and serves, the Sun also radiates the own consciousness and serves, feeds the universe for the giving birth and for nothing, nothing else.
And Sun and Moon created other organs for that.
So that now means that Sun and Moon determined which organs they would create in order to serve their organism, so that we must accept that all these planets, meteors and suns, also the hazes of course, serve for fatherhood and motherhood and for nothing else!
Now it appears, and is the conclusive proof, that Sun and Moon possess the highest consciousness for the universe, and not Jupiter, or Saturn, Uranus or Venus, those planets represent the systems for the universe and were created by both fatherhood and motherhood.
So there is no question of Divine injustice and that also applies to the human being of Mother Earth.
All these sparks of God are most certainly of universal meaning, but arms and legs, the senses for the human being on earth also have to experience and to accept that.
So by means of this we come to stand before the essential source for both the spatial and the human organism, of which we see that fatherhood and motherhood on earth are therefore the highest laws, created by the All-Mother, but the Divine authority of which the human being as the personality still does not possess.
If the astrologer truly possessed that authority, he would no longer be capable of giving human feeling, human thinking, to the universal glandular system, which now happens by means of the astrologers on earth and they experience their calculations by means of that.
We were able to experience the word of the Moon as mother, but also her laws.
When the astrologer says:”Sun and Moon can influence the human being”, that is the truth, but only for fatherhood and motherhood, the rest of this skeletal system no longer means anything for that human inspiration.
So those are organs!
These organs do not serve for anything else and do not want to mean anything else; what they have to represent, they got from Sun and Moon and that became the own independence, as a particle of this wonderful organism.
What is now the closing off for this organism, my brothers?
You can see that and that is the garment for the universe, the aura which this organism closed off and is now called the Third Cosmic Grade of Life!
The human skin is the closing off for the human organism, isn’t it?
And every spark possesses that, but that became the own atmosphere for the planets!
So we see the macrocosmic atmosphere and that for the planets, for Sun and Moon, we now experience conscious atmospheres and unconscious ones, so that we must accept that the atmosphere of Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus, also Venus, never represent the human breathing, because they never knew, never received that consciousness in order to give birth and to create, because they are part of this macrocosmic organism!
We can and must now accept that all those bodies carry out an own task and would not experience any motherhood or fatherhood, because they were born from Sun and Moon.
“Does this mean nothing to you, astronomer?
By means of this we determine for the University of Christ that astrology has no meaning for the human being!
This is the answer of the University of Christ, the answer from the Divine conscious All, to which all the life has to bow.
By means of that we experience the first foundations for the new ‘Bible’!
And we and all the life of God have to accept that!
And this is why now, my brothers, we meet all these bodies outside fatherhood and motherhood, and we enter the living heart for this universe.
Jupiter and the other planets as systems for fatherhood and motherhood now take care of the breathing and never knew giving birth, or fertilisation.
So all the life of the universe which lives outside of fatherhood and motherhood, was still created by means of fatherhood and motherhood and is now part of this wonderful organism!
Now we stand again before the seven transition stages, my brothers, but now for the half-waking consciousness as fatherhood and motherhood, and it means that the organs of the human organism on earth, so all those thousands of systems, still serve fatherhood and motherhood and have nothing else to do.
Blood circulation, nervous system, heart, brains, everything of the human organism was created by the source of that life and is still the paternal and maternal organ, by means of which the human organism built itself up.
Every tissue gets food, driving force, from fatherhood and motherhood, and remains attuned to those organs, because the paternal and maternal organ are Divinely essential and will remain eternally!
You now see that meteors and spheres of gas represent these seven grades of condensing, for both the respiratory systems and other organs for this Universal Organism, the universe!
It can be determined from the condensing and hardening which task a meteor and which task Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus represent, so that we see different grades of life before us.
A meteor is not of the same substance as Uranus possesses, Jupiter or Saturn; and all these bodies now represent the seven unconscious grades of life for fatherhood and motherhood.
It must be clear to you that we now come across all these laws on earth.
And it can also be accepted that science still does not know the human organism, because we know that every faculty laid the first foundations a moment ago, which the spiritual faculties still have to begin with.
The theologist, psychologist still do not possess any foundations, even if people are teaching the human being there that there is a God, people do not know the true God there!
Follow all of this, my brothers and see how these systems reached the own awakening.
We now know that they got the life and the own consciousness by means of Sun and Moon, and so did not begin with this serving under their own power, because that is not possible, because every spark of God for here, and on earth, possesses the life source by means of which the own life and that independence originated!
Every meaningless particle of the astral cosmos, the moment by means of which God divided himself, got to experience an own condensing through the millions of ages, to fulfil an own task, and that can now be seen.
It is by means of this that the Masters speak of conscious and half-conscious fatherhood and motherhood.
And those are the solar systems, but want to be organs for fatherhood and motherhood.
We now know that Jupiter does not possess any Mars consciousness, nor can experience the consciousness of Mother Earth, because the Earth has to represent higher consciousness for fatherhood and motherhood.
It is also by means of this, and that must also be clear to you, the Earth got to experience her place between Sun and Moon and it is not a coincidence!
The universe and also the human organism do not know any coincidences, they were not created by the All-Source!
It goes without saying now that the universe, as the human being and all the life, condensed itself from the soul life and that the universe also possesses a spiritual attunement, and it means that this macrocosmic organism is also evolving and has still not reached the highest stage for the All-Source.
We must also accept that the universe actually gives birth and creates for a following stage and that this must be the Fourth Cosmic Grade, or the life of this universe and the child of Mother Earth would have had to accept that the human being can enter the Divine All after his passing over, but that is nonsense.
If we as human beings do not get to experience anything else than the unconscious existence of Mother Earth, with regard to the All-Consciousness, so God, we would be able to speak of: in one life we achieve everything, but that is difficult to believe and even more difficult to accept; in one short life on earth we do not achieve anything and we cannot materialise, or spiritualise any All-Consciousness!
This is why we can determine for the University of Christ:
“The human being and all the life on earth has to experience millions of lives, before the earthly cycle has been completed.”
And then we go further and we enter the Spheres of Light or a dark, unconscious life attunement for the soul as the spiritual personality.
Planets now, which were not inspired by us as human beings, that now emerges, could not experience any fatherhood, or motherhood!
By means of this we must accept for the University of Christ that we will therefore conquer this wonderful organism!
On earth people call Jupiter and Saturn planets, for the universe they are half-conscious systems and serve the organism.
What they have to mean for the Universe will come to earth later, and it is only then that the astronomer will be ready to descend to Sun and Moon and he will be able to see himself, at least, when he is also ready for fatherhood and motherhood and is free from homosexuality (see article ‘Homosexuality’ on
If you want to listen to the terminology for the universe, then you would be able to hear that the conscious motherhood says to Jupiter and Saturn: “What do you homosexuals hope to achieve with my life?”
So does the human being on earth feel anything of fatherhood and motherhood when the soul has left the actual motherhood and comes to the creating organism?
No, that is not possible now, but we find that again here in the universe and it can be determined.
We now experience, my brothers, that the Sun and the Moon have condensed their organism.
And if you want to experience this for the human being on earth, then that will be possible, because the soul as human being now also is and can be nothing else but both life and spirit when the fertilisation takes place.
And then we stand alone before fatherhood and motherhood and before nothing else, but as the embryo develops, the other organs manifest themselves, which was not any different for the universe.
Those laws can still be determined and experienced.
So nothing was lost of all those emitted life powers, emitted by Sun and Moon.
There was condensed and materialised up to the last breath.
Millions of cells received that hardening and condensing.
And that can be seen by means of the spiral hazes, the hazes of this universe, the organs of connection for the planets and for fatherhood and motherhood, or the mucous membranes seen as systems.
All these sparks have to fulfil a task for fatherhood and motherhood and represent an own grade of life, as conscious material giving birth and unconscious creating life.
Those bodies did not get to experience any animal life, because that is not possible.
But what is a meteor now?
What is a star?
A star serves for fatherhood, a meteor served for the respiratory organs and if that life bursts, it has already carried out the own task and we stand before life and death for this organism.
When a meteor ends the own life and existence, the new harmony has already been born, and it means that nothing is capable of disturbing this harmonic organism, because this organism also possesses life and death, possesses the dying off and the eternal continuing to serve, until the human being has conquered this organism!
Then this macrocosmic life will dissolve, but then all the life of Mother Earth will have reached both the Spheres of Light and the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Cosmic Grade.
Half-conscious fatherhood or motherhood therefore means, at least for the earth and as a human being, that the soul is preparing itself there in order to become a father or mother, but the universe has created those laws.
If that was not the case, we would not be able to experience them on earth.
But then no psychologists would be needed either, the human being would then see into the depth of his soul, but he still cannot do that, because he does not know himself and these laws.
Nature now forces us to experience her laws, but that is Mother Earth and anyone who does not want that, stands outside her creation and closes himself off to this Divine Evolution!
Can you hear it?
Cardinal, can you hear it?
Sister of the Church, can you hear it?
Priests, can you hear this?
The universe says that to your life, all of you now stand outside of creation and the astrologers no longer have to give gas spheres human consciousness, those spatial organisms do not know what they should do with that!
These laws are also for you, dear pope, so become a father and you will reach the Divine All, now you are walking a hopeless path, a growth stage, which is just like a swamp and by means of which your life is drowning!
Isn’t that something?
Now calculate your stars, make a thing like that for the human being, calculate your day consciousness and your task there for the earth and then look and see what remains of that, if you are capable of that; we tell you: nothing!
Nothing, because the human being is a Deity, people cannot give the human being anything, he possesses everything!
You cannot warn the human being against misery, he is it or he stands just outside of it.
You cannot warn a human being against diseases, he walks into it, he is sick!
You cannot give the human being any love, he is it or he is just it now, and anyone who is not it, cannot experience any love!
Anyone who wants to experience love and happiness, astrologer, possesses everything, because God attached all His treasures to the human being, he gave the human being His universe!
God gave the human being harmony!
God gave the human being His justice!
God gave the human being His love!
God gave the human being everything, everything of His...
Fatherhood and motherhood!
Everything, everything, however, the human being kicked himself out of all of that and no astrology, or other science is capable of taking him back there, the human being must live, live millions of lives for that, it is only then that he will be able to say:
“I am harmonic again, but now I live in the Spheres of Light.”
Or, he lives on earth in happiness and love and does not need any astrology now in order to calculate that for him by means of the ‘Gilt House’.
Only fatherhood and motherhood are capable of giving the human being cosmic happiness.
Isn’t it true, perhaps?
Motherhood, child of Mother Earth, is the most sacred thing created by the All-Source, but the human being possesses that!
That is therefore the essential for the soul as human being on earth, but that is suffocated by the Catholic Church and various sects!
Being chaste on earth is therefore the human curse and it means that the human being now damns himself, disengages himself from this spatial evolution!
And the child of Mother Earth now has to learn that; and now Christ is building His university, but for the Kingdom of God.
Wherever we come, my brothers, we only experience fatherhood and motherhood there, because by means of fatherhood and motherhood we experience both higher and more conscious worlds, for both our soul and spirit!
The following journeys will tell us what we will become, but we already know it, we are going back to the Divine All!
We determine for the University of Christ:
“In the universe there are conscious and half-conscious organisms to be found for fatherhood and motherhood.
We will see again in the universe what the mucous membranes mean for the human organism!
These planets are sub-divided, but represent an own task!
Not one planet possesses the same attunement for this organism, because that is not possible!
By means of the place, received by Sun and Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Venus, as the first fundamental organs for the organism, represent the powers and systems for the breathing, all those other planets are part of this organism and possess a task, the most meaningless spark of this organism serves the complete whole!”
The personality shows us what the inner life of a planet is like; and was that thought up, created differently for animal and human being, for the life of Mother Nature for the earth?
No, because we as human beings got our organism by means of Sun and Moon and by means of all those other systems, so that we can say, the human being is one with the macrocosmos!
The place now where these bodies are to be found is of tremendous significance, also for the human being of Mother Earth and all her life.
After all, Sun and Moon condensed all these organs themselves!
Sun and Moon receive the giving birth and creating and the authority for the universe!
Sun and Moon represent the heart beat for this organism, but spiral hazes as condensed material represent the blood circulation, astronomer, academics, and you will soon have to accept that, but then you will know the macrocosmos!
And both your own material and spiritual organism.
What is now the Fourth Cosmic Grade for the universe, is for the human being the life on the other side!
And we also experience the seven grades there for the further development, now the Spheres of Light.
Worlds for the soul as the spiritual, astral personality!
Is there anything else?
Can you now accept this?
No one on earth has ever heard one word about these laws, it is only now that that is possible by means of the University of Christ!
What were Sun and Moon able to do now, André-Dectar?”
“Sun and Moon created new life, but for themselves!”
“Very precise, indeed, my brothers, they finished their organism and then the life in the universe could begin for the first time, the soul as human being saw both her material and spiritual awakening, by means of which her inner and material life grew.
The Moon is giving birth, but the womb for the woman on earth is also giving birth, but also the being one with God, for everything, for this and the following universes created by God, and the human being can already experience on earth.
So nothing is capable of conquering this ‘art’, motherhood is the highest, the human being lives for that, all the other on earth is an everyday side issue, astrologer!
The personality has meaning, of course, but motherhood rises out above the personality and has direct attunement to God, because motherhood must represent the Divine Source.
Is Divine Source!
And by means of this the human being got everything from God and he cannot be protected from anything else, that is Divine justice for day and night and for feeling and thinking, but above all, is father and mother!
What else do you want to experience on earth, human being?
There is nothing more to be experienced, this is everything!
Between all this life now, the transition planets for the Earth are to be found, and those from the Moon to the Second Cosmic Grade.
A star which smiles at you from the earth, possesses spatial consciousness.
If that star serves for fatherhood that is the truth, but we now also experience seven transitions for the conscious fatherhood, before the star can say: I am that!
And now we see that we come from fatherhood to the half-conscious planets and we experience a meteor.
Then the other planets.
So conscious fatherhood and motherhood, but every grade of life possesses seven times of condensing before the conscious fatherhood can be experienced.
One star, my brother, therefore radiates more light now than another.
And the consciousness for the serving fatherhood can be seen and determined from that light.
Isn’t this simple now?
But also not wonderful?
God did not create any complicated laws, what is today awe-inspiring for Mother Earth, the academic, is quite matter-of-fact and understandable tomorrow, the universe also gives us the pieces of proof for that.
And that applies to all the laws, for all the life; once the human being can receive and experience the universal being one, he will never be alone again, but that means: this human being stands before the Omniscience.
And you will now master that, my brother André-Dectar, furthermore, by means of that you can call yourself the Prince of the Universe!
Nothing, no one is capable of taking this wonderful possession away from you, you devoted your life to that!
Jupiter got to experience this task, but not any human consciousness!
That last quarter does not mean anything to the astrologer, but if that child wants to experience something for the human being anyway, then put the human being on top of the Pyramid and ask him what he sees.
Now God can speak to your life, but we predict for you, child of Mother Earth, that you will break your precious neck, because you still do not possess this universal balancing!
And that’s it, because every law of life was created by God and remains harmonic, even if that life lives on a point of your needle, it is spatial father and mother!
But you still do not have any understanding on earth of those centrifugal laws and powers, because your life of feeling still has to awaken for the macrocosmos!
Is there anything else?”
So that planets would emerge which did not give birth, cannot create, is necessary!
But those planets have to create conscious life for themselves, or is the human kidney of no significance?
Well, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, not Venus anymore, are the kidneys for this macrocosmic organism and do not want to be anything else!
And what are the spatial brains now?
What is the spatial eye?
What are the laws of attraction and rejection for the universe?
Try weighing that on your life scales and you will know it!
We will only reach the explanation later, because you cannot understand any of it anyway, because we still cannot lay those foundations.
You can see that every grade wants us to experience that life, and whatever is said, even if that will be repeating the previous, sense that the life keeps giving a different analysis, or you will never make it!
So we speak about fatherhood and motherhood a thousand times, and it is necessary, or we would also lose ourselves in this!
However, follow the power and the force of a planet, sense by what means Mother Earth does not disappear from this universe and you will reach the Divine answer, the life can now give you the cosmic answer.
We do not need to think ourselves in this matter, if that was the case and we tried it, the universe would dissolve for our life, and we, at least André, would fall back to earth like a brick, because now there would no longer be any being one.
And that now means, that is for eternity: if you want to get to know yourself, then you have to bow to all the life of God and you must love, but now according to the harmonic grades of life; there will only now be a question of Divine being one!
But now the life is speaking, and we as human beings have nothing to say!
So it is clear, for you on earth, the life is now analysing the laws for us, and that is also giving birth and creating again!
Why, the life in the universe asks, do we not fall down?
By what means is a planet capable of keeping itself afloat?
Yes, child of Mother Earth, what is that?
By what means can you keep a ship standing and not floating?
So standing, because that ship of yours does not float, the ship stands on firm ground for the universe, we are getting to know those laws here, but now from the centrifugal powers and laws of life, also those for your ship, but your piece of stone, which does not possess any breathing now, sinks.
Astrologer, why?
Because your piece of stone does not possess any atmosphere, so no grasp, and cannot keep itself standing, that piece of life now belongs to another grade of life!
Do you understand anything of the spatial laws, breath of life and gravity?
Academics, do you know these laws?
By what means can Mother Earth be wrenched from her life orbit?
The Earth lives in her breath of life, her atmosphere now takes care of her walk through the universe; what the Earth possesses in breathing organs, you as human being got your legs for, and now you can keep yourself standing or you would hit your ground.
And we experience all these laws as both condensed and invisible powers, for the spatial organism, but the human being also possesses them, and all the life of God in your own atmosphere!
Because Mother Earth gave those laws to all her life!
How heavy is the Earth now?
Can you, academic, say, calculate, how heavy the Earth is?
Is that possible?
Astrologer, can you do it?
We tell you, no, at least the life of the universe tells you that.
And the life says to us, Mother Earth says it:
“I am as heavy as my atmosphere is conscious.”
Can that be calculated?
Yes, the life of God says.
Astronomer, every insect is capable of that and not you?
What are powers and forces now?
The Earth says to us:
“If a piece of meteor falls on my life and that has happened more than once, I get a fright, but it does not hurt me.
But why now?
Because nothing of the universe is capable of flinging me out of my balance, or it must mean higher consciousness.
Only the life of the Fourth Cosmic Grade can do that!
So my life is as heavy as my breathing is conscious and by means of this I trace my orbit through the universe!
And how heavy am I now?
As the embryo from the Moon possesses in living consciousness, so feeling, I am that heavy, but also that sensitive, because all this life is feeling again!
So plasma, condensed Divine plasma!”
Understand well, one grain of All-material will blow down this whole universe, because that little grain now possesses the ‘Everything’, in laws and powers, concentration of will, and also personality, but especially fatherhood and motherhood, because by means of fatherhood and motherhood, the human being and all the life represent the universe of a planet, but also the consciousness!
“One grain of material from the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life”, Mother Earth says, “knocks me from my orbit and I have nothing to say to that.
If that would be possible, the Jehovah child would get the own feather in his cap from Our Lord, but we know it, I will then also be capable of being able to take care of that child, because then I will make night from the day myself and the other way round and I will make an unconscious ‘beetle’ from a human being; isn’t that something?”
And all that stone, so that gravity, which Mother Earth has to carry, her organism, does not weigh anything, does not possess any gravity, academic, astrologer, theologist, theologian. Why not?
Because everything is feeling, is plasma, gravities don’t exist for the universe.
Is that some news for your life?”
We receive that from the life of God.
The University of Christ explains every law of life.
Even if we do not go into these laws, because they have nothing to do with our foundations; we were ordered to analyse the life, the soul, spirit and also material organism, so the Human Temple, and not those laws, or we will never be finished.
However, now and again those laws want to be experienced, but then we enter the technical framework for the universe, and it is not necessary for the child of Mother Earth; that life must first get to know itself as a human being, as soul and as spirit and then as an astral personality!
But it is possible, you will see it!
And if we had to explain those laws, then give André-Dectar the only professorship which exists: you can then bow to the Prince of this Universe!
Now all of mankind will lie at his feet!
And that is the truth, because Christ is sending us back to His life!
+ +
Human being on Earth, you still do not know yourself!
You must not only get to know yourself as organic life, also for soul and spirit, but above all as father and mother!
“Jupiter, my brothers, and her own attunement, her sisters and brothers, radiated the own consciousness and now fed the conscious fatherhood and motherhood.
The breath of life for the human being on earth is therefore not more conscious than the human being possesses in feeling and thinking, according to these spatial laws.
Isn’t that wonderful?
By means of that all these bodies experience the spatial harmony and we get to know again for the human organism when we come to stand before the physical systems.
What are now the brains for this organism?
That is the All-Source ... which now also still watches over and steers the life, for the human being the material in order to be able to take care of the life of feeling.
There is nothing and nothing else to be experience for the human harmonic organism of Mother Earth.
A meteor now possesses powers from Sun and Moon, and also from Jupiter and Saturn, from all the other life, by means of which that grade of life was able to condense itself and got that own independence.
So, my brothers, we are capable of getting to know God!
We can determine for what purpose the life serves by means of the absolute laws of justice.
And in addition which consciousness the life possesses.
And we see the own attunement of that, for soul, life and spirit!
People on earth know nothing about that.
It is simple what all these cells of light mean.
When the human being comes beyond the coffin, then we must convince that life that there is no death, but what does the human being also know then?
Nothing, nothing about himself, the soul as an astral personality will only possess this consciousness in thousands of years’ time, and it is understandable!
I believe, my brothers, that we must go further now.
Did the answer come to your life of feeling?
The contact with Jupiter was broken.
However, hear what this life has to say to yours?
Also give Jupiter your kiss, André-Dectar, so that she will inspire your life there!
What is astrology now, Master Zelanus?
Does the astrology have meaning for the human being of Mother Earth?”
“No, my Master!”
“And do you, André, know what those people have to tell?”
“Yes, my Master, I know it.”
“Then say in the name of the universe that the child of Mother Earth uses that money, that possession for something else, because astrology will never be science.
Because this thinking and calculating has no meaning, does not possess any grasp, cannot experience any law, because, now the word falls and we also lay that foundation for the University of Christ, creation was already billions of centuries old before the zodiac originated!
The human being who takes part in that is now fishing for granite and will never get a bite!
Astronomy is science, but will soon dissolve into the ‘Cosmology’, but astrology will never get ground under its feet, which is given to both palmistry and graphology; that is so certain, as the spiritual faculties also get to accept, because the Bible cannot be God’s word and is not that either, because that originated by means of the human being of Mother Earth.
We were able to experience all of that on this journey and received that for the University of Christ.
The Moon and Sun created and materialised all of these laws.
We saw that the soul as human being is capable of conquering the universe, because the wonderful whole was created for the human being.
We know that it is the soul as human being, and not the organism, which continues eternally, even if the human organism is so wonderful, one day that body will have to die again, but the soul now rises out above all these laws.
I ask you again, my brother, Master Zelanus, can the human being be influenced by the universe?”
“No, Master, that is not possible!”
“And when you have to experience diseases on earth, André-Dectar, can you free yourself from them, can those diseases dissolve by means of something, because you experience other laws of life?”
“I can feel, my Master, what you want to know from me.
Of course, the human being can free himself from diseases, we possess that science for that, but when he stands before the deeper grades, he has to accept his powerlessness, and we enter the karmic laws for the soul as the personality.”
“Very precise, indeed, that is the answer.
And then the soul stands before cholera, plague and leprosy, but those diseases will also disappear from the earth, my brothers, because the human being will go to the higher consciousness.
In the Kingdom of God the human being will no longer experience any diseases.
And the Masters will take of that, Christ will take care of that!
But now differently than the Churches imagine, and they made of that!”
“So that means, my dear child of Mother Earth, that you created those diseases yourself!”
“Where did the first diseases originate, Master Zelanus?”
“In the jungles, my Master!”
“And that is also the truth.
When we forgot ourselves and lost our Universal attunement because of that, we divided our life powers and then experienced weakness, deformation, sullying, of which the academic still does not know any conscious life, but was also analysed by the universe!
God or the All-Mother did not create any misery.
No diseases, no disharmony, the astrologers have to learn that!
By means of that they will never be capable of making one infallible calculation.
That is not possible, so all the calculating will remain searching!
It is because of this, my brother André, that Adolf Hitler was kicked from dry land into the ditch and he also has to accept: that ‘Providence’ does not mean a jot, not for the earth and not for the universe!
So we were also able to experience that the soul is given nothing.
It must master the laws of the universe, or it will never be able to represent her Deity.
And it has to materialise and to spiritualise these laws by means of the All-Source, because it must go back to its Divine All.
So because the human being on earth follows the laws of Mother Nature and does not add any laws himself, even if he is unconscious, he goes further consciously, because the child from the prehistoric ages also entered into unconsciousness and has conquered the earth.
The more laws the human being adds himself, the darker his life and consciousness becomes.
And now we are capable of determining how many true laws the human being on earth possesses.
And they are, Master Zelanus?”
“Only fatherhood and motherhood, my Master, and nothing else.”
“It is true, my brothers, the human being created laws which have no meaning for the universe, but now we enter his unhappy society, his miserable life and actions with regard to the spatial laws, fatherhood and motherhood, soul, life and spirit!
Come, my brothers, we can experience our comparisons on the way, I see that we must return to the Earth.
But we saw and were able to determine that the Moon as Mother gave everything to her children!
We return to the Earth, André is in thought, we also follow what we observed and the All-Mother materialised.
The following trip will begin on Earth and then we will go straight to the Divine All, where the human being lives who has reached the Divine stage.
André feels, that will be tremendous, it will be the most wonderful thing for his life as a human being, and child of Mother Earth, in order to be able to experience that mercy, in order to see the conscious Divine All as a human being of Mother Earth, which no Masters from the seventh sphere were able to do.
Because he serves for the human being on earth, and he got this consciousness there, the Divine All places that wisdom in his hands and it is understandable; once she has come to the other side the soul has to spiritualise her life and she is not capable of experiencing a higher sphere than she possesses in attunement.
The human being can master that during his life on earth!
And that can only be experienced by the human being of Mother Earth, I mean the material being, because such a task connects the human being with all the life of God!
Master Alcar also says:
“You can see it, my brothers, what can the Moon now still do for her life?
She divided her consciousness and her own life and by means of this we got hold of all the laws of life.
The theologists will soon experience and accept this spiritual science, it is only then that they will be able to take the life of God to the spatial awakening.
And is that still not enough?
What the human being created for the earth for himself, is misery, is hatred, is destruction, is injustice.
What does the astrologer want now?
God is Love and Love in everything!
Prepare yourself for the following journey, my brothers.
Deal with everything, my brother André, however, know that the life of the universe is helping you to carry.
Now every law of life is capable of speaking to your life, because you are the instrument of the University of Christ!”
Yet I call to those academics of Mother Earth:
“Is the jungle child capable of inspiring your life?
No, that is not possible.
Can an insect inspire your life?
Jupiter is not capable of that either, and none of her sisters, because the human being has received the highest.
Is material, so earth, is granite, so hardened material, is steel and iron capable, and air, even if that breath of life is conscious plasma, capable of inspiring the life of the earth as a human being?
That is deforming the God of all this life!
But we will come back to this.
When we come to stand before the personality ‘human being’, we analyse the human character traits and then see what the inner life mastered, what belongs to the human being and which mantraps and clamps he laid for himself.
It is only then that astrology will stumble from the pedestal and we will see where the life began and where the obtained grade of life will end.
Read the books ’spiritual Gifts’ for that, and you will know the seven grades of life for the organic life, and those for your spirit, then you will know for what you have to live and die!
Did Mother Earth not tell the human being anything?
If you want to give the planets human feeling and thinking, then give Mother Earth everything, because she has to represent the very highest for the universe.”
“My brothers, the highest Masters gave us this mercy.
We will devote everything of our consciousness in order to give the child of Mother Earth that higher awakening.
Make comparisons, André-Dectar, and elevate your character traits, give your whole personality this oneness, it is only then that you will be capable of experiencing the ‘Cosmology and mastering the wisdom.
Look there, Mother Earth.”
André asks me: “When can we begin?”
“If you want, my brother, in a few hours.”
“I am ready, my brother.”
The sphere of the earth absorbs us, we have completed a wonderful journey.
I cannot forget any thought, all our thinking and feeling is recorded.
I am now the instrument, but am under the power, the consciousness of the Masters; the conscious Divine All will speak!
I know it, nothing can stop us and André will not succumb on earth.
What he sees is a wonder, now, at this moment, now that I am thinking, he gets sent his vision, which he knows was given to him by Master Alcar.
It is a tremendously beautiful image.
Yonder in the distance, so on earth, he sees a human being and that human being is preparing himself in order to bring him something.
It is a follower of the Masters, André is being taken care of.
Tears of gratitude roll down his cheeks, his spiritual personality, because we are also still capable beyond the coffin, of bringing about those condensings, but by means of which our personality undergoes that love.
Yes, that is love and ‘love’ is moving, makes the soul as human being awaken and conquer.
His organism has gone downhill, but we will go further, material has no meaning now, his personality is alive and not the material!
“Good day, mother.”
“My André?”
“I am almost there, mother.”
“I know it, my son.”
‘I thank you for everything.”
“You are welcome, my soul, I will continue to follow you.”
“Socrates, I am here again.”
“I can see it, my brother.
If you need me there, I will be there immediately!”
“Ramakrishna, will you continue to follow me?”
‘André, we will remain one eternally!”
“Annie Besant?”
“André, you will always get my love!”
“Thank you, you are sweet and I do not want to be ungrateful.
I will soon begin to experience everything.”
“We know it and all of us will inspire your life and your consciousness.”
Master Alcar looks into the eyes of his instrument.
André is now standing next to his organism.
We have nothing more to say, a moment later he is on earth again and in his organism, the life on earth has begun!
We follow him, the systems are recovering, he opens his eyes for a moment, but then he falls into a normal sleep and rests.
He possesses wonderful foundations for the University of Christ...!
This life will never come to a material end, even if the soul as human being experiences the death, the following life will be ready!
Spirit and material will evolve and return to the Divine All, for which André will now prepare himself.
What he can say is: “Your will be done!
Yes, All-Mother, I will serve!
I want to love!
And I will bow to all your laws!”
End of Part Three
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