The Seven Conscious and Unconscious Spiritual Grades of Life for the Soul

“Now the moment has come, my brothers, to follow the human being in the astral world, if we also wish to analyze his spiritual going further for the present stage.
We free ourselves from the Earth and enter the spiritual world.
Now you see, other planets did not know that moment, only Mother Earth would create and give birth to a spiritual going further for the soul.
This is of incredible significance, because it connects us, the human being, with its eternal life.
These are the terrible hells which the Bible speaks about and the human being got to accept.
We too, André, spoke about hells, because we followed the human feeling and thinking, but the Cosmology no longer speaks of hells.
After all, they do not exist!
But the human being condensed, created such a hell, even if there was darkness in there and the first human being did not understand himself, yet the misery was not so awful as we now have to accept.
Who created the human being in such a way?
He himself!
Who created the hells?
The human being!
We followed and got to know the laws of life of the first people.
Now see the difference.
Try to make yourself one with this world and you will know your own misery.
The sphere says that, gives us the law of life to experience as a universe and we have to accept that now for the present stage.
In this world all the misery which the human being possesses on Earth lives together, but now as an astral personality.
That misery is personal.
The human being, man and woman, forgot themselves.
Nothing was able to stop the human being, he lived it up by means of the life on Earth.
What we now got to know on Earth as evil, we find again in this world.
Millions of men and women have attunement to these worlds, these seven transitions as laws of life, because they violated the life of the universe on Earth.
In the books ‘A View into the Hereafter’, my brother André, we analyzed all the hells.
For the Cosmology we now only determine the spatial laws, because we gave the child of Mother Earth a complete analysis of the spheres of darkness.
This is the world for the soul as human being.
We followed the human being who exceeded all the laws.
Those people lie in this world like jellyfish on a beach and no longer possess any life, or death.
They murdered the masses.
If we later come to the reincarnation at a Divine attunement and we analyze all those disharmonic laws of life for fatherhood and motherhood, we enter those possibilities for the first time.
Which are they, Master Zelanus?”
“The very first question is now, my Master, why must one mother give birth to so many more children than the other one?
Why are psychopathic children born?
Why are there blind people on Earth?
Why are births disrupted?
Why does one mother get a healthy child and the other mother a sick life?
Those are worries and that speaks of injustice, but we can now explain and analyze those laws too.
Thousands of other questions, my Master, now require an answer.”
“That’s it, my brothers, indeed, these are human questions, but cosmic problems, but then we experience the reincarnation.
Later we will follow those laws of life for the University of Christ!
We now know the life on Earth.
Now that mankind received consciousness, created possibilities in order to live it up, half of mankind is consciously and unconsciously insane.
The institutions are filled with these sick people.
That book, André-Dectar, ‘Mental Illnesses’, is also to be found on Earth, but we have not yet explained all these laws.
We will not go into that any deeper now either, we can also experience that later for the first time, because we now have to follow the origin of the spiritual personality with regard to the All-Consciousness.
That is clear and attune yourself to that.”
We, dear reader, are going further, we have left the material world, the material universe dissolved for our life and consciousness.
What we see and experience is awful.
Millions of spiritual people are to be found in the sphere of the earth and now also live it up completely.
The human being and the human being have another unity to experience and that came about from the astral world, as the first people who had completed their cycle of the earth got to know it.
But this being one has now been bestialized awe-inspiringly!
We could immediately ask your personality questions.
Thousands of questions!
Millions of questions! And you would then have to answer those questions.
And would you be able to do that?
When we would ask the first question, that would be:
When are you completely yourself on Earth?
When you have to create something for the life, is that completely from yourself?
When you want to live, want to accept the joy of life, want to accept the crazy part for a moment, are you completely yourself in that?
When you do art, create or give birth to your art inspiringly, is that art completely from yourself?
Do you know that for sure?
So that means that the astral being can inspire you.
Did the Masters, to whom my Master belongs, Master Alcar as Anthony van Dyck, experience themselves completely?
Were they and the others inspired?
Were Bach, Mozart and Wagner, Beethoven inspired?
Where the geniuses on Earth inspired?
That is possible, the Masters were all inspired and namely from the Other Side, so the human being, who brought arts and sciences to Earth and we have to accept that.
But that is for the good, the human consciousness on Earth, the happiness, the evolution as love, life and happiness, society.
Everything now, which you brought about there for the good, that gave your personality happiness, beauty and splendour, and as highest happiness, the love for man and woman, for all of mankind.
The Masters worked on that.
Men and women from the Spheres of Light gave themselves for that.
Millions of men, as Masters, worked on the faith.
The University of Christ brought faith to Earth, the faith and the love in God.
What is true of that does not matter, we are concerned with, and that word comes to me from the Divine All, determining how the life is now on Earth and on the Other Side.
Others worked on the Temples and on the mystic laws, the occult wisdom, by means of which the Temples of Rá, Ré, Luxor, and Isis were born.
We were able to follow that.
So work was done for good and evil, it came from the Other Side, from the Spheres of Light, the evil and the hatred from these spheres, in which we now are and want to follow the life space.
And Master Alcar goes further immediately and asks:
“My brothers, how much evil is living here in this first grade of life, of the seven which we have to follow before we enter the Spheres of Light?
That is almost impossible to gauge anymore?
Yet that can be interpreted by a few words.
So much evil lives here as was created on Earth, nothing more, not a gram less of feeling.
Because the human being would conquer the Third Cosmic Grade of Life, because he must return to the Divine All in order to represent the All-Mother there, he therefore got to experience an astral world.
And he must bring that world to consciousness.
The Divine attunement lives in the human being and we know how that attunement can be reached.
But look at all this evil now.
The animal-like human being now lives it up on Earth.
If no religions had been created, Mother Earth would not have known any religious maniacs in the first place.
We will later analyze again how the human being also lost himself in there; but then we will learn how the personality darkened and succumbed for his faith, so that came into disharmony with the human normal society and people locked up this life!
The human being lives it up on earth, good and evil now live together and amongst each other.
You have materialized the wrong in the human being, André, you want to experience the good and follow Golgotha.
But millions of men and women are now living in this world who have completed their cycle of the earth, but live it up by means of the human being on Earth, as a result of which all those abnormal phenomena emerge and are still not recognized by the psychologist.
No Freud was able to analyze these laws either!
That is now the world for the soul as human being.
He can go where he wants, if he is free from the very lowest grade of life and has not exceeded the laws.
Those people are now to be found on Earth and want to possess the world and the human being.
It is now obvious that the rulers on Earth are open to this mentality.
The human being is now under spiritual powers and forces, under universal control, the influence of which he sometimes feels, but ignores completely.
We now experience how the child of Mother Earth is influenced by the astral world.
The human being is touched by the spiritual being.
The human being of the earth is sullied and deformed by the spiritual personality, but must prove what he wants to experience there on Earth.
Christ now or the devil, as people call that, but it is Christ, the love, or the destruction of all the good in the human being!
And now we have to accept those dreadful laws of life, we cannot escape them.
What does Adolf Hitler and his sort say now?
That is the evil.
The book ‘The Peoples of the Earth’ now analyzes those rules for the destruction.
These astral people have become free from the material laws of life and continue their life in the astral world.
Not Adolf and his sort, because they will have to return to the earth in order to make amends.
So the astral world is to be found around the Earth and that world is also infinite as one grade of life, but will dissolve when mankind begins with the good and higher life.
Sun and Moon and the stars have disappeared for the astral world.
We now see how deep the universe is and also what the astral world possesses in space.
An end will come one day for the material Cosmos, not for the soul as human being.
The All-Mother created that, but it is not any different than the going further of the soul.
The human being must go higher and that is possible, if he wants to experience the harmonic laws of life and want to accept them in love.
Millions of people are now to be found in this world and can only represent evil, because they still have to awaken for the light of life, for their spiritual personality.
Certainly, my brothers, the human being on Earth can now ask himself: who am I?
What am I doing?
What do I want here?
How am I living?
Do I take part in murder and destruction?
Am I open to the bestialisation?
Do I take part in lies and deception?
Do I take part in lust and violence?
Do I give myself to the human chastising?
Am I open to the human torture?
And to thousands more questions, which the human being is faced with and must now answer for Christ!
But we know it, it is not so simple now, people do not achieve anything in one life!
The soul as human being can now travel the universe, but does not see any law of life, he does not possess any inner consciousness, any light, he sees nothing!
And we have to accept that.
We also got to know those laws.
We can experience disharmony, yes, indeed, but these people no longer possess anything to hold onto, they have now consciously bestialized their Divine attunement.
However, the human being, for the present stage, got to know Christ and that is still something to hold onto, but that does not mean anything to him.
All the peoples live here in one world, the human being is open to the life of feeling, the earthly languages no longer have any meaning now.
We know those laws of life and anyone who wants to experience them on Earth first takes hold of the books ‘A View into the Hereafter’, it is only then that the Cosmology can be understood.
Because the human being would therefore leave and could conquer the material life, the spiritual-astral world emerged for the spiritual personality, the soul as human being.
That means that the soul as human being goes further and she still has to begin with the Spheres of Light.
Her spiritual attunement is now still unconscious and attuned to the animal-like.
If she does good and she loves according to the laws of God, then light enters her consciousness and changes the spheres in which she lives, and also her grade of life.
That is therefore the becoming conscious of her personal life.
That is also her character, and we and all the life of God have to accept that.
On Earth the human being is busy both materializing and spiritualizing himself. Only the spiritual personality lives in this world!
However, it is on Earth where the soul as human being perishes; and if she has completed her material cycle, she enters this world and lives on.
If the human being now lives according to the Divine laws, then the soul as the astral personality enters one of the seven higher spheres and she can experience her Cosmic happiness.
And then she has begun with the spiritualizing of her Divine personality.
But it is not yet that far, even if one or two people on Earth are ready to begin with the spiritual life, the masses still live it up and follow the evil, the destruction and the hatred, the bestialisation of the inner life, the personality.
Now we know, my brothers, that the human being began with that, we see that this astral world was able to condense itself, and are now the hells after death.
There is no fire burning there, you see that, but the inner and spiritual fire for lusts and both material and spiritual violence.
The Catholic Church made material fire from that again and gave the human being eternal damnation, but that is an untruth again and contradictory to the Divine laws of justice, the Divine authority of which we experience and analyze!
I told you a moment ago and you know that already, the material seven grades of life for man and woman live on Earth, the spiritual on this side, in the astral world.
Every grade of life now, you see that, now represents an own world.
And we also have to accept that!
The human being has to represent his inner life and feeling now, because he created that world for himself!
That is now his own spiritual possession!
That has become his world and his space beyond the material world, Mother Earth.
And by means of this world, from his spiritual attunement we now recognize the inner personality, the life attunement for the soul for the spiritual life.
For that purpose, the soul has to experience and conquer seven depths as worlds, if she wants to enter the Spheres of Light.
So we also see here the pre-animal, animal, coarse-material and material grades of life again.
If the human being arrives here, and he has attunement to the lowest sphere for the darkness, then he can experience and accept this attunement!
No gram of feeling is now given to him, he must conquer himself and must do that by loving the life of God!
The human being now, who has killed many people, returns to the Earth.
The human being, who has freed himself from his karmic laws of life lives here.
According to the evil, the human being therefore attunes himself to one of the seven grades of life.
Anyone who seeks and wants to experience the wrong and violates the life of God will enter this world!
Can it be any simpler?
What does the human being hope to achieve now?
There is no God who will obstruct his path, there is no Father who says to him: “What did you do on Earth?” The human being is God!
He does not get to experience any punishment, but he must make amends for his evil and the human being gets the opportunity for that, so that we must accept that there is no damnation!
Those are the essential laws for the University of Christ!
Even if the human being murders millions of children of God, there is no damnation!
But, the University of Christ says: you must make amends for that!
On Earth or on the Other Side, the human being must make amends for every fault!
We were already able to experience all these laws before, my brothers, but now we see for what purpose the spiritual astral world was created.
Our first journeys for the astral world, André, convinced us of these Divine worlds, but now you will certainly feel the Cosmic truth and for what purpose the astral world received condensing.
What is now insanity on Earth?
The insanity which we see now is the sickly phenomenon of this possession, because the human being on Earth is now consciously and unconsciously possessed, he possesses both the sickly and the spiritual insanity, because the astral personality is on Earth and lives in the human being.
Yet everything is wonderful, now that we got to know ourselves as spiritual beings, because we now look through every grade of life and know the laws of that, for good and evil, for love and destruction.
This is the very lowest grade of life and namely the pre-animal attunement beyond the human coffin, the deepest evil of Mother Earth lives together here!
But we go further and higher, the human being must conquer his spheres of transition, but he freed himself from the Earth and is now faced with himself and his universe.
What is the life like now?
Every second, children are born, people die and return to the Earth and millions of children of God, conscious and unconscious, animal and material, enter this world for the soul as spirit.
And every human being represents his own attunement, his grade of life, his world, men and women live here together and live it up again, but finally they also begin with a higher and spiritual life.
The higher we now come, the meaner the human being becomes and the evil is worse.
As the human being on Earth received consciousness, his spirit and personality darkened.
The All-Mother did not want that!
If we as human beings had remained in harmony with the spatial laws of life, then we would not have known any diseases, any psychopathic laws of life for the earth, but we created all that misery.
You see, my brothers, also in the astral world the human being, man and woman, reach the human being one and suck each other empty.
Every human being who gets to accept this world from the Earth, is sucked empty by the astral personality.
Yet the Divine spark, the All-attunement in the human being, wants to awaken.
Finally the human being realizes that this feeling wants to begin with a higher and loving life and it is only then that he begins to work on himself in order to free himself from his grade of life.
We know what man and woman now have to conquer and that is awe-inspiring!
So it is clear, sort lives with sort here, grade of life together with spiritual attunement and represent an own consciousness.
If the feeling enters the human being to free himself from lust and violence, then another longing enters that life, as the human being on Earth also has to experience.
So if we go higher, then we enter another grade of life and that sphere as transition already possesses more consciousness.
The human being already searches for a way out, he has already freed himself from that darkness, he begins to think and to ask, as the first people were able to do that.
And then he returns to the Earth in order to make himself one with the material life there, until the longing to reach the Spheres of Light also awakens there.
We know all those worlds, my brothers, the books ‘A View into the Hereafter’ give a clear picture of how the hells condensed themselves.
And then we enter the Land of Hatred.
The human being who lives in there is now conscious of his life and knows that he possesses the darkness.
And it is that human being who influences the life on Earth, as a result of which the rulers got to know themselves and live it up through the masses.
Gradually we go to the Land of Twilight and there the human being has already freed himself from his animal-like longings, he is tuned into higher life and wants to reach that life and consciousness.
You also got to know that world, André, so we can go further.
A bit further and we stand before the source of life, where a human being, who was given the name of Moses, received a task for mankind.
It is there where the human being knows what he can achieve for his own life.
The soul as human being works on himself, she has freed herself from lust and violence and begins with the spiritual awakening.
Now we see that there is no damnation!
However deep the human being has sunk, a going further is possible.
God does not know any damnation and no halt for the human being.
Thousands of thoughts, which the Church and the Bible accepted as laws, fall away, have no meaning for our life and we must provide them with the spiritual truth.
Look at the present human being and you will know how much nonsense the soul of God got to accept.
And that must dissolve, if the human being wants to get to know his universe.
It is only then that he will stand before his Divine personality!
You see, the higher we come, the more sensitive the human being becomes.
He gets consciousness.
The human being who became Moses felt like this.
When he knew that he was alive and that people on Earth thought that he had died, he wanted to convince his family members.
He lived in a world of longing, his personality awakened in order to be able to serve.
And then the Masters began with a wonderful plan and mankind got a faith.
Now we see that the prehistoric human being has reached the Divine All under his own power.
When the first people, to whom Moses later belonged, I mean, when the conscious Divine All wanted to materialize the first laws of life for the good, mankind got the possession of God, and we enter the beginning of human and spiritual consciousness.
But the prehistoric being, the first people who had completed their cycle, reached and conquered and those are billions of souls as children and sparks of God.
As a result of that, we can determine and we have to accept that all religions will soon dissolve, only the word of Christ will continue to exist eternally!
All those thoughts which the human being materialized for his faith and laws of life will disappear from the Earth and make room for the spiritual science of the University of Christ!
And we can and mankind can now already accept that!
The human being now who goes further feels himself becoming stronger.
His life is now jubilant.
He starts to feel what he himself means for all the universes created by the All-Mother.
Look, my brothers, the place and the sphere where Moses heard the voice of God.
Between the Land of Hatred and the Land of Twilight he got contact with the Masters as soul and as spirit, because he wanted to serve!
And we know his life, we do not need to follow his receiving and experiencing now.
In the book ‘The Peoples of the Earth’ the human being of Mother Earth can experience his reincarnation.
But in where we now experience life, is happiness, knowing that we can go higher for ourselves and for all the life of God.
And of course that is the spiritual awakening for the human being and his twin soul.
The human being as the astral personality has to conquer seven stages of transition before he can enter the luminous sphere.
And then seven Spheres of light and happiness and love follow, in order to prepare himself for the Fourth Cosmic Grade.
Every human being in the first sphere longs to be able to serve and that is possible now, but we are not yet that far.
First the human being must free himself from the lower characteristics, before the Masters from the Spheres of Light can give him a task.
But that is possible.
We also followed those possibilities, my brother André, and therefore go further!
The trilogy ‘A View into the Hereafter’ convinces the human being on Earth of this reality.
Finally the human being comes so far that he learns to thank God for the own life.
Now he stands before the first sphere, it is the border where every wrong thought has been spiritualized.
And that is the wonder of the universe and for the human being.
From the Moon we were now able to follow and allowed to analyze the human being for his development.
Now we stand before the first happy sphere in the life beyond the coffin.
What path did the human being, man and woman, have to cover?
What they experienced is awe-inspiring and the human being has still not reached his final stage.
It is only here that he begins with his spiritual beginning, but that means that he has conquered his Third Cosmic Grade of Life!
What did the All-Mother want now?
The human being who freed himself from lust and violence and serves the life of God stands before his spiritual awakening.
Despite everything, he has come that far!
He has freed himself from the animal grades of life.
He has freed himself from the darkness, as the first people were also able to do that, he now understands what Christ wanted and he also knows that the human being on Earth is consciously deceived by the Church and the Bible.
And he now devotes his own life to that: that must disappear from the earth.
So we have to determine different ages.
Mother Earth has come that far, she has also experienced those ages.
Slowly but surely, consciousness came to Earth.
The Spheres of Light do everything in order to elevate that consciousness, but it is only now that the human being will receive spiritual science from Mother Earth, the explaining of the Divine laws.
Now look at your own life and that of the human being on Earth.
The soul as human being left the Moon and reached this stage.
That took millions of years, but we came that far.
What is the consciousness on Earth like now?
What do millions of years still have to mean now?
It is obvious that the Masters began in order to give a faith to the human being on Earth, but a faith is still not science!
It is the twentieth century by means of which the human being awakens.
That was not possible before.
We have now begun!
It is we, my brothers, who have received this prophecy, and André-Dectar has to accept that!
We are now approaching the first sphere.
You see it, light and consciousness are entering the human being, love and knowledge.
The human being has conquered the Third Cosmic Grade of Life and now goes further in order to serve.
Is everything not simple, now that we stand before the first sphere and overview our life?
Could the All-Mother have spiritualized and materialized herself differently?
What are the laws of life like now?
We must bow our heads to this infallible certainty!
Look, my brothers, we are entering the first sphere on the Other Side!
Here millions of our loved ones live, fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers, all of us now possess Universal love!
We have freed ourselves from the darkness, the unconscious grades of life, which are nothing else but stages of transition.
Now return to the Earth, my brothers, and make your comparisons for this life.
The seven unconscious transitions are to be found among us, but we live in the first luminous sphere, the world of love.
How does the human being on Earth feel now?
Man and woman can experience God.
Now we know that the human being cannot enter any Spheres of Light by praying, he has to devote himself for this purpose and conquer the laws of life.
Man and woman were able to accept the Church and they serve the Church and the life of Christ, as they think of that for themselves.
But where does the reality live now?
What is the truth like?
The human being, man and woman, who now serves the Church by acting like a member of the clergy is standing still and must irrevocably return to the Earth in order to become a human being.
Those are not mothers, nor fathers, they have closed themselves off to the laws of God and return in order to experience motherhood.
Others return in order to make amends and to bring spiritual art and science from this sphere, as Mother Earth experienced in the ages which passed.
The human being who has reached the first sphere is free from every disharmonic thought.
For this soul no psychopathy exists any more, no insanity, none of all of the things as a result of which the human being of Mother Earth darkened itself.
That has been conquered!
And that did not happen by means of praying, but by experiencing the laws of God.
A Church of the earth cannot help the human being now.
Of course, we also have to accept that, the Church takes the human being to God and the Church attaches the human being to many laws, but when we experience the first sphere, not much of that church consciousness remains.
Now we can return to the Moon, but that is not necessary, we have conquered all those spatial laws.
Here the first Temples are to be found, my brothers.
From here the human being began with his spiritual task.
It is also here where he will meet his own soul, in so far as that has not yet happened on Earth.
Here the human being is in harmony with all the life, yet possesses the spiritual attunement for the first time, because he must return to the Divine All!
How pure the life is now.
If we descend, then we experience trouble and unconsciousness.
And in that feeling of life millions of people on Earth and on the Other Side are to be found.
One day that will dissolve.
But also the universe and then the life of God will have reached this sphere.
What will Mother Earth still experience?
What does Mother Earth still have to give her life?
The Earth has only just begun with her task!
It is therefore clear that the human being must conquer this universe, because he is father and mother.
And we are able to follow and experience that.
We have lived millions of times on Earth.
Under all the peoples!
We were father and mother again and again and gave birth and created for the going further, but in addition our inner life, our personality, awakened.
And that is now spiritual for the human being from this sphere, he has freed himself from the material misery, the own destruction, he goes further.
He has made amends for every thought.
What does the Church want to tell and experience any longer?
Can Christ forgive the human being for his sins?
God and Christ have nothing to forgive, that belongs to the human evolution.
Everything is evolution, where the human being lives, he stands there before his own awakening!
Why did Christ come to the Earth now?
Anyone who wants to experience and to represent the first sphere now stands before Golgotha!
Now the human being has love to give, or he cannot enter the first sphere.
Anyone who does not want to accept that is at a standstill.
Anyone who does not want to accept that God is love, cannot go further!
So anyone who can accept the laws of God according to the grades of life builds on Universal light and the awakening, that human being is conscious of the All-Existence!
Of course, we now stand before the highest consciousness on the Other Side.
And that is the consciousness of the Third Cosmic Grade of Life, but we can go further and higher.
Because the All-Mother continually took care of new life, the human being went further.
Man and woman have to accept that as twin souls, they carry God and His worlds and represent ‘HIM’ for all the stages.
Now take part in destruction on Earth, and you will stand still!
Become a Catholic priest, and you will stand still!
Take part in earthly possessions, and you will curse yourself!
All the life is now love!
The first sphere possesses that attunement!
Become a Catholic nun, and you will smother your motherhood!
What we have to determine for the University of Christ, my brothers, is the following:
On the Other Side the peoples of the earth dissolve!
On the Other Side the human being has nothing more to do with languages, here he is open to the life of feeling and is one with all the life of God!
On the Other Side religions dissolve completely!
On the Other Side the human being experiences his Universal Unity!
It is only in the first sphere that the human being awakens spiritually!
But there is no damnation!
The human being, my brothers, we were able to experience that, had to experience stages of transition, but because he became materially aware, the conscious evil also originated, as a result of which he darkened his own Divine attunement.
There is nothing else to be experienced.
Now the heavens begin.
This is the first heaven beyond the human coffin and the life after death.
There are now seven heavens to be experienced, before the soul as human being can enter the Fourth Cosmic Grade.
Human being and animal went further.
The animal from the prehistoric ages has reached the Spheres of Light, like the life of Mother Nature.
The pre-animal species dissolved!
All the life of God awakens and received spiritual consciousness!
Human being, animal and nature have conquered the Third Cosmic Grade of Life and now go further consciously!
The higher we now come, the more beautiful the life becomes; and is the human being, the animal and the life of Mother Nature!
The book, my brother André, ‘Through the Grebbe Line to Eternal Life’, the books ‘The Origin of the Universe’ give the human being on Earth an idea of how the twin souls came to each other again.
You now see for the first time that we have experienced and were able to write the books for every grade of life, as a result of which we can receive the human being on Earth, and elevated ourselves from the University of Christ.
How does the human being feel now on the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life?
He must now still conquer seven spheres and worlds before he can enter that world, but the human being is now already free from disturbances, he now goes consciously spiritually higher!
The books ‘A View into the Hereafter’ and the other works tell what he must experience for that purpose, so that we do not need to follow these laws again, because all our books belong to the Cosmology!
You can now accept that we laid stone upon stone for the University of Christ.
We laid spiritual foundations through the Masters.
As a result of this, the human being gets to experience and to see himself and he must accept his Divine attunement.
We can thereby determine that we do not deny the human being for the twentieth century anything, on the contrary, we give him everything, it is Divine happiness!
So the human being who lives here goes further, but it is only in the fourth sphere that he will experience the being one with the cosmos at a spiritual attunement, he must also now master the spiritual laws of life of his sphere.
And it is only then that he will be cosmically conscious!
If man and woman are ready to absorb this wisdom, then the Master comes in order to convince them of the Divine truth and together they follow what we had to follow for the University of Christ.
So what the human being gets to experience for the Spheres of Light and on Earth, is what we were able to master.
No one can escape that, because that becomes the consciousness of the human being, for man and woman, for the twin souls!
Golgotha therefore takes care of all the life!
Golgotha forces the human being to give love for all the life!
Golgotha is awakening!
Golgotha ... so Christ ... is love!
The human being must earn Golgotha!
The human being must conquer Golgotha!
By means of Golgotha the human being gets to know himself!
And that is Christ!
Golgotha forbids the human being from murdering!
Golgotha takes the human being to spiritual happiness!
Golgotha teaches the human being on Earth and on the Other Side to serve!
Golgotha takes the human being from darkness to eternal light!
Golgotha teaches the human being that there is no death and no damnation.
Golgotha is becoming conscious!
Golgotha is fatherhood and motherhood!
Golgotha is eternally going further!
Golgotha knows only life!
Golgotha elevates all the peoples of the earth into it and all the life of God has to experience Golgotha!
Golgotha has nothing to forgive, Golgotha gave everything to the human being and that is Christ!
Christ is love!
Christ is everything, is light, life and happiness!
Christ is the highest Life for all the universes of God!
Christ takes the human being to the All-awakening!
People must earn Christ ... HE also had to accept the laws of God!
Christ is SOUL ... is SPIRIT ... is FATHER ... and is MOTHER ... Christ also went from the Moon and reached the conscious Divine All!
Christ demands of the human being that he carries his own cross, because the human being created his cross!
Golgotha cannot take away the cross from the human being, the human being must spiritualize himself and free himself from all evil!
Golgotha is justice!
Golgotha did not create any darkness!
Golgotha has nothing to do with the Churches, the human being can only conquer Golgotha by experiencing and loving the laws of life!
And the Spheres of Light got to experience that, my brothers, every soul of God had to accept that!
Who wrote the Bible now?
What do the Churches on Earth represent of these laws?
What is a theologian?
A minister?
What does the highest consciousness on Earth hope to achieve for God, for Christ?
What is the purpose of Golgotha?
We got to know that now and it is for the human being of Mother Earth.
There are millions of mothers and fathers of ours living in these spheres, my brothers, that is for every human being.
Not one father and mother, but millions.
What does that mean now?
That the human being has to conquer and now must accept the Universal Love, that means that we lived millions of times on Earth, but that soon, here already, we are completely one with all the life of God, but by means of Golgotha!
Before we go further, so higher, in order to enter the Fourth Cosmic Grade and the other grades of life, I ask you: are there still questions which we must experience for the child of Mother Earth?
What must we do, Master Zelanus?
Can you answer me?”
“I feel, my Master, that we can go further.
However, I know what we must analyze later, but that is not the intention now.
We follow the origin and the becoming conscious for the soul.
Later we experience her personality for the earth and then analyze all her characteristics, for fatherhood and motherhood, her arts and sciences, her insanity and thousands of other character traits which she possesses.
We may go further to the conscious Divine All and then go on until the invisible All-Mother, so that we learn how the life of God has completed the Divine Cycle.”
“Indeed, that’s it, my brothers.
Because the human being was able to complete his cycle on Earth, he therefore conquered the Third Cosmic Grade of Life.
Those are the laws of life of God!
What the earth and society built up, has become a wonderful unity, but the life of God is still spiritually unconscious.
We now follow the Universal systems and can also go further now.”
André now gets the opportunity for the first time to think for himself.
Jeus is now conscious in his life and he talks to his personality.
No, to meet Crisje and his father, and Miets, we have no time for that.
But he sees where they are, he talks to their personality for a moment and then surrenders himself to the universe of God.
André-Dectar knows!
He is one of the greatest prophets after Christ who will get to know the Earth, and he is beginning to accept that.
The laws teach him that, the consciousness speaks to his life, the Spheres of Light can tell him that and all the life of God.
We now go through the spheres, the seven transitions for the spiritual awakening of the human being and soon reach the seventh sphere.
I already know that Master Alcar has received contact with the Divine All and that he now goes straight on, in order to enter the conscious Divine All for the soul as human being, then we get to know our Divine Cycle!
André already sees that Master Alcar is one with the Divine All and he can make comparisons for both the earth and the Spheres of Light.
André has experienced those journeys and he knows all the laws of life for the Spheres of Light, those books have already been read for a long time on Earth.
Those journeys to the hells and then later to the Spheres of Light were wonderful, he now feels.
He did not know and did not believe that he would come so far, so deep and would get to know the life of God.
He never believed in this possibility and it was not possible either.
But we come that far.
He also knows what he got to experience for that purpose, he had to devote all of his personality for that.
The fourth sphere lies under us, we go further.
We know the Spheres of Light.
The Master goes faster than on the previous journey and we understand that too, because André must be back there before the light on Earth comes.
We now also know that we will still finish this book, this journey, before the war on Earth will end, but later we will begin with the following journeys, for which André will prepare himself.
Now we examine our life.
We know exactly what we still have to experience for the University of Christ.
We also know that we will not finish all these books, but that will come later.
But we serve mankind and one day mankind will have to accept us.
Yes, indeed, André-Dectar is the greatest prophet since Christ!
And that happiness now comes to his life and personality and he has to accept that.
We are conscious!
We are Cosmically conscious!
We know every law of life created by the All-Mother, André too!
That is our happiness, also for your life on Earth, reader!
It is up to you to open your life to love!
Master Alcar goes further, we are soon already in the seventh sphere.
We see the Masters and they send us their love.
And then we enter the Mental Areas, but now we go further, we do not remain on the Fourth Cosmic Grade any longer either, we know the life there and we know how the human being will also conquer that universe.
The human life grows, the soul as human being awakens cosmically conscious, she is going to the All-Consciousness!
We got to know what the laws of life are like on the previous life journey.
We know that we still have to experience millions of laws of life before we possess the Fourth Cosmic Grade.
But the human being awakens in the Spheres of Light, he now prepares himself for higher consciousness.
Master Alcar goes further, the life and consciousness from the seventh sphere speaks to us.
What will we experience there?
It enters us to gauge the life of feeling of the Third Cosmic Grade and to elevate it into our life and consciousness.
We fly back in our thoughts to where we were together, we experience the universe and every human, animal and natural grade of life, then we enter the Earth again, but from the Spheres of Light.
We now see what the Masters brought to Mother Earth.
We understand the being one of the human being, both materially and spiritually, and we are open to the spiritual sciences of the human being on Earth and in the spheres.
The human being is already light, life and love here, there are millions of children of God living on the Other Side.
Man and woman are one and twin souls of one grade of life and consciousness.
Good heavens, in what does the human being on Earth live?
How awe-inspiring the difference in consciousness is.
How poor the human being on Earth is in comparison to the human being in the Spheres of Light.
What is a Church now still, now that we admire these wonderful Temples?
What are religions now still, in comparison to this wonderful knowledge?
And we go further, we must go further!
The human being is going back to God!
We feel that we must prepare ourselves for the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life.
The sixth sphere for the human being lies there.
Seven transitions in order to awaken, before the human being can enter another and higher universe.
The human being experiences grade after grade, universe after universe, body after body, for spirit and his personality and overcomes his universes!
André has got to know the spheres.
If Master Alcar had not yet followed those laws, then we would not yet have been able to experience these books, but that is no longer necessary now.
Yes, indeed, the Masters laid stone upon stone and they did not go deeper, because the instrument had not yet reached that depth.
In this way André experienced the laws of life and was able to master them.
As a result of that, no worlds were missed out and his personality remained in harmony, even if he succumbed several times.
I see that he is thinking of his loved ones, I also follow my loved ones, that is also possible.
But just sense this experience, dear reader.
There are millions of fathers and mothers of ours and yours living here, with whom we were involved on Earth.
They gave birth to us and we gave birth to them.
How do you feel now on Earth?
The human being is unfamiliar with the life of God, the human being hates his own soul, his father and mother and here we are completely one in everything!
Master Alcar does not speak yet, but we feel what he is thinking about.
There comes to us from the universe: “Prepare yourself, you will now experience your Divine Cycle!”
What is that?
What is that like?
Can the human being sense this?
Do the spheres experience that mercy?
No, that is only for us, because we serve the University of Christ.
The human being in the spheres cannot free himself from his own sphere, that is not possible now, or he must conquer that universe!
There is the seventh sphere!
And now?
We feel, André and I, that Master Alcar has attuned himself to the Divine All.
Soon it will happen, and then we will hear what the Divine All wants from our life.
Of course, we go further, higher and higher and to more wonderful universes.
Universes of consciousness.
The Third Cosmic Grade of Life already lies behind us.
We are now that far!
We open our lives and receive!
And what we experience is love!
Is light, is soul and spirit, everything!
We are going back to the Divine All!