The Human Life with regard to the All-Source

Good morning, my sisters and brothers.
We will get this morning ‘The Human Life with regard to the All-Source’.
When you have understood the books properly then you can imagine some of what will now come to you.
When André prepares himself in order to make the journey with Master Alcar and me, then that is also now for yourself.
You enter into the sleep.
We must go through the sleep, we become free from the organism, and then we are faced with a vastness.
Of course there now comes, you have read ‘A View into the Hereafter’.
André is ready; he has experienced a dozen books. He had to write and to receive other books, and they are already there.
And because ...
The master said so and he wanted the Cosmology still to be there and André wanted to finish his task on earth, he could have been free in 1940, before 1940, he could have died here, which is of course not dying.
Those nine books, which Master Alcar brought to earth by means of Jeus of mother Crisje, André-Dectar, that was the end for the human being at a spiritual attunement, in contact and in harmony with his astral world, this universe was only analysed and given according to your own thinking, the bible, your dogmatic mentality.
You received the books as you think.
We experienced Golgotha, followed Christ there according to the human thinking and feeling, not spiritually.
Yes, indeed, at an attunement to the first sphere.
Now you must start to think how Master Alcar, how Master Cesarino put that work, that task, that state together, the human thinking with regard to bible, space, spiritual world, your hereafter.
But now we go to the cosmology.
Divine laws now speak.
You free yourself from the material thinking and you go straight with us to the All-Source.
And then, when we experience this, this morning – I have to stand still now and again – then afterwards we get God as light, God as soul, God as spirit, fatherhood, and motherhood.
And you will experience that growing.
If you know the All-Source, when you know God as love and see all his personalities before you, then you have, the theosophy, the Rosicrucians lie in both your hands, you have the bible, and you have every sect of the earth in both your hands.
There is nothing more which people can still give you, you are then cosmically conscious.
I can give you cosmic consciousness, only by means of knowledge.
You do not yet have it as a possession in you, but the lectures are for that purpose.
Perhaps I keep coming back to you as before.
But I hope this morning to get through in this with you, to be able to free ourselves from our material thinking and feeling.
And when we achieve that then you are faced with yourself, you will hear that, you will feel where it is going, all the things you received from André, all the things you read, received by means of the books.
Have one little bit of hatred in you, talk badly about the human being, gossip, talk – I had to give those lectures in order to build you up – then you cannot go with us now, you cannot serve.
If there is one fault, one real conscious fault living in you for devastation, for destruction, gossip, nonsense and whatever, then you cannot come along.
You will immediately, if you go to sleep, then you will remain in that because we cannot free you, because ‘beyond the coffin’ the hatred, the devastation, the gossip, the nonsense stands next to you.
Are you now starting to understand what you must go and do as an instrument?
You will understand what André, what that child there from that neighbourhood had to do in order to be an instrument for masters.
That is earned.
If you just want to possess one more little thing than you now have, then you succumb ‘beyond the coffin’.
And you must soon master that.
You will not escape what I explained to you.
You will not escape the Divine laws.
Now you must show your colours.
And soon when we come from the All-Source then the life on earth begins again in this chaos, and then you must prove what you can do.
And that is now spiritual attunement; that is the possession of the first sphere.
That is inspiration, that is art, that is wisdom, that is love and feeling.
Are you still not afraid?
I will begin, as the storyteller Master Zelanus or Lantos Dumonché.
Master Alcar, who frees André from his organism, receives him ‘beyond the coffin’.
We are now already through the sleep.
Are you already through that?
Are you now through the sleep?
You go into trance, between the fourth and the fifth grade.
You feel what was necessary for that, you have read it.
He becomes free, Master Alcar draws him up.
Your heart begins to thump, you get chilblains, cold.
The blood flow weakens, the nervous system no longer reacts, and all the systems of the organism now go into a sleep.
Now we are also in trance, now we speak, but this is the spiritual trance.
There lies the physical, we had to build that up by means of dark sessions, by means of the direct voice, the materializations, levitations.
And when that was ready and André thought he could give the world everything, the masters said: “That is not for you, my child.
We will continue.”
And here we now stand, ‘beyond the coffin’.
This sentence, my sisters and brothers: ‘Master Alcar who frees André from his organism, receives him ‘beyond the coffin’’, this is a book of five thousand pages, if we want to analyse this completely, this one sentence.
We now meet thousands of laws.
We must be able to analyse and have to conquer the kidneys, the systems, nervous system, blood circulation and everything, if we want to be free from our organism.
Yes, you certainly think that I am irritated once more to just let that lie.
You think of course, we will soon be sitting, in five seconds in the All-Source, and then we will just miss out millions of worlds.
“Just tell quickly how the All-Source is composed and then we will have ...”
But here I already break my spiritual neck.
Here we are faced with millions of laws and grades of life, with the awe-inspiring character of the human being, his personality, his will, his feeling, his life, his love; love, love, love.
And what is love now?
What does that child, that André, hope to achieve as an individual?
To fight God and the spaces?
And that is required of this life.
André is busy preparing himself, wrenching into the human organism, being friends with the human being, in order to love the life, to always think again towards the masters, towards the laws.
There is an awe-inspiring longing in him to want to serve, to love.
Do you now understand what being an instrument in this area signifies and means for the human being on earth, when you experience the highest?
The awe-inspiring battle before you want to let go of one character trait of yourself, before you want to bow.
Bow for what and for whom?
André said for that matter to Jeus and Jozef: “Do you understand properly what is expected from me?
I no longer tolerate any playfulness, because it now concerns everything.
In 1940 I could have dragged you and all your character traits and everything into ‘the coffin’, if I had not said: ‘I want to serve.
I want to give even more to mankind.’
But Master Alcar knew that I would succumb.
And I will succumb.
A time will come that I do not know that I am on earth.
Then we will surely go to the fair?
Then we will go somewhere in order to relax, won’t we?
You want that!
But then I will be left with the deadly seriousness of the macrocosms in my head, in my heart, in my soul, my blood; everything which you are a part of.
You: you, the city one, and Jeus.”
We now have only one sentence.
It is the life when we are ‘beyond the coffin’ for the soul as a human being, where he lives as an astral personality.
Master Alcar receives André, looks into his eyes and he is standing before his master.
He says: “My André, now the moment has come that I can receive you for the Cosmology.
And you know what is needed for yourself for that.
What you wanted to devote for that, is now the possession for this journey.
God gave us this opportunity because we are part of His life and that other which we will now receive.
But they are the highest masters under the inspiring guidance and love of Christ – do you see? – through which we may experience this task and may bring its wisdom to earth.
Know it now, it is Christ who gave all life the opportunity to serve for the Spheres of Light, for the evolution of this mankind, the awakening.
Because the Divine All wants – in which He lives – that mankind now awakens.
The ‘Age of Christ’ began at the moment, now that we make this journey.”
Can you imagine that?
‘The Age of Christ’ began when Master Alcar freed his instrument from his body and tuned himself into that wisdom, which you will now experience.
André bows to his master and then the moment has come that we reach spatial unity.
André sees us as young men of twenty-five years.
We are youthful, but cosmically conscious.
And the more consciousness we have, carry it in our heart, the younger our life becomes and we get that cosmic attunement, physically, spiritually and spatially.
He now knows that Master Alcar is cosmically conscious and that he will experience Divine truth, because he can now already orientate himself.
He can, if he wants – and that is no longer necessary – make comparisons with the earth because he knows now where he lives.
He looks and he looks, and he knows the power of this light.
He sees light because he is light.
If there was to be one wrong thought in his life then Master Alcar would be powerless and would say: “What can I hope to achieve with you?
The state of purity is situated where we are going.
There everything is love, so you must free yourself from all the material thinking.
There can only be love in you, wanting to serve, giving birth and creating.”
Are you now – you will make comparisons – are you now ready to climb with masters, to write books, to receive books if you just want to accept one little lie?
You see now, you now already feel what is required of you as a human being on earth if you will experience and receive this.
Then you will really have contact too.
But one wrong word, even if the human being does not even know that himself – and that is of course much worse, because you shall now be conscious in your thinking and your feeling – if you know that you are wrong and you think that you can give a human being that, as happens on earth anyway, you attune yourself to a terrible darkness.
And now work out all the things for sale in this area in the world and in your society.
And they think they possess heavens?
Those people think they can experience space and soon ‘beyond the coffin’ climb the Divine throne and sit down next to Christ?
Where do your masters in theosophy live?
Ask them, look into those eyes.
Ask them something again which you learned.
And woe betide them, if they do not give you the correct word, of which you know that the law exists and was condensed by God spiritually and materially, then you are faced with darkness and you can now determine all of that.
As Master Zelanus I am the first adept of Master Alcar for the spiritual world.
My Master Alcar is my master; I am the adept of him, the first one, and this is why I speak. But he has a hundred million of them.
In this way Master Alcar – you will get it now – built up a contact for the astral spiritual spaces and on earth, by means of which the master can pass on his thinking and his contact through me and directly to André, which he also possesses with Master Cesarino, Ubronus, Damascus and the Half Moon; and in this way a cosmic instrument was built up, for which he had to begin when the child Jeus of mother Crisje was born in Gelderland.
And now Master Alcar says: “Are you ready?”
“Yes, I am ready.”
Do you now know, dears, what this means?
Are you ready to go with a messenger of Christ?
Because you will now have to orientate yourself, and you can do it because you have ‘A View into the Hereafter’, you have ‘The Origin of the Universe’, you have got to know all those laws by means of the books, by means of the seven hundred lectures I took you there.
I had to break you in the morning, take everything away.
And now you must say: “I am ready for the All-Source.”
Not for a little drawing, or a scribble from the Other Side, but for the All-Source.
Are you ready for that?
And André can say: “I am ready.”
Because he has meditated.
He has meditated since his childhood, he was thinking, thinking, thinking.
And since the years 1929 to 1940 – it is now 1944 – during that time twenty books came to the earth.
This child dealt with, experienced millions of laws, in society, amongst people and he is now still rising.
If one fault was and had been made by him now, you will understand now that that fault, that bad, dirty carry-on follows him and he then stands naked before his master and then his master says: “Thank you.
You look well this morning.
André, you look great, but I cannot begin anything else because we cannot float five minutes between heaven and earth, be free from the earth – and then the earth is like a sickle, shows itself the same as the moon – you cannot take that ballast along because in only a three millionth of a second you will no longer have any life breath. André, what do you hope to achieve then?
Who are you?”
André says: “I am ready.”
And we leave.
“Come, my brothers, we will now leave the sphere of the earth.
Now adjust to the All-Source and make material and spiritual comparisons for yourself, so that the child of the earth will soon understand us.
Follow everything for these journeys.
Make one and do not forget either: you experience this for the whole of mankind, for all the children of Mother Earth.
Because one day, you will feel that, this is certain anyway, one day the child of Mother Earth must conquer all those laws and will make journeys for himself, experience the All-Source, the hells, the heavens, every grade of life created by God, but originated by means of the All-Source.
What you will now experience and what we experience, André, that is eternal Divine possession.”
My dear sisters and brothers, now imagine this, feel what this means when you stand before the reality of your Deity.
This is eternal.
And André sees that world, he lives with us in the astral world, no, we are still tuned to the material cosmos, because we now go to the spirit of the universe.
But we are still material looking, we see the planets and stars directly and you will experience that, so we look from our consciousness.
What is now consciousness.
We look through other laws of life and grades back to the material and then you are lord and master over yourself and everything which lives there.
Is this not the Divine respect that must awaken in you, mothers and fathers, children of one Father?
“Can you feel what this means?” Master Alcar asks André.
André gives an answer and says: “Yes, master, I am ready.”
Master Alcar continues and says: “It is amazing, my brothers, what we will now experience.
We will be connected with the Divine All and the Divine word of the masters there, so from the All-Consciousness, that word will now come to us and one of us will receive this word.”
One of us will receive the word from the Divine All.
And if you have not been able to accept, not have been able, not wanted to believe me and André during those years, then you will get the proof this morning that André, that same Jozef Rulof, can still receive a Divine word and stands in contact with the All-Source.
Hit him again soon, bark right in his face again and think wrongly of the masters, him and mankind, and you will darken your All-Source, your Divine self.
Now you are really faced with truth, reality, Divine laws and you can show your colours, you will have to bow your head for yourself, yourself.
“If you can understand this”, Master Alcar says, “then you will feel that Christ died for this on earth, for this, all of this.
Mankind then received his Holy gospel, in love.
And Christ interpreted and carried that gospel by means of His love, but people murdered Him there humanly, spiritually and Divinely.”
And that happens in space, between life and death.
André looks around him, millions of faces, millions of people look at him, they say nothing, they do not shake, they do not tremble, but the light and the justice of the Messiah shines from their eyes.
They now know: they murdered Him there.
They murdered Him there.
But people do not yet understand for what purpose Christ actually came to earth, and only the Cosmology can explain that to André.
It is given to us and we bring it for all the children of Mother Earth, for every sect and religion.
We must analyse it spiritually and materially.
The gospel of Christ is now both laid down and founded legally.
And now Master Alcar comes back to something.
He says: “Our former unity, André”, he means with ‘my boy’ and ‘my child’, “in the Spheres of Light, that is over.
That being carried has disappeared.
I now stand before you as a master and you are busy taking a cosmic exam.
You go to the mastership and you are no longer a child.”
Can you feel that André lays down the mantraps and traps for Jeus and Jozef?
And that those two, one from Gelderland, the other, the city one, must now go along to accept a bit of mastership, the deadly seriousness?
“Our former unity was of father and child, of brothers, but now we have become Divine attunements, we are independences.
You are your Deity, and I and Master Zelanus and the millions of people whom you see here represent their All-Source and are masters, masters, and masters; and that means, they are masters for every grade of life.
But the All-Source now wants, they are the masters who have reached the Divine universe, they want that we will now prepare ourselves now thinking for ourselves, for mankind, for every life, and must experience the law ourselves, that we must bow to the word.
But then, if you receive the word, there will be sacred respect in me, André, because now the Very Highest comes to us.
As a result of this we go deeper, deeper and deeper.
We will soon leave the material cosmos and enter the spiritual one.”
Can you do that?
Do you have the consciousness, I now ask you, received by means of the books, that you can free yourself from the material just like that and can connect directly with the spiritual source, therefore the spirit of all life?
We can do that.
André now feels – there it comes – that the earth disappears under his feet.
He knows that he is now a spiritual personality, the material lies there, nothing can disturb us, and we experience this because Christ wants it.
And this tells you – otherwise we would not have had this material – that the University of Christ now speaks.
Christ has the highest university of all the worlds.
What is high?
Christ is the All-Consciousness for all the worlds which originated, for every life, and we speak from, and we make this journey from that consciousness.
Christ wanted Master Alcar to begin with that journey.
In 1940 André said: “I want more.
Just let me succumb.
What does that matter to me.
I will go back, now that I know all of this, however difficult it is to live with this feeling on earth.
I bump against everything.
No one understands me, I cannot lose my love.
I could love the world.
I could give the world, I could give millions of people the treasures of space.
I cannot pass on that space, that wisdom.”
And Master Alcar knows that, millions of people know that, Christ knows that.
“The child of Mother Earth”, André continues in himself, “will get to know me.
I am now serving.
The child of Mother Earth is still unconscious, I know all that life.
I can now begin with my own comparisons for the earth, for my personality, for society.
And as a result of this the human being will soon get to know God.
But not only as God, also as Father.”
I am also busy making comparisons.
I follow André in his thinking because I have to.
I have now been ordered – imagine this – I have been ordered to follow André.
Master Alcar continues, he thinks, he attunes himself.
You see him floating, you see him here in his really beautiful cosmic garment.
His beautiful curls from life on earth also hang on his shoulders again.
He is just like a child.
But I must follow what André is thinking about, because I can soon connect his thinking with the cosmology and our books, in order to write our books.
That is my task.
“The child of Mother Earth must now get to know himself”, André thinks.
“Every spiritual and material law is then a revelation of God and then those children there learn how God manifested himself and where and when He began with that development.”
And then I say again immediately afterwards: “Yes, André, then it will be clear to you that we may no longer think for ourselves.”
My dear people, can you feel this?
If I just continue with this and I just read it out, you will not learn anything again.
“Then it will be clear to you that we may no longer think for ourselves, André.”
Therefore André must free himself completely from the earth, there is nothing more in him which can still think for him, he no longer feels for himself.
You must now start to think only for your God, your Deity, soon for your spirit, your Divine light, for your All -Source.
Just try it.
Just try it?
Now try it today, the weeks, the days, the hours to come, because you will have to begin with it ‘beyond the coffin’; your self must go there.
Are you ill?
Live one day outside and without your self, and you will be better.
You occupy yourself with far too many things.
You do not occupy yourself with the Divine, and you do not become crazy from that, not nervous from that, that cannot disturb you; you become calm, you radiate peace, happiness and prosperity.
How can God, how can space disturb you?
The human being says: “You will become crazy from that, if you begin with that.”
André says: “Now I see it.
But I must begin to start to think for God”, and Master Alcar laid foundations for that, he made journeys to the hells and the heavens for that.
We were on Golgotha.
We experienced, and got to know the origin of the universe.
We went through insanity, psychopathy.
Do you see?
The book ‘Mental Illnesses Seen from the Side Beyond’.
André now sees that, he says: “I can put all of that aside, but I had to know it.
One wrong thought and I will be thrown out of the All-Source, I will be no use to Master Alcar.”
And I follow André, I think: “My God, my God, my God, all the things he has to deal with.”
He feels his body there, he is lying there, and he sees himself sleeping.
He sees like that from space into his own room and he knows: there is nothing the matter because there is one who is keeping watch.
Therefore, so many percent of his life which has still remained behind in his body, Jozef now watches over that, because he is attached to that body for twenty-five percent.
And Jeus can also live in that twenty-five percent, but he now goes along.
André is continually tuned into, one, tuned into Jeus, to space, with his character, because that child in him must now awaken.
That child will also stand one day with his right hand up and say: “I want to go to the stake!”
And can Jeus from ’s-Heerenberg do that?
Every spiritual and material law is now a revelation for God.
“And that will be clear to mankind”, André says, “because I will now experience it, I can see it, I am one with that law.
I stand as a human being of the earth before the Divine systems.
Every law of life – you will hear that, human being on earth – will soon call to you, and I can already hear that: ‘Also experience me.
Experience us, André.’ ”
And then he hears Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, he hears the hazes, he hears the milky way, he hears the earthly atmosphere speaking: “Do you know me as atmosphere and as gravity?”
‘My God, my God’, he thinks, ‘and I must get through this?’
This enters him: “Love, and I will explain my life, my soul, my spirit, my personality to you.”
People of the earth, do you feel that you must already succumb now and will succumb?
Jupiter is busy explaining his spirit, his soul and his personality.
But André says: “Go away, because we are not yet that far.”
‘Now just let the astronomers come’, he thinks, ‘then I will explain what Jupiter has to tell me.’
And I meanwhile say to André: “Can you hear all of that?
We are one from feeling to feeling, spatial telepathy speaks in us.”
He says: “Yes, my brother, Master Zelanus, I hear all of this and I am only one hundredth of a second away from the earth and now we must still go to the All-Source?”
The aim of the highest masters is now to connect the West with the East.
“Peace and quiet must come to earth”, I will continue in this book, André thinks that, “it is only then that life on earth will be bearable and the human being can be connected with his Deity and All-Source and all his possessions, and that is now possible if the human being knows his Deity.”
You know it, not one child of the church knows God.
André is already sending back to the earth.
He makes spiritual, physical, spatial comparisons.
Do you also do that?
When you started to think like that, my people, then you came here.
Then you got hold of that book.
If you do not start to think of these things before then you will never make it.
You must therefore think, think, think; you must broaden yourself by thinking.
And anyone who does not have the books and does not want to and cannot and cannot yet read, is standing irrevocably still.
Only, you will never make it!
Yes, before!
You can make it, you go through ‘the coffin’, you will become free anyway, even if you know nothing, but I mean: you must get to know these laws ‘beyond the coffin’.
And why, why would you not prepare yourself now, so that you can go into the spiritual love there with your husband and your wife?
Who does not want that now?
“Because there is no damnation”, André flings back to the earth, “I am here.”
Do you see?
Damnation falls.
“The whole bible now lies open and has consciously become a state of purity”, he says.
And I say: “André, you are right, we now know everything of the world, every little dogma, everything which the human being possesses in religions and sects, in mysticism, in occult laws, now that we are only one second free from the earth and our organism.
One millionth of a second, in one millionth of a second, children, we can begin with ten thousand books, in order to write them, with regard to the earth, the bible, Christ, the Rosicrucians, theosophy.
And we now take away the frills from them because we now know space, we know ourselves now that we are free from the earth, our body.
If the human being, the master of the Rosicrucians and theosophy had been able to experience that, Blavatsky would not have had to tell that nonsense, that we first became nature then animal and human being.”
“From that”, André says, because we will immediately come across Blavatsky, “from that I recognize you, madam.
And we will meet each other in this space.
Because I am now the one who brings truth there and can tidy up your poverty.
You all sullied my path, the state of purity with your nonsense and your destruction.
I now fight against theosophy and I can begin every teaching from ancient Egypt.
I must destroy all those foundations laid, I can destroy those temples again which you made so beautiful.”
That is André now and Jozef puts that in his pocket and sends this back to Jeus, who sees that, but he is walking like that with a mask on, he cannot look.
André says: “I will soon tear that off you, then you will know who I am.”
“Understand well, my brothers”, I now write, now that André is thinking, “where I now live.”
And when André thinks that, Master Alcar looks up at him, he says: “You see, the words which you receive, which you now spiritualize and materialize, pass from my life to you, and you are thinking.
Understand it, my brothers, where we now live, there God is truly a personality as material and spiritual spaces.
And that means: we will go back to the beginning of all the Divine revelations.
We leave one grade of life after another, which we see as conscious worlds.
You know this world and God gave the life His shape, His independence.
Can you now feel this, André, and Master Zelanus?”
And then André says: “My master, I was able to make the comparisons a moment ago, I can see it.
When you attune to the spirit, the personality of Mother Earth as space then I see those worlds before me.
And now this macrocosmos, therefore the universe in which you live, and we, dissolves, become dark.”
Do you see, my sisters and brothers, do you now understand that the sleep – we will soon come to those philosophical systems, remember this – that your sleep is precisely: the going from the material back to the spirit?
And when you possess that consciousness, when you therefore possess that love and you know death, you are one with space, with the Spheres of Light and the macrocosmos, then it is very simple, that by means of the laws, the laws of the organism for your spiritual personality, you can also let go of space and can let that life die as it were.
You now go from the material to the spiritual space and you have now experienced that ‘coffin’ for space.
Is that now wonderful?
It is so true, that your sleep, your death, your evolution can be seen and experienced here in the macrocosmos, and André now experiences that.
We will make comparisons.
We free ourselves from the atmosphere of Mother Earth.
“But what does that atmosphere of Mother Earth now mean for the macrocosmos, that Divine organism in which we live?” André says to me.
And Master Alcar says: “It is true.”
And for that purpose we were able to make those journeys; that lie behind there again.
Building up, building up, building up ... and now we continue.
You want to go to the All-Source of course, but we are not yet that far.
“It is true, my brothers”, says Master Alcar, “they are the physical and macrocosmic comparisons which you have to make, or you will later understand nothing, nothing, nothing about that All-Source.”
And I must – people now also rap my fingers – dwell upon that, in order to give you that.
These are the lectures, adepts, now you become rich.
Do not long that I will suddenly place you before the All-Source because you will not understand it.
Be pleased that we can begin with the analyses.
And you will do this soon on earth when you are back in society.
And then you will say: “Oh yes, that also dies, but where does that soul go to?”
Where does the soul go, the spirit of your dog and your cat?
But where do you go yourself?
And then André can say: “Are we not going deeper now?
Master Alcar, I can see it, we enter the world in which the All-Source lives, is present, and it is only then that we will see the All-Mother.”
I feel ready to answer Master Alcar and can say: “It is now my turn to speak.”
“But which laws of life”, Master Alcar says to me, “will we then observe, Master Zelanus, when we enter the All-Source?”
“I will descend into that, my master.”
At that moment I get the inspiration and the unity with the All-Source.
We float further, we remain in contact and in harmony with the material cosmos until we gradually return to the spirit of space by means of the grades of life of this evolution, that is therefore God as spirit, but only for this space.
Do you understand once more?
Millions of laws now charge at us, but we go through that space to one target.
We already experience millions of ages, but we can only go to one target and yet we see those ages, they flash through us, we can attune ourselves everywhere if the question comes to us.
Can you feel this horrible consciousness?
Are you afraid?
Soon you will get the ‘great wings’ after all.
The human being of the earth with ‘great wings’.
I feel ready and can answer.
“I descend into that”, I say to Master Alcar, “it is the soul of all life.
It is God as soul and life who now speaks to me.
But there is much more which now comes to my consciousness.
If we, my master, want to get to know these laws, we experience the different grades of life for the macrocosmos – can you hear it? – the grades of life, the times of condensing for the macrocosmos.
And that is then: the All-Soul.
If I go through this and I find out about this, then I let go of the spiritual world.
I now lose myself, I become inspiration.
I must surrender to the Divine attunement, the origin of everything.
And I am now connected with that.”
At this moment I already got to see and to experience the All-Soul, we are clairvoyant, we are cosmic seeing.
And when you soon hear and see André, then you will see what his seeing is like.
You can infallibly possess Divine clairvoyance.
“And all of this which I see”, I say to Master Alcar, “is love.
But the laws will explain to us what that is.”
“That is truth”, Master Alcar says.
“Master Zelanus, you are really connected to the reality for the All-Source.”
Everything which God is – now it comes – lived before the creation in a world of silence, peace and was invisible.
There was still nothing.
But there was everything.
Because there was still no consciousness for material and for spirit; that was rarefied protoplasm.
Divine fluid: that is a later age once more.
You only come to stand before the All-Giving birth, the All-Creation, which we only know as All-Source, All-Soul, All-Spirit, All-Father, All-Mother, the All-Life, the All-Justice and harmony, and now finally as laws of growing, ages of condensing, elemental laws.
And next to this everything is love, love, love.
Now we still know nothing.
Now you can say: “I love.”
You do not know what love is.
The word love, yes, when you get your kiss and your hand, and the human being accepts you, that is still not love.
We will prove it to you – André experienced this and we had to bow our heads – that you do not know what love is.
You have something of it, yes, indeed, but love is a law and that law is working.
That working is harmony.
But what is harmony?
That is time, that is life, that is birth, that is growth, that is blossom, those are the colours which originated by means of God, the Divine realm of colours; all of that is now love.
“Do you have understanding?
Does the human being on earth have understanding”, André says, “of what is love?
I am starting to understand love.
I want to become love as working, as mental power.
If I just think wrongly, my kiss is unconscious.”
Did I mock before when I said: “How deep is your kiss?”
Now you will get to know how deep your love, how deep your kiss is.
You probably found it strange when I said: “Do you wish to know this morning how deep your kiss is?” then I spoke from the Divine All to your life.
And André knew it, he looked into the hall like that, he says: “No, there is not one who can kiss me spiritually, there is not one amongst the children here who would be able to kiss me spiritually.”
You cannot do it.
Is that strange?
Think about it soon and try to give your kiss that real wonderful love, which everything revolves around, to give that inspiration, – did I not say so – to give it the Divine realm of colours, radiance, consciousness, inspiration, supporting ...
Kiss, like that (master Zelanus kisses).
What André sees ...
Now we therefore go from the material cosmos, we already entered the spiritual astral world – Master Alcar no longer goes into it, we know the hereafter, so he does not dwell on what André has learned – we now go straight, we free ourselves and everything dissolves for us, the material cosmos has disappeared, also the spirit, the hereafter dissolves, it now gradually become dark.
Do you not find that just?
The law already lies here.
The foundation already lies here, by means of which the All-Mother can prove: “I was protoplasm, by means of darkness, evolution and light I reach giving birth and creating.”
When we leave the macrocosmos – do not even want to see the astral world – André is already faced here with the All-Soul as All-Source, in which that soul lives.
I told you a moment ago: “André sees darkness.”
I continue.
We therefore look behind this universe, behind sun, moon and stars, but go even deeper.
We must return when there was still nothing and God could begin with His first creations.
My friends, my sisters and brothers, there is no theosophist in the world, no master, no Buddha, no Ramakrishna, there was no one on earth who could reach, could experience this depth, André suddenly knows, he says: “My God, my God, where are we going?
Or”, he says, “we would of course have had those books in our hands, but they are not there.
You cannot buy them anywhere in the world.
The human being is unconscious.
They are not there, otherwise that master would have very certainly spread his light and divided it out in society, as I must do.”
Here André can already convince himself that he will get and will experience the very highest consciousness that Mother Earth has to present to her children, has to give to her children.
Can you feel?
You can also do that now.
But for André this is a Divine revelation.
And power enters his heart.
Knowledge enters his heart.
The battle for life and death enters his heart.
He suddenly knows Buddha.
He knows Mohammed.
There is no longer any sect, nor any temple on earth, or he will now blow that temple down and say: “Go away, go away from this area, because they are frills.
You have no possessions.
I, I am it.”
You will soon hear that.
We go through sun, moon and stars.
We let go of those stars.
We don’t want anything more to do with them.
We go to the spirit.
Now we therefore experience that we can think and live behind this material universe.
We now represent our spiritual astral personality and our knowledge.
People of the earth, do you now feel how the bible gossips, how the bible places you there before a last judgement, which does not exist and that there is no damnation?
You know the ‘Views into the Hereafter’, don’t you?
And do you then feel which teaching you can build up under your heart in order to give space to yourself?
If you do not want to let go of that, then you will remain unconscious, churchgoing, and that is deep unconsciousness.
“My God, my God”, André says, “I am capable of writing thousands of books, only I cannot write them, because I do not even know the language.
But I know it, I see it, the Divine All-Source, truth, justice speak to me.
I am so awe-inspiringly happy, how happy I am that I did not lose courage in 1940; I am still alive.”
I look at André in amazement and I envy him even that he is still in his organism – and that we are here – in order to deliver that fight to earth, in order to prove that you can remain standing, even if you have Divine consciousness.
And no frills are needed for that, life is now perfectly ordinary, but in you a source of awe-inspiring powers and wisdom of life bubbles.
You have become a source.
That is now a part of the All-Source.
And now we go through seven darknesses, grades of building up.
We see the light, we have left the spiritual astral luminous world – that is a conscious world. Do you see? – we go from there and now enter darkness, and now we experience seven subsequent grades and we only enter the world of the All-Source, the All-Mother in the lowest.
Your heart will miss a beat, just give each other a hand.
But if there is now no harmony with each other, and if you cannot accept the life of your wife, or the wife cannot accept the life of the man ...
You are independence, you have just being-self and you must no longer be any difference, or one will now dissolve for the other and you can no longer be reached.
Now you must know how deep you can think.
We now see your radiance from your thinking.
If your love is also there, your harmony is there, then we now see your unity with the All-Source from your thinking and consciousness, your feeling.
And no one is capable of chasing you from here, obstructing your path.
If you possess this attunement, no mortal, no law, no sun, no moon can stop you, because all of that is from God and belongs to you; that is yours.
Well, who are you now?
Do you still have inferiority complexes in you?
We will now take them away from you completely.
Even if you are still just such a little self for here, you will now already know that you are one with the macrocosmos; you are great, you are wonderful.
Even if you do nothing more, even if you are an old woman, to us you are wonderful.
“But when you tell nonsense and you are weak”, André says, “and you are pathetic and you just complain and you cannot spread any growing consciousness, the human being must just help you because you are needy, you snap, you snarl, then you are not worth anything, then you are really old inwardly and materially, you creak.
We are afraid of you because you disturb us by means of your creaking, inner self.”
Is it not true?
Just make comparisons.
Now a wonderful moment took place.
When we became free therefore from the material cosmos, and the astral world, and had entered the seven grades for the All-Source, then a voice came from this space and ...
People now speak to us from the Divine All.
The human being ...
If there was no Divine All, if there was no Divine consciousness, and the human being of the earth would not have reached the Divine All, then we would never have been able to hear this voice.
And now you can say: “You can imagine that”, but here people will give the wisdom.
And that is the hold of Master Alcar, for me and for André.
We can check these laws and then we see it for that matter.
Because from here we return to the Divine All, the conscious Divine All.
Soon we will make the journey from this source, but now through the creations into the Divine all, because the Divine All is now inhabited.
Can you feel this?
Can you feel that you are getting Divine revelations?
The voice says: “People of the earth and the Spheres of Light, follow us.”
The feeling enters us that God goes before us.
“Tune into these laws.”
We already do that.
“You are now faced with the very first revelations.
Now you will get to know God.
God, but who is God?”
That voice was so awe-inspiring, shaking, inspiring, full of inspiration, with a depth in sound and a love ... and it was audible through the whole universe, could be heard through the whole of this infinity.
You can make journeys of millions of miles and there the voice could be heard, resounded under your heart, you felt it in your head, shook against your hands, your whole being was filled with it.
We experience that.
André kept his hands clasped grimly, but looked consciously through, held onto Master Alcar and me.
And in this way the three of us went further, deeper, deeper and deeper.
Then the voice started to speak from the Divine All.
“But where does God live?
Where does God live?
You will have to ask all these questions for later, because it is only then that they can be answered.
The life itself wants”, the life itself, do you hear this?
“that you follow and now experience the laws.
However, this word gives you the assurance that the very highest follows you and that you are drawn up into that life.
You are that.
Can you feel this?”
Master Alcar now says: “You heard it, my brothers, the conscious Divine All is already following us.
This is now the All-Source, in which we live.
But that voice which we heard, came from the conscious All-Source, where Christ is now with the first millions who reached the Divine consciousness.
Where we live is now the All-Mother for us by means of which all the life received an existence.”
Did you master this?
“But we will see soon how that happened.
Here – in this space, in this darkness – lives the All-Soul, here is also the All-Life.
And we will soon see all of this together as soul, the All-Spirit.
Therefore all the qualities live here which we see materialized and spiritualized by God, but which were born from the All-Mother as a source of energy.”
Do you have this?
“And then the light comes.
The power and the workings will originate, they will follow us and will draw up our life, so that we experience this unity.
But by what means were the first spiritual worlds for God and the human being and the animal born?”
Can you feel?
The spiritual human being, Master Alcar already makes a comparison, and says: “Where were the first revelations for God born, for the human being and the animal?
Tune into the first revelations and you will experience by what means God could and was able to manifest himself.”
Silence enters our life again.
Master Alcar is silent and we deal with everything.
André and I.
André fights in order to be able to endure all of this and I see that he now still makes earthly comparisons by means of which he passes all of this onto your life.
At this moment, when we were one, had heard the Divine voice, André thinks: ‘People of the earth, think about what I now experience.
Feel the moment when there was still no life, when there was still no light, this moment.
It is the moment when God still had to begin with his spiritualization.’
“And I live in there, my dear Crisje”, he suddenly says and sends his deep, deep respect and consciousness from that source back to his dear Crisje.
“Mother”, he suddenly says, “I am becoming a prophet.
And one like the world has never known before.
Yes, indeed, I am not Christ.
Crisje, I am becoming a conscious prophet at a cosmic attunement.
What do you think of that?
Tomorrow you will feel me as you awaken, because you are now sleeping.
You are just as broken as I am, you are beaten, you are hungry, but I send you my love, my knowledge, my everything, my food, from this world.”
“I am becoming a prophet”, André says to himself, “but one who knows the laws.
I am one, I am one who supports, who gives and who lets the people grow if they want that, but I will never show it, Crisje.
I will not show that I am it, because they do not understand me there anyway.”
In that state André gets the time to meditate, because he has to think.
If he no longer lays any earthly foundations at this moment, then it is pointless, then we dissolve in the All-Source and we have no mental power for the earth, no, for our material, and then a while later it has been wiped out of us, because it does not belong to us.
That always gives you a picture again in order to learn to think and to feel, so that you can master the teaching which you receive by thinking, by thinking materially.
You must always experience this again.
And suddenly André sees the space before him as his consciousness will become.
He knows: here no human being of the earth has been; the voice from space proves that and what he sees proves that.
He says: “My sisters and brothers there – can you hear me? – what did the Catholic Church make of me and teach me?
Do the people wish to accept that any longer?
By means of which God had to reveal himself, that lives here, and that is light, life and love.
In the world in which I am now with the masters, God will soon come there to me as father and as mother, as soul, as spirit, I can see him in this.
But I am All-Source, I am All-Light, All-Life, All-Spirit, All-Fatherhood, All-Motherhood, All-Just, I start to feel all these laws, these powers, this inspiring plasma lives in me.
I now feel that I was born from all of this.”
Now Master Alcar says: “My brothers, now we descend to the All-Event.
The moment for the first Divine phenomena, which we will now see as working.”
And now, my dear sisters and brothers, now we must already stop again, but you are and you stand in the All-Source.
Hold on to this.
If you close your eyes and you look like that at the light, then you will still see light.
But when you are in the darkness – now you must just try that one day – real darkness in nature, there is no point of light to be seen, then also put your hands before your eyes, then you will still see light, you will still see light, that means: this light.
I now give you the picture which is the All-Source.
This light ...
You cannot think so deeply because even if you darken this – because you see here, do you feel? – you cannot even think away the light from space, but you must do it.
And then you do it like this: you sit in the darkness of your room, you put your hands on your eyes and now look, and then you still see sparks.
That is an attunement of the All-Source.
That All-Source was like this, you see into that darkness, by means of which I want to explain the All-Mother to you; which is very difficult and yet simple.
You see that a million-sparks-rain is present in that darkness.
Can you feel this?
And they are not lies, they are not the little stars which you have in your eyes, that is the All-Source in that and that state.
Because you now see from inside out through the material, beyond the material, beyond the spirit, you see the protoplasm in that as working, as cells, as millions, billions; what is called billions and what are millions, what does that word, what do those figures have to explain if we are in the All-Source?
Because when all of this is soon finished ... we will be in the conscious Divine All, then we will go through and then you will see – you already experienced that for that matter by means of the lectures which I gave you – then we will go through the All-Consciousness, seven grades higher and higher, and it is only there that you will be like the All-Source is.
Therefore the first grade in the Divine All is like the first sphere in the life on the Other Side.
Then we go through that – you now live here, we made that journey – through the macrocosmos, this is the macrocosmos, we start to descend.
But now we are in the All-Source.
We therefore make the Divine cycle for the material, for your spirit, your soul, your life.
Everything which lives on the earth is nothing in comparison with what we enter into, but it originated from that source.
The All-Mother had only working, quickening.
You see, sparks live in that working, and they are inspiring, but they were not yet spiritual, they were not yet materially conscious, they had not yet started with spiritual founding, because that was not possible.
Something will be born from this and then we will soon come – I will show you it, what we come to stand before – then we come to stand before the growing universe, by means of which we get to know God as the first phenomenon from the All-Mother.
Then we must stand still because now you will get to know God as light.
We come before the growing universe.
The All-Mother – you will hear that soon – now grows in this universe, that will soon be her body, her spirit.
We now get what we read in the beginning, what André said, we learn to know God as Soul, and then we get God as Spirit.
Master Alcar gave that to him in the kitchen, he says: “Just take that”, we are in that now, “God as light; God as a spiritual personality and as material; God as father and as mother; God as the Divine realm of colours; God as harmonic laws; God as spiritual and material laws of condensing, hardening, elemental laws.
We get God here as grades of life; God as the life; God as the spark, as a Divine spark.”
And then we are on earth again, then André begins from that source.
When we experienced that, then the life on earth begins for André and for you, and then we will see how your life becomes and will be then.
But we must still begin with all those systems.
Did you really experience something new this morning?
Do you start to feel how deep you really are and that you must lay foundations?
And that this is the irrevocable cosmology of all the times which will come, and the human being has to master?
My sisters and brothers, my time is over, unfortunately.
We would still like to go on for six hours, eight hours.
But you must eat.
I thank you for your beautiful feelings in the name of Master Alcar and also for André.
Make space of yourself, love, make a little revelation of your life.
Be sweet, be cordial.
Begin, now, this morning, today.
Do it for yourself.
If another does not want to: one day they will come that far.
Hold on to this, never let this slip out of your hands again.
Say to yourself: “This belongs to me and I will live and later die for it.”
Do you feel – and that will be my last word then – that Christ is already coming closer and closer to you?
I thank you.