The Astral and the Material Cosmos for the Human Being

Good morning, my sisters and brothers.
We will begin this morning with a new journey and namely ‘The Astral and the Material Cosmos for the Human Being.’
You will feel and you will know that the first contacts, the oneness with the All-Source took us to the light, the life, the love, the justice, the harmony, fatherhood and motherhood for God.
We experienced that journey.
You thought and meditated.
Then we returned to earth.
André began to think, to analyze for himself, for his soul, his spirit, his life, fatherhood and motherhood.
Were you also able to do that?
I recently gave you – by means of the last lecture, our oneness – the thinking and the analyzing, the being one with these laws for thousands of problems and situations, so that you will awaken.
And if it is clear to you, then you will feel that a little wrong thought suddenly places your whole personality outside that law, darkens, and then you can begin again.
We now make a journey to the astral cosmos and the material cosmos, and means that the human being conquers the universe.
This universe – we learn that later too – was created for the human being.
There are still no human beings, you will soon hear that.
Because when the moon begins, fatherhood and motherhood for space will spiritualize and materialize the laws, then the embryonic origin comes, and it is only then that the new life comes and follows, a new stage, a new revelation, directly attuned to the human being.
I explained to you by means of the lectures – I will not give you such a long introduction now – that arts and sciences actually mean nothing more if you do not begin with your life of feeling.
And that beginning means: you must bring yourself into harmony with those laws which we now speak about and by means of which God could begin with His revelations.
It is always just talking again, talking, talking, analyzing, analyzing, analyzing.
And we always notice it, again and again, by means of one snarl, one harshness, one thing which you cannot receive harmoniously, by means of those little causes, the personality lies – you are that yourself – for his fatherhood, for his motherhood, for his spiritual life decomposing at your feet and means nothing more.
Because that one wrong, harsh snarl that kicks, that places you outside of that first sphere.
And if you do not begin with that, you will never make it.
“It is difficult”, that does not exist.
If you say: “How difficult it is”; that does not exist for space.
If you want, and think it through, you are people, then you can begin with that analyzis, with that spiritualization for yourself, because that cosmos – you will soon learn that – lives in you.
But if you do not begin, all those wonders have no meaning.
You must give your blood for that, you must bring your will to growth – I gave you that at the last lecture – for this which now comes, or you will never get contact with your inner self which has attunement to the revelations of and for God, for Christ, for Golgotha, for the Other Side, for the whole of this space.
We are preparing ourselves for the new journey.
André is walking in the street ...
I could also have read out a dozen pages, but that will take too long for you, then I will only be talking about the meditating of André, that will come later anyway, because then when we know the macrocosmos, we will see that macrocosmos in us and then I will return to that meditating for yourself.
But to experience that spatial consciousness at once is possible.
What we now follow is also the analyzis for the universe, and you must then begin for yourself, that universe lives in the human being.
We now also make comparisons, and now think, follow me, come along and hear what we now have to bring to analyzis for each other, how the macrocosmos will manifest itself in the smallest things.
Because a planet as feeling, as space gets the character trait for the human being, for your spiritual, inner feeling and thinking.
And that becomes space, that will get ‘great wings’, that is free from the bible, free from every religion.
You – I made that clear to you – are blessed and live in the ‘Age of Christ.’
His university reveals itself for all your character traits, for all your lives and especially for this society, which is still unconscious, but which will still, despite everything, experience those first foundations if the Masters will begin in a different way.
I will begin.
I will follow where André is ready and he just can make comparisons, meditate before we begin with the new journey. You know, we are still living in 1944, we go through the last months of your war. I had written the first pages, the introduction.
I was almost ready.
So, I wrote in the afternoon and outside of this André can make comparisons, meditate.
Can you now feel how wonderful, awe-inspiring this life is?
You do not enter that by means of yourself.
If no contact had been present here, what does that Jozef Rulof, what does that André hope to achieve, outside of the Masters?
If Master Alcar had not come to him – that beginning which I read out to you about: “Just take this down: God as Soul, God as Life”, you know all of that, “as Light, as Personality, as Harmony and Justice, as Father and Mother” – then André could have experienced his misery alone, as all of Europe could and had to accept that.
But we have made it.
Adolf Hitler was during that time the executioner of mankind, but in addition to that there was one life of feeling on the opposite side.
And who was that in Europe?
Who had this in the world?
Why do those books not come forward?
Why theosophy does not have it?
The Rosicrucians not?
Why did the Catholic Church, Protestantism not bring that?
They were powerless, they had nothing to tell.
Theosophy had, has no Masters who have direct contact with the universe.
You have this alone and that will be clear to you.
And it is only then that you will understand in which world you live when you are connected to those Masters and those laws.
I will go back again.
When we are nearly that far, André is walking in the street, then he hears and sees Master Alcar and says: “André, are you okay?”
“Yes, Master, I am fine.”
And then Master Alcar can say: “Precisely, my brother, everything which you now see and which you experience, those flowers, that water, the trees, the human being, the light, the night, the life, all of that is Divine Wayti.
But can you feel the power of this word?”
Wayti ...
“You are talking about God, the bible speaks about God”, space suddenly begins to speak, “and space and all the life, the soul, the spirit, all of that is Wayti.”
In other words: life.
Wayti is light, Wayti is soul, is spirit, and is life.
Wayti is fatherhood and motherhood, are laws of revelation, that is the God of all life, to whom the Masters gave the word ‘God’ during a time when the creations were already condensed, and as a result of this, recorded everything.
And Christ himself collected those words.
You will see and experience that, when the human being had already built castles, people did not yet know about God.
Then the Masters were busy in ancient Egypt, in China, Japan and in Tibet, outside in the East, in order to, around the life – not around the life, I mean when I say this, then I mean society – but around that society and that life in order to lay contact with the human being, and in this way the metaphysical teaching came about.
And this is exactly the same.
So we have direct contact here with the human being who now represents the Spheres of Light and knows Christ and knows God and knows that space because they mastered those spaces.
You will get Divine lectures, does that get through to you?
Here, why no longer exists.
Here we are in contact.
This is Omniscience.
And then André can say: “I felt it, Master, it is supernatural.
It is life and light, it is knowledge.
It is love, it is fatherhood and motherhood.
If my life was filled with this Wayti, what can happen to me and what will still happen to me?
What will I be like then, when I am Wayti?”
Is it not true?
“Wayti ...
I want to bless myself by means of the spatial Wayti, my Master.
I want to be like a star, a tree, like the water, like a flower, like all the life of God.
I know it, Master Alcar.
I now feel what you and Master Zelanus possess.
I also want to become cosmically conscious.”
And we read and we experience what has to be done for that in these five, but in these five hundred books.
“And that is possible, my brother André”, Master Alcar says in the street, and then he walks through the snow back home.
“But come, prepare yourself, we will begin this morning, tonight with a new journey.
I saw that Master Zelanus is ready.”
And in four days I have recorded all those pages, that first journey about God as love, light, life, and everything.
Meanwhile André has meditated.
We can begin with the new journey and that is called: ‘The Astral and Material Cosmos for the Human Being.’
In the evening he disembodies.
Master Alcar releases him.
André cannot do that either on his own – not yet – Master Alcar still has that in his hands.
Because he cannot free himself – do you see? – from himself, they remain revelations in the hands of the University of Christ.
Those gifts are too wonderful, too sacred, and too real.
If you were to possess that alone, then you would fly out of your body every moment and neglect this life.
This gift only reaches expression and working when the human being – here André – serves for the University and the Masters.
Master Alcar says: “I will release you this evening.”
Also that – you see – also that is not in André’s hands.
We paint, he cannot paint; no, we have the gift.
We write, he cannot write; we have the gift.
We see, he does not.
We hear, he does not hear.
He has nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing.
But all of that lives behind that, if you also want to give yourself and reach expansion, can accept the definite ‘yes’, want to serve the Masters and yourself, then the gift comes from space to you and you will probably see yourself differently and better, your dear ones, your father, your mother, your God, your Christ.
André says: “I thank you.”
And what must he do now?
He reaches the silence, he starts to think, he becomes grateful; there is always simplicity, because he has nothing.
“What does the human being want”, he says to the girl from Vienna, “what does the human being hope to achieve with me?
I have nothing, but I have everything.
And you can also get that if you begin with this thinking, because sooner or later the whole of mankind will have to experience this gift, in order to disembody, in order to give to a character trait food, a new foundation, in order to let that thought disembody and to take it to the spiritual attunement, the first sphere.”
Yes indeed.
And when André stands next to the Master and opens his eyes again and looks into my face – we are brothers, we recorded the work for Master Alcar quickly – then Master Alcar can say: “You see, if you just think and want to give the blood of yourself, even if you will feel beaten and kicked, but then I can continue.”
And if André had now succumbed by means of the Divine All, by means of all those laws – “I can no longer do it, that is becoming too bad, I am still so young and life is so beautiful and I have not yet had anything in my life, and I also want to have something here, why must I always be busy with that universe and what does that sacredness matter to me?” – then he stood as a naked self in the street and he did not mean anything either.
And then Master Alcar could say: “The ‘droodles’.”
That is then called: the ‘droodles’.
Did you really think that God concerns himself with your inner life if you do not begin with that yourself?
That you can bring that Deity in you to awakening, when it does not matter to you?
Did you really think that Master Alcar has sympathy for his instrument when André is groaning there, and sun and moon, and water, and a tree, and a flower, the loved ones of Our Lord, the Divine realm of colours starts to speak and he collapses there from groaning and from pain and must be carried by the human being on earth?
Who can carry this life?
Who is tired of that?
“What is tiredness?” André says.
“What does tiredness matter to me?
What do I have to do with material blood and nerves, which want to break, if I now have everything to devote for my Kingdom of God on earth and on the Other Side?”
It concerns everything here.
And Master Alcar is most certainly not naïve and fainthearted and yet a brother, a father, a mother and he then says: “My dear, my son, I have only respect for you.”
“Are you satisfied?”
André sees that in his eyes.
“Satisfied, what is satisfaction?
You experienced, followed everything perfectly.
We will now go further.
If you want to expand yourself, then I can go further; and I, I again through the higher Masters.”
And in this way we get our oneness – we talked about Divine oneness – with God and space and the Divine All, and then the Christ can speak.
And then the Messiah says in the first place: “I am now the gift.
I have everything, and I want to be rid of all of that.
But you will have to think for this purpose, you will have to love for this purpose.
I gave everything.
Now just nail yourself to your little crosses.
But do not hang Me on your chest if you do not want and cannot think about My life, My feeling, My personality, My space.
Who do you love?
Hitting and kicking?
Deforming My space, My life?
Speaking about Me and placing the demons before My life?
Putting out your hands and making an animal-like carry-on of My gifts to heal the human being by means of My word?
Just wait ...”
“I want to be cosmically conscious”, André says, “and I devote everything to that.”
And then Master Alcar can say: “Come, my brothers.
Yes, André, that is possible and carry on like that.
But come, we are leaving.”
And now the earth disappears again, we are going out of the earthly sphere.
We see immediately.
We are now going so fast, in one second we can connect ourselves with the moon and we are there.
But we go gradually in order to attune ourselves, in order to prepare ourselves for now, for the astral and material cosmos in and for the human being.
“It is my aim”, Master Alcar says, “to bring your life to spatial unity.
We will experience the Divine revelations for the astral and material cosmos.
By means of this you will receive your cosmic consciousness.
If you can lay these foundations, no matter how it is spoken on earth to your life and personality, André, later you can consciously attune yourself to a law and only then the law of life will speak for your being and personality and you will be one with everything.”
If love, harmony, understanding lives in you, or you will not experience any contact.
Is that not true?
“Then you no longer need to look for the Divine laws, no, you beat them away from your life.
But if you are ready, then at the same moment, wherever you are and attune yourself, then the life will speak to you and will now tell you about the own obtained spiritual and material evolution.”
A flower does that, the water does that.
A dog did that, a cat did that, the night did that, the sun, moon and stars did that; everything now starts to speak and only because you are in harmony.
If there are now lies, if there is deception, then you do not have that rarity in you, because your Deity is now the foundation in order to experience that unity.
“And”, Master Alcar says, “we had to master that and everyone in the Spheres of Light, possesses that, the fourth sphere only places it in your hands.”
When you are in the fourth sphere then you are a cosmically conscious being, then you are a spiritual unity, then you are really sweet.
And that fourth sphere also attunes you to the fourth cosmic grade, which we will now experience and undergo.
“And for that purpose, André, you as a human being will have to love all the life of God.”
Yes, does it get through to mankind?
You will have to love the life of God.
But having once arrived in this harmony, this oneness, they are the sandals of ‘Masks and Men’, that is the garment which you wear and, as André keeps giving it to you, your perm.
Yes indeed.
Did I not speak here myself about your spiritual nylons?
You can have them there, but then they are the living fibres which enclose your spiritual personality, and the garment which you then wear is fed by your wanting and thinking, your love, your fatherhood and motherhood.
Yes indeed.
“And that”, Master Alcar says, “André, is all Wayti, Wayti is therefore everything, because we can experience all of that and can be immediately connected with the Divine Wayti.
Wayti gives you contact with all the life created by God, by means of this we experience the Divine creations.
Every soul created by God, enters the University of Christ by this means.
People can only reach that on earth, and on this side, by means of Golgotha.”
Can you hear this, people!
Only by means of Golgotha.
“Therefore love everything which lives and you will continue.
Love and you will never be alone again.
Love and the life will touch yours and will show you the way in order to go further.
Because your Divine attunement watches over soul, spirit and material, over your fatherhood and motherhood, your rebirth.
Could it be any different, my brothers?”
“No”, we call out, because we now follow and experience the reality.
“And this is why your experiencing on earth was wonderful”, Master Alcar says.
“André, you have now received spiritual gold, Divine oneness and we bow our heads, I and the Masters and everyone, because you are capable, have brought yourself to this unity, so that we can go further, because now I experience my Divine attunement through you.”
And that is true.
Master Alcar and I now get to experience Divine unity because André wants to go further and wants to fight and wants to endure, inwardly, everything which the cosmos gives him to bear, and that is a great deal.
“Do you now wish to follow me?”
Now I must ask you: do you remember it?
We now live in the astral cosmos.
You experienced the divisions and then we returned to the earth.
Do you remember it?
We only saw light.
The divisions came about.
There is now only a spiritual space, here.
That material, those planets and stars still had to condense themselves.
There is only emptiness, but space, and that is the spiritual, astral cosmos for the human being.
That must be condensed for the human being.
We now live in that.
And we experienced those laws in that and our journey ended there and then we returned to the earth.
Then we began to meditate and now we are in that spiritual cosmos again.
“But then”, Master Alcar says, “we connect with the moon”, so that is the present stage, “in order to establish how she began with her own life and condensing.”
“We are ready, Master”, we gave as an answer and André is also that far.
And then Master Alcar can say: “Well, my brothers ...”
Now it will already begin, I will slowly and calmly explain the laws to you, so follow me now, this is Divine wisdom.
“Well, my brothers, millions of spiritual and material worlds originated.”
So we now think from the spiritual source and see at the same time that the macrocosmos has condensed itself materially.
“From the astral cosmos the material was born, we now know that, because we live in the present stage.
André”, Master Alcar says, “you can analyze, make comparisons.
So if there had been no progress and if all of this had not known any evolution, then this would just have been a spiritual space, that would have remained like that and no life would have become visible.”
Now Master Alcar says: “Do you wish to attune yourself to that?
Our journey has now started.
Now we will think for God and the University of Christ.”
And I now dwell on this for a moment, that is now for you.
If you do not begin now with spiritual thinking and feeling and you do not want to bring your character traits into harmony with your life on the Other Side, and you just continue with whys and whys and whys, and for what purpose and for what purpose, and that is not possible, and I do not accept that, and I do not agree with you because that God could be different, then you will never make it and you will stand irrevocably at a standstill.
But you must start to think.
We will now start to think for the cosmos as an astral life and the material revelations which were created by the All-Source.
Do you wish to attune to that?
That is simple, isn’t it?
André must do that and I hope that you can also do that.
Our journey has started.
“And do you wish to see, Master Zelanus, what happened in the meantime?”
And now, you can also do that from the world.
I am ready, my readers, my children.
It says here ‘I am ready’, dear reader, because I know the laws and I know what my Master means.
I can say: have you read ‘A View into the Hereafter’?
Do you not have ‘The Bridge to Eternal Life’?
Are you not connected to death?
Did you not go with Jeanne and the priest through the ‘coffin’, and did you not float along with Master Alcar in order to say to the human being: “I am alive, it is so wonderful, I am alive and there I am dying.”
Did you not read ‘The Cycle of the Soul’?
‘Mental Illnesses Seen from the Beyond’?
‘The Origin of the Universe’?
Did you experience, absorb those books into you?
Then you can now answer cosmically.
And what also came for you: ‘The Peoples of the Earth’, ‘Through the Grebbe Line to Eternal Life’, ‘Spiritual Gifts’, ‘Masks and Men’.
Do you have nothing to say to each other now?
What did you learn by means of the university?
Can the Catholic Church do that?
Can Protestantism do that?
Can the bible do that?
Can one sect do that?
Can Buddha do that?
Can Mohammed do that?
They did not have that.
You are Mohammeds.
You are Buddhas, I told you.
But if you never begin to think in order to draw yourself up and to take yourself to that evolution, I cannot do anything with your dead material.
I am ready.
But are you not ready?
“I am ready, Master Alcar, and I will surrender myself to those laws.”
You find it so strange that we speak of cosmology – the world, mankind – but when you are busy every day with the human being, can you not say these words then?
Did we not teach you that then, were we not able to lay those foundations?
“I will surrender myself to those laws, Christ.”
And then you should hear what you then say.
I will explain to you what now speaks to my life.
But what did the books tell you?
And who spoke to you by means of those books of André – Jozef Rulof, Jeus?
I say: “As André experienced it on earth, I now receive the Divine truth, by means of which André will experience what he was able to receive there, and he also sees this Divine truth because he lives in those laws.
I am still attuned at the moment to the material universe”, so we are still looking at the condensed sun and moon.
“So I must go back for a moment, because space forces me to, because what I now see, my brothers, is the sparkling universe, in which we and Mother Earth live.”
That is therefore the material cosmos.
“We are part of this space.”
People, people, fathers and mothers, can you feel that you can now say: “We are part of this universe”?
“The highest Masters follow me, it is Christ, they now drew me up to their consciousness.”
And if you now want to know even more in this wisdom, with these books and you attune yourself to love, happiness, oneness, harmony and justice, you no longer snarl and snap and you trust, you have no jealousy – because if you are jealous, you have no love – you surrender to a small thing, you surrender to God and these spaces, then the Divine check is attuned to your personal self.
In this way you can no longer make any mistakes.
“And I am now standing in reality”, I say to my Master and André.
The Divine word is given to me because I want to be one, because I want to spread and will materialize the love and the spaces of my creator.
“André, André, I am so grateful to you”, I say to André.
“This word, Master Alcar, comes under and in my heart, I feel space beating and awakening in my heart, my spiritual blood circulation is speeding up, and yet I continue to dominate in everything because I love.
It is the inspiration which I now receive and by means of which I may follow the Divine creations and will experience them for the human being on earth.
I have now become fertile.”
Can you hear this?
You become fertile if you tell something to the human being, of which you did not yet know that it existed yesterday.
You now become fertile, you are growing.
“I will give birth, my Master, and I will create, you too.
By means of my being one I will now see and undergo these wonders.
And my life is growing.”
Can you hear it?
You are also growing, my children.
“My life is growing, I now feel like God and like father and mother.
By means of my life of feeling I represent my own independence and that of this space, and I see the life before me awakening and reaching consciousness.
I now see that the astral cosmos has created and condensed the material”, this one in which we now live.
“And that happening represents God as mother.
But the life went from motherhood”, we did not experience that together, “over to the creating power and only then one condensing after another followed, by means of which life in space received shape and an independence.
It is amazing what I see and which you can follow through me and yourself.”
Master Alcar says: “Go further, we experience what you see, perceive and feel.”
“I told you a moment ago, my brothers, that the material cosmos was born from the astral and that applies to all the life which we will get to know.
However, if I descend to the laws for this birth and the rebirth”, we are still in that astral cosmos and see the material, “then I experience millions of revelations and the rebirth of every cell and that gives me expansion.
That gives to all the life which will originate by means of this, spiritual and material, physical awakening.”
But then the spark will, the embryo will become a human being, and from that the animal and we see the evolving nature, by means of which Mother Nature could begin with her creations, her giving birth, her justice.
“And then we immediately stand before the laws, my Master and my brother André, before life and death, but that is the continuing for the material space”, that is evolution, there is no death, “and the life of God speaks the language of becoming conscious, which was obtained by means of that independence.”
Do you understand this?
You now have an independence, you are Gods.
If you begin with that Deity, you will get spiritual attunement and expansion.
“God gave himself to all life and we people, my Master, my brothers, get that in our hands, that becomes our possession.
This takes us to the seven revelation times.”
And you will find those revelation times, my sisters and brothers, in all the laws of life.
In the mother; if your child is born then you get the cell life.
The embryonic life lives in the mother and grows and they are seven ages which the mother experiences, but which we saw in the All-Source and were able to follow, when we began with these lectures.
And all the bodies possess those seven revelation laws which will come to the materialization by the spiritual becoming conscious, and will finally then be sun, moon and stars and planets.
How wonderful all of this is, we will be able to follow and to experience that.
“God divided himself into myriad parts, but for the universe – do you see? – then the embryonic life was born, because every cell gets to experience these laws.
Now the life cells as suns and planets get to experience the own existence.
This came from all of this”, because we can oversee this, “and God continued to evolve himself, but in order to give this to himself.”
To give to himself.
And that is now sun, moon and stars, but you are that as a human being.
If you wish to experience love, then you give that love as a Divine cell.
And you will now feel, then we come to stand before those philosophical systems and then we have to bring everything in our thinking and feeling back to the Divine stage, in order to represent our Deity there.
I am a Deity, and you are it.
“Every cell gets to experience that universe.”
Every cell, the smallest insect is a Divine conscious or unconscious child.
“Every world is a cell.”
A world, a hereafter, my sisters and brothers, is only a cell of your Deity.
A sphere, an infinity, this universe is only an embryo in comparison to the Deity which lives in you.
Is this understandable?
Can you feel how awe-inspiringly deep, wonderful the human being is?
Every world is depth, is life, is love, is soul, is spirit; deep and wonderful.
“And I am that life”, I can say to Master Alcar and André.
“Sun and moon are only cells of God and therefore get the own spatial existence for me.
However, they serve fatherhood and motherhood, which emerged by means of the planets.
But the macrocosmos originated from this process of millions.”
For me, for you, for the life of God all of this is condensed and all of this is created.
“All the life of God must now follow and represent what God brought into infinity, my brothers, for space”, can you feel? “and now represent His will in order to return to the Divine All.
Space will condense this life, but every spark, every part of God now possesses that Divine attunement.”
And wherever the human being lives, all the life originated from the God of all life.
“When you feel this, my brothers”, I continue, “then it must be clear to you that God filled His space by means of this.”
Then filling came.
“In the millions of centuries which passed, the life was able to condense itself, but by means of the Divine harmonic laws.”
We therefore talk from the astral cosmos to the material.
By means of the harmony, space was able, those laws were able, sun, moon and stars were able to condense themselves.
“The sun got to accept the creating power for space.
The sun as father served the giving birth principle, motherhood.
And that task, imposed upon this life, became the materialization for the universe of all these sparks of God.
Therefore the light-emitting organs, my Master, ensure the reproduction.”
The light-emitting powers of space ensure reproduction.
And when André feels this during that time, then he can say: “Yes, the light-emitting feeling of my personality gives shape to my character and I grow.
And I have already earned that up until now.”
Do you see?
But now we are just thinking for the universe, but that is also for the human being, for your character, because that is ultimately what it is about.
“And we see that dominating power as laws”, that dominating power, do you experience this word? So a dominating power as laws, “again as grades of life.”
We are capable of being able to establish the own independence and depth of that, for life on earth, for life on this side; this is Cosmology.
“God created three following grades of life for these spaces.
As main planets they are: Moon, Mars and Mother Earth.”
Three following grades of life – you read that in ‘The Origin of the Universe’ – and these three grades are only one life.
These three grades connect one consciousness and that is the highest consciousness which Mother Earth possesses and which the human being must master, because you come and evolve from the jungle to the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on
Is it not simple?
God created grades of life for this space as feeling.
But we, the planets and the stars would materialize that.
“They were connected to each other and accepted this cosmic unity”, because there is harmony in this.
“The secondary planets were born in this”, and finally the independence as ‘self’, for this planetary system.
But the human being, the animal and Mother Nature originate by means of this.
I can continue and say: “These three planets would continue the life of God.
God therefore placed that in the hands of the universe.”
But it is He himself, He is this Self.
God placed all of this in the hands of bodies.
But He is God as sun, as moon, as a planet, as a star.
Can you now already feel who God is?
“They would divide themselves and then we see the life for human being, animal and plant.
We can follow and we will now follow what that development was like, my brothers.
We have to accept that by means of this the material space was born, by means of those powers, those laws, those condensings.
The picture, my Master, which I therefore see, is that this life received the life and the own independence from the primal source.”
Can you feel this?
“You now see – I am connected to that – that the sun is already becoming stronger.”
The sun is rising, fatherhood for space starts to materialize, and grows.
“By means of this motherhood reaches awakening and that is the moon.”
There was only fatherhood and motherhood at that time.
There were only two bodies in space, two feelings, two intellects busy and that was only fatherhood and motherhood; it is the moon and the sun.
But who now knows the sun and the moon as these lives?
You are moonchildren, and you will become sun consciousness.
Can André from ’s-Heerenberg experience that under his own power?
Can Jeus of mother Crisje imagine this himself?
Every word is from God, every word is spatially conscious.
Can you do that outside of your school?
There is still no university on earth which teaches you that.
Understand well, that you are now connected to thinking and feeling which no longer lives on earth, which must still awaken, because the universities are not yet that far.
“The picture which I see comes under my heart again.
The moon and sun reached awakening, my Master.
Because now that the universe would be directly attuned to the human life”, you feel, that starts to awaken, “we must be able to see and be able to establish according to the laws of life”, now it comes again, “by means of which God was able to attune His powers to this process of condensing and by means of which He was able to accelerate this being born.”
Therefore, in that space – and you still experience that every day – there is an infallible thinking and a driving force, and that continues, that life has already began and that can no longer be stopped, that is infallibly certain because here there are no disturbances.
That is so wonderful, that universe, and it seems so deep and so far away from you and it lives completely under and in your heart.
It is your motherhood and your fatherhood, you are standing on top of it.
You give it, and you probably do not even understand it.
When you start to give birth and to create – people, hear now what I say – then you are Gods in your own situation, the being one for the human being is so sacred, so Divine.
But who understands it?
Who now feels Divine oneness?
Giving birth?
“By means of this, my brothers, we see that space will give birth to new life”, you see and that continues, “and create, and that means, that more spaces will originate and that this universe can therefore not yet be the All-Consciousness.
This life is not yet that far.
But soon we will see those worlds and then they are the fourth, the fifth, the sixth and the seventh cosmic grade, of which the seventh represents the Divine All.
And, my brothers, we will also receive the Divine word for that.”
And that is infallibly certain.
“It is therefore clear – and you must now receive and experience that – that this space will condense and will create following laws of life.”
So this space, this astral cosmos, it is already busy giving shape to the material, and that will be the human being, the animal and Mother Nature.
“And then we stand”, now you must hear, “then we stand before the growing universe.”
I must just continue, but I would be able to tell you about wonders and revelations now and descend to yourself, your life in society, to this morning.
And it is very tempting to say: are you growing every day?
Do you give growth to your love, your friendship, your acquaintance, your brotherly love and sisterly love?
It is so awe-inspiring to hold onto this now, but to give shape here in society, to want to build up for that personality as a human being, as father and mother.
But you can reflect on that.
This is why I took you to the books, this is why I bring you to the being human.
It is the growing universe for everything.
They are the ‘great wings’ for your character trait, your fatherhood, your motherhood, your friendship, your being a sister and being a brother.
“What we must now experience is”, I continue, “how the sun has given its powers to motherhood, as a result of which new life originated. We can soon, when we see the material cell as a grade of life before us, establish and experience that, and then we next see that grade going further.
It is only then that we will be capable of seeing the material being born.”
And you cannot see it alone now from centuries ago until the present, but you can feel and experience it, mothers, fathers.
You experience divisions of God, expansion, new birth.
That will begin infallibly in the mother and those laws are still exactly the same as God began in the beginning of His revelations with His spiritualization and materialization.
There is still nothing changed, the laws are infallibly certain, sacred and Divine in the hands of the human being; but what you make of them, is of course something very different again.
“The knowledge of this space therefore comes in my life”, I can say to my brothers, Master Alcar and André,” the knowledge, do you hear this?
“This Divine revelation lives in me because I am it.
I see and feel, that this centre of life has received the conscious serving by means of the sun.”
You should listen, you should experience, you can read this page a thousand times, because you have such a small part here, one such thing, I can already write ten books of a thousand pages about this, if I take all of that back to the human being; and I can do that.
I can do that for your nervous system, your blood circulation, your heart, your liver, your kidneys, your stomach, and your breathing.
I can do that for your personality, your arts and sciences, with regard to Christ, Golgotha and the space.
I can do it for your laws of nature, for your life in the waters; I am a cosmically conscious being, an omniscient for this space.
If you do not wish to believe it and cannot believe it, then after these lectures you will be able to bend your head, I will ask you for it, for I will prove it to you.
“The knowledge of this space comes in my life”, and you can do that too, “and this Divine revelation lives in me, because I have become a human being.
I am soul and spirit and have a personality, my Master, I belong to the Spheres of Light.”
But I was once on earth, I was once a suicide there – André possesses ‘The Cycle of the Soul’.
Can you feel my expansion?
For the Catholic Church I was damned eternally, and I became cosmically conscious.
Do you still believe in damnation, André, people of the earth?
“I see and feel that this centre of life has received the conscious serving by means of the sun.
But I am it, I became it.
All the life expanded itself.
If I now start to connect myself with the present stage and see mankind in night, in unconsciousness then we stand before Adolf Hitler and his kind.
So we connect ourselves from the astral cosmos with the material, with the thinking and feeling for fatherhood and motherhood, and at the same time we stand before Adolf Hitler again, because we live in that time.
Adolf is the executioner of this mankind.
We do not stand alone before Adolf, before the executioner of this mankind – we have also written and experienced ‘The Peoples of the Earth’ – we are also faced with Caiaphas and Christ, Golgotha.”
By means of one sentence, driven and inspired by the Masters, I recorded the whole development of mankind for the macrocosmos and I stand immediately – in order to dot the i’s – on Golgotha and I have to bow my head.
Then I stand before the Messiah and then I can say: “Why did they murder you?”
After this one sentence.
Do you also think that far?
Jozef Rulof can do it all by himself.
You can buy it just like that.
Master Alcar immediately asks me, but first, André: “My brother André, have you understood this?”
“I have understood everything.” Master Alcar says: “From what and by what means can these laws be established, André”, and now you must hear something, “when we want to see that humanly, animal-like and naturally, therefore according to the life of Mother Nature?”
We now start to ask questions.
And then André can say ...
Now I ask you that. This is why I said before: “Talk to each other and do not tell each other any more nonsense, your life is precious, you can come to the Other Side at any moment and then we must hammer it in.
You must begin with it anyway.”
André can say: “I have understood everything, I can see these laws, my Master, I can undergo them when I follow myself.
The animal on earth too and for the whole of nature.
I now see on earth again what Master Zelanus saw and experienced, what you underwent, my Master.
After all, all the life became father and mother.”
“Indeed”, Master Alcar says, “my brother, that can be followed and experienced.
God placed His laws first in the hands of sun and moon.”
No, God made sun of himself first and then He began to give birth and He became the planet Moon.
“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh”, the theologian says, “that is a god rapist.
Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, God, the moon is God?”
And now a small student who is just beginning says: “Are you laughing?
But every part is from God.
Why does God not represent himself by means of the moon?
I can prove to you, for this stage, for the twentieth century, that you laugh at yourself and that you are the unconscious one and not I, because when the bible was written, all these creations were already millions of ages old.
Full stop.”
“And that means”, André says, “then God began to spiritualize and to materialize Himself.
Then He began to become an independence for the human being, for space, for the animal and Mother Nature.
And we will follow all of that, but as a human being, as a child, as an instrument of yours, I already experienced and was able to receive that for the earth and for my spiritual life and mankind.
After all, you wrote the books, you took me to the origin of the universe; my Master, I am now ready.
There is now no difference for animal and human being”, André says, “but we received the highest consciousness as a human being.”
“And that means, Master Zelanus?”
Then André places me before the laws of God and says: “And what does that mean, Master Zelanus?” because it is God who speaks through him.
And then I can say: “That space has remained fatherhood and motherhood, my brother.”
You should feel that courtesy, that love, the harmonic just oneness when we stand before each other as Divine beings.
Then you are Gods.
Human being, see the God in you.
Man, see the Deity in the mother.
But when she goes to seed, deforms herself by means of snarling, lies and deception, you cannot experience that Deity, then you see, you experience animal-like carry-on.
Is that harsh, while you can do it yourself differently?
I can say: “We must accept that sun and moon have materialized those laws and that we could begin with our life, André.”
And then God became an independence as a spiritual and material cosmos, universally condensed.
How simple it is.
Master Alcar says: “Precisely, it is like that and never ever any different.
Soon sun and moon will give us that convincing truth.
There is no existence outside of fatherhood and motherhood. They are therefore the essential laws for space.
And later, when the life begins as the spark of God with the own existence, that life is Divinely conscious and independent.
Yet people on earth think”, Master Alcar says, “that the sun is mother.”
Therefore science, the astronomer, when he speaks, the academic, of ‘she’ there, then he stands back to front watching the sun, which stands above him and laughs at him.
Because the sun is father.
And he says: “She is there”, he does not know the creating power, which is God there as light, radiating life of feeling. He does not know that that is Divine creation, and calls it ‘she’.
And if you see the man as a ‘she’, and you want to jump on and take that life to giving birth, you will have to admit sooner or later: it is not working.
And then the voice of space can say to you, inform you, give you: “No, you must be born for that, you must evolve, you have reincarnation, you will have to be a mother for that.”
But for the academic the sun is ‘she’ and the moon is ‘he’ and ‘she’, and independent and not independent.
“In other words, André, they do not know it yet.”
That is your time, that is your teaching and that is the consciousness of your university.
You do not need to laugh about that, but there is no more.
And now we go further.
You are connected here with the University of Christ, and now you will have to admit that we have those universities of the earth, all your faculties in our pocket, they live under our heart.
Yet people on earth think that the sun is mother.
Isn’t it ridiculous?
But now you do not come any further, you must first decide what this is.
“By means of this we can establish that the astronomer will never get to know the Divine plan.”
And people laugh at André, also at me, also at Christ.
“Here we therefore already stand before the faults of the earthly universities, the academic.
This is contrary to reality.”
What we see and materialize and to which they give names, is contrary to reality, because we see and experience that.
“The planets will give birth and the suns will create.
They are the very highest laws which received condensing by God and by means of which He was able to reveal himself, by means of fatherhood and motherhood.”
Now Master Alcar says: “If we now enter the next stage, then we will see, my brothers, that the sun began with the own condensing.
The sun gets condensing.
And this weak light gets for this space, in which we are now, Divine meaning and growth.
The light becomes paternal and maternal awakening.
Paternal and maternal awakening to a macrocosmic attunement.
And that means”, you must hear, “that space as God, as light and giving birth, fatherhood and motherhood has started that own independence.
What I see, my brothers, is, that space divided itself.”
First God for the infinite, God as astral life divided himself.
Every cell now, already possesses that Divine independence, that justice, that love, that feeling; that life is spirit, is mother, is father.
“Every cell now goes further and has to accept an own task.”
Do you feel?
That is all God.
The All-Powers live in a small embryo.
“Every cell follows these Divine laws, because that cell is Divinely independent and we will soon get to know that as a grade of life, and is only motherhood and fatherhood, is spirit, is life.
By means of this, my brothers, the Divine creation got to experience the evolution, by means of being one: fatherhood, motherhood.
Wherever we come, we will now experience these laws there as father and as mother, there is nothing else to be experienced.
That becomes our Divine contact, my brothers.
But millions of grades of life are born and all those worlds, however large and however small, represent God, but have only one aim: to spiritualize and to materialize themselves, which is the returning to the All-Source.
My question is now, Master André ...”
Is Jozef Rulof a Master?
Master Alcar asks here: “My question is now, Master André: how many grades of life were born as spaces?
You already saw that, you must therefore know it.”
And now André can prove whether he is a Master and André shouts when he says: “Seven following grades of life were born, my Master.”
And then Master Alcar asks again: “Where did those seven grades get the own existence?”
“By means of the first revelations, my Master, which I underwent and saw in the All-Source as soul, spirit, life, fatherhood and motherhood, personality, God’s realm of colours, harmony, justice.”
“That is the word, my brother.
I had only expected this word, this explanation.
Or we would have had to return because I am not capable now of teaching you a lesson.
I gave you the books, I wrote and experienced the books with you, now you have to learn and to think, otherwise we must return, and then there is no question of cosmic oneness and Divine receiving.
By means of the first revelations from the All-Source.
Yes, indeed, my brothers.
We therefore see back into those worlds, so that we were able to experience the Divine All-Revelations, by means of which God was able to spiritualize and materialize himself, but which we now also see as sun and moon and stars, as hazes: the Milky Way of the earth.
We can now already see those worlds as material grades of life for space, because they condensed themselves.
It is the Divine revelation process, by means of which these life spaces became visible as transitions.
That happened and is reality, they are seven following stages of condensing and we were able to see them on our previous journey by means of the hazes stage.
They are later, all of this is later of enormous meaning”, because we keep seeing all those seven grades again, in the human being, in the animal, in Mother Nature, in everything, everything, everything.
“We then see that God has also stood before stages and God as Wayti had to accept and that means: the life was not finished at once; that lasted millions of ages.
What does this have to say and mean for the human being on earth, Master Zelanus?”
And then I am ready and then I can say: “That God did not create any worlds in one day, Master, and that the bible begins with nonsense.”
And then we heard the singing coming to us from the Divine All and we heard and we experienced the Divine spiritual hallelujah.
The truth speaks here, the Omniscient is ready.
The bible begins with nonsense.
How many millions of people are not attached to that untruth?
Are you now conscious and happy for yourself, that you no longer need that?
Were we able to give you new foundations for your Divine bible?
We said and there were probably some of you who laughed: André possesses the Divine bible.
We have the first books for the Divine bible in our hands.
I will now read from them.
Is this true?
Is this the Divine bible?
The bible should have started with that.
But that will come.
It is all good.
You now live in the twentieth century, the Masters, the University of Christ, the prophet, the Paul of this century is standing before you, Master Alcar said in 1946.
Is he now a Paul?
Did the Paul from the bible know this?
André says later: “I will not shout at you, Paul, but you were just a big dope.
I am not insulting you.
I know that Peter has redeemed everything.
And before I also – later, then – heard that crowing for Jerusalem and then people also slaughtered me, hung me upside down like a pig on a ladder.
We know that we no longer do anything to each other.
But when we stand before this truth, then I see your blood and I want to avenge that blood, so that mankind will know how true, omniscient, loving the Masters are, Christ.”
You are not afraid of me, are you?
“That God did not create worlds in one day ...”
Are you now lighting again? (It is the light signal with which the sound technician is warning Master Zelanus.)
When can we continue for a thousand years?
We will soon do that ‘beyond the coffin’, loved ones, mothers and fathers.
‘Beyond the coffin’ if you do your best, then we will come and then we will make a wonderful whiz, as André, Jeus, says that.
Jeus will soon come back.
When we see Saturn then, Jeus says: What kind of thing is that with a ring?
Then André says: “Come, you may experience a whiz.” Then we will make the first whiz around Saturn and then all of us will fly straight to the moon.
Because in 75000 years’ time you will be on the Other Side, because there are still some of you, who have to experience a few lives, but a lot can happen in 75000 years.
But then all of us will be finished and then we will say: “There is Mientje and now Gerrit comes and the Aries and the Hendriks, they are all there from the University of Christ from the twentieth century.
Do you remember?”
And then we kneel down and then we stand there on the border of the first sphere with our flowers.
Get rid of that light. (Master Zelanus reacts to the warning signal of the sound technician.)
Well, you see, I do not want that light, I do not like that light.
You want to chase me away from here and I only just started with our disembodiment, with our experiencing and I still have to accept that light, you will also see God in that.
I must stop, my children.
It is true.
But I can still read this out.
And then we will begin soon at the following session with: ‘Fatherhood and Motherhood of Space for the Human Being’.
“It is true”, Master Alcar says, “and that can now already be experienced and established.
Indeed, the bible writers gave the human being a picture”, and now we say it very nicely and according to the university, “which is contrary to reality.”
You are not angry, are you, when I spoke: “The bible begins with nonsense”?
And that is so harsh, if you do not feel it.
But, “it is contrary to reality.”
Is it better now?
“But we will get back to that later several times”, but then we will be faced with Dante, Socrates, with the philosophers, “and we must do that.
Because the fatherhood and motherhood from space follows us and wants us to begin with that Divine analyzis.
But then we stand before sun and moon, before fatherhood and motherhood, before this space in which we live, for which we made this journey, and we experience fatherhood and motherhood at a macrocosmic attunement, for the human being.”
I got through that okay.
I read four pages, but there are a hundred thousand to be written.
The following session is therefore (Master Zelanus thumbs through the manuscript of the Cosmology) ... what a lot I wrote about that fatherhood and motherhood, I no longer know it.
Oh, good heavens, I will not finish that in one morning, or that man with that light must wait for six weeks ...
‘My Fatherhood and Motherhood at a Spatial Attunement for the Human Being’.
My sisters and brothers, did I give you anything?
(Hall): Yes.
Did I not go too far?
(Hall) No.
Was I still close by now that we live and are in that macrocosmos.
Do you feel, that macrocosmos comes back, that spiritual fatherhood and motherhood for space lives in us, and you are infinitely one.
You are on for eternity, if that unity radiates from you.
You can become André if you want to be an instrument.
He is not more than you, than you possess.
Jozef Rulof is always one and ready for the Masters.
Because he is nothing, he is everything.
He does not ask, he does not need to ask, he knows.
For everything, for his character, his love and happiness and his serving, he is busy laying Divine foundations for the University of Christ, for the well-being of this mankind.
Don’t you think?
My sisters and brothers, I am going.
I almost cannot go.
It was great, it was wonderful, it was loving.
See you in a fortnight.
Let this spiritual and material cosmos in you, under your heart and for all your character traits now awaken.
I thank you for your gifts.
I thank you for everything.
The University of Christ is alive and is eternally love.
So this far, I thank you ...