Thursday evening 15 May 1952

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
(Hall): ‘Good evening.’
I will begin this evening, you will get another three weeks from me in June.
(People clap).
So at the end of May, madam, we will continue for another three weeks.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Oh, here?’
Yes, yes. (laughter)
So up to the third week in June.
I have here, they put that in my pocket last week, when it was finished: “‘Sacred blood procession: held up by a donkey.’
The colourful sacred blood procession in Bruges was delayed on Monday when the donkey, which was carrying Mary, refused to continue at the Dominican bridge.”
That would not have happened in Jerusalem I believe.
“Encircling angels,” They were walking next to that donkey of course. “ and Joseph,” (Jozef pronounces the name with a P) “tried to get the donkey to walk,” Yes, this is what it says, ladies and gentlemen, “by pulling its tail. (laughter)
Also an energetic group of choir members,” so, they were also there, “came to help.
Finally the animal was pulled over the bridge and the procession could continue.”
I would like to say: how sacred this is.
And now they want to hear and know from me why the donkey now refused to ... Mary ... (laughter)
Yes, that is part of it, isn’t it?
And now they want to know from me why the donkey refused.
That was of course a Dutch donkey, because that donkey family in Jerusalem has a very different attunement.
That is the only thing there is to it.
Why does that donkey refuse to take holy Mary and Joseph and the children over a little bridge?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Because it was a donkey.’
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Because it was donkey.’
Was it a donkey?
And then pulling its tail.
That is awful.
Don’t you think so, madam?
Is Piet Hein not with you this evening?
Oh, there he is. (laughter)
Well, ladies and gentlemen, what do you think of that, because here we have to do with a holy miracle, a shadow of the event which once took place in life in Jerusalem, two thousand and so many years ago.
And now we are in Bruges.
And there they say: ‘It will do it.
Can’t you get over the bridge?’
They should have talked Hebrew to that donkey, and they would have been over it.
I conclude from this that that donkey thought, and feels, in a Belgian way, and that it has forgotten the sacred proverbs and Hebrew from Jerusalem.
And they said that to the animal: ‘Move!’
And in Jerusalem that is called: ‘Stand still.’ (laughter)
Yes, can you make something else of it, madam?
You are laughing, why are you laughing now?
That is an explanation, isn’t it?
Why are you laughing now?
That animal understands Belgian and French, of course, it will be able to understand a bit of French.
But they had, they had, oh well, Jewish is perhaps also possible, Jewish or Hebrew, or Greek ...
I think that that donkey knows more Latin than the Bruges dialect.
These people have not experienced the Latin reality.
And now I will give you a very good word, then you will suddenly know it.
Madam, we have mimicry here.
If the church hears it, I will get another beating.
Another piece of wood for burning Jozef Rulof at the stake.
Isn’t it?
Fair is fair.
That donkey, sir, it had more feeling than the human being who walks next to it in that white shirt.
And that donkey thought: Mary and Joseph are not real anyway.
You see, they are not real.
And then something always refuses in society or in nature.
When we are unnatural, ladies and gentlemen, then something always refuses if we want to take that back to the holiness of the Creator.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Backwards.’
Backwards forwards?
They have it the wrong way round, sir.
Yes, I wasn’t there, do you see.
Just decide for yourself.
Just write to those people how it actually happened, perhaps we will have a new story again.
The human being who comes here for the first time thinks: what are those people up to?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I know for sure that, if you pull its tail, it will go backwards and never forwards.’
You know for certain, if you pull a donkey’s tail like that ...
But that donkey had turned itself round of course, it did not want to cross the bridge.
And then they wanted to ... its tail like that ...
Yes, everyone understands that, if that donkey refuses like that at the bridge and you pull it back, then you pull it from dry land into the ditch.
So forwards back to front. (laughter)
You should see that film, if you consider that for a moment.
So I imagine: that bridge went like that.
Bruges has a lot of those nice bridges.
The painters always have those nice palettes of them.
So the donkey is already standing like that.
And then like that.
(Jozef imitates it.)
Now pull me over the bridge? (laughter)
And the choirs and Mary and Joseph thought: where are we going today?
I find this a nice tip for the Catholic church to learn to think differently.
I find this a very nice letter to send to that Holy Father in Rome, then he can see that there is something the matter with the Mary and the Joseph which we now carry round like that in our society.
Isn’t there?
I wished I had a cardinal here this evening, then I would give him a few spiritual smiles.
I want to fight with those people.
(To someone in the hall): Yes, sir?
Do you know something about the donkey?
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘That perhaps it could be got at from others.’
Sir, we may not know that.
(Gentleman in the hall); ‘Yes, it could be that on the donkey ... (inaudible)’ (People laugh warmly).
Sir, that is possible.
That is possible.
I once heard from a greengrocer, he says: ‘If I come there and there ...’
(A lady says something inaudible).
And from a farmer.
Yes, but that is where we are from in the country, you do not experience that like that in a city, life goes too fast there.
But where we are from in the country.
The greengrocer always used to stand at the corner of a street there, he also had a horse, and then he could not get that animal to move, then the horse started to refuse.
And after twenty years, when that animal was almost old and died, then he asked that man there: ‘Can you tell me why my horse always stands still here?’
(To someone who comes in): ‘Madam, just come in.’
And what did you think now, sir, how?
Do you know it?
(Gentleman says something inaudible).
No, it is something else.
He has discovered that that man had a boy, as a horse, from the same mother, and that animal smelled her brother.
And when they came there, they always heard: ‘Hihihihi.’
And then they came ...
And then that farmer should have felt what that neighing meant.
And then he said: ‘Good day, sister!’
And then he stood still.
She too: exactly the same.
But now there are no white shirts and no Mary and Joseph.
Yes, you see more of those things.
We can make a good evening of it.
But I must continue.
(Jozef reads):“A few weeks ago I started treatment from a magnetiser in connection with nervous gastrointestinal disorders.
After the first treatment I did not experience any remarkable results, but after the second treatment, last week, I got an ice-cold feeling in my neck and along my back to my legs.
Since then I have become more nervous than ever before.
Is this a normal symptom?
Your answer will probably be of use to all of us.
Thanking you sincerely in advance.”
From who is that?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘From me.’
Yes, sir, I do not intend to analyse that magnetiser for you.
You got an ice-cold feeling in your neck, and along your back to your legs, and you became more and more nervous.
Now I can give you a diagnosis, for myself, which I experienced.
For example: I had people and they became more nervous, for a moment.
For a moment.
They had to become more nervous because that power speeds up the nervous system.
But then I can also explain what happened.
And that ice-cold current in your neck too.
Because it goes from the astral nervous system, and it divides itself here; so that working of your nerves goes through the brain and makes, traces an orbit through the organism, goes back to the life of feeling and you take over that.
And then you became more and more nervous.
Now it could be that people speed you up, that people speed up the nerves.
But if I had to determine, by means of master Alcar, that the speeding-up came, then you would also get as much that we took it back again; a reaction upwards and then rest again.
You would also sleep that night.
And how many weeks has that been going?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Four.’
Four weeks already?
And more and more restless?
Then it is high time that you go to a good general practitioner immediately, and ask ...
You have perhaps already had enough medicine.
Then a little thing will be more use to you, than all that magnetizing.
Then the nerves need something else, something stronger.
But it must give you rest.
And if you do not get a rest after three, four, five times, then it is already too long.
There are psychopaths and insane people, and people who are a wreck, but I do not see any wreck in you.
I do not see you as a psychopath either.
In other words: you are not so ill that that depth has sunk so far away for that illness that that magnetizer cannot bring that up.
Then you will need six months before you have any ground.
That, for example.
But I will not make a diagnosis for your magnetizer, you must just ask the man or woman who is treating you.
Sir, demand that they explain to you what is the matter.
And if they cannot do that, sir, not spiritually-scientifically - because you could always compare my diagnoses with a that of a doctor - then run away.
Whoever it is, then run away.
You demand that, don’t you?
And that is also obligatory.
The magnetizer must be able to analyse your situation, otherwise he is not a magnetizer.
And if you feel that they are off the mark, sir, then walk away because then there is no certainty.
I have here: ‘In a few weeks we will be busy with the question ‘the chicken and the cockerel’.”
Now we will get it.
“The point which it is about in the chapter, is, that the chicken can also lay eggs without mating with the cockerel.”
We know that.
“But no chicks can come from these eggs since they are not fertilized by the cockerel, can they?”
From who is that?
(Someone reacts.)
What are you laughing at?
(Lady in the hall): ‘I thought the same thing.’
Did you think that, what that lady had asked with this question?
What did you think?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, I did not think anything.’ (laughter)
Yes, madam, the human being is also sometimes busy with: I and the egg, the egg and I.
But then we are not there, you see that.
Can a chicken, a chicken, a perfectly ordinary chicken, a hen, can those children give birth, can those eggs give birth to and create chicks once that egg is there without the cockerel having looked at it?
Yes, how must I say it otherwise, sir, fair is fair? (laughter)
Is that possible?
That is not possible, is it?
So then you could just have left out that question mark.
So the mother chicken - we will follow that first - the mother chicken lays eggs and possesses giving birth and creation because of that.
But the human being has the same systems and you cannot do it, can you?
But you can do it, madam.
You can do it.
You lay ...
Yes, then I will say it. (laughter)
The ladies, the mothers do not know themselves and the academic does not know the creation.
And then they also say: ‘Yes, Jozef Rulof knows everything, he alone knows it.
That is all fantasy.’
Yes, but I will prove to you that you do lay eggs.
Every mother lays an egg in good time.
(There are reactions in the hall.)
What did you say?
(Lady says something inaudible.)
Yes, madam, you have millions of them.
But they are still inside.
The chicken has them too, the chicken too, it has ovaries as the human being has.
Every animal; every animal, not all animals, but anyway, all the mammals.
But how, mothers, do you lay eggs?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Menstruation.’
Who said that?
Who said that?
The nurse is over there.
If you menstruate, madam, you lay an egg.
But can you accept that?
(Hall): ‘Yes.’
That is the development, that is the evolution of that egg which breaks there.
That is blood, isn’t it, and that egg is creation, isn’t it?
That is blood.
But that blood is creation, that is giving birth.
Everything lives in that small egg which rips apart there, doesn’t it, that has soul and spirit.
Doesn’t it, madam?
Is that true?
Yes, sir, I am now looking at a different Piet Hein.
(Gentleman in the hall): 'Of course.'
No, madam, is that the case?
In that little egg there is spirit and soul and life.
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, not yet that.’
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Not yet that.’
Surely not.
Is that not life then?
That is the divine life itself, isn’t it?
That is therefore ...
I ask you whether its possesses soul, life and spirit?
(Lady in the hall): ‘That is only life.’
What did we learn now?
(Lady in the hall): ‘If it was soul and spirit, then it would already be fertilization.’
You see, madam, I wanted to have you there.
So if that egg was inspired we would have fertilization.
Then there would be no menstruation.
But that is a material, life and spirit, and has a personality.
Doesn’t it?
That menstruation is now blood, is spirit, is material; and that is white and red and yellow, isn’t it?
And the egg of the chicken is, according to the organism, white and yellow, is material and spirit.
And only if it reaches evolution with the mother and you get your menstruation ... then the chicken lays her eggs, and is exactly the same.
But for the human being it is this, and for the animal it is that world.
Isn’t it simple?
And now the cockerel, madam, now the cockerel.
“We got all kinds of answers about this point; that chicks only come out of eggs fertilized by the cockerel.”
Do you see?
“Or that the chicken on the whole does not need to be fertilized ...”
It is not necessary either, then she gives birth and she creates ...
You are not fertilized.
If you were fertilized, and it is possible ...
Now we are also connected to laws, but not that chicken.
How many eggs does a chicken like that not lay?
Universally deep.
Thousands, hundreds of thousands in a little short life, and then she also has a hundred million eggs in her, and then she can already no longer lay, then the time is already over.
An old chicken like that, they say, she no longer lays, she only just gets feed and then soup is made from her.
Something else again of course.
But this, “ ... that the chicken on the whole does not need to be fertilized ...,” that is not possible, to lay eggs, to reveal, because that is, that would be in conflict with the creation of the human being.
And giving birth and creation for the whole of creation, for all life, is exactly the same.
There is no difference in it.
Or you get creations in one grade of course.
And that is: there are lives which can fertilize themselves and which by themselves ...
Max Heindel was right about that, and he thought that too, he had read that, that in nature for different animal species ...
And now he thought: also the human being.
And then he was completely off the mark.
And Max Heindel visited me, he says: ‘Jozef Rulof ...’
I had to read the book by him and then master Alcar brought Max Heindel to me.
I say: ‘Yes, must I also start to fight against you too?
Because now I do not get the Rosicrucians, because you have told things by means of which the human being ... that there was a time that the human being could fertilize himself, and that is not possible.’
He says ...
But he saw the animal.
And which animals?
So the post-creations, which experienced everything.
Why does the post-creation precisely possess giving birth, creation and also giving birth and creation in the own evolution?
That means: post-creations are capable of both giving birth and creation, and also fertilizing.
The post-creations have the whole macrocosmic divine evolution in their hands, and not the human being and not that chicken and not those organisms which are animal-like, materially, humanly natural.
Why not now?
Now I suddenly put you by means of that small, measly, beautiful, universal, macrocosmic egg of the chicken, of the chicken, I place you before the cosmology, which master Zelanus explains in Diligentia, before stars and planets.
And then you must just tell me what you think of it.
(To someone in the hall): What was it?
(Lady in the hall): ‘They are back again in the primal source.’
They are back again in the primal source?
(Lady in the hall): ‘They represent the primal source.’
Not bad what you are saying there.
They are back again in the primal source.
Not bad, but it is not it.
But it is close.
You are thinking good, deep.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘There was no end.’
There was no end.
No sir, no sir.
(Lady in the hall): ‘That they are doomed to dying out.’
I beg your pardon?
(Lady in the hall): 'That they are damned to dying out.'
No, madam, it is not about that.
‘Are doomed to dying out’, no.
Because that would mean something else, but it is not that.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Post-creation comes from communal life, both fatherhood and motherhood.’
What do you learn in Diligentia when master Zelanus speaks about divine paternal independence?
What do you learn by means of that?
Do you not know it?
You will perhaps not make it.
It is also certainly not easy, because you must be able to see this cosmically.
No longer humanly.
And certainly not ...
Yes, you can do it.
It all lives on earth, but you have cosmic problems here on earth, cosmic reality.
And the human being does not see them, does not see those realities, those problems either.
But I will explain it to you, and then you will feel it immediately.
(A gentleman says something inaudible.)
It is also that, but it is not actually that.
I want to give you the chance and then you will see, after everything which you have learned, that we never come to a standstill.
We have that ...
If you are also cosmically conscious, then you must also be able to analyse every law, and is only just: this is the word, this is the law for the word.
I cannot talk next to creation, because I have seen that master Zelanus and master Alcar and all those other masters have become independences for fatherhood and motherhood.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Mr Rulof?’
Yes, sir.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The game which takes place in nature, that takes place in the animal, the animal has no male and probably no female either ...’
No, that must be there.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘That must be there?’
That must all be there.
(To someone in the hall): Yes?
(Lady in the hall): ‘That now represents one fatherhood and motherhood.’
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘That now represents one fatherhood and motherhood.’
It is that.
But why?
It is that, madam.
(Lady in the hall): ‘I cannot say that.’
See, just think, it is that now.
It represents one fatherhood and motherhood.
Why now?
Yes, by means of which you can now determine that you are God and are God as father and mother, and that those lives do not belong to the existing creation.
Why now?
And that God does not let that life pine away, because all those gifts which you possess as man and wife enter one world in the post-creations - not only giving birth, creation, realm of colours - evolution in one state, because now fatherhood and motherhood divide again and reach one core; but now it is post-creation.
So the post-creations actually have more than we do, madam.
A butterfly which emerges - and there, there are even more - and thousands and thousands possess a realm of colours, fatherhood, motherhood in the own source, brings itself to evolution.
You cannot do that under your own power.
We need fatherhood for that if you are a mother.
But that is the independence as mother, the independence as father, isn’t it?
And they are divine laws, creations, therefore existing laws.
And this belongs to the post-creations and does not belong to the existing creation, because these lives remain on earth, originated by means of rotting.
Isn’t that wonderful?
The academic cannot compete with that because this is the truth.
(Jozef continues to read.)
“We would have liked an answer to this because it is simply becoming a nightmare, this conversation.”
The conversation of the day.
“Everywhere we go my husband talks about the chicken and the egg.
He even wakened me one time at night ...,” what a funny man he is, “when according to him he finally had an answer for it ...,” I want to speak to that man, “ ... had an answer for it.
And I said: ‘What a pity that I seem to disagree’, and we lay worrying and talking in the middle of the night again.”
From who is that again?
From you there?
From who was this?
Oh, from you.
What saints you are.
And did the two of you have a nice time?
Put on the light?
Put on the light, made a cup of tea again.
Wide awake?
Wide awake.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, completely awake.’
What a fine pair you are.
Yes, that is nice, these children will begin now.
They are just married, aren’t they?
But a short time?
See, they are now lovely people.
But when you are also forty soon, forty-five, then you will say to him: ‘Say, stop your moaning.’
Oh well, we still do not believe you.
Today we eat ...
Today ...
You are still cooing of course, aren’t you? (laughter)
You are still in the cooing periods.
But woe betide, soon when we have finished studying each other.
Look, ladies and gentlemen, the new age begins here, they are two children who have already experienced the lectures, read books.
The man reads again, she reads aloud, he reads aloud, they have the time.
Soon mother will have a child of course, then there will not be so much time.
Then she will perhaps say ...
Then the little one will be lying there, and then a new baby must come ...
‘Now, you must hear’, he says, ‘now I suddenly know it.’
Then she will say: ‘Yes, I know it too, I must make sure that this goes away.’
Then you will no longer have so much time of course.
After twenty years, fifteen years ...
Because we all began like this: and then she thinks it is wonderful that I wake her up.
And he says: ‘Oh child, it is wonderful.’
But now there are other things.
If you can remember that then, despite all that social misery, then you will remain young, then you will remain beautiful, then you will get contact.
That is the paradise, madam, sir.
Remember it.
Sir, do you know now where that cockerel comes from?
If only you had called me, then I would have come upstairs and then I would have told you it just like that. (laughter)
How happy I am that I did not get a telephone for all those years.
Because the people offered me: a villa, a car, a Cadillac, and a home telephone.
‘It will cost nothing, Jozef.’
I say: ‘Yes, I know.
Tomorrow you will be calling.’
I say: ‘Well, I do not want a telephone.’
I say: ‘But the ...’
There are more: ‘Say, let’s just call Mr Rulof, it is the middle of the night, what does it matter.’
Yes, that costs at night, a telephone with masters costs a thousand guilders.
But then they do not call so quickly.
Sir, do you really know it now?
(Lady in the hall): ‘I wanted to ask one more thing.
An acquaintance of ours has a ...’ Got a cockerel. ‘ ... he got a cockerel, a pheasant; and he said that the eggs which the chicken laid without mating with the cockerel ... out of ten there were two which chicks came out of ...’ That is possible. ‘ ... is that still possible?’
Yes, it is possible.
But what is that due to?
That is a really wonderful law.
That is possible, that is possible, yes.
‘Yes, this is why we got on the wrong track of course.’
Yes, on the wrong track.
Why can the mother get five children, and four, and three?
It is going there.
So something still remained of the cockerel, of Herman, in a shed, in the room of the previous one, which unexpectedly, without sir coming still both influenced and fertilized the mother.
It is only that.
In that cell chamber, where his seed, his sperm, an atmosphere always remains behind as mucus and that has created again.
That built up again.
They are those first cells.
The atmosphere.
Then it is condensed, then you already get a division - that is the light of the universe - then you get the actual cell which starts to create in that cockerel, don’t you, which ...
(People are talking at the same time in the hall.)
What is he called? (laughter)
(Hall): ‘The chicken.’
No, no, no, no, this is still the cockerel and that ...
Oh yes, but in the chicken, you are right, in that chicken.
And then there is something else there by means of which out of the ten, twenty, there is one, or two, which can fertilize themselves, but which is irrefutably from Hendrik himself, from the cockerel itself.
I do not say that my brother did that. (laughter)
But that cockerel is called Hendrik or Piet.
Where we are from they call him ... They had one, so big, madam, and he was called Jan.
And then Jan came running along.
He answered to ‘Jan.’
They also called one after me and it was called Joseph (Jozef pronounces the name with a P).
And then he came and he turned around, and then he got the tasty grains of corn and then, well, then he went away again.
Then that farmer says: ‘I have contact with my cockerel.’
He says: ‘Do you know why?’
I say: ‘No, sir.’
Then he says: ‘I will just not talk about it.’
And then I still knew it.
Analyse that tonight together.
Analyse that.
Are we finished, madam, with that cockerel and that chicken?
There is still a lot more, do you know that?
Think about that.
But you must not do it at night.
Sir ...
Do you want to ... him?
Madam, will you waken him sometime?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, he wakes me.’
He does that himself.
And do you know what you must say then, madam?
Sleep, because in four weeks’ time I can send you to the doctor.
Then the nerves will be sick.’
You must have your night’s rest, sir.
Do you do that?
In the morning a bit tired in his eyes, isn't he, and only because of that egg, and only because of that chicken, that cockerel.
Sleep from now on, talk in the evening.
Even if you have no time; then just wait.
Sleep at night and let go of these things.
What I now build up, you destroy again by starting to search.
You must think during the day.
I may not think at night either.
If you continue with that - you will not come through all of that creation - but you continue, you know what we build up then, what you build up yourself then?
You undermine your health because you start to analyse together.
But that is not art, you know.
That is the same problem if another human being wanted to act like Frederik.
You are not analysing cosmology on skates.
Forward backwards, to the right, to the left.
And in the morning then you come like that: ‘Oh.’
Well, you missed that hour, and that undermines your nervous system.
Does he sometimes come home in the evening with a long face?
No, of course not, does he?
Always cheerful, isn’t he?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, he is.’
Yes, is he?
Yes, but you are not telling tales.
Yes, indeed. (laughter)
Don’t you like them, madam, those two?
Those two are great.
I will continue.
If we just understand each other, then you may also say something else, otherwise it will be so dry, then it will be so dry here.
(Jozef continues to read.)
“Dear Mr Rulofs,” They still write Rulof with an s, I am called Rulof, “I would like to receive answers to the following two questions.
Some Christian groups preach and feel happy at that thought that Christ died for our sins and find this more prominent than Him to be seen as an example sent by God.
Does nothing remain of this thought and comfort?
I always imply this when I talk with these people about this.”
From who is that?
Madam, if you begin with that, then you rebel against the whole Protestant, Reformed and liberal Protestants and everything and you will get into arguments if you say that, because those people are still attached to that.
You cannot take that away from them.
Because what they say there, madam, that is not possible.
And do you wish to explain that to them?
If you ... with those people ...
If you enter those circles, madam, save your energy, because - at least if you accept those books from us - because you will never get those people.
Do not waste your energy.
Do not start to try to convince a Protestant being.
If you think that you can convince the people, madam ...
If you think that I want to convince the people ... I certainly do not intend to.
You must know yourself what you make of my things.
I cannot follow it for that matter.
And I cannot convince those people, I will certainly not try it.
If I was able to talk in the church tomorrow, I was able to say that and that, I would not even do it because they will not accept it anyway.
Perhaps if I could explain that: it is like that and that.
I only need to do that once, madam, and then I will get from those masses: ‘Away with that man!’
They cannot suddenly achieve that evolution, in one night, in one year.
Not even in one life.
Because if they are that far, then they will have the feeling and they will dare to think outside of the bible and outside of God’s word.
Madam, just let them talk, and if they sit down and are really in pain, are thirty, hungry to learn something, then you can be ready and say: ‘Here.’
But then they will also accept it, because they will start to think.
Those people do not yet think, they let their thoughts be led.
But the human being who thirsts ...
I would like to give you all the advice: do not search for the human being who wants to accept this in order to give the human being this from us, from the masters, from space.
Madam, you do not need to look for that.
You must wait until the human being comes to you and says, and stands before you and looks you sharply in the eye: ‘Do you know something about God?’
I once - in America, I met in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia), in America - met a gentleman, who came from America, he had been to visit my brother.
He came here to Holland and he said: ‘Sir, I am here.
Now you must listen to what I experienced.’
And that is even worse, madam.
That man who ...
And there are more of these people.
That man had the feeling that he had to carry the whole universe.
If he only heard of something ... ‘Oh, God, they are beginning a war there again, oh, war again, war again.’
And then he was really in pain.
‘Oh people, why do you behave so harshly and how terribly you behave.
Why will you give that man twenty years?’
A judge.
And he felt everywhere: he was the bearer.
That is the human being who saddles himself with too many problems, takes too much on his shoulders, the human being who does not know himself, and the human being who saps his energy; and unconscious being.
Then it seems that those people already possess an apostleship, want to bear the suffering of the masses for Christ, but they just destroy themselves.
That man said this: ‘I have been in the jungle for years and years and always the unity with nature ...’
Questions, questions, questions, questions.
And his wife had a hell with that man, because that man suffers and has sorrow because he wants to get to know Christ and God.
He's dying of thirst and a strave ... it is not a starveling, is it?
It is not a starveling, is it?
He is hungry, but it sounds so ugly, so strange.
And he is hungry, he does not get enough, there is no book ...
And what knows a bit about God; he runs to that.
He does not get an answer, is never satisfied.
And one morning he gets up and he says: ‘Wife, today it must happen, I feel: today it will happen.’
Then she says: ‘Husband, I hope so.
I hope that you get peace.’
A torture.
He says: ‘Then I am behind Bandung; I must go to Bandung.’
But that day for eight hours he - eight hours, ladies and gentlemen, in that sweltering heat there - from nine in the morning to five o’clock in the evening he ran over those country roads like a complete religious maniac, you could say. No, but a human being who consciously knows: I am still alive, I am still there myself.
But a pain and a sorrow, and a sorrow, and a sorrow, and a sorrow.
Then he has arrived in Bandung, in the evening, completely broken.
He stood there in a corner, didn’t he, in a doorway, he is already in the city; and then that poor human being stands there, beaten from inside and kicked, he thinks: yes, hey God, I must go away again, because then the people will perhaps think that I am a thief.
I must leave that doorway again.
He goes out, suddenly he is standing in front of the shop.
He looks: My God, there it is.
‘A View into the Hereafter’, ‘Those who Returned from the Dead’, books by Jozef Rulof.
He also calls that man: ‘Where can I find that man?’
He gets that man out of his house.
‘Sir’, he says, ‘give me those books, give me those books, and even if they cost a thousand guilders, I must have them.’
That man sells all the books which were there then.
He runs away again, takes a car and goes home.
He sits down, he drinks a cup of coffee, he also has a glass of water and he says: ‘Wife, go and lie down, I will read all those books tonight.
See you tomorrow.’
In the evening, the following day he had finished the four books.
Then ... began ...
(Lady in the hall): ‘That is a pity.’
Yes, that is a pity.
He began to read again.
He is reading for two days, then the third day he collapsed, then he could no longer do it, after sleeping for four hours, five hours, he started to read again, he went through them again, he says; ‘Now I know it, God God God, thank God, I now know a bit more.’
That man had to go from the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) to America, he comes to America and hears the name Rulof and stands before my brother.
He immediately writes to me: I am coming to Holland, may I visit you?
He comes to me: ‘Mr Rulof, will there be war, will there be another war?’
‘No, there will be no more war.’
That was now for 1947.
So we have even more books for him.
I say: ‘You can take all the books with you.’
‘Will there be war?’
‘No, sir.’
‘Will there be ...?’
‘No, sir.’
‘Is there damnation?’
‘No, sir, there is no damnation.’
‘Is there a last Judgement?’
‘No, sir, but you read, the hells and ...’
‘Oh yes, God.
And do you mean that?
Imagine, sir, that that was true.
God, if only I could believe you.’
I say: ‘Sir, just continue.’
‘If only I could believe you.’
I say: ‘Sir, the ‘droodles’.’
‘What did you say?’
I say: ‘Yes, then you must go to Gelderland, they will tell you it even better there.
In The Hague that is also called the ‘droodles’.’
Then he says: ‘Why?
Why, why, sir?’
I say: ‘Yes, sir, did you think now that I could convince you?’
‘Is it true, sir, what you say?
Is it all true what you experienced?’
‘Yes, sir.’
‘Painting too?’
‘Yes, sir.’
I say: ‘Are you convinced now?’
‘Would you really not be able to paint yourself?’
I say: ‘No, sir.
And then what, if I now have a Rembrandt?’
‘Yes, sir.’
‘Rembrandt, is that something from you?’
Rembrandt says: ‘From me?
What is from me?’
I say: ‘Sir, are you convinced of that?
Sir, paintings cannot convince the human being, but it is there.
I did not learn it.
And then what, and then what?
But to write books, sir, about these teachings ... you cannot get that in the East, not in France, not in Germany, sir.
There was a theosophist, and a woman, in the spiritualist area, there was also one here, but he was also completely off the mark, because he explained it materially.
There are really more books, sir, but they make huge mistakes, because I saw them: this is true!’
‘If only I could believe it.’ (laughter)
Yes, sir, just do not laugh because the whole word is still like that.
There are also still some of ours standing: ‘And would that be true?
And he says that is true, but would that be true?’
There are people who were three years, four years, five years in Diligentia, that is now really three months ago, who said: ‘Do you believe that he is in a trance?’
Well, sir, what we get there in Diligentia is no longer child’s play, sorry.
Anyway, what you got on Sunday, that is no longer human power which spoke there.
I heard that roll (audio tape).
But I had to stop because I could not deal with it.
I am in a trance there, and here I am awake.
And then you should see, sir, what happens to me, if you experience that.
You should ... me ... There I have to ... (inaudible) in a trance and another person speaks and I sit here; then I have to go into it, then I have to go out of it and then I go to that, and I fly to the space, and then I must learn to remain seated.
You already have a phenomenon which cannot be from me.
And then what, sir, then what, sir, if you do not know who is talking there?
Then what, sir, because what is being told there?
Compare it to the world.
Then what, sir, what does it matter to you whether master Alcar or master Zelanus was to speak at the moment, or Christ, or Peter, or Judas?
Sir, it concerns: what is being told there, you do not yet hear this in this world.
Good, that gentleman.
So for three, four, five years they sit at the table next to you and think: oh well, nonsense.
Do I want to teach those people something, sir?
That man does not teach himself anything, that man is the living dead, sir.
No, sir, that man is not thirsty, he is not hungry.
They are sensation people who sit around me here and think: oh well, I would like to experience that sometime.
They are not thirsty, are they?
Those people are not concerned with deadly seriousness here, awakening, God, Christ, are they?
I sit, with my deadly seriousness, flinging my blood, my life, my soul, my spirit in those people’s faces.
I descend into those people and I say: gosh gosh gosh, my people, I could give my heart and my blood, then I would wish to convince you.
‘Gosh, yes’, he says, ‘but that is your business.
That is your business.
It still means nothing to me if you want to give your blood.’
What do you think then, madam?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Get lost.’
Get lost, one says there.
Oh, well now ...
Why must you immediately say ‘get lost’, that is not necessary, is it?
No, madam, if we understand each other, then you can do it soothingly, then you say: ‘The ‘droodles’.’ (laughter)
But did you think that I could convince those people?
Did you think, when I stood before Crisje and I said: ‘Yes, but then I will go to the Real One.
And that priest does not know anything anyway.’
Because I pulled a fast one on him.
I played off the priest.
I think: if he is really in contact with Our Lord; because he is that, they teach us that in the  catechesi, cathechegis, catchechegas, catchechegoes ... (laughter)
And then I was there and then the priest said again: ‘Yes.
Committed a sin?’
‘Yes, father.
I stole pears, I stole apples.’
I think: yes, what else I have done is no business of yours.
I think: now I want to know whether that gentleman really ... because Our Lord knows everything.
I say: ‘Mother ...’
Yes, challenged Crisje first.
‘Mother, does Our Lord know everything about the people?’
‘Yes, of course.
Our Lord knows everything.’
I say: ‘And the priest, then he is ... then He also knows what the priest knows, and the priest also knows what Our Lord knows?’
Then she thinks: Yes, there is something behind that, isn’t there?
In other words, Crisje says: ‘The priest is the representation of Our Lord.’
I think: then I have worked it out.
I go to the priest.
‘Stole apples and pears.’
The same old story. (laughter)
‘Done anything else?’
I say: ‘No, Father.’
I had almost said ‘yes’.
Fine, I keep quiet about the rest, I think: now I want to see whether Our Lord talks to him.
But, madam, it did not happen.
You could pull a fast one on him; but not Our Lord.
Then I said to mother, when I came back: ‘Mother, he does not know anything.’
‘Why not?’
I say: ‘Because I did not tell him everything.’
I say: ‘I will go to the Real One, but that Real One knows it.
Because I have become afraid.’
Then I became afraid.
And then I said: ‘I will go to the Real One.’
The actual Real One.
And He has everything.
And that gentleman, whom we are talking about now, he could never find that.
I cannot give the people that at the moment.
And if I had asked Crisje ...
Later, I went to her, I told her again about that, I say: ‘Do you remember that?’
‘Do you remember this?’
Do you still remember that?'
‘Yes’, mother says.
Then I was alone with her.
Other people went to her.
Crisje did not say anything.
Other people came to visit her: ‘Crisje, did that really happen to Jeus?’
Crisje did not say anything.
Do you know what they then, the people already said?
‘Nonsense, I spoke to Crisje.
Crisje does not even know it.’
But they did not know that Crisje did not speak about holy things to another person who had nothing to do with it.
Because they were holy things of Tall Hendrik and herself, and me and Bernard and Johan and Hendrik, and the children.
They said: ‘Our mother has never spoken to people about her holy unity with her children and the Tall One and Our Lord.’
We got that out now and again, but then it was holy.
My great Crisje did not do that.
And would you think that when the human being does not know the laws of God and Christ, that Our Lord can talk to the priest?
And would you think if sir ... this faith, this feeling, that real thirsting ...
Because then the people are no longer talking about: ‘Would that be possible?’
Sir, then it is cake for your hunger and thirst, because you are refreshed.
Whether it comes from Jan or from Hendrik, and whichever prophet or Paul you are, if you also speak French, German or English, sir; sir, then it is called: ‘You know something about the Christ, about the Lord.’
And then you can say: ‘Can you talk the dialect?’
If I tell that in the dialect, master Zelanus says in the books, and Jeus will soon write that: ‘But I saw it anyway’, then you can say when you come from Leiden, you will soon read that in part III: ‘That is a language,  that looks like nothing on earth.’
But Jeus said: I saw it, and I also saw it.
Because I was there.
I saw it.’
But the human being who cannot and does not want to accept that, says: ‘Would that be possible?’ and ‘Is that true, sir?’
‘Will there be no war, sir?’
‘Is there no damn ...?
Is that all true what you write there?’
‘Is that not too good to be true?’
‘No, sir, it is true!’
‘God, then I will just believe it.’
‘The ‘droodles’!
Get out.’
But this gentleman went to America.
‘Yes, sir, how happy I am.
Oh, how happy I am.’
But just for a while, just for a while.
‘Now I can move forward again.
Oh, now I can move forward again.
I will work for the Christ.’
‘Good, sir.
I go to America, he immediately comes to the exhibition.
That gentleman had done so much for the United Nations in the Netherlands, hadn’t he.
He was a buyer for the top brass, for the country and that.
He did everything, he was a rich man.
I think: perhaps I will sell him a painting, then I can help dear Hendrik, can’t I?
‘What does that cost, sir?’
‘Five hundred dollars.’
‘Sir, that?’
‘Three hundred and fifty dollars.’
I think: good gracious, that is that man who has everything to spare in order to quench his thirst.
I say: ‘Would I not get hold of him by his trousers and fling him out of the Barbizon Plaza Hotel?’
But I may not do that of course, may I?
That gentleman stands there, he has been in Holland, he has already been there.
‘Mr Rulof, is that now ...
Do you still mean that which you said to me in Holland?’
I say: ‘Sir, clear off.’
I say: ‘Sir, are you poor?’
I say: ‘Do you look good?’
‘Do you drive your own car?’
‘Do you have such a good job?’
It is a bit less, you know, it is a bit less.’
But he was still at Park Avenue then.
‘Sir, that costs five hundred dollars and we publish the books for Our Lord from that, for the masters, for the hereafter, in order to improve mankind.
Your grumbling and your sorrow, and your sufferings, and all those things which you experience there are no use to mankind, to society, because the human being does not know.
They already know me a bit.
Sir, help me by buying a painting, then Hendrik can have another book published.’
I think: well, sir, in a while.
‘That is nice.
Oh, wonderful.’
I say (Jozef talks properly): ‘Sir, yes, wonderful, yes.’ (laughter)
Yes, then they also want me to be polite too and also have respect for those people.
‘Yes, sir, that is wonderful.’
I say: ‘Kneel down and pray.’
The people lay there: ‘Sir, may I meditate before your paintings?’
I say: ‘Madam, as far as I am concerned, you can eat them.’
‘As far as I am concerned take them home.
Just pray, madam.’
Well, and they lay there for hours and hours.
I say: ‘Oh, oh dear, my exhibition is being destroyed.’
I did a bit worse.
In America they meditate before my painting.
The world said: ‘You see, that is the same thing again.’
They now started to sully the beautiful real pure picture of the masters as art in colour, madam, because they wanted to make a deity of it again.
But I did not even sell a print to that starveling there, and that thirsty soul.
He did not even take a book from the table, sir, he left.
He did not even say a decent spiritual goodbye, because that politeness was not there.
I say: ‘And now clear off, I want nothing to do with your moaning and snoring and grumbling and begging, sir.
I have no more words for you.’
Then my brother says: ‘You are ranting and raving.’
I say: ‘Yes, I have reason to.’
I say: ‘I do not want to see that man again.’
I say: ‘Go out, sir.’
I say: ‘Go to Jerusalem and ask where you lived your Judaism.’
I say: ‘Sir, do you know who lives in you and takes care of everything so disharmonically?
Sir, that walked during the war with a star on his coat, then we knew it immediately, but you have him inside you, that is even worse.’
It was Caiaphas, sir.
One from Jerusalem, who managed something there and now walks in the world ... (inaudible).
Did you think that Our Lord, sir, let you stew day and night from sorrow, from pain because you are afraid that the world will perish?
Then you must have got up to something.
Yes, I saw him.
He came straight from the neighbourhood of Caiaphas, he still rattled from all those pennies.
But he did not want to miss one of them.
He was not Judas, you know.
I say: ‘Go away, miser.’
There they are.
I gave you an image last week, I was walking with someone who had a hundred and sixty-five million, wasn’t I?
The only pleasure which I felt there: let me take a walk with one hundred and sixty-five million on my leg.
Oh yes, leg is an arm in English, isn’t it?
(People talk at the same time.
Several people say): ‘No.’
Oh, now the linguists are appearing.
And I was walking, I say: ‘Do you feel anything?’ to my brother.
He says: ‘What do you feel now?’
I say: ‘Penniless.’
They are penniless, a hundred and sixty-five million.
And then all, oh yes: ‘We (would) like to do something for the Christ.’
Yes, I am just saying it like that, because I held it back.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Those books of yours, you could not buy them in New York.’
(Lady in the hall): ‘No.
Not at Macy’s, not at Campbell’s.
Nowhere in New York.’
(Lady in the hall): ‘No.’
This afternoon?
That is possible, madam.
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, they were not for sale there.
Madam, but they are here.
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, not in New York, I say.’
Not in New York?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No.’
Not in those shops?
No, because you could ...
(Lady in the hall): ‘No.
Not at Macy’s and nowhere.’
At Macy’s.
Have you been in New York.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, sir.’
Oh, and you understand Dutch too?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, sir.’
Madam ...
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... here in Holland.’
You are Dutch?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, I am American, but I can’t hear.’
Oh, that is nice, we have two Americans here.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Oh yes?’
Yes, lady.
You can only have that book ...
(Lady in the hall): ‘Dutch people are terrible people.’
(Lady in the hall): ‘I do not like it here.’
Oh, that is possible, madam.
Yes, but ...
Look, madam, it is possible of course, Dutch people are terrible people, we are all crazy and terrible.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Crazy.’
Crazy too?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Of course.
Madam ...
(Lady in the hall): ‘Too, they are crazy.’
Crazy, yes.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, yes.’
Yes, it is true.
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... from the books ... ’
Madam, those books are only available in White Plains, from the Rulof brothers and not at Macy’s.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Oh, in West Plains?
(Lady in the hall): ‘At Morristown?
Where the Preston ParK is?’
Well, I do not know that.
(Lady in the hall): ‘You don’t know where the Preston Park is?’
(Lady in the hall): ‘It is a nice place there.’
Is that nice, madam?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes ...
come there some day.’
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
But you will get the books there.
And not at Macy’s.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Not at Macy’s and not at Campbell’s.
Because you speak of ... (inaudible) so often ... ’
Yes, madam, but we are not yet that far.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Oh.’
We have only just started there.
Do you understand this now, madam?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, sir.’
Thank you.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Mr Rulof?
You were talking a moment ago about the star.
I am a Jew, I would like an explanation of that.’
Madam, are you Jewish?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, sir.’
Have you read ‘The Peoples of the Earth’ by me?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, not yet.’
If you would like to read that, madam.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, Mr Rulof.’
Then ...
Look, now you would, because you are a Jew, you would think ...
I do not hope that you have ... this as an insult ...
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, it is not about that.’
Madam, we are all still walking with one.
(Lady in the hall): ‘What did you say?’
We are all still walking with the star of Judas in our soul.
Because we originate from the Jews.
All of us.
Christians too.
But because people here in Europe branded the child of Caiaphas, I will say, with that star ...
That was a terrible deed.
But in us, madam, I am talking about that.
That man who was searching there - because I saw his past - he was searching, he experienced a sorrow of course, and a battle for life and death in another life, and that life took me and him back to Jerusalem.
I had to, I did what I could, but what I got remained that moaning about all kinds of things, and that took me to Jerusalem during that and that time, and then I had to accept, I saw that, that that man experienced a terrible battle there.
And now it comes to the star.
The star is the sign of the bible, and just go back.
But if you want to have the explanation for that then you must read the Jewish bible.
And then you will also get to see the Christian one, but then we will go out of it.
And it was that, he no longer wore it on his coat, but he still had it inside, because inside he could not forget that past, that task, and who knows what that man did there, he still lived in it.
And still that doubt, now it will come: ‘Are you the Christ?’
And then Christ said: ‘Yes, you are saying it.’
And he is still in that.
That man doubts everything, madam.
And that takes him back to Jerusalem.
And that is what I meant.
Did you not get that out of it then?
(Lady in the hall): ‘But yet, of course ...’
You see, now it becomes wisdom.
Can you feel?
Now it becomes wisdom of life.
We were all it.
But the masters tell you: if the Caiaphas had accepted the Christ in Jerusalem, madam, then we would have got the spatial divine consciousness for all the peoples, wouldn’t we?
And that did not happen now, that was not possible.
And now Judaism continues and closes itself off to the Christ, and waits until He will appear in the clouds.
But, madam, I can most certainly explain that to you and say, I learned that by means of the masters ...
I have nothing from myself, I got all of it, by means of the masters, because I possess this contact.
They say: ‘He was there!’
And He is it too.
And now people are waiting again for nothing.
And that is the doubt, madam, we must all be that, but that is the doubt in this human being.
You cannot convince that man, that woman, you cannot give them anything, because the doubt of Jerusalem is the deep core by means of which they suffer.
Is that not true?
(Gentleman says something.)
(To someone in the hall): What is it?
(A gentleman says something.)
Then I have here, you see: ‘I would like to receive ...’
Did I finish that question?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Is that question completely finished?
Do you have any more questions?
It concerns the doubt.
It concerns the doubt.
It concerns the bible.
It concerns the human being who cannot accept the God of all life and the Christ.
‘I would like an answer to the following two questions.
Some Christian groups preach and feel happy at the thought that Christ,’ there it is about, ‘died for our sins.
You see, madam, there you have it again.
He died for our sins.
No, madam, they murdered Him.
And that also sounds harsh again.
They murdered the Messiah consciously.
They did not believe it.
I am standing here working myself to the bone, working myself to the bone, working myself to the bone, working myself to the bone and saying: ‘Yes, it is true.’
This afternoon also with a doctor, an academic, an hour before I came here, a fight for life and death.
He says: ‘Yes, you are so certain.’
‘And now you certainly think: we are hallucinations.’
I say: ‘Yes, sir, you did tell me something once before, that you felt a guiding hand.’
I say: ‘But then you are out of it!
You are standing still.
You used to have humility and simplicity.
And then you said: the guiding hand of God came to me from the universe.’
Otherwise the man would have cut his wrist with a razor blade.
And then someone in space and around him said: ‘Do not do it and listen, and bow your head’, and he bowed his head and he is still alive.
I say: ‘But you are out of that now.’
‘And why, madam?
The man is now greater in society and has forgotten that guidance again.
I beat him where he wanted to be beaten.
He thought he could confound me, but he could not do that with his science.
Because core and guidance, madam, come from the astral world.
And then we stand again: ‘Do you believe that painting?’
‘Do you believe those books there?’
‘And do you believe this word?
And do you not think: Would that man not ...
And will we now burn him at the stake because he is going too far again?’
We are also going very far.
Because we have looked ‘behind the coffin’.
Now there you are again.
Just give them it.
The guiding hand goes with the birth, with a death and everything. And to be able to see and to feel to a certain extent, but not completely; and it is gone again.
If you could see it all tonight ‘behind the coffin’, then I would have nothing more to tell you, madam, then I could go home and start to rest and start to think: I will do something else, because that is much nicer, but you do not yet look behind it.
There are people who really thirst and accept literally.
What happened to me since my childhood?
If someone had come and I looked into space and I saw balloons, and my mother said: ‘What can you see again now?’
‘Balloons, mum.’
We do not say ‘mum’ at home, it is called ‘mother’ there.
And if you say ‘mum’, then there is something.
Yes, another person said: ‘Mum’, ‘say the mum’.
And then I already experienced Dutch from the astral world.
Dutch: mum.
That is called mother.
Later it was gone.
But those balloons were there.
A figure stood next to them.
Tall Hendrik said: ‘He is crazy.
Just go away.
What did we experience again today?’
‘Oh, people, I was in the forecourt.’
Have you read my books, ‘Jeus of mother Crisje’?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, I only started with ...’
Oh, madam, read those two books sometime, then you will get the beginning.
Yes, now I was able to look ‘behind the coffin’ of course.
You cannot do it.
But there are people who had dreams, messages from their children, from their fathers and the mother.
Would that be possible?
Yes, how did you experience that?
When do you get foundations?
I have the gift of the gab, I can tell the people, my brothers, my sisters, and everyone the most sacred things.
Madam, do you not think that I do not feel, absolutely feel: yes, so much slips in and the rest blows through.
He still cannot accept it.
And she still does not believe it.
But I will continue.
I will keep going.
I have the courage to fight for love and a human being.
And if they just say once: ‘Hey, just stop your moaning.
I no longer want to hear your loose talk’, then I will go away too, but I will continue to love them.
Just the same.
I can honestly say, madam: the Jew is dear to me, and the Catholic and the Protestant, because it is life.
I will not destroy the human being because they have the faith.
Understand me well, I fought during the war for the Jew.
I say: ‘Stupid idiots, do not accept that Caiaphas any longer, and dare to accept that real Christ.
Accept for ten minutes that it is He.
Then what?
Did He bring wrong things?
What the bible says, that is amazingly divine and beautiful.
He does not take us to a war.
He does not squander us for the money.
You will sell everyone if it is possible.
Was that a bad one, that Rabbi, that Jew there?’
‘Yes, there is something to it.’
Yes, do you know what else there is to it, madam?
Just now, a cup of tea, and that is nice.
See you shortly.
I have also had a nice thought a moment ago.
And that was a conversation, which I had with a human being about that doubting, do you see?
How can you convince the human being?
And how can you take the feeling away from him that this and that is the truth?
There are also people who pray; pray, pray, pray, and ask: ‘God, God, God, give me the truth, the light and the life.’
The Catholic church prays, the Protestant child.
If you hear how people pray.
We got questions here by means of which the human being prays, prays, prays.
‘God, give me the truth, and let me know something.’
And then the people told, asked me: ‘Can you pray for everything?’
And then I said: no.
And why not?
Madam, your child must die, that is evolution, because there is no death.
How do you wish to pray, to ask God to give that child life?
You do not want to lose the child, but that child experiences the own evolution and must go, because there is no death.
Death is therefore evolution.
Why must you, father and mother, stop your child, the evolution of your child by categorically praying?
But who can believe it now?
But it is wonderful, because ... ‘Yes’, they say, ‘yes, indeed, yes, indeed.’
Oh yes, madam, oh yes, sir.
You learn, if you are not a Catholic, not a Protestant, then I can begin immediately.
Why do you not believe?
Why do you not believe that: God does everything according to His knowledge, His justice, His harmony?
And then I ask the question, the question in return: is God really just?
Is God God?
Does God know what God does?
What He does?
Everything good?
Why do you not surrender that to God then?
Then it will be good, won’t it?
So death death.
Good, not even death.
Death is death, but the child passes on.
Prayer gone.
God knows what He is doing.
No, not yet, some news again.
Another person says: ‘I have prayed for this.’
Someone came to that person and talked, tattled, gossiped abut the other person: destruction.
And then that person said: ‘Yes, I do not know that other person, by means of which I get the truth.
I will go upwards.’
And that person went upwards.
And he said: ‘God, God, God, give me the truth.
Let me know.’
And that was a serious prayer, a serious question to a Supreme Power: give me the truth.
Then that man asked me: ‘Is that possible?’
I say: ‘No, sir, that is not possible, that prayer means nothing.
Why did you not go to that other person, in order to ask: ‘Is that true what that gentleman is telling?’
Sir, then you do not need to beg and then you do not need to long for that, for four, five years, in order to ask God: ‘Give me an answer.’
But go to the truth, the one it is whom people talk, tattle, gossip about, destroy; and you would have heard it.
So that prayer and all those sorrows and all that questioning there in your unity, in your house and wherever you are, is all for nothing, if you go directly to the truth on earth.’
Is that not true?
‘The human being does not need to doubt.
The human being ... ‘, master Zelanus said last week in Amsterdam when people asked: ‘What is longing?’
Sir, if you really long, really long to do good, you will be it.
No, sir, you do not need to long in order to become good and beautiful; become it and you will be it.
Gone sorrow, gone quickening, gone searching.
‘I would like to possess this.’
Sir, be it and you will be it.
Yes, when you ask to have a skyscraper and a beautiful bungalow and a Cadillac; yes, sir, then they are other things again.
But when we want to go upwards for our inner spiritual life, and say: ‘I longed that the human being could accept me one day.
I always just come across destruction.’
Sir, that is nonsense, madam.
If you radiate love and cordiality and justice, then there has never yet been a crazy person on earth who did not want to receive it.
Be truth, be justice, be it, long for it, also, and you will experience and get spiritual longing, and you will see it, you will become it, you will radiate it.
Isn’t it true, sir?
Is that such an art then?
The human being says: ‘I cannot do it, I cannot do it.
It is far too difficult.’
What is difficult, is it difficult to think clearly, to think justly and lovingly, for your brothers and sisters, for a human being?
You do not need to be saddled with them.
Sir, when do people think in a wrong direction?
If as a man, for four days in a row, you trample down the door of a lady who is alone in order to talk to that lady.
What will the neighbours say then?
Why do you not have the respect then to think: I am already sullying the human being when I call there?
Leave it!
Yes, that also happens.
There are some of us who want to convince the people, call four times in the middle of the night and then they want to talk to those people, but they do not understand that they are already sullying the human being by means of that.
Because the world speaks.
A human being who reads these books, no longer needs another; they must come to me, they still do not learn anything from you.
Do they?
You see, that is megalomania.
Creating and giving birth, sir, but learn the foundations first: I want to be respectful, humble, cordial, just, loving.
If you love me, sir, why are you calling during the night and interrupting me when I am asleep?
Is that not true?
The human being who ...
That is that cursed doubt in the human being.
The human being says: ‘I pray, I pray.’
You do not need to pray, if you want to be true; then the friend will come of their own accord.
But at what point do you say, if you know that, ‘Go behind me, satan’?
I once spoke to a man who was slandered, sullied, gossiped about.
And then he says: ‘When I heard the good and the true and the real one, then I had nothing more to say.’
And then that other one came to me and I looked him in the eyes, I said: ‘I was there and the laws were explained to me, they were loving, cordial and kind, what do you have to say now?’
I looked into those eyes and they became white, green, blue, whitish.
And the person ran out the door.
The person was gone.
Why, sir?
The satan walked out of paradise.
You see, then that dirty snake crawls away.
And then that snake wants to go away otherwise its head will be chopped off.
Isn’t that true, sir?
Do you not experience that every day?
What do you want if you look for God, look for Christ, and ‘is that true?’?
Did they not also say that in Jerusalem?
Did they not say that in Jerusalem?
And ‘are You really it?’
Then what?
And then Christ said: ‘Have you seen a human being with these marks?’
‘Yes’, a magician said, ‘I can do that too.
I will have them in five minutes.’
And he began, and he had them.
Do you see?
But he had them.
The blood came from his hands.
‘I am the Christ’, he said.
Then the Christ said: ‘That is also sullied.’
No, sir, that was not sullied, because it became art, spiritual magical art.
The occult law as mental power and feeling produced stigmatisation.
And he was it, but he was just not quite it.
Because behind that, ladies and gentlemen, the Real One lives with the real marks.
And if you are faced with that, it is no longer an occult art, but then it is the living blood of His heart.
And if you look into those eyes, sir, then there are still colours and lights.
Aren’t there?
And if you see the faulty, sir, the faulty magician, he no longer has light in his eyes.
I will also tell you something nice, how wonderful the human being can be when the human being searches.
I experienced a drama, one person went to the other one - it still concerns that doubt in the human being - and that human being heard so much, and he stood before truth, there was also bragging, megalomania, but the truth was not there.
He said: ‘And I will tell you something.’
And the human being came in and looked into the eyes of the human being, at the lights which had been there, and suddenly said: ‘Well, huh, stop, man.
Your lights are gone from your eyes and that says everything.’
Ladies and gentlemen, if you become really angry, do you not think then that your husband, or your wife, will see your eyes change?
Then something else will enter them.
And if it concerns God and Christ, yes, sir, and the reality of space, but straight from that Golgotha there in Jerusalem ...
And then it also concerns a donkey, but it walked straight through the streets of Jerusalem and it could not be stopped, because it was inspired by the Divine Self, by the Messiah: He was one with her.
And then that human being went to the other one and said: ‘Go behind me, satan.’
Engineer, now you can weep, I like that.
You have a sensitive heart, man, just howl.
Good, isn’t it, if you can really howl inwardly.
Yes, that does a human being good.
You see, boys, there are two who are older and can still howl.
You begin, but these ones are old and delicious, and these people have experienced wonderful things, have once fought for truth, justice.
And thought that he was it, but he was not quite it.
I have such nice people here with me, who have been beaten and kicked.
The human being curses the members of the NSB in the city, and they are precisely the good children (see article ‘NSB and national socialism’ on who thought: ‘Now it will begin, now we will get a new world.’
And we did not get a new world.
But they fought for the well-being of mankind.
But not for red, white and blue.
Isn’t that something?
Well, it is nice that you get men crying like that.
Now you must have experienced your feeling, now you must have experienced your sorrow, and then you must have known a battle, and then you must know society, and then you know the lie and then you know the deception, and then you know the misery and the betrayal.
And if you then come to the human being, afterwards, after all that jubilation and those tortures, and then, if all those miseries from the dictionary go through us and over our heads, and if you can then also say: ‘I really love the Christ and He cannot be doubted because you cannot create any evolution by means of harshness and by means of destruction and brute force; however, you can in an animal-like material way, but not in a spiritual way’, and if you can then also listen to the loose talk of an insane person such as Jozef Rulof, then something in your heart must have been brought to awakening.
Then the blood will not flow over your lips but then the heart will say ‘tick tick tick’ in the right line.
Ppvrft, ppvrft.
How did I say that, Bernard?
I also have the question here: “How can we help those who were dear to us and have passed on?
If we think about them a lot we will perhaps keep them from their task.
But if they are still unconscious, how can we help them then?”
That is also your question, madam.
Isn’t it?
Madam, you will soon read these questions in our book here.
But I will give you something anyway.
These questions have been asked several times.
We have already finished a book, here, these questions from 1950-1951.
We had a book again this winter.
Those questions were analysed.
We will have them in a while, it is ready, soon the money, and it will go to the publisher’s.
It is the best book for mankind, because there are thousands of questions in it, spiritually, spatially, divinely explained.
Madam, you cannot help your people who have passed on, your loved ones.
You cannot pray for them either.
There we are again.
If you go from here and you come ‘beyond death, the coffin’, then you will live there as an astral personality, or you will already be in the world of reincarnation, then you will come back to the earth and then you will still not have a conscious astral continuance, that is the hereafter, but then you must go back to the earth, and you will become a man or a woman again.
But if they are now ‘beyond the coffin’ - have you read ‘A View into the Hereafter’? Then I can go deeper with you - if they are there, and they did not want to see, madam, the love of you, and the cordiality, and the benevolence, and the good in you, and to listen, they prefer money, they prefer society, they have no brothers and no sisters, madam, then you will be powerless for that life of God, and then it is no longer your father, nor your mother, nor your child: it is now a grade of life of the universe of God, because God is in that.
And if that life is still unconscious, and if that life says: ‘I do not want that because I do not believe it’, and they still cannot, they still cannot think spiritually spatially, they still remain connected to the bible and love damnation, the God of hatred of the Old Testament and destruction; madam, then we will be powerless and you cannot do anything for the people.
If they are therefore unconscious and live under the first sphere, how do you wish to reach those people?
What do you wish to do for those people?
You experience it every day, I too, you can have the gift of the gab, and you can have hundreds of thousands of pieces of proof, those paintings and books and something else, yes, it is in there ...
But who gives me the reality?
And that reality is there if you say - because that concerns us - that concerned Christ: ‘Love everything which lives’, and be cordial.
Why must we betray and sell and squander our brothers or our own blood?
And now the other life, people whom we have nothing to do with?
True or not?
So the human being who lives under the first sphere, he could already not be helped here.
And there they must ... now a following stage comes; and then you see ‘Those who Returned from the Dead’, then you read that book here.
Have you also read it?
Then you will see that bald coachman, Gerhard, whom we knew here in The Hague, who said at ‘Old Eykenduynen’(graveyard in The Hague): ‘Paf, paf, paf.’
And I stood there with my taxi, I had brought people there, I say: ‘If so, will you hiss at me now?’
Pom pom pom, he says, ‘I sit day and night on the corpses and the dead people and I hear nothing.’
That was sarcastic.
I say: ‘You are right, Gerhard.’
I say: ‘But I already draw by means of those dead people and I already paint and I see.’
And he was sitting on top of his billy goat, with that big black Stetson on - you know, which they take the States General with, but now in black - he sat there, he said, bom bom bom: ‘I have worked it out, I have still not heard anything.
I say: ‘No, of course.’
‘A fortnight later he was ‘behind the coffin’, and a while later he came back and he was allowed to tell about his life in ‘Those who Returned from the Dead’.
Madam, he no longer raps, he no longer rapped.
The wonderful proof of Rosanoff, now I can say that name, the highest consciousness for the Russian Orthodox church, whom I treated here, the daughters and the children, the daughter, the sons did not want me to speak, but now they may know it.
That was Rosanoff, that Russian, who read ‘A View into the Hereafter’ and became ill and called me: ‘Is that true?’
Sir was bad at Dutch.
He spoke nicely like a child: ‘Is that true, sir?
Too good to be true.
Oh, oh, if it is true.’
I say: ‘It is true, sir.’
You experienced all of that?'
I say: 'Yes, sir.'
‘Really, sir?’
‘Really, sir.’
‘Oh God, you prophet?’
I say: ‘Probably.
He eats bread, just add that.
Who will also soon like twenty-five cents or five cents.’
A prophet which eats bread and sits smoking a cigarette, how can that be a prophet now?
The man goes back, becomes more ill, cancer.
Nothing can be done about it, madam, I can only give him relief.
At half past six in the evening I get someone from Scheveningen, whom I treated for his head, he had a polyp, and suddenly the Russian manifests himself by means of my master Alcar.
Nonsense, madam?
And he says: ‘André, do you see that your friend the priest is here?’
And Rosanoff says: ‘André, Jozef, I fly here, everything true, everything true.
I dive.
Master here, master here!’
I say: ‘Yes, I can see you, my dear.’
‘Tonight, half past three, dying.
Out, always gone, eternally gone.
Flying, learning.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.’
I say to the man whom I am treating: ‘Can’t you hear anything?’
‘No, sir.’
‘Can’t you see anything, sir?’
‘No, sir.’
I say: ‘A patient of mine is manifesting himself here who will die tonight at half past three.
He says it himself, my master is there.’
I say: ‘Tell it to your friends, sir.
Tomorrow you will read it in the paper.
The body, there in the Sweelinckstraat, of the priest Rosanoff, the bishop of the Russian Orthodox church, Greek, to name but a few, everything together, told me it a moment ago: tonight at half past three he will die, and he is now already out of it.’
Telepathy, world, it says in ‘Jeus III’, parapsychologist, telepathy!
I recorded it for the girl from Vienna.
My friends came, I say: ‘Tomorrow evening you will read in the paper that the Russian Rosanoff has died, he came to tell me himself.’
And: ‘At half past three last night our dear bishop Rosanoff passed away from us.’
Then it was the truth.
When I was four, five years old, ladies and gentlemen, and got five cents for the fair ...
Johan got ten cents because he was so old, and Bernard got seven cents, and I five cents; and Hendrik still had to learn to walk, he was still in the cradle, he was being breast-fed, he still knew nothing about acid drops and about pickled herring and about Fanny, the dog.
And Gerhard was also there.
Hendrik was also there, yes.
And Teun and Miets were yet to be born.
No, they were also there, that is true.
Then I had spent my four cents on sweets.
I came home, I had nothing, I say: ‘Mother, do you have anything else for me?’
‘Yes’, she said, ‘I have plenty of work.
But you will not get a cent, because tomorrow is another day.’
I had already worked for her on tick. (laughter)
I had already done nothing but my best for four weeks and you thought that I got another cent?
None of it.
I said: ‘Mother, but you are in debt to me.’
‘What are you saying?’
‘You are in debt to me because I already started four weeks ago.’
I was always the first.
Then came Bernard.
And then we still got nothing.
That was mean, that was not nice of Crisje.
I am lying there, ladies and gentlemen, you read that, and a thread comes from space, I follow it, to the Hunzeleberg hill.
And if you come into ‘s-Heerenberg - will you come to ‘s-Heerenberg this summer?
Yes, you will go there, won’t you? - the Montferlandseweg, and then straight to the Hunzeleberg, and then you must try and see if you can also find that thread of mine there.
Sixteen guilders and so many cents lay there.
Madam, we should have convinced the world with that.
The world should have said, that is the thread by means of which Paul was inspired and Jesaja said what he had to say.
But this thread now has intellect and speaks Dutch, and then people spoke Hebrew.
And now it is called ‘s-Heerenberg.
But that ‘s-Heerenberg is also a part of Jerusalem.
Because where those things happen, ladies and gentlemen, you are connected to the divine self, to the Christ of space.
‘And so we ate’, Gerrit Noestede said. ‘angel cake that day.’
Because for sixteen cents I came home with a cake for Crisje.
And then I was up to my neck in trouble.
It happened, madam.
Have you read that part there?
You can get it, it is there in the library.
Look, they are the problems for the human being by means of which we can convince the masses.
But the masses say: ‘Oh well, would that be true?’
‘Yes, and then I was sitting at the front of the bike, and Tall Hendrik had to cycle: ‘Where should I go?’
‘To the left, father.
Now just around that corner, and then we go right to the end of that road.
Now right again, father.
Now left again, father.
Now you must go over that grave.’
Well, then the Tall One had to get off the bike otherwise he would also have gone head over heels.
Then left again.
And: ‘There.’
What did they say?
‘Hahaha, you knew it.’
Father forgot it.
He was standing on top of the wonders, and did not see them any more.
Still doubt.
You see, people, if you can never accept, madam, if those people do not want that anyway ...
I am mentioning pieces of proof to you here.
I have experienced hundreds of thousands of pieces of proof.
The money in the wood.
There, Golgotha as a child.
A hundred thousand things.
Madam, there are also some who experienced a lot in ‘s-Heerenberg too, but they did not see anything.
If you come there: ‘Do you believe that now, that crazy one of Crisje?
They were completely crazy there at the Grintweg.’
We were all crazy, you see, yes, those boys of Crisje are not the full shilling.
One is that and the other is this; they are all crazy.
Yes, they are all crazy.
But society could already have had this.
Madam, just tell your loved ones, your acquaintances: ‘We have real spiritual threads.’
They will laugh right in your face.
Madam, if your father and mother are there, and they are in the first sphere, and they were here: yes, I am so ...
And your yes remains yes, and your love is good ...
‘I love you, madam.
Oh, I cannot live without you’, but in a fortnight I will go out the door.
Then you will be in the Land of Twilight or in the Land of Hatred.
Because you are not real.
You are not in harmony, you are not just.
Because once you say: ‘I love you’, why have I lost it tomorrow again if I have done nothing anyway?
If I have really done nothing.
(Jozef continues with the question.)
But if father and mother are in the first sphere, madam, you do not need to pray for them and do not need to think about them; then they must think for you, and for us, because they know it.
We still know nothing.
They must think about us, they will think about us in order to help us.
The human being does it precisely in the wrong way: the human being goes to the grave, but the living must go to the living.
Do you see?
You no longer need to help the human being who lives in the first sphere, madam.
They say: ‘Now just think of yourself.
And do everything for yourself.’
And do not divide yourself for us, but use those feelings for your own self, for this life, for thousands of other things and you will be benevolent, loving, harmonic, just, with that love of that crazy Frederik and that love from Jerusalem from that highest Child from the Divine All, Christ, and we will go straight to a sphere which possesses bliss, possesses light, harmony.
The birds will come to you - just read ‘Those who Returned from the Dead’ - and will say (whisper it): putteputteput; you will get a nightingale like that.
And if you follow that then it is called: ‘Child, I am here, I am expecting you.
Just a little bit, then you will see us.’
Madam, are you satisfied?
(Lady says something inaudible.)
Thank you.
I have here: “Last Sunday, during his lecture in Diligentia (Lecture 37 ‘The human being and his reincarnations’ in the book Lectures part II), master Zelanus brought forward the figure of André-Dectar sharply.
Thirty-eight hundred years ago, master Zelanus said, that person was a powerful priest in Ancient Egypt in the Temple of Isis.”
That was wonderful, sir, wasn’t it.
“Nowadays he is the Paul, the prophet of the twentieth century,” I am not that, “the Great Winged one,” Yes, I have something of that, but I am still not it, I am it, I am not it, “the instrument in the hands of the masters, in order to bring the cosmology to the earth.
This human being had to fight a battle of life and death, especially during the occupation, lonely, not understood by his immediate adepts.
Ramakrishna also had twelve apostles in order to watch over his organism, but they did nothing to help this human being.”
They said it much worse, sir.
“Despite a battle, suffering, betrayal and dagger wounds in his back,” I really got them, from inside, from outside, from in front, from behind, from above, from underneath, “this human being and this work could still not be destroyed.”
No, sir, we are not there yet, are we, Mr Reitsma?
“Socrates had to drink the poisoned cup,” yes, they also did, “they destroyed Rudolf Steiner, they had his life work go up in flames.
Christ was betrayed, sullied, spat upon and crucified.
Question 1: What does André-Dectar have to expect now?”
Nothing, nothing, sir.
I do not have to expect anything.
Because I am now that far, I already told you once ...
I spoke to Rudolf Steiner ‘behind the coffin’, then he said to me: ‘Ich war dumm.’
I say: ‘Why?’
He says: ‘I still demanded.
I still longed.
I still wanted.’
All right, I say: ‘Why?
And what did that do?
And what did that bring?’
Pythagoras, he continued, he went further.
Then it was also a time that his adepts ... his temple ...
His highest adept, whom he could not accept because that human being was false, he set fire to his temple.
The masters showed me that, that happened.
Rudolf Steiner said: ‘Ich war dumm.
Wirklich dumm.’
He still expected something from the human being.
I expect nothing from you, sir, absolutely nothing.
Not from my own brothers.
I want nothing from you, absolutely nothing.
I have never spoke ill of the human being before.
And neither would I if you were to stick a knife in my ribs, I would continue to love you.
If I was to say: ‘Dirty, ugly serpent’, there will be hatred in me, destruction.
You cannot kill me, sir.
Rudolf Steiner did not know death, otherwise he would not have been afraid of that human being.
I am not afraid of murderers.
Pythagoras still did not know the cosmos.
Because I myself would have said to that adept: ‘Come on, you do not need to do that behind my back, sir.
Set it alight!
I will give you a light.’
And then he would not have done it.
What will happen to me?
Nothing will happen to me, sir, because I do not want people to do anything to me.
Do you know when you are strong?
If you continue to love the people.
You talk every day amongst each other: ‘I love you.’
And ‘darling’.
And ‘dear’.
I told you one evening ...
I was once in Noordwijk, I was visiting friends, and, oh, that man could not get enough of my books: ‘Come and visit me.’
I say: ‘I will come, you are a good person’.
And I went, then I got some relaxation with a weekend.
I am standing there.
‘Yes, dear.’
‘Yes, indeed.’
Oh, yes, indeed, dad.’
I think: nice, polite.
‘Could you do that?’
‘Yes, indeed, child.’
‘May I?’
Oh dear!
‘What will you look at now?’
‘I think that it is the truth.’
What good people they are.
And at about three o’clock, I hear ...
I think: well, I have really not met these people on earth before.
Because, it is either camouflage; or it is reality, then I will love them even more.
But suddenly I saw something.
Suddenly they say something to me, I am, as it happens ... as it happens, I participate in telepathy.
You should read that when you have ‘Jeus III’.
I participate in threads.
Because that same thread is also in the human being.
He can also give me that with a story.
And if I then accept you, sir, and I have no hatred, and no disharmony, and I really accept you, then you will add the remainder yourself.
And that is natural telepathy.
The parapsychologists are talking about that.
And they call that: ‘A stroke of luck now and again.’
Pysometry, you see, they participate in pysometry. (laughter)
One pysometrist could take it over from the other psychometrist, an academic told me.
I say: ‘Where did you learn that?’
‘I also participate in pysometry!’
But I also did pysometry and I know that those people in seven, eight years - I suddenly knew that - could no longer stand the sight of each other, but represent courtesy for the world.
I say: ‘You are just ordinary hypocrites.
I am going.’
I say: ‘Then you will tell me the truth!’
And then they started to confess.
I say: ‘Now I will come back soon, otherwise you would never have seen me again because you are hypocrites.
You act courteously for the world: “Yes, darling; yes, dear.”’
I say: ‘And you sleep there, and she almost sleeps under the ground.’
They can barely stand the sight of each other anymore, sir.
But already before the ...
I say: ‘And did you really ... me ...’
‘From who do you have that?’
I say: ‘You said it yourself because you told me something, and then a echo like that came, sir.
I saw light and I saw shadow.
I can see a little.
But I participate in telepathy.’
Pysometry, what is it, sir? (laughter)
But you ...
‘Do you know the Peace Palace, sir?’ (laughter)
I say: ‘That is peace and happiness, but it is not in that.
And not with you either because you built a tower, sir, from flour sacks.
That will blow away like that, ffft.’
But the real core in the human being cannot lie and deceive.
The real truth does not go over into trouble, misery and destruction.
To feel the reality as love in the human being, that is proverbial.
It always says the real thing.
And then it is called altruism.
And then you do not need to say ‘dear’ at all, sir, then you look each other in the eye and exactly what you had wanted happens.
Doesn’t it, sir?
Had you not heard that either?
Sir, nothing will happen to me - I must go back to that gentleman again - nothing will happen to me, sir.
Nothing will happen to André-Dectar.
I tell you: I will not let anything be done to me.
You can gossip and tattle, sir, and call me all kinds of names, because I am still ‘wild and on the run with the millions of the society’.
When I went to America I ‘went off with my own cashbox of two million’.
I think: if only I had them.
If only I finally had them.
And people sometime saw me in the Spuistraat, and then I arrived there, like that.
And then my wife asked me, and other people: ‘When was that, sir?’
I say: ‘Well, I was having a nice seat at home writing books.’
I say: ‘But it was not me.
Then you saw it wrong.’
I come across people: ‘Sir, I definitely saw you, the four of us, you definitely drove past us.’
I say: ‘Madam, it is not possible, because I was sleeping that day.’
Then they had seen me somewhere again.
What doubles I am getting, amn’t I?
What had Christ there on the way between Nazareth and Jerusalem, later, no followers with signs of the cross?
Frederik in ‘Masks and Men’ said: ‘I was lying quietly in bed and that light from the street shines through a gap of the curtains and makes a cross.
And suddenly I saw the sign of the cross.
Oh, I thought, how nice that is.
I woke up.
And then it was the curtain.
And then ... says ...
Have you read ‘Masks and Men’, sir?
But the people who have read that ...
Frederik asks them, he says: ‘Do those spiritualists and those theosophists not have those signs of the cross by means of a light from the street and a curtain?’
He says: ‘There will be more of them.’
That means, sir: we must search for the truth.
And experience the truth.
Because we have occultism.
They are seers.
And they are omiscients, sir.
And then they go to another person and then they say: ‘Lay the cards for me.’
You do not have to teach me anything, sir, I got it as a child from space.
Sir, that same Dectar, he is still not a Great Winged one.
I am, I will explain it to you very clearly this evening, I am a perfectly ordinary rib cage.
Threads and lamps run in that, and that is the heart, they are the kidneys, that is the nervous system.
Other people talk through me.
The Paul of this century, do you know who that is?
That is master Zelanus.
And the prophet behind him is called master Alcar.
And they do it through me.
I still want nothing to do with it, sir.
If I ...
This afternoon someone said to me: ‘You are arrogant.’
I say: ‘Oh well, I accept that.’
Yes, that is true, isn’t it? (laughter)
Madam, but that man may say that.
I say: ‘If you prove it to me why, then I will accept it, and then I will take a piece of wood and I will beat it out.
Please give me the truth.
What is still wrong?
Am I arrogant now?’
I say: ‘How do you wish to see me?’
‘Yes,’ he says, ‘that is something.’
I say: ‘Then you are lying.
Because if you do not know that, then you will not know either what arrogance is.
Because then you can explain it.
But sir could not do that.
(Someone coughs through it.)
(Jozef says):  Madam, may I give you a little bit of water?
(Lady in the hall): ‘I already have some.’
He could not do that.
Look, gossip, nonsense.
You must analyse the things.
You must not say of the human being, you must not say of space: that is not possible, if you do not know that.
And the human being thought that.
I will give you another example.
Years ago someone leaves me.
I think: gosh.
You should not have tried that in Ancient Egypt, sir.
And you must not try that on the other side either, in order to, if you have the master next to you, or whatever, and you then walk to the other side, to the lower, under the first sphere, and you ask: ‘Could he be right?’
That man does not know that.
Now you go from that law which determines and which says: it is true.
And then you go to the Land of Twilight in order to ask: ‘Is that true?’
Fine, you come back to your master.
You say: ‘Master, I am back.
I meditated for a while.’
Then the master says: ‘Say, you are covered in mud.
Where have you been?’
It concerned me.
I do not have a drop.
What it was about.
‘But you will come back covered in the muck, the mud of mankind and God with it.
You have been sullied by the sludge of the earth, the unconscious, the doubt, the destruction, the gossip.’
It concerned me, but I remained free, I do not have a drop.
But woe betide, if it was me.
And if it was not me, sir, I would not see it either.
But see it because I remained uncontaminated.
Did you think, sir, if you are over your head in the mud that you can see the sludge of an other?
Would you think?
Then it is called: ‘Satan, go behind me.’
No, sir, then it is you yourself.
With the green and the speckled from under the ground along with you.
Because there is no daylight.
Fine, sir.
Why did you doubt, sir?
What can they do to me?
What do they want to do to me?
I am not the prophet.
I am the Great Winged one through whom they speak.
So on the stage, if they say it ...
They said: ‘You will come too.’
I learned something, I got consciousness for space, cosmic consciousness.
But it is only then that I will accept all of that, if the whole of mankind were to give me it that I was able to prove it.
I have proved it to you, and everyone and several people who accept that absolutely.
That is a watertight case.
And for you I already have consciousness: spiritually, spatially.
We acted that here in the evening.
And with the questions about the universe.
Is that true?
Yes, we analysed them like that so that you could also see it again here.
We were able to accept, to accept a little bit: yes, there is consciousness.
But I will take myself into consideration in order to walk with a plank of wood on my back here in the Buitenhof and in the Spuistraat and Venestraat: I am a Great Winged one.
And if I do that, Mr Reitsma, and they say: ‘Yes, there he goes’, and they stand in a row with ‘Bvbvbvbv’, you know? and the flag is hanging from everywhere, well, then I will go back to the Zwartekolkseweg one more time and then I will go and stand at the hut of Saint van Tien and say: ‘What would you think of it?
Could it already be possible?’
That is still not possible.
Because, sir, today you are it ...
What one person must master for himself and has to learn - because, I love you and I like you; and in two months they no longer know the people and they kick them out the door - that is also for the masses.
And we know what one person must already prove, has to prove for that.
And then your gifts and everything go into the fire.
People no longer need them.
You are dirty, at fault and wrong.
If the masses hang out the spiritual flag of the University of Christ, that is a flag, a white bar, a white silk cloth with seven stars and in the middle the cross, then we will accept this.
But then we will get the answer from the masters and they will say: ‘André, now it is you.’
It will happen in a thousand years.
If the instrument, the direct voice instrument is there then it will also happen.
Let’s hope that we are still together for another seventy-five years, then we will also lay a card together, in the middle of the Spuistraat, at the Groenmarkt.
And there is no policeman who will beat us away from there.
Because he will say: ‘Now the word is law.’
And that word comes from space.
‘Ladies and gentlemen, we will then call.
‘He is here.
Sit down.
Sit down!
Isn’t it true?’
Now just give me the bananas, the lemons and the apples, because they are not contaminated by a snake.
Just bite.’
Do you find something in this, Mr Koppenol?
(Quiet for a very long time.)
A nice silence, don’t you think?
If the human being becomes quiet, you do not need to shout anymore either.
We have a nice silence this evening.
You should feel it.
Feel the silence.
And then something will come next to you.
(Taps softly on something.) Are you there, dear?
What is it?
(soft taps) Are you tapping?
May I ask a question?
And then I asked in America at the Fox sisters ...
She was a lady, and she has the rappings, the taps, raps.
Then I said in that silence, that same silence ...
My brother was there, but he did not know what it was about.
I say: ‘May I ask a question?’
First in English, I learned that quickly.
(Taps three times.)
Another three taps.
I say: ‘Are they all completely crazy here?’
(Taps three times)
‘Is everything deception which I come across here?’
(Taps three times.)
I say: ‘Then I know it.’
I say: ‘Then I will ask there who is real here then.’
Then there was nothing more real, ladies and gentlemen.
Because there was an insane person talking.
And then I had to, the drama ...
When I returned to Holland, no, a while later master Alcar told me who was tapping there.
It was a child which had been tortured in Russia, with the mother.
And the child had died in the mother, and the mother too.
And the mother was on earth again.
And the child on the other side.
And now the child was attached to the mother and tapped.
The child was unconscious.
But that child rapped, the raps were real.
But the tap, the rapping, was unconscious.
Because a rapping possesses personality, consciousness.
And then they stood gaping at me and they said: ‘Yes, Jozef, you are a thousand years ahead of us.’
Thank you.
But then I was also out of it.
Then they said: ‘Lock him away there and do not send him there, that guy can really see.’
He was in Silver Bell, and he asked me: Do you know the personality and the consciousness of those rappings?’
‘Have you ever heard of that?’ that one spiritualist says to the other.
Then he says: ‘That is not possible, is it?’
But it is there.
He says: ‘Out with that man, he comes from Holland, he must never come here again.’
Ladies and gentlemen, if I had broken that off, I would never have come out of America alive.
Yes, there you go again.
“What can happen to André-Dectar?”
To see the truth, to experience the truth and to send you to the books.
Because when you read ‘Spiritual Gifts’, sir, then you will know what rappings are.
Everything; knowledge, consciousness.
And when you are unconscious yourself and you come there with devastation and destruction and betrayal, sir, then people really tap insanely for you.
Then this is not there.
That sound, you see.
If your mother taps, sir, that goes right to your solar plexus.
And then they are only kisses.
Have you already experienced that?
We experienced that at home.
Direct voice, dematerializations, levitations, materializations; my sister was standing in the room, snow-white, said something, trumpet, that was all real, and then I had to stop, because they went further.
And then the masters began with the psychic trance.
The real disembodiment.
And then I had to stop.
Then I had the world.
You must hear, then I had the world ...
You will get all of that soon in ‘Jeus III’, you will get much more in that than in ‘A View into the Hereafter’, because then master Alcar had to go round it.
Then there were also spiritualists there, a leading figure from The Hague, and I also had a professor there, only just for myself, they were able to experience that.
And then we were ready.
‘Oh’, he says, ‘Jozef, now the world is open.
And now you can convince millions of people.’
And then my master said: ‘Stop.’
And then their masters came through and they said: ‘Jozef is wrong now.
Now that child is so far that he is becoming arrogant.’
I say: ‘That is not right.’
There was also ‘arrogance’.
I ‘wanted to act the boss.’
I say: ‘That is not right, sir’, they are also all hypocrites.
I say: ‘Do you not know any language?’
If I was arrogant, sir, then I would want to go over the world precisely and then I would say to my master: ‘Yes, now I am ready, now I can convince the people, now I can become a sensation for the world, now you say: “Stop”’?
And that circle said that I was arrogant now.
‘No, sir, I am simple now, I do not do it, I do not want to do it.’
You can say: ‘That crazy man now flings wonderful gifts in the street gutters of the city.
He does not even want them.’
But I disembodied that night.
I say: ‘Sir, your circle is wrong because you are writing yourself.’
And they did it with the planchette.
Do you know?
They were instantly gone for me.
‘Sir, you have been writing yourself for a long time.
They are all stories.’
I say: ‘If you had not had the Hague school, sir, that would not even come through, but you know proper Dutch.’
Do you see?
Is that not in ‘Spiritual Gifts’?
In this way they wanted with regard to my master, in this way they wanted to chase me into the darkness with regard to my master.
I say: ‘Sir, I do not accept that.
I must stop and I will stop.’
And it was fine, because then the masters began with the spiritual disembodiment and we wrote books.
And then I came ‘behind the coffin’ with master Zelanus and Damascus, Doctor Franz.
They say: ‘André, it is fine like that, now we will begin.
Just let them talk.’
Then I knew that circle.
I was not allowed to experience any sensation precisely.
You should have told that sometime to a medium, if that is really there.
Sir: ‘A wonder, we experience wonders.’
We experienced wonders there.
I went, I was dematerialised, through a door, where four people were standing.
They say: ‘My God, that is a revelation.’
I dissolved before those people, with light and everything.
And I ran off, along the street, because I was exhausted.
I had to run: my blood circulation was disrupted.
The following day, sir, then the minister came and said: ‘Children, how can you let yourself be influenced by satans?’
Then I was a witch.
Yes, then Mr Nederburg went there, a president of the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) Court, from here in The Hague and in the Dutch East Indies, he says: ‘Was that true?’
‘Sir, he was a crazy man.
We saw it.
He was a devil.’
‘Well’, he says, ‘then I know enough.
Because devils also have occult laws.’
Yes, but what use is it to you, it was denied once more.
Well, now the masters began with this, sir, with those Great Wings.
But it is they.
I am only a house, I am only a little castle.
I am the water tap through which the water flows.
Now in words.
I am no more than that.
I do not want to be any more than that.
What can happen to me now, sir, if I myself do not want to act the prophet?
But come on.
Come on.
If you think that my pockets are empty; I have always received pockets full, from the masters.
I can always give you the word from them which gave me what they knew, and I give you.
Just come on.
You have asked enough questions.
All right, we will continue.
“Socrates had to drink the poisoned cup,” we now have that.
Question two: “If people from our midst bow to going to the stake with you, to enter the lion’s den with you and to be nailed to the Golgotha cross with you, do you not accept that either with a pinch of salt?”
Sir, I have some here, and I know that, they stand for me, I will not go into that, but I know it.
‘Oh, if it ever has to be, Jozef, then I will prove it to you.’
I will really not go into that.
It is those people’s business.
But there are plenty of them.
There are already far too many of them.
But we have more than seven of them.
And we have even more than thirty of them.
And then you are strong, sir.
I just need three of them.
I do not need eleven of them like Ramakrishna.
I have much better, I have much better ones now next to me than Ramakrishna.
I have even better ones than Rudolf Steiner had.
Better than Pythagoras, sir.
Because they have become spiritually and spatially conscious.
They know.
You must first just start to thirst.
I will point out a few of them here to you.
I have three Arie’s, they all go with me directly into the coffin.
Yes, sir, because they are thirsting.
There is one of them at the back, he also goes with me.
Just look into his face.
He will die instantly for me.
That boy came from the Bezuidenhout, he was broken.
His eyes gone, arms gone, legs gone.
He lay for a year in a stiff suit of armour and said: ‘My God, may I know why?’
And then he got hold of the books by André-Dectar and said: ‘There it is.
Thank God, I am pleased with my destruction.’
Is it not ... (inaudible) sir, give him a kiss, who can do it?
Must you have even more of them?
If I just point them out, sir, then they will already weep with joy that they may go with me.
Won’t they, Willem?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘All right, lieutenant.’
Thank you very much.
Yes, also women.
Sir, I have them.
I have them here.
I will not go into that.
They must prove that later.
I do not even demand that.
What a fuss I could make, sir, with such benevolence.
The people ask me: ‘May we serve?
May we serve?
May I lay down at your door like a floor mat?’
Men and women, sir.
But I will not even go into that ...
I do not even accept that love.
I believe them.
If it comes one day, sir, I will know where I have to be.
There are no traitors next to me.
There are only people happy in spirit.
And the rest who do not want to be it; that is their business.
And do not think that those who say: ‘I want to die with you’, are more than the others who cannot yet do it.
No, sir.
The human being is a human being, the human being is life.
I love all my brothers just as much, even if one would hit me on the neck with a club.
That is his business.
But he will also have to prove one day that that blow was on the spot.
And then he will get the pain back from me.
I am capable, sir, of fighting for life and death.
And then I can give you a slap, right in your face, in order to serve you.
To help, in order to hit you awake.
But I will just do that once.
You will never get the second slap in my life.
Christ also hit.
Did you know that?
And then they said: ‘Why are You doing that?’
He says: ‘I only do that once.
In order to shake him awake.
But I will not sully My hands, or My life by means of your unwillingness.’
Because did you think, sir, that that is not pain for the other if a hand must get life in order to send that straight to your face?
Did you think that, when the mother sees that the child does not want to listen ... it burns its fingers.
It is always sitting next to the red-hot fire, and suddenly the mother says: ‘Now it must just happen.’
And the child goes again, a blow: ‘Whaaa.’
Well, well, it will never sit by that fire again.’
Is it not hard for the mother?
Is it not hard for the mother?
We experienced it.
And other people experience it.
That you really see that the human being is destroying himself, and you are powerless.
Is that not hard?
Is that not terrible?
And now for the spirit, in the spirit, sir.
Prove it.
No, sir, I never doubted that.
Even if you tell me a thousand times ...
And then you will say ...
And then I see, yes, indeed: you still do not have five percent.
But if you say: ‘Sir, I want to die for you’, did you think then, sir, that I would start to doubt your words?
Did you think that I doubted the person who told me: ‘I love you.
I mean it honestly, what would we do without you?’
Sir, did you think that I doubted that?
But I knew that it was gossip.
I already knew from the sound and the feeling, that it was not real.
But I do not doubt you.
I did not need to doubt, sir: I knew.
And then you stand firm.
But Rudolf Steiner did not know that.
That man did not even suffer.
Why not?
Because he could not bear and could not take care of the full consciousness for his adepts and the universal spatial self, could not represent them; because he was searching himself.
Yes, sir.
It is only then that you will be able to bear if you know the law, sir.
I will give you the example, then you will immediately accept it, another example: if you know the Grim Reaper, sir, and you do not actually know him, then there is always a doubt.
Here are people, sir, who say: ‘I now know the Grim Reaper.’
Yes, indeed, I will come to you soon when it begins to creek under that bed, and left and right, here, and all those nails: boomboomboom.
And then they say: ‘Is it really serious, Jozef?’
I say: ‘Yes, he is here.’
‘Hehwe’, another person says, ‘hewhewhe.
Do you mean it?
Is he here?
I, I will be strong.’
‘Oh, nothing can happen to me, dear, I will go and we will ...’
‘Gosh, what did I say again?
Would you really think that it is that far?’
He would say: ‘We will see each other again’, and then his false teeth would fall from his mouth. (laughter)
And suddenly he would already be standing before the ‘coffin’, madam, and he would say: ‘Yes, it is real, it is actually real.’
But now read this soon, madam, and then the stalks of straw will already come.
Stalks of straw.
And the human being says ...
(To the sound technician): What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The end.’
Is it the end?
‘How can I prove that, sir?’
‘Yes, I am here, I have nothing to do with you.’
‘How can I prove that?’
‘Sir, you will prove that one day, and then you must prove that you in death ... that you love death.
(To the sound technician) Do I still have one line?
Then I also have here: ‘Which one of us can say: I know myself?’
I have experienced that with you for a long time.
You must just read that outside there.
It says, what my brother says: ‘I have been in The Hague in Socrates’ house.
Because outside on the door it said: Know Yourself.’
I say: ‘Hendrik, just tell that, because the Americans do not know him either.’
“Who can testify for themselves: I completely destroyed, wrung the neck of the Pilate, the Caiaphas and the Peter and the Judas figure in me?”
Mr Reitsma, I have another question here, and I will begin next week with that.
Mr Reitsma, don’t you know that?
If you say today: ‘I am true and genuine’, that Caiaphas will already be gone.
And later if you ...
(To the sound technician): Is it still running?
(Sound technician): ‘Yes yes.’
And if you later say to the people: ‘I believe what you are saying’, and if it is proven in the future that that man doubts, then that man has doubted, but not you.
And then that Judas will already be gone.
And the betrayal, if you do not begin with that, sir, and you do not intend to pick pockets and all those other things tomorrow, and to tell bad things about the human being, to gossip and to talk about the human being ... (Jozef talks faster and faster)
Imagine that that thing finishes now at once ... (laughter)
Where must we go then, Mr Reitsma?
Have mercy on the human being.
And accept the human being.
Ladies and gentleman, I have made it.
You just also search for the spiritual, human, inward, physical, spiritual, spatial, divine remainder yourself, for your wife and your children, your fatherhood and motherhood, your soul, your life, your spirit, your personality, and then the night will be space, because in space it has never been dark.
Ladies and gentlemen, see you next week.
Sleep well, I hope you have a good ...
Oh no, no (laughter)
I hope you have a nice sleep, pleasant sleep and pleasant dreams too.
Is that something?
Ladies and gentlemen, see you next week.
Give my regards to your children, your father and mother.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy.
(To the sound technician): Is it finished now?
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, see you.
See you.
(There is clapping.)