Goodbye, mother, I will never forget you
Crisje has already known for so long that her boys will go off into the world, she cannot even keep one of them at home.
And, of course ... you cannot keep your children with you forever.
Every mother has to accept that sacrifice.
There is a power which forces the child to leave the parental home; one day, that is irrevocable, the human personality is faced with its own decision and adult life will begin.
The inner urge, which is your own longing, also the consciousness obtained, the emotional life, that forces a person to fulfil a social task.
For many people life is now difficult, right and wrong, the personality is open to good and evil, to brutal violence and to love, open to passions, to light and darkness.
The parents are now powerless, no scholar can help that personality if a person refuses to follow good things; and then there will be tears and parents will be faced with much suffering and sorrow, with the desperate feeling of not being able to do anything, because the child refuses to listen, refuses to follow good things, this soul cannot be reached by any faith or religion.
At precisely this moment thousands of children are being born, yes, that is the truth, but what will become of all those lives?
At this moment thousands of children are leaving home and going out into the wide world, but what will all those children do and what will they achieve?
Will my child follow the good way, and never forget what I did for that life?
Will my child be loving to all life and earn its money honestly, not give into theft and arson, lies and cheating?
Will my child ... will, yes; will my child go and do something for God and Christ?
Because that is the case, after all, isn’t it?
Does my child have feelings and love for Our Lord?
Just look around you and you will know!
They are facing each other, at the same table as Tall Hendrik’s, where so many problems were experienced and dealt with.
Nerves are tense, and they are now put to the test, souls are wrenched apart, because adult life demands it!
Now there are tears.
Crisje looks back at the great past, she sees herself and her Tall Hendrik, her Jeus; the supernatural miracles now speak to her maternal inner life, as a result of which her heart trembles and beats heavily and her breathing is uneven.
Jeus is ready to leave.
How is it possible, why must it happen for that matter?
Why do you always have to lose the sweetest thing you own and give it up to such a dirty world and society?
Will this horrible society love your life, as you yourself were able to?
She knows, she has nothing to say, adult life will decide.
She does not get any time to think now either, at least it appears so, otherwise, Divine providence wouldn’t mean anything.
But what is that?
For Crisje, Our Lord possesses the final answer and people have to accept that, wherever they are. She will also bow to it.
For her the word of Our Lord is Omniscience, or everything would be human nonsense and that is not possible, after all, is it?
Jeus sees that she is crying and asks:
“Why are you crying, mother?”
“May I not just have a cry, Jeus?”
“I will write to you straight away, mother.
As long as you know that I will never forget you, never ever, mother!”
“Of course, I know that, Jeus, and do not worry about me, I am okay again.”
Crisje now feels it consciously, she lived here together with him in a spiritual paradise, and life here was wonderful.
Life was so lovely and so unbelievably beautiful, that she cannot put it in words.
And she now has to lose that, all that is being taken away from her, it is adult life, a monster, a horrible life, a dirty rotter that ... yes, what can she actually do about adult life?
She has had her blows, she has accepted them humanly and bowed her head to them, that is true, but, is there nothing else to be experienced but misery?
Does it have to be like that and does everyone have to accept that?
Can Our Lord not do anything about adult life, what is it really?
I am asking, what is it?
She could not get enough of it.
You would want to keep this happiness forever, but it is of this world and not for sale.
A person must be able to distance himself from everything, also from your bliss.
But does Our Lord demand that?
Probably, otherwise people would become fickle.
Jeus kisses her, he presses his love to his heart and immediately runs away.
When Crisje is herself again, she hears:
“Goodbye, mother?
I will never forget you!”
At the Zutphen-Emmerik stop it is thronging with people, so many friends and children from the Grintweg are saying goodbye to Jeus.
The football players have lost their hero.
That also belongs to the past.
And Jeus will never play football again.
If he was told that now, he would not believe it, but the game with life is over for him!
He will follow wonderful studies, yes, he will experience a University, and no one believes that either.
Jeus is going straight to ‘Jerusalem’, Jeus is going to a ‘holy land’, to the Divine ALL ...
He is going straight to spatial consciousness!
The phenomena laid those foundations, and Jeus should know, Crisje as well.
But of all these children, none thinks about a supernatural upbringing.
It is the eloquence for all people and for humanity new happiness, actual knowledge!
Jeus is standing on a great foundation, but he does not want to see it, he does not want anything to do with it.
And yet, dear Crisje, this miracle will happen!
From a distance, Crisje gets his last kiss; they have built up the possibility to do this through the supernatural laws.
“Goodbye, everyone!
Goodbye, Teun, Miets, goodbye, father!”
He has also said goodbye to Jan and Anneke, but Jan still comes to have a look.
Jan does not dare to talk about books now, it would sound ridiculous to Jeus, but Jan will wait, he will never, ever, doubt his prophet!
Even if it all looks very boorish and from Gelderland, that does not mean anything to Jan, even if you hear nothing else here but dialect, it is there, Jan knows however that it will happen, it will come!
Jan is the only person here who feels that Jeus has made his first step towards ‘Jerusalem’ ...!
Jeus is leaving because of this, nothing else is possible. Jan has understood that: just go, just go now, Jeus!
He talked until deep into the night with Mina about it and Mina also said:
‘Just wait, Jan, he will also come and bring us his books.’
Time will tell whether that will all happen, Jan.
In any case, thank you for your trust.
Crisje is standing in the middle of the Grintweg and is sending him her kisses.
And then the Zutphen-Emmerik tram chugs off.
Now just say goodbye to father as well.
“I am leaving here, father.
Will you come and visit me there?”
Now he listens for a moment.
But when there is no answer, he sits down to think.
He feels pain inside.
Crisje feels the same.
Only now do you start to realize what you are losing, how much you loved a person.
Before you did not see and feel that so consciously.
You experienced it too thoughtlessly, took it too much for granted.
It is frightening!
From now on every footstep is calculated for Jeus.
But he does not know that either.
This personality can no longer think for itself, at least nothing which has to do with soul and spirit.
Jeus is becoming ... Wayti!
And what is that?
As a result of that Our Lord created all HIS lives.
But what does that mean?
Humanity will experience that, Crisje!
He is becoming quiet inside.
If he had wanted to tune into an answer from the Tall One, then he would have had to go back to the past, but that has gone from him.
He is open to society.
And it is good like that!
It is all going so fast.
Zutphen-Emmerik chugs along, taking him into the world, away from everything he loves.
But what is love?
They have already passed that village, he knows almost every farmer, every child, but all those lives mean nothing to him, he is leaving here, he is going to the city, to Johan and Bernard.
In Doetinchem he takes the big train and then carries on.
His bundle is lying at his feet, he keeps an anxious eye on his little suitcase, but, he notices for the first time, he is holding the sandwich from Crisje in his hands.
An awful lot of people are travelling, he sees.
The thinking has started, Crisje; he is releasing himself from your life.
Where are all those people going?
Did they also experience such a terrible farewell?
Did they cry?
Or did they stand for hours in front of each other, not able to leave?
You must never do that, because then it becomes much worse and then you stand shaking and trembling.
It is not good!
But he should have done it differently, it went too fast, he suddenly disappeared.
He does not really know any more whether he gave Crisje a kiss.
Good gracious, churns through his head, I should have done it differently.
And now mother is sitting there alone thinking.
He gauges the hearts of the people and feels the good and bad things that live in them.
Can these people do that as well?
When he thinks about the people, the people start to talk to his life of their own accord.
But is that possible?
He releases Crisje and follows the people.
But he feels that these people do not have any of his inner life, these people are different.
Can you achieve something in the world with feeling?
Does feeling mean anything for the city?
Feeling is warmth and happiness, as long as you have the money, or feeling will be worth nothing.
He has already known that for such a long time.
No, Crisje, none of these people have any feelings such as we experienced, that is not there!
Arnhem ... time to get off.
The first thing he does is look in the jail.
She was there.
She then already knew that she had cheated him.
And that she would do that again.
Get out of my sight, dirty jail, I do not want to see you again, never again!
He does not like this city; however, he will not forget this city as long as he lives.
Good gracious, no, he would not like to live here, he would always have to look at the jail and that is not possible, is it?
He does not like jails anymore!
That is therefore sorted out as well!
The train for Utrecht is ready, he has found another seat for himself and now he can think again.
People are extraordinary creatures; people are strange creatures.
But people are the most beautiful thing in the world and also the dirtiest, the filthiest, the most unhappy.
People mean everything and nothing, and yet, you do everything for them.
You can get really annoyed by people.
A person can hurt you and yet a person is so beautiful!
But they do not know that.
Crisje does!
Did Crisje know?
No, mother knows!
Mother is beautiful!
Those people are not at all like Crisje, not at all!
But they do not know that.
They think that they know, but that is not true.
That is a lie!
The landscape is attractive.
But this, and being able to see people happy, that is even more attractive.
There is no landscape like where we come from.
These high and low areas are not nice.
It is beautiful where we live.
What you see with us, you do not see that anywhere.
Because there is only one Montferland and only one Zwartekolkseweg, as long as you know.
Do those people not know that?
He has to laugh about it himself.
And yet, it is the truth!
The man sitting opposite him already has a question, when he says:
“Are you so happy inside, sir?”
“What did you say?
What do you want?”
“You are laughing to yourself.
Aren’t you?”
“I am always happy, sir.
Yes, I believe so.
I am happy.”
The man looks at him, he feels something about Jeus, but does not know what it is.
Then he says:
“It is nice here, don’t you think?”
“It is really nice where we come from, sir.”
“Where do you come from, sir?”
How nice that ‘sir’ sounds, Jeus thinks and says: “Where I come from, you ask?
From the border, from Montferland.”
“That is true, that is the nicest spot in this area.
And you are leaving there?”
Now you have it, he thinks, that man wants to talk and he wants to think.
However, his travelling companion says: “Yes, I know.”
And Jeus thinks: what would you say to that, Crisje?
The man feels that he is elsewhere with his thoughts.
A short while later he adds:
“That is Rhenen, sir.”
Now Jeus is immediately awake and replies:
“I know.
I served in Arnhem.
I know this area well.”
He now closes himself off to this life.
He does not want to talk about stupid things that are all so obvious.
Does that man have nothing else to talk about?
Probably not, but he now wants to think, Crisje is there!
Crisje is travelling with him and that must not happen.
Teun and Miets are also there, but in a different way.
Hendrik and Gerrit are not there.
Crisje is at home and she is sitting in the train.
These people do not see any of it.
But mother must stay at home or life will become dangerous.
Crisje talks to him but no one else can hear her.
Mother is looking at him, yet at the same time she is at home.
She is putting an empty saucepan on the stove.
Does mother not see that the potatoes are over there?
You see, that is becoming dangerous.
That is not allowed, Crisje.
You must now think of yourself.
And he will now help Crisje with this, but then that man must not talk to him or it will not work.
Crisje is running back and forth and is not doing anything.
Mother may not follow him.
He must think in a different way.
Only then will mother hear what he is saying.
If he cannot achieve this, Crisje will later walk round The Hague with him, and that is not allowed to happen, after all, is it?
It is fine like that, mother.
You see, now you know again that you live there.
But is that not nice?
He has now changed inside.
A change has come near his heart, that pressure has gone!
Everything from this morning and from before, now lives in this spot, and that belongs only to Crisje and himself.
That is the real thing, it is also the nicest room in his heart and now only Crisje lives there.
Irma used to live there.
But she has beaten everything to smithereens.
She has turned everything upside down there, but that is now over.
She will never come back there!
Never ever!
Mother is like that as well.
And so was father.
But are all people like that?
He will have a look to see whether mother is at home.
Yes, mother is at home.
Aunt Trui is also there.
They are talking about him.
They are talking about his life.
They now miss him.
Aunt Trui as well!
That is also nice.
Aunt Trui has changed a lot.
Of course, mother, you will hear from me soon and just do not worry.
I will soon have my work, but, of course, I don’t know yet what I will be doing there.
What nice clothes these people are wearing and why do people make such a fuss?
He also needs a new suit; Bernard can make one for him.
He will earn an awful lot of money in the city.
Are these people so well-off?
Are these people happy?
But that is not true, is it?
He sees inane faces amongst these people.
That man there is a grocer.
You can see that from everything.
Has that life not been to the city yet?
And that mother is sitting there shaking.
She does not have hay fever.
It is not happiness either, but she is going to her child, her boy.
Are you also going to The Hague, mother?
Are you going to visit your boy?
Crisje will do that soon, as well, and then we will really spoil mother.
Do you believe me?
Just look at that stupid girl.
Irma was a lady, this child isn’t, you can see that from her pretentious hat.
Of course, that giggling means nothing, it just makes you sick.
A girl like that drives you crazy.
That life laughs to itself about everything and that is all, nothing!
This daughter is just like a plucked chicken, mother.
Have you any more children?
Yes, I also see the little children.
Are you staying long in The Hague, mother?
That boy there is going to his office.
That boy has a good job, but he does not want an office job.
That is nothing for him.
But where has Casje gone?
He cannot find him.
For that matter, those things from the past were nonsense.
How is it possible that he was able to talk to himself for years!
Away with Casje!
He cannot bear thinking about it anymore.
He will just have a little try.
... Casje???
You see, you hear nothing from that life.
He has cheated himself!
That was nonsense, that was ridiculous!
Mother, that was all stuff and nonsense!
He calls for Casje again, but he does not hear anything.
It was childish!
He had gone mad there.
No, he does not want to hear anymore from Casje, he doesn’t exist!
It is fine like this!
It is meant to be like this!
I have become a man!
I was just a big dope then!
That is also in the past!
That was me, myself!
That is also over and done with!
Casje is dead!
In Utrecht he has bought his cup of coffee, now he will eat the sandwiches.
He can already smell the eggs.
It is not bad; they are Crisje’s.
And now he will look and think; he will not have any time for it soon.
A bit further, people say, and he will be there.
Casje comes back to his life again, but he wants to get rid of him out of his life.
If Casje is really there, then he must be able to find him, mustn’t he?
But he has a nice fly into space, far away from home and amongst people.
Casje cannot find him amongst all these people, none of that!
Voorburg ... what is that?
It is a strange name, a Burgh and a Forecourt, it is like Our Lord, but it isn’t that.
Oh, am I already in The Hague?
People look for their things; he is also ready.
He now follows mother and daughter.
And yes, they are waving at their son and brother.
Didn’t he know it?
Johan and Bernard are there, also Johan’s wife.
They have come to collect him.
He hears the son call: “Mother, how happy I am that you are there.
Good day, Anneke.”
So, she is also called Anneke.
But not a patch on Anneke Hosman.
“Good day, Johan.
Good day, Bernard.
Good day, Rie.
Here I am now.”
Johan asks: “How is mother?”
“Fine, Johan.”
“And father and the children?”
“Very well, Bernard, of course.
Everything is fine.
But how nice it is here.
How many people live in a city like this, Bernard?”
“Do you not have any more suitcases than that thing, Jeus?”
“No, mother said that I could buy all those other things in the city, Bernard.”
‘Of course’, Bernard thinks, ‘but that will take a lot.’
Jeus sees that Bernard has already become a gentleman.
He now notices that you can achieve a lot in the city.
He cannot get enough of it.
A while later he is sitting in a tram in The Hague and he has made contact with the masses, with the world.
And now he can begin to learn to think differently.
What can you do, Jeus?
Did you learn anything at school?
You thought that you could play, but what you learn in school, you will need in the big city or you don’t get anywhere.
Did you not know that then?
Johan did his best and now works at the Post Office.
But they do not need you there.
Bernard has a good trade.
What will you do, Jeus?
Will you go and play football?
He is now eating in the big city, and that food is from Johan and Rie.
If you want to eat in the city you must earn money.
How long do you want to eat with Johan, Jeus?
What fun you will have.
Rie is already laughing.
She cannot get enough of you.
She feels it now.
She has picked the wrong one from this nest, Johan is different.
But Johan has work, an existence, Jeus.
What do you have?
Are you going to start this thinking?
Or, will you wait a while?
What will you do with your twelve guilders which Crisje gave you from the little money she has?
Will you be careful, Jeus?
Will you be very careful with that money?
What will you do?
Do you think; you can think, after all?
Rie sees and hears that Jeus is cheerful.
He is now telling her about the drama when they had hung Johan in a tree and forgot about him.
Johan had enjoyed some cherries and was not even angry.
Johan cannot get angry, they know that, but now they cannot help laughing at stories from the past.
And Rie likes to laugh.
Is this not a day for celebrations?
Yes, Jeus can make you laugh, he is bubbling with vitality, the difference between him and Johan is enormous.
But Johan has security.
What do you have?
You have your talk, but what will you do tomorrow?
What will you do next?
But what are you talking about?
Do you not have any worries then?
Do you not want anything to do with worries?
You are in the city, Jeus.
Now you must think seriously, and then there will be no nonsense from you.
Is laughing allowed, if you are faced with the seriousness of life?
Those hours also pass.
It is now: goodnight.
Sleep well!
Is that all?
The feeble laughter has come to an end.
He feels it; deadly seriousness is now eminent.
He is sleeping upstairs with Bernard, but he is already snoring.
He wants to think, he has to think, because what will he do tomorrow?
Plenty of time, he has heard it said, but come tomorrow, what will these people think about it, Jeus?
Bernard has a head cold, which is why he is sleeping with his mouth open, and it is bothersome.
Jeus finally falls asleep, but also keeps wakening up with a fright, and then he is facing both Crisje, and Casje.
But he is dead!
He is gone!
He was never ever there!
And yet, while asleep there is a familiar voice that speaks to him.
“What will you do, Jeus?
What will we do tomorrow, Jeus?
Look at yourself.
You are drenched in sweat.
Your spiritual life is asking questions.
Your daily consciousness thinks about fun and happiness, which are not yet there.
Good heavens, how funny you were.
Did you think, Jeus, that you could forget about your youth?
Who went to The Hague, Jeus?
You yourself?
You do not hear me, do you?
We used to talk to each other like this, now that is over.
You can no longer hear me, at least not during the day, only as it is happening now, and that is different from before.
However, Jeus, who sent you away from Crisje?
I am here!
Me, your Casje, I have therefore found you.
And if I were not there, you would be in a bad way, if you look higher up.
Of course, you will certainly find something.
But what will you become then?
What will you be then?
Your inner life and thoughts do not yet hear me, but that will come back.
Did you think you could forget me, Jeus?
I know your soul and spirit.
Me, your Casje!
This city, Jeus, does not yet know that you are here.
But there will come a time when people will get to know you.
You are now turned in towards yourself.
But we will see each other again.
They want to go out this evening, Jeus.
They want to show you a bit of the city.
They want to have a laugh.
But that will cost money.
And what will you do with your money, Jeus?
Why did Crisje give you that little bit of money?
To spend it all at once, to squander it?
How do you wish to pay Johan?
Or did you think that Johan gets his money for nothing, that he has plenty of money?
Do you not see those lodgers?
Your body is talking to me.
Your soul has now closed itself to my life, but that does not mean anything.
It is fine like that.
I want that, after all.
Jeus, I have been here for such a long time.
I was already here, before the Tall One said to Bernard: ‘Just go back to Crisje.’
I sent Bernard home.
It was me, Jeus!
As you heard, Bernard also heard: ‘Just go to Crisje, Bernard!’
And then Bernard went.
He brought you the dead person.
I was that dead person, my Jeus.
It was me!
What you received and experienced all those years, Jeus, is a great mercy for your life.
Here they do not know why you came to The Hague, but they will later learn to understand that.
Those things from before were nonsense, weren’t they?
But each event is a foundation of a University.
This, my Jeus, now I am talking to you and which sent you to this city, is the first stop!
Your train stopped for a moment.
We will have a look around here and then we will carry on again, continually further, until we have reached the Divine ALL!
Do you feel what this means, Jeus?
No, but that will come later, that means later!
I will soon tell you: now turn left.
You will feel me and follow my will.
And then you will hear again: turn right!
Now just cross that square, and now straight ahead, but you will turn left there again.
And I will send you to another street again, Jeus, until you will hear a familiar screaming, then you can start.
Yes, of course, this is the first stop for ‘Jerusalem’.
And that is now everything!
Now sleep peacefully, but think about tomorrow, do not forget your money.
Do not forget that here in the city ten cents is a coin, and if you do not have a coin like that, you will have to walk and that is terrible in a city.
It is inhuman!
Are you thinking about tomorrow, Jeus?
That is now in your own hands.
I will take care of the good and supernatural remainder.
But I will help you anyway, in spite of everything.
Even if you want rid of me, Jeus, I will continue to follow you!
Well, sleep well.
Your Tall Man from before is here!”