Jeus the writer
Since Jeus gives sick people his life aura and cures them with it, he has received a new life and existence of serving.
Meanwhile he now experiences his spiritual journeys ‘beyond the coffin’, which are then described through his mediumship.
Now he begins with:
There is no death!
Death is evolution!
Dying on earth is going back to God and to the ALL-SOURCE!
It is continuing the human spiritual existence, in a conscious spiritual world for the soul as an astral personality!
Millions of people do not yet know that and science still has to lay these foundations.
The churches still speak of a God of revenge and hatred, a God who damns his children and that is an untruth!
The masters bring another God to earth through Jeus and He is eternal Love!
We know how Master Alcar built up the ‘Great Wings’ for Jeus.
However, I tell you, ten books could be written just on that subject, Jeus has experienced and had to deal with so much during that development.
However, Jeus is spatial successful, he is ready to follow his master, in order to experience his first journey for the books.
I will remain with his body in order to watch over this precious instrument.
I will watch out that no other powers, astral beings, disturb the peace of this life in his absence, because dark beings are leering at Jeus, they want to destroy what was built up by good things and which Master Alcar worked on for thirty years.
That would not happen so easily, because Jeus is only open to good things, but his body is tuned to the earth.
Jeus does not yet possess that concentration to watch over all of himself, but that will also come and only then will I travel along too, but then we will be faced with the Cosmology!
After all, Jeus has taken up the battle against evil, and he has to be destroyed, evil is leering at his life, as a result of which Rudolf Steiner and Pythagoras also lost their beautiful temples and which ancient Egypt has known the wrong side of!
We have to take this into account because there are still people who are open to wrong, to destruction.
Master Alcar will now explain spiritual laws to him for cremation, and afterwards the hells and the heavens.
Do you know his first book: ‘A View into the Hereafter’?
For Jeus as well, that was really a view into other, namely spiritual worlds.
His master will now connect him to cremation, because that cursed cremation has to disappear from the earth!
As André, Jeus experiences that horrible situation, Master Alcar follows a person who, during his life, decided to be cremated, but the laws of which he does not know.
Jeus now sees that this person is painfully aware of his misery, because this personality is attached to the body, since he has forgotten himself during the earthly life.
Now the body goes into the oven, the personality is conscious and experiences that, it is the most horrific thing which we know.
Both this event and suicide are the worst things, which you can subject yourself to, and we come to warn you through Jeus of mother Crisje!
By following the dark life on earth, the soul as a spiritual personality is attached to the body, and these are the laws for us and your spiritual existence.
That is in your own hands!
After all, a person who searches for good things, loves, possesses another sensation and feels free of his body after death, but in spite of that happiness, cremation is also both material and spiritual destruction for him.
Jeus now gets to know all of that and will soon pass it onto your life.
Thousands of people allow themselves to be cremated, but ‘beyond the coffin’ they do not know the laws for their soul and spirit.
They think that this is better than rotting away in the ground. However, they do not know that it is precisely as a result of this rotting that the spiritual personality absorbs life auras, and needs them in order to begin a spiritual existence, which will serve as a foundation.
Since the mortal being does not know the hereafter, he comes to abnormal thoughts about himself in our life; millions of children of the earth have had to accept that.
You are now faced with a horrific torturing, which is incomparable to anything that you can experience on earth through evil. This is so awful, also so inhuman, that we will do everything to get rid of that and your cursed cremation, and this is only possible now!
Only now, dear reader, because we possess an instrument for this.
Why did Ramakrishna, Dante, Buddha, Pythagoras, and the ancient Egyptians not speak about this?
It was because they could not experience this contact.
You can already see as a result of this, that Jeus will receive a wisdom, which surpasses everything.
Embalming is also universally wrong; it is keeping alive what must die, according to the universal laws, if the soul wishes to experience everything of itself in order to carry on again.
Now it is missing something because of that cursed wisdom of people and its evolution is standing still!
Isn’t that clear enough?
You will determine by everything that Jeus brings spiritual knowledge to earth and it was not experienced by any of them.
I can now place you before these truths thousands of times, however, I hope that you will be able to determine this Divine truth for yourself by what you received from the great ones.
Because that is now possible!
The misery which you impose upon yourself by cremation cannot be described in writing.
You would first have to be able to see this sinister scene for yourself, only then would it get through to you that you mock soul, spirit and life, and do not yet know the universal laws.
Only when cremation has carried out its material destruction, does the soul become free from its body, but it drags that burning destruction along with it, it is like a burning torch and remains alive.
For the time being there will be no end to this situation, because you as a person are attuned to the darkness; there is no love and therefore no light either in your life, you feel material and the world in which you live also possesses that same attunement, which is your life of feeling!
Only then when you awaken inwardly, that is to say change, will your situation change.
But we now know how difficult it is to bring a trivial character trait to the spiritual, so what is needed for the whole personality?
You must conquer it, only then will those pains lessen, will that fire dissolve, you will burst inside and outside, your life blood will no longer be there, you have sullied laws, misformed them, the lovely cremation denied you everything!
Jeus sees that, he is conscious, and hears that the person is moaning, screaming as if he is being skinned alive, which makes him want to cry, it is so terrible.
Of course, we will do everything to help these children, but we are powerless, because they have to accept that dark atmosphere attunement, and we cannot do a thing about it now.
Master Alcar, under the orders of his masters, found this absolutely necessary in order to bring the millions of people of the earth to spatial analysis, so that your horrific cremation will disappear!
When that is over, Master Alcar and Jeus follow this soul, and Jeus sees that this life is tuned to darkness.
What he gets to experience is terrible.
That earthly child is now running around there and has been beaten and tortured.
There is no longer any question of softness, light, life and love, this child is crazy from suffering and has almost lost his own natural consciousness, but remains alive, because the soul is eternal and has to carry on, back to God.
Jeus is also moaning, he already shouts to the people on earth: ‘do not violate the Divine laws; you do not know yourself.
What you like so much there is an animal carry-on for here.’
And suddenly Jeus is faced with the hells in life ‘beyond the coffin’ and he can ask questions.
“Are there burning hells, master?”
“No, Jeus, there are not.”
Master Alcar placed that first question in his life.
Millions of people on earth walk around with this question and are stuck with a God of hate and damnation, but that is nonsense. However, also the church and your ministers are still spiritually unaware, and they do not know God, or one law of our spiritual astral consciousness, nothing.
God is not capable of damning HIS children!
Master Alcar tells Jeus: “There are only dark worlds here, but there is no burning fire to be seen; what the bible says about it is nonsense, and lies, Jeus.
If a person on earth follows destruction, that is to say hate and violence, he descends into these spheres, because this is what he is tuned into.
How could God, who is a Father of Love, damn His children?”
“I do not believe that, master.”
“I already told you that in your youth, Jeus.”
“But then the bible, which represents the word of God, after all, is saying terrible things, master.”
“That is true and I will explain those untruths to you.”
Jeus now experiences the hells; he can convince himself.
He sees that millions of people live here.
But people on earth do not know that; what they know there is contrary to reality.
He learned a lot from this journey.
Then Master Alcar went back to Jeus’ body.
He is now flying past Buddha and Ramakrishna, all of them, because Jeus is conscious and lives in this world as an astral personality for his spirit.
The great people did not know this development, they were not taken by the hand to make these journeys, that evolution was still to come.
They served for their own time; Jeus serves for the ‘Age of Christ’!
We will then begin with his first book: ‘A View into the Hereafter’.
At the garage, I had started to give Jeus thoughts and feelings for writing.
We let him daub about there, pages full, in order to tune his life and personality into it, to make his spirit sensitive to writing.
Now he has received and was able to experience a world of wisdom and when he awakened in his body, he knew exactly where he had been, after all, Jeus remained consciously awake ‘beyond the coffin’.
Nothing about his journey has been lost, he has conquered the grades of sleep, and the ‘Great Wings’ are in his possession.
He says to his master, now that he awakens in his body:
“Thank you, my master, it was great.”
For the cremation he left his body during the day, the rest takes place in the nocturnal hours.
Jeus is now with his girl from Vienna and makes a startling statement:
“Now I will become a writer.”
“What did you say?”
“I will become a writer.”
Yes, isn’t that something, Crisje?
Jan Lemmekus, we are starting.
Jeus has experienced thousands of pieces of proof; will he now doubt that?
It is quite something.
When he was five years old, he sent this prediction into the world.
Anneke Hosman and his other little friends know; they can now talk about it.
This prediction is coming true!
In this way Master Alcar already laid the first foundations for this event twenty-seven years ago.
Could that possibly have been telepathy?
Jeus knew nothing about this as a child; he was given these thoughts.
It is a strange miracle that he was to become a spiritual writer, who else has this, who else possesses these gifts?
Annie Besant should have come to Jeus, Master Alcar would perhaps have been able to give her other miracles, but were all those souls open to this?
This is a prophecy of unprecedented beauty and certainty!
Jeus does not wonder now, ‘how can it be, is that possible’; he knows!
The feeling for writing now lives in him, he buys paper and begins; how?
Under spiritual inspiration, those pages are scribbled full, but still do not mean anything, he can throw what he has written in the wastepaper basket, and we have not yet really started.
We are first loosening him up for writing, even his nerves and muscles, have to become attuned to writing, once engaged, they have to react to writing, and we may not forget them.
You see, what patience we are faced with, in order to make a material being a useful spiritual instrument.
In the garage, he was scribbling his pages; they are all kinds of stories about life and death, the occult teachings.
When he takes hold of a pen, his hand immediately starts to write, exactly as it did with the drawing.
I will just continue like that for a while, and then my master and his master can carry on.
Both the first journey and different occult pieces of proof, and the healings, will form part of the first book of the trilogy: ‘A View into the Hereafter’.
Now different gifts have been put into operation, healing as the very first gift, as a result of which he can earn his food and drink.
Wolff now gets peace and he can do something for himself in the universes of God, when he leaves for the Moon in order to begin his ‘cosmology’, where, along with millions of other souls in our life, he follows and experiences the first revelations created by God and brought to materialisation, in order to master their wisdom, but especially, to prepare themselves for a new birth on earth.
But now to serve science.
The happiness of humanity; that is also possible for everyone in the spheres of light.
I have been connected to Jeus since his birth, so I know his inner life and know what to do.
However, Master Alcar himself is working on this and is laying the new foundations for writing.
Now Jeus gradually goes into a deeper trance; we ourselves can only write between the fourth and fifth grade of sleep, before that grade it is still merely under inspiration.
Jeus has reached this stage through Wolff, through painting.
Now we place him before the most difficult part, the easiest part for us, that is to say, we want to start immediately on the typewriter.
After all, the pen is part of yourself, it is in your hands, not so the typewriter and it is more difficult for a writer. Yet, for others the means of being able to concentrate free from everything and every contact, because the pen immediately influences the inner life, which immediately reacts to your thoughts, but cannot be an inspiration by any length.
Because you learned and have done that since childhood, you are influenced by your pen as a means of writing and we want to prevent that now.
So Jeus goes out and buys a typewriter for twenty-five guilders, a nice old one, which he does not have a clue about; but we do.
He has never sat behind a thing like that.
You can surely feel, we are deliberately taking him away from his own knowledge and skills, the less he knows, the better we can work through him.
You know about his youth; his time at school and what he learned in society, is nothing, he did not learn anything, nothing in order to be able to write now, he does not have any understanding of anything!
He cannot do it, he does not know it either, he did not learn it and now we also take his pen out of his hands, he is not allowed to be able to do anything for himself, and that is the most difficult part for him, but it will be easy for us, now we will not be faced with the material learned possession of your world.
It does not matter what that writing is like in the beginning, it will be everything when Master Alcar can determine the true occult through Jeus, that improving and polishing for the material will come later.
Style and art are not considered, that will also come later.
If Jeus was to say: ‘I ‘seed’ the hells,’ then that is true, but to your ears it sounds like the ‘Achterhoek of Gelderland’ is talking to you, however, to us it is the truth; but now it is a question of improving and polishing and that will also happen.
Jeus will therefore not get any lessons from the earth, he may not allow himself to be taught, we would then work ourselves to death with what he has learned, this means: he is thinking, he is doing something for himself, which he is not allowed to do, we are doing that through him, we are thinking through him, his life, and it is the greatest thing there is.
No Buddha, Krisnahmurti and Ramakrishna wanted or accepted that, because they wanted to be it themselves!
But as a direct result of this you will see, Jeus will go further and deeper and he is now a useful instrument with regard to the Divine laws!!
Since Jeus is dependent on his master, he will get everything, he is also the great miracle, the instrument for the ‘Age of Christ’ and His University!
Master Alcar will now begin.
The name: Jozef comes, and Jeus is suddenly awake and conscious.
He already asks:
“What is it, master?”
“I wrote down your name, Jeus, as a result of which you wakened.”
“What does that mean, master?”
“When I write your name, then I will be tuning myself in here, where I now live, to your life.
Do you understand that?”
“Yes, master, because I heard you call me.”
“You see, Jeus, that disturbs us.
I have to tell about your life, but I may not touch all of that, because then you will waken and we will be faced with a disruption.
I can only prevent that happening if I give you another name.”
“Then do that, master.”
“I will give you the name André, you used to have this name, it was in France.”
“I felt, master, like you were calling me and then I wakened.”
“Precisely, that’s it, Jeus, and that is obvious, because I called you back to the day-consciousness.”
“Are you describing everything about my youth now, master?”
“No, Jeus, we are not yet at that stage and so that cannot happen now, that will come later.
I would waken you up regularly and I have to take that into account.
When I have to describe your youth, Jeus, then I want to tell all about your life and you will keep your own name, because your life and what we were able to experience together was so beautiful, so great, and we do not want to sully that.
Now I have to write carefully around your consciousness and life, but I will still tell and lay down what we experienced and you were able to receive, but now through André, and you will soon feel it.
I will now tell about the life of André Hendriks, but each experience belongs to you.
I will lay down the marvellous death bed, which you were able to experience a while ago with that nurse, in these books. However, I will connect that life with your aunt, but we know that Trui was not that sensitive.
Later I will not be able to describe everything from your life, Jeus, because it would fill ten books, and we have other things to do.
But I must give people on earth a picture of and for the death bed, how wonderful dying is, and I can now only do that by letting André experience these events.”
“I understand everything, master.”
“Then we will do a couple of experiments, Jeus.
Listen, I will begin.”
And Master Alcar started with: “André, what is the matter with you, you’re not hiding anything, are you?
Why is it that you have been behaving so strangely lately?
Aren’t you feeling well?
Can you not tell me what the matter is?
Come on, don’t be so sad, and don’t think that we do not notice or feel it.
We love you too much for that.
Come on; tell me what the matter is.
You are not like you used to be, and you do not have as many worries as you did.
Come on, we are alone, now tell me everything.”
They could have asked Jeus every day ‘what’s the matter?’
So Master Alcar now begins his story very carefully and lays down Jeus’ experiences through André.
But Master Alcar has had to ask Jeus: “Just listen, Jeus.
You are in a trance there and yet you have to follow everything; you could also go to sleep there.
But I do not want that.
After all, you will not experience anything and you will remain stupid for writing, it will now go on around your life.
If I want you to sleep there, as I just said, then I will now start with Jeus’ books. I myself will stop all those disturbances and then I can use a language which has nothing to do with your life, then everything will be much simpler for me.
However, my Jeus, if you still want to remain awake there, then I must tune myself to your life and consciousness, but now you will learn everything, also this, so you will master it all, although we cannot teach you to write.
You must now tell me what you want.
Remaining awake is the most difficult option for you.
But then you will also learn an awful lot.
If I go outside your life, you will also get to know the laws, because you will experience those journeys, but I cannot give you the analysis, you will not experience any of it.”
“I understand you, master, I will choose the most difficult, I want to learn everything, my master.”
“Then thank you, Jeus, and I will now continue.
This André will now become a different personality for yourself, he will live in you, and later that will be the master for your life as Jeus.”
“I can also understand that, master.
I am very grateful to you.”
“Good, Jeus, then I will begin, I will continue, but I will remain inside your life.”
We now see that Master Alcar begins with the first part with childish simplicity.
Jeus is a child, but if he also masters this wisdom, since Master Alcar analyses all these laws, his personality will grow, he will not remain behind and the next book can tell more, the style and analysis will be more profound, more suggestive, each book will now get another style, another vocabulary as well, because Jeus’ life will awaken and he will get and possess a stronger concentration.
You will surely already feel how difficult it all really is and yet simple, because Master Alcar receives those means through Jeus’ inner life.
It is now the love of Crisje, which caresses Jeus in a trance and cannot disturb him.
He can hear and feel everything which his master lays down, he experiences the writing, experiences it in his condition and can now master the inner life of André, the art of thinking spiritually.
His master carries on, consciously and purposefully.
He lays down the healings through André, the proof of which Jeus has experienced.
The more childish the first part now is, the more pure the spiritual problems reach material analysis and Jeus cannot mangle anything, because his master lays down that material, and experiences it for him. Therefore, as a result of him being awake in a trance, all those feelings flow through Jeus and he feels happy because of them.
After a while Master Alcar asks:
“And, Jeus, how do you feel down there?”
“Fine, master, I can hear you thinking.”
“If you do your best, then you may soon consciously experience the analysis of all these laws, and you will also get to know this miracle.”
“Great, master, I will continue to do my best.”
You see, Jeus understands his master.
Master Alcar gives a material analysis to the laws and they are Jeus’ spiritual books.
The novels which will soon follow are necessary in order to reach everyone, I already know that, and I will secure them, or someone else, a disciple perhaps, because that is also possible.
The more people and helpers we can build up, the better it is for Jeus and his masters, because we are faced with thousands of works, which Jeus cannot receive, of course, because his life is too short.
André Hendriks is born.
The name ‘Hendriks’ means something.
Master Alcar thought: ‘I will give Jeus his father’s name, the Tall One, but I will add an ‘s’ to it.’
And now everything is fine.
So the aunt is a patient of Jeus.
You will get to know Aunt Trui in this work, this trilogy.
Aunt Trui was not particularly sensitive or kind; but as a result of this Master Alcar still continued to inspire his life, Jeus remained awake in trance.
If Master Alcar went too far from his life, then it would also become strange for Jeus and that must be prevented from happening.
The trilogy ‘A View into the Hereafter’ is only concerned with the facts, the proof!
The rest means nothing. However, everything you read in it is the sacred truth.
You will see the paintings by Erich Wolff, and you will be faced with his healings, everything is true!
Now I have started the spiritual novel and have to write the trilogy ‘Jeus of mother Crisje’, under the orders of the highest masters. Aunt Trui is also here to agree that I am recording her life and personality according to reality; and everyone will come to me and Jeus in order to prove it.
Trui lives in our life, and Crisje has also entered her eternal existence, she is now one again with her Tall One!
You already know that that whole episode with André’s pieces of wood was experienced by Jeus in Nijmegen, the first foundations were laid there.
Now that we are writing the novels, Jeus can say: ‘I conquered all of the laws and now we are not experiencing any more disturbances.’
We are doing that together, I live in him and he experiences his life through his master and me, we are now one in everything!
Now they are all standing around us, Crisje as well, the Tall One, Miets, Irma, Jan Knie’p, uncle Gradus. They all come to us, because we affect their lives, open them to the earth and her children, and, because these books are Divine foundations for the University and the ‘Age of Christ’!
We will come back to this later.
However, now that Jeus is writing through his master, I do not need to come to the foreground yet. Jeus will soon get to know me, because I will then write the book about my life and it will be called: ‘The Cycle of the Soul’!
You will surely feel that the first part of ‘A View into the Hereafter’ is a pseudonym, that is also necessary, because it would just overcome Jeus.
Master Alcar finishes the work and now it has to go to a publisher.
Is there money for it?
Does Jeus have the money for his first book?
And where will it be printed?
Will he end up in good hands?
These are questions which we ask and which Master Alcar must take care of.
Millions of guilders are wasted on earth for destruction and devastation.
Can people not support a message, like this one?
Yes, of course, but where do these people live?
The consciousness of the masses is not yet at that stage, is unaware and afraid of Divine Occult truth.
No one will help him.
However, the girl from Vienna and Jeus are careful with money; their last pennies earned with blood now have to go to the printers’.
Yes, the girl from Vienna momentarily looks glum and dark, because now there is not a single cent in the house again and she also needs all sorts of things, but this takes priority over everything.
This money earned with blood, sweat, and tears will serve for the first part of ‘A View into the Hereafter’, the message from the masters from life after death, for this humanity!
Jeus really did his best.
The first part was re-written as many as three times.
The first messages were in telegram style, the second time he experienced the analysis and then it continued; because Master Alcar could not and was not allowed to confront Jeus’ life immediately with this art, this was also necessary.
Because of this, Jeus got to know the laws and mastered everything on earth, what he had seen and received from the other side.
By re-writing the work in day-consciousness, he had learned a lot, but he kept hearing his master say:
‘Stop, Jeus, I will just continue here for a while, a sharper analysis is needed here’, and then Jeus saw what happened, his life is now split in half.
One afternoon, when the work is finished, Jeus sees an astral personality with his master who then asks:
“Can you see this person, Jeus?”
“Yes, master.”
“Well, Jeus, he is my pupil on this side.
When he still lived on earth, he was the head of a large printers’.
It is still there, and that is where our first book will be printed.
You will be in good hands there and you will not be cheated.”
Jeus looks in the telephone directory and finds the address.
He calls; they send a representative, who in turn takes the manuscript with him.
If the people there knew and could accept that the manager himself had appeared to Jeus; if both the succeeding manager and the world, humanity, possessed that consciousness, these people would have taken care of Jeus’ work and it would not have cost him anything, then society would have taken care of this Divine mission.
But this manager, who has lost all his rights by passing away, is the one who knows what a marvellous message Jeus is passing on to humanity. However, he cannot support Jeus, the people there would laugh right in his face.
Nevertheless, this printer and publisher has now become a pupil of his master.
Yes, Jeus thinks, that name exists in The Hague, everything is absolutely right, but there goes his money.
The chauffeur who will later hand over his invoice to Jeus, who will see the ten cent coins and twenty-five cent coins, guilders and ten guilder notes, lets slip:
‘Is this also blood money, sir?’
Yes, it is, but for a wonderful mission, if you wish to know, and also for your own life.
But is this life open to it?
No, they laugh there about the spiritual tricks, because isn’t cremation better than lying there rotting in your grave?
Just continue and finish the book. It does not interest Jeus in the slightest.
He has given up his cigarettes for it, no more going to the cinema, none of all of that, he knows, the girl from Vienna also knows, they have a task to fulfil, and what a task it is.
Could the circle members not have helped him?
There are people living there who could have paid for the publication of his book in one go.
Mrs G. does not have the money, she has to live off her pension, but the others have money and possessions, but does that get through to these lives?
No, what does Jeus actually want?
They have bought a few paintings from him, but can he publish his book for twenty and fifteen guilders?
The first part costs him fifteen hundred guilders, Master Alcar and both of them have scraped the money together, the money is there, but now they do not have a cent left.
Soon, Jeus thinks, when the books are there, we will have new money, after all, won’t we?
There goes the money, isn’t that something?
A while later the book has been published.
It is sent here, there and everywhere to be reviewed.
Jeus feels happy; what will they say about his first work?
His local newspaper also gives a review.
The doctor, who gets hold of the book, gives Jeus of mother Crisje such deeply negative criticism that he could cry.
That man does not say anything about the book, he is out to get Jeus.
The man thinks that he can destroy him with his pen!
This minister who left the church destroys Jeus for society.
The man takes pleasure in it, he has that power, he thinks that he knows something about it and murders Jeus.
It is terrible!
Jeus now reads what they think about him and his Divine task.
The man does not like him!
The man does not yet believe in the occult laws, after all, he cannot look ‘beyond the coffin’, and who says that this carpenter’s child is right?
If that is the case, then he will soon get a good hiding, when he leaves this life, his life is weighed and found to be too light.
But another person, an engineer, cannot stop talking about the beautiful work and gives Jeus everything, that man feels what it is about.
One person destroys the work and another person praises it to the skies, he had never read anything so beautiful, sweet and childishly pure in his life.
And the strange thing is, people wonder: what is it about that book?
However, lapsed minister, we will talk to each other again.
You have violated a Divine mission!
You have hung up your original task on your material coat stand, Jeus didn’t!
‘Beyond the coffin’, you will soon be faced with your own clubs, created by yourself, and they will give you a conscious hiding, you asked for it.
You did not have the right to destroy this spiritual work, it is too sacred for that.
But you tried to destroy something, which you do not know about, believe it: you nailed Christ to the cross again, because this book was experienced and written in the name of Christ!!
You will soon come to this side.
Then you will see and experience your own kind.
You will see all the breakers-down and destroyers of the earth and they will suck you empty.
You have done something so awful, through your pen, that you will be stuck with these miseries for centuries, your own rotten darkness ‘beyond the coffin’.
Millions will be waiting for you, your own kind, who are already longing for you to come, they will take you to your rotten, stinking world, where you belong.
Or do you mean to say that you will serve?
You will scream like a pig slaughtered on earth, the animal that begins to understand that a person is slaughtering it.
And that through your horrific pen!!
Your kind of people will experience that with you.
Everyone who thinks that they may finish off the good, because they do not understand it, violate the life of God!
Your life stinks, sir; know it, to the astral life and the spaces of God you are a devil, a satan.
The review is terrible.
Does it beat Jeus to the ground?
They would like that, but that does not happen!
Every other talent would have given up; the words were so terrible.
Not Jeus, he continues, people are not ready yet, but all those destroyers of good things will get to experience their cosmic hiding ‘beyond the coffin’, they cannot escape from it.
They will serve for a frightening halt for Mother Earth and her children; they are holding back human evolution.
Master Alcar, who knows all about it, asks Jeus:
“And, Jeus, have you already read it?”
“Yes, master, that man certainly criticised me into the ground.”
“What does it mean to you, Jeus?”
“Nothing, master, but it will be a pity for that man, when he is with you.”
“That’s the way it is, Jeus, what he will then get to experience will be terrible.”
“Is that work dangerous, master?”
“Yes, Jeus, woe betide the person, who violates true laws which touch the life of Christ, and who are attuned to it.
Our book is a book of Christ!
And that life has violated it.
‘Beyond the coffin’, he will meet his own art, they will drag him to his own sort, he has slashed himself for eternity, Jeus, and no one can help him.
He wanted that and he will soon see in this life how he should have acted, but then we will no longer need him.
We will carry on, Jeus.”
“Of course, master, that can’t touch me.”
What does Our Lord say?
Our Lord already knows, doctor ... we will not write down your name, but star and planet, down to God’s most minuscule insect, now know that you have violated a Divine mission.
Millions of people ‘beyond the coffin’, all the angels from the heavens know it, that you slashed Jeus’ first book for humanity, which you should not have done, because everything described here is true and brought to the world under Christ’s orders!
Or will you continue to accept damnation?
Why did you renounce your studies?
Why did you not continue to play at ministering?
They are mites, Jeus knows, betrayers of God and pure blood drinkers of Christ.
They are demons, through their cursed pens and their bragging, and they live by destroying the child of God.
That is how they earn their living.
Dirty carry-on!
But the angels know about it.
Christ knows about it!
The masters know exactly who he is and what his purpose in life is.
Just exaggerate, Doctor, about Jeus of mother Crisje and other children of God, who give everything in order to give humanity universal awakening and consciousness, just try destroying that, just slash the work, we will show you that you cannot even do that.
In the evening, Jeus climbs Mrs G.’s stairs.
The other participants are already there, these séances will continue, until Jeus gets the message to stop these séances as well.
What a sad business it is here, isn’t it?
Just look at those faces.
What happened to you, children?
Baron, general, or whatever you really are, what’s the matter?
Resident’s wife, what is the matter, you look so destitute?
What is wrong with you this evening?
Did one of your family die?
Do you still not know that there is life ‘beyond the coffin’?
He immediately feels that a sad influence is hanging here and that is because of him, of course, they have also read the review.
Do you have to be sad about that?
Jeus lets it drop, ‘people, come on, how wonderful life is!’
They do not know.
Jeus is standing there; he greets them and sits down.
Now it starts.
“Do you not know anything then, Jeus?
Did you not read that review?
Doctor R. has slashed you.”
“Of course I have read it, madam.
But what does that mean?”
Now Jeus hears something, which makes him feel sick, ill, because they all try to tell him that he should stop, Mrs G. also says that to him.
They give him a great hiding, the intellectuals who think, feel, experience something, and think that they have to give him advice, but throw him from the frying pan into their pathetic fire, their small personalities, which Jeus has no sympathy with.
“You will surely stop writing, won’t you, Jozef?”
“What did you just say, madam?”
Another one says: “You will surely stop, won’t you?
Did you not read the review then?”
“But, of course, madam, Baron, of course.
But does that stupid man know anything about life ‘beyond the coffin’?”
When Mrs G. also thinks that she should tell him that he has to stop, it is the limit for him.
Good ‘gracious’, he thinks, what kind of pathetic creatures are they.
Have these people not learned anything?
Have they no sense anymore?
Do you realize now, Jeus, that all these people from your circle, these children, do not have a cent to spare for your work, even if they have their noses right in it?
Do they experience these evenings for the fun of it?
Not quite that, but you can see, they do not realize that you are an apostle; it doesn’t cross their minds.
They think all of this takes place for themselves.
It is a poor show here and you will get to know, you have now had the first blow!
“No”, Jeus says, “I will not stop.
I have already started the second part and I will never give up, never ever!!”
The intellectuals are faced with the child of mother Crisje, a child of Christ.
Mrs G. has had contact for such a long time, and is a wonderful soul, but does she not understand this?
There is nothing to be said about his book, Jan Lemmekus, say so yourself. The doctor slashed him and not the work, and now what?
Writers are slashed, and especially in this area, Jeus already knows that and can accept it.
Is this perhaps envy, that he, a chauffeur, can write books and they, with their English, French, and German, cannot do this?
Jeus thinks all sorts of things, but he waits until the masters come.
However, he knows that this is his first ‘orchid’ for Christ!
Here souls were weighed and found to be too light, because we will prove that to them.
Were they afraid there of the animal as a human, who uses a dirty pen and slashes everything?
Millions of people of this type live on earth and will once have to take responsibility for that; they can swallow their own poverty ‘beyond the coffin’!
They all have something to say to him, but he also throws it off, they cannot slash his personality, Crisje.
Instead of handing them out in tens and twenties each to their friends, Jeus has to accept that they do not wish to see his first baby.
And that from your sisters and brothers, Jeus?
He follows them one by one, hears muttering, but races to Crisje.
In his thoughts, he lives ‘beyond the coffin’.
They are the rich people and those camels, which Christ talked about, the needles are also there, and they want to prick him.
No, madam, no, sir, I will not stop; I will carry on consciously!
The five of them cannot influence him anyway, he feels, what comes is harsh, he feels that intellectual carry-on can drop dead!
He now knows that he does not need to count on anybody, these people are no good to you.
If Mrs G. does not even know anymore, then who will?
These people still have nothing to give for Christ, they are nowhere near being Jehovah’s witnesses, they prove, after all, what they want, don’t they?
Now that it comes to it, they are beaten, before the funeral pyre begins.
He feels that there will come a time when they will lose these wonderful evenings.
And if he were not here, they would not get anything.
How will they react?
But, there the masters are.
Master Cesarino appears to his life, through a vision he can see that this Roman comes racing there in the distance, he can see him driving his horses, as they used to in the arenas of Rome.
The vision is so clear that he jumps backwards, because the four white horses are standing in the room.
And then the highest master steps down from his carriage, the séance begins.
And he immediately says:
“Did you see me, Jozef?”
“Yes, master, I saw your horses, yourself, was that true to life in the past?”
“Yes, Jozef, you saw me at a time when I still lived on earth.
You clearly absorbed the vision, you see, we can reach you from afar.”
Then the highest master asks Jeus: “Are you happy with your first spiritual child, Jozef?”
“Yes, Master.”
Jeus gets his blessing from his highest master, Cesarino.
The book is lying on the table and is blessed.
That is an entirely different story.
And then the master asks:
“Are you not shocked, Jozef, because the darkness has slashed our work?”
“No, master, of course not.
Those people can forget it.”
“It is fine like that, and is the proof to show what you want.
We will continue, Jozef.”
“Yes, master, of course, I will do my best.”
The others look fed-up, they have to accept this answer.
But those children of fifty and sixty years old do not yet understand what this is about.
They do not know Jeus!
The masters talk about the blood that Jeus sacrifices.
It is a wonderful evening, because he departs from his body and is one with the masters, he will get his cosmic answer from the other side.
Jeus knows that no one can compete with him.
This is just what he experienced a while ago, he also left his body then in order to receive the truth from the masters.
And ‘beyond the coffin’ he receives the Divine truth, he does not need to doubt anything anymore.
When Jeus ended his dark séances, for the immediate voice and materializations, his fellow participants thought that he was wrong.
This was not true, because he could now convince the world of Divine miracles.
The two spiritualists who received messages and wisdom themselves, now got the message for him from their masters that he was wrong. Jeus was now ready and was not allowed to close these séances, only now would the masters convince humanity.
Right, Jeus thought, is that the case?
But my master says: ‘stop!’
Now they were making out that he was wrong, this message from himself was not right?
Master Alcar let him depart from his body and in the first sphere, he got the Divine answer from the highest masters.
Master Cesarino was also there, who said:
“Just look, Jozef, we let you leave your body, because you are now faced with our wonderful work and because contradictory messages are being received.
The message from your friends is wrong, that is their own thoughts, Jozef.
Of course, if we wanted it, you would now be a wonder of the world, but we have already given that proof to humanity, there was nothing left of it.
People on earth see these sacred possibilities as sensation, and would you want to serve for that sensation?”
“No, master!” Jeus says.
“We are bringing a Divine message to earth, the message of Christ.
You will serve for the University of Christ, Jozef, and not for materializations, direct voices, de-materializations, or for apports, we represent the spiritual science!”
And then Jeus had a lovely walk in life ‘beyond the coffin’ with his Master Alcar and a moment later he was standing before the astral personality of this circle, a well-known person from the earth, who passed on lessons there and who could tell him: ‘they are their own thoughts, Jeus, of course, what you now possess, is wonderful, but they do not understand that either.’
Now Jeus can accept that they can achieve everything through him.
Jeus is now in the first instance a wonderful clairvoyant with a hundred per cent vision, but he will become a cosmic clairvoyant.
He has gifted hearing, healing powers, and is a painting and writing medium.
He possesses all the physical gifts, and that means through him we can achieve de-materializations, materializations, apports, direct voice, levitation, all physical phenomena, to which millions of people are open and then experience this as a sensation.
The masters already gave that proof to the earth, but there was nothing left of it.
When Kathie King materialized from our life for the professors, the material being saw her as a person, was able to admire her beauty from our life, heard her voice, was able to feel her, it was a miracle, yet, in the morning those scholars thought that they themselves were mad; it was so wonderful and too good to be true!
And then the deceivers came along, nothing was left of those revelations and the masters could start again.
All this was told to Jeus, he knows about the deceit in The Hague, people, men and women, cheat through direct voices, one day they will be exposed and then what?
Jeus experienced real miracles, but he will serve for something better and higher, he will become a Prophet!
He also let those people talk, they will soon know.
And now, that he heads for home after the séance, he thinks about this event.
It was enough to suffocate you there this evening.
Goodbye, resident’s wife.
You will never get me, and that pride of yours will go.
Life will get it out of you.
You still have a lot to learn as a person, woman, child of Our Lord!
That is really everything, he thinks, but he does not say at home that they told him to stop, so that he will not add fuel to that little fire, both work and life are difficult enough for this purpose. However, he definitely knows, he is alone!
But his masters are next to him, they give him other proof, they have something else to tell his personality, as a result of which he will become a giant, a cosmic personality, a real apostle!
The following morning, when he is on his way to his patients, he turns that blow into something better and shares out spiritual treasures.
Suddenly, without realizing it, he is standing in a butcher’s shop.
He thinks: ‘what am I doing here anyway?’
It will probably be okay.
That may not happen, because Jeus has to know what he is doing.
And yes, there is a boy of nineteen years old standing next to him, his master is also there.
The boy tells him that he drowned when swimming at the beach in Scheveningen.
He now says that his little sister is ill and that mother does not have any money to make tasty soup.
Yesterday when he was with his little sister, he heard her say:
‘Mother, do you know what I would like?
A horse steak and nice beef soup.’
But mother only has thirteen cents and she cannot buy anything for her child.
Now this astral personality asks Jeus whether he will buy something, after all, he is treating her, isn’t he?
It is a miracle, Jeus thinks, and along with the astral personality, he buys something nice for the little sister: meat bones for nice soup and also two pounds of something savoury, and then he leaves to go to see his patient.
On the way his master says to Jeus:
“Now you must give the parents proof at the same time, Jeus.”
“Yes, master, I will tell them what they talked about together yesterday evening.”
Jeus enters the room.
The mother and daughter are there.
He says:
“Yes, just look, I hope I am not insulting you.
But yesterday morning at eleven o’clock you said to your mother that you really felt like a horse steak and some tasty soup.
I did not bring a horse steak, but something else.
And you are getting that from your son, madam, your child who drowned in Scheveningen.”
There is weeping and everything is spot on!
Jeus is happy, her brother is happy and the proof is tremendous, there is no telepathy involved here!
And Jeus gives away his books.
‘Yes, please, thank you very much.
It is great, is this your first book?’
‘Yes, dears.’
He gives them away all over the place; Jeus is doing it so successfully that Master Alcar now has to rap his knuckles, because he is emptying his own source so they will soon not have any books or any money to publish the second part.
That is a pity, Jeus thinks, that cursed money!
Millions of guilders are wasted, yet no one has anything to spare for this sacred work.
Yes, if I could just give my books to all those poor people.
But he understands it very well, Crisje, then everything would stand still and that is not possible.
Nevertheless, he has already given away three hundred copies, it does him good, it is the nicest thing there is, you feel so happy inside.
The resident’s wife has bought one for herself, but he was showered with criticism, destruction, because of it, they continue to say that he must stop his writing.
‘Was the soup from Our Lord tasty, Liesje??’
Yes, it was, wasn’t it?
And the angels also know what Jeus did for you.
Isn’t that a miracle?
You can be helped from ‘beyond the coffin’.
Yes, that was a firm piece of proof of life after death!!
Parapsychologist, is this not enough yet?
No, we will continue!
In the afternoon a gentleman comes to him, the man has heard about him and needs help.
He says that his son of fifteen years old has had a high fever for a week and the doctor cannot find anything.
The doctor has been trying to find out for a week what is wrong with him.
Jeus sees the father appear behind, in and around this person, and this astral personality knows what is wrong with his grandson.
Jeus hears from him and his master: ‘Double pneumonia, but an inner one, so the doctor cannot see any symptoms.’
Master Alcar tells him that he will come after he has seen his patients.
Immediately Jeus applies cold compresses through his master. After a quarter of an hour of treating the boy, the sweating begins, so badly that the water seeps through the bed.
“That’s it”, says Master Alcar.
“Here, we will give you a drawing for your doctor of the lungs; he will have to take an X-ray tomorrow.”
The doctor does it, everything is correct, this drawing is absorbed by the spiritualists, but the doctor cannot see Jeus any longer.
He gives a great prediction there.
Master Alcar shows him that this boy will become a doctor and that he will graduate with honours.
The father says: ‘We have no money.’
Yet, Wim becomes a doctor, and a good one at that.
And Wim has become a doctor, passed all his exams with honours and is working in Leiden at the moment.
Does Willem tell his colleagues that he was touched by the masters, and he got that prediction from Jeus?
Can he now give evidence to people as a person that he was cured by the astral personality?
If Jeus had not intervened through his grandfather, then it would have been terrible for Willem and they could have buried him.
However, it is forgotten!
But, that clairvoyance as well?
I am a doctor!
Yes, you see, of course, there is something, there is a lot between heaven and earth of which we scholars know nothing about yet, but clairvoyance?
Thank you, Willem, you will also end up ‘beyond the coffin’ at some point, and then the masters will speak to you again!
Perhaps telepathy?
Now it is a question of writing and healing.
Because of this he acquires knowledge and he experiences his miracles.
Jeus is happy, it is going well, and writing is a revelation for him.
People come to him from afar.
He may only use his clairvoyance for healing.
Now and again his master gives proof to the people who come to him, because those facts will be laid down in the books.
They send him a man’s tie from Arnhem, they have heard of him there.
An old father has disappeared, suddenly missing, those people there are afraid.
What may he do?
Yes, says Master Alcar; we will find that life, Jeus.
Jeus is sitting in his chair and falls into a psychic trance during the day.
The aura, which is attached to the tie, sends his master to the place where the life is.
They come to the Rhine and now Jeus descends with his master into the river.
They find him there.
He says to the people: in four weeks time your father will be fished out of the Rhine near Wageningen, at the moment he is floating in the water and I cannot get him out.
He walked into the river because it was dark.
It is terrible news for all of you, but I am telling you the truth.
He is alive, after all!!
The man is taken out of the water near Wageningen.
Then Jeus heard that he had not actually got the father out after all.
I will never do that again, he thinks, master, all this vision is for the unaware.
Never let me do that again.
And yet?
A week later a father begs him to help him.
His son has gone missing.
Where did that boy suddenly disappear to?
Jeus departs from his body again.
He goes with his master to Antwerp.
The boy is there, in a bad neighbourhood.
Jeus can take over his thoughts and he now knows that the boy has already decided for himself to go back to his parents.
He passes on this message.
A week later the boy is suddenly standing in front of his parents.
The prodigal son has returned.
Father and mother just shouldn’t have nagged so much, he said, because he couldn’t take it.
And that is true, no one can take it, but their dear son is back.
Four days later a doctor comes to him.
The wife of one of his friends, who is in a mental institution, has run away from there and they do not know where she is now.
Is she dead?
They fear the worst.
The doctor has nothing belonging to the woman but Master Alcar says:
“Come on, Jeus, we will just have a look where she is now.”
Jeus departs from his body, as he has done several times during the day, it is always a revelation to him.
They go to Bloemendaal (Psychiatric institute in The Hague).
Master Alcar knows infallibly, and can see where that is.
They go to the patient’s room.
From there Master Alcar follows the woman, who ran away.
First over a fence, a wall.
But there is a wide canal there at the back.
The patient thinks that it does not mean anything; she swims through it to the other side.
And then she goes through the dunes, in the direction of the beach.
There she goes, Jeus sees, and goes after her.
Now along the beach, in the direction of Scheveningen.
The whole night passes.
Around ten o’clock in the morning she is having a lovely rest on the Pier, she gets a cup of coffee and thinks, now I am gone, those dirty demons put her in a mental institution.
They want rid of her because of the money, Master Alcar says!!
Then he tells the doctor about his vision and gives him this message.
‘Quickly go to Scheveningen, you will be able to find her there.’
And she was found there!
Telepathy perhaps?
The doctor can’t get over it.
The woman is protected, they look behind the scenes of this terrible deceit, destroying a person, and for this purpose Master Alcar allowed Jeus to have a vision, depart from his body.
“Yes”, says the doctor, “it is great, that is clear, that is wonderful, Jeus!”
All this proof will come in the books, but if we wanted to record everything about Jeus, we would have to write ten books, alone, just to record the proof, but that is not our intention either.
The proof which he gives his patients, is wonderful!
Because of this they trust him.
He looks through the material world, he himself is nothing, but he gets the wisdom from ‘beyond the coffin’; those people could find a needle in a haystack!
Does this not say enough yet?
Must more proof be given that there is no death?
Yes, because the masses are attached to the bible, to a God of hate and revenge, science is not yet ready, those foundations still have to be laid, but those gentlemen can now come to Jeus’ lectures!
* *
Meanwhile the girl from Vienna is expecting their baby.
Now Master Alcar wants to give him proof for the mothers who have to lose their little ones through death, which does not exist.
Jeus does not know that he will now experience a terrible drama with the girl from Vienna.
Isn’t that something?
He will have his own child, he is completely mad about children.
Yes, he sees and experiences all of that differently.
He will talk to that life and know where that life comes from; he will also see the past of that life.
And soon he will pass on to the reincarnation of his child.
Then he will give his child a beautiful life; he will make something good of his child.
Yes, of course, his wife will lay his own flesh and blood in his arms.
He will serve mother and child eternally.
Yes, the things he will do, when he finally has his child in his arms.
Then the phenomena come, he begins to feel that something will go wrong.
Now that the girl from Vienna is three months’ pregnant, he leaves with his master to the children’s spheres in order to establish the laws for the child who will leave the earth early and in order to analyse them later for the mothers on earth who had to lose their little ones.
He does not yet realize that he will not receive his own child, he is only thinking about those mothers.
He sees the children there.
Jeus enters that sphere.
Yes, mothers, your children remain alive.
And that journey is for the second part of ‘A View into the Hereafter’, Master Alcar says.
When he returns from his journey, his master begins to establish the wisdom.
Suddenly, the artist comes back, that spiritual personality draws a star through him, in that star a cross, and under it a broken life branch.
Jeus looks at the drawing and feels that it means something, because, according to his master, the drawing is for his child.
He already knows it.
Good gracious, he thinks, it comes out, but the girl from Vienna does not hear any of it, that is terrible!
Are they now drawing the death of my child?
I won’t be a part of that.
He tears up the drawing and hides the felt tip and paper, he will not give himself any longer for drawing the death of his own child, he wants to have his child!
And now his master experiences that Jeus refuses to serve, for the first time he refuses to be an instrument and that is exactly what Master Alcar wants from him.
Beyond the shadow of a doubt, the masters want to pass on the proof that there is life ‘beyond the coffin’, and that you live ‘beyond your coffin’ as an astral personality.
This must support the mothers!
This must show that a person cannot die.
However, this concerns Jeus’ happiness and that of his wife.
Good gracious, he swears, he is already moaning, that is unbelievable, that is terrible!
And those feelings remain with him; he cannot free himself from them.
But, he has hidden the lot; they had better try now to get him to draw.
Jeus of mother Crisje lives in this condition, he resists, he does not want to serve, and he flatly refuses.
Now his master has to show, and prove what he can do.
A person who is now unwilling, cannot think for that other world either and now the familiar telepathy is completely banished from human life, excluded, which the masters want to experience through Jeus.
The drawing was ripped up, but Master Alcar continues to write and begins with the disembodiment.
When that is finished, Jeus reads what he has written.
Then he starts to think.
He does not dare to look his master in the eye.
However, he realizes that it concerns his life and child.
What does Jeus do?
He resolutely rips up the chapter and throws it in the wastepaper basket.
He flatly refuses to write or draw, and wants to have his child and nothing else.
What does his master do, what can the masters do?
He carefully talks to the girl from Vienna; he wants to prepare her for the event, anyway, because they will lose their child.
“Just imagine”, he begins, “if our baby was to go back to the spheres of light?
That is possible, after all, isn’t it?
What would you say to that?”
“I would say nothing, I want to have my child.
Just stop that talk of yours.”
He keeps returning to the subject, but when he feels that he is going too far and she is becoming nervous, he gives in to it, at least for her; but he knows, she knows enough for later.
When the misery begins, he will be able to take care of her again, but that is nonsense, like her, he wants to have his child.
So is Master Alcar powerless now?
Jeus flatly refuses!
Yet, his master must carry on.
Again he carefully takes Jeus by the scruff of his neck, he denies him his thoughts and feelings, against his ‘will’, Master Alcar places him in front of the typewriter again and starts the chapter about the children’s spheres afresh.
Now Jeus is living in his subconscious and does not get to experience one single thought from his master, does not feel anything of what will happen up there in his day-consciousness.
After the writing – the healing just carries on, he is open to it – Master Alcar keeps him in his power, in this condition, for at least fifty per cent of his feelings.
Jeus is himself and yet he is not himself.
Anyone who talks to him thinks that he is at his full strength, but that is not true and not possible; however, he is both powerful and extremely conscious, because of his master who lives in him.
It is all going well, his patients get a full dose of life aura, but he thinks, he will not lend himself to that drawing and writing, but a while later he is sitting at the typewriter and is receiving.
The writing has to carry on, but he flatly refuses to serve.
Jeus does not know anymore that he is still there in this; he is now really possessed by an astral personality.
If Master Alcar was from the darkness, he would never be free again, he would remain possessed, and they could lock Jeus up.
You can now see how he undergoes the laws of insanity himself, but he will soon receive the wisdom of them and will experience that again.
This now disengages every grade for telepathy, parapsychologist.
Every telepathic thought!
This happens outside of him, he does not experience any of it, and he cannot be influenced by anyone on earth.
If this chapter comes to the earth, it will be an astral miracle, and will prove that there is life ‘beyond the coffin’, that the soul ‘beyond the coffin’ is an astral personality!
And that will happen!
It is now four days later; Jeus reads what has been written.
Again, it disappears into the wastepaper basket.
However, Our Lord knows what it is about.
This is a wonderful, human battle, against the spiritual world.
It is an occult event, Egypt, the laws of which you knew long ago, but are now being experienced by Jeus, in order to pass them on to this humanity.
The angels in the heavens are following Jeus.
Millions of people on the earth are following him, Jeus of mother Crisje, they know what he stands for and what will happen to his child.
They understand this battle, as a person Jeus refuses to receive this and this is what the Other Side wants because this event will prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there is no death!
Because of this the Grim Reaper will be destroyed!
Crisje, now Jeus will sweep the crown from the Reaper’s horrible head, Jan Lemmekus, how you will soon enjoy yourself!
But, this is becoming too much for his master, he has to carry on.
The girl from Vienna is now seven months’ pregnant.
Now Master Alcar handles it differently, he descends into Jeus and says to the girl from Vienna: “We will soon make a drawing for your child.
When the drawing is finished, then you will take it from me.”
The girl from Vienna does not say anything, she never does when the master speaks to her, she thinks and feels happy.
Will a drawing be made for her child?
She will not know, she does not feel that it is the death of her Gommel, which means gnome, and is called that in the city of Vienna, where she once lived, but she has to accept the gift.
Whether she will appreciate it later is an entirely different matter.
The drawing is made in two evenings; so Master Alcar knew where Jeus had hidden the materials.
She now hears:
“This is for your child.”
Now, Jeus does not dare get it into his head to tear up the drawing.
He cannot really materialize thoughts of tearing it up, half of his personality refuses to do that.
The master now continues, finishes the chapter and the book, and sends it to the printers.
They have already started there.
There is still no money for it, but that will be sorted.
Jeus is suddenly free, completely himself again, and he now knows that the second part is at the printers; he cannot change anything about it.
A fortnight before the baby is due, he departs from his body again.
Now his master connects him with the child, Master Alcar awakens the life and makes it conscious.
The child, now as an astral personality, tells him that it will be still-born, that it will go back to where it came from, the spheres of light, and that it was here in order to experience growth and blossoming within the mother.
His unborn child tells Jeus that!
And Jeus can see that the child is conscious.
He can follow that process inside the mother, he has to accept, what he also already experienced as a child, that he came ‘beyond the coffin’ through his master and was older there, and that he could make the cradle rock.
He now realizes that he is receiving and is able to experience a great miracle.
He now also knows that he had a girl, because this is a girl!
When Jeus experienced this, all the highest masters were present.
It is Master Cesarino himself who explains these great miracles to him.
Jeus sees that they have attracted a spirit of the light.
And all of this is to prove to humanity that there is no death!
His child is already thirty years old there and can tell him all about her own life.
She now tells him that they will see each other again soon, but then in the spheres of light.
Jeus must now give in to it, however, because of this proof, he has aged a thousand years and has become extremely strong.
I ask you, did Dante, Pythagoras, Ramakrishna, Krishnamurti, your Rudolf Steiner, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna and hundreds of great people of the earth experience this, and were they able to pass it on to humanity?
No, we tell you, they did not experience this!!
None of them, not Madame Blavatsky, or ancient Egypt, this is only possible in your own century, because Jeus serves for the ‘Age of Christ’ and HIS University!!
Now he can give up everything and he waits patiently.
It is a great miracle for him and he will get to hear everything from his master.
The evidence is tremendous!
It happened outside of his ‘will’, which the highest masters wanted, in order to disengage every thought, as I already told you, and it is called telepathy.
You will find the two drawings made for Gommel, a present for all of you on earth, in the second part of ‘A View into the Hereafter’.
Because after the first drawing, he also got another one, and this represented the reincarnation of Gommel.
As a result of this, the Grim Reaper was destroyed through drawing!
But, is that sufficient to convince all of humanity?
The material masses do not go into it and slash everything.
However, the doctor will not get a hold of this book, Jeus thinks, that man can drop dead.
Nevertheless, millions are waiting, we will convince hundreds of mothers, we will tell them that they do not lose their precious children, but will see them again ‘beyond the coffin’.
Gommel comes to earth in shattered pieces.
The child strangled itself by crawling through the umbilical cord.
Jeus can bury Gommel.
There is no one with him, on this cold morning; he is completely alone again.
He also gave the doctor proof, he told the man that his child was stillborn and would be a girl, which the man had to accept.
Who and what is this man?
He is Jeus of mother Crisje, doctor; do you not know him?
Where are his spiritual friends?
He has a good cry all the same, the girl from Vienna also cries loudly; she comes home empty handed.
And Jeus now knows that he will not get to see his own flesh and blood, that happiness has not been laid away for him.
No, he will get to know those laws, and also give in to them.
Miets is buried at Barbara, a graveyard in The Hague; for Crisje’s sake she was buried in consecrated ground, they will also lay Gommel beside Miets.
He takes his child away alone.
Not one of those spiritual friends is with him in order to be able to talk to that life, he has to do everything alone.
He walks to Gommel’s little grave with the undertaker.
My God, he thinks, how wonderful everything is, after all.
And there they go, these two people, next to each other, Jeus is carrying the little coffin.
What is that?
Yes, of course, a child like that still weighs something, after all, he doesn’t know any more how he can carry her and he does not want the man next to him to help.
Suddenly, Miets is there.
Miets, but Miets??
Miets helps him to carry the little coffin and now it happens of its own accord, he does not feel it anymore.
There is the grave.
Miets now tells him that Gommel will come to lie just above her.
Jeus says that to the man and they will soon have a look.
Gommel gets her flowers, bought by him and the girl from Vienna herself.
Then Jeus falls into a trance, allowing Master Alcar to speak to Gommel, Miets and the funeral undertaker.
The man says that he has never known anything like it before.
“So are you that well-known chauffeur whom they talk about, sir?
Good heavens, then I have read your first book.”
The man recognizes Jeus from his trance speech and he can tell that to all the people, whom he is yet to meet and experience through his work, because this is divine.
The man cries from happiness and we know that he will never forget this again.
Yes, the body of Gommel is lying above Miets, she is not resting there, but she is lying there neatly. Girl from Vienna, give in to this!
What Jeus experienced with the Catholic sisters in the hospital is frightening for his soul and personality.
Why did they actually go there?
Yes, Bernard’s wife was there as well and she said that it was good there.
In this way the girl from Vienna also ended up with the Catholics again.
However, when Gommel was born, they laid his Gommel in the death room.
Jeus saw Gommel there, thrown into a corner like a slaughtered pig, because they had heard that they were lapsed Catholics.
But another child weighing four pounds, a little statue, Jeus saw, even in death, she lay there and was watched over day and night and prayed for.
The sisters were there praying day and night, it was so beautiful.
Yes, that is true, Jeus thinks, it was beautiful, but why have they condemned his Gommel there?
He will soon rant and rave about it, fight against it!
It is a dirty carry-on!
It concerns money and the better ‘self’ in a person, which they do not understand.
He only came to understand the dirty carry-on of the Catholic Church there!
Miets says goodbye to him, but it is Master Alcar who brings Gommel to the fourth sphere, because Gommel was a mistress before she was born, that is to say a conscious astral personality.
Of course, Jeus will see his child again.
The girl from Vienna goes home, the first book has already convinced many people, from Canada, the Dutch East Indies, America, Germany and many other countries, little clothes come for Gommel and flowers for the mother now that they hear that they did not get their child.
Jeus passed thirty books around the world like a snowball.
Did you receive one of them?
These books were passed on to friends and acquaintances, but they wrote to Jeus to tell him where they were.
As a result of this he got boxes full of letters from grateful readers, finally the books fell into the wrong hands of Catholics and Protestants and they went into the human fire.
Not one was returned to him, they had already done their work.
Did the circle members not even sell a hundred?
No, they did not, they still believe that he should not write anymore!
My God, are those people blind?
And yet Jeus shuffles along to the séances, but he knows that he will soon put a stop to them and then you will have something to hear.
That will also come!
Flowers continue to stream in from everywhere for the girl from Vienna and her lost, no, eternal, child.
But, was this not just proof of life after death?
You cannot get any better proof for your life, because this came from the highest heavens to your consciousness!
Meanwhile he has left his body again for the hells and the heavens, in order to experience this according to the very highest grade for each human thought and feeling, and that journey belongs to the third part.
It is now that Jeus gets to see Gommel in the spheres.
Mothers, is this not a message for your life?
He is standing before Gommel, but he has had to tune himself completely to that life.
Then he sees his child again and gets to hold her in his arms.
When he comes back from this journey, he can tell the girl from Vienna that their child is alive and she will see her child again in the future!
First they go through the hells, he is now attacked there, Master Alcar does everything in his power, because Jeus has to get through this, or he will soon be faced with human submission.
That will come anyway, but because the master opens up the laws more deeply, Jeus has more to deal with and if Master Alcar wants to go even deeper, then he will have to know these worlds consciously and also deal with them on earth, or sooner or later they will be faced with the universal halt.
He now enters the seven spheres ‘beyond the coffin’, it is Master Cesarino who receives Jeus in order to show him his world in the seventh sphere, which is a universal happiness for him.
Then Master Alcar returns to the earth with Jeus.
On earth, it is now difficult for him, he lives in the spheres for ninety per cent and he cannot free himself from them.
He now knows the dark worlds, which a person has created for himself, and the higher worlds, in which nothing but happiness lives.
He misses that universal love on earth; no one can help him, he has to deal with this himself!
The battle of one person with regard to worlds, hate, evil, violence, for the development of this humanity, has started.
Oh, I would have to write ten books alone about this, but that is not the intention.
This battle will become a thousand times worse, more intense, when Master Alcar goes into the laws of God, life and death, fatherhood and motherhood more deeply!
Suffice for me to say that Jeus is fighting, and that sparks are flying and no one understands him.
No one can follow him, no one can feel his tremendous love for all of God’s life.
Master Alcar comes to his aid, the following day he releases him from his body and takes him to the third sphere ‘beyond the coffin’, where Jeus will meet another great medium, namely the American Jackson Davis, who experienced a similar education to Jeus.
He tells him what he must watch out for on earth.
He tells him that he is going deeper than he ever did and was able to experience, Davis says to Jeus that he will receive the ‘Cosmology’, for which he also served, but which will now be brought to earth.
This whole night he is one with Davis, they are two children of Our Lord, who will give their lives for human spiritual evolution!
Davis has already completed his task and the world received some beautiful pieces of work from him.
Davis tells him about his ‘Magic Staff’, Jeus will receive his ‘Life rock’, as a result of which he will accomplish his task more easily; it is the knowledge that he is serving for humanity and masters.
He goes back to his body, stronger!
Wolff has already painted his ‘Life rock’.
Now that he comes home from his patients, Master Alcar wants to give him the proof that the ‘Life rock’ is really significant.
Master Alcar lets him photograph the painting; a cross appears on it as a sign of honour, that he, Jeus of mother Crisje, serves for Christ.
It is a beautiful gift for his life and personality and will receive a place in the third part of ‘A View into the Hereafter’.
It is now André, whom Jeus and Jozef, as material personalities, have to represent.
Master Alcar teaches him how to experience his material life. André lives in him and is the instrument, which Jeus and Jozef understand; and, as André, he is faced with the splitting of his personality.
Daily life is divided more easily because of this.
Both the material and the spiritual life have to be divided, or he will not make it.
And for this reason alone he departs from his body ten times in order to be taught by his master, so that he will know how to act for all these worlds in which he lives at the same time.
And this is now a great art for Jeus, Jozef and André, this is wonderful and the great people also know that, everyone, for that matter, has to accept it, every artist, and it is also a natural necessity for André, Jeus and Jozef!
Jeus and Jozef will talk to your life if it involves dealing with material matters, but André is now the master!
And you should be able to follow him inside some day.
Oh, my God, he sometimes moans, if only I could pass on some things of André to this world, how happy I could make everyone.
His wife, the girl from Vienna, experiences Jeus and Jozef, only because she cannot follow André and cannot experience that world, or enter it.
Isn’t this simple?
In this way Master Alcar puts this personality together and he has taken care of it as a cosmically aware master; all the occult contacts, likewise the experiences from his youth, are part of André; it has become the possession of this universal personality.
Try saying that Jeus and Jozef are standing still in this life, that the great mediums are just slaves.
Become a slave like that and the universe of God will be in your hands, along with universal Love, which lives in André. However, neither Jeus or Jozef can pass it on, it cannot be experienced by anyone on the earth, because that soul does not possess this contact, and does not feel this depth either.
André has now become a Prince of Space, but on earth he is carried by Jeus and Jozef!
When André comes back from the spheres, Jozef immediately takes over his whole personality and will now make sure he remains in harmony for human society, the worries for and of every day and every hour.
And that personality continues to tune into society, or the girl from Vienna would not be able to understand this person, Jeus keeps on adapting himself wonderfully well and they have received a beautiful existence.
André is not married to her, but Jozef is, and he finishes his task, also makes sure that he takes care of this life.
And that seems difficult, but there is love, and it is possible as a result of love.
Follow your artists, follow yourself and you will know what I mean.
You probably also have to split yourself and everyone has to be able to do that, but everything is different for this Divine task for Jeus, Jozef, and André, it is supernatural, because they are all carried by André!
And is that not the happiness of your own life?
If you awaken as a result of this, it will be the art, your task in and for society, which blesses you as man and wife, brings happiness and as a result of which you experience your love!
If you now understand what it is about, but which was not understood by thousands of people, then there were already victims, they ran away from each others’ lives, this is still the wonderful foundation for the material life, as a result of which only great love can be experienced!
It goes without saying that because of this, the books were written, the art emerged and the life of man and wife could be called a paradise, through which your plays got life light and viability.
Jeus, Jozef, and André, master all of this and they lay it in the hands of the girl from Vienna, if she can understand and deal with this, she will receive a love which was only experienced by one or two people of the earth.
And this incredible, impossible and yet real love is in her own hands, isn’t it, like André she possesses her own personality and she will now have to prove what she wants, and what she wants to make of her material life.
And that is also in your own hands, everyone is faced with this split, but especially with the joy, the happiness, which is and is called art, aren’t they?
Queens of the earth, your manhood and womanhood is not a part of your marriage as a person, but is the driving force, gives it happiness, if you understand your own life and task, or everything will collapse and nothing will be left of all that happiness.
Now it will be a misery!
Master Alcar teaches that to his instrument and he can continue to work through André, soon all three of these personalities will have to prove what they can really deal with, because that is approaching, that will come without a doubt!
Since the spheres of light pitch into his personality, the purity of that world hits upon Jeus on earth, the violence of the material world wants to see him fall, they have to prove what they can do, or Master Alcar will soon be powerless, because this personality will succumb.
And we have only just started; we have only been able to lay a few foundations through these first three books, what next?
How will these three be?
We already know, and then we will also come to help André, Jeus, and Jozef!
You will certainly feel that we would write ten books about these three personalities if we had the time for it, because we are entering the philosophical systems through them!
It is obvious that Jeus as Jozef-André surpasses both Socrates and Plato, no one can catch up with him, because he is the instrument of the masters, and his masters can go further, but especially because he is in the hands of a cosmically conscious being’!
However, there is not enough money for the second part.
Jeus gave the books away, we have to rap his knuckles, he is diminishing the source, that hard earned money, not that many books have been sold yet. The spiritualists think that they know it themselves and they do not need divine truth. The crazy talk of different men and women about the spheres of light, the awe-inspiring deceit which Jeus sees, are barren goods, those people are blind, they wish to be something themselves and do not need his books.
He realizes that he does not have to count on the spiritualist child on earth.
The theosophists have their own books, the Rosicrucians as well; even if all these sects could learn a lot from Jeus, they do not need him and they do not intend to move over for him. Therefore, they will continue to ride their white horses and they do not think about saying to Jeus: ‘Look here, we know you, we are expecting you; look, master we want to follow you now.’
He will also have to establish that consciously and only then will he feel that people hold back and destroy spiritual evolution through their own messing about!
That is not possible, because we are here!
But then what, Jeus, the printer will need money soon.
You will undoubtedly feel, dear reader, that the masters themselves have kept and will keep the books in their hands.
That is in the very first instance.
After all, if Jeus ended up with the wrong publisher, then that man would cheat him, the Catholic church as publisher would set fire to his work and our work, within a short time they would banish our work. However, now that the publishing is in our own hands, Jeus realizes that for the first time, that danger has been avoided.
The publisher would have given him some money, denied him the right to publish, and we would have sold both our work and the message, which has now been prevented from happening, but it will be difficult for Jeus and us.
Where is the person on earth who will give him a few thousand for the books?
What do you make of this?
Three months pass, the second part is at the printers’, it is almost ready and he does not have the money.
The paintings do not bring in that much money.
His healing is not a matter of money, he never charges more than two guilders fifty, not even for the rich people. Jeus is proud of the fact that he cannot be bought and sully his wonderful gifts in this way, but he now needs money for the books.
And he must not help too many people, because we need his strength for the writing and that is the most important task!
Then a gardener comes to him; he has read his first book.
Couldn’t I help you with this great work?
Couldn’t I give you ten thousand guilders?
No, I may not accept money, sir, Jeus says.
And we do not want that, because all those people will just bring misery to Jeus now, he could then bow for the rest of his life to those people.
Not a single person has come forward up until now who wants to serve Christ from the human heart. They continually think: ‘then I can achieve something.’
You see, and Master Alcar wants to prevent that happening.
That will be possible later, but then we will lay the work in the hands of the world, the disciples of André-Dectar, and everything will be different.
Jeus observes that the gardener is admiring his paintings.
“These are made in order to sell and that money is for the books.
Then I can carry on, do you see?”
It does not occur to the man that he is helping Jeus by buying a spiritual painting like that.
Jeus thinks about Master Alcar.
He asks his master directly whether or not he wishes to give that man the thoughts to be able to realize what he could do.
Master Alcar replies to him: ‘then I will be buying the painting and it will not be coming from his heart.’
A person has to realize that he distances himself completely from himself and now serves the masters, but that Jeus has to continue on his own way.
We do not want them to come to him soon: yes, I did give you that, but now I need something myself, can you give me back something?
Master Alcar watches out for this.
Another person offers him five thousand guilders, he only has to sign the post office savings book, if he continues the dark séances.
You see, these people are thinking of something, want to do something, but then Jeus will become the slave of those people and we must prevent that happening; he cannot accept that precious money.
However, there is a lot more.
Master Alcar sees that a lot of the money is blood money.
Do we have to bring about, finish the message for and from Christ again by blood money?
We want to prevent that as much as possible and since Jeus wants to fight for everything himself, no master is capable of denying him that honour, not granting him that happiness, because Jeus has known for some time which spiritual treasures give both his task and the work to his life, and that of the girl from Vienna, if he can achieve that himself.
But Master Alcar can do more than that.
André’s mother lives on earth.
And that little mother from France can help him.
Master Alcar knows where she is now living.
He first lets Jeus determine:
‘This evening, the seventh of September 1935, I know that my mother, my mother from my life in France, will help me to publish the second part of the trilogy ‘A View into the Hereafter’.
When she comes to me, I can tell her: I was your son in that life. It means: there is reincarnation on earth for man and woman.’
Jeus curiously asks:
“What are you doing now, master?”
“She will come to you, Jeus, and will bring the money for this publication, the only money that we need, the rest will follow of its own accord, that means: at that point we will have sold enough books.
So wait patiently, I will send her to you.”
Three months pass.
Jeus did wait patiently; the book will be published today or tomorrow.
Is she still not coming?
He has got to know many people, through circles he visited, people who came to him as a result of his book. However, he does not know which one of all these ladies is her, certainly not from the large circle, or they would already have helped long ago, but they do not yet understand it and do nothing for Jeus.
He does not talk about what he is waiting for, now that those people showed themselves in such a way, he cannot reach them inwardly anyway.
No, his mother is not amongst them.
One afternoon a lady comes to him.
She is upset and suddenly he knows that she is the one.
He grabs his notebook with received messages, lays it on the table and now she may tell him what the matter is.
She says:
“Last night I experienced something amazing.
I was wakened at three o’clock and then I had a vision.
In that vision I saw Anthony van Dyck and he said to me: ‘go to Jozef Rulof, he is André, your child from France.
I am Anthony van Dyck, his master.
You must help him.
He needs your help in order to pay for his second book, ‘A View into the Hereafter’.
Will you help him, in the name of Christ?
Then go to him.
A sum of two thousand guilders is needed!’”
When the lady has finished talking, Jeus lays his notebook on the table.
Everything is right, this beautiful soul will make every sacrifice for this work and is grateful that she may serve, but especially that she was able to meet her child from the past.
Now that has become a bond, he will support her through his powers, he allows her one afternoon a week to talk to him, as a result of which she is no longer alone.
Let me tell you and then you will immediately know how both Jeus and the girl from Vienna had to make up for that again, that for seven long years, listen, for seven long years they received her every Wednesday afternoon.
Then Jeus could put his work aside and talk, tell her about his journeys and the laws.
That became a time when he felt destroyed, but Master Alcar wanted it, because it would support his character.
For seven long years they served her as if she was their mother.
Seven long years, always exactly on time, she entered their house and then it was a question of sitting up, shaking hands, serving, serving so much, giving so much to this life, as a result of which she could really say: I was received by the Masters from the Other Side!
Jeus and the girl from Vienna served her, paid the sum of money with blood, as it were, gave her kind-heartedness and wisdom; who would not have wanted that?
This is the way masters are; instruments must be able to achieve that.
It went really well, it was great for everyone!
Other people wondered: why does she get so much from Jozef and we get nothing?
They did not tell them.
Only the war which came, in 1943, put an end to this contact, because the elderly had to vacate the city and once again, André’s mother had to become independent. She had to prove what she could do and tell to everyone who was open to the teachings of the masters about what she had received from him in all those years.
Both Jeus and the girl from Vienna, the angels know how you accomplished this task!
That was a work of art, that was devotion to duty, that was pure love, and, Jeus, you were able to have a rest every time, anyway, weren’t you?
Yes, of course, because Jeus did not know when to stop, he wanted to work day and night, and that was also briefly prevented by this contact.
The one thing served the other and the rest will prove that!
It was a watertight case, the second part was published, we did not have any more worries for the third and fourth book, slowly, but surely, we reached that stage and the next works could be written in peace.
When the third part is published, Jeus leaves for Vienna with the girl from Vienna; he gets four weeks’ rest.
However, in Vienna, he paints, the Press writes about him, it was a memorable journey.
And then just carry on!
Now we are faced with the book: ‘The Bridge to Eternal Life.’
Now various deathbeds are described, experienced by Jeus.
Jeus is treating a Russian priest, the Head of the Russian Church.
The man has cancer, he cannot do anything more for him, but the man feels him and reads his books.
He says: “Great, but too good to be true.
Just imagine if everything you write were true, my dear boy, then a lot would collapse, and everything would have to change, everything which we preach to the people.”
Jeus treats a patient of his; it is seven o’clock in the evening.
Suddenly he sees the priest, who has departed from his body.
The man tells him that everything is true, that he is alive, and that he will die tonight at half past three.
Jeus absorbs that message.
The priest is beside himself with happiness and Jeus can see that his Master Alcar is with the Russian.
Then the priest says that he must now go back to his body in order to finish those last hours in his earthly body.
My God, Jeus thinks, what wonderful proof this is of life after death.
He asks his patient whom he is treating:
“Did you not see anything?”
“No, what should I have seen?”
Now Jeus tells the man what he experienced and received just a moment ago while treating him.
He says that the man will be able to read in the morning paper that the Russian priest, the Head of the Russian Church, died tonight at half past three, but that the priest has just told him this.
That will then immediately be a piece of proof for your life that there is no death.
And that happened, dear reader.
Also telepathy, parapsychologist?
Jeus tells the girl from Vienna about it and a few friends in order to lay down this proof.
Does this not say enough yet?
‘Beyond the coffin’ there is human consciousness!
The priest who is dying departed from his body through Master Alcar and was able to give Jeus this proof.
This was also through their mutual feelings and thoughts, that man was also like a happy child.
No, it is not too good to be true; that is life ‘beyond the coffin’, when you possess the light inside.
If this soul had been a dark spirit, Master Alcar could not have given the personality this happiness, because the darkness, in human form that is, lacks the feeling.
You could call this a mercy, but for the spheres and the masters, it is proof of life after death, and nothing else!
The evidence is mounting, it is already a huge pile which Jeus is faced with, the world should have already accepted him as a great Prophet!!
Doctor, are you starting to understand what you wanted to destroy through your pen?
It must be clear to you, after all, that the doctor who slashed the first part will not experience such a thing!
The angels react in this way for your life and consciousness.
If that is possible, then you will be a happy person ‘beyond the coffin’, and if you do not have that, no God will be able to help you, nor will His angels and envoys, because you have to tune your own life to love!
And you do not have that, doctor, on the contrary, you destroy Divine authority.
Do you already know what is waiting for you ‘beyond the coffin’?
In that wonderful book you can read about other deathbeds.
All given to your life in order to take you to spiritual awakening, and that is therefore in your hands.
They are wonderful gifts for your life on earth, which came to your life through Jeus of mother Crisje!
Just destroy his books again.
We have told him not to send his books to the newspapers anymore; they are just destroyed there.
Those people think that they can do anything and can slash anything which they do not understand.
Why would we present them with the means to destroy themselves, to destroy themselves for the Other Side?
For this reason we say to Jeus: just let the books carry out their own work, we will not make it by advertising anyway, because these are not novels, these books represent spiritual science!
Anyone who is open and possesses the feeling will come across the books sooner or later and will call out: ‘finally, that is what I am looking for!’
Jeus has received thousands of letters from those people, they understand what a treasure he has presented them with, and that person wants to possess the books!
And he is also the one who will convince others of a life ‘beyond the coffin’!
Jeanne, the priest, Gerhard the coachman, and others have now become his sisters and brothers, which his mother from France is also a part of.
Did Jeus consider her a mother, you will wonder.
Yes and no!
Crisje rises miles above everything and everyone!
It is Crisje, who now receives his great love in this life.
Jeus accepted André’s mother as his sister; she did not receive anything more, but not anything less either!
You should know how many mothers and fathers of yours lived on earth, how many loves of yours and theirs, children of parents, parents of children, whom you now kick out the door, when they maybe appear to your life as a beggar, or will perhaps be your judge, your king or emperor, yes, the love from the Dutch East Indies, England, America, ancient Egypt, because all the nationalities of the earth have drawn your life to them, now stand before you every day and whom you now curse, do not want anything to do with those lives, because they are ‘whores’, who betrayed and sold you?
We know that, we had to accept that ‘beyond the coffin’, because it placed us before our own past, reincarnation, and we could bow to it!
We have been on earth millions of times in order to get to know the laws of God through Mother Earth and to master them, but as a result of which we were able to conquer this space as our own universe!
Only when we had completed our cycle of the earth, did we enter the conscious astral world and you do get to know it through Jeus’ books!
But, can you feel how wonderful everything will be.
And where Master Alcar is taking Jeus of mother Crisje?
What he will connect him with?
What the University of Christ has to give to your life?
Jeus will write some thirty books and pass them on to your life.
Jeus now gets peace for a while, but soon we will begin, I may start writing my life story, I may tell about my life through Jeus and he will receive ‘The Cycle of the Soul’, he will get to know Lantos Dumonché, the José from his youth.
We still cannot take him back to his youth, we must carry on in the consciousness, deeper and higher and not backwards. However, those very first foundations from his youth will soon be cosmically conscious pillars for the University of Christ, a Temple which he will build with you, or our disciples later.
Jeus receives the inner Temple; the material one will come later!
The coachman Gerhard comes back to Jeus and is received on earth, he has learned to bow his head.
The priest also comes back to him and can now tell him what he is doing.
He says to Jeus that he is going to the Moon in order to experience the first revelations there, brought by God to materialization, he is now going on cosmic journeys and, like Jeus, has become a disciple of the masters.
He has also received his guide, who teaches him and will explain everything ‘beyond the coffin’.
He will now spiritualize the cosmology of his own life, go higher, and soon also fulfil a task in this world.
And along with him millions of people of the earth who possess that light, or we cannot use them.
You will soon be asked: ‘Did you know Jeus of mother Crisje on earth?
Yes? Then that is your happiness, your blessing for this spiritual life.
Come closer, we want to see you happy, we are expecting you and your people, if they are also open and love what was created by the ALL-SOURCE!’
Or did you destroy Jeus of mother Crisje there?
Did you destroy his books, ridicule them for millions of people, because you thought that it was a madman speaking?
When he talked about a God of love, did you laugh behind his back?
Did you tell other people that he was a rotter, a piece of poison, and perhaps a swindler?
Then you do not belong to the spheres of light, but are one of those who have served darkness, were open to satan and devil and lived wildly at the expense of good, you belong with the betrayers of Christ!
We are not calling you to a spiritual halt; you already did that yourself.
But you saw your Prophet; and did not recognize him: he spoke to you and your people and you started to doubt, to then destroy him, to sully and contaminate him, you weighed yourself and messed up your best ‘self’, abused it, you showed your true colours, certainly, but for the darkness.
All of you, who now populate the earth, will be faced with Jeus of mother Crisje one day, and with his masters, who served you as the envoys of Christ and are represented by Jeus on earth.
One day, believe it, his books will be in every house on earth, because his teachings are those of Christ!
The universities, therefore the spiritual faculties, will have to accept him for eternity!
They will become the teachings for all of humanity!
Before we start on ‘The Cycle of the Soul’, Jeus will get some peace from his master, but he receives the message to close Mrs G.’s circle.
And now there is talk.
Could that be accurate?
Can they accept the word of the masters any longer?
They ask and hear: yes, the circle will now be closed; later you will hear why.
There is a terrible war approaching, but the masters do not tell them that, they do not want to frighten people and that is not on their path, they bring peace and goodwill. However, the masters will have to use all their powers for that terrible war, Jeus knows that, but he may not tell them.
Now the questions are being asked: ‘Is that truth?
Why are we being denied this?
Has Jeus lost his spiritual connections?’
The first one to doubt is the resident’s wife, Mrs G. no longer believes him, but she will also receive and experience his proof now.
Jeus is walking along the Laan van Meerdervoort and suddenly gets to see and hear a vision.
He is on his way to a patient.
He sees that there is another medium with Mrs G., who influences her.
That medium says that her master claims that Jeus is wrong.
Mrs G. believes her.
Master Alcar tells Jeus, but Jeus now sees Master Cesarino as well: “Go and give her this evidence, Jeus.”
Jeus says: “Yes, I will do it, master.”
After he has treated his patients, he is standing before Mrs G. and says:
“Now I will tell you both what you were talking about.
I will also tell you, madam, the séances have stopped.”
He tells them word for word what he received from the masters at the Laan van Meerdervoort and immediately puts that medium out of action.
She can eat her own words and choke on them.
Dirty carry-on!
Mind your own business, madam!
Leave those things well alone of which you do not possess the slightest knowledge.
Are there not enough people already who squander the teachings?
I am a medium and not you!
I give my life for it; you cannot do that!
I am real; you are a liar and a cheat!
‘Mesjoer’, ladies, the séances are now stopped, and you must now stand on your own two feet, you will now just have to prove what you and the others have learned with Cesarino over the years.
A long face, stimulated from the inside, disbelief, having to bow to a chauffeur, who cannot be manipulated, yes, Jeus feels that, that is all there, but ‘orders are orders’ and they and he have to listen.
He now knows that he has surpassed all of them, Jeus of mother Crisje has beaten the intellectuality completely and conquered it.
Do you not want to read my fourth book, medium?
I will now start on ‘The Cycle of the Soul’!
Goodbye, madam, we will see each other again, but this is the message from the masters!
Should I have stopped writing?
Do you still want me to stop?
Then just wait and you will know it fully.
Mrs G. gets another house, she receives ‘The Bridge to Eternal Life’ from Jeus, sent under the masters’ orders.
Now just read it and you will know.
She gets a book from Jeus each year, because we keep going further.
Isn’t that something?
It is now Christmas 1938 - Jeus gets to know me, I may begin to describe my life, my last one on earth.
‘The Cycle of the Soul’ ...
I connect him with a few visions and he asks me:
“When do you want me to start?”
“When you feel ready, my brother.”
“I am ready”, I get to hear from Jeus.
He sees Master Alcar, he also gets his information now that he has to give himself to me.
He is now getting to know me as the first disciple of Master Alcar.
I tell him about my youth, my feelings of becoming a sculptor, the longing in me to experience Rome.
I keep having to stop because patients come and we also do that together, we are happy and enjoy every second of it.
In six weeks, we lay down the material and then the analysis begins.
Patients come who have been in a mental institution, people whom I know and was connected with through previous lives on earth, mothers, and fathers, whom I can now support through Jeus.
In that institution I lived in this mother in order to bear this misery with her and guard her from a complete breakdown.
I have her sent to my master and, along with Jeus, I can now take her back to the normal day-consciousness and cure her completely.
In this way we work together and feel like children of Christ.
There are thousands of possibilities of helping our loved ones ‘beyond the coffin’.
A while later we are back in front of the typewriter again and are working on the book.
Then we are finished. The printer immediately takes over the work, the man is no longer afraid about his money, he now has five books in his possession.
Once again, Mrs G. receives the spiritual child of the masters, sent by Jeus.
Does she still not know it?
And immediately afterwards Master Alcar takes him to the mental institutions, and all those grades are explained to him.
That will become the book: ‘Mental Illnesses’.
Jeus is faced with psychopathy, possession; he is learning a tremendous amount!
But Master Alcar wants to write four books this year, because the war is approaching, he wants to see the task laid down for him finished before war breaks out.
In addition to this book about madness, there is the trilogy: ‘The Origin of the Universe’, Divine creation.
Isn’t that something, Jeus?
Master Alcar is heading there.
He feels strong and healthy, there are no symptoms of deterioration.
He cannot be influenced by anything, he is ready for his master day and night.
There are twenty books alone to be written about insanity, the work which will come into existence is just an illustration in comparison to the condition in which those millions of people live and whom you call psychopaths and possessed people, insane people.
We explain in that work that Adolf Hitler is a conscious insane person.
We knew then that he would start a war and we also saw the terrible end, the complete destruction of the German people.
We predicted all these events through Jeus and laid them down through ‘Mental Illnesses’.
A while later Jeus has to depart from his body for ‘The Origin of the Universe.’
He meanwhile goes back to Mrs G.; he treats her kidneys and heart.
She also gets a lecture from Jeus.
What does this intellectual say now?
‘Jeus, you beat all of us, you raced ahead of us by thousands of centuries.’
No more is needed, because this is bowing one’s head!
She now knows how great and marvellous Jeus is!
But she says: ‘That all happened because of fear, Jeus, fear of you, that you would never forget yourself, you would never go too far.’
And Jeus can understand that, but he thinks: idiots, you thought that you knew better than the masters.
Mrs G. is now reading his books and she gives them to other people.
It is going well like this; mother and master have found each other again.
These hours are now for that life as it is in Divine paradise and that is understandable, now the laws are explained to her by Jeus.
Jeus has become her master!
As a result of the book: ‘Mental Illnesses’, he receives contact with the psychologists, who come to visit him, some of whom accept him completely, because they feel that this is the only solution and the answer to thousands of problems.
Now these scholars can get lectures from Jeus.
Mental health inspectors come to visit him and love the book, others declare him insane; but that is their own business, Jeus thinks, sooner or later they will have to accept all of this anyway, and they will also be faced with these laws.
There are some that say: ‘You are a master, Jeus!’
And that is the way it is, he is already a master, but not yet a cosmically aware one, which Master Alcar will turn him into.
Later, when we are ready, dear reader, you will also be able to accept him, because you get to know all of this and it is handed to you by Jeus.
But now what?
Master Alcar leaves with him for the Temple of the Universe in the third sphere, in order to open him there to the reality.
Jeus first saw in London, along with Master Alcar, that he had lived there and was an astronomer, that Master Alcar is Anthony van Dyck and they were friends!
These are miracles to him; he now gets to know Master Alcar!
From there, they leave for the third sphere and he experiences the origin of the universe, seen as a technical miracle.
We have those Temples in which you can experience every law created by God.
Each invention which you possess on earth, came from the spheres of light to the material operation on earth, every wisdom, art, everything which gives you development and expansion, consciousness, was born on the other side and then materialized!
Master Alcar now takes Jeus to the Moon.
The Moon is the first Cosmic Grade of Life and the Mother of this universe.
The Moon bore all of God’s life; she is the All-mother of this universe, of which the Sun is the father.
If you see this universe in which you live, as a father and mother, you will also get hold of it and the whole of this vastness will be open to your life!
But science does not yet know that, but Jeus searched for it, and thousands along with him, but went to pieces in that life!
Jeus does not yet know who he is, and that will also come later.
Now he lives with his master in the universe, the laws for Divine Creation are explained to him, reincarnation of all of God’s life!
He has to deal with journey after journey on earth.
He saw that, and people on earth know that: the Moon is dead, dying; she has already completed her task for God and all creation.
He is walking on the Moon, asking questions, getting replies from his master; Jeus goes to the cosmic consciousness!
The ‘Great Wings’ expand, he is almost able to carry a universe, but first he has to prove on earth that he is able to carry it.
He sees grade after grade and he experiences the laws for the materialization of, for man, animal, and Mother Nature, brought by the Moon as mother to materialization.
Do you feel, dear reader, in what laws he is living now?
Who of the earth could have experienced this before him?
Are you familiar with his trilogy: ‘The Origin of the Universe’?
Then I do not need to say anymore about it now.
But the Moon and every law of life now speaks to his personality.
He now knows how mighty Master Alcar is.
Jeus can now say: ‘this universe belongs to me.’
What he experiences is not insanity, but the sacred truth.
He knows why the Moon has so many craters, he sees it, he knows because of which she has started dying and why Mother Earth is not yet at that stage.
He experiences millions of laws and grades of life of evolution.
Now that we go back to earth, at least Master Alcar and Jeus, I cannot go with them yet, I must be patient, the real fight for his wisdom begins, he now has to prove what he can do and what he can give.
We begin to write immediately, because of this he cannot think, I mean, deal with all of this for himself, that will come later.
Since we are recording all of this, he remains in the universe, and he no longer lives on earth.
But that will have to change, of course, or he will not feel his material life anymore.
And he has to feel that, or we will be undermining his hold on the earth.
Jeus was with Master Alcar at Golgotha.
Now what he learned as a child comes to the foreground, he is standing at Golgotha and experiences Christ.
He succumbs there, he collapses, he weeps like he did as a child, until his tears run dry.
Jeus now begins with something else; he begins to help to carry Christ, which everyone will experience when the life of God enters the spheres of light.
Only when a person understands Christ and gets to know his own laws, will the acceptance, bowing, conquering this universe begin and as a person we will be faced with our own evolution!
Golgotha tells him all of that.
The shock, which he experienced before, is now consciousness for him; but he still collapses totally!
At Golgotha he is beaten by this misery, he is starting to understand the life of Christ and feels how awe-inspiringly wrong the bible is!
The origin of the universe shows him the bible.
The bible begins its narration, when creation was already millions of years old.
Jeus sees that the writers of the bible started with nonsense! The laws explain that to him.
It is all lies and cheating!
God did not create people from some clay and some breath of life, we people and all life were born in the waters, in those waters we got to accept the first life and that was embryonic.
He has already experienced those laws and seen their reincarnation!
He feels differently towards Christ than a person of Mother Earth, Jeus sees that millions of people live in a state of untruth, people just tell them any old nonsense!
And he serves for that purpose!
He is receiving the wisdom for that purpose!
My God, then a minister is spiritually poor!
They do not know You!
Jeus can see that and he gets to experience Divine truth!
Where are the great people of the earth now that we have developed Jeus so far?
What does Dante hope to achieve against him?
All of them can now get lectures from him.
Master Alcar has already proved that.
Jeus has surpassed those great people; they will never catch up with him on earth.
Never, because the masters keep going further and take him back to the All-source!
Jeus is now walking around The Hague and can say: I was really on the Moon and I got to know the planets; but he is careful enough to materialize those words, he knows that people will laugh behind his back.
They do not understand the cosmic value of his wisdom.
However, we have recorded the ‘Universe’ in three and a half months.
This year four books must be published, that is just possible before Adolf begins, and it is necessary, if we want to take care of thousands of people in that time.
Now that he is released, the real fight for the earth begins.
He now has to prove what he can do, we have to give him his freedom, and it means, he must feel the earth, experience it under his feet, we cannot make an astral personality of him there, because then we will be forgetting that Jeus still lives on earth.
The material world now remains behind, his body becomes exhausted, and that will be a complete breakdown, because the soul as a spirit is far ahead of the body!
Now one of them remains alive and is powerful, but that will break the other one, there is no longer any harmony.
Jeus now has to start reliving, so he has to master these journeys in the material.
No one who sees him knows that he has already become a universally aware person.
Only when he speaks, when he lets his consciousness sparkle in his eyes, can you see that he has become a wonderful personality.
And this is the way it is!
Jeus has got to know Divine reality.
What Master Alcar teaches him is not any old nonsense!
It is now for him a case of: ‘conquer or die, insane or universally aware!’
What do you want, Jeus?
What will we do?
‘Mental Illnesses’ has already gone to the printers, we write and gradually release him, and he now has to experience the wisdom consciously in his body.
We are now faced with this, we have come this far, and Jeus has to accept that, no one on earth can help him!
Jeus does not feel any ground under his feet and that has to come back, or we will soon be faced with the physical halt.
Do you know that in ancient Egypt and other temples thousands of priests succumbed under the burden of the wisdom they obtained?
Only the East is capable of telling your life what Jeus of mother Crisje is now faced with, because they also wanted to get to know these laws, but never received that development.
I have already told you why not!
And the following books, which are to come, will explain these laws.
What does Jeus of mother Crisje hope to achieve with regard to the universe?
However, he has to conquer the universe!
We still have a few months, but in that time the miracle must take place, he has to succeed or ... he will succumb.
If he succeeds, he may soon go to Vienna again with his wife Anna in order to have a rest and relax, for which ‘Grinzing’ is suitable.
We will watch over him and make sure that Jeus is not taken by the universe away from the earth by surprise, but we also have to make sure that he starts reliving.
If the universe gets a grip of his life, then it could happen that the life blood suddenly flows over his lips and the girl from Vienna can say: now Jeus is completely dead to the world, I have lost him, because his nerves could not call their own halt to those powers and forces, which we already talked about in the ‘second part’ and we are now getting to experience.
So Master Alcar must leave him, he has to place Jeus consciously on his own two feet, if Jeus wishes to master the wisdom of space in his body.
Only then can he say: ‘now it is my possession, the universe lies in my hands, I carry it under my heart.’
We are writing and healing, but at the same time, we are fighting to overcome all these laws.
Jeus has started reliving.
One morning, he is busy shaving, he falls to the floor without warning, and an angina attack has got hold of him and taken him by surprise.
The masters are there, Master Cesarino’s right hand is also there, and lives in him.
It is Dr. Frans, a medical professor during his life on earth, now a cosmically aware person, he follows the angina attack in Jeus.
Due to this consciousness, it is obvious, due to the knowledge of the material organs and blood circulation, Dr. Frans performs miracles, so that Jeus first beats his heart fiercely and says: just wait!
I also still have something to say.
Do you want to start refusing when I have not nearly finished my work?
The masters follow him, I see that Jeus is not a scaredy cat, Betje, Master Alcar is proud of him!
The angels in the heavens follow this process, millions of masters want to help him, but cannot do anything, nothing at all for our Jeus, because it is he who controls this and has to overcome it.
Jeus has not been able to cope with the tension.
Pale-faced, beaten by the universe, he scrambles to his feet, pours tea for the girl from Vienna, who cannot see anything of all this, or experience it; he brings her a delicious drink.
Does she see something after all?
Yes, she sees something and asks why he looks so pale.
It is cold there, he says, there is nothing else.
Believe me, they would have had to take anyone else to hospital immediately.
The spiritual doctors relax his heart-muscle, Jeus can carry on again, but this was a sensitive blow, he feels tired for a while; but he leaves to visit his patients.
Jeus of mother Crisje shuffles along through the streets of The Hague and he is as if he feels, broken inside and outside!
He continues to look pale, she asks if there is something the matter. He says that there is nothing the matter, nothing!!
What could it be?
She continues to follow him, but by the afternoon the masters do something else and his normal circulation returns, he is still not completely well, there could be another little knock.
Yes, that hit home, Jeus saw that the left side of his lip was dangling, it was squint, the familiar symptom. However, that was put right, by giving the nerves a mystical massage, the laws of which we are familiar with; and which were already accepted then as a cosmic benevolence in ancient Egypt, but it was mostly received by the dignitaries of the priests.
At those times we brought new life to princes and princesses, through the mystical massage they experienced the paradise-like feeling of it, and it is a blessing in a league of its own, knowledge of soul, life and spirit is needed for that!
You must know how all that works, or you will not affect the life, which could now be given to Jeus through Dr. Frans and you see, his left cheek and lip returned to normal and as a result of this they received new life.
Jeus was not afraid, he wouldn’t mind leaving, of course, but he first wanted to finish his task.
Three days later he gets to experience the second blow, but this one is more intense than the first one, he is lying there again and his left side is completely paralysed.
Poor Jeus, Crisje, is crawling through the kitchen, flatly refuses to moan, they must not hear him there, the fear for the life which belongs to you is much worse than the actual cause or the event.
He learned that, they cannot help you anyway, and now make it much worse.
Some blood passes his lips, but the masters are now in him as well and also take care of this blow.
A moment later he crawls through the kitchen, stands up, walks for a bit, hits his stiff leg, kicks, rolls on his back, feels around him, the masters do the rest. He makes his way to the bedroom, cup of tea in hand.
“How pale you are.
Is it really cold there?”
“I think so, but here is your tea.
Just stay in bed for a while, I’ll be leaving in a minute, you know, I have to be at my patient early.”
She must not see him there in the light.
Nevertheless, people notice something.
Are you not doing too much?
Are you not well?
Not me, I never do too much, I am always well, and I feel on top of the world.
What did you notice about him, Mrs G.?
Have you heard anything from him?
Then you would just have worried, and that must not happen.
But it was your Master Dr. Frans, who gave you thousands of pieces of proof, who also moved a muscle and nerve for you and gave you new life, who took care of Jeus.
The only after-effect Jeus will have from this, and which will show up in a few years’ time, is that this muscle will tire quickly and nothing more can be done about it!
The only physical thing he has to accept is that he will no longer be able to run as fast, and if that is all, he and the masters will have no complaints.
If war had not come, Jeus would not have had to starve either,his body could have recovered with good care and healthy food, and for which, if you can accept it, seven years are needed!
But, we have to carry on!
It is these two knocks which show that wisdom is forcing him to meditate, is forcing him to begin, is forcing him to relive things and to experience the mastering in a conscious way.
Writing and healing is not such heavy work, but it is carrying the wisdom in his body which finishes him off, destroys him, wants to break him.
Do you understand now why Master Alcar wanted him to do sports in his youth?
But we will die, however, if Jeus could not have done that, the hells and the heavens would already have destroyed him long ago; but his soul, spirit and material are prepared and can cope with the knocks.
Now Moon, Sun, planets, and stars want to overpower him.
What the laws for insanity were not yet able to do, the universe now does!
If this had been everything, then it would have been nothing, but now he can no longer eat.
Do you sense why not?
He can no longer tolerate food, no longer digest it and you should now know, even as a doctor, you will probably still make a wrong diagnosis.
You think of this reaction, this event, but it is not that at all.
It is because Jeus no longer lives on earth, those phenomena are also correct, and now his spirit can no longer stand that material.
He now refuses to eat, because he is no longer able to do it.
This will now be our destruction.
This is the worst thing that can happen to us, and which now overcomes him.
No, he has not been able to eat for years now, and has flatly refused to eat well, because meat makes him sick, but he still needs it.
Yes, vegetarian, Master Alcar now descends into his body and has ordered something nice for himself from the girl from Vienna, now Master Alcar can also look after his body as well.
The master now eats, Jeus cannot, and he has to!
Jeus spits out the food, because his spirit, his personality, is completely separate from the material!
He does not really live anymore as a person on earth, he has become a spiritual personality; you can see, his body also adjusts to it, tunes into the consciousness.
But that is dangerous!
This is the most dangerous thing that exists for him and us.
You know, also Ramakrishna, Pythagoras, and thousands of others, great people that is, experienced this fight.
It concerns, no longer eating and still remaining alive.
And this means, if you no longer eat; you can live on water and wind, however, then you have to accept that you will no longer be able to do this work of Jeus in this society.
You can now have a nice seat or rest, there is also something else, but all these possibilities also tell you which task you are carrying out for space, what you mastered yourself and how your consciousness is with regard to the universe!
These are the occult laws!
Of course, we know it, you can remain alive from water and wind, but thousands of laws now have meaning for your life.
There are thousands of possibilities, which lay down, which force you to do this and not to act like that, if you want to keep going in society.
Yes, of course, Ramakrishna was taken care of by his pupils, carried; Jeus by nothing!
When Ramakrishna returned to the earth from his trip in the astral world, believe me, this is the truth, he could not utter a word for about ten or fourteen days, he could not get the words over his lips, and he still wanted to try that, he had to, after all, his life blood flowed over his lips.
The master was lying there, and his pupils could weep.
But, what has Jeus of mother Crisje to do?
He has to talk immediately after his journey and behave completely normal; just be!
Or, did I not tell you that, the girl from Vienna will have no life anymore, and would she be married to a spirit.
Jeus and Jozef will take care of that, after all, for André, won’t they?
On top of that, Jeus has to write his own books.
Did Ramakrishna write his own books and carry out all that heavy work?
Later on, Vivekananda and the others did that.
He couldn’t do that, he had other things to do, but Jeus has to take care of everything, he has to do everything alone, where will he get his help?
My God, he begs day in day out, if I could only get my disciples, healthy young people, men and women, who possess the feeling to do something for humanity. If so, then I could experience space and let them do something, give something, as a result of which they get their own universe within themselves.
But he is completely alone!
However, as a result of this, the body has to go along!
Master Alcar can do that, even if that is a terrible torture for him; he has to!
Now we see that Jeus eats and drinks for fifty per cent and keeps himself alive.
But through the masters.
And that is not everything either!
My God, Jeus, what will happen?
Crisje now prays a lot for him, sends him everything that is within her.
The life of God begins to talk to his life.
Could it be any other way?
Ramakrishna also experienced that.
As did the ancient Egyptians, the ‘Great Winged Ones’ among them experienced that and had to accept, but now Jeus has to prove who is in charge.
Sun and Moon, flower and plant, the waters speak to his personality.
If the life of God ever starts speaking to you, if you hear that and we have to master it in the spheres, only then will you get the cosmic consciousness. Every grade of life will draw you as a person to their own existence and of course out of your consciousness.
Jeus is now faced with that.
The phenomena that he cannot eat, are therefore natural, they are part of it.
If they were not there, Jeus would not be a universal person.
However, those phenomena draw him away from the earth as a personality.
And what will happen now?
Jeus wants to get out of it; he wants to leave the earth and is now faced with suicide.
He can step out of his body; he will get to know that soon, because Master Alcar has already brought his actual mission to earth!
Now he is no longer a person of the earth, but a person of the astral world.
Space rips him to pieces, all life calls to him:
‘Just come, Jeus, do not stay there any longer, you do not belong there.
Come to us, we understand you, we love you, we know your life.’
And that goes on day in day out.
The smallest insect calls that to him; and if Jeus will make it through this, well, then Jeus will get hold of the cosmic consciousness and have it under his heart, because now all the life of God will be able to speak to him and life will explain to him where it was born and where it belongs and where it is going!
That will then be the crown on his head!
He now gives everything for that, we do as well!
Jeus can hardly think anymore, he is bursting inside.
One evening, he has seen a good film, which moved him, he runs away from home, he wants to put an end to his life, he can no longer cope with life on earth.
Jeus wanders in the direction of the port of Scheveningen.
Alone. However, the whole of the universe is following him, all the spheres of light are watching Jeus, millions of angels know what is going to happen to Jeus if people can no longer reach him.
Miets, the Tall One, and also Irma, see where he is going; if he cannot overcome this, he will soon come to the other side and enter the spheres of light.
He has nothing more to do with the laws for suicide.
Jeus has already got ‘life and death’ in his hands, he came back to earth from the spheres of light, he is not there for his karma or to make up for something, but to bring something.
And that is now present!
However, there is a gain to be experienced and he will soon get to know that as well.
When he reaches the port, the water talks to him and says:
“André, I am your mother, you were born in me and you got to know my laws.
Come to me, throw yourself into my arms, André.”
Jeus looks into the water, he does not know anymore that he still lives on earth, and wants to jump.
But suddenly he is looking into the eyes of his highest master, Cesarino, and Dr. Frans, who appear in the water and in this way pick up his gaze, thoughts, and feelings.
Jeus hears:
“André, what are you going to do?”
The masters no longer talk about Jozef, it is André who has to experience these laws, but we go through Jeus of mother Crisje to further the work.
Jeus sees the masters, the masters now get the chance to keep him upright, and he may not lose the quay from under his feet.
If he falls, then he will drown within five minutes, because his personality consciously feels the birth of and in the water inside him and completely gives in to that mother of space.
Suddenly Dr. Frans rises out of the water and draws Jeus to him, they talk to each other; it is no longer a question of Master Alcar, but of space.
His master was completely powerless in this situation!
If Christ had been needed to save Jeus, then HE would also have come to him, but the highest masters from the seventh sphere manage to get him to that stage.
Jeus actually awakens by the lighthouse.
On the Boulevard, leaning against that iron gate, he talks to his masters.
Then he stares across the great waters into the night, lit up by the light from the lighthouse.
What is that, over there?
He sees as far away as the eye can see, and there out of the darkness an illuminated cross.
And that cross comes alive.
That cross means something to him.
Suddenly, Jeus collapses.
He collapses materially; because he has now been hit by Golgotha.
So after all; something that even masters cannot control, and a part of Christ appears to his life.
That is the third time in his life that he has come into contact with Christ.
It means something to him, he gets up, he knows that Christ gave everything for humanity, and he can understand that.
The illuminated cross gives him strength, he rises, hits the universe right in the face, and calls out:
“Sun, Moon and stars, do you want me to succumb?”
However, that will not happen!
From this moment onwards, a strength has entered him, which knows how to call out the halt.
Dr. Frans knows, also Master Alcar, we have got through it.
Only a few months ago, I am talking about that for the first time, he spoke to Christ, person to person.
It concerned a patient.
He wanted to die for that life, because he saw such a happy marriage, he wanted to give all of himself for it.
The patient would return to health, and he would go to ‘the coffin’.
There was no other choice for him.
Christ had said: ‘Anyone who can lose himself will receive Me.’
Well, Jeus wanted to lose himself for his patient, he did not even think of asking for Christ, but Christ said that, and that was what mattered.
He surpasses Master Alcar; he must have Christ.
Either everything will be nonsense, or Christ has to hear him, he is fighting for the good.
For months on end, he fights against Christ.
If Christ does not come, we will stand still; we will be powerless, because Jeus is now fighting for all or nothing!
And when everything was over, the man had to die anyway, Christ appeared before his life and spoke to Jeus; avowed him on earth, in his room, where it was about, and Jeus could give in to everything.
Jeus had loved his patients so much, and he did his work so well, that he wanted to die for all those children.
But that should not happen.
However, he got to experience, see, and speak to Christ through this fight, he could carry on and Master Alcar got him back!
Jeus is standing on the Boulevard, he hears somebody from The Hague shouting that she needs him.
“Can you hear that, Jeus”, Dr. Frans says, “they need you there.”
“Yes, master, I can hear it.
I will go there tomorrow morning.”
You see, Jeus already has his task in his hands again.
Now, with the masters next to him, Master Alcar on the left, and Master Dr. Frans on the right, who made himself known under this name on earth at Mrs G’s, but who also possesses a spiritual name, accompany Jeus as he walks up to his hips through the waters of the North Sea, which does him good, and as a result of which he defies the life, Mother Water.
Just try coming into my heart and life again if you dare.
He runs on nearly as far as Katwijk, but then he has to go back, he comes home and a moment later he rushes off to the woman who called him and where he has something to put right.
Burning fire shoots from his life, he is inspired, universally conscious.
Jeus, you have conquered your work and your life.
Now he is back on earth with both feet firmly on the ground, he carefully carries on.
We will send the first part to the printers’, it is spring, and soon he will have to have a little break.
But that money is not there.
Master Alcar continually makes sure that there is money, if he wants to leave for Vienna with the girl from Vienna. That money will first have to be earned.
And this is also possible.
Wolff paints for a while.
Another astral personality now makes spiritual paintings.
Jeus possesses ‘Love’ (a painting which he received) ... a cross with flowers.
Master Alcar tells him that he will sell this piece for two hundred and fifty guilders.
A lady is lying at home resting.
Suddenly she gets to experience a vision, like Andre’s mother, of her father who has passed away.
The father shows her the painting and immediately says: ‘go to Jozef Rulof and buy it.’
The lady knows which painting it is and Jeus is expecting her.
Four days later the doorbell rings, the lady is standing in front of him and is looking round.
That is the piece which she saw, that is of her father.
She buys it. Now, Jeus, just go and buy your tickets, there is money for the train and in Vienna they are sure to spoil you.
We are going with you!
He has certainly deserved four weeks’ holiday.
That does him good.
When we come back, we will immediately sit down at the typewriter.
In Vienna he made wonderful predictions; he saw the whole of Vienna in mourning.
Yes, your Dolfus was murdered.
Somewhere in the park, in the centre of Vienna, he sees that bombs are being thrown.
That is right!
He says that a woman had been killed at this spot.
That is also true.
Master Alcar tells him, make sure that you leave Vienna as quickly as possible.
Jeus has just gone when Vienna is closed off.
Yes, Adolf Hitler is going to start something.
Jeus knows that he will soon annexe the Saar area, we have connected him to the life of Hitler, but I will talk about that later, when we come to the next books.
‘The Origin of the Universe’ and ‘Mental Illnesses’ are published within one year.
Four books were written within four months.
Now he has received some help, or we would not have made it.
And this, dear reader, is the end of his task.
This is the message, the actual one which Master Alcar has to bring to earth.
All of this is in order to be able to take care of people during what will now happen.
Many people have read ‘The Cycle of the Soul’, they have been guarded against suicide, many Jewish children will soon be gassed; and yet, because they have read ‘The Cycle of the Soul’, they do not commit suicide, they have learned through me.
I showed them my life and misery, because I also put an end to my own existence in that life.
Adolf now begins to rear his ugly head.
But, Jeus departs from his body, he may, you will certainly not believe it, now die.
He can also remain on earth for years, but the work for his master is finished.
What does Jeus do?
What is his decision?
He has conquered the ‘universe’, but he is not yet a cosmically conscious person.
Is this the end?
Master Alcar explains to Jeus why he came to the earth and was able to receive as master through the University of Christ, in order to pass all of that on to humanity.
People read the books, spiritual wisdom has now been brought to earth, Jeus of mother Crisje brought it from that world through his master to humanity.
Jeus departs from his body in order to meditate about it on the other side.
Chaos comes to the earth, a terrible misery, Europe will soon be on fire, and yet again, people do not know why all of this has to happen.
Can God not intervene then and assure peace and goodwill on earth?
God is Omniscient, after all!
However, God does nothing; neither does Christ?
Do the masters not work for and through Christ?
What do the churches bring; what do the churches do on earth?
They take the child of God to damnation!
Christ said: ‘love thy neighbour!’
The masters say: ‘love thy neighbour!’
A person has peace and goodwill in his hands, but he does not understand the life.
The masters have already explained those laws through Jeus of mother Crisje for a part, but what Jeus has received are still only spiritual crumbs!
Jeus is walking in the first sphere, he sees people, he looks at the magnificent buildings, which he was able to enter with his master, however, neither Miets, or the Tall One or the others he knows are allowed to visit him now, he is faced with this decision alone.
This is the mercy of the masters, given to Jeus, for everything which he experienced and wanted to serve in all those years and since childhood.
He may die tonight, the fluid cord will break if he comes to this decision.
However, he thinks of the girl from Vienna, of the poverty of spirit on earth, they need him there and he can be a support to thousands of people.
But, try comparing this life to the material life?
There is peace, quiet, love, here, where he lives there is harmony and that is eternal.
Jeus meditates, the night passes, and he has not reached a decision.
He departs from his body again, but only the third departure gives him the feeling and the knowledge: he will continue there!
Master Alcar immediately leaves with him for ancient Egypt, the Temple of Isis.
It is there that he sees himself as the priest, Dectar.
In one night he experiences that life, and can experience and follow the Temple of Isis; he now knows, that he had wanted to achieve masterhood there, but never got to that height.
The following morning we begin with that beautiful book ‘Between Life and Death’!
The life story of the Priest Dectar in the Temple of Isis, the life of Jeus in ancient Egypt!
Even before Adolf Hitler invaded Poland, we had finished the nine books and are now carrying on.
However, when Jeus got to know the laws of insanity, Master Alcar brought him to Adolf Hitler, and he saw for what purpose that life was on earth.
As early as 1936 Jeus sees what Adolf Hitler wants.
Hitler tells him that he will soon annexe the Saar area, and he also tells him who he is from the past.
Adolf Hitler is an open book to Jeus, he knows that life and consciousness!
Jeus sees him as a consciously insane person.
He is able to give people those predictions in 1936; he feels that Hitler is working for evil, and he for good!
Jeus sees all of that again during his meditation in the first sphere.
It is because of this that he feels what will soon be in store for him if his master goes continually further.
The fact that Hitler will set fire to Europe is the inspiration for him to provide Europe with spiritual food, which ‘Between Life and Death’ is a part of.
It now no longer concerns one person; it now concerns Golgotha!
A person on earth does not want to awaken through a prayer, a terrible war is needed for that, and Jeus sees, it is still God’s gain.
The masters serve for Christ, so does he!
Even before Adolf invades your country, ‘Between Life and Death’ is published, and that book is hugely popular.
Now that there is trouble ahead, people want to read more.
Jeus now understands that if he had lived in 1600 and something, the church would have destroyed him, they would also have burned him at the stake.
However, that is no longer possible in this century.
People got to know Jeus, he is the only writer in Europe, and soon for the world, who writes such books, he is the instrument for the University of Christ.
Now the masters reach unity.
In the seventh sphere, believe me, dear reader, the masters have come into contact with the Divine ALL.
Christ tells them what has to happen on earth.
The head, the ‘Mentor’ of this University, which comprises the whole universe, and is ‘Christ’, descended from the ALL to the seventh sphere in order to give the masters who will help Mother Earth Divine Providence.
Christ and the masters know that people in general do not seem to awaken through good, other than through a terrible war.
From this moment onwards, the masters are behind the peoples of Israel. (This does not refer to the land of Israel, but the House of Israel. The House of Israel is the house to which everyone belongs, who believes in one God and loves everything which lives.)
They are inspired, receive their knowledge through that universal inspiration, because it goes against the evil of the earth.
The good must prepare itself.
It is Master Cesarino and his disciples who have been given this task and for which Jeus of mother Crisje will serve!
It is the order of Christ.
Master Alcar gets the message to analyse the laws of this war and to bring it to earth.
It is Master Alcar who records those laws through Jeus and it happened within a few months.
From this book ‘My Revelations to the Peoples of the Earth’, Jeus knows that Adolf will lose. That is the moment for me to get ready; because I will soon have to write the work.
Now what does Master Alcar do with Jeus?
He visits the leaders of the people of (the House of) Israel, so that Jeus can also give everything for this and he will know in what direction all this is heading.
We have started the wonderful book for the peoples of the earth and will pass on to your life what this dreadful war has brought about.
You will get hundreds of prophets through Jeus, but also at the same time the origin of Divine creation and who spoke to Moses, we are therefore following the bible.
This is the book of Christ!
We could have filled ten thousand pages, but this picture will give you a magnificent overview of the reason and purpose why you, and millions of children of God, live on earth.
Mrs G. now knows why her séances were stopped; now she bows deeply to Jeus and his master, whose laws she did not understand before.
This is human, yet not great, but she will also have to awaken universally.
Jeus is allowed to have a rest.
But, just consider what we achieved in those years.
In those years, we were able to experience ten wonderful books and bring them to earth through Jeus.
And now we will carry on, soon we will start on ‘The Cosmology’, but before we are ready for that, Jeus will also get other books, namely: ‘Spiritual Gifts’, in order to record and analyse the good and the deceit of it, in order to call the charlatans to a spiritual halt.
You have received that up until now through Jeus of mother Crisje!
And now higher up, continually further, in order to conquer the evil on earth, for which Christ came to the earth and gave all of Himself; but that was also sullied!
For Jeus there is no longer any question of succumbing, he has conquered both himself and this universe!
He knows!
He will now receive the highest consciousness of Mother Earth!
Precisely through this war!