Jeus the cosmically aware
Go to the university, become a theologian, what will you be then?
Become a psychologist, study for years, what will you be then?
Become a minister, get to know the bible, what will you know about God then?
Yes, Jeus thinks, how deep are these people, what do they know about soul, life and spirit?
Study for years to become that and you will still be faced with damnation, with a God of hatred and revenge, who lets his children burn for eternity.
What do people on earth know about the soul and its laws of insanity?
Even then, you will still be an unaware person in the spaces of God, because people on earth do not know its Divine attunement.
What do the theosophists and the Rosicrucians know about God?
How deep were Annie Besant and her Krishnamurti, her master?
Jeus now knows that the theosophists cannot represent Christ, they have not laid any foundations for His University, but he will now experience and receive them.
As a result of these journeys he will be able to prove to them how deep they are and what they know about the God of all life.
Millions of children of God live in ignorance.
They look for God and want to get to know Him, visit temples, go to Tibet and Egypt, into one temple after another, but return empty-handed.
People asked Krishnamurti:
“Oh, Krishnay, just tell me, do you know God?
Tell me whether you know Him, I must know, and I come in the name of millions of people.
Give me the word!
In British India, I knelt at the feet of those who call themselves masters.
I determined that they possess less than I do, they sleep, they claim to be Christ, but I cannot accept any of their laws.
Do you live on untruths?
Do I have to accept a person who says: ‘I am Christ?’”
Why did Annie Besant say and think that?
Krishnamurti did not want that. Others say: ‘I am Christ’, but when you ask them to tell you something about the God of all life, they are silent!
Jeus is not silent, he will convince you, he will be omniscient for this space, when we get to know the cosmic laws.
Jeus looks his master and me in the eye and he knows where we are going.
Master Alcar tunes into the first revelations, after which we leave the earth.
The material space dissolves for us, the firmament, in which Sun and Moon, the stars and the planets were allowed to condense their own lives, now lies behind us.
Jeus has already got to know the laws for this.
He will now see how God started the first materialization.
When people of the earth know all of this, eternal peace and quiet will come there, and there will be no more fear of death!
We are one in feeling, from soul to soul.
Jeus is with us and we have already experienced the material laws for this space, we know how Sun and Moon were born, we are prepared.
Who among the great ones of the earth were allowed to experience such a journey?
Did Buddha get to know himself ‘beyond the coffin’?
Rudolf Steiner, Plato, Socrates, perhaps?
Is Dante so deep?
What does Krishnamurti know about this?
We may now connect Jeus with the Omniscience, which was given to Master Alcar.
We know that not a single temple of ancient Egypt has experienced this.
What Jeus will experience, comprises this universe; and since God wants that, we receive this task as astral personalities.
Jeus sees the material light of this space getting dark.
Since we have left the material world, this space dissolves. However, we enter the spiritual world, in order to also leave this world again, because Master Alcar carries on to the first phenomena, as a result of which the material and the spiritual world become rarefied.
Therefore, we first have to go through the material world and then through the spiritual world, if we want to perceive the beginning of creation.
And we know that we can receive the Divine word for ourselves, because the highest masters are following us.
Jeus is now also open to the Divine word.
Master Alcar keeps going further and nothing can stop him.
This entire space knows for what purpose we serve.
Each sphere, each person knows it.
We are serving!
Then we hear it said:
“Carry on, my brothers, go back to the ALL-SOURCE and get to know the God of all life.
We are expecting you!”
A moment later we are told:
“Do you feel what is waiting for you?
Do you believe that the Divine ALL is now inhabited by the child of Mother Earth?
We have completed our material cycle.
Now the laws will be explained to you.”
We now feel ourselves become rarefied.
We know, and we will see that here, the bible begins with untruth.
Jeus floats through this space, because he possesses the ‘Great Wings’.
And we see that it has never been night in this space, as a result of which we can make material and spiritual comparisons for Mother Earth and her children.
Doesn’t the bible say that God made a light for the night and one for the day?
If you wish to understand this, say it to your life on earth, and Jeus can establish that now, how unconscious the authors of the bible still were when they recorded the first of ‘God’s word’; that is to say, received by God.
But that was not God, God never spoke materially!!
The authors of the bible did not even know themselves.
They made a start, in order to tell the people of the earth about a God, but that is contrary to this reality and Jeus of mother Crisje will see that!
And that is under the orders of the Omniconsciousness, the voice of which we were able to listen to just a moment ago.
And that no longer lies!
That cannot cheat us, because we have to experience the laws for the first revelations.
Because of this Mother Earth and her child finally get the Divine truth!
We will therefore carry on until we see the darkness of pre-creation times.
Only then can we record how the materialization started from the ALL-SOURCE.
As a result of this, the God of all life manifested himself.
We have now left the material universe, and went through the spiritual worlds, the spaces for the soul as an astral personality. However, we have to go deeper and further if we want to experience our unity with the Source of all life.
Master Alcar has tuned himself into that, and we now perceive that we are coming behind the light of the Sun and darkness falls.
Jeus now feels a wonderful silence.
He can make material, earthly comparisons and that is necessary.
He now sees that before God started on His revelations, there was no life to be seen.
There was nothing, but there is still the ALL-SOURCE, and out of here this wonderful event will begin.
And then we shall see how all life was born.
We feel that we are receiving the Divine unity; if that was not present, then we would have had to go back and all of this could not have been experienced either by us.
Nevertheless, we receive that unity, because the voice of a Divine conscious being spoke to us, so there is no halt!
From the universe, where the voice came to us, Christ lives there and with Him millions of people, who have already reached that stage.
A Divine envoy will keep on talking to us and convince us of their own consciousness which they have obtained.
Is that not wonderful for Jeus?
This is also a Divine mercy for us, but especially for Mother Earth and her children.
Because they are following us, we are certain.
There is no question of getting lost in this space.
Therefore, this is the Divine inspiration and the word!
As a result of this every doubt has dissolved.
Then they say:
“Just carry on, my brothers.”
And we will do that.
I think about Jeus and ask him inwardly:
“Are you strong enough, Jeus, to experience all of this?”
I immediately get his feelings returned and I know that he will keep on going, that he will give all of himself in order to experience this for the earth.
The silence which we feel tells us that we are approaching the ALL-SOURCE.
And Jeus of mother Crisje lives in this Divine holiness.
It is incredible, but he can see the Divine truth.
Now we begin to think, and ask questions for ourselves, but we are doing that for humanity.
What is life, and what is soul?
We are now in the Divine reality.
We people have become soul, life, spirit, and material.
We first tune into the soul life and have to experience and follow that.
It is true, we people, animal, flower and plant have become life, but through what means and how?
God lives in this, the God of all life, and He is Love!
We now live in the world of before the creation.
Before the creation started, because we see darkness.
From here, through the ALL-SOURCE, Sun, Moon, the stars and planets were born, all life!
If Jeus had not persevered, he would not have conquered himself, then we would not have been able to experience this either, and it is a mercy for our lives, now given to our lives by Jeus.
Can you feel this?
If Jeus had tuned into money, boasting, and all those low feelings on earth, then he would never have been able to experience this and he would have succumbed there on earth.
But Golgotha has revealed itself to his life; he already received those laws as a child.
Now it is serving God!
Master Alcar now says to us, and the lectures begin:
“You see, my brothers, we are in the Divine stage of before creation.
Only God can be felt here!
However, this is the first stage in which everything lives and it is the Primal Source!
This here is the All-soul, the All-life, the All-spirit, and wants to be the All-love!
So who is God?
We will receive and experience these truths.
It is the Omniscience, as a result of which we received this attunement, my brothers. That Omniscience lives in this space and wants to convince us.
All life now, which has brought itself to condensation, through the material laws, got its own independence from this world.
So before God manifested himself, there was only Soul, and that is Life!
We will soon get to know His Spirit and His Personality.”
Jeus now looks through this universe.
He sees this life, but it is an empty world.
It is an immeasurable space in which he lives.
He feels this space and can say: ‘this is plasma!’
It is the Protoplasm, through which everything was born, the Divine Mother!
It is life aura and that aura will manifest itself and materialize, only then will the material revelation begin.
Again we hear:
“Can you feel this, my brothers, and you, my child of the earth?
Soon this life aura will condense and God will appear as a working force.
The ALL-life will therefore manifest itself, spiritualize, and materialize, and you will see the phenomena of it.
It was followed by evolution after evolution, and you have already established that through the materialization, because the universe, the stars and planets were born.
You now live in the All-source , the All-existence of before creation.
This is the Divine Temple, my brothers, in which we live and represent the God of all life.
Since Christ wants that, you will represent God on earth and bring this wisdom to the earth.
Christ gave His life and space for this; He gave everything!
We must also follow and experience Him.
This age, my brothers, is the ‘Age of Christ’!”
The voice stops talking.
Jeus and we have experienced a Divine miracle.
This is the ALL-SOURCE of before creation!
This is the Maternal plasma, Her breath of life.
We can see and feel that!
And it is something entirely different to what you received on earth, as a result of which God said:
‘Let us make man.
From clay and the breath of life.’
However, through these All-maternal forces, this breath of life, everything came about and we will now follow this.
It is tangible plasma!
It is will power and consciousness, because this force knew what would happen.
It is especially sacred love!
Tangible material as soul, spirit and life!
It is a rarefied substance, because the material happening showed itself as a result of this.
Jeus can experience this and he absorbs these laws as force, soul, and life.
We will get to know God in this way.
The very first process comes to our life and consciousness now.
We carry on together and support each other and then everything can be dealt with and borne.
Jeus has now been drawn up into the ALL, along with us; and the conscious ALL follows us, carries our life, we have already experienced that certainty.
Jeus now sees that this space is filled by radiating plasma and that is the Process of gestating of the All-mother!
Therefore, the ALL-SOURCE sends this life through this space .
It is living plasma, it is nothing else, and we establish this.
That aura evolves, we will soon experience and be able to see the next stages.
As a result of this, light enters this space and the spiritual Creation has started!
Through this Gestation we will soon experience the Creation, and we are able to understand it.
We now get to know God, first of all, as Mother, and afterwards as Father!
Due to this gestation, the creation will come forward and it is clear, because we got to know these laws on earth.
Plant your seed in the ground and you can now wait for creation, which is infallibly like this, because you can see that evolution before you as a result of this.
But here we see that for the ALL-SOURCE; it is the ALL-MOTHER!
So because life has to accept its own evolution process, it was expanded, and afterwards, because of its own achieved independence it was handed fatherhood and motherhood!
Here, where we now live, that took billions of eras, before the materialization took place.
We are already capable of making that calculation, and Jeus can follow this process, because we see that this plasma is condensing.
Jeus senses, and sees, that millions of years passed by, before this life was able to materialize itself.
So from the All-consciousness, this life came forward, because this is consciousness!
These are thoughts and feelings!
Because of this, we will soon see its materialization.
But especially as a process and a Divine force, as laws of condensation and later as elemental laws, for which Sun and Moon served, and we will be faced with our materialized universe, in which you live as a human being.
Therefore, what the Bible tells the child of Mother Earth is untrue!
We are capable of calculating that time, until the material laws came forward, because we can follow every condensation.
Jeus sees and senses that millions of ages pass by before this life came to the material stage.
He can now establish that the ALL-SOURCE split itself!
We keep seeing this universe changing and we understand and know why, because this is Divine evolution!
They are also laws and grades of life, because an era represents one grade of life, and only afterwards are we faced with the next moment for this Divine gestation and creation.
It is obvious that we can see God’s Kingdom of Colours as a result of this.
What we were already able to experience at this time is for us and your life: God as Mother and Father, as Soul, Life and Spirit and as the Kingdom of Colours.
And this is Love!
Now Jeus sees that this world has received a beautiful garment, since the ALL-SOURCE sent out those forces as life plasma, we already record a grade of consciousness for the Divine Personality.
After all, this space received light, and that is the God as Light!
Can you feel, dear reader, what you are now connected to?
And that through Jeus of mother Crisje!
Jeus sees that millions of ages passed before this happened.
But because he has already experienced ‘The Origin of the Universe’, he knows that soon this Divine garment, this light as space , will be ripped apart, and we will experience the Divine split!
God as the Light, as Soul, Life, and Spirit, as Father and as Mother that is, divides itself into myriad parts; sparks of His life, and each spark will continue this revelation and therefore represent HIM now, through everything which HE is!
And we will see and experience that wonderful miracle!
Now start making your comparison with your bible and you will feel it, now know, that the beginning is untrue and so many other stories which were given to us on earth.
Now that Jeus sees that this space has got a garment, Master Alcar says to us:
“So this is God as spirit, my Jeus.
Millions of centuries passed, before God could manifest himself as Spirit and we were able to follow here.
Soon, however, you have already experienced this before, space will rip apart and God will split Himself and that will become the mortal universe.
And we will now attune ourselves to that, to observe that moment; because Sun and Moon will continue the laws of God as fatherhood and motherhood, after which we as humans and animals, Mother Nature, could begin with our lives and independence.
Since space has laid those laws in our hands, we could continue our lives, but we were therefore born through God.”
And Jeus sees this universe; he understands it, because he has been able to follow everything.
This lasted millions of centuries, but it came to that point.
The aim is to give all of this to the human being.
That will come.
Because of this, a person represents his God!
The firmament now tears apart, darkness comes, because this universe split itself, and that became this material universe.
Fatherhood for space works and pushes on, Sun and Moon will now come into existence, because God will materialize as Spirit.
We now know that from the ALL-SOURCE the ALL-SOUL, life, could begin to spiritualize and materialize.
Jeus can follow those times of transition, he knows them already, since he has experienced the universe, and we wrote those books.
Now that we were able to follow all of this, Master Alcar connects us to the present material stage, that is the material space in which you live.
We now know how all this came into existence.
God has spiritualized and materialized himself through many evolution processes and you can accept that on earth!
The invisible Divine has materialized itself!
However, since each cell, each body, got its own life, that life has to carry on and will go back to God, the All-conscious stage!
As a result of this, and you can accept that, this universe created another rarefied universe, it became the Fourth Cosmic Grade of life.
The Fourth created the Fifth, the Fifth the Sixth and the Sixth created the Seventh Cosmic Grade of life, which represents the ALL and where Christ now lives with His own people!
We were able to see those seven transitions in which we were present, and therefore now have to accept that your material universe cannot represent the ALL, because life is evolving.
When Jeus has absorbed all of this, Master Alcar continues.
We therefore free ourselves from this universe in order to follow the cosmically Divine event and we will get to know the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life’!
We now therefore follow the development for the universe, but soon, afterwards, on the next journey, we will follow the origin of the human body, the soul and the spirit, also the animal kingdom and the laws for Mother Nature.
But as far as into the consciously Divine ALL, because all of this belongs to the University of Christ!
However, do you feel what Jeus will get to experience?
This universe has created a new garment and that was possible through the Divine evolution!
We therefore see this material universe becoming rarefied.
It is spiritualization!
Sun and Moon created new life.
Stars and planets could give birth and create, because of this we will soon enter that new and next space, which is the Fourth Cosmic Level.
I just have to ask you, what does your minister know about all of this?
What did the great ones of your earth see of these laws?
Did Annie Besant and Blavatsky know anything about this?
No, because they never experienced this height and depth.
No Socrates, Plato, or Buddha, none of them received this, which can only be experienced in your century, and Jeus of mother Crisje serves for this!
We now see that all life is becoming rarefied in the universe.
It is becoming spiritualized!
And we tune into that stage in order to perceive it.
Because we have to go back with and through this life to the conscious ALL!
The Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life is now like the fourth sphere in life after the material death.
You can now make your own comparisons, because Master Alcar has given you the books: ‘A View into the Hereafter’ and you will also get to know these laws.
We will therefore soon enter a material world, which is as rarefied as a spiritual one and yet material!
And we will also learn the same laws there for fatherhood and motherhood, because these laws have not changed.
Life went on.
It is therefore clear and certain, that people of the earth live there, because they are further for your human life than you are.
We will also get to know that there is no question of first, and Master Alcar also explained that through Jeus’ books, and it is clear.
We can therefore orientate ourselves, because we see the laws as space before us, and of which we experience fatherhood and motherhood.
As a result of this man of Mother Earth carried on, because he himself will represent the God of all life.
It tells you that God has placed himself in our hands.
We are therefore Gods!
Life on the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life is therefore more conscious than all the life of your space in which you live as a person.
The higher we go, the more rarefied life is, and that is moreover the spiritual consciousness.
In this space , Jeus sees, there is no night anymore, because this universe is divided differently and is independent.
That means that your universe in which you live is divided in three grades life, and the planets got to carry the systems under their own power.
The Moon now represents the First Cosmic Grade of Life for your universe, Mars the Second, and Mother Earth the Third.
If you now leave there, come ‘beyond the coffin’, possess light, then you will carry on there, I mean, in our astral life, in order to conquer the seven spheres of light and only then will you enter the Fourth Cosmic Grade, the laws of which the books of Jeus will explain to you!
So read ‘The Origin of the Universe’, and you can make your own comparisons!
Jeus of mother Crisje has reached deep admiration.
He can say: ‘I am kneeling at the feet of the Divine masters. We have also mastered those feelings and bow our heads and lives for all these miracles and revelations.’
We have to accept that through this universe another has come into existence.
Since the life evolves for God, that is possible.
Now look at the stars and planets and you will know that there is no Grim Reaper, because this event is evolution!
It is also obvious that we no longer have anything to do with disharmony on the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life.
We live there as a human being in Divine harmony, no people are killed there anymore, also the life of Mother Nature, the animal, has reached this harmony!
We have therefore conquered all our miseries as a person!
And that can be seen and experienced through this more rarefied world, we as people do not feel any different.
The Fourth Cosmic Life Grade created the Fifth, so we can therefore carry on.
What Jeus gets to experience is wonderful and each law now wants to be experienced.
I am only giving you a minuscule part of the picture, but when we return, we will have to record each event, analyse it, and they will become the books for ‘The Cosmology’.
If we analysed everything, we would be faced with a hundred thousand books!
Because the University of Christ is so deep!
We now come into contact with a consciously Divine person, we descend in order to see the planet system of the Fourth Cosmic Grade, and now these laws are explained to us.
We are now walking amongst these people, about whom we know that they were able to conquer every law for your universe and the earth.
We can experience that unity and the masters want that.
Jeus is walking around in the Divine kingdom, but he also knows that we have to go further and further if we want to enter the Divine stage.
And these men and women appear to our lives, we can talk to the highest masters of this universe, it is they who explain their life to us, and the consciousness they obtained!
We get to see here how they die and how they get the following life again.
And all of that is incredibly beautiful, so pure, and conscious, because they experience only harmony and, because of their love, they send out their own light, which they have obtained.
They no longer need technical miracles here, because they levitate themselves, they possess both the material and the spiritual ‘Great Wings’!
If a priest from Tibet can already levitate himself, what will these cosmically conscious beings be like and how will they act?
You can accept all of this, because Jeus sees these laws and possibilities, he gives his life for them!
We have to go back to the Godly-Light, the Godly-consciousness, through worlds of love, and we will enter the following grade of life, which will send us further, and that life must also go higher. It is only behind this that the Godly-conscious Source lives and lies, and we will have reached our Divine end!
Jeus of mother Crisje gets to see and experience all of that, so do we, as astral personalities.
If Master Alcar had not received this task, for which he had prepared himself, if those in the Divine ALL had not wanted us to bring this to the earth and, if all those worlds had not been born, then you can accept for the earth, there would be no life ‘beyond the coffin’.
But we can carry on.
We must carry on in order to go back to God.
However, what we had to experience is now certainty!
For you on earth and for all of us!
The Divine certainty for animal, flower, and plant, for all the life created by God for all life!
And in order to analyse those laws, for soul, life and spirit, fatherhood and motherhood, we will write thousands of books.
And that is God, as Father and Mother, but we were given this as a person, as the highest thing created by Him.
Jeus sees the Divine ALL!
He falls to his knees and gives thanks.
Now he has to prove what he can do. He looks consciously into the ALL and he can see there what he will be like as a consciously Divine being, so do we!
The Divine ALL is inhabited, from here Christ came to the earth.
The universe lies shrouded in a golden haze and it is Divine radiation.
Of course, Jeus cannot find any words to materialize this; however, we will have to explain this so it is understandable to humans.
We now know, God lives in and through everything, which belong to life!
We feel that soon, when we follow the human development, we will be faced with Christ.
However, we now see: man is like God!
This is the image created by God; and not that fumbling carry-on from the bible!
This is not clay and breath of life, but Divine truth, Divine consciousness; we went through the embryonic existence, through millions of worlds in order to go back to this consciously Divine harmony!
And Jeus of mother Crisje knows what he now lives in; he is still capable of thinking like a person of the earth.
And that is also the intention, or nothing would have any meaning.
Now Jeus can say: ‘I am a cosmic master!’
He sees through every dogma, because he has got to know the Divine laws.
There are no frills attached to it, theosophists, Rosicrucians, none!
All of this is reality!
None of you has felt such consciousness, not one person of the earth!
Have you now seen how the masters build up their instruments and how certain that is, if you wish to, and can serve as a person?
Humanity had to cover and conquer millions of eras, before it entered the Divine consciousness.
But we live and see that it is like that.
Man went from planet to planet, from the material worlds to the spiritual, he could go continually further and higher.
Because the God of all life also had to accept the same laws, but as a result of which we got hold of them as people, animals and nature!
Is that creation plan not simple now that we have an overview of everything?
Human Gods live in this space.
Soon, we feel, we will see and meet them; that is impossible now, because we first have to follow the embryonic origin.
However, Jeus is already able to give Divine lectures to the people of the earth, because people have reached the Divine eternity in this, mastered it!
Jeus now knows that he is life, soul, spirit, but above everything, love!
So a person lives on eternally here and has become an inspiration for all life created by Him.
Jeus now knows who Christ is!
And what did Christ want?
Christ could have given all of this to humanity, but they nailed Him to a cross!
What couldn’t the child of the earth have received from Christ?
Jeus of mother Crisje has got to know that, he now knows what Christ meant.
We went through millions of worlds to achieve this and have to go back to the earth.
However, we will come here again and only then will we be faced with the Divine person.
We have to record this on earth, in order to pass it on to your life.
Could Ramakrishna do this, experience this?
No, no one yet from the earth, no one!
This is the very highest and you receive it through the child of mother Crisje!
Master Alcar tells his instrument: “Come on, André-Dectar, we have to go back, and Master Zelanus can begin to record the first journey for ‘The Cosmology’.”
We immediately connect ourselves to the material universe and now see how immeasurably deep your universe is in which you live as a person, because here, in the All-source we see that happening.
So that means that the ALL is present in all the material worlds, and we people have to master those laws of life such as light, life and love, but through fatherhood and motherhood, and that is also possible.
However, Jeus has got to know the universe, the astronomists can now get lectures from him!
And of course, your minister, the Catholic Church and your psychologist, psychiatrist, every spiritual faculty now lies at his feet, no one on earth possesses his consciousness!
What does this mean?
Decide that for yourself. His books will tell you that this is truth!
The first journey has come to an end.
Jeus descends into his body and says to his master:
“I will give my life for this, Master Alcar.”
“And we, my Jeus, we will give everything, everything, for these Divine revelations.
Try to deal with everything, Jeus.”
“Yes, my master. I promise you.
I will do my best.”
“Then everything will be fine, Jeus, and we will soon go further.
Master Zelanus can now begin.
All of this is the ‘Introduction for the human Cosmology’, for the child of Mother Earth.”
We say goodbye to Jeus, but continue to follow and inspire him.
He is immediately materially awake and begins to think.
Now he can say: ‘Girl from Vienna, people of the earth, I have seen and was able to experience the Divine ALL.
I do not receive cosmic consciousness, but divine, about which I know, of course, that I still have to master millions of spaces.
But, I now know who God is!
How God manifested himself and how He started His revelations.
I now know where the lies and the untrue inhumanity for the earth received consciousness, when the authors of the bible started to think.
Stop talking about your last judgement!
Stop telling the people of the earth that God damns!
Stop, ministers, priests of the Catholic Church, throwing people into eternal flames, where no progress is possible; that is nonsense!
This, what I was allowed to observe, is the Divine truth!’
In the name of all the life of God, in all spaces, Jeus of mother Crisje received his dedication.
The very first, but Divine dedication, because he came back to the earth consciously, as a result of which I am able to record these Divine facts through his life!
He now knows that no one understands him.
And he will not talk about it either for the time being, only his disciples will get to hear about it.
At about half past twelve that day, I begin to record all of this.
Jeus devotes himself to it and in a few days’ time this journey is on the earth, and has been materialized.
Wrapped in blankets, we are sitting there, there is no heat, but a Divine fire burns in us.
The first pages roll off the typewriter, we have started, Master Alcar.
Although Jeus is weakened materially, we will work until we can no longer carry on, and he will experience that.
I record everything in telegram style, later the actual analysis will come and we need time; the work requires peace and quiet, love and happiness.
And none of that can be experienced on the earth now.
As long as Jeus can go on his journeys, we can carry on.
We are ready for that, Master Alcar will soon be able to carry on.
Jeus now starts to meditate, he must deal with all of this on earth and in his body, only then will it be his obtained wisdom, but as a result of which he will change!
You undoubtedly feel it; he is now flying consciously to the cosmic consciousness!
When he walks alongside the water in order to visit his friends, Mother Water calls to him: “And, Jeus, have you already written my name in the ALL?
So you are back.”
“Yes, mother, I am back, but I will do that during the following journey.”
When he talks to the life, that happens within himself.
If he was to materialize one thought, then he would be on the verge of insanity, and that must not and may never happen.
This is therefore the unity from soul to soul, the unity with all life, through experiencing and feeling it, after which the conversation follows.
And Master Alcar has also taught him that, and we received our Cosmic consciousness because of this.
We now only have to tune ourselves to the life and it will speak to our inner life and consciousness!
Jeus experiences long conversations with the life of God and I will record that in ‘The Cosmology’, as a result of which you as a person will be able to experience and follow the laws, but especially, because you will now feel how wonderful your life as a person can be, and it means that you still have to master those laws.
That is also amazing for your life.
We will show you through this that God lives in everything and you have to master it.
The fact that Jeus gets to experience and deal with life in the material, and that he can listen to all life and can hear those voices, is our spiritual possession, and the highest masters want to pass it onto your life.
Jeus keeps reaching unity with Mother Water and then you experience Divine unity as a person.
One miracle follows another, and it is Divine mercy, happiness, peace, and love!
Anyone who met him in those days, did not feel anything, but if he looked that person in the eye, it could be seen how radiantly deep he has become.
And when that life and consciousness speaks to your life, you think you hear God, the life and consciousness of Jeus of mother Crisje has become so real and supernatural.
What will he be like then, when we have experienced these Divine journeys?
But he still lives between the V2’s, he suffers hunger and need, but about which he now knows, that the greatest things came into existence as a result of this. A person living in luxury and happiness, will not receive this, cannot deal with this, so this is also a part of it for Jeus.
He now feels that his Divine wisdom is just as heavy as the misery created by Adolf Hitler, and for Jeus it means that this period of time helps to carry him.
When people possess their happiness again, have everything they want, that heaviness will be gone and their lives will be open to something else.
Can you feel this?
Because of the serious situation in which he lives, spirit and material come together and he can deal with his Cosmology.
Which he clearly understands!
Within a few days we are ready.
Master Alcar is waiting.
When Jeus has dealt with all of this, we will immediately go on a journey again and will now get to know the human being who started his materialized life from the embryonic stage.
That will be the next journey, which will begin on the Moon and end in the Divine ALL.
Only then will Jeus know that a person is God!
The strangest thing of all is, the more terrible it becomes on earth for people, the easier it is for us, because Jeus feels spiritually released through this material misery.
The more miserable it becomes for people, the deeper we descend into the divine laws and it is heaviness, this wisdom crushes you to pieces. However, because millions of people live in terrible misery, Jeus can cope with his world and he feels, he experiences it, because that bustling and riotous happiness on earth is not there now.
If you can feel this, you will understand that you will not be able to bear God alone on earth amongst the happiness of millions of people, and yet, later Jeus has to accept this.
For now it is a help to him, soon, when people on earth have everything again, he will have to bear and deal with what he is learning alone. He feels and understands that clearly, but it is his material help for now.
In clear language: you can twist a person round your little finger but that will soon no longer be possible.
Now Jeus can unburden himself of everything, soon he will no longer be able to, and he will also experience that, and will have to accept it.
Meanwhile, we have come so far that he has dealt with everything, has talked to tree, flower, animal, and plant, now Master Alcar can carry on.
Jeus is ready for the next journey.
This evening he will leave his body again, it took him ten days to deal with the first one.
And the ‘Introduction to the Cosmology’ is on earth!
When he has arrived ‘beyond the coffin’, he hears his master saying: “Come, my brothers, we will leave and go straight to the Moon.”
If you know ‘The Origin of the Universe’, you will now be able to follow us, but you will immediately establish that Master Alcar goes even deeper now.
Jeus is now showered with wisdom.
He would not wish to miss this for the world.
And that is understandable, because he has already become a Prince of this space and he is preparing for the next worlds.
In this way, his crown will change, and we will put that crown on his head.
The stars and planets will speak to him.
Not the water of the earth, but they are seas of life; he will also get to know their laws.
We have made it in a short time and Master Alcar begins the first analysis; he tunes into the embryonic life.
The planets come into being and we learn about the Moon, we see it, we have to accept; it is the Mother of the planetary system.
Jeus sees that miracle, he is one with the origin of the Moon. However, we begin from the astral cosmos, so we follow the soul of this wonderful macro-cosmic body as mother!
I already told you, Sun and Moon represent God as father and mother, and we can now follow these laws.
The Moon also has to split itself.
God not only wanted it, but he laid that decision in the hands of Moon and Sun.
Because of this we get to see and take hold of our human independence, also animals and Mother Nature, therefore flower, plant, your dog and cat, all life.
That therefore means when a person was connected to the earth as a soul, she was already millions of centuries old and she had already had billions of lives.
So Sun and Moon continue what God did and could do for eternity, and a new continuance emerged.
Because of the split of the Moon as mother, every spark now received everything from her, because she was also born from and through God.
Each spark from her now possesses Divine attunement, possesses everything, which we had to follow on our last journey and have analysed for the child of the earth.
Do you understand, person of the earth, how wonderful all of this is, and yet how simple?
That is the truth, and it can be seen.
We are now following the first material stage for the human embryonic life.
We people therefore got control of our own independence, because God manifested himself.
And that is an entirely different matter from the terrible bible story, which is contrary to reality.
Because Jeus sees the process for his and your life, he can follow it all.
That is why I asked you at the beginning of this chapter: what are you if you are a theologian, become a minister, or are a psychologist for the earth?
Then you know nothing, because you do not know the creations.
Do you feel that, as a theologian, you are not capable of giving Divine lectures?!
Only Jeus is capable of that!
We now also progress from grade to grade, experience the first death for this human embryo, but above all reincarnation.
The Moon therefore, as Divine plasma, will split and condense, which Jeus follows and understands.
After this first life of the embryo, another one follows.
The embryo now has to give itself, to split, as the mother was able to do.
We see that all life only follows one aim, but we as people got to control that aim through the Moon as mother.
Both cells have to split themselves and as a result of this the human cell gets to see new life, and it is reincarnation for all the existing life and life still to come, spiritual and material.
Where we are now, you say: put aside that bible story, it has no longer any significance for your age, the ‘Age of Christ’!
The Moon meanwhile sends her forces out and that life energy is absorbed by other bodies, as a result of which the following secondary planet emerges.
The first one created the next one, doesn’t it, seven grades for this universe were accomplished, a person and the planetary system also possess these transitions, and it is evolution!
We carry on in this way.
We follow a Divine path and we will not get lost, because each grade of life connects us to the following evolution.
And that can be seen and experienced again, so that we can reply to you.
We already establish here: man possesses all the properties of God!
Man is a God, but will master those laws through the materialization.
Can it happen any more clearly or more simply?
No, but your great ones could not experience this.
Blavatsky, Annie Besant: Jeus is your master!
Jeus sees that the Moon grows.
Because she has split, as a mother that is, new life came.
The waters have already materialized and we live in there.
Why does the child still live in the mother in life water?
Creation wanted that and it became a natural possession because of the Divine creations, or life would not get any breath of life.
And because here on the Moon the waters have condensed and materialized, we experienced the fish stage as a person!
Now life can carry on.
The Moon and all the planets have experienced the fish stage, but because more and more consciousness came, the inner life expanded and above all the personality.
We see that, because the Sun, as fatherhood, evolves, becomes stronger, and is the light of your universe.
That light is creative!
Jeus gets to know all these spaces and can follow the life.
We follow the life on the Moon and progress from grade to grade to the very highest stage, as a result of which the soul has conquered a macro-cosmic life as a person.
That must now be clear to you and that is the way it is!
We see the very highest stage and experience now that the material life cannot go any further, but it is the soul as a person, who now finds harmony at the following grade, the secondary planet, created by the Moon as mother.
And life begins there as on the Moon, but with a heightened consciousness.
Slowly but surely, we see that life as a person erects itself, releases itself from the waters, and starts existence on land.
Jeus can follow that.
He is grateful, it is awe-inspiring.
In this way we arrive at the next planet, also experience these laws there and continue, until we see the Second Cosmic Grade of life for this universe, after which we experience the unity with the embryonic.
Now we know how the human evolution process came about and the God of all life wanted that.
We continued with the human being, by connecting ourselves in order to follow the progress, and so we could not make any mistakes with this.
We were told that by the highest masters from the Divine ALL, and every cell called to us: experience me!
Because of this Jeus got hold of the true Divine wisdom.
From Mars, through the following laws of life, we got contact with the Earth.
We tune into the present stage, Mars also has almost fulfilled her task and will then have to accept the process of dying, and as her mother, the Moon, already possesses.
She is dying!
When we arrive on Earth, we again experience the origins of the Earth.
Jeus can now be satisfied that not one law has been changed for this Divine evolution.
Because the Earth has her place with father and mother, we will soon record her own consciousness.
After all, science already knows that, and it is true, as a result of this the Earth received and was allowed to represent a beautiful task for her God; she completed the human body!
And Jeus can see and experience that!
Therefore, because of their place in the universe, the planets received their own task.
However, Son and Moon are father and mother of all life!
We continue step by step, having followed and experienced law after law, in order to enter through the earthly development again and for the first time the hereafter, which has no secondary planet in this universe, because the human being has not yet reached this evolution.
Therefore, a hereafter has to come.
And that is the world for the human soul in order to be able to continue the journey to God.
The spiritual spheres were therefore exclusively created, because a person cannot make the leap from the earth to the Fourth Cosmic Grade of life at once, he has to expand for this purpose, to spiritualize, if he wants to find attunement to that higher consciousness.
Jeus sees and experiences that man conquers all these worlds.
And is only possible through fatherhood and motherhood.
It goes without saying that we can see and experience each consecutive grade of life as a person.
So we come from the jungle to the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on
We make it good and only then can we say as a person: we have completed the cycle of the earth.
The spiritually dark or the light world is waiting for us.
In this way we continue.
Jeus knows the seven spiritual spheres, and the books: ‘A View into the Hereafter’ will explain all these laws to you; I will therefore not go into them any deeper here.
We now therefore come as a person to the Fourth Cosmic Grade of life, immediately go onto the Fifth, the Sixth, and now we are standing as people before our Divine ALL, the laws of which we analyse and explain in ‘The Cosmology’.
You will undoubtedly feel, people live there eternally.
We now know people!
And when we are in the Divine ALL again, we will be faced with Christ, who says to us:
‘Children of the earth, have you met one person with these signs?
I am Christ!
Your brothers and sisters live here.
We have reached the Divine ALL and from here I came to the Earth and her children.’
The Mentor, the highest authority, Christ, speaks to us.
We have contact with a Divine person.
It is He who says to us that He also had to tread His Divine path from the Moon.
We see the masters with their golden garments, we are one with their lives and personality, the laws of which Jeus sees before him.
We are faced with Christ and millions of children of God; they now represent GOD in everything!
This is the eternal existence; this is the Divine Love, which we get to know, and which Jeus absorbs.
A while later we are alone.
Jeus now thinks and feels, as do we, how true and natural life is, and what people on earth know about it.
Bringing this to earth is also representing the life of God.
It overwhelms him, he can now go to sleep, deal with the ALL on earth, and continue his task there.
Jeus’ life is Divinely inspired; we also feel this grace and now know that we serve for the University of Christ!
Jeus thinks about Mother Earth, about the Divine reincarnation of Christ!
Anyone, who has become conscious, wants to serve.
It tells us that Christ would come back to Mother Earth as the highest consciousness in order to materialize the Divine gospel; but we know, moreover, how the people of Mother Earth received HIM.
We get answers to all our questions.
Did we recognize Him?
Yes, of course, He asked us whether we recognized Him and could accept HIS life.
Now we can carry on.
We get the message – Jeus of mother Crisje – to tell the Earth what Golgotha means.
And then our lives hear:
‘Build on MY University!
Go back and get to know the laws.
Bring the Divine evolution to Earth!’
Master Alcar takes care of Jeus, he has collapsed, and we now carry him to the earth, back to Golgotha.
When he awakens, he sees where he is.
At Golgotha great happiness is waiting for him, it is there where he will meet the great ones of the earth who have laid their foundations for the University of Christ.
He can go back to himself there.
Hand in hand he walks at Golgotha with Ramakrishna, Socrates, Plato, he sees and speaks to Annie Besant, Mohammed, Buddha, all of them know who Jeus is, all of them come to greet him and accept him as a cosmic master.
They know exactly for what purpose they served, but they did not achieve this.
Jeus represents all the great ones who lived on earth.
The wisdom which he brings to earth, will give your life the proof, Jeus of mother Crisje represents all the spiritual sciences!
Annie Besant now knows that Jeus is the one, and which mistakes she made by accepting Krishnamurti as Christ and raising him for that task, she now knows that this is impossible!
Jeus is the master of every sect of the earth, he represents Divine consciousness!
We were in the ALL!
Where we were, all these great ones will not go in a million centuries, that is only possible for the servant child of Mother Earth.
On the other side it is not possible to live above your own consciousness, if that does happen, you have a task to fulfil for the earth and that is then in the hands of the masters.
All these great ones know where Jeus has lived.
All of them followed ancient Egypt and were priests of temples, as a result of which they awakened.
Now compare their wisdom to Jeus’ wisdom.
Were they connected so deeply with the laws of God?
But we are not finished yet, soon I will ask this question again and other questions, so that you on earth will know who Jeus of mother Crisje is.
All of them give him their ‘orchids’!
Jeus places them at Christ’s feet.
Master Alcar now sees that he has recovered, the master can be satisfied, Jeus is a Master.
The fact that he collapsed in the ALL, returned to his sleep, is the self-preservation of his personality, as a result of this he remained in this Divine attunement.
At Golgotha no more deceit can be experienced, Jeus can therefore accept what he is given by millions of children of God and this is now happiness for his life.
And then we go back to his body.
Jeus awakens in his body, the terrible life on earth has started again.
He immediately starts to think.
Yes, how can it be, last night I was in the Divine ALL, I saw and spoke to Christ; He spoke to me.
He lies awake and meditates, but the V2’s are flying above his head, he has stepped into a hell from the true Divinity, but he feels that he must get through it; he will overcome this.
Spiritually, he is afire with happiness, Divine inspiration radiates from his personality, and he has become the Prince of space.
Now, he can immediately begin to give a material answer.
He can agree with everything and, thank God, he feels that the girl from Vienna does not see or hear anything, because he must be able to hide everything. He cannot yet explain the laws to people on earth, he is not capable of opening his life on that subject yet, that will come later.
Jeus and Jozef will now have to take care of him and they are able to do that, they will now help him, they are the ones who talk, but the Master André-Dectar is meditating!
Master Alcar sees that Jeus is fine, and I tell him that we will start to record this Divine journey this afternoon.
We write the ‘Divine Introduction’, and a book about the origin of this universe, then the others which follow are; a book about the moon-stage as a person, Mars, and a separate book about the development of man on Mother Earth.
We explain why Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and many other planets do not possess motherhood, and have never known it. We established on this journey why the Moon only shows itself on one side, we also explain why Mother Earth received her place from God, we explain thousands of laws through ‘The Cosmology’ of Jeus!
And when we are ready, Jeus will leave his body again, because we will follow the development and the evolution of the human Soul.
After that the animal kingdom and Mother Nature.
Jeus can say:
‘Christ, I will continue to do my best.’
He does not need to say more than that, we know Jeus.
Mother Water and all life ask him questions, only people do not know how to ask him questions.
Yes, dears, I saw the ALL.
I wrote your name there.
I saw how you evolved, bird, tree, flower, plant, man, animal, I saw and experienced that.
You will go back to God, like we, as people, in order to represent Him in HIS space.
‘What did you think of me?’ the trees ask Jeus, a very ordinary crow asks his consciousness, every grade of life created by God asks him.
Then Jeus can say to a tree of Mother Earth and to all life:
‘There, dear, you are in bloom for eternity.
You love everything there and they no longer chop off your arms, Divine life possesses soul and spirit.
You also have soul and spirit, but I still have to experience the journeys for that with the masters and only then will I tell you what your evolution was like.
But know it, you also have eternal existence!’
The life of Mother Earth feels and sees who he is, only people do not!
Man, as the highest being on earth, does not know him, does not see him, and that is understandable; no one has recognized Christ.
Believe me, Jeus is a real prophet!
There are thousands of them, but there is only one of his kind and consciousness!
When he is standing before his pupils, he does not know what he should say to these children, but they feel something, see something and ask why he is so fragile, so rarefied, and so different to yesterday.
If he would say: ‘I saw and spoke to Christ’, then these are words, which people can understand, but the depth of which people on earth do not feel.
Then he just holds back the other wonderful part.
It is good, they do not know him anyway.
Who can you prove this to?
That is only possible through wisdom.
Jeus is not a person who carries out miracles, he will remain so on the outside, even now he is not capable of shrouding himself in a white sheet, which others do, but he flatly refuses to.
It is not the outside, it is the inside, and it will remain so!
And you can admire that in his eyes.
The books will tell you and prove it to you!
Meanwhile we carry on, record the journey within three weeks, and are ready to follow Master Alcar.
Now Jeus gets to know the worlds for the human soul and where the moment lives, that we as people received our senses, they are miracles, which he now gets to observe, and he can see and experience their laws.
We now experience millions of grades of life on the Moon and we follow one grade of life after another, one law after another for the human soul, the Divine spark that is, which will spiritualize and materialize itself.
Jeus now knows that the earthly psychologist is a dead piece of furniture, that the minister speaks for a primeval-consciousness, and as a spiritual scholar he is just holding back human evolution.
We continue on this journey to the Moon, experience ten books at the same time, but record this stage in one book.
When we are busy on earth recording this journey as well, it is already January, Crisje passes over, but she does not leave her Jeus, because they will see each other again in the spheres of light.
Master Alcar lets him experience his disembodiment for this purpose. Together with Crisje he experiences her spiritual passing over, the letting go of the material life and the entering of her spiritual paradise!
Crisje is back with her Tall One, with Miets and the millions who love her.
Crisje is now standing before her master, she now sees who her Jeus is and she can accept his masterhood.
You will come across this journey in ‘The Cosmology’, reader; you will experience their unity and you will know how awe-inspiringly beautiful it is when a person really loves.
You should see Crisje’s paradise and be able to admire it.
And her Tall One!
Only then will you have respect for these lives, for Jeus’ parents.
Crisje lives in the third sphere, she is one with her Tall One for eternity, they are twin souls, and they are like flowers of the same colour!
This journey is also a revelation for Jeus, because he can show Crisje for what he has served.
Then, when he has dealt with those things with her, he can carry on.
Hand in hand, they floated back to ’s-Heerenberg, in order to follow all of their life from the spiritual world, which was, of course, a Divine revelation for Crisje.
In February, we have completed four wonderful books.
However, we have to carry on, our plan is to write six books in a few months.
You now see him stumbling; his body no longer works.
But he wants to carry on.
Master Alcar takes us back to the Divine ALL.
Now we are back in the ALL for the human soul and we know how the soul has spiritualized itself as a person, as a Divine spark, how it reached its Divine ALL!
That wonderful book has already materialized and became the possession of Mother Earth.
We are really faced with the fifth book, and still have to record thirty pages of it, when Jeus can no longer carry on, we are no longer capable of pressing a key, we have well and truly used up all his powers.
Now what?
Crawling, collapsing, he goes up the stairs, he has to rest four times before he can get upstairs, but when we have reached the room, he collapses.
But we crawl to the typewriter anyway, because Jeus wants to finish the fifth part of ‘The Cosmology’.
Now we are sitting in the chair, but no longer have any strength, no angel can help us and give us this power, his body is paralysed.
Jeus weeps from pain and suffering, not material pain, but inside he screams for strength.
Only Christ can give us this strength.
Only He can do that!
Physically and spiritually, through a Divine touch, we, Jeus and I will be capable of finishing the seven books, the fundamental works for ‘The Cosmology.’
So there we are and we look Master Alcar in the eye, who, just like us, cannot do anything, who, like us, has to accept the deterioration of his body.
Completely exhausted physically, but spiritually aware and strong.
What can you do if you no longer have the means to give that to your spirit, if you lack the strength to make your fingers move and give them the strength to type, to write?
Nothing, nothing. We are therefore completely powerless, but we are sitting here and asking for Divine help.
Is that possible?
Is Christ capable of giving us that strength?
Can we carry on?
Or will we, Jeus and I, have to accept this halt?
It is a question of waiting, we must submit to it, so must Master Alcar.
But, my God, we still want to continue a bit longer!
Suddenly we are looking in the Divine light, a huge pillar of light shines out over us.
We know the ALL has heard us, Christ wants us to continue, Jeus and I, together we experience a Divine miracle.
‘How can it be’, Jeus sighs, ‘my God, how grateful I am to you and I assure you, I will never succumb again!
Even if the devils of the earth are after me, even if I have to fight against the whole of this world, I will give my life!
I will always, always, be ready!’
Jeus sends that back to the ALL, Master Alcar and I, our own ones, and the masters in the spheres of light know what this means.
We continue and also finish writing the book in one go, it is awe-inspiring, we suddenly feel so strong, and his body no longer has anything to say.
Jeus’ arms and hands feel as light as a feather, yes, it is a great miracle, Jeus; the tears are running down our cheeks from happiness!
We immediately begin the sixth part and write that within three weeks, so that we have experienced and written six books in four and a half months.
Believe me, we received those forces from Christ!
A fortnight before the end of this war, we are finished.
Jeus can now have a rest, his predictions come true, and the food falls down from space for the hungry people.
He laughs about everything, he can meditate, he has received the cosmic consciousness, Jeus has become a great master, a prophet of unprecedented force and beauty, Jan Lemmekus!
However, before this end came, that is after experiencing the human soul, day and night Master Alcar continued, we went on new journeys, as a result of which Jeus got to know the animal kingdom, and Mother Nature.
He knows every fish, now knows the grade of life of this animal, and knows where it was born, Darwin can now get lectures, everybody, come on, Jeus is challenging you!
And if we were to materialize all of this, we would already have written a thousand books for the human being.
The same number for the animal world and for Mother Nature, and the philosophical systems, insanity and psychopathy, a separate University, so deep is the life of God, but because each grade of life received independence, it is a world!
Jeus now looks differently upon people and Mother Nature, the life of God, he sees through it.
Master Alcar, you can be satisfied!
Also the spheres of light, because we are reaching thousands of children of Our Lord!
Yes, Tall One, Crisje, we will see each other again on the Divine stage!
The end of 1939-1945!
Good conquered evil and for every era there is a higher consciousness!
And Jeus of mother Crisje now takes care of that, world!!
Space is smiling upon us.
And what do you see of it, reader?
We received cosmic consciousness.
What about you?
We were in the ALL.
What did you experience?
Soon you will be able to listen to Jeus, because we will materialize the divine laws for your life.
We will continue to fight for the ALL consciousness and, of course, serve Christ!
An end will come to all that is wrong, never to the good!
Now prove what you want and what you are capable of!