Spiritual proof
Angel cake, Gerrit Noesthede once said, tastes good, but Jeus now knows that the actual phenomenon, such as spiritual proof, which brings the cake to earth, is worth more than a piece of dough sprinkled with sugar, because it changes you!
Now you can call life on earth perfect, because you know!
He now eats this Divine food every day and cannot get enough of it, you can just waken him in the middle of the night for it, and at the strangest time of day it is a blessing to enjoy it.
And it is undoubtedly true, it has to do with Our Lord, yes, God himself, as a result of which his master received this mercy in order to divide out the spatial food to the child of Mother Earth.
If the boys at the garage talk about Jeus’ miracles to people, in which they do not believe themselves, even if it is right under their noses, then the others run away. This drives them completely mad and that is understandable, because it lives between heaven and earth.
The talk Jeus hears:
‘Can you understand a man like that?
Who would want to be involved in that devil’s work?
You lose your peace of mind because of it; you can no longer sleep.
A respectable person does not want anything to do with those things.’
However, Jeus thinks, just look at those stupid faces.
All these words sound rough, cold and harsh in his ears, but he laughs about them.
The people in the city are unaware, they really know even less about Divine laws, than of life in the country in nature. Most are like cattle, they have neither feeling nor understanding and swallow everything.
One thing these people can do is create a mess every day, and yet they are fathers of children, they perhaps have a faith, go to their church, but do not think.
He has learned in the city that people do not wish to think.
Believers accept everything they are taught.
The things, which he abandoned as a child as good for nothing, the people in the city consider sacred and divine. Jeus can understand that, because he can see and feel that no matter how old a person is, he does not think!
Because thinking is everything, you get to know yourself as a result, and of course the God of all life, if you can accept a Father of Love.
Because God, he has known this for such a long time, cannot let people burn for eternity; Crisje was never willing to accept that either, that is enough to drive you mad!
Jeus is back in the street waiting for his passengers, but he hears lovely music which comes to him from space.
Anyone who sees him like that, will wonder what the matter is with that driver, he is looking ahead of him with such a blank expression, and he appears not to have any thoughts.
That is wrong, he must not do that, he will have to protect himself, so that no one can see or notice that he is experiencing a divine contact.
But his master is following him and now we see that Casje is starting the spiritual education for his life by explaining to him what he must do and not do.
“You see, Jeus, I already said that you must not do that anymore.
Anyone who sees you will think that you are out of your mind.
And people will be right about that.
So you must deal with and experience all these things normally, or you will be behaving abnormally and we must prevent that happening.
Therefore remain very ordinary.
No one must be able to see that you have contact with higher powers and strengths.
There is no more for now!”
Jeus gets a fright, but he knows that his master is right.
In space he now sees his master’s beautiful face.
It is clear that what he did was wrong, because people cannot see what he can see, or hear what he is experiencing, they think that he is mad of course, and that must not happen.
He must take this into consideration, and if he can do that, there will be nothing wrong anymore and he can carry on.
Now he learns something new every second and completely opens himself up to it.
A few days later he was sitting in his chair quietly thinking about these things when Casje came back to his life and said:
“Have you understood me, Jeus?
Yes, I just came back to you briefly.
I have a few more things to tell you.”
“Yes, master, I have understood you.
I did wrong.”
“Yes, Jeus, that was wrong.
People now think that you are no longer normal and that must not happen, of course.
If you want to work for me then you must try to remain completely normal.
Because if you lose yourself and you dissolve as a result of these things, and are behaving strangely, then everything immediately has no more meaning.
After all, you represent me and if you behave strangely, then it is me as well!
And watch your words, in particular, Jeus.
You may not pass on a single word to people if you do not know whether what you are telling them contains truth.
You have to know that, Jeus!
If you should tell lies, I would be a liar, then we will lose the ground from under our feet, and we will break down what we have built up with a lot of trouble and worries.
Can you understand this?”
“Yes, master, it is perfectly clear.”
“Then thank you, Jeus.
In the very first instance, Jeus, we must show that we possess the truth. It is only then that we will be able to convince the people of this world that we really have the contact to experience spatial unity with the spaces of God, as a result of which I am able to explain all the laws to you.
And they will be the proof of life after death, proof, Jeus, that there is no death.
Won’t they?”
“You are right, master.”
“Thank you, Jeus, you make me and other people happy, because you want to understand me.”
“I will do everything you wish, master.”
“You can also reach me while you’re working, Jeus, you already know that.
You can carry out your material work, but at the same time experience our contact.
So you can experience heavenly miracles, but no one needs to see that.
That is only for yourself!
Because people do not understand that, Jeus.
That is also necessary at home.
The girl from Vienna may never feel that you are experiencing this contact with me, because she cannot deal with this.
If she would ask you something now, then you must also be able to give her a normal answer, but a while later we will carry on again.
So that means, Jeus, that you may never forget your material life, because that is wrong and we will be faced with the abnormal.
All these possibilities are therefore exclusively for yourself.
You are able to think for two worlds at the same time, you were able to do that as a child, Jeus, but through me.
You probably feel it; we will only start now.
So do not forget that your Anna cannot deal with this yet.
But do you feel, Jeus, that I am right?”
“Yes, my master, it is very clear.
I am very grateful to you.”
“Did you hear that beautiful music clearly?”
“Yes, master, it took me away from this world.”
“You see, Jeus, that must not happen.
Remain aware of yourself at all times!
You can experience these miracles, but despite this bliss, you must remain yourself.
You must continually bear in mind that you still live on earth.
If you do not forget this, then I can keep going further.
If you blow your top, Jeus, then you stop me, and I have to wait until you are able to listen to me again.
You see, Jeus, you must now think for that purpose.
You must finish everything completely, or there will be trouble, your thoughts will pile up, you will be faced with a pile of unprocessed thoughts.
You will then carry on with thoughts which demand experience, and you cannot do that, but sooner or later we will reach a dead point.”
You see, Crisje, did I not say that already?
You do not know that, but we had started on it before, and Jeus does not remember that he had experienced these same laws as a child.
Why did Casje want him to think; to follow the things at that time?
Now we can see how useful it was that Jeus already began to think in his youth.
Now he can carry on, his personality, Crisje, is completely empty, open and aware, but now he is faced with divine problems.
Of course, that will come, Crisje, he will soon be faced with material succumbing, but that will be a while yet, but it will come!
Then Jeus will be stronger and he will be able to prove what he wants!
Casje continues:
“The music, Jeus, came to your life from the heavens.”
“It was great, master.”
“That’s right, Jeus, but remain yourself in everything or it will go wrong and I cannot continue.”
“I understand, master.”
“Then that is okay as well, Jeus.”
“But I could have wept from happiness, master.”
“If you did that as well, Jeus, in the presence of the girl from Vienna or if other people saw that, they would declare you abnormal and then your Anna would become afraid.
Then I won’t be able to continue either and then it means ‘stop’.
So you must never show that, even if you are moved, you have to deal with that inwardly and it is no one’s business.”
“It is all so true, master.”
“That’s the way it is, Jeus!
If you lose yourself as a result of these miracles, then they won’t be miracles anymore and people will see this as destruction.
How can you experience miracles by destroying yourself?
If you are too weak, Jeus, to experience all the miracles, then you are proving, after all, that you do not possess any resistance and you have to conquer that.
So you must control every thought, every thought, therefore, which you will experience through me, will get to experience your feeling and your personality; afterwards, when you have finished with that, wisdom will be the possession you achieve!
Therefore deal with it inwardly and now make sure that the girl from Vienna is not put under any pressure by it, or life will be too difficult for her.
Can you also accept this, Jeus?”
“Yes, master, I understand it.
You are right!”
“Only then, Jeus, will we be able to keep going and will you receive great wisdom.
See you soon, my Jeus.”
“Thank you, master.”
“At your service.”
That used to be called ‘my pleasure’ or ‘of course’!
Now that has also gone and belongs to the past.
However, for Jeus one day is like a thousand for a person of the earth, he learns an awful lot in a few seconds, and he now looks consciously through the material life on earth.
Everything used to be different, now he experiences the spiritual miracles consciously.
He laughs to himself, he thinks about something and the girl from Vienna sees that and asks:
“Why are you laughing?”
“Yes, child, I am laughing.”
“Why? May I know it?”
“It is clear.
I was just thinking that if it goes on like this, in a few years’ time I will be a professor of the occult.”
“Don’t be so daft, people will laugh at you.”
“That is how it feels to me, you will see.
I will become a scholar of the occult.”
Do you hear that, Crisje, the girl from Vienna already slows it down, and that is also necessary.
She helps his master, or Jeus would fly too far away from this life and then no one would be able to follow him.
Despite his ‘Great Wings’, which he gets to experience and explore the spaces of God, he must remain with both feet firmly on the ground or it will go wrong.
And that is already being worked on, Crisje.
But you hear that, Casje has already died for Jeus, he is now faced with his master!
But he sees his past again, that also has to die, only then will his master begin his real task, but then Jeus will receive wisdom from life after death!
But how quiet it is here, Jeus thinks.
You can hear this silence.
When he feels this silence, something special usually happens.
And immediately afterwards, he hears again:
“Will you promise me, Jeus, that you will never read a book written about these things, that means books which are already on earth.”
“Fine, master, I promise you, I will never do it.”
“I have a reason for this, Jeus.
Later I will explain that to you.
So you must never read even one occult book, or you will be influenced by something else and we must prevent that happening.
The world already has enough reading material about the metaphysical science, but it is unclear, for a great many untrue, and it could infect you and that must not happen.
This is a learned word, Jeus, but it possesses everything which you will receive from me.
However, you will soon experience the laws and see them as well, as a result of this you will be strong and all those people have not experienced that.”
“I swear to you, master, I will not do it!”
“Then that is also okay, Jeus.
You can see me, can’t you?
And you can hear me.”
“Yes, master, and that is a miracle.”
“Well now, Jeus, you will soon be with me.
I will release you from your body, like we also used to be able to do, and we will now be completely one in my world, because I have to explain a lot to you, and then you can ask me thousands of questions.”
Jeus now gets time to think.
That is also something new, he thinks.
Good heavens, will I now go to that world?
Spiritual peace also comes to the girl from Vienna, when she says:
“But how peaceful it is here, you can feel the silence.
Can you also feel that?”
“Yes”, says Jeus, “I can feel it, it is lovely here”, if only she knew.
But he will try it.
Jeus continues:
“That is from and because of the angels.” To which she replies: “What are you trying to tell me now?” He has to accept the words of his master and he knows it, that is going too far.
It is a pity, but she cannot deal with this.
He will come back to it several times later in order to see if she wants to widen her outlook, she is at the source, the life source for and of space, with which he and she and all people will be connected.
Does she have that thirst inside?
He does not know it yet, but, he feels it, sooner or later she will have to prove that and only then will he know how to react to her soul, her spirit and her life.
Isn’t that right Crisje, you either have it inside or you don’t?
You thirst after it, or you have not yet any spiritual thirst, and everyone will have to prove that to him, and Jeus will get to know the spiritual person.
The girl from Vienna does not laugh, but isn’t that strange?
What do angels have to do with this silence?
That is too far-fetched, that is, yes, what is that?
He still says:
“The angels are here ...!”
No answer ... but she is thinking.
Then she says:
“Just be careful with those things.
You can also take on too much and you have to think of your business.”
Do you see?
Do you hear?
The deep spiritual longing is not there.
That is a pity!
My God, that is a pity!
How he could have drawn her up at this time.
What couldn’t he have told her?
He now knows, she does not know him, she knows nothing about his inner life.
But she is good, she is great; the way he feels and thinks about his things is how she feels and thinks about the household, and that is perfect!
So we see, Crisje, that everything is really okay again.
Because where can you find people who also possess that, and live in two worlds at the same time, and can serve?
Do not forget, Jeus will have to live in thousands of worlds. Casje is taking him there and no one can follow, not even his girl from Vienna, because she and all those other people do not possess his feeling, his gifts.
And Jeus will have to be able to see and accept it for the future in this way!
There is no more to it, but we will follow him and her.
The feeling in man now demands wisdom.
If that feeling is not yet aware of that wisdom, for which a person has to give everything of himself, then it says, Jeus now feels, he just imagines himself, ‘you either have it, or you don’t, you long for it, or you do not yet long for it’, you just have to accept it.
A moment later he hears his master saying:
“Do you not remember anymore, Jeus, that you used to play with José?”
“Yes, master, I am starting to feel that now.”
“That is right, because I have given you back that truth now.
I made you aware of it, because you will soon receive spiritual truth.
We will visit Crisje from my world.
And now tell your girl from Vienna on my behalf that she does not need to be afraid, nothing bad will happen.
If she puts her trust in me, everything will be okay!
You are in good hands.”
And Jeus carries on again, tells the girl from Vienna about what he just heard:
“How grateful we should be.
You do not need to be afraid, nothing bad can happen me.”
And then she says:
“As long as you don’t do too much about it.”
“How can I do too much about it, child.
That is not up to me, after all.
I can want something as much as I like, but it is not up to me to ‘want’, and because of this I cannot do much about it.”
He feels it; he cannot give her the trust, which is powerful.
The girl from Vienna is worried, it is going too far and it is too deep, she will remain with both feet firmly on the ground and take care of the material part of their lives and then it will be fine. This will help to enable Jeus’ master to go further and further, deeper, higher, to the left and to the right, Jeus, through life beyond the human grave, the material death!
Which is and only means evolution!
Jeus sees that she has exactly what she needs, she is good and decent, extremely honest.
He continues to think!
However, if only she could see his master’s eyes, then everything would be different, but one person flying in the family is quite enough.
He now sees that his master is floating above the earth, a moment later he is walking through the room and she cannot see him.
Just look, there is my master, but she does not hear or see anything.
Isn’t that a pity?
He talks inwardly to his master and that is also a great miracle to him.
Jeus thinks, on the inside you are a ‘human being’, but that part ‘outside’ is only dead material!
A human being in matter means nothing; it is the inner life which counts!
And people cannot see and feel that yet.
But that part outside accepts the Grim Reaper!
And that is standing crying at a grave!
It cries until its tears run dry, because it does not yet know the inner life, which cannot be destroyed, and that he is getting to know now.
When you are put in the ground, then you still remain alive!
But he has known that for so long, he understands it.
It is an incredible mercy to be allowed to think of these things.
Oh, my God, but how beautiful it is.
And then it is time to go to sleep.
While lying in bed he hears: “Stretch your legs, Jeus.
You must lie on your back, with your arms beside your body and relax!
One cushion is enough now and relax your head as well.
Your head must not lie too high, that is for your circulation.
In just a few seconds I will release you from your body, but you can never do this under your own power, because we will be faced with other laws then.
Now you will quietly go to sleep, Jeus, but this is an occult sleep, which we call the psychic trance and you will get to know about it later.
I understand all these things, because I am”, but Jeus does not hear that any more, he is already asleep, “a cosmic master! Your former Casje!”
Jeus is now standing next to his body, he has reached beyond the human grave and looking his master in the eye.
He is now lying at his master’s feet.
But the master takes care of him and says:
“Come, Jeus, I have a lot to tell you.
From now on I am your Master Alcar!
That is my name, Jeus, Casje has died.
This is also spiritual proof for your life!
I once told you that I had lost my name, then I got another name from you, that of Casje.
I was very grateful to you for that, because it meant a new contact for me and I could carry on again.
However, now we are going back to your mother, we will see Crisje, from this world, the world for the soul and spirit, the soul as a spiritual astral personality!
So when you have experienced all those things from the past, I will carry on.
Those things from the past have to die now and that will soon become clear to you.
That is urgently needed, Jeus.
You must know, Jeus, I am an omniscient in this space.
I already told you that before, but then you were in the military prison and did not believe me.
Now you are faced with that reality, and I will prove that to you.
You do not need to believe anything any more now, Jeus, because God wants it, I may give you this proof.
The people on earth must now know who God is, and what He is like!
The people cannot yet believe in a Father who is eternal love.
The teachings which now have to elevate the human ‘self’ on earth in order to take it to God, possess falsehood!
People go from the frying pan into the fire, and we have to change that. A person who is ready for this universal truth will get that Divine truth from us, for which we will have to write the books soon.
Yes, Jeus, our work between life and death has now started!
Tomorrow, Jeus, when we go back to your body, you will feel centuries older, you will then receive and experience so much wisdom.
And you are safe in my hands!
Nothing can happen, nothing, and nothing can stop us either.
I had to wait so long and have patience in order to be able to start, you will only understand later what I had to do for that.
However, realize, Jeus, that I love you, but through this love we will take the life of God to the universal and spiritual awakening.
You are now beyond the spiritual death, so there is no death, Jeus, what dying means there, is evolution for the soul and spirit.
You can now see that people sleep there and we are discussing all these miracles here.
Your girl from Vienna is lying there, you are now looking through the material world, and it is a revelation to all of God’s creation!
I am your guardian angel from your youth, which you will soon see and then accept.
Your own Tall One!
Jeus is lying in the arms of his master, he is allowed to experience that for a moment, but then Master Alcar has to carry on.
“Do you recognize me now, Jeus?”
“Yes, master, I have seen you like that before.”
“That’s the way it is, I have not changed, Jeus.
I am your Tall One and your Casje, we went through thick and thin together, I protected you from committing suicide and took you to the hut of Sint van Tie’n ... which you will also see, and is empty, which we talked about then.
But now I will teach you to know the laws of it.”
“I will never call you Casje again, master.”
“That is better, Jeus.
But now look, you are living in the spiritual world and you are also an astral personality!
Come now, Jeus, we will go to Crisje.
The girl from Vienna cannot interrupt you; my pupil will remain here and will look after your body.
However, if the girl from Vienna should wake up and say something to you, or touch you in this condition, accidents would happen, disruptions would take place and we have prevented that now.
You will also get to know my pupil soon.”
“I understand, master.”
“We used to be as much in unity then as we are now, but then you did not yet understand that according to the laws for your spirit and this life, but that will now be different.
For this purpose your youth must be dissolved, you must absorb these events and then let them die, if I want to go deeper, further, in order to explain all the laws of God.
We will continue, Jeus, until you know everything about God and this space.”
“I will do my best, master.”
“Well done, Jeus, then we will leave.
We are now floating through this space and we could cover millions of miles in a few seconds, that is possible, because we can travel as fast as our thoughts.”
“And what is this world called, master?” ... with which Jeus has already started asking questions.
“You now live between the material and the spiritual world.
That means, we are in the sphere of the earth, the actual spiritual world is elsewhere and you will get to know that later.
As a result of this your own life will be given colour and shape, Jeus, you will develop as a result of it, and that is up to you, of course.
We are flying through this space, because we are free from gravity and have now conquered those laws.
Is this not a revelation for your life, Jeus?”
“Yes, master, I’m lost for words.
But I can see it.”
“You see, Jeus, you do not need to believe anymore, you now know!
You will therefore awaken in spirit as a result of this.
We will lay one foundation after another for your spiritual life, and that will become your consciousness.
You were also able to experience that before with José, but then it was in order to awaken your spirit, you were able to receive the playful part of it.
And soon painters will come, Jeus, who will then paint through you.
We will then sell those paintings to people, and with that money we will publish our books in order to give people the divine bread of Our Lord!
But now you are experiencing the same laws, Jan Lemmekus knew as a result of this that you had beautiful gifts in you.
Do you feel, Jeus, what all this means?”
“Yes, master, I understand it.”
“Later you will learn how this world in which we now live was created.
But when people die there now, Jeus, you see, there is no death, but we will still hold onto this event, then they must possess spiritual light, if they want to be able to see in this world.
So if a person lives a bad life, you know that anyway, you have discussed all these possibilities with Crisje, he will also live somewhere else here, and that is a dark world for the soul, the spiritual personality ‘beyond the coffin’.
So if a person has loved, he will be light, life and spirit.
We are now going straight back to your ’s-Heerenberg and we will walk along the Montferlandse road together, and you will see and experience, Jeus, that you can see and recognize everything, because there has been no change.
You have therefore remained yourself completely, even if you live beyond material death!’
“It is great, master, and I understand it.”
Jeus feels that they are going a bit quicker now.
A moment later Master Alcar can say to him:
“You see, Jeus, we are already home, this is the piece of ground where you were born.
You lived here, Jeus.
You were born here.
Come on, first we will go to your father’s grave; you will experience something there.
It is really interesting to look in a human grave, then you know that the last judgement is something entirely different and means something entirely different to the human being.
What a person learns now, Jeus, is a gross falsehood, as a result of which we can determine that the church still has to learn all these laws.
Now look where you are, you know this area, there is the graveyard, Jeus.
Here is your father’s grave.
Now look, those are the bones lying there.
But just look there, Jeus.”
“Father, my father ...!”
Jeus is lying in his father’s arms.
He presses the Tall One to his heart; he kisses him, and cries from happiness.
The Tall One cannot say a word.
Nevertheless he says:
“Jeus, I will come back again, you must continue with your master.”
“Yes, father, I understand it.”
Jeus looks into the grave.
There are human bones everywhere.
Uncle Gradus and Jan Knie’p are lying here as well, but they live somewhere else.
That damned church, he thinks, what a lot of nonsense they tell people.
The worms eat away at the bones, that person collapses, nothing remains of them.
How can they bring people’s bodies together again from heaven?
How can people gather their bones together if half of them have already disappeared?
Father does not need bones any more, no one does, and it is nonsense!
A while later he is walking with his master along the Grintweg.
He can see each house, a person from ’s-Heerenberg walks in front of him.
Who is that?
He knows this person, he knows who it is.
It is all very simple, but great, because you now know that there is no death.
It is too good to be true, but that good thing is true!
He then goes into the familiar house.
Master Alcar takes him to Crisje, his mother.
Mother is sleeping, it is night time on earth, he is living in a great light and can follow everything in the material life.
Jeus goes straight to Crisje’s bedroom and follows her breathing.
Yes, oh my God, that is mother, and there is Wageman.
He could cry because he is so moved and so happy, but he does not do that.
Jeus utters:
“I am here, mother!”
Crisje awakens and feels that it is Jeus who has called to her.
Crisje has already picked up his thoughts, it is just like before, which is another great miracle.
He looks mother in the eye, it is unbelievable, and he cannot get enough of it.
He is living in Crisje as it were.
Miets does it like that as well, he knows, and then she can talk to mother.
Father can do that as well!
Master Alcar now frees him from this scene and shows him something else.
Jeus now sees that his father is dying.
That happened in this room.
He follows the event; he sees himself at Mrs de Man’s and that he walks through the walls.
Now he is one again with his youth, he sees everything again and accepts it!
He cannot get enough of it, because he sees himself, the truth of it almost knocks him to the ground, it is so great.
In addition, he feels how great this knowledge is for his personality, yes, it is becoming his own possession!
It is terrific, within a few minutes he has aged by a hundred years.
Each scene is a separate world.
Then he sees himself, his Tall One, and his father, in whose arms he is lying.
It is unbelievable, but true.
Now something else.
Mother is lying there and expecting him.
Mina is there with Aunt Trui, he sees all of them.
Really and truly, Johan and Bernard are there as well.
He plainly sees them one by one.
Jeus now understands that his master has connected him to the beginning of his life.
He can see himself lying in the cradle.
Crisje is peeling potatoes, while he is crawling through the kitchen, and again he sees his balloons; José is also there.
And the children with whom he played.
All these scenes are captured on the film of his life, it belongs to him, it is his, and everyone ‘behind the coffin’ has to accept it.
Only now does a person see himself, the good part, and the bad part.
Because that is the way it is!
The old stove is still there, along with the old hanging clock. ‘How can it be’, he utters continually and that does his master good.
He runs through the house, he would like to see everything at once. However, Master Alcar, he feels, keeps connecting him to the next scene or he would already succumb from the excess.
There are also Mary and Joseph and Our Lord, the statues from Jan Lemmekus.
My God, Jan, Anneke, I am close to home again; I will undoubtedly see you too.
It is all so great and elevated for his personality and spirit, he feels, people should know that!
Meanwhile Jeus wonders how he will be able to experience that, when he is back at the garage.
However, he puts these thoughts out of his head, because he is now faced with another scene, he sees Miets, Teun, Hendrik, Gerrit and there is Bernard as well, he sees all of them.
And then he experiences the moment that he went to the Forecourt with José, the world in which he now lives.
My God, child after child came to the world and he got to see everything through his master.
Yes, mother, we were able to experience that.
Master Alcar now connects him to the scene in the woods; Jeus is standing before Golgotha again.
Yes, Jeus, at that moment Christ was nailed to the cross.
He looks in the hut of Sint van Tie’n a moment later ... and understands it!
One mighty event after another from his youth comes to him and now wants to be experienced.
Jeus absorbs it and follows in his thoughts his master whom he begins to feel sacred respect for.
He now sees that his master has built upon his life and contact through all these experiences.
Now he is standing before the money in the woods and he sees the ‘angel cake’ and Crisje and Gerrit Noesthede, and again he experiences that he has to go to the woods with his father.
Everything is wonderful!
Then Master Alcar asks:
“What would you still like to experience or see, Jeus?”
“I understand everything, master, but I am bursting inside.”
Now he can have a good cry.
It became too much, but a moment later he is ready again, he does not want to be petty, he wants to see and absorb everything.
The master says:
“Just have a good cry, Jeus.
Millions of people cried until their tears ran dry when they saw and experienced their past, your father as well.”
“I can believe that, master, but I want to see even more.
And I will devote my life to you, as long as you know that.”
“Then it is okay, Jeus, and we will carry on.
You now realize how mighty and wonderful a person’s life is.”
It is fine like this, Jeus.
You cannot grant your master a greater happiness.
Of course, you can cry until your tears run dry, but then your master will have to wait, and that will already be a standstill.
Now prove what you want and what you can do.
Jeus now sees that his father is talking to Crisje through him.
He also sees his father’s funeral and that his father is walking along with him behind his coffin.
Everything is incredibly lovely and beautiful; it is great, because there is no death.
Jeus now feels that he can speak to his master through his thoughts.
He also understands that it happens of its own accord, and faster, because he can deal with the scenes more quickly.
Suddenly he sees another light and his father is standing before him.
“Father, but my father, the things I have experienced.
But where were you?”
“I was allowed to follow you, Jeus.
However, the master called me and now I have come back to you again.
Jeus, my own Jeus.
Do not worry about mother, I am with her.
If mother needs anything, I will warn you, because now we can reach each other.
Do you know me now, Jeus?
I am waiting for mother, she will soon be with me for eternity, when it is her time to leave here.”
The Tall One also speaks High Dutch now and Jeus says:
“I understand, father, I understand everything.
But how happy you must be.”
“I am happy, Jeus, of course, and everything, which you now can see, is good, was good, your master will undoubtedly explain the laws to you.”
Jeus now gets to see the spiritual space of his father.
He now knows that the Tall One is also working for the masters and has a task to accomplish.
He now also feels that his father is a brother of his, because he and the Tall One only have one Father and that is God!
For this world the motherhood and fatherhood of the earth dissolve completely, but the universal one takes its place, and he can now understand that because he can see it.
Now both Jeus and the Tall One and every human child of the earth are faced with Universal Love!
And Jeus will serve for this purpose, and for the Tall One and his master, this will become their collective task, along with many others!
And he feels how wonderful the Tall One’s love for Crisje is!
The Tall One goes away again, he says goodbye to Jeus because he has other things that must be done.
Jeus looks the Tall One in the eye, they experienced everything together at home, and his father showed him other things, in the attic and downstairs, wherever they are, life is to be observed.
Nothing has been lost, Jeus sees, it is awesome, and everything is so pure!
Then the Tall One can leave, he is separate from Jeus’ life, and both feel that they have a task to complete for God!
He puts his hand in his father’s hand, they look each other in the eye and know; they are two spiritual personalities, but the Tall One now also knows, Jeus will later be his master, because he knows where Jeus’ master will take him, where he will not be going for the time being!
Yes, the Tall One can now accept that, Jeus will become a cosmic master!
Master Alcar continues step by step.
Jeus sees his childish pranks, sees himself back at the catechism instruction ... he talks to the priest and now sees that his master lived in him and spoke the words.
That is also a miracle and he experiences his miseries again.
Now he sees himself back with Jan Lemmekus, also Antoon van Bree and he even hears the screeching of the saws in this world, because he is connected to it.
This misery also falls off him, now he has seen it he can forget it.
“My God, oh my Father”, he shouts out, because he suddenly sees his dog Fanny.
Fanny runs after him everywhere, not now, because he can feel that Fanny is somewhere else and he can understand that.
But he sees the material Fanny.
How lovely my youth was; my life was wonderful, that Fanny was a great dog!
He has to cry a bit again.
It’s quite something, you cannot deal with that suddenly just like that.
However, he does want to carry on, he wants to show his master what he is capable of!
He also sees that Fanny was hit by a car, that the animal died and that he buried him.
Wonderful, oh, my God, everything is wonderful!
How can I thank You?
I will do my best and give You my thanks by that.
He feels, that it should be like that!
Jeus sees himself growing up, sees himself playing football, and sees Irma coming.
Now he feels a stabbing under his heart, good heavens, how that hurt him at the time.
He experiences his vision again and now knows that his master gave him that.
No more deceit was needed, and yet, he is now grateful for it, it opened his spiritual feelings and thoughts.
He has nothing to forgive her for, but where is she now?
That will also come, Jeus, just be patient, because that also has to die!
In this way, he sees all of his youth.
Scene after scene, and it goes quickly, within a few minutes he can experience and follow his whole life, he now feels, now that he has an overview of all of this.
Then Master Alcar asks:
“You have seen Jan, Anneke, Mina, Crisje, you have seen all of them here, is there anything else in you, Jeus, which wishes to be experienced?”
Jeus thinks for a moment and then says: “No, master, I know everything.”
“Then we will leave here, Jeus.
I will just follow the events with your friends and a few other scenes, then we will go back to The Hague and continue.”
Jeus also experiences that.
First he sees that he is waiting for Christ, however he now sees that it was his master, and the purity and depth of it overcomes him.
He also sees himself playing on the clouds, and then he is faced with psychic laws; he has started holding seances with Bernard, the pigs are screaming, he sees Jan Knie’p riding on the pigs’ backs, uncle Gradus, he can and must experience everything which is necessary, so that he will be released from his youth, then the new life can begin.
He cannot say anything more, cannot get another thought past his lips, he now looks and follows everything which his master gives him to experience.
He knows that soon the time will come to deal with it, but he will also do his best then.
Now he has to experience and look, and his master can carry on.
They say goodbye to Crisje, say goodbye to the Montferlandseweg, yes, Jeus sees that they are leaving ’s-Heerenberg over Montferland, he can say the spiritual farewell ‘see you soon’ to all that familiar life from his spiritual astral life.
Thanks, master, he utters, thanks!
And now they fly on and back, he sees himself sitting in the train, the farewell for him and Crisje is already over.
The master begins immediately, carries on and connects him to the most necessary scene. He sees Betsy again, that boss there, all the people who were involved in his life.
Now he sees how one person here cheated the other one, but his master protected him from it, or he would have fallen for it and he would have experienced something else.
They quickly fly to something else, he sees himself with Hendrik and Gerrit, at that point, he feels, he received the first thoughts about being a chauffeur, he learns about the streets through the ‘will’ of his master and then enters the moment that he begins to drive on a chair.
Now Master Alcar asks:
“You see, Jeus, how simple everything actually is, now that you can experience our life?”
“Yes, master.”
“You see, Jeus, I thought this was the best way for you.”
“So it is, master, I have learned a lot.”
He now sees that Bernard is sitting there on the sewing machine and is following him.
Yes, Bernard, that happened, Jeus learned to drive on a chair.
But it is wonderful, his master has already given this proof to the earth through him.
He understands that it is this, which will convince people of a conscious life ‘beyond the coffin’!
“By this, Jeus, I already laid our first foundations.
They are mighty foundations for the University of Christ!
No one can take them away from us, which must be clear to you.
If there were people who doubted all these things of ours, then they would still get something to hold onto as a result of one thing or another and they can also start to build at their own lives.
Because of this I got your life in my hands, which is what it was all about for me.
And that is why, Jeus, everything is sacred.
Also those human doings of Betsy and the others, because they wanted to experience love and as a result of this experience the God of all love.
That you therefore learned to drive through me is of a supernatural nature and represents a Divine law.
The law that we think like people just as we were able to in the material life, and this should be sufficient for this world, but we are not at that stage yet.
The masses do not think, but we will take masses of people to spiritual thinking because of this, my Jeus!
You know how I had an effect on your life.
I was completely one with you.
But look here, I have a surprise for you.”
Suddenly Jeus is standing before Willem.
“Willem, how can it be.
I know you, of course, but ...!”
He could cry again from joy and happiness.
He really cannot say a word to Willem.
However, they understand each other.
How can it be?
How is it possible?
He no longer utters this, he is on top of it, and he sees Willem, a helper of his master.
For a good while he follows these scenes along with Willem and his master.
Everything is wonderful!
Yes, there are Bernard, Johan and Rie, he gets his first fare.
That is the proof, Master Alcar says, and more was not needed at the time, we built on it!
The boys can endorse this with their lives!
Willem leaves, Jeus continues with his master.
Anyone who was involved with him from this world, must just come to him as proof that that person is alive, and then Jeus is faced with sacred matters!
Now he sees himself amongst all these people, the rich people and the poor people, he thanks God in the Heaven that he did not get his countess, this would just have removed him from this wonderful part.
He sees the lords, the barons, Weber and the Rothschilds again, he sees their light and their inner spirit and knows, they do not serve, they live for themselves. “My God, how can I thank You?” Jeus calls out joyfully and happily to Our Lord.
He takes his master’s hand and kisses it, keeps his master close to him and sees, really and truly, the countess loved him, yes, of course; but later on?
Would she not have destroyed him?
Of course, and then the girl from Vienna came along and everything became different.
Jeus can almost no longer think, and yet, he wants to carry on!
He has to see everything again; it is incredibly beautiful, only now does he know life.
Yes, she would have liked to have had him, but what would he have got for his life then?
Nothing, he sees, riches make you as poor as a church mouse!
The barons are poor!
Those counts are ‘graves’; they live above and below it, those people are too well-off and are not suitable for this life in which he is now.
How did his master protect him?
What he sees is awe-inspiring.
Yes, you have plenty of money, but if I told you this, it occurs to him, that I saw you from the spiritual world, would you believe me then?
If I told you that I learned to drive through the astral personality, then you would laugh at me. This above everything else.
Does this life in which I live mean nothing to you?
That is everything!
And then Jeus can say to his master:
“How can I thank you that I didn’t get her.
I am so happy, master, that you did not want to give me her.
I want to serve you, I want to fight for God.
And her riches would have denied me all of this.”
“That’s the way it is, Jeus.
Now we are ready.
Now you can honestly show what you are made of.
I know, I already knew then that you would follow and accept God and not material happiness.
Because, is this really happiness?
Did you think that she would have accepted you for everything for the world forever?
A time would have come when she would also have succumbed again, no matter how great the love had been.
And yet, my Jeus, you would have had a wonderfully beautiful life, she really loved you, but that is earthly love and she could never have given you this, which you are now experiencing.
So, did I do the right thing for your life and personality?
You aren’t angry at me, are you, because I was so ‘impertinent’, Jeus?”
Jeus could kiss his master from joy, but he does not do that.
No, this is it!
That was just stuff and nonsense, he now sees!
For a person of the earth, yes, of course, who has any feeling for it, that is wonderful, he can now say for himself.
Being rich is nice, of course, if you have done something for it.
But what do those people do?
No, I have it now, I would have flown all over the world, had a good time, of course, but for the rest, those cockroaches would have made a fool of me.
Isn’t it the case, master?
Yes, it occurs to him, there is no more to it, but you have to be able to see that, only then will it be your own possession for your eternal life!
Money, riches and earthly happiness, none of all that lays any spiritual foundations.
It has no foundation; they sink away into mud and misery, because those rich people forget the poor.
Of course, he sees, they do something, but is that all?
No, I do not like any ‘d’oeuvres’ anymore, Jeus thinks, you can now keep those ‘Hors d’oeuvres’, just eat the whole lot yourself!
I will soon explain your lives.
Isn’t that something, Von Weber?
Yes, that will now happen to me ... Knerpie?
Flapje, you are a dark one, if you want to know.
Sientje, you are a big dope and Betsy is a little spider, but Marietje is a nice little darling, but none of you is a patch on the girl from Vienna!
And now carry on, it is going straight to ‘das Stolzen Fels Am Rhein’; his master, Jeus now sees, can find the way anywhere.
She dies there, and he has to follow that for a moment.
He has to see himself for a moment, and then they are gone again; they are now free from the earth. Master Alcar enters the spiritual-astral world with Jeus, in order to visit Miets and Irma.
On the way there Jeus also asks:
“Where is that countess now, master?”
“She lives in Italy, Jeus, and thinks that she has met her happiness, anyway.”
“And is that the case, master?”
“No, Jeus, she will experience misery again.
She will never ever forget your face, because she was able to feel your depth.
I passed that onto her life, because I knew her soul’s life, otherwise I would have closed her spirit off to your life, because that would also have been possible for me.”
“I thank God, master, that this did not happen.”
“Exactly, but I said, ‘no, I will not go to America.
No, I will not eat any hors d-oeuvres, I will not go along to the theatre, I will not go along to Germany, I will stay here!’
Under your own power, Jeus, you would have accepted something from these lives, you would have received this life, of course, why ever not, if you had come to earth for yourself, but I took care of your love and your task, and then the girl from Vienna came, with whom you are involved.
You will also get to know that later, and then you will understand everything!
You would have bought nice suits with the countess, or had them made, and you would have accepted this trip around the world, and why ever not.
But, I am telling you, Jeus, I prevented that happening; if I had not given you that sensitivity; now listen carefully to what I am saying, then the other life would not have experienced you in this way either, because, through me, through our unity, you could emit that aura, because that’s what it is, and it was experienced by many as a mother’s love.”
“I understand it, master.”
“That is why all these souls were powerless, Jeus, I had other things to do.
But now look, Jeus, this is the astral world.
I cannot connect you yet with the conscious reality, because you cannot deal with that.
Look, there are Miets and Irma.
Go to them, I will come back to you soon.”
Jeus experiences a miracle.
He sees Irma and Miets in their eternal life.
Miets also goes away, she will come back to him later.
Now he can talk to Irma, because he must not think of her as he used to, now he must see and experience her as his sister.
They talk and talk and talk; he experiences her deathbed along with her, how she enters this world.
They go hand in hand, he is thinking and, they give themselves to their master.
Jeus does not need to forgive her for anything, anything at all, because of the laws in which they live, and the world say so.
He looks her in the eye; she looks him in the eye.
In this way, all people will face each other one day, and they will have to bow their heads for each other, forgive each other, and accept each other.
He now feels it, consciously, Irma has become his sister, he can, may, and has to think of her, of all God’s creation, but this is different, they enter the universal love!
And this is eternally conscious, as a result of which she can also help to sustain him from this place.
“Thanks, Irma, now I know it.
We will all carry on.
But I will see you again one day.
I feel that the master wants this; it is a great mercy.
Look, Miets is back.”
Now the three of them are walking in the Divine part of HIS paradise.
This is just a small place, Jeus feels, Miets and Irma know, of the real and mighty eternal part, of which they still have to master the laws. However, both these souls already know, Jeus of mother Crisje will become a Prince of this space, and he has a great task to fulfil!
But they also know, they will help to sustain him, in everything and for everything.
Miets, Irma, and all the others who know him will soon bow to his personality!
Because Jeus is the Paul of this century!
Irma and Miets see that, and Tall Hendrik also knows, and they have to accept that!
Jeus has the feeling in him to be able to take care of all these lives, he now knows, because he can see this, he is just ahead of all these souls, there is no more to it, but not any less either!
Master Alcar comes back and they leave for earth, it is time!
Goodbye, my dears.
Goodbye, Miets, goodbye, Irma, your lives are blessed; how beautiful you are.
He cannot know what is waiting for him after this, but they know and will support and help him bear everything!
Master Alcar asks:
“Have I done wrong, Jeus, by sometimes acting on behalf of your life?”
“No, master, thank you.
I would not have missed all of this for the world.”
He does not yet see that he is floating through space, but this is the case, but he will learn that afterwards or it would be too much for his personality.
However, the master tells him that he will help him to think in order to be able to deal with all of this on earth and in the material life.
Jeus also gets to hear:
“You see, Jeus, we will continue in this way.
You are not yet conscious of all the laws of God, but that will soon change.
That development will give you another and a new life, you will feel rich.
Then we will start the real study, we will then make journeys in the spirit.
However, what you were able to see and experience now, Jeus, must leave your life.
You can think about everything, but it may not influence you.
When you will have left the garage, we will be faced with new revelations.
And I, my Jeus, will give you the consciousness of this space and that is worth more than the millions of the earth; riches, you now see that it does not mean anything to our world.”
“Yes, master, that’s the case, I have understood you in everything”, Jeus can say from the bottom of his heart.
“Now listen carefully, Jeus”, he also says, “when you have dealt with all of this, only then can I carry on.
The sooner you are finished with it, the better for me and yourself, then our real fight to shake people awake will begin.
It will be a battle of life and death, Jeus, you will have to give your life blood for it, you surely know that.”
“Yes, my master, I know it.
And I am telling you, I will give all of myself.
Just beat me down, if I succumb, I will stand up again.”
“That’s it, Jeus, we can carry on in this way.
Thank you, truly, I was not wrong, you have all of that, you can do it as well!”
“I want to serve, master.”
“You will serve, Jeus!
We will serve together and others along with us.
Each astral personality is following us, because the heavens know that we have started!
And anyone, who does not want to follow us, will just have to wait until ‘beyond the coffin’, they have to accept us in this world.
And now I can tell you, Jeus, if you can and want to accomplish that, then you will receive the very highest form of happiness for all the spaces of God, because the life connects us with all these Divine laws and revelations!
And that does not lie, that is the truth.
I will help you to think, in the way that I have always done. You know now that this is possible.
Look, Jeus, we are back, there is your girl from Vienna.
She is sleeping peacefully, you are also sleeping, but you have experienced wisdom and have aged by a thousand years.”
Jeus says goodbye to his master; he descends into his body and is one with his material body again, which will serve him, like the spiritual personality, on earth.
There is no more to it, but not any less; this whole experience is a Divine revelation!
He bows his head to everything, he now knows that he will serve!
“Goodbye, Master Alcar.”
“Goodbye, my Jeus.
I will keep watch!”
There were no disturbances.
“I will now leave.” Jeus has already inspired his own body.
“Goodbye, Jeus!
Your former Jose is leaving, but I will come back to you.
You see, I have now received my own task for our master as well.”
The master has been born, Casje has died, and Jeus has experienced spiritual revelations, the divine food has changed him!