Jeus the chauffeur

Every normal person knows for himself whether he is in harmony with society, when he follows these laws with regard to many things. If not society will say to him: that is wrong, you do not do it like that, you have to follow the normal laws. If you want to learn something, then you go to a master, if you want to go to university, then you may sit there and you have to listen to what the professor says and gives you to learn.
True or not, that is the case.
That is then for normal people.
The abnormal people want to do that in a very different way. They try to get around the social laws, because they do not wish to follow a course of study, are too lazy to do that or find it too time-consuming. They play with life, and want to master something for nothing, and there are millions of them walking about in this wide world. At the end of the day, they are the scroungers of the hard-working and duty-bound masses!
It is clear, if you want be something in this world, then you have to follow the normal ways and master them in a few years.
So those are the normal laws for this human life.
And you can never get around those laws; if you wish to do that anyway, then sooner or later you have to accept going to pieces, because such an institution or boss sees through you and then you can clear off, the best trained have priority.
Don’t they?
And that also applies to Jeus!
We also know that the human machine never reaches a dead point, if you can accept that psychology, which you get to know through soul, life, and spirit.
Even when asleep the human machine is still working, that thing, or whatever it is anyway, just chugs along and now knows exactly to choose the infallible ‘left’, to reach the final goal through an inhuman maze.
It has been discussed endlessly; even though the learned inner life is powerless in the face of and against the human machine; that faculty now learns that life is soul, spirit and working, but for which the university feeling still has to lay the foundations.
It is true, even if the personality has been disengaged, that human thing still works and sometimes acts infallibly unconsciously; the life crawls onto a roof while asleep, it fights against good and evil, it is open to sport, study and art, and does not know itself!
What does Jeus wish to achieve?
He now has worries!
He received that knowledge while asleep, at least the first move; tomorrow morning he will know exactly what he will do.
But that is now going according to an abnormal way, and this goes exactly against the social way, Jeus wants to go his own way, as it looks to him inside.
It is still a great mystery what will become of this, that also hangs on a silk thread and the powers for this are situated – how is it possible? – between life and death!
It is, you will not believe it, the Grim Reaper who wants to teach him to be a chauffeur.
Did you hear that?
The Grim Reaper wants to put him in a modern monster like that, because this is the best thing for Jeus, he will then be outside amongst people, and he will see something of life.
Fair is fair, he has almost spent all his money, the last few weeks dug into his savings, his money box is on its last legs.
He keeps on wakening with a fright, but a moment later he is back in a deep sleep and is talking out loud. Anyone who listened to him now would get to hear something strange. Bernard does not hear anything, because he is also dreaming.
Jeus’ soul is now behind the wheel, but he himself does not know that this is the case, it is also very strange and will only be clear to him much later.
It is these powers which force him to get up early.
What will you do, Jeus?
He does not know.
But what he does know and clearly feels is that he wants to get to know the city.
You see this is the abnormal part in Jeus.
Getting to know the city, The Hague, will take him to a trade, because you can go everywhere with a car, but then you have to know the city.
If someone says: ‘Take me to the railway’, then you obviously take the shortest route, don’t you?
But he does not have that thought yet, what he feels is that he must get to know the city, more is not yet necessary.
It begins, when you see all these people running, and you wonder, how do these people get food and drink.
How do all these people get their money to live, to marry, and to set up their own household?
That is a great mystery.
And Jeus has been experiencing that for two weeks. He now lives on dry bread and radishes, he does not want any food from Johan and Rie, they have to work too hard for it themselves.
There are thoughts in him, which ask: ‘has the snake from paradise now won?’
Why did the boss have to be cheated?
It was great there, you had no worries, and you lived amongst angels.
But was there any future there?
Can you afford to get married from it?
Who would want to become involved with a bicycle attendant, that is not sufficiently secure.
You need your own little house for society and it will happen there.
Yes, of course, but that will not happen if you go through life as a scrounger, then no girl will look at you, you will mean nothing.
You are nothing!
Bernard follows him and thinks Jeus is ‘completely’ mad.
What is he up to anyway?
And then Bernard gets to hear:
“I want to know my way about here, Bernard.”
“To know your way about, Jeus?
But why?
Do you not find that a bit strange?”
“No, Bernard, what I do is very run-of-the-mill.”
You see, this is something new, Crisje.
Speaking from a human and normal point of view, it is enough to drive you mad, this belongs to the abnormal.
Bernard feels that Jeus is now in a mess, , and that is understandable, because a normal person does not run through the city from dawn till dusk. If you want to achieve something, then you look for normal work, you go to a boss.
What he is doing now, Crisje, is quite crazy, Bernard is afraid, what he feels is pathetic!
Jeus says to himself: then you should have been more careful with your money.
But now he must show what he wants and can do.
And he now proves that consciously, he wanders through the streets of The Hague day in day out and lives on dry bread and radishes, because there is no longer any money for nice food.
Is that not enough to drive you mad, Bernard?
No, he has nothing, but Crisje must not know about this, mother feels everything from him and he must now prevent that from happening.
He writes to Crisje: I am fine, I have never been so well off, mother, life is good. Just judge for yourself, three bunches of radishes today with four rolls at three cents each is my food and drink and it tastes good, believe me, Crisje, I even have real wine with it.
However, Crisje is already writing, and asking what is the matter with him.
Nothing, mother, nothing, I am fine!
Do not worry, mother, I am doing well!
Jeus races out the door early, and does not say what he is up to. But what Bernard does know is that Jeus is getting to know the city, but he questions why?
You can see that he looks terrible.
Bernard is worried about Jeus, Johan and Rie are outside of it, they have nothing to do with it, nothing!
What does Bernard want; he is fine.
And it is clear, they are one, they are completely attuned to each other.
Week after week he runs through the city and spends his last cents, but he is learning a lot, Crisje.
Jeus does not know that it is really an enormous lesson for his personality.
He is now under a supernatural control and that feeling knows exactly what it wants; there is no way out of it for him.
That power only follows another path, that is the inhuman path, the most inhuman one there is!
But the only good psychologist in this world!
The only one, and that can only be followed and experienced by the supernatural part of a person.
You will see, as a result of this, psychic foundations are being laid for the future!
That is pretty hard to believe, isn’t it?
But that will come, you will see; Casje has already started!
We are just laying down some foundations for this humanity!
That is why we said a moment ago: the normal thing is, if Jeus wants to become a chauffeur, that he learns that from experts!
And that is simple.
Jeus is now starting immediately with the last part, getting to know the roads, because this is necessary for later, but for the normal social inner life it will be nothing else but losing one’s senses, won’t it? It is the madhouse, every sensible and normal person says that, Bernard, Johan and Rie will soon say that as well and it is called: Jeus cannot cope with the city.
Inside him there is a power which wants him to run, there is no more to it now, but the next stage will come as well.
He now carries on step by step, the power follows him, drives his life along and is called: astral consciousness!
Or is it just a nice idea of his?
But then Jeus will come away with a flea in his ear from the city, then he will go to pieces, sooner or later he will be faced with the madhouse, Crisje, but we will follow him.
If he wins, then this will be a great miracle for all of this humanity, that is undeniable, this will then be a phenomenon, a supernatural thing, and that will have to do with the Grim Reaper. For this purpose it will now happen and it will be the only answer; Jeus must experience it: there is thinking and feeling beyond the grave, a person remains alive eternally, he goes back to his God.
And now, all these wonderful things happen for this reason, the Grim Reaper will lose his crown, people of The Hague, these miracles take place amongst all of you.
Will you become acquainted with Jeus in the future?
Will you accept him as the greatest miracle of this century?
Because he will become that, because he is now running, he wants to get to know the streets and it is no longer human and normal.
Precisely because it is abnormal, it takes this humanity to the Divine universe for the soul and the spirit.
And for this purpose Casje is laying the first foundations for the West!
Well then, we will follow Jeus, the battle has started for him, but the contact has also returned with his unknown Casje!
Again Bernard questions his brother:
“What are you looking for in the city anyway, Jeus?”
“I want to know all about the city, Bernard.
But I already told you that, there is no more to it, Bernard.”
“But then you don’t need to dash about the place, do you?”
“Yes, Bernard, but do you not need to dash about the place as well, to slave to make it?
Did you think, Bernard, that we got things in life for nothing?”
Bernard looks him right in the eye and does not see anything.
You can’t get through to Jeus.
It is enough to drive you completely mad.
Bernard loves him a lot, they went through happiness and trouble at home, they went through thick and thin together, they were always together, always.
And now this?
When Bernard came home from the hospital and the splinters in his thigh festered, Jeus lay beside his bed like a faithful dog, he was ready for his sweet little brother for the slightest thing, he would have given his life for him.
And Bernard has never forgotten it, never ever, you cannot forget that either, that is engrained in his soul.
It is obvious that Bernard is now worried about Jeus, but he cannot get to the bottom of it and what he gets is inhuman. You look for a boss and that is the end of the story.
Bernard cannot even work any more because of it.
Jeus lives on bread and water and that is nonsense.
What goes on in Jeus crawls to his heart.
Now that Bernard also intends to run on the streets and to experience this unnatural thing together with him, upsetting Jeus enough to ask:
“What do you want, Bernard?
Have you gone mad?
Work, Bernard and nothing else.”
“Good gracious, Jeus, that’s a good one.
But do you think that I could sit here and see you destroyed before my eyes?”
“Have you now gone completely mad, Bernard?
Do you want to worry about me?
There is nothing the matter with me.”
Bernard does not accept that, and answers him:
“If you have to be destroyed, then I want to be destroyed as well!
As long as you know!”
He looks Bernard squarely in the eye.
Now Bernard sees something else.
He has not seen this personality before, Bernard does not know him.
The power, which has set Jeus off can do more than get to know the streets of this city, this power knows a lot and will act.
Just you watch, Bernard, and keep your eyes peeled, there is something to be learned.
He does not want Johan to worry, Bernard.
Can’t you understand that?
He does not want to receive any charity.
And did you think, Bernard, that the sacred matters of Our Lord were earned by ‘being rich yourself’?
That continually happens under poverty, under the poorest circumstances you come to this spatial clarity.
Isn’t that the case?
But you do not think about it, you do not have to know it yet, it is too much for you, also for Jeus, and then he would make a mess of things, he would do it differently, but in the wrong way!
Jeus is now acting through the powers of HIM, they come from a Source which has created everything and is life for tree, flower, animal and plant, and of course man!
And, Bernard, we are not finished yet, we have only started.
Bernard looks at him as if he has seen a ghost.
And now Bernard utters:
“Can you cope with the city, Jeus?
Has the city not made you lose your marbles?”
What a good person Bernard is, Jeus thinks.
He grabs him and kisses him.
Bernard now hears:
“Here you have something nice from me.
You are the best, Bernard.
If I was a girl, Bernard, believe me, then I would want to marry you.
How happy we would be together, Bernard.
I would never want anyone else, and you could do to me what you wanted.”
Isn’t that something, Bernard?
Wouldn’t you want to marry him?
But, Bernard, do you feel what this means?
As a result of this he gives you everything.
This is too much for Bernard and it overwhelms him completely, but he must understand it.
Jeus is not a girl; it is a pity!
But what is useful, Bernard received from him.
But Bernard does not give in yet.
“Are you trying to kid me that your wandering about the streets is work?”
“I am working all day, Bernard.”
“But then what?”
“You’re not half-witted, are you, Bernard?
I am telling you, aren’t I, I have to know all about the city.”
“And can you eat from that?” Bernard wants to know.
“No, not yet, Bernard, but that will come soon.
And I feel that, Bernard.”
“What do you feel then?”
“That I have to study now, Bernard.”
“Good grief, no one can make any sense of it.
You are a sight for sore eyes.
You look like a chicken with the cold.
You are out of your mind.”
“I will tell you something, Bernard.
Just let me wander.
Do not worry about me, Bernard.
I will make it.
I do not yet know of anything for myself, but I feel that it is right what I am doing!”
“Just walk until you drop then, that is your own business.
I have warned you.
This is enough to drive you mad, and today or tomorrow you must go home.”
Jeus looks in the little mirror to see whether he has a cold.
That Bernard is a fine one.
Bernard would prefer just to forget everything and follow him, but that is not possible either.
Then there will be two mad people in the family; that no longer seems a good idea.
But, good gracious, Bernard thinks, it is quite something.
Jeus has left.
If only I had given him some cigarettes.
That on top of everything else, he feels, Jeus cannot buy any cigarettes, it is bad, it is an unbelievable scandal what is going to happen here, you could go crazy yourself.
Jeus has now got it into in his head to buy some driving trousers.
The the few cents he still has left may not be squandered.
And later a pair of jackboots.
But what does a pair of driving trousers like that cost?
No, he cannot afford a cigarette just now, Bernard sensed that well, but he does not even want to smoke, that sacrifice is also a part of it, Bernard; it is good to show what you want.
Jeus goes into one of those shops.
There are all kinds of things hanging here.
What does a chauffeur’s suit cost?
Ugh, I do not have that money now; that is too expensive.
He leaves, he should have known that a few months ago, but then he did not know yet what he now knows, it is a pity, but it can no longer be helped.
You cannot sit in a car with a green-grey-blue suit; you need the right clothes for that.
Then just carry on, there are plenty of shops.
It is a serious blow.
And again we see that Jeus consciously does the wrong thing, he really follows his delusions of grandeur, the profession will come later, only after he has a pair of trousers and a cap like that, the rest will follow of its own accord.
Yes, Jeus, to the world, you are completely mad, if Crisje knew that, she would not sleep another wink.
What do those leg guards cost?
That black pair looks fine.
You can polish them yourself; he has learned that.
That yellow pair is too expensive, of course, they are beautiful, but too expensive.
How much are these, sir?
Then I will take the pair at four guilders fifty.
He leaves, and now a pair of trousers like that and then he will look fine.
He sees those trousers in a second hand shop, the things a policeman’s discarded trousers are good for.
But look.
How much did you say?
That is reasonable, he may have them for two fifty.
Now the knowledge as well, Jeus, but that will come.
What do you wish to achieve with these things?
Bernard will be proved right, you cannot cope with the city.
All this, and it was cheap.
He takes off his things and puts on his new purchases.
With his dark grey jacket with braiding, he looks very neat.
Now he has everything in order to act the part of chauffeur.
Yes, it is over, and lives in his consciousness. He will become a chauffeur, Crisje. This is something entirely different from being a chef, because as a chef, you see nothing and that slaving over a hot stove would kill you.
No, this is better.
You are now right in the middle of life.
You will learn a lot!
You will go everywhere.
A girl would like to marry a chauffeur; he earns good money.
Irma should have known that, then she would not have cheated him.
Since she has disappeared, there was a question of some kissing, but not any more than that.
Society is now different to your life, he decides for himself and runs further.
The cap which he just bought looks really good, what will Bernard say to it this evening?
You see, did you see that girl there looking?
She was looking at him; chauffeurs mean something.
And now he must first see that he gets some food.
There are all kinds of things at the market, Crisje, he buys nice fried herrings, which he is so mad about, and they are dripping in fat.
Four for ten cents, that is nothing.
Good heavens, he lives in a paradise, it is going really well, it couldn’t be better.
And now Crisje receives: ‘Mother, I am getting on so well.
Do not worry about me, I am doing well!
You will not believe it, mother.
Delicious wine from the tap with fried herrings, is a feast, Crisje.’
Do you feel anything?
Do you feel, Crisje, that there is something the matter with him?
Crisje writes, she asks what the matter is, she has horrible dreams about Jeus.
But there is nothing, mother!
Every day life gives you something beautiful to experience, as long as you want to see that and can accept it.
Jeus can do that.
And now to work, Jeus!
Let’s see.
Just go that way today.
Yesterday we were in the Bezuidenhout, today we will look for another neighbourhood, a bit closer to home, the parcel under your arm will get heavier of its own accord, won’t it?
We do not have any money for a tram now, walk, Jeus, otherwise you will learn nothing today.
Oh look, there is Johan.
What is he doing in this neighbourhood?
Just hide, Jeus, or we will have to tell him everything and he will not understand it anyway.
Johan would only worry about nothing.
He hides in a doorway and then continues, he goes straight to the Transvaal neighbourhood, also to the neighbourhood named after the painters, where they have also called a street after me, Jeus, we will also have a look there.
Yes, of course, they called a street after me, Jeus, look for yourself!
He runs in and out of streets.
What a strange name that is.
Paul Kruger?
I do not know that man.
Is that a human street?
At Van Gimborn’s we also had a Paul.
Then he reads: Loosduinse road, it will go to Loosduinen and he must know all about it, it is the order of the day.
In Loosduinen he almost collapses, but that does not matter.
That must be because of the dinner of course, he has eaten too much.
May I catch a tram back?
What do you think, Jeus, will we just take the tram?
You have earned it today, you did your best, and we have no complaints.
Yes, you are dead tired, just take the tram back for now and we will carry on later.
The tram takes him back to the city and then he continues; now he gets to know the Benoordenhout.
When it is evening, and he can almost no longer carry on, he strolls homewards at his leisure.
Just look there.
Nice meat rolls, but he does not have any money now.
But he still has to have his evening meal.
Bakers stink!
Who likes that burnt rubbish?
Not him!
And he has just had a nice steak with fried potatoes, which was plenty for an ordinary person.
Afterwards he had a nice glass of cold beer, all together for three weeks; he can carry on for the moment.
But let’s have a look, four dry rolls and radishes again is the tastiest.
Then a nice cup of coffee afterwards.
Mother, I will go to the Central Station, just let me off there and eat well, so do not worry!
We don’t have money for anything more, it rumbles inside his soul and he therefore knows that.
He gives in to it completely.
You have spent my money, Jeus, my own money.
Now you will not get any more.
Did the life of paradise not tell you to be economical?
And how did you act?
Now we are faced with this reality.
That man warned you, but you will not be a burglar.
You will be a chauffeur!
“So, I’m back again, Bernard.”
Bernard looks, what does he see now?
How did he get those things?
“I had just that much, Bernard.
I was careful with it, wasn’t I?
And what I now have left is for my food.”
“Have you already eaten then?”
“Yes, Bernard, steak with fried potatoes, and then a nice glass of beer.”
“Are you trying to kid me?”
“I am telling you, Bernard, I ate well.
First I had hot herrings.
Good heavens, how tasty they were, Bernard.
And that was for the afternoon.
Just now I had pea soup and then steak with potatoes.”
He lies through his teeth, but he has to or Bernard will have no life anymore.
“Did you really still have money?”
“Yes, of course, otherwise I cannot eat, can I, Bernard?
But I found thirty guilders in the lining of my jacket.
I know now how that money got there.
Can you feel my happiness?
And how do I look now, Bernard?”
“Are you serious about that money?”
“Of course, Bernard.
Why would I lie about it, Bernard?
And then I bought this chauffeur’s uniform.”
“Do you want a cigarette?”
“I have my own cigarettes, Bernard, but I wouldn’t mind one of yours.”
He feels in his jacket, but he has lost them.
Bernard sees it.
“Good grief, Bernard, I have lost mine.”
Bernard swallows; he cannot make head nor tail of him.
Now for a nice smoke, he has not had a cigarette for days.
How good life is, life is wonderful.
He is sitting there with Bernard in his little room and is enjoying himself.
And there are no worries.
Bernard looks at Jeus’ boots, trousers, and cap and comments:
“What do you want to wear that lot for?
You look just like a chauffeur.”
You see now, Bernard, you still do not understand him.
You can see now that he wants to be a chauffeur.
“That is what I want to be, Bernard.”
“What did you say?
You want to be a chauffeur?”
“Yes, Bernard, can’t I do that then?”
“But you have to train for that, and that will take at least six months before you qualify.”
“Probably, Bernard, but I will become a chauffeur!”
Johan, who brings a cup of tea and sees Jeus in his driving trousers also wants to know what’s going on.
“What do I hear, what do you want to become?”
“A chauffeur, Johan.”
“But do you not know then that this is a great profession?
You can study years for it.”
“That is possible, Johan, but I will be a chauffeur.”
Rie comes to have a look.
They laugh right in his face, because he does not have a cent to pay for studies.
And how does he wish to learn that profession?
Just like that, by looking at it?
How did he get this certainty?
Does Bernard not know?
No, Jeus only found out today, Bernard does not know anything, but he will become a chauffeur.
Bernard, Johan, what he now feels within himself, will happen.
The feeling, which now lives in him, another person only has to say the magic words and he will become it!
There is a feeling within him which forces him to become a chauffeur, what can you do about it, nothing!
You can do nothing yourself if that feeling speaks to your life, nothing at all!
But you will become a chauffeur!
It is in his blood, Johan, in his nerves, heart, soul and spirit, this feeling, this power or whatever it is.
It would be enough to die laughing about if it was not so serious.
And would Jeus be able to conjure up this feeling out of thin air, Johan, Bernard?
No, that is not possible.
Or he will go completely mad!
And a chauffeur has to know his way about, this is why Jeus is learning about The Hague and surroundings, and this is why he runs out the door day in day out.
Do you know everything now?
Jeus will soon prove himself, but then he will be a chauffeur!
He is busy metamorphosing, Johan, but not like a butterfly does that, and yet, it is exactly the same, for him it is this profession.
He cocoons himself, no, he breeds something out, and that through someone else.
You could have known, but you do not think any further, you do not know why Jeus came to the city, if you really think it through, Johan and Bernard, then you would be faced with your dead ones.
And those of Jeus are capable of an awful lot.
There is nothing more to tell just now.
For Jeus, who now knows this, everything is perfectly straightforward, only he must do something for it.
And he has already been doing that for weeks.
“But how will you get food for all that time, Jeus?” Bernard asks again.
“I do not know yet, Bernard, but it will not take as long as you think for me, as long as you know.”
“Where were you today again?”
“Everywhere, Bernard.
I already know the city a bit, I will know it in no time.”
“And then what?”
“That is still to come, Bernard, I do not know yet.”
Bernard gives up, but this is going wrong!
Jeus is worrying, but they are not enlightening each other.
Jeus goes upstairs early; he is dead tired.
Is that allowed?
Yes, just go to sleep.
When Bernard comes upstairs a while later, he is already sleeping.
Bernard had wanted to talk to him.
But Jeus must just wake up; Bernard has some juicy pig’s trotters with him.
“Jeus, wake up!”
“What’s the matter, Bernard?”
“I have got nice pigs’ trotters for you, Jeus, you must be hungry.”
“I am not hungry, Bernard.”
“Come on, eat, do not try to fool me, you are starving.
Do you think that I am mad?”
He thoroughly enjoys the pigs’ trotters, but he must not show that he is starving and feeling faint, then Bernard will still go mad.
Bernard follows his thoughts and says a moment later:
“Would you not be better to go home, Jeus, to mother?”
“What did you say, Bernard?
Must I go to mother?
Have you gone completely mad, Bernard?
Now that I am studying, I have to go home, Bernard?”
Bernard wants to say something else, but Jeus has finished the pigs’ trotters and is already under the blankets again.
Bernard cannot understand it.
It is bad, where must this ship strand?
Jeus now gets to experience the dream of his life.
And now he is faced with miracles, with psychological worlds.
After all, is dreaming the truth?
Is that knowledge?
Can you experience knowledge through dreaming?
No, and yet?
Many scholars got their knowledge just at that time when they were no longer conscious and they had no understanding of the material anymore.
That is the truth!
What do people know about the soul, the spirit and the human personality?
What is dreaming?
No one knows.
Not a single scholar knows anything about it.
Can dreams let you experience the future?
Yes, but can dreams teach you something which you need for your daily goings-on?
No, that is going too far!
And yet, Jeus is now dreaming about his future.
He experiences a great miracle, and it is happening just like before, Jeus, but you no longer think about that.
Do you not know that you dreamt infallibly that Irma was cheating on you with another boy?
That is now happening again, and in the same way you will learn to be a chauffeur!
He is now dreaming that he is walking outside, on the street and he is looking for a garage where he will learn to be a chauffeur.
So there will be a garage involved, after all?
Yes, but a spiritual one, one through which you can dream.
In the street, he meets a gentleman whom he asks whether he knows where such and such a garage is.
And what does that person say to Jeus?
The man first looks him in the eye before speaking and then asks:
“Don’t I know you?”
“I don’t know, sir.
It is as if I also know you, but I do not know where I met you before.
But I have the feeling that I know you, yes, certainly.”
“It is remarkable, I have the same feelings.
But what did you actually want from me?
What are you looking for in this neighbourhood?”
“I need a garage, sir.”
“What are you looking for?”
“A garage, sir.
I have to learn how to drive today.
There is someone there who wants to teach me, you see.”
“That is a good profession.
You will see a bit of the world and you will meet all kinds of people.
And that is really the best thing there is.”
“So, you think so as well, I also think of it like that, sir.
You see, I already have my uniform, now I just have to learn to do it.
Now to find my boss.”
“Well, perhaps I can help you with that.
A friend of mine has a garage and he does nothing else.”
“Oh, sir, would that friend of yours maybe help me?”
“Yes, of course, everything is possible, if you are serious, then everything will be fine.
You just go over there, around the corner, and ask for Willem.
He will do it, and that will not cost you a cent, just say that I sent you.
However, I have an idea, I will go with you.
I will just tell Willem that he has to help you.”
“Would you do that for me, sir?”
“Of course, my friend, we are here in the world to help each other.
That will not cost Willem a cent, after all.
If you do your best, then Willem can help you.
But, you must do your best.”
“You can count on me, sir, of course, I am grateful to you.”
“Willem is a good friend of mine, he used to be my servant.”
“Also in cars, sir?”
“Precisely, we had a garage, but then I started something else.
And Willem still owes me a favour, so that he can do something for me by teaching you to drive.”
“Is that not fortunate, sir?
That I met you is the grace of Our Lord, don’t you think?”
“A person must have luck in life, my friend, or you will not make it.
Look, here it is.
And there is Willem.
I will have a talk with him.”
Jeus is standing in front of Willem and he is told to teach him to drive.
What he has to do is really nothing yet.
He only has to look at a car, for the moment, no more is necessary, says Willem.
He must take a good look at the car, take in everything which has to do with a car, the rest will come, and that will happen of its own accord.
The car must be lodged in his soul.When Jeus sees the complete picture before him, then Willem will carry on and the car will be driven to the door and he will go for a drive with Willem himself.
Jeus takes a seat behind the driving wheel, he already feels the machine humming, as it were.
Isn’t that something, he thinks.
Who could have dreamt this?
He feels below the seat of the car and that’s it!
Jeus graciously comments to the man:
“I am so grateful to you, sir.
I will certainly do my best.”
Willem goes away for a moment, so Jeus can get a feel of the car.
He wants to ask the gentleman something else, but he has already disappeared.
What is that man actually called?
And then Willem comes back.
Willem points out various things and matters to him, and then that is quite enough for today.
Jeus says goodbye to Willem, but he will see him again, he has to keep thinking about the car, however.
He slowly wakens and continues to think.
It was a nice dream, Jeus thinks, ... it was beautiful.
But who was that gentleman anyway?
He thinks that he has seen him before.
Was he not a customer of his last boss?
No, think, but he cannot work it out.
He must hold onto the car, he must continue to think about it and nothing else.
Then he falls asleep again, he no longer dreams, this is a natural, healthy sleep.
In this way he used to experience thousands of things, but he does not think about that.
He is up early.
Bernard is wakened by his banging about and sleepily asks:
“Where are you going so early?
It is enough to drive you mad, isn’t it?”
“I have to work, Bernard.”
“Good gracious, this is not work any more.
No one could keep that up.”
“Will you keep your mouth shut, so early in the morning, Bernard?
Will you be good?
I have to work and I will see you this evening.
Just do not worry about me, Bernard.”
When he has reached the street, he feels something else, but he does not know why he feels that.
It is clear, this power is pushing him towards the shops, and it is as if he has to look at the shops today, which he does.
He wanders on, across the bridge on the Koningstraat, goes into the Boekhorststraat, passes shop after shop, he is not interested in butcher’s shops, but suddenly he feels, stop!
What is that?
Good heavens, how is it possible.
Is that not exactly what he needs?
He is standing in front of a book shop which sells second-hand books, and right in front of the window he sees what he needs and which was written for his life.
He reads: how to become a good chauffeur!
The door is still closed; he must be patient, half an hour later he is holding the book, bought for twenty-five cents.
He now feels as light as a feather.
Now he is running through the city, he does not know where he is going.
He must first make sure he eats something and then carry on.
He can afford a piece of black pudding today.
He gets his coffee from a stall at the market and when that is done, he goes off through the city.
Just look.
He sees an ice-cream van.
There is a driver in that van.
That man could tell him a thing or two.
He approaches the van.
It is a miracle, today he gets everything he needs.
Is that not a coincidence?
And now he has to ask honestly what he wants to know.
“May I ask you a few questions, sir?”
The man looks at him and asks: “Sir, did you say?
Just leave that out.”
Does that gentleman wish to ridicule him, he asks Jeus.
If that is the case, then he had better be quick.
Jeus tries again:
“May I ask you something?”
“Yes, of course, what is it?”
“Look, I wanted to know if you press that, what happens then?”
The driver of the ice-cream van looks at his clothes.
The man sees it, first the uniform and then the knowledge.
Jeus is already a chauffeur, but he can understand that.
Jeus begs him to tell him everything.
And now that the man looks him in the eye, he has an even better idea.
He understands it, Jeus now hears:
“Look, my friend.
I will just show you that.
I will switch on the engine, then you will understand it better.
Well now, if I press in this pedal, put my foot on it, and I put it in gear at the same time, and I – have a good look at what I am doing – release the pedal, the van moves.
Do you see that?
There we go already.
And this pedal is the brake.
Now I am applying the brake.
Can you see that?
There is no more to it.
Here are the four gears, you keep having to press in the pedal and change gears, of course, and then you can drive.
Do you understand it?
Do you want another cigarette?”
“Yes please, sir, driver.
Thank you very much.”
“My pleasure.”
Jeus makes off quickly.
The man thinks, of course, that he is crazy.
Well, just work it out for yourself, I know now.
He sits down in the most beautiful spot in The Hague to study.
He is wonderfully happy sitting there beside the ducks and the swans; the Vijverberg is well-known.
And now he must study!
The sun is shining, he has had food and drink, and he can manage until this evening.
He keeps looking at the vehicles, which fly past here.
Just you wait, but do not make such a fuss, I will be part of it soon, and I will also fly through the city.
Just don’t make a fuss.
I will undoubtedly find my baron too.
But then I know it myself, they do not need to teach me anything.
Do they?
Then I will go to a rich family, no, a garage is better, and that boasting means nothing to him.
It is just as well that he can speak German, languages are necessary.
If you can make yourself understood over the border, you count for more.
He still knows all the things he learned with Willem; it now lives in his day-consciousness.
This evening he will go to bed early again and go back to Willem, because he feels that it must come from there.
Nothing has been lost.
How many similar visions was he not able to experience, and yet able to receive infallibly as truth and spiritual knowledge?
However, Jeus does not think of that and that must not happen either, or he will think for himself and then he will get lost and lose his way in this immeasurable space!
What will now happen to him has been infallibly calculated and everything is going well, but he has to take this path step by step in order to reach the ultimate goal, being a chauffeur!
For Casje this is the contact with his life and personality!
He studies until it becomes dark.
Now he will have a look to see if there is anything else to eat.
He can no longer stand the sight of the same rolls, but he has no choice now.
Today he has already had black pudding, but his stomach is rumbling and is not satisfied.
The feeling which speaks to him says, a week at the most and then he will be a driver.
He has already been on the run for three and a half months, but what do you want, if you are learning a great profession?
Others take years to learn it.
When Bernard sees him studying that evening, he asks:
“So you do need lessons to become a chauffeur?”
“Yes, Bernard, of course, I am already studying.”
“But did you think that I could have become a tailor through a book?
By looking in a book?”
“That is entirely different for you, Bernard, of course, I can understand that.”
“And is it perhaps not the case for you?”
“No, Bernard, of course not.”
“Are you taking lessons then?”
“Yes, but different ones from the usual ones.
But you can see that I am studying, can’t you?”
“But do you not understand then that there is a lot more to it than that?”
“I know that,
“So, what do you want?”
“But I am studying, Bernard.
Is that not enough?”
“That is enough to drive you completely mad.”
Bernard is getting angry, he cannot stand it any longer, but Jeus calms him down when he says:
“Will you shut your mouth, Bernard?
Did you not learn your lesson yet?
Bernard, I will be a chauffeur!
And now I have to study.
Just stop your moaning, nothing will happen to me!”
Bernard is choking inside, but gives up.
It is terrible.
But when it is eleven o’clock, Jeus feels that he has to sleep, the feeling of dreaming again has reached him.
“Do you have to go to sleep already?” Bernard asks.
“I am tired, Bernard.
I am tired from all that studying.
But I can wait a little while longer.”
They smoke a cigarette, Bernard tidies up and wants to talk.
“Are you sure about what you want to do, Jeus?”
“I know everything in my own mind, Bernard.”
“But what is all that?”
“That I will become a chauffeur, Bernard.”
Bernard gives up again.
For Jeus the progressive feeling is coming nearer and nearer.
A healing working with which he is connected in soul and spirit.
He experiences his dreams, his thoughts, he is up to his neck in it.
He lives through it, he talks through it, thinks, feels, sees, as well, and all of that will not cheat him.
It is more real than everything in this world, it is more clear, more natural, and it will not lie or cheat you!
For him they are the fundamental laws, possibilities, which will soon be materialized, but the depth of which he does not yet know, does not feel either, because it would be too much again for his life.
But what will happen, has been thought through!
It knows exactly what it wants.
It can talk to you as well; it can let you dream with an infallible certainty.
And these dreams are tuned to human help, to the happiness of a person and they want to make something of his life.
If Jeus had a girl now, then this feeling would be divided, but that at present, is not an issue, he can now give in to it completely, there is an awe-inspiring longing in him to make something of himself.
For the future, yes, of course, but also for himself, and is all that possible through dreaming?
The blow from Irma gave him everything.
That danger is not there now.
Another girl would have taken him away from this dream once again, but that has been prevented, he is still young enough to have a flirtation, and it will come, but then in cosmic time, not a second earlier or later.
What does the city, what does life, and what do people want from him?
They can do nothing, nothing; he will go his own way, Bernard.
You could have known it, but you do not believe that Jeus is such a miracle, but then it will soon become clear to you.
And even then you will laugh, you will probably even laugh at him, but that is your own business.
There is one thing, he will dream again soon, and then the miracle will happen!
When Bernard comes upstairs, he is sleeping, however the dreaming has not yet started.
Bernard also goes to bed, he is dead tired and is thinking, he is also trying to start his own household soon and he needs money for that.
Jeus, who feels what Bernard has in mind, does not want any money from him.
Bernard has been dealt a fierce blow by life and is entitled to some human happiness, and who isn’t?
Bernard slaves for this, for his girl, his love, whom he will find, everybody has come into the world to have a courtship, haven’t they, Bernard?
But every day there are a few coins in his pocket for food and drink and he is grateful for that.
But he misses Crisje’s soup and that is no one’s business, not mother’s business either.
But where is Willem anyway?
His soul is begging for this contact, the first thoughts are sent out, and if they had not been picked up, he could beg for years, he would not get an answer now.
But there is something, something lives in Divine space, which hears him, which wants him to serve, to learn to be a chauffeur in this way.
Yonder or somewhere in that awe-inspiring space, his thoughts are picked up.
Jeus is now unconscious of the world, he is sleeping, but he is awake for the soul and spirit; after all, did Hendrik not used to climb onto the roof, did he not walk with his body and all over an empty space?
The powers for this are present, his soul possesses this sensitivity, no more is needed, and this is actually everything!
He thinks in his sleep: why should I not visit Willem?
I know the way.
Dreaming, thinking, he flies to the Weteringkade, because that is where Willem is.
Willem is in a side street.
On the bridge of the square, there he meets his gentleman again.
The man says:
“Isn’t that a coincidence?”
“Yes, sir, I am going to see Willem.”
“Oh, he is in the garage.
I have just talked to him.”
“That is great, sir.
But where do I know you from?
I have seen you before.
But where was that anyway?”
Meanwhile, they have walked over to Willem.
The man disappears; he races over to Willem.
Even so, Jeus thanks the stranger and says:
“Listen, thank you, thank you for everything.”
“My pleasure”, he answers.
Good gracious, Jeus thinks, that is dialect.
Can that man speak dialect?
But Willem is standing in front of him.
He sees Willem as a person, a very ordinary person, he even sees the little spots on his cheek, a few freckles, his big nose, his thin lips, he can see Willem as in broad daylight.
There is nothing unusual, nothing frightening, what he experiences is human and real.
Willem asks:
“How are you?
And what is your name?”
“My name is Jeus, Willem.”
“So, that is dialect, that is from Gelderland, isn’t it, Jeus?”
“Yes, Willem, but how do you know that?”
“Because I come from Gelderland, Jeus.
I can also speak dialect!”
“And I also heard that gentleman there speaking in the dialect.”
“That goes without saying, Jeus, he also comes from the ‘Achterhoek’ and is a Gelderlander.”
“That is good, Willem, then we can speak dialect now and again.”
“Yes, that is possible, but when we go driving, Jeus, the dialect is no good to you and later people will not be able to understand you.”
“Of course, Willem, I understand.
But what will we do today?”
“Nothing, Jeus, you first have to know that little book by heart.”
“Do you know about that, Willem?”
“I see, it is half hanging out of your pocket.
That is a good book.
You must know all about it and then we will go driving.”
Jeus sees that the book is sticking out of his pocket.
So he has to learn.
“Yes”, says Willem, “you will first learn what is in that book, then I will not need to tell you, and if I tell you about it, then you will know what I am talking about.”
“That is also very clear, Willem.
I will take care of that.
Then I will just go immediately, Willem, and I will not waste my time.”
They say goodbye.
Slowly but surely the inner life becomes peaceful.
He dozes off into normal sleep, there is now no longer a question of influence or dreaming.
Nothing can reach him anymore, although his spirit continues to think and feel.
This contact can no longer be destroyed.
When Bernard wakens in the morning, Jeus is studying.
Bernard rubs his sleepy eyes and actually awakes with a fright when he sees that his brother is not giving up his studying.
Bernard also dreamed last night and his dream is not to be sneezed at, it was frightening and nasty.
Jeus already hears:
“Last night I dreamt that you had gone mad.
We came to visit you in the madhouse and you were sitting there like Deut Messing.
Completely crazy and dribble was running down your chin.
Good gracious, how horrible that was.”
Bernard has a look at him; Jeus answers:
“So, Bernard, you dreamt that I was completely mad.
But I do not want anything to do with madness, Bernard.”
Bernard cannot compete with him, but he assures him that he has had more than enough of it.
“If you do not stop that damned studying, I will throw you out or I will go to mother and tell her everything.
Good grief, it is already occupying me, I can no longer think.
What must become of this?
Do you have to laugh as well?
Do you have to laugh at me as well?
But I saw you sitting there.
The dribble was running down your face.”
He lets Bernard talk away and he carries on studying.
He works hard and falls asleep again.
At about twelve o’clock he runs down the street.
Today he will do the theatres.
If people ask him to drive to the theatre, then he will have to know that.
He writes the most important things down in a notebook.
Is it nice in there, is a building like that elegant?
Probably, because he has already been in a few buildings and it was really elegant there.
And then he must eat again.
Yesterday he spent seventeen cents and that was not too much, but today he feels like a bowl of soup, he can afford that, in a few days he will be a chauffeur anyway and he will earn plenty of money.
Because Willem will start soon, he feels, and it is in his hands, he also feels that, he must master the book.
It is May, the sun is shining, but the last few months have been terrible, Crisje.
But, he will become a chauffeur!
It has taken a while, Crisje, but now it is nearly time.
Now where is Willem?
He has been very hungry, Crisje, but that does not matter, and you do not mind making sacrifices for such things.
Through another power, Crisje, Jeus started to think, just like before, when he experienced Golgotha.
This is nothing different and exactly the same thing, Crisje, but now it is driving!
Is that so special?
Yes, because it does not exist in this world for normal human thinking and feeling.
But do you not feel, Crisje, that Jeus is experiencing exactly the same laws as when he was at home with you and was still a child?
As a result of this Casje has him completely in his power.
If he had not received those things before, he would not have experienced anything now, Crisje. Why did the other boys not receive his experiences?
We have talked about it several times, we understand his life and everything through which he works, studies, or was the experience of Golgotha not a study?
Was finding the money in the woods not the same thing?
Now he is finding the way, he will now find work as a chauffeur, Crisje, and that is very simple, because other thoughts and feelings ‘want’ it!
That is Casje’s intention.
But Jeus does not know that, he is still ignorant of everything and that must be the case, or he would start to think for himself, but he must receive every thought and it is now cosmic wisdom!
We are satisfied up until now, Crisje, everything is going according to our wishes.
But Jeus is losing himself as a result of this.
However, what he has instead of it, Crisje, is great!
We can safely say: Casje, compliments from Our Lord.
Casje is now occupied with drawing up Jeus in his life through driving.
And that is spiritual art, Crisje.
Casje is now making each action an occult law, a spiritual foundation, but on which Jeus stands, and is secure.
Jeus will get a better, freer personality in exchange if he loses this material thinking and feeling; then Casje will be in charge of him.
And you will see, these matters take place infallibly.
There is not one single thought of Jeus himself, and because he is poor, Crisje, he no longer possesses anything, he is completely open to this help, this contact and Casje can carry on.
Precisely through his dream and this contact, Casje penetrates deeper into his life.
Jeus will become a cosmic initiate as a result of this, Crisje, and will get to know this humanity.
As a result of this, you must feel it, Jan Lemmekus, the books will come later.
If Casje now started to write all of this down, Jeus would get hold of the most beautiful book that was ever written, but that will only come later.
We will not forget anything, Crisje, everything will be laid down later and that will then be my task, the José of the past!
You see, I want to approach you, dear Crisje, we are now busy!
Only then will The Hague get to know him.
We now know, dear Crisje, that he will not be welcomed with open arms, but that does not matter, as long as this humanity receives his teachings, the masters will bring this universal wisdom to the earth and to all her children.
We already know that Jeus will write about thirty books!
And that is significant, after all, Crisje!
The master of Jeus, therefore this Casje, is infallibly aware.
He is omniscient in this universe, Crisje!
Later Jeus will get to know him, and only then will your Jeus lie at the feet of his master.
What he receives, Crisje, and will experience, no one can and will get that from their own power.
Jeus is now wandering amongst the people of the city and no one knows him.
Because he does not even know himself!
But he will get to know himself through Casje.
No one knows either who Casje is, but we have already talked about that before.
Really, Crisje, they named a street after Casje and that is the Van Dijckstraat in The Hague, because Casje is that personality.
And Jeus will later have to accept that as well.
I am giving you all these explanations, Crisje, because Jeus is starting to feel that it will happen soon, and then you will also be able to understand everything better.
Therefore every action which Jeus gets to experience through Casje, is of universal awareness, is universally aware.
They come from a source to social feelings and thoughts, as a result of which everything came into existence.
Casje has therefore already started and through material laws, the earthly life and you see it, it is possible.
Science sometimes calls that inspiration, Crisje, this is spiritual inspiration, the infallible certain eloquence.
All these thoughts, even if they will have to do with a car soon, are still spiritually-astrally conscious and only afterwards will they become occult laws.
Are you still afraid of an occult law?
Driving has been built up for Jeus through these laws up until now, but the rest of it will follow soon and you will also experience that, Crisje.
You can feel it, and that must therefore happen, Jeus will dissolve completely, because he will think about driving through another power.
He must lose ‘this’, which he is, but he will get hold of that other personality and along with that, the spiritual possession obtained, and all those possibilities in order to be able to serve as an instrument, because it is for this purpose!
And also later, Crisje, he will step into Casje’s life and you will certainly feel this as well, Casje knows all about the human machine!
Yes, Jan Lemmekus, now there will be neither bolts nor screws left, Casje will take Jeus apart completely and according to the Divine laws, and when Jeus has been put back together completely, his machine and he will operate himself for the Divine evolution, the University of Christ!
It is a beautiful piece of work; it gives Casje constructive consciousness for Jeus, and in this way, Crisje, your child will become a ‘universe’ of wisdom, a great spiritual miracle, the only one in this world!
Where has Willem gone to now?
Who is that Willem, Crisje?
Willem is a helper of his master.
So am I, Crisje.
And you can hear it; I am here!
Jeus must not see me yet or he will go back to our youth, and that must rest.
That is part of the first foundations; what is happening to him now is the following process of this development.
Willem is someone who has killed himself as a result of his work and task on earth; he therefore lost the earthly part, but continued in spirit and can now help Casje.
There is no more to experience, and this contact is really pure, no one will come between it, because Casje has closed Jeus off to everything of the earth, we saw and experienced that and can therefore accept it!
Also to Casje’s world, no one knows how to get on with Jeus, only Casje can do that, because since his childhood he has opened Jeus to his life and thoughts.
What Casje’s task is, you see, is certainly not so simple.
But as a result of this, Crisje, that is the point, we will write the books later, but for Our Lord, because He wants HIS children to awaken!
There is more in God’s space than a faith.
Because of Jeus’ inner life, Casje can perform miracles.
In his sleep, he sees Willem, but that is also possible in day-consciousness, because Jeus is clairvoyant and a cosmic seer.
Experiencing and seeing Golgotha was cosmic, Crisje.
Casje could therefore connect him to this clairvoyance, but that will only happen later, because Jeus must experience spiritual sight and that means: he is now open to Casje’s world. Jeus must therefore receive his sight, because he will never see with his own powers, otherwise that possibility and gift would just disintegrate.
Here in the city, dear Crisje, there are enough of those men and women, and they are all sensitive, but they see with their own powers and that has nothing to do with our world, the world of Casje. There are also the telepathic people, after all, and those men and women now experience their own sensitivity, about which Jeus will later write a book through us, because we, the highest masters, want the Western inner life to get to know all these possibilities and laws.
But they are the fortune tellers here, they are also the psychometrics, they are the spiritualists, which Bernard also liked. However, they do not possess any certainty, because, you will certainly understand and accept that, real angels of Our Lord do not want to tell fortunes for the people on earth, because these are Divine gifts which are now dragged through the mud of the world and are transformed into money!
When I tell you, Crisje, that every dog and cat possesses this instinctive sensitivity, why not people then; but as a result of this a lot of deceit came into existence.
Jeus will later have to fight this deceit and explain all these laws and possibilities through the masters; only then will there be pure contact in the world.
And you now know what that is for; it is all to remove the Grim Reaper’s crown, because there is no death, Crisje!
Jeus already feels that Willem will begin tomorrow.
Then Bernard will think that he is really mad.
He and Johan will experience miracles, but they will not yet understand those miracles.
However, what a magician can experience in his cell and for his study, and also receives from his masters, Jeus will get through his contact with Casje, through his dreams, which is nothing more than a state of trance.
The car is now a very ordinary chair, Crisje, but that thing will now get brains and will also be drawn up as well as Jeus, because Willem knows all about that thing.
The chair is therefore a car in the spirit.
And that is possible, because if you think of a dove, then you will know how flying works.
If you now want a piece of wood to fly, in your hand, then you can manage it, and that is then the shadow of the real thing.
For Jeus the chair is a car, you will see that for yourself tomorrow, and Bernard will also.
If you think it through, Crisje, you will understand that this is a great miracle, after all.
Your Tall One is also there and is following everything, because, like Willem, he is a pupil of Casje.
If a parapsychologist feels this, then he can consciously say: yes, this is true; there is life ‘beyond the coffin’!
All this comes from ‘beyond the coffin’, Crisje, and this is the greatest miracle of this century, for which Jeus will serve, which cannot be avoided by anyone, any ordinary person, or scholar, this is the proof of life after death.
This is why everything, which Jeus will experience and receive is wonderful and sacred!
Because of this, Crisje, even if this humanity does not give him that yet, he will become the Paul of this age!
That is Casje, but Jeus will serve for this Paul, his master!
And behind Casje are millions of other masters, until you are faced with Our Lord, but then Jeus will enter the Divine All, Crisje, and all the laws will be explained to him.
Do you feel the great, universal certainty of Casje?
You can bow your human head to this; all of this is Divine truth, because Casje gave that truth the spatial, therefore Divine, foundation through material life!
Believe it, dear Crisje, the psychologist of the earth is still like a cow looking for juicy grass, and cannot see anything, but it is right in front of it and it lows terribly, because it does not have any food.
Jeus will prove that to this humanity!
The following morning he goes into Bernard’s workshop and creates a small space for himself.
He just needs a small corner.
But Bernard, who sees him wandering about, wants to know what he wants, of course, and asks:
“What do you wish to achieve here?”
“I am going to start learning to drive today, Bernard.”
Bernard looks cross-eyed from grief.
What did he say now?
What is he trying to do?
Jeus continues:
“But, my God, Bernard, do you not understand the dialect anymore?
But I just told you that we will begin, we will begin to drive today, Bernard, I have a lesson today.”
“What are you doing?” Bernard asks again.
“But my God, Bernard, can’t you understand that?
I will go and sit on a chair and that is my car.
And then I will drive.
That is all.”
Yes, that is all, Bernard.
But Jeus does not understand that Bernard cannot follow him, it is very simple, after all, isn’t it?
No, Jeus, Bernard now thinks for the first time that you are completely mad.
How could this possibly be, Bernard thinks, Jeus is going mad, he has dreamt it, my God, mother, is that not a pity?
Jeus does not tell Bernard that Willem is there, because he will not understand that anyway.
But Bernard will experience an unprecedented sensation in a few minutes.
And Jeus will behave as if heaven and earth depend on his chair.
He now sits down on the chair and a moment later he falls asleep.
Willem can begin!
This is now the trance, Crisje, through which Jeus enters into Casje’s hands, but he cannot be seen now by Jeus, however, he goes along, he is in the back, Crisje, and feels the pleasure of this unusual ride and it is not a sensation for him but deadly seriousness!
It means, Crisje, space is ready, we are going another step further!
The moment Jeus sits down on his chair, he also sees Willem.
He is sitting there like a child on a rocking horse, the chair starts to vibrate, to shake and rattle, Bernard hears, life comes into the material thing.
But above all into Jeus.
Willem asks:
“Do you see the car, Jeus?”
“Yes, Willem, I am already sitting in it.”
“You see, Jeus, then everything is okay.”
And indeed, the chair becomes the car, which he has taken in so carefully at Willem’s garage, but the chair has crawled into the car.
The thing can now chug, grind, walk and run, the thing goes at one hundred kilometres an hour, but Jeus must learn that now, to get that sort of speed out of his car.
Willem says:
“You see, Jeus, there are the pedals, and here is the brake, this is the foot brake, and that is the hand brake, and those things are the gears.
We will leave now, I will drive; and you have to go behind the wheel soon.
You know how the machine works.
Bernard hears him whispering and saying to Willem:
“What a wonderful feeling it is to sit in a car.
A person really feels like a king.”
To Bernard, this talking back and forth is just Jeus mumbling.
Casje could also have done this in silence, then Bernard would not hear any mumbling, but then he would not give the material world any proof, and these pointers are necessary. The time will come when Bernard and Johan will be able to say: yes, there in that little room he learned to drive, and I heard him grumbling.
It is an amazing business, it is not a human happening!
But in addition, enough to drive you mad, Bernard thinks, completely mad; it is quite something.
Bernard is sitting on top of the sewing machine and he follows the awful process which he is involved in, but does not understand in the slightest, because this whole event takes place between ‘life and death’. It all came into being from there, from beyond human death, ‘beyond the coffin’, but as a result of which everything got life and meaning, for millions of matters and millions of thoughts.
This thing here with Jeus has to do with the soul, the spirit, and with God, because this event takes the pure Divine laws for the material and spiritual life and being as a person to the understandable revelation.
Jeus experiences that Willem accelerates and shifts gears.
They are now driving out of the Koningstraat and into the Boekhorststraat, through the city and to the country, it is outside the city, where Jeus is handed the steering wheel.
Jeus of Mother Crisje is sitting in a real car!
Bernard sees it, he sees that they drive to the left and the right, because Jeus also moves about on the chair in the little room and has to accept left and right.
Willem zooms through the streets of the city, Jeus sees where he is, he has got to know those streets.
It is a great miracle; it is ‘stuff and nonsense’ to Bernard, the madhouse, Rosenburg madhouse is behind it, they can lock Jeus up this evening.
Is that not terrible?
Then they reach the country, he may take over the wheel in Haagse Bos.
Bernard sees that Jeus is sitting there with his eyes closed, in position, and Bernard also sees that he gets the wheel.
My God, where must this ship strand?
Willem gives orders: “First press down the left pedal, do not accelerate yet, we will do that soon.
Now in first gear, release the brake and let the pedal come up.
You see we are already driving.
Now listen carefully and watch where you are going, immediately press down the pedal and change gear, press the pedal down again, the third, and now the fourth gear.
Just look, Jeus, it is going well, I see, you have thought out and absorbed the process.
Now stop for a moment.”
Jeus slows the car down.
Willem continues.
“Exactly the same again, Jeus.
Press down the pedal properly or the gears will start to grind and you will hear that immediately.
Remain calm, think properly, think about every action.
But you can think.
It is fine like that; it couldn’t be better and now carry on.
Just let the car accelerate.
Great, it is going well.
Keep an eye on the road, Jeus, and do not drive too close to the trees.
Do not pay attention to the traffic behind you if you just want to drive on the right-hand side of the road, but if you want to overtake anyone, then look behind you, or there will be accidents.
But that will work out of its own accord.
Now stop again.”
“Did I do well, Willem?” he asks.
“Very well, Jeus, we have no complaints.
Come on, we will carry on, you may drive as far as Wassenaar and then we will go back.
You are not afraid, I see, if you think it through it will all happen of its own accord, but most people do not wish to think.
They think about thousands of matters, and that must not happen if you want to be a chauffeur; you think only about one action. However, you then connect it with the next one, and think about the matter, and there you go.
Over there, beside that nice tree, you will stop for a moment and then carry on again.
We can turn at the ‘Deil’, you have to learn that as well and absorb it.
Everything is going well, Jeus, because you were prepared.
Stop for a moment!”
Jeus now carries on, but there is a horrible smell in the car.
“What’s that, Willem?”
“You forgot the hand brake, Jeus.
And the first thing you must do each time, if you are going to drive, is check your hand brake.
Do not forget that.
In the beginning that is always the stumbling block for many, Jeus.
You see we will just turn there, reverse.
Now just try it, but with little acceleration and watch out.
Turn the wheel in the direction where you want the car to go.
Just turn it, Jeus, but look behind you.
Now go forwards, backwards again, turn the car in the right direction.
Like that, pull the wheel and you will have made it.
It is going really well, Jeus, very good, and now go back, take it easy, we have plenty of time.
If you carry on like that, we can take the examination on Saturday.
Then you will be a chauffeur in less than one week and you can start with a boss.
Great, then you will be settled again, and you will be well off, then society can tell you more.”
He drives back as far as the city, then Willem takes the wheel over from him; driving in the city is still to come.
Willem will be back tomorrow at ten o’clock.
He says goodbye and at the same time, Bernard hears him say, ‘goodbye, Willem. Thank you,’ and Jeus hears: ‘my pleasure!’
Bernard has been sitting on the table for an hour and a half watching this wonderful and crazy event.
He looks pale from it; it is an outrage.
What will we do, Bernard thinks, this life is completely mad.
Johan and Rie had a look, but could not experience it; it made them ill.
In our family, Johan says, we have got a real mad person.
What a pity, Jeus used to be such a cheerful person and now it has come to this.
The city has gone to his head, Bernard.
Jeus is now waking up and behaves very normally, there is nothing unusual about him.
Bernard is the first to ask:
“Who was that Willem?”
“That was my teacher, Bernard.”
“Have you gone completely mad?”
“Whether I am mad, Bernard?
You must not keep on complaining, there is nothing the matter with me, I am as happy as can be, Bernard.
Just don’t worry.”
Rie and Johan just take off.
Bernard does not know it of course, his brother is ordinary, talks normally, thinks well, only there is this strange carry-on.
What is there really to talk about?
Bernard will have to be patient.
Jeus will take his examination on Saturday, Bernard; does that not mean anything to you then?
Jeus is extremely happy, he is beaming with happiness, and he will let them talk.
Bernard does not need to climb on his sewing machine, he can just work while Jeus is studying, experiencing his driving lesson, can’t he?
And Bernard has to understand that, Crisje.
Bernard is now worrying himself silly.
It is a shame, that bit with the hand brake was the only thing which he did not do properly; the rest went really well.
But he will watch out for that.
It is when Jeus says aloud:
“That is a pity, Bernard, I forgot the hand brake.” He then looks at Jeus in a shocked way as if the universe will collapse or the world will end, it is so hard to believe, but above all so certain that a normal person really gets a fright, because it is so unnatural.
And indeed, Bernard is laughing again; this certainty takes him away from his fear and trembling because of Jeus.
He also says to Bernard:
“You are laughing at me, aren’t you, Bernard?
But then the car will start to smell and then you can no longer make progress.
That is really wrong, so to speak.
If you do not think about that, Bernard, the car will be destroyed.
And that is just the same as if you hold that wheel of your machine and still try to sew, and that is not possible, of course.
But I will think about it, Bernard.”
You see now, Bernard, is he completely mad?
You cannot compete with this, can you?
And this is the way it is, if you do not release the hand brake, you will drive everything to pieces, that is the same as two donkeys pulling in the same direction.
No, Bernard, both want to go a different way and it does not work.
However, for the rest, Willem is satisfied and the man who was sitting in the back, likewise, he saw that Jeus will learn to drive miraculously quickly, because Jeus can think.
Johan comes to Bernard and whispers something in his ear.
Johan wants to call a doctor, but Bernard says to him to wait with that, Jeus is not that crazy after all.
But, mad people are strange, they sit at the table with you enjoying a meal, and are calm. Then suddenly they race out the door, out onto the street or into a garden, just pull a tree out of the ground or break the windows, fly at you, kick and beat you, murder you before your eyes, if you wait too long before taking measures.
It is Bernard’s own business; Johan has warned him.
Jeus does not hear that, he is lying upstairs in bed and is having a rest after the tremendous effort, which does him good.
Johan is listening, so is Rie, when it takes too long, Johan goes to have a look.
What is that?
Jeus is sleeping, he is resting, but that could be dangerous for later.
Is that perhaps not the case?
Is he not racing into the street yet to catch a tram and wander away from the daily goings-on of the city?
No, when he comes downstairs after an hour and his generous laugh resounds, he asks about ordinary things, they do not know anymore, but, quiet and healthy mad people are the most dangerous.
Johan is going round in circles, that Johan is a fine one, Crisje, he is weeping to himself because of his brother Jeus; it is clear to him that he is mad!
And to such a degree as you seldom see and the scholars probably do not know the depth of it.
Johan knows for sure, an unreal hole has been beaten in Jeus’ soul.
Jeus uses the late afternoon to have a nap.
He has started going over the experience, Bernard, he is now consciously going over a thousand times what he learned this morning, and tomorrow Willem will see that immediately and will be able to determine it as well, because he has now mastered that learning and wisdom.
Jeus carries on!
Bernard sees the rigmarole every morning, he has a circus at home, and that does not cost him a cent.
Rie wants nothing to do with it, Johan feels shy and afraid and that is understandable.
Anyone, who sees this happening, concludes he is completely mad, and has never seen anything like it in their life.
And that is also true, Crisje.
If you want to see and experience this, you would have to pay millions for it, it is so precious, only Jeus experiences this, you will not find anyone else in this whole world who can also do this.
If you see Jeus wandering about in this little room, Crisje, then it is just as though you are having a silent or noisy stroke inside.
However, this does not go to your heart, but this has to do with your soul and spirit, and is much worse than visible madness. At least you get a bit of warning with a mad person like that, you see that it is going to happen, and you feel it; however, not with Jeus, he experiences everything in silence.
And that is what Johan is so afraid of.
Johan says, ‘this will go straight to the ‘Rosenburg’ madhouse, Bernard, you will see.’ That is a madhouse near The Hague, Crisje, with a couple of hundred patients.
This morning, Bernard is starting to think very differently about it.
He observes Jeus is not snapping so much anymore, it is quieter.
Everything is going much better, and what Jeus is now doing is being thought out.
Bernard thinks that the people in the street watch out more.
Jeus is not shouting so loudly as yesterday, the process is becoming more human, Crisje, you start to realize there is human thinking.
Bernard hears that Willem is extremely satisfied.
Jeus is already driving round the city after only three days, and that is significant, Crisje.
A moment ago he drove along the Venestraat.
Now they are going along the Wagenstraat, Crisje, and Bernard can follow all of that.
He hears Jeus saying it and he got that from Willem again, of course.
But you can follow them from here.
It all takes place in this little room, Crisje.
A moment ago, he was swearing at people again, they were not watching out.
Now they are going to the Spuistraat.
Willem instructs Jeus:
“Now pay extra attention, Jeus.
We are going into that narrow street and we will stop there for a moment, we will pretend our people have gone shopping and we have to wait.
So, just stop there, Jeus.
Good, it is great, you can do it.”
Jeus talks to Willem while he hangs around outside the car.
Bernard now sees that he gets off his chair, walks round it, looks at it carefully, and says:
“But what a nice car it is, Willem.”
“Yes, Jeus, it is still a fine car.”
“What make is it, Willem?”
“This is a ‘Spijker’, Jeus.”
“A car like that must be expensive, Willem.”
“Yes, you would pay ten thousand guilders for this, but if the car is new, it is an awful lot more money.”
“But you certainly have a good car for that money, Willem, it is as sound as a bell, isn’t it?”
“Yes, that is true, but we will carry on, Jeus.”
Bernard hears: “Rrrr, rrrr, rrr ... rrr ... there we go ... we are driving!”
It happens of its own accord, but there is something stinking, Jeus has forgotten the hand brake again.
They drive out of the Wagenstraat, briefly in the direction of Delft, drive in and out of a street now and again, turn, stop, and carry on.
It is going well, Willem feels, only he may not forget that hand brake.
A dog almost gets run down by the car, Bernard now hears Jeus swearing.
They are home by half past eleven.
“Now just enjoy today, Jeus, tomorrow we will carry on.
Just go somewhere today with Bernard, you will be earning money next week anyway, take in a movie for a change and a few nice meat rolls.
We are satisfied, Jeus, it is going well.”
Jeus wakes up.
Bernard looks this great miracle in the eye, and those eyes are gleaming.
Bernard now says:
“You are either the greatest miracle in this world or the most crazy person.”
“Yes, Bernard”, he utters, “but I am that miracle.
I already told you before, I do not want anything to do with mad people.”
“How is it possible”, Bernard says, he feels calmer and Johan must not be anxious.
“Shall I tell you something, Bernard?”
“What do you have to say?”
“That I will soon be earning plenty of money.
Will you lend me ten guilders?
I will pay you back three times as much, Bernard.
I want to go out today with you, we will go to the pictures.
I feel like something tasty to eat.
And I will soon look for my boss.
I will manage on Saturday, Bernard!”
Bernard says to him:
“You can get what you want from me, as long as you do not go mad.
And why did you not ask me for money before?”
“I didn’t need it, Bernard.
And now we will go to the Pictures today, won’t we?
I will pay. I have plenty of money and in three weeks’ time I will pay you back four times as much, Bernard.”
“I don’t want that.
As long as you don’t go mad.”
“I won’t go mad, Bernard.”
“As long as you don’t go mad, Jeus, I don’t mind giving you all my money, as long as you know that.”
“I know, Bernard, and thank you.”
They are sitting in the cinema.
They are enjoying a film, which he had not done for a long time.
He is almost out of his misery.
However, what kind of period has he lived through?
And yet everything is simple.
But who can understand him?
The days fly past, it is Friday, and tomorrow he will have to pass an examination.
He is already driving like a qualified chauffeur.
In the meantime, Bernard calmly carries on sewing, and Jeus no longer distracts him.
Then he is faced with Saturday.
He does not know what trembling is, the chair is produced, but today is the day for his life and eternal bliss, Crisje.
Johan talks to Bernard and follows him for a moment, he is driving through the city and does not see a single person here.
“What is happening today, Bernard?”
“He has to pass an examination, which will take place today, Johan”, Bernard tells Johan shyly and carefully, but this frightens Crisje’s eldest boy inside.
“That on top of everything else”, Johan replies to him, “that on top of everything else.
And you believe that, Bernard?”
Bernard does not say a word, he knows, Jeus is not going mad, it is a great miracle!
Johan can no longer look.
Nevertheless, Jeus scrapes along, he sits in his chair for the examination; he passed with full marks, with one mistake, he forgot that cursed hand brake again.
As long as he thinks about that later, when the real car is in front of him and he is sitting in it, everything will happen of its own accord.
But when that happens, Willem will be there as well.
And then Jeus will have to say goodbye to Willem.
“Willem, how can I thank you, how can I make up for this, Willem?”
“If you do your best, I will already be satisfied.
Thank you very much, Jeus.”
Willem does not say anything else, but it was also a revelation for him, for which he thanks God.
Willem ran straight to Golgotha to thank Our Lord for everything, but Jeus does not see that!
This was the ‘orchid’ from Willem for Christ!
Yes, Crisje, it is a real ‘orchid’, Willem is so grateful, so happy, it was also a universal sensation for Willem!
Believe it, Bernard and Crisje, you also had to accept him and believe him for a little while, which has done him good.
Bernard, accept this from millions of angels, they have also followed this wonderful event from their heavens.
This entire space, this firmament, in which suns and planets live and have a task to carry out for God, did not laugh, but have respect for Casje and his Jeus of mother Crisje!
Bernard, it is a Divine revelation, was a Divine revelation, because it has to do with life, soul and spirit.
They all thank Jeus, they know, Casje and Jeus have passed the examination, Bernard.
“Hooray, Bernard, I have passed.
I am now a chauffeur!
Are you not pleased for me now, Bernard?”
Can Bernard help it that he cannot give him everything yet?
No, and Jeus understands that, but he will prove it to him quickly and only then will they be able to rejoice along with him.
“Did you really pass, Jeus?”
“Yes, Bernard, I passed my examination.
I have passed it, Bernard.”
Johan, he has made it.
Are you not going to say anything?
Will you not congratulate him?
No, Johan cannot do that yet.
But he will look for a boss on Monday morning.
And then they will see.
And that will also happen, Crisje.
Early on Monday morning he runs into town.
He goes straight to an address where he feels that they will probably need someone.
He already asks:
“Do you need a chauffeur?”
The garage owner looks at him, he thinks Jeus is a chauffeur, you can see that immediately by his driving trousers and the knee guards, the cap, ‘of course’, but that man does not need anyone.
But just go there, those people need chauffeurs.’
Jeus goes to Scheveningen.
The garage under the Palace Hotel needs people.
That man also looks him in the eye and certainly does not know him, but he asks:
“Where have you driven?”
Yes, now what, Jeus?
Quickly, just tell a string of lies, your life depends on it.
And then sir gets to hear:
“I was always a private chauffeur, sir.”
“I understand that, because I do not recognize your face from the street.
Where did you drive?”
“Everywhere, sir.
Also in Germany ... Charlottenburg ... with distinguished families, sir.”
“Can you speak any languages?”
“Yes, sir, of course.”
“Yes, you see, that is necessary, we drive here for the best hotels.”
“I understand that, sir.”
“You know what, come on Sunday ... the hotels still have to start.
You will get seventeen guilders a week; you will earn the rest from tips.
Chauffeurs earn good money here.
Last year they earned thousands.
Is that something for you?”
“Yes, sir, and I will do my best.
Thank you very much, sir.”
His name is written down, Jeus has been employed, Crisje, he has a boss.
The man thinks he is a neat and polite person.
And those are exactly the kind of men he is looking for, you see immediately what you have in front of you.
And now, Crisje, he can study for another week and then start for good.
He and Bernard have a lot to tell each other all this week.
This is still a difficult week, but these hours and days also pass.
It is now Sunday morning.
Jeus is ready and waiting at eight o’clock!
There is his car.
He gets a brand new Unieck, a car worth eight thousand guilders.
The boss is satisfied, because he is on time.
The head chauffeur, who lives above the garage with his wife, and guards everything, because the boss lives in the city, drives the number one car.
But Jeus looks at his car, he climbs onto it, this is what you call a real car, he cannot contain his happiness.
He looks neat and tidy in his jacket, which Bernard has trimmed with braid, his shoes and knee guards have been well polished, and his raincoat looks elegant.
The whole family is sitting at the Gevers Deynootplein in order to experience this miracle, they are sitting there with their cups of coffee and waiting for Jeus to appear with his car.
Johan and Rie, Bernard as well, for that matter, want to see this ship strand with their own eyes.
Jeus polishes his car.
Now just have a little look.
There is the ignition, he wants to have a seat behind the steering wheel and try driving for real.
The boss is not there and when he comes, he can say, I just wanted to have a listen to the engine, I wanted to hear what this factory made of it; I have heard of these cars, you see.
And fair is fair, he is used to whoppers of cars.
The engine is already running.
Indeed, the thing is running.
There is the hand brake.
Now change gear, which is in first gear.
He does it, the car slowly creeps forward, now back, and yes, he manages it all.
They call out, drive; the first one leaves, when there is another customer, it will be his turn.
But the man returns quickly, he has to wait again now, that is a pity.
And that happens three, four times.
The boss begins to understand that there is something wrong.
The man just calls his father, from now on they will take turns, because this is not right, one person earns everything and the others nothing.
And that will not be possible later, if there are ten, fifteen chauffeurs. ‘When there is another call, Joost’, he is now called Joost, ‘it will be your turn.’
And that now happens.
A lady and gentleman want a car.
Jeus is behind the wheel.
Suddenly Willem is with him.
“Good, Willem, I think that is great.”
“Of course, Jeus, that is understandable, now it is for real.
Keep calm.
Just let the people get in.”
“May I ask where the family wishes to go?”
“We wanted to see some old housefronts, chauffeur.”
“That is possible, sir, you will enjoy yourself.”
Did you hear that, boss?
Yes, and people like that, politeness gets you everywhere.
In the garage, the people get in.
Now Willem patiently instructs Jeus: “Drive carefully past that pillar, Jeus.
Good, carefully, now out the door and in first gear up this slope; the Palacestraat climbs upwards and that is just as well, then the boss will not realise anything.
Drive, Jeus ...!”
Jeus pulls the car upwards, then he comes to the Gevers Deynootplein, and he sees his family there.
Hooray, Bernard, can you see me?
Do you believe me now, Johan?
Look for yourself, I am driving.
Yes, good gracious, Johan, there he goes, you can now tell him more.
How is it possible, they shout, it is simply a miracle.
He drives well.
But what is that, Willem?
The hand brake, Jeus.
Good heavens, Crisje, this strikes home, he gets a terrible fright, but now he has suddenly got through it, he will never forget this again.
He tugs down the Parklaan and passes people who had food from the boarding house.
Can you not see me?
No. Then just carry on.
He passes through the Voorhout, visits the Jewish neighbourhood, goes through the Binnenhof, steers to the left and to the right, brakes and stops, continues again, he talks to his customers, asks them whether they want to see anything else, although he does not know what he must show them, but that will come, and he will achieve everything!
He winds in and out of the Wagenstraat, you have those old things there, he knows.
And then the hour is over.
When he gets back to Scheveningen, the others are still sitting there and now have to accept that he really passed the examination.
In one week’s time and on a chair, world, mother Crisje’s Jeus has become a chauffeur!
He lets the people out at the garage.
The first foundations have been laid, Willem sees, and Casje can laugh, be pleased with him.
Jeus is now one hundred per cent in his hands and in his power.
And only because he went into this ‘abnormal’ happening, and listened to his inner voice which was present.
Grim Reaper, you will now be destroyed!
A pile of pearls fly from your enormous crown through Scheveningen, roll off the Boulevard, and are lying for the picking by people who possess understanding and can think. This is a cosmic piece of proof of life after death, because it is Casje who granted Jeus this miracle from ‘beyond the coffin’!
“Are you satisfied, madam?”
“Yes, chauffeur, very satisfied.”
The man says to his boss:
“Sir, our compliments for this service.
I will come back here.”
The boss smiles and thanks the people; it is going really well like this.
With politeness, you see that, you achieve everything.
He is a neat chauffeur, he felt that immediately; if only the others were also like that, then there would be no complaints.
The head driver is just a novice compared to this driver, just look how neat and tidy that man is.
Crisje, it has now happened, never worry again about Jeus, he has passed, and with flying colours!
It couldn’t be better!
Under the boss’ nose, he gets a tip of two guilders fifty, Bernard.
By the evening, you will already have your ten guilders back.
Two guilders fifty tip, and that in a good hour?
It is unbelievable, but true!
Half an hour later, with Willem next to him, he drives off to Wassenaar, to the Castle, which is lovely, and he knows that it is close to the Paradise, drinking tea and enjoying the sun.
He sees it: mother-in-law, daughter and son-in-law.
Yes, madam.
No, madam. Yes, of course, sir, you can have it the way you like it, but that is obvious. We’re not going too fast, madam?
No, it is fine like that.
Then I will let you have a wonderful trip, madam.
Willem smiles at Jeus, it is going wonderfully, you can now laugh heartily from deep human happiness.
Does Jeus realize what a miracle he is?
No, he does not realize that and that is just as well, or he would go mad.
Now that that is not the case, all those other things happen of their own accord, it does not enter his head, Crisje, it is all so very simple for his life.
And that is now urgently needed, but this would have consciously crushed another life.
Johan very certainly would have, because his fear cheated him, Crisje, and Jeus does not know anything about that.
On the contrary, everything is very simple!
And then he chugs into the entrance to Wassenaar Castle.
There it is.
“Would you like to order something as well, chauffeur?”
“Thank you, madam, yes, please, madam.”
What a polite chauffeur he is, child, the daughter gets to hear, don’t you think so?
You sometimes find polite people amongst chauffeurs, this one is extremely polite, most certainly a young man from a good background.
We have not had anyone so polite in a long time.
But in Jeus’ pocket, Crisje, the first two guilders fifty are already there, and what is now added, is not to be sneezed at, because the lady is already satisfied.
And now Jeus gives his life for that.
He gets his cup of tea and his cigarette, Bernard, he has the sun above him, nature is smiling upon him, the birds are singing here, the beautiful month of May is singing in his heart, he has already out-run you.
Johan can become his apprentice and he has plenty of money; wouldn’t you like to have him as a lodger, Rie?
Not me, never ever; believe me, I have nothing against you, but I will not eat your cooking!
And then he returns to the garage.
His passengers get out again at the garage, they want to go to the Boulevard for a while.
The boss is standing at the entrance to the garage, watching, he hears Jeus explain:
“You see, sir, this is the taxi metre.
You can see for yourself how much you have to pay.”
The man looks.
Jeus gets a tip of two guilders forty cents.
It couldn’t be better, and as if it wasn’t enough for today, everything is working in his favour, everything is laying the foundations for him with the boss, when the elderly lady says:
“Sir, our compliments for this service.
I have to say you have polite chauffeurs.
It was great.”
She then turns to Jeus and continues:
“You are a friendly person, driver.
You will get far in the world.
Believe me, I should know.”
And then he utters.
“It is my job, madam.
I am very grateful to you, madam.”
How is it possible, the boss thinks, this chauffeur comes from another source, has a good background, you can see and hear that from everything.
It is going well like this, Crisje, it couldn’t be better!
By evening, he has already earned seventy guilders for his boss, and for himself, Crisje, you will not believe it, twelve guilders fifty cents in tips, with the rest on Saturday, that will be a huge amount.
And now he has to eat.
The boss says, just go to the cellar, you can eat well under the building or will someone come and bring you food?
They would like that, but I will go there.
Let's see, it is a pity that Bernard is not there.
To enjoy with him, the steak with fried potatoes and salad.
But, after all he has earned it.
A glass of beer, waiter!
Jeus is sitting there having a wonderful meal, Crisje, he feels like a king.
My God, how grateful I am to You, he does not think of Casje, he has almost forgotten Willem already, he is now geared towards himself.
He will go back quickly, there will probably be trips.
The boss says in a surprised voice:
“It is good that you are back so quickly, Joost.”
That ‘Joost’ bothers him a bit, Crisje, he is not used to that, it is as if it is no longer yourself, it is as if people want to make something else of you. However, they do not understand ‘Jeus’ here, they think that ‘Jozef’ sounds too posh.
Just leave it, he has plenty to eat and drink because of that ‘Joost’, Crisje, and now everything revolves around that.
He has not eaten so well in months.
He feels like a different person today, his stomach talks and laughs.
How he has neglected that part of his body.
When he is with the boss, he agrees on everything.
Willem told him that and he must not forget it, especially in the first few days, but he must listen well.
He may reiterate next week what the professionals are saying today.
Then it will be his own possession and no one will realize anything.
Now that he has to drive in front of the Kurhaus, Willem is sitting next to him again; he comes to have a look now and again.
“Willem, how well it is going.
I am so happy.
Do you not want half of my earnings, Willem?”
Willem laughs and says: “No.”
So real, so natural and very ordinary everything is for Jeus, because he looks at it and experiences it materially and also humanly.
And yet he knows that Willem is just a dream.
But, what do you want?
Willem is sitting next to him; but he is not thinking about Willem’s world and if Jeus were to look very carefully, then he would also see Casje, because it is through Casje that Willem also acts, Casje is the inspirer of and for everything, this great miracle.
Willem speaks to him again and then just leaves:
“Watch out, Jeus, do not talk nonsense and do not let it go to your head.
Remain simple and grateful, it is only gratitude.
And, you know politeness gets you everywhere.
If you need me, then just call me and I will be there.”
“Thank you, Willem.”
“Behave as secretively as you can.
You know what I mean, then no one will realize that you do not yet know everything about the car and the profession, but in the meantime you will be learning a lot.”
“Yes, Willem, I will make sure of that.
But what a great profession it is.”
“It is, Jeus.
Lovely to be outdoors, you do not need to run around anymore, and it is the best thing you can get.
Did you enjoy your meal, Jeus?”
“Yes, did you know that, Willem?”
“I saw you, it is good, you earned it.”
“What a good person you are, Willem.
What did I do to deserve all this?
I have not had any dinners for a long time.
Boy, that was really tasty.”
By eight o’clock he has a ride and, how is it possible, he has to wait next to the boarding house.
Can he see anyone there?
The young man approaches.
Betsy is not there.
He would have given ten guilders for the boss to have seen him.
“Well, Jeus, have you become a chauffeur?”
“Yes, sir.”
“That is a good profession.
Where did you learn that so quickly?
How is it possible, you look good.”
“Yes, sir, everything is possible, it is better than being messenger boy, isn’t it?”
“Of course.
Well, I will tell them in there, Jeus.”
“Thank you, sir, pass on my best wishes.”
The man laughs, the family will hear it.
Good heavens, what will they think?
However, he has already forgotten that lot there; he chugs along, drops his passenger off and goes back.
By ten o’clock a German races into the garage and asks:
“Sprechen Sie Deutsch (Do you speak German)?”
The boss doesn’t, he asks Jeus:
“Here, Joost, talk.”
He answers (in German): “Yes, of course, sir!
What is it?”
But it is the first driver’s turn.
The German does not want to go with the first driver, and the boss says, ‘go on, go, Joost, he will take the other passenger then.’ But you should see that face, Jeus thinks, he is obviously jealous.
But that will be sorted out later.
But how childish those two people are, man and wife are poisonous.
They do not know?
Yes, it was his turn.
Now he talks about that ‘Stolzenfels Am Rhein’, and it is going well, thank God, he has learned that, that is something belonging to him.
The German talks a lot, does some business in the city and goes back to the Kurhaus.
Jeus goes back to the garage.
It is extremely quiet in Scheveningen.
Now you will have it.
The first driver could devour him.
The boss is there when Jeus asks that first driver:
“How much have you earned?
Have you driven again?”
Sarcastically he answers: “Is it any of your business?”
The boss is also watching, what does Joost want?
Is it any of his business?
What does he mean by this?
When Jeus says:
“I wanted to give you the money from my fare”, the boss suddenly understands and thinks it is great.
Jeus continues with:
“If you have not driven, you will get my two guilders forty.
If you did have a fare, then we will subtract the tip from this.”
Isn’t that something?
Yes, he got fifty-five cents.
So how much extra is that for you?
Jeus gives him the remainder, the man and woman are dumbfounded and the boss praises him.
That is honesty, it is great, if everyone was like that there would be no arguments in the world.
Jeus has beaten everything on his first day, Crisje.
He has earned fourteen guilders, besides food and drink, his cigarettes in his pocket, has become a chauffeur and is speaking German to his customers.
We have no complaints about him, Crisje, it is more than all right.
He is immediately a part of it and he deserves it, Crisje, people bow to such gratitude and politeness, people like that, they feel something for that and anyone who can do that and keep it up will always be okay, you now attract happiness to your life yourself.
Our Lord gets his gratitude, of course, Crisje.
But envious people became benevolent, got to see and experience the concept of neighbourly love, which your Tall One is proud of!
And his former boss gets to hear about it, of course, there is talk, if all drivers were like that, then the business would go well, the customers would come back, for which you live and die. However, many people say, I would be mad; they want to earn money and they cannot spare anything for that kind of culture.
Jeus can, he has been like that, since his childhood, and you do not have to worry about him any more.
When he arrives home, they have to admit, it is a great miracle, he is not mad.
But, will I bring you food, Jeus?
No, I will eat there at the garage, I will sleep there as well, you will be rid of me for a while to come.
A fortnight later he experiences another miracle.
A gentleman’s car has broken down, it is towed away, the man asks whether there is someone who can repair his car.
A dozen men look at his car, suddenly Jeus reacts.
Willem is there again as well.
He says to Jeus:
“The car has not broken down.
I already know.
The carbon brush is sticking, the car is not getting any power.
Go and fetch a hammer and just hit the magnet, but we will get that show-off.
Do you know what you should say?
Just wait, I will crawl inside you and then we will do that together.”
Jeus says to the man, with everyone present:
“The car has not broken down, sir.”
“What did you just say, chauffeur?”
The boss and the men now think that he is mad; laughter resounds.
But Jeus says, and he is already holding a hammer:
“If I give your car a bang, it will work again.”
“You cannot get out of this, show-off!
Isn’t that something, sir?
What kind of chauffeur is that?”
The boss asks Jeus whether he has gone mad.
Jeus replies:
“No, I am not mad, sir, you will see.”
“I will bet you twenty-five guilders, chauffeur.”
“Fine, sir, then just give me your money now.”
The man hands the money to his boss.
But, the bonnet is open, Jeus has already given the magnet a little bang and Willem says: “You see, Jeus, the car is already okay, the carbon brush has already gone down.
You have earned yourself twenty-five guilders for nothing, but what concerns me is that they now see that you are something, that you understand about cars.
And that show-off with his boasting has plenty of money and is just a cheat, let’s just cure him of it, Jeus.”
Jeus says to the man: “Start the car, sir.”
The man could murder him and refuses.
He says again:
“Do it, sir, the car will start, after all, you want to earn your money, don’t you?”
The man races to his car in a furious temper, starts it and, look, the engine is turning over.
He immediately races over to it and goes up the Boulevard, comes back and asks:
“I will give you another twenty-five guilders, if you tell me how you knew that the car had not broken down.
How did you know that?
What did you do to my car?”
Yes, they are dumbfounded.
Jeus could earn money, but Willem says: “It is quite enough; keep your secret to yourself, Jeus.”
Of course, he will do that but isn’t that quite something, people?
God preserve me, what kind of man is that?
They want to give him money if he tells them what it really was.
No, he says, you would like that, but you are mechanics, aren’t you?
Look, the boss thinks, he is a great lad; he has learned something.
But, world, there are numerous good mechanics here.
Not Jeus, he does not know anything, but he knows that it comes straight from Our Lord and HE, world, believe me, knows everything!
If you work for Him then you will also get everything!
Jeus drives and works for Our Lord!!
Is this not enough yet?
No, a while later they laugh at the skill, human curiosity kills the miracle, Jeus will later learn and realize that.
But then they will undoubtedly boo him off the ‘Stage’, Tall One.
Or they will throw his books on the human funeral pyre, or they will really have him certified as mad.
After all, all people who represent a universal evolution have to be destroyed!
World, that is the case!
But we will carry one!
The boss also wants to worm his secret out of him, but he does not say anything!
Then he would just be selling his personality, and that is worth more than a thousand garages and worlds together.
But, Willem, thank you, I will certainly not tell that herd of people that it was you, not yet, later!
Crisje receives all kinds of things and the letters are wonderful.
A week later there is a similar incident.
The rich show-off has tinkered with his car and does not even admit it.
Then a man like that should just be punished, Willem says.
The man boasts a lot, Jeus sees, and that is stuff and nonsense.
But what is that?
The boss wants to know.
He says to him: stuff and nonsense is stamping on a little forget-me-not, sir.
Stuff and nonsense is a cake full of air and that man is full of air!
The car is towed away, there is money to be earned for the boys, but the mechanics decide, they cannot repair the car here, everything is jammed inside.
They need a workplace for this.
Jeus also looks at the car, they are all standing round it and they weigh up the pros and cons.
No, the boss says, even with the best will in the world, it cannot be done here.
But he suddenly hears Willem saying: “I already know, Jeus.
This show-off has tinkered with the car and will not admit it.
That will cost him money.
Within ten minutes we will fix that car, we will cure that thing, Jeus.”
Jeus gives this to his boss:
He says:
“May I repair the car, sir?”
“But that is not possible, we do not have a repair workshop here.”
“But it is possible, sir.”
“Great”, says the show-off, “I will give you a hundred guilders if I have my car back tomorrow.”
“Agreed, sir.
You will have your car back tomorrow.”
Isn’t that something, Crisje?
But Jeus has already seen it through Willem.
His clairvoyance is perfect, Crisje.
He sees that there is a little nail between the valve, the reason is not important, but the nail did not get there just like that, and the man does not want to know this.
The car is put in position, Jeus will start.
But now he plays all his cards.
He lets his boss and the chauffeurs know:
“In a quarter of an hour the car will be fixed.”
“That is impossible”, they all utter,“ what are you trying to kid us with?”
“You are either a mechanic or you are not”, Jeus says with confidence.
There is tension; it is a miracle.
But that rogue there understands cars.
If he manages this, then they will have to admit that Jeus is a great chauffeur and mechanic.
What do the experts in this profession wish to begin against him?
Nothing, Crisje, they are standing there with their mouths open!
The boss also asks:
“Do you mean that, Joost?”
“Yes, Mr Simon, I mean it!”
“But do not get up to any tricks with the customers.”
“If I tell you that the car will be running within less than quarter of an hour, you can count on it, boss, I am not talking rubbish.”
And the boss is still not convinced, he also wants to know:
“Do you know what you are doing, Joost?”
“Yes, sir, I know.
You may chase me away if I cannot do it and that says enough, after all.”
“But what’s the matter with the car, anyway?”
“That is a secret, sir.
You will see when the car works.
I will repair the car!”
Willem and Jeus begin.
But Willem sees that the chauffeurs are watching him from behind the pillars.
Willem says to Jeus:
“Just ask your boss, Jeus, whether those men can go away, they are spying on us.”
The boss sends the men away.
Willem asks again: “Just ask the gentlemen whether one of them has a magnet, Jeus.”
Yes, they have one.
Then Willem continues:
“Quickly lift the bonnet, Jeus.
And then take out the second spark plug.
Right, now put the car in fourth gear, shake it back and forth and take out the nail at the same time.
Jeus does what Willem says.
And look there, the little nail appears from the engine, it was stuck between a valve.
It is a miracle that Willem saw that, but it was Casje!
“Just put the spark plug back in, Jeus”, he says, and a moment later, in only ten minutes, the car is running, the hundred guilders have been earned, fairly and squarely!
There they are now, the omniscient ones. They have not a word left to say, they were beaten to the ground, that is art!
What did you say?
They talk about it all day.
The boss offers him twenty-five guilders, if he tells him what it was.
Now they all knew, of course, there was something jammed in the head, yes, but not in their own heads.
They were empty, stupid, had no feeling, no clairvoyance can penetrate them; but it can with Jeus!
This is also a miracle, but he does not say anything.
When the man comes back the car is ready. He gets the hundred guilders, everyone gets five guilders for the fun of it, and the rest is for him.
Now that the boss sees that some money can be earned, they may repair cars, but fair is fair; they must share the money.
Now Willem says: “He would like that, Jeus, and from now on, we will not repair any more cars!”
Willem, through Casje, just put an astral omniscient rope in Jeus’ brains, and it worked.
Then Jeus knew everything, but not any more than that. It is a foundation again for the para-psychologist; the ‘Grim Reaper’ again loses his pearls from his crown, Crisje!
Jeus continues in this way, he has become a chauffeur and a good one!
What does the world say to this?
What do you say, as a person who is reading this?
Accept it, there is life ‘beyond the coffin’!
Your life cannot be doomed!
Your life continues.
You will see your loved ones again!
Through this, as a cosmic master, Casje laid the proof of an eternal life before you!
It is the astral personality, which saw, which knew, not Jeus of mother Crisje, but through this wonderful instrument you get your proof of life after death, there is no death!
Does this not say enough yet?
But you must now feel and want to understand that we can go further.
Because of this Jeus gets to experience cosmic contact.
Well, we will continue!
It started when Jeus wanted to get to know the streets of The Hague.
Therefore, Casje laid foundations in advance.
He started with the very first thing.
He did not go one step too far, world!
Church, now listen, there is no death and no damnation!
Jeus will tell you that later!
And only then will Jeus of mother Crisje be kneeling at the feet of his master!
This had to be enough, because you feel, everything comes to Jeus outside his thoughts and feelings!
Yes, thank God, through one life on earth you do not come back to the Divine ALL; Willem and millions of others live, don’t they? Tall One, you were able to follow everything!
Now further, this is enough for just now, Jeus is not yet at the stage that he is ready for the cosmic seriousness of Casje!
But that will also come!
My God, but what a lot You have given Your children, they are capable of more ‘beyond the coffin’ than in the flesh, we have now experienced that and can accept it!