Questions and Answers Part 5
Jozef Rulof
During public contact evenings, master Zelanus gave answers to questions from the public.

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There are in total 27 books by Jozef Rulof.
In the period 1949-1952, during contact evenings in the building ‘Ken U Zelven’ (’Know Yourselves’) in De Ruijterstraat in The Hague, Jozef Rulof answered questions from the audience.
Many of the questions were about the content of the previously published books.
Other questions dealt with the themes and life questions which occupied the audience.
First, the questions and answers were recorded in writing.
You will find their elaboration in part 1 of ‘Question and Answer’.
Later, the contact evenings were recorded on the wire recorder (sound recording device).
In order to present the reader with the originally spoken text in as complete a way as possible, parts 2, 3 and 4 of ‘Question and Answer’ contain the text spoken word-by-word by Jozef Rulof.
Parts 5 and 6 of ‘Question and Answer’ contain the answers that master Zelanus gave to the audience during contact evenings in the Sarphatistraat in Amsterdam.
These parts also contain the word-for-word spoken text.
Here, questions were sometimes also asked about the lectures that master Zelanus held during the same period in the ‘Diligentia’ building in The Hague, and which have been recorded in the three parts of the ‘Lectures’.
During these evenings, the speakers repeatedly pointed out that the answers were meant for those who had read all the books.