Tuesday evening 20 december 1949
(The beginning of this evening is not on the tape.)
A lecture, which you get from me through the books and through master Alcar, master Jongchi, and another painter, can paint that.
For example, you have here Ancient Egypt, the goddess of Isis.
We depict a lecture like that.
In this way we can depict creation by means of art.
And those first phenomena originated in this way.
When that cell got a contact with the other life that was the new birth.
And then the soul, the inner life, went back to a world where it came from, the world of the unconscious.
That world has not changed in any way – I explained that to you – that is the world for the birth, the world for the reincarnation, for the new life.
And when you now come from the first sphere or from the animal stage, that world remains the same.
Nothing can be changed about that world, because the birth remains a birth.
Now Christ came from the Divine All to the earth, Christ dissolved in the Divine All; you also have the world of the unconscious in the Divine All.
This is the third cosmic grade, you have the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, and the seventh is the Divine All.
So that Divine All is also here.
Can you feel it?
So Christ dissolved in the Divine All, disappeared for His people, who had experienced the universal macrocosmic consciousness with Him, and had mastered the laws of that.
Those children, those millions of people who experienced the first journey with Christ, who entered first the Divine All, the Divine consciousness, experienced along with him the dissolving for the world of the unconscious, the birth for the task on earth.
Now you can apply that for yourself, for every state: if you have something to give the earth, and you come back, wherever you are, that world of the unconscious takes care of you.
That is the world for the birth.
If you have to go back to the earth, you will feel, you now live as birth, you are birth, then there is just one law, one world, one space: that is the world for motherhood.
Is it clear now?
Thank you.
Which one of you?
At the back.
I will come to you directly.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master, may I ask you: What do the masters of the other side think about the personality of the Jehovah child?’
From who?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘From the Jehovah child.’
I told you that recently.
What do the masters think, what does space think about the Jehovah child?
What do you think, I would like to ask you, about a God of hatred, about a God who damns?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘He does not exist, of course.’
He does not exist.
Who wrote that Old Testament?
But Moses was a rebel, a spiritual rebel.
Adolf Hitler, Napoleon, they were material rebels with a spiritual base.
What did Napoleon want?
Building up, being one.
Every executioner has his independence.
Every consciousness, every life of feeling has something for which the human being lives, and by means of which his God is revealed.
Can you feel this?
But the Jehovah child ...
I gave you a picture of the Jehovah child one evening.
I told you: I wanted you to have the inspiration of the child which people call Jehovah’s witnesses.
They devote their lives, unfortunately, to a God who hates and destroys.
‘In five seconds the world will end.
Prepare yourself!’
There is only the Christ’s sanctifying personality.
When you surrender to the Jehovah child – do you not know that? – then you are the blessed one; the rest are damned.
Do you fight for that?
Do you live for that?
Are you inspired by that?
That is not very special.
Because there is only just a God of love.
That Jehovah child is very strong, the child can devote a great deal for himself, but we must take the Old Testament away from this child: there is only a God, a Father of love.
Can you follow it now?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, master Zelanus.’
Which other one of you?
Anything else?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘You were just talking about the world of the unconscious.
If we now go to the fourth cosmic grade then, according to the books, people come from the seventh sphere into the mental areas first.
Are the mental areas then equal to the world of the unconscious for the birth on earth?’
Look, you have here the world of the unconscious.
Because the higher grades ...
You can read that in ‘A View into the Hereafter.’
You have seven hells, seven grades of darknesses.
They are not hells, they are worlds where the human being, by means of which the human being prepares himself for higher consciousness; you know that, you have read the books.
The world of the unconscious is here, it has to do with the material attunement, with the laws of life for the earth, to which you belong.
But we have the fourth, the fifth, the sixth and the seventh sphere in which the human being lives who prepares himself for the mental areas; again the world of the unconscious.
But that world is now no longer unconscious; when you dissolve from the seventh sphere into that world – I told you that recently. Were you not with me on Sunday? – then you remain conscious, because you go to the eternal divine consciousness.
You will soon no longer be sleeping, you will no longer need any food and any drink, you will go to the higher grade of consciousness for material, spirit and soul, your personality.
So you remain eternally awake, eternally conscious.
When you read all those books and you have the consciousness for this space ...
(To someone in the hall): Just sit down, my child.
You have the consciousness ...
(To someone in the hall): Just come forward.
You are not interrupting me.
When you possess the consciousness for this space, and you have absorbed that in you, you have the theosophy, the teachings of the Rosicrucians, and everything which the earth can give you, you know all of this, then you are already conscious; even if the material organism forces you to rest and to sleep.
But we go to God.
We go to the infinite.
We go to the eternal consciousness.
It goes without saying that you will also soon keep the birth, the evolving – I want to say and explain this to you – awake in the mother.
Can you feel this?
I gave you a picture of Jeus, Jeus of mother Crisje, this instrument by means of which we speak; when he lived between the sixth and the seventh month, master Alcar wakened him.
You read, for example, in ‘The Cycle of the Soul’, in ‘Between Life and Death’ ...
In the East, you just go to British India, you just go to Tibet; there were children there who passed over at seventy, eighty years of age.
A high priest, he says: ‘I will come back in that and that amount of time.’
The western life of feeling and the consciousness asks: Is that possible?
Parapsychology, psychology is at a standstill.
The psychologist – you know that – does not know any soul, does not know any spirit, any inner personality, and says: ‘The human being is on earth for the first time.’
But when you come to the East ...
And you will read that again in ‘Spiritual Gifts’ ...
I will come back to this soon.
Mysticism, the metaphysical teachings come from China, Tibet, the whole East.
Later it came to Egypt.
You learn there, you experience there in a temple ...
In Tibet you also have a few of those people who possess that consciousness.
Egypt is dead, you know that, living dead.
The Egyptian culture was suffocated, white became black, you will read that again in ‘Between Life and Death’.
But when you had reached the highest in that temple as supreme priest ...
You will feel: The Other Side, the masters, space is working at this moment on spiritual social consciousness.
You have all been in different lives in the East, otherwise you would not have had the feeling to take a seat here, to take hold of and to read such a book; then if you were, for example, a Catholic, or a Protestant, then you would follow the bible, and then you would accept a God of hatred.
You can no longer do that.
Why not?
You have mastered that.
Millions of people still cannot do that.
But the priest there says: ‘I will come back in seven years’ time.
I will be born there and there.
And you do not need to look for me: I will come to you.’
But what happens now and again in the East?
It also happened recently. There was a child of five years old and it says to the parents of now: I am going to my father and my mother, I am going to my dog, I am going to my little sister, to my brother. You are not my father and mother; they live there.’
And the child went, and immediately recognised the father and mother of seven years ago – when he was a priest – everything.
The child had died there in that and that grade ...
It happened several times, thousands of times, and that means, that the masters influence the eastern life of feeling in order to fundamentally strengthen those metaphysical teachings.
Can you feel this?
These are the pieces of proof.
Why does the East have the cosmic consciousness, the natural life of feeling?
And why are you attached here in the West to dogmatic doctrines?
You know.
You know that too.
Every spiritual faculty is at a standstill.
Churches no longer know what to do.
Now you get, that the metaphysical teachings, which it concerns, the consciousness of the human being, gets direct contact with space, and from space ...
They are people who have lived here, who have reached the first sphere, the second, the third, or the fourth sphere, they come back to the earth in order to now lay foundations for the West, that is everything.
Do you wish to know even more?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I also have another question.’
Go ahead.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘You also said the last time, that someone from the fourth sphere who is born again can be born again immediately after dying.’
There you have it again.
‘It proves that there is also a world of the unconscious on the fourth sphere?’
No, now ...
Of course, I explained that to you a moment ago.
But you get this: the higher you are, the more conscious you become, the easier the birth becomes.
When you are tied to karmic laws, you have murdered and committed arson, just murdered, then you have to make amends for that life, you will not be released from that murder.
But when you now come from a harmonic world,
You are in harmony with the laws of God, for Mother Nature, for birth, for the earth, for fatherhood and motherhood, you become both mother and father ...
When there are new people, or friends, who do not yet know anything about these teachings ...
I say: you are now mother and soon you will be ..., you will descend into the male organism.
Our ..., the people who are ready for these teachings, these laws, and have read the books, they are ...
We are speaking at the moment from space, you are getting cosmology here.
If you want to experience this then you must begin with the very first books ...
But if you come from the first, second, third sphere ... the higher you come now, it proves, that you possess higher consciousness.
Can you feel this?
You can, I said that to you, be born again in seven hours.
But the animal consciousness cannot do that.
Then you must be free from murder, from lies and deception, free from every material, earthly, destructive, disharmonic thought.
If you are spiritual, then you can receive a new organism in a short time.
But if you have murdered that one and murdered that one, just go to war, just shoot, then God will demand, then the laws will demand from you that you come back in order to give that life – I have told you that thousands of times – in order to give that life a new body.
You have destroyed that life and God wanted to give that life sixty or seventy years in order to evolve.
Just join the army, just defend your people, and you will be a murderer.
What is a murderer?
God does not know you as a murderer, but for space you are a human being who has suffocated the divine harmonic laws for birth and for reincarnation.
Is there still another justice?
You cannot avoid this.
Just commit suicide, then you will also enter another life again.
Just commit suicide, then you will go into the ground with your body – just read ‘The Cycle of the Soul’ by me, that is my life – then you will experience the rotting process until your body has finally gone.
You experience that rotting process, you remain conscious, you are attached to that body, and when it has decayed, you will be released, and then you will have neither life, nor light, you will live in a world which is not there, you have kicked yourself from that life.
Is there another justice?
When the time now comes when you really die, and your time, your earthly life is over, then that world will dissolve, those shackles will fall from you, and you will enter the reality again, the harmony for your own life, your own evolution.
If you now stand before motherhood, then you will come back to the earth and then you will have to accept the giving birth, divine, maternal.
Can you sense this?
But if you come from the fourth sphere, then you already have a task, then you bring something here.
Why has the world made progress?
Why did mankind get consciousness?
Only by means of higher thinking and feeling.
The dogmatic life of feeling has already been at a standstill for 2000 years.
The metaphysical teachings can only just connect you with the laws for the origin of space, for hells and heavens, with Christ, with God, because you get to know the laws.
What is a law?
Your life is a law.
Creating power, you are a man: that is a law.
Motherhood is a law.
Darkness is a law.
Light is a law.
Birth is a law.
They are laws.
Every word now – you will read that in the books – becomes a law.
When you are true, you enter living foundations for your inner existence, and that is eternal.
Which one of you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, master Zelanus, I would like to know from you: the intellectual capacity in the astral world, is that the same as the mental capacity on earth, or is that tuned in differently?’
The intellectual capacity from here is exactly the same there.
From where do you think?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, I would like to know that from you.’
You do not think, you feel.
There is no thinking.
What you call thinking, that does not exist: there is only feeling.
But when it comes here, and your mouth opens, the thinking becomes a material law.
You start to think of something from your life of feeling, feel something, you call that thinking but that is feeling, you materialize it – another life starts to play the piano and paint or write, do something, you have an earthly task – now it becomes material feeling, the inner life of feeling materializes.
It is not thinking.
You can put that word ‘thinking’, just as the word ‘there is a death’, that word ‘death’, and that word ‘damnation’, and thousands of other words, you can put them aside.
I told you recently: when you really experience your spiritual life then your dictionary is dropped.
You will have ..., you will soon have, ‘beyond the coffin’ you will have nothing more to do with your social consciousness of the earth.
What is a painting?
What is music?
What is this which I am telling you?
I am explaining the laws of space through my life of feeling.
I am not thinking about this.
Did you think that it was difficult to talk to you for twenty-five hours?
That all happens of its own accord.
The feeling speaks.
The feeling says.
If you just know a few words and you have absorbed that in you, then those words look for something of their own accord, and that is all feeling.
People call that inspiration.
You can attract inspiration, but it is better to be it.
I am inspiration, I do not need to wait.
I am conscious because I have mastered the law for birth, reincarnation, insanity, illnesses, and everything and everything which you know on earth.
I wanted to sleep in that ground.
I told you recently, in Ancient Egypt we went consciously to death.
The fight with a tiger, the fight with a snake.
First looking, the animal throws itself open, we walk like that into the danger: just bite, do you want to destroy me?
I just want to know what will happen to me when I die.
What is dying, what is passing away?
Are you afraid of your death?
Destroy me here and you will get a kiss.
Stab me and I will thank you.
You can just throw André, Jozef Rulof under your tram.
Then he will say: ‘Thank you, thank you.’
For us there is no death, for us there is no standstill: we leave here, we just leave here.
You may keep that, you can put that in the ground.
We get great wings and we say: ‘We will speed through these spaces and now perceive as we feel.’
‘You will perceive that which you love’, Christ said, ‘and then you will see Me.’
You can, in two weeks you can be fully conscious, if you want to lose yourself.
Do you have love?
Are you love?
Which one of you?
Which one of you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.
Master, I read a book by Tsju San-sen, a high priest from Tibet, and he explains in that book, that he met Christ thirty years ago in his room and spoke to Christ, and since that time has become the Christ interpreter in Tibet.
Is that possible?’
Yes, indeed.
You can see Christ at this moment.
There are people, more people who see Christ.
You can perceive Christ every moment, every minute, every day, every moment.
Then you must not think that there you ...
André saw – you will read that, you have read that in ‘Jeus’ – when he was between five and six year’s old, the space darkened and everything became darkness.
The masters speak and write and paint and do everything through this body; that person from a moment ago, whom you probably spoke to, has gone now.
We are this, we speak to you, we also write the books.
But between the age of five and six years’ old this child had contact with the universe, and the masters connected this life with Golgotha.
The universe darkened.
Then ...
You did not read that in ‘Jeus’.
Have you read that book?
You will get it soon.
That first part has been written, but now the new one is coming, and we have recorded that in there. Six months later, four, five months later, then Jeus was sitting, therefore Jozef Rulof, waiting at the side of the road, and waiting, and waiting.
Every night Christ manifests himself there.
He says: ‘Nothing is happening there, nothing is coming there.’
Not yet.
When the child goes to sleep at night, it waits.
Space ...
The roof tiles disappear, the life of feeling goes to the universe, and light comes from the universe.
He says: ‘It must happen soon, soon, soon.’
And I know where.’
And that still takes months.
So that child is prepared.
Can you feel it?
And after three months it goes and sits at the side of the road at nine o’clock in the morning, because: ‘It must happen here at this spot.’
His friends come – I already told you it, I think – his friends come and say: ‘What are you doing there?’
He has gone.
From nine to one, two, three, four, five; four, after four, twenty past four, nearly half past four, quarter to five, a Light comes there ... and Christ comes there: ‘Just come along.’
Holding Our Lord’s hand, he says: ‘My mother, Crisje, lives there.’
Then Our Lord says: ‘I know that.
Where are My children?’
That child here, who now speaks to you, shows at the age of six ...
Christ said to that child: ‘You, Jeus, bring the children back to Me.’
That happened.
At the age of thirty-eight Christ came again, because now that Jozef Rulof was waging a battle with regard to a patient, a man, and a mother, a happy marriage.
He wanted to die for that: that man better, and he dead, he ill.
Can you do it even better?
Would Christ hear that prayer?
If you are a doctor, or you are a magnetizer, a healer and you say: ‘I will die and that child will get my life.’
Because Christ said: ‘Lose yourself and you will receive Me.’
Then he went around master Alcar, around the spheres, master Alcar could no longer take care of him.
He says: ‘It goes further and further.’
And the whole universe, millions of people were watching, people, fathers and mothers: where is this prayer going?
A child on earth is fighting with regard to life and death, love and happiness, justice, the word of Christ.
Did Christ say that, yes or no?
Master Alcar could not do anything else.
That battle happened in 1937.
The doctor came, he said: ‘You must treat that patient’, then he got a message.
‘Directly in a year and a half’s time this life will die.
Nothing can be done about it.
But help.’
Now the battle comes.
Master Alcar wants that.
André loses it.
But meanwhile he wages the battle with Christ: ‘You are there, or You are not there.
You said it, or You did not say it.
I must see You, or I will stand still.
And if my masters write thousands of books, they mean nothing more to me, I now want the word, because You said, through the bible, through thousands of things: “Anyone who wants to lose his life will receive Mine.”’
Have you already waged that battle?
Begin with it, then you will get to see Christ.
And then Christ came.
Because of this it was proved in the first place that André had contact, has contact.
And if this was not the University of Christ – which you get through those books – Christ would not have come.
Because you cannot pray to Christ.
Just pray.
That praying of his did not mean anything.
Did it?
But Christ came.
And if you really begin to serve and to fight, and devote your life for mankind ...
Because all these people, they are your children.
Why are you not used to a human being?
You are one.
You can never be happy if your mother and father do not stand next to you in the light, in the happiness, in the love.
Isn’t that true?
So when you, in other words, when you come to the other side and you think you are experiencing and accepting the first sphere, that heaven, then Christ as it were asks, comes to you as a figure.
But is it Him?
Christ is ...
Your consciousness is represented everywhere.
Therefore in every grade, also for society, for your task on earth, when you speak to soul, spirit and life, you have contact with the divine justice, love, fatherhood, motherhood.
Isn’t that true?
It is matter of course, when you touch God here, you can also experience a vision, an inspiration, a truth, a justice which comes to you from the divine source.
But if you are lies and deception yourself, and you represent damnation, destruction, do you then want to experience and receive Christ?
You see.
Is it simple?
Thank you.
Which one of you?
There at the back.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master, may I ask you: the first life on the fourth cosmic grade, did that originate exactly the same as on the planet earth?’
I told you recently: there is no change in the birth, to the last second.
For example, if you later enter the Divine All in bil-, bil-, billions, billions, millions of years, lives’ time, then you will have to experience a last life there and then you will go through fatherhood and motherhood again.
Those laws will never change again.
There is just one birth, one fatherhood and motherhood.
You know how and by what means you receive a new life, don’t you?
(To someone in the hall): Just continue.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, master Zelanus, I would also like to know from you: When the human soul is attracted, for example, from the third to the fourth cosmic grade, out of which the human being makes a divine wonder again.
But how does it happen with the animal?’
Exactly the same.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Look, do you not have on earth ...
How does that happen with the animals?
What is the animal world like?
What is fatherhood and motherhood like for the animal, for the conscious animal grade?
When you reach the post-creations, the insect world, for example, then you get motherhood and fatherhood, that is one grade.
There are insects who possess fatherhood and motherhood.
Can you feel this?
But for the animal world that is exactly the same.
Why not?
You already have the human example.
If the mother could only give birth to one child, there would be a gulf between animal and human being; also birth.
But because the animal creates and gives birth to six, seven, eight little animals, little children, lives, that is the way of attracting; that comes from the animal world, the world of the unconscious for the animal.
You also have a world of the unconscious for Mother Nature, for flower and everything.
That is different again.
What would you think ...
I asked you recently: why do you not ask questions about the animal world?
What is the space of a fish?
Where does the astral spiritual heaven live for your pike, your seal, your elephant seal?
Do those children have – also God’s children – do they have a spiritual world?
On the other side you can, in the astral world you can see the fish swimming there in the waters.
And there are also some here; you eat them, you need them.
A human being who is a vegetarian says: ‘That is murdering.
You must love everything.’
But we explain to you again – we had to accept that – because of the seas the food for the human being originated.
The human being was born in the waters, not on the land.
All life reached becoming conscious in the waters.
Can you feel it?
Therefore also the human being.
And now you get the land consciousness, the water consciousness and the spatial consciousness.
The spatial consciousness releases itself from the animal grade and that is the winged animal species.
I explained to you one evening: you get consciousness.
And then you can see how simple, how wonderfully simple and natural the animal world, the child in nature also reacts – we call that children, a bird is a child of God – to the obtained life of feeling, and then accepts the consciousness.
You get inner space, you start to think, you can speak, you are the highest, the human being is the highest, the very first consciousness as a being, created by God.
But a bird, what do you think of a snake, your dog, your cat?
When does that animal get ...
What is the consciousness for God and space for a cat and your dog?
I told you it.
Do you still know it?
Strange, that never goes away from us and you forget everything again.
We master something and it never goes away again, we become law.
Can you feel this?
If you learn to think, if I could give you a lecture, if I could accept you as followers, and you were with me every day, then we would go walking.
What did Socrates do with his pupils?
How did Ancient Egypt build up that culture, that consciousness?
How does Tibet live?
What kind of life of feeling do you have?
What do you think about a temple life, a temple existence in Tibet, British India, Indië (Indonesia)?
That people speak to you day and night.
People are silent there for years and years, and then people wait for you, what you feel.
And if you talk materially again then they let you wait another two years.
In this way people had to wait fourteen and twenty years before they received the first word.
It is up to yourself ... you have that ...
But an animal ...
A mother is already capable as a human being of giving birth to three, four, five children.
Is there a difference with the animal world?
Mother is motherhood.
Now you only see the grades of consciousness: animal motherhood and human motherhood.
But a bird has the great wings, has spatial consciousness.
Your dog will soon sing in nature and will chirp towards you like a nightingale.
Or did you think that that dog remained a dog?
But not a snake.
But why not a snake, and why not a crocodile, and why not an octopus and why your beautiful butterflies, which you can see here in numerous, thousands of colours and shades, why do you not see them in the astral world?
Perhaps one or two.
Do you feel, that is post-creation.
A snake is post-creation, an octopus is post-creation, species of fish ...
The supreme grade for this consciousness, they are your butterflies.
Yet again: why do you have butterfly fish?
Why do you have wings?
Your types of butterfly?
That goes higher.
That is the supreme species for the fish stage.
Now you get your kidney fish, your heart fish, your spinal cord fish.
Every system of the human being in the waters ... because all life originated from the first ego, the human ego.
Can you still remember that?
And all your food was born in the waters from that.
Where is this leading?
It is your life, your consciousness.
But the animal motherhood is also for the human motherhood.
You only get to see the grades, the grades for the consciousness.
Your tiger, your lion, your wolf is one and the same motherhood as your dog and your cat.
Now we get the motherhood for the winged species: your egg.
And there: living organism.
There: the egg.
There: that cell, that is still a cell.
There: animal life.
Can you feel this?
And now you just move around there, you follow that world for a moment, and you get to see different worlds.
Do you do that?
Does anyone have any new questions?
It is always the same people.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I wanted to ask you where the somewhat personal begins for that animal life?’
The personal begins?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Where it begins?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Where, with what grade of the animal life?’
Behind your step, I will make it short, behind your step.
Only if you take the footstep and you walk, then the animal follows you, but the animal cannot take that footstep before you.
Did you not know that?
What does Darwin say about the ape form?
I told you recently: Darwin was standing on top of the wonder, your wonderful Darwin was standing on top of the wonder.
Where is Darwin now?
You can see him every evening when we speak here, perhaps.
But Darwin said: ‘The human being originates from the ape.’
And if he had just said: ‘The ape originates from the human being’, then he would have been eternally true.
Because the human being originated from the first embryo, material life.
And then seven post-worlds came.
I explained to you, and you can read that in ‘The Origin of the Universe’, and soon in the twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, the hundred thousand books about the cosmology, which we would still write – we do not have time for that, of course – that comes into being from and of ‘beyond the coffin’.
When you later have seven, eight, nine, ten of them, then you will have enough.
But from that first little cell which I spoke about a moment ago, and gave you an answer, when the soul went back to the world of the unconscious, then that little material cell continued – didn’t it, Mr Wachter? – that embryo, that ego continued.
That would experience seven grades of evolution.
But not forward, but back.
That means, not back, not back again, but to the animal grade.
So it experienced a rotting.
And from that rotting the first life came into being, the first grade came from that material ego to the life consciousness, and that became an ape instinct.
The silhouette of you.
If the human being got, now ...
So now I must suddenly overview all those worlds, those millions of laws and worlds, and then I come back and then I give you the answer and the explanation, while I could give twenty lectures here in order to follow that ape.
Now every ape, the animal, the orang-utan, little apes get again ... you get to see seven different species of apes, animal consciousness.
But I said a moment ago: when you have taken your step, then the animal world takes a step after you, because that step was received by you.
Do you understand it now, when you go back to the moon and see that first embryonic life, that the ape originated from your material ego, the animal world originated from your material ego?
After you.
That animal thinks after your thinking.
It has hands, but this one does not.
It has feet, it has eyes.
‘It almost looks’, Darwin says, ‘like the human being.’
But it remains an ape.
You are always ahead of the animal ape consciousness.
It remains eternally ...
Not eternally, because it also goes higher, it will fly soon, later, in a million years’ time.
But it is the silhouette of your material organic inner spiritual life.
Because, after all, that animal got so much of your consciousness, but under your consciousness, from that grade, under that grade, and that body had to accept that thinking and feeling.
The ape is almost human, but it will be never be that.
Is that clear?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Can you accept that?
Can you now see and feel how close Darwin was to the reality?
But he saw it wrong.
The human being is the highest.
Why did Darwin see that wrong?
Did Darwin have a faith?
Did he have respect for God?
The human being – people say – is the supreme being in creation.
Why did Darwin begin to look at the ape consciousness?
Why not immediately at the human being?
He says: ‘My God, my God, I can see, I can feel, that is my brother, that is my life, that is what I had from you in order to give it to him.’
Is it not becoming simple?
Because you blow the teachings of Darwin like that from your hand, when you know the universe, the births.
Isn’t it becoming simple?
The metaphysical teachings are becoming so simple, that you know Christ, God and the universe, your births, your reincarnation and everything; you lay it on your hands and you can see it.
Is that so difficult?
Is it so difficult?
You see here into a nursery school for the universe.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I also want to ask you how people must see the different successions and inspirations towards the higher animal species?’
Very simple, you get the tame species for the ape consciousness.
Orang-utan, that is already lower, that is already the third grade.
You get ...
For example, when we speak about: ‘God manifested himself in the universe’ ...
By means of what?
‘God manifested himself ...’
The human being created that word God.
You should hear what nonsense you now hear, what you get.
Because the human being invented the word God.
You gave the name Moon to a planet.
But that is the first cosmic birth.
You call the sun Sun.
But that is the creating power for the universe.
Can you feel this?
And what is now the animal?
And what is now the consciousness?
Before God could reveal himself, that creation, when God ...
Why ...
The bible is right to a certain degree, the bible already comes to the divine events to a certain extent when that God says: ‘This is a day.
And it is so.’
It was good, it was wonderful.
Another day over.
But that was an age.
Those bible writers were not that far from the truth.
But those children, those boys wrote down what you do when you write a poem.
We have sacred respect for those children who wrote the bible, but they got a considerable beating when they entered the space.
Because of their beautiful poems which they gave to the bible, millions of people are now tied to a damnation.
And as long as those millions of people are tied to the bible, and miss their light because of that, the bible writers are busy finding people, in order to say: ‘Just go against it.’
‘Just chase that priest away.’
‘Just let rip.’
‘Just attack that minister with his damnation. Because I do not have any light anymore.’
Just write a sexual novel; and the devil, the darkness will follow you.
Every human being who reads your book, you are attached to that, you cannot continue.
You have sown lust, you have written a book for your money, for becoming conscious.
God does not ask for sexual novels.
The masters, the space, the angels, the cosmic grades, Christ and God do not need you with a filthy, dirty, earthly, material poem.
The bible writers are tied to their damnation.
But despite that, they accomplished a wonderful piece of work during their time.
Didn’t they?
And that is because they said ...
Where do they get the story from?
That was already there, that came from the house of Israel.
They had it easy, they already got foundations.
They began to write: Yes, God said this.
That is Moses.
Abram, Isaac and Jacob and Moses later received that, and then the prophets came, they continued.
They had to record stories by you, by him, by her.
Can you feel it?
And with that people say ...
You see, the ages, for the universe they are seven grades.
Six grades ...
That is the first day, the second day, the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day, the sixth day, now the seventh day comes, and then the consciousness completes itself, then the birth comes, then you go to a new sphere.
Then God manifested himself in a different garment.
They were first hazes, then clouds.
Then light came, then darkness came again.
Because those clouds, that was still not a golden consciousness, that seventh grade still had to come.
They were changes, they were ages.
Now an age is a day, and a day is an age, many theologians accept that.
They say: ‘Yes, but we do not accept that they were seven days.’
You will feel, you cannot escape it, you get stuck.
The present day theologian says: ‘Those were ages.’
And now you get to see the different ages for the human consciousness.
And because God experienced that, we have that, the planets have that, a week has that, a month has that, the sleep has that, the birth has that.
Seven ages, then the child is awake and conscious.
Seven months are also seven ages.
You get the first, second, third stage; the consciousness comes between the third and the fourth sphere, doesn’t it?
Between the third and the fourth month in the mother you have the consciousness for the child.
Is that nonsense?
That is universal.
This is a universal truth.
That is true.
Now you get, when the child is born ...
Just ask your doctor that.
Then we can explain that cosmically.
From the divine revelations we explain to you why the child is faced with danger when it is born at eight months, because then the child goes over a new consciousness and is interrupted in that.
Can you feel this?
Those two months of ours mean nothing.
They are seven ages.
And it comes down to that, I will give you these examples. Now you will also get to see, of course, that the animal first comes from the animal-like, doesn’t it, to the higher.
Where must that animal go, if that animal wants ...
The jungle instinct; you lived there, we people lived there.
Are there still no people living in the jungle?
Is that human consciousness, which those people there under the ground, those Papuans have?
Those people eaters, do you call that spiritual consciousness?
Where are those people going?
Did you think – I asked you recently – that God leaves those people there in that jungle and gave you the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org)?
Do you accept that?
Those people are God’s children, also come to this society.
And what must those people now experience again?
The Divine ages.
And that is: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven ...
Yes, there are three of them in the jungle, then Eskimo (see article ‘Human being or soul’ on rulof.org), Mongolians, eastern races, and finally that life comes to the western civilisation, the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org); the highest which you can experience on earth here.
Also the colour consciousness – I also told you that, you can read that in ‘The Origin of the Universe’ for that matter – because colour consciousness, the coloured people, also your negroes (see article ‘Against racism and discrimination’ on rulof.org), they are not jungle children, that is no longer a jungle instinct, but that is a colour race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org).
Are you still able to ...
You still have no attunement to that, and you will experience that, but gradually you will go back to the white race and then you will experience six, seven transitions.
And now you get from the lowness to the highness, with this image before your eyes, from the jungle to the white race (siehe rulof.de/es-gibt-keine-Rasse), from the tiger to your house pet.
Can you feel this?
Gradually – isn’t that simple? – the animal-like will release itself in order to follow, to accept the human.
That is a law, that is evolution.
Do you see everything now?
Now just go to your falcon, to your birds of prey, then you will end up with your pigeon.
And that pigeon eats from your hand, that has human feeling.
Doesn’t it?
You can send your pigeon to England, to France; it will come back to your place.
You cannot even do that, because you will knock your head, you will go to pieces in the darkness, you will drown.
But you can send the animal away; it will come back to your house.
Higher consciousness and feeling, which for the pigeon as the highest life of feeling for the animal species ... the winged species, with human feeling and thinking ... which the human being still does not even have.
I tell you: just let me loose somewhere, blind.
Where will you end up?
Where will you find your divine house again?
Your pigeon can do that, but the human being has still not reached that feeling.
Very simple.
If you wish to contradict me, then I will tell you: just try that with your falcon, with your eagle, put that animal down on your skin: in five minutes you will be killed.
But the little animal, the dove, is the highest love, the highest life of feeling, the highest consciousness for that species, can you feel this?
But before, before that, where did that animal live, where did your dove live, where did your eagle live before that?
Have you not read that people in the prehistoric ages had birds which swam in the waters, and even now, already fish?
But another grade, do you feel?
Creation lies open to us.
But animal species with wings went out of the waters and took the space: land and water consciousness.
You come from the water to the land, material life of feeling.
We came from the waters and your thyroid glands behind your ears – the doctor can, the scientist can point out your gills to you – are still the phenomena of the gills.
Really, we were born in the waters.
You are still a mammal.
What do you wish to live from when you are born?
The mother is still always a human mammal.
Does science not say that?
You see, let us just bow, and be pleased, and be happy that we can now finally say: I am becoming mother as a human being, and I am becoming father in my feeling.
That means: I will give birth and I will create.
And now you lose the Old Testament and you travel with ‘wings’ straight into the space with Christ.
And you do not need anything else either.
Now be good and sweet, and follow the life harmonically, and you will rise above the social life; you are now father and mother, you are happiness, life and justice.
Isn’t it becoming simple?
Do you have anything else?
(Lady in the hall says something inaudible.)
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘You just said that we gave something to the ape, that the ape lies a step behind.’
‘And now you just said that we are a rising, resurrection, a growth from fish.’
Of course, that, look ...
(Lady in the hall): ‘Is that not in contrast, that it is in Darwin’s street?’
No, because you have water, you have land ...
Now you should ...
Look, that is not so easy for you.
Because there you have animal consciousness, land life, animal consciousness.
We also speak of human animal-like consciousness, that is the jungle.
But it has nothing to do with the animal grade, because now you must keep those worlds separate, distinguish them, you must ... those two worlds ...
One: there is the human being, and here is the animal grade.
There you have, even lower, again, lower again, but perhaps with a higher consciousness, you have ...
Now we come from the land into the waters.
And now you have here ...
The water represents thousands of worlds for laws of life and grades. They are fish, aren’t they?
But you also have the land life here, also animal, that is also animal.
We people call ourselves animal-like, can you feel this?
Now you start to lose yourself.
I jump, I go to the fish, I go to the animal, I go to the human being, in order to give a human being an idea, that through ...
Darwin, for example again, Darwin had the first ...
Blavatsky had ...
Do you know Madam Blavatsky, the teachings of Blavatsky?
That is theosophy which says, that is the theosophy, which says: we were first plant, nature, then animal, then human being.
How is that possible?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Intuition.’
Can you feel this?
But that is not true.
The masters, and that is true ...
We have seen that: from the human being, from the first human embryo ...
That was only water.
There was still no grass, there was still no nature, because then creation was already finished.
Nature, what you see, everything in space is condensed material.
You must go back, we must go back to the beginning, how everything originated; the other one was born from the Divine.
When God revealed and manifested himself, a new life could begin: we were that.
But I told you a moment ago: there were ages.
This is why I take the day from the bible, that was a time.
But that is a grade for the cosmos; second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth, sixth, came to the seventh grade.
For example, now I remain with that human ego, that was a little material cell, with spirit.
Because we got it from the moon.
The moon had divided again.
This is why the philosophical systems – Socrates was searching, Plato, Blavatsky searched, Egypt searched – they said: ‘The human being has everything in his hands.
But we were born there and there, and experienced that and that, and then we became that, and then we got our human consciousness.’
That is not possible, because that is already old, and it has to come from nothing.
A gradual creation, you still see that in nature, it is possible, but not from the existing.
That means: you cannot go back.
You can go forward, you can do that.
But, this is why science stumbles in this.
The academic says – yes, we lived on earth -: ‘There has still not been any life on earth because the earth was first cooling down, everything was cold, ice age.
Then we got the red-hot age, everything was ablaze.’
But we have seen that, the first people who saw that: when there was fire there then we went into it, when it started to cool down there then we went out of it again.
In this way the human being has, in this way nature has protected itself.
And the very last thing is: the macrocosmos created the microcosmos.
Can you feel this?
Because of the planetary system we people got the possession, the being a human being.
But from that first material cell – I will remain with you for a moment – a new grade came: animal life.
We go ...
Yet another grade, because seven ages came.
So, from every grade, from every rotting – that animal, you will feel, also got a material cell again – from that rotting material life came, that also died and now a rotting came again, a dying.
Back, seven times.
Therefore seven different animal species from one grade: only life, feeling, material, but another consciousness, type.
In this way you come from, from the land back to the waters now, this is the present, and from the water you come back to the land.
But what I am now concerned with is: when that animal world had materialized itself, then the human being got his destination – can you feel this? – and also the animal.
So that is close to each other, that lives here in one hand.
Now what the theosophy, Blavatsky says, comes: ‘I saw that.’
We say: ‘That is not true, because then you should have seen how it went, how it got becoming conscious, how it got evolution.’
Because by means of that rotting, in those waters, condensing came, slime came.
If you come to the East, you can get the slime as green – the people from the East can tell you that – you can get that out of the waters like that, and it falls just like that from your hands.
That is the first grade for material green.
But that is still astral.
People call that gunge, but that is already green.
People who were in India can explain it to you.
That is also the first grade for that evolution.
But during that time everything was water, can you feel this?
That globe, that earth was surrounded by an aura, an atmosphere, it was already closed off.
That water could not go away and the beings lived in that water: human being and animal.
And afterwards – but then we were already millions of years on our way, but I will go back a bit, I will hold onto that stage – by means of the rotting that slime came, another division came.
That started to condense, that had to condense, that experienced an evolution.
And one day when it had become so close in the water, then the grass blades came above the water.
Can you feel?
That has become nature.
They are now your trees, your flowers.
The animal lives there, is also there, water animal, land animal.
But the human being rises above everything.
Madam Blavatsky, you see it precisely wrong, you see it precisely like Darwin.
The ape originated from the human ego.
The animal life, every animal was born from the human being.
Because God said: ‘Represent Me.’
As conscious divine lives, didn’t He?
That is true, Christ also said that.
But that originated from that human being.
What God did in the infinite, a planet did that for the space, this space.
But then you have not yet experienced God.
We still do that exactly the same.
What do you do when you experience creation?
What do you get?
What do you receive?
What do you do?
You divide yourself, don’t you?
You are giving birth consciousness, the mother.
The man is the sun.
We give, we divide ourselves, we carry on what God accomplished in the infinite.
Isn’t it simple?
Now the theosophy is ... It also lies on your hand, you look through it.
Now everything gets speed and space, there is no more hold, you can now continue eternally, you see that ‘beyond the coffin.’
And when, you will feel, when this, you can now imagine, you can now feel, where ... gets ...
I am now connecting you with the person who is speaking to you, in which we live, this is the highest consciousness in the world.
Theosophy is actually the highest sect which has gauged and felt the deepest.
Yes, in Tibet and India there are a few priests living who say to theosophy: ‘Hey, wait a moment.’
But you know, the East is theosophical, metaphysical.
So he says: ‘No, I do not accept that, because that is not possible, because then we stand still.’
Because, you will feel, millions of peoples gave their lives for that, in order to – as I told you a moment ago – in order to die, in order to look: what happens when you die?
What is dying?
Socrates said: ‘What happens if I do this?’
When he was at the market of Athens, that shepherd boy, he says: ‘What do you feel if you are happy?
Why do you kiss?
Why do you do that?’
Yes, he wanted to know that.
He says: ‘No, not I, but the world wants to know that.
I want to know why I am happy, why I do that.
If I do that and I hit you, I will get a strange, strange feeling.
What is that?
If I do that, I will be happy, I will have space, I will have feeling.’
Who, yes, who ...
Christ was already there.
Ancient Egypt originated.
In China ...
When did the human being begin to think?
Can you feel this?
When did creation begin to make itself visible?
How did God do that?
Argued with Noah about three barrels of brandy?
Argued in order to go over the world.
He says: ‘No, Noah, no, you will not get more than three barrels of brandy.’
And then God cursed.
But it thundered in the universe.
Isn’t it nice?
What a wisdom.
But can you feel it now, child?
I thank you.
Which of you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, I would like to ask you ...’
I would like to go back with you because I know what a nice feeling ...
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘What I heard there about the consciousness of the animal, and does that also go to the plant life, vegetation?’
Yes, indeed.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘And even further, to the mineral?’
Everything the same.
Now we enter different worlds, of course.
How did the minerals originate?
Hardening from the previous.
Why do you have diamonds?
Why do you have pearls and gold?
Why do you have diamonds, the emeralds?
Why do you have the colours in the stone?
Why does the human being give so many millions for a shining stone?
Can you feel this?
Originated by means of the hardening, by means of the growing processes, by means of the earth.
Why does the human being not give a million for the true word?
That is the diamond of the universe.
Can you go against that?
You find all of that again by means of evolution.
Inner ...
We spoke here one evening: why do you still have a Vesuvius?
Why do you still have an Etna?
Why do those craters, those volcanoes not die?
Why does the sun have black spots?
Respiratory organs for that organism, for sun and earth.
It gets heated inside ...
The earth has an organism inside.
When master Alcar – I will continue with this, you will get an answer as a matter of course – when master Alcar ...
When you say soon: ‘Master ...’ or , ‘Our Lord’, whoever you take ...
You accept me and you say: ‘Yes, you are a teacher, you are a schoolmaster.’
Then I say to you: ‘Look, then we will let go of each other now, I will enter the universe and you will find me.’
Wherever you are, you will find me again, you must find me again, in this universe.’
And then I will just hide myself in the earth, somewhere where it is very warm, in the middle of the earth, and then you must just find me.
But you will find me.
We find your needle again in the sea of life, because that thing calls to us.
If you say: ‘I will hide’, then we already know where you are going, because you say it yourself.
That is the spatial telepathy.
But I just want to say: everything originated by means of growth and blossom.
We can ...
Now I will connect you with the universe, then I will ask you: ‘Is it possible that those teachings ...
Have you already heard of these teachings, this wisdom?’
When is your stone male, and when is your stone maternal?
You have maternal stones and you have paternal stones.
As true that you possess a soprano and a maternal alto.
A Stradivarius, is that paternal or maternal?
What is the sound of the Stradivarius?
(Lady in the hall says something inaudible.)
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Creating.’
If that was creating, could that be a Stradivarius then?
The Stradivarius is the alto.
The alto is the maternal timbre, not the soprano, because the alto gives birth.
A soprano already goes to the consciousness.
Why is the alto maternal and the soprano actually already towards the creating power, male?
You can never go back down again from the alto.
Did we not talk to you about that a moment ago?
Everything tallies again, everything gets connection again.
This is the alto, and the soprano has to go through this, upwards, a new consciousness.
Can you feel this?
New consciousness for human timbre.
But you cannot go back.
This is why the ape cannot go to the human being, and we cannot go to the ape.
This is why the stone is maternal, or paternal.
The respiratory organs of the earth are the volcanoes.
And those dark spots are also respiratory organs – you can go into that, into the sun – they are the respiratory organs for that gas sphere.
There are now people in the world who say: ‘There are people living on the sun.’
Just let them come.
... earth later – more planets were born – but later the earth came, because moon and sun is father and is mother, the child came back between moon and sun, and would possess a higher consciousness because of that.
And that happened.
But the moon could not close itself off for fatherhood, the heat, therefore the radiance from the universe.
But the earth had more consciousness – and more consciousness is more movement – and revolved, would turn around its own axle, and trace another, quicker, faster orbit, because there is more feeling, more power, more ...
Can you sense this?
And they are wonders, people call it the wonders of the universe.
The astronomer still does not know that it concerns this.
Yes, the sun is ‘she’, people say.
But for the universe – I told you that several times – there is only fatherhood and motherhood; and now this universe lies open to you.
Now you can start to build.
What is conscious motherhood and conscious fatherhood?
What is a meteor?
And what is another planet?
On which planets is there life?
If there is life, that planet is mother.
Can you feel this?
And you have ...
Now there are planets – the moon and the earth and others – where the human being, by means of which the human being would awaken; they were born by means of the human being, because we would conquer this universe.
And because of this the earth traces another orbit, of course, the earth has more consciousness than the moon.
The moon is now dying and that is already ten thousand million years ago, that the last life ... that is already ten thousand million years ago, then the moon was already dying, then the moon began to die, then the moon had completed her task.
Then the life of the moon had – the moon divided, gave itself; you have those lectures, we are now busy with them in The Hague – then the human being absorbed so much as embryo from this macrocosmic body, and the human being experienced the fish stage there.
When that was over the moon could die: it condensed itself, and later, hardened itself, you then got the last breathe, and they are the craters.
The academic wonders: ‘What are those craters on the moon?’
You experience that every day.
Can you feel what that is?
(Someone in the hall says something inaudible.)
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... the last breathe.’
If the human being blows out his last breathe, those lips are also ...
Now it is also a crater.
Can you feel?
That feeling, that material of the moon was a muddy mass.
It became closer and closer and closer, and because the last breathe of life left, the seventh grade of the atmosphere opened itself up.
Seven, six and five of the atmosphere of the moon, they dissolved.
So the moon now still has different grades for the atmosphere, or the moon would ... through the earth ...
Or the moon would tear a little planet, millions of times smaller than the moon, from its orbit.
But the closing off, that is the atmosphere.
And dissolved for you again.
You should see how that connects with each other.
When the academic goes to the moon ...
‘There is no atmosphere there.’
No, sir, there is no atmosphere.
‘Then we will take along oxygen’, he says.
But at which attunement is that oxygen?
The moon possesses spiritual atmosphere.
When the moon began with her task and had reached the fish stage, then that atmosphere was, that atmosphere of the moon, that was still spiritual material.
And this one of your space is material; also spiritual, because you can ... your breathe ...
You see, we call that: half-waking conscious motherhood for the breathing, half-waking conscious motherhood for the breathing.
You also have half-waking consciousness for the motherhood, and fatherhood – now you enter psychopathy – and it speaks for the personality, it speaks for an organ of yours, it speaks for the brains, for the nerves, for the sleep, for your spirit.
What do you want to talk about now?
You will find those laws again in the human being and they are in the universe.
The moon is now dying.
Which academic knows the moon now?
The moon is the mother, is the All-Mother of all life in the universe.
When does the astronomer begin to accept this wisdom, these laws?
When can he get a lecture about this?
He does not accept it.
So you will feel, that must come from the sphere where the human being lives who has discarded his material.
Hey ...
Is there anything else?
Do you understand it?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Thank you.’
(To someone in the hall): Are you already rolling a cigarette now?
(Lady in the hall): ‘How is the balance upset in the universe?
All the ... the sun and the moon and the earth have a certain balance together.
But if the moon now disappears then that will become ...’
What happens, my child, when you take something heavy out of the water?
Now the more technical can listen.
When you take something out of the water, carefully, what happens then?
(Someone in the hall says something.)
The atmosphere also closes itself.
When you lose something of your consciousness, isn’t it true ...
What is dying on earth?
Then your atmosphere dissolves.
Because the human being also has an atmosphere.
(Someone in the hall says something inaudible.)
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘The aura.’
The aura.
Then your atmosphere dissolves, the closing off for yourself, the life aura is used up.
And at the same time ...
But you remove yourself like that from the life.
Can you feel this?
Everything evolves.
Dying is also evolution.
If you could suddenly move the moon from that orbit, from that space, you would get a gap, and that would be filled up by other planets, of course.
Otherwise there would be a shock.
But that is not possible now.
So the soft dying is also the filling of the new consciousness.
So what the moon loses in life force, comes back from the space to the moon again for that space, in order to watch over the organic space.
Can you feel that?
(Gentleman in the hall says something inaudible.)
Is it something?
(Gentleman in the hall says something inaudible.)
It is very simple.
If you take a bucket of water, and you take a weight, you let it sink to the bottom, then the water is high, isn’t it?
And you take that gravity, a ball or whatever, it is iron, it does not matter, a piece of stone, you carefully lift, then that fills up.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, it is clear.’
Yes, this is everything.
So when the moon ...
This gradually dissolves.
But then the consciousness, a space fills itself; that gets new life, that is already there, that just fills itself.
The moon absorbs something.
And now that body gradually dissolves, that takes millions of years, millions of years, and then that space is filled.
But there will also be people living on earth – do you hear this? – who then no longer see the moon.
What happens now?
Now we go to the cosmology.
(The sound technician gives a signal.)
I must stop.
What do you get?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘ ... the moon dissolves.’
The moon dissolves.
The moon will disappear, but there will also be people who see the moon.
But a bit further, then you can no longer experience the moon.
Because the sun will also become rarefied, and will likewise disappear.
Until the last human being has reached the spiritual life.
But the moon will only disappear when the space has reached the spiritual grade of life.
Can you feel that?
Because the space is only seven years old.
The earth has just got over her years of puberty, the earth as a planet.
And the earth becomes millions of ages old.
So those thirteen years then, those thirteen, fourteen years, they are thirteen billions years.
And so many millions of years are added, if you want to experience the earth.
Because the earth can become millions of years old for herself as a macrocosmic body, of course, and is only thirteen years old according to the human calculation.
And the Jehovah child says: ‘Tomorrow this creation will perish and then everything will collapse and then you must be ready for your God.’
How many stars and planets, smaller planets do not come to earth?
How many times were the smaller organs ripped apart?
You see, there is always life and death busy, and also birth.
There are now still astral sparks, spiritual sparks in space, which have not yet been perceived.
But everything grows and decreases, becomes hazy later.
That Great Bear of yours will be very different in ten, a hundred thousand years, perhaps already half disappeared.
What you still possess today will have dissolved tomorrow, and is ready to experience death, evolution, because all that life goes back to God, to the All-Source.
Another question and then I will stop.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, master Zelanus.
You just said, that space is proportionally younger than the earth.
But the space was there first, wasn’t it? ’
Yes, the space was there first.
The space is older.
I look too, I calculate this ...
I should actually say it differently, but I hold onto the earth.
The space is millions of years older than the earth.
But I start to see this earth, therefore from the human life of feeling, and not with regard to the space.
Then I must say: ‘Then the earth is younger, the child ...’
I said just as a moment ago: ‘The earth is the child of sun and moon.’
But I will see this humanly and will make a human calculation for the age of the earth.
This is why I say again, the earth is then thirteen years old at the most.
Because you can see that from nature: I was talking about the prehistoric age, those animals are still there.
You are, a moment ago you entered the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org).
Because, what do thousands of centuries mean for millions of years, ages of creations?
Is there anything else?
It is difficult to leave you.
Are you finished, satisfied?
(Hall): ‘No.’
My followers have no questions.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘ ....questions about the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org)?’
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org) is the highest race.’
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘But if you come to my work sometime, then you would think that you were actually still in the jungle.’
In thinking.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.
But in feeling.’
In feeling?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
But you must see it physically.
This is the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org).
But your white spirit is still not there.
That is true.
My sisters and brothers, I wish for you, that you will now experience your
Christmas as it should be: in peace, happiness, in quiet.
Think of me and I will think of you.
Think of the space and you will hear voices, sounds and timbres.
Where feeling is, where there is questioning, there is also the word and the inspiration.
(Someone in the hall): ‘Thank you, master Zelanus.’