Tuesday evening 11 april 1950
Good evening, my sisters and brothers.
(Hall): ‘Good evening, master Zelanus.’
Which of you is ready for the first question?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master, if for the man the baritone represents the pure paternal and for the woman the alto represents the maternal, what is the meaning of the bass for the man?
What meaning does that have?’
That is almost the same, that is only a grade higher.
You have bass and baritone.
There are seven grades for the voice, I told you.
And the baritone is the pure creating power.
Bass lies a bit under that.
So you go from the depth to the creation and you go back from above, you go to the tenor.
So you grow towards both foundations until you stand on the creating power and the voice is creating.
For the mother the alto.
So you go upwards, you go back.
You go from the fatherhood to the motherhood; you make this.
You can do it like that.
Can you feel this?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, master Zelanus, I would like to ask the following question.
It was recently in the paper, a doctor in America, he administered air into the veins of a seriously ill cancer patient, as a result of which her life span has been shortened.
I would like to know from you: what meaning does such a deed have for space?
Because that doctor, what we call, was inspired by humanitarian motives, actually.’
It is a matter of determining: is suicide present here?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
(Another person in the hall): ‘Or murder.’
And suicide.
The patient, the patient is convinced, of course.
He has asked the patient: ‘Do you approve of that?’
Such things happen outside of her, outside of the consciousness.
Then it was the conscious murder.
People have ...
People will have said to the patient:
But: ‘Get me out of the suffering.’
‘Do you approve of that?
Then I will help you?’
With full consciousness, wasn’t it?
Good, you accept it.
You go over to the other question and then one of the two is the murderer.
When that mother, or that man, the human being, decides: put an end to this life, this suicide by means of another.
The doctor must not do it.
They bear this battle together.
You cannot avoid it, those pains, that state, that cancer, that is karma, indeed.
Why you and not another?
You must go through that.
And if this soul, this human being, still had four, five months to live, then she will, because she puts an end to her life, have shortened her life, she will go into the ground with her body and now she will experience the rotting process at full power.
Even worse, thousands of times worse than the cancer, consciously attached here to that rotting, is also rotting ... but that is not so bad, so frightening, as the rotting process, attached to that body which rots, because you remain conscious.
You cannot destroy yourself, you cannot destroy, you cannot destroy the soul, the spiritual, the astral personality.
So you go into the ground with that body; you make it a thousand times worse.
But if the doctor does that outside of her knowledge and feeling, then the doctor is the murderer.
You cannot violate these natural laws, you cannot shorten your life because you are ill.
Everything is possible for the earth.
Science, society, feeling of justice comes up against that and says: no, doctor.
The faculty says: no, we are for healing.
You feel ...
In prehistoric ages millions of people were killed in this way.
But you will feel, if science would approve that the doctor would release the patient from that suffering, it would become a mass murder.
For the universe you are therefore ...
You violate your life.
Or that life?
That body is ill, but that life is not ill.
That life still has to live, for months, and probably for one year, two years.
Did you not hear during your war – another problem – that people in Germany gassed the insane?
Those people came ‘beyond the coffin’ and screamed.
They were free there.
Now something else and then you will know it instantly, and then you will say: yes, that must be true.
Those people became free ‘beyond the coffin’, other people went back to the world of the unconscious, had a new birth, didn’t they?
But there were hundreds of thousands free and they say: ‘Why did you shoot, kick, gas me from my evolution?’
And they now live in that time, not under the ground, but live in the life after the death in that insanity, because they would finish the life in insanity.
Now they are astrally insane, they have no life, they have no consciousness, they have been released by another power, but that illness, that time, that evolution, that life was closed off too soon.
Now you stand there before insanity.
You are not released from that insanity because your time is not over yet, you cannot blow that away, you cannot make it disappear, that is and will remain until your dying comes naturally.
Now you cannot do anything with those people.
You can follow them, you can speak to them, they still feel earthly, and remain in that state because the body suddenly kicked their world to pieces, by means of gassing, by means of medicines, by means of thousands of other things.
Even worse, now they do not live under the ground, but now they are outside of it.
They did not want that.
If that mother who has cancer had said: ‘I do not want that.
I do not want that’, and people do it anyway, because the human being thinks: when that child will come out of her suffering then she will not come into the ground and then she will free from that rotting, because she has not destroyed the life. You have disposal, you have the order over your body: ‘I do not want that.’
Laws, laws.
In all those states you feel the natural justice for the body, the body asks for growth, experience.
Then the dying comes of its own accord.
That is not dying, you become free.
But also the soul which it concerns, not the soul, but the astral personality as spirit, she experiences that.
(To someone in the hall): That person there.
I will come to you.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, what does it mean in the parable of the prodigal son, that son who stays with his father?’
Yes, this is a long biblical story, of course, because then we must watch the son and the son for the father.
But, what do you feel yourself about it?
The son who remains with the father or the son who goes?
Is that the wrong one?
(Lady in the hall): ‘The good one.’
That is the good one.
That father should say: ‘Child, you will experience an independence.’
But now you go that way, left, right, upwards and downwards.
What are those children up to?
What did they do?
You will feel, the bible writers made a lovely story out of it, a tale, so straight, that it belongs to the household consciousness, the household, paternal, maternal consciousness.
‘Do not go, do not leave us alone.’
What kind of fuss is that?
What did they make of it?
What does the world make of it, of that prodigal son?
Not one son was ever lost, nothing can be lost.
And then the child comes back.
Yes, you will feel, the core ...
Not you who are obedient here, but it is this child.
But how deep is that love of that father, that he says: ‘This is my child’?
The prodigal son came back: ‘Father, father!’
Now ...
It is a feast!
You should just hear those ministers.
There is a feast!
And then they talk for twenty-six hours about it.
And it is nothing.
It has no meaning.
That one there.
(Lady in the hall): ‘The intention with which that doctor did that, who injected that air into that woman ...’
‘ ... that does not matter, does that not have spatial meaning for the karma of that doctor?’
Look, that doctor will enter that state one day that he says: ‘I will no longer violate a patient, because I will remain ...’
This is a divine law, your life is a divine law, that belongs to you.
And whether you are sick or healthy, you cannot take away the life for yourself from the earth five seconds too soon.
Can you feel this?
Then you enter into conflicts, you enter into disharmony with the transition, with growth, blossom, end, evolution, for your body.
But not only that body; what kind of aura do you get, feelings during that time that you live in that body?
Take, for example, the clear core, the cremation.
People say:
‘That is good, that is wonderful!’ Yes, he knows it.
Yes, indeed.
I am now busy with that.
We are writing ‘Jeus of Mother Crisje’ part III, and now we are going through all the books, also the pieces of proof, absolutely those pieces of proof; that cursed cremation must leave the world.
Good, I will finish that first.
That doctor whom you sent there too soon out of pity ...
What is pity?
On the other side, for God, what is pity?
Did you think that God does not know any pity?
To feel pity for the human being, that is – are you reading ‘A View into the Hereafter’ – complete destruction and loss in the life after death, in the universe.
Just have pity on something that must be born and experiences that moaning with pain, just have pity.
Then you say: ‘Yes, that mother must get through that.’
You know that, you know that, that mother must give birth like that, and in this way we get to see new life.
Now you can also intervene, you know that, the doctor knows that.
Now there is an illness.
What does that soul, that personality experience?
By means of pity you start to rape, destroy, sully, contaminate, deform the nature.
He is not only the murderer, he is not the one who violates a divine law here, in evolution, in your time, your life, your society, in everything, that pain, they already lie there ...
No, it is the thinking, the being; being here in the material, you will understand that one day, it is essential for space, soul, spirit, personality.
Your life has a time.
You still do not have that life in your hands, but you will spoil it, no, experience, you must experience it.
God does not know any sickbeds, any cancer, any tuberculosis, and leprosy.
God does not know that.
We people created that, because we divided ourselves, the natural core, you will read that in ‘The Origin of the Universe.’
Why are there illnesses?
They didn’t used to exist.
We went into the waters in the North Pole, cold and heat.
We lived in the ground, naked and all, in storm, rain and wind, we could not freeze, our inner blaze, our fire, the organs could withstand that.
You have the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh ...
All the grades for human bodies divided in the jungle.
Read the books sometime, go with me to the jungle sometime and let’s see, doctor.
Where did the first illness originate?
By what means?
God finishes everything, God calculated everything, also heat, also cold, and cooling down, everything was calculated.
Every planet, every star was calculated for cooling down and heating, heating up.
And a human being was not?
Why is nature so strong?
The animal?
The animal did not fragment itself.
A tiger, a lion, your cat and dog, they are not fragmented.
Yes, when you ...
Your harvest was already fragmented when you begin with the beautiful, the noble harvest, and make thousands of species from your animal, your race of your dog; then the natural grade divides and then a weakening comes.
And because of that weakening cancer, leprosy and everything originated.
The doctor is to blame, he must stay away from that, because that soul, that personality must undergo that process.
And that is evolution.
He not only intervenes in the physical law, the nature, but he also intervenes in karma.
When does this life become free from karma?
Now cremation, thousands, millions of problems.
The human being is cremated, now you should look into the darkness, not into the hells, but the human being lives between the Land of Twilight of the first sphere and the hells, the dark, the deep hatred, the deep conscious hatred and misery, you see millions of people walking there, all cremated people.
Can you feel this?
They no longer have a body.
Because of your rotting process as a corpse, the normal disintegration, you experience seven transitions of aura, that is the bottom on which you will soon stand in the spheres.
Be cremated, then you will not have any bottom, any ground, nothing, you will float, you will hang, you cannot stand.
They hang like that in space, they no longer have a bottom, that aura has been burned, dissolved, gone, they did not get time to develop that.
Can you from the lowest class suddenly act the professor?
Then you must first get the understanding, get the feeling in order to act like Paganini.
That is feeling, and you must build up that feeling, you will experience that, experience that evolving.
And it is only then that you can say: ‘That aura is mine.’
Those are laws.
(To the hall): Who had anything else?
(Lady in the hall): ‘A cancer patient, she has to undergo her karma, but by means of that she also experiences her own evolution.’
Of course.
(Lady in the hall): ‘But everything evolves, therefore also medicine.’
Everything, yes.
(Lady in the hall): ‘And if medicines are now discovered by means of atomic energy and all cancers reach a standstill ...’
All illnesses dissolve.
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... then there will no longer be any ...’
Any karma ...
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... any karma.’
... but there will be evolution, it exists and will continue to exist.
But God gave the human being a paradise.
Yes, not those two people whom you see there as Adam and Eve and who bit into an apple and were damned.
You can get kilos, bags full of apples from Our Lord, just bite into them.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, but I mean this, master Zelanus.’
I will come to you.
By that I mean, by that I want to explain that ...
God said: ‘I will give you a paradise.’
That your society will become a paradise.
Soon you will not need ...food and drink, then you just supply a few grains of sand ...
You do not need to do that, because they need two people or three people there who come every day with a cart with soil, with sand.
And that is your money.
I told you, and society already says that, we say that, that will come, society already knows it, you can soon make a world trip for four grains of sand from the desert.
You also get food and drink, because there is enough of that, that grows for nothing, you will no longer need to pay for that, you only just have to live.
And because you live, are good, obedient, love ...
The mother will give birth, the children will go over the world – we say that in ‘The Peoples of the Earth’ – and the father will learn to serve the mother, like that, hand in hand, just walk, over the whole world.
Over there in Africa, in China, Japan, Italy, you wait for your brother there; because of those two grains of sand, because you make a world trip.
And then there will be no more illnesses.
Atomic energy, what is atomic energy?
No, the living aura ... The instrument which we describe is ready, there are already parts from here, the healing apparatus which you ...
You get a few belts put on you, electrically charged, of course, and you are lying outside, then you are connected to the cosmos for five minutes, three minutes, four minutes.
We keep the corpses alive.
Did you not read that?
We could write ten books about that.
Why does that corpse stay alive?
You can make a corpse walk, if you have died, the soul is gone, you can still make that life walk, it will live, it lives, let yourself stand, muscles, and revival in power, that body stays alive eternally because it has been connected to the cosmology, to the cosmic aura, by means of which everything originated.
And then that current goes through all the germs for five minutes, through those organs, and everything dissolves completely.
It all evaporates.
Because evaporation ... aura makes illness, rotting ... and now the cosmology, the cosmic power comes there.
Can you feel how simple that will be in five hundred years, two hundred years?
You live at the moment in the age of technical wonders.
The age of mysticism is over, is coming again now, but it was already over, the foundations were laid in Ancient Egypt.
All the spiritual faculties are at a standstill, church, religion.
Only mysticism ...
Theosophy, Buddha, and on and on, everything, everything is at a standstill.
Your professor means nothing in space.
If an academic comes there: ‘I am a theologian!’
Yes, for damnation.
You will get spiritual science here this evening, that will become the bible for every human being, that will soon be city consciousness.
We are already busy now, this is why we have so many people, in order to give the city consciousness for the cosmos.
You receive spiritual science from the University of Christ.
And then you make a trip there and back to America for two grains of sand, you can take grains there again, enough earth, just let it defrost, convert it into energy: one cell possess power like the sun in infinity.
I explained to you recently, you can bring all the academics, all the atomic experts of the earth here, then we will give them a lecture.
The academic says: ‘One atom splits the other once it happens.’
I explained to you, in ‘Spiritual Gifts’, when you release one stone from the material ...
You heard it, everywhere before in India, and now you still hear it, it can still happen in India, on that group of islands there, that life is unconscious, people throw stones there.
They are the demons.
Lower spirits connect themselves to the material.
A higher spirit does not do that.
But then that stone comes exactly, we can let that stone go round the corner here like that and then I let it turn round here, up there, round that corner, that stone is thought, and while walking we let go of it: pft, then it is material again, and then you have a dent in your head.
But now one stone releases the other and now it is raining stones.
See, now one atom attracts the other, and you find that again, in America, with the academic who splits the atom, that is the releasing of cores. Men write that, don’t they?
And that core attracts the other core, and this is why that atomic bomb is so awe-inspiring, people say, because it makes atoms ignite and burn.
Once you feel the core, you can let the whole universe discharge.
Which is also possible, we said, I gave you that lecture, because the instruments also have to be spiritualized.
But that is nothing.
But that will all come.
By means of that energy you get a paradise life on earth.
You will soon go at a thousand kilometres an hour, but you go for a moment at twenty thousand kilometres an hour ...
Life will no longer be beautiful, it will go quickly, it will go too fast, it will go too far.
You will say sometime too, when you have experienced all of that: ‘I have had enough of that, I will take my time a bit more.
I will have a lovely seat for two years, three years, in one place.
I will listen now.’
And then the metaphysical laws come, then the teachings come.
And then you get the minister, then that instrument is finished, the direct voice instrument.
And then an invention like that comes before the world.
The academic in America now says, Einstein says: ‘Yes, I have that.’
Einstein laid foundations for the direct voice instrument.
And then that instrument comes, that is finished, and suddenly ... And then that academic says, that engineer: ‘My God, my God, the heavens are speaking.’
And from that moment – you will read that in ‘The Peoples of the Earth’ – we begin.
Then that spirit which comes, whom I represent, and from where we come and by means of which the books originated, say: ‘There is one ...
Did you know Jozef Rulof on earth?’
Not Jozef Rulof.
‘Did you hear the masters speak?
Do you know the life of feeling, the consciousness of those books?’
They will be in every house like the bible, the foundations for the new bible.
Do you see?
We are not building for a plan which will dissolve tomorrow.
This will continue to exist eternally until the earth dissolves, and then no one else needs to talk.
In time no one will have to, you will no longer have to drudge – a paradise – you will no longer have to work yourself to death, you will no longer need to ask the human being: ‘Do you know God?’
Then the human being will know God, Christ, space, the spheres, the cosmos and everything.
You will become cosmically conscious.
Who will want to teach you anything else?
People do not need to teach you anything else, you will become maternally conscious, paternally conscious, a cosmic authority will lie on your hand.
And then we will speak: how do you love?
(To the hall): Anything else?
(To someone in the hall): There.
I can go on with this, then you will get a beautiful picture.
Then I will give you a picture of the future, how man and woman will live later in two hundred and fifty and five hundred years’ time.
You will soon wish to be born again ad then you will certainly not be sitting here with a long face.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I would like to ask this.
At the hour of the birth, if there is a disturbance with the mother so that the child cannot come into the world, may the doctor intervene then, or the life of the mother or that of the child ...’
What is the true for the cosmos?
What does the doctor do on earth?
What does the Catholic Church say?
And what does science say?
(Someone in the hall): ‘The child.’
The child.
That is precisely wrong.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Because that mother can reproduce again.’
A mother no longer needs to reproduce.
It is possible.
It is not possible.
But the mother has the life, and not the child.
You go back.
But we must go forward.
You cannot start to think about the child.
That child still has no existence, that child still cannot say anything ...
Who has the right to speak here on earth?
(Someone says something inaudible.)
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The one who lives.’
Yes, that, of course.
But by what means?
Why do you have the right to speak?
Why do I have the right to speak?
Who, you, who, why?
(Gentleman in the hall says something inaudible.)
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Consciousness.’
There you are.
If you possess consciousness, then you can speak.
Did you think that you could say soon ‘beyond the coffin’: ‘I am alive’?
‘Do you know that you are alive?’
You do not have the right to say that.
People will not laugh at you there, a conscious being, a mother or a father in the light, will not laugh at you, they will say: ‘Yes, indeed, my brother, I know.’
But you must not say that to a being who possesses that light, you see that, then he will say: ‘Oh, you come to tell me something which I have already possessed for two thousand years.’
But when you are conscious, when you arrive there, then it is the first thing which happens, you cannot speak or you do not dare to speak, you cannot ask any questions.
You just cannot ask there: ‘Say, just tell me, master, what is it like in the fifth sphere?’
‘What does Christ do at this moment?’
‘Is the moon really dead?’
Would you want to begin with that?
I always get questions: ‘How do we live in the Divine All?’
I said to the people, I am not harsh, I am not egoistic, I do not feel hurt, I say: ‘But what are you doing here on earth?
Do you love?
Do you know the mother?
Do you know the father?
What are you doing?’
Tell me what you are doing, and I will explain your consciousness.
Because you are alive.
Then you can say: ‘I am a doctor.’
‘I am a theologist.’
‘I have reached cardinalship, I am almost pope.’
So, then you are the unhappiest human being in this world.
Because you go and sit in your gold chair, you let yourself be served with gold too, of course, you decorate yourself, you let yourself be carried.
Christ was still never carried, Christ never let himself be carried.
He says: ‘Do not do that.’
Christ walked, bare-footed, in rain and wind, did not have a hut, really had nothing.
And you will come that far, you will come that far that you say: ‘I still have nothing to say.
I thought I had something, but I have nothing.’
On the Other Side ...
Here you can ask everything, and you must do that too, then you will get space.
But if you become a follower, then we only begin in order to go and sit down.
Then you do not talk above that holy music ... that lady soon heard ...
Then you no longer need any silence there.
Then it is just like a fairground.
When I come here in the evening, I must first experience a fairground: talking, talking, talking.
Did you not see each other for a long time?
You should have done that in Ancient Egypt?
You should also do that in a temple of British India, Tibet, go inside and then you will come with twenty, thirty, forty people together and then you will just all tell all the things you have seen today.
Then you will be standing outside within two seconds.
Because you cannot sit down, you still do not meditate.
And on the other side the eternal spiritual meditation begins.
Then you will say: where may I begin?
Where do you begin soon when you get consciousness ‘beyond the coffin’?
What do you yearn for the most?
It is very simple.
What wants to be revealed?
What wants to be explained?
Do you have the consciousness?
Consciousness in what?
In dying.
You are dead, there you are dead, that is called.
No, you released the body there, you left that little castle behind, that goes into the ground, but you are still alive.
Now you must know the first thing: what do people do with your little castle?
And we are going there.
And then we will, when you are free from that, then we must beat out of you everything which the bible taught you, and is false and wrong and lies.
And if you were a minister then, then we must first make it clear to you that you with all your songs, because they did not help you, that you do not get the All-Source in your hands with singing.
And that you do not come so far with praying.
You can pray for wisdom, power and love, but you cannot pray when that woman there with cancer must die.
Pray for real cancer.
Try to pray for leprosy like the Christian Science, by means of which children with paralyzed arms ...
There are still people walking in the world, like that, with broken legs, because the Christian Science did not have that leg set by the doctor, by the specialist, now that has started to rot.
Yes, people amputated legs, hands and arms.
Because people thought they could get healing through prayer.
When can you pray?
Did I not explain that to you?
Did I take something away from you?
No, you start to pray: ‘Give me the wisdom and the strength.’
The wisdom how you must act.
‘Beyond the coffin’ we start to think.
You have nothing to say.
Come on, we know exactly what you are doing.
You get the guide next to you, every human being, we now write in part III ...
Do people on the other side not ask you then: ‘Did you not meet the Christ, do you know Christ?’?
‘Yes, I know Christ.’
‘Do you really know him?
Good, come on.’
‘Yes, I was a Protestant, I loved Luther.’
I ask you, if you now know everything, you read the books: why did Luther ...
Luther is great for the world, isn’t he?
Is Luther great?
The whole spiritual world knows Luther, doesn’t it?
Luther is in a rage, when he came to the other ...
He is not on the other side, for that matter, he is living on earth again, he is somewhere in France, he can sell lemons there, because he was so conscious.
He is walking in the street in Paris with a basket and he is now shouting: ‘I have lemons and apples for your life.
I also have mimosa!’
Luther is walking there.
Because he thought he had something to bring, which did not exist.
Must you, by changing a faith, Catholicism into Lutheranism, into Protestantism, must you wage a war for that, must you break and kill millions of people for that, shed blood for something which does not have any reality?
Because now it appears that one is exactly the same as the other.
And Luther came there and says: ‘My God, my God, I have lived for nothing.
I unleashed a war for the faith.’
Yes, for what?
Look into the Catholic Church, Protestantism, Reformed, ten different, twenty different sects originated from one faith.
What kind of spoiling is that?
A natural becoming conscious?
One murders the other because of the faith.
One says: ‘It is mine, it is right and it is right!
Go, go away!’
Wars were unleashed, people were smeared with tar, for the faith.
Robber barons went out for the faith, they went with a cross on their banners for the faith, and then they started to fight for the faith.
Do you still do that now?
Those people all violated themselves; they thought that they proclaimed wisdom and brought the human being from dry land into the ditch.
Isn’t that true?
Can you sense that that is not true?
So they represented God in order to destroy the life, to give the human being a faith which was only a screen of the real one.
Now Luther comes.
‘Luther, just go away.’
Luther will still not enter the Spheres of Light in a hundred thousand ages, because he has attached himself to all that blood which he shed for nothing.
Christ says: ‘Did I teach you that, to fight for Me, to serve for Me and to kill mankind?
Why did you boast so much?
Why did you feel that you had to build up another faith which does not possess any truth either, another dogma, and had to attack the Catholic Church?
My heavens are not for sale for money.’
Now, just carry on, what will remain of it?
Only the law.
Luther had to accept life and death.
He had to see that Catholicism, Protestantism and his faith are only thoughts, just thoughts.
There are no faiths; there is only knowledge, the truth, nature.
The metaphysical teachings say: ‘There is life.
There is no death.’
You are still eternally damned by Luther.
By the Catholic Church too.
You are also eternally doomed by Protestantism.
Who is right now?
What is there?
And Luther made such a fuss about that during his existence.
And Luther ...
He suffered, he could no longer eat from suffering for his people, that suffering and that sorrow and that not being able to eat was for nothing.
That was a pile of sand which flows through your hands, as you can experience in the desert.
That is building a temple for the world, Christ and God ... on desert sand, Frederik says in the book, in ‘Masks and Men’.
Well, what use is it to me to give that picture; if you just feel that.
(To the hall): Who else?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, I was at a religious community a few weeks ago, which you also mentioned just now, and then I saw that those people were all inspired by spirits.
When I was sitting playing at my organ, then I suddenly saw a spirit like that next to me.
Then I say: “Are you part of the community?”
Then he says: “Yes.”
I say: “Do you still adhere to that faith?”
Then he says: “No.”
He shook his head.
Then he says: ‘But we come to the earth in order to ... the stimulus on the way ... to work for the good.”
And when I saw those people speaking, then I saw three spirits there standing around him who inspired the man.
And then the people were, they went this way a bit ...
And they did not leave those people alone, they broke with everything which they said about them ... you know.
I thought, oh well ...
But I say: if those people there are all building up that belief anyway, what will they do on the other side?
Because I spoke to those priests, they came to see me, listened to the reels (sound recording tapes), but no one was allowed to know.
But then those people must, if they know that, I spoke to them many evenings, with those leaders of that ...’
From our world?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, no, yes, also from that other world, but also those who have the leadership here, and they agree with me, they say: “You have your own faith.”
How is that possible now?
We must leave those people, lead anyway, because they believed me, they say themselves that it is true, but they continue with that for those thousands of people, that is a very large movement for the whole of the Netherlands, to bring the people to them.
And every week the sin is forgiven in the name of Elila, an old man.’
(Lady in the hall): ‘but what I ... those people then ...’
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... experience on the other side for that?’
What they have to experience on the other side for that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
They stand still here and stand still there.
Did I not explain to you that the priest there still says his mass?
And did I not explain to you that the minister is walking there, and he brings the multitude back to God?
You can find thousands of ministers there, they cannot be broken loose from their faith.
They do not want any ... they cannot ...
‘Oh, go away, I am alive and I will remain alive!’
They become infuriated, angry, furious.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Then that spirit says to me, he says: “Become a member.”
He says: “Then I want to educate you so that you can help those people build up a bit.
He said that to me then.’
And what will you do?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, I stayed here.’ (laughter)
Then you chose the right path.
But astral beings also come, and the spirit which inspires dogmas, dogmatism.
There are people who hold séances and they send you a drunken sailor.
Then that medium must, that lady or that gentleman, he must go into a trance and then that drunken sailor comes, that you can see well that he was drunk and he came back onto the right path.
Then you must speak.
And then in ten minutes, or half an hour, what you say, then he awakens, and then will begin with a better life.
And then he is no longer drunk either.
And then Our Lord must, or masters, or whoever is there, he must take that man who is still drunk in the astral world – that does not work, that is not possible either, because you are just physically anaesthetized, you cannot even be anaesthetized spiritually – then that drunken sailor must be taken to the universal.
Just read ‘Spiritual Gifts’ and think about that, and do not speak to those people, and let them go thousands of years further.
You must not take those people to your reels either, you cannot convince them anyway.
You bring destruction, unconsciousness, harshness, devastation, devilish carry-on into your sphere.
Anything else?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, but we got to know the human being with whom people associate from the earliest childhood years until people die, in other lives.
Do we break off friendship, or love, or the marriage, then, people say, people finish a task.’
(Lady in the hall): ‘Must we begin that again in a next life, the same ...?’
You ask: must we begin again in the next life?
You are married, you do not accept it and you leave and you are right.
Now you come back to earth and then you do not want that again, you want something else, don’t you?
But then has something changed here?
Did you learn in that?
No, you did not learn anything, you are still standing before that state.
Because of the misery which you created, you get a new life, you get a new consciousness, don’t you, you are beaten during your marriage, it is the man or it is the mother, it is the wife.
If you are free from karma, I said recently, free, you are completely free and I marry you, today, this evening, and you look into my eyes unconsciously, wrongly, not cordially, not according to the nature, then I will already be gone.
Then you have already knocked me from your life, then I go.
But you learn, the human being lives, we say: stay there, experience that, do not walk away yourself, just let the human being hit you, it does not matter, you will learn, you will become free.
Until he says: I am going.
Then it is done, for God you are done, for the universe you are done and for your karmic laws, for your motherhood and your fatherhood.
You devote everything as a mother; the man had nothing to devote.
If you are beaten by the man, then he beats himself six times, seventy-seven times deeper.
You can devote something as a mother, you can do something wrong, that is easier to achieve, to conquer than the man, because the man has nothing to devote.
But when the man, the creator, you beat, the mother beats, he beats himself twice as deep downwards because he, doesn’t he, because he walks past the life.
You do something, you are a mother, and if you are a mother, then you have contact with the universe, that is a new feeling, new foundation, for continuing.
You will feel, there are thousands of laws for you, karmic lives, by means of which you received that misery.
You asked it yourself.
You do not look into the soul, not into the spirit, not into the personality, you only look at the organism, you look at that face which you meet, and because of that you get married.
But you must first know – you will also get this in the future, we tell in ‘The Peoples of the Earth’ – you will feel, father and mother will soon get a school.
And then science will tell, the psychologist will say:
‘You do not belong to that child, you must have that child.’
And you get art with art.
You get the land, natural consciousness, with the same feeling next to it, you both love nature; not one.
You both love wisdom and teachings, you will both be obliged to open yourselves.
You first get your normal school for society, and then you get the spiritual cosmic development, because you only live for fatherhood and motherhood.
You have your boasting from the office, you are a judge, and the administration of justice; that all goes.
Society, the masses serve one human being, and then you get – remarkably – all for one and one for all.
And then it proves that Adolf Hitler also affected the future.
Adolf Hitler was not that bad, he brought new foundations (see articles ‘Hitler’ and ‘Evolution of mankind’ on rulof.org).
It is remarkable that after the war this society put forward precisely the images which he wanted to bring by means of the sword.
He also did it wrongly again.
But mankind, every people live in karma.
Why did he get so much?
Because every human being, every people lived in karmic laws, in cause and effect, needed a beating.
You do not reach, France, and Holland, for that matter, do not reach evolution by means of a prayer and by means of a good word.
You can call to your people, your government, your queen: ‘Do not do that!’
No, then you must all say it, that is the land, folk, missal consciousness in one grade; that all dissolves.
The future in fifty years, a hundred years’ time, you will feel, a hundred years is now two thousand years, you cannot experience as much in two thousand years as you now enjoy awareness in one week by means of technical wonders.
Science laid foundations; only the faith, you see, the spiritual faculties have been standing still for two thousand years already.
The minister no longer knows it.
Did you not experience during the war that the minister no longer knew how he should help his children?
Yes, just walk away.
The Catholic Church?
No longer knows it.
Spiritual science: there is no death, you will come back!
Do not murder that child, do not make war.
Just let Hitler come, just let him come, just go away, just be gentle, just be benevolent, then you would also have received bread from Adolf Hitler.
You do not need to help him to murder demons, to kill people, you say: ‘I will not do it, because I have my God.
My God says: no.’
For which the deepest animal-like grade still had respect, because they were also father, mother, child.
This last war has taught you a lot, those foundations were already laid down, they were dealt with.
But the masses live it up.
André experienced it, just after the war, when there were no more books.
The people said: ‘Thank God, I can read again, I have a book again.’
Now you cannot even get rid of them for fifteen cents.
Yes, to you.
But now the masses.
The masses laugh at you.
The social conscience, the conscience of your Amsterdam is unconscious.
There is not one conscious people.
You are individuals, you represent millions of peoples here this evening.
Christ said: ‘Be three and you will have God, Me and the Holy Spirit.’
One of you is more use to me than ten million unconscious of spirit.
Bring me here this evening five hundred million ministers and cardinals; and I must go, they will chase me away.
This is why I am better to talk to grasshoppers, and trees and water and your birds and people, than to the dogmatic child.
We are not afraid.
(To the hall): Which one of you?
I will come to you.
(Lady in the hall): ‘The books by Marie Corelli, were they also spiritually inspired?’
Marie Corelli is a pupil of mine there.
My sister.
She is inspired by ...
A fighter for the good, purely inspired.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Does a small child create karma, master?’
Yes, that is possible.
But when?
When does that begin?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘At what age, I wanted to ask.’
That can already happen in the cradle.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The consciousness of the child ...’
It does not matter, the action is conscious.
Is that true?
(It remains quiet.)
Then the action is already consciously human, you say.
How is it possible all the things a child does.
Then the child does not have the awareness, but the action is already conscious ...
So the consciousness is ahead of the child?
No, that comes from the past.
The past speaks in the unconscious.
The child is still unconscious, but the past is conscious.
Did you not know that?
Is that right?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Thank you.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master, may I know: Mary Magdalene, is she above in the spheres, or does she live on earth, now?’
Would you like to know that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes please.
I would like to check something actually.’
Do you want to check something?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
From who?
(Lady in the hall): ‘I was told years ago that she lived on earth.’
By who?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, by a clairvoyant.
She is ... this evening she is performing in a cabaret in your Amsterdam.(laughter)
That means, truly, when Mary passed on – you must listen carefully – when Mary passed on, she was in a sphere of mercy.
She was a very beautiful soul.
Mary was a prostitute, and very bad.
And Christ accepted her, precisely her, because He wanted to provoke the world, He wanted to say to the world: bow anyway, because this is a God, a divine being.
And the human being says ...
The human being has no intellect, the human being cannot listen.
How many marriages ... it concerns the marriage anyway, it concerns love anyway, doesn’t it?
You are here on earth only for that purpose, in the universe, society, even if you have achieved thousands of things.
There are people who do not want to enter the hereafter with a machine factory.
And another says: ‘And I do not want to with my cinema.’
‘And I do not want to with my bakers.’
‘I want to do something for my soul.’
But you do something for your fatherhood and motherhood.
And now Mary Magdalene was not consciously a mother.
And this is why she has ... was on earth again, back again, in those two thousand years.
There were pure lives.
She also lived in France and here in England, and she will come again, perhaps in seventy-five years, and then she will experience motherhood and she must ...
When you ...
Look, being a mother once means nothing.
You have a grade of motherhood, all mothers and all those mothers are different.
I can see from the aura in which grade of motherhood you live.
I can tell you there, there are six ladies sitting here, mothers, and two of them will go back.
But for heavens sake do not start to worry when.
And for heavens sake, do not think: is it me?
Because when you come back, then you will be a princess perhaps, and you will be well-off again.
It is not so strange.
But Mary Magdalene.
Why from her?
Ask yourself, ask yourself: do I have to go back?
Mary Magdalene.
They want to know where Mary lives, Mary of Christ.
They want to know: where does Peter live now, Judas – you know – Andrew.
Where is Christ at the moment?
Where are His apostles?
Where is Jozef?
Where are all those people who were involved with Him?
All of them have to experience their lives, undergo their karmic laws.
If they just stay with the good, true, what Christ touches, what Christ brought: the holy gospel ...
You will feel, we come back through that church; the church teaches that and that remains true, natural, sacred.
It is not sacred.
That becomes true, because the church, the priest, the minister teaches you: remain good, do the right thing.
Now that man has existence.
But now that ugly damnation will soon be there again.
If you feel happy for a moment, he attaches you to that damnation again.
If that damnation was gone for the church ...
Yes, then all those riches must go, that large amount of gold.
That minister who baptises in the first place ...
In the first place the pope must be a father.
The pope must have a family with seventeen little children and a sweet little mother.
Because now you walk next to creation.
All those clergymen walk – how many millions of them do we have in the world, and those little nuns? – they all walk next to creation.
Because you must experience reincarnation.
And now they are chaste.
Because they are so chaste, they darken themselves, because they do not experience creation.
They do not want to be a mother.
They think that they are married to Christ.
Can you feel the terrible part?
Those children are sacred, the work is wonderful, they truly serve, and now they refuse to become a mother.
But how did the pope, how did the cardinals, how did all those priests and curates and bishops get their lives?
Now all become chaste and sacred sometime in the society in this world.
Then you are so sacred that there ... in fifteen minutes there will be no one left on earth.
You are nice and busy destroying God and everything because you behave so sacredly.
How will I come back soon?
How will you come back?
How do you wish to come back?
Make sure that you have children.
The higher you climb up in a faith, in a dogma, and you become something, and you have elevated all those millions of people there, because they are unconscious, you take them along ...
Can you feel this?
If the general says: ‘Shoot, my boys, there, fifty of them.’
Then he has to accept that, he is wrong.
But those fifty children too, because they shoot.
Now the pope has, and the Catholic Church, has all of that on its conscious, it is attached to its destruction, it stands still for Mother Nature, there is no more life, nothing more.
These people are so sacred.
And they must return to the earth, because they must give birth.
And now they have been so sacred and so sacred and so chaste that that soul continues in that.
You will not enter that in one life, but you go through at least ten, twenty lives with that.
Because you will feel, you will feel, if you come into the first class ...
Can you feel where you go if you are a good Catholic, and if you become a sacred little sister?
Have you ever thought about that?
Yes, what happens then?
In this life you just come to that and that grade, you are not a mother in this life.
You will not become a mother from that hospital in which you live, you do not reach that highest grade.
You will not become a priest either, or you will not become a cardinal.
But if you want to go there, that consciousness remains, in the next life you will awaken again, and that child will start to pray again.
‘Oh, that child wants to have a little alter.’
And then mother says: ‘Look, that child must go to the church, it must become a priest’, because that child is already sitting in front of a little altar.
The past is conscious at a hundred percent, and that continues for ten, twenty lives.
Now a hundred thousand and twenty thousand years pass, for the Catholics, and they pray, pray, pray, but in the new life – and as mother as a nun, and as fatherhood as a priest – they continue in the new life, because they must experience the highest, they must become a cardinal, they must become pope, father, Holy Father.
If they are a Holy Father, they have reached the highest.
And then you are, then you have the highest, but you then you have precisely the very lowest there is, because you are outside of creation for a thousand years.
‘Just become sacred’, Christ says.
This is why Christ went to Mary Magdalene.
He says: ‘Just bow, she is not a prostitute.’
‘That is a sin?
There are no sins.
I forgive you for everything.’
Of course, God forgives you for everything, you have to make amends for it, of course, Christ knew that too.
But He could not tell Mary that.
The evolution, the consciousness for mankind was not yet that far.
But you here on earth, just look at the people, the human being does something wrong, a mistake, a bad mistake, dad was away for a fortnight, mum does this ...
Go away, human being.
‘I do not want to see him again!’
While the human being has lived for millions of years, has had lives, outside of his little mistakes the human being is universal, sacred, wonderful, deep.
And that means nothing anymore.
You mean that you as a father have experienced the mother as love?
Tell me.
Let me look into your eyes and then I will tell you which love you experience from the mother you experienced as a man.
You cannot do that.
Because through one wrong word the mother closes herself off; you cannot reach her.
You must be love in everything for always and eternally, then the mother will carry you and then her heart, her universe will open.
And then you will say: ‘Yes, dear.’
Mary Magdalene experienced that, they all had to, the Catholic Church had to, a nun had to, the priest had to, the cardinal had to, the popes had to experience that.
The most unhappy people, just tell the world it, but a great many of them already know that, the deepest human being who rapes and destroys himself the most, disengages himself for the Divine space, that is the highest authority of a sect.
Because, if he naturally ...
Look, Luther worked for that again.
Luther says: also become a father.
You with your chastity.
Luther told the good things.
You will feel, we say about that: you will not make it by praying, because you neglect the motherhood, fatherhood.
All those cardinals and popes live in the darkness.
Oh, church, just murder me, just burn me at the stake, then the last powers would be: ‘Yes.’
I will show you where they live.
And everyone who possesses that light can do that.
Because you must be a mother, you must be a father.
Why do you get a new life, why do you get a new child?
Because you come back, those lives must attract you.
If you all stop tomorrow, the Catholic Church, we all become Catholic, isn’t it true, the Catholic Church wants peace and calm on earth, and we all become altar boys ...
In a hundred years’ time there will be nobody left on earth.
Is the Catholic Church right then?
Can you feel, how narrow-minded, how poor the faith for the church is?
You must lose that, you must get rid of that.
You must become a mother.
And now Mary Magdalene is back in order to become a mother three, four times, then she will be free, and then she will continue.
But what use is it to you?
Ask first: ‘Will I come back?
Must I come back?’
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes but ...’
Then we will not tell you anyway.
I will just make you afraid, anxious.
(To someone in the hall): Over there.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Something is still unclear to me.
I did not understand you, of course.’
In what?
(Lady in the hall): ‘When you were talking about that cancer patient ...’
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... if she really resisted that deed of the doctor ...’
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... then she will become free according to you ...’
Then the process will just ...
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... you said that, but you said, I mean by that: those insane people who were gassed in Germany, those people who still have to experience a terrible life in their spirit state, isn’t it true, their insanity, before they are really free, until they have died their natural death.
But those wretches were not responsible for that deed, were they?’
(Lady in the hall): ‘They did not want that either, did they?’
That is a good question and you are thinking.
Look, that doctor cannot change anything about that process either, even if he does that, he changes nothing about the life span of that life, of that mother.
Do you understand this?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
I did not say that, because we are going to the cosmology then, then it goes a bit further.
Because, you can murder me, you can kill the life, but you cannot do that.
Millions of people died, and not one of them is dead.
So when we start to experience cosmology, then nothing actually happens.
But we cannot change the law as human being, life span.
And you intervene in that.
And now you bring a fault into the life span of the human being.
Even if those people are not guilty, those psychopaths, they also wanted to be free ...
You will feel, they must go back into that unconsciousness, those souls must go back again to the earth and must wait now, must become a child again, and a child does not experience anything, they must wait in order to grow up and in the twenty-fifth, thirtieth, fortieth year of life that insane person experiences the ripeness of the insanity. And now you take away the life growth, blossom, evolution from those people, because you gas those lives, too soon.
They could probably have lived another twenty years and would have come out of that during those twenty years.
Now they come back, you cannot give them that new consciousness because that must reach consciousness, growth, blossom, nature, in the body, if it wants to be free on the other side, free in everything; you remain, you have no ground, you remain insane.
Can you feel this?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, but I still feel a great injustice in that.’
No, child, there is no injustice.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Perhaps I do not understand it properly, but I feel it as injustice.’
No, it is not that.
I say about that: in what, in which state, where?
(Lady in the hall): ‘I already find it a terrible thing that those people are already insane ...’
You did that yourself.
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... isn’t it?’
(Lady in the hall): ‘But when those people are murdered against their will and do not become free because of that, I find it unjust.’
Unjust ...
An illness, is that unjust?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No.’
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, we cannot escape it.’
There you are.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Nonsense.’
Do you know those laws?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, I do not know them.’
No, this is why.
Read ‘Diseases of the Soul as Seen from the Other Side.’
We do not have it; you can get it in the library.
The psychopath and psychopathy, the insane person, the possessed person, that is own possession.
God did not create any psychopaths, they are people who broke the laws.
Just live it up, then you will come to a time that your spirit ... that means, your spirit is conscious and you are alive, but you have beaten away the bottom, the material is gone.
You have murdered the natural path, which you will experience and by means of which you can accept and experience the lives, you have murdered that.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, so then I must understand from that that your punishment is still not at an end.’
You have brought yourself from harmony to disharmony.
And now you must go through that disharmony again to harmony.
And I tell you now: you cannot experience that anywhere else, and then you suddenly know it, then in an organism.
Because you are spiritually unconscious there, your world of feeling is unconscious, you do not have any consciousness, you missed that other.
So in the astral world, I told you, people come and we cannot help them.
The more ...
That working of that psychopathy, outside of the body, continues.
After a time we can reach those people, of course, then growth comes, like you plant the seed in the ground, green comes, in this way something awakens in those souls anyway.
By what means?
By the divine core in that soul.
The divine cores gradually drives the consciousness upwards, and then the human being suddenly says: where am I?
The ripping apart of the fluid cord on earth comes and that can be after thirty years, but these thirty years on earth are for an insane human being the process of giving birth for the mother.
What does the mother learn when the mother has had a child, has given birth to a child?
That feeling is there.
A mother, a woman who has not been a mother, does not know that maternal space either, that is consciousness.
I will tell you something else, then you can see how sharp André is, and we too.
And the child whom it concerns is here.
He says: ‘How can it be, Jozef Rulof, what a clairvoyant you are.’
André has male friends, female friends, sisters, he associates with the children.
I will come back to that psychopathy.
And then you will be able to see what that means if you still live in that body.
Then you will understand it, then you will get a spatial picture.
The day before yesterday a child came to André, a female friend, a sister, you for example.
He looks into your eyes, he knows the light in your eyes.
You come two days later, he says: ‘You have become a mother.’
Yes, how is it possible ...
How true is that?
That previous one, that child-like, that girl has gone.
‘You were touched by the creator.’
You have a different light in your eyes, you are now a mother ...
Can you feel what happened?
You have become a ‘mother’, that previous light has gone from your eyes.
André determined that by his being clairvoyant.
If the child was to call, then she would say yes.
He determined clairvoyantly that she had changed spatially in one day.
‘You have been touched, you have got the love.’
‘Yes’, she says, ‘my God, can you see that?’
Now, the patient in the body, thirty years, twenty years of life, it is not that child which is insane, but what did you think that the organs, what the personality absorbs every day in that psychopathy?
Now that child is gassed and now that child asks: ‘Why did you take those thirty years of evolution away from me, Hitler?’
And that is now the destruction, that is now a pity.
And now you must will all these laws, you must say: let the nature live, evolve, that will open and close itself of its own accord.
Is that not just?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, now I understand it.’
Thank you.
You see, now it is wisdom.
Then, think what it is.
It is all wisdom.
If you experience the depth, the power of this word, of the feeling, of the law, then you will be standing on a university.
And then you will not violate that, then you will be pleased that you can awaken.
The real being of nature, the real conscious, the powerful, the strong personality which challenges cancer, tuberculosis and all the illnesses of the earth, because by means of that he awakens; by means of sorrow, misery.
If you come on the earth to your queen and you were one of these little princesses, or wherever, what will you learn?
You will learn a lot, yes, indeed.
But the more you get ...
If a human being comes forward with love and feeling, then that is the possession of this personality.
But the riches and the possession on earth beat you from the divine, serving harness, don’t they?
And then you see ...
Why do we yearn to want to bear the troubles of the world?
Why do we yearn to be burnt at the stake, to be hanged for you?
Should people hang you this evening?
Let me do it for you.
Should you be burnt?
Just let me burn for you, I can do it.
I know what happens, I will take care of that.
I am happy.
Yes, not for your world, not for your weakness; only if a human being can serve Christ, only for God, for the universe, for Christ, if I can serve Christ by taking care of a life in order to give my heart.
Do you wish to have my heart, do you wish to have my blood?
What is blood?
I will not give my blood.
You built up a hospital, a Red Cross state, and then one person gives and thinks: I am giving blood to another.
And then you think that it is good.
Talk to me sometime, then I will take it away from you.
Then we will say: ‘Determine that blood.’
No cancer, no tuberculosis.
But descend sometime into the third grade.
If I have to die, Jozef Rulof, for example, through the masters, then we would rather die than accept your blood in order to live.
I do not want any blood.
I do not want your cancer which lives in the third grade in you.
Because it is true that illnesses came because of getting blood, and they got cancer, tuberculosis after four years, because they were injected with tuberculosis in the third grade, and it was conscious in twenty years.
Does your doctor not know that?
You are just following emergency measures.
The human being is beautiful when you give your blood?
Ha ha, you are laughed at by the spheres, by the universe.
Is that true or not?
Just ask your doctors sometime, in the fourth grade he can no longer see whether there is cancer, and in the third grade of evolution the tuberculosis and the cancer reveal themselves.
You are talking about your great grandfather.
Just have a child, that child will produce the cancer, the cancer, because the third grade, you see, because the birth, to receive one child is a grade, is consciousness, foundation.
The third grade in the new life, new child, a child again, that is a new life: the cancer lies there, of your ancestors, in the third grade of life, there mother, father, aunt, child; tuberculosis, leprosy, it reaches awakening.
That giving blood to your Red Cross and for a patient, that is good for a few things, but it is wrong for ninety-nine percent, because they are just makeshift measures.
At the bottom of your back, on your black suit you get a red rag.
And then you walk, great.
Take my blood, I have pure blood; tuberculosis also lives again in the fifth grade.
Not I. I am not talking to you, child.
But I know it.
You will feel, all learning by means of which the human being builds that up and thinks he can help a bit, insanity, psychopathy, there it is this and here it is that, they go from dry land into the ditch, they want to bring about ways, here ways, here ways.
No, you must connect with the universe.
If you get the macrocosmic instrument soon, tuberculosis will dissolve, leprosy and everything, that will dissolve, everything.
The psychopaths can, they experience ... we help them and they are continually under a hundred percent of feeling.
That power is feeling.
You will feel, and they miss that feeling.
A psychopath lacks your day consciousness as feeling, had still not achieved those riches.
In The Hague, André has to help a child, a girl.
Then he says to the mother ...
She was a nun and already four, five times, ten lives a nun, a nun again, a mother again and if she did not have the maternal body, then she would have become a priest.
She enters society and is powerless in society, does not know any in front, any left, any right, upwards; but she is clairvoyant.
She says to André: ‘You will begin by writing a book about Egypt and then you will be Dectar.
Is that true?’
‘You are called Jozef Rulof, and you want to heal me, but that Jozef Rulof cannot do that; that Dectar, he can heal.’
But that Dectar was already there.
That child, the mother ...
André says: ‘Fifteen years, just do not worry.
She will go into a mental institution, she will go out again.
She will go in there again, and she will now continue for years.
But she will not go insane.’
She is out of there again now, fit and well, happy.
But she is asking for motherhood.
‘Mother, mother, I want to be a mother.’
And now society has no laws, because now this little mother is consumed with cancer because she will not be a mother.
Then she says: ‘Can Jozef Rulof not make sure that I get a husband and a child?’
That is a human being who is conscious.
If you are now in the East ...
Now your society is so chaste again, so beautiful again, that you do not give that mother motherhood ... but you take care of your horses and cows.
But the human being does not get motherhood.
(Lady in the hall says something.)
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘They do in England.’
They do in England, then she is injected, but that is not normal for that mother.
You are injected in England, here too, you can also have that done in France.
But you do not want that as a conscious mother.
Then the blissful creating power must be there.
Where does the experiencing go to?
Then just take liquorice! (laughter)
But it is true, we think universally materially and spiritually, you become liquorice.
Now the mother is already injected with sperm, the creating power.
If you go to London, to England, then you no longer need a man, any creating power, you get an injection there and then you become a mother, you get the male hormones.
Yes, it will help in the future because ...
But you will feel, thousands of problems must reach the spiritual order.
The mother must become a mother and the father will create, and then finally you get harmony.
Each mother ...
Now the mother does not want a child.
A mother has a child: ‘I do not want to see the child.’
Not a mother.
Another mother, hundreds of thousands murder the child in themselves.
You will feel, disharmony, war on motherhood.
There is a mother, she has to give birth to children fifteen times for that little mother, who does not want the child.
Where did the world get to?
Why does one mother have twenty children, twelve, four, seven, eight, nine?
For creation you can only just give birth to one girl or to one boy.
There the mother has two girls, here now two boys, you will feel, that works, they find each other, but the scales for motherhood and fatherhood are cosmic weighing scales and must be in harmony.
And why are there more boys born now than girls?
Because you wiped out so many boys.
And now motherhood in the universe says ...
A gap has come in the universe, a questioning, a searching, a driving; fatherhood must be there, there is too much motherhood, and now motherhood attracts fatherhood.
– what do you do if you yearn, what do you do if you yearn as the mother? –
the mother attracts the creating power, doesn’t she, and now the mother in the universe ensures, in the world of the unconscious, and here on earth, ensures fatherhood.
And now more boys are born than girls; that is also a law of nature.
Ask your academics about it!
They do not know about it.
A perfectly simple law of nature, those scales come into harmony again.
Just begin again with a new war, chase the men from the world, then in a few years’ time the mother will make sure that boys are born again, because motherhood wants to be given birth to.
And now the mother herself ensures giving birth and creating.
The mother ensures now, that we, men, creating power, get a male organism.
The mother is everything.
If you look into nature, then it is the mother who looks after the little animal.
Not father, father looks like that, is conscious, does nothing.
Your researchers in the world say ... Mother Nature – mother lion, and mother tiger – take care of the shopping, food, father does nothing, mother must do that.
And you do that here again.
And in this way you get your animal-like grade, the human grade, nature: flower, plant, tree, and on and on.
All books, books.
(To the hall): Anything else?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, despite the mowing down, is there still evolution all the same?
Do you understand what I am saying or what I mean?’
Despite the mowing down?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, you say: just attract again.
And just mow them down again ...’
No, of course not.
You must understand that I, I am giving you a false image there, I let you feel that falsely.
Just attract again and just mow it down again, means: why are you doing that?
Why are you doing that?
That is not allowed, that should not be.
But then that one mother comes.
I begin by saying: the mother does not want any giving birth, any child.
But another mother must make sure that there is evolution.
And she must ...
The Catholic Church says: children, children, children, children.
By what means did the Catholic Church get that consciousness in order to give birth to children?
Does Rome perhaps feel that they are walking next to themselves?
Now the children, the parishioners, the followers must take care of the children; that they return?
Is that wisdom conscious?
Why do those white ants not go to Rome in order to eat away at damnation?
Yes, what kind of mystery is that? (laughter)
The Catholic Church says: children, children.
‘Oh, will there be another child this year?’
A child of André’s, of ours, a follower, he says: ‘Yes, but have two yourself first.’
Then she says: ‘I chased him out the door, Father.’
‘You take care ...
Will we be having another child this year?’
‘No’, she says, ‘I am stopping, I will not have any more children for you.’
‘Then you have surely read those books by that demon?’
‘Precisely’, she says, ‘precisely.’
You must begin to give birth.
Do not act like Christ and a saint, give birth, then you will be sacred.
Give birth, give birth, give birth, become a mother, the most, the most sacred thing of all created by God.
What else do you want?
The human being starts to decorate himself, the human being hangs something on himself, becomes sacred, you get medals from the church, a beautiful shroud.
(To the hall): Anything else?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Is having a lot of children karma?’
My dear child, I am telling you it.
One mother becomes the slave for the other mother.
And then the human being on earth says: ‘We are seeing a rabbit community there again.’
People run that down.
There are families of ten, twenty children and, ‘that is becoming bestial’, people say.
But there are hundreds of thousands of mothers living on earth who fling the child back in the face of God.
They want the contact, the being one, but not the child, the taking care, or whatever; no, they are not mothers.
Children are chased from the world, of course, and flung into the divine face because of poverty.
A mother like that is ashamed of herself for society.
What is that?
What does it mean?
But the Catholic Church, those little nuns, those priests, but also other people do not give birth, and do not create.
But it mainly applies to the clergy.
It is an honour, if you come to the East, to be able to give birth.
If you have not been a mother, then you know nothing.
You do not ...
Now, now take the human being himself, then just go into the personality of mother, now meet thousands of mothers, just put them next to each other, those who have not been a mother, who have not known any contact, then that sober, half-conscious light remains in those eyes and those actions ...
You even invented names, words for these people, didn’t you?
It is not possible to live with that, it is not possible to live with these people, they are not mothers, and they are not fathers.
Now what?
Now a mother there must give birth to fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, eight, ten and twelve children.
The mothers used to have fourteen ...
Then that was much worse, at that time you do not experience that.
But do you not understand that many more people used to also be killed by the wild animal?
Then the mother had fourteen, fifteen children, sixteen children, that was like that everywhere.
But society started to embellish itself, through the prehistoric ages mankind has, the mother has karma, maternal karma, the mother still lives in maternal karma, because you can, if you have to go back ... You must go back, you come back to the earth a thousand times and there is no attraction for you here, no power of attraction ...
Who attracts you?
It just continues, because, after all, there is that other mother ...
Your evening is at an end again.
After all, there is that other mother, that mother has sixteen children there, for you.
You will soon come back, priest, and then you will get a new life again, because you will be attracted, you will come back to earth.
Then sir will go to the Catholic church again, until he is a cardinal, until he is pope, then he will be really sacred, then he will have experienced thousands of lives, and will not have created; and she as a nun, as a sister, has not given birth.
What is that now?
So sacred; but in this way people rape, in this way people sully the human evolution.
And if you know that now, then you will say: just become a cardinal and just become pope and however sacred you become, it all means nothing, nothing, nothing.
You are no longer creation, you are no longer father, no longer mother, you have nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing.
Just give me Mary Magdalene.
This is why Christ had respect for Mary Magdalene, she was a mother a thousand times.
The human being who yearns ...
You say ...
We have bad people in the world.
The human being who yearns ...
And you say: ‘That, that mother there, ugh.’
Who says that she is bad?
There is no badness in the universe, there is only evolution.
Your prostitutes, as people call them, they are ...
Do you wish to hear the word?
You built it up, didn’t you?
That is the whore.
There is no whoring in the universe.
Christ did not know any whoring, there is only evolution.
Soon she will say ...
Why does she do that?
Is psychopathy really insanity?
Is that destruction, psychopathy?
Is a crazy person really crazy?
Do you call unconsciousness craziness?
Is that man insane, that mother?
Is there craziness in the world?
Did you know that, there is no craziness, there is no psychopathy either, you invented that name, those words.
You said ‘moon’ to the moon, but the moon is the first cosmic grade for the universe, is the All-Mother of this universe.
You say to the sun ‘she is she’.
But the sun is father, is creating.
You reverse it precisely, you do not know nature, you do not know the universe, you do not know by what means you are born.
Nonsense this evening?
(To the sound technician): My friend, I can already see you, my brother.
(To the hall): I have been warned.
Who else?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
I will come to you immediately.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master, if we must all become conscious by means of suffering and sorrow, then I wondered: how must those people who now still live on Mars, for example, and come to this planet in the future, and then ...’
And then it is beautiful.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘ ... will enter a better state than we do.
Will it take longer for them than for us?’
Look, we are talking about paradise, aren’t we, the earth will become a paradise.
But does that paradise mean something for the soul?
You just experience that from outside.
You no longer need to work so hard.
The first sphere: is ready, the Spheres of Light are ready, the Divine All is inhabited.
But the first sphere is ready.
When you soon come, there will be a way.
Can you reach that by remaining seated and doing nothing?
Do you know, do you understand me?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
You will earn the life.
You will become a mother, you will become a father and you will love everything which lives, then you will build on your eternal path.
God gave us paradise. God gave us space.
There is no leprosy, sullying, whoring, there is only evolution.
Do not look down on those people, because it was you yourself yesterday.
In your previous life in Paris, in London, or wherever, you had a good experience of whoring, now you say: ‘It is no more use to me, I want to serve one life.’
They are searching, she is thinking of becoming a mother by means of the many contacts, for what?
It is bad, it is wrong, to have to reach the life, the food and drink by that means, you can do that differently.
Why do you not paint a little bit?
Why do you not become an artist, a writer or whatever?
Every thought, every task ... there is just one task in the universe, one task, one, and that is: become a mother, become a father.
And by means of motherhood, by means of fatherhood ...
If you want to experience love, my friend, creator, from her who belongs to you, and you cannot tell her anything, then you will not get any love either.
The more you can give, the more love you will get from the mother.
Do you accept that?
(Hall): ‘Yes.’
If you stand there as a man and you have nothing to give, you know nothing ...
Master this wisdom and you will get space.
But if you belong to the Catholic Church and you are Protestant or Lutheran, then you will get a damned kiss on your lips.
Do you wish to tell, if you worship damnation, that you can give the mother whom you love a spatial, cosmic kiss?
You are standing on top of your ‘coffin’, you feel the nails.
If mother becomes ill, you already see ‘the coffin’ and there is no ‘coffin’, and now you must ... me, us ...
If my child goes, then I say: ‘You will see me soon again, I will take care of you, just go first, I will come soon, just go.’
How beautiful death is.
‘Just go, I do not begrudge you the space, and come back to me and talk to me now and again.’
If your mother goes, just let her leave.
But prove one day that you can also be alone.
Talk to the other sisters, build up friendship, love.
There is no growing, there is no ‘coffin’, there is no standstill, the life becomes beautiful if you know each other, if you have space.
Go and sit down and read a book sometime.
Talk about that with the mother, as creator, if she has the feeling in order to experience your feeling and go through the life of Christ to the universe, to the Spheres of Light, to the fourth cosmic grade, take a walk through the universe.
What do you do then?
Then you go hand in hand.
And then someone comes there ...
Now you suddenly see another mother before you: ‘Child, I know something about the universe, I know something about life after death.’
Then she says: ‘Oh, then you are surely an occultist, a spiritualist, then you are demonic.’
Good child, you are suddenly demonic because you walk next to the church.
Space, feeling, consciousness, is love, the more space you have as feeling, as wisdom, is the love for the mother.
Did you not know that?
What does the man have to learn soon ‘beyond the coffin’?
In order to serve the mother.
We are busy bringing you to the awakening.
The more love you feel for the mother ... you will get it back from her anyway when she is conscious.
I am not talking to the unconscious, psychopathy, I have the mother who yearns to enrich herself inwardly, maternally, spatially.
Is that true?
What do you get back?
Love, happiness, she carries you.
And your porridge will never be burnt. (laughter)
A nice everyday word ...
(To the woman with the question about a sect in the Netherlands where spirits come through): So no strange people around you.
You wrote to André, you continue well with your reels, and no people who destroy you, and just let the rest of them talk.
Have you understood it?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
I am giving you the message myself, because I can feel you and know you.
No strangers in your Gethsemane.
You must not let any strangers in, who come there with mud on their shoes in order to enter your paradise.
To experience the reverence there, they must feel, that they have to take off their shoes.
(Lady in the hall says something.)
You should not have walked like that, you must walk like this.
There is no battle, there is no misery, there are also no hateful, no wrong people.
If you say to the one whom you love and with whom you are involved: you are hateful ...
Yes, that is possible, material hatred, narrow-mindedness, pathetic carry-on, indeed.
And if that person does not want to listen ...
That is also for the pedagogical element, in order to drive the life of feeling to the awakening.
That is talking, talking, talking.
And the mother does not hit that, the mother does not kick that.
And if the mother is pure, is clear, if the mother has intellect ...
You get that, you only get social consciousness.
If you just, the husband, earns fifty, sixty, seventy guilders, and they spend two hundred guilders in two hours, then that is a mistake.
You must first learn to think socially.
Socrates brought material systems.
Of every thought you must ...
You are philosophers.
The good mother who does not know her own household in the Spheres of Light, that is an unconscious being.
You must apply the systems of Socrates to your life, you must know that money is gold and the world was built up by means of the gold.
Do you not have anything?
Then you can walk home, André says.
It does not matter to you?
Are you too lazy to earn something?
Then you will never get divine bread in your hands.
Is it so wonderful that you must have all kinds of things and everything in the world, that you must get everything for free, you must be given gifts, you earn nothing yourself for your life in order to give a little bit of consciousness?
There are people who would like to receive, but it is better if you ...
This is why Christ said: ‘It is a thousand times better to give.’ Give, give, give, give.
If you have to receive, then you are inwardly poor and unconscious.
It is not possible, we say.
Do you not have anything to eat here on earth?
How old are you?
Go with me and I will give you a living in a fortnight and you will have a living, you will no longer need to suffer here, to starve, if you want for a hundred percent.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘And those unemployed then, who all ...’
When all those employed of yours ...
Just bring them along, then they will have a task from me tomorrow.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No, they want to work, but they are not allowed to work.’
Then they will sell flowers now.
Then I will ... them ...
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘You must also have a permit for that.’
I don’t know anything about that.
I can bring the life to a task.
What he can do, I can do too.
And if you do not have that feeling ...
Christ said: ‘There is always’, that originated in Jerusalem, ‘there is always food and drink for him and her who wish to work, to serve, to serve.’
Do you have that from home, from your uncle, your father, inherited that?
That goes away, that does not belong to you.
Everything which you earn for the universe is your possession.
Isn’t it?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘But you are denied that.’
What would you like?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘But you are denied that, do you know that?’
You are denied ...?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘You are denied that, by society.’
Yes, your society is disharmony.
One has everything and the other has nothing.
Your rights are no good here, there is no administration of justice; it is animal-like administration of justice, you still do not have spiritual administration of justice.
I cannot build up any spiritual administration of justice.
I say: I can give those people food, I can do that, you can do that too, if you know the way, if you know that human being.
But I cannot apply the spiritual administration of justice, because then I take everything away from him and then I give it away there, because he has not earned it.
You must therefore, where I want to take you is: you will have to earn everything in your society.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
And that is also for the spirit.
My sisters and brothers, I thank you for your beautiful feeling.
I hope that I was able to give you something.
(Hall): ‘Yes.’
One more lecture.
(Lady): ‘Unfortunately.’
What unfortunately?
(Hall): ‘Because there is just one more lecture ...’
You say unfortunately.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, unfortunately, because there is just one more.’
I have give twenty of them and I did not see you.
It means nothing to me, because I know my people.
Do you wish to place that unfortunately on the weighing scales for your heart?
‘Unfortunately, you go away’, and I was here twenty times, I was here twenty times, I looked at your seat and you were not there.
Do not make me angry. (laughter)
Do not take me to lying, do not take me to weakness, to the not wanting, not being able to; that is not there in the universe.
The human being who thirsts, the human being who wants to be a mother searches in the world where motherhood can be accepted and received.
Do you wish to tell me, and the masters, and Christ, that you were thirsting for a hundred percent?
(Lady in the hall): ‘There can be circumstances, master Zelanus ...’
No, yes, three, four, just not five thousand, there were not five thousand circumstances.
I will not agree with you.
Never! (laughter)