Tuesday evening 24 October 1950
Good evening, my sisters and brothers.
Good evening, master Zelanus.
I will begin with a question which was sent to us and which we did not answer, because we cannot go into the questions which are sent to my home, because then hundreds of people will write, and then we cannot do anything else.
It is a nurse.
What is the name?
Is that possible?
You wrote, but would you like to ask me those questions now?
And do not write.
We will deal with all those problems here.
Writing ...
We need every second.
And if the people from The Hague and everywhere, who read the books, started to write, that is allowed, but here we will deal with your own questions.
What questions did you have?
(Lady in the hall): ‘I asked the question whether Christ had not come here to earth at the wrong time?
Because he had twelve apostles and they were incarnated for that, here on earth, and they had to spread His teachings.
And in my opinion He did not bring any new teachings here, because they already had the teachings above here.
What did He actually come here to do?
And what was the whole purpose of that?’
(Lady in the hall: ‘That He suffered so much too, because He was not here for His karma.’
Not Christ, no.
(Lady in the hall): ‘He was not here for His karma.
And in my opinion He did not come and bring any new teachings, because they already had the ten commandments.
And those apostles, they were actually also, they were much more unconscious, to put it honestly, than the people of this time.’
They were too.
(Lady in the hall): ‘And now, I do not understand how the twelve of them could have understood all of that in the wrong way.
They told such strange things from Christ.’
They told such strange ...?
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... things from Christ, that he said this, that and the other, which can absolutely not be true.’
This is a question which was asked by thousands of people and especially at this time.
The human being is afraid again, the human being is afraid of a holocaust again.
And now you can actually ask the question, was Christ not born too soon, if you were to have another holocaust.
The apostles of Christ – can you accept that for yourself? – were not spiritual conscious beings.
Paul experienced inspiration, the mother experiences that, likewise the human being at this time – you assume – and even more sharply than Paul was actually able to see for space.
Is that true?
Can you make that leap?
Do you dare to make comparisons with your bible, and your life, space, the Christ, the Messiah, sun, moon, and stars, soul, spirit and life?
Do you dare to ask those questions?
Do you dare to think?
Or do you remain attached to your bible?
You can do that.
But then you must also accept that the bible was written by people, wasn’t it?
Do you accept that?
Thank you.
But millions of people say, we dealt with that several times: ‘That is God’s word.’
God therefore impassioned, gave the bible, by means of inspiration.
Or did God write it himself?
Is the theologist, who now thinks, is he convinced of that?
We come to stand separate from the bible and then we live in the universe, because these laws can be experienced in the universe.
Christ was neither born too early, nor a second too late and the ten commandments would have been no use to this mankind.
He brought His divine consciousness.
He brought the divine gospel.
And that means nothing else than: He brought divine love.
Thou shalt not kill and thou shalt love one another.
The ten commandments were not enough for the human being.
One book which explains hells and heavens, laws for the universe, soul, spirit, fatherhood and motherhood is not enough for you.
You need hundreds of books, by means of which you get to know every law.
And Christ brought that by means of His divine consciousness, His Divine All.
How Christ was murdered on the cross, has no meaning.
But how the bible destroyed the Christ, that means everything.
People put words into His mouth, into the garden of Gethsemane, for example, we spoke about that several times: ‘Father, Father, let this cup pass from me’, didn’t we?
But who was there when He thought and spoke these words?
People keep asking this question.
And that is worthwhile, because that human being thinks.
Yonder, there in the distance, lie the apostles and they have fallen asleep.
That Gethsemane is deep, and the Christ lies yonder and says: ‘My God, My God, let this cup pass from me.’
No one in the universe, on earth heard these words.
But it is in the bible.
The bible writers did that during that and that time, they weakened Christ, made a human being of Him.
And much worse things are happening now, at this moment.
The human being violates the Messiah, the Christ, because people accept damnation.
The human being writes books, by means of which people rape the Christ.
I will tell you something soon about a new piece of work.
The apostles were children; not conscious for the cosmology.
They knew nothing about soul, spirit and heavens.
Yes, Christ said something now and then, but they could not understand it.
Christ could have explained, brought, given them the cosmos, the divine being conscious.
Those children were born for that.
There were a few of those people on earth during that time who were open, who dared to think.
Your society does not dare to think.
Do you see?
The human being was beaten, the bible laid clamps and traps for the divine being conscious, for the soul, the spirit, the astral personality.
But not Christ, nor God, nor a master.
The masters, you will read this in ‘The Peoples of the Earth’ ...
Test that work which you have there.
They brought a faith to earth, before the bible began.
They brought a House to earth, a core, a father and a mother, mankind began with that.
Those people began to think, because the human being, the millions on earth still could not think, it only concerned possession.
Egypt, and where the human being lived, it concerned the strongest.
The strongest had everything, the weak lived in the jungle, were tortured and killed.
Then people began to think.
‘The Peoples of the Earth’ give you a wonderful picture, that that chaos also lived on earth.
The human being was not any different.
The human being had nothing.
Questions were asked, the human being asks: was it not simpler and easier for the children in the prehistoric age than for the human being of this time, with all his technical wonders?
It was easier for them.
You got a difficult time because of your light, because of your life and your deity.
Because the bible came, the human being started to think.
Do you know how the bible originated?
Because of the stories from one to another.
Tell something about your sister, your brother, and wait until the word, your thoughts come back after four years; you will see how mutilated you will be, there will be nothing left of you.
People said that the Christ said: ‘My God, My Father, have you forsaken Me?’ when Christ was nailed to the cross.
Did you really think that the crucifixion was everything for Christ, that people started to destroy Him?
A child from your war time was tortured and beaten, and remained standing, said nothing to your enemies.
If only he had done it, because you are fighting for destruction, after all, it does not give you spatial happiness.
When you fight for something and devote your life, you must know for what purpose, if you have reality, or everything will be for nothing.
You devoted your life for the devil, for disintegration, for destruction.
Those heroines and those heroes whom you go to know during your war, what kind of conscious beings were they?
They shot down what they met.
And is that divine, spiritual consciousness, is that spatial love?
For whom, for whom do you give your life?
Do you see?
You must ask yourself that.
What do we do?
The minister speaks about damnation; when he comes ‘beyond the coffin’, he will be faced with that damnation.
And the Catholic child says: ‘And the last Judgement will take place.’
The last Judgement will end when you say: so far and not any further.
And you will get new space; the new awakening will take you to higher consciousness, feeling and thinking.
Christ came with a divine gospel, with the spatial consciousness.
If people had not murdered Him – people slaughtered Him completely, I explained that to you recently, I was busy with that the whole evening – then the Christ would have remained on earth for seven million years.
He proved it.
He came to earth dematerialized.
The Eastern child can do that too, a yogi, a master from the East.
Of course, you can learn those laws in Ancient Egypt, you still can now in Tibet.
You will give life after life, in order to then experience those laws, the dematerialization, the materialization, the levitation; because you attune yourself to the soul life, spiritual life by means of concentration, those laws can be conquered.
What did Christ do when He returned to the apostles and walked through the wall?
That was His spiritual personality.
He could have continued to live on earth for millions of years like that.
But He knew: the human being must bring his deity to awakening.
And those poor children, those apostles ...
Paul was somewhat conscious afterwards, sensitive, but humanly conscious.
Paul who saw, he felt, he was elevated, was a medium, a sensitive being, received nice messages, laid the spiritual grade, the foundation in them.
But Paul just looked into the heavens, yes, indeed, he had that clairvoyance, but Paul did not know very much either about sun, moon and stars and reincarnation.
John, Peter.
Who was that, when the Christ there ...
The human being lived next to Christ, the human being walked with Him over the earth.
He said wonderful things, He gave life to everything.
And Peter stands there and says: ‘I never knew that man.’
My God, my God ... The human being went into the lion’s den for Christ, do you not remember that?
How many people truly devoted their lives to the Messiah, truly, because people wanted to die for the Christ, for the highest, for the divine consciousness?
There were millions of people on earth, and they are still living there.
And Peter, who lived next to the Messiah, was weak.
But Christ also took the weak ones, and the conscious beings, because the little ones would learn from the conscious beings.
And later it appeared that the little one, the weak one, had more feeling.
Do you see, the characters of this world.
Christ took all the character traits, the seven different grades for thinking and feeling.
One had more consciousness than the other.
When you perceive the image of Jerusalem, you still live in that time.
People have been busy for nearly two thousand years in order to still give that to the human being.
The bible did not get any consciousness.
But Christ could have given it.
He said: ‘Some people will come who will say more than I do.’
Yes, they are the masters.
You will do that soon, when you have the light and know those laws, when you know something about birth, reincarnation, karmic laws, cause and effect, insanity, psychopathy.
By what means were sun, moon and stars born?
Why is the moon dead?
The academic does not know it.
And when you know all of that, then you enter that inspiration and then you will take another life to that awakening, to your happiness, your space.
Then nothing of the world has any more meaning, only your spirit, your soul, your personality, your love.
Those children did not have that yet.
If a holocaust comes now, you can read that in ‘The Peoples of the Earth’, if another holocaust was to come now, then Christ would have been born too soon.
Because if Russia really comes, the animal-like consciousness for this world, you will feel, then there will be nothing left of Christ, of God, of your society, of a church.
Do you believe that?
Then Christ will be too soon.
Then we will also be too soon with those books.
And then you can destroy everything, because then there will be nothing left in the world.
Only the jungle will continue to exist then.
But then human thinking, intellectuality, will disappear from the world, because then you will experience the animal.
Do you see?
But if that happens, then you can bury Golgotha and bible, and everything, then nothing else has meaning, and then Christ should have gone to the jungle and not to Jerusalem.
Can you feel this?
Then the universe will collapse, if that happens.
Then nothing else will remain of your society either.
But Christ did not come a second too soon, nor too late.
And if you want to experience that ...
You can receive wonderful experiences from your bible, you can absorb them, if you compare them to the word of the masters, of the universe.
And then you will immediately sense: that is good, this is wrong, people put that in His mouth.
He could not have spoken those words.
We fight differently, we experience the Messiah differently than you here on earth, than the bible experienced.
You will soon be free from the bible, from faith, religion, sciences.
Only the life of feeling will continue to exist.
What do you want with your society, life ‘beyond the coffin’, if there is a life after death?
And there is.
What do you hope to achieve there with your cinema, with your theatre, with everything which you have here, what do you hope to achieve with that?
Only your life is still there, and that is a grade of life.
You got consciousness for that and that space, for your soul, for your spirit.
Your arts and sciences hang here, they remain here and will remain here.
Now one life hacks at the other for a Rembrandt.
Yes, indeed, wonderful, have respect for that art.
But the earth will die, and the Rembrandts are here, you cannot take them with you ‘beyond the coffin’, and you do not need them there either, that is all temporary possession.
What does the bible say about that?
What does the bible say about reincarnation?
The bible says everything about reincarnation, but the human being did not understand it.
And in this way the human being changed and divided everything, took it to the darkness.
Are you satisfied?
Now just compare the bible with the books, and then you must look and see what is still good and what is wrong, for this time, for Christ, for Catholicism, Protestantism, for damnation, eternal reunion, fatherhood and motherhood.
Christ could not speak about cosmic consciousness anyway; the human being did not understand himself.
‘You are father and mother’; then people could have laughed right in His face.
But how the Christ ...
He is raped more by the mysticisms, the human being in society, than the bible could.
In the Bible ...
We do not destroy anything, but we put eternal life in its place.
We are not livid when the bible speaks about damnation.
God does not damn.
You are gods.
Every insect must return to the All-Source.
Do you see?
Do you know that book from the East: ‘The masters speak’?
Who gave that there to André?
You showed him something here.
We also have that book.
Do you know that?
Have you read that?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The masters from the Far East?’ (Baird T. Spalding, 1894.)
What did you learn from that, from that work?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘That it says exactly the same in principle as what you say.’
And we curse that work.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I think that you mean a different work.’
No, no.
I have dedicated that book to André in the name of master Alcar, the one which you showed André: ‘Have a look in it.’
Do you not feel that the Christ is sullied there again, in that work?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No, I did not feel that.’
A pity.
Have you finished it?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No , I just have read thirty-five ...’
There is an American – in America there is also a work like that – an American who says ...
He was with the masters in the East.
Did you not feel then, did you not experience that the masters are analyzed dogmatically here?
That those masters in the East have more consciousness of the bible than the child in the West?
And does the bible live in the Himalayas?
There is a human being here busy writing about Christ.
Are you still not that far in that book that the Christ is sitting at the table and breaks the bread again, and where He manifests himself in the mountains?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Do you see?
Christ does not come back to you.
Not like that.
He gave that once and not for a second time, and this is why that is own thinking and feeling.
You can read it.
But if I have the chance to convince you of that ... then use your money for something else.
This is a book, that originated by means of the brain which Broadway and Long Island know.
This is an academic who sees the laws.
Christ is walking there again, the human being, the great master.
Yes, first the great master comes, and then the human self crawls over that great master and then we sit with him at the table, eat and drink.
(Gentleman in the hall says something.)
That comes from America.
Just send that child a Dutch piece of work from us, then he will be able to see that he is insulting the Christ again.
If we were to violate one feeling, one grade of the Christ, then it would beat us to peaces, and we would stand still.
Compare it with the work ‘The Peoples of the Earth’ and ‘The Origin of the Universe.’
That Messiah speaks again as the bible made the Christ known.
And in this way more books originated, by means of which that life of the Messiah, the divine Conscious Being, is raped.
Very certainly.
When the eastern, when you start to experienced the eastern laws and people say: life is everything and life comes from the All-Source, then that is truth.
But then it begins; and then people take you from dry land into the ditch.
Then people rape the highest consciousness, which is tortured once more, and then you drink His blood.
And then the bible is a thousand times higher there.
The stories of John, the stories which people here in Europe received, they do not live in the Himalayan mountains, and the Eastern cannot experience them.
Because this does not belong to his consciousness.
But now the Eastern consciousness is raped by the biblical thinking and feeling.
You must read that book like that.
Did you have anything else?
Which one of you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘You had promised me, a fortnight ago ...’
Just begin.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘What did you say?’
Just begin.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Then we were talking about prayer, the Our Father, and there was one line in that: lead us not into temptation ...’
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Then you said: God is love, he will not lead us into temptation ...’
That is not possible.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No, I would not have thought that either.
But in the bible it says that Jesus said that prayer himself, I wanted to ask you that ...’
Christ could not have said that prayer.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘But according to the New Testament then, according to the bible?’
That New Testament was recorded and analyzed by people.
And now people are still busy adding new bibles again and new changes, it is true, in order to make it clearer.
But people are going further and further from His life.
Christ cannot have said and prayed: lead us not into temptation.
And He is the divine personality for God, for the universe, for the All-Love, the All-Life, the All-Spirit, the All-Personality.
How can Christ have said a prayer like that?
Do you do that?
Yes, as a human being, I can imagine that.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, I do not know for certain, but I think that you once said: the New Testament is the sacred truth ...’
Yes, when we are faced with truth.
When we come to stand before truth.
But there are a few things in it, there are a few words in it, footpaths were laid there, when you want to walk them, you will sink from under that.
People have Christ, I tell you, in the New Testament – does Gethsemane not belong to Christ?
Does Golgotha not belong to the ‘Age of Christ’, to His time, His thinking and feeling? – people nailed Him to the cross and gave him words, people made a weakling out of that divine personality.
Is that possible?
Do you believe in that?
That Christ there, if he had to surrender himself, will beg: ‘My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?’, while His is Divinely conscious?
Is that possible?
Do you see?
Now you must start to read the bible, the New Testament and the Old Testament.
God speaks there to Moses and says: ‘Go, and destroy’, or ‘elevate those people’ – a God of hatred, of destruction, do you feel? – no God of love could have thought up, felt that.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘But I am asking you that question, because you said: the New Testament is true, but the Old Testament is not true at all.’
Then you did not listen.
I said: the New Testament takes you closer to the purity of the universe.
But the untruths also lie in the New Testament, which Christ could not have spoken.
You will feel that by means of this people, that you give and grant Christ the divine authority, when you say: You cannot have spoken that, You cannot have thought that up?
‘Lead us not into temptation.’
God gave us everything.
God is love, God is everything, justice, harmony.
How can that deity lead you into temptation?
You do not even do that as father and mother for your child.
Is the mother capable of taking the child to destruction in society, about which she knows: that child will be consciously or unconsciously destroyed?
Does the mother do that?
And can God do that?
Can Christ do that?
When do we begin to think?
You do not see those laws in the universe.
And now it seems that even the Our Father has also been sullied.
I said ...
And the laws of the universe, the laws of your soul and spirit ...
Yes, by means of that universe we have ...
We live in the universe, you live for ever and eternally in the universe, but the human being feels earthly.
We always float around the sun.
If you can see under the earth, then there is space and depth, infinity.
We live in the universe.
And we conquered that universe because we could experience planets.
This is a planet.
And you go from body to body, higher and higher, and then you experience the grades of life for the organism.
Now you come ‘beyond the coffin’, you see, you are in harmony with the infinity, with your spirit, with your life of feeling, that is your personality.
How can you still damn a world, a universe?
Do you see?
The human being prays.
How can you pray, while you ...
How can you beg: my God, my God ...
The flowers for Mary, the flowers for Christ.
The mother prays day and night for the patient.
And that patient must die, that patient must evolve.
That death does not exist, but that death will come, must come.
And now you pray, you pray, and you want to stop that death, that evolution?
That divine evolution?
In order to pray that God will leave your mother, your father, your child, yourself here, eternally on earth?
What do you want?
What are you asking for?
How deep is your prayer and what meaning does your prayer have?
Go and look in society.
Go to the churches and listen carefully what a minister like that, a priest like that has to tell and to pray about.
And you will see it, they ask to be able to experience eternal materialness.
If only a death never came.
But a death is evolution.
If there was no dying, you would stand still here.
You do not ask: how did I receive the life, where do we come from?
We tell that now, the masters now tell that by means of the books.
This is universal wisdom for your soul, for your spirit, for your personality, your spiritual life.
What does the bible say about that?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I just find it a pity that we can no longer remember our previous lives.’
You are this, you are now.
What do you want to experience from your previous life?
Did you really think, if you had been in a temple and you had reached mastership, did you really think that you could smother that?
Why are you here?
What are you longing for?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I am saying it, because I would then be much more convinced of a life after death.’
You are now.
Now that you live in this life, in the time that you are here, you have probably mastered a millionth gram of feeling in consciousness, sensitivity and longing.
A millionth gram, in order to come here and to read those books, sir, my friend.
Because the rest still do not need this.
That is a wonderful possession.
That the human being can free himself from the dogmatic, church life of feeling, is a wonderful hour work of feeling and thinking.
When the human being can say to the priest: father, that is not right.
How can God damn the human being?
God ...
But there is no damnation.
Because when you experience the Catholic Church – we also experienced that – and you come to stand before the ultimate, then you get to see a one-way path which takes you straight to a jungle, you will never get out of there again.
There is no longer any light.
If you just pray, pray and surrender, believe ...
You no longer need to believe, because a faith has no existence; it becomes knowledge.
When you know that you will die soon, and can absolutely accept it: well, you will not have me dead, I will go into ‘the coffin’, but I will soon be standing next to it, I will float into the universe, I will take a walk to the first, the second or the third sphere ...
If I have hatred, if I have deception, if I am harsh, if I am lying, cheating, then you will also step into that lie and that deception.
Can a lie, and deception, can harshness, destruction give you happiness, enlightening life?
Is that love?
By receiving and wanting to accept everything according to your life of feeling, you will also get growth of spirit.
That is the life for your soul as an astral personality.
Where will the bible be if the theologian, the biologist, the geologist, if the sciences soon have to accept: yes, the soul is really not for the first time on earth, that child which is born, is already millions of ages old?
Then we will be proved right.
We will irrevocably be proved right.
These laws, this wisdom, which you are involved with and by means of which you get to know life and death, becomes the universal wisdom, the new bible for the earth, for this mankind, for the next.
There is nothing else.
You will get to know life and death.
I said: do not pray to get better.
You can pray, you can ask: give me inspiration, so that I must awaken, but if you do not devote yourself for a hundred percent, nothing will happen.
Then you can clasp your hands like that eternally, kneel down and elevate your silence, live in silence, in peace, in bliss.
There are holy people walking on earth, are really holy, naturally harmonic, and they just pray.
And we go past, we let them pray.
If the human being prays for: give me that and give me that, oh my Christ, and, I will do everything in order to help Your children ...
Why does that lady there not take from her money, her possessions, a thousand guilders and give them away?
Then God will not need to hear her faith, her praying.
Do you see?
But that does not cost anything.
There are people who have millions and are also kneeling and are happy and attune themselves to Christ, to the bible, to the universe.
But if there is a knock on the door, or if God sends His life and says: here you have a child, then they are stone-deaf.
Because that costs money, costs ten guilders.
Doesn’t it?
Act and take your deed to the spatial feeling ad thinking for your spirit.
Make harmony from everything.
Let the human being say: yes, truly, this life is truth, is harmonic, is loving.
And what does gold mean then, what do possessions mean, what does it mean, if you are a queen, king, emperor, a maharaja?
Money and all those possessions just destroy you, because you hold onto it, and it has to go round the world, it must enrich the life of God.
Mustn’t it?
What does the church do?
When you see those people dressed there, the human being, the cardinal wearing his white cloth, which drags ten, twenty metres behind him ...
My God, my God, you should see that life in the actual law, which then represents Christ, God, space, the All-Source, the All-Love.
What can you achieve with lace, emeralds and diamonds, with sandals, those golden sandals?
If you really have possessions and you want to do something for mankind, why do you close yourself off then and do you let yourself be crowned with a gold thing?
Why do you speak from afar to the people?
And why do you not go from city to city?
Why does the spiritual child work himself to death ‘beyond the coffin’, your father and your mother, your sister and brother, why do those people work themselves to death?
Because they are pleased that they can take you to the awakening.
And they do not want any thanks, they do not want any adornment.
They do not go velvet.
They do not put on any St. Nicholas symbol.
They do not need you for that, no space, no God.
They will go barefoot, if it is necessary.
And they can wear their footwear, just do not get any ideas, because in the universe, in that eternal life, in that infinity you will meet the state of purity sooner or later.
Is that not perhaps true?
Pray in order to be able to keep the human being, if that human being receives the evolution in order to experience the new birth.
Yes, you are married, you are wed to your love, but what actually?
You do not want to lose that life.
But that is also just borrowed goods.
If you get the cordiality, the benevolence and the love from your husband and you are a mother, then you can thank God that you can experience that love now, because millions of people are beaten.
But they are that far.
But that life probably belongs to another ‘beyond the coffin.’
You all live ... the whole of this world, all those millions of people here on earth experienced karmic laws.
You still do not have your eternal divine self walking next to you, which you still have to earn, or you would no longer be here.
I am standing in the universe, I have experienced the first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth and the seventh sphere, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth and the seventh cosmic grade, the Divine All, and I am still waiting for my love.
That part of me has still not come to me.
But I am not poor.
I will talk, I will inspire, I will give the people love, I will get that grade to me.
And the other life which now possesses that love, it will say: experience her and you will get my love too.
Yes, what do you want?
Where do you want to go?
Do you wish to experience these laws humanly, maternally, paternally, spiritually, spatially, divinely?
I am capable of giving you the divine answer.
And then we will be faced with the true law and then you will also feel: yes, it is like that, and nothing else.
(To the hall): Anything else?
(Gentleman in the hall wants to say something.)
I will come to you straight away.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I wanted to ask, do you still insist that we will not get a war?’
Yes, indeed.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘May I ask that again?’
Then just murder me if that war comes.
Are you pleased now?
But you are not sure.
Now you are still not sure.
No, no one is.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I am willing to admit that.’
Because you have, the hundred percent feeling and thinking, the true knowledge lives under your heart.
You can and remain ...
Did you think that I was truly happy, that I could give you something?
I cannot do that.
I cannot do that.
That is the pain of the Messiah.
This is why He let himself be nailed to the cross, the Eastern says.
Christ chose the crucifixion, that man from that book says, that American.
Christ went through the crucifixion, and that was the only possibility in order to free himself from this world?
No, people consciously nailed Him to the cross.
What you read there, that is a cosmic mistake, they are lies and deception.
Christ only had the crucifixion too.
No, this world, this mankind, Judaism, no, the Romans and everyone, everything which lives on earth, consciously nailed Him to the cross.
You and I are His murderers.
And then an Eastern says, and then an Eastern master says: the Christ chose for the crucifixion.
An Eastern comes ...
We burn that book at the stake, it is even more rotten – I will express it really badly – than your worst novels which you have read, which are full of lust and bestialization.
It is so appalling, that people rape a master from the East and they take, and they let him speak through the Christ.
That is poison.
I warn you against that book.
If you want to read it, then buy it and then compare it to our teachings.
Pride, the land of milk and honey.
There goes the academic in the East and he says ... and we come there, a rough table, and we sit down, and suddenly the table is laid, then the plates are on it and then a high master like that comes, opens the lid of the pot and then you get food, it flows out of it just like that.
Do you see?
Imitating Christ.
The experiencing of the Messiah, the experiencing of His life, and building up a rottenness there, in order to give a priest in the East something?
No, that is the soul, the longing of the human being in order to be something, in order to bring something.
And then that Christ goes to the cross again.
Just do not violate books.
If one word is given wrongly by us, then Jozef Rulof will throw those books into your canals, on the street, or wherever.
He would kick us away, if we did not show him where the truth lives.
And then you can do that.
We have already been talking here for four years, we have already given six hundred and fifty lectures, and have still not began.
You cannot exhaust yourself for the Christ.
But when there is truth, well, then you get spatial inspiration.
And if you do not feel that, then people will take you again to that darkness, to that destruction, that sullying.
We fight for the Messiah, because we know His life, because we know that He lived on earth, because we know: His path ....
You cannot move a foot on earth or you kick His life, His soul, His spirit, His divine love, His self, from the moon, through this universe.
Do you see?
When we talk about planets and stars, the human being shrugs his shoulders.
And you live under stars and planets.
By means of the planetary system the Divine All-Source gave you pedestal after pedestal, by means of which the human organism was built up.
Dare to think according to your spatial self.
(To the hall): Anything else?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master, how could it be that those Christian and Catholic people who have a church built, that they always just have a lightning conductor above that church?
Do they not trust God?’
That they?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘ ... that they have a lightning conductor above that church.
Do they not trust God then?’
That’s it.
Very good, my friend.
Why do they also put a material lightning conductor above the church and next to the cross?
That must live in your heart, do you see?
Very good.
You will not get full marks, but I had the money in my pocket, you would get a thousand guilders from me. (laughter)
If you can ridicule that and say: oh, should my church also be protected ...
That are ...
The only sanctifying church has had the most terrible beating in the four, five years which passed on earth, even more than the human being.
People wanted to destroy the Jewish child.
You will read in ‘The Peoples of the Earth’: the Jewish child – the Messiah came for that purpose – must accept the Messiah.
Then there will no longer be any Judaism.
You were all born from the Jews, there was only one race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org), we are all from (the House of) Israel.
And if you accept that, you will get the Christian (House of) Israel.
And in addition to this we will now bring you the spatial (House of) Israel.
A human being, André ...
We say: ‘André, send ‘The Peoples of the Earth’, in English, to England.’
The tribe of Israel lives in England, is England.
Haha, the minister says, haha.
It is him here.
But that is the actual tribe of Moses.
And he gets the answer: ‘That man is crazy.’
Not that bad.
‘A dreamer of the most severe kind.’
That material, orthodox (House of) Israel does not want to go to the universe.
It does not want to make spiritually being conscious of itself.
That remains biblical.
But that loves a God of hatred, true or not?
Then just think, and you will get spatial feeling.
The Catholic Church got a beating.
If that is the most sacred for the earth, for the universe, how can a human being destroy such a divine product?
Thousands of churches have smothered.
They are just stone buildings.
Does the divine bliss live in there, in that church?
Are you a Catholic?
Were you a Protestant?
Do you not dare to think?
We already let André experience that, this human being through whom I speak, at the age of eight.
And then he said to the priest: ‘That is not possible.
God cannot damn.’
And when he was fourteen years’ old, between thirteen and fourteen, then we let him bite the host, like that, between his teeth.
And then Jeus says, you will soon read that in part II: ‘Now I will get a beating.
Now the church says ...
Now the church will collapse and heaven will collapse.’
And Crisje says: ‘Ugly cad, you have bit Our Lord.’
And Our Lord appears here in the church and fetches him from behind that pillar.
But half an hour later Jeus says: ‘Nothing happened yet.’
And he went home.
But six months later he was still busy with Our Lord:
‘Oh’, Jeus says, you will read that soon, I recorded that, ‘that man there, Our Lord, he was, yes, nailed to the cross on Golgotha, he does not even feel this pain.
After all, the biting of mine is nothing compared to what He experienced there; He did not even weep.’
A year and a half later this child is still attached to this asking questions, the fear: would Christ not kick me into hell?
But nothing happened.
‘No’, Jeus says later, ‘that is just flour.
They made flour from that, they can bake that.
That is not Our Lord, Crisje, you can master that.’
You will read that in part II.
But now the Christ is released from the stone statue.
‘That is not the Christ, who is standing there’, Jeus says, because the holy family was destroyed one Sunday morning by the children of Crisje.
‘That is not Christ.
They are just bits and pieces, that is stone.
The Real One lives there, above, and I am going there.’
But you remain there in your bible and in your church.
You do not dare to look the Real One in his face.
Do you see?
And we want to give you that.
You no longer need that church either.
Because that church still damns.
Life, in nature, in the universe, no planet, sun and star has experienced one wrong thought.
It is not there in the universe, it only lives in the human being.
You can find that in the bible, you can find that in your church.
If you have no money, you can leave, or you may stand; you do not get the place for this.
All futilities.
But it means so much when you want to approach God and want to get to know the universe, when your soul, your spirit starts to speak.
Then you need that lightning conductor, my friend.
No surrender.
What would begin?,
This age, this time says.
Were you afraid of Adolf Hitler, of Stalin?
What are you doing again now?
There goes your money, your millions again, and people buy cannons with them.
What did Christ, what did God teach us?
What did Christ bring?
‘God gave me everything.
God blessed this people.’
How can God bless you when you want to protect yourself by means of the destruction, by means of the cannons?
And they are still blessed, by the child, by the priest, by the bishops, the cardinals, those cannons are still blessed.
Do you have nothing else to do?
Do you wish to sully My Life, Christ now says from His universe, do you wish to sully My life with what is happening there?
Are you keeping My children unconscious even longer and are you still taking them to the last Judgement and your damnation, to your burning at the stake, Mother?
Mother, that is the Catholic Church, that is the sole-beatifying consciousness, and it is called ‘mother’.
But, the universe calls, the hells call, we are not so bad, so deformed as you.
You consciously burn the child at the stake and enjoy it.
Is that love, is that being one, is that surrender, is that harmonic?
Nice, nice, that lightning conductor.
Do you see?
You must learn to think.
Of course, that was necessary, that was necessary; the human being would receive a faith.
The masters began with it.
We gave lectures.
When Christ came from the earth, He disembodied, the body is hanging there at Golgotha ...
First made sure ... the masters did that, they took it away just like that.
And then He entered the fourth and the fifth sphere and called the masters together, and said: ‘Did you see how I was received there?
Return once more?
Should I return once more in order to break the bread, while people lied to Me, whipped me, and beat me from left, from right, from in front and from behind?’
Do you do that too?
‘I gave My life’, the Master says, ‘and now you.
I am in the Divine All.
Try to reach the Divine All by giving yourself.’
But no master from the fourth and the fifth sphere lets himself be nailed to a cross, kicked into a prison and locked up by this unconscious animal-like human being of the earth.
We can achieve more if we love around you, walk around you, in order to live consciously now, in order to do something there.
Do you see?
It is not an art to die, my brother, but in order to want to continue to live, and in order to learn to think now: what should I do, what can I do, what can I achieve?
When you do nothing ...
You do not need to do anything in this world, if you just make sure that you have food and drink.
Do you see?
Just go, just earn fifteen and twenty guilders and walk and enjoy the divine nature, let the life speak to you, and you will be a natural, a spiritual conscious being.
You will take every insect, every thought, every character trait to the space, for your spiritual personality.
Every thinking and feeling gets wings, gets spiritual inspiration.
When does the church come, when does Protestantism come, Reformed, Luther, when do all those sects come, those dogmas to the winged thinking and feeling, the spiritual being one?
Do you see?
Who are you now?
Did you have anything else?
You there.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, I want to ask something, Mr Rulof.
You are certainly against churches, aren’t you?’
(Lady in the hall): ‘Oh.’
We are not.
Have you read the books?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Well, I am busy with them.’
Just read, then you will feel that we are not against churches.
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... to hear in your speech.’
We only get those mistakes from that church.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Oh.’
But I am saying, the human being needs a dogma, a faith.
Who began with that?
The House of Israel.
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
But there were also people living in the prehistoric age and they did not have an Isaac and Jacob, not a Christ, nor God, did not know any bible and now live in the Divine All.
Can you feel?
We are not talking about faith.
But that damnation must go, because God cannot damn His life.
Do you think that is wrong?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, I do not think that is wrong.’
The human being needs a grip.
Christ, the masters gave the people a faith.
And then they know ...
Then Moses came.
Moses really got eternal life, love.
That was a great deal in his time.
But he was also a rebel, because the human being was not any different.
But if you dare to think and want to better yourself with regard to your spirit, your inner life, your hereafter – you must go further, this is not everything – then you will get to see the ‘yes’ and the ‘no’, the truth and the untruth, and then you will awaken.
The human being who continues to adhere to that damnation and to the last Judgement and so many thousands of thoughts and feelings, will never get spiritual thinking and feeling.
We are fighting for that.
Is that wrong?
(To someone in the hall): Over there.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Did you think that Christ was not in the church?’
Christ is in the church; you can experience Christ by praying and thinking.
(Lady in the hall): ‘But we may also think for ourselves in the church.
In the church ...
(Lady in the hall): ... also attune to eternal life.’
What do you say?
(Lady in the hall): People may also attune themselves there to eternal life.’
You can do that.
(Lady in the hall): ‘It is not forbidden.
And I believe that a good Catholic, a good Protestant and also Reformed, or whatever people want to be, can enter heaven just as well, than if we remain with you, in that way.
Why not?
But that is all one and the same thing?
And then the bible, would that not have been written by masters too?
After all, before Christ came from heaven, they were also masters in the Divine All?
Do you feel ...
(Lady in the hall): Just as well as your books, that is exactly the same thing.’
Can you feel, when you read the bible and just one word comes from a God who actually hates, then you are no longer in connection with God.
Do you not understand that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘How do you say it?’
When you experience the Old Testament, where people can experience nothing else but hate and destruction, then you are not in connection with a Father of love, that is human work.
They are human thoughts.
Were the bible writers masters?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Moses also lived in that time.’
What should Moses have done in addition to his spiritual work?
Lay foundations for your age, your thinking and feeling.
(Lady in the hall): ‘A wonderful task ...’
Every human being who has worked on that University, for that University, that is the University of Christ, every human being, arts and sciences, Galilei, and whatever human being, has laid foundations for this awakening.
But if you do not want to lose that and you continue to think religiously, think in a religious way ...
(Lady in the hall:) ‘Do you think that is wrong?’
We are not talking about that, that the church is there and another church and another church.
You need a place in order to be one, don’t you?
But that is not everything.
And now we bring the laws, the spaces for your life ‘beyond the coffin’, can you feel, for reincarnation, motherhood and fatherhood.
Do you get that in the bible, do you get that in the church?
Does the minister talk about returning to earth?
No, that is not true.
Not one theologian amongst your people, in this world, was able to explain that.
So far ...
(Lady in the hall wants to say something.)
Wait a moment, you will get your say soon.
People do not yet go that far, people still do not dare to think.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Does it matter for eternity?’
Or do you know whether you live ‘beyond the coffin’?
(Lady in the hall): ‘If I die in Christ ...
I hope that I can do that, this is why I am here now.’
If you die in Christ ...
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Can you do that?
Can you really do that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... complete surrender.
That is up to yourself.
Do we love Christ with all our heart?
And then we really organize our lives towards that.
That can be done just as well in the church as in your books.
I like your books.
They have given me a great deal of light in things which were still dark to me.
I have read a great deal of them.
I like them.
But I do not like it when the church is destroyed.
I feel a bit that the church is destroyed.
No ...
There are perhaps another few religious dogmas ...’
Oh, my dear child, do you know the consciousness of your people, of your nation?
(Lady in the church): ‘God is love.’
Yes, God is love.
It is a matter of bringing the laws.
That the minister accepts, the biologist, the psychologist, that the soul lives in both organisms as a human being and has to accept reincarnation.
Can you feel?
That is the cycle of this earth, eternal, and then you continue.
You can also do that in your church.
(Lady in the hall says something.)
You have no church, you have no books, I told you – this is why we take that image – the prehistoric age came outwith God, outwith the bible, outwith everything and now lives and now populates the Spheres of Light.
Can you not feel that then?
Is that still not clear enough, that you see the human being, naked in nature, with nothing, only darkness, only the light of the universe ...
That human being lives in this world.
There was nothing else.
The masters ...
Moses was still to be born, there was still nothing.
And those people live now, you will see them soon, if you go here, in the seventh sphere, when you are that far, the fourth cosmic grade, the fifth, the sixth, in the Divine All.
Where you will not be in a billion ages, the prehistoric animal now lives there, without God, without Christ, without the bible.
Does that not mean everything?
Is that not destroying your church?
That damnation, that disharmony, that Christ died for you, do you still accept that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Then you are off the mark.
Christ did not die for you, Christ came here in order to bring you the divine consciousness.
So you still accept that He died on the cross for you?
(Lady in the hall): ‘And would that not take me to heaven, if I believe that?’
You can believe that, but it will not matter to you.
You will die your own death.
Do you see?
You are in that bible and you accept what it says there. Christ died for us.
Yes, you would like that.
The universe would like that.
And once more, because He gave His life, the bible says, the minister says, you will get – just believe that and just pray – you will get eternal life, then you will have it.
No, you will experience your death, your new birth.
You are now mother, but soon you will go back to here and you will be father.
You will have to direct your acting, your thinking and feeling towards Him.
But you will have to earn it step by step.
Do you see?
Separate from Christ and yet everything.
(Lady in the hall:) ‘He gave His life there.’
You are not listening.
He did not give His life there.
He did not die there for me and for you and for the millions of this world, He was consciously murdered there.
That is something completely different.
That is not harsh, my child.
(Lady in the hall): ‘You are making it too difficult.
It is not easy, I believe that ...’
Yes, if you hold onto that of yours, it is easy.
But not that anymore.
This places you before His reality.
Do you feel, what is becoming simple?
The bible says, the academic says: pray and accept, then you will be ready.
But you are not that for the universe, we had to accept that.
It is so simple if you accept Christ and you say: yes, He died for me.
No, He must live for us.
I will not hurt you.
It is a matter of reality, it is a matter of making that darkness dissolve.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Christ lives for me ...’
For everyone?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
For everyone.
But for dog and cat too?
(Lady in the hall): ‘He lives.’
He lives, yes.
But He did not die there for me.
Because of Him I will receive eternal life if I experience the laws harmonically.
Do you see?
He was not able to tell everything about how it had to be done.
Because people did not allow Him to speak for that reason.
But you are still thinking religiously.
And you can do that, but now if you put your hands down on the blood sacrifice.
This world would want that.
Easy, simple.
Now it is becoming simple: I will just give myself to Him.
But it will be okay, because you will come ‘beyond the coffin’, you will soon enter ‘the coffin’, you will probably return – do you believe that? – you will probably have to return to the earth in order to receive a new life.
Do you believe in that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘The possibility exists, certainly.’
No, that is, not the possibility, but that is true.
But your minister, the Catholic Church still does not accept that.
That consciousness is still not there.
Can you feel?
Because that is now still just for one or two people.
The fallen angels, you know all that, we do not need to descend into that.
It is a matter of you seeing Christ as a divine personality, but you and I and everyone, having to earn the Christ.
By means of fatherhood and motherhood.
Not by means of deception, hatred.
Look, we will continue, we no longer believe that He has said the Our Father for His God: ‘Do not lead Me into temptation.’
How can the All-Source take himself to that temptation, that destruction?
Do you believe in that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Because in that prayer, that Our Father, I never saw anything wrong in that.
But that became ... (inaudible) know, lead us not into temptation.
I never saw anything wrong in that.’
No, but they are the laws.
Every word is a law.
If you are talking about idiosyncrasy, unmannerliness ... then you stand, then the idiosyncrasy, the accepting, the approving, the benevolence, that all takes you to love.
But unmannerliness chases you into darkness.
And we have to learn that, we have to accept that.
Now your dictionary comes along.
What use is the dictionary to us?
Are we wrong in that, are our traits wrong?
Can you feel?
We are not destroying any church, but that damnation has to go, because God does not damn any child, any life.
That is everything.
(Lady in the hall says something.)
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall says something.)
You are damning yourself.
And God damns himself and Christ.
But is that possible?
What remains of it?
When do you get space?
Why do you get to see your spiritual space and your personality?
That will never come.
That is not possible.
Do you see, people do not know the laws, people do not know that universe, not that sun and that moon, not a world of spheres, nothing, nothing; that still has to awaken.
This is why the bible is materially conscious.
(Lady in the hall says something.)
You must not start to speak when I am busy.
You will definitely get your say if you put up your hand.
The bible is still dogmatically material in this age.
But the spiritual bible has something else to tell you, it speaks about soul and spirit.
Your psychologists will do that.
But not a minister, he will never make it.
Why not?
He is not allowed to change that divine word.
And he does not have the divine word.
The people wrote that, just as Socrates began with his foundations for the philosophical systems.
Isn’t it simple?
What else did you have?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, about that bible ...’
No, we will not be finished talking about it in a thousand years either.
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... but the spirit of Christ lies in that bible, doesn’t it?
But that bible is not dead, it lives for us.
If we find ourselves in trouble and difficulties, we are still just people, we can live in higher spheres, but we must think, we also stand with both feet on the earth.’
Yes, you are standing on it, yes.
And you are also living on it.
Where lives ...
But is your soul and your spirit also walking on earth?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, it can equally be with God.
But we must discover that we are still people of the earth, still experience such earthly things.
With all those millions of people who go to the churches and the few people who no longer ...’
Yes, we are heading there again.
You just want to know that you are right in this and not the churches.
Child, there are millions, millions of theosophists, Rosicrucians, metaphysical children in the world.
We are certainly not alone.
(Lady in the hall ): ‘No, I know that ...’
Millions of spaces are already conscious, only the child of the bible remains unconscious.
And you just work that out for yourself.
I cannot talk about your bible all evening.
You can compare it to the books.
And if you cannot accept that, my child, then we will wait.
We will continue.
I am not denying you anything.
You cannot give me anything either.
But we got to know those laws.
And if you adhere to that and think and feel biblically dogmatically, religiously, I am not denying you that, because then I know: I can convince you of ‘beyond the coffin’ first.
Not here, that is not possible.
Why would we make it difficult for each other?
But I no longer accept that, and no space and no millions of people, that the Christ died for us there, nor that of Gethsemane, and a thousand other things from the bible.
We get involved here with human thinking and feeling, and then a pen flowed and the human being got to experience the first pages, the first chapters of: let there be light and there was light.
I will make a light for the night and one for the day.
Do you not know, sister, that the earth makes night and that it is never dark in the universe?
Do you not know that?
See, the bible begins with an untruth.
Indeed, we know, there are theologists who say: yes, they are not six days, they are ages.
But, let there be light and let there be a light for the night, and there are people ...
Do you still truly believe in that rib?
That God made a human being from some clay and breath of life?
Do you also accept that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘I believe in the omnipotence of God.’
Do you see?
You still believe in clay and breath of life.
That belongs to the prehistoric thinking and feeling.
My child, you were born in the waters.
You first existed millions of times in the waters as embryonic life.
The biologist, the geologist will soon convince you of that and then these teachings will be accepted by the whole world.
God did not create any human being by means of some clay and some breath of life.
Do you see?
That is a thought, that is a feeling and thinking, which is contradictory to the divine reality.
Just read ‘The Peoples of the Earth’, that book of ours.
(Lady in the hall): ‘I have read that.’
And you still stick with that now, you still do not think any further?
Do you not dare to give yourself that mercy, that beautiful spatial feeling?
You give yourself inspiration, you give yourself divine contact by means of the laws.
Do you not give yourself that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, but I receive my divine ... my divine spirit guides me through life.’
(Lady in the hall): ‘And praying, I pray for great powers ...’
Yes, the divine spirit guides the human being.
Do you see?
Yes ...
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, if we let ourselves be guided by the divine spirit in life and try to master some of that and to attune ourselves ...’
That is possible.
Of course.
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... Then we are already a great deal further.’
No, then you have made it.
That is the source, by means of which you begin – do not laugh, because you do not know it all – then you are the source by means of which you think and feel.
My child, that’s it, yes, indeed.
But now by means of the laws of reality.
Now you must begin to master that that bible begins with something which is not true.
(Lady in the hall says something.)
Yes, that is difficult, don’t you think?
But the theologian knows it, several, hundreds know it, that the bible begins with an untruth.
Because that is not true.
The human being was born from the All-Source, the All-Soul, the All-Spirit and that became a separation.
The moon is the mother for the universe, the All-Mother for this universe.
The sun is the father.
In the universe you only just find fatherhood and motherhood.
And then the divisions occurred.
And we began in the embryonic life and we experienced the moon stage, then we were fish.
You can still see your gills behind your ears.
You can follow the human grades of life, in the waters and on the land, and then you stand before Darwin, and then we did not descend from the apes, but then the ape and all life originated from the human being.
Yes, I am not alone, and it is not only you, and not only those hundred people here, but millions of people are that far.
And honestly, accept it, your society still cannot do without the bible.
You cannot deny those millions of people that grasp.
But it will gradually get through.
Do you know you are already rapping the fingers of your science, the astronomer, the biologist, the theologist and saying: you begin with an untruth?
Because I can explain to you that we were born in the waters and that God did not create any light for the night, because the earth had to make night, because her life would burn otherwise due to the intensity of the sun.
I can explain that to you by means of my study now.
The masters worked on that, Galilei and the others.
And now it is opposed to the other.
And the Supreme Court – I told the people here, that question was asked – says in your society: stop, wait a moment, this far and not further, or we will deny millions of people the divine grasp.
Do you see?
But gradually, everywhere in the world there are people busy who are bringing the spatial consciousness.
Should spiritual consciousness never come?
And Christ wanted that.
‘They murdered me there.
Go back to the earth.’
Of course, first the apostles.
Later Peter experienced and made amends for all of that.
And now you are, and now another is busy bringing the spiritual consciousness to earth.
Do you see?
The bible is material.
But the bible is becoming spiritual and spatial, and one day divine, but then the bible begins with describing the All-Mother, the All-Soul, the All-Spirit, the All-Life, the All-Love, the mother of the universe.
And creation began from there and that has nothing to do with clay and breath of life.
(Gentleman in the hall says something.)
I like that.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘It actually concerns that nurse.
Every Saturday evening, we listen at twenty to eight to Professor Doctor Van Beek, who speaks from twenty to eight to eight o’clock: do you know your bible?
And he also says in those lessons: Adam and Eve never existed.’
There are even more.
We force André to listen to that, to all those ministers.
And, yes, there are already professors coming: ‘Yes, we must accept, the beginning of creation in the bible is truly contradictory to the divine reality.’
Do you see?
We are gradually beginning.
The pope is already beginning, and says to his academics: ‘Research whether we originated in the waters, but stay away from the first Adam and Eve.’
Yes, that is still not possible.
But people are beginning.
Did you think that the Catholic Church does not have any academics and possesses that knowledge how Mother Nature condensed herself?
The Catholic Church is conscious for the cosmos ...
(To the sound technician): I can see you.
... and that is no longer accepted, my child.
Just listen.
In America, everywhere, the peoples of (the House of) Israel get new thinking and feeling from this moment.
It is fine like that, that speaking, if you never become angry.
I never become angry either, we must understand each other.
It is only a matter here of showing each other the way.
And you say: ‘No, I do not accept it.’
(Lady in the hall): ‘What use is eternal life if we start to quarrel like that?
The Bible already says ...
We begin with: the bible is wrong.
What can the bible still give us then, if it already begins, that it is not honest ...’
Work that out for yourself now.
You can do that here.
Stand up, anyone who accepts that, shout it to the world.
You will hear it.
But it is not just these people.
Catholics, Protestants, children of Luther, they no longer accept that.
This age can no longer accept that.
You must expand your life.
Enquire, because this is the most beautiful, this is the most wonderful which you can give yourself in this life.
You get growth.
That light radiates from your eyes.
Is there anything else?
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... reading the books by Camille Fammarion, that astronomer, was he a cosmic conscious being in this life?’
He was a universal conscious being, for the universe, also for soul and spirit.
Flammarion brought a great deal, also for the new age.
Do you see?
Galilei brought ...
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, could you make it clear to some people ... (inaudible), that you are master Zelanus?’
That is not necessary.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, I believe it.
I believe that that gentleman still does not understand from whom we get this wisdom.’
That does not mean anything.
If Jozef Rulof is standing here ...
Do you suddenly wish to experience the change?
Do you wish to see André here?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, not me, on the contrary.’
To see another?
If you have read all the books ...
(Lady in the hall says something.)
Yes, but that does not mean anything.
Whether you are shown by the universe, nature, your life on earth ...
If you see the truth, then you accept everything.
It does not mean anything.
Is there anything else?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, master Zelanus, I feel ...’
I will come to you soon.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, master Zelanus, I would like to ask you this: the science which presupposes that the universe is still growing ...’
It is no longer growing, because those growths already took place.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Because creation is finished.’
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Because creation is finished.’
Creation is finished.
The fourth cosmic grade is already there, the fifth, the sixth and the seventh.
The Divine All is inhabited.
Otherwise Christ would have ...
Yes, I could soon place you before something again, but we will not do that again this evening.’
I hope that you will come back, that we can descend even further and deeper into these things.
Because, where did the Christ come from?
(Hall): ‘From the Divine All.’
Yes, you see, he was God’s Son, he was the Messiah.
But we learned, people say something here.
‘I do not come from this world’, the Christ says, ‘I come from My consciousness.’
Can you accept that we are presently in contact with space and with masters who are not of this world?
And they experienced their laws.
They had to accept: go back to the moon.
‘I am God’s Son’, Christ says, doesn’t he?
‘I and the Father are one.’
You too.
You are now mother, but you are and remain God’s son, because you are father and mother.
Why does he not say ‘God’s girl’?
Because the mother is also there, do you see?
You had something else.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, I only just wanted to say, master Zelanus, that I feel so rich then.
I have all your books and I never become rebellious because of them, I only get to know myself.
I only just wanted to say that.’
You must never become rebellious, never and never.
When someone comes and he wants to give you the Jewish faith, or whatever faith, Buddhism or whatever, never become irritated or anything.
Every human being has his destination.
I tell you honestly, I cannot teach you anything, if you do not have the feeling to see that universe.
I cannot teach you anything, you must do it yourself.
We have books, of course; who can prove to you that they are true?
‘The Peoples of the Earth’ were finished in 1940 and we already said in 1935 that Adolf would begin a war and that he was to lose that war.
Hundreds of thousands of prophets.
That the Dominions separate from England, who wanted to believe that?
Not the queen of England.
We predicted that.
But what does it mean?
What does it still mean?
What does a prediction mean?
We gave more predictions in our work, to this life by means of which we speak, than Paul got by means of his pathetic letters.
We brought cosmic, we brought cosmic thinking and understanding, no, cosmic possession.
We take you from the earth straight to your divine attunement.
The bible cannot do that.
Nor can Buddhism do that, nor can Mohammedanism.
Theosophy can do it to a certain extent, although Blavatsky also made mistakes.
You will say: you come and you just finish everything, but were not nature first, then animal and then human being.
We can now prove that to Blavatsky and theosophy is already changing the laws.
Now people speak about: everything was born from the human being, because the human being is a deity.
You are that.
Can you give the human being something else, than when the masters say, when the universe says: you are the divine spark, you represent all the laws of God, because you are a human being?
Do you see?
In all of that, the bible, the churches, the spaces, the planets and stars, Mother Nature, the animal world ... all of that is God, that is life, that is love, and will become love, when we experience those laws, by means of, always, fatherhood and motherhood.
Yes, I could go on, but ...
Is there anything else, my brothers?
Over there still.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master, I would like to ask you if it is possible, that the mother, while carrying her child, the child can have an influence for after the birth, if she experiences a shock or something similar?’
Of course.
The mother can influence the child, and the child the mother a thousand times more, in different ways, materially, spiritually, for her personality, for fatherhood and motherhood, for art.
The whole of society can be brought to inspiration by the child which still lives in the mother.
There are mothers ...
Just read ‘Masks and Men’, ‘Diseases of the Soul as seen from the Other Side’; they are sold out, but you will experience the insanity and the psychopathy in them to a certain extent.
What does the psychologist know about the soul, about the spirit, about eternal life, while he says, when the child is born, that is the first life.
The first.
While the human being needs millions of lives as father and mother for the earth, in order to complete the cycle of the earth.
There are no children in the universe, because that soul comes from the moon.
Why is the moon dead?
Yes, the world, society does not say it yet.
But when the university has to accept that soon, and understands the death of the moon, can you not feel then that the human being must go back millions of centuries and ages, before the bible was written?
This is why we must go back.
And then there will be no more clay, no more breath of life, no more damnation and no last Judgement.
There is only fatherhood and motherhood in the spaces, inspired by the Divine Self, the Christ.
Is what I say so strange?
(Lady in the hall): ‘You are making it too difficult.’
(There is laughter.)
That is possible.
I can do that ...
That is possible.
(Lady in the hall): ‘We people do not need to know all of that, we must believe.’
Oh, no, then I will not go with you again.
(Lady in the hall): ‘No?’
Then I will not stay with you any longer.
Because I no longer want to see that darkness, we are going to the light.
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, but I am in the light, you know.’
Thank you.
I truly congratulate you.
And, be happy with that.
(Lady in the hall): ‘If Christ rules our life, we cannot live in darkness.’
Yes, and then I will just go and sit on a chair and think: but it will be okay.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, that is easy.’
No, it is becoming too easy, it is becoming simple; life is much more intense, much more difficult.
(Lady in the hall says something.)
Yes ...
Do you see?
We come together and then you go so far away again.
That belonged, what you are now thinking about, that belongs to before Moses came to earth.
And then these laws were also already present.
Is there anything else?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I also wanted to ask this: the spheres are actually close to each other, I mean, all the ... (inaudible) is present in one ...
Do you understand what I mean?’
You live here in the Divine All. Can you feel that?
Can you imagine this?
You now live in the Divine All, but as a human being.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, I know that.’
You live here in the Divine All.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘But I wanted to ask this, let me take one sphere, for example, the first sphere, and that sphere is coarse, just as we are here, but in a much more rarefied state, of course.
And that ground, oh well, how should you call it, but that ground, does it continue infinitely, I mean, or ...
I still do not understand it very well.’
How is, you want to know, how is a heaven actually built up?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
That heaven is ...
If you want to walk in that heaven, then you walk on a ground that is a spiritual substance.
And that substance is deep and has power according to the light and love you have, and nothing else.
So you have untruth ... do you want to bring about condensings by means of thinking and feeling and believing?
If you are a good person ...
There are people who want nothing to do with God, with Christ and with the bible, with any church, and they go straight to the first sphere, to the heavens.
Because they have love.
Do you see?
We are not talking to the church, we are not talking to the dogmatic child.
The child in nature ...
There are more people here on earth, who come by means of the laws of Mother Nature ...
People say a tree is a deity.
Yes, indeed.
A flower is the life of God.
The human being creates light and darkness himself, when people love or hate, destroy.
But the ground on the other side will be closed and have power, according to how much conscious feeling and thinking you have for harmony and the love of God, for fatherhood, for motherhood, for Christ.
Then you remain walking and floating.
Can you feel this?
But you experienced and conquered that by means of the life here on earth.
You do good.
You will do good.
You love everything which lives.
And you build on your spiritual, astral condensed world.
And that is in you.
But we must earn that by means of life and death, by being born and dying.
That means: if you can be everything, can accept everything and want to surrender, yes, then the Divine All can inspire you.
Indeed, Christ, the masters, an angel, your father and your mother.
But, to experience all of this, dreaming, separate, free from creation ... then you will never make it.
Were you in harmony, mother?
Were you in harmony for the universe and the laws, father?
Did you never have and experience a wrong thought, materialized with regard to soul, spirit, life, All-Mother, All-Source, All-Father?
Oeh ...
The human being is a human being.
The human being is still not a spiritual conscious being, because then the people here would no longer be here.
Then you would already live in your spiritual attunement.
But you represent ...
Do you accept that you – my last word for this evening – do you accept that you represent truth?
Do you accept that?
(Several people in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Do you accept that you represent God here as a human being?
(Several people in the hall): ‘Yes.’
But you accept that?
(Several people in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Do you see?
Then you are busy representing the lies and the deception here, because on earth there is conscious good and evil.
Not in the Spheres of Light.
Then you would no longer be here.
You are therefore still disharmonic, or you would no longer be here; you would experience and populate heaven.
You would be with billions, billions of angels.
But you still live on earth, you are still wearing a coat and a hat.
You must still die, you must still conquer that death.
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... the knowledge ...’
We are not talking about that.
It is a matter of whether you represent harmony, or you represent truth.
(Lady in the hall): ‘I am trying to ...’
Can you for God, can God have given you untruth?
(Someone in the hall): ‘No.’
So then you are walking, then you also have to accept, that here on earth good and evil are represented.
That just means, or you would no longer be here.
(Several people in the hall): ‘Yes.’
That is everything.
I thank you for your kind feelings.
And I hope that you are not angry at me.
(Several people in the hall say): ‘No, we aren’t, master Zelanus.’
Just don’t say that too loudly, because, too many of these things ...
(To the sound technician): Just play quickly .