Thursday evening 10 January 1952
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
(Hall): ‘Good evening.’
I will just begin with the letter from Mr Reitsma.
‘During a period of illness of a few months I was able to know the pleasure of penetrating even deeper into the wonderful books of the masters.
I would like to ask a few questions about the different colours which the human aura radiates.’
During that time you would, if you have that, and you have of course food and drink, tea in bed, Mr Reitsma – where are you? – then you would want to allow yourself to become even deeper absorbed in that, wouldn’t you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Then I can imagine that you enjoyed yourself.
(Jozef continues to read.) ‘On page 375, ‘People of the Earth Seen from the Other Side’, I read that all the life of God radiates an own life fluid.
Since the personality for all people is different, no two auras will therefore be the same either, because the aura represents the personality.’
Mr Reitsma, there is not one aura exactly the same.
All life possesses different auras.
And even if you have reached a sphere, the first, second, third sphere, then the auras are still not the same.
We all experienced the laws by means of our own self and feeling, thinking.
One person has art, the other does not.
And all those thoughts create aura, colour, radiance, light.
And that also comes of course – and has attunement – by means of the Divine realm of colours, because God gave everything radiance, giving birth, creation; especially creation.
And by means of the creation, by means of the giving birth you get creation and colour.
That colour, for example, our white race colour (see article ‘There are no races’ on is a nice colour, but that still does not say anything about the consciousness of the human being.
You have black colours and brown colours.
And you have black people and brown people, they are many times, a hundred thousand times further than we are; they are also there.
You have Negroes, we can bow to them, they are so powerful and wonderful.
So that means: the inner human being radiates, possesses light, outwardly and inwardly. But the main thing is the inner – you mean that – and then we come to the radiance of the human being.
We now stand before the life fluid.
And now everything, every material, every soul, spirit, life has radiance according to his personality and according to the attunement of the thing, the being, the grade of life.
A fish also has radiance, and a dog and a cat too, then you get animal radiance and pre-animal; and then you also have grades in that animal radiance.
Because you come from the higher life, a dove, a nightingale and another bird, to crocodiles, or to birds of prey.
And it radiates life according to your life of feeling.
What do you still have to ask about this?
(It remains quiet.)
Nothing else?
That is quick.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, there is something else.’
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘There is something else.’
Yes, I know that. But this is separate.
This is separate.
(Jozef continues to read.) ‘On page 382 master Zelanus asks: ‘Why is one aura light green, the other brownish red and dazzlingly sharp’– dazzlingly sharp means: greenish sharp or directly influencing, by means of colour or whatever – ‘Yet others radiate bright yellow, or ink-black, which points to the attunement.’
I would like to know what each colour of the spectrum means in the aura.’
Mr Reitsma, then I could write five hundred thousand books here, if you want to analyse one colour.
Then we must go back: where did that colour originate, and when did that colour get consciousness and an independence?
When was that colour conscious?
When was that born?
Then you must go back to the moon, in order to establish a few characteristics.
The fundamental characteristic as light and colour in the human being, for the human being, is there.
The divine fluid lives in the human being, as radiance.
And that is the divine core in us for everything; and it has motherhood, fatherhood, light, life, spirit, love, light.
What did we materialize of that, as feeling?
But the divine core as light and as aura lives in the human being.
And now you can also give a hundred lectures already about that.
‘When do we give’, master Zelanus says in Diligentia recently, ‘when do you give your character a light, a colour?’
Ink-black, dark, that is unconsciousness.
But the divine core ...
You perhaps look extremely low and humiliating and terrible at a demon or a satan, for this world a satan is of course terrible, but for space that does not mean anything either, because that satan will also come there soon, and that demon will change.
Now at this moment his whole personality has dissolved.
Now you must consider what we will come to stand before.
His whole personality has dissolved in a demonic sphere, darkness; green, bright green, dirt, dirty, filthy.
If you enter that aura, then you will become gassed as it were, spiritually gassed.
But the divine core also lives in that demon.
And a master says: ‘Yes, they are terrible people who do that and that, and brought off that and that.’
But not one human being ... They know too.
They could not even escape it, and darkened their divine aura.
We did so many things by means of which our own divine fluid was darkened.
I steal fifteen guilders from you – I put out my hand, and I have something – then I have already darkened something of my character, by means of that stealing.
The human being, so ordinary in society, who does a hundred things, stealing, prison, all those things, and also commits a murder ...
If you get to know the laws of the other side and the cosmos, then you will come to stand before a situation of course, then you say: ‘Now it is finished.’
And we also do that.
But we have all lost our inner hold, and broken our spiritual neck; and it is still broken, it is hanging there like that.
Even if that head of course stands straight on our shoulders, inwardly we hang and strangle so many as we can, in order to make something of it.
But how far are we now?
But just go back to the prehistoric ages, just go back through other lives and dare to experience and to see that.
But, my dear human being, then you will succumb at the moment when you see that aura and that character and that personality.
Then you will say: ‘Good heavens, good heavens, I will never get out of that.’
And yet, we scramble on and finally we come out of that.
One day we have the strength for it and say: ‘Now it is finished.’
And that starts to grow, blossom, that awakens, and that gets feeling – do you feel? – that now gets a different colour.
This is why ...
Frederik and René talk about colours.
A character gets a nice colour.
Everything of the human being gets a nice colour, if the human being attunes himself to Christ.
Always just to Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ.
And then the people also say: we are mad and we are half insane.
And we are always talking about Christ again ...
The masters always talk again about the highest Master: Christ, Christ, Christ.
They just cannot bear that feeling ‘master’.
You have a school master, for example.
Then they should have called that man school man.
Master Zelanus – he also told you, in Diligentia – said once in Amsterdam ... ‘Why do you call yourselves masters?’ someone says there, someone asks.
He says: ‘Yes.
Why do you call your schoolmaster master?
Why do you not call him school man or school gentleman?’
He says: ‘You will hold me in high esteem when I say: I have a hundred million adepts.’
He says: ‘You can talk for ten million years about a hundred million people; they are my adepts, my adepts.
And master Alcar has even more, also has me.
And in my sphere there are a hundred million, ten million, twenty million living – it does not matter – but they are all the adepts of that master.’
And you also have them again.
When you start to descend into that society, and you start to see your own colour, then you get a picture of the human being who is still unconscious and who does not like this.
And if you then want to accept, as the masters came there – also Christ – by means of Christ, then you will feel, then you will go a certain path and your inner self, your personality will expand, and then you can really say: ‘I have pupils.’
If you go to the jungle bit by bit, then you can teach in New Guinea, and then you all teach the Africans, and half of this world.
How many people would you have then?
Do you not accept that?
Perfectly simple anyway.
When you have finished reading those twenty books, then you can go over the world and then you can teach the human being.
If you can really explain all those laws ...
But what you read there, that is already enough and sufficient; then you already have the possession of the earth in your hands, to that far.
And then professors will also come and theologians, they are already lying at your feet.
And then you can, if your inner life possesses that attunement, determine your colour and your consciousness from that.
And now all the characteristics have an own fluid.
But I cannot ... just like that ...
What is now truth?
When are you true?
When are you love?
That love has a colour on the other side.
Which one?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Orange.’
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Orange.’
Orange is stone-dead, madam.
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, gold, I mean, golden.’
Gold is nothing either.
We speak of golden light.
If you were to see that light like that in the cosmos, as the sun gives it, it is living dead, living dead.
What you see there now, that is also light, golden light, that lamp there?
But that is living dead, you see, that is just one light, one little bit of light with a bit of shadow. That is not a colour, is it?
People call that gold, but that is not it, no ...
(Lady in the hall): ‘Lilac.’
Lilac is also dead.
Every colour which you know here, is now also stone-dead, living dead.
(Lady in the hall): ‘White.’
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘White.’
White is even worse, madam.
If the spiritualists begin: ‘Oh, there she comes in a snow-white garment’, madam, then you will freeze in it.
If you see your daughter again and she is snow-white, then just run quickly to the stove, because then it will be cold.
Madam, when you enter the other side, then there is not one walking there in a white garment.
A sparkling white garment possesses all the colours of the universe.
Something lives in that white, you see, and then you get those colours.
Every fibre lives, because it is living aura there.
That is not a flannel which you buy there with 1.40 per yard.
A spiritual garment is living aura.
Can you feel?
Now Mr Reitsma must ask me: ‘What is the colour of the other side?’
The garment builds itself up.
You arrive there naked before God, but you have something on.
When you leave the first sphere, then those garments already begin to become grey, and then the skins hang, lets say – really and truly, madam – the skins already hang here, and the ribbons, like that, I think: now, it is starting to look like a rag-and-bone man.
And then you see thousands and millions of those rag-and-bone men and women there, because every characteristic takes them to that raggedness.
This is why we talked recently about curls of the ladies and the fold in the trousers of the gentlemen, but that has gone.
When the character does not speak, and it has no possession, that character, then you can ... yourself ...
There are no iron wave machines – what are those things called? – you cannot get perms there.
And they cannot give you a curl either, because the soul curls the spirit, the personality curls the life and makes it beautiful.
When you enter the other side and you really want to ...
Or someone manifests themselves to you here, a spiritualist, and then you must ask the question.
But if I say it now ...
Look, for me they are gone immediately.
I was also somewhere once, and then she said: ‘Yes, but my father is so far, and so ...’
I say: ‘Good, madam, that is possible.’
‘And do you wish to attend a séance?’
I say: ‘Yes, madam, I will do it.
But I will tell you exactly what I see.’
And then I looked, then master Alcar says: ‘Just look at his hair and then you will know it immediately.’
And then I saw that man.
Then it was just as if they had put an old wig on his head.
He says: ‘That is a good consciousness, don’t you think, André?’
I say: ‘Yes, I know.’
Oh, and then that father came, and it was so wonderful, it was so wonderful, but it all came from themselves.
If you start to think beautifully right now, then you can say beautiful things, can’t you?
And they come from the other side then?
And there always just came: And God is love and Father, and the God does not damn’, they all know that, and now good, good stories come.
But that father was standing with a wig on his head there.
I say: ‘Madam, it is a pity, but your father is still walking with a wig on his head.’
Then she says: ‘What does that mean then?
I say: ‘Not very nice.’
That lady, that spiritualist who came there, she cursed me again of course, because that Jozef Rulof had been there again.
But after four weeks that lady came to visit me, then she says: ‘You are right, because he was actually just’, I will say it just like that, ‘he was actually just a rotter.’
I say: ‘Well, that is a bit harsh, because he has a bit of light.’
She says: ‘No, he was actually still a rot ... I must admit it honestly, but yes, you let yourself be dragged along. And then they see those people so beautifully.
I think: my father has only passed on about ten years, he has perhaps achieved something.’
And then the human being believes the human being, because we so gladly want it be nice.
But those colours, Mr Reitsma, I will come back to that, they were not there.
Because he has ...
And then the story came.
I say: ‘Yes, madam, the wig, his hair which ...
I can see that from his aura and see from his life.
And he certainly does not need to talk beautifully from there.
You can see that, if you see.
But he really had an attunement which just borders on the Land of Hatred.’
Then she says: ‘Yes, he could also do that.
Because he could not stand me.’
I say: ‘How can that man now live in the first sphere?
How can he achieve that in ten years?’
I say: ‘Yes, it is always that.’
What must a spiritualist do, a spiritualist who holds séances, and comes to your house and beats the whole family to pieces?
You do not like that, sir.
You do not accept that truth, because you say: ‘Get out!’
Because even if it is true, then you still do not want to the truth to be told.
And in this way people came: ‘Just check that, and check this.’
I was able to leave a few times, and then you saw nothing, then there was nothing.
Curls, Mr Reitsma, they were not there.
Because the spiritual garment was not there either, because he was walking in an old coat, such long shoes.
Then they say: ‘Is that a clown?’
Sir, your feet are so big – I once talked about it already – your hands, they are no longer hands, they are claws.
Your eyes are so far open, and your mouth is horribly ugly if you think about gossip and nonsense and want to live in that.
Someone who with a word ... the divine laws go that far – if you by means of a word ... This is dangerous if I bring the wrong thing.
If you touch and deform the human being and the divine law for the human being, then you deform at that moment not only yourself, but your whole world.
Now you must consider, and then you do not even need to do it yet, but if you think, you feel and you gossip, you talk nonsense, you talk, you destroy, you deform, then you are deforming yourself.
And that is so infallible there, that is so real, that we, thank God, cannot escape that, because we must finally begin with harmony, thinking in harmony with the laws of God.
And then we get colours, radiance.
And now a human garment is tremendously deep, then you can go through the whole cosmos, because the first stage of the moon in an embryonic stage is also there.
So you will find the whole of space in that garment.
Darkness and light, and those few colours which we have now discovered as blue, green, yellow and black and white, that is nothing after all in comparison to the millions of types of colours as grades which emerged by means of the divine evolution.
If you want to analyse the Divine realm of colours, as master Zelanus wants to do that, then Our Lord must give him a thousand years, and then he will still not have made it, they are so many books.
And then he comes of course to: through the divine colours to the cosmos, sun, moon and stars.
Consciousness in colour; the life of feeling gives the colour to the character, then we already come to the personality, and then we stand before Socrates, Plato, Aristotles; and then we get to see the shape as independence, and people call that man and woman.
But that is a grade of life to that and that feeling, with that and that attunement.
Anything else?
When the mother soon comes on the other side and she has not brought herself into harmony with those laws, then there are no longer any curls in her hair, they go away.
You should see master Zelanus and master Alcar.
Their natural garment, their head, their hair.
They become young, but that hair, you should see how beautiful that hair of an astral being has formed itself.
And now you get a turn to it, and hanging, and space in it, heat in it, growth in it, fatherhood in it, motherhood in it; you see everything again.
In everything of space you see everything again, in that state, in that hand, in that foot, in those legs, in that face, in those eyes, in that mouth.
Don’t you?
That must be like that, mustn’t it?
I experienced something great this week, for myself.
Just then that, you are now talking about ...
I saw myself walking the whole week, as I am in the spheres.
I saw a time that I had passed on.
And then about five, six, seven, eight from us here came.
I had already taken a few to the Other Side, and then another few came.
And then they said: ‘Between those seventeen, between those eighteen, nineteen André is also there, look for him.’
They could not find me.
I think: how nice.
I say: ‘I have been walking double here at home all week.’
I say: ‘Now just go away.’
Yes, and then you see that law yourself.
You must be able to see yourself one day.
And he who came, he had read the books, and he is now sitting here too.
There were a few from here.
‘Yes, who is André now?’
They were all boys of twenty-five, twenty-six years, twenty-seven.
I say: ‘Well.’
And just looking ...
Master Alcar was standing there too.
Master Zelanus was standing there.
There were even more masters, there were a few others there.
I say: ‘Yes, there is André.’
‘My God, where is he?’
I think: I would like to have it like this.
I hope to have it like this.
I think: they will soon not recognise me so easily.
And then I am standing under their noses and then I say: ‘How did you find it yonder, how did you find it there in the Ruijterstraat?’
Then they know it at once.
‘How did you find it in Diligentia?’
And then I saw my curls from before.
Now they are grey, and then they are ... again ...
I saw my own wig again from before; my hair got another colour.
I think: Now I must also try to get that wave there, for myself.
I saw beautiful colours, curls.
I think: there should be a wave to that, a little wave, then it will be fine.
And I am now working for that, Mr Reitsma, to also get that one curl.
But that costs something.
But worthwhile to see it and to experience it, if you know that sphere.
Then you will get the radiance, the life of feeling, the personality, as colour, light, feeling, fatherhood, motherhood, and everything which you learned, you will get to see.
And if you have thought about that when you were ill, then that is a good state. Then you can meditate.
Can’t you?
Remember ...
And then – if you have read ‘Masks and Men’ – before you are wearing your sandals ...
We are sitting there now, Mr De Wit, sandals, wearing a garment, let us say, which is no longer a perfectly ordinary white shirt, but a garment, sir, without frills, there is already a shape, there is already a cut to it, it is already a bit cut in at the waist here.
But woe betide, woe betide if you see those monsters there.
Directly from the first sphere you go to the Land of Twilight, they are already sitting there.
They can still put themselves in an earthly position and they are still earthly, and they still put on gold medals and everything, and still call Johan, for tea: ‘Where is the butler?’
And they live in the ground, and they do not know it.
But we will continue.
Now, sir, then you see the face changing, the human being changing, the lips changing, the arms are claws, and the legs are not there at all anymore, they have grown together; a human being has disappeared.
Until we are lying like a jellyfish on the beach.
Do you not know that?
Isn’t it honest?
The deeper we go, the more rotten it becomes in our aura.
It not only starts to darken, sir, but it stinks in our aura.
A human being with normal consciousness can no longer stand it in that sphere.
It becomes an animal-like carry-on.
You cannot even send that to a tiger, to a lion and a crocodile; they have not done as much harm as we people.
It is simple anyway.
And then you should see what then remained of the aura and the human being: everything, but completely dissolved in those pieces of trash which we do, that stealing, that destroying, that destructive part which still lives in us.
That the human being is unconscious, stupid, the people say ...
I hear people here saying: ‘Oh, oh, oh, oh, how stupid the people are.’
Those people also lived two years ago in that unconscious.
Now they are starting to feel.
I accept this, and I can just accept it, I think: those people have apparently learned something after all.
Because I already knew that in 1930, that the people are stupid.
They are not stupid. There is not one stupid human being in the world.
Then they say: ‘That man destroys everything.’
And there is not one psychopath in the world, not one insane person, not one stupid person; there is only evolution in everything.
In which grade do you live?
There are no harsh people; the people do not know what they are saying.
You can be upset about it.
That beating is terrible if you get it.
And they drag you every day through the kitchen, or whatever.
And they hit here and kick.
That is frightening.
But, we were that too a moment ago, five minutes ago.
Who will hang himself again, if you have experienced the rotting?
Who will still do that?
The human being who kills himself does not know for that matter.
Are you still capable of that when you have read ‘The Cycle of the Soul’?
There you have it.
So we succumb to hundreds of thousands of things and matters and take away the divine radiance as colour from that feeling.
Isn’t it nice?
Yes, I could talk about this for six evenings, but it is not about that.
(Jozef continues to read.) ‘The wonderful work ‘Between Life and Death’ is also ... and on page 57 I read that Venry as a trainee priest of Isis got a yellow garment with a blue hood, and a red belt.
Above the place of his heart he wore a Lotus symbol.’
They were the sensitive ones, you see, gifted by nature.
Dectar also wore a Lotus symbol, but the colour and substance of his garment was very different.
We had the brown, the yellow, and then we also had something on the back and then there was also something on the shoulder.
Master Zelanus or master Alcar do not even go into that anymore, into those and those characteristics which a priest had, that trainee.
The symbols of art in feeling, of healing, were all on it.
Like they wore that garter in England, you have probably heard of it, we also wore it there, under the tunic, and around the legs.
They were the visible invisible gifts, which people had given you, with healing and with everything.
But a main colour was that and that grade, and then they had a blue colour, had yellow, they also had pale yellow – pale yellow was beautiful – purplish red, and all those other colours, they had them for their grade.
You also have that here in the Catholic church, don’t you?
And different sects?
The higher you climb, every moment, your uniform changes.
You can see it for every establishment.
If you are a general, then you are much higher than an ordinary soldier, aren’t you?
Then you have this and then you have that, then you have this that and the other.
Yes, and you come even higher, sir, then they hang you from front and behind completely with those large ... What are they called? As large as that plate here, a tinplate, or with gold, and it shines too, on your breast.
Just as many as Herman Göring; he had to let himself be measured for a suit of armour, in the war, he fell forwards from all his heaviness.
He had about five hundred of them on his breast, and then his head went forwards, from the medals.
On the Other Side ...
Blimey, how long it took before that poor, that poor Herman ...
Poor, no, he was not poor either.
But you should stay away from those large things.
Herman Göring will only come back in five, ten thousand, twenty thousand years’ time. Then the world will be a paradise.
And then he can begin to discard his medals.
First those medals gone.
Because his character is still there.
Now you must first precisely not want that by means of which the human being makes you so mighty.
Isn’t it true?
In the interval someone also said: ‘Yes, what a sensation the world made again of that captain; the whole world knows it.’
Another human being works himself to the bone, they do not look at him, because the human being still does not know.
Then, when they killed Galilei ... And how many did they not kill? Then they finally knew who they were, yes, then they stood weeping.
You certainly do not get a medal for spiritual things.
If they were to give me a thing like that, I would fling it through the windows.
If you reach for it, you will be gone.
If you put a thing like that on your coat which denies another the light in his eyes, you are wrong.
But who knows that?
Who does that?
Who has the strength to say: ‘No, I do not want that misery’?
‘Yes, but, sir, you will also get ten thousand guilders.’
‘It does not matter to me, but I do not want that misery.’
There are enough who do not want those tin medals.
And am I right or not?
If you violate something earthly and continue, and then you should see whether a spiritual colour lies behind it.
Then you must stay away from it and say: ‘No.’
If there is no foundation in there for the Other Side, you must always say: ‘No.’
Christ taught us that, didn’t he?
They are dangerous things, but oh well.
Look, in Ancient Egypt people had that too, and there people get – and that is for every sect – rising, awakening.
And as you are awakened and have become a teacher for that and that, your appearance changes.
And that was in every temple there.
And then you also have the question here: ‘Would you want to unfold the deeper meaning of the colour substance of the priestly garments in Ancient Egypt?’
Something similar again.
What good would it be to you?
Just the same thing – this is why I am already making a comparison – if you are now a soldier and you climb up a bit and you suddenly become an admiral or a general. Do you know it now?
That was there too, with a few other frills, another colour, and nothing more.
Do you see?
They also still had plaits in their hair.
Did you know that?
And if there was a small bow in that, Mr Reitsma, then you were something.
That added to it.
A pair of earrings, so, over the shoulders.
And if you go back far, to China, where the metaphysical laws were experienced, then you will get a few plaits as far as the ground with this, and that.
And all those decorations decided who you were.
What should you now learn from that?
Take the Catholic church, then you first get to see a black one, someone who is completely black, with a white collar.
That is a chaplain or a priest, isn’t it?
If you come a bit higher, then it already begins to change.
And if he is completely at the top, then the man goes about in gold and then he has a cross on the left and the right, and on his back and on his forehead, there are just crosses everywhere.
Then you are also an admiral, general, and sacred, aren’t you?
Do you know it?
But you have known that for such a long time, sir, you know that yourself too.
Question three: ‘How were the high priests dressed?’
With four stars, but now they were on their collar, at the back of the neck, or behind on the tail.
They had the symbol.
And then we could talk for hours and hours about that, but it is no use to you, you learn nothing from it.
Then you could just say: What were the fairgrounds like in the prehistoric age?
And how did they mark Sunday morning there in ancient Egypt?
How did they pray?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Well, I do not mean that of course.’
No, but you could ask that.
It is much more use to me if you say: ‘Did those priests pray there?’
You read there about meditation.
What does that matter to me.
I did not even ask master Alcar: ‘What were those high priests like?’
I saw them.
But we are not interested in that.
That is all earthly, material, temple-like camouflage after all.
Like you also have that for different sects nowadays.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I thought that those colours of those garments determined ... (Jozef talks at the same time) they were clairvoyant.’
Good, I say that. But what kind of meaning does that have, if you now rise in the Catholic church and you are now a cardinal at once?
What beautiful things that man is wearing, isn’t he?
A beautiful garment, the colours come, when he is wearing his highest grade or his best suit.
What is a costume like that called?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Vestments.’
And he is already wearing his lace, isn’t he, pieces of lace.
If I look at all that lace, yes, then I begin to tickle inside.
I once asked the priest – then I had to leave again of course, then I got a beating again – where he could miss a piece, because mother still needed a nice tablecloth, he could miss that.
Well, then Tall Hendrik had to come.
Then he said: ‘Hendrik, that one of yours, there is something the matter with him.
He asked me whether he could get a piece of my garment for the table.’
Well, Crisje did not have a piece of lace, and he was walking round all day, and it was dragging on the ground; a bit could come off it, couldn’t it?
But then I had kicked the sacredness, do you see?
Do you wish to be sacred by means of a piece of lace, a piece of purple, a piece of red, white and blue and yellow and green?
In Egypt they also decorated themselves, with what?
Go to a museum, you should see what kind of frills they are.
Those cockerels here, they all had meaning, sir.
If he did not have that, that strip in it, then that woman or that man did not even possess that nobility.
Do you see?
But inner consciousness also entered it.
So the human being dressed according to his consciousness, and we still do that now.
Now, in this society, all the sects ...
You should come to Sufism, and theosophy, and if you go higher; they almost no longer dare to show themselves like that.
But then you should start to look at those silk garments, the ranks and grades which theosophy has.
Did you not know that?
Brrr ...
And that Sofi movement ...
Oh, sir, now you will get again ...
I feel nothing for it.
And why not?
Because it is all outward carry-on.
We stand here naked in a ready-to-wear suit, and can deal with it.
Why that annoying carry-on?
Why that outward decoration in order to represent something?
You do not have it ‘behind the coffin’ after all, do you?
That is still the first mistake there is.
If they were to really accept me, those people, I guarantee you that master Alcar will immediately say: ‘Away with those things!
Those medals from the coat.
You are nothing here.
Now we will begin.’
And that is the reality of the first sphere and space, isn’t it?
Why must we do those things?
Yes, ancient Egypt is also coming back on that, and you now see, what has remained of that, of all that pride?
Nothing, sir.
Just remain ordinary, ‘perfectly ordinary’, someone says, ‘and then we will be odd enough.’
Yes, and that man is right.
Colour and garments, that is the most terrible thing, if I read that ...
I saw the spheres, you see, I saw the poverty there of ‘here we are everything.’
I stand opposite people, and they have this and they have that, and they just say one word, and I know where they will be going soon, because they do not even want to lose that word.
I say: ‘Here you can still make a fuss and here you can still do what you want, can’t you?
Just go into ‘the coffin’, the new evolution will come, and you will stand naked before your own inner self and you will have nothing more to say.’
And then I laugh, to myself, that fuss will go.
Just behave perfectly ordinary and you will be odd enough.
Isn’t it true, madam?
Yes, but the human being thinks that the outward ...
Don’t they?
All outward appearance.
Ancient Egypt had so many outward appearances, and nothing remained of that, because they succumbed.
If the human being who searched for the good ...
We, we have brought a book from there to here.
It is already amazing enough that you can see your life again from there, and you now live in it again and you can say: ‘Yes, what I was then, that was wonderful, but this is even better.’
Because we do not go into that anymore.
We do not long for sandals if we do not have them, do we?
And that is the possession of that first sphere.
And now the pure colour as aura becomes free from your personality and radiates, because you do not place any will on your character.
You let it grow freely.
Do you understand this?
You bring yourself to growth.
You have no camouflages, you have no mask on, you are completely and quite simply natural for society and everyone, you stand naked there.
I no longer need to hide for the people; my visiting cards are lying there, yonder, twenty of them, almost.
Do you want even more?
When you soon get ‘Jeus III’ then I will be completed undressed for the world.
Anything else?
There is nothing more.
I have nothing left.
I am now completely naked.
Now just hit out at it, just tear it to pieces, it means nothing to me.
But if you find fault, sir, I know exactly where you will go with your fault-finding and with your gossip and talk; we will se each other again one time.
And you will justify every word.
I will no longer interfere with megalomania, or with gossip.
I will not go into it.
I know exactly where that gossip will bring me.
You know, it is not an art to live, sir, madam, but it is the art to not think anything wrong.
And Christ taught us that, the books teach that.
You do not need to start to act for cosmology and to be a master.
If you are completely naturally just and warm and loving in this life – and whatever you are, it does not matter – you will infallibly go to the own path, and that will bring you straight to that sphere with your fine, radiating, loving, life aura.
Did you not think so?
Those books teach us that.
And then we will already be odd enough.
Then we no longer need to make a fuss, because every human being, however insane, however simple, immediately senses whether you are telling the truth or nonsense.
And if it is the truth, sir, you can feel it with your clogs.
And then it is always harsh.
Because you do not want the gentle and the loving of it.
Do you?
Yes, you can still just say ‘yes’, say ‘yes’, and ‘it is true’.
I also had to do it: ‘Yes, master.
Yes, master.
Yes, master.’
And finally I suffocated in it, I say: ‘Yes, yes, yes, yes.’
And then I came back with thousands of ‘yeses’ in me.
I think: Well, what else do you want here?
Do not imagine anything, sir, then the ‘no’ will immediately be behind it, and with a large exclamation mark, like that.
There will not be any more question marks.
Isn’t it simple?
Is this teaching so deep, so difficult?
(Jozef barks like a dog; there is laughter.) Now he will not doze off anymore.
That was not Fanny, Mr De Wit, that was me myself now.
Oh, you came here in order to ... in order to learn something, I do not know.
But I think: Oh, but it is nice and warm here now.
And there are more sitting there, you know.
I am not bothered by it, because I am always talking, because otherwise I would also doze off here.
I would also like to sit here dozing one evening.
But we will continue.
If it happens again, I will bark. Is that okay?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
No, this evening I was busy, I am talking about such wonderful beautiful things, and then – I got all of you, you know – then I suddenly thought, I saw Mr De Wit just nodding like that, I thought: he does not hear those wonderful things which we are talking about now.
I think: so I cannot keep him awake with wisdom. And at once I went: Woof!
I have not seen him sleeping again.
I think: a dog, Fanny can do more than I and the masters can.
He did not fall asleep again.
And then they said: ‘It was Fanny.’
No, madam, it was a very different story, because I think: now I will see.
Fresh and enthusiastic ... But it is nice and warm here, you see.
But we understand each other, don’t we, Mr de Wit?
Another would not even like it when I start to bark and say: ‘What kind of a madman is that?’
You see, there you have it, Mr Reitsma, you were not allowed to do that in ancient Egypt.
I was not right for the priest, because I also started to bark there.
I am not serious enough, they say.
But natural fun and happiness tingle in me, and I always give away some of it.
But on the pulpit you may not bark. (laughter)
And Our Lord said to me, and master Alcar said to me: ‘What are you talking about?’
I say: ‘So.’
Then he says: ‘Then it is okay, then just bark again.’
They do not even mind, because they laugh about it too.
I once made a journey with master Alcar and then someone was standing there, he was standing there talking before lives, because in the spheres you can see and meet all the people, like here at the Maliebaan, before, with clubs; and then I also came there, and then master Alcar says: ‘Tune into those people, and analyse whether it is okay.’
Then I stood there, and suddenly I say: Woof!
And then that man frightened me!
Then he says: ‘Where is that lion?’
I say: ‘You see, he does not even know whether it is a dog or a lion.’ (laughter)
I say: ‘That man, he is an unconscious being.’
And then they ... him ...
I say: ‘Wait a moment, I am not here yet.
I still live there, where you come from.’
I say: ‘Sir, but, madam ...’ But they were people who are still searching there, you cannot reach them yet.
And then the priest stands there, he is saying mass.
And the minister has it: ‘And yes ...’
He is still singing and moaning inside.
And then there comes from space: ‘Say, do not moan here like that, because it is no use to you here.
On earth they do not know any better, but here you no longer need to moan.
Just be perfectly ordinary here, then you will be just like real.’
But he still moaned there.
And the Masters and other people who are conscious, they stand next to them and then they look; but they cannot be reached.
I say: ‘Master Alcar, I will reach him immediately.’
Then he says: ‘Yes, you can just do that again.’
I say: ‘I will do a trick and I will have that man.
I will give him a fright.’
I say: ‘You should hear: Woof, woof!’
Oh, then it was over.
Then he says: ‘André, full marks from the masters.’ (There is warm laughter)
And that man bolted; he thought that lions were coming.
I say: ‘Ladies and gentlemen, now you must go with them, sisters and brothers, with those people there, and they will explain the laws to you.’
And then we got those people released from damnation, by means of the barking of a dog.
You probably don’t believe that, do you? (laughter)
You see, now I want to tell something nice, and now ...
Yes, did you think that I always had to go with master Alcar with such a long face?
We also laughed during the journey.
We shouted at the earth, for example, we did that and did this.
If I had the time, then master Alcar says: ‘Remember, you will get another five minutes, André.’
But then he was usually talking to Jeus.
I say: ‘Oh yes.’
And then Jozef had to come too, and then André came, who says: ‘Now shut up, because they must begin.’
Just as if you ...
Now we think for God, for space.
Cosmology often came then.
I say: ‘May I say something?’
Yes, then I also had something, didn’t I?
But when that seriousness comes, and the unconscious ...
And then you enter the spheres, the journeys through the spheres, oh, my dear human being, then you see thousands of those clubs, and then they stand there, and you cannot bring them to the conviction.
They do not even know that they are dead, you cannot even take that away from them.
There you see a small altar like that, and he built that up.
Search me where he gets the planks from, but they are there.
And a nice cloth over it, and then he stands, and he is praying and praying, and then ...
The priest still cannot free himself from his church.
I say: ‘Now, it is time that I come there, because then I will at least have something to do: I will just bark everywhere.’
But no one believes this after all.
And the human being who has never experienced this, he says: ‘Well, those people are just sitting listening to a madman, he barks in the spheres.’
But, ladies and gentlemen, there the human being is not busy burying himself as we do that, there everything is open and conscious, they see there, they know there.
And it is extremely difficult to get that man away from his damnation, you cannot change him just like that.
And the first thing which they ask when they awaken, is: ‘Oh, Our Lo ...
Oh, is the sister not there?’
Then you must explain to them that they have died.
They were sick, they are going through something.
They are sick, fall asleep, wake up, and still think that they are lying in the hospital or are at home.
They are served.
‘Now, a nice cup of coffee.’
‘Where is mum?’
‘Where is mummy?’
All in their own language, by means of their own language, by means of their own thinking.
‘And where is father?’
Oh, I am that.’
‘No, no, no, you are not that.
Did they perhaps take me to a hospital?’
‘No, you are dead.
You were dead there.
You are not dead, but you are now dead.
You went through that death, and are alive.’
Again and again.
Master Alcar says: ‘Since the first human being came to the other side, we are busy with it: “You died on earth.”’
He says: ‘And are we now unnatural?’
Now we must go through the unnaturalness of the human being.
And then we also get dogs and cats, he says, we build up mice’s nests in order to bring the human being to the spiritual awakening, because it is not even possible.
We make up all kinds of things in order to bring that shock to consciousness, so that they realise: I died on earth.
You are so real there.
If you now fall asleep ...
How many people do not fall asleep?
In a few seconds they have passed on, waken up, still walk, many who passed on as a result of an accident are still at the Spui.
They sit there, they have to drag them away from there.
‘No’, he says, ‘there is nothing wrong with me.
I have to go to my boss.’
And then they first have to take that boss away from him.
They must take that man along, because that man does not want to lose his task and is a hundred percent tuned into that task.
He must run a message for his master.
And he has this.
The minister has to go to Paris, or to America, and if that aeroplane was to go down and they stab the ministers ... or one of those ministers, then they will not get that gentleman, if he does not know these laws, that life of feeling, out of that aeroplane, because: he has to go to Paris.
And then you can be a minister or king or emperor, madam, but then you are now through ‘the coffin’, and you now stand before the astral world and it says: ‘You have died, sir.’
‘Ha, ha, ha, I have to go to Paris.
I belong at the United Nations.
I have to talk to the minister of Brussels, of France, and America.’
And then the master must begin and say: ‘There are no ministers of America, France and Germany here.
You died on earth, sir.’
And then that gentleman suddenly orders forty-five soldiers to come quickly in order to tie you up.
He says: ‘Yes, but here ...’
‘Just shout, because there are no soldiers coming.
You are actually finished with that.’
And then: ‘No, sir, just shout, just order: “Shoot.”
No one shoots here.
At least, if you are in my world.
You are in my world, I can help you.
but now no one shoots.’
I took part in that.
I was busy for nights and nights with master Alcar in order to awaken the human being again, to release him from his ‘coffin’.
Master Alcar says: ‘Now you can come back in twenty, in two hundred years, three hundred years, then they will still be there.’
You will not get them out.
You cannot bring them into that luminous world after all.
Because you are sitting here, and you have it.
This is why you are happy, that is already your colour, that is your radiance, that is your garment.
But when you do not have that, sir, then you will certainly feel, I cannot bring any Protestant, I cannot bring any Reformed person, I cannot bring a 100% Catholic into the first sphere through ‘the coffin’.
He will soon lie on the ground and start to confess, and I will no longer be able to reach him.
I say: ‘Yes, in five years’ time you may come back’, then those people will have no more sins.
And if they just see black, Mr de Wit, with a small light stripe in front of it, and a calotte on the head, then they already want to confess.
Do you feel?
Then they see the priest again.
You must start to talk about that, then you will see what remains of that.
Then I will tell you exactly, sir, bit by bit, how you will soon continue on the other side, and where you will end up.
You will begin about it, but I will take myself into consideration.
I can tell you bit by bit where I will see you soon, one by one.
That is nothing else, that was a noise, that came from somewhere, that is ssh, there is a wind blowing, and we do not feel any wind, but there is something ...
(It is as quiet as a mouse in the hall.) I will not just bark, because otherwise you will get a fright.
Oh, sir, the other side, ancient Egypt ...
The other side is so amazingly real.
You should start to ask me soon – but you do not dare that-: ‘Where will I end up?’ Just dare it.
Just dare it.
Just dare it.
Just dare it now.
You just want to learn everything and just learn everything, but ask me once: ‘Mr Rulof, where will I end up soon?’
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The nursery school?’
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The nursery school?’
Yes, if only there was one there, because there is not even one.
Question four: ‘What are the priestesses like in ancient Egypt, how were they dressed?’
They were beautiful gems of feeling.
If you meet the mother on the other side, in the first sphere, men, the mother, the real mother, she has reached her natural love.
Hasn’t she?
(Jozef asks a few people in the hall): What are they whispering over there, at the back of the hall?
What are you talking about there?
What do you have to talk about?
If you see that mother in her garment, in her colours, in those eyes, and you see there a girl of twenty-seven, twenty-eight years old, and you see those eyes, so deep – and all the arts and sciences lie in those eyes – and she gives you a hand, and she is benevolent and true ...
Oh, sir, the man, the creator ...
Oh, sir ...
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Then you will melt away.’
Oh, sir, you melt away.
(Someone says something.)
What did you say?
What use is that to you?
What use is that to you, that you melt away if you meet that pure beautiful life there, and next to her the conscious man, as creator ...
And then you must know that you also have the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh sphere.
I have seen the angels, the mistresses, the woman and the man from the seventh sphere.
I have seen the All-Mother as a human being of the earth, who has lived on earth, also the man; outside of Christ.
When that man there was at sea – he was fighting with a boat like that, wasn’t he – I think: ‘Yes, you are doing something for yourself.
What remains of that, is only willpower.
That is everything.
That man has willpower.
The rest is all sensation.
But in order to devote that willpower – I thought – for a human being, even if you do it for your own consciousness, in order to give the human being the happiness and the blessing and the space ...
Now devote your soul and bliss for that, sir, then it will become beautiful.
And I am always busy building that up in every human being, because I know what your garment will be like soon, what you will be like as a mother there.
Here you become old, but not from inside, and that continues to live.
I say: ‘Yes, man, that is beautiful.’
A runner, wonderful.
Fanny (Fanny Blankers-Koen, Olympic champion, four times gold in London, 1948) can run as fast as she wants, I say: ‘Fanny, will you give those characters, those characteristics, for your husband and for your children, and for Our Lord and space, will that also get everything, so, so, and so, and so?’
Become a great artist, become this and become that.
Does that all get the gracefulness, the grace, the courtesy of the mother who is called nature?
‘Yes, we are busy with that.’
Then you must first learn, sir, that there is no damnation, no last Judgment, and that there is just one God who rules over the people.
No, we are gods ourselves, but we do not need to imagine it.
We are gods.
And now one deity stabs the other: rrrt!
Yes, when will that be gone?
When will they give colours to their personality?
If you get the first sphere, which master Alcar is always talking about, and you will read that in ‘A View into the Hereafter’, oh, my dear people, if you start to read that and want to understand ...
Just believe: if this is there, which is not in harmony with the law of nature, that happiness, harmony, love, understanding, is supporting, and hundreds more questions, which are all founded for your personality with regard to the divine law of fatherhood and motherhood, then you are not there.
Is that honest?
And we now have that in our own hands.
And then the human being says: ‘It is so difficult.’
No, not for the dead death, it is not difficult, it is perfectly simple, but the human being cannot do it yet, a human being does not do anything for it.
If you now know that you will go to prison because of that and that and that, why do you do it then?
Why do you steal then?
Why do you then hit a human being?
Isn’t it true?
We cannot do it yet, and now you have there: we must master those things.
And that is not easy.
But it is simple.
Question five, here: ‘Did the emblem on the head of the pharaoh have to do with his aura?’
That was also an earthly cross again.
Do you see?
(To the sound technician): Do I have another minute, Mr Van Straaten?
(The sound technician): ‘Four.’
‘In the third part of ‘The Origin of the Universe’, page 195, it says that the aura of the artists radiates art.
Which colours?’
That which he places in his colour.
If you show me the colour, and you paint, I will know your whole inner self, on art.
This is why you are not a bad person.
But it is odd that the artist ...
If the artist wants to learn with me – and I was a master in art and I had to teach an artist – and he was married, then I would say: ‘First let your wife come.’
‘Why, I am an artist, amn’t I?’
I say: ‘No, I must have your wife.’
And then I asked that wife: ‘Is he very loving to you?’
‘Well, he has that and that ...’
‘Tell me honestly, because I want to help him.’
‘Yes, that ...’
I say: ‘Then I must first beat that out, then he can at least make red or blue.’
How can you connect yourself, if there is no love in you?
How do you wish to make blue, if the blue does not live in you spiritually, painter, writer, violinist, pianist, artist?
What do you want?
Have you not read ‘Spiritual Gifts’?
It is in there.
But that is the other side, do you see?
And it manifest itself here.
You hang your visiting card in feeling on the wall.
Another is sitting hitting a piano, then the other says: ‘Now, just stop it.’
And he wants to start to shout, and he wants this, he wants to do that. Can you not hear it?
You need the means.
But if the means are there and there is no feeling, then the world says: Just go home with your screaming.
Those paintings mean nothing.
And your book is empty, has no feeling.
Which book has meaning for the human being?
Where the feeling of the spirit lives, always when goodness and love is in it, otherwise it means nothing to us.
Then we will not read that book.
And no one will read that either.
Will they?
And then you can write about a demonic lust; if the higher life starts to speak, then the human being will react.
With regard to what?
Harmony, justice, Our Lord, sir.
Isn’t it true?
Thank you.
We are at least getting back into it.
It is about the colours, René would say.
Yes, sir, about the colours, about the shape, about the consciousness of the colours, and the character gets that.
(Jozef continues to read): ‘Although the masters reject all thanks, I may still be grateful inwardly ...’ From inside, Frederik says, doesn’t he?, ‘ ... for everything which they brought us.’
Mr Reitsma, I thank you, but I am sending it to master Zelanus and master Alcar, because they are the ones who gave it to you; I am only just a bungler.
The tea is ready, ladies and gentlemen.
I have a very long letter here.
From who is that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘From me.’
Madam, if you write again, make it a bit shorter, because it takes too long, this is a big ...
‘Can you give me an explanation for the following: less than a year ago I was with my girlfriend visiting a very good acquaintance of hers.
After the tea my friend sat down at the piano.
The other lady sang.
I sat at the side of the piano in a little chair and listened.
Suddenly, as if in a flash, my friend changed.
She got the face of a very young woman.
I saw myself sitting in a very old-fashioned big deep chair.
I was a child of about ten years old and was sitting deeply huddled into the chair.
I was listening intensely to the young woman’s playing.
She smiled at me.
It went through me like a shock.
A tiny moment, then everything was normal again.
A while later I was busy in my kitchen on Saturday evening.
I got the feeling as if someone was saying to me: “Look in the mirror.”
I did not pay any attention to it and continued with my work.
It repeated itself for the second time.
I then look and was surprised.
The face in the mirror was not only my face, but also that of my friend.
I could not say whether she was me, or I was her.
This was also only a flash.
I thought: Am I delirious, or what is that?
But a few months ago I had a dream which connected me again with the past and with her.
I was standing in a big old-fashioned room, there was no furniture, but the carpet and wallpaper were very old-fashioned.
Suddenly I dropped downwards along with the floor.
I hear someone say: “Do not be afraid, you are dreaming.”
I continued to stand calmly until the floor was standing still again.
Now I was standing before the entrance of a long corridor.
I stood with my back to it.
Now the floor of the corridor began to slide under my feet.
There were rooms on both sides.
I could look into all those rooms.
They were all in the same style as the first one.
After we had passed a great deal of rooms, the floor stood still, just before the entrance to another big room.
This one was less old-fashioned and beautiful paintings were hanging next to each other on the wall.
They all depicted flowers.
The frames were modern.
I went into the room.
Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I turned round and I looked into the face of my friend.
I only asked her: “You?”
She nodded and said: “Yes.”
I have led you through all these rooms.
Come, we will continue together.
We came outside and were standing at a large shipyard.
There were men working everywhere.
There were piles of wood, iron, coal and turf.
The men were knocking, hammering and sawing so loudly, that we could not understand each other.
We searched for a quiet spot, but could not find it.
Then we decided that each of us should go a different way in order to search.
My friend disappeared behind a large wood pile.
I watched her go and then awoke with a shock.
I was lying thinking about all of this.
Although my friend and I have a very different life task, we agree on many things.
We like the same hobbies and both enjoy the same literature.
We have been asked more than once if we are sisters.’
And what do you wish to know from me?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Well, from the performance I had, and that dream.
What is the meaning of that.’
Well, I cannot get into it.
While reading I always get into it, but I cannot get into this.
Because, look, you see, this is being spoiled again of course.
Here we first go through a house.
You look in the mirror, you see her; that is possible.
You can be involved with people and suddenly you see an image, you look in the mirror. You could be told that, you could be under an influence, you could get it.
You see, because a dream immediately has a spiritual foundation, doesn’t it?
But here – do you feel? – here you hardly come across a spiritual foundation.
You can see a house with all kinds of rooms, and old, carpeted, then that takes us to two hundred years ago, for example.
But turf and wood, and people who are already sitting hammering ... That hammer, for example, already belongs to this age, and that turf too.
Now the past comes to the present.
And there were people busy working.
Should we say, should I say, should the human being in society accept that by means of knocking, hammering, sawing, and chiselling, and all those other things, he gets spiritual consciousness?
Should I make of this, for example, that those people were busy working on themselves, because they are hammering?
That is not a spiritual foundation, do you see?
And that foundation lies directly in that.
Now you get: ‘and then I started to look and then she dissolved behind a wood pile.’
That wood pile also belongs to this age.
That means: that knocking and that hammering, that could be a few centuries ago, then we had hammers and then we began with building that and that and that, the Romans already did that in a manner of speaking.
But turf and other things, they did not yet know them at that time.
And that old-fashioned house, that old-fashioned, we can only find that again in an age, let’s just say, eighty, ninety, a hundred and fifty years ago.
But then we already enter another age again, and then there is no longer a question of old-fashioned, then it already has a different name.
Doesn’t it?
The renaissance age, or whatever you call it.
Which century does it concern?
Now this connects me ...
If you wish to analyse a dream, then the word tells you whether this is a spiritual foundation.
And did you think that now?
That you say: ‘I enter an old-fashioned house.’
Then you will think: that is already reincarnation, she has apparently sent me through many lives.
That friend of yours could be your mother, could be your child.
And now we have gone through all those rooms – let’s just say that a room is a life – we have gone through them, and then we enter another room, and she was standing there ...
Then we searched for a quiet spot.
Then you were already outside ... (inaudible).
You enter a room, this one was less old-fashioned, and beautiful paintings were hanging on the wall next to each other.
You therefore feel this purely in this age?
All of them depicted flowers.
The frames were modern, so you could also have bought them last year.
‘I entered the room, then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and looked into the face of my friend.’
I have no hold in this.
Do you, madam, sir?
There is no spiritual hold in this for me.
This is so quite simply material, which the human being can dream about sometimes, and then we have to do with father, to do with mothers; you have to do with your friend.
But I have no spiritual contact.
It must already be very little or I will get it out, but I am not getting any hold here.
I therefore report it honestly, you see.
And now you have written a great deal, but not a lot remains of it, you will say.
But you can have with your friend and with other people – you do not have to have just a friend for that, your husband can also have it – you can have exactly the same hobbies as them.
And there can also be things, feelings, which the other does not have, and then you get the difference of character.
Because it does not always means, if you also ...
There are people: ‘Yes, but we both feel exactly the same thing.’
Yes, but that still means nothing.
If you find something nice there, then you say: ‘I like reading.’
And another also likes reading.
That is already a very big characteristic, because you can then exchange thoughts.
But that still does not mean that you take over exactly the same thing from those books and experience the same thing.
I will let you read something, a hundred people read it, and they are all different. There is just one core in that book, in that chapter, and yet they all make something different of that chapter.
And then they read, but the understanding and feeling and analysing is not there.
And what only remains of that ‘wanting to read’?
If you analyse ‘wanting to read’, that still does not mean, madam, sir, that you also have and carry the analysis and the feeling, the consciousness for that in you.
Now you can like something, that is already for the human being ... For example, people, who do this together, can draw up a wonderful beautiful life.
And two Catholics can also do that.
But I will not swap with a Catholic and with any Protestant and with any Buddhist, any Sophist, because my situation, what I get and experience, has space and purity.
I continue because there is also a master who helps me and says: so, so, so.
Therefore my sight, my feeling in art, in a dream, in something for society, food and drink and everything there is, I make depth of that, because I get depth.
And that Catholic and that Protestant can be very happy, but in their own world.
Mine is a thousand times deeper, is more spacious, has also more happiness.
My love becomes more spacious, greater, more beautiful, if I do it.
There you have it again.
But I do not have any spiritual foundation in this.
That means, that everything which you have experienced there, that house ... There is quickening in it to a certain extent and that means: we come, we live in a space, and that space has rooms.
And that is the one sphere ...
I can make something of that, but that is not it of course, because you must have dreamt it and not I.
That room, one room after another changed ...
If you had placed something else in that ...
I thought one thing, I think: oh, that is probably what will be said.
Because a lady also came to me once, and she says: ‘I always just dream about that and that and that, and this, that and the other, and then those rooms always had something different.’
And she says: ‘How odd, and now the last one', then she says, 'and then I went to the front room, and then I heard it said: “Here is the room, but you must look for the door, it is not there yet.'
I say: ‘Madam, that fits perfectly.’
Do you not all have to look for the door of the hereafter?
And it was also there.
Then she says: ‘And I just cannot get in.
And if I think that that door is there, then I think that it is there.’
I say: ‘Madam, you are going through the whole universe, through all of society, you will go through the whole dictionary in order to find that door.’
I say: ‘Because you are missing the key.
If only you had the key.’
I say: ‘I can put it down next to you like that.
Then that door will be open again.’
Then she says: ‘Then what?’
I say: ‘You do not know that, and you do not know this, and you do not know that; if you read those and those books, you will know.’
And she started to read, and in the morning the key was hanging on her table, in a manner of speaking; then she opened the door, then she says: ‘Yes, now I know it.’
Then the door was in it.
Remarkable that we build a house, a temple, but also the opening.
And now we can ... a pillar ... We will begin, and give that a colour, with beautiful paintings on the wall. But now to open that door, sir, that really normal entrance to something ... There must be an entrance, and it is usually not there.
But here everything is open, and is all old.
That does not give us consciousness, those rooms are not different in colour, have no aura.
You did not see that.
It remains on earth.
It remains an old house, or is it an old castle?
But there is no spiritual expansion in it, nor from the beginning, nor from the end.
Do you accept that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Thank you.
Or do you think that it is something else?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No.’
Go ahead.
You can see.
I also have a question here from Haarlem.
Like this.
‘Does being born cross-eyed ...’ Is that right?
‘does being born cross-eyed have cosmic meaning?’
Must you then have cosmic meaning in order to be cross-eyed?
Sir, that is a faulty, a weak nerve. Just say that to sir.
That is a nerve in your eye which does not go straight out normally, but now to the left.
So, so, so.
So, I can also be cross-eyed properly, but ...
Are you writing it down?
That is a material disturbance.
The things a human being thinks of.
If a human being is cross-eyed, does that have cosmic meaning?
What has cosmic meaning, madam?
What only has cosmic meaning?
(Lady in the hall): ‘My husband thought in connection to the fatherhood and motherhood of the left and right eye.’
Yes, yes.
Oh, and then he thought: if that mother is now cross-eyed here, then the motherhood is also cross-eyed.
How a human being prattles away.
That Jozef Rulof brings off something, you know.
If society hears that, and they say: ‘Jozef Rulof says: “If you see a cross-eyed mother, you also have a cross-eyed motherhood”, then they may just give me twenty years, then I will get them.
Just tell it to the judge, he may just put me in prison if he can catch me with something which does not exist.
But, then I must first have the academic, Einstein, for example, and others, in order to explain it.
I must be able to defend myself, otherwise you can put me in prison ... Just lock me up.
Just hit me on the head with a hammer and just chase me out of the world.
Sir, I ...
I will now really be cross-eyed, madam, but I still feel like a man, do you see?
But what is now cosmic?
Does this have cosmic meaning?
What only has cosmic meaning?
You can also tell him that.
Do you know it, ladies and gentlemen?
What now actually has ...
(Lady in the hall says something.)
Yes, madam, but that is not true.
I owe an answer of course, but I say just like that: it is not true, you are completely off the mark, and yet you are close by.
(Lady in the hall): ‘The giving birth of souls.’
Yes, madam, but that is the same thing, and it is not that.
What has cosmic consciousness, what has cosmic consciousness in the human being?
That being cross-eyed?
Deaf and dumb?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘His or her personality.’
Sir, what you make of it, your spirit has cosmic consciousness.
But nothing of your body, sir, that is quite simply earthly.
That man has read all the books, hasn’t he?
Why does he still ask such a thing?
It is not easy, apparently.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, because it is a material disturbance, but he thought that a material disturbance was connected to karma or something similar and that fatherhood and motherhood ...’
And then just back to space, you see.
And then just back to space!
Just tell sir that a cross eye is a weakened nerve, or a muscle.
And you can say that: ‘Yes, would that be it?’
But just go to a doctor.
What did you say, sir?
Sir, what did you say to that lady?
I also want ...
Yes, you are whispering something nice, I also want to know.
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘That it is not true what you are saying.’
Is it not true?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘That it does indeed have cosmic meaning.’
Does it really have cosmic meaning?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘It is a karmic law.’
Oh, sir, nonsense ...
Karmic law, that you are cross-eyed?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, sir.’
Sir, that is a disturbance of your optic nerve, has nothing to do with the cosmos.
Everything which you get here on earth, sir, from the body, you are born blind, has nothing to do with the cosmos, because cosmic consciousness is the conquering of the spirit; and the material remains on earth.
You must send the inner life back to the cosmos, but the body remains here.
If you could take the body along, then I could go with you, but the body remains here.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘But, sir, the body is made in this life for the next life.
This life which we now have, was made in previous times.
So we also have that material body.’
Yes, and now I will ... you ... (Gentleman talks at the same time.) Yes, yes.
Now that eye is just squint.
But now you are blind ... blind.
And now you will say: ‘Now you are in the cosmos anyway.’
No, sir, you only just live in this little body.
You are just human consciousness.
The human being here has nothing of cosmic knowledge, feeling, thinking.
And that does not concern the spirit, sir, but it concerns the body.
And the body is earthly and remains earthly.
I am always proved right.
Because the spirit is universal; but not the body, sir, that goes into the coffin and rots away.
But the spirit is cosmic, and the body is never cosmic.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No, of course not.’
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The body is a manifestation of the spirit.’
You see, you do not want to go into it.
You must leave the physical, the material on earth, because they are the physical, earthly, material laws; and those of the spirit go much higher, even deeper than space, they go back to God.
That man could have asked: ‘The divine consciousness, does it have to do with being cross-eyed?’ He could also have asked that.
(To someone in the hall): Yes.
(Lady in the hall): ‘The doctor can put that cross-eyed eye right, can’t he?’
There you have it already.
Can he do that if that is a cosmic law?
Look, if the doctor can solve your blindness, then does that doctor with his knowledge, that little bit of knowledge, does he then have cosmic consciousness?
Sir, that is in the perfectly ordinary teachings that he gives that nerve that and that, and it is that.
This is why it is the earthly knowledge, earthly possession, and has nothing to do with karma, sir.
It does if you become blind.
Then do you already enter a karmic law?
No, sir, then you enter a law in which you experience a disturbance; you are unnatural, because a natural human being must see.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, precisely.’
Yes, but that is here!
You just go to the cosmos, but you can only speak then of cosmic consciousness and possession, when you have mastered that.
And do you have that?
That cosmos, sir, those laws of space do not even affect us, because we are still not in that.
How can the cosmos strike me blind, if I still do not have any contact with the cosmos?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The cosmos ... (inaudible) ... you yourself.’
Oh, sir, look here ...
Here on earth the human being lives, but the cosmos is this universe.
Do you have the universe in your possession here on earth?
Do you feel something of that?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Well, partly.’
No, nothing, sir.
None of us. I don’t either.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Our life is a part of the universe.’
No, sir, only the globe has that.
You got a life here, a body from Mother Earth, but in attunement of and by means of the earth.
But the earth is just a spark in the universe. And now we speak of cosmic consciousness, cosmic feeling ...
When that cosmos starts to speak, sir, then you can no longer be blind and then you can no longer be cross-eyed, you can no longer have cancer and tuberculosis, because you are in harmony with the cosmos.
But we are not that.
And now you start to think: that is karma.
Do you wish to compare a karmic law, which is so awe-inspiringly deep, with being cross-eyed?
But you do not enter here, and it proves that you are not in there.
But you start to bring the earth to the cosmos, and you let the cosmos go back to the earth again, and then you will say: ‘That is karma.’
Because you can be struck blind by your karma, can’t you?
Now we will ask: ‘how deep is your karma?
For what?
Because you are cross-eyed, is that karma?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Well, being cross-eyed is ...’
You are blind, sir, being blind ... Is the cosmos blind then, if the light of space also darkens because you are blind?
Then you have unity with that karmic law.
But the sun is always shining.
You see, no, sir, it is much closer to home.
It lives in us.
But it is not of the spirit, sir; being cross-eyed is a perfectly ordinary disturbance, which can be taken away from every human being presently.
But a karmic law cannot be taken away, sir, because that is spiritual.
So it is quite simply a material, physical, human disturbance, and nothing more.
Do you accept that, ladies?
(Hall): ‘Yes.’
Do you see? It is a pity that you have studied a lot in theosophy.
Now you close ...
Theosophy is wonderful, but theosophy has lost reality.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘That is exactly what it is.’
And that is a pity.
There are theosophists who throw it away completely again, and then lay foundations again.
But I always have difficulty with the theosophists, because they never can be pulled out of that universe again.
But they still have to earn it.
And then you get wrong tracks.
Because you must ... the human being ...
The human organism rots away.
How can the body have cosmic meaning?
It has, but differently again, sir.
It has.
Our body is cosmically conscious.
If you experience the highest for the earth and you have the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on and you have the attunement equal to the first sphere, then that is a wonderful beautiful organism, without disturbances.
Yes, but space has nothing to do with that, sir.
Then I have completed the cycle of the earth as a material being and a spiritual being, haven’t I?
But this is a perfectly ordinary disturbance.
But a disturbance is not a law.
And a law is not a karma.
If that law belongs to the body, then we must also follow and analyse it physically, humanly, and leave the spirit out of it, because that is another world again.
And theosophy put that together and built it up and sent it to the cosmos, and now they no longer know what to do.
But we lay every foundation open here, and leave the body which belongs to the body, and what the spirit gets, is already deep enough anyway.
But that points absolutely to that first sphere, and then you can be cosmically conscious.
But then it is the spirit.
And the inner eye, sir, I see here with the people much more inner, spiritual squintness than material.
I have some sitting here looking like that ... like that.
I say: yes, they are talking and talking, and then they look at me, and then it suddenly goes that way.
I say: you see, there you have spiritual squintness, sir.
And that only means: you can ... the human being ...
I was talking about the curls a while ago, but you can also look and see whether the spiritual eyes are straight in the head.
And then I sometimes see them standing next to it.
And, sir, that fits perfectly, but the life of feeling is just as topsy-turvy, that hurries onwards, people.
Doesn’t it?
And we must analyse the things, experience them according to the law of birth, do you see?
But if you ... physical karma ...
Sir, I can go much further, but just get that out yourself.
But if you start to compare the physical karma with the spiritual, sir, then I would like to say to you: Is there physical karma?
Did you discover in the theosophy, was Blavatsky able to explain and analyse whether spiritual karma also exists?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, the spiritual is experienced in the material.’
Yes, there is spiritual karma.
We only know: by means of murder you have karma.
The rest is not there.
Only by means of murder.
There is just one karma to be experienced.
But is there also physical karma to be experienced?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No, that is not possible.’
Yes, indeed.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘It is spiritual.’
Sir, cancer and tuberculosis.
There are doctors who say: ‘No, sir, you are it yourself.’
But the real construction of my illness, I get that from my own family, that is material, physical karma.
But it is not that, sir.
Because father and grandfather, and the whole family of mine and of you and of others, they were also built up by means of this destruction.
Then I can go back to the jungle, where it began, and my father and my mother and my whole family fall outside it again.
We can call that: physical karma.
But it is not that.
It is quite simply evolution.
And this is why I can analyse infallibly – I know the laws – that that being cross-eyed is quite simply a physical disturbance and not karma.
And this is why I heard you whispering and I want to know something about it.
Do you accept it now?
Difficult, isn’t it?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘ ... it is not difficult.’
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘It is as clear as anything to me.’
Well, then it is okay.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘You cannot separate the spirit and the material from each other.’
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The spirit and the material are inseparable from each other.’
There you have it again, you see.
They do not come out of it.
The spirit and the material are inseparable.
Sir, the spirit is the spatial, the divine world.
And I tell you: and the physical remains here and dissolves, that will rot away completely.
That still does not even have ...
Yes, that makes another blade of grass appear.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘ ... dissolves.’
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Dissolves, it is chemically dissolved into other materials.’
Yes, yes, but we are not talking about that.
We are talking about being cross-eyed.
(Gentleman is talking at the same time.) Yes but, no, we are talking about being cross-eyed and then you say: ‘The spiritual cannot be separated from the physical.’
Sir, I will continue, and the body lies in the ground.
I am karma, yes.
But that body, that poor body of mine is not, sir.
Now you can say: ‘Yes, I messed it up, I have ... there ...
I am blind.’
Also a disturbance.
Oh well, then you can say: ‘Yes, sir, but you did that and this again there, and you became blind because of that.’
Do you feel?
Then it is I.
Well, then it is I.
But that poor body, that must go, because that does not possess anything, that does not have any karma.
Do you feel?
And now, for this case, this is a perfectly ordinary light disturbance of a little nerve.
Because the light is still there, a doctor can fix that, they are that far now.
But now you must leave the spirit the spirit, and give space to the spirit.
And not put everything on the shoulders of the spirit.
And always just say: yes, but that spirit of mine, it ...
Do you see?
No, you must leave nature nature, the human being the human being, and the spirit the spirit.
And they are all different worlds, that is the difficulty.
And now you take the material to the spiritual, you start to connect that – that is one, that is inseparable, and yet separable – and bring it to space, even worse. Do you feel?
Yes, we live in that space, but we still do not have that space in harmony in our possession.
From that, sir, it is ...
If we had spiritual physical consciousness ...
On the fourth cosmic grade we can no longer be cross-eyed and we are no longer blind.
Why not?
Because we no longer experience any mistakes there.
But you can now ...
The weak eye which you now have, you have that from father and mother.
If a child there of four, five years has to put on a pair of glasses, father says: ‘Yes, I do not have it anyway.’
But then we go back, to the second and the third, then they were nine months when they walked with a pair of glasses on, in a manner of speaking.
Do you see?
So, we find that weakness again in that organism; but that spirit of those parents does not get the blame.
That is that inbreeding which we possess by means of our organism.
Being cross-eyed ... I do not even find that so bad.
Being blind.
Yes, sir, if you had not sullied the light in your eyes, me too, and all of us ...
Because God did not give us the light in our eyes in order to only just see rotten things in the human being and society.
God only gave us the light in our eyes in order to see and appreciate the beautiful of Him and His creations. But we put dirt in that.
And we sullied and deformed the people.
Do you feel?
And then you can say: ‘You see, that is karma.’
Then I will come back to the earth.
I am also blind.
Do you see?
Sir, a mother got up from a chair the wrong way; nods, and the nod lies in the eye of the child.
I once had to make a diagnosis.
Master Alcar says ...
That eye lay here, that lay here so sharply pulled away.
She says: ‘What is that now?’
It looks just as if a half Chinese was here in that right eye, and there was a European here, it lay so far.
Then that nerve was paralysed.
I say: ‘Just go to a doctor, madam.
He cannot do anything about it, but he can perhaps stimulate it with radiation.’
And a little bit more strength came, and then the eyelid opened.
What was that now?
Yes, that is slipped through to her spirit, and the spirit placed in the eye?
Oh, yes, then we will never be finished.
Do you accept it?
You can learn from this, we can learn from this.
But this is so little fundamentally.
In other words, this is so trivial and so little, this belongs to the everyday things, that you can still not see a spiritual law in that, can you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘So, can blindness never be something spiritual?’
Yes, indeed, you can by being blind, completely blind ...
This is the most difficult karma there is.
That could have smothered you spiritually, as a person.
What is the situation now of a blind person, who is born blind?
Now the spirit can speak, the spirit, but the cosmos not yet.
This is possession of the human being, isn’t it?
But of the earth.
Here on earth we did wrong, but not in the cosmos.
That is just a little spark, you see, the earth is just a little spark.
So that cosmos must go, and I must only come to the spiritual, and the material of the human being.
We possess human material karma, and spiritual karma, of course.
You have psychopathy, insanity, all unconsciousness.
Now we become blind.
What is being blind now? How does the blindness originate in the human being?
There is not one amongst you who can explain it, I will add.
If you possess so much cosmology, then I can explain to the doctor why a blind person can be born.
Do you know what it is, sir?
I will be proved right by all the people.
And then you say: ‘Good heavens, good heavens, how can it be.’
I now get the image with me.
I am now seeing.
Master Alcar says: ‘Give that too.’
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘When we darken the light of another, then it comes back to ourselves?’
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘When we darken the light in another man’s eyes, it comes back to ourselves?’
Yes, it is that, but it is not actually that.
I am not talking about that; that is already karma.
But why is there blindness?
When does blindness originate?
By what means?
It can be karma, but I will put that karma away for just now and then I will go even deeper.
What is the foundation for a blind person?’
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Lack of light.’
That is also there, but it is not that.
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... spiritual light.’
Not that either, madam.
No, you will never guess.
You will be surprised when I tell you where it begins.
What is it really?
Because no blindness existed.
Do you know what blindness is?
You could know that.
This is something wonderful, which I saw.
Now, do you know it?
(Lady in the hall): ‘In order to prevent you from doing that which the soul ... differently, yes, by means of crime or whatever ...’
You will never get to the bottom of it.
Yes, what is it?
What did you say there?
(Lady in the hall): ‘If someone has the urge to murder or commit arson.’
No, it is not that.
Do you know it, sir?
If you know it, sir, you will get – if I have it, I do not have it, but then I will borrow it this evening – you will get a thousand guilders from me.
I can bet a hundred thousand guilders on it.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Disease in the material.’
No, sir.
It is amazingly beautiful what I got. I was in it like a flash.
Master Alcar says to me: ‘Present that to them, the children.’
You hear that master Alcar is always watching out.
I say: ‘Master, my thanks, I had not thought about that.’
Suddenly I was in that world, then I was talking to you, then it begins, then I start to see.
And then I do not see you, then I only see that image.
And then I am seeing.
You all become hazy, and then the image occurs and the image starts to speak – that is that unity with everything – and suddenly ...
I think: Gosh, how beautiful that is.
I think: I will present that to them.
You will never get to the bottom of it.
What is being blind, ladies and gentlemen?
Do you not know?
Will I tease you a bit?
(laughter) Now you have learned so much.
You see, they are masters now, we are never left speechless.
Sir, you can present this question to the greatest doctor and the psychologist and Einstein and every professor, then he will ...
Yes, if he knows it of course, otherwise he will say: ‘Well, just go away with that nonsense.’
But we will be proved right one day.
It is a pity once more ... It is not a pity that it goes into the world, but we must record this one day, this.
In this way I have said a hundred thousand things here, which are still no use to me, but one day I will be proved right.
Blindness only originates, sir, because the spirit is attracted to the earth and is still asleep and cannot, master Alcar says, give any light to the tissues.
And now, the child is born, and it is blind.
The time of unity with the spirit, conscious spirit ... comes to earth in the mother and the spirit makes the tissues conscious.
That spirit is sleeping, awakens after that and that time and then it is over, then the child already has blind eyes, in the mother.
Do you not find that amazing?
I just saw that here.
The spirit from the world of the unconscious is still asleep, but is attracted, and does not reach evolution.
And that becomes the blind person on earth.
Isn’t that nice?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, that is a spiritual blindness, which manifests itself in the material.’
Yes, sir.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘That is what we talked about here together once.’
No, I already put that aside.
You would like that. Now you are clinging to something.
Look, now you bring the karma of being blind just like that to something which I am now telling; that does not work either.
This is a separate world.
I am only talking about: how does the blindness originate?
But I am not talking about the karma.
You must leave that now. And that is your fault.
Everything, sir, is a world, is a space, is an independence.
And now you cannot just connect water with sandpaper and drink.
Because sandpaper remains sandpaper, now.
And water is water.
And now you just start to connect that. That is always the fault.
Now you must lay foundations; the fact.
With you it is no use to me now, because you just start to connect that again.
That great wonderful thing by means of which the human being, the soul is attracted, comes into the mother, is one, the quickening is there, the life is there, it starts to grow, but what must be there, is not there, because the light in the eyes is not there, not in that spirit, is not awake.
And now that child awakens, must awaken, but lacks the consciousness, the harmony, and comes to earth. And of course, look, now I can take it back to the state in which the human being has lived.
If I have taken away the light from the eyes of a human being, then that is already present.
That murder process in order to burn out the eyes from a human being, already lies within me.
Because I violated the light for another, I took away that light from those eyes, and that does not refer to me, but that is already in me.
So I already come with the same karma in the mother, and I do not have light, because I violated light.
Now you can all explain that again.
And now it is natural.
This is why I say: now the spirit, our life of feeling, the personality is the male destroyer of everything, the female destroyer.
But I am only giving you the cosmic vision of that here, and say: by what means can it exist that people are born blind?
And do you not find this reality awe-inspiring?
Because the soul, the personality is therefore not in harmony, and is not yet awake – because you have violated yourself; of course, that is all there – he comes into the cell, in the mother, and the full consciousness is not there, and you absolutely lack the light in your eyes.
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... unconsciousness?’
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘If we are unconscious ...’
No, but it is not that.
No, it is not unconsciousness.
Look, it is unconsciousness, but a human being who is unconscious ...
There is no unconsciousness in the cosmos, in nature.
But if you want to use that word again, for a law, for a motherhood, or a fatherhood, or a birth, or a reincarnation, or for the light in the eyes, or for speaking, feeling, for art, then that unconsciousness must also absolutely be spatially founded, and we must be able to see and to experience that by means of the laws of Mother Nature.
That unconsciousness was there, because the soul did not possess the consciousness for one thing, and that is now the light in the eyes.
For another human being it is a psychopathy.
That whole personality has no more light and comes there on earth, and comes back like that, and wants, awakens ... that demon ...
There are people who want to give a psychopathic life a cure. But, good heavens, good heavens, if that personality awakens completely, then you will have a devil in the house (see article ‘Psychopathy’ on
Because psychopathy is destruction.
Do you feel that?
There are people who want to dissolve psychopathy: ‘Yes, I must do this and this to those people.’
But, my God, my God, when that human being awakens again ... Because we are, by means of destruction we have brought ourselves to that unconscious, and we have smothered our consciousness, our natural unit with the laws of God.
Do you feel that?
And now we want a madman like that ...
A madman is still not that bad.
But a psychopath, that distorted face ...
Did you not see in Noordwijk, those children, who so ... there ...
They come with: ‘Woe woe woe.’
I think: God, God, God.
Well, they want to make that better.
I think: oh, my dear person, just keep your hands off that, because it seems as if you are wakening a hurricane.
If that personality, that life of feeling, which was now smothered by itself ...
That twisted the physical systems there.
What kind of beings are they?
There are those old men walking there.
Oh God, oh God.
And then they say: ‘Oh, what a poor soul and what a backwardness.’
But, people, do you know that the demon is in that who has lived it up in lives and lives and lives, and has exceeded the natural unity with the embryo?
And now that awakens again and wrenches every foundation of that temple from the joints, and rips up the actual natural image, which is then called the human being: a normal face, a normal countenance, a normal life of feeling.
That is psychopathy.
How deep is a psychopath now?
My God, my God, how many thousands of lives will that life now have and have behind it; one after another destroyed, destroyed, destroyed, destroyed, until you no longer possess any normality.
You have a squint ear, a squint face, a distorted eye, a distorted shape.
Who can distort my hand by thinking?
Not one human being.
You can do that yourself.
And that happens then if you return to the earth, in that first state, when you can blow up a tissue ffft.
What did you have, madam?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Mr Rulof, a sister of Rosenburg said that it very often occurs that insane people who are there become normal just before their death.’
Yes, an insane person, but not a psychopath.
There are few of them.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Oh.’
Look, an insane person does, because an insane person is possession, you will read that in ‘Mental Illnesses.’
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes yes.’
But a psychopath can also still become a human, child-like life of feeling while dying.
That face can change, as if you say: ‘Look, look, how that is changing; it is just like a little child.’
Then a life comes up in which that child was a child. Yes, indeed.
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ... one ... how do you call that, ... (inaudible) woman had become ninety, insane, and she got a visit from someone, and he experienced that she became very normal.
And then that lady said: “How nice that is that I can now talk to you normally.”’
Yes, I had to make a diagnosis, in 1937, 1938.
I visit people, they also had a psychopathic child, then that lady says to me: ‘Mr Rulof, it is going so really well.’
I was not treating her, I just happened to call in.
That man says: ‘Have a look.’
I could not do anything about it.
He says: ‘It is going well.
It is really making progress.’
I say: ‘Yes.’
Should I now tell them that death is busy?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, that was also the case then.’
It also took four months, then they could bury the child.
But the transition already changed the face.
You should consider how amazingly natural; passing on, going further is evolution, is change.
And by means of that change, ‘the coffin’, the life came back in a reincarnation in which the life was conscious, because in those hundreds of thousands of lives you have not always been psychopathic.
In Amsterdam they told master Zelanus ...
(To someone in the hall): Oh, I believe that was also you, Mr Bouma.
Were you there?
Then they told master Zelanus, he says: ‘Now ...’
(To Mr Bouma): Yes, it was you. Now I know it.
He says: ‘Now we can no longer become insane, or psychopathic, now that we all know this.’
Is that true?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Madam, you are still faced with that, with psychopathy.
What do you know?
You still do not have this possession.
If you still want do boast and you want to possess cosmology, then I guarantee you that you will be completely out of it in five months.
We have the proof.
And then he took a human being.
He says: ‘Do I want to prove it to you?
You experienced that.
And then he went to Frederik, the human being who wanted to act for Frederik, and then we had the proof.
Didn’t we, Kees?
Then he says: ‘That cannot happen to me.’
Sir, just step into my life, and you will be completely groggy in a fortnight.
I guarantee you.
Just experience what I experience.
You must just experience everything.
Then you will be out of it in a week.
He now appreciates what we get.
He is the one who can experience and feel the most, what he now gets.
Is it not true, Mr Koppenol?
I wanted you all to become just as mad one day, then you would know how wonderful the Masters are and how wonderful it is in order to still be able to bark soberly and clearly in this state like a dog, like a chicken, Mr De Wit: Woof!
We barked a moment ago, Mr Heuvel.
If you can still do that, it also proves that you still belong to the normal, because there are nice dogs walking in our society.
If you still hear a dog barking ...
Sir, is it true or not?
But you do not even hear that dog anymore.
You no longer hear that cackling, hens are gone, chickens are gone, you no longer see pigs, nothing more in society.
Everything dissolves, doesn’t it, sir?
You experienced something beautiful, didn’t you?
In order to not begin with that again.
But a beautiful wisdom.
In one week you will make a progress of a thousand years.
Won’t you?
But the danger ...
You cannot do it, you may not do it.
You lose yourself.
And then you become psychopathic, ladies and gentlemen.
If you want to remain normal ...
I already get so much on my shoulders anyway, because my teachings are really odd.
There is such an awesome amount of things going over my head.
But it does not mean anything to me.
If I am still normal, and you can catch me here, then I think: now it is becoming grim.
This is why I bark now and again; but then I will hold you a little bit on earth again.
Because I think: imagine that a person suddenly loses it.
Because then Jozef Rulof has suddenly lost it, hasn't he?
And then we are half-conscious again.
What did you have, madam?
(Lady in the hall): ‘I had a question.
In 1944 I was in the ... and it was a woman of the streets ... was already a bit older ...
No, but now there was a woman and she ... she was lying in bed ... and that woman was that far, that she was allowed to go home one day, and she came back, and she was completely out of it.
Five of us had to carry her in.
But when that woman was next to me or beside me, then she was completely calm, I could do everything with her.
And as soon as her daughters were with her or sisters-in-law or sisters, well, she could not be stopped.
I had to go everywhere.
She called my name everywhere.
But just before that, then she did not see me, then she was still shouting.’
You were one from feeling to feeling.
Now the emotional person ...
I had an insane person, overworked human being, who no longer knew what he was doing, I had him calm in two seconds.
I did not say anything.
I only thought.
She was clinging to that.
But a doctor cannot do that.
A doctor has no hold with those people.
They just want to have them there, but they should not really be going there.
They must lie, let lie, let lie.
They want to move them, move ... shock, and sleep, and this and more ...
I say: 'Doctor ...'
Another lady had sleep therapy lasting six days.
I say: ‘Doctor, now you will see what you have pulled off.’
(Lady in the hall continues with her story.) ‘I could walk for hours in the garden and I did everything with her, but as soon as she saw a doctor ...’
(Jozef continues.) ‘You are murdering the inner being, because you are now also taking away the life of feeling from the inner life, the unity with the organism.’
Then the people get sleep therapy at present.
One in a million whom it is any use to, the rest fly like a bat against the walls of the organism and cannot go back to the day consciousness, because an anaesthetic, a conscious anaesthetic has separated the body and the spirit.
But the spirit remains awake and cannot return to that organism, because everything has become paralysed.
And now you get more destruction than construction.
Also something. They are also looking for that, with an imposed sleep.
They call that sleep therapy; from dry land into the ditch.
There are a few people ...
You can give a cow that, but a cow is not a human being.
I was able to give doctors the advice by means of the masters.
He says: ‘I will never begin with that again, because it is one in a thousand to whom it is any use.
You get the rest back with a broken nervous system.’
The doctor says that himself.
And they are also reversing shock treatment, because they do not know the life of feeling.
They do not know how much the nerves, how much the brain can deal with by means of a shock, they do not know it.
They do not know the consciousness of the systems.
And, sir, they want to bring one into sleep and calmness, and they wake the other one.
That is true.
Ladies and gentlemen, was I able to give you a little bit this evening?
(Hall): ‘Too right.’
Then I thank you, and see you next week.
(There is clapping.)