Tuesday evening 2 january 1951

Good evening, my sisters and brothers.
(Hall): ‘Good evening, master Zelanus.’
Which of you is ready with the first question?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, I would like to ask you this.
According to the books God created the first life on the moon.
Is my view correct that this must have been a very rarefied world, because it lay so close to God, and that life on Mars must have been less rarefied, and that the life on the earth was more material than the three grades?’
Very good.
Did you read that in ‘The Origin of the Universe’, in ‘The Peoples of the Earth’?
In the beginning the human embryo was actually spiritual.
Can you feel this?
It began from the spirit, from that astral material.
And of course, as the sun got more consciousness, power, got light, hardening came.
That condensing was already spiritual, then material, in that and that, and in that and that grade.
The moon experienced ages, the sun experienced ages, of consciousness.
And then the earth, as child of sun and moon, would begin, the universe had already condensed, and the sun radiated more power, light, consciousness.
Is it clear?
Very well understood.
Do you have anything else?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Is the development of the eye ...
Is it correct that thousands of years ago the human eye was less sensitive to colours than now?’
If you go back another hundred thousand years, then the human did not even have colour in his eyes.
And you must accept that if I tell you the following.
When the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org), this consciousness, again according to the universe ...
By means of the universe you got the light in your eyes.
You accept that.
But if you go back to the jungle, to those first grades, what is the human eye like then?
One colour, isn’t it?
So before the human being had reached this consciousness, there was only one colour in the human eye: dark, gloomy, unconsciousness.
That does not mean, now, in this stage ...
At the end of the earth, at the end of the human existence here there are no more races, then there is just one race – you also accept that – and that is the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org).
Coloured people, everything will dissolve, because one day the human being will experience the highest.
You also accept that.
You must accept that.
You see that in nature.
You see that in the universe.
You see it for your inner life.
Once you have reached that height, you understand that, you will feel this.
Won’t you?
And that is, material natural, one life age.
One day the human being will represent one grade.
The waters are empty, the waters become free.
The animal from the jungle enters the highest grade.
The human being gets his highest evolution, changes, evolves; physically and spiritually.
You can also understand: subsequent races (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org), subsequent ages.
So there was a time that all of us lived in the jungle.
And what is that now, those fifty, those hundred thousand years?
What was the human being like, what was society like a hundred thousand years ago?
Everything lived in the jungle.
Your cities, your light, your technical wonders were not there.
Now you have built up a society, you have built up a faculty.
But the laws of God are exactly the same: fatherhood, motherhood.
How do you experience motherhood?
How do you experience fatherhood?
Is life not simple?
And the human being also got consciousness later, a faith.
Christ came.
I gave you an idea one evening: how did the human being live in the prehistoric age?
Was it more difficult for that human being than for you?
Isn’t it true?
Life was much simpler.
They came there.
Now they experience the All-Consciousness.
We are still here.
The spheres are inhabited.
There are still people living in the jungle.
The bible, God, the universe, everything has become hazy.
When the human being – just work it out, that development, that inner development – when the human being got a faith, the battle came to earth.
If the human being had not got a faith, then no religious wars would have happened, originated, and you would not have any religious maniacs.
You can never go insane in these teachings, if you just think things through.
If you just do not want to experience and to possess those laws.
You can experience those laws, you can think them through, feel them.
But no cure, no yogi cure, no magical cure.
Can you feel this?
Then you could perish.
You could not conquer your material gravity, your systems; that is the study of twenty, thirty lives.
But you can never, ever go insane.
You can by means of religion, you do not come any further, you become stuck.
Can you feel this?
This gives you space, this remains space.
And it is like this with everything.
(To the hall): Anything else?
Just have a think.
Which of you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Is the material even more condensed in the fourth cosmic grade?’
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘More condensed.’
More rarefied.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, but you just said, we came from more rarefied to more condensed.’
No, we went from the rarefied to the condensing.
And now the earth has received the highest condensing, no, hardening.
If you feel and see the prehistoric age before you: then a flower, this flower was, it was as big as this universe.
But if you came pphh (blows) like that, the flower would disappear.
Damp, rarefied substance; no hardening.
So the life hardened itself, condensed itself.
A human form was giant; an animal-like life, you know your prehistoric animal.
The human being was awe-inspiring, but, in the universe, in the organism.
And as ...
Can you feel this, first growth.
The planets knew that.
Mars in the distance is gigantic with regard to the earth.
But the earth is small, and would also attract more consciousness.
Because the earth lies between sun and moon, because the earth received that place in the universe, the earth got more condensing, more hardening, more consciousness.
And consciousness pushes you together, builds up.
And the other grows, would grow.
So in the beginning stage, growth, wasn’t it, on the moon.
Other planets.
The prehistoric age: an enormous growth, the accepting of that universe, the experiencing of that universe.
But at a higher stage the withdrawing of that power, and more condensing, more unity.
In this way you can follow every law, every material in nature, back to the origin.
The academics came there and there and there, to those grades, they stand again and again before a problem and they say: ‘Yes, here they have the stage, we can experience that, we can see and take that back to the present.’
And then millions of ages come again.
Where did those skeletons remain?
Where are the phenomena?
Your coal – you already use it – it is all hardened and condensed and changed.
You still see the last phases of life, then that time, that grade of life dissolves again.
But now we come from the earth.
The earth got an astral consciousness; astral consciousness, can you feel?
Those other planets do not have that.
A prehistoric age had to experience that.
Yes, the human being – you will also read that in ‘The Cycle of the Soul’, in ‘The Origin of the Universe’, ‘The Peoples of the Earth’ – the human being who had completed the cycle the first, stood before a darkness.
Now the human being says – people asked me questions – ‘But is that not unjust?’
When you come to the other side, the other side is, the astral world is prepared for space.
That is ready.
Those spheres are there.
But if you do not go to any trouble for that sphere in order to experience those laws ...
Those unconscious laws, those are now those hells, can you feel, where there is no fire.
What a wonderful unity the Catholic Church would get for the earth.
But you experience it yourself –André experienced that, millions experienced that – once you are that far, then you become stuck; then you no longer have a God, no longer a Christ, no, then you stand before a God who damns.
And now you must continue.
The human being who cannot free himself from that, continues.
But the human being who loves a God, who is love, continues, must continue. And now the Catholic Church restrains the soul, unfortunately, which is a pity; the human being does not get any consciousness, any consciousness for that love, for that justice.
Because one person escapes that hell and the other gets mercy and continues.
Can you feel this?
If only the Catholic Church had brought this to that universe, then no philosophical systems would have been necessary and then this whole mankind would have been Catholic, a faith with wisdom.
Can you feel this?
So you get to see the hereafter from those first people there as an unconscious world.
We write, we speak about hells, but they are not hells.
God did not create any hells.
So the human being gets exactly that image, those laws to experience, which you now also receive.
If you do nothing for those laws, for that universe, for that inner life, then you will soon enter that darkness.
Your character traits, your characteristics are still not consciously attuned, to which laws?
Christ taught you that again.
They are the ten commandments, that is the love, that is the justice, that is the being one.
Can you feel this?
That is not putting pressure on the other human being.
That is not that one person must live for the other one, as you experience and have to accept in society.
The human being has no possibility of assuring his existence.
Is that possible?
Yes, there are lepers, there are sick people.
Society works for the sick people.
But now the healthy person wants to experience the injustice of the other.
One human being lives off the other personality.
Did you think that you can also do that on the other side with your inner life, for your space?
Should that be earned?
You must earn that.
You will lay foundation upon foundation.
You stand before a harshness on the other side, in that astral world, because every character trait must enter for a hundred percent into that harmony, into that love, into that justice.
And that is also here for the material life.
Life is simple, but the human being makes it difficult, because the human being is not willing.
And now the human being complains.
The human being says: ‘Yes, and that human being has everything.’
But you must look, follow that personality sometime, and then you must accept justly: what did that human being do for that food, drink, that possession?
And what does the other human being do?
Do you see?
Then the spheres are harsh.
On the other side –accept it, my friend – no alms are given.
You stand there ...
You are already on the other side here.
You continue: there is no death.
So you will soon enter the astral, spiritual world, the material will remain behind, and you will think, you will feel, you will have your possession in the way you are here.
And now you stand before your astral unconscious or conscious world.
Who are you?
What do you want?
What do you do?
How do you experience the life?
Is there a love?
True love?
No love of the earth.
Those from the other side take you again to: Peter, do not hit!
Do not hit that child!
Do not destroy my foundations!
What did Christ do?
Do you see?
What do you read in ‘The Cycle of the Soul’?
Nine centuries ago.
What are nine centuries?
But you just continue in order to free yourself from the dark, dark thinking.
We can always take care of a human being.
But we do not go to those weaknesses of the human being: the comfort, you will feel, the laziness, the wanting to earn, the wanting to live, the wanting to have that which the earth, which society gives you, many possessions.
Just earn it!
Just devote your life to it!
Now the masters stand before the Messiah.
Now you come to stand before – I gave you images, I explained it to you - now you come to stand before Jerusalem, before Golgotha, before Gethsemane, before the birth, before the universe, for sun, moon and stars, but always again for your own self.
Do you see?
The images which I gave you of and for the prehistoric age and now, are exactly the same thing.
The spheres are ready; but what do you have of those spheres?
You are that sphere yourself.
That sphere lives here, doesn’t it?
That is your light, that is your feeling, that is your thinking, that is your love, that is your harmony.
And now go ...
You thirst.
You come, you want to know.
The universe, millions are ready in order to be able to take care of one human being.
Because we are that human being.
I am that.
That is the Christ.
That is the deity in you.
When you reach awakening, I have more light.
Because I represent with you, by means of you, by means of nature, by means of the space, the universe, the light of life of God, of Christ, of sun, of moon.
What is love?
Will you go along?
Do you see?
You grow every moment.
And as you grow ...
First discover, and then your personality radiates.
You see, what nature brought, what the universe brought, what Christ brought, what God created, lives in the human being.
You are that.
Of course, those ages there had no conscious hereafter.
Just look at nature.
If this was not true, if we must accept that an unconscious planet possessed a hereafter, a spiritual conscious thinking and feeling, then the earth would not be worth five cents.
Then the earth would have no possession.
Only the earth, Mother Earth, with her consciousness, has, by means of the situation of the universe, ‘beyond the coffin’, beyond this life, higher thinking and feeling, higher consciousness.
And then you start to experience seven grades.
You come through those worlds.
They are worlds, infinities, but with an end.
Because you suddenly start to experience that deed, those feelings differently again.
You devote yourself to that differently.
And gradually you lay foundation upon foundation.
You stand still if you must not want to possess any of all of this, do not want to experience anything, and you have no love, no feeling.
Those people also come too.
But how?
And if the human being is not willing here, then you will not have those feelings, that longing, that thirsting ‘beyond the coffin’ either.
So, people say here: ‘I still do not want anything to do with those divine laws.’
The human being says: ‘I want nothing to do with those books, with those teachings, that just makes you insane.’
Now the unconscious being: ‘You may not live differently than the bible gives you.’
Can you feel that poverty?
Can you now feel the poverty of a faith, a God who damns, a darkness where you burn?
Which space will you get now?
You must master that.
You will experience those spaces.
And as you master those laws, undergo a law of life, that means, the character traits.
How do you act with regard to the human being?
Isn’t it true?
You can now write a book about it.
And gradually that world grows, the thought reaches higher thinking and feeling, gets consciousness, gets ‘wings’, and your light in you and in the universe awakens.
The human being becomes more and more rarefied, more and more spiritual.
That means, in harmony as the God of all life, created His spaces, His flower, His nature, His fatherhood, His motherhood, His soul, His spirit.
Now we represent God.
We are gods, I told you.
Go and tell that sometime in your society, then people will laugh at you, people will shrug their shoulders; there is another crazy person.
But you are a deity.
Recently I gave the children, I gave my pupils in The Hague their divine circle.
And then the human being was in the Divine All.
He says: ‘And where is God now?’
And God could not be found, because God was light, God was life.
But, you see, the All-Mother manifested herself by means of the human being, by means of the animal, by means of nature, by means of the flowers, by means of the planets.
But the human being is the supreme being, which thinks and feels and acts according to that source, that All-Source, that All-Light, that All-Life, and so on and so on.
And now the human being enters the Divine All, and the human being asks: ‘And where is God now?’
And God could not be seen, because he had to experience and to accept himself as a deity.
And now we go back again a bit.
Now you can start to ask questions.
You experience that journey in ‘The Cosmology.’
The first five books – I have made five of them from the seven, André had experienced seven of them during the war – they are now ready.
And if you have those five, then you can continue for five hundred million years.
Everything is ready.
We could stop tomorrow.
André can wish: tomorrow I will stop; then we will free him the day after tomorrow, and then he will leave here.
That is possible, that work is finished.
If you bring that deity in you to awakening ...
You cannot do that to divine attunement, to divine consciousness, but you are busy.
You send it to the universe, you send yourself to that light.
But the human being who entered the Divine All, we had to experience that, he was searching and he asked: ‘Where is God now?’
Didn’t he?
What is God now?
I ask you: just go back to the earth.
How does the Catholic Church think now?
How does Protestantism think?
Go to the East, go to the initiates.
What do they know about their deity?
Well, did you not learn that here?
What should you do?
But in the Divine All, people think ...
What does the bible say?
The human being wrote that.
Do you see?
Now awe-inspiring mistakes were recorded, own thoughts; the human being started to think.
The human being says: you will sit there soon, then you must appear before God and then God will judge.
And God does not judge, because you are God!
How will God judge?
There is no judgement to be confessed, to be experienced in creation.
Can you feel this?
What are all the things which need to go?
Which foundations were laid wrongly there?
Which ballast must go overboard?
What will now still remain of the bible?
The beginning, that nonsense which people tell there, Eve was born from Adam.
And you must give birth to and create motherhood.
They are the words of my pupils.
I heard.
That is true, my child.
You must give birth to the mother.
Not God.
It is precisely the other way round.
Can you feel that nonsense?
Just continue.
Just imagine that.
And in silence, by means of your actions, by means of your thinking.
You can do business as much as you like; if you enter into deception, then you will know it, you will feel that.
Do you wish to be involved in deception, in lies, in devastation, destruction, sullying?
Then you will hear, then you will get the attunement to a dark world, to a dark grade.
Then you will not get to experience any light there.
Will you?
Is life not simple?
The human being says: ‘It is so difficult.’
Is it so difficult to do good?
In order to be good, to be loving, to be kind-hearted?
Yes, you just break.
If you can break yourself as woman and man, as friend, as brother and sister, and you stand before the laws, and you see yourself, how the human being destroys one life in order to elevate himself, you, another ...
Can you feel?
The human being does not get his own way there, and ‘I would have liked that’; but the human being says: ‘Oh, no, I look through you, I am going away.’
Then you are a slut.
Then you participate in deception.
All the things you are, if the human being cannot shake you out?
Do you see?
And now you must be able to decide: what is good and what is wrong.
Not worrying about problems.
Am I doing wrong?
I do not have any more rest.
My heart is racing.
Sleep peacefully, and know, deception takes you to darkness.
Look out.
Deception takes you to darkness, deception takes you there.
Demand that the human being begins to think himself.
Society now comes into a good harness.
That means ...
Before, there were people who let you live, they gave you life, they gave you possession.
Can you help the human being with thousands of millions?
Give the human being ...
People came to André.
Very close to him, a brother of his.
André says: ‘Yes, what would you like?’
‘Yes, I do not understand it.’
‘I understand it.’
‘Yes, you used to be as stranger’, his own brother, who is occupied day and night with this child.
He says: ‘Yes, why is it not in me?
I also come from that nest.’
One, two, three, four – did you not read it? – five boys, six boys (see the book ‘Jeus of Mother Crisje’).
They do not understand this child.
But he was already thinking as a child.
Yes, in our hands, of course.
Would he have made it under his own power?
But you must also start to think along those lines.
And he will let his brother starve, he will let him die, if he sees that the will is not devoted.
Because then you start to spoil a human being.
You only just hit him from behind with a heavy object on that head.
You start to destroy the human being if you help the human being to cherish that laziness, to kiss that destruction.
Then the spheres become harsh, do you know that?
But then you stand before the truth, the reality.
And then that will must awaken.
The human being who does not thirst ...
You can say here: what does that matter to me.
The human being who says on the other side, in that world: ‘What does that matter to me’, we do not even look at them.
We let them stay there.
That human being is in a world of ‘what does it matter to me’, that world is nothing, nothing, darkness, poverty, cold.
It does not exist.
Yes, material hunger.
Material thirst.
‘I do not need that world.
I do not need that.
I do not need this!’
And it is you.
You must bring that world to awakening, give it consciousness, feed, feed, feed, feed it, in love, in warm-heartedness.
You cannot die together, I told you, you die alone.
And it is remarkable; the human being with love, he conquers this world?
No, he carries this world?
True or not?
You have seen that from a child.
I can continue like this, evening after evening, after evening, in order to take you back from that space to the earth.
Not to float in that space.
What are you doing here?
Who are you?
What do you want?
Tell me what you are doing.
Ask me something.
Do you see?
In the Spheres of Light you have nothing else to ask, you must know it.
And your life of feeling sends you higher and higher, lays a path, a path on which you walk, always making sure that you can continue to walk.
What would happen to society, what would happen to millions of people, if those people had no will?
Yes, there are people who do not have the consciousness either in order to serve, in order to work.
We have respect for your people who live on the street.
Just do not think that learning represents the Spheres of Light.
Because there is no longer any mistake.
The higher you come, the deeper the fall becomes.
You do not believe it.
Did you really think that you could sign a death sentence on the other side with your hand, murder your own life?
Is that possible?
What did Christ do?
Why do you not do that then?
What do you want?
What do you ask?
What are you looking for?
A new year is beginning.
For us?
There is no end and no beginning to us, we live in the eternal.
What a fuss you make about New Year.
No, that is now; you must let the old, wrong, die and let the new awaken.
Is that not brotherly?
Is that not spatial?
Is this wrong?
The laws say that.
The books teach you that.
And you can share that out every day amongst your children, amongst yourselves, amongst the strangers, whom you never see, the human being whom you meet just like that.
Isn’t it true?
Pleased, enthusiastic, radiant and happy.
What do we say?
What does death matter to us, what does poverty, what does a disease matter to us?
You do not need to ask for disease, for pains.
If you have an enthusiastic character, and you accept everything as it comes, and you devote your will to that, and you say: ‘That is not so nice, not so pretty, but we will do what we can’, that human being conquers everything.
That human being has happiness.
That human being is not destroyed.
In the unconscious, in the human being who sees through the things ... then the heart begins to beat, the nervous system becomes broken and confused.
Doesn’t it?
You see, all to the perfection, to the higher.
I will place the people of this year precisely before those things.
You first have ‘The Cosmology’, but soon we will hammer.
What will you do?
What do you want?
If you want happiness tomorrow, and you do not have that world, if you do not long for this, then there will be no happiness.
I placed you before the universal kiss one evening.
The human being kisses, the human being loves?
Yes, indeed, with the damnation next to him.
He stands above damnation, the last Judgement, on ‘what does it matter to me?’.
If we meet one weak feeling in the space, in our sphere, and absorb ‘what does it matter to me’, we banish that from our world, we no longer tolerate that.
But it happens of its own accord.
Those people isolate themselves.
Can you feel that?
And finally you come.
Finally that will awaken, that real true, spatial and natural thirsting, that taking to consciousness, that hammering through that one will, that will which brings everything to awakening, gives consciousness.
And now we start to carry each other.
Isn’t it true?
(To the hall): Is there anything else?
(To someone in the hall): Wait a moment.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘May I also further ask ...’
Go ahead.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘In the fifth, sixth and the seventh cosmic grade, are there also material beings there?’
They are still material bodies, built up by a spiritual substance.
Do you see?
The mother still gives birth as far as the sixth cosmic grade.
And then you pass over into the Divine All, and then mother and father are, man and wife, they are one life, two people.
This is why, we speak about that – and that is not speaking, they are laws – the human being gets his own feeling next to him.
You have experienced your lives here, thirty thousand, hundreds and thousands of lives; you are children of your child, you are father of the father, and mother of the mother.
You are man and wife here, and there is something of you there and there is something of you there.
And everywhere you meet people and you say: ‘Remarkable, how deeply I feel you.’
Do you see?
Did you really think that you were not a mother a hundred times in hundreds of thousands of lives, and gave birth to children?
Is there not a child of yours with you?
You do not know those beings.
Do not go into it either.
Because that life must experience its own karmic laws again, the cause and effect.
But a grade of consciousness comes to stand next to the other one, and that is man and wife, God.
You cannot cope with that alone.
You cannot experience that alone.
You cannot bear that alone.
The mother is for that.
The father is for that.
But you both have one feeling, one life, one thought; two flowers of one colour.
You are divine light, divine life, a divine personality, because you have experienced the laws, by means of fatherhood and motherhood.
Do you see how simple that it is actually becoming?
You now look through all those worlds.
And in the Divine All ...
Yes, what do you do in the Divine All?
Are you not bored there, if you have nothing more to do?
The human being says: ‘You are not doing anything anymore.’
But what are you doing, what do you call doing something on earth?
The task which you enrich on earth, whatever task, is that really spiritually conscious?
Is that a substance which continues to exist?
What do you do?
When are you cosmically carrying, feeling, thinking, but carrying, representing the divine life, light, life, motherhood, fatherhood?
When is that?
Can you feel?
If you are not there, then this light darkens.
If you go away and you go from the sphere to the earth, then we see that you have gone.
Because the light will be able to darken.
We feel: one human being, millions of people go to the earth and are busy.
They free themselves from the spheres and they take their light with them.
You must take that with you.
Your house dissolves at the same moment.
You elevate your temple, your space, your art, your feelings, your motherhood, your fatherhood, your flowers, the love for Mother Nature, love for the birds, love for the human being, for the character traits ...
Are they open?
Then you see all of that built up in your dwelling, in your garment.
And if you go to the earth – or you go to the dark spheres – you want to serve something here on earth, for example, you help a doctor with a technical wonder, a technical human being, isn’t it true, arts and sciences, you are busy, then you withdraw your light from the spheres; and we see that.
I see it.
Millions see that.
Can you feel this?
And then, when you pass over – we all go from the Spheres of Light, everything is empty – then you see the heavens becoming hazy.
In the way the sun sets, the sharp, clear light from the Spheres of Light becomes hazy, because the human being has passed over.
You are that.
What are you like inside?
What do you want?
What do you long for?
What do you do?
Is it not becoming simple, my brother?
Is it simple?
It is simple.
We experienced that suffering, those sorrows.
Yes, later you will be thankful.
Then you will say: ‘If only you had used the whip.’
Here people already get a fright, don’t they?
Just deal with these laws strictly, then the human being will walk away.
You must have reached the age, the consciousness for that, if you want to be able to keep going.
The child of fifteen, of twenty, of twenty-one years old cannot begin with that, or you will already be a spiritually conscious being.
Which child of twenty-one years old is spiritually conscious?
Yes, we got to know those people.
There are beings of nineteen, twenty, twenty-five years old, who thirst as the human being of eighty cannot.
You are like that, or you are not.
No, you have the longing, you have the feeling, or it will still have to awaken.
Just continue.
(To the hall): Anything else?
(To someone in the hall): Over there.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘In ‘The Cycle of the Soul’ it says that you died nine hundred years ago in a prison in Rome, under barbaric circumstances.
Was that your last life on earth?’
That was the last one.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Were you no longer obliged to be here?’
I have not been back again.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Is that no longer required from you?’
I was free.
Yes, I made amends during those nine centuries.
I am from that darkness.
If I had been able to control that anger in me and had not struck Roni down, then I would have gone straight on to the first sphere with my feeling.
That feeling was there.
Also that love.
But also that anger, that rage.
Because if people steal from you and if people deny your love, and if another slanders, sullies and hits you ...
What did Christ teach us?
I should have been able to do that, shouldn’t I?
But I was born in China.
I could have experienced even more lives; if you want to be birth.
That is not a mercy either.
You will feel, every word, every thought, every law of life, every sphere is a space, is a law, is justice, or love, or happiness, or fatherhood, or motherhood.
But we must conquer every law and all those spaces and worlds if we want to represent God.
You will get it for nothing if you only just begin with those laws.
And that is very simple.
If could take you next to me for longer and we set off together, I say, what would you do then?
You will stumble.
Stumbling does not mean anything.
That means that you do not act in a situation according to the laws of life created by God.
Then I say: ‘I do that in that way.’
Because we learned that.
And then you say: ‘How can it be?’
Do you see?
Now you start, you gradually start to treat a deed, in a more rarefied, rarefied, rarefied way, more loving.
You restrain yourself in everything.
You first start to think before you speak words.
Because the human being always murders and destroys himself again and again by those words.
Just imagine it from inside.
And, if it comes to you, then hold on, restrain yourself.
Restrain yourself.
(To the hall): Anything else?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The last time you were talking about the yellow danger.
And indeed now you spoke about ...’
That is in ‘The Peoples of the Earth’.
Did you read ‘The Peoples of the Earth’?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No.’
If you go to Russia, I will say: ‘Watch out now for the yellow danger.’
Do you see?
A few years have passed now, but the yellow danger will come.
That is now, it began six months ago.
You now live in that time.
That can last for four, five, six years.
And then for the first time you will get the peace, the universal peace.
Then you are already building ...
What are five years?
What are ten years?
What are fifteen years?
But you live at the moment in the most beautiful and the most wonderful time which has ever been experienced by mankind.
When there is peace soon, and everything is prosperity and happiness, it will no longer be an art in order to live.
Now it is an art, to act, to think and to feel now: what should I do?
Do you see?
And now foundations are being laid by mankind.
You read ‘The Peoples of the Earth’.
Those character traits, what a people is, and is represented by a people – do you understand? – you now see that awakening.
That East must become free.
That is the yellow danger, that is the unconscious for the East.
And that East also gets Western life of feeling, acting and feeling, everything, everything which you possess.
The West, the peoples of (the House of) Israel no longer want any war.
And you did not know that in 1914.
So between 1914 and 1940 – 1945, that is approximately thirty years, during those thirty years mankind both lived and mastered thirty million years.
Can you feel this?
The development for this mankind progressed so quickly.
The spaces are not complaining, only the unconscious being complains.
And if – I explained to you – and if you were to treat this cosmically, spiritually, then there would be peace and quiet in one day.
Because then every people would gets its own independence; which those people must now fight for.
You fight against it, that must also happen now, but it was not necessary.
Can you feel this?
How would Christ, I asked you, how would Christ have acted at this moment, if you were to have appointed Christ as judge at the United Nations?
And there is no Truman sitting there now, no governors, or rulers over the earth, no kings and no emperors, but Christ is sitting there now.
And now you have, as peoples of the earth you have to lay down the laws for the Messiah.
How would He have acted now?
Very simple.
That was decided in five minutes.
But you got a faith, you got the bible.
But you shoot.
Does your queen have such divine trust that she needs weapons?
Is that so high, that consciousness.
Does that image help?
Did you think that you could experience a sphere, represent God with that?
What did Christ do with Peter?
What is required of you?
Is that harsh?
Is that attacking Her Majesty?
There are no Her Majesties living on the other side, or any kings, any dogmas, any faiths anymore.
It is this.
You must experience the law.
Are you loving?
Are you warm-hearted?
Who are you?
Do you hit when I tell you something?
No, we go away.
And if you want to experience me irrevocably, my children, and I cannot pass over, I am your prisoner?
Now, just kill me.
I will not do anything to you.
I will continue to love you.
Because if the Christ was to have sent one wrong thought to Pilate, to Kajafas, then He would have been destroyed before the eyes of Kajafas and Pilate, before His deity, His divine attunement.
Can you feel all the things which change now?
Why the human being can speak like that now?
And why you got these books?
And why you are busy yourself?
(To someone in the hall): Did you have something?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Does the soul have an aura in the spark stage?
And if so, does a mother who attracts that soul there have a change in her aura ...?’
(To a few people in the hall): Are the two of you there busy dealing with it yourselves?
Are you not interested in it?
(Someone in the hall): ‘No.’
(Someone in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Thank you.
(To the person asking the question): Do you mean?
(To the people talking in the hall): Otherwise I will send you out of the hall, you know.
(To the person asking the question): Do you mean ...
(To the people talking in the hall): Sit still, and do not talk to each other.
Do that later, please.
I have nothing against you, but do not look at each other, do that later.
We have a class here.
If you go to school, then you may not do that either.
Yes or no, you must know that.
But I demand: sit down, sit down quietly, and no more than that.
I do my best, and then I demand of you that you do your best and sit down quietly.
May I say that?
(Hall): ‘Yes.’
Thank you.
(To the woman who asked the question): Do you mean the mother who attracts now?
That child, that soul has consciousness.
But you know it: the human being, as an astral personality, descends to the spark stage, and is the feeling now.
Can you see the aura of the human being here?
Aura is feeling.
You can only do that ‘beyond the coffin.’
The material eyes radiate.
That is the material light, but now the spiritual light. Can you gauge the life of feeling by means of the human eye, and by ascertaining the light can you gauge what the attunement is like for the spirit?
As a spiritual personality?
Can you feel this?
So the soul ...
As you ...
Of course, you do not have, you know that, any conscious astral life if you must be born again.
But that consciousness comes back to the embryonic life and is only working and feeling.
And feeling is life.
So it is unconscious life.
And something which comes back to the unconscious does not radiate any fluid.
You cannot see that.
Or you must really be one with the laws for the universe, and by means of the life, by means of that grade you must ...
Because everything is present in that cell.
You can see it again.
You can see where that human being lived before that.
That lies in that life, that is attached to it, that can be perceived.
So you must have consciousness.
You must know the laws for the birth, you must have experienced them.
Do you see?
So, you start to think things through, you start to feel that law of life for the birth.
Now you start to look for the first time: what, what will the child be like?
What will that soul be like?
Fatherhood or motherhood?
And fatherhood radiates more than motherhood.
Fatherhood ...
I have never ever spoken about these laws before, but fatherhood remains seven grades of feeling above motherhood.
So motherhood is even deeper away than fatherhood.
I have never spoken about this before.
You cannot follow that either, because this is cosmology, because then you become too far from this stage and experiencing.
Can you feel this?
Anything else?
Thank you.
(To the hall): Which one of you?
(To someone in the hall): Are you shocked?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, master Zelanus.’
You must not be shocked by me, friend.
(To someone in the hall): Yes.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘At the last lecture in The Hague I seemed to have understood that the first life on the moon had received more inspiration than the life in the later stages.
Is that ...’
That is not possible, is it?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No, this is why ...’
Did you not understand it?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No.’
Say it again.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘That the first life on the moon had received more inspiration than the life in the later stages.’
In which stages?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘On the moon.
So the life that, the first life on the moon had received more inspiration than ...’
I understand what you are trying to say.
Perhaps I should have added something, or you were not able to remember it.
In the beginning stage, it was about that, in the beginning stage of and for the embryonic life, you had the divine attunement there, didn’t you?
That was everything.
But a while later you had to begin with it yourself.
Can you feel this?
You are now busy representing your deity.
You do that.
Every insect has that.
But you are busy attuning your inner life to God.
So you got hold of that direct divine attunement as an independence.
That was the divine moment.
But now you must both spiritualize and materialize that, that attunement.
So you now have everything in your hands.
Now we ask: what do you do?
What are you like?
How do you feel?
You had everything there.
Now you began.
You keep coming to stand before a darkness.
And in that stage you had more light than here.
But there you belonged to the prehistoric age, to the demons of the earth.
You are no longer that.
Why do you not take part in robbery and murder, arson?
Why do you not steal?
Why are you busy?
Why do you have the personality in order to earn your living honestly here on earth?
And another says: ‘Oh no, that is too difficult for me; I will steal it from there.’
Do you see?
Who are you now?
Light, harmony, justice.
That is God, that is the God in you who awakens, and who already represents a social, human consciousness.
Is that clear?
Have you worked it out now?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Do you have anything else?
Nothing more?
(To the hall): Which of you?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, in ‘Masks and Men’ Frederik gets up at 3 o’clock at night, and he starts to write.
And then you also say: “And it was 3 o’clock at night”.
Why do you put so much emphasis on that?’
Well, because it was not during the day. (laughter)
Look, in other words, with other feelings: the human being ...
There are writers who work during the night.
But what is good now?
Working during the day or at night?
(Lady in the hall): ‘The day.’
We achieve with that, in his state, he was influenced in the evenings.
Because Frederik was influenced.
He was a sensitive being and was interested, like you, in the laws, in insanity, psychology.
If you become and are a Frederik, and later an Elsje, then you are beautiful.
Because you feel, Frederik is the human being, the human being must become like that.
If you have read ‘Masks and Men’ properly, and want to read it as it says there, and you make it through, then without thinking about it you are suddenly ‘beyond the coffin’; and you wear a really beautiful garment if you act as Frederik thinks.
You do not need to give away castles, because he had it.
And he gave it away, but he learned from it.
Frederik had a nice life.
But because he worked and felt during the night, in his sleep ...
One day he was already in contact, and during the night it reached working, study, in that silence.
I say, I ask you: what is better now, working during the day or at night?
That is another state again, of course.
But he got influence during the night.
And that means nothing, only because it happened during the night.
Now I will put this aside.
What is better?
When can you achieve the most?
There are writers who work, and receive their inspiration the easiest at night and not during the day.
What is better now?
There are some who begin to write in the evening at eleven o’clock, twelve o’clock, and until the morning, and then they go and do this, that and the other, and then they sleep.
What is better?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Writing at night.’
That is wrong in everything.
Because God, nature gave you the day consciousness in order to work and to serve.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘But you cannot get hardly any contact during the day, can you?’
We let André work precisely during the day and sleep at night.
And how is the body, how is the organism attuned now?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, but it is now about Frederik, isn’t it?’
It is about Frederik.
But you ...
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘But he had to write that, didn’t he, experience that?’
We are not talking about that now.
I have that law: what is good and what is wrong?
If you get your influence during the night, then that is for you.
I am now talking about the normal: what is good now and what is wrong?
Because this child is asking the question precisely: why during the night, and not during the day?
One day Frederik was not open to it.
Then you see too much and you experience too much.
(Gentleman in the hall says something.)
And that is the difficulty.
Yes, that is your meaning, isn’t, that is your meaning.
But my meaning is: what is good and what is wrong now?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘But a human being always works during the day and ...’
That is the nature.
Mother Earth sleeps now, doesn’t she?
What is autumn?
What is summer?
What is spring?
What is winter?
What happens now in nature?
That is the night for the universe, that is the winter, the death; the new life comes.
It is the dying off of one age.
You experience different ages every year.
You now experience the age of the new consciousness, that is the nature, that is the space, that is the universe.
But if you wish to keep on going, if you wish to experience silence – there is a lot to be said about that – then I will take you to the universe, and then the night is awe-inspiring again, because you now come to motherhood.
Because the night is motherhood, is mother.
You call it the night, don’t you?
But the night is motherhood for the universe.
And when the sun rises, then it is: the father starts to shine, starts to radiate.
For one path, for one thought.
Now we come: why is there a night?
You must release the previous thought about that night, and that motherhood too, because now we will look at the earth, at the universe.
Then it is giving birth again, giving birth again, dying, evolution, consciousness, or you would burn.
Do you see?
And that is a disturbance then.
So you get law after law.
But Frederik experienced that during the night.
During the day he began to think, that was creating, and at night he started to give birth spiritually.
Because every new thought which you experience, when you experience a day in your sleep, in the dream, that is giving birth.
Or creation?
How do you experience that dream?
Can you feel this?
Because you go to sleep, but you are busy analyzing, in order to bring into harmony with the systems what you experienced too much of during the day: heart, nervous system, blood circulation.
But it means nothing for the rest.
But what does have meaning, if you experience ‘Masks and Men’ properly ...
We wrote them cosmically, and also humanly, ‘Masks and Men’ are now for thousands of ages.
Those books will still live in millions of years’ time.
You do not believe that we will write novels which you lay aside tomorrow, do you?
You can read them a thousand times.
Because if you follow Frederik in his thinking and feeling, and you come to the end of the third part, then you will know: psychopathy, insanity and all the laws of life.
You read them, those books, but you do not experience them.
And André experienced them.
That is the difference with you.
But you can also start to experience them.
And you do that during the day.
Can you feel this?
You create during the day.
You take those books.
The human being knows everything about those books.
There are people who have read them twenty times, ‘I know everything, every law’, but they do not possess five grams of feeling of a sentence, a law; darkness.
I will give you an example of this.
Someone who has read them fifteen times – knows every law, every action about the hells – all those books, again and again, already seventeen times now.
But the servant maid may not come along to see me.
Otherwise the servant maid must go along with madam, and that does not look right.
The mother experienced so much.
And she says: ‘Oh, how beautiful that is.’
‘Oh, Jozef’, then they come to Jozef, ‘How wonderful that is.’
And Jozef immediately sends those people out the door, because he does not want anything to do with that type.
That child there, that servant maid also longs to awaken.
And that lady has read the books fifteen times, but the girl may not come along, because the girl must be in the kitchen.
Why do you not want that child to have that?
What you want for yourself, and what you want for another?
Take that into account.
This does not cost anything!
But that servant maid who is not allowed to go to André, or to the masters, because then she will be sitting next to madam.
And that madam also says to André ...
André does not bother about that, but he looks those people in the eye and thinks: yes, we will see each other again ‘beyond the coffin’!
And then that lady says, that Lady, she says to the other lady: ‘That is not your class.
How can you go there with that lady, that is not your class, is it?’
And we speak for those people.
Thank you.
And that lady read the books seventeen times.
There are some who read the books so much, and they carry the universe, have contact with the masters, but ‘their child’ who is smothered, ‘is helped by the masters’.
I can explain hundreds of examples to you, and you experience those things yourself. There is someone else, a human being, a mother, she accepts everything and devotes her life to everything, to this, to her doing good, her thinking and feeling.
But her child who has puffed those forty-six children of the other people from the air, therefore murdered in the universe – that was an airman – that child ‘is protected by the masters and was pulled from the mud, and that was Christ.’
That child, that murderer ...
So, we must accept that Christ pulls a murderer from the mud.
He was also saved a moment ago. ‘What a protection, my child was pulled from the mud by the masters and by Christ.’ Exactly on time. And Christ was also there. In order to give that child the chance again to take down even more Japanese and Germans, and to continue the murdering.
That is not possible on the other side.
Do you see?
And where is that reading now, that feeling and that fighting for the masters, for the other side, for Christ?
Where are the people whom I had here, and who had so much to say about André?
Did those people think that they could soon represent the other side ‘beyond the coffin’ with gossip, nonsense, devastation, destruction?
Where are those dears of mine?
No, the chaff has been separated from the corn, just accept that now.
We warned André about this world, about you and about another.
Soon you will have to show your colours.
We prefer to talk, Christ preferred to talk to two people, than to two hundred million who did not understand Him anyway.
But where is your will, your law, your life battle, your harmony, your serving?
By destroying.
By giving your child the mercy of Christ, in order to kill, to destroy that child of this child?
Is it that?
Can you get away from it?
Do you wish to fight for your people, as your children also did that now?
What heroes!
You love your fatherland; do you participate in that destruction?
You are sullied, sold, smothered from in front, from left, from right, from above and from below.
People not only throw away your money, your possession, but also your soul, your spirit, your personality.
Nothing else remains of you.
What are you fighting for, what do you live for, if you want to accept the ten commandments, if you want to accept the Christ?
Is that not really human?
What do you want?
Go to Korea now and serve the man with the stars.
Yes, is that so improbable?
Am I telling you something new?
Is that new?
That is two thousand, that is two million years old.
But it only got the form through the Christ.
And do you wish to avoid the Messiah?
‘I love God.
We have a people.
We have a God.
And God will protect us.’
How can God protect you if you are that deity yourself?
Well then?
You are that at home, you are that on the street, you are that everywhere.
Is this so difficult?
What do you want?
Is there anything else?
Can I tell you anything else?
(To the gentleman in the hall): Are you still thinking about that night?
(Gentleman in the hall says something.)
Surely not?
Because we will continue quickly.
Learn to think, learn to feel, learn to understand.
Learn to love your friend, your companion or your husband sometime.
Finally be warm-hearted, but true sometime!
Do not sell him, do not sell her.
But if people come with harshness, deception, unconsciousness, ‘I do not like that’, then you let that ‘just do not like’ go.
And remain yourself.
Do not lose yourself.
Try not to carry them; they must do that themselves.
Life becomes harsh?
Yes, indeed.
Because you do not get anything for nothing on the other side.
You must bring your deity to that space, to the awakening, consciousness, fatherhood, motherhood.
Every character trait gets ‘wings’.
You become a sphinx?
You become a pyramid?
You become Isis, Ra (Ré), Amon-Ré.
Where do you want to go?
To the hall): Anything else?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, I also wanted to ask you, how did the people come in the beginning ...’
(Jozef reacts to something which is happening in the hall): What is that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Nothing, that is a bit tickly.’
(There is laughter.)
Yes, I suddenly looked there ...
You are talking, and you do that.
And then I did not know ...
What am I talking about now?
Which is acting now, that arm there or the head?
(Lady in the hall): ‘How did the people come in the beginning to their faith, I wanted to ask you that.’
Did you not read ‘The Peoples of the Earth’?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Something like that.’
And now what?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, I meant, in the very, very beginning.’
Yes, they were those.
Those who there, there, who were there, there, who ... (laughter)
The human being who had reached the highest grade of life on earth, Moses, wasn’t it, was on the other side.
And ...
The highest thinking and feeling.
Who is now, which of you represents, in this society, in this Amsterdam, the highest thinking and feeling?
Can you determine that?
Do you not dare to do that?
Can you not do that?
If you read those books, and you have read them just like that lady, and you have experienced them like that lady, then you will not make it.
(To the lady in the hall, who had a tickle): Yes, you are still looking at your arms.
You pull me along.
I am close to you this evening.
I see every action.
If you ask the masters in the spheres (laughter), then he will say: what are you thinking about?
Did you not see that André did that later?
Your thoughts were, your talking was about that wonderful Ave Maria.
We were listening.
We listened.
We attuned ourselves to those wonderful sounds; and the buzzing came through that.
This is why I do not like coming here, do you see?
Tomorrow we are going away and then we will not come back again, until you are quiet.
(To someone in the hall): I am not talking to you.
But you understand now, when the people had reached that ...
(To the same woman in the hall again): And, you see, I am already taking that over from you.
That hand is now in my path.
I attuned myself to that arm and now I am starting to feel it.
If I do not go into that, I will not feel this organism.
But now something is biting me here, and that is you. (Laughter.)
If you wish to see, if you can feel, and want to see, your thoughts, and I concentrate a bit further, it is already a red spot.
That is stigmatization.
I am busy with this body, and I may not attune myself to anything of this body.
One evening I showed you stigmatization here, do you still remember that?
(Hall): ‘Yes.’
Then we were one, with Christ.
It can always happen.
I speak, I act, I think, I look.
This evening I am looking closely at you; you can see it from the eyes, for that matter.
But I may not touch anything.
And if you ask me a question, and I see, then I will immediately go into an action ...
And then I got this.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, but I definitely took hold of my shawl.’
Now I will remain busy with that the whole evening.
André is exactly like that.
We go to the people, we go to an action, and absorb that action.
And that was also for the first human being, when the human being had completed the earth, the cycle of the earth ...
There was already consciousness on the other side, wasn’t there?
The human being had released himself, you will read that in ‘The Peoples of the Earth’, to the first sphere.
The first masters continued.
Christ was there too.
And when they had reached the seventh sphere, had began with the fourth cosmic grade, then they continued ...
Christ and His people continued to the Divine All, they continued to build, do you see?
That life had to progress.
The sphere was already there.
So that same transition.
But anyone who had not yet reached that grade of feeling and consciousness, he could already start to work in the spheres.
And then the Highest said: ‘ ... do you see, in this space Mother Earth only possesses conscious good and evil.’
Because on those other planets there is only unconscious evil.
The human being does not know any better; is in an animal-like attunement and does not know any better, does not feel anymore.
But when they had reached the Spheres of Light, people could have an influence on earth, the master continued, and when the Messiah had reached the Divine All along with the others, then the contact and the faith came for the earth.
Because then people knew ...
Then people had already materialized and spiritualized the contact, that means, people had brought it to the other side, back from the Divine All.
It says in ‘The Peoples of the Earth’: ‘Then the seventh grade, the sixth, the fifth, the fourth, the fourth came through with the masters from the seventh sphere: “And now we will begin.
Lay foundations.”’
And those foundations were, that a family would come from the other side, with the feeling ‘I have something’, with sensitivity, with clairaudience, with clairvoyance.
They were people from the Land of Twilight, between the Land of Twilight and the first sphere.
That was the first father, Abraham.
Then Isaac came.
It does not matter whether that was a nephew or an uncle of his.
Because the church made something beautiful out of that.
And later Moses came.
Higher consciousness again.
And on and on.
One prophet after another got more, more, more consciousness, until there is one human being who says: ‘And now it will happen.’
That was John the Baptist, that was the highest consciousness for the universe.
Not Jesaja.
Because there are some who talked nonsense.
And the human being took that over again, the human being embellished it in a lovely way in his direction, in his thinking, such as the Reformed, the Protestant child wants to see it.
The bible was written and deformed in this way.
And then the human being got a faith on earth amongst those heathens.
People speak about heathens.
I am also a heathen.
I am a heretic for your world.
If you see that wildness.
You see, it is very simple.
If you look over the earth, how many people have God, have Christ?
We must be grateful that the human being has a faith, because what would have become of those millions?
Then we would still live in the jungle with unconsciousness.
Would that have been good?
Was it necessary?
Did the masters carry out good work?
Do you think that I think that I am achieving something this evening with you?
André says: ‘I have now finished my twenty-fourth book, but nothing belongs to me.
But I have something here.’
He has nothing more than you.
He did the work, yes, indeed, he wanted to serve, he has the longing to give you something.
A conversation with the human being is the most awe-inspiring, the most wonderful thing which you can experience.
Because by speaking you pass into each other, as man and woman.
The soul, the mother receives, the father gives.
Now a conversation is awe-inspiring, happiness, being one.
Do you see?
You can ... that to an unconscious being ...
(To someone in the hall): Yes, you are trembling again.
You always say: two are needed for that.
Is that true?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Do you see?
Then I only just awaken it.
But it is good to have it awake, to experience the being awake.
Then you know that you will not do it wrongly again.
But faith came in this way, space came in this way, and the human being got the grasp with a God.
People made ‘the Lord’ from it, that means ‘the master’.
If the masters ...
The master says that.
Yes, later, the Christ is the Master.
But the human being at that and that time did not understand that.
So people had to give the human being, people had to give those children something and tell of a wonderful Father, it became a wonderful God, ‘the Lord’.
Later it became ‘the God’.
The God.
What is God?
When you come ‘beyond the coffin’, everything is feeling, a law of life.
Every word which you gave to a law, from which you made a law ...
You call the moon ‘moon’.
What is ‘moon’ now?
What is that now?
Why do you call ...
The first cosmic grade of life is called ‘moon’ for you.
The earth.
What is the ‘earth’?
Who gave this third cosmic grade of life a name ‘earth’?
What is ‘Jupiter’, ‘Venus’, ‘Saturn’, what kind of names are they?
Do you see?
They are all laws of life.
Can you feel that your universities actually just created phases?
And that your universities will soon have to accept the first, the second, the third grade of life for this universe?
And that the sun is not a ‘she’ but a ‘he’?
Can you feel the simplicity again in everything?
And then you are released from the earth.
Do you see?
And those books help you.
And in this way the human being got a faith, a thinking according to the higher, more spacious, awakening, consciousness.
Are you satisfied?
Then the evening is finished.
(To the hall): Which of you has anything else?
(To someone in the hall): Yes.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, master Zelanus.
In the book, the second book of ‘The Origin of the Universe’, master Alcar deals with the task there along with André of the first planets in the universe ... the mother planet ...’
That is the moon.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The moon. That task, or that working, we find that again in the whole of creation, on the thousands of planets on which there is life.
And “on those thousands of planets”, I am troubled by that.’
You are troubled by that.
On those thousands of planets which got visibility, materialization and condensing.
There are thousands of little, millions of such little planets.
Do you see?
They are not seen.
Look, we have to do with motherhood, fatherhood here.
But we have conscious motherhood and unconscious motherhood.
That is: those planets do not possess any animal life, but are planets.
Can you work it out now?
There are millions of suns, meteors, stars in the universe.
We have only, you have only to do with one sun.
They are all systems of this organism.
They can be planets, so big.
Yes, if they are so big, you already do not see them.
You can experience this whole universe thousands of times, after all this light.
There are still millions of planets to be experienced which have not been seen yet.
Can you feel that?
Because this is all close by.
That is infinite.
The growing universe.
If you, let’s say, look into the deepest grade of life of this organism, then you come: what is your kidney like here inside?
This is the outer cosmos, and now the inner cosmos, with organs, stars, planets and suns.
Can you feel this?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, but I mean that it says: on which there is life?’
On which there is life.
Master Alcar did not speak about direct human life there.
Can you feel this?
But plant, water, air, atmosphere: that is all life.
It does not come to that.
Yes, when you directly ...
Now you go ...
You see, that is the cosmos, that is the other side.
What do you want to know?
The human being?
Then we immediately go to the human consciousness.
To life?
Which life?
Which grade?
For breath of life, or for a flower, or for condensed material?
Then we go to that planet; that planet has it.
That one doesn’t; that is rarefied.
That one has ...
You see, in that universe, from the motherhood we also go through another six planet stages, and we come to the nothingness, no heat, only cold.
Yes, what do those planets look like?
What is the life of feeling of such a planet?
That is material which has condensed ...
(To the sound technician): I can see you.
It has happened again.
...and has hardening.
Does this have feeling with regard to nature?
If there is nature ... really, there can ...
That creation, nature also lives in a piece of stone.
Can you feel where we are heading?
You see every breath of life condensed, but also back again, as fatherhood and motherhood, through thousands of grades of feeling, as own independences.
A tree is an independence, the flower too.
What is the space of that flower, I told you one evening.
What is the green?
And what is the flower?
You call that ‘flower’.
What do we call this?
What is this?
You call that ‘flower’ here on earth, don’t you?
It is a flower.
These are your lilacs.
But what is this actually for the universe?
And what are you as a human being?
Did you think that you are a human being on the other side?
That you have to represent the being a human being there?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No.’
A grade of life as feeling, as high thinking, feeling, understanding, for the love, as the highest life of feeling, directly created from that source.
But now we no longer have to do with people, but with a source of life of the All-Mother, the All-Light, the All-Life.
(Speaks about the flowers which are standing there): This is the colour spectrum of God as fatherhood.
This is the motherhood, because from the earth comes ...
The bulb goes into the earth, that is giving birth.
And if you now see the universe, then the light from the sun is radiance, isn’t it?
This is condensed, white – also the colour spectrum – condensed radiance of life, achieved by a grade of life which has received those laws of life through Mother Nature.
That is the universe.
That is astral cosmic knowledge.
Do you see?
You call that a flower.
A year ago ...
Now give the universities of the earth ...
Because we will come back to you again.
What is a piece of stone?
You are talking about diamonds.
You wear diamonds, for that matter, don’t you?
And now the human being does not know ...
And someone, a mother, a woman wears a diamond, and feels unwell.
A diamond can heal you.
If you have the right one, you will never be ill again.
But go along with me, then I will buy the right one for you.
‘Mother, why do you not take that colour?’
The mother must have giving birth, and not creation.
‘Why did the bright shining diamond stop the life?
That goes above your consciousness.
Because the diamond with the spatial radiance is fatherhood.
How do you wish to experience the mother if you do not know that?
Do you see?
The tulip, the lilacs, all your flowers, when it is the flower, it is a part of the visible sun, as colour, as condensed material, as life.
And now every cell has, my brothers, every little cell here, it has here, such a small cell, it also has the All-Stage in it.
If you look properly at a tulip ...
You do not know the flowers.
Do you see that soft green passing into the white?
That is still giving birth.
Only that surface here is creation.
Because the giving birth is also present again in the cell.
Not here, but it is also there.
Give me your plant and animal expert, give me the astronomer, the psychologists, the psychiatrists, and we will put them there at the feet of the universe.
That is cosmic consciousness.
I thank you for your lovely willing new feeling for this time, but I hope that you will remember it.
My sisters and brothers, I thank you this evening for your lovely feeling and thinking.
Just do not come with more people who cannot feel that; it is going well like this.
Then I get followers, true pupils.
And then you will be certain ‘beyond the coffin’ of your space, your light, your life, your harmony, your feeling and your being one, and for all the life which belongs to you, with which you began with your life on the moon.
I thank you.
(Hall): ‘Thank you, master Zelanus.’
Are you satisfied?
(Hall): ‘Yes, indeed.’