Tuesday evening 27 march 1951

Good evening, my sisters and brothers.
(Hall): ‘Good evening, master Zelanus.’
Which of you can ask me the first question?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘This lady.’
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, I wanted to ask you something.
The custom of Holy Communion, which people do on Friday evening, on Good Friday, in the church, does that still have cosmic meaning?’
Look, essentially that happened in order to attach the human being to the spiritual personality of Christ.
But the Catholic Church, Protestantism, they actually experienced it materially.
‘Eat and drink from My flesh and blood’, means, if you – that is the cosmic law, can you feel? – if you let a character trait, do a deed and let it grow to the spirit, you experience the blood and the bread of the Christ.
But not by breaking, but by experiencing it.
Is it clear?
Something entirely different.
(To the hall): Which of you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus ...’
(To someone in the hall): ‘Then I will come back to soon.
Just wait a moment.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master, I read in the second part of ‘The Origin of the Universe’, that the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org) originated.
Before the people were very dark.
How do they enter the white race now?’
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘How could the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org) originate?’
How that originated?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
We now still have dark, very dark people on earth.
And we have the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org).
Did you not feel, because of ‘The Origin of the Universe’, those three books, where that white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org) rises, becomes conscious?
(Gentleman in the hall); ‘Yes, yes, after they were materially so far that they ...’
Yes, materially.
But what is the source for that awakening, for the tissue?
Did you feel that?
(Gentleman in the hall); ‘Yes, I ...’
By what means do you get a white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org), a pale, white, luminous tissue?
What does white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org) mean?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The seventh grade.’
Yes, the seventh grade.
That is the blood circulation, the growing from the pre-animal-like to the animal-like, coarse-material, material grade, that is the becoming conscious of your tissues, your blood, your spinal marrow.
The blood circulation gets change the more you experience a higher organic grade as a human being.
Is that clear?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, but there were also dark people who were also in the seventh grade.’
You still have them now.
They are still there.
But that is no ...
Now they are the coloured people.
And now this speaks to the personality of the human being.
You go back into that.
So outside of the seven grades.
So we have ...
(To the people who are still coming in.) Sit down.
So we have race types (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org) built up by Mother Nature, by the earth, and we have personal grades by means of atmospheric, climatological circumstances, grades of temperature, of light aura: where are you born?
That body is therefore, therefore has attunement to that and that grade, which now got spatial consciousness and is free from the giving birth which the earth possesses.
And then you go from the jungle, the deep jungle; that is therefore not the Negro (see article ‘Against racism and discrimination’ on rulof.org).
The Negro (see article ‘Against racism and discrimination’ on rulof.org) already had the perfect body, and can think and learn just as well as you.
So that consciousness is conscious, white, now dark, human, and stands free, is already free from the development of earth, as a planet.
So you get the human becoming conscious with regard to the organism, and you get this for the earth, and then the earth keeps you tied to those grades; that is from the jungle to the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org).
You will read that in ‘The Origin of the Universe.’
And if we had to analyze that, we would have had to, for that problem alone, with regard to all the people on earth – free from the earth – we would have had to write a new book.
The question is very good.
But do you understand it now?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
(To someone in the hall): Now you.
Over there.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, I think I noticed that, if a man or a woman commits such a crime that it results in the death of a fellow human being, that then the one who has done that is called back.’
For what?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘That he is reincarnated again.’
For murder?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘For murder.’
For murder?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, for murder, indeed.
But I also think I noticed that that is not always the case.’
No, then you are free.
If you, if I was ...
Look, if I was to murder you now this evening.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
We will not do it, of course.
And you are free, you do not need to come back to the earth again, then I have nothing to make amends for.
To make amends for something, yes.
You get the time of life back.
But you can now experience that on the other side.
Can you feel this?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No, I do not understand that properly.’
Roni ...
You hit ...
You are busy with ‘The Cycle of the Soul’?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, I am.’
‘The Cycle’ ...
Roni stood before ...
I said: remarkable, I see people dying there, one dissolves before me and the other enters the conscious hereafter.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Precisely.’
If you must return to the earth, then you enter the world for the reincarnation; we call that the world of the unconscious in the books, the world for returning to the earth again.
You will come ...
You are a form there, you become free, and you return to embryonic life, and you must accept that, because you are still born as an embryo, in the mother.
Can you feel this?
But if you are free, then you continue.
I robbed you of several months and years, of course.
But I, you ...
But the law of rebirth does not exist.
What must happen now to your soul, your spirit?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I understand that properly.
But the one who commits the manslaughter?’
I must make amends for this, of course.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘You kill me, so you must make amends for that.’
I must make amends for that.
And now I must give you new life.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Precisely.’
And I can now do that both spiritually and materially.
So I come now ...
Can you feel the law?
The law of birth does not exist; that is material.
The law of spiritual consciousness exists.
So I must now, at all costs I must give you that consciousness, which you could have learned during that time.
If you experienced pleasures, if you were happy during those thirty years which you miss because of me, then I must start to build for thirty years in order to give you that happiness, that love, that possession.
And now I can do that spiritually.
Is that clear?
I did not describe that grade.
That is another book.
But those possibilities exist.
Because – and you must be able to sense that – the material birth does not exist; because then I must go back.
But now you are not there, you are free, so that rebirth and the material law, those material deeds do not exist either, I do not need to build that up, you are spirit for me and I must therefore be able to receive you spiritually.
But now I must go back myself, I am still not finished here.
And then we will perhaps see each other again in tens of thousands of years, ages, and then I will still be faced with striking you down.
Even if you are a master soon, then I will have to make amends for my deeds with regard to your own grade, to other people.
Can you feel this?
I must make amends for that.
And I will experience it.
Do you understand it?
(Gentleman in the hall says something.)
That goes even deeper, of course.
But this is the law: either the birth, or you continue on the other side; but I must make amends for what I did wrong.
And that can be physically, that means ...
You always do that spiritually anyway, don’t you?
But it can be on earth, by giving birth to you; then I must return, I must become a mother, and I have to live for that, I must return for that, in order to attract you, or someone from your grade of life.
You are, you know that because of the books, you are connected along with millions of people to one grade of life, who were born with you during that and that time on the moon.
Is it clear now?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘ ...still not quite ...’
No, because the cosmology lives in between that.
And what do you still want to know now?
Do you have the question ready?
Otherwise I will come back to you soon.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘You mentioned ‘The Cycle of the Soul’ a moment ago.
Already good.
But Roni was therefore struck down by Lantos.’
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Indeed.
But Roni also had to experience a next life.’
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘That is true, isn’t it?
And Lantos remains ...’
(Gentleman in the hall says something.)
No, also.
But ...
(Master Zelanus knocks something down.) It is okay.
If I had not struck Roni down, I would have experienced the first sphere.
I was attuned to the first sphere during my time in Rome, when I was a sculptor.
My feelings, you experienced, all went to the higher, everything all.
Being furious, angry, lies and deception, I wanted nothing to do with that.
Because of that one blow I lived in the darkness for nine centuries.
I walked in darkness for nine centuries.
I had experienced the rotting process; my situation.
I came from that world, that invisible world, back to humanity, reality.
But I lived for nine centuries in that darkness, in order to learn.
It took a hundred years, a hundred and fifty years before I had made amends for the blow to Roni.
And how much did I experience during those hundred and fifty years?
So because of that one blow, that one slap, I had devoted my first sphere, and lost.
If you understand this properly, then you will feel how your social, human, male, female, maternal thinking and feeling in your society, in your world is with regard to Christ.
And then you can ...
If you remember that and read ‘The Cycle of the Soul’ and the other books again, then you will know that you already lose, are deprived of your Sphere of Light because of a harsh word.
If you ...
If the other person is right and you do not think the other person is right, then you lack that justice, that harmony.
And the whole of your personality is attached to your not being able to bow, and then you become hazy in your actual sphere.
Is it clear now?
Thank you.
(To the hall): Which of you?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, in the book ‘The Peoples of the Earth’ on page eighty-two, in the middle, it says: God wants Moses to make warriors, warriers out of his followers.
Then I thought that God did, because you said ...’
No, with the bible ...
(Comes near the object that nearly fell down.) I just do this once.
I will stay away from it.
(The audience laughs.)
We should have written another thousand pages about Moses and the peoples of the earth.
Because Moses was a rebel, quite simply a material rebel, with spiritual visions.
God spoke, the master spoke to Moses.
A child – you will read that – from the first sphere would not have been capable of accomplishing the task of Moses for the earth.
You can no longer get met to thieve and to steal and to lack of cordiality, unkindness, injustice, I said: I would lose my personality.
If I was to tell you one lie, I would no longer get in the gates of Our Lord tomorrow, they would no longer open for me then.
And then you must remember this.
You are going ...
How many prophets has the world known?
Those people did not know the other side.
If you were to determine the human being by a cosmic mistake, by a cosmic law, so because of a statement ...
That gentleman says ...
I tell you about the heavens, about Moses, about the laws of God, and I am off the mark ...
And I continue now, ‘well, I did not know it’.
But because of that I shut myself, and André then already shuts himself off from the pure, just, loving, certain hereafter.
We would not have sent Jozef Rulof from dry land into the ditch then, but we would have made him completely insane.
But it always rises, it always has new consciousness.
Can you feel this?
But now Moses.
Moses lives in the Land of Twilight and is capable, if you do not want it, of striking you down there.
He says: I will just strike you down; but you will listen.
Do you not want it?
Then with violence.
I do not do that.
No one from the first sphere does that.
We say: just take a bump.
If you are mine, and you want to go through that wall ...
She says: ‘Yes, but there is a door there.’
But there is not a door.
‘Yes, there is a door.’
You hit that wall with force.
I let your head go to pieces, only to let you know that there is not a door.
But I have lost you, for a while.
You die here.
Now we must have the feeling: what is good, what is wrong.
Moses did not ask about that in his sphere, in his misty life.
Moses wanted to convince his mother, his father, his brothers, his sisters: hey, I am alive, I am alive. He lived with the feeling: mankind must, the earth must know that.
The first people from the prehistoric age also experienced that.
Everyone experiences that.
And now the human being is still not in the first sphere, he still does not know that because of a slap, because of a kick, because of an unkindness, because of a war, by taking a human being’s life, he loses his deity and his space.
He does not lose that, most certainly not, but he restricts himself.
And if you know that, you will no longer restrict yourself.
Then you will no longer go into that darkness, then you will not be capable of acting like a judge, I told you, like a queen, like the highest of your people, because you kill the children of God.
If you say ...
I have several examples.
Recently you asked me that question: ‘What should I do with my child?’
You say to your child: do not kill!
If you have a God ...
Moses, I am coming back to Moses.
Moses received divine wisdom.
Go into the temple of Isis sometime, of Giza, Luxor, British India, take Catholicism, Protestantism; every religion has a core.
If there was no faith – Moses brought faith – if mankind had not got any faith, then we would be living, then you would still be living, the whole of mankind would still be living in the jungle.
By means of faith society was built up, jurisprudences were thought up, felt, created.
Because of Moses, all because of Moses, gradually.
But, if you are tried here and you have done wrong, then you get your punishment, of course.
But how many people are not tried unjustly?
So Moses was not capable of anything else but forced the human being to faith, respect for God, by means of violence.
That respect for Moses was there.
That violence of Moses has likewise there, and by means of this the masters determined the human being – I recently gave a lecture about that in The Hague – by means of this the masters determined the human being by fear.
People have, I have told those people, you should play that reel (tape).
How did the bible originate?
Do you see?
Is there damnation?
The human being has now made red-hot fire, burning, damnation out of that.
But, the masters said in the beginning, do not violate those things.
‘Thou shalt not kill’, the master said that to Moses; he was a master from the seventh sphere.
‘Thou shalt not kill.’
‘Love thy neighbour.’
Do you see?
He knew the spheres; Moses did not.
That was not God, that was a master.
Because that master has – that human being also lived on earth – he has experienced that same thing, undergone those lives, he has seen that he has beaten himself out of the divine harmonic justice harness because of murder.
Moses now gets spiritual feelings of his own accord, but must build up society at the same time.
We can, if we want this, along with André, reach mankind within three months.
André refuses.
By means of violence we can, with violence, at the core of Moses, by means of the thought of Moses we can build up that same state – by means of André; master Alcar may help – other masters exactly the same, and then we will achieve within three months what we cannot achieve now in thirty years, for example.
And then we bring the human being to the higher grade.
You are alive again now; this is also (the House of) Israel.
Now (the House of) Israel gets cosmic consciousness.
But that André, that Moses of now, is not capable of that, because he refuses.
And he comes from the first sphere, he says: no, I will not do that.
Master Alcar can tell him: go, and do that.
Then André will say: just do that yourself; I do not want to lose myself.
I want this, what I have, which I built up laboriously, I saw the first sphere before I came back here, I do not want to lose that.
What do you want?
Just look for another.
André stands before the divine law, and he has that law in his hands: everything is love.
Do you see?
We cannot finish and experience what we want with this instrument; we now have to accept that personality.
But he already came from that sphere, where Moses was not.
And Moses could act like that and that and that.
And Moses was saddled with all of that, and he had to and his followers had to accept that. Beyond death Moses has ...
And again on earth ...
I can tell you: he is free again; that took thousands of centuries and ten lives.
His grade, the whole of (the House of) Israel ...
Now I will tell you something nice.
You also read ‘The Peoples of the Earth’ with regard to Adolf Hitler.
Adolf did not have all of this on his shoulders.
People call Adolf Hitler names, but this mankind, here in Holland, needed this beating, everyone.
So what you carried and had within you in guilt, you must deal with that by means of that time which you experienced, everyone, every spark.
And now Holland is angry, Holland and France and Belgium are angry at Adolf, because Adolf told the human being: I will take the sword, the torture, I am the executioner of mankind.
But one day you will have to accept me, because I played the part of father for you, I did good; after all, you were not willing (see articles ‘Hitler’ and ‘Evolution of mankind’ on rulof.org).
This beating is a cosmic pure rapport for Adolf Hitler (see articles ‘Hitler’ and ‘Evolution of mankind’ on rulof.org).
Because everyone on earth is to blame for that downfall.
Adolf Hitler only had the whip in his hand in order to force the human being to hit; he was standing next to Moses as it were; only, with his unconsciousness.
He had no God, no Christ; he still had to awaken.
But because ...
This is why ‘The Peoples of the Earth’ is so wonderful.
And you can also read that ten times.
But because ‘The Peoples of the Earth’ ...
Kajafas, Christ’s birth, the Messiah, the murdering of the Messiah ...
But Kajafas must make amends for letting the Christ be destroyed.
But Pilate must make amends for washing his hands there in innocence.
Because one day you will have to come out for your love anyway, you will have to come out one day for God, and then you will have to show your colours.
Isn’t it true?
Should Kajafas not do that?
Should Pilate not do that?
Kajafas is ...
Should another act like Kajafas in this life?
Can another make amends for what Kajafas would get for his Jewish race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org), the Jewish people, that new consciousness by means of the child of his own race: Christ, the rabbi ...?
Kajafas, no, the supreme priest says: ‘No, he is an unconscious being’, but it was He.
Should you experience the karma, the cause and effect of Kajafas, here in Holland, in France, now during this time?
This is why Adolf Hitler was Kajafas.
And this concerns mankind, so mankind with regard to (the House of) Israel.
It was not mankind who got this beating, but (the House of) Israel.
France is (a single people of the House) Israel.
The tribes of (the House of) Israel waged war against evil.
Moses did that too.
Do you see all the things you get out of that?
Now Moses was for his time: we for now, Adolf Hitler for there (see article ‘Hitler’ on rulof.org).
But every child carries his own karma and suffering, because everyone ...
Who is free from karma, cause and effect?
I told you recently, because of a question: you are all here too long.
You have already been here hundreds and thousands of years too long, because now you are busy in cause and effect; you should already have been on the other side long ago, all of us.
Because of the blow which I gave Roni, I shut myself off for nine centuries, seven centuries, seven hundred and fifty years from the first sphere.
So I was getting in another person’s way there.
I receive ...
You are given birth to here, you are on earth; but another had to receive this body for you, because now there are a hundred thousand souls waiting for one organism.
Can you give a soul another body?
Would you want that?
Our Lord does not pay with ten guilder notes and twenty-five guilder notes, but with millions; and unfortunately, you cannot change them here.
Do you see?
You get to see your sphere, you get to see that light, you get to see those deeds as a point of light from your first sphere, from your garment, your hair, your eyes, your life of feeling, your flowers, your house, you will find it there again.
Moses was a rebel.
Moses had to be a rebel.
And that all makes sense, do you see?
Why did the masters not go to the first sphere?
How can you descend?
If I tell you: go and just steal this evening for me ...
Why do you not do it?
Why does the human being not do that?
A human being, a mother ...
Someone asks a mother: I want to experience you, and the mother says: ‘No, over my dead body’, or something else.
Why does the human being refuse?
Do you see?
That is your possession.
That is your consciousness.
That is your spirit, your light, your life, your justice.
And now you must be free from everything, if you want to experience, receive, build up that cosmic, spiritual justice and that love, and that becomes your personality.
Is this so improper?
Back again.
Moses was a rebel.
From the spirit he got ...
You will get a spiritual explanation from me this evening.
I can give you the cosmic explanation and the divine explanation.
And then I will become free from the earth.
But Moses was not any different.
He would ...
He said: if they are not willing, then I will drag those people to that, because I will give them happiness; they will receive the Lord.
Do you see?
And then Moses thought: just let me hit, they will forgive me later.
The spiritual personality is always proved right.
Moses did not know that, because his consciousness was not there yet.
But you must see this over the peoples of the earth, for that time, and Adolf Hitler, for now.
And this, which you now receive, is for the thousand-year reign, now.
We are talking about that now.
Do you see?
And the human being does not yet understand that.
But every child, every soul, each father, each mother, comes to stand before this cosmic accepting and bowing, and it is only then that will be and will become love.
Is this nice?
(To the hall): Which of you?
Did you have anything else?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, you say: we should have been gone from here long ago.
But is everything here not actually determined?
Is everything not actually predestined?’
Did you not listen then, my child?
You are here now.
Predestination, that only lives in the Divine All.
That does not live on earth, and that does not live here in the universe.
There is no predestination for the universe.
Can you follow that?
There is a predestination for you, but that only lives in the Divine All, because the Divine All knows that you have attunement to the divine Self.
And that is not predestination, but that is your attunement.
In other words, you ask something which I analyzed, and now you go back into that.
You must imagine that, you must feel that.
Now you can ...
You want to discuss and to sense that humanly again, and then you want to say: this is a predestination; I am bothered by it.
Yes, indeed, you are it.
But this is not predestination, no, it is you yourself!
If you live in the darkness ...
You are mother, why do you not have the organism of the father, the man?
You will get that.
We are father and mother, the soul, the spirit experiences both organisms, because through motherhood to the creating power.
That is predestination?
No, that is a law.
We do not know any predestination.
That is an earthly word, which is separate and free from cosmic perceiving and exploring.
That word is free and has no hold with divine justice, the planets, the stars, by means of which every spark originated.
There is no predestination, but there is attunement, awakening and consciousness, evolution.
Is it clear to you?
(Lady in the hall says something.)
No, of course not.
What else did you have to ask?
I explained to you – is that true? – I explained this completely to you.
I cannot add anything, unfortunately.
If you cannot feel this, I will stand still.
Do you understand this?
Well, no one is saying anything.
(Hall): ‘Yes.’
Then it is done.
I explained this spiritually, humanly, socially.
If you ... to yourself ...
There are people – I will also try it – there are people who say: yes, I am here, but I am not here, I live in the universe.
But it is you.
(Lady in the hall): ‘But I do not really mean that.’
No, but that’s it.
(Lady in the hall): ‘I mean, if something happened that was predestined.’
You would like that.
Do you see?
There it is.
You go back into the human.
So if you must do evil, you must go and steal: oh well, I was directed to steal.
We have – I must also tell you that – we got the ten commandments there.
Can your queen, can your general, but can they who possess the highest on earth, explain away that they let the life of their own people be destroyed?
(Lady in the hall): ‘They do not know any better.’
Oh, they do not know any better.
But can you ...
Did you learn to speak?
You can speak and think.
Do you believe in God?
Isn’t it true?
Yes, your queen and everyone believes in God.
People have ...
And people also believe in the ten commandments.
And it says there: ‘Thou shalt not kill.’
People also believe in Christ, because people pray to Christ ...
And says: ‘Thou shalt not kill.’
But the sign ‘Thou shalt not kill’, the commandments of Moses, people just walk past them, people make cannons and grenades, people put themselves on a throne, and you are king, emperor and queen.
And that, we do not look at that.
‘I want nothing to do with “Thou shalt not kill”.
I must take care of my people anyway, I must take care of my country, my children, mustn’t I?’
But did you really think that God in the Divine All knew Holland, and France, England, names which you created yourself?
You gave a name yourself of Piet, Hendrik and Klaas, but you are a grade of life as a spark on the other side, directly attuned to the All-Source as God.
Can you accept this, my child?
Do you understand it now?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Well, I do not agree with it completely.’
No, of course not.
Then I should stop.
You do not blame me for that.
I can also add a part, but then we will remain ...
You cannot feel it.
You must first get that consciousness.
And if you consciously ...
Why does one person feel this?
Why does the other person not feel that?
I get ...
If I was to ask: stand up, then everyone would probably stand up, and you would remain sitting down.
(Lady in the hall): ‘I do not think so.’
Stand ...
Who has this, who accepts this?
(Lady talks through it.)
We want to prove it to you.
Stand up, the people who have this.
(People in the hall stand up.)
Do you see now?
Do you see now, my child, you are sitting alone.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No, I am also still sitting down.’
Are you also still sitting down?
Do you not understand it either?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No, I do not understand it either.’
Then there are two people against everyone.
Either we are wrong, or you are right.
That is what it is about now.
Can I help you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, those are the teachings of the predestination, which can be talked about for centuries and centuries and which we will never work out.
That is the vicious circle.’
Is this a circle?
You are making a circle of it yourself.
Ask me something.
Go ...
There, I will come to you; we will fight it out this evening.
You are starting to think.
Anything else?
We will probably make it.
If you get this consciousness, you will not need to think for another ten, twenty years, and you can feel the happiness.
Because this is happiness, this is knowledge.
What do you have to ask, child?
Do you have anything else to ask?
I would like to give you this happiness.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Now suppose, for example, what we were talking about ...’
(Lady in the hall): ‘ ...a murder and such like; is that not predestined that that person must be murdered, and ...(inaudible) such as with Adolf Hitler ...’
No, now that predestination must go.
That is the unconscious character of the human being who is still open to murder, to evil, hatred, lust, violence.
So the ten commandments ...
God said through Moses, the masters said through Moses: ‘Thou shalt not kill.’
That is a divine law.
Can you accept that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, but ...’
Wait a moment.
Do you see?
But why do the people commit murder now?
Why do the people do that?
If God, if you ...
You accept God, Christ.
Christ said the same thing: ‘Love.’
Why do we not love?
Why do you want to hate the people?
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Because the people do not know any better.’
No, you do not yet have the feeling in order to love.
So you must still live here, and wherever, in order to learn to love.
Do you understand this?
Is this also a vicious circle?
Do you see?
Now I am already there.
And that is also, so when you commit a murder – you cannot accept this – that is not predestination; no, that is: I am not yet that far.
I will explain my life to you.
‘The Cycle of the Soul’, have you read that?
I committed a murder and then I committed suicide, I went into the grave, was attached to my organism, experienced the rotting process until my bones were stripped of flesh.
I cannot describe what that is.
I described it to a certain extent.
But you are thousand times crazy, and yet conscious.
You are burnt alive, you are ripped apart alive, people suck you empty.
You cannot deal with those pains.
There are no pains on earth which can produce that image, by means of which you consciously experience the afflictions of the rotting process.
Because you feel that the worms eat away your light – that is no longer there, but you are that light, you are the spirit, so you see it, you know it – you experience that consciously, until that tissue of those eyes has gone, because of the worms, you experience that consciously.
Now I must jab you, then you will know a bit about it.
I experienced that.
But I continued.
I only lived for months and months and years.
The time which I should ...
I should have lived another thirty-two years.
Those thirty-two years, now it is coming, I lived them in a world, in an invisible world.
You should read ‘The Cycle of the Soul’.
Do you not have it?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No.’
Not bought it?
Can you not buy it?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I am just interested.’
You have been here several times.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, before.’
Still interested?
You are still not going into that wisdom?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No.’
What a pity.
Then I can ....
You show interest in what I explained to you.
I lived those thirty years in an invisible world, because I had taken myself ...
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Thirty-two years.’
I had taken myself from that reality because of the murder, because of the suicide.
Then I went into that world again.
Then I came to the conscious world.
Is this a circle?
Do you see?
This is: I violated the time of life which I possessed.
So if you commit suicide, then you go from the divine harmonic life, also the time.
And now you enter an unconscious, unreal world, because you did not accept the reality.
Is that also clear?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Do you see?
And this is now the point, the foundation for everything.
You got everything from God, because we were born in harmony, in love.
That is the cosmos.
People do not know any lies and deception in the cosmos.
But we people ...
That is not committing a sin either.
Can you feel this?
But this is evolution.
The human being who commits a murder, you must not call him a murderer; we all did that, that human being does not know that yet.
But there will come a time when he will say: that is not allowed, because I took the life of a human being.
And that is the divine law.
Do you see?
So that is not predestination.
God did not say: thou shall kill; but He said: thou shalt not kill.
Can you feel this?
You can accept this, but you want that ‘Thou shalt not kill’ ...
Is that only just interest that people gave that on earth?
Are you interested in what was written and was given there by Moses, or whoever: thou shalt not kill, love thy neighbour?
Is that only just interest, or is that a law for us?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘That is a law for us.
But may I ask you something else, master Zelanus?’
But you see ...
(Gentleman talks through it.)
No, first this.
Is that a law?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘That is a law.’
Do you see?
So not a vicious circle?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No.’
And no ‘just like that’, ‘this comes to us just like that.’
This is a divine law, by means of which everything originated.
You must accept that anyway.
This is the very first foundation.
So, now I am finished.
The human being, wherever the human being lives and however the human being speaks, even if the human being steals, and the human being commits murder, even if he goes to war and he slaughters the children of God, this is only just ... a mitigating word?
No, this is consciousness with regard to Christ and God.
But not self-control and independence; this human being, this life, this child still has to awaken.
Is that clear now?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, to a certain degree.
But, Adolf Hitler, for example, but he had to, but he was predestined to beat mankind, and the people were predestined to receive that blow, that beating, weren’t they, they had to receive that.’
You see, you are not listening now.
I placed Moses precisely next to Adolf Hitler, and myself; we do not do that.
Adolf should have refused that whip with regard to the first sphere, I said.
Look, Adolf should have refused from the first sphere, I told you.
Why are you not listening to me?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Look, I do not understand  ...’
No, now I will stop.
Now you will not get any answers from me.
(To someone in the hall): You.
(To the lady): You are not listening.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I also wanted to ask this, master Zelanus, whether that ‘Thou shalt not kill’, whether that also refers to the animals, or only to the human being?’
That too.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Isn’t it true?’
That too, yes.
Yes, indeed, also to the animals.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘But then a great deal of people sin.
Then a great deal of people sin.’
Recently, you were not here ...
I was asked the question: vivisection, is that good?
Then I ... that doctor, those academics who I have ...
I can tell it to you harshly, I can be close to you, and then I can use the words.
You have not read those books.
I had to write ‘Jeus of mother Crisje’, the dialect of Gelderland.
Have you read that?
I had to use harsh words there.
But for us there is nothing harsh and nothing wrong.
Can you feel?
But the law of birth, the law of evolution, the law of accepting and loving, it goes through everything.
Can you feel this?
And now your question.
Ask your question again.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Well, my question is: so does the human being also have the right to kill animals.’
Do you see?
Now you come of your own accord through your feelings, I want you to say that, now you come of your own accord through your feelings of the human being to science, religion.
Look, that academic there gets his knighthood from the earth, because he has by means of vivisection, by means of the little animal, by means of the little rabbit, by means of a mouse ...
Yes, indeed.
It is about vermin there.
You must let your louse live, your flea too.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Precisely.
You must let live.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I wanted to ask that.’
But it must die, you can also kill it.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Oh.’
Yes, indeed, it is your own possession.
Because the louse originates because of you.
The louse originates because of your aura and pollution.
You do not have that louse from me.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘But that caterpillar falls out of the tree.’
I beg your pardon?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The caterpillar which falls from the tree.’
Also vermin.
We are not talking about vermin just now, but it is about the existing creation.
And now a rabbit is an existing creation, a cat and a dog too, they are existing beings.
They will later come to sit in your little cage in a few centuries and will get wings.
The human being gets wings, we speak about wings in the books – the Egyptians too – and that is then: I go on the wings of my personality, my knowledge.
Do you see?
You grow in feeling.
And they are the wings for the animal.
God gave cosmic consciousness to everything.
And the animal frees itself from the earth, flies away.
But you can do that much quicker in thoughts.
So we people got the life of feeling; the animal got the wings, and remains an animal.
Now the doctor perhaps built up something by means of this little rabbit, your little rabbit, and perhaps the vermin, the rat, the mouse, that is all vermin.
But if you want immaculate, pure, I said, for God, for science, for yourself, if you stand before the truth, do you then wish to have an injection by that doctor, which can let you live for a while, in a manner of speaking, because of that animal?
Then I say ‘no’.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘And I say ‘yes’.’
I say ‘no’.
Because now you accept the murderer, with the murder.
Do you see?
You say: ‘yes’.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘If professor Forellov (?) is capable of prolonging a human life by means of those ape glands ...’
But you cannot do that.
Do you see?
I am not talking about prolonging the time.
Because you cannot do this anyway.
You do not pass over a second too soon.
Even if you do not have any serum for diabetes and for cancer and everything, you still do not go a second too soon, if you wish to know.
But you cannot deal with that.
But that doctor ...
If you, for God and for the universe, and for society, if you want happiness for yourself ...
But Christ also said that, didn’t He?
Do you not have a Christ?
Christ said: ‘If you want to build up happiness for yourself, then do not do it at the expense of another.’
But that doctor has ... for your happiness ...
That is what concerns me, you say ‘yes’.
But he gave at the cost of that little animal, of that dog, and that cat and that dog, also a life, he just gave you two years, or three years, four years.
Why does he not do that with himself?
Why does he not inject himself?
That is the art and the possession.
There are ...
Which great people, which people are never forgotten on earth?
The human being Robert Koch, and others, who injected themselves, they will never be forgotten.
But the man who accepts vivisection every day and injects the animal in order to give you light of life, he murders.
Because, this is no longer art, you can buy this.
This means nothing.
But the doctor, the academic who sacrifices himself; and there were many of them.
But they have the Spheres of Light.
And that doctor returns to the earth for that destruction, for the animal world, in order to give those lives new life?
No, in order to say to mankind one day: do not do it, because you are also violating the life of God.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘But may I also ask a little question, master?’
But do you understand this?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, I understand this.’
Thank you.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘But, another little question, and that is this: if it is not at the expense of the life of an animal.
Last year the question was postulated about the transplantation of the cornea.
Now mankind is already that far that there are heart valves made of plastic.
And now people in America have done tests on dogs with heart valves made of plastic, and now people also intend to apply it to people.
Are such things tolerated, yes or no?’
You can ...
Science is coming so far ...
You must listen carefully.
The actual birth of me and you is in the hands, is destroyed and smothered, by something; by whom?
The time of my life, who can contaminate my time?
I want to free this problem from the divine core, the divine time.
So the universal time for yourself is contaminated and is deformed by someone; by whom?
What did you say?
Do you know it?
(People talk at the same time.)
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘By the human being himself.’
By your father and mother and your great-grandfather.
You therefore get cancer because of your family.
No, that is not a family; you have to make amends to those people.
But the cancer lives in those people, in that circle.
So that cancer restricts your life, it breaks your time.
And this is now not a murder.
Now we are talking about cause and effect.
If those people are immaculate and pure; can you feel, then you would not pass over too soon, would you?
Who murdered you now?
Who, who has, who sends – I have never spoken about this here before, take that into consideration; my people feel that – who now sends you to the other side too soon?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yourself.’
That family of yours.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes, my ancestors.’
His fault that you go to the other side thirty years too soon now, because he built up the cancer; and I now have that.
But I have to make amends to him, spiritually, I must serve him, or this or that, but I also get the cancer; and now I pass over too soon.
We did not describe those things in the books, because you will no longer understand them, because this is cosmology.
And I can only explain it by means of the cosmology.
But now we will go back to the core.
Now I come here as an academic and I make a plastic heart.
Now ...
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Heart valve.’
A heart; they are busy with that.
By what means do those people get these things from the Other  Side?
So the masters are busy making that karma, so making that passing over too soon dissolve, so that you get your time of life.
So we dissolve that family karma.
Is it not clear?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Very clear.’
Is that not nice?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Wonderful.’
Thank you.
Do you see?
If you want to think yourself, and you want to try ...
If you say ‘no’, I will stand still.
She will not get an answer from me.
And why not?
She is not listening.
I explained it here.
That is not being harsh, but I am standing still.
There are other children here.
I am exerting myself.
And I want to talk for years and years and years, but if you do not make any effort, I will stand still.
Is that clear?
That is not being angry, my child, and that is not misunderstanding, because then I will come back to it, if I just feel one tiny thing.
Then you are worth more for me than the human being who already has that, because you have to go along.
Isn’t it true?
But can you feel how wonderful it is becoming, that soon the human being will no longer have any karma, any cause and effect, not only physically, but also spiritually?
That all the troubles, cancer and tuberculosis were not created by God, but only by the human being?
And of course, the academic is, who is now finished, those masters come ...
You will soon get a brain made of plastic.
You will get eyes ...
We talked about giving your eye membrane for another.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The cornea, the transplantation.’
People asked André that: what would you do?
Well, I cannot decide about this organism.
But now he says: oh no, I do not know it yet.
Why not?
Will you do that?
Why not?
(A lady in the hall): ‘Well, if I did not have that, perhaps people would go along with that, with the other person.’
No, that means nothing.
André says this.
And you will agree with me again.
If you ...
And the Christ said that – and now Christ told truths – He said: ‘Let the blind heal the blind.’
But André said: ‘Yes, I will do this, you will get my light, my eyes.’
And suddenly he says: ‘No.’
Because then he attuned himself cosmically, he therefore started to see it from the other side.
Could I make you happy with my light, from my eyes, if I know that you will do wrong with that, soon, now that you can see?
What will you do then?
Then I would rather leave you blind.
And the Christ said: ‘Let the blind heal the blind.’
That means: you would be better to remain blind now, than that you rape and destroy others by means of my light.
Because now you will look and you will be lord and master again, by means of my light.
Now I am saddled with your evil, because I gave you my light.
That is cosmically seen.
Humanly seen, you say: ‘Yes, of course.
Why not?’
But cosmically seen I go away from you, because I do not have to do with your life.
If I was to give something of me to you, then you can be done with it.
If I know that you will give love and that you will live as the ten commandments say that and the Christ wants it, you will get, you can already get my light now, because then you will do it even better than I.
Then you will get it.
In America – another example – an artist in New York says: ‘Oh, teach me something.
I have a wife and three children, and I work, and I work, and I see those wonderful colours, and I cannot do it.’
André looks at him ...
More painters ask: ‘Teach us how those colours are mixed; you can ask the masters, can’t you?’
If you paint with love you will get it tomorrow from me.
Then I will ask master Alcar about it, and master Alcar will ask about it higher up.
We do not ask about it, we must know it.
And if you were able to experience those things in love, then master Alcar would lay, and master Jongchi would lay his technique and the colours in your hands, because we know: you are standing next to us, and we now serve together by means of art.
But now you go ...
Then André says: ‘You will surely beat your wife and children afterwards, because you are such a master.
Now you will not get it.’
He did not get it either.
I can ...
There are people who say: ‘I want to heal.’
I can give you the gifts in order to begin with healing tomorrow.
And then you will be strong.
I will make a wonder of you tomorrow, and that will be called: wonders happened in the human being.
These are not wonders.
If we know that you will ensure love with your healing, carry the human being, and serve purely spiritually, you can heal tomorrow.
But then I will stand behind you.
Then you will heal through me.
André already did that here, for someone in the hall.
The man asks him: do you know a magnetizer for me; my wife is weak, everything is weak, weak for thirty years.
André looks the child in the eye – I look with him – he says: ‘You can do it yourself.’
‘You can heal.
You are now a healer.’
And he began.
The mother is better, after thirty years.
But André worked for a year through this life, he healed through him.
But the man laid on his hands.
We are attached to this life.
Now that gift has been earned, earned in one year.
There are others to whom he said ... ‘Go and heal.’ ‘Go and heal the people’, the Christ said. And that human being says: ‘Yes, then the human being comes to the patient, but not a healer.’
Do you want to heal?
Then you must be seen as a healer, but not as a human being.
Then you are the healer, then you are carrying, benevolent, building up, loving.
You love both the healer and the human being.
But as a magnetizer you still see the human being and the money.
True or not?
(To the hall): Which of you?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus?’
These are life problems which are of use to us.
What is it, my child?
(Lady in the hall): ‘In England and America they are busy with tests which, well, how shall I put it, a man is no longer needed in order to impregnate a woman.’
We also talked about that recently.
Nice problem.
There are several mothers who would like to ask the question, but they do not dare.
But is that right?
(Lady in the hall): ‘No, for myself as a woman I do not think that is right.’
Why not?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Because it is something sacred, after all, the becoming one of man and woman.’
That is something sacred.
(Lady in the hall): ‘That you want the same thing.
Now the woman is unresisting, and she is just impregnated with some sperm or other, from some man or other.’
Yes, just say the word.
(Lady in the hall): ‘I would never want to give myself for that.
Now I wanted to ask you: is there a cosmic meaning ...
That is not a cosmic meaning, is it, if a woman is impregnated in that way?’
People asked André this a while ago.
There is a lady in England, that happened.
Perhaps also already in your Amsterdam, Paris, London, New York, the large cities in the world.
There are thousands of mothers who are injected by the sperm of another.
That woman comes back to her husband, and says: ‘I am pregnant.’
He, the man was examined, he could not give her any life, he was immune.
Then he says: ‘Then I will get a divorce.’
And he divorces her.
He gets justice, and she gets her child.
Then she says: ‘Scoundrel.
Now that you say it, that you will divorce me, now I do not want to see you ever again either.
And if you were to do everything for me now and want to do everything, and even if I could give birth to my child for you tomorrow, then I do not want the child, because I spared you.
I want to be a mother, and did not take a man for that, but an invisible one.
Would you still like to punish me now?’
When she had told it, then he says: ‘Child, forgive me.’
Then she says: ‘I cannot see you again, sir.
I have been impregnated, I do not wish any more than that.
But I spared you.’
I place this example opposite yours.
What would you do now, my child?
If you are free, then you say: ‘Then go over the world and experience the earth, Mother Universe and everything, and meet the creating power.’
You will most certainly meet that.
If you want to give birth tomorrow, you still want to experience that, just go through the streets, just send out now, honestly and sincerely, immaculately and purely.
Within so much time the healer will stand next to you.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, if I now ...’
I have not finished speaking yet.
And then you get your child.
You do not need to ask for that, that life is sent to you, because that soul from the universe will influence him to go to you.
(To someone in the hall): And now you.
(Lady in the hall): ‘The way you now say it, I would like to have ten or twelve of such children.’
Thank you.
(Lady in the hall): ‘But I mean this, and that goes deeper, because that concerns all the things you taught us.
If I, now that I would want that, for example, how do I know that the sperm which enters me comes by the same means as man and wife melt together, and consciously want a child ... then they attract a soul which has been attuned to their attunement.’
This is a cosmic problem.
(Lady in the hall): ‘I know that.
But how do I know that the sperm which now enters me, whether that is the correct one now?’
Whether that is the correct one?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Now you have ...
Now you must listen carefully.
Now you have ...
I told you about a grade of life.
This is a cosmic problem, really wonderful.
Also another book.
Now you have a cosmic problem.
You have a grade of life, you are connected along with thousands of men and women to one grade; on the moon we were precisely ready with so many cells, and they are still there now and those cells are now a human being.
Now you can, outside of your grade, your grade of life, you can also attract another grade, most certainly.
You do not have that certainty of consciousness, and you do not accept that either.
Then go, and wait until the creator comes, the man, isn’t it true?
Then he will attract a child, a soul for himself, or you will attract.
But now you must listen carefully.
On the moment ...
You say: which soul must I attract now?
Who is now the life which dominates, which has everything in its hands?
Is it the organism, the man, with the intellect, is that not there?
That is also there, that is the sperm.
And that personality is there, that human being is there as an embryo.
But you are the mother who attracts, and not he now, because he is not there as a material organism?
Is that possible?
(Lady in the hall says something.)
He is there anyway.
So that embryo attracts the own soul.
So if you accept that embryo, that sperm, then you have the soul, the spirit, the personality.
So you can receive all of that in one state: you can serve like that.
The incident, the being one, all of that falls away; only the impregnation, the attracting remains, and that is divine authority and divinely sacred.
So that mother whom I spoke about, and what André experienced ...
We know thousands of these situations from our life.
But that mother was right, she said: ‘I gave you my love.
I love you so awe-inspiringly.
But now you have murdered everything in me.
And this can no longer be made amends for, because you have destroyed my giving birth and motherhood.
You have begun, you want to go.’
He had first told her the truth politely.
She said: ‘But I would, I had wanted to die.
But in me ...’
And that child reads books, she knew a lot, felt a lot.
‘I am a mother.
And my motherhood is that which says ‘no’.
Go, I am a mother, and I no longer need you for that, even if you were able to give me a thousand children.
You kicked me there.
And I protected you.’
And this is why this child took the injection, in order to ... her husband ...
Do you see?
But what is now the ultimate?
How would the people now actually have to experience and have to accept this now?
If you ask those questions, I can immediately connect you with the other side, with the most wonderful problems.
How does the Other Side think, how does your law of life, fatherhood, motherhood, think about it?
But God, what would God say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘That it is good.’
If you ...
For the earth you are not married, but you are a mother, and you have a child, from just anybody, and you meet that human being ...
And if they had to ask me from the first sphere – you will feel, they are precarious problems, because you do not live in that, you cannot deal with those things – and I, master Alcar, Christ would refuse to give that mother a child, between life and death, then Christ would lose His deity.
Even if Christ was the soul of another.
Can you feel this?
Because you are just connected for the earth.
For God, you will have to earn that.
Do you see?
You have each other now, but tomorrow?
‘Beyond the coffin’?
You think that you now receive each other’s love; ‘beyond the coffin’, from who you are there?
There is just one soul in the universe, one life, that is your spirit, that is your soul.
That division was born on the moon; you continued.
You know the books.
But from who are you actually?
Do you see?
Perhaps you are from me, from another.
And now I refuse to give you a child, while I, the creating power ...
I am God, and I refuse to create evolution?
I refuse to give birth and to create?
Is that a shame for society, if the mother must possess a child?
Look, a child wants to be a mother ...
A mother asks – you must consider this carefully – a mother asks someone: ‘Give me a child.
It is you.’
Then there is something else to ask.
Why are you looking?
Now you think: yes, that is ...
Now you think as a mother: yes, that is a good person.
But why ...
First we ...
And you will say: oh yes, you must be with me, or with that human being.
But now we start to determine and to see your situation cosmically responsibly for the first time, and then you get nothing else but your own grade of life, we will look for that for you, but not the highest.
Can you feel this?
So you will become a mother.
But for me there are also a thousand others whom you will have to receive first.
I have not yet earned that.
Probably, perhaps.
But it goes from grade to grade.
And now this.
Now your society is like that: now you have the child in your hands, you get the birth, you are a mother, and that is the most wonderful law for the universe.
You get that child.
And if that life is not there, and it was to live in America, or France, or England and not in your neighbourhood, then Christ himself will come to you in order to give birth.
And then we come, the master comes, Christ comes, God comes.
Do you see?
First ...
That means: do not go to that tree, while that tree is ready to be eaten, those apples then.
This is why they made such a terrible mistake with that paradise.
Do you see?
But the law of God is: if the mother lives there ...
Now I could say to you: go to your doctor first and accept that.
If you can accept that ...
Because that man, that creator must go out of his situation.
Can the mother experience that?
Do you see?
Can the mother, that man is married, that man is connected, that man is wed, can that mother accept that?
That other one says: ‘Yes, and give my blood life.’
And she also helps you, she still serves you, she will also take care of you, that first sphere love is there.
She serves ...
You do not even have the means, but you also get money and everything from the other mother, from the man who serves you, that too.
Then that is the first sphere, then that is an attunement of the first sphere.
Do you have that?
Then it is blessed.
Then the justice of the Other Side and the divine thinking and feeling and being one lie on that.
But if that is not there, then is it a ...?
(A lady in the hall): ‘Disharmony.’
Because you say: my husband has deceived me.
That man has sullied God and Christ and the church and everything?
Is that true?
Do you see?
We think and we see it differently, for that matter.
The church, marriage, people decided that.
But when will God really bring you together?
We know that, you will read that in ‘The Cycle of the Soul’, you will read that in ‘The Origin of the Universe’, you know that.
And now everything becomes sacred.
Woe betide, if I were to refuse.
Do you see?
But you are a mother; and I must go there.
You take care of everything.
I want to see the child, I want to see the life.
Even if you will work yourself to death from sorrow; you take care of the child, because you give birth and not I.
In other words: then you will also take care.
You call that taking care, the cosmos does not know any care.
The cosmos does not know any nappies, any possession.
Even if you live in nature and you lay there naked in nature with your child, then God will serve you; and now you get to experience and to see wonders.
Can you feel this?
But you take care of the child.
Can you do that?
Do you see?
You are a mother for that purpose, after all, aren’t you?
But the creator ...
But now this comes, if you still want that ...
Now it goes through creation, through fatherhood, motherhood, it goes to Christ, it goes to God, it goes to your personality, it goes to the consciousness, awakening, earning, doing deeds, everything, a whole book.
Can you do that yourself, or must I do that?
Because you take me from my earthly life.
Can you feel this?
So that can only be if you do not create any worries.
That can only be if you do not make a chaos of it.
But society made a chaos out of it.
So now finally the word: then just take an injection.
Then you will not have that, and not this, and not that, and not that.
But the divine pure core is: the personality too, conscious.
You want that, after all, don’t you?
That is the divine, spatial pure being one.
Did you not want that?
Thank you.
Thanks for your beautiful feelings.
(To the hall): Which of you?
What were you thinking about?
Is it not true?
(Gentleman in the hall says): ‘It is true.’
(To the hall): Which of you?
You get divorced, you have your wife there, your mother there, and children there; human problems.
Do you see?
You are already busy taking care of those things.
But spatial consciousness, spatial being one, spatial fatherhood and motherhood is not social fatherhood and motherhood.
(To the hall): Who had another question?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, yes.
I actually had something to ask about that extremely important question from that lady, about which you first said that it is perhaps the most important question of the evening.
You put the accent in the wrong place, because you say: that man is a scoundrel.
I say: that woman is a scoundrel; that she let her vagina be injected with serum or with sperm, without the foreknowledge of her husband.’
That question ...
That is your feeling.
And then we are not agreed on that.
I will not go into that, whether she is right or he.
She says: I will take it.
Now you begin again: she is to blame, and he is to blame.
It is not about blame; we are talking about motherhood.
And not about blame and atonement; then they are new problems.
Now begin to think first and keep that, that blame, that acting, that doing and longing outside the event of motherhood.
Here one feeling, one law dominates: this life wants to be a mother.
Can you feel this?
Not the man, not the deed, not the feeling; motherhood is here.
And now it could be, my friend, that it is not even her, but the soul in the universe which forces her to be a mother.
So she is still not even to blame.
How far ...
Where do you wish to have me go?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Well, that she can have certain things done after having consulted her own husband.
But not like that without foreknowledge of that husband.
I only want to say that.’
I do not know whether that happened.
But that is a good question.
And ...
Now it is about being one in everything.
That child made a mistake, of course.
And that is a very good question.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Precisely.’
She should have done this together with him.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Precisely.’
Very nice.
(A lady in the hall): ‘She caused disharmony.’
In essence, look ...
Do you feel?
I ...
It is a question of you understanding me, and I understanding you.
Motherhood here, that feeling in her dominates everything.
It cannot be contradicted; this is everything.
That is reproduction, evolution, this is everything.
That talking to him, and acting, and all her actions, are off the mark.
But you must do that socially, humanly.
Not spiritually and definitely not cosmically.
Then you do what you want.
Because you are now divinely responsible.
Do you see?
I am proved right, but I agree with you.
Humanly, she should have waited.
Can you, now it will come again ...
You do not think so far.
Can we now go and wait and say: yes, I must give birth, can the soul now be attracted?
Is that not already busy?
That probably came over her suddenly.
Do you know that there are mothers who are insane, who want to give birth, who want to be a mother, and they cannot be a mother because that injection does not yet exist?
And because those mothers do not go and look for a man?
And are now in the mental institution?
If only they had just asked themselves: my dear person ...
‘Just go and look.
Go into nature’, it says in ‘Masks and Men.’
You read there: feed the ducks, and the creator will come next to you.
A man comes there who also feeds ducks, and he says: do you also like ducks?
‘Can you coo sometime?’ André says.
I also coo in that direction.
Go with me this evening, like that and that, then you will get your man, your creator.
Can you feel this?
So there is ...
If the mother asks for a child, then the soul in the universe is already busy giving birth.
Because becoming father and mother are now inspired by something, and that is the birth of a new life.
Can that happen on time?
Had ...
It probably happened in two, three, four days.
I can explain all of that away?
No, I bring you into connection with the divine core, the spatial core, the spiritual core, and human thinking, feeling and acting, with regard to ...
Now you say ...
(To the gentleman in the hall): And now you must not talk to me so sternly, because you are stern, you hurt.
If you talk so sternly, I get a fright, and so does André.
We are not stern towards you either.
You must never be stern; then you hurt me.
Then everything falls away.
The law remains law.
Giving birth is divine receiving and is evolution.
Now I am proved right again.
But I agree with you if we start to treat that humanly.
I treat the problems here humanly, for your spirit, for your space, and I can treat them divinely.
And then that man will have nothing more to say, and he should have been grateful; if you love.
People say here on earth: whether you are bitten by the cat or by the dog, you, my dear, are a mother.
And now we will carry and take care of this life together.
I would have done that.
And I would not have run that woman down.
I would have said: look, I know, I cannot give you a child.
And she would have said: I spared you.
I would have ...
Do you know what I would have done, if I was still on earth, in that situation?
I would have had to have the money, of course.
But I would have laid a hundred thousand white, red and yellow roses at her feet, and I would have watched over her day and night.
But I would have bowed.
And I would not want to see that husband.
And if he was there and I knew from where we had got this happiness, then I would have rewarded him with thousands and thousands of guilders and riches, because my soul, my life, became a mother.
Do you see?
Can you do that?
Christ said that.
That is the way it should be.
So ...
These are words from Christ.
Society is sick because of these laws.
Do you not know that?
Society can be great.
You act, you talk about a mother, about a child of twenty years old, she will become a mother.
What is that in your eyes and in the eyes of society?
A slut, because she will become a mother?
Did you think that the gates on the other side would be closed for this child, that mother, because of that?
This is evolution.
She serves her own evolution and yours.
She will probably make sure that she gives birth to a child for you, in order to draw you back.
Because one mother refuses; another mother must receive fifteen, sixteen children, for the mother who refuses to give a new life.
But how do all those priests and those pure, chaste nuns wish to return, who do not want to be a mother?
How many millions of mothers do not serve the Catholic Church?
And how do those children wish to return in order to be a mother?
They must return to the earth, after all, mustn’t they?
Refuse in this life to be a mother, and you must return to the earth in order to be a mother, because you restrict your own evolution for the earth, the cycle of the soul.
Do you see?
If you give me that ...
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘There are also women who loathe motherhood.’
Now we have a different problem again.
Now I can explain the seven grades for motherhood to you.
In the seventh grade, and then if I will compare that again with the cosmos, you are a mother.
There are mothers who say: ‘I do not need any children.
I do not want any children.’
Do you not know those ladies?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I have met ladies who said to me: I am pleased that I do not have any children.’
Yes, but that is an unconscious being.
What is happiness now?
By what means does the human being, the mother, experience happiness?
What ...
Which ...
Is there anything else exceeding the happiness of being a mother?
What keeps mankind tied to earth and connects mankind with God?
And this child says: ‘I do not want to be a mother, ugh.’
No, praying?
By praying you will never become a mother.
And by praying, by thinking about God purely ...
I recently gave the lecture in The Hague, we are now talking about the divine love for the human being.
The being one of the human being, for animal, dog and cat, is a divine pure law of justice, for fatherhood and motherhood.
But love ...
(To the sound technician): I can see you.
... love, I am now busy with that, that becomes the philosophical system.
You have the love of God.
And that points you again to: ‘Thou shalt not kill.
Love thy neighbour.’
Do you see?
The ten commandments; the good commandments.
But the deed, the act, the thinking and feeling, takes you to God.
But that becomes the personality.
You must earn this.
But the human being says: I love you.
Yes, with what?
In order to experience being one?
But he must love you by means of the deed, the action, the speaking, the proving.
Do you see?
Why do you speak so harshly to me?
You do not do that in the first sphere.
I can feel immediately whether there is anger present.
You were not angry.
But I can immediately feel whether there is anger present, and that hurts me.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Well felt, master Zelanus, I was not angry.
Because that both views are diametrically opposed to each other ...’
Do you see?
This is not ...
No, this is ...
Now I understand it; this is no longer opposed to each other.
This is analysis.
There are Catholics and Protestants who become angry: that man, that human being takes everything away from us.
Christ said: I will not take everything away from you, because you will get God back, the new, the new evolution.
But people become angry.
Why do you become angry when I explain this to you?
You ...
I am not doing anything to you, am I?
I am not hitting you, am I?
You can lay that aside.
Forget it.
It will awaken one day.
Why would I be angry?
Why should you be angry?
Do you see?
It all happens so simply.
It could all be so nice.
Marriage is so tremendous, tremendously beautiful, if you understand that.
But because of the smallest thought and character trait you hit that great firmament to pieces, and it collapses.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, but, master Zelanus, then I hope to put my question as gently as possible, but in a perfect marriage, when there is a question of perfect love ...’
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘ ... and a man is not capable of impregnating the womb of the woman with his sperm, then that woman must love that man so perfectly, then they must love each other so much, that they resign themselves to their childlessness.
And then that woman must not ... to other artificial means ...’
Do you see?
Do you see?
You are still holding onto this.
But now, if the mother says ...
There are millions of mothers and families where the mother cannot give birth, and he accepts it and she.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Precisely.’
But now she is ...
She must not do that either now, because she must experience that law according to her consciousness.
Are you religious, are you dogmatic?
If you have cosmic consciousness, then that is for this moment the yearning for cosmic strength in order to become a mother.
And then you cannot stop that.
Now comes the crunch, now the first thing we will look at is: how that mother is conscious.
Which consciousness does the mother possess in order to be a mother.
If she lives in that grade, then she will not feel any motherhood.
If she lives in the second grade, then she will start to long a bit for motherhood.
The third grade, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh ... then you cannot stop that.
That is the blossoming of your flower in the spring, when everything bursts open; that is God.
And then there is no longer a question of whether you think: she must not become a mother.
Do you not know that there are so many divorces, only already because of the mother who wants to experience the love of not being beaten, but thousands of receiving the child?
And you cannot stop that.
Now it is cosmic again, do you see?
No, now it goes straight to creation, to the All-Source, which is God, and which says: ‘You will multiply.’
Because you will not get any reincarnation soon.
That mother, I told you a moment ago, she must return to the earth, for that matter, and you too.
And your mother now says: we cannot have any children, it is not possible.
I do not have the means, I am not conscious.
My sperm is not conscious.
That is possible, isn’t it?
You know that.
And if you definitely lack that now, and your mother, your wife, your soul, your life, she possesses the possibility in order to give birth, and you had that consciousness, that feeling, then you would make sure that, either by means of the injection, or by means of the creator, a child, if necessary two, could be given birth to, because then you would get the assurance of returning.
Because now not by means of another to the earth – can you feel, because you must be attracted, mustn’t you? – but now by means of yourself.
And then you would thank God on your knees for being able to experience and being able to accept it.
But this comes from the cosmos again.
This is not human.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Cosmic.’
Then we go against it and then we say ...
I can explain it to you.
And the cosmic law is precise, just as pure and immaculate as your thinking.
I agree with you.
But I can also, I will also be proved right on the cosmos, and then I will take it away from you again.
But I must say you are right as a human being.
And then you say: you are mine, and not from another.
But who says that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘That is human.’
Do you see?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Humanly put, master Zelanus.’
But do you understand me?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I can understand you completely.
You explained it extremely well.’
You should ask your professor about this.
On earth they cannot explain that to you.
Can they?
Socially you must experience that with people.
And you do not mention any names, because this is dangerous, this speaking.
If you do not understand me, then this is dangerous.
I want to explain everything to you, if you can understand it.
My followers, the follower gets everything, if you understand it; or you do not get it, because you destroy me.
Not me; I just let you talk.
But later you will be grateful.
Can you feel this?
What did the Christ not say?
People still do not know the Christ.
But if people know Him, do you know where that leaves the bible?
Then Christ will say: did I say that?
Did I say in Gethsemane: ‘Let this cup pass from’?
Who was there?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Those disciples.’
No one.
(Hall): ‘No, there was no one there.’
No one was with the Christ when He was praying, because the disciples had fallen asleep.
And people put that in the Christ’s mouth.
The bible writers were able to do that.
And how many thousands of problems of the bible did they not put in Christ’s mouth?
And the Christ keeps saying: Was that Me?
They did not know Me.
Still do not now.
I thank you.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master, may I ask something else?’
No, the next time.