Tuesday evening 22 may 1951

Good evening, my sisters and brothers.
(Hall): ‘Good evening, master Zelanus.’
This is the last evening this evening for this season.
And if the laws and the forces and the powers desire and want it, then you will see us again in the second week of September.
I thank you for all this beauty here, this is a terrible spoiling.
Master Jongchi is also present.
Which of you is ready with the first question?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I will just stand up.
I would like to ask you something.
I am convinced in advance that you will not be able to give me an answer, unfortunately, but I would like to ask it anyway.
You have repeatedly told us: “Do not call me a master, because that hurts me, I do not yet deserve that.”
But now the last time, then you said: “I am the master, the spokesman for the whole of Europe and Asia.”
How must we understand that?’
Look, people recently asked André: Is André-Dectar a master?
You must just decide that for yourself.
If you possess the consciousness for the universe, we must call ourselves master.
If you have the possession of the first sphere in you; do you know what that is, what that means?
Do you know it now?
But you have read the books, haven’t you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
When you have it ...
When you enter the first sphere, then that sphere is still not your possession.
But when you have experienced those seven transitions, which every sphere possesses, then you will know all the life under that sphere, and then you will be a master in that sphere, in that environment, in that world.
We say, that is called: spiritual consciousness, to a human attunement.
But now you can also possess spiritual consciousness to a cosmic attunement.
And it is only when you possess the whole sphere ...
You will know all the arts and sciences of the earth, you will know all the religions, sects, you will know the whole bible, every tree, every flower, every insect, the fish, the human being, all the character traits.
You will know insanity, you will know reincarnation, you will know why triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets occurs and why a miscarriage occurs.
You will know sun, moon and stars; when the sun lived in that and that age and condensed itself with regard to moon, Jupiter, Venus, the universe.
You will know the All-Mother, the All-Source, the All-Life, the All-Fatherhood and the All-Motherhood, the elemental laws, the gravities for the universe, the laws of growth.
That is the possession of the human being who is a master, who has consciousness to a cosmic attunement on the other side.
You will know everything which the human being wrote on earth, from the origin, you will know every mysticism, everything.
Because, in brief, you are conscious in this universe.
And then you carry masterhood.
And you must accept every insect, every human being in that world; you will be the master.
But if we are that in that world, then you have to accept me or another.
But for here we keep recoiling again from calling ourselves master here for you.
It is so cheap here, it costs nothing here.
If you can accept – and now you will get the word – that we, that I and André by means of the books, by means of the lectures ...
We have now given some eight hundred lectures and I must actually still begin with the systems.
Do you see?
Eight hundred lectures.
We wrote twenty-four books, but we experienced twenty-four thousand of them.
Do you now consider me a master?
For here.
Look, if you feel and understand that – because this, this wisdom, is not of this world – then I am willing to accept that from you; but not from your society, because it does not understand that.
Is it clear now?
And this is why I say: for that world.
Then you come to me, you come to André, then you come to the books, then you just come over one path, one path.
And it goes left and right.
But there is just one path to the Messiah, to reality, justice, analysis, origin, fatherhood and motherhood; there is just one path.
And we dealt with that path for the first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth and the seventh sphere.
For the fourth, the fifth, the sixth and the seventh cosmic grade you received material through the highest masters.
I am an instrument again for master Alcar, and master Alcar for master Cesarino, Dr Frans, Damascus and the Half Moon.
You will not know them, but you can read about them to a certain extent in ‘A View into the Hereafter’.
Then we are instruments ...
Then those masters are the instruments for the fourth cosmic grade, the fifth, the sixth and the seventh.
We are therefore capable of receiving the All-Consciousness from human being to human being.
Is it clear?
Are you satisfied?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Another question.
How should we address you when we ask you questions?
How should we address you?’
You just stick with the old ... question.
You will certainly not call me Piet, will you? (laughter)
I said it, but ...
People call the man at the infant school father or master.
We are mastering, aren’t we?
Just give me a name.
But not Frans and not Piet, as it says in ‘Jeus II’.
And not Gerhard either, master Alcar says, because they are pilferers.
(To someone in the hall): You there.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, I wanted to ask you: does fatherhood pass into motherhood?
And is that an eternal cycle in all states in the universe?’
You already asked me that question last year.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I did not understand it clearly then.’
But you asked it.
Didn’t you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Somewhat differently.’
You were sitting there.
No, it is true to a certain extent.
You asked that question at least twice, three times, four times, during the years that I absorbed your soul.
Do you still not remember now?
You know.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Do you remember now?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘It has still not got through to me properly enough.
There are different states which I still do not understand.’
Which do you not understand?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Fatherhood, or the creating in the voice, for example.’
What is this painting, fatherhood or motherhood?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I would not be able to determine it actually.’
You should know it.
What is this?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Both.’
What is that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Creation.’
Why creation?
I talked and spoke about the flower here recently, the origin of the children in Mother Nature.
What is this?
What does a painter do when he wants to experience his inspiration?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘.’
Giving birth, here it is giving birth.
And now it is creation.
So that painting is male.
It is not neutral.
Do you see?
For the creating, giving birth laws this painting is male.
And that is inconsistent with your terminology.
And what were you saying about the human being?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I asked about the voice, master Zelanus.’
The voice?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
What is the voice now?
Now we have the soprano, the alto, the mezzo, don’t we, you have the bass, the tenor, baritone.
And there is still a transition, you call that, I think, heroic tenor, don’t you?
And now you want to know what fatherhood and motherhood is of those two?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
There is the mother and there is the creator.
You can possess the baritone, can’t you?
But that is day consciousness.
So the human being who sings, the mother who can sing, possesses her natural timbre.
In time you will have millions of people ...
The higher the human being rises, the organism, the more beautiful and more sonorous the human timbre becomes.
Because that is the possession of the organs.
Do you accept that?
You must accept that.
The man, the creating power, possesses the baritone, as I said, the tenor and the bass.
But that is day consciousness.
You will not understand that, of course.
Because the voice manifests itself exactly like that painting and those flowers.
Is the flower, is this maternal?
For your earth, that is maternal, isn’t it?
For your terminology and science, the noun ‘flower’ takes the feminine form (in Dutch), is maternal, is that true?
But for the universe this is creating.
Because this is visible.
Everything which is invisible, is giving birth.
But the visible is creating.
The sun is mother for your universe, for the earth, for science, but the sun is father.
The moon is mother.
So everything which gives birth, is inner, is in the ground.
So the flower ...
The stem is now the space, the universe of this life.
That is the space, this.
Can you feel this?
Now you get the animal-like space.
This is the space of a flower.
And the human being has the macrocosmos.
The animal does not need to do anything more than to eat, to look and to live; but later the winged consciousness.
Now you get this for the human being, that the voice already means day consciousness, and you say, as it were: yes, that is the male voice.
Isn’t it true?
But is that the male voice for the cosmos?
That is a creating timbre.
So that timbre has to do with the systems for creating power, and with the All-Source in you.
Not the voice as visible, audible sound, but the organs which you possess.
Now I must go right back to the beginning of creation and the place, the circumstances, the possibilities by means of which you are creating.
And do you know now that in that cell ...
So I am speaking and I am singing at the moment, I am speaking, you hear my timbre.
But in the human cell, the All-Power lives in there as a creating capacity.
So you go to your giving birth.
The mother sings from her process of giving birth, and you sing from your creating power.
This is the cosmic analysis, you must sense that, or you will not be able to understand it.
The human characteristics lie so deeply closed off to the creation, but have to do with day consciousness, with your personality.
And now you speak from your life of feeling, don’t you?
You sing from your life of feeling, you expel the sound and it comes through your organs.
Hits back, goes back again through the nervous system – that still has nothing to do with it, but it happens like that – that makes a cycle, and finally the voice hits back from the solar plexus and you have the timbre.
Then you hear the sound.
But from the creating source which you possess as a man, as a creator.
And that is now the cosmic analysis, which every insect possesses in sound, in feeling, in thinking, in wisdom and personality.
And now you can experience the macrocosmos as a human being.
Now because of that there are different grades to be experienced, of course.
The voice has grades of consciousness again.
Because, if you just go back to the jungle, then you hear a gentle timbre, a rarefied timbre.
But if you come to the direct nature, then you also get to experience a natural sound as a timbre, which manifests itself completely, straight from the organism.
And as the human being organically rises to higher grades ...
This is why I say: soon, after about a hundred, five hundred years, five thousand years, then you will get the most wonderful timbres for the earth for the first time, for the mother, and for the man.
Because the voice is still not spiritually responsible.
It has not yet reached the spiritual height.
Because from the jungle you get more power, more timbre, more sound.
So as the human being, the soul, the spirit climbs up from the jungle to the white race, the highest organism ...
That highest organism also possesses the timbre.
Can you feel this?
And that corresponds again with all the gifts, which you read about in ‘Spiritual Gifts’.
You will find all the spiritual gifts there, but also the art, clairvoyance and all those other gifts.
But this is material, physical possession.
I can tell more about that, but it is getting more and more difficult.
I am going further and further away from you.
Can you feel this?
But do you understand it now?
Can you sense to a certain extent, that the core ‘voice’ is the possession of your organism?
And as that organism comes into harmony with Mother Nature ...
Because your bodies are not finished yet.
Do you accept that?
Amongst the peoples you already have a few bodies, they are, I told you last week, they are already Adonis’s.
That body is beautiful, that organism is completely finished.
Because the masses as organism still need thousands of years in order to reach that evolution as body, as organism.
In other words: you are still ugly.
You will not accept that, of course.
(People in the hall): ‘Yes, we do.’
Thank you.
(To the hall): Which of you?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Does that voice have something to do with the character?’
(Lady in the hall): ‘There are people who have a very pleasant voice, and people who, when people hear them speak ...’
Then you tremble and shake.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Precisely.’
Does the voice have to do with the character?
Now we come to the personality.
Now you hear the human being singing, and now the personality sings.
If the personality has a lot of feeling ...
And then you see that again in all the arts, not in the sciences, but in all the arts.
If you have a violin, just go and sit at the piano; one is sensitive, and the other hits that organ, like that, so that you close your ears, you cannot listen to that.
So you now get to see the life of feeling by means of art.
Is it clear?
(To the hall): Anything else?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, you promised us the last time, you would tell us something about natural dying.’
About what?
Natural dying?
(Lady in hall): ‘Yes.’
Did I promise you that?
(Lady in the hall): ‘You promised that, yes.’
I forgot.
If you die naturally, then you are free from every disease, naturally.
Naturally, now you must be careful, because ‘natural dying’ and ‘naturally’ are two words in one state.
But that means that nature speaks in your life.
The actual natural death is the dissolving.
You are not yet that far.
Mother Earth does not have that possession.
So you get again, what I said there again, a heightening of organs.
On the fourth cosmic grade you dissolve calmly, you dissolve with each other while walking, and your body disappears as the body of the Christ dissolved when people had placed him there in that cave.
Then the masters dematerialized the body.
But the Christ himself had attuned himself to His body and immediately withdrew it with himself into the world on the other side.
So that body dissolved as all life will dissolve one day, as the moon and the stars, and in nature, and all life which leaves an earthly material experiencing because of that evolution, dissolve.
That is the natural death.
But now you are connected to thousands of laws.
In the first place you die because of diseases.
That is not a natural death, do you know that?
You already die because of an accident.
How many accidents do not happen?
How many people do not die?
This is very powerful; understand properly, this will come to earth one day.
So mankind, the cosmos will evolve, but also the consciousness of the human being.
So you will become free from diseases.
A human disease-death will no longer be experienced in ten, a hundred thousand years’ time.
You blow ... you disappear, you gradually become hazy before the eyes of the human being, and then you die.
A heart failure, a short death is not a normal death.
That is overstraining again.
Every death on earth is still abnormal at the moment.
Even if you get a slow deathbed, it is still disharmonic, because you must be able to die harmonically according to nature, space, according to the divine laws.
And then you can ask me a question about which death, then I will show and analyze that this is a disharmonic dying.
Do you accept this?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
That is a wonderful law.
We have not spoken about this before; no, almost not.Then you can see, if we want to describe those books, that every question is a cosmic law.
And I can analyze that in an animal-like, pre-animal-like, coarse-material, material way.
And then I will go with you to a spiritual world, the cosmic world for your space.
But now you get the divine dying for the human being.
You can achieve that.
You can experience the spiritual death, that is not a death, but you can experience the spiritual evolving.
And that is then slow ...
You will know beforehand ...
You will feel it ...
You will lie down and you will go to sleep.
And then people can take your body away.
But you have experienced the spiritual death and dying.
There are a few people, most certainly, they experienced that.
Crisje ...
When you read the third part of ‘Jeus III’ soon, then you will experience the spiritual death of Crisje.
I already described it in ‘The Cosmology’.
She knew two days beforehand that she was going.
And then she went and lay down, and she stood up again.
And she also went and said goodbye to the people too.
In her ...
She had already disembodied.
You disembody, you experience spiritual wonders.
Those characteristics, you will read them in ‘Spiritual Gifts’.
You are spiritually conscious.
So that body means nothing anymore, you experience the becoming separate yourself.
Isn’t that beautiful?
Dying is the most wonderful thing you have.
If you are hateful now, you are kicking, you are snarling, you are snapping, you are little, you are soulless, and you have no love, then all of that restricts the spiritual transition.
You have to ... a human being ...
You must experience that with people one day, just experience death one day, then you will learn a great deal, if you know those laws.
The nicest thing which master Alcar let André experience during his healing was the different transitions of the human being.
What a lot I have learned again, André says.
If only you had no hatred now, and if only you did not have that possession with you, and if only you did not have this, and did not have that, then you would experience your transition, the new evolution spiritually responsibly, harmonically with Mother Nature and the universe.
And how does the human being die?
Fear of death.
There is no fear of death, that must not be in you.
Death is not fear, because there is no death.
There is only evolution.
Praying, and now ...
Death is still misery now.
You do not accept that evolution.
Which human being can say happily: ‘And this evening, tomorrow evening I will die.
That’s it.
‘I am having a party on Sunday.’
You must invite all the friends and the people and society for champagne, because you will enter ‘the coffin’.
We will do that.
André will do that soon.
He says: ‘Then I will have so much strength left to say goodbye to the human being from ‘the coffin’.’
You can ridicule it as much as you want, we will do that on the other side if we stand before those laws, if we have a human being whom we can convince.
And then we will say: look, how did you experience death?
Now just go to the East, walk over the world, go to British India, and then you should see how the fear still lives there, with that wonderful consciousness of the East.
Now you should see how pathetically that transition, that evolution, those new laws are experienced: either back to the earth, to the world of the unconscious, a new birth, being a father, being a mother, or to the other side.
Wherever you come. How does the human being wish to experience all of that if there is darkness in him?
Everything now under the first sphere experiences a disharmonic death.
And there is no death.
If you ...
Prepare yourself.
If you soon feel that the nails on your little coffin are already busy descending into that ...
André says: ‘In the first place I will lay all my books around me.
When they see my bones one day for the Last Judgement, then they will at least know where I belong.’ (laughter)
And if you do not want to have a wreath of roses, then take ‘The Peoples of the Earth’, or ‘A View into the Hereafter’ with you.
In a thousand years’ time, when people bubble up your skeleton, isn’t it true, it will be something like that, then they will at least know where you lived and to which ‘sect’, to which consciousness you belong.
That is an orchid.
Every book is an orchid.
You will think: then you will probably sell a lot again.
But that’s not it.
(To the hall): Anything else about that dying?
I can still continue.
Now you must go back to every human being; so everything which destroys, which hates, which is not in harmony, which has no ...
The human being who does not possess any love, cannot experience any spiritual dying.
Is that not just?
So you have yourself in your hands.
Now you die a sickly death, a spiritual disharmonic death.
That is much worse than the sickly one.
Did you know that?
Because the human being is disharmonically attuned for the other side.
So you must experience death spiritually.
Materially the body has no more meaning.
So you are saddled with everything spiritually.
And that is a lot.
Dying happily now, leaving each other happily and saying: see you soon.
If only I had you that far.
If you can die happily, we will stand next to you, and otherwise we will let you scream.
(To the lady in the hall): What was it?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, in ‘A View into the Hereafter’ writes ...
Gerhard, when he had descended into the ...(inaudible), and took that poor old man away, then he had not seen that it was his helper.
And then he said to him: you could have known if you had used your concentration properly and your power.
What should he have now, if he had not thought so much about those people there, what should he have done now in order to be able to know that it was his master, master Zelanus?’
Yes, what should he have done?
(Lady in the hall): ‘I would also like to know that.’
Yes, what should he have done?
Just what I am saying: he should have turned himself outside in.
And he had ...
When the demon stands before you and you start to see the Christ in a demon, in the murderer, and you hold those eyes, so you continue to gauge that life, the truth will arise, if you possess love.
He should have done that.
Can you do that too?
You must do that in society.
If the murderer stands before you, and you say: ‘I can see the Christ in your eyes, even if you will shoot me down.
I will continue to love you always and eternally’, then the hand will go down, and the spiritual truth of the Christ will come to you.
Do you have that much trust?
This is no longer faith, then it becomes possession.
That is the possession.
I hope that you have learned something this winter.
(To the hall): Which of you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, a few lectures ago you explained the phenomenon of second childhood.
Now I wanted to ask you: what can be the causes that that phenomenon occurs?
Can it also be a material disease?’
Second childhood?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Oh, of old age?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
I recently explained the clear core.
You are going back to that again.
If a human being ...
I told you, it could be a tumour in the brain, a nervous disorder, by means of which the life of feeling must leave the day consciousness.
So there is a physical disorder here.
So the life of feeling cannot think at full power in the day consciousness and the spirit, the personality closes itself off for normal social thinking.
Is it clear?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
There is no more to it.
Can you now think things through?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.
Thank you.’
Thank you.
(To the hall): Which of you?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, I have a letter from a young lady who always sits next to me.
She asked me to ask a few questions.’
What is it?
(Lady in the hall): ‘I have a few questions from that young woman who always sits here and who is sick this evening.
May I read out the questions?’
If it does not take too long.
(Lady in the hall): ‘No.
“Since this evening is the last evening of your lectures, and I cannot come for the next four months, in this way I would like to ... you enormously ...”’
(There is the sound of the tram from outside.)
Go and stand there at that microphone.
Then that will hear it too.
Because that will last.
Just go, and speak as loudly as possible, close by.
(Lady in the hall): ‘”I have come”, speaking through me then, isn’ it, “to thank you for all your beautiful evenings.
I wanted to just tell you the reason that I cannot come.
You see, the doctor took a piece of tissue from my womb in order to find out whether I have cancer or not.
May I ask a few questions?
First of all: You see, I read in the book of the ‘Natura’ society, from The Hague, that, as you also told us a few times: watch out for the yellow danger.
Now this booklet says in connection with that, that the East, Japan, China, Russia, will get a certain surplus value over the West, in such a way that the East will rule over the West, as the West rules over the East up until now.
Does that mean that we will be under Russians again, or is only a spiritual meaning intended here, which seems doubtful to me.”
That is the first question.’
You ask, if the yellow danger ...
You can express it much more simply: will there be a new holocaust?
Then that is only against the yellow danger, against Russia and China, and a few other unconscious peoples who live there like that in this environment of this consciousness of feeling.
And that holocaust will not come.
And just do not be afraid, the yellow danger will not get hold of the world.
And now the next question.
(Lady in the hall): ‘The next question is about the smallpox vaccination.’
So you want to make me a doctor this evening?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Not me, you know, but ...’
No, that is not your self, that is another self.
(There is laughter.)
(Lady in the hall): ‘”About the small pox vaccination.
This booklet is definitely against it, saying that various reactions then occur in the body: fever and sometimes death, because of meningitis.
In addition, they say in that: people do not know what kind of other germs enter our body by means of this vaccination, often tuberculosis, epilepsy and a lot more.
Is that correct?”’
You can, by means of this inoculation you can experience the same symptoms which you get by means of your perfectly ordinary natural blood transfusion.
Now this inoculation is more conscious.
That means, the blood transfusion can reveal itself in twenty, twenty-five years’ time, and then you get symptoms because of the blood of another person.
I once explained that your life is too short.
There are actually a hundred and fifty years needed, before those symptoms are produced.
Look, the blood makes a cycle.
And the same law of feeling lies in that cycle – the blood is a personality – like homosexuality, like the human being experiences as personality from fatherhood to motherhood.
And then you enter the third and the fourth grade, and then you are neither mother, nor father.
Because you do not know what to do with your body.
Why not?
Because you must first undergo motherhood.
Now you get these same laws by means of the blood transfusion.
So you will already feel, that grows in time, and then your life will be too short for the earth, so that that transfusion, if there is a core of cancer or tuberculosis present, cannot manifest itself.
You have no life for that.
But this injection, this attunement is more conscious.
And in the very first place, a few years ago – you can ask your doctor that – phenomena occurred, haze phenomena, because that injection, these powers, awaken other organs, as own substance and environment, as cells.
So you now get the elevating of other phenomena.
Now it is the case, if you are inoculated against your smallpox and there is a half-waking conscious disease present in your kidney, it pushes itself to the surface.
And that is not ...
You get that, but you can actually be happy, because now that disease comes, which you will get later anyway at the age of sixty, it is now awakened, and then the doctor can also help you for that.
In the first place that injection was given by that and that world, because of inspiration.
Everything originated because of inspiration.
And it is ...
You must go and search for the actual disease again in the East, because it has to do with plague and cholera.
This is the mirror image of plague and cholera.
So you will feel, we get to experience an evolution here again, a growth for that disease.
This is higher consciousness of the cholera and the cancer and other phenomena.
This normal course of the disease already proves that it is strong and awakens other organs.
And I do not see any danger in that.
But you must not accept me, you must now stick with your doctor.
Because I do not intend to determine life for you.
I want to analyze those questions and give you an idea, but I do not want, and I may not start to act like a doctor.
So you do not accept that.
Is that clear?
But is it clear?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Is there anything else?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Then I must tell you: “Thank you for everything.
And see you soon, master Zelanus.
You will take care of me ‘beyond the coffin’, won’t you?”’
That is true.
And greetings from master Zelanus.
With love.
She has asked nice questions and I hope that I will see her again soon, here.
I love this human being, the human being who thinks.
(To the hall): Which of you?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus ...’
Yes, go ahead.
(Lady in the hall): ‘I wanted to ask you: there are, for example, people who are very good or are good-natured, and yet are still visited by dreadful diseases.
Is that ...’
There are people who are good and there are people who are sacred for the earth, people who do such awe-inspiring good, and yet have to do with diseases.
Now you must listen carefully, how sacred this explanation is and how normal and just.
There were no diseases created by God.
But you now experience your family karma.
Do you understand this?
So if you come from that family, your ancestry really has that disease, that core in him of grandfather ...
That is the hereditary condition.
There are doctors who already no longer accept that and say: that is nonsense, because the human being is divine in himself.
Yes, indeed.
Then we must go back to the destruction, because this is destruction, and you now get that because of your great grandfather or because of your own family, as a core.
Is that not simple?
Now you are religious and sensitive and good and pure, just, you do good; that is your personality.
So that body, that disease has nothing to do with your personality.
That is just part of it, because you still live in a chaos.
If mankind was already physically cured, then you would have that physical karma – you can call it karma; it is not even that, it is a cause and effect – then you would no longer have to accept and no longer have to experience that.
Isn’t that simple?
And now the whole of mankind stumbles over that.
The human being prays now and the human being says: ‘How can God approve of that?’
But God created life perfectly, for that matter.
We began with the destruction in the jungles.
But in this society much physical destruction was brought about.
And now you can pray, you can do everything, now the academics come again.
The masters have seen how that karma, how those diseases were built up.
So from the other side, from the temple of doctors, you will read that in ‘The Peoples of the Earth’, is obvious ...
The wisdom of the other side is of a lot more use to people.
But that is only thousands of years old, a few thousand years old in comparison to Mother Earth.
What does that mean?
If the earth is now a million years further in this consciousness ...
But it is not necessary.
Because soon, in two, three hundred years’ time, then you will have all the means, then all those diseases will dissolve, because you will get the instruments.
And then there will no longer be any karma.
Do you see?
If you are now spiritually hateful, destructive, a thief, a murderer, all those other things, then that is much worse than cholera, plague and cancer.
If the human being starts to experience life spiritually immaculately and purely, and is in harmony with Mother Nature, with the laws for life and death and for everything, then you will feel, then you will be immediately free from your material misery ‘beyond the coffin’.
And that will then be your possession.
But God did not create it.
Is it not just?
It is own possession.
You will feel, there are so many people, mothers, fathers ...
You come into that and that family and cancer lives there, and tuberculosis lives there, and this lives there.
And now you also have own tuberculosis and own cancer.
André told it recently – there were people who no longer accepted that – he said: for example, there are people and they have a family karma as tuberculosis.
And that is true.
But we go even further.
If you have tuberculosis and you attract the child, the child gets tuberculosis, because your cell has a dominant influence on the child.
Now the man attracts a child and the child is free from tuberculosis.
In this way we made it clear to André: look there, at those people.
There are seven children there, and three, four have tuberculosis.
But you can see on the face of the child that the father attracted those children, and they are free from tuberculosis.
That was already scientifically established long ago.
The doctors did not know it, do not understand the core, of course.
That the father is capable of protecting the child – but because of the birth by the mother – against tuberculosis, has been scientifically explained.
But people do not know the deep cosmic core, that analysis.
But science already knows: remarkable, this life apparently originated because of the man.
No, they cannot think that far, because then you are immediately ‘beyond the coffin’, and then you get rebirth, then you get reincarnation.
But now the amazing part.
Now we get the ‘third dimensional’ for that disease.
And that is, now you are free from tuberculosis, and the man is free, so you are both completely immaculate and pure, and the great-grandfather comes forward in the deep blood of this child, from which you are free.
But that cell now awakens in that life.
So this is now tuberculosis and cancer because of the own independence, and you are outside of that yourself.
Now the actual core can manifest itself seven times as the mirror image of your possession.
You are free, and you do not feel anything.
But if you just descend into that natural power, then you will stand again, and both of you again, before the actual tuberculosis, which is then materially visible and can be felt.
Can you feel that?
Can you understand all of that?
So now we have: father and mother now create tuberculosis.
And there are other people who do not have any core, father free, mother free, and the child comes with tuberculosis.
Where did that source originate?
Is that the blood from the mother?
In day consciousness?
Yes, also that again.
The mother does not possess anything in day consciousness.
The father does not either.
But now we start to descend, now we come to the seven grades of consciousness for that blood: the seventh, the sixth, the fifth grade: it lives in here.
Now the child has tuberculosis.
So if the father and mother come to weakness, then the tuberculosis occurs.
If you are naturally abnormal, so in disharmony with the natural core for every tissue, then the weakness occurs.
Is that not true?
If you must discard, lose the normal powerful for your organism, because of a cold, then the destruction occurs, and your health, the natural attunement as resistance, is broken.
Is that clear?
And in this way a core now manifests itself, which you do not even possess; and that is now also family karma, in that, in that and that stage.
That goes so far.
André could only give a short explanation.
When you hear it, those who are here from The Hague, then you will know it now, that goes deep.
You can go back seven generations and then you will still stand before the actual grade where it was built up.
It is a weakening of the tissues.
And that bacillus, or bleeding, and whatever, whatever name you give that, that core is weakening of that and that and that source.
Actually nothing else but a spiritual or physical rotting, destruction.
Is it clear?
(To the hall): Which of you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master, I was once told about someone who is apparently ...
You must have a think about that, about this.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘ ... apparently a sensitive person, who can worry a great deal because of a harsh word, or something else, and cannot sleep and gets a headache because of that.
Is that a material disorder?’
That is weakness of the personality.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Weakness of the personality.’
André is always ticked off.
He has already been away with millions, and I do not know all the things our instrument is, but it means nothing to us.
I, we sleep well.
You can take us over the church towers ...
This is why, I tremble before that mastership, we shake a bit.
But we have to ...
I cannot accept your ‘Piet’ anyway.
But the consciousness, and acting and feeling is there.
We do not let ourselves be taken over the church towers of your city, but we do not let ourselves be laid under them either; we just go on.
We just think, the human being who calls names, who shouts and destroys, he is not yet that far.
We used to be that far too.
But now we see how it really should be done.
And the human being who cannot take that, he still has to conquer that.
You live in a chaotic world.
You still live in a coarse-material animal-like attunement.
What do you want?
You live in your own karma, in your cause and effect.
But that human being has to learn to arm himself against that spiritual violence.
Is it clear?
(To a gentleman in the hall): Just say it.
But, just try it.
We have been talking for years and years and years and we write books; but has the human being learned something?
Have you learned something?
(People in the hall): ‘Yes.’
I am afraid and fearful of accepting it.
(To the hall): Which of you?
(Someone in the hall reacts.)
(Lady in the hall): ‘The last time Jozef said to me ...(inaudible) you read my books.
I find it so confusing, the life of Jeus, in this book, and his life in ‘A View into the Hereafter.’’
He said then, I was allowed to ask you this.’
Oh yes.
When Jozef ...
There are people now who have read ‘A View into the Hereafter’, and then they stand before André and Jeus, don’t they?
We began writing, when master Alcar began with writing ‘A View into the Hereafter’ ...
And he began: ‘How do you feel today, Jozef?’
Jozef: ‘You called me.
What is it?’
Master Alcar began differently.
André goes into a trance again, begins to write again.
‘How do you feel, André?’
Nothing happened.
He continues.
But he goes a bit further, he records a few pages.
And the mother of André comes there, and says: ‘André, but what is the matter?’
Then the father comes.
But now master Alcar says – he must build up that instrument-: ‘Jozef, how do you feel?’
Or the father says: ‘How do you feel today, my child?’
Jozef Rulof awakens.
We pull that instrument towards the day consciousness, because that name, that word, that feeling has to do with that personality, and that word ‘Jozef’ lives here.
Waken up!
So it was a disorder for the writing.
Then master Alcar says: ‘Do you mind if I give you another name?’
Then master Alcar began with ‘André’.
Now you get ...
Now he definitely wrote around that personality ...
Around that instrument he laid down a story, as laws, as states, as hells and heavens, but by means of another personality.
So we must completely disengage that instrument here, if I want to speak.
That has been developed as well.
We can now do it consciously, half-waking consciously, that means, he can be in that body and out of that body, we can share that.
We can now bring that about by means of ten, twenty possibilities.
We can paint consciously and speak consciously and write consciously, that is possible now, because that André learned how he must think when we come.
If Jozef Rulof was to think now, I would already stand still.
Or he would have to start to speak.
But if he comes now ...
You asks a question now, and he was ...
Then I can already not think, because then I let myself be divided.
Now I will no longer know it, now I can no longer talk, I can no longer think, because I come to the earth, and now I let him come back.
Now my sight, my concentration and everything become hazy.
I get a headache, now a headache already comes here, the blood gets a disorder, the nerves react and we are knocked to the ground like that.
Now I go, and now André says, as André ...
Then there are already pains in his back.
If we now, if I let go for a moment, this body will be knocked to the ground.
That is no longer a normal spiritual and a material concentration.
Do you see?
That was built up in Egypt.
But ...
When I am out, and we start to speak by means of vitality, inspiration.
That is possible.
But not higher than the life of feeling of André.
If he goes higher, then he is knocked to the ground again, because he dissolves too far and too deeply into this body; and then something refuses.
And what is that?
What is that now?
That is the blood circulation.
That little heart says hop hop hop ...
Boom, we are lying there.
In this way master Alcar had to balance all of that in order to write those books.
And now we went around the personality – you will read there about his mother, won’t you, that is the good, sweet Crisje – now master Alcar has to go around that.
The dying of aunt –Aunt Trui was not that nice – but that was the dying of Crisje; that came from that source.
André experienced those people as a transition.
Do you see?
In this way master Alcar took the core of that deathbed, that core, for Crisje, straight back to ‘s-Heerenberg, can you feel this? In order to be able to also connect that life with Jeus again.
But by that writing of the name, the trance, the possession, the being one with that organism and his spirit dissolves, and master Alcar began with ‘André’, and he wrote the books.
Now you have the spiritual books.
But now you get the novels.
Can you feel, how all of this came into being?
And immediately ...
And now the lovely part.
Now, after all those years that we have been together and have been one, Jeus has been elevated to André.
And now we are one.
But because of, only because of the cosmology.
Do you understand it now?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
But you will read it in the third part of ‘Jeus’, you will get the full, pure, clear explanation there and then you will understand everything.
It is in part III, of course.
When we start to write through Jeus ... We always talk there about Jeus, Jeus, Jeus, Jeus, and now and again André goes to one side, but Jeus now gets the full hundred percent.
Because that book is called ‘Jeus of mother Crisje’, and Jeus experienced that, but André was awakened through Jeus.
André is the priest from Ancient Egypt.
And now Jeus dissolves in André, and Jozef, those two, those two from Gelderland ...
Jeus is the one from Gelderland, Jozef is, we call Jozef the ‘city one’ in the cosmology, and that André-Dectar is the instrument by means of which we speak, write, paint and healed.
That all dissolves.
You get your full truth.
(To the hall): Did you have anything else?
There at the back.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I wanted to ask you, master Zelanus, there are so many thousand men and women connected to the Catholic Church, who do not marry, who are against that.
I find: they are closing themselves off to the fertilization, of course.
Are they not sinning against the laws of God?’
And what do you want to know about that?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Whether they are sinning against the laws of God?’
You mean the priest, the chaplain, the little nuns, the bishops, the cardinals?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
They are walking at a standstill. 
The Catholic, the human being who starts to feel sacred and pure, and thinks that he must live chastely and must experience God in this way, is standing still, is really standing still.
Those people of the Catholic Church, those little nuns and those clergymen, they must all return.
Because you will feel, you also have people here in a normal state who cannot give birth.
You have mothers who long for a child and do not get it, that is a cause.
Either that is disharmony, or that is not necessary; I must see that personal situation.
Can you feel this?
But they also exist.
But if you walk consciously next to creation, and refuse giving birth and creation by being chaste, by being pure, by experiencing a spirituality, that is walking next to the laws of God.
And now you are walking along a dead-end path.
Yes, those people also go further.
But you will feel – I explained that like that, and the laws are like that-: now another mother can give birth to fifteen, sixteen, seventeen children, in order to get the chance again soon to return to the earth.
Because according to the cosmos and God the mother and the father will only give birth to two children, and not ten.
This is also disharmony for the universe.
And do you know what you will find that disharmony in, experience it in?
By means of murder, manslaughter, raping of the laws.
A human being who is shot dead there, was flung too soon from his life.
Can you feel this?
So that is even worse.
That is the murdering, the raping of the divine laws for giving birth and creation and reincarnation, evolution, by means of war.
And these people do that by being holy; just praying, praying, praying.
But by praying alone you do not come back to the Divine All.
Because you have to, you will, you must accept fatherhood and motherhood, because these are the divine laws by means of the evolution.
Is that clear?
(Hall): ‘Yes.’
Thank you.
(To a gentleman in the hall): And you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master, the large head of René, that was a material disorder, wasn’t it?’
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘The large head of René, at the birth, from ‘Masks and Men’ ...’
What do you want to experience with that?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘ ...was that a material disorder?’
And spiritual.
Domination of the spirit and to a certain extent a material state.
That means: his inner life dominated.
You can experience it spiritually, but just remain with the material state.
Frederik saw that: It appears as if the child has hydrocephalus, doesn’t it?
But that life of René was already growth.
We did not go into that, of course.
Why not?
Because then you must have a cosmic explanation and then we would have to go back to many previous lives.
That is from ‘Masks and Men’.
(To the hall): Which of you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, I also want to ask something about dying, which you were talking about this evening.’
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I knew a person who, in my opinion, gave a lot of love and was not afraid of death and yet could die in such a difficult way.’
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘What could be the cause of that?’
Are you conscious?
I want to ask it in this way: does your consciousness live consciously in you?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No.’
The human being says: ‘I am wonderful’ and ‘I am ready’, ‘I am this’.
But something happens ...
For example ...
Last week in The Hague André got to experience something nice.
My friend and follower, who wrote to André, is here this evening, I can feel, I can see.
Someone reads ‘Masks and Men’ ten times, twenty times.
‘Oh, how wonderful that is.
I do not want anything to do with Karel.’
But suddenly you stand before your grade of feeling of power, and people say something to you, you do not accept it, you get angry and succumb.
And ...
But you are pure here, and you want to live like that, and you want to act like that, and yet that spiritual, inner personal trouble overcomes you.
Because you break yourself.
We are now experiencing that again.
You can say: I want, I want, I want ...
But then you must be able to prove and experience that at a hundred percent.
And it is only after that that you will know yourself for that action, and that state, and that deed.
So the human being lives sacredly and purely in day consciousness and ‘I know death’.
But do you know your inner being?
Do you know where your attunement lives?
When you ...
That person started to descend into death, so that is leaving the day consciousness, he had character traits in him by means of which those worlds came to that personality, that human being, and then you probably get disharmony.
The Spheres of Light will not disturb you.
You must go back into that.
For example: you take a holy priest there, who does nothing else but pray.
What does this child know about his past?
And what do the people know about their past, their thousands of lives, their subconscious, which is macrocosmically deep, with regard to the dying, the passing over, that evolution for the new birth?
Nothing, ‘uberhaupt’ nothing.
That is German.
Anything else?
So ...
Now you just start to think, feel; so there must still be something in that personality, in that good soul, anyway, which has disturbed the releasing of this day consciousness, which people could have attacked.
And now also this, my friend, my brother: people have conscious knowledge, and people have unconscious possession.
In day consciousness, when the sun shines, people are not afraid, but in deep chilliness and darkness, when you start to leave this day consciousness, then the spiritual day light, or another world arises, and you do not know that.
You do not know the macrocosmos, the spiritual macrocosmos.
So because of the dying, millions of laws of life charge at you, which you must experience spiritually.
And what you do not know, that makes you afraid.
And that proves that that personality does not yet possess a spacious, clear, spiritual consciousness.
Being good, being loving is no a consciousness.
There are people ...
If you do good, and work all of your life, your whole life, so that you possess the light of the universe, then you still do not have that wisdom.
Is that not clear?
You must master that.
That goes that far.
Anything else?
(To the hall): From whom will I get a question?
It is always the same ones.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, I experienced that there were two voices speaking in me, one to the other.
And those two spoke so simply and so truly.
I have always longed: I wish that I was so true and was so simple.
Why can I not be that?’
Those two voices?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
You clearly heard two voices?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
And what were those voices talking about?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, I cannot tell you that anymore.
I am sorry.
I wished that I had written it down.
But it was something wonderful.’
It doesn’t matter.
Which feeling did those voices have?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Sweet.
The end.
Two voices spoke to you.
During the day, or in your sleep?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘They spoke to each other.
One asked, and the other gave an answer.’
Was that in your sleep, or was that during the day?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, no, but I was nearby.’
Were you conscious?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
You were close by?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
You were walking in nature, you were somewhere, but you were awake?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
That’s it.
And you say: why can I not get that?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No, why can I not be so simple?
Why can I not be simple?’
Why can you not be that?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Because the truth lies before me in simplicity.
Why can I not be simply true?’
That is well put, my friend.
Simplicity is being one with everything.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Look, what does simplicity want to give you?
Next season, if the masters give me that opportunity, I will begin with: what is simplicity?
What can simplicity give you?
Just sit down, then I will explain it to you.
Simplicity is: if you feel simple, you never think and feel above your consciousness.
And then nothing wrong ever happens either.
For society you do not have any megalomania now.
You have no hatred, you have no disharmony.
Because simplicity makes the human being small.
So all the character traits come back to that simplicity and are inspired, steered by simplicity, they get fatherhood and motherhood.
If you make a big fuss of your fatherhood, then you are no longer simple.
So everything gets the foundation in order to stand up to all the divine laws.
Is that clear?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
And now you heard voices inside you.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Of course, I cannot check that, but there are a few possibilities.
And then you heard fatherhood speaking to motherhood.
You heard the other side speaking outside of you, and that happens ...
Have you already read ‘Jeus II’ now?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes.’
...that happens, as Jeus experienced when master Alcar manifested himself – after he was ‘the Tall One’, can you feel, but now in André – manifested himself in Jeus by means of the conversation.
Then Jeus says ...
Then master Alcar said, as Casje; he was still not Casje ...
If Jeus had thought back for a moment ...
But he could not do that, because Jeus had to go forward.
And master Alcar was not allowed to show himself as the ‘Tall One’, because then Jeus would have remained in that state and the inner speaking would never have awoken.
So that first state from five years, from four, from one to twelve years, is experiencing the unconscious consciously.
But now it all became, conscious, audible, feeling for a hundred percent.
And then master Alcar said: ‘Now I am talking.’
‘Yes’, Jeus says.
And you hear that.
That is clairaudience directly from the solar plexus.
So it is possible that people touched you at that time and gave you a wonderful picture, how it must happen and will happen now with regard to man and wife, society and all the things you experienced.
So you experienced a contact, or the actual laws spoke to you.
That is also possible; then a flower speaks, two flowers speak to each other.
You should have gone and looked ...
Now the clairvoyance comes, now the consciousness of the human being comes, the universal being one, and then you should have known immediately: hey, I am connected to those and those conscious grades of life.
But what you felt, that took you to happiness, life and love, didn’t it?
And you can be grateful for that.
So it is a source of being one, either with a human being from the life ‘beyond the coffin’, or your own source of life was awake and spoke.
That is possible from your divine core, the spiritual core, but usually people must awaken that.
This is why I am asking: did people give you that in a dream?
Then you are unconscious, then it is reception.
But if you now heard it consciously, in day consciousness, that goes into your life of feeling more deeply and it is also possession, direct possession.
Because you will never forget that again.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No.’
But when you sleep, it is the mirror image of the day consciousness, and not so strong in you as that you can experience that during the day; and then you can absorb that into you.
Is that not clear?
Did you have anything else?
(To the hall): Who else?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, the pyramid of Giza, it was built on the centre of the earth.
Now I wanted to ask you: the hardening of the earth, did that also come to the surface there for the first time?’
The hardening of the earth with regard to the pyramid?
If you go back in history a hundred million, billions of centuries and ages, then the earth was already like steel, and hardened.
And now that weak, that little pyramid?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No, I do not mean that.’
That ...
You mean ...
The pyramid is open to a hardening, isn’t it?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, but I do not mean directly the spot of the pyramid, but the land on which the pyramid stands, is the hardening there ...’
Did I not tell you now ...
I do not mean that.
But do you see that you are talking at cross purposes to me?
And you must watch out for that.
I will explain it immediately: millions of centuries and ages ago that steel, that hardening was already present.
This is why I am saying, what do those pyramids want during your time?
What is two, four, five, forty thousand years?
Do you understand it now?
Do you see that you are talking at cross purposes to me?
(Gentleman in the hall reacts.)
Thank you.
That is the danger for André, when André is busy, and the human being goes: ‘I, I do not understand it.’
No, the human being goes much further and says: ‘I do not accept that.’
Now you stand directly with both feet and personality before that state in the darkness.
On the other side we take your ‘I do not accept that’; then we leave you alone.
And if you groan properly and have a true inner pain and beg deeply, beg a hundred percent in order to receive the word – now it becomes a giving birth – then the master will show himself.
Recently a child passed over, a follower, an adept of mine from The Hague.
The child is already shouting now at twenty-five percent.
But I must have a hundred percent, because he experienced four hundred, five hundred lectures from master Zelanus.
And he is now in my world.
But I do not want him to come here yet.
If the child comes here I will chase him back to the other side.
He will not even get in here.
He used to be able to buy a ticket, isn’t it true?
What does a ticket cost here?
You can no longer buy that ticket on the other side.
Do you know that?
And now that child shouts: ‘Master Zelanus.’
He is awake now.
‘And where is master Zelanus?’
Yes, just shout.
First giving birth, creation now; and then the consciousness will stand next to you.
If you do not beg and long there for a hundred percent, life ‘beyond the coffin’ will have no meaning, and then we will not touch each other.
It is much easier and more simple for me on the other side to speak to you, to take you along, than here.
Because you are still always involved with your social, material world, your own ‘Gedanken’ (thoughts), your own feeling and thinking, and then you cannot think free from the material.
And now to possess a hundred percent, a hundred percent feeling in order to accept, to bow.
Not one master in the East, in a temple, will accept that.
In Ra, Ré and Isis, if you said ‘I do not accept that’, then you would be thrown out of the temple just like that and then you could leave.
Or people would throw you to the wild animals.
Then the master, the high priest would say: ‘Just let that tiger or that snake explain it to him.’
And then you would have to prove whether you really possess the truth, the reality, the concentration in order to be able to conquer that lower grade.
Because you were low.
Do you see?
But punishments are no longer there now, we just leave you alone.
We leave you alone, really alone now.
We go past you.
Or you must make amends for it first.
If you have made amends for that a thousand times, then you will be accepted by the law of ‘love’ and the law of ‘wisdom’, the law of ‘reality and the law of ‘justice’, or we rape the law of ‘love’, of ‘justice’, of ‘harmony’.
Can you feel this?
We cannot do anything more if you, the human being on the other side, or here, say: no.
Then we stand still.
And if you are begging again and sending out the love, then the law of ‘love’ will accept you again.
I have nothing to say about that.
Can you feel this?
You must send that out; and then the core will come back to your life.
Isn’t it simple?
Did you have anything else?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, may I just ask something?’
Over there.
(Lady in the hall): ‘I had a very typical dream recently.
Now I just wanted to ask about dreams, conscious or unconscious.
Tell, explain your dream.
(Lady in the hall): ‘I was sitting on the boat with Prince Bernhard recently.’
Who is Prince Bernhard?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Our king ...’
Your king?
Your king?
Yes, I know who that personality is.
Because ...
We, I will give you a brief picture.
If I want, if I have to ...
I have to ...
Look, we must ...
André represents us, doesn’t he?
I know everything about your society.
What you thought out yesterday, that comes to André, and we know it too.
Because I must know it, because I must explain all that to him if it is necessary.
He gives himself for our world, gets everything, and we must, I must – master Alcar no longer needs that – but I must know and accept your world.
Otherwise I could not give you any answer to diseases and to anything.
(To the lady in the hall): But just continue now with your Prince Bernhard.
(Lady in the hall): ‘And then I had a whole conversation with him, and then I also suggested that he should do a bit more in the social area for the labour population.
And he also agreed with me.
And then, at a certain moment the dream was broken off.
But does it have something to do with the inner being or ...’
I will explain a similar dream which André has dreamt.
André was once asked ...
André was once asked, he dreamt that, to come to The Loo, wasn’t he, The Loo, where the old, old age does not exist, but where the previous queen, your Princess Wilhelmina lives.
And she said: ‘Oh, I have heard about your life and I have read a few books by you.
Would you like to come to me sometime in order to explain the cosmology to me?’
And then André went to The Loo, and he goes inside.
He says ...
The doorman ...
Is that a doorman?
That man there, that butler, or one of her royals says: ‘Just come in, because Her Majesty, the Princess, is expecting you.’
Then André went in and immediately says: ‘Good day, madam.
Just use the informal address towards me, because you can just say that to me, that does not matter.’
‘Yes’, she says, ‘but do you know who I am then?’
‘Yes’, André says, ‘but on the other side there are no more formal and informal forms of address.’
Here we are close to each other when we use the informal address, they say.
Then André spoke for two hours.
He took her through the other side, the hells and the heavens.
He says: ‘Never put a signature under a death sentence, because you must return to the earth; you will have to make amends to this life again.’
‘Is that really true?
Were all those prospectuses from you which I got: ‘Golgotha forbids the death sentence’?’
‘Yes’, André says, ‘they were from me.’
‘I got ten ‘Peoples of the Earth’ from the people.
Were they also from you?’
‘Yes, that is my book, I have another few of them.
Have you read ‘The Cycle of the Soul’? Do not commit suicide, and do not do this.’
He went with her through the other side, the heavens, to the macrocosmos.
He explained insanity, psychopathy to her, what God was like, that the bible began with an untruth.
And then she was so grateful that she said: ‘André, here are two million in order to build the temple, the University of Christ.’
And then André went home with two million in his pocket.
And in the morning he woke up and then the girl from Vienna came to him to bring him tea.
He says: ‘Get out of my way, because I have lost two million.’
(There is laughter.)
I am telling you it just like that.
He says: ‘Oh, my God, I thought that I had two million, and I was only dreaming.’
You see, they are good, beautiful longings, which he would like to experience, and then he would get two million.
But because the majesty does not long, this is only his own longing.
Good day, Prince Bernhard.
(There is warm laughter.)
Is this the truth, or not?
(To the hall): Did you have anything else?
Who will help us to get two million?
Then we will build the University of Christ.
(To someone in the hall): Yes.
(Lady in the hall): ‘I once read that in the plant world, that elves and gnomes certainly exist there.
What kind of beings are they?’
Now I will go to sleep. (laughter)
In the plant and animal world?
(Lady in the hall): ‘In the plant world.’
But in the plant world, in Mother Nature elves exist and ...
Goblins too?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Goblins ...’
Yes, that is, they, they exist too.
But here too, inside.
Beautiful dreams, beautiful fantasy.
No, they do not exist.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Oh, no?’
Well, I do not know whether you can accept it, but goblins do not exist and neither do elves.
Yes, they exist.
Then we go through the fairy-tale, and then you see an elf flying from leaf to leaf, over the waters and then you come to the insect.
But if ...
But those real little animals, with human faces, those beautiful little faces, aren’t they, they do not exist.
And yet there is a truth in that, a reality.
Do you know why?
Look, the human being, the poet who gave that to the world, almost had the universal feeling for every insect; and then the animal looks and then you get space, and then you get that taken back, elevated to the human consciousness.
And then he gave that insect a divine little face.
He went around that, exactly like Darwin experienced the human being and the ape: he was in that and he was standing next to it.
But as core and being these animal species do not exist.
(Lady in the hall): ‘I also read it once in a spiritualist magazine.’
You can see how beautiful, how far those spiritualists experience their own things.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I have seen photos of that, master Zelanus, from those books with those elves on them ...’
They are photos from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (British writer, 1859-1930, creator of Sherlock Holmes).
Well drawn, yes.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘No, not drawn; real photos.’
If ...
Spiritual photos?
Yes, look, now we are getting into a conflict, of course.
In the cosmos, in nature those animal species do not exist, little animals, elves, goblins.
Then you must take a pygmy, or you take that small human being; but that is a conscious human being.
But goblins and elves, that is something entirely different.
And now people have, unfortunately, I must just tell you that, then people have fooled Conan Doyle.
Because it does not exist in nature.
Must I tell you: yes, how would it be possible? But it cannot be found and cannot be experienced.
So now you would, now you must continue, in order to bring it to consciousness for yourself, whether something really exists.
But then you will get from science: ‘No, sir.’
It still concerns the fairy-tale.
But then people fooled Conan Doyle.
During that time people fooled many metaphysical academics.
But as births and as insects and as grades of life, physical and spiritual, those animals were not created.
They are not alive.
(To someone in the hall who had seen those photos): I accept you, can you also accept me?
We will experience it, the future, science will tell you it.
But you cannot experience it, nowhere on earth, in whatever grade.
Not in the waters, nor on the land, nor in the universe.
(To the hall): Anything else?
Then there at the back.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘I heard that the fishes have a group spirit.
And, does the fish continue, or is there also an evolution under that?
Or ...’
From whom did you hear that the fish has a group spirit?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘From this gentleman.’
From that gentleman.
Did that gentleman hear that here?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, I think so, master Zelanus.’
The fishes in the waters will die out one day and will have experienced their space.
Now you have the highest grade of the fish species, they are those fan-tailed little fish, those beautiful little fish in the East.
That is the highest grade.
Those you put in an aquarium, aren’t they?
You can see them again on the other side in the waters.
You can also experience your apple tree, your tree of paradise, you can eat your apple there in a sphere.
What sphere?
That exists too.
But that group spirit as a lower consciousness, will dissolve completely.
But the highest grade will remain.
And then you get one species from every grade.
So you can also experience those fish in a spiritual state.
They exist too, just as well as the human being, the flower, the tree, nature, the space possesses in light, in power, in consciousness, in soul and spirit.
Only now ...
The winged species will also go along, higher, back to God.
So those species already have spiritual independence.
So every organism, which is an independence ...
What is an independence now?
What is now existing creation, and what is post-creation?
Now you must experience the independence as post-creation; that remains on earth.
And the reality, that means, a flower, a tree, a human being, an animal continues, back to God, in the Divine All.
But which animal species are they?
You must decide that for yourself.
That is the cosmology.
All the lower insects, a scorpion, an octopus, a sea lion and all those other animals, they will dissolve, and then you will only get to see that little, beautiful creature in different grades, as colour, attunement ...
And you will find that species again, that grade in the life sea on the other side.
Do you know it now?
You could write about that, only about the existing species and the independence for the waters – and that is also for the land consciousness – you could write seven hundred books about that.
If you follow every little animal, you will have a book of a thousand pages.
And there are thousands of species.
Every little animal has to experience a life space.
Do you understand it?
So you get, the lower species will dissolve into the higher, and only those coloured species, which you see by means of the flowers, those fish, those little fish, so big, so big, so big, which all, which ... the fan-tail, which .... also the wings as fan-tail, spreading ...
(To the hall): What are they called?
What names do you have for them?
(Hall): ‘Veil tailed fish.’
Veil tailed fish, you say.
They are the fins, which the bird has for the universe.
So that little animal already has land and spatial consciousness.
And because that is the highest species – can you feel this? – in the rarefied purity, the colour spectrum for the universe manifests itself by means of that being, and animal, and you get that veil.
And that means: that animal has reached the highest conscious grade for the waters, as an independence.
And now you can no longer eat and no longer drink the animal.
But the lower species still serve for the kidneys and for your heart and for your liver and for your nervous system.
They originated from your brain.
Everything originated from the human being.
And then you can follow, experience and determine, just like that, the physical parts for the human organism, with the inner consciousness, for the water animal.
Unfortunately ...
This is why so many books can be written about that.
I still have to answer a question over there.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, master, it refers to one of the previous questions, from that gentleman.
That gentleman asked ...(inaudible): does a connection exist between the Pyramid of Cheops and the origin of the earth’s crust?
And then does that gentleman mean, as far as I can understand: there, at that place where the pyramid now stands, or where the cell forming of life passed into permanent material?’
Yes, look, if you want to follow the biological laws, then, you will feel, I will go back, millions of years back, the hardening for the earth’s crust began there.
Do you accept that?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘At the place where the pyramid now stands?’
No, over the whole earth.
Because the earth developed in that form.
The development is always along with the orbit.
The speed for the earth, is also the consciousness.
So the orbit which the earth traces in speed, is the consciousness of the macrocosmos, because the sun gives that power to the earth.
Do you accept that?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, but it began to revolve.’
Now you must wait.
So now the earth has ...
There are academics who say: a second creation originated.
Because the earth was first fire.
Then the ice ages came, didn’t they?
But we say: there was no second creation, because all life was born in the waters and the land life condensed itself.
And the more that growing, that heat, that heating up and that cooling down, the hardening originated and was born.
And that was already millions of years ago.
So what you now ask, whether the pyramid already received that condensing as a foundation there, that no longer has any meaning, because you find that condensing and hardening again over the whole of the earth.
So that question, I answered that question, but that question does not concern any laws.
Can you feel this now?
I could have said immediately, that question has no meaning, but I do not do that, because I always want to take you to something new again.
So ...
Because your question was actually unconscious.
Because that question ...
If you think for a moment, the earth was already condensed before the pyramid.
What ...
How strong, how heavy is that little pyramid?
What kind of concept do you have of that stone building with regard to the earth’s crust, the earth?
That is nothing, for that matter.
That is exactly the same thing as if you put a midge, a fly on the back of an elephant, and now that midge must crush the elephant to pieces.
It is going there.
But that condensing of the earth’s crust is already millions of ages old.
What does this mean now with regard to the pyramid?
You asked that.
Does that have meaning now?
(Gentleman in the hall reacts.)
Thank you.
Do you understand it too?
(There is a reaction.)
Then we are done.
I make an effort to analyze it for you.
Now make, the more you get the freedom now ...
Think things through, make an effort to master those laws.
You have the books there.
This is cosmology, do you see?
These are the biological laws.
But if you reach reality, spheres ...
You now have there, you have nineteen books in your possession; master those laws.
By reading alone you will not make it, if you do not give any love to the deed, to your characteristics, isn’t it true?
Master those laws and you will have the master next to you ‘beyond the coffin’, but also light, life and love, and especially cosmic, spiritual happiness.
You will never be alone there.
One more question.
(To the hall): Who wants to experience one more question?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Master Zelanus, those goblins made me think.
Here on earth the people are different heights; does that remain the case on the other side?’
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Here on earth the people have different heights.’
(Lady in the hall): ‘But does that remains ...
Is that ...’
You are different sizes here on earth, aren’t you?
You have small people and big people, that is all disharmony.
You have to a cosmic time to live.
You have a cosmic height, size.
You have a cosmic weight.
You have a cosmic time.
Do you know how old you would actually have to become for the cosmos?
We were talking about a premature death.
(People in the hall react.)
A hundred and seventy-five years old.
A hundred and seventy-four years, five and a half hours, ten minutes and so many seconds.
That is your cosmic time.
And when the last second is over, you will go to sleep and you will leave.
A hundred and seventy-five years.
So the human being who lives in a million years’ time, will become older, older, older, because he will get to experience his natural age.
Because every disease smothers your time, your age, your existence.
Every wrong thought, my child, makes you spiritually unconscious, and brings you to the disharmony for thinking, feeling, inspiration.
Because you must inspire the body again by means of your power of spirit, by means of nature, by means of the universe, by means of the laws.
Is that not simple?
The human being is so immaculate and pure.
And every human being, everyone is so disharmonic.
Because you are no longer normal and immaculate and pure for the macrocosmos.
Because every human being has physical karma and is spiritually unconscious with regard to his kingdom of God, his divine attunement.
Can you learn that in the bible?
Can the academic world give you that?
This is the cosmology.
This is the wisdom for the kingdom of God on earth.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Then must you become a child, master Zelanus?’
What did you say?
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Then must you become a child?’
There was a great academic.
André says: ‘Master Zelanus, look, that is a great academic, that is a great literary being on earth.’
André sent him a few books.
I went to that personality in Africa, I visited that life, in order to see what he would say about ‘Masks and Men’.
And then André sent him ‘Jeus of mother Crisje part I’.
That human being says to this world: ‘That cursed child must die in us, because that is destroying the day consciousness.’
That is your literary spirit.
And we say ...
And what did Christ say: ‘Let that child come unto Me.’
No, academics, literary consciousness, that child must continue to live in you, but now according to the teachings of the Messiah, only in love; and you are a child, you are simplicity, you are harmonic, you are loving.
You ultimately become love, as a child.
Because human day consciousness, adult feeling and thinking with regard to society, must undergo and accept and send out the child-like, simple, it is only then that the human being is a child of God.
Isn’t it true?
But your academics say: that child must be destroyed.
I also got this evening, through André we got another ten books from one of you, for the human being who cannot buy that ‘Jeus II’.
Can I also dispose of a few?
If you are not capable of ... ‘Jeus of mother Crisje II’ ...
(Lady in the hall says something.)
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Is that a separate part?’
That is the sequel to ‘Jeus of mother Crisje, part I’.
(Lady in the hall says something.)
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘I do not yet have that part I from you, master Zelanus.’
Have you not read that then?
Then you can take part I and then just buy part II later.
So if you want to have part I instead of part II ...
I think the girl from Vienna will be able to give it to you.
(To the hall): Are there any more?
(Someone in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Do you still have them
(Someone in the hall): ‘Yes.’
Or am I talking from a world which is not mine?
You ...
Then go to the table there.
And if you do not have that, she can bring that into harmony.
You will probably have, if the book has not gone..
(To someone else in the hall): You already have it; even better.
It is for the person who does not have the means, can you feel this?
He will take it.
And otherwise take another book.
My sisters and brothers, I am going.
I thank you for the beautiful children.
Look, what spoiling.
I hope that I was able to give you something with André this summer for your life of feeling, for your consciousness, but especially for your personality as man and woman.
I would like to ask: become love.
You have it all in your hands.
I cannot teach you anything.
I only wanted to give you that which we mastered and by means of which we got the consciousness for God and the universe.
You must, in other words, begin with it yourself.
Is that true?
Yes, I have to go.
I have to go.
You see, there is something.
Now we must break loose.
You, it will take time again.
This life of feeling ... It is difficult now to come out of this organism.
Now I must do it in a very careful way, so that you do not realize it, we talk together like this and maybe we have another question.
Is there another question?
You can ask another one.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Will you now go straight to the moon again, master Zelanus?’
To the moon?
I am not getting my holiday from Our Lord yet, because I am still not finished in The Hague.
But then I will get a universal holiday and then we will lie down, master Alcar and I, on a magnificent cloud in the universe and let ourselves be taken through the universe.
And then we will awaken again when you begin again.
(Lady in the hall says something.)
What did you say?
(Lady in the hall): ‘Whether we may come along?’ (laughter)
Just buy an umbrella and then we will collect you.
(There is laughter.)
Yes, I am going to the moon, of course, I have my pupils.
We are not left in peace for a single second.
We must begin again immediately.
Now we do not paint, we do not write; André has peace now.
We gave about twenty-four paintings in six, seven weeks.
We finished the three books of ‘Jeus’ first.
There are five cosmology books ready for the new bible.
But then, master Alcar says: we do not have the money.
And master Cesarino says: on the other side we pay with notes of ten million.
They cannot be cashed in here.
That does not mean that you must publish the books.
They will come anyway, because it must continue gradually.
You cannot get everything at once, you cannot experience it anyway.
If we were to crush you to death with all that wisdom ...
It will come anyway.
Accept: the inner temple, the University of Christ is already on earth.
I told you recently, André can go out of that just like that; if he wants, then he can leave just like that, because our work is actually finished now.
What you still get is gain.
Yes, I am going to the moon, I am going to Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, we will make a voyage through the universe, I will be on Mother Moon within only a few seconds, where the academics want to go by means of their rockets.
We will go along with those rockets.
I will be on the moon within one second.
And I will pass over into my followers just like that.
There are ten million of them, twenty million, they are waiting there, are standing around me and they close their eyes, as you read in ‘The Origin of the Universe’.
I connect them with that and that law.
When the master there, my follower is speaking there, and he feels me in the universe, and I say here: I am coming, send the word to me, then I take it over from here and then I connect with my children there and then I analyze the embryonic stage for fatherhood, for motherhood, for the light of life in your eyes, for your hearing, your taste, your colour, for everything.
And then ...
Everything is consciousness, everything belongs to us, because that whole universe lives under my heart.
You get that by means of the books, you get that ‘beyond the coffin’, once again, if you radiate love and want to be love.
(Lady in the hall): ‘Yes.’
(It remains quiet for a moment.)
Yes, now I am just back again.
(Hall): ‘Yes.’