Jeus the comber

Crisje experiences things of a supernatural nature and very ordinary phenomena, if her Tall Hendrik had still been here, he could also have laughed or cried, his boys are so contradictory, now that these lives are wakening and the little machines are starting to tick.
After a hard day, Jeus has gone to bed, and once asleep he remained free of horrible dreams, but now it is Hendrik who is waking him up.
It is the middle of the night, what they hear is the anxious calling of a child, and that screaming is coming from outside.
They also hear creaking on the roof, it is near the chimney.
Yesterday night Jeus slept well, the human body has reached peace through his thinking there is nothing more which disturbs him.
A perfect control now ensures complete submission, so that soul, spirit, and the personality do not experience any symptoms of a disquieting nature.
Disturbing matters of feeling and such like, thoughts smelling of stupid carry-on, he does not want any more to do with them.
Everything, which belongs to the human body, has now been examined and finished and is able to carry out its own task to start a new life.
Moreover, it was him who tightened the screws and purified the supply in order to allow the thing to operate.
Even if Casje gave him a little help with it, the thing was working, it went really well and all that is now Jeus’ achieved possession.
You do not hear any superfluous ticking any more, the body is working so silently from inside.
The blood circulation has also been refreshed, because food now tastes really nice and the organic systems listen unconditionally at his command!
“Gerrit, wake up, there is someone on our roof.
I believe it is Hendrik, because he is not in his bed.”
He looks through the attic window and yes, little Hendrik is sitting by the chimney.
“I cannot get down off here any more”, Hendrik screams.
The pigeon fancier is afraid.
“Get Johan”, Hendrik calls.
And little Gerrit calls Johan.
Crisje hears what is happening and hurries upstairs.
She also got a shock, that Hendrik!
Johan and Jeus manage to get Hendrik down again.
Little Hendrik is now wide-awake.
He crawled up onto the roof while still dreaming, in order to get the unwilling doves in from the chimney, which he was not able to tame that day by his whistling.
What kind of animals are they?
Hendrik was thoroughly annoyed and now forced the human body to think while sleeping, after all, and then the body set itself in motion.
It is a strange thing, Jeus thinks.
Yes, there was something about Hendrik and in Hendrik, which forced the human machine to do something.
It is probably human steam, but he does not know that yet.
That steam keeps the life alive and moving, whether Hendrik liked it or not, he had to go on the roof!
Hendrik was asleep, but still awake, as well.
Jeus thinks it is a strange thing, but he senses the phenomenon, even if he does not know everything.
When asleep Hendrik knew exactly what he wanted and that is a strange thing, after all, and he wants to know all about it.
Hendrik was angry during the day, also during his sleep and would get those unwilling doves.
He did not get them, anyway, just when he wanted to catch the doves, he ... wakens and realizes the danger.
Now Hendrik can do nothing more than call for help.
It is strange, really, it is something very strange.
The doves have another fancier, they go here from hand to hand, from one personality to the other, and they are different.
The doves know that as well, Jeus feels.
Johan first began to fancy, but he played about too much with the doves, then he completely ignored them after several weeks.
Then Bernard came along and Johan had nothing more to say, but Bernard was a fancier of the highest kind.
Then Jeus came, and after that Gerrit, now it is little Hendrik.
Jeus sees that Hendrik is a real fancier, who lies in the dovecote day and night.
Hendrik spends all his time with the doves, he has made it into a circus tent and forces the doves to perform tricks, which has now overcome him while asleep.
You could break your neck with it; it is dangerous!
Hendrik is sleeping again, but also begins to give out orders, but the attic window is now shut tight, Johan made sure of that.
But that dreaming is strange!
All the things a human machine like that can do.
Why little Hendrik did not break his neck is a mystery.
A person has everything, Jeus concludes for himself, and can do thousands of things, in fact through yourself you can experience all kind of things, but how does it work?
Jeus is sleeping with his eyes open and he is looking through four eyes.
He has two eyes to look at the day and two other eyes, which look at the life inside and experience an unbelievable space, but the others have none of this and do not even know this.
And with those eyes you can see through a coffin, look into a grave as well and further, just as far as you like and then you see nice things.
He thinks about everything; after all, this is something to think about and to give all of yourself for.
You can learn from it.
Now that he does not get any help, he ditches the whole thing, you would go ‘completely mad’ from it, it is so difficult, and he goes to sleep.
When the boys talk about it in the morning ...
Hendrik does not remember anything about it, and remarks:
“I do not know any more.
I do not know how I got there.
And what business of mine is it anyway?” ... then they do not know either and you cannot get a grip on it, but it remains a strange thing!
When Crisje asks:
“Do you not know a single thing about it then, Hendrik?” he can reply: “No, mother, nothing!”
... and Bernard says: “No, that is true, mother, he had nothing to do with it himself, but he was the one sitting on top of the roof” and they laugh, there is fun at six o’clock in the morning in the kitchen and life is nice, also very fickle and dangerous, you can break your neck because of it and no one wants that!
Just try examining a human machine like that?
And if you take it apart?
Now really look in a human way at what is inside!
The person of Hendrik is in the driver’s seat, but does not know it!
What a remarkable instrument the human machine is.
Scholars make a fuss about thousands of other trivial things, work for it until they drop, sometimes there are corpses to mourn for and then a thing like that explodes, they spend millions to later have to accept that it is nothing, after all!
The human machine is something wonderful and do those people, who are geniuses, not have any interest in it?
Or what is it really?
Because of little Hendrik, you start to think and a human machine like that forces you to follow those cogs whether you like it or not and it is also extremely interesting.
You learn a lot from it and probably get to know yourself as well, which is what it is all about for Jan Lemmekus and Jeus, but it is difficult!
Jan also knows, when one person started to think in order to get to know a bit more about the human machine, people put a poisoned cup in front of that life, because it was not allowed.
People are that crazy, but also that miserable, Jan Lemmekus knows very well, but you could do something to them!
The human machine is the most wonderful instrument, which lives.
The blood flows, a heart beats, just like a ticker, the brain works at full power and have been infallibly adjusted to one point, however, the soul or the personality know nothing about the thing, nothing about the grimaces, the climbing, the acrobatic neck-breaking, nothing, but is still one with all the little cogs, those wonderful systems of this whole, which is called soul, spirit and life!
But an unknown thing is and becomes a person if the life, humanly speaking and feeling intensely, is in harmony with everyday life, or someone else says: ‘Completely mad, put that life away, just stab it to death, give it poison to drink, we have plenty of that kind.’
Now you are either in a prison or you are hung, a while ago even burnt at the stake, alive, until you could not say a single word any more, or, people would chop off your head with an axe, this all happened because you interfered as a person with something, of which humanity is afraid.
And he is that himself!
Yes, Jan, that is the case; that has all happened and is a strange thing.
You don’t understand people, scholars, why do they not do everything, do they not give everything, in order to analyse the human machine?
They know it well, dear Jan Lemmekus, because then they would be faced with their Creator ...
They are now afraid that HE will grumble, give them a hiding; these children, Jan, will never learn!
At the brush factory, Jan tries running through these matters again briefly.
When it becomes too difficult, he also flings himself back into the daily goings-on and nothing more can happen to him.
Jan laughs, because it is quite something.
Nevertheless, Jan does it in his own way.
Yet when he also approaches ‘being completely mad’ from it, Jan also stops or the polishing will suffer from it and that must not happen.
Just a moment ago, he was almost caught in a belt, but Jeus hears:
“Can you not work it out, Jeus?
Do you not yet know what makes us tick?
And can that Casje not just help you then?”
Jan is right, he thinks.
A dream like that is a strange thing.
If he were to himself for a moment, at least just experience his disembodiment, then he could know, at least a part of it, but Jeus does not think of that.
After all, he has already been outside of his own machine, at least one hundred times.
No, it is difficult and, Jeus, no one in this world, even if there are a few people who know something about it, knows the human machine completely.
Only Casje, he knows all about it!
Jan knows that the ancient Egyptians knew a lot about it.
Those people there already had understanding of the human machine for their time, they could take it apart and put it back together again.
And the priests from British India and Tibet, whom he has read a lot about, they have taken the machine apart, gave some parts a really good analysis, so that you could understand something about it.
Even if they were sometimes left with half a chest of screws and bolts, which did not even fit back in later, the human machine still operated before their eyes and hearts and they took pleasure in it.
Of course, it was sometimes the case that a priest like that ran out into the street looking for his own brains and that man was then completely crazy as well.
They were faced there with life and death.
However, Jan knows that, those people from Tibet made a lot of progress.
There were also people, Jan read in a book, who could move themselves within a short space of time, the machine worked as fast as lightning and it was an art, but you got to know the human machine in this way.
The person, who examined those things and observed them with his own eyes, had to accept that those priests went faster than a train could even go, and they were something special.
What did people know about this here and in the towns of the country?
Good heavens, they knew nothing and it is so wonderful!
Just carry on a bit!
You can think if you no longer have your senses.
Because Hendrik experienced that.
Hendrik is walking with his eyes open and is still asleep.
He does not see anything and he sees everything.
That is strange!
And the human machine is infallible in such a strange situation.
You do not even fall from the roof, but when fully conscious you break your neck.
When you are asleep, that cannot happen to you, on the contrary, Hendrik climbed onto the roof with infallible certainty.
Conscious, and now able to act, Hendrik cannot move another inch.
Accidents don’t happen when you are asleep and you are an acrobat, but when you are awake and fully aware, you are as stiff as a board.
Just try it once ...
That is now worthwhile thinking about, but you will not figure it out.
Jan would love to lose himself in it, settle down beside a stream like that, and then think, but that is not possible.
He knows that Casje could do that, but you do not hear him.
He takes Jeus infallibly apart and puts the machine back together again, but does not have a bolt left now, he knows the life of this machine and it will be a blessing for Jeus in the future.
But who is this Casje anyway?
Jan believes, Casje wanders through human brains, he can see and feel what is the matter, because he is soul and spirit himself!
Casje, that is clear to him, allows Jeus to see through four eyes, Casje is the mechanic, who knows all those little cogs, who goes through the ‘coffin’ to the life and it is that!
Jeus cannot work it out either and gives up.
Antoon van Bree gives him a nudge, and he came to with a shock.
However, for Antoon himself that is an unusual way, it costs him a piece of his finger and Jeus hears:
“Good gracious, Jeus, that hasn’t happened to me for years.”
Jeus thinks Van Bree is great, he is not a scaredy cat, not a complainer, because Antoon has to laugh about it as well.
Jan just puts on a bandage and the rest is no one’s business, not Jeus’ either, at the end of the day you have to watch out.
“You see that now, Jeus”, Antoon also has to tell him, “I only stood for a moment dreaming and now that thing has already got me.
But you know, Jeus, that those steel needles will also get you?”
“I know that, Van Bree”, he replies abruptly, “But I can eat from that, I can earn money from that.”
“That is your own business, after all.
We are getting another boy here and you can go to the combers, as long as you know that I warned you.”
“I know, Van Bree, and thank you, but I have to get on and here I am standing still, Van Bree.”
Antoon has to admit, he can say that honestly, he loves Jeus.
This is a boy with spunk, with inspiration, with feelings and thoughts such as an adult sometimes does not even possess.
Jeus has stolen his heart.
It is a pity, they are losing him, and the boy cannot be held.
Even if they do everything, he will leave.
It is Saturday.
Will he get a rise?
Yes, how is it possible, a rise of fifty cents, Casje is right, everything is true, and he does not need to give himself a thrashing.
But does he still want to leave?
Yes, Jan, yes, Antoon, I am going, I will get two fifty there.
Jeus does not know that the fifty cents are from Jan.
Casje knew all the things that occupied Jan and just adjusted his machine.
Casje let something ring inside Jan, and then Jan knew about that fifty cents, but it still did not help, Jeus is going!
Casje himself wants Jeus to leave, Jan Lemmekus, because he cannot think here, he already knows this work and his machine has to make progress, has to think more deeply.
That is for later, Jan, when Casje wants to begin to give this humanity a hiding, Jeus must be able to take it, and that is necessary now for his machine!
Jeus must go higher, must be fiercer, must think continually deeper; it does not matter what it concerns, as long as he is thinking.
Because of this the machine follows him and all those little cogs get a part to deal with, to experience as well and Jeus masters this.
It is a pity for you, Jan, also for Antoon, but this is the case!
As a result of this, Jeus’ inner life awakens.
He had cured Miets and Teun, however, it was through Casje.
Jeus did not come to this way of thinking, of course not.
Casje let him think that, and the children got better, because later, Jeus will continue to heal.
In a little while, Jan, he will also be able to help Fanny, the dog has eaten something that he shouldn’t have and these things happen, which are brought from the inner machine parts to material working and the phenomenon comes to play a part, which is now called healing!
Casje, Jan, will later connect Jeus with the Divine ALL, and then wisdom will pour down for this humanity.
Whether people will accept Jeus then, is a completely different matter again, but it will be a revelation!
Yes, Jan Lemmekus, you felt that, Casje is a master!
Casje is a cosmically aware person; do you feel what he has to say?
Casje possesses a universal feeling; he knows the laws for the human machine and now knows that Jeus has to leave here!
Jeus has also to leave the combers, Casje will send him into the world and amongst the people, Jan, he must know all about that.
He cannot learn anything from those people, but Casje will take care of that!
Crisje is happy, but fifty cents more like that will not solve the other misery.
She kisses her well-being sufficiently enough, in order to show her gratitude for his manly endeavour, however, that does not take away the fact that darkness remains, the miseries continue to dominate, there are too many who ask for food and need all kinds of things.
Even if he says:
‘If I go to the combers now, mother, I can earn more, and if it is not great there, I will be in Emmerik just like that.’
Even if he earns as much as five guilders, Crisje will not make it, it is going downhill and fast as well!
The Saturday is for him and Fanny, an afternoon off is something completely different, and he can play football.
What is the matter with Fanny?
“You’re very slow today, Fanny.
You must go to bed, you are sick.
Have you got a fever, Fanny?”
He is lying in bed early with Fanny.
If the animal is sick, he cannot enjoy himself.
First Fanny enjoyed a nice bit of sun, but Fanny groaned with pain inside and he understands.
Now you should hear him, he talks to Fanny like a doctor and the animal life is treated like a human being.
Fanny is old, just as old as he is, but that is really a lot for Fanny.
Now that they are lying nicely against each other, he gets a lick like that from Fanny, the animal kind-heartedness and this life enjoys it.
Streams of clouds go from his hands into Fanny’s insides.
They have enjoyed the same development, possess the same feelings, so that Fanny absorbs his life aura and accepts it gratefully, as a result of which there will be a change tomorrow.
“You must use your head, Fanny”, the animal also gets to hear ...
“What would you say, if I also started to eat everything from the street?
Did you think, Fanny, that we were not hungry, that we did not want a nice piece of sausage?
You should really be ashamed of yourself.
But it is your own business, Fanny, as long as you know, you can become ill from the things that lie on the street.
This is not too bad, is it, but you can die from it.
Did you think now, that I would want to miss you?
Do you understand me, Fanny?”
Crisje hears him downstairs.
It almost reduces her to tears.
That sort of love, she knows, she used to get from her Tall One.
My God, what does not go on in Jeus.
If he loses Fanny, Jeus will go as well.
However, we will just not think about that.
How is it possible, Crisje, you would say now, where do you get these thoughts from, at the end of the day, Fanny is old, and all kinds of things can happen in life.
Do you not want to know about this?
Man and beast now experience a paradise and the prophets foretold this.
Jeus and Fanny have already started!
In the morning, Fanny already looks a bit better.
Even if the heat will not leave the animal yet, it is already better, after all.
This day is now for Fanny, even if he would like to start singing, Fanny must first get better.
Come Monday morning Fanny will be the first to get itself ready to accept the day’s duties.
How is it possible, Fanny, but will you be careful now?
“Let me have a look, Fanny”, the animal gets to hear, “whether you can walk a bit better already.”
Jeus continues: “That’s good, Fanny, that is good of you.
You do not let your head hang and we must keep a hold on our own life.
As long as you know, that I am very pleased with you.”
If you see and hear that, tears will roll down your cheeks.
Fanny gives him everything, Jeus strokes his head like a cat does and can do, Fanny rubs against his hands, because Fanny knows, it is there.
Healing comes from those hands.
At once they are standing in the kitchen.
He also has something to tell Crisje, he was able to think last night, Crisje will be surprised.
Yes, Crisje, he will go to church again.
What did you say?
Crisje is happy, she says:
“That’s good, Jeus, oh, you make me so happy ...
People would talk of it as scandalous and I do not want that”... however, that is part of him and Crisje can put up with it.
Then Jeus adds:
“I will also go to confession, mother,” once again, everything is okay and the sun also shines, you now forget your worries for a moment, because this is worthwhile, after all.
The day starts well!
If only they were taking part in a lottery, they would win the jackpot, because Our Lord must reward this.
But the pigs do not squeal, the mice and rats are lying here dead in front of the cupboard, there is not any dried-out marrowbone to be found, and you can see that easily, because those doors are wide open.
Is that a cupboard?
It is like nothing on earth, a cupboard, where you keep food and drink is something completely different!
When Crisje has something to say too, and he knows how happy mother is, he also says:
“Did you think then, mother, that I did not know that you were worried about me”, you look again at the cupboard and would like to give your children something nice to eat, but then you almost faint yourself from hunger, you feel really dizzy as well and you see the sacred truth, now you feel it.
Now there is not much left any more from this kind-heartedness and being right, but you do not let a child notice this, you carry this yourself in your heart until you drop!
Crisje does that, she carries it day and night and will succumb unless a change takes place.
But, where will it come from, and how and through whom?
Also a win from the lottery, Crisje?
You do not know everything and life is sometimes strangely cheerful, but then it rains and the sun shines, about which you say: ‘The devils are now dancing in hell!’
Now we know that you do not want anything to do with devils, it will probably be a bit different.
But Casje, Jeus, wants you to go to church and also go to confession, because there are already enough heretics in this world.
You are still too much of a whippersnapper to act as a heretic, it creates a gulf between Crisje and you, and that must not happen!
Casje laid last night in your life: you will go to church and you will also go to confession.
Casje also repeated that for a moment and then you knew and Crisje now knows as well!
That is Casje!
Is the church not lovely?
Yes, Jeus knows all about that.
When he goes to the church together with Crisje – it is a pity, that Crisje, mother has to sit behind a pillar, she deserves to sit in full view in the church facing towards the altar, but that costs too much money – Jeus enjoys himself as well, all the people enjoy it; it is something so special, if you see mother going to communion.
It is then that the church is beautiful.
How beautifully they sing.
If father could sing ... no, they cannot do that any more.
Now just watch out, Crisje.
Father now places the flesh and blood of Our Lord on mother’s tongue.
When he does that, then something always trembles inside him and he could scream.
Not from happiness, but from horror, the fear of that unbelievable moment, which he knows all about.
Now mother bows her head.
You must feel that yourself, only then will you know what mother feels, but it is great.
They all try it, but other women cannot do that, and can be seen immediately.
Softly, calmly, mother’s head goes back.
She lowers her head respectfully.
Then, he knows her eyes are closed, you must not look now, or the great, this unity with Our Lord, will be malformed by yourself.
Mother now bows before Our Lord; she gives herself completely to Him.
Now she is floating in a universe.
Mother now lives in the arms of Our Lord, he knows, and he can enjoy that because he sees it happening!
If you see mother, then you would also want to race off to communion to experience that, it is so exalted.
Also so tenuous and still!
Also so lonely, yet you are not alone.
You feel it all!
You could cry from emotion.
From happiness as well!
From pure bliss too!
It is so unbelievable what you see and feel then, when mother goes to communion.
And the people in the church feel it as well.
They feel the unending respect of mother, but they cannot do it themselves.
Yes, they want to imitate mother, you see that immediately.
They feel this great submission of mother to Our Lord, whose child she is.
With all her heart, she is now a part of God!
Why do all those men and women not place this respect in their own knees?
Knees are knees and people are people, but that other thing is inside and now knees can bend, as Our Lord would like to see and wants to have it.
That is what you call respect.
Those men and women only give half of themselves.
For those few minutes, they cannot even give everything, as a result of which Our Lord feels cheated!
They would like that, but Our Lord sees through it.
They try it one after another, but they do not succeed.
And it is not so strange, Father knows exactly how those men and women feel, and give themselves, you do not have to fool him with anything either.
Father, Jeus knows, sees through this human affected respect and it does not mean a thing to him.
Our Lord does not eat lemons for apples, he knows, but what do those people want anyway?
Just follow that woman.
Everyone knows that she lies, cheats, and gossips about people and can never say anything good.
Nevertheless, there she is.
What she has not got up to, is the end of the road.
Filthy gossip precedes her and where she lives, you cannot breathe for the stench.
They have a name for it, but he may not think about that now.
Moreover, Father knows everything.
Yet, she is kneeling there.
But just look what that woman does.
Is that kneeling?
Is that opening your mouth to receive Our Lord?
That happens with jolts, because this person is shaking inside, because she gossips about people.
Now she is at odds with herself inwardly.
Drunkards, people who swear like troopers, haters, who never stop, are kneeling there and want to pray.
If that woman is granted forgiveness, then my sins will also be forgiven, but is that possible?
Jeus thinks about all of this, he cannot understand it, but Casje sent him back to the church for this, now he will learn to think, even if he loses himself in this depth.
Where do all these thoughts suddenly come from?
If you want to kneel there, you must bow your head.
When the service is over, they gossip again and the human part begins, you hear them swearing again.
Is that possible, is that allowed?
Look, mother is now standing up, only mother can do it like that.
Just look, now mother moves her foot, she turns, and now mother floats through the church.
No one can do that, only mother can.
Just look, how mother has folded her hands, how respectful she is now, mother is always like that, she is therefore like an angel, of course, mother is an angel!
Now he can hear mother praying.
For the happiness of this world, her children, and herself.
You can hear that and you feel a pain inside, but it is great, you now feel so happy.
You must follow mother, then you must pray with her, and then you will see what she wants to pray for.
That is beautiful, oh, it is so beautiful!xax
Mother does not move now, it is as if she is dead, but that is not true.
Mother prays for a long time, other women and men do that in five minutes, mother needs half an hour, for she has so much to pray about.
When he asked Crisje what all she had to pray about, anyway, she answered:
“You can pray for thousands of things, Jeus.
For the poor people, the sick people, the world, for peace, that people will understand each other, that father may be happy, that father may work for Our Lord, and for much more.”
You see, he thinks, that is why it takes so long, but other people do not do that, they do not care a jot about poor people and what does this world want?
Mother prays that people will no longer hate each other, because that is ugly, then you will go to purgatory.
Hating is something terrible.
Now just feel the silence in which mother lives, then you will know that Our Lord is there as well.
It is now time to leave the church.
And this is the time when father used to start singing in the choir, but father is still singing, you can hear him, but then you have to use those other ears; do people not do that?
They do not want to!
Yet, they still go to confession and receive communion?
It is strange, why do they not want to experience that real thing?
This is also nice, but this is not the real thing.
Jeus goes home with mother, they have coffee, and talk about Father’s sermon, afterwards he runs into the wood with Fanny, who gets to hear everything.
Fanny also has to go to confession and receives communion.
And that is always successful, if he just has a piece of sausage with him.
Then you should see Fanny.
Fanny now has to come to him with its head bowed.
Now he is Father.
You do not laugh this is deadly serious.
“Come on, Fanny, confess.
What have you been up to in the past few days?
No, none of it, Fanny, you cannot fool me.
I have not seen you in church enough recently.
I have seen too little of you in my confessional box, Fanny, haven’t I?
Now tell me.
What sins have you committed?
Fanny, have you been chasing the women?
Now, did you think that you could cheat me, Fanny?
Let’s see.
Ten Our Fathers and five Hail Mary’s, and a half Station of the Cross.
I will keep an eye on you, Fanny.”
Fanny sits there, looks him in the eye, and understands.
However, Fanny is not respectful enough.
“Come on, Fanny, lie down, I say.
Lie down and pray.
You cannot do that in three minutes.
Have you already forgotten the poor people?
The world as well?
But you cannot hate any more, can you, Fanny?
That is bad; then you will go to purgatory.
Mother said that we must have respect for everything.”
And then he goes and plays football.
Wham, let them come; it is a feast today.
Is life not just good?
The combers are in the ball, and the sharp combs dig into you.
What did Van Bree say again?
Tomorrow he will go to the combers.
Goodbye, Crisje.
Now you will see what’s going to happen.
Those men, he sees, mix hairs through each other, which they make those soft brushes from, which cost a lot of money.
But it is a dirty mess, those pigs’ hairs stink.
You have to do with a smell of corpses.
He also knows they will take no notice of him.
They leave him to his own devices.
Now and again they leer in his direction, and then wait for him to hurt himself, and seem to have fun from it.
Almost all of those men live in a house belonging to the factory.
In addition, they can also drink.
And today is Monday.
The boy who is sitting in front of Jeus informs him:
“If they want to have jenever later, then you can go off and fetch it.”
“What did you say?”
“I said’, the boy repeats, ‘if they want jenever you must go and fetch the jenever.
Do you know now?”
He thinks about it.
Begin again now.
His index fingers really hurt.
But there follows: ... Wham ... the fibre is lying on the ground.
He is attached to the steel pins.
This human part has been beaten to pulp.
The steel pins have no sympathy for him.
Now that the boy in front of him no longer hears the familiar scratching, he looks at Jeus and understands.
Jeus looks as well.
His fingers look as though they are pockmarked, but as a result of the combs, the terrible needles, it just looks like one big wound.
You must just watch out, but everything can be learned.
After ten minutes he wants to bandage his fingers, but then he can no longer work.
They laugh at him!
Then just continue.
The dust stops the bleeding and the stench does the rest.
Do not come too close to the combs, is the motto, but the fibre demands it.
A while later he is attached again and blood flows.
Wham ... wham ... one more time and it is almost time to have a break.
Seven times, Crisje, he tortured himself.
He did not cry, because he flatly refuses to do that.
However, Jeus sees, Johan Daals is playing with the fibre.
Look for yourself, it happens of its own accord.
He no longer looks at the combs; he does it without looking.
It is therefore just a habit!
Then the human machine stands still again, Casje, and is that the intention?
An hour later he has a pound of fibre ready and it is too little.
Both the other boys mixed a few kilos, and that means money in your pocket.
The sultan whistles, and now it is break time.
He misses Jan terribly and also Van Bree, but he is not sorry.
He hears human gossip here.
Adults drivel in an empty space to which he now belongs.
Jan comes to have a look.
How are you, Jeus?
A brother of Jan’s is in charge here, but Jan does not talk to the men and lays his hand on his shoulder, it does him good and is everything for his life.
He only says:
“Take it easy, Jeus, there is plenty of time.”
“Yes, Jan, and thank you.”
Then he is alone again.
A while later he is faced with a great problem and he can prove what he wants.
One of the men comes up to him and says:
“Will you just listen?
You must fetch jenever for us from Jan Hieltjes.
Here is the money.”
Astonished, he asks: “What do I have to do?”
“Here’s the money for the jenever.
Do you not understand any dialect?
Come on now, fetch jenever and make it quick as well!”
He drops the money.
The man becomes furious.
In a flash, that life has changed.
The comber picks up the money and calls to the others: “Just look at this.
He does not want to fetch jenever for us.”
And he says to Jeus:
“Come on, we do not expect any talk from you.”
Jeus knows definitely that he will not fetch any jenever.
Now the man starts shouting.
“Do you not want to fetch any jenever?
Do you refuse to fetch jenever, whippersnapper?
Do you hear me?
Do you hear that?”, and he says to the others, “He wants to make us look like twits.”
Jeus says:
“No, even if you stand on your head, I will not fetch any jenever.
You can do what you like with me, I will not fetch any jenever.”
He looks the man right in his ugly face.
The others laugh.
There is now something happening.
What does this kid from the Grintweg think he is up to?
Even if they know that if the Tall One had still been alive, they would not have dared to do this, the men continue, anyway.
The Tall One is not their problem now.
Jeus would then have said: ‘I will tell my father and we will see about this again.’
Jeus does say:
“Now that my father is no longer here, you can talk, can’t you?”
They feel his resistance.
One of them says and that hurts him:
“That Tall idiot of yours?”
The blood rushes to his head, but he is powerless.
He cannot fight against big men.
It is a dirty insult.
They sully his good father, those pigs, those dirty drunkards!
However, the men just give him a shake.
He flies through the air and lands right in a dirty basket with pigs’ hair.
Now he hears:
“Fetch jenever or go in the pigsty” ...
They haul him back and forth through the muck.
“I’ll be damned if I do it”, the men hear.
He flies with his head under the stinking pigs’ hairs.
They get him out and push his head under again, but he does not give them any satisfaction.
Not one of the adults helps him.
They do not expect any backchat from him and now Jeus is teased.
Are they church goers?
Fathers of children?
Yes, Jeus!
They go to confession and take communion, but stamp on everything within their reach and have no respect for anything!
He undergoes this unfair fight, and cannot do anything.
But where is Casje, his protector?
And where are his other friends?
Can that Casje only stand around and chat?
Suddenly, how is it possible, Jan Lemmekus is standing in the combing area.
Jan immediately takes in what is going on, pulls Jeus out of the men’s hands and hits out at the same time.
He lets fly at their heads from all sides.
Jan fights like a raging wind, he kicks and hits, throws them off him and catches them again one by one.
He takes the men over his back, a trick they do not know here yet, but which they have seen Jan using.
Jan is now like a wild man, a lion and not afraid of ten men!
He looks the rascal in the eye and says:
“Is this all that you can do here?
Poison children?
Hit and kick children?
Do you not have any children yourself?
And would you want another person to beat up your children?
I am telling you, touch him again.
You will have me to answer to then.”
And he says to his brother: “And you, Hent, do you not have anything more to say here?
That is true, you have nothing to say at home either, but you can hit a child.”
He says again to Jeus:
“If one of them hits you again, Jeus, you come to me.
And in our section, there are more who would like to have a brawl.
And now get to work.”
Jeus wipes the muck from his face and begins.
He is eternally grateful to Jan.
Jan also says to the men:
“I will take you all on, come on.”
But the men do not do anything.
They know Jan Lemmekus.
They are afraid of Jan.
Yes, of course, all of them together do not dare to fight against Jan.
Jan was once faced with ten men and seven ended up in hospital.
Jan cannot bear to see any injustice.
Suddenly it happens.
He is another person and he does not know himself any longer.
Jan becomes exceedingly strong, and his brother knows that the best.
Even though he is a giant he has already had many a hiding.
They do not know what gets into Jan.
Jan learned it in Germany.
And believes it originated from China or Japan; they are grips and tricks.
Before an opponent can think he is already lying on the ground or flying through the air.
Jeus also wants to learn that, it is worthwhile.
If something else like that happens in life.
No, Jan is not such a well-built character, he seems slight, but is muscular.
Still unbelievably strong and extremely fast.
And when it gets to that stage, then Jan looks through ten pairs of eyes.
He sees everything, he looks in front of him and behind him.
It is interesting to see him and these men have respect for that!
Jan leaves.
And how is it possible yet again, he runs into the boss and he sees that there is something the matter with Jan.
“Is there a problem?” he says.
“Just look for yourself”, Lumwald hears.
“Do they want jenever again, Jan?”
“But I said, just look for yourself, then you will know.”
Jan goes back to the sawmill.
The boss races into the combing area.
“Well, well”, he says, “I see.
If you want to drink jenever, just don’t involve children in it, do you understand?
That does not give the factory a good name, understood?
Do not involve children”, he also says, “never again, never again!”
The boss goes straight to Jan Hieltjes.
The men are furious but still ... There will be jenever!
Now they will fetch jenever themselves.
They need a ‘drink’.
They have fun, but that fun does not last very long, there are also the women and children.
The boys think Jeus is great.
They shuffled along, did not dare to refuse, afraid of a hiding.
An hour later there are smiles for Jeus.
It took a brave boy like that.
He has a willpower in him.
Everything is sweetness and light after an hour and a half, but Jeus will have none of it.
However, they have respect for Tall Hendrik’s child.
They know, that is something from the Tall One himself.
He was not afraid of any devil!
Of course, there is a change in the brains of adults.
What happened a short while ago must make room for more sober thoughts and understanding, because they will also miss the money on Saturday.
It was really nasty.
Are you still angry with us, Jeus?
But where did Jan Lemmekus so suddenly appear from, Jeus?
Do you not want to know that?
Jan thought, it is nearly time.
And when Jan thought about this, that was everything for Casje, in order to adjust and direct the works of his machine for a moment to your life, and then Jan was already running and came just on time.
Nothing else was necessary.
And your father, Jeus, was standing watching.
He saw it happen, but could not do anything.
However, he knows now, if it happens again or it is something else, how he must adjust the human machine to operate for himself.
What a good man Casje is, but Tall Hendrik was also good!
There is nothing more, Jeus.
But, now something else will come, which will make you shake and tremble, and it is probably the worst thing for your life, which you have had to accept up until now.
It is terrible!
Fanny is waiting outside at the gate for his boss, as always.
If Jeus, because this is unbelievably meaningful, had gone home through Emmerik or through the Quay, nothing would have happened.
But who does that?
Who walks around for an hour to reach the final goal.
Now that we know that the time that the men have to eat is short?
You don’t do that!
No one does that, do they?
What would soon happen, would not have happened, and will face Jeus with misery, which will make his heart bleed.
However, many events tell us about people who have experienced that, human machines have suddenly acted differently and turned themselves, as it were, inside out and followed a detour.
Other people experienced it when they just missed the train and did not die in an accident!
Yet other people did not make their boat ... but unexpectedly reached this decision, of which humanity says: ‘It is not yet your time!’
That boat and train had an accident.
They didn’t!
Now Jeus is faced with this.
How will he act?
And Jeus already acts.
Just like thousands of other people would do, and chooses the shortest route.
He goes with Fanny to Crisje.
We now hear:
“Come on, Fanny, we are going to mother.”
Not twenty steps further on the accident happened.
Fanny is running today without thinking, to the left and to the right.
Which Fanny never does, however, the animal does now.
It makes you think but you will never know the answer.
Why Fanny runs exactly under a carriage with horses.
The driver is behaving very strangely.
That man does not seem to know.
But at the bottom of the Grintweg, Fanny is lying under the carriage and gives a howl, which went to Jeus’ heart and he could pick up his great love.
Fanny still howls for a moment.
Then the life reaches peace.
On the table, where they are all present, Fanny dies!
It is an enormous blow.
Jeus was now faced with going ‘left, upwards, backwards and forwards’, of Casje, in which there is only one path to take and which, you will believe it now, has to do with the Grim Reaper.
It is something really terrible.
Even more, his companion is dead, and Fanny must be buried, but he has no time for it now.
Burying your loved one in a complete rush is not possible!
He will do that this evening, after his work.
How is it possible, Crisje thinks.
He leaves with Fanny for the garden behind the house.
The animal will get a temporary grave.
He has to work!
That is just the way things are.
Jan comes to pay him a visit, he has heard about the drama and Jan feels what his friend has lost.
They look each other in the eye; Jeus will control himself.
Jan knows how great Fanny was for his life.
But he works hard and does not even bang himself on his fingers anymore.
It does not matter to him either.
He throws himself into it and it happens on its own.
A consciousness has come into his life for combing.
Is that not strange, he wonders.
What a strange thing a person is.
If you are careful, it does not work.
And if you do not bother about the whole thing, it works and you can actually do it.
But life is hard, merciless, and terrible!
The boys readily admit to him that he has already learned it and his work looks good.
There is now no Fanny any more waiting for him at the gate, it is a sorrowful situation.
It is a blow right in his face, but he runs to Crisje.
He has a bite to eat and then deals with the serious business of burying Fanny.
Miets and Teun follow him.
But when they see that ‘father Jeus’ gives them a cold stare, they just make off.
Thanks, children, thanks!
And now Fanny will go into his grave.
Of course, Fanny will get flowers.
And a head of lettuce also looks good, a few small flowers next to it, a few stones as well, and then he can have a think.
It looks good, but he now looks with different eyes, just as he was able to do with his father.
Probably, you cannot know, Fanny alsohas something to say.
Pleading, not complaining, but in a really friendly way, he thinks of his little friend, who went through thick and thin with him and almost became a person, who understood him as no one else could.
He talks to his loved one.
He has a lot to say, of course.
Do you still remember, Fanny, when he held your funeral oration in the middle of the woods?
Now you are faced with that moment, Jeus.
What do you have to say?
“Good gracious, it is really something”, are the first words, which he utters.
“You should have used your head better, Fanny.
You should have used your paws!
Your sense as well and this is what happens, if you think you can do everything.”
Just a minute!
Is Fanny not here yet?
Then he will continue.
“If I think about it, Fanny, then I could hit myself on the head.
And you are thinking about yourself, of course, aren’t you?
You would like that!
No, Fanny, you can drop dead!
You should have used your eyes better and I can get annoyed about that!”
Is that animal not there yet?
No, not yet.
Then he will continue!
“Would you like to know, Fanny, why I just said, you can drop dead?
That is because you only thought about yourself.
But I do not mean it like that, Fanny, you know better than that.
But I have to get it off my chest and then harsh words fall, don’t they?
You chased yourself from this world yourself, good gracious!
If I think about it, Fanny, then I could scream from the pain, but you would like that.
Mother also has pain inside.
And would you think that mother would cry?
Not at all, mother is strong ... mother is ...
There is no one like mother!
But you know that, I do not need to tell you that.
If mother had something nice to eat, you got some as well, didn’t you, Fanny?”
Is that other animal not coming back yet?
No, he does not see anything; then he must continue!
“If I think, Fanny, about when we were both still small, yes, then I could cry.
Good gracious, what a nice time we had.
We were always together.
Now this.
And in one go as well.
Just like father.
He also made off in one go.
He was still sitting at the table in the evening, Fanny.
And a few hours later he was stone dead.
Father did not know that either, did he?
But he knew, mother said.
Because he always had so much talk, the ‘Grim Reaper’ just took him in one go and that was nothing for father.
Can you understand that?
All people are like that, Fanny.
Today they have everything to say.
Tomorrow they are lying on their back and can catch fleas!
Not here, but yonder, where you are now.
Have you not seen José yet, Fanny?
Can you not just come back?
That is possible, after all, Fanny.
Do you not see my ‘Tall One’?
Will you just call him, Fanny?
Will you ask him whether he can help you?
He knows you, Fanny, just as well as he knows me.
Just ask!
You could make me so happy, Fanny.”
He waits a minute.
It takes a while, but yes, what a business this is.
“We have seen so many die, Fanny.
We were always searching at the graveyard.
And now you are lying there yourself!
Is it very cold, Fanny?
Have you nothing more to say?
Must I understand, Fanny, that you now think, just drop dead?
I cannot believe that, Fanny.
Good gracious, that is unbelievable.
But I never cheated you, did I, Fanny?
Can you find any faults in me, Fanny?
Did I ever cheat you in your life?
No, I didn’t, I do not need to have that preying on my mind.
I would not be able to hold another fibre in my hands.
Why do you have nothing more to say?
Fanny, believe me, even if you sometimes got a hiding from me, I did not give you that for nothing, as long as you know.
Now I can forgive you everything.
You surely know that, don’t you, Fanny?
You sometimes thought, that boss of mine can tell me more.
But did you think, Fanny, that I did not turn a blind eye now and again?
Then I thought, just let it have its play.
I cannot keep it on the leash the whole day.
Is that not the case, Fanny?
Were you tied up day and night?
I want to know that now, Fanny!
If you are still in possession of your complete senses, Fanny, then you must agree with me.
You didn’t have such a bad time with me, did you?
Other dogs are tied up day and night, and you went with me everywhere.
Didn’t you?
I could not approve of the fact that you recently got Anneke and Jan’s Gerrit.
Did you hear me say one word about it, Fanny?
No, of course not.
I thought, then that Gerrit should just keep its mouth shut.
But it does not tolerate another dog on Jan and Anneke’s grounds.
You should have used your sense then.
Are you angry with me, Fanny, that I am now sitting complaining?
Mother said, at the end of your life, you may say anything.
But now you can keep quiet, if I have something to say.
And that time has now come, Fanny.
Here I am then, Fanny!”
He waits, but what is that?
Fanny is suddenly standing above its grave.
Fanny barks at him and is alive and kicking.
He gets his kiss from the animal and friend, from ‘behind the coffin’ a lick of his life, his love.
It is something completely different, Jeus feels, than the kiss from Fanny, when he was still alive.
He does not collapse, because he is used to such things.
He knows the phenomenon, but with Fanny’s apparition he hears someone say:
“Is that not something, Jeus?”
“So, are you still there?
Could you not have told me beforehand?
I thought that you knew all about everyone.
But you can pull the other one, can’t you?
You know so much, after all, don’t you?
But you did not know this!
I now know, that you just talk nonsense.
I do not want anything more to do with you.
See that you leave!
Get lost!
Neither of us want to see you any more.
We can do without friends like that.
You let me get into trouble.
So, you cannot say anything to that, can you?
You are now standing in front of me with your mouth wide open.”
Casje can make do with this.
However, he also has something to say:
“Shall I tell you something, Jeus?”... but he already moans back: “I just told you a moment ago that I did not want anything more to do with you.
Do you understand that?”
“You are harsh towards me, Jeus.
I really had nothing to do with Fanny’s death, after all.”
“You should have warned me!”
“That is all very well, Jeus.
But if I now tell you that Fanny did not die one minute too early or too late, will you believe me then?”
“So, you would like to kid me with that.
And did you think that I would believe that?
Are you trying to kid me, I ask you, that Fanny had to be run over in order to die?”
He looks Casje in the eye, but he does not ask himself, why Casje remains shrouded in a light haze, he cannot see his face the way he used to be able to, and what used to always happen.
He provokes Casje.
He hits at the life of Casje and wants to destroy him, if possible.
It is a fight to the finish.
What does Casje have to say now!
He says:
“That is all exactly the same, Jeus.
It was Fanny’s time!
He went just as surely in his time, as your father, Jeus.”
“You can pull the other one.
That was completely different for my father.
He was a person.
And this is my Fanny.
Talking nonsense, you are good at that!
Talking nonsense, you cannot do anything else.
I do not believe you any more, as long as you know.”
Now Casje gets him when he says:
“And do you not believe either that Fanny is alive?
What is this then?
Is this Fanny or is this not Fanny?
I will tell you something else, Jeus.
If you are harsh towards me one more time, then I will leave Fanny alone here, to wander alone as well, and then you will also have that on your conscience.
And there is also the fact, I have never lain in the gutter with you, have I?”
He understands and reaches another way of thinking.
Because it is true, Fanny has come back.
Jeus asks:
“And what do you want to do then, Casje?”
“Just look for yourself, Jeus, then I will have nothing more to say.”
Jeus sees his friend José back.
He now sees that José is together with Fanny.
He understands and asks José:
“Will you take care of Fanny now, José?”
“Yes, of course, Jeus.
Fanny is now with me, and I will take care of Fanny.
We will now always be together.”
“And can you do that, José?”
“Yes, I told you that, didn’t I?”
“Then I can no longer shout at Casje, can I?”
“If I were you, I would eat humble pie from Casje.
If he wants, Jeus, Fanny will be walking around here alone.
I do not have a say in it.”
“Good gracious, that is unbelievable.
That is bad, José.
You must take care of Fanny, otherwise I will have no life anymore.”
“Do you not see then, Jeus, that you have not lost Fanny?
Just play with Fanny.
Just go to sleep, Jeus.
Ask Casje, he can help you.”
He now disembodies.
He is lying there and slumbers, but plays and romps with his loved one in José’s and Casje’s world, the world where the Tall One is, Peter and millions of other people, but the core of which the rest of this humanity does not yet know and finds unbelievable.
For Jeus this is true and genuine.
He is now flying, and can experience himself and his space in which a person lives, if he exchanges the material for the spiritual and goes on.
Higher up, such as it is, which is a law laid down by HIM, as result of which all life received independence.
He forgets about Casje.
He does not think about his former ‘Tall One’!
He romps about with Fanny and José.
My God, how great and unbelievably beautiful it is.
Too wonderful to be true!
But it is the case!
José finally has to say goodbye to Jeus.
Through Casje, this great happiness comes to an end.
It is Casje who has it in his hands and who has let him experience this great happiness.
He is now faced with a terrible moment, letting go of Fanny, submitting.
He also has to bow his head to this!
Then Casje remarks:
“What do you have to say to me now, Jeus?”
“Nothing, nothing at all.
You have won.
I will bow my head, and thank you.”
“That is good of you, Jeus.
But you see it yourself.
José is now looking after Fanny.
And I will promise you, if you do your best, if you let me see what you can do, that Fanny will come back now and again and you may romp and play with him.”
“Do you promise me that, Casje?”
“Of course, Jeus.
I will keep my word.”
“That is good, but now something else.
Do you not know that ‘Tall One’ of mine?
He is also here.
I have not seen him for a long time.
Where is he?”
“Yes, I know him, Jeus, but he has something else to do.”
He looks at Casje, he does not feel anything, but says:
“You look a bit like him.”
“That can happen, Jeus.
We come from the same country ...
He is family of mine.”
“Oh, is that the reason, I can understand that.
But does he not have anything to say?”
“He would not say anything different to what I am saying now, Jeus.”
“Then I can give in to everything.
And thank you.
I can reconcile myself to that.
Thank you, Casje.”
“My pleasure, Jeus.”
“Are you pleased with your name, Casje?”
“Of course!
I am pleased with it.
It is a nice name!”
“But do you know how mad that real Casje is?”
“Have you forgotten then what I think about him?”
“I know, then you are called Casje.
I would like to have kept Fanny, but he had started to fail, anyway.”
“That’s true, Jeus.
And that is also the reason why Fanny was run over by the carriage.
He could not run so fast any more.
And you have no complaints, Jeus.
Was Fanny ill a lot in his life?”
“No, you are right.”
“But if you look at other dogs?
Fanny is now in good hands, as long as you know.”
“I understand.
And I do not want to cry either.”
“That is what I want, Jeus.
Now you go to your mother and say that Fanny is happy.
Mother will also want to know that.”
“Yes, of course, I’m already on my way.”
Casje dissolves before his eyes and he wakes up.
Jeus does not know how he descends in his machine, but he will get to know that later and only then will Casje begin with the real study for his life and his task for this humanity.
Tears roll down cheeks, now that he tells about the funeral.
And when he involves the Tall Hendrik, it is quite enough for Crisje.
However, she understands, you will get your word to everything and you can submit the sorrow for it.
The great blow is dealt with in a masterly way and accepted.
Sorrow changed to happiness, and to knowledge!
Suddenly a new path is laid for Jeus and he is sleeping well.
He knows his Fanny will be taken care of!
Fanny is not dead!
Fanny is alive!
Fanny is where his father is, with Peter Smadel, Aunt Trui’s Gradus, where his friend José is and all the other children of Our Lord, in order to work there and continue their own lives!
However, when he comes home the next day, the material Casje is sitting at the table and he is talking to Crisje.
Now you will have it, he thinks.
He still has something to ask this man.
“Did you”, he already begins, “at the party of the sisters at the guest house, devour seven bowls of soup, Casje?”
The peddler gets a fright, but laughs as well.
His short arms make grimaces and he questions Jeus:
“Yes, Jeus, but how did you know that, nobody knows about that.”
“Am I right, Casje?”
“But I said that.
Who did you hear this from?”
“That is my business, Casje.
I know that about you!”
The man looks at him as if he has had the fright of his life.
He says to Crisje: “What have we got now, Crisje?”
“He knows such a lot, Casje”, is what Crisje says to him.
Jeus has a think about what the other Casje, his one, told him.
It is the truth.
He has to accept it.
His Casje is a great one!
His Casje is a great friend and he must be very happy with him.
However, he should have given Casje a nicer name.
This is nothing.
But still?
He thought it was a nice name himself.
And now?
They need boys at Gimborn, Jeus.
What can you earn there?
More than at the brush factory.
You have honey there and you can eat as much as you like.
They also have nice liquorice and pastilles.
You know, those small square pieces of liquorice, which you can buy in a shop and which cost a lot of money.
Liquorice for a cough.
Just think about it, Jeus!
The boys are right!
And then, money for Crisje and your household.
That is all.
You can break the contract about piecework, go along with that!
Isn’t that something?