Playing football and spiritual ropes
Jan Lemmekus now knows, Our Lord is using the voice of Jeus in order to say something to the people, HIS children, Tall One, and is better than you would have wanted to make it.
Mieneke is now playing in the beautiful gardens of the wonderful Forecourt, and Jan and Anneke have lost her here for a while, but they know through Jeus that they will see her again beyond the grave.
Certainly, Tall One, you could have made something of those voices, but a person ponders and HE decides, or do you see it differently there?
Casje says: of course, in a healthy body belongs a healthy mind and if you have a healthy mind, you must not neglect the body, therefore, practice sports, Jeus, do not forget those systems either; later you will have pleasure from that.
And now we immediately establish that those who can think will also possess space.
The human machine is not working, it is its spirit!
Is it not true, a half-conscious personality is slow, is lazy, cannot be inspired, but a spirit with consciousness is a completely different story and the Tall One can prove it!
However, something does not fit with Our Lord, one person gets everything, another person gets absolutely nothing of all these almighty matters and people call that injustice.
The All-wisdom or the Omniscience is therefore contradictory, spiritual riches are handed out just like that and the life which they must have, or do not have, precisely the wrong consciousness or inner life gets spatial gifts from Our Lord and destroys them, brings trouble as well, another life could have done so much good with it.
And isn’t that strange?
Our Lord works with ‘ropes’.
Many people know what these things are, but the rest of all the millions of children, who live on earth do not know of their existence and yet, as long as the world has existed, people have experienced such ropes.
Those people experienced a rope like that, and then did something.
For many people it was a warning, for others a direct command to desist from doing what they wanted to do.
And those who possess a belief in a God, immediately thought of Our Lord himself, however, the other life, the conscious social part, therefore the life that neither God nor nature, earth nor universe can accept, and experienced a rope like that, thought it was very ordinary that it existed, because a person also had so much in himself that he did not know, this was also a part of it!
But is that true?
Those people do not think so.
Those people take on everything, because all of this belongs to their life, they do not want to know anything about universal knowledge, that is too far removed from them and then it becomes so difficult.
Does a person not possess his own independence in anything?
Does everything you can experience like that have to be prescribed to supernatural powers?
No, nothing will remain of me, I am also space or I would not be there and it has nothing to do with God.
Whether GOD and Our Lord are two worlds, two different supreme powers who do something for themselves on earth, that is also something which millions of people are faced with and wonder about, which of these two now gave me that rope to experience?
Who was it?
And you continue to ask questions in this way and the life closes itself off, anyone, who wants to know everything and analyse it is a scholar, but what use is such a scholar, now that we are faced with such miracles?
The best thing is not to ask any questions now and to accept everything in gratitude, because ... a person ponders, but HE decides... it is still always our faith and our hope, with the living love included or it would just be a waste of time!
Jeus never asks for an explanation and it is because of this that Casje continually takes a rope like that to the human life.
If Jeus wondered, what is in that thing anyway and where do these ropes come from, then the human machine would be at a dead point and the life of it would turn in its own direction, but now it becomes really earthly, therefore material reaction, it now belongs to the human thoughts and feelings.
However, what can a person do under his own power, Crisje?
You know it, many people know it.
Therefore give in, be grateful and happy if a rope like that links you to a space, nothing more is needed, it now goes of its own accord, because the human life is open to it.
Sometimes Jeus gets to experience something, for inside or outside, for material and soul, spirit and life at the same time, but a higher hand is always attached to it.
It is not Our Lord for Jeus, it is always Casje!
It was at the time when he followed the paternal and maternal laws for life on earth and Hans, Willemse’s bull, beat a huge hole in his life.
He was sitting with the chickens and was thinking, he wondered why a cockerel had so many wives and he wanted to know how chickens and cockerels had come into the world, this was the moment that the childlike life began to think of life as a person.
We know how Jeus analysed this great problem for himself.
However, suddenly, he sees a rope like that again, the same thing, which sent him to the woods to get his fair money there.
That rope brought him infallibly to a place in the great woods, and he found real money there.
This must now be enough to convince a person that something lives between heaven and earth, which thinks and feels humanly and possesses a clairvoyance, which is supernatural.
Suddenly the universal truth is lying next to it that Jeus possesses something great.
This should have put this humanity on its knees completely, Father’s church should have been bulging with people, but nothing happened, on the contrary, the older people made fun of it, only Crisje did not!
She knew her life was touched again at that moment.
It was Our Lord Himself!
Jeus experienced misery as a result, the cake for his Crisje, which he had bought with that money was sprayed with Gerrit Noesthede’s nonsense and then eaten, what remained of it was nothing but mortal nonsense, there was no respect for Our Lord!
This rope also comes from space; it runs criss-cross through the chicken run and disappears into his head.
He feels and sees it immediately and does not think, he runs after it, because the rope disappears from the chicken run.
Now he does not need to go into the woods, but it runs around aunt Trui’s garden, through a few streets and then into a house.
He goes after it, through a yard, through a hallway, straight through a kitchen, and then he was faced with a great problem.
What is that there?
He cannot get enough of it.
He is faced with a human bed.
In that bed there are a young woman and a man, but a jacket is hanging on the chair and a cap is lying on it, and he knows the owner, who does not belong here.
That is the drama!
And at that moment, he hears the rope say to his life:
‘Just save this life, Jeus.
Because this dirty man is not worth it.’
Did this fresh-faced young woman not know to what kind of libertine she was giving her angel pudding?
The man crawls under the blankets, but the woman looks him in the eye.
She gets a terrible fright and she immediately knows, it is Our Lord!
Our Lord is interceding through Jeus, it is His hand!
This is a warning and a protection.
Jeus says to her:
“But can you not be more careful?
Should that brat have everything from you?
He has twenty chickens.
You are being cheated, as long as you know.”
The woman jumps out of bed, she throws herself to her knees and begs Jeus for forgiveness.
“If you do not tell anyone, Jeus, I will never do it again.
I promise you, Jeus.
But you know that?
That one of mine, Jeus, he lets me pine away.
He can do nothing and I want to have a child of my own.
You are like Our Lord himself.”
He asks her: “Do you really mean that?
Will you watch out now?
Will you never do that again?”
“I swear to you, Jeus.
Keep this to yourself and do not tell anyone, Jeus.
I will change my life.”
He disappears.
A child of six is standing facing a woman of thirty-four, the child understands everything; the life feels everything and is like a judicial word.
Jeus has forgotten the whole episode, and goes back to the chicken run where he wanders here and there for a while, he meets and runs with Fanny to the hills, plays near the Mill and races around, comes home and does not know it anymore, and yet, he knows, he will never forget it, because it is something from Our Lord, and he does not need to get upset about it.
It is in safe hands, of course, even Crisje will not get to hear about it.
There is a lock on his soul!
From that moment onwards, a real human secret lies in his soul.
He has shut it away in his little heart and no one will get it out.
He thinks about it, understands it, but will never tell another person.
But he thinks it is scandalous, that such a beanpole of a man also spoils things, and also turns everything upside down.
Yes, of course, her husband is a dope, but this man?
This man is a drunkard, a brat, and a dirty criminal.
When he met the woman after a few days, she winked at him, it is sweetness and for him alone.
“You said nothing, Jeus?”
“No, of course not.”
“My God, Jeus, what a good boy you are.
That you can understand all of that, is a miracle.”
“Do you not have to confess that?”
“I have already confessed, Jeus.
I have already confessed to you and that was Our Lord at the same time, of course!”
Such a spiritual rope was hooked into his brains and also worked well, the thing brought Jeus infallibly to the place where Our Lord wanted to warn or protect a child, but Casje came to realize it.
The mother of this maternal consciousness saw it, knew it, and she told Casje, then it suddenly happened, because the feeling was present or they would have murdered Jeus alive, and thrown him out the door with all his wisdom and ropes.
Now it fell on fertile earth, it was accepted with a grateful heart, this life possessed a belief, hope and love, but wanted to be a mother at any cost.
And that would not happen either.
Her own mother watched over her child from ‘beyond the coffin’.
Can you believe it, Jeus, but now it did not concern money, but a human heart, a lot of suffering and sorrow and a pile of misery.
Thank you!
A few people earn it, they are open to it, the remainder of the millions of children of Our Lord say, get lost, leave me alone, I will decide myself how I deal with my business, get out of here!
But this was the singing of angels, Tall One, when you were still alive, now you can see yourself where a rope like that comes from and how a thing like that gets its power of thought, because it knows everything about people.
The match, which he has to play today, is one of all or nothing.
He is playing centre forward.
Now and again he does a somersault, meanders like a snake over the pitch and thinks; sometimes they cannot understand him at all, and his life is so strange and fickle for all those other boys.
He works everything out down to the last millimetre, and has discovered a method in order to make the game strong, those thoughts also occurred to him just like that.
When Jeus is in town in the time to come, it will become clear to him that it was he who built up such a formation and has to learn the football way of life.
Also from Casje, but they were strong because of it.
You have to think when playing football and he transferred his thoughts to the other boys.
He is an inventor, they said, Jeus can do everything.
He learns quickly, and he is never without thoughts.
They also see him run now, it is going well, and they have already scored two goals.
They play like devils.
Again, he runs up with the ball, they think it will be a goal, but what is he doing now?
Jeus runs off the field, grabs his bike, races home blindly but as fast as lightning; there is a fire up in the attic.
He grabs a bucket of water, extinguishes the beginning of the fire.
There is a pile of straw next to this little fire, good heavens, Crisje, all this neighbourhood would have perished.
Jeus puts out the fire, cycles back, resumes play, and slams the ball into the net, then the match is over.
What kind of strange thing was that?
There was a fire at home, he believes that little Teun was playing with a lighted match in the attic; the matches were also lying there.
Good heavens, Crisje, there was no one at home.
He sees the real fire in the attic in the ball.
Just like that, under that rushing around Casje hooks a rope to his brain.
No more was necessary.
Then Jeus already let the ball roll on and now did what the rope wanted him to do?
No, he has become like that power!
It is him!
And that through Casje!
The boys say, he is always a bit different, they have won, who now still thinks of a fire?
In ten minutes, they have already forgotten it.
However, Jeus will never forget it; it was an enormous shock for his life.
Casje knew immediately that, if it is possible and allowed, he could reach him at any moment and under any circumstances.
That was therefore a work of art, this was a piece of sculpture of the kind, which only a Michelangelo has made!
This was a spiritual Rembrandt if you wish to know, but madness for them.
Who would run away in the middle of a football game if you know that there is so much at stake?
No normal person does that, only strange human beings do that; they do not dare to say that Jeus is mad.
However, he always has something different, therefore forget it, life will go on!
But these Divine ropes, that is what they are, were experienced by a number of people.
For many people the rope also remained invisible, because those people did not have the gift of clairvoyance, and that is what Jeus possesses!
This warned people in their dreams.
Mothers could consciously say beforehand, because of a rope like that, visible or invisible: I will have a boy.
My boy is sick; I feel it, even if that child is in another part of the world, many people also felt infallibly, the truth of it, and that because of these Divine ropes!
Your whole bible has been built up through them!
Your Paul and your prophets, accept it, were provided with these ropes of Divine wisdom.
No, I am not going out this evening; I feel that a thief will come when we are away.
And the thief did come!
But the thief was caught!
This child also listened, believed in himself or they would have stolen this life’s possessions.
If you enjoy such protection, then just get down on your knees, thank Our Lord from the bottom of your heart, be grateful for yourself, it now proves that you were open to supernatural truth and it really is called protection.
Millions of people were elevated to the supernatural by these ropes if you want to know.
So it is not just Jeus!
There are already thousands of examples; eyes have seen it, but the hearts experienced it.
Your belief was born from it; humanity got a belief as a result of it!
Through these Divine ropes humanity must awaken and Jeus must serve for this purpose.
Not only people experience these ropes, but also the animals.
If Teun’s Letty does not warn the boys beforehand, they will not go smuggling.
Letty has been given the feeling to have a nice rest on the boys’ bags.
Letty steps from one bag to another and if it forgets one and refuses to touch that bag, it remains behind.
They have already discovered that long ago, time and again, they have to see the truth from Letty, exactly that bag got lost.
Nonsense? Even Crisje has had to accept it!
Letty has a predictive inner life, that instinct or whatever it is, speaks from the animal to a person and those grades of life are eloquent for Our Lord again, but animals and people have mastered it, Casje later writes it down, or I, through Jeus and we pass this onto your life.
After all, now that we are able to experience this, it goes without saying, that Casje could already write a book now, through the life of Jeus.
And whether it is dialect or real High Dutch is not important, the reality is there!
The rope is there!
That same rope also caused another mother to suddenly wander up the street naked and then they called it possession.
And she was also possessed; by a rope?
By a person from this world, because the rope is and will remain a means, after all!
If you now think, what does Our Lord look like, you must first go through millions of HIS children, if you want to see and reach HIM himself.
But HE lives behind all of this, it also goes without saying, if it is done for the good and the life is awakened by it, because that is the intention.
Just smuggle, you have to decide yourself what you do, but if Letty has warned you, then just wait patiently until Jan Knie’p approves, because Letty is attached to Jan Knie’p’s rope!
Now the spiritual knowledge becomes pure and absolute knowledge, and that is from Our Lord!
The weeks and months passed, the butchering fortunately comes to an end and a child becomes older, becomes a man and now has to serve the State.
Jeus is also faced with this.
First little Gerrit got an enormous shock when he discovered that he was not rich, because Crisje had used up the money, afterwards Hendrik and Bernard accept it, that will come also, and only then will the balance be made.
It is Our Lord, HE makes off with the profit.
Crisje has also lived all of her life under a rope, which is not only inspired by the Tall One, but this goes higher and higher until you have come to Golgotha and you now bow your human head.
God wants to have every child of his there and is also the meaning of everything.
“We are not angry at you, mother”, Bernard and Hendrik readily say, “because we do not need to confess now either,” little Gerrit ran to that ‘Stolzen Fels am Rhein’ and paid a thousand marks for his cinema.
Stupid Gerrit waited too long with exchanging his capital for real Dutch currency, now that lot has plunged to two cents.
However, that is also human and there is no rope involved, people have to decide that for themselves.
Well, Jeus, you are now faced with drawing lots for the army, perhaps there will also be ropes there, you never know.
Will Casje find you there?
Because you are drawing yourself in!
Just look.
A person is made of life.
That is also soul and spirit, and we are now chasing it to awaken it inside.
Until it will only just tick for Our Lord, and only then will no one smuggle anymore, then it is devil’s money for everyone, dear Crisje.
Look now and look later, who has become wiser through it, and then you will immediately know.
Take the best of the best for yourself, but favour all of life an existence, only now will we sail towards better things, towards peace and quiet on earth.
And that is something completely different!