The first revelations

In this way God spoke to us as a Father of Love.
It was at the time when we as people started our cosmic path consecrated and enlightened.
But how was our life?
How did we behave?
Did we understand our lives?
Did we act in all the grades according to God’s commandments?
You know the answers to these life questions.
Not one soul in the universe remembered what God said to it!
On the other hand, we sullied his life and stained his sacredness.
I am very conscious that as a result of this statement numerous questions will occur to you.
Yet I will only partly go into this.
In this way God gives us the mercy, one day all the questions which live in mankind with regard to the Divine deed of creation, will be answered clearly and sufficiently.
The scope of this book does not allow this; now I will have to make do by giving you a short and not nearly complete image of the process and the development of creation.
Millions of souls on Earth, however faithful and religious they are, cannot possibly accept the bible story of creation any longer.
Their emotional life still refuses for just one moment to believe in the peculiar story with regard to the origin of the Earth, firmament, human being and animal.
The decisive statement of science about the impossibility of the bible details, still support those souls in their rejection.
The bible writers tell you that Earth and firmament, human being, animal and plant were suddenly created just like that by God.
But how different the reality is!
The whole Divine plan of Creation was built on gradual development!
Nothing in the universe was suddenly there just like that, everything evolved from grade to grade to its definite state!
Sketches in rough outlines - because series of books could be written about each stage - the process of creation took place as follows.
When God revealed himself, the hazes were the first visible phenomena.
In a later stage the hazes condensed to a mass of clouds.
From here - and we already find ourselves in the material revelation - the embryonic human life came into being.
God now divided himself: a Divine Revelation given to the human being by the material life.
The embryo - the cell inspired by God and originating from the condensation of the hazes, stands for the Divine laws and will pass into evolution and take part in the plan of creation.
His human existence started.
One cell now gave itself to the other, fertilised it, but rejected its own life as a result of this, the male embryo experienced the first death.
Entering the astral world follows, there this life awaits the second birth in the life of the unconscious.
The first material cell experienced a rotting process and from this process the animal kingdom originated.
This animal life now started its evolution.
Then God had nothing more to give his life, he gave it his Own Conscious!
The embryo representing God kept on accepting a next grade of life.
The inner life as a soul awakened as a result of this.
You can now ask: where did the Divine spark originate and develop, the human life?
The answer is: on the Moon, on Mother Moon!
As a result of God’s manifestation our Mother planet could begin its condensation and evolution, thereby helped by the central solar system, which also ensured a protective atmosphere.
Forgive me that I place all these awe-inspiring laws and events before your eyes at the turn of a hand, I repeat and repeat, that a clear and acceptable description of this immense event requires more space than is available within the framework of this book.
The first life in the universe originated on the Moon.
Inspired by the Divine spark it enters the own obtained independence and becomes inspiration.
The Divine spark goes on its way to evolve, in order to create grade after grade, world after world, to explore and to experience.
One day it will be adult and represent God as a human being and take possession of the universe.
After many sparks received life, because this cosmic condensation continued, grades emerged, different and succeeding grades of life for the material embryo.
And the Divine spark keeps going further, it gives itself to the other life in the own grade of life, dies and then enters the astral world in order to be born again.
As a result of this evolution this life gets more feeling and space, the material cell becomes larger, the duration of life longer.
The embryonic life experiences Divine Material Revelations, a material and spiritual evolution process.
This cell life will have to follow thousands of grades of life in order to reach its highest stage on Mother Moon.
The cell will then be expanded until it is the same in shape as a fish, a shape, which can still be seen in the embryonic stage in the maternal body.
The planet Moon has now condensed, space has come and the waters have emerged.
In these waters different grades of the human being and the animal live.
They do not experience anything else but fertilisation, dying and being born again.
At that time Mother Moon experienced a great rotting process; as a result of one life the other life emerged and this also split itself again in order to promote Divine evolution as a result of this.
The final stage in the evolution of Mother Moon is the own material condensation.
In the waters something now separates, this becomes thicker and it hardens gradually.
Now the passable planet comes into being.
A bit later we see the plant life emerge, it attaches itself to the bottom.
Mother Nature awakens.
The origin of life, the Divine spark, the human being, lives and still evolves in the waters.
Having come into being from the All-Mother, this divine life experiences both the creating organism and the being a mother.
However, the principle of giving birth dominates on Mother Moon.
Every spark is like the Omnipotence which created it.
God also dominates here as Mother.
God created, but gave, since he split himself, divided, the life into millions of sparks.
Does the Mother do any different?
In this way the Mother is one with God and in this way the maternal will dominated the soul for all the life grades.
Now, in this Moon stage, the human spark already follows the laws of God.
And the greater body, the Moon, also serves as Mother, it is a creator in nothing, the Maternal instinct dominates in all these grades of life.
Evolution, which has to experience the Divine spark here, has the material life as a starting point.
The maternal life still dominates here, this goes before the astral existence.
The soul experiences an own evolution, but this is no different than working, experiencing the material life.
The Divine spark searches and moves in the waters, it wants to go further, this is still not its definite body.
This working announces itself to the soul and as a result of this the inner life awakens.
Soul and material are already one, but the next stage will show that the soul will start to dominate the material body.
This can now already be followed and explained.
If the soul soon enters the conscious, human organism, the soul will dominate the body and this is because the soul life is eternal.
On the Moon the soul life must accept the working of the organism.
However, as a result of this the inner life, as was said, awakens, the soul starts to see the universe which lives in it and will soon completely outlive the Mother planet.
It will become the conquering of the soul over the material and this evolution now already starts to commence work.
The material body will keep on dying, the soul on the other hand will keep on going further in order to experience the higher grades of life.
The soul gets new organisms from Mother Moon, it always has another body ready, which came into being by means of the higher material grade.
The inner life cannot experience anything else than this working, than this experiencing of the material cell in all these grades, because that working, this experiencing of the material cell and later of the adult human body, was imposed by God.
God, the Moon and the spark are one in all stages, they work on one target.
However, the Divine spark will return to Him as a conscious divine being!
In this Moon stage there is still no question of consciousness, this will only be the case later: on the second of the seven cosmic grades of life, which the human being has to experience for his evolution towards God.
There this life will start to feel itself and then start to understand something of its own existence.
The Divine spark has now achieved the highest grade of life, on the first cosmic grade, therefore on Mother Moon, it has expanded, developed, from cell to fish shape.
Thousands of stages hereby followed each other, it had to experience the soul life in order to master the Divine laws.
The soul is already supreme in this existence, it feels this, it dominates its Mother Moon.
Mother Moon, this wonderful body?
The human soul is ruler over this wonderful body!
The soul lives, it creates, gives birth and it has reached a natural, independent state as a result of this, which Mother Moon does not possess.
This proves the power of the human soul, it possesses Mother Moon.
Mother Moon serves it, it mothers this life, gives it food and drink, provides the new organisms.
However, behind all of this lives God.
He who split himself, divided himself into billions of sparks, he watches that everything goes well.
People call this Supreme Power God.
People also say that this power is wind, rain, fire, night and light, nature.
On the Moon God was still darkness.
When he passed over to creating, he gave his life everything, gave it his own Ego, his own conscious.
He also gave his life a free will!
The soul can now already do what it wants.
It moves forward to where it wants to go, it feels where it must get its food, it acquires knowledge in this way and enriches itself as a result of all these possibilities of life.
Mother Moon sees this, but it lets its children go, it knows that the process is going well in this way.
It also feels powers and strengths which drive the human soul, powers and strengths from which it also came into being.
Its laws of life passed into the hands of the human soul.
It knows that nothing can stop the evolution of its children.
It wants to continue to serve them, it wants to continue to be the material dwelling, in which its children can grow and experience prosperously.
It wants to be a good Mother for them.
The Divine laws are followed closely by Mother and children.
The highest grade of life lies on the banks of the waters.
It is dying.
Now what?
Will the soul now enter the astral world again?
This life, from which the soul is released after dying, is prepared as the highest organism to evolve further.
But Mother Moon does not possess any more organisms for the soul.
Yet it must continue, higher, more noble organisms must be experienced.
But where?
Did the Supreme Power think of this dying on the Moon?
Thousands of species of fish lie on the beaches, dying, but with the compelling feeling to go higher.
But where to?
If God had not given any going further to his life, all his life would have suffocated on the Moon.
All of this came forward from nothing, now a visible universe emerged, an enormous body condensed itself and light also came into the darkness.
A weak light now irradiates the Moon life!
It is like your morning dawn, powerful enough to assure existence to this life.
The light from the universe irradiates Mother Moon, it feels and knows that it received its size and its laws of life as a result of this light.
This light comes from the central source and in this way it is as if God still sends his breath to his life.
There is now no more darkness, Mother Moon sees itself.
Since its very first contractions, when shivers and vibrations went through it, it was sent this warmth and as a result of this its life awakened.
As a result of that source of light Mother Moon felt strengthened in its great work, which supports it in its task commissioned by God, the young life on it breathes it in and sees it benefiting his organism.
Light has entered the darkness, the life is now shining, blessed light now shines upon and irradiates the Divine spark, the human being.
Mother Moon feels its sister Sun (the sun is linguistically female, but represents the male principle in the creation plan) – another part of God – one, which received a different task, must give heat, a driving force and happiness.
This central source of life emerged in the same way as it received its existence, as a result of the clear, consciously tuned in concentration of the Supreme Power.
This power also created other planets, they are now still invisible, but soon they will condense and be visible and then take part in the gigantic process.
Sun, Moon and other planets, all those sparks of God, large and small, have an own task to complete, one gives light, the other gives birth, others create.
They do what God did and as a result of which all life in the universe came into being, they are dark and light, they become father and mother, but all of them work on one being, the Human Being!
And look, the spark life has completed its cycle on the Moon, but the soul life must continue, go continually higher and higher, because it must return to God.
The spark life has therefore crawled out of the waters.
But this is asking for a certain death!
It no longer looks for food, it lies down to rest and waits.
In this way this life will soon have to die.
Why does it not come back to the waters?
There it received existence, it can only live on there.
Yet continually more Divine sparks come to the bank, to the passable planet.
They lie down and enter death.
Which powers suddenly live in this animal-like existence, in this unconscious life?
By means of what does it wish to continue?
Does it want to die consciously or does the own will no longer have any meaning?
Is a dominant expression of will occurring here, a power, which forces this life to die?
Or is the purpose: consciously entering death?
But does death not mean general destruction then?
The soul seems to feel consciously that this is not the case.
And the body must listen to the soul!
In God’s creation there are no disturbances, the soul must and can continue.
Now that this life has reached its highest stage, its highest organism for the Moon and it therefore must continue, other bodies will attract the soul life: God created eternal existence!
On the Moon the soul first lived in the begin stage, it will go further and higher in order to evolve: the soul is faced with a Divine wonder, a new Divine Revelation.
Other bodies live around Mother Moon and they will condense.
Mother Moon sends its own energy out and helps with this condensation.
The Sun radiates continually stronger, emits continually more light as times pass and supports the Moon and secondary planets with its nourishing powers.
In this way the Sun dominates in the Divine universe, it is directly attuned to the life breath of human being and animal.
The secondary planets are ready, condensation will take place, the soul life can continue!
Millions of sparks are now not attracted by Mother Moon, but by these secondary planets.
Millions of lives, the soul therefore as a mass, now create a new existence.
Going further seems possible, God took care of it.
These new planets serve the soul life, they will condense completely, the same as Mother Moon did, and give the soul life a new and higher organism.
The soul experiences world after world again, grade of life after grade of life, body after body, it experiences the creating organism and the principle of giving birth, it dies and returns again and again to the material life.
These are the laws of God, which must be experienced and which not one soul in the universe escapes.
But this appears so time and time again: There is no death!
Dying is returning to the astral world, preparing for the new birth.
God oversaw all of this and the soul accepts the Divine laws, there is only life in it, it awaits the final!
Time does not yet exist, it has not yet been given any possibility of existence here, it only comes later.
Much has been experienced and conquered by the soul, but new worlds await it, with other distances, depths and heights.
And if we now return in thoughts, then we will see that not only the human embryo could develop by following the Divine laws, the large bodies in the universe also lived according to those sacred laws.
One planet came into existence as a result of the other, creates and gives birth, works and serves, obeying the law, which the smallest animal in the universe listens to and acts according to!
The second cosmic grade will work hard on the organism, Mother Moon was especially attuned to the soul life and it will be Mother Earth, who, belonging to the third cosmic grade, will complete and decorate this organism.
This universe came into existence by means of three planet systems.
Your twinkling stars and planets served for Mother Moon, for the second cosmic grade and for Mother Earth, each one of them has an own task to complete.
Cosmic, Divine order has already entered the universe.
What is the final stage?
When did the spark life of Mother Moon become a human being?
There it still possessed a shape, which is reminiscent of the fish, it will now start to change.
The planet Mars and the secondary bodies, the second cosmic grade work on it.
The soul experiences law after law, it comes from one world into the other, as man and woman it is continually born again, because the material grades of life continuously follow each other.
The possibilities of development for the organism are great, a head grows, limbs develop.
From the little cell which began its evolution on Mother Moon, a human being grows!
It is still an animal-like grade of life, which does not possess anything human.
It receives intuition, animal-like instinct.
It masters the instinct, which has attunement to the obtained organism.
The material body represents the instinct, the soul cannot feel higher or further than its material cloth possesses in power and working.
Body and soul are therefore completely tuned to each other, they are one in everything, one is not further than the other, otherwise disturbances would come into existence and such a thing is not yet possible.
However, one day the soul will enter this unnatural stage and cause serious disturbances.
God gave it the natural, perfect unity with the material life, until then there was Divine harmony in the worlds inhabited by the human being.
But soon the soul will start to dominate with its cosmic will and start to make demands.
It will take possession of the world which serves as its dwelling, it will destroy itself, since it does not feel or understand these laws.
The organism for this life only gives, it has no other task than the soul life.
The human organism, as Mother Moon has had to accept this, is serving.
The soul is the personality, it can only make demands.
This personality from the second cosmic grade of life is still pre-animal-like and unconscious.
It will be Mother Earth, who will give the Divine spark conscious and a beautiful organism.
In the way outlined above the seven cosmic grades came into being and it is as a result of experiencing all these worlds of existence, that the soul can return as a human being to the All-stage, the Divine stage!
Mother Earth attracted the soul life of the second cosmic grade to it.
It makes it experience seven material grades.
The academics of your time talk in this connection of types of race (see article ‘There are no races’ on
The lowest grade of this is experienced by the jungle inhabitants, whom you call head-hunters, while the white races (see article ‘There are no races’ on and different Eastern types of race belong to the seventh material grade.
In this division of grades lies the explanation for the existence of your types of race (see article ‘There are no races’ on, it answers logically and clearly the question asked by millions of thinking people amongst you, why one human being created by God has a dark skin colour and lives in the jungle, while the other is an Asian or a white person.
Your many types of race (see article ‘There are no races’ on point to the evolution, which the Divine spark has to experience materially and spiritually.
Nothing goes in Divine creation with leaps, nothing is suddenly there!
Human being, animal and plant, Moon, Sun and star, all life in God’s universe went through an evolution, before it could enter the next stage!
For the inner life of the human being God created the pre-animal-like, animal-like, coarse-material, material and spiritual grades.
The soul goes from the pre-animal-like to the spiritual grade.
While it masters the intermediate grades, we see it happen that the soul exceeds the Divine laws, the personality lives it up and makes mistakes, which, now that the soul possesses the necessary conscious, forcing making them good.
We will follow in detail in the course of this book how the soul has acted during the completion of its earthly cycle.
The soul, who completed that cycle and experienced the laws of Mother Earth, is now faced with a new world, as it used to perceive on the first and second cosmic grade.
What will it experience in that world?
We will soon follow that and you will get to know the origin of hells and heavens.
Everything which I told you about in the previous pages about the course of the Divine process of creation, was very brief.
This is also the reason that many things will not be clear to you and will cause questions to arise in you.
If you wish to know more about this, I advise you to read the trilogy, in which my master tells you in detail about all these laws
(The Origin of the Universe’, a trilogy by Jozef Rulof, likewise received from the Other Side)
And as God wants to give us the mercy, we will soon be able to put the whole Divine creation in its immeasurable depth into words in an understandable way for the human conscious and explain it.
For a better understanding of God’s Love and Omnipotence, and of yourself!