The last assault of the heathens against Israel

The German armies attack Poland.
A trembling runs through mankind.
The most terrible of all wars has broken out.
After having lived in torturing tension for months on end, mankind sees the incredible coming true.
For the second time in a short span of time evil unleashes a world disaster in the human being.
Could this horror not have been prevented?
Can God not intervene then?
Millions of human beings fill the churches and beg God for assistance.
But meanwhile the war already spreads with a furious speed, crushing thousands of people under its violence.
The forty percent in Germany awakes with a fright. They still do not believe that the war has broken out.
The Fuhrer is taking us into a new war?
It is not true!
It is impossible!
But what is almost unacceptable, is part of reality.
The fatal command has been given.
What went on in that one person, who had to decide about war and peace, about life and death of millions?
What went on in Adolf Hitler, in those hours that he reached his terrible, breath-taking decision?
Not one human being on Earth knows this, because he who will become the executioner of mankind, had withdrawn in order to consider decisions to be taken over in complete loneliness.
But the masters of the Other Side, Angels in spirit, they are with him - they are on Earth, for which happiness they give their powers.
Adolf Hitler must make a decision, that will set the world on fire and destroy millions of lives.
Probably also his own people and everything which he has built up as head of it.
He sees his task before him and everything which he still wants to achieve for the benefit of his people.
And yet he must act, the world waits for his decision in fearful tension.
What should he do?
If he gives his soldiers the order to attack Poland, he will unleash the war, the war with the rest of the world ...
He has already been alone for hours, he does not want to receive anyone.
Now, he thinks, Providence must give him advice, which has already protected him more than once against great disaster.
He lives under this mysterious power and feels carried by it.
He never doubts it.
He has already felt this power in him since his youth, which he calls Providence.
It leads his life, as a result of which it received awe-inspiring significance.
What does Providence advise him to do?
Worn out, Adolf Hitler tries to rest, but he does not manage, the tension in him makes him jump up again.
He makes an effort to collect his thoughts, to concentrate them on one point.
He wants to think, think, but he cannot, he does not get any hold on his thoughts.
His supporters throng outside, he must now decide.
The battle in him is terrible.
War or peace?
Distressing questions.
Then it is as if his inner self wants to start speaking to him.
Yes, if he attunes himself more sharply, it comes to him as if someone else lives in him.
He can feel this very clearly.
Joy enters him, because he thinks he understands that this is Providence, which wants to influence him in order to give him advice.
Working enters him, the power in him wants to dominate him, he feels.
He forces himself to rest.
He wants to see even more sharply.
He sits down quietly, listening, waiting tensely.
Is it really true, is he not deceiving himself?
The Fuhrer thinks that he sees a shape.
More than one even.
He now sees them very clearly and gets a fright.
Faces loom up before him, which ask him questions.
He feels a fierce cold running through him.
He puts his hands in front of his face in order to be rid of the faces, but this does not help him.
They come forward shining from the darkness.
He jumps up.
‘Nonsense!’ he calls out.
‘I am just imagining things.
I can see nothing and I want to see nothing.
I want to remain myself and know what is happening to me.
I want to know clearly where I am up to, because later I must know how I was thinking at this moment.’
However, by denying that he can see them, he does not chase the shapes away.
He sees them clearly, wherever he looks.
His room is full of strange apparitions.
They are demons, he murmurs, I do not want anything to do with them.
Providence must help him, only Providence.
He falls into a chair, but the tension in him is too powerful, rattles him.
He walks back and forth and the time passes.
He sees the shapes more and more clearly.
He is awake and yet he is dreaming.
Adolf Hitler sits down again and tries to order his thoughts.
Peace must come to him.
When the agitation overcomes him again and wants to make him walk, he resists.
It becomes quieter inside him.
He now no longer sees the shapes, even if he feels that he is nevertheless not alone.
Providence, is Providence with him?
It must become even more quiet in him.
Then Providence will speak to him and the feeling will enter him, that only it can place in him, as he used to experience already.
Then he will know how he will have to act.
The Fuhrer watches out and dreams.
He is conscious of himself and thinks he knows himself.
When it is quiet in him, Providence will speak to him.
And it becomes quiet in him, a supernatural peace descends into him and his soul absorbs it.
It opens him on all sides.
Feelings enter him and he already believes he knows how he will have to act soon.
Yet he keeps quiet, he is still not completely sure and he does not want to interrupt the peace either which had taken his heaviness away from him and elevates him above the Earth.
The misery, the much suffering which he saw before him a moment ago, have fallen away from him.
In the rare silence in which he now lives, he suddenly feels emotion.
A limitless sympathy with mankind, which will be beaten, flows through him.
He calmly gives into these feelings, he wants to experience this too.
Yet he knows what he wants!
As a result of these feelings he can think more sharply too than a moment ago.
He feels absorbed and while his body remains behind in the room, his spirit floats away, into the universe.
Adolf Hitler is outside his own self.
He attunes himself and sees that he is floating above his country.
It lies in peaceful rest under him.
Peaceful - peace - peace!
The word keeps coming back to him.
He walks through his country and sees the millions who make up the German people, in deep rest.
This happens in a few seconds, but it is enough for him to oversee the whole Reich.
‘They sleep, because they know that I am watching’, Adolf Hitler thinks, ‘I who am their leader.’
He wants to be everything for his people, a leader, a father and a mother.
And while he floats above towns and villages, he feels the love which rises up to him.
It sleeps, the great people, but at a sign from him it will rise and go where he orders, in order to prove his faith to it with his life and love.
They want to give their life for him.
He has life and death in his hands - life and death.
The Fuhrer is back in his body again, his trip is at an end, but the words still tremble inside him.
For a moment a feeling of shock enters him.
Can it be the devil who took him along in order to show him his people?
He now sees the people of the Earth before him, but he shakes the vision off him.
Is it Providence as a result of which he can see and is it not as if the world lives for him?
Of course, it is Providence!
And he now knows that he will devote everything which this asks of him.
His people and his great German Reich will be worth such a thing.
A sudden urge, which comes from himself and dominates his day conscious life, makes him kneel down.
Adolf Hitler wants to pray.
My God ... my God ...’, he murmurs.
He wants to continue to pray, but now those feelings smother in him.
They almost make him suffocate.
Yet he still remains in this state; with his head bent to the ground he waits, but he does not come to pray again.
The rest has gone from him.
He wants to think, he must think, a decision is demanded of him.
Providence will now tell him.
He waits for the answer.
At this moment a shape forces itself upon him from inside and it wants to pray and to ask God for help.
But the Fuhrer suppresses this believer in him, his own self dominates again.
He feels that he must not pray now.
He may not be weak now, he must be strong, remain himself and act!
If he follows those weak feelings in himself, everything which he undertook, will have been in vain.
He would then not have had to increase the armaments so enormously high.
Has he made his people so familiar with the idea of war for this?
He wants to make his people great and strong as never before.
Then the word in him comes up, which burns like poison in his veins - Versailles!
This satanic treaty must be avenged.
It has enslaved his people and honed them.
His millions of soldiers will wipe it away with one blow, crush it.
And they will destroy Poland, which challenges and insults him and his people ...
Adolf Hitler walks up and down his room, his brain is confused, he is the victim of intense emotions.
No, he will not go mad, however much it hammers in his head, he wants to think coolly and sharply, helped by Providence.
When he thinks of it, peace enters him again, the supernatural peace, which he already felt before.
Once it even kept him from destruction.
It was in the war of 1914-1918, when it revealed itself to him as a loud, penetrating voice in him and called him to walk away from the place where a grenade exploded a few moments later, which tore his comrades to pieces.
That was then.
Now it is different.
Providence does not come now to him as a voice, he lives in it, he has completely dissolved in it.
Is he feeling this properly?
He does not want to act disorientated, later he must be able to say to himself: this is why I did this and why I did that.
Does he feel it properly?
Again he attunes himself and he experiences the power, which has connected itself with his life.
Yes, yes, it is Providence!
The supernatural power, which once guarded him from calamity and had followed and driven him all his life.
The Fuhrer lets himself go more and more, he wants to dissolve deeper into that power, because in this way, he feels, the plans of Providence will be able to reach him.
However, he must also remain himself, nothing may weaken his conscious now, otherwise disturbances will come again and he will not yet know how to decide.
Providence may never leave him, by living in its powers he will know, for that matter, how he must act.
Then he can think and feel, then he can decide and he will be certain for his people and for the world.
Carried by Providence and led by it he will take his people to victory!
Now he knows it!
That is what Providence wants to let him feel.
Is it not the case?
Adolf kneels down, he wants to thank Providence.
He must take his people to victory!
So war!
He jumps up.
Did he really feel it properly?
He may not be mistaken now.
The existence of his people is at stake.
He must make a decision, the range of which he knows.
Again he tunes into Providence and again, just as sharply and dominating as a moment ago, he feels its power.
He checks the feelings, he tests whether he is not the victim of a fantasy or delusion.
He wants to experience the feelings in a sharp conscious way, it is only then that he will be able to act in complete faith.
First of all silence - is it real?
He sits down in a chair, closes his eyes and experiences it.
It is real, yes, supernatural.
It was never so quiet in his inner self, now he knows it.
Where is he now?
He looks around him and recognises his environment.
This is his beloved chair, there is the door behind which his friends wait.
He is called Adolf Hitler - he assesses his life.
It is I, Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of all Germans, it is I myself, the chancellor.
It is not he who decides.
Here from inside, inside of me there is felt and thought, Adolf Hitler lives in here.
The chancellor does not feel anything, I can act as Adolf Hitler alone.
I know myself.
In this hour I have got to know myself.
As Adolf Hitler I live in Providence.
This feeling lies conscious in me.
I am now ready.
You can count on me.
But do not leave me alone for a second.
I know now how I must act.
I no longer doubt.
I never doubted you, but I must be certain.
However, now I know the feelings which go out from you.
I will never neglect them.
I will do everything which you ask and you let me feel.
Let me know!
Day and night I will devote myself and work for my people, whom you want to see great, after all, don’t you?
I am ready and others with me.
However, do not ever leave me alone in the hours which will come.
As Adolf Hitler I will attune myself to you.
That is it!
Adolf Hitler continues to kneel and dissolves in the silence, which is infinite for him.
God is with him, he feels, with him and his people.
Then he stands up - and the first shots fall a little time after his fatal command.
The most terrible war of all times has broken out with the help of an unconscious being.
Century after century war was waged, streams of blood were shed, death and destruction overcame mankind and yet none of these wars was as terrible as what you now experience, now that the technical means are nearly perfect.
What this war will cost mankind in sacrifices is terrible and indescribable.
You can now know why it will not help to pray to God to take away the misery from you.
The peoples of the Earth must determine their attitude.
What do they want to live for?
For tyranny?
For egoism?
For the demons of hell or for God and his Angels?
For robbery, murder, rape?
For the becoming animal-like of the own self?
Or do they want, on the other hand, by devoting all their powers, do they want to serve the peace and the spiritual construction of the Earth?
Every people now has to ask itself this.
Every people, every soul must now start a higher life - in order to make this clear to humanity this war came.
God’s life must go upwards, it must return to its Creator.
This war demands of you that you do everything which lies in your power to elevate yourself and others to a higher spiritual stage.
We, who know that the Age of Christ has started, are next to you on Earth in order to assist you in this gigantic battle.
We already learned to bow our heads, we got to love everything that lives and sought to come into harmony with the laws of God.
We travelled God’s universe and knelt down, grateful that we belong to his life.
This war will teach the earthly being to do the same.
The peoples of (the House of) Israel are already busy mastering love.
They can already no longer hate.
However, Germany and its type still hate and seek to dominate.
They are still so coarsely and animal-like attuned, these heathens, that they seek to destroy the peoples of (the House of) Israel.
If instead of that they had done everything in order to discard their evil characteristics and to join (the House of) Israel, the world would never have had to experience the present horrors!
Germany and its people must lose the war, because these heathen states would build up not a Kingdom of God after a victory but a jungle state.
The Germany of Adolf Hitler nevertheless does not believe that it will lose.
The brilliant Fuhrer looks with its terrible helpers at the murder weapon, which they had manufactured in enormous masses and they feel supreme.
They think that they are unconquerable and believe that soon the whole world will lie at their feet.
Nothing or no one can equal Germany again and they already feel like the rulers of the Earth.
They will wage war until the last second in order to reach their goals, no sacrifice will be too much for them, no crime too great.
Just imagine, what the consequences would be, if the masters had not been there in order to stop these conquerors from fulfilling their animal-like plans.
But be assured - without knowing it or wanting it, these criminals are in the hands of the masters and serve their plans, their elevated purpose, to make one great unity of all the peoples, they therefore serve Providence after all, but otherwise than they imagine!
The apparently so wonderful shape of Adolf Hitler is no more than a pawn on the world’s chessboard.
If the true feeling and the natural intuition of our world had been in him, people could not have forced him to begin the war at the time chosen by the masters, yes, he himself would never have wanted war either, understanding that he would destroy all that he had built up as a result of care and diligence and would take his people to destruction as a result of this.
But the great genius of Germany is therefore an empty, stupid and unconscious child of the Earth for our world.
With regard to the astral laws, which are spiritual, cosmic and Divine, this soul life has no meaning, because its feeling and thinking are earthly and belong to the underworld.
Adolf Hitler only seeks the earthly life, he has never attuned himself to the higher life.
And he should have done that.
Now he feels absorbed into the wonderful laws, but he does not know them, he does not know his own life and the great past.
Yet he feels carried and led by those powers, but he lacks the pure spiritual intuition, which belongs to this world and is eternally infallible!
He is not capable of analysing his own life and yet he should have done this!
He should have asked himself in which grade of life he lived, in which powers he felt and thought he could see, when he attuned to his fatal intuition, he should have known who was influencing him at that moment!
But he felt and sought, instead of following the thoughts which entered him and were attuned to peace and quiet.
However, he was not capable of that, in him and his kind hate and violence live, Versailles ... lives!
It is his will to avenge 1914-1918 and Versailles, to crush the English.
His hatred drives him on and along with him all the other people who see a deity in him.
In the Age of Christ there is nothing more to avenge, or to destroy, now the human being must bow and love all the life of God.
But do Hitler and his type know about the Age of Christ?
Hitler is more, even more than Christ!
What do they know about (the House of) Israel?
Hitler draws the scum of his nation to him, demons surround him and feel inspired by his ideas.
These low individuals do not have a grain of love in them, they only seek to serve themselves and see themselves as kings and emperors.
The world will get to know their cruelty and their refinery sparing nothing.
They prepared themselves in silence, up to the moment when they will conquer the peoples of the Earth and they can exterminate Judaism.
Nothing will stop them again, England must fall and then the whole Earth will belong to them.
It costs them an effort not to yell out their plans, but they must still stay silent, the jackals.
Then the great moment comes, their Fuhrer orders the attack on Poland.
Now it can let loose!
Evil breaks new ground and an angry horde, kept in check for a long time, pours over the borders.
Hitler’s satellites cheer, these sadists smell blood.
It does not enter their hot heads, that they are attacking an impenetrable wall.
They fight against (the House of) Israel, against the peoples, who want to finally start on the construction of the world.
They fight against a Divine power, which is infallible.
They fight against the Divine messengers, who have the leadership over the peoples in their hands.
These masters, who are all cosmically conscious, who have got to know life and death, Heaven and Earth, who have accompanied Christ to Golgotha, now stand opposite a spiritually crazy being, an unconscious soul and must fight him.
Hitler knows nothing about any of this, he has no faith, knows neither God nor commandment, knows nothing about a life after death, nothing, he possesses nothing except his own empty self.
And while he develops his plans as a Fuhrer and gives his mighty armies the commands, the masters place him under their control.
They delegate spiritual helpers to all the peoples.
The masters are one with the leading personality from feeling to feeling.
Acting from an own world of feeling from (the House of) Israel is now no longer possible, the conscious of these members of state has passed over to the masters, but not one of them knows or feels this, unconscious as they also are to the astral world and the task for which they serve.
Hitler attacks Poland, the masters have made their first move.
The game is still complicated, but it still touches life and death.
The masters oversee everything, they will make an effort to spare as much blood or not one human being will remain of all the millions who are involved in the war.
(The House of) Israel will experience this!
As time passes, the game will become more complicated.
The hells flow empty, the demons seek to live it up and throw themselves upon the human being of the Earth.
Hate connects to hate, passion to passion.
However, the satan will not be able to destroy Christ’s work either.
And while the demons unleash true orgies, the Angels carry out their exalted work.
There is much to do on Earth, thousands of people strive and must be brought to our world.
Millions of souls need protection.
(This blessed work is described in detail in the book ‘Through the Grebbe line to Eternal Life’, which I also received from the Other Side. J.R.)
Poland was crushed by Germany.
The misery which came over this people is dreadful, but it attracted it itself and it is necessary in order to bring Poland to a higher conscious, to teach them to bow their heads.
The misery in the world will become even greater.
Germany attacks Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and France and crushes these countries.
Everything happens so overwhelmingly fast that even Hitler is surprised.
Now he hesitates - will he attack England immediately?
If he does it will be lost!
But the masters watch out.
The Fuhrer returns to his people.
He is received as a God, his helpers also experience adulation.
A rain of flowers descends on the Fuhrer - on him on whose hands blood sticks from thousands of his fellow countrymen, men and women, children and old men.
He is welcomed as a human being on earth has never experienced before.
The people look up to their Fuhrer full of respect and admiration, however, they do not see the threatening shadow, which follows him.
It is the destruction, which is close behind the Fuhrer.
He does not know who is following him, but nevertheless there is fear in him.
That fear is not gone from him for a second, even if he tries to shake it off him.
Providence is with him, it will lead him, he imprints in him and he holds his head up and lets the cheering of his people come over him.
He knows what he wants, he assures himself again and what he is doing is good.
The war will prove it.
Did he not throw even France to the Earth in a few weeks?
Who will be able to resist him?
His people also think like this.
It cheers even more loudly than before the war, it knows now for sure that England will be beaten.
Finally the time has come.
No German still doubts this, the Fuhrer has given the proof.
His genius makes him unconquerable - God sent them to him, God is with them.
This appears to be reality then.
However, the masters of the Other Side know better.
Their aim is to let Adolf Hitler gain one victory after another.
As a result of this he will bring the peoples to (the House of) Israel and he will completely exhaust himself.
Behind the scenes, invisible to everyone, the masters make move after move and they see that everything is going well.
The peoples of (the House of) Israel receive harsh blows.
Many people have already been conquered by the heathen peoples and the English have had to flee heavily damaged and head over heals from France.
But this was necessary too.
The will to conquer still does not live in (the House of) Israel, (the House of) Israel underestimates Germany.
As a result of the defeats the inner fire now flares up, (the House of) Israel gets the necessary inspiration as a result of it, it suddenly realises that it has underestimated the power of the heathen peoples.
It may not rest, it feels, before the beast with many heads has been conquered.
In this way the masters play the game, that will determine the future of the world.
There is no fear in them, even if they know that the peoples of (the House of) Israel are the stake of the game, which they must play.
The happiness, peace and quiet of all of mankind are at stake, but the masters know themselves to be supported by the Divine spheres, by Christ.
They serve God!
It looks like Hitler is in an extraordinary position, but no one knows that he was able to achieve the profit gained as a result of the will of the masters, who gave him what they consider necessary.
Even if it appears as if the profit is for Hitler, the history writers will one day establish that the profit is for God and as a result of this for mankind.
Moses now also lives in the sphere of the Earth and takes the leadership with a severe, conscious hand.
He is busy completing the work, to which and for which he once devoted his life along with the other prophets.
They follow the horrific event, which develops on Earth and which the bible speaks about and which was awaited for centuries.
As cosmically conscious souls they follow (the House of) Israel, to which everyone belongs who follows God and Christ.
They now stand next to the executioner of mankind and know how he feels and what he thinks.
Poor child, Moses thinks and reflects, that it is his longings to dominate, which will destroy this wonder of the twentieth century.
While the Fuhrer uses the time to plan new military actions, the masters are busy bringing the prophetic word in the bible: ‘I will incite the heathens against each other’ to fulfilment.
Germany and Russia are still joined by a pact, but their friendship will not last much longer.
Mankind will experience that Germany attacks Russia!
Divine laws now intervene in the earthly event and rule it.
God will help (the House of) Israel and not the heathens.
However, when the heathens exhaust themselves in a battle of life and death, (the House of) Israel gets the opportunity and the time to recover and make itself strong.
This most important event of the whole war will prove how God watches over all his life and how his messengers know how to make the moves which will ensure victory for (the House of) Israel.
The triumphs of the German army are great.
Nothing or no one appears to be able to stop it.
The countries which have not yet been attacked, wait in fearful tension for the moment that the German soldiers’ boots will move in their direction.
Adolf Hitler has turned the gazes to the East.
How must he now act?
There is doubt in the Fuhrer.
He has quickly and boldly solved the problems which were connected up until now with the gigantic war policy, inspired and protected as he knows himself to be by Providence.
But the Russian bear rises up even more threateningly than ever before him.
Will he join battle with it?
Where will a war with Russia take him?
What does he know about this secretive and vast country, which appeared impenetrable for everyone who wants to know more about the plans of the rulers of the Kremlin?
Is it strong?
Is it as strong as his country?
Yet he must reach a decision, he will never be able to accomplish his plans with this threatening danger in his back.
The Fuhrer isolates himself in order to meditate.
In the loneliness he wants to hear the voice of Providence speak loudly and clearly.
Until now his feeling and thinking have been correct.
His overwhelming successes have proven how much he can leave to his intuition.
By meditating he wants to find out which path he must now travel.
Days and nights pass and Adolf Hitler waits for information, which Providence will place in him.
He already feels that people are placing him before great events.
He already gets the feelings too, how he must then act; but the Fuhrer takes no chances, he keeps checking his feelings.
At night he cannot stand it inside, in the hour in which he must take such far-reaching and dramatic decisions, he cannot sleep.
He goes into nature.
Again the Fuhrer is faced with the universe, with Providence.
He talks within himself.
Above him lives a God.
He must also receive help again from that vastness.
His thoughts wander in many directions.
He now feels like Christ once felt in the Court of Gethsemané.
Standing in the night his thoughts go out to Christ, whom he has seldom thought about before in his life.
He tunes into the Divine human being, as he awaited the coming, great events, left to his own devices in the loneliness of the Court.
Adolf Hitler thinks about this, without there being anything in him of the wonderful and sacred, which Christ experienced then.
He only sees an agreement, he is also alone and far from the people and he is also faced with great events, greater than those of Christ.
The Fuhrer looks at the constellation, his arms crossed over his chest, and gauges the vastness.
His thoughts remain with the Divine human being in the Court of Gethsemané and this poor spirit does not realise that he is sullying the sacred life, by referring the words which he once spoke to himself.
He also wishes to refuse the goblet, he mumbles, but he does not believe his own words, because he is as greedy as a hyena and his emotional life longs for booty.
He also thinks of the words of Christ spoken to his sleepy apostles: ‘Can you not watch for one hour with me?’ But the Fuhrer soon discards these thoughts.
Does he need someone?
And his life has more meaning than that of that strange being, whom people there in Jerusalem nailed to the cross.
Adolf Hitler now also thinks that he could be like the Messiah, his great people already accepted him long ago as a deity.
Was the universe not created for him and his people?
Do the facts not force him to believe this?
Would Providence bless the German weapons so visibly and effectively if it was not prepared to play the world leadership in his hands?
But he must show himself to be worth that and get rid of the difficulties which still occur, boldly and surely.
The Fuhrer now knows how he must act.
Providence has spoken to him, true inspiration lives in him, his intuition is infallible.
He still cannot release himself from this quiet night, he still walks round with his hands on his back, building on his plans.
Adolf Hitler is ready to act.
But he does not see the shining shape next to him.
It is Moses, who was with him in all these hours and forced him to his decisions.
And while the Fuhrer develops his thoughts further, Moses and the masters of the Other Side float away - to the cold, barren country of Joseph Stalin.
Adolf Hitler truly believes that the universe was created for him and his people.
He will do everything to win that universe with everything in it for himself and his people.
His desire for power drives him, now and then he recoils from the enormous size of his actions.
Did a human being ever have so much power in his hands?
Sometimes he shivers himself from the horrors which his weapons unleash.
But he must continue, victory was never so close.
Whatever it costs, he must show himself to be harsh and merciless, victory will not be his before then.
And now, you will experience it, he gives the command for new military actions, which bring all of Europe to its feet.
The German will get power even as far as classical Greece.
Then the war between Germany and Russian will break out, just as the prophets predicted.
Adolf Hitler is a tragic figure, not because he is a pawn in the hands of the masters of the Other Side (see article ‘Hitler’ on, but because of the low urges in him, as a result of which he became a ruler, but at the same time a pawn.
Soon I will have the opportunity to paint you his person and his past, which will explain a lot about him and his situation.
The heathen rulers will have to experience that they cannot take their peoples unpunished to the abyss.
They received only power, because the peoples of the Earth have to go to (the House of) Israel, or it would not have been possible for them to attack other peoples.
In the future there will be no more rulers, because now these demons on Earth are already cursed, since the world sees that they are only out to destroy the life of God in order to get power as a result of this and to be able to live it up.
For this purpose the dictator sacrifices the blood of his people, for this purpose he puts his beautiful, country so rich in art, at stake ...
How terribly he will be jolted!
When during the centuries the peoples of (the House of) Israel went to battle, that happened in order to elevate the small peoples and tribes to (the House of) Israel.
It started to give the peoples peace and quiet eventually as a result of this.
That battle lay in the hands of the masters.
We now know that they were concerned with bringing the peoples to unity.
While the masses realise the wrong of a war and long for peace, the dictators learned nothing from the wars, they even made the battle into an instrument in their hands, which will give them power and fame.
However, they will experience that they will destroy themselves, as what they want to achieve affects the goal of the masters.
They will go to pieces up against the laws of God!
These dictators are unconscious, short-sighted and spiritually empty.
They are not geniuses.
A genius, who conquers today and loses everything again tomorrow, is not a genius.
If they had just possessed a little consciousness of Divine laws, if they had felt a spark of love for the own people, they would never have chosen the war.
Then Mussolini would not have gone to Abyssinia in order to slaughter that people, because he would have understood that the conscious of mankind would have called him to a powerful halt anyway in the present stage.
But these souls have no understanding of this, encapsulated as they are by their own low desires, with regard to the Divine laws and life after death they feel mistaken, wrong!
The most simple, unskilled human being, who knows the bible, could have told them how wrong it is to attack another people in this time.
However, the ‘geniuses’ did not understand it.
And these people now want to prove to you that they were born for their peoples, yes, for the world.
They think that they are conscious in their actions, but destroy what they have built up themselves with difficulty and care.
This is why the dictators are people without intuition, they are half-conscious for our world, for the Earth conscious crazy people.
They want to be infallible and pile up mistake after mistake.
They want to rule, but do not know themselves, nor the laws as a result of which they live and as a result of which they received life.
They sacrifice the blood of millions of souls, but do not think of the suffering of those men, women and children, in them there is only the feeling of making history.
What they cause is heartbreaking and they call themselves the geniuses of the Earth!
I told you, for our world they are crazy people, who mock the life of God and kill it.
They are the most miserable amongst the peoples and the poorest of spirit in the universe.
They are deaf and dumb and blind to the light of God, or they would never have sacrificed so much blood out of pure lust for power.
They are not deep, these rulers, because the smallest insect sees through them.
They are pure material but human hyenas, who rule for the purpose of their own desires, but do not know the meaning of earthly life with regard to God.
They do not even know that God receives the profit from their terrible hands, because the blacks (see article ‘Against racism and discrimination’ on, where Mussolini was headed in order to overpower their country and their goods, must awaken.
God created Heaven and Earth, but not for the demons, but for his own evolution.
The dictators are unconscious of these laws and they still have to awaken to them.
However, this spiritual intuition lives above their capacity, since their inner life is insensitive to this.
This is why they commit such terrible acts of stupidity.
They are beaten, because in this century the good must definitely win.
The supernatural feeling is not in their possession, they would have to be universally deep for this.
However, their unconscious costs the people blood.
They destroy the driving force and the inspiration of all those people.
And then they also have the shamelessness to call for help to Providence.
God must take them to victory.
God sent them, they dare to say, because they want to see the blood which they shed in their rage sacred too!
They think that they are making history, but bring a curse upon themselves and their peoples!
And how these dictators could have served.
How much could they have done for their peoples with the power which they had at their disposal.
However, they act according to the qualities which are in them and chase their peoples into war.
In them lives the feeling that affects the material world.
How could they be geniuses then?
How do they wish to look ahead?
Look at the mistakes that they make and will make.
Follow them in the decisions which they take and imagine how miserable, how cruel and how narrow-minded their inner life is.
And then look at the masses who cheer them and you will know immediately that all these people are the living dead.
Every other conscious which lives a bit above the normal earthly and feels, can be inspired by the masters.
They will then serve for the good and in this way their life receives meaning for our world.
As a result of this it becomes established that not one earthly being can achieve anything at all under his own power for the laws of God.
Only he who has a task to complete for the masters, builds for the masses and for himself on the ‘Kingdom of God on Earth’.
Those souls are continually helped by our world, they are part of (the House of) Israel.
However, these demons in your own century are the enemies of Christ, of mankind and of all life in the universe.
They also received their inspiration, but only because their plans would serve the Age of Christ.
What they themselves think up and try to accomplish outside of God’s laws, takes them to destruction.
They call upon God and God lets them go, because he knows that his life on Earth is in good hands.
However much blood there flows, nothing is ever sacrificed for nothing.
I already casually pointed to the case of Abyssinia.
That people had a sensitive lesson to receive and also necessary, because it had to awaken.
They had to surrender to the violent invader, but it is Mussolini who perishes as a result of this.
He will have to accept that it is Divine laws which rule life on Earth and not his.
God also watches over his black people (see article ‘Against racism and discrimination’ on and he will give them back their own kingdom.
But as a result of (the House of) Israel!!!
And this people will pass over to (the House of) Israel as a result of this.
If Mussolini had been able to rob this country a few hundred years ago, (the House of) Israel could not yet have intervened, because it was not yet that far then.
Out of all of this it clearly emerges that the human being on Earth cannot just act according to his own longings, if his life is not attuned to the good of mankind.
They are God’s laws and those of life after death, which you have to learn on Earth and obey.
You will also have to accept - that emerges - that we people have our own life in our hands, but that we must stay away from that of other people.
People who think that they can do what they like with the lives of other people, go to pieces sooner or later up against the laws of God.
These imperious demons therefore do not have the right to intervene in your life and make it subject to their cruel plans.
One day this will have to be made good, even if they think then that they have conquered these laws as a result of their earthly life.
Their task on Earth is earthly, however sacred they imagine that, awkward, yes, animal-like unconscious!
Mussolini will be driven from his paradise and he will have to leave the baskets with delicious fruits behind, which he stole from the black people (see article ‘Against racism and discrimination’ on
He may only take along the terrible consequences, which he created with his violent action.
He and all of mankind will have to accept that earthly life goes upwards and cannot be taken back to the prehistoric age.
What kind of intuition do Mussolini and Hitler possess?
You will experience even more clearly in the course of this war, what geniuses they are.
Just devote your life to these conscious crazy beings, sacrifice your blood for them and just put your hands up - they will take you to the destruction of all of your possessions, of all the sacred which you have been able to master.
Both these dictators go over your dead body!
Know then that you will perish along with them.
The history of Adolf Hitler has a very different meaning again to that of Mussolini, even if he is also a master in evil.
Mussolini was a Roman ruler in one of his lives.
He could not develop his blood-thirsty gifts at that time either for evil to a degree which pleased him.
However, in your time he got his chance.
Now he is capable of exceeding all Divine laws and bringing spiritual destruction amongst his people.
But he will have to accept that the ‘Age of Christ’ has started and no longer tolerates such practices.
He will therefore have to go towards his material and spiritual destruction, the facts will show him and you!
For our world Mussolini has no meaning, even if his battle is of importance for (the House of) Israel, because his people will learn to accept the conscious, spiritual life as a result of this.
The life of Adolf Hitler has more meaning for our world and for mankind, because it was numerous astral laws which sent him back to the Earth.
Mussolini is just a weak shadow of his personality.
Hitler’s life touches the cosmos!
Hitler is the soul of the karma of mankind, a human being with a very deep and meaningful past with regard to Golgotha and the awakening of mankind.
Yet despite these laws he is one of the living dead, a spiritual fool for the astral world and the millions of Angels.
His life lies open for our world, every spirit of the light knows him, since we were able to gauge and follow his emotional life from our side.
It is for this reason that we can say, that every dog and cat has more intuition with regard to the universe and the Divine laws that these two, who thought that they could dominate life on Earth.
Neither America nor England were able to attack or want to destroy other peoples, because that mentality wanted to begin another and higher life.
There was therefore no people on Earth, that wanted to attack Germany, not even Russia, because this country knew all too well how awe-inspiringly strong Germany was.
Russia also knew that, if it attacked, it would be faced with the whole world.
It is Germany, which wants war!!!
Out of fear for intellectual Germany Russia built on a large and strong army for years.
Soon it will need this and will have to devote all of itself in order to be able to cope with Germany.
Since the Fuhrer is mistaken in his overconfidence and since the masters and (the House of) Israel help, Russian will win the terrible struggle to not be surprised and crushed, just like German victims experienced that and will also experience.
After having occupied your country and robbed your goods, national socialism also wants to possess your soul.
But do they not realise that the children of (the House of) Israel want nothing, but nothing to do with their nonsense, their empty talk, their animal-like decoration, their lies and cheating, their destructive influence?
Is it so improbable to them that you do not want to be taken to the prehistoric age by them?
They do not even know themselves, how would they therefore understand the child of (the House of) Israel?
Their stupid mentality does not realise that a true Christian would rather die than raise his arm to give their heathen salute.
Anyone who knows the bible, knows that Germany and its allies must lose.
He knows that all their reasoning is false and that honour and fame have no meaning in the Age of Christ.
For the spiritually conscious being the fame of the battle field is backward possession, only spiritual knowledge takes the human being to higher consciousness.
Anyone who uses violence will die themselves by it.
Anyone who loves crusades and ribbons, will be faced with the own poverty in eternal life.
The whole drama of Adolf Hitler and his kind lie in these last few lines.
He and his people will soon have to accept that the child of God achieves more as a result of his faith than their dead and destruction sowing power machine.
It is the faith in God which moves mountains.
The human being who follows Golgotha, knows himself to be carried by God.
He knows that the ‘Ten Commandments’ were written for him and acts according to them.
But the unconscious beings forget themselves and think they are Gods.
The deeper their fall will be!