The origin of hells and heavens

The human being who has completed his earthly cycle, is faced with new worlds, since it is God’s command, that he returns to him.
He has mastered the material laws, experienced the laws of life and death and in this way conquered the third cosmic grade.
Where did the millions of people go, who had experienced the Moon, the secondary planets and the Earth?
They entered the astral world and experienced there that they could no longer return to the Earth for the material life.
Darkness reigned in the world which they entered.
Not a glimmer of light welcomed them.
Now what ... no light?
Where was the light which had shone on them after all?
They waited and believed that it would soon come.
But they waited in vain ... they felt sleepy, these people were hungry and thirsty and they did not understand themselves and their new situation.
They had probably wakened too early, it was still night here, soon the Sun would come up and it would be light.
Where did they live?
They did not know!
The soul as a human being felt that it lived, but not anymore than that.
The personality and the emotional life of this human being were still unconscious in the new world.
However, he would awaken and become conscious, he would start to explore his strange environment and master the laws of this astral existence, as had happened before on other planets.
The human being started to think.
He became aware of the long sleeping, the Sun not coming up, the light which had always shone on him from the height and had given life on Earth growth and blossom.
They loved that light, it meant a power for them.
Had this power left them alone?
What would happen to them?
They called for help, their voices had kept their sound, they received an answer and sought each other out.
The same questions lived in all these people.
In what did they live?
Had something happened in the universe outside of their knowledge?
Fear entered them ... fear!
It lasted a long time, now light should finally come.
They had a think.
Where were the wife and children?
They called for their loved ones, but they did not answer their calling.
They now remembered that they had been sick.
However, then they should be better now, they were alive, after all!
They mixed with other people and discovered that they were mainly strangers to them.
They looked for their own tribal members and if they found them, they discussed their situation with them.
However, they did not know the explanation either.
Then, tired from thinking and searching, the men and women just gave into each other.
They took possession of each others’ bodies and tried to experience the unity, as they had known that up until now.
Passion lived in their inner self, their personality was longing.
These astral beings felt as before, but now what - what must they now experience again?
Their longing did not dissolve, there was no end to the event!
Had they become so powerless?
Had their bodies changed?
Their fear became even greater.
What had happened while they were asleep!
They felt each other and their amazement grew even more.
And all the people here experienced the same thing.
Their spirit spoke, demanded, longed for satisfaction, however, it did not get through to them that they had discarded their material bodies.
And the light still remained out.
Should they accept that the Sun had disappeared from the universe?
Dreadful questions!
They moved, explored their environment, they penetrate it continually further.
However, it remains dark and their path finds no end.
This world seems to be endless.
The fear takes possession of them, they scream mercilessly for help, but no rescue comes.
Did the wild animal come to them in the night and rip the wife and child to pieces?
They scream, but their cries of fear are lost in the darkness.
All those millions of souls search, they fall down from tiredness, stand up again and continue to search.
However, with every step the difficulties become greater, the problems multiply.
Many people become mad.
This is the way it is for the soul here, it is collapsing here and dissolving into madness or becoming conscious and gaining understanding.
Are there people amongst them who are strong and do not lose their heads?
Yes, there are and they become conscious first of their new condition.
They dare to go further than the others, they boldly penetrate the universe, which seems unending.
Then they are suddenly faced with a great wonder.
They satisfy themselves with it and return to the others.
This now happens quickly.
A strange, invisible power takes them as fast as lightning back to their own kind.
They only have to think of them.
They tell about the wonder that they discovered.
‘We discovered people’, they say.
‘They are different than we ourselves are.
But they live in the light.’
The other people do not believe it.
‘And yet it is the truth.
There is light there.
And you can also eat and drink there.’
They want to go there, now that they hear all of this, they are dying of thirst and the darkness here is crushing them.
They want to see the light, the wonder of the light.
Hundreds of them set off.
On the way the first ones tell about what they actually experienced.
The other people keep interrupting them with questions.
‘Is that life not our own life?
We lived like that too, didn’t we?
Is the light of those people not our light?
And can a twinkle be seen in the universe?’
Yes, the other people confirm, there is a twinkle.
Everything is there, their world of now is empty and black in comparison.
‘Is the darkness there different to this one?’
Yes, that is also the case.
However, soon they can convince themselves.
And should it perhaps be dark there, they must not be worried.
They only have to wait and see, the light will come of its own accord.
‘But then it is our life after all’, the other people let slip.
Their longing to see the world where there is light is strong.
That world belongs to them, they are searching for it.
Do they already also know what kind of universe this is, in which they have suddenly landed, they ask their leaders.
No, they do not know either.
However, perhaps they will soon know.
In any case there is no trace of that permanent darkness for the people where they are now going.
Talking busily, full of tension, they continue their way.
Then the leaders suddenly stop.
It is here, they say, those people live here.
It is still dark, but soon the Sun will come up.
They wait and then - oh, a wonderful moment - the Sun casts its first rays over the world.
Happiness flows in the hearts of these people, who were without the light for so long.
The earthly human being has awakened.
The astral beings follow everything.
They feel the people, there are some whom they can see clearly, they see other people only as shadows.
They do not understand this properly, but they do not dwell on it for long.
They follow those whom they can see the best.
Really, they are people, who eat and drink and work.
Now they feel their own hunger and thirst even more keenly and they descend into the people, driven by their longing to be able to satisfy themselves finally.
And by making themselves one with the earthly human being they manage.
Yes, they discover, they can even impose their will on them.
They want to drink, drink a great deal and the earthly human being takes over their longing and drinks, while he thinks that he is suffering from an insatiable thirst.
Did they always live here, the astral beings now want to know.
Or was it somewhere else?
They continue to follow the earthly people, in the hope of getting the answer to their questions as a result of this.
They cannot believe their good fortune - now they live again, there is light, heat and even more!
The astral man descends into the earthly man, the astral woman into the earthly woman and when they are one they also experience this!
In this way days pass, they enjoy a thousand joys and miss the need to return to the dark, quiet regions, where they were for a while.
When the earthly human being goes hunting, the astral being experiences a new law, which fills them with the greatest astonishment.
One of the hunters is jumped upon and killed by the wild animal.
His soul is flung from the body and enters the hereafter as an astral personality.
Amazed, not understanding, the astral being who had connected with the hunter, looks on all of this.
Then he hurries to the other people and tells them what he saw.
‘The man was killed’, he says, ‘a wild animal jumped on him.
And I saw that a new body came out of that dead body.
That hunter is therefore dead and he is alive.
And he is just like we are now!
We have therefore also died, yes, that’s it!
We died on Earth and as a result of this everything became different for us.
We are dead and yet we live - just like the hunter!’
No, they cannot believe that.
They must just watch out, the man advises them.
They do this and then they must accept that he was speaking the truth.
There was therefore no death, there was no end to life.
If you died, you came there where they now were and then you lived on - and in what a way!
You did not experience one wonder here, but thousands.
They still did not understand much about it, but that did not stop them looking for pleasure where they could.
There was light and heat, food and drink, there was entertainment and adventure and above all there was human unity.
They could make themselves one again just like before and live it up.
Yes, they even saw that as a result of the connection which they experienced through two earthly people, children were born to them.
And those on Earth did not even know it was them who kept driving them into each other’s arms.
They found it amusing.
They would not want to go back to there again.
It was better here than on Earth.
They experienced several times that they had to let go of their material being, since he died.
They were then flung from those bodies, but they did not care about that.
They just looked for another one, connected with it and lived it up again.
They had come so far that they could dominate the earthly being in everything.
They lived and experienced in his organism and while he met their will and longings, he did not know about their presence.
By thinking about this, they started to understand the amazing thing about their existence and managed to analyse it deeper and deeper, because they wanted to know all about it.
In this way they started to understand a great deal, which was still dark to them a short time ago and gradually they received a different conscious.
This was still pre-animal-like, it is true, but one day it would be spiritual anyway.
They kept on experiencing something different.
Since the astral personality lived it up at the expense of the earthly being, he finally became possessed.
They could not escape it, these men and women, the astral being acted so dominantly, that madness had to follow.
No being on this place of the Earth was free any longer from the astral influence.
It became a chaos.
The astral being no longer wished to return to his own darkness, the astral existence.
The first hell in life after death emptied, every soul returned from there to the Earth.
For centuries after each other the astral personality then experienced the material wonders through the earthly being.
However, he will awaken as a result of this, because it is precisely by taking possession of the material being, that the astral being reaches consciousness.
Every second new souls enter life after death and they also return to the Earth in order to live it up.
There is now fighting over the earthly being.
Now the astral being becomes afraid.
Afraid of losing the material being who makes the enjoyment possible.
He will protect it.
Worry has therefore entered the astral being, which points to a higher feeling.
And suddenly more feelings exist in him, which he knew nothing about, did not have the suspicion that they existed.
Heat enters him, another heat than the body gives.
This heat makes him light and happy.
And it enters him, only because he helps the earthly being.
He cannot do differently, he experiences this wonder.
This human being thinks about it and follows the feelings in him.
And by doing this, he also starts to sense and understand the earthly life more deeply.
The material life now starts to speak to him.
He wants to feel the heat in him more strongly, the astral being and in order to achieve this, he increases his efforts.
He is busy serving!
And gradually love enters him for the human being whom he watches over and protects.
And this feeling of love already receives a grade of meaning.
Finally his astral world will change as a result of it.
A jolt goes through the astral being.
Which change occurs in him?
He wants to know more about the life around him.
And those who have lived it up, until other and better feelings began to enter them, unite themselves and begin to explore the world.
They remove themselves more and more from the place where their congeners continue with allowing their sensualities to run their course.
On the way they get to know new powers and strengths, they experience wonder after wonder.
When they want to go ahead fast, they only have to tune into themselves and they shoot forwards with the speed of lightning.
They can go upwards and downwards, yes, they can go through the Earth, if they want and then come out again on the other side.
And everywhere they discover people.
The place where they left people fought about an earthly being and here masses live.
They were therefore not the only people in the universe.
And all those bodies were the same.
The people acted and felt the same too.
The astral being descends again into the earthly being in order to establish this and forces him to unity.
And then he determines that these earthly people experience the process of love in the same way as at the place from where they left.
There is not a single difference in anything.
After a time they understood that they lived again in an infinity.
Now the longing came to get to know the sparkle in them, which they saw in this infinity.
However, first they returned to their congeners and told them what they had experienced on their long trip.
They gave them the advice to continue to help the earthly being.
Because, they said, by serving other feelings would enter them.
They had discovered a great wonder on their trip, they continued.
Light had entered their dark world and this light would become bigger the more they did for the earthly being.
Since people were busy forming a new world and to condense it more and more and later to be able to take possession of it, it was necessary for them to serve the material life.
The highest amongst them now released themselves from the Earth in order to get to know the universe and the sparkle in it.
And while they were on a trip, the other people brought actual help on Earth, they elevate the human existence there and help the human being with a few inventions.
They teach him to make fire, work the land, bartering comes into being.
Those who make their cosmic trip, experience great and awe-inspiring wonders.
They enter the Moon and other planets, nothing or no one will stop them.
They do not speak a word, they are silent from the wonders, which are part of God’s creation.
There is one being amongst them, who feels and understands more than the others.
They accept him as their master, it is the first master in the universe.
‘Go back with me to the first planet’, this master says, ‘and we will see how life originated there.’
And the master speaks the truth.
On the Moon they experience the whole process of creation.
They follow all the stages, grade after grade.
Finally they are faced with the highest grade of life which the soul life experiences on the Moon.
On the banks of the rivers lie animal-like beings.
The master says:
‘This is the end for this body.
We will also follow and experience what now comes.
Every one of us must make himself one with one of these soul lives.
If death then sets in, the soul will be attracted by other bodies, I feel.
We will then experience this and get to know new stages.
Can you feel along with me, my friends, my sisters and brothers, that we were born here?
We will have to master all the laws which are connected to this and by doing this we will come to ...!
Yes, to whom?
Who is it who created all of this and keeps it going?
Who is this Supreme Power?
Is it a human being such as we?
Will we also know this one day?
I hope to be able to give you it.
For me it is certain that we must continue in this way.
Our life must change.
By serving the earthly being, that will be possible.
No more children may be born through us on Earth, this is the possession of the material being.
Our life is different to theirs.
We are invisible to them.
You were able to follow it.
Well, you can know from it that we belong to life after death.
The infinite universe where we now are is our possession.
Those sparkling bodies also belong to us.
Can we not go where we want?
Nothing stops us!
And He - or is it a She - approves that we get to know everything.
The Supreme Power which created the wonders and brought us to action, gave us this thinking and feeling, will have known, how everything would go.
A power lives around us, which knows about our life.
And it lives in us, because did no other worlds come into being?
Did our life not change?
We will therefore follow the lives on these banks.’
And to a question about how he knows all of this, the master replies: ‘Could it be, my friends, that I was born earlier than you?
Was my life of a longer duration than yours?’
Everyone of them now sucks himself onto the astral spark and feels himself entering another world.
While they continue to see and feel as conscious souls, they notice that the life with which they are connected, goes to sleep.
What will happen?
They wait in tension.
Then both of them, the unconscious and the conscious soul, receive new life.
With the soul life with which it has connected, the conscious soul awakens in the mother on a new planet.
Until the birth follows, the soul is one with the growing life and gets to know the material and spiritual laws as a result of it.
The conscious being now knows that other bodies are ready to receive the inner life.
Then the master called everyone to him and spoke:
‘Did I not tell you that there is a life after death?
After the stages on the first planet the soul life goes to another in order to experience his return and this wonder again.
Then we will follow the new worlds.’
Everyone went back to the Moon again and experienced grade after grade.
When the highest was reached, they descended again with the soul life into the spark stage and experienced with this life the reincarnation on another planet.
They could determine again that there were no disturbances in this process.
They experienced that the soul received both the creating and the giving birth organism and also that the importance of the maternal body was dominant in the creation, because as a result of the maternal body the soul kept on receiving another and higher grade of life in order to continue its evolution.
Their trip lasted many centuries, but meanwhile they got to know God’s laws.
As a result of this their inner lives became universally deep.
Now they were that far that they could analyse all the grades of life in the creation and they now talked with their master about a Supreme Power, which has control over all life in the universe.
They learned to think on their long trip and to feel spiritually and received a higher consciousness as a result of this.
Finally they returned to the Earth in order to tell the people who had remained behind about their experiences and obtained wisdom and to deliberate what must now be done.
Their highest master sees a wonderful plan in front of him.
In the realisation the whole universe was placed in their hands and this infinity belongs to them, it is certain for him that it is the will of the Supreme Power that they penetrate into this infinity deeper and deeper.
However, he also knows that all of them can go further, when they are prepared to serve the other life.
The universe will give them even more wonders, even more wisdom, if they give actual help to those who have not yet come that far.
They will gain light as a result of this and they need that light in order to expose those still unknown worlds.
He therefore emphatically insists to his followers that their prying into earthly life must stop, since they will otherwise stand still in their development.
Those lives do not belong to them, they do not have the right to descend into those material bodies. They sully themselves as a result of this, he says!
As a result of that passion, they now know, the astral dark worlds have condensed, as a result of their wrong deeds they built up the hells.
In this way, as a result of the words of their master, these astral beings start to see their weakness, their wrong deeds, their own destruction.
However, they also see the way which leads to the construction, to a better life.
They must try to become released from the horrifying hells.
They will have to work hard on their inner being for this purpose and must devote themselves to their sisters and brothers, the astral and material personalities, who have nothing else to do than live it up.
They seriously begin their life task.
They have already conquered the lowest hell, the first spiritual attunement which they reached.
The following hells already possess a bit more light, it has come into being - they know - as a result of their serving, they created it together!
Anyone who does good helps to build those new worlds, anyone who follows them enters them.
One day, their master says, the darkness will have to make way completely for the light, then great happiness will await them!
The Supreme Power will give them it.
Love was born, true love, which wants to give and to serve!
They support the material being with renewed vigour.
There is still little to be achieved on Earth, humanity still has to reach development.
However, Mother Earth continually works on its task.
It drives its children from one grade to the other and it can clearly be established that the human being awakens materially and spiritually.
Under the leadership of their master the astral beings get to know that evolution and they determine that the earthly being experiences seven organic grades.
They inspire this human being to do good - those who used to live it up through the material being.
In this way they help to change the aspect of the Earth and in this way their own inner being and it also changes and their world.
Five astral worlds have now already come into being.
Those five worlds, they learn, can also be found again on Earth, because everyone carries one of these worlds in him, since he has attunement to them as a result of his deeds.
If that human being wants to free himself from that, then he must follow what they do, learn to love and to serve!
The astral being masters a new existence as a result of this, in a land where a dusky light hangs.
However, they can also go further, their master teaches them and time proves him right.
After centuries they enter a sphere, which is the same as a heaven.
Here everything radiates and shines, filled to overflowing by a golden light.
It is incredible, what they experience here in happiness and wonders.
It is also incredible, what they mastered in wisdom in all those centuries.
And love lives in them, their whole being is filled with it.
They have become kings and all of this thanks to their pure love and their knowledge of God’s laws.
They serve the material being with their spiritual possession, but they do not know of their existence.
Sacred respect lives in the astral being for the Supreme being and as a result of this they learn to pray to Him.
They start to feel that this power is like a Father and a Mother to them.
And in this way they feel themselves father and mother.
In their hearts a great gratitude lives for their sacred possession, the life around them.
Their lives, their working and serving become more and more conscious and one heaven after another is built up by them.
And when the seventh heaven is finished and experienced, their master calls them to him and says:
‘What I feel is the following.
Soon we will be able to go higher again.
We are now ready for a new world, which waits.
This will be a material world, such as that where we once lived and where we now bring spiritual awakening.
This new world will give us a different material body, the Supreme Power wants this.
The spheres which live behind us, serve in order to prepare us completely for the spiritual life in that world.
If it is the wish of the Supreme Power, we will get to know yet other laws.
We will now experience them in peace and complete quiet, because we have conquered our own inner self.
From where do these feelings come to me?
Who gives them to me?
The Supreme Power?
Now, then we go to our new existence.
We will also be together there as man and wife and give birth to children as on Earth.
Those are the laws of Him, whom we will call our Father.
Life there will prove to me whether my feelings are correct.’
In order to be drawn to that new world, the souls return to the very first stage for the universe, to the spark stage.
Then they awaken in the embryonic life, grow up and take possession of the new planet, the fourth cosmic grade of life is now inhabited by them.
They do not forget amidst the wonders, which the mental areas bring them, the grade of life lying under them.
They bring about a connection with the seventh sphere and tell the masters there, what their new life is like.
They insist that they continue to devote themselves to the material planet.
In this way the astral being grows from one world into the other.
From the mental areas he goes to the fifth cosmic grade of life, from this to the sixth and from the sixth to the seventh.
Then the human being has reached the All, the sphere in which the Supreme being lives - invisible, as He will remain.
Now they know this power, His Being, His creation.
Now the whole universe is inhabited, both materially and spiritually.
Millions of centuries have passed.
Life on Earth has changed completely under the influence of the astral masters, because the astral being still has connection to the material being and this connection will last.
Between the All and the seventh sphere a connection also came about.
And at a certain moment those high masters spoke:
We know how far the development on the material planet has progressed.
We have not lost contact with the Earth in anything.
Now you must start an important task.
Mankind needs a faith.
It will get to know the Creator of all life.
Do you know what we call that Supreme Power?
Listen carefully, this word tells you everything.
We will tell you the word.
Do you hear it?
Again the word comes to you.
God is everything which we got to know and were able to master.
God is the Supreme Power.
He is our Creator.
He is our Father and Mother.
Love everything which lives and you will get to know Him.
As a Father He spoke to us and as a Mother He let us experience His laws.
What is our life like?
You will get to know it.
You and mankind will know.
Your spheres and the Earth will change as a result of it, because God wants it!’
Helped and informed by the masters from the All the masters from the Spheres of Light build on the becoming conscious of earthly mankind.
They will continue to do this until the last soul life enters the Spheres of Light and Mother Earth has carried out its greatest task.
They go ahead of mankind in serving consciously.
It is by fulfilling this Divine law, that the human being will release himself from the dark spheres in order to finally enter the Divine spheres.
Learn to serve, human being of the Earth!, the Other Side calls to you.
Because it is only by serving that you prepare yourself to be elevated to the worlds of the higher consciousness.
I now ask you: who was the first master in the universe?
For me it is a mercy to be able to say it.
He was and is the first Master in the universe.
It is he who took the human being such as you and we, his followers, into the Divine creations and wonder worlds.
Did you ever think that Christ had to travel the same path, which you are busy travelling?
As true as there is a God, as true as Christ was a human being!
Now he is the highest being in God’s Universe, the direct contact between you and your heavenly Father.
Does it not mean anything to you?
To us it means that God does not tolerate any injustice.
God is Love!
God cannot make any distinction, not for one of his children!
He created the same evolution for all of them!
Your bible teaches you it differently.
The Other Side will also let its light fall on this Book.
This is the will of Christ and the masters from life after death!