Through the darkness to the light

Mankind will soon be faced with amess and will look at everything which was destroyed during these years.
But he will also be faced with his future life and will want to forget that terrible past quickly.
Now it can be seen for the first time which peoples have had to suffer the most, who must make good a lot and had had to devote all of himself in order to withstand the gigantic process.
And this can also be seen from the one or two people, the masses and mankind.
The human civilisation is a great mess and this must be built up, people must start this with urgency, because life on Earth wants to make progress.
This mankind must go further!
A new and higher awakening in the spirit awaits the masses.
It is only now that the human being feels that it must not happen with violence either.
However, Europe is meanwhile destroyed.
The war steamroller knocked down everything which stood in the way, had no respect for anything, life and death had no meaning.
All the sacred goods of the human being are sullied.
However, the foundations for the higher life have been laid and people now build on this.
By looking at the misdeeds committed by evil, the inner life has awakened, now the soul life feels that the personalities sent to the devil can only destroy mankind.
Life on Earth was like a hell, but evil in the human being has now been conquered, this at the expense of a great deal of blood, of suffering and sorrow, hunger and misery.
Was a high price paid for this development?
We will see what awaits mankind and where this struggle has taken you and millions on Earth.
The demons of hell were able to live it up terribly.
Now silence reigns on Earth, the silence after an intense struggle of evil against good.
Anyone who thinks back on the horrors suffered, on the hours of decline, can still hear the terrible moaning and groaning of the wounded, of the mothers and children who perished and had to leave earthly life as a result of this dreadful war in order to enter the spiritual.
Anyone who feels this and follows it again, now knows how Caiaphas and his type kept house; he trembles and shakes, thinking about those who applied the reign of terror to the life of God.
Contemplating the horrors, he believes in a great wonder, how can it be, that he still belongs to the living?
This struggle for the human being on Earth was so dreadful, for rich and poor, old and young, child, mother and father.
We cannot pronounce the word animal-like, we now know that we would do the animal an injustice as a result of this, it had shown itself to stand higher than the human being!
Madness held house in this way!
There is no people, no being on Earth, who did not experience something, brutal violence did not spare anyone and anything.
It was horrible, heart wrenching, dreadful!
In the centuries before there was terrible suffering, but no one could have imagined what was now experienced by the peoples of the earth and the Other Side was so wise and loving to not predict all this misery, even if several moments were recorded by our world.
Only the strongest knew about it, they prepared for this struggle, as a result of their strong personality they dominated the daily happenings around them and in this way could support numerous people in their feeling and thinking.
No one could have imagined such evil, such possession and tyranny and yet, millions of souls kept their own life.
It is a wonder, but we have also got to know those laws now, the human being has them in his own hands.
Because anyone who has to live, cannot die and anyone who will pass over, cannot remain alive; these laws decide upon all the life of God.
That is also the only thing, which you now still possess - the naked life!
This descent was experienced so deeply, all the powers and characteristics were devoted to this.
And can God approve of this, I ask you again?
God watched over all his children, after all. He did not leave you alone for a second.
However, the meaning of this Divine watching lives on this side, we got to know this conscious in the Spheres of Light.
Wherever you look, you see messes, you therefore see misery, suffering and sorrow also live there, the awe-inspiring misery and the afterpain of millions of souls, their blood still flows from many wounds and your mad people walk, who lost their minds as a result of this inhuman cruelty.
Wherever you look, an abyss gapes towards you and yet, life goes on.
The heathens have been conquered, evil has returned to the darkness, light has come to Earth.
As a result of the prayer?
How there was prayed!
Yet God could not hear all these prayers, as people on Earth imagine.
You must now understand why and admit that it is fine like this.
All the gold of the Earth was now well-nigh used for the war.
People should have used that money differently, but mankind still had to awaken for that conscious.
Millions were used for the breaking up, for the destruction of God’s life.
Where is the end in that way?
How must the Divine spark awaken?
Is there spiritual progress?
Is mankind truly capable of building up a better world?
Did all that misery really serve to gain spiritual consciousness?
The blood flowed as it had never before been the case, this could happen as a result of the technical inventions of your time, as a result of this human ingenuity spoke in an unambiguous language!
Awe-inspiring riches were devoted to the destruction of the Evening land - but was this God’s will?
Did Christ die on the cross for this?
A miserable, painful feeling is the only thing which remained of the wonderful things, which people still used to possess, just a few years ago.
The remorse at having descended to the bestiality of the dark hells is the dominating feeling, which the soul life now knows on Earth.
Are people now preparing themselves to create a better world or will we carry on in the old way?
Will we avail ourselves any longer of the deception, climb up again as a result of the blood of other people?
Enrich ourselves again by sucking out the life of God?
By trading in the inspired product of the artist and the man in his natural state?
It is not difficult for a human being judging honestly, that everything on Earth was achieved through lies and cheating, through sullying the blood of other people, through theft and murder, through kicking and neglecting other rights of life.
And now this human being can easily establish that God’s laws rectify themselves, which means, that only that which was created by pure love, has the right to existence, but that on the other hand the robbed possession is destroyed.
And that cursed possession has now been destroyed.
It was destroyed or passed into other hands.
Here the cause and effect for the earthly possession speaks, that which belongs to your life, but was doomed to die out, to decay, because it was once achieved by means of robbery and murder.
In this way accounts from the past were paid, they were settled by means of sacrificing the own life blood or by means of the loss of the treasures gathered.
Your century forced you to do it!
The laws of cause and effect took place over human lives and goods, God cannot give you anything in nothing.
Sooner or later this settlement must come - to the judgement of the human being himself.
All scandvlekken??- however beautiful and artistically minded in building - had to disappear to make way for new buildings, which will be built up by a more conscious and more mature human race.
Wonderful societies speculated with the blood money of the poor.
They were cheated, wrongly informed, while the enterprisers lived it up from their sourly earned monies.
Not one house on Earth remained free from this contamination, the life blood even clings to the temples and churches dedicated to the worship of God and Christ, the life force of the soul life, which devoted everything to the building of it.
But for what purpose did his sacrifice, his faith serve?
He could dedicate his prayer in a building, that God must have been an eyesore to God, since it was achieved as a result of haggling ...
The church committed suicide as a result of the earthly possession, it accepted everything - where did the money come from, was not asked.
Did the church act here according to the commands of Christ?
How should the church have acted in the centuries gone by and during this struggle?
Not God’s blessing, but a curse rested on everything!
As a result of the last world war the stolen and plundered goods from your forefather would disappear.
The Age of Christ has started, it now speaks to you, it will dominate the hearts of you and your people.
It will no longer tolerate deception, robbery and murders, the heads must now be bowed, the human action becoming conscious.
Now it is making good and building up the law which the life on Earth will have changed radically.
And this is urgently necessary???
Must God and Christ still approve any longer that the human being on Earth beheads itself?
You cannot enter the Age of Christ, if you are weighed down by a demonic and destructive burden.
This Age wants you to become seeing and you to live your earthly life honestly and sincerely from now on.
It demands that you will enlighten the eye of other people by means of your own life light - and this because you are born from one Father!
A war had to come in order to take your sullied possessions from you, in order to make you experience suffering and misery, because it is only in that way that you could observe your karmic laws.
Is this an unnatural, an unjust law?
One fine - yes, one fine day - hell broke loose and you were faced with the settlement of your self created laws of life, which, however, will give you experience with their pains, fears and horrors, as a result of which you can and will awaken.
They are the unshakeable laws of your and our life.
They will bring you to say goodbye to evil, they drive you further and to go higher in the spirit and to begin the construction of an own ‘God’s Kingdom on Earth’ and on this side.
People where you are on Earth thought that they could buy a heaven for money, people bought earthly happiness, people bought what they felt like, people bought love and respect, yes, people bought God and Christ for money!
What kind of house was kept on Earth in this respect!
The heavens have been squandered as if they were earthly goods, the churches bartered God’s kingdom of heaven, they elevated this crazy height.
These transactions were achieved with a calm conscious.
This was possible for centuries on end, but as a result of this war this will also come to an end.
Such a revolting bartering will soon no longer be possible.
Mankind will then know what it means to master a heaven!
The war came and a raging violence poured itself out over mankind, the cruel acts were barbaric, the pains unbearable.
And yet, believe me, God still spared you!
God shows himself in all his creation as a Father of Love and he also proved to be this again now.
If you had had to make good the faults committed in the past in their full dimensions, you would have succumbed, you could not have kept your life.
God would then have had to take the life back to the jungle, back into the silence of the first stage of life, there where you as a human being started your conscious lying and cheating.
He would have had to take away the treasures of the Earth from you, so that it would no longer be possible for you to commit any more evil.
But, on the other hand, how much did he also leave behind in your hands?
He allows you to start again, as a Father of Love.
Accept your state, thank God for everything which left you, bow your head in humility and pray: ‘My Father, thy will be done!’
If God had treated your cause and effect according to the laws, all of you would now live in caves and grottos and not one human being would still have shelter.
However, God allowed you to go further, so that the material and spiritual awakening would come to you.
The small piece of civilisation, which the peoples and mankind mastered in the course of time, was brought down, sullied, suffocated by evil.
The demons of the hell and of the Earth gave you the image, the personality of mankind, it was capable of such cruel, deeds drunken with hatred.
This is its life attunement, it is not further and not higher, it must still awaken for the pure, loving spiritual consciousness.
The suffering which overcame you, the pains which you got to bear, it could all have been even worse, since the cause and effect of mankind has gone beyond all the laws in the universe.
The misdeeds which the people were guilty of, showed you what gruesome deeds the personality of mankind could still reach.
These deeds are not in conflict with its attunement.
I showed you in detail that the masses still have to reach the higher conscious.
Each of its acts points to this so abundantly clearly that a child can tell you it.
Millions of souls still feel for violence and indulged those feelings.
As a result of those feelings and other, just as poisonous characteristics, bitter misery came over the world. It was they who changed those cities and villages into piles of rubble and caused dead and wounded people.
Your Father in Heaven and his Sacred Life were sullied - treated violently - as a result of the serious character flaws of the individual, the masses and mankind.
It is necessary that you think about this, if you raise the question of guilt for this war.
Think about it when will begin the construction of the destroyed, ruined existence.
That knowledge will give you the powers to conquer your wrong and destructive characteristics and to continue to work on that construction steadily.
It will tell you that the world order, for which you must also give your part, must be one of a spiritual nature.
In that order love must triumph with the truth!
The deeds of mankind and its leaders were unconscious for too long.
Could it have happened any differently, that the church bartered the heavens for gold?
I must keep on coming back to this, it must be very clear, that a society which continues to approve of such woeful conditions, since it does not see the unconscious in that action, will never be capable of working up to a spiritual kingdom of people!
What the church does, was do good, its followers think.
But God thinks differently about this!
Has the church understood the slap in the face which Hitler gave it?
Is the divine meaning of this understood by it?
Is it not true, that more was destroyed by the church than was built up?
You resist this, but you just say one day: how can a church created by Christ teach its followers about a God of damnation?
How can a church, which says that it speaks in the name of the loving Christ, allow its children to kill each other in the battle?
The church fell to pieces, since it is unconscious of the Divine commandments.
The church cursed God - or has it forgotten the Middle Ages, when it made the stakes roar in order to scorch thousands of God’s creatures in them, only to assure its own power as a result of this.
Are these perhaps untruths?
Tell me then, whether you believe that the blessing of canons is a heavenly deed?
Not true either?
The church would have to be the most sacred on Earth and the connection with God for the human being.
But can the church, which comes to such brutal and incredibly mean practices, be called sacred?
Can it be the connection with God in this way?
Christ set us up, the church assures.
And yet bombs fell on its buildings and this only because it could not receive the Divine consecration: its deeds were not in accordance with this!
We on this Side, in life after death, also once longed for possessions, we sought just as much to enrich ourselves; once we also piled one unconscious action on top of the other, but we learned to realise our faults and started to discard them.
Our deeds had taken the personality to the darkness, we had to now learn to bow our heads.
We learned that we perished as a result of the earthly possessions, many lives after each other.
However, after fighting hard against those wrong, characteristics in us which dragged us down, we finally saw the light of the first heavens before us.
We understood that Christ blessed our life, if we observed his laws strictly.
We had to master the spiritual conscious in order to prevent that sinking away in material feelings would follow again.
Then for the first time we could enter God’s sacredness and kneel down at the feet of our Master.
We bowed our heads, knowing that everything was fine now.
If you feel your own life, you will also understand the meaning of the material and spiritual construction for your evolution.
The serious, deep problems which you have now experienced, were for your and your inner conscious and for that of the masses and mankind.
You had to make good, had to settle your old debts.
It came at you by surprise, suddenly you were faced with the laws of God.
Now the path is free, now you can build a better future for yourself and your people.
Now you start to experience the laws, which also apply to our lives, you cannot escape them and you will not want to escape them with what you now know.
While much lies in ruin around you, you come to yourself.
You have been able to observe the conscious and the deeds of the human being tuned in an animal-like way in all the phases.
The naked reality was shown to you.
And this was the intention, all this misery had to open your eyes and it did.
All of mankind has learned this life lesson: Never again may so much power be given to one soul on Earth!
Furthermore, it now knows that it must stop robbery and profiteering and build up an existence.
It must now at least know, as well as every building which was not elevated according to the laws of our life, is doomed to destruction and unhappiness.
He who practises honesty in everything and accomplishes the good, will stand before the gates of the ‘Kingdom of God’.
Do not let yourself be broken now by the misery, weeping until your tears run dry does not help.
Know that behind the piles of rubble the future beckons.
The empty carry-on of the Earth then falls away from you.
By serving everyone can create an own condition.
Anyone who works for the individual, the masses and mankind with his head raised, will experience that God watches over him.
Every soul will now feel the necessity, go further and thank God that it belongs to the living.
And the masses and mankind feel it like that.
The great masses have also learned that it must not be like that any longer.
The horrors also opened its eyes.
All its hatred will dissolve, it was only dominant temporarily.
The masses have also learned that only love can bless the earthly existence.
Anyone who feels this is ready for the material and spiritual construction!
Moses once started this construction, many other prophets and fighters followed him, all of them devote their own life to this.
Christ did this.
He gave all of himself in order to make you happy.
Until now the earthly conscious has not understood the range of those sacrifices.
But now mankind has awakened.
After all the misery experienced this concept came.
If it had understood this under its own power and in peace and calm, this horror would not have been necessary.
Yet the profit is for you and your people, because this slaughter created spiritual awakening.
In future all your deeds will radiate the consciousness of your good will, because life on Earth will take you into that truth.
By means of violence you obtained this consciousness, by means of the darkness you went to the light!
However, who must now pay for the consciousness you won?
Must Germany be the victim again?
Must the German people be tied again hand and foot?
Must it now be subjugated in such a way that all of the people die?
Then the people of (the House of) Israel would have learned nothing.
The laws of the Age of Christ now reach development.
As destructive as the protocols of Versailles of the year 1918 were drawn up, as constructive the new one will be.
The masters of this side also had those problems in their hands.
They will decide in this, repaying hatred with hatred cannot go on any longer, this belongs to the past.
It leads again to destruction and who in the world can still want this now?!
The German people will be watched over for a long time, but if it has learned enough and knows how to bow its proud head, it will get hold of its own personality again!
The German people will pay for the misdeeds committed, it will have to accept, that its country is being cut to pieces, for the purpose of the countries which were once attacked mercilessly by the German armies.
But one day, when it can be trusted one hundred percent, it will have to be able to take its own life in its hands and serve for (the House of) Israel, peace, calm, prosperity and construction.
God cannot approve, after all, that millions of souls are given up to destruction.
That was necessary in 1918, but now the children of (the House of) Israel, which Germany has, take their country to (the House of) Israel.
When you understand the problems of your time, you climb up to Mount Calvary and you go to Christ.
You can do this now, because you have made amends and given back everything that you stole in past centuries.
The haters and cursers, the shedders of blood may never get a chance under any circumstances or you will return to the jungle stage and this cannot be your intention.
Those rivers of blood were not poured out for that reason, after all!
To repay hatred with hatred took the world to the abyss.
Now it is the first requirement that the peoples try to understand each other, they must feel once and for all that all of them without a single exception are to blame for this war!
This is why the peoples no less than the individual look back desperately at the destructions!
The head must be held up, inspired by a fixed, unshakeable will, the future must be seen in the eye.
The peoples may not remain standing still, may not weep until their tears run dry for those who fell as a sacrifice, because there is no death!
All the people who feel entered our world, they carry on here.
They will awaken as you will, because they will also be helped by the masters.
They will go back to God as you do, when they have made good what done was wrong here.
The individual, the masses and mankind, the masters, Angels from the highest spheres, stand next to you, they will help you with their wisdom and their burning, conscious love.
You will also receive the realisation of how you will have to act after concluding peace through them, their knowledge comes into your life.
The members of state are now also only the pieces on the world chess board, but the masters do not play now in order to beat a dark enemy, the stake is now the material and spiritual construction of the whole world.
And they move set after set with the same certainty as when it was a matter of destroying the heathens.
On this Side lie the documents, which describe how the Earth and mankind will become.
It is called the ‘Book of Life’ and it was written by the highest Masters on this Side, it was brought about by Christ himself.
It belongs to his Age.
It is for everyone on Earth.
It describes how that Age will become.
The Book heralds the new time, it tells how the world will be after the war, then, when the construction has started.
In this sacred Book, which belongs to your life and speaks to your inner life, it says:
‘The peoples of the Earth will reach unity.
They will connect with each other.
In my name the peoples must live on and start the material and spiritual construction.
Anyone who now seeks the wrong, will be excluded.
Anyone who does not love my Name, excludes himself from God’s Kingdom.
Anyone who cannot love after all the misery experienced, is in rebellion against the laws of my Father and will receive what he asks for according to his attitude.’
Christ also says in this Book of Life:
‘Now my Age will start.
I will live again on Earth.
I died for mankind, but I will enter my Own Age with (the House of) Israel.
Anyone who follows me, will enter the ‘Kingdom of God’ during the earthly life.
God blesses all his children.
But anyone who still doubts the laws of God, will have to accept the consequences of it.’
It also says:
‘The peoples of the Earth will reach unity and be as one family in my Name.
Then my children can experience the happiness on Earth and all the peoples of the Earth will live for me, since they follow me.
They will make decisions in my name, it is only that I will bless them.
Love lives in the hearts of my children.
I gave my life to the members of state of (the House of) Israel, I came to Earth for the happiness of all the life of God.
As a result of this evolution the peoples of the Earth have established the ‘Kingdom of God.’
Christ then says:
‘The peoples will possess equal rights, because in my Age not one soul will be excluded.
I want that one works and serves for everyone and that everyone works and serves for one and will love each other.’
You must have noticed, that Adolf Hitler also wanted this.
Hitler therefore received higher thoughts with all that evil?
Yes, through him this high command was brought to Earth, in future you will help to carry it out in the world in Christ’s Name.
It also says:
‘The House of Israel will be established again.
The material and spiritual construction begins from this building.
Then the child of God will see the ‘United Peoples of the Earth.’
That building will take place in the middle of the Earth.
For all the peoples the doors will open, because Christ made this possible at Golgotha.
God’s Son suffered for this consciousness and died for it.
That is the Temple of (the House of) Israel for the peoples of the Earth and he will now radiate pure love.
The wonderful building will be represented by all the peoples.
God lives in this Temple.
The peoples were able to master this, this was achieved by means of all the misery suffered, the debts of the past have been made good.
The building radiates this resurrection.’
If you feel this, then you will understand that even Adolf Hitler did not live for nothing.
Mankind obtained this unity by means of him.
He and Napoleon worked on that!
These souls worked on this light, on this construction, their own past forced them to.
They laid the basis, so that the future could arise on that.
By means of these souls and thousands of others along with them, mankind received this evolution, this awakening.
However, in this battle they were destroyed, because God did not approve that his Life is permanently ruled by evil.
However, as a result of this the masses gained conscious and will now start another life.
Yet those rulers were cursed by mankind!
However, you must accept that they did not live for nothing either.
Even if they killed the life of God, they still had to act according to the laws.
It is the only and true thing which you received from them.
You also know as a result of this that your life was not for nothing either.
The Book of Life now puts all those miseries behind it.
Because life on Earth was blessed by the dying process and the following and new life on Earth.
That is a mercy of God which must be experienced.
You receive your life in order to make good what was done wrong by you in other lives.
That is not possible in one life.
Christ and Golgotha now speak to you.
The accounts from the old past have now been settled.
Mankind begins a new book, which will be written by your future.
However, it repeats to you that you must love each other.
In the book of Christ it says:
‘Peace and Calm will come to Earth and a pleasure in the People.
People must accept my Life!’
Adolf Hitler also wanted to bring you that, but in Germanic style.
He brought Germanic happiness to Earth, but this could not be accepted by the child of (the House of) Israel, this is why it also dissolved again so quickly.
He and his kind brought the darkness.
All these people have attunement to the prehistoric age and they do not belong in your own age.
That was now experienced by all the life on Earth.
The prehistoric feelings have no meaning in the ‘Age of Christ’, it is destruction!
It also says:
‘All the goods of the Earth will now be divided, because the state takes everything into its own hands!
The individual has not understood his own possession.’
Adolf Hitler also spoke about this.
He wanted the treasures of the Earth to be divided, according to him he waged war for this reason.
Now every people will receive the own life universe.
Was this thought given to him by the masters?
It cannot be any different!
It also says:
‘The Mother ensures the preservation of the balance between life and death, it is she who must observe my laws, that is possible through her.
This age is for the mother.
It is motherhood which is the most sacred for the Earth.
As a result of motherhood the disturbance, caused by the war, can be restored.
It is the most sacred gift of God to his children.
I do not need to tell you in what a mean and animal-like way Germany sullied this.
You know that.
But Christ did not die at Golgotha for this.
Christ came to Earth through motherhood.
Through the mother your life also receives connection with the Divine universe.
It is giving life to those who are now torn too soon from their organisms as a result of the war, who were killed as a result of the madness of their leaders.
It also says:
‘The blood will be purified of every contamination (see article ‘Ultimate healing instrument’ on
Woe betide those who think they can produce children for an animal-like attunement, according to the illness of the own garment.’
Those thoughts were also brought forward by the heathen peoples.
But Adolf Hitler and his own kind took drastic measures for the execution of them.
He had all those children of God sterilised.
He denied the creating being and the mother the capacity of reproduction, motherhood!
That the blood must be purified and in the future not be able to fertilise any ill people, is very natural, the Age of Christ does not allow that (see article ‘Ultimate healing instrument’ on
It is material destruction.
It says:
‘The sent ones will work for the ill people and serve them and if necessary devote their own lives.’
In Germany the ill people were gassed.
Hitler thought he could protect his own kind by this and purify the blood.
But that is not possible.
Did his famous doctors know that the human organism was sullied by the centuries and has lost the natural attunement?
All of us in the universe are to blame for this.
It was we ourselves who fertilised a lower grade for the material organism, we passed completely into that life.
As a result of this the own core and the material attunement were lost.
Because our children are also connected again to a lower grade of life and their children did it in their turn.
The natural attunement of our organism was broken by it, that is our own destruction!
Grade after grade was lost and dissolved completely.
Now Adolf Hitler wanted to cultivate pure blood, but the distinguishing of types of race (see article ‘There are no races’ on has lost its meaning.
Those times are past!
We are just too late and it would not have been possible anyway to prevent it.
Hitler and his people nevertheless purified their race and in their own way, they gassed the weak!
The future human being will tackle the purifying of human blood as follows - the ill people will be forbidden to fertilise in order to prevent that ill people produce children in this way.
This is the only thing that people on Earth can do.
As a result of this mankind reaches the healthy stage within a few centuries.
It therefore happens differently than Hitler and his kind could have imagined.
But they lived as demons could not have lived, their actions will become proverbial!
Hitler built up phases, he wants cannon fodder, he wanted to make his people strong and healthy for nothing and nothing else.
The Book of Life also says:
‘In my Age there will be no more ill people, the happiness of my children will be assured then.
All illnesses will dissolve, all illnesses will be conquered in my Age, the masters have already received the means for that.
All the children of God will enjoy my bliss on this Earth.
I died for that.
My father sent me to the Earth for that.’
When I tell you soon about the future human being, you will understand for the first time what the Age of Christ means for you and the life after you.
Hitler brought this evolution, but he did not know how he had to dissolve all that misery.
In Germany people did that in the well-known way.
Yet the peoples of the Earth will reach spiritual awakening as a result of their material destruction and then all these crazy situations will dissolve.
Christ wanted it like this!
God’s Son gave his Own Life for this.
The pure Gospel which was given to you says it.
The new thoughts emerged as a result of this.
(The House of) Israel will observe these laws and inspire the masters of all the peoples with all their actions.
In addition, the peoples will work together and in this way let all the misery suffered dissolve and be forgotten.
In this age the thief, the life and deception will be banished!
Mankind is faced with incredible wonders.
And all those wonders were obtained by the misery experienced.
No one therefore needs to despair.
The Book of Life comes to Earth, mankind will receive rule after rule and experience the laws of them.
And (the House of) Israel will give leadership in this.
Will people forget Adolf Hitler?
Is he no longer thought about?
The Other Side tells you that mankind will think about him!
A time will come that people will forgive him, everything, everything which he did wrong in your eyes!
That sounds satanic for your material hearing.
But we know the laws for his and your life and those of the future human being.
We know that he and other people are victims.
The flowers will be laid on his grave, which were obtained by means of this consciousness, they come forth from the human heart and they are precisely those flowers which Christ loves.
These heart children have meaning for God!
It is God’s will, Christ asks you and your people and the peoples of the Earth to forgive him for it, because he served for your spiritual awakening!
Did Moses and other people not die for that?
Of course, Hitler led the heathen peoples, stood lower for the laws of God than all the other leaders and yet, all of them did one work, even if he and you did not understand that.
He is therefore the torturer for the peoples of (the House of) Israel.
History will have to accept that one day!
That time is now approaching.
Mankind would not have reached blessed evolution without him and under its own power.
Do you understand where your time will take your life?
Where the present problems will bring you?
On the way to our Father’s house we will one day meet each other again and then I want to ask you these questions again.
You will have to admit everything, because then you will belong to the Spheres of Light and you will be one of ours.
You will then also know why Moses lived on Earth again, why all this suffering came and which path was taken.
The Book of Life calls to you:
‘Start with the material and spiritual construction.
Now love everything which lives, it is only then that the Spheres of Light will open to you.
You can then enter your ‘Kingdom of God’.
You will experience the laws of God with each other and no longer destroy anything, you will only build up!
You will return to God as a result of this.
Golgotha awaits you and your people!’
The children of (the House of) Israel will gather together for this.
But now without weapons!!
The life of God will no longer forget itself as the masses.
Now happiness and spiritual knowledge live in all of you and the understanding of the final goal, which is the awakening for your life.
This can be felt tangibly for all of you, you can now already begin with your future kingdom.
Work for that!
Pray for that!
Serve for that and you will receive the heavenly treasures!
What you saw originate on Earth belonged to the darkness.
The other and higher was given to you by the masters on this side.
God wanted that.
When we had to start our cosmic path, God as a Father spoke to his children, we could have seen all of this, but we as human beings did not understand it.
Nevertheless they are now laws which called you and us to the spiritual halt.
When we said goodbye to the Moon, we lived ourselves.
Every wrong deed brought us closer to the human misery.
Now that is over and has been made good.
That would reveal itself to our life in the Age of Christ, you were able to experience that on Earth and we on this side.
We learned all these Divine laws here and had to master them.
It is only then that spiritual awakening followed!
That therefore means that the human being chose to go to the wonders of God as a result of destruction, to faith and to love and the victorious end of your earthly life.
Through the darkness to the light and it is this which was experienced by humanity.
Forgive and forgive!
Christ wanted this, he died for this.
He brought it to Earth.
Do not stand still, look forward!
Have the courage to go further, now know that you have to make good.
You must accept your divine path, not one soul can escape that.
Mix the calm and peace in your heart with that of Christ, it is only then that your life is blessed!
Faith in God the Father, never forget that God is love and will remain Eternally.
Follow Jesus Christ.
Not one soul can escape the laws of God without its life standing still.
Yet know that your own time will be enlightening for the coming centuries and that your age will never be forgotten.
You belong to your own time, your cause and effect brought you to Earth, if not, then you would already have entered our world beforehand.
May the pure love of Christ enter you, this is the longing of all the Angels in our life, because they can only help you then!
Your life will then not have been for nothing!
Give where you can immediate help, bow your head for the life of God and enter the laws which belong to our life, they will take you to the ‘Lord’s Supper.’
Christ will bless the bread for you, he will take complete possession of your life, he will show you his kingdom!
In the Age of Christ the treasures of the Earth will be divided honestly.
In the millions of ages which passed, that was not yet possible, now this can be worked on.
Now the peoples of the Earth will master this personality and astral unity comes to Earth.
You will not yet be able to experience it, but your offspring will receive from God the pleasure in the human being!
So avoid every thought which brings you down.
It will destroy you spiritually.
Never forget to build up.
Do not stand still for piles of rubble, look to the future, the light rays of which already shine upon you.
Do not let your head hang, because there is eternal life.
There is no death!
And God is Love!
Now the ‘Kingdom of God’ comes to Earth.
The Age of Christ now makes a start.
Go into Christ!
Start the construction in his Sacred Life!
We will help you with that, millions of souls on this side are waiting to be able to start their task.
Soon, when I may take you into your future, it will be clear to you why this age conquered evil.
You can actually already know, I was able to explain the laws of it to you, but there is much more, they are wonders, which God will give to the people.
This age speaks to your own heart, to your wife and your child, to your father and mother, not one soul can escape it.
The sacred seriousness of our live has now been brought to Earth.
You are now faced with the eternal now.
You must master faith, love and hope and devote all of yourself.
You will give to and serve all the life of God on Earth and in the universe.
It is God’s will!
God knew that you would return to him, you have now got to know the ‘how’.
God sent Christ to the Earth for this, but how was his Son received?
Yet Christ gave you faith in God, hope and love, the most wonderful gift that God could give you!
Did you go into these Divine laws and did you bow your head to them?
Be honest and now admit that you did not seek God, no less than the Divine treasures, which received light at Golgotha.
You were the living dead!
Which development do you have behind you?
How far has mankind come on the spiritual path?
That cannot be determined on the Earth, you must live on this side for that, however, that can be seen in our world.
This is why I invite you to follow me.
I want to explain how it was possible, that we could see on this side, that the heathen peoples had to lose, however strong they made themselves.
On our side you got to know the personality of mankind.
Follow me and the treasures of the spirit will be handed to you!