The Old Testament

In the Old Testament a God is described, who knows hate, wages war, deforms, abuses, sullies and exterminates his own creatures.
Is that possible, many people ask?
Is it possible that a God who, according to the word of Christ is called a Father of Love, lets his children be slaughtered?
However, while they can no longer accept this revengeful God, the churches preach that the Holy Scripture is law and they force their followers to believe completely in the cruel Ruler of the Old Testament.
Who is now right?
Is God really as the bible writers paint him?
Was he really like that?
Was it he, who led these peoples into war, punished them and brought death and destruction amongst them?
Or have they got it by the right end, who consider it impossible that a God of Love acts so whimsically, cruelly and vindictively?
Anyone who was able to look into life after death, into the reality of things, will also have given you the truth in this respect.
Prepare yourself for wonderful revelations.
What I will gradually tell you is so far-reaching, that you must be spiritually tuned in, in order to be able to comprehend and accept my explanations.
Those who cling to the bible in its present form and to the letter, sit rooted to their pathetic dogmas, will not wish to believe in my revelations.
They will not be able to either.
They still belong to the material grade of feeling and are therefore not capable of thinking spiritually.
Or does it perhaps testify to a higher conscious, which they can still reconcile the cruel God of the Old Testament with the Father of Love, for whom Christ died and whom he spoke about?!
By informing you about the true relationships in the Old Testament, I familiarise you with the awe-inspiring plan which the Highest Master in the astral world already saw before him, when he and his people were at the end of their first cosmic trip.
This Master let his gaze fall over the earthly being, saw his state and understood that this human being had to be helped by him and his people, or he would still live in the same pathetic circumstances, without any understanding of the wonderful, spiritual wonders, which surrounded him.
This Master and his people - how much did they not have to groan themselves in order to gain light, heat and conscious?
This is why their longing to help mankind was so great, to go in front on the so difficult path to spiritual consciousness.
During their own evolution that longing also grew, they realised that they had to devote all of themselves in order to lead the material being away from evil, that he committed in his low grade of life of feeling and thinking.
If they could give the human being better thoughts, could get him to suppress his passions and rages, life on Earth would no longer be so horrible and awful.
However, how should they convince mankind of the law, what kind of strictness they had had to accept on their side?
This law, which said that only the human being who possessed love and was prepared to serve, would be able to enjoy permanent light and heat and happiness.
How should they teach the material being this truth?
Again they gauged mankind, the astral masters and then a gigantic plan arose in them.
They saw that a number of people already lived on Earth amidst evil, who were open to the higher life.
They now wanted to gather these souls, forge them together to a fixed core, until it would have finally become so strong and wonderful led by powerful leaders and with astral help, that it could impose its will on the evil part of mankind that stood in the way of the spiritual construction of the world.
Oh, they knew very well that mankind would have to wade through oceans of suffering with the execution of this awe-inspiring plan; after all, war after war would be necessary, in order to help the good core to power, which had to serve to dominate the malicious people.
However, without conscious leadership of this the low passions which raged in the human being, would bring him even more terrible and awful misery and this misery would have been immensely much longer!
Led by their longings to take the human being spiritually so high that he would make a heaven of his life on Earth, the masters on the Other Side intervened in his existence and took it into their strong, conscious hands.
Who, I ask you now, spoke to the patriarchs, who spoke to Noah, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to Moses?
Was it God?
No, readers, they were - and you will already have understood it - the masters of the Other Side!
They spoke to the men, whom they had appointed as leaders of the tribe of Israel, the tribe who, having become big and strong, would have to take on the evil elements amongst mankind.
Why did they call themselves God then, I already hear you ask.
This is the answer: If the masters had revealed themselves as astral beings, they would never have accepted them.
In their supernatural apparition the human being could not help seeing God.
The masters consciously left it like that and strengthened the feeling in the human being that he saw God himself, that one and Almighty God, whom the human being must choose from now on above the many gods and half-gods, whom he worshipped.
I will soon also have more than enough opportunity to go into the wonderful plans of the masters and the executors of this.
I now want to - be it briefly - have a closer look at the Old Testament for everything, which comes to stand in a very different light, as a result of what I told you.
There is truth in the descriptions which the bible writers give with regard to the foundation and completion of the House of Israel, but not only the truth, often their fantasy has run amok or they embroider the facts.
They then wanted to overwhelm mankind, as their God of revenge also did.
The story of Noah, for example, who remains with his little herd, while the rest of mankind perishes, is a story exaggerated by the bible writers, the reality of which is different.
So these are very briefly the facts!
There was truly a flood, but millions of people knew nothing about it.
A third of the Earth was washed under at that time.
Only partly informed of the reality, the bible writers then gave a dramatic picture of a flood, which was said to have been unleashed by God in order to punish sinful mankind for the evil committed.
However, God had nothing to do with the whole event.
This flood was the result of the development which Mother Earth experienced.
As a result of these natural laws, natural occurrences, the human being was often forced during those times to leave to other safer places.
People met death as a result of this, however, the masses remained alive, as so many other natural disasters show.
God’s creation did not come into danger for one moment, mankind had to live on and return to God.
Nothing could prevent its evolution.
The Earth never experienced a cooling down or heating up in its whole area, nor was it ever flooded for the main part.
This was completely excluded.
Neither was a second creation possible.
The bible indicates a second creation and pleads, that the whole human race descends from Noah’s sons.
This claim is contradictory to history, because I already said that millions of people did not notice anything of that flood and in this way it is also contradictory to the Divine laws for creation.
God created his life in order to evolve ceaselessly and to return to him in this way.
To have this life exterminate except for a handful of people to then just create it again, would go against his own plan.
The bible writers do speak the truth, as they testify of Noah, that he acted under a higher guidance.
They were the masters of the Other Side, who inspired him and safely brought him to a place where he could do fruitful work and namely for the purpose of the House of Israel, which the masters were busy elevating.
He had to radiate spiritual influence to his environment, see that he released people from passion and violence and try to forge them together to one core, on which the masters would be able to build their plans.
What the bible writers are able to tell about the animals is not true either.
If Noah had had to take along a pair of all the existing species in his ark, that thing would have gone down with all hands.
Noah’s life therefore had a spiritual meaning, he served the House of Israel and was in the hands of the astral masters.
After him other leaders would come, builders such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and others, who helped to elevate the House of Israel by devoting their whole personality and to write the rich, significant history of this House with their sweat and blood.
What is the House of Israel?
It is the House, to which everyone belongs who believes in one God and loves everything that lives.
The heathens would go to pieces up against this House and as a result of this House they will get to know the truth with regard to God and his sacred laws, as a result of this House they will master love.
You cannot move a foot on Earth, or you walk the path, where the blood of the children of (the House of) Israel has flown.
The children of this House gave their blood for the awakening of mankind, for the spiritual unity amongst the peoples of the earth.
God did not have any part in this, it was the human being himself who had to take action here - as a result of which he could also show his conscious.
They were the masters of the Other Side, who went before the child from the House of Israel, led, inspired and breathed life into it.
As was said, the bible writers knew nothing about all these wonderful, supernatural events.
It is not my intention to follow the Old Testament in this way.
I was ordered to give you a picture of the evolution of mankind.
You can now reread the bible using this new information and determine that it gains reality as a result of this!
In the first place you will get to see God differently.
He is not that God of revenge and damnation, for whom millions of religious people tremble and shake, but he is a Father of Love.
God is not a person either.
God is Life!
All life in the universe, it is God!
God is nature, God is planet, God is elementary power, God is law, God is everything!
It is the masters of the Other Side who, supported by their cosmic conscious, by means of their knowledge of the astral laws, by means of their love, took a hold of the earthly event.
They spoke to Abraham, to Jacob, to Moses, they brought the well-meaning elements amongst mankind together and elevated their power outwards.
They thereby made use of the characteristics of the people still tuned to violence and destruction; but guided that in the right direction and made it subordinate to their far-reaching plans.
Much of what drove these still awkward and unconscious instruments can therefore be traced back to the masters.
The children of the House of Israel were often still cruel and blood thirsty, however, a good core stuck in them and as a result of this they were open to higher spiritual objectives.
The master had to work with this material.
I will now tell you how they nevertheless reached their goal, and the description of Moses’ life awaits us there as the very first.