Spiritual awakening of the individual, the masses and mankind

The personality of mankind has attunement to the Land of Twilight and therefore stands as the souls there for spiritual evolution, for the awakening in the spirit, because the Land is Twilight is actually still a hell.
In this world the life still does not possess any love and it must therefore awaken in it.
The life of God does not find any peace here, it wants to go further, higher, in order to reach the intended object, the first sphere.
It is only then that the soul enters the ‘Divine Kingdom’.
Since the Land of Twilight is the attunement for the individual, the masses and mankind, they stand for releasing themselves from the unconscious self.
It is for our life the fight against all the evil characteristics, which no one can escape, but also the return to God.
Wherever God’s life is to be found in the universe, it is busy awakening and getting to know his laws.
It is only then, when those dark spheres have been conquered, that peace and quiet comes for the soul and it can consciously begin the higher life.
The spiritual awakening takes the soul life into all the Divine laws and they must be mastered.
The personality now comes forward, it goes through the darkness to the light, from grade to grade, material and spiritual.
The individual takes hundreds of years to do it, for the masses it takes even longer and for mankind it took millions of centuries, before it had reached this attunement.
What is needed for the spiritual awakening, borders on the incredible and yet the masses must go forward, continually further, higher and higher, where the ‘Kingdom of God’ waits.
The individual can soon leave this sphere; when the soul has started the construction, the life of God in all these worlds serves, this is the case in a short time.
But it costs the own personality as a stake and in addition the full hundred percent of willpower, so that bowing heads is learned.
However, in this state the soul life conquers all the evil characteristics and only then feels master over himself!
The unconscious life there loves itself.
Do you not also know this phenomenon on Earth?
Is the individual there perhaps different and can the masses and mankind witness that it stands above self love?
This is not the case.
This is therefore the spiritual gauge, the spiritual attunement for the masses and mankind.
All the souls in this state live for themselves.
That cursed self continually dominates the good and this is why they fight here on Earth for life and death in order to conquer that evil.
Your dreadful slaughtering, the terrible suffering and sorrow were born from that, which the whole of mankind now has to accept.
The spoilt and self-satisfied self must be broken down on this side, it is only then that the soul bows its head to the laws of God and the life of Christ gets meaning.
But what must be broken down here, must experience the same fate on Earth and a war takes care of this, which destroys life and possessions on a large scale and with furious violence.
The soul life wants to go further, wants to change itself and all that suffering serves for this purpose, that is why that struggle for life and death originated.
All of mankind now experiences that.
God did not want such a thing, God gave us everything!
But we just lived wildly.
Millions of souls created an own hell for themselves by means of that unconscious way of life, by searching for passion and wanting to live it up, no one was able to stop them.
However, one day the succumbing and weeping comes, as little children do and remorse has awakened.
Why does the life on Earth not listen to Christ?
Did all of us act differently?
Now that we know how the spheres can be reached, the Other Side comes to the Earth in order to protect mankind from even greater disaster.
Just learn from us, we have got to know those laws and were able to master them.
Do not continue to refuse obstinately: it will cost you your life happiness.
On Earth the individual listened to the words of Christ, the masses and mankind remained deaf and blind to the wonders of God.
Prayers were mumbled to Christ by the ice-cold, sober self.
The human being of this Land of Twilight went on Earth to the church, lay kneeled and prayed and yet God did not hear these prayers.
But they also only loved their stone building, they only mumbled words!
Praying and begging and yet not being heard, must have meaning.
This meaning lives here.
All those souls did not know God and they did not love, they only followed the dead word.
However, God demanded deeds!
They prayed and did not actually experience anything.
Their inner life remained misty and cold like this sphere.
They still had to awaken for all the laws of God and their own characteristics.
One prayed more than the other, yet they did not see each other again.
They were not the true Christians.
They are even merciless towards their own kind.
The Catholic hates the Protestant and the other way round and yet both say they believe in the same God.
This is why they live in this sphere, in this Land of Twilight.
Mankind is like your Protestant and Catholic, they pray and at the same time hate and even go into battle in order to kill the members of their own church.
Mankind must experience awakening in this.
If the attunement of mankind had been the first sphere, there would have been no more peoples who sought evil, but the mastering of the first sphere still has to begin.
That will only come after the battle, then it will be possible for people to raise their heads and to kneel down in the Name of God, for Golgotha and Christ.
If spiritual awakening comes, all those millions will start to work on the better self, for which thousands sacrificed themselves in this war, consciously and unconsciously.
Yet both grades of life are wrong for this world, because God does not want life to be destroyed, for whatever purpose.
Golgotha will tell you it!
This awakening cost mankind rivers of blood and the individual all his powers, until collapse followed.
It is not possible to follow an ostrich policy for our life, that is only possible on Earth.
Anyone who thinks he can do that, already attunes himself in advance to one of the hells and is denying himself.
He is in conflict with our life and the own world, to which he is attuned.
Life after death is true, here lies and deception or mitigation will no longer help you, mankind went through a sea of misery for their own good.
Hundreds of people of one colour live here and those masses help the individual.
You also see that on Earth.
On Earth mankind draws the masses to one situation and that is in order to conquer evil.
Mankind now dominates, the masses and the individual must follow.
The better self of mankind now speak for Christ and the spiritual awakening, which no one on Earth expected.
On this side we have been able to see that for centuries, because we know the inner life of this enormous personality.
That elevating lasted millions of centuries for mankind.
When Moses received the faith the Spheres of Light had already been achieved.
That means that the awakening in the spirit was continually experienced, even if it was only through the individual.
The individual took possession during all those millions of centuries of the All and returned to God.
Then the masses followed.
Now mankind wants to awaken!
Is this not a joyful phenomenon?
All those souls devoted the best of themselves for this purpose and now you cannot escape from this in your life.
Every sphere has its own aura on this side, according to the inner conscious, because it is the personality which sends out the own life fluid.
The hells and the heavens are elevated from this and everything originated which we are able to see here as condensed substance.
And that substance is eloquent, because we our own life attunement in it.
We see all our previous lives again, at least if the awakening has entered us.
Outside of the spiritual awakening our own self is living dead, we pray and mumble, we love the stone church building on Earth and in addition even hate the other self of God.
The personality on this side radiates the achieved life attunement and warms the other life by means of it.
In this Land of Twilight there is nothing to radiate, the life still has to master that light.
That light is misty here.
Is it different on Earth?
Do you know the life aura of mankind?
Is it the heat which comes to you and do you feel blessed by this mentality?
Do you really feel happy on Earth?
Who can say that?
Who feels the bliss on Earth of the first sphere, of the ‘Kingdom of God’?
Who feels warmed by the sanctity of Golgotha?
Did Christ not give you that on Earth?
Or does Golgotha perhaps radiate an animal-like conscious?
But what does it matter to you and your church?
It takes you to the Divine laws of our life, for which you must bow your head and which you must master during your life on Earth.
It is the Other Side, the Angels from the highest heavens who came back to the Earth, because they also experienced your earthly life.
Millions of souls must experience the awakening in the spirit and that can never happen under the own power.
You need help for this!
Christ gave his Own Life for this.
We do not do any differently and in this way mankind will now reach awakening.
Gauge your inner life and feel whether you still belong to this Land of Twilight.
Work out in yourself what characteristics refuse, restrain them, break down inside you what can keep you back, or the ‘Kingdom of God’ will not open to you.
Be creative, build up and do not descend again into all that misery, the earthly life is just temporary.
Do not let yourself be enslaved in the spirit, think of yourself!
If you act like this, you will already be one of us and the higher spheres will be open to you.
Spiritual awakening will then have entered you.
Your will to bow your head is seen by your own kind and life attunement and it comes to your aid.
And Christ now places both his Hands on your head and blesses the conscious self.
The Spheres of Light originated as a result of this.
Then you will build on the decorating of our buildings, because your stones have now received spiritual meaning.
Now your prayer is heard. You love everything which lives for that matter and you are open to the life of God.
Just look the unconscious life on Earth in the eye.
What can you see?
Just follow these souls in their comings and goings.
What do you see?
Do you now know this life attunement?
Which mentality now speaks to your own life?
Can that conscious give you spiritual awakening?
Is your minister, who speaks about a God of damnation, capable of helping you?
Or is your priest a spiritual conscious being, who threatens just as harshly with hell and damnation?
These souls are the living dead and still have to awaken.
In those eyes you can see neither light nor conscious, you only see spiritual poverty there.
The coldness in those eyes petrifies you, they are cold like their prayers and their church buildings in which they believe and want to find a God of Love.
However, Golgotha remains misty for them!
This is caused by their own conscious; it is only if they make sure that they get to know the happiness of life, that true love will shine from them and their own life aura will change.
The mirrors of the soul tell you what is experienced inside, what the personality strives for and what the characteristics have to say with regard of the eternal life after death.
The mirrors of the soul shine or they send out their hatred and they point at the same time to a world on this side, to a hell or a heaven.
There are people in this Land of Twilight, who continue to lie down apathetically, not capable of beginning the awakening and for the present just continue to sleep.
Until the wonder begins to speak for them as well and they feel themselves shaken awake.
The majority of these people feel the subconscious, however, millions of souls have been busy fighting themselves and fighting against the evil in their lives.
All those characteristics must be conquered!
There are people in this Land of Twilight, who can release themselves from the earthly existence, they still surrender themselves to those material feelings.
Yet they will also reach spiritual awakening one day and will then start on the construction of themselves.
Converted into figures for the Earth they only form five percent.
Fifteen percent want to return to the Land of Hatred, namely Germany, Italy and Japan, which peoples do not yet wish to awaken.
Russia and other peoples are to be found in a very different state and they will become clear to us soon.
Eighty percent of mankind wants to awaken and now calls the unconscious part to the spiritual halt.
This is the child of (the House of) Israel.
These peoples go one path and have already been helped in that for centuries.
This is the attunement of the large masses and you can follow this on Earth and as we record this.
All those grades of life now live spread out on Earth, they must prove what they really want.
There is now just one path to walk, the Age of Christ has already eliminated all other paths!
Allowing this used to be difficult, this is no longer the case.
This is why this battle was so dreadful.
It is bowing your head before God or accepting the darkness.
The people in this Land of Twilight accept on Earth a God who can damn and with that conviction they enter the astral world after their death.
Here their conscious for a God of Love still has to awaken.
That damnation lives in their own life, because God does not damn.
On Earth it has already kept them back, they did not become released from their unconscious self as a result of that outlook and therefore also enter an unconscious world in our life.
That is this Land of Twilight!
Now they must learn that God is only love and then the spiritual awakening follows of its own accord.
On this side they ask where Christ lives, they want to see Christ.
People told them that on Earth, but the laws of our life have another meaning than their minister thought.
They seek here for their clergymen, but they cannot answer either, they also still have to awaken.
On Earth they were convinced of Christ’s life and now, having arrived on the other side, they do not find Christ.
An enormous disappointment is the result and then they weep like children, because they feel that people on Earth have cheated them.
The Catholics seek here for their priest and also want to go to confession here and receive the sacred communion, but he misses his accessories here and seeks himself.
He must also still awaken in the spirit.
The astral laws have not been understood on Earth, people know little about them and then Christ brought you the Holy Gospel.
You must listen to them one day, those people poor in spirit, it is only then that you will understand how necessary it is that all these abuses dissolve.
The awakening for the astral world stands still as a result of this.
The human being is curbed as a result of this.
That earthly ignorance keeps the ‘Kingdom of God’ closed off for the soul life.
People on Earth learn misconceptions.
People teach the child of God, the adult human being, matters which no longer have any meaning, but nevertheless have to be learned.
The church proves as a result of this to know nothing about our life.
In the future that will be different, you will soon get to know that.
The masters are working on a grand plan for the Earth.
All the peoples of (the House of) Israel will receive spiritual wisdom, the Other Side has contact with the Earth and our instruments already live there.
The human being in this Land of Twilight wants to know all about God.
Here people no longer threaten with damnation, the life can awaken without superstition.
All those souls have been deeply affected by the dominating unconsciousness on Earth, the ignorance, which deforms the life for the astral world.
Exactly as on earth the inner life feels that there is a God, but on Earth people do not reach the trueness of God.
However, here we can answer their questions.
Now conscious enters them.
Asking questions alone does not help them on this side, if we want to awaken in the spirit, we must serve the life of God.
Christ himself gave the example and devoted his own life for this.
That is the conquering of the lower grade of life and giving all of ourselves!
Death on Earth would be able to mean a great deal to this life, but anyone who is living dead inside cannot see during this gigantic process, the astral eyes shut themselves.
Having passed away they arrive here and they finally sleep themselves awake, then the questioning follows.
Not one of all these millions of souls has served in the Land of Twilight, because anyone who serves lives in Christ and those souls go higher and experience the sacredness to which they have attunement.
During the earthly life they got to know themselves and the life of God.
If only mankind knew that there is an eternal life without an eternal damnation, then the earthly life would soon change, because this conscious immediately takes you to spiritual awakening.
Your society would change immediately and love would enter the human heart.
Now that the Age of Christ has started, this amazing attunement and knowledge passes over your world and this will elevate mankind to the spiritual existence.
The material development has stopped the spiritual inspiration.
However, now that the masses feel for Christ and want to promote justice, this is changing.
The satanic children of your Earth suck themselves full from the Jews and the child of (the House of) Israel, but enter their own hell after the earthly life.
The cold-blooded skinning of God’s life will be accounted for by them, here those people will be faced with their own evil and they will have to accept their darkness.
For them spiritual awakening has not yet come, that will still take centuries.
The children of (the House of) Israel are disgusted by this conscious and thank God, the masses see that this is not a civilisation.
All of this tells you that other times will come.
Evil has not yet occurred so intensely and destructively, in all those centuries which passed evil was not able to show itself in such a way.
However, the satan now feels that his kingdom will collapse and makes every effort.
The devil wages war against Christ.
That is your war of now!
The devil sees that mankind wants to awaken and now urges his own kind to violate the life of (the House of) Israel and to kill it if necessary.
And you see how these children of satan keep house.
It is outrageous how these souls are.
They think up the most incredible things in order to torture the Jew or Christian, who refuses to obey their orders.
That is devil’s work!
And anyone who follows these individuals, cannot love God.
How long will it take before these people awaken spiritually?
They violate the life of God, men and women act as executioner.
Is it so difficult to understand that kind?
If one person is capable of thoroughly destroying the other person, then the lowest hell is talking to you.
Now the good masses want to follow Christ!
Is this feeling not the possession of those from the first sphere?
That points to the awakening for our life, it is the following of Golgotha and the accepting of a God of Love.
Now you can see from the phenomena, that the hells live it up, the devil senses that his time has passed.
It took millions of centuries before it was that far and evil ruled on Earth for all those centuries, but for this battle the higher enters the human being.
Finally you can soon celebrate your spiritual Circus on Earth, because then you will be faced with the true pleasure!
Those who are now tortured on Earth, must not start to hate, because then they would attune themselves again to the Land of Hatred.
If all those people can surrender to God and Christ, spiritual awakening shows itself and they enter the first sphere.
Remember that a God does not allow his children to be hurt if it possesses its own karma!
What you now experience by means of Hitler’s kind, has to do with your own karma and serves to reach spiritual awakening.
If that is understood properly by you, the Angels of our life come out to you and bring you the spiritual message, because you have elevated yourself into our life.
This is why this war can mean spiritual gain for countless people, while it takes other people to the darkness, because in this century the accounts from the past are settled.
In the first sphere the soul life lives for Christ and the fellow human being.
These souls have come so far and they devote their own lives to that spiritual possession.
However, those people also live on Earth, who serve, your own time speaks about them.
These people no longer lie and cheat, this mentality looks at everything and can accept.
These people are conscious of the laws of God and calmly continue in order to achieve spiritual awakening in a higher grade of life.
The human being from the first sphere has got to know Golgotha and now knows, that the earthly life is to awaken.
These millions already possess the own ‘Kingdom of God’ and live consciously in this sacredness.
They know that mankind on Earth must experience this struggle, because they also had to prepare themselves one day for going upwards, which cost them a great deal of suffering and sorrow.
They conquered the lower self and entered the ‘Kingdom of God’.
Not one of these millions of souls would be able to kill another human being.
They give all of themselves for Christ!
What does mankind do now?
Is mankind also prepared to die for justice?
It can be established from this that our life and the earthly are one state.
Both worlds follow one path in order to reach spiritual awakening.
The incredible suffering which is now experienced on Earth, was brought about by the unconscious self.
That unconscious and dominating self life is now conquered, the masses and mankind want to go higher and earn spiritual conscious.
Now the unconscious self on Earth is cursed, because it tortures the masses.
This unconscious self is merciless.
This unconscious self takes you back to the prehistoric age, tortures you in the concentration camps and raises its hand to greet you, which is demonic!
That empty and meaningless self tries to hide the own and true personality, pretends to be nice, but lies and cheats, as this has never happened before.
Although, as I already said, it is still a certain percentage which still follows this conscious, it no longer has any meaning for the astral laws, because the Land of Hatred has been conquered.
That unconscious self now acts the executioner, everyone who feels called to that, gets the whip in his hands and keeps whacking away, until the Jew and the child of (the House of) Israel falls down.
Does mankind not see that this is the enemy of (the House of) Israel, which is busy destroying the better self?
Must that which all the cursed centuries knew continue?
What occurs is the settlement with the evil self, the cosmic judgement has been made, because God wants all his children to return to him.
This century speaks to your own life, to your grade of conscious, to your better self!
Now you must know yourself how you must act, whether you want to serve the devil or Christ.
The man of the deepest evil in the universe acts the executioner over you and your people, over the masses and mankind.
However, that is his business.
God is watching!
How terrible his karma already is now, because the war is still not over, you will feel of course.
This soul, which is one spark of God, stands opposite billions of souls and sparks and wages war against them.
If this unconscious being had reflected, then the stars and planets would have been able to tell him that in this century evil must lose.
However, the executioner of mankind did not know better.
This man did not violate one law, but millions of laws.
This soul finds that Christ has no meaning.
This man therefore hits out where he can, but the more he hits, the more beautiful the Age of Christ becomes, which is now awakening!
This soul does not know that he will achieve the opposite to what he has in mind, this soul does not know the ‘Ten Commandments’, the Ten laws of God for all life have no meaning for it.
This empty self still has to awaken.
The Land of Hatred has been conquered and mankind now sees the first rays of light from the first divine sphere.
And this is the hold, this is the support for this struggle, or the executioner of mankind would still conquer.
Mankind looks at Jerusalem.
It is Golgotha as a result of which these masses are inspired.
Mankind now proves for the first time that it is sacred seriousness to the children of (the House of) Israel.
And the individual, the masses must accept that!
If you also soon forget the dreadful process, keep the will to serve from now on, work further on yourself and on other people, the Other Side will help you when you are dying.
The souls in this Land of Twilight have to go further and higher, but the majority of them cannot yet forgive or forget.
And as a result of this their life stands still.
They continue to think about everything which they knew and loved on Earth, but which has now gone from them, which has remained behind on Earth, while they passed over to another world.
This continuing to mourn is their destruction in this life, they do not reach awakening.
If the earthly conscious continues to dominate there, then it can take a very long time before awakening follows.
Both this century and the laws of life therefore also require you to put what you experienced behind you, all of us who reached the Spheres of Light had to do that.
The old is still dear to them, because they do not yet know the new.
They recoiled from this new one.
That mourning can also be heard on Earth, but know then that God has put aside more for all his Life and that the first sphere and yet six more heavens await you.
After the Land of Twilight the first sphere beckons to you and it can be reached by serving the life of God!
In our life the lower self must be fought and it costs a great deal of struggling and effort before it is conquered.
It is the powerful halt, call to all the danger in yourself.
This low self has taken the human being downhill for centuries.
This cursed own product, this rattling personality, that human monster must be conquered, it is only then that peace and calm will come into yourself and to Earth.
In this way mankind must conquer the Germanic self, which is loved by the devil and his kind.
That lowering personality, these cursed instincts have reached full conscious in your time and want to dominate the good.
However, we here know that (the House of) Israel, that Christ will conquer!
In order to return to God the soul life must get to know and love the Divine spark, it is only then that the cosmic inspiration, which Christ spoke about during his earthly life, will be received.
It is that power, by means of which the soul descends into this Land of Twilight to the darkness in order to help the unconscious child of God.
If this feeling to help other people has entered into your life, you no longer need to be afraid, you are then busy awakening.
Then you know death.
Death now no longer has any meaning for your life and you already live on Earth eternally.
However, in this Land of Twilight there are millions of souls living, who do not even know that they have died on Earth.
And that is also very natural, because they possess a God of revenge and destruction, whom they learned to accept in their church.
And since there is no light in this life, the unconscious dominates this life, thousands of characteristics still have to awaken, they weep like little children for their lost happiness.
They believe that an illness has taken them from their everyday environment and that people have put them in a hospital.
Even after their death they still feel sick.
Of course all these people are helped.
There are still sisters and brothers present who want to convince them of this life.
But many people do not even want to accept that help.
Because they think that they have been put in hospital, they shout at everyone who approaches and want to convince them that they have died.
They let rip in a dreadful way at those, from whom they assume that they belong to a different faith.
They hold them responsible for their condition.
These people must be left alone, they will soon come to ask for help for their own accord and we can help them to awaken for this life.
These people will need many centuries to reach astral conscious.
People must convince them of everything which must be let go of, because it belongs to the material conscious and is ballast for this life.
On Earth they went under as a result of these characteristics, they even created all this astral misery themselves.
These people just walk around a bit in the misty sphere of the Land of Twilight and think about all the earthly things, which they do not want to see an end to.
Their whole life is confused, they feel materially and spiritually apathetic.
A grade lower and we enter the psychopathic conscious, those souls also live in this world.
When the sisters and brothers speak to such people and want to convince them of the astral laws, they make off, because they do not want to know anything about these blasphemies.
What those brothers and sisters have to say is devils work, and yes, that is ... that is ...!
They do not want anything to do with that.
In this way these souls are frozen in their dogmas.
How extremely difficult it is to elevate these souls from this unconscious and to convince them of the state in which they live, you can judge, when you have been able to follow them for yourself one day.
They do not accept one of all the facts which they are faced with in this new life, since people on Earth have driven them mad with talk of a hereafter, which only existed in the fantasy of their clergymen.
If you only knew how terrible their disillusionment is to have to accept, that everything is literally different, then you can determine how the church mutilates the soul life of God.
They do not dare to think of anything else and find it dreadful, that in the hospital in which they think they are, there is no cross hanging up.
However, we do not know that in our life, we live in reality and have got to know Christ differently.
They keep on asking themselves why it is so unchristian here, but they meanwhile refuse to accept the astral laws.
It takes a long time before these souls reach spiritual awakening.
And the churches and clergymen are to blame for this; they deformed God’s laws and adapted them to their own low conscious.
And a result of this they destroy the inner life of these believers.
Their suffering is so terrible that they want to be dead and they do not know that they entered this life as a result of death ...
They also ask here for food and drink and just find life dull, because there is nothing going for them.
This personality is thirsty and wants to have nice food, although they do not need any food or drink for the astral world.
These feelings and longings belong to the material world, which they have not yet been able to say goodbye to.
All those souls must therefore release themselves completely from their earthly life of thoughts and awaken for this life.
They want to go home.
They ask where the doctor is and think consciously of the illness as a result of which they entered this life.
They long to see the family members who will come to visit them.
They now think that they are recovering and will soon be discharged as cured.
When people try to convince them that they have died on Earth, they shrug their shoulders and cannot accept it.
We convince them of this life by connecting them with their family members who have already left the Earth before.
Recognition follows and now they are faced with the facts!
They cry until their tears run dry and now only feel thoroughly, that they have lost everything of the Earth.
Yet they continue to yearn for all the beautiful things of the earth which have no meaning in this life.
In this way we experience thousands of states here, which all result from the personality of people who must still awaken for the Other Side.
The human being in this Land of Twilight is like a small child, because he has discarded hatred and rough violence, or he would still belong to the lower hells.
It is difficult to convince this child as an adult of the laws of God and yet they must accept this one day.
It is only then that we can convince them of all the wrong in their life, after which the personality is faced with a fight for life and death - the empty and yet dominating personality must still be conquered.
It is wonderful to get to know all these different types of people in the Land of Twilight.
Making a study of this takes you to unlimited possibilities, a field of work which takes you centuries.
Many people on this side therefore surrender themselves completely to these souls and therefore earn their own and higher grade of life.
This study is cosmically deep, because all the people, who still belong to one sphere, possess an own world, not one human being is like the millions of other people, every life represents a cosmic depth.
The terrible thing here is that everyone speaks their own language.
As a result of this there is still no question of a spiritual conversation, which is the spiritual unity from feeling to feeling, as a result of which the earthly way of speaking no longer has any meaning.
It is the passing over into everything and into each other’s lives.
These souls speak to each other through feeling.
It is only in the first sphere that one life understands the other and they sense each other’s speaking.
Now they still help themselves according to the earthly languages.
No change has come in their material conscious.
I do not need to tell you that the sisters and brothers who have to convince them of this life, speak to them in their own language.
Now there is contact and the spiritual construction can be started.
This Land of Twilight is deep and true, as all the hells and heavens are, it places you before the material and astral laws.
It has enormous meaning, even if it is a hell, an unconscious world.
Anyone who stands spiritually higher and can enter the first sphere as the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’, is of course separate from the Earth and has mastered this heaven by serving the life of God.
But who on Earth is that far?
They are spirits of love.
What comes from their hands, carries their own inspiration, their lives are aimed at helping the unconscious child of God onwards.
For this task all those people give the own personality.
It speaks volumes again, that most of the people who enter the first sphere, already carry out a spiritual task on Earth.
How many different tasks can you not complete on Earth, which actually have no meaning for the astral world?
In this world pub landlords are no longer needed, nor your butchers, hundreds of those trades tell you that these people carry out material work and do not know spiritual surrender.
These people therefore have the most difficult time here, because they have brought along their dead life from the Earth.
They must release themselves from it.
And that releasing is not so simple, even if people think and say on Earth, that people are immediately prepared to take up something else.
These souls have tuned themselves into their work all their lives and then they are not so easily released from their material thinking and feeling.
Other people, who, for example, have carried out a task as doctors and nurses, people who already served their whole earthly life, can soon be reached in the Land of Twilight and therefore soon carry on here.
Again they devote themselves to all the life of God and reach the first sphere as a result of this.
It is only in the first sphere that the earthly academic can continue his study.
That is not possible in the Land of Twilight, there are no laboratories to be found here.
The spiritual awakening on this side is therefore necessary, otherwise your life will stand absolutely still here!
The great happiness for you as a earthly being is always to be ready for the life here, you now do not lose any time and now already experience the amazing laws of the process of dying and the passing over to here.
The moaning which is attached to that becoming released, is then far from you.
Awakening on this side hurts, shocks the conscious thinking and feeling and the personality must deal with all of that.
Development on this side means suffering, entails great sorrow, since all that new and higher here unravels your life.
Nevertheless, you are helped in this by a personality, similar to yours, a sister or a brother, a mistress or master for this life.
It is sacred to go together with them!
When learning these life lessons you clearly feel yourself sitting at the feet of your master.
You travel the universe with him or her, if the laws of our life must reveal themselves to you.
Because everyone goes a different way in order to reach awakening.
What you are full of, must leave you, this is the very first thing which we start here, we destroy you completely, but are capable of building up a very different personality.
That building up is amazing, because we can then convince you of all the laws of God.
This is why the Land of Twilight is also just the same as a heaven for the earthly conscious.
In this sphere you are conscious, here you live, while on Earth you were asleep.
Books could be filled on this and all that material is extremely interesting and especially educational, since human kinds of the Earth are together here.
You meet all the peoples, nationalities and religions here, poor and rich, learned and illiterate, all the social states live here and speak to your own grade of conscious.
Just imagine this.
This cannot be experienced on Earth.
The Land of Twilight has therefore actually become a university town.
The people form little groups and in this way it can happen, that there are some who possess an opinion of the world and prepare themselves for a study.
You will certainly feel that the bearers of those theories and their followers are living dead.
When their eyes finally open a bit more, their companions fall away, realising that the life here is no longer of the Earth, but demands the awakening in the spirit.
This soul life sees the way, the truth and the life before him, for which Christ died.
Here you live in the truth and if you feel here as you felt on Earth, this must change.
It is therefore most certainly important which trade you chose on Earth.
You must do everything here to be in harmony with infinity.
Numerous laws now speak to your life and own conscious and require analysis.
Your sport, for example, is wonderful, as long as it does not dominate you in anything, otherwise you are already in conflict with our life, with your world after death!
I told you, we experience all those states and achieve our higher conscious as a result of them.
Not one soul who represents the heavens, came there outside of the Land of Twilight.
All the life in the universe of God went through this Land of Twilight to the higher worlds, because here the truth speaks to the life.
In this sphere we follow and experience the grades of life of the Earth and now come to the spiritual revelation of them, which is the awakening in the spirit.
The spirit in the Land of Twilight asks questions like your own child.
This adult human child, which has now discarded earthly old age, wants to know.
And it receives that knowledge from us only if it wants to surrender for a hundred percent.
For all the laws of God which belong to this awakening, the spiritual conscious being who is his master asks full surrender or no change will come and everything will be wasting power.
The earthly being can enter here old and shrivelled, but as he awakens he becomes younger and you see this human being as a forty-year old, the age which has attunement to this sphere.
Spiritual awakening makes the personality younger.
In the first sphere the human being is approximately thirty to thirty-six years old.
The body accepts the age in the spheres.
The higher you come there, the younger the soul body.
You can meet a young man in the highest heavens and yet he is a cosmic master, a conscious being and a sovereign of love.
The higher we go, the closer we come to God, the more our heart becomes younger and it shines as only God can shine!
God does not know any old age!
We want to awaken every soul from the Land of Twilight to the higher worlds and then everything which has no spiritual value must irrevocably disappear from this character.
That is the spiritual construction and the awakening for the first sphere and this applies to the individual, the masses and mankind.
These souls went through death to eternal life, experienced that death - and yet, what did they learn?
Is it not dreadful, that a clergy man also still speaks here about a God of damnation?
Does the spiritual poverty of this emotional life not await you from this viewpoint.
The man speaks all this life about God as about a Father of Love, but then also - how does it rhyme?
– about a God who damns.
Here this soul is faced with his own Land of Twilight, his unconscious self of the Earth.
That man must awaken, the very first on Earth, it is much-needed, because as a result of his dreadful sermon he smothers the awakening for the soul life.
He is one of the living dead and yet he wants to teach the human child on Earth to awaken?
Can you feel how necessary it is that these laws start to speak on Earth?
Can you also feel how awful it is for those who followed them and see themselves disappointed in our world?
It is urgently necessary, that mankind on Earth gets to know the laws of God and those for the own life.
To get to know those laws will appear to be the spiritual awakening for the Age of Christ.
The disciples of the church are desperate, many a minister gets a beating from them, after which he realises for the first time what nonsense he has had to bring as spokesman on Earth.
Those souls must not only awaken materially, but also spiritually.
We can follow the terrible drama here, the awakening of your earthly clergymen is heart wrenching.
Their suffering is dreadful, because must they now believe that this life was lived for nothing?
They want to go back to do it over again, but that returning is not so simple.
They can receive this from God, but then they must have reached the first sphere, an unconscious being is not yet ready for a spiritual task.
There they are conscious for the first time and completely ready to be able to experience this mercy.
If there is an absolute longing in them to return to the Earth, then they dissolve of their own accord and they see themselves born there.
God gives them the male garment.
To get to know these laws makes you awaken, laws which can be earthly, spiritual, cosmic as well as Divine.
We learn all of this in the Land of Twilight.
You bring these laws with you, they are part of your own unconscious self.
It is this war which brings you the sacredness of the spiritual awakening.
Mankind is still unconscious.
But now the great masses experience the spiritual gauging and sensing of the lower personality.
Now the actual will to serve comes forward.
Christ’s life will speak!
That applies to every grade of life.
The spirituality must awaken, their followers reach conscious, then all those souls consciously enter the obtained Kingdom of God.
The Catholic searches here for Our Lord, but does not find anything which looks like a Forecourt.
This soul is broken as a result of this.
However, on Earth people did not teach it any differently.
The Protestant clings to the blood sacrifice, he placed his hands on the wounds of Christ and thinks that he can enter his own heaven.
You must observe these poor souls, if you wish to be able to feel the misery experienced; their inner life is as poor as a church mouse.
This personality is poor in feeling, poor in spiritual knowledge and poor in spiritual knowledge with regard to the astral world, poor for God and Christ, for Golgotha and the spiritual awakening.
They are unconscious in the Divine laws, live in them and seek, seek, seek for the good which they have never known on Earth.
These bible patients are also apathetic in our life, many of them are psychopathic and they cannot be helped.
However, it is worthwhile following them, a large study can be made of them.
These personalities must be completely ploughed under, everything must go which people have taught this inner life.
And this applies to the individual, the masses and the whole of mankind!
But this earthly misery is replaced by eternal awakening. The educators on this side are therefore ready for their task, they know the laws of our life.
Is it not worthwhile getting to know all of this?
On this side people destroy this personality, but the soul receives God for this, as we got to know God, as a Father of Love!
Here the soul receives the eternal conscious, damnation is completely eliminated.
Where is the Saviour?
Where is Christ?
‘Am I’, your Catholic asks, ‘in the Forecourt?
Is this stinking hell the Forecourt of God?
Is this the Forecourt?
Who led me to believe that we enter the Forecourt after death?
What do the churches mean to us?’
Nothing, no meaning whatsoever, nothing, because the churches must still awaken for the Divine knowledge.
The collapsing of these souls is understandable, now everything seems to be lost to them.
But that lies in the hands of those who help them to reach the spiritual awakening.
They themselves possess nothing, the astral personality on the other hand possesses everything!
And all of that is given to them, also to the earthly clergyman.
The first sphere is the Forecourt for your Catholic, but the Jew and the other dogmatists also live there, they have got to know Christ.
The first sphere gives an answer to all these questions and opens your eyes to the laws of God.
There it is experienced that you are promised a material Forecourt, because you still have to master the spiritual.
Anyone who cannot accept, continues to refuse obstinately, we let go of completely and over to the own thinking and feeling, because these souls are too unconscious for the laws of the first sphere.
In this way the astral laws speak to every grade of life and attunement and it is not possible to escape it.
Christ could say as a result of this: ‘I and My Father are one!’
And it is the case, because anyone who cannot open himself, does not want to bow his head, cannot experience this astral and spiritual unity with the life of God either.
He closes himself off to the awakening and all this sacredness.
We try to speak to your life and to help you, so that you can already master that unity on Earth.
For this purpose God sent us to the Earth, this happened as a result of this war.
You see now that you have not lived for nothing and not endured these dreadful years of war for nothing.
These poor of spirit, who not want to hear, knock down everyone in the Land of Twilight whom they meet, as if a poisonous insect has bitten them.
They feel like crazy people, only as a result of that terrible nonsense which people told them on Earth.
However, if these people have led a good and loving life, they would have belonged to the first sphere and this nonsense would not have beaten a hole in their astral conscious.
Now there are holes in their conscious, which we must close, if they want to be able to think normally and humanly and begin their construction.
That is not possible before, they will fall as a result of it!
Just try holding them back now.
Imagine what is spoken when they say their prayers.
They still feel themselves on Earth and yet live on the other side; the enormous gulf between life and death is only bridged by them after centuries, because they do not want to awaken.
We follow these souls, we are one with their lives and know exactly what they have to say to each other.
Is it worldly wisdom?
Is it universally deep what they talk about?
And does anything Divine at all radiate from their learned views?
On this side that is not the case either, they remain the living dead!
If you know these souls in the Land of Twilight, you will also know all of mankind, because mankind has attunement to the Land of Twilight.
The more you now realise on Earth that there is a life after this life and that you continue as a soul and will one day enter the astral hells or the heavens, the more beautiful your life there and in our world can become, because this knowledge gives you awakening.
You know then that suffering and sorrow and experience belong to the spiritual evolution and that you are busy mastering the treasures of Golgotha.
On Earth there is cursing, but in this sphere people curse, as you cannot do on Earth.
The disappointed people do this.
If you tell them that they cannot yet see Christ and they will only perhaps be able to feel a glimpse, then the powerful terms follow and they curse their clergymen.
The curse is directed at the church, the church, which is the highest on Earth and which the spokesmen know about as no other.
But what do they know about the Divine laws?
I repeat: is there so much Divinity in their claims, must you not do yourself harm to believe the peculiar stories with regard to God and His Holy Creation???
Not the unconscious but the illogical, the unlikely is clearly obvious and yet people force you to accept it.
We call to you from this side: the church must also awaken!
The falseness of the churches makes the followers into fools and neglected people, it creates spiritual weaklings.
Must God be represented in such a way?
Must the church go further in cheating God’s children with regard to life after death?
To launch nonsense as Divine truth?
Does the church think that Adolf Hitler has brought nothing for it?
Did Adolf Hitler administer it those slaps in the face for nothing?
He was forced to do it by this side, inspired to it in order to shake the churches awake.
He could do that, because the church must begin the spiritual awakening.
The Age of Christ has also started for the church and it will call the Divine halt to the church.
To launch nonsense in the Age of Christ as divine truth is no longer possible!
The church must stop selling the heavens for money and goods, that is descending, that is unconscious, it creates animal-like talent!
Heavens must be earned!
By praying and reading masses, the soul cannot enter any heaven, to think this is unconscious, it is the provoking of the spiritual self and the cursing of God’s Omnipotence.
The mass of your priest therefore does not take you a step further!
An indulgence has no meaning for our world and the laws of God!
We do not know confessing and forgiving in our life, that is also earthly nonsense!
God can forgive you, but the cause and effect remain!
You must make everything good yourself anyway!
In our world you are attached to your own praying, because you play with your aura and it is seen by everyone who possesses that light.
People establish your true love from it.
You therefore stand naked before everyone.
But for the church these laws have no meaning.
This is why the confession for the awkward child, for the unconscious being; we do not know it on this side, there the laws of God take us to the core of the life and there we speak to the Highest Thing of All!
God then comes to our life, no soul or master in our life can help us in this, give us something, because as a result of this the awakening in the spirit would lose the point.
For the own laws of life we must bow our heads, we cannot sell off that bowing.
But the church assures you you can, you can buy a heaven with all the sacredness in it, but it costs money!
Do not sell your life to the church, but let the life in nature and all the life of God speak to your self and you will experience the divine awakening!
Devote all of your own personality to this and you will enter the first sphere, where the happy ones will welcome you.
I tell you: the church is cursed in the Land of Twilight, because it has consciously murdered all these souls!
The church has killed them and made them unsuitable for our world!!!
In the Age of Christ the church must reach the spiritual awakening.
For two thousand years the church has already burrowed in the unconscious.
The church continues to sleep, but now its buildings will collapse.
This war will raze them to the ground, because these buildings have sullied and squandered the life of God and Christ.
The Age of Christ calls the church to the Spiritual halt!
And Adolf Hitler was needed for this!
Adolf Hitler hit out, the executioner of mankind was forced to do it.
Not all of your misery is down to him, the church also has to accept this.
That is God’s will.
The laws of our life speak, the church has to master them or it will soon not have a soul left.
Has the church forgotten the grey past?
The church must now stop destroying the life of God, because the church of Christ is not continually built up by material and spiritual murder.
Did Christ die for this?
How many people were gruesomely smothered at the stake by the church?
Must the Other side tell this to the church?
The church acted as executioner, but that now wants to be forgotten.
Has the executioner of mankind sunk deeper than the church?
Innumerable souls were burnt alive by the church, who does the church feel now?
Did you think that God could forget these terrible mistakes?
That the church was forgiven for all these inhumanities?
But why does the church not talk about Divine love?
It is not possible, because the church has lost, sullied, squandered the right to speak, as a result of the lives which were taken, its sacredness fell!!!
Is this also nonsense?
The church blesses cannons.
Is that the conscious which the church can give you?
In this war the church does not get the chance to carry out its unconscious and terrible actions, because the executioner of mankind does not need the church, the priests were also killed.
The church will fall, if there is no intervention, if that cursing is not stopped, selling the heavens, because this bartering belongs to the lowest hells in our life.
Christ will intervene and act sufficiently, but then the churches will disappear from the Earth and those clergymen will no longer have any meaning.
And that will also come, your future teaches it and proves it to you and your people and those who will come after them!
The church feels supreme on Earth, but as a result of what?
As a result of who?
The church speaks of love and justice, but are the life and the laws of Christ accepted by the church?
We know better!
We see behind the screens of your church dignitaries and know their lives.
It is no longer possible to wear masks and taking part in politics is undesirable, pathetic and pitiful, it is the spiritual destruction for the church!
The church has cursed itself as a result of this and has sunk deep.
Everyone here in the Land of Twilight can explain it to you.
The church does not take the life of God upwards, not together, but brings you to the abyss.
Yet the Age of Christ will also bring spiritual awakening for the church.
Christ says: ‘Tell on Earth what My Age means!’
The highest Angels will tell you it in the Name of God, as a Father of Love.
We, as their messengers, speak to your life.
We tell you: Adolf Hitler is a saint compared to the church (see article ‘Hitler’ on rulof.org).
The executioner of mankind has not sunk so deep as your church has sunk in the course of the centuries.
The church itself cannot attack this word, because we speak from Christ!
If this sounds dreadful in your ears, then it appears from that, that you have never thought before about the doctrines of the church, which made the God of Love into a God of damnation and threatens with an eternal hell, then you do not know the barbaric history of your church either.
It is God’s will that the Earth and all its children receive his word.
It is God’s will that mankind awakens.
This is why all of this must be said.
We now put right what was made crooked by mankind and which the church is to blame for.
The church wanted to complete its mission with lies and cheating.
But that is not possible, this is in conflict with the laws of God, for your earthly and our astral existence.
The church sought it in politics. Adolf Hitler said: that must be ended.
Was this the wrong opinion?
Did Adolf Hitler only bring nonsense?
With all the misery he also brought the good, he brought spiritual awakening to Earth.
He brought as a result of his revolution: evolution!
He brought awakening in the spirit for the individual, the masses and mankind!
You do not wish to accept that from him, but the Age of Christ forces you to.
The whole world experienced the disastrous attitude of the church. They could do nothing, nothing for the inner and material life of the Christian child.
Did the church not allow that one believer slaughtered the other?
Was the church not capable of giving the answer to the weighty questions of the moment?
Do you not get the meaningful image of its desperation?
Its powerlessness and incompleteness with regard to God and for Christ?
This war elevates you into our life and into the laws of God, or its takes you to the lowest hells on this side.
If you cannot accept, Golgotha will have no meaning for your life, but then also accept, that you belong to the heathens.
The church was not drawn up, it fell deeper than ever in this war.
The highest masters on this side will one day convince the church of the laws of your and our life and then mankind will get to know the ‘Our Father’.
How and as a result of what they will speak is a sacred wonder, the Age of Christ gives them this power!
And this wonder waits on this side for the earthly birth, once on Earth, it will eliminate confession and all necessities.
Those wonders belong to the future human being, Christ died for this.
This wonder of God will one day totally eliminate the spirituality, which speaks of damnation.
Does it not mean anything to you?
Your churches will get a very different meaning.
Not one clergyman will then be capable of launching nonsense, because the Divine wonder speaks for him!
And it is only then that you will feel carried by God and the inner life will come to Golgotha.
Christ will then immediately speak to the inner life, to all the life of God.
All your priesthoods will cease to exist, because the Age of Christ no longer needs it.
Can you feel anything of the great and mighty wonder, which awaits its birth on this side?
Soon I will explain all of it to you.
Prophesies used to be expressed, but these predictions also belong to it, they come from the same source, because the masters want you, the masses and mankind to awaken.
What and about what I tell are spiritual wonders for the Age of Christ.
As a result of these wonders the Divine laws speak and not one question will remain unanswered.
The Age of Christ calls all the unconscious people to the Divine halt and the church is a part of them!
The Jew must also awaken in the Land of Twilight and that soul has a miserable time like many churchgoers.
But here the Jew does not feel discriminated against, in our life he gets the natural inner life, if he can forget his cheating, put aside his faith.
If he cannot do that, then he will stand still in his development and there will be no question of awakening.
Because the Messiah does not come on the clouds, the Messiah already lived on Earth.
Here the Jew looks for the universe, he understands that that mist here calls him to the halt.
That is his heaven, he must accept and he possesses that as a result of his misty conscious.
It is really pitiful to see him searching for the Messiah.
This soul has been beaten blind.
The heathen possesses nothing, but this is better than burying himself in a possession, which has no existence.
The Jew suffocates here in this Land of Twilight, in which everything must be taught to him.
But this suffocating gives him the spiritual awakening, he then comes forward as a new personality and feels cleansed.
Now the thought has left him to cut his own flesh, because he knows that this nonsense is being on the decline.
He now also knows that he has squandered his life, that he lived by means of the life blood of other people.
He has nothing to sell in our life, because the laws of God beat his trade out of his hands, in such a way, that he even succumbed under it!
Judaism has no meaning on this side, because every soul is of Jewish origin.
Judaism produced Christianity, which is only a proved life on this side.
In the Land of Twilight we get to know the inner life of the earthly Jew.
Those lives have lost every spiritual meaning, their bartering went so far, the Jews lived it up in such a way.
They still drip with the Christian blood, they still stink of the injustices committed amongst each other.
It is again the Age of Christ, which calls the Spiritual halt to all peoples.
Or did the Jew think he could play the torturer after the war?
You see, this war has meaning for everyone, for all the life of God in the universe.
Everyone gets to learn an acceptable life lesson, willing or unwilling, the awakening comes for everyone.
The Jew can barter on Earth, that is finished on this Side.
The laws of God call a hundred thousand times the halt precisely to the Jewish race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org), because this people has cursed itself.
And the children of Abraham brought that curse upon their heads themselves, Caiaphas completed this process!
In the Land of Twilight the Jew actually starts to realise for the first time, that all the life of God is of Jewish origin - and also, that the Sieg Heil of Adolf Hitler also served to shake him awake!
Is that so improbable, now that we know, by whom Christ was crucified?
The laws of God will show you it, in the Land of Twilight they will reach you their hand or they will strangle you, but then it is your own fault, you do not want to bow your earthly personality!
Yet this has no meaning in our life, even if blue blood flows through your veins.
For God and Christ even crowns have no meaning.
Is this also improbable?
However, if the human being wants to awaken, the Angels will stand next to him and will take him to the Divine wonders.
And those wonders create a universe for you, which, however, the Jew in the Land of Twilight has no understanding of; he keeps searching for it in his skull-cap and the clean ironed shirt of his forefathers.
You will certainly feel it, his faith no longer has any living inspiration, it is worn out, it has become long in the tooth.
And that through your own fault.
Why can the Jew not accept Christ?
The Other Side is infinite.
You cannot take a single step in this infinity without following the footsteps of Christ.
Eternity was built up by him.
Christ knew the mentality of the Jew.
He called him a Pharisee, a hypocrite, because he is in conflict in everything with Divine laws.
The Jew in the Land of Twilight stands for this reality, he cannot deny it by Christ’s spoken word.
The screaming of the Jew for his Messiah tells us nothing here, we let him scream, until his vocal cords no longer let out the word and he is like a spitting shape, like the shroud? of his church, because this must give him the awakening.
He must release himself from his conscious material, deceiving, haggling self, or he will tumble lower and lower, until he loses his face, until the hell monster has embraced him.
Where is the Messiah?
He lives in you and on Golgotha he died for everyone, also for the Jew!
Do not search any longer, dear, dear soul of Jewish origin, soul of God, stop wanting to be a Jew, because you are cursing yourself.
You must, like we do, like every Catholic and Protestant, like all dogmatists, accept Christ, you must learn to love the life of God - or you will stand still in the spiritual awakening and then it will be impossible for the Age of Christ to speak to your inner life.
Is it not better then that you now bow your head?
You will not need to do it then on our Side.
Where is the Messiah?
Your spark was blessed by the life of that Messiah.
You still do not believe it?
Then just destroy your Divine self even longer.
Or sell it, you will then remain Jewish - in order to suffocate, in order to drown in your sinful race (see article ‘There are no races’ on rulof.org), that killed Christ in a dreadful way (see article ‘Jewish people’ on rulof.org).
Thank God, now we are that far that we can follow the purpose of Christ.
That, which Moses spoke about, which he and the prophets devote their life for, will now separate.
The masses and mankind will reach spiritual awakening.
The individual is already further, he has already reached the first sphere.
The Age of Christ calls to you: learnedness which takes you to the abyss, no longer has any meaning.
Obstinately refusing to awaken gives attunement to the dark hells, people show that they are blind, deaf and dumb as a result of it.
It is very hard to have to admit to being wrong, but this also belongs, as all the other, to the spiritual awakening, Christ wanted it.
The misconception, the intellectual pride, the spiritual dogma - all of this beat wounds into the body of God’s Holy Child and made it become frighteningly dark on Golgotha!
Discard the herd animal instinct, do not be pedantic in your earthly knowledge, release yourself from the narrow-mindedness of your dogmas, become like the child, which receptively enjoyed listening to Christ’s word, because then you are given the Kingdom of God, on Earth as well as on this Side!
You will then be there with Christ and through Christ until all eternity, where God’s life blossoms and grows and where his light warms and elevates your life.
It can be reached by accepting the Age of Christ and serving it.
You have everything in your hands yourself, because God gave you his Conscious!