The children of Israel and their cause and effect

Moses enters the astral world.
Many of his children went before him.
Where will they enter into eternal life?
Will they get a place at God’s right hand?
They devoted their lives, gave all their powers in order to give humanity a faith and to show it the way to God.
They committed sins and made mistakes for this, used violence and killed people.
God looked upon all of this and kept quiet.
As a Father of Love he cannot tolerate that any of his children whosoever is made to suffer.
Will he then be able to allow Moses and his people into his heavens?
No, as a just father this is not possible for him!
Moses and his people destroyed God’s life, blood clings to their hands, they violated the laws of God.
The consequence of it is that God’s heavens do not open for them.
In this way Moses is a martyr of the people of (the House of) Israel and with the birth of mankind they created cause and effect for themselves.
They wanted to give everything for this sacred purpose - they gave it and had to get through untold misery to then, in the astral world, experience that the heavens were closed to them ...
We must now accept that God has nothing to do with all the misery created by the human being.
He gave us a free will!
The human being lived out his passions and smothered the voice in him, which wanted to call him back from it.
It was not God who waged war.
He stands outside of the earthly conflicts.
Nevertheless he intervenes, knowing that the whole event belongs to the material evolution, which take the human being to the spiritual consciousness.
The masters have this enormous process in their hands.
Here the conscious soul helps the unconscious!
It is they who take the people through death to life, through darkness to light.
This requires fighting and bloodshed, but the masters cannot go another way, the human being himself does not allow it!
Moses had to be strong and to be able to wage a fight, otherwise he and his people would have been trampled and slaughtered.
However, this fight brought Moses and his people suffering and sorrow on earth and shut the heavens off to them in the astral world.
And that could not be avoided either.
God’s laws remained intact, they are eternal and unchanging and no one can avoid them.
Neither could Moses and his people, even if they served a sacred purpose.
The millions of souls after them, who will devote themselves to the becoming conscious of mankind, will be faced with the same sacrifices and the same laws.
They will have to make good what they did wrong, while they gave their best powers for the evolution of the human being.
However, after experiencing this they will know themselves to be richer, more spiritual!
Moses and his helpers experienced it!
When Moses closed his eyes, released his soul from his body, the masters took him to the astral world.
He lay in a deep sleep.
It takes a moment before he awakens.
He looks around him, tries to think.
He still feels on Earth, but then he suddenly understands that he has died and has left the Earth.
Where is God, where is his light?’
Moses sees that it is dusky around him, he feels strange.
All feeling has left him.
The tears run down his cheeks, now that he becomes conscious of his state.
‘Where am I?
Has God left me alone?
On Earth he spoke to me, he followed me in everything and now, where is he now?
Why did I fight, why was all that blood shed??’
Moses does not know from where these thoughts enter him.
He is not conscious that people are helping him to think.
Arrived in eternal life, he is faced with the task of becoming released from earthly life.
New questions well up in him.
Where are his followers?
Many of them went before him to here.
He calls for them.
Then an Angel comes towards him and this master says:
‘Who are you?’
‘I am a child of God, Moses.
I know you.’
‘You know me?
Where am I, where do I live?’
‘In the world after death, Moses.’
‘Where is God, can you tell me that?’
‘You will get to know God, Moses.’
‘Is my life there over?’
‘Your life and your task are at an end, Moses.
You have entered the astral world.
Your life after death has started.’
The Angel shows Moses his life on Earth and tells him for what purpose he was born there.
Moses must accept the words of the masters in the light of the facts, yet it is difficult for him to believe.
‘Where are my children?’ he wants to know.
‘It is God’s will, Moses, that they awaken, each of them will be taken to God’s Revelations by the Angels.’
‘And where will they experience that?’
‘You will also get to know that, Moses.
When you are that far, we will go there together and I will convince you of your earthly lives.
God wants this to happen.’
‘Tell me now, master, was it God who spoke to my life?’
‘Has the feeling from before come back to you, Moses?’
‘I am starting to feel myself, I am starting to see myself.
I am starting to know!’
‘Have a rest, Moses, and reflect upon everything.
Think about your life on earth and do not forget anything.
Call me when you are ready.
You only have to think of me and I will return in order to explain God’s laws to you.’
Moses now experiences the overwhelming disappointment, which his followers also felt, when they did not see themselves being absorbed into the astral world by God’s heaven.
Where is God, his followers also wondered, while they wandered round in the Land of Twilight, hidden by light and heat and God’s presence.
Where is the Supreme Power, who led Moses and them?
It is all so dark for them.
Were these men and women, these children of (the House of) Israel, not promised that they would enter a heaven?
And now?
They sit down in a strange, cold, dusky land.
Where is their leader, where is Moses?
He will certainly take them to the promised land!
Disappointed, assailed by tortured thoughts Moses got up after the talk with the Angel.
And when he has walked for a while, he meets the others from his tribe.
A great joy goes through him, now they will get an answer to all their crushing thoughts.
They cling to their great leader and surprise him with questions.
However, Moses has to admit that he cannot make them any the wiser ...
Soon he will answer them, he says, first he must experience himself!
Moses walks on further alone and explores the universe in which he lives.
However, he does get to the truth.
Then he returns in thought to the Earth and follows his life there.
He goes back even further.
What was there before this life?
Slowly but surely that life also becomes conscious in him.
He sees himself again in the sphere which he is also in now.
He gets to know the longings again which lived in him then, it were they which gave him a new earthly life.
Now tiredness returns to him and he lies down to go to sleep.
A great silence enters him.
While meditating he falls asleep and yet he remains awake.
He sees and hears again.
He is on Earth and lives amongst his people.
He knows everyone who is around him.
Is he hearing correctly?
Is God speaking to him?
‘Go, Moses, go and take my people out of Egypt.
The Lord is speaking!’
And Moses sees himself acting.
He gets thousands of orders and he carries them out.
The heathens keep on storming his tribe, however, without them being able to destroy them.
The Lord God protects them and his people.
The years fly past and Moses experiences all the events during them again.
He sees the burning bush again and all the other wonders.
God gives him and his people the Ten Commandments and nothing has been lost of this awe-inspiring event.
Then Moses feels his end on Earth approaching.
God is with him.
God gave him power during his life.
God made him triumph over the heathens.
Moses opens his eyes, a great light falls over him.
‘Where am I?’ he murmurs.
He looks up.
There is an Angel before him and he says:
‘Has the knowledge entered you, Moses?
Are you ready to follow me?
The God of all life has asked me to help you.’
‘Is everything which I saw the truth?’
‘Everything, everything, Moses.
But now you are entering reality.’
‘Convince me of God’s laws.
If the Lord wants it, let me know.
I want to follow you.’
Then they begin a great journey.
The master takes Moses back to the Moon.
There he gets to know God’s creation.
He sees the first revelations before him.
Moses looks into his own past.
‘Here God therefore spoke as a Father of Love to his children’, he says. ‘Can all these wonderful things be true, master?’
‘Can you doubt what you see before you, Moses?’
God therefore gave me these wonders in the very first stage of my life, Moses thinks.
‘What was our life like, Moses?
It was like this, here you can see how we started our life.
Now you get to know the laws of your life.
In this silence, in these revelations, God lives as a Father of Love.
All the Angels have had to accept this holiness.
This is our first existence, Moses.
However, now we will return to the empty, the sacred, the Divine emptiness from before creation.
Follow me.’
Moses sees into the laws.
He descends into the world of the unconscious.
However, the master goes back even deeper.
Darkness comes around him.
Moses does not dare to think, anxiety enters him with regard to this wonder.
Yet he cannot wait and asks:
‘Where do we live, master?’
‘In God, Moses!’
‘Here we live in God, did you say?’
‘We entered him, who created us and all life.’
‘This silence is God?’
‘God lives here, Moses, the God of all life in the universe!
Let us kneel down, Moses, and surrender ourselves to him, you will meditate now too.’
Moses surrenders to the divine silence.
He falls asleep and is awake.
He does not think but feels.
He can feel everything in this.
It becomes quiet inside him, this silence carries him, he becomes one with it.
God lives here!
Everything lives here!
This comes to him.
He must deal with this, he wants to get to know it.
He feels God like a Father.
He sees and feels that the invisible God has materialised and that he is a part of him, a spark of his fire.
He surrenders completely and lets that holiness descend into him.
He lets himself sink away deeper into the silence and the darkness and dissolves completely.
Yet he can continue to feel.
He knows himself to be universally deep, helped and carried by this power.
He will know!
He experiences wonderful laws.
He lives in God’s silence, is part of it, he sees life and death, darkness and light.
He knows himself as man and woman, as father and mother, as God is, whom he feels here and in whose heart he now lives.
‘Can you still doubt the wonders, Moses?
You will have to accept, because it is the laws themselves which speak to you.
That you may see into God’s creation so deeply is a gift from the highest Angels from our life.
They also devoted themselves to material mankind.
They took mankind to the higher consciousness.
They and we, Moses, wanted to give ourselves for the other life.
It was not God, Moses, who asked us to return and to help the unconscious life there.
Not God, we went of our own accord, but obeyed God’s highest command as a result of it: to serve His Life with everything which is in us! ...
How much happiness did we ourselves receive from Mother Earth?!
And is it not in service to the Supreme Being?
Does the life in God’s universe not belong to our own life?
They are our sisters and brothers and we and you devoted our lives to them.
Not one soul in the universe escapes it, all the life of God must serve and in this way return to him.
Serve, Moses, whatever it takes!
Come, we will carry on.’
The master takes Moses through life and death to the Earth.
He lets him see the grades of life, which the soul life had to experience after the Moon in order to finally be attracted by the Earth.
Moses now experiences his earthly lives and also his last one.
Now he also experiences who spoke to him there and inspired him.
The master next to him looks at him and smiles.
Now Moses knows all about his life and his task.
He can now kneel down and be grateful.
The master says:
‘You see, Moses, how life on Earth was for us.
I also served on Earth and had to accept that it was not God who spoke to me.
God does not speak as a human being, Moses.
God only speaks to our life from feeling to feeling, in sacred unity!
It was I who spoke to you.
I, who knows you as Abraham!
I was told to speak to you, the masters wanted it!
You will accept me, Moses, because the masters also wanted that.
Isaac and Jacob and the others, they live here and you will meet them.
One day our lives will speak to the peoples of (the House of) Israel.
They will be of meaning to the whole of humanity.
Our heathens know this.
And God will see the gratitude in our deeds, which we feel towards him, for what he gave us.
Everyone on Earth will devote his own life in the coming times for God’s creation.
If we had followed the laws of our Creator in love, our life would have been in harmony with his.
However, you were able to follow, Moses, how we lived on Earth.
On the mother planet we were pure and divine, however, as people, we forgot the divine in us and sullied it.
Nevertheless, the human being was able to return to God.
He learned to recognise his faults and started to serve his fellow being.
You now see into your own life, Moses.
They were your own longings, which made you return to accomplish a task.
No one forced you to, if you had not gone, millions of others on this side would gladly have carried out that task.
Not one soul has therefore dominated your life or driven you to deeds, which were in conflict with your being, that is not possible for God.
If you had not accepted the task, you would have continued on this side.
However, you would never have been gained so much wisdom in a short time.
Since we longed to serve we received the mercy of a new life on Earth and by giving everything of ourselves, the happiness and the universe of God entered us.
This task is now over, my son, you can now start a higher life and along with you everyone who followed you and loved God.
The House of Israel has been established.
Mankind will look up to it and change inwardly as a result of it.
And you brought that to Earth.
You went from a dusky world to the Earth and after completing your greatest task you returned to that same dusky world.
Does it help you now to sit down and be sad?
Does it help you to ask where God is?
Now, now that you are getting to know his wonders and laws, you can master his laws.
It is only then that the Divine universe belongs to you!
You must first make good, Moses, what you did wrong during the completion of your task.
However, the wisdom which you gained will help you in this.
You can now start a higher life.
My task was only small in comparison to yours, Moses, and yet I was able to master the pure heavens as a result of it and along with you the many people who followed me on Earth.
It was I, Moses, who spoke to you as God and showed you wonders.
I gave you clairvoyance and the knowledge and connected you with the burning bush.
The highest masters of this side gave you the ‘Ten Commandments’, it was they, who showed themselves to you as Angels.
All of us lead you through the dangers, nothing could stop us, mankind on Earth will have to accept that one day.
One day the actual knowledge will come amongst the masses, but then we will enter the final stage of the fight for (the House of) Israel.
Then the heathen peoples will be conquered!
Have we done wrong, Moses, by giving mankind a faith?
The material human being only wishes to awaken by the sword, there was therefore no other means for us.
He did not allow us any other!
Did we do wrong, Moses, I ask you again, or will God bless us for our work and serving?’
Moses thought for a long time.
Then he asked:
‘But why were those masses given an untruth, master?’
‘Did you not see then, that the masters first tried it in a different way?
They spoke by means of the sensitive ones and made themselves known as people, who had left the Earth for good, who had been absorbed into life after death.
But what did the people do?
Did they accept us?
They beat the faithful to death and robbed us in this way of our instruments!
Would we ourselves have accepted the astral being on Earth?
Does the material being know anything about this personality and his thinking and feeling?
No, Moses, we could not act differently and had to pass ourselves off as God.
And God himself allowed us to do this!’
‘Will mankind know this one day, master?’
‘Of course it will come that far.
Other people, who come after us, will bring this wisdom to Earth.
Then every child of (the House of) Israel will know that God never wanted war, but that it was the human being who forgot himself in this way.
They will know that not God, but the masters spoke to us.
However, they will also know that the amazing powers and strengths, which the masters were given in order to lead the earthly grades of feeling as a human being in the proper direction, in order to establish faith on Earth in the one, true God and to make the inner life awaken, which received those powers as a result of God’s love.
God followed us on our path.
He knew that we would forget ourselves as a human being, but let us go, because he also knew that we would learn by falling and that one soul life would help the other in order to return to him.
Mankind on Earth will one day accept that God is a Father of Love.
Then the ‘Kingdom of God’ can make a start there.
It will then be convinced of the amazing wonders and laws, which are part of God’s Creation.
They will now show you, Moses, on this side.
I already brought you into connection with a lot.
You got to know God as a Father of Love.
However, if you want to get to know him even deeper, then return to the very first stage on the Moon and you will see him as Mother.
God as Mother, yes -really!
As Mother God created a connection with the human being as mother.
It is the mother who experiences his life, his creation.
The mother does what he did in large: share herself, give herself away.
Anyone who gets to know the mother, gets to know God as ‘All-Mother’.
You will experience, Moses.
Along with me you will descend into the mother and experience the process of growth in her.
We will also be able to experience what is for the highest masters, we also went into the mother and consciously experienced all the stages up to the birth.
By experiencing this we get to know the mother and we become convinced that God is both Father and Mother!
You and I and the others along with us have prepared the path for the coming of the Very Highest Master on Earth.
Through him the people will get to know God as Father and as Mother.
Then (the House of) Israel will still have to wage many wars in order to elevate the whole of mankind into the higher conscious, which is only suitable for being able to understand the words of the very highest Master completely.
These wars will bring untold suffering to mankind; they will also be able to affect those, who lead a life such as God meant it.
Such people cannot escape this suffering and this misery, since they have forgotten themselves in past lives.
This must be made good by them, it is only then that the soul life can rise higher.
No soul in the universe has forgotten itself.
However, by falling we became awake and we changed to reflecting upon our lives.
Wisdom entered us and love gave us wings.
We finally learned to continue without falling.
You also made mistakes, Moses, but do not be sad.
God knows that you acted in order to help the earthly life to awaken.
The Divine spark in you will also allow you to return to your Creator.
You were once a king over a heathen people and in later lives the slave of them, whose body you once had burned.
The laws of God speak to our lives in this way!
However, in those pitiful circumstances you started to think, then the longing awakened in you to banish misery from the world and to give the human being happiness.
Those longings to serve made you be able to be born again on Earth.
If you have been able to follow me in everything, Moses, it must be clear to you, that before there was still no spiritual light in you.
You still possessed the longing to serve.
However, now the serving has been experienced and light has entered you.
You now have attunement to a sphere, which lies above that in which you stayed for your last earthly life.
You can still not enter that sphere of light, the first heaven on our side.
First you must become conscious of your state and make good what was done wrong.
The feeling to murder did not live in you, Moses, nor did you create the delight in destruction.
In your life lay the feeling of love, but this love was still material.
You will now master spiritual love and then be able to enter your heaven, the light of which you created yourself.
You desired to return to the Earth and to serve there, now, that has happened.
Nothing could stop us in this, because we followed divine evolution.
You wanted to serve, show your people the way to his father and thereby let blood flow.
Is this in conflict with each other?
Does one not go against the other?
Spiritual life forbids doing such a thing, but the laws of material life demand you for this!
God cannot give you a heaven, because in order to reach your goal you acted against his laws.
We and all the Angels in the universe had to accept such a thing.
We had to go to the light through the darkness.
You could also have acted differently and, for example, have been able to choose a less powerful and intervening task.
You would then already have been in heaven.
But, Moses, would you have served mankind, as you now did?
Would you possess the wisdom which is now your part?
For that matter, you could not act differently, you concentrated on the longing and the knowledge in you!
Would you now still wish to return in order to teach here on Earth and to wage war if necessary?
Your feeling says no, now you want to go further and higher, otherwise your life would stand still.
With the experience which you gained, you can do that too.
But first, I tell you again, you must make everything good, yes, even a wrong thought must be put right.
You and your followers, all the life of God, are faced with this Divine law!
The feeling to murder or to destroy was not in you.
But the low passions lived in many of your followers.
They enjoyed it when blood flowed and the flames of destruction flared up high.
They killed consciously and followed the demons of hell.
They fell deep and one day they will have to return here in order to help to build what was destroyed by them.
By doing evil the human being creates his own hell, darkness, in which we also lived.
God did not want evil, Moses, he commanded us to seek him in love.
And what did the human being do who knew better after all??
We let ourselves be dominated by the physical laws, the body demanded to experience and we just give in quickly!
And yet new bodies kept being given to us.
Does one not go against the other?
No, Moses, because do not forget, that we came higher as a result of these physical laws, as a result of all those bodies.
But every material organism received the soul to experience, evil and good, life and death.
And do we then still have to complain about the misery, which we called upon ourselves because of the evil which we did?
By experiencing it we are spiritually awakened, Moses.
We conquered evil and death as a result of it, the universe of knowledge entered us and we got to know God as a Father of Love.
The feeling in us is now unlimited, it is universally deep.
It has become our own possession and no one is capable of denying us it.
And we obtained this happiness by serving, you and I and every Angel in the universe.
The moment has now come, that I can explain the very last problem to you.
We return for this purpose to the astral world.
Your followers receive what I was able to explain to you from their masters.
All of them will see their God and learn to love him as a Father of Love!’
They release themselves from the Earth and Moses experiences that the material world fails him.
He floats in the universe and sees the stars and planets and the solar system.
He is now away from the Earth, he has become universally deep.
Moses is deeply moved.
He thinks and would like to ask questions.
Next to him his master floats, a father of the House of Israel.
Doubt or disbelief now no longer exist for Moses.
There is deep respect in him for all the life in the universe.
He bows his head humbly, he is prepared to give all of his inner self for the Divine laws, which he is a part of.
‘Look, Moses’, his master says, ‘all of this belongs to you.
What belongs to the universe.
These planets and stars, suns and worlds, they are from you and me and from everyone on Earth.
A time will come that the human being wants to get to know and master all of this.
I see far ahead, I see centuries further, that mankind wants to get to understand God.
We know God, we learned to see and feel him, we understood him, as Father and Mother.
For us he is the visible God, in whom we live.
Just as God is invisible to the human being on Earth, our astral world is that to him.
In the centuries, which come, people will search for God and try to gauge and sense him.
I see people, who devote their lives for this and yet, what will they experience?
They trek over the Earth and climb the highest mountains in order to come closer to God and his being in this way, but nevertheless he remains invisible to them.
I see under them, whose feeling has deepened as a result of their searching and thinking, they have come closer to God as a result of this.
They give mankind what they gained in faith and insight and help the earthly conscious to change.
But still, Moses, God and His works remain inexplicable for them too, because none of them is capable of seeing in the first and last stage of God’s plan of creation.
Not one material organism can experience and deal with those powers and laws, the human being would have to succumb.
On Earth people will seek God, who is visible and invisible.
However, people will first have to find and know him, if they want to open themselves to our life!
We see into infinity, Moses, we are the living image of he who created us.
Truly, the universe and its laws belong to you, we mastered them.
We no longer live in images of thought, but stand in the reality, which we helped to build up ourselves.
Our life has become infinitely deep, since we concentrated on him, who is our Creator and our Father.
By serving and loving him, we still climbed to this height and from there we have an infinite view over the life in the universe.
By devoting ourselves to him, childish joy has arisen in us, the all-embracing feeling of no longer being alone.
He watches over his life with care, which can never fade or end.
We who may live in this high, joyous state, would wish to do everything in order to tell the human being on Earth about God and our life and to elevate it to there.
And this will happen according to the plan of the masters.
From being Divine the Highest Master will soon descend to the Earth in order to make the human being share in his holiness.
He will teach him that life must be accepted and experienced, as God’s will and laws say.
And even centuries later, when mankind is ready to enter the Kingdom of God, the master will bring cosmic knowledge to Earth.
Mankind will then be open to the Other Side and the conscious astral soul life.
And one day - yes, my gaze reaches that far - one day the Earth will dissolve.
All its grades and laws will then be experienced by the human being and he will leave it in order to enter the astral world.
As you now, Moses, the last human being releases himself from the material laws in order to enter the astral, the spiritual as soul and to experience how the spheres of light came about.
In this way the human being conquers one world after another, preceded by the conscious souls he discards evil and misunderstanding and he gets to know himself and God.
Look around you, Moses.
Has wisdom entered your life?
Tell me, do you still believe, that God can hate, exterminate and wage war?
He who gave birth to us as Mother, will he be able to destroy his own children, whom he truly loves?
As you now got to know him the whole of humanity will one day understand and accept him.
Start to see into this, your new existence and experience the wonders, you will be able to give mankind actual help again - and now from this world.
You will become clairvoyant yourself and make mankind that!’
Moses understands.
He sees his own life attunement before him and perceives that mankind was never left alone!
Other people continue his task.
He can also cast a gaze into the far future and sees how the masters of the Other Side intervene more and more in the fate of mankind.
If he wants, he can take part in their plans again.
But first he wants to know all about himself and his people.
He feels carried by God, the love feeling lives in him.
It makes him light and conscious.
In this way, he will elaborate on God’s wonders.
‘May I see the heavens, master?’
‘Go with me, Moses, I will show you what awaits you.’
The master takes Moses to the first sphere.
He speaks:
‘There before you, my son, lives God, the people live as God in an own world.
God created many from these worlds.
This is the first spiritual sphere.
I may show you this sacredness, since you tuned your life into the laws of this world, or it would not even have been possible.
This sphere came into being, because millions of souls started a higher life.
These people are no longer open to evil, they cannot commit injustice, their souls would refuse.
They could not have completed your task.
Can you feel that?
Can you feel why God allowed you to go?
These souls released themselves from evil and would therefore enter the Kingdom of God.
You are not yet that far, however, soon, you will reach their holy state, as that will soon be the case for all of humanity.
Keep the sacredness which you see here, in your inner self.
Think and deal with it and then return to the Earth, my son, and follow all life there and they speak from our world as God to the human being.
We may do that, Moses!
We are Gods, Moses!
His core lives in us and we have become spiritually conscious.
Learn to love all the life of God, find out in yourself what is good and wrong, you now know, how God gave you life.’
Moses already knows what he will do.
He looks at his master and says: ‘I will serve, master, and return to the Earth.
I will do that for my Father.
I want to continue my task.
The knowledge and the great longing to serve came to me.
I will release my life from the material laws, I want to awaken spiritually and give all of myself to God.
You, who are my forefather, opened my life.
God will give me the power and strength in order to be able to continue my task.
He is truly a Father of Love.’
‘We do everything for God, my son!
I will leave now.
If you need me, then tune into my life.
By thinking about me, I will return to you, we will never leave our work alone, millions on this side are ready to help us.
God bless you and your people.
God’s blessing rests on our life.’
Moses understood now.
He felt the sacred meaning of his life, that was a chain between God and mankind on Earth.
He goes deeply into the divine laws and makes good his ‘cause and effect’.
And his followers do this.
They too seek the good, fight against their wrong characteristics.
They become spirits of love, which remain eternally.
They, children of (the House of) Israel, have understood their task!
Moses and his people release themselves from the Earth and are then ready for the first sphere, to enter their obtained Kingdom of God.
As an astral personality Moses leads life on earth on through many dangers, upwards to the light.
He now also speaks as God to mankind.
Moses sees far ahead, like his master, he knows, many centuries will still pass before mankind is conscious and it knows God in his Being and Creation.
The peoples of (the House of) Israel will surpass mankind to spiritual conscious.
For their last and most terrible fight, Moses, he sees, will stand by his children and take them to final victory.
‘Then, my God, I will be with my people on Earth again.
Then mankind will come to the light!
Will (the House of) Israel be able to know everything then?
May the peoples then receive the wisdom, which became my share here?
Will they be able to know one day, how you created your universe and kept it going?
I am prepared to contribute my share.
I am prepared to give everything which I received from you, my God, if it can be of use to the peoples of the Earth!’
Moses and all the other conscious souls in the universe serve and help the unconscious life to awaken to the laws of God.
God knows as a result of this that, despite the war, the hate and the revenge on Earth, everything is good.
All his children will reach insight and return to him.
And with his conscious children God watches over them, as a Father of Love!
Moses now knows, that only by doing good, he alone can enter the spheres of light as a result of love.
He met his own longing, but received experience as a result of it and the conscious feeling, how he could reach the Kingdom of God.
Then he bowed his head to God, knelt down for the life in the universe and in this way the God of all this life awakened in his human self!
Not a soul will escape it, the laws of God demand the full devotion of the human existence.
Mankind cannot escape it either!