The peoples of the earth seen as characteristics

The peoples experience the same battle.
The peoples are for our life characteristics of the personality which is called mankind, I said.
That must now be clear to you.
You now know the life on Earth, but how will the peoples act for this personality?
We were already able to establish on Earth who belongs to the good characteristics and which are the peoples of (the House of) Israel.
Now we are faced with the actual attunement of each people.
England is the actual tribe of Moses, I already taught you, it represents the personality for mankind.
All other peoples are characteristics of England and must reach unity.
That does not mean that England must dominate.
It is obvious that England, like the actual tribe of Moses, must give love, on the pain of other characteristics rebelling.
This personality now wanted the good, England did not want war.
That is a fact!
(The House of) Israel fights for the good, fights to assure peace and calm on Earth.
In all the centuries England waged war, but behind that was the aim of the masters to bring mankind to unity.
However, there are characteristics as peoples who want to dominate themselves and that is not possible.
That is out of the question!
Anyone who nevertheless rebels, will be forced to bow his head, as the history of (the House of) Israel proves.
Germany, Japan and Italy could have known this.
England did not get hold of the keys of the Earth for nothing, the strongholds of Europe.
The heathen peoples as characteristics can never take over this task, it was fought for by the Angels on this side for (the House of) Israel.
The heathen peoples will have to come to (the House of) Israel and not (the House of) Israel to the heathen unity, because this unity has no meaning for God and Christ.
They represent the demolition, the domination and the destruction.
(The House of) Israel, on the other hand, fights for justice!
Is it not amazing that everything still has astral meaning on Earth?
That can be followed on this side.
You now know where the actual tribe of Moses lives.
Did you think that it had died out?
That God had let all that blood flow for nothing?
Mankind goes through the darkness to the light.
Now see all the peoples as characteristics, then also work out what meaning these characteristics have for (the House of) Israel.
America and England are together (the House of) Israel, these great and conscious characteristics are actually one mass, one people, they represent one state for mankind.
They are father and mother for all the children of (the House of) Israel, for all the peoples and give leadership.
These characteristics made the personality, built it up.
If America did not belong to (the House of) Israel, you will certainly feel this, you would still live in the time of Moses.
The actual tribe of Moses split itself up, this had to happen, it was necessary.
Now these peoples come together and conquer the heathen peoples, those characteristics which still represent evil and want to dominate themselves.
But there can be no domination outside of (the House of) Israel in the Age of Christ. Christ calls all those characteristics to the spiritual and Divine halt.
And that is now the higher consciousness for all the peoples on Earth and your battle for life and death!
The House of Israel is infallible, the plan of the masters, built up on Earth.
The peoples are brought together.
Those wars were fought for this purpose.
Your technical wonders give that certainty.
Moses could not achieve that in his time.
Germany, Japan and Italy must still awaken for mankind.
The small peoples have no meaning, they join of their own accord.
Anyone who is not yet conscious for mankind and for (the House of) Israel, will come so far in this battle, it is a movement through the darkness to knowledge and spiritual awakening.
Now all those small peoples will act, as (the House of) Israel acted.
Germany, Japan and Italy want to return to the Land of Hatred.
However, the personality which has fought itself free from that, wants to prevent that, it foresees the decline and enslaving of the whole of humanity and now fights a battle of life and death against those still unconscious characteristics.
Those heathen folks as characteristics wanted to ambush the personality in the sleep, but now (the House of) Israel is awake and conscious.
The peace had done the personality good.
However terribly the evil characteristics develop they cannot overcome the personality as (The House of) Israel, because it has the first sphere in mind.
All of (The House of) Israel resists the heathen domination and in this way the lower characteristics on Earth see themselves called to the divine halt.
All the great wars therefore have one meaning: becoming released from evil.
The personality has been tortured enough, the dreadful darkness has made this life conscious, brought profit to love.
1914-1918 gave (the House of) Israel and the other peoples awakening, but Germany hated and continued to hate.
If Germany had been able to bow its proud head, you would now know peace and calm on Earth.
But this people showed itself so provocatively mean to mankind as the German.
Never has a people shown themselves to mankind so distressingly vicious as the German people.
A people has never fallen to such an animal-like carry-on.
Germany is furious and belongs to the Land of Hatred.
May people follow such a people?
The peoples who did, prove as a result of this how low the own attunement is.
Why is this war so fierce?
Why did Hitler receive such an awe-inspiring power?
Is that now clear to you?
The facts speak for themselves.
The first sphere has not been reached, but soon mankind such as (the House of) Israel will begin this spiritual task.
Christ, as Highest Master in God’s universe, has forced the individual, the masses and mankind to this battle - without him all of mankind would still live in the Land of Hatred.
Why did Christ come to the Earth otherwise?
In order to have himself killed for nothing?
The child of (the House of) Israel has already been fighting the heathen peoples for thousands of years.
But the academics and scribes who are part of those heathen peoples, know nothing about the higher sense of that battle.
Are they so blind?
Was their study so incomplete?
Why did they not raise their voices and omen? Do they not devote all of themselves in order to stop their peoples on the way, who take them to the abysses of hell?
Their peoples show that they do not need God and in this way they will perish as a result of their ignorance and unconsciousness.
These wonderful peoples will get to accept that terrible lesson, it will come that far!
This will happen as a result of the laws of Mother Earth, or did you think that God created all his life for nothing?
Did Mother Earth and her children not have any meaning?
Just think a bit further and you will be faced with that cosmic and Divine meaning!
By entering Christ you will get to the bottom of the sense of this Divine mystery.
Christ, Christ!=- through him you can get to know the Divine laws.
Through his Age they will start to speak to your heart.
If you are open and show yourself to be receptive!
Adolf Hitler wanted to bring Europe to its knees, he ambushed (the House of) Israel in its sleep for this purpose.
The peoples who are children of (the House of) Israel, quickly realise what evil wants to achieve and they rush forward.
Germany must accept this.
No matter how loudly it shouts, it does not help.
The other characteristics devote all of the obtained conscious, because this personality wants to go to the first sphere!
And then the wonder of this age happens, the incredible: God intervenes.
God as the Good, as the conscious master on this side, intervenes and gives help to this personality who strives to go upwards.
This has been predicted, your bible clearly says so.
There is another characteristic for mankind, which belongs to the darkness.
That is Russia.
This people also still has to awaken in the spirit, it has not yet started to release itself from the Land of Hatred.
The dominating masses are not yet conscious of the own power, but still possess the primal attunement, the natural instinct.
If Germany attacks that personality - and you will experience this - those masses will reach consciousness.
The Other Side will then be with Stalin.
Stalin already received the command long ago from our world to prepare himself.
Russia realises properly that that own kind wants to conquer it.
However, Germany does not know that that primal power is so ready.
While Germany is busy bringing down (the House of) Israel, Russia is making its final preparations.
How extremely stupid, how terribly unconscious Hitler and his people have acted, he will soon have to accept, if he proceeds to attack Russia.
Because Germany is disintegrating.
Not England, but Russia - the own kind - is the great danger for Germany.
If Germany comes into battle with the Russian state (the House of) Israel will get the opportunity to withdraw in order to recover from the wounds suffered.
If this wonder had not happened and Germany and Russia had understood each other, not only Europe, but also America would have been destroyed.
No people would ever have been able to stand up to those combined, violent forces.
However, this will not happen and must not happen!
Russia is ready, helped in this by the masters.
And now that you know that we on our Side never help a soul from the Land of Hatred, only because it is not open to higher feelings, you must be able to accept, that we saw how Russia is busy releasing itself from the own sphere and life attunement.
The masters would never place Russia opposite Germany otherwise!
As a result of its fast and crushing victories over the peoples of (the House of) Israel Germany now also dominates in the Land of Twilight.
According to the laws of God this is unacceptable.
We cannot live in two spheres at the same time, we must remain in our own state or succumb.
A higher sphere does not allow itself to have laws written for it by a lower sphere, because such a thing is not possible, not on our Side and not on Earth.
And yet Hitler wanted that.
It will be the cause of his succumbing!
That he and his people did not understand this is very simple: the mentality of the Land of Hatred is not capable of understanding such a thing.
Russia will never be able to conquer under its own power, it needs the help of the other peoples for this purpose, mainly of America and England, the main characteristics of (the House of) Israel.
Russia lives between good and evil, it will have a difficult time against the intellectual evil, that Germany is.
With the support of (the House of) Israel it will nevertheless force the German armies to their knees.
As a result of this battle Russia will work itself up to the higher life and release itself from the own sphere and life attunement, in order to become a wonderful characteristic for the House of Israel in this way.
When it is that far, Germany will also calm down and the masses there have learned that in the Age of Christ violence and domination are intolerable and impossible. It will also have conquered the evil in itself.
This gigantic process will have been achieved by means of the spiritual politics of the masters.
Rome as a wonderful ecclesiastical centre could certainly have had an important share in this, but it was not capable of that.
Rome followed the material politics and destroyed itself as a result of this.
Now it can no longer play a role of significance in this awe-inspiring event.
Rome is dying, the future will show it to mankind.
Rome is standing still in its development, the church has already burrowed in the unconscious for centuries.
The spiritually sensitive there do not believe that we as people continue in the eternal life and yet can remain in contact with the Earth.
Our astral world is shouted at as a demonic carry-on.
However, the Divine wonders which I spoke to you about, will prove it otherwise to them.
The church cannot lead mankind into a maze of questions, in which it now wanders round.
Is it then so unnatural that it turns away from these spiritual ‘guides’ and without letting itself be intimidated by them it seeks the answer elsewhere to the life question: ‘Where does life on Earth take mankind?’
I hope to have shown you clearly now that all the peoples of the Earth must accept the own life attunement in this battle, it is not possible to avoid it.
Pretending to be other than people really are, living above their spiritual state - it is impossible.
The Age of Christ does not tolerate empty, sacred talk and wearing masks.
As a result of its actions a people exposes itself to the other characteristics.
In this way it must now be possible for you to determine the spiritual attunement of a people.
Do you now know the mentality of Russia, of France?
Do you know that of your own people? (The Dutch people)
All life between the Land of Hatred and the Land of Twilight.
One characteristic is a bit stronger, a bit more conscious than the other, but each one is now elevated in order to be able to contribute to the happiness of earthly mankind.
For this purpose the German intellectual evil must be denied its life capacity.
Hitler and his kind are demons, they do not possess a grain of love for God and his sacred creation, their ideals are like poison for all peoples.
However, soon this kind will be conquered, it asked to be exterminated.
Russia will then go one path with the good German child, even if they still have to master the mentality of (the House of) Israel.
These are laws of God, which will be experienced by the peoples of the Earth.
God watches over mankind.
This is a sacred and intangible truth, which every human child will one day recognise as such.
It reaches you from life after death and it is Christ, who is behind it with his Sacred Life.
If God approves that Russia helps (the House of) Israel to conquer, what do you wish to do about this?
Just surrender to these laws.
Now accept that England wages war in order to bring the peoples of the Earth to unity.
England does not even know that itself, soon, when the violence is silent, England will receive this wisdom from the masters.
It will then know the meaning of its battle and its sacrifices.
The lands which now get the most beating, make a sacrifice.
They have to experience the greatest karma or they fight for the good and in order to release themselves from the Land of Twilight, because a battle is also needed for this.
Do not forget that not one people has yet reached the first sphere, and you learned a moment ago how much suffering and sorrow, how much of a battle it costs to be released from the lower spheres.
If it is attacked by its own kind, Russia will soon know how the Land of Hatred lives and how that mentality acts.
As a result of this Russia will learn the necessary.
That school of learning speaks for the further life, it effects the awakening in the spirit.
Russia will devote everything in order to leave that terrible place as soon as possible.
Stalin has to accept this and must bow his head to it, because the laws of God now speak to all his followers.
In this way, every country, according to its attunement, has to experience consciousness and karmic laws.
The ‘Übermenschen’ intellect has no meaning for this world, we now know that no Übermenschen live on Earth.
This mentality is unconscious.
As a result of this Germany will choke in its own greed!
Now do not attack the good German child, the child of (the House of) Israel is not to blame for this fall.
All peoples possess the good kind, children of (the House of) Israel, who love God, who cannot hate, but want to elevate the own life to Golgotha.
You also received time and life for this purpose, so now also give them the opportunity to recover, give them the chance to show their good will.
In this way you will serve them and yourself and become one from feeling to feeling.
By acting in this way you will show yourself to be a true Christian.
How did Christ act?
He forgave his executioners with all his heart!
Will you not accept the German child of (the House of) Israel?
The peoples of the Earth will have to act in the way the individual acts.
Not one people can avoid it.
Russia will destroy the beast with all its heads, but then it will have to be able to forgive its attackers and torturers.
Along with Russia (the House of) Israel will one day carry the Lamb of God in its hands and then there will be pleasure in the human being of the whole world.
Those who went before you to the hereafter, will help you with this.
So not despair, everything is going as planned.
All the peoples must make good, your people too, but remember that whatever is imposed upon you, it will be no more than you created in cause and effect.
And while experiencing it you will grow spiritually, which means, that you are releasing yourself from the Land of Twilight.
Therefore upwards to the first sphere, the ‘Kingdom of God on Earth’ and on this side.
The heavens of God are opened to everyone who wants and accomplishes the good.
The astral laws for the individual, the masses and mankind say so.
Sooner or later you will be faced with this reality.
In the Age of Christ you must reach a decision to follow the good, or to persevere in evil.
You must show your colours, you must choose.
If you cannot do it yourself, you will be forced to do it.
In this Age this will be completed and there is no one who will escape this working.
Not one soul of God can now walk an own path any longer and ignore his fellow being.
The peoples will have to meet each other and serve, the peoples and you, the individual.
Forget and forgive.
These feelings will bring you to the first sphere.
They take you to the arms of Christ.
Wish each other everything, share, even if it is what you think you need yourself.
Open yourself to our world and to the laws of God, which we got to know there.
We also had to walk your path.
No footstep is given to you and to us, nor to the masses and the peoples.
Will the peoples not weep with happiness, when they know that all the sacrifices which seemed pointless, appeared to be the seed from which eternal happiness for mankind will bloom?
If they know that they did not fight for nothing?
This will be your worldly wisdom from now on.
You will draw from it, know yourself to be carried by it.
We will help you and the peoples in your battle for a higher form of existence.
We once lived on Earth and we still have to make good to it.
It gave us riches; is it then so unnatural that we now do something back for it?
This would be in conflict with Divine laws?
In order to enter the first sphere, you and your peoples who saw themselves analysed here must bow your heads and accept our analysis.
We have not spared one people, not put one people above the other - as we have described here are the life attunements of the peoples and not any different.
You cannot catch us out with one lie, we came to you as messengers of Christ.
The conscious child of God spoke to your life.
It is our purpose to build up and not to destroy!
If it is God’s will, your eyes and those of the peoples of the Earth will now open and calm, peace and understanding will enter your hearts!