The spiritual omnipotence

When the very first people had built up the Spheres of Light, they understood that there must be worked for mankind on Earth.
They had got to know the life on Earth and on this side and by locking themselves in the material organism, they also experienced the illnesses of the Earth, as a result of which they received universal conscious.
They followed all the material and spiritual grades from the Moon and then returned to the first sphere.
‘What must we do for all those people?’ they wondered, in the knowledge that life on earth was a tale of woe.
They saw from this world into all their thousands of lives and now understood for the first time properly the misery of it.
Soon they reached the decision and started work.
Thousands of them returned to the Earth in order to help there.
Other people were born there again and were inspired from this Side and in this way the first inventions originated.
From this side people saw continually sharper how mankind could be helped.
From them the first doctor medicine men originated, because they knew the illnesses of the Earth, even if they still did not know how they had actually come into being.
But very soon they also got to know the origin of the illnesses and then the Temple of Docters came into being on this side!
They continued to follow the sick people of the Earth and made a thorough study of them.
They took away the life aura from the sick people and returned to the spheres with it in order to examine those illnesses.
Meanwhile life on this side went on, sphere after sphere was built up and the higher material cosmic grades for the human life were achieved.
In the first sphere people remained in connection with the higher worlds, together people continued the tremendous work.
Where people lived, evolution had come, material and spiritual awakening!
In the first sphere, I told you a moment ago, the Temple for the Medici was erected, this majestic building can still be seen, it has lost none of its own aura in all those thousands of centuries, on the contrary, this building is not only material, therefore earthly, but in addition, spiritually, cosmically and divinely awakened.
The building of the Medici has experienced an own development.
But do not let me get ahead of myself.
Since the masters could connect themselves during their earthly study with the earthly being, they got to know everything about the illness.
Day in day out they followed those people and examined the life aura.
The material illness manifested itself in this fluid, it was attached to this and they could take that aura away from the sick person.
They followed all the material organs from this side, got to know the own task of every body part and understood the depth of it for the organism.
In their work and serving they saw the divine power of the soul life and how the material organs were fed by the inner life.
They understood and accepted that people on Earth knew nothing about this, because mankind still had to master this conscious.
This is at least thousands of centuries ago and people on Earth still do not know this working, nor the powers and strengths of God, which were give to mankind by him after all.
They examined the material organism and the soul life and then got to know all those systems.
They felt how the organism works with regard to the inner life and how all those troubles had originated.
Thousands of helpers of these masters took away the life aura from the sick people and brought that to the spheres, to the Temple of Docters.
However, when the masters penetrated deeper into the life aura there, they lost themselves in the illnesses of the Earth and they were faced with new problems.
They then decided to examine the very first phenomenon of it.
They returned to the Moon for this purpose.
But the Moon did not know any illnesses, the Moon had not known this misery and they experienced that God did not create anything which would become sick or would be weak in order to be able to experience the material existence.
The Moon, they saw, remained uncontaminated.
Even if the Moon was one rotting process, this still did not mean that these were illnesses.
Those rotting processes belonged to the material evolution and were nothing more than the dying off of billions of material cells, as a result of which yet other life originated.
The end phase of this wonder was the condensing of the planet, while as a result of the silt released the condensed substance earth came into being.
The masters could follow that.
They now already received the insight that rotting processes and illnesses were two different problems.
One was a natural process and meant pure evolution, the other, on the other hand, meant material destruction!
It was the destruction of cells and tissues.
There were no illnesses in the embryonic life.
They already understood that the human being must then have contaminated himself and they therefore had to accept that in the following grades of life for the material life.
And the masters wanted to know that, it was their study.
They could safely say goodbye to the Moon. In the very first stage of the human existence God had given all his Life the natural bliss.
This pure possession, the masters understood, must have been sullied elsewhere.
But where?
The masters went to the secondary planets.
But on the second cosmic grade of life, a planet system, which the inner life received as soul from the Moon, they could not determine illnesses either.
The material and inner life was not contaminated in any way here either, because the conscious still had to awaken for this.
Human being and animal therefore did not understand anything about illnesses or about the wrong action as a result of which illnesses could originate, that was not possible there.
Human being and animal experienced the natural laws and could not yet follow an own path.
The masters were faced with great problems, but Mother Nature, the life itself, showed them the way.
They floated back to the Earth and also followed all the grades of life on this planet for the material body.
Then they saw the origin of the illnesses!
The adult conscious created misery, because the human being did not know himself.
On the Moon no illnesses could originate, because the human being there did not possess any adult conscious.
On Earth the human being did possess that conscious and then the illnesses originated.
The masters saw a tremendous study before them.
They now worked everything out and reached analysis in this way.
They themselves, they learned, had helped the existence, as a result of their will to experience, to fertilise.
By experiencing the unity with other material grades of life, they created destruction for the organism.
Their grade split itself up as a result of this.
They received the proof for this when they followed their own lives.
They themselves were to blame for all that misery and they had to accept, that they had not served the spiritual but the material destruction.
They were now faced with their own behaviour, with their lives, which had been completed in unconsciousness and they understood!
The illness of the Earth is an illness of the soul, it can be found again in the personality.
Mother Earth, the masters determined, created seven material grades for the organism.
The masters had to establish that one grade had connected with the other, the fourth grade paired with the second, the fifth with the sixth and seventh grade and produced children.
Those children also experienced the same again and this broke a natural process.
The law for the physical power was sullied by them.
The masters also had to establish that family had connected itself with family.
This material destruction became a chaos.
It could no longer be stopped.
All this life wondered with which grade it was going to become one, it simply proceeded to fertilise and children were born from that.
The weakening of the organism emerged and as a result of this weakening of the organism, the masters established, the illnesses originated.
As a result of the connection of higher with lower physical grades the life powers were undermined.
The body, which had to be immune to everything, lost its natural life attunement, its resistance given to it by God.
The organism was no longer immune to the laws of nature, relapse after relapse followed and physical suffering and sorrow for all these people.
The first illness created yet another one and the masters could also follow and purely establish this destruction.
The organism, the masters saw, had been sullied in all those centuries, muddied, harmed by the unconscious child of the Earth, by the masses.
Mankind was faced with a disaster and in the course of centuries the decay would become even more terrible!
Something had to be done against this calamity. It was more than necessary, that they got to know the nature of the illness.
And they also had to work out with which means they would be able to fight these illnesses.
The actual primal power of the Moon, the masters understood, had disappeared.
Child after child, man after man, woman after woman helped with this spiritual destruction.
It was like these masters were broken by the natural proof which they gained.
They saw a mountain of misery before them.
Who would be able to dissolve all those horrors?
Did people in the highest heavens know about this?
Did people know there what Mother Earth needed?
Would the Supreme Power know it?
The masters decide to do what they can.
Millions of souls created for the material destruction and the incredible gem of the power of creation, the human being, had been horribly weakened and did not possess any more immunity.
The seven pure, natural grades for the material organism had been completely dissolved.
They could no longer prevent the splitting of the natural law for the organism.
Wherever they followed the human life, they saw evil spreading there.
In all the grades for the organism the weakening could be seen.
The highest race (see article ‘There are no races’ on was also sullied, not one grade had escaped it.
Nervous systems and muscular systems lived at half powers, because the base had been completely destroyed.
That was the attunement of the organism, which they had to accept.
Not one human being in the universe could be acquitted of blame.
The human conscious, the animal longing in the human being, had created this misery.
The man wanted to take possession of the woman materially and wherever he met her, he overpowered her and lived it up through her body.
In the woods this drama took place and the material destruction already began here.
By continuing in such a way life on Earth had to collapse one day.
But now the masters started their tremendous task.
When the development of the Earth was advanced that far that people started to live together, the masters started to inspire them. Once the types were together, the masters placed feelings in them to unite in groups and to make laws, which would protect them and their women against other types.
In this way a beginning was made with the fight against the destruction.
Now the masters returned to the spheres in order to continue their work there.
The helpers of the masters took away the life aura from the sick people, wrapped this sick life force with their own fluid and returned with it to the masters, who had already started their research.
They were kept there.
Every century, the masters established, knows its own illness.
Medicines had to come in order to fight them.
After a certain time those medicines came to Earth, mankind’s eyes were opened to the herbs, the composing of these living juices, in order to cure the sick people.
From soul to soul, from feeling to feeling, these medicines came to Earth.
The whole universe worked for mankind, people lived even as far as into the Divine All, who had given their wisdom through the lower grades to the Earth.
Heaven and Earth had now become one, were one world!
Then the moment came that the masters received messages from the higher regions, that instruments would come, who would release mankind from this suffering.
It was already being worked on.
The masters therefore did not need to despair.
They had already realised that the medicines were just an aid.
Medicine alone could not conquer the illness.
So now instruments would be brought to Earth and they would make the illnesses dissolve completely.
Mankind would nevertheless first have to awaken for it.
And it was a case of waiting for that.
The masters received the message to go further and to not let themselves be disturbed in anything.
On Earth life continues, mankind receives knowledge, material and spiritual wisdom and all of that serves in order to be able to receive the ultimate.
And even if this will still take centuries, all the life of God is working hard on it.
In the spheres the masters already received inventions from the first sphere from a higher source and they finished them.
Part after part was sent to the Earth.
But there all these inventions were not understood and used for destruction.
The instruments also came into being which would serve for suffering mankind, but it was still not the time to bring them to Earth.
Mankind first had to awaken.
And the Other Side also works on that.
Academics come to the Earth, individuals, who feel deeper than millions of others and they teach.
These souls tell of higher powers and strengths in the universe and the masses also awaken more and more as a result of this.
On this side master after master continued this study.
When the time had passed, a master had got to know a higher grade of conscious and had to go higher, he was followed by others.
They then continued the gigantic process with those who had been made available.
Everyone surrendered completely to it.
Millions of souls returned to the material life for this and others inspired them from this side.
In this way wonders were achieved.
Then the Age is approaching in which Christ comes to the Earth in order to shake mankind awake for God.
His history and struggle are known to you.
Now that Christ has completed his task, the construction of the instruments for the Age of Christ can begin.
Since he closed his material eyes at Golgotha, centuries have passed.
Mankind must learn to accept his Holy Life.
In the first sphere wonders have meanwhile been finished.
They ask to be able to be born on Earth.
After this, your struggle, the Other Side can begin to bring them to Earth, because now mankind is that far.
On Earth there are already technical inventions which have attunement to our wonders, for that matter, because people already brought part after part to the Earth.
Soon I will tell you how these instruments work and what intention the masters have with them.
From all of this it must have become clear to you that mankind on Earth has already been helping the Other Side to build for millions of centuries.
The All actually already lives on Earth, all those millions of souls work under the guidance of their Mentor Christ for mankind.
Christ and all of them know how life on Earth is and which conscious you now possess.
People know there that only Mother Earth experiences conscious evil, on other planets life must still awaken for your own universe.
Only the children of Mother Earth know a weakened organism, so that life is a process of suffering for them.
This is why Christ came as a Divine conscious being to the Earth.
Now, dear reader, the ultimate is near you and it has essentially been the case since the origin of Mother Earth.
You do not need to despair on Earth!
The Other Side is taking care of your spiritual awakening and now for your material evolution.
It does that in the name of him, who gave his Holy Life for all of us.
And God makes sure that not one child is forgotten.
Only Mother Earth can receive these spiritual wonders, other planets do not know what to do about it. Life there must still return to the Earth, which is the returning to God.
After Christ the technical wonders flow to the Earth.
Your Edison and other people were sent to you, they received a new life for this purpose and brought that which they had to give to the Earth.
All your inventions originated through the masters; they would serve for suffering mankind, but this was not understood.
The masters from the seventh sphere have this in their hands and we serve them.
Soon these technical wonders will receive spiritual meaning, they will then serve for the wonderful instrument which will make all the illnesses of the Earth dissolve.
Can you feel the power of your own century?
Can you also feel what was done for this in the centuries gone by?
Do you now understand for what purpose Moses and Christ came to the Earth?
First the human being had to accept the One God and then awaken spiritually.
The Other Side wants to serve you and Christ is the highest and most sacred example of this.
For this purpose Mother Earth received its connection with God!
Can you feel this incredible thing?
We as children of eternity may bring you this wisdom on Earth.
By this serving, by giving yourself, you are given to!
The enormous meaning of you as a human being now receives shape, that meaning is cosmic.
As a result of this war mankind has been able to make the great leap.
Millions of souls on Earth ask to serve, they want to help with this spiritual and material construction.
Soon that will be possible.
We will elevate the sensitive into our life.
The Divine spark lives in each of you.
By means of this spark you can receive messages from life after death.
By means of it we receive connection with you and we work bymeans of this contact.
God gave us this mercy and through Christ we could get to know the laws.
The Other Side has been busy for eternity devoting all of the obtained possession for life on Earth.
Since all these souls have experienced life on Earth and on other planets and could go continually higher by serving, this divine unity was achieved.
Mother Earth is now elevated by them with all its life.
Who does Adolf Hitler fight against?
One earthly human child wages war against the universe!
One soul, one spark of God wages battle against billions of sparks, sparks which conquer the unconscious and are now conscious astral, cosmic masters.
Adolf Hitler, I already told you, fights against God, against Christ, against all the cosmic masters, against the stars and planets on which people live.
Is he now eternally damned?
The church will say, yes!
We tell you, no!
Because God is Love.
God’s children must return to him.
He too!
He will make good and along with him all the others who followed him, but Adolf Hitler helped to accelerate that Mother Earth can receive these spiritual wonders!
God wanted it!