Twin souls

When man and wife possess spiritual happiness on Earth, when they love and understand each other completely, they usually posses twin love and are twin souls.
They are then one of colour and one in feeling and thinking.
God gave them this union.
He created two people as man and wife.
Both of them would represent him.
They received everything from God.
As twin souls they were born in one state, one is not further than the other, man and woman possess one consciousness.
Where did the twin souls meet each other for the first time?
It is again on Mother Moon, that they first got to know each other.
On the Moon Divine sparks experienced one life, one state.
One cell was not further than the other, or one would have destroyed the other.
Born from one state this life experienced material working and would die and be born again.
At that moment the human being received his twin soul.
This soul life belonged to the same grade of life as we ourselves and it was not a second older.
We went on our way with this life, grade in grade out, in this way one life did not come further or higher than the other.
Less than ten seconds away from each other, just as old, one in working, we reached the higher conscious.
Now one day as creative, then again as a bearing principle.
In this way we experience the Moon, then the second cosmic grade and then came to the Earth.
In all those stages the twin souls obeyed the divine laws and nothing breaks their naturally grown union.
As man and as mother they will now experience the material world on Earth.
If the mother has experienced the highest in her own grade and the law for birth and motherhood has awakened in her, she will receive the creating organism in the next stage, while the creating organism - the man - will then enter the bearing life.
The twin souls as man and wife will continually change organism and awaken as mother in order to become ready for each other and experience the laws through motherhood, which will take them back to God.
Having come from the second cosmic grade to the Earth, the twin souls experience the seven physical grades, which Mother Earth created.
Beginning in the jungle they go from one race to the other and reach the white race (see article ‘There are no races’ on via thousands of lives.
Meanwhile the soul has awakened for the conscious life, it plunges itself into passion and violence.
In every life the laws of God are destroyed.
The soul now consciously creates karma and now enters cause and effect, it must make good what it did wrong.
This is the moment when the natural union is broken and the twin souls separate.
They are each drawn to other grades, already according to the karmic laws, which each created for itself.
The personality - for our life the grade of conscious - is pre-animal-like, animal-like, coarse-materially, materially or spiritually attuned.
And only the personality, which reached and experienced the spiritual grade, met the own kind again, all the lower grades are still busy releasing themselves from the own karma and coming into contact with other grades.
Those souls experience the conscious suffering and the conscious sorrow, the misery, which they imposed upon themselves.
The human being goes over the Earth, knows nothing about the laws in which and as a result of which he lives, he only knows that life is a hell.
One marriage after another ends in misery and discord and the longing for the own grade of life becomes even greater.
The woman seeks the man, the man seeks the woman, the true love, the life which belongs to her and to him.
But where does this soul live?
Under which cloud does it live?
No one knows it, but somewhere on Earth, or, what is also possible, in the world of the unconscious, waiting for a new organism, is the being, which belongs to his life.
No one knows of the existence of a twin soul, there is only the undetermined longing for a human being, who is the same, thinks and feels in the same way, knows the same longing, cherishes the same expectations.
But where does that being live?
You can see it on this side, if you have reached the first sphere.
In the spheres lying underneath it the human being still has to awaken for this wisdom.
There you are still unconscious of all these laws of life.
In this way man and wife are busy freeing themselves from the own karma, at least if they already possess this conscious and do not still continue to create new karma.
God gave every being in the universe a twin soul:
‘I belong to you, I am from you, since God joined us together.
Both of us carry the universe, we together represent the Divine laws.’
However, we ourselves severed the true twin soul love and this was as a result of the own longings.
We ourselves expelled ourselves from the paradise.
Our uncontrolled desires drove us to other beings, we lived it up through them and only just saw our passions getting worse.
This tore us apart and placed us in misery.
Yet the soul of your life lives in the universe, probably very close to you, so do not despair if you are beaten and kicked, because the other life does not understand you.
Your own grade and kind waits for you and works on itself.
Prepare yourself for your twin soul and remember that you serve this being, if you finish your task with regard to the other life!
It is possible in all the grades to experience your own kind.
If you understood me, you will feel, that everyone got to experience or will get to experience these grades.
In all the grades the twin souls meet each other in order to then be attracted to the other kinds, to which they have to make good, under the authority of the karmic laws.
In the pre-animal-like and animal-like life attunements you can therefore meet your twin soul and also experience a certain happiness there, because the feeling of unity also speaks in those lower grades.
But what does such an animal-like attuned love mean?
Christ died for this kind of love.
Only the spiritual twin soul has meaning for our life.
As a soul we go through all the layers of evil, through all the grades of darkness to the light.
We enter into connection with the higher grade for the first time when we have made good in the lower grade.
In one life you create, in the other and next one you are mother and you bear.
Making good and learning in this way you evolve and you reach spiritual awakening.
Finally you are open to spiritual love and you have attunement to the first sphere.
And now for the first time you are ready for spiritual twin love!
If you are now on your last material life and you have completed your earthly cycle, you enter our life and you continue on this side.
It is now possible, that the soul which belongs to your life, is still on Earth.
It is also possible, that it still lives in the world of the unconscious and waits there in order to be attracted by Mother Earth.
Now you must therefore have patience, but this one life has no meaning.
You experienced millions of lives as man and wife!
There is so much in our world that you have to learn.
And you, as a conscious being, can help the soul, which still has to experience an earthly life.
Awaiting the reunion, you prepare yourself in order to receive your twin soul in this world.
And when this blissful moment comes, you will be connected with your twin soul for eternity, you will never separate again.
There are seven spheres in order to prepare you for the fourth cosmic grade of life, where you await the material stage again.
Together you begin to build on the higher happiness, you take possession of the first spheres and make a journey of a few centuries.
You go back to the Moon and follow all the stages, which you both experienced on the first, the second and the third cosmic grade.
You see how you separated and the lives which you then experienced.
By means of these trips and experiences you receive the cosmic conscious.
And now you can both begin a spiritual task.
The longing can enter you to do something for life on Earth, you then pray to God, because now returning is a mercy, which he alone can give you.
You receive your task from the masters and you both dissolve in the world of the unconscious, where you wait in meditation until you are attracted by Mother Earth.
The attunement, which was received on the Moon, is restored in the spheres, that means we possess here the organic grade which God gave us then.
Anyone who received the creating capacity on the Moon, also enters that state on this side and remains in this attunement.
For that matter, the body no longer has any meaning, in the many lives of our cycle we were man and wife, both attunements therefore lie conscious in our soul.
We are both man and wife, both father and mother, also like God both Father and Mother!
For that matter, we will never be able to say that we are conscious of God’s creation in its total, if we only know the male organism and know nothing about motherhood or the other way round.
As conscious Gods must be both Father and Mother, as God himself is.
Your twin soul lives somewhere in the universe.
Improve upon yourself, work for a better self and prepare yourself in this way for twin love.
God will bless you in this!