The mentality of the peoples

In the centuries which passed, one or two people evolved. They mastered conscious, their characters formed and their personalities could be recognised by this.
They determined to fight and conquer all their wrong characteristics, which meant a battle of life and death.
God gave the human being everything, but this one, his child, had to master his laws in order to awaken spiritually.
The human being was continually faced with his material and spiritual construction, the conquering of himself.
He finally destroyed the lower in himself and his better self evolved.
For one or two people this process took millions of years, then he entered the astral world and he received a place, which his inner attunement pointed out.
In the astral world he continued in order to develop himself higher.
The masses have also had to walk that path.
The peoples of the Earth evolved and mastered conscious, by experiencing war after war.
When the peoples had come that far, the personality came forward and from that it could be established which attunement a people had reached.
Many centuries ago the peoples still lived in a chaos, they did not know about God or commandment and just lived it up.
When the prophets came to the Earth there and mankind received a faith, it changed.
More character came, after which it could be established which peoples belonged to Israel.
As the centuries passed the peoples received more conscious.
One people stood out more favourably than the other, but not one exceeded the animal-like state and life attunement with regard to the Other Side.
There was still no question of spiritual conscious.
The peoples still had to master this higher grade.
One or two people wanted to release themselves from the animal-like grade, they separated themselves from the masses in order to start a higher life.
They experienced their struggle completely in themselves.
As a result of suffering, hunger and misery they became wiser and more conscious.
That was different with the masses, they could only learn and awaken through a war.
Its scourge forced the peoples to change their character and in millions of years they achieved a certain height.
Every people now possesses its own character and this also determines his spiritual attunement for the astral world, as that is the case for one or two people.
And as those one or two people the masses must also be accepted and treated according to their spiritual attunement, their spiritual grade.
Napoleon had to experience this!
When he wanted to bring the peoples to unity, he was faced with their animal-like grade of life.
If Napoleon could have sensed this mentality, he would have known that the peoples were still not ready for that unity.
All those peoples, seen as personalities, could not be reached for those higher thoughts.
But Napoleon still thought he could realize that unity and he experienced his own decline as a result of this.
He was not able to gauge the attunement of the peoples and one people cannot do this for the other either.
In order to be able to determine the life attunement with regard to our world of the one or two people and the masses, people must have left earthly life and possess the higher conscious.
Napoleon wanted to bring the peoples to unity, who did nothing else but lie to each other and cheat each other and enter into solemn treaties, which already had no more value a day later, in short, they acted according to their animal-like grade of life.
On the Other Side people knew what the result of his efforts must be and also when the time was ripe to realise the intended material and spiritual unity.
No people understood anything about his own life attunement or could say: I belong to (the House of) Israel.
The characters of the peoples differed too much, their true personality was still lost, it still had to manifest itself more sharply.
Even in 1914-1918 it could not be determined which character a people possessed and how this personality would react.
The peoples still hid from each other, they put on masks, so that they did not know from each other what was hatching behind those masks.
However, a time will come and namely very soon, that every people must show their true face and show their colours.
The bible already spoke of that, but the prophecies were still not understood.
How close the years 1914-1918 are and yet it was still not possible then to establish the true self of the peoples, because they kept themselves hidden fearfully from each other, sullied their true self.
Not one people knew himself.
Peoples lived above their station, one boasted more than the other and behind the mask which they put on, they hid their robbing instinct.
People did not think of anything else at all than increasing their power and strength.
However, the peoples would pay dearly for this greediness.
One day they would be faced with their own self.
God did not send his Son for nothing to the Earth, to mankind to teach it what it meant to live according to his will and law.
Lying and deception, hatred and desire for power, passion and violence, all these low and mean things will have to be discarded by the peoples.
Golgotha forces them to.
You see, Christ came to the Earth for this purpose.
In the centuries, which passed, the pre-animal-like and animal-like characteristics were discarded by the peoples.
Many of them, but still not all of them, released themselves from the animal-like grade and can now call their attunement coarse-material.
When Napoleon wanted to bring the European peoples to unity, they found themselves - as was said - in the animal-like life attunement.
The spiritual sensing still had to awaken, the condition for a higher life.
Mankind would only possess this in a few hundred years, so that Napoleon went to pieces.
Yet his battle yielded profit and it was the masters who commanded this.
Napoleon brought the feeling for unity amongst the peoples and thus gave the first push towards the higher consciousness of Europe.
However, it was only later that mankind would be able to proceed to this.
A tremendous battle comprising parts of the world would bring them to unity.
However, for this purpose the necessary inventions still had to come.
They would come to Earth!
Napoleon’s intuition therefore did not go further than the peoples possessed in power and conscious.
This ruler could not come any higher, no longer achieve, the conscious of the peoples called him to a halt.
If the peoples had been able to see into our lives and establish the laws applicable there and accept them, I assure you that they would have joined together.
However, the human being refuses to bow his head, does not even accept Christ’s words, he flatly refuses to accept or worship God’s life and laws and does not hit his head once but thousands of times on the same stone.
Is it strange then that other laws have to come forward in order to tame this rebellious character?
And they cannot be avoided, the evolution of mankind demands it.
It can occur that the masses can only be forced to their knees by a war with its horrors and will surrender.
The year 1914 comes in sight.
I painted a picture for you a moment ago what the mentality was like of the peoples around that time.
All these European personalities as peoples still lived in the country of hatred or in a twilight state, names for grades of conscious, as we got to know them on our side.
Spiritual characteristics are still unconscious in the peoples!
The will to do good and to live in harmony with other peoples is still sleeping.
The year 1914 tears the people’s masks off.
Many people show themselves as wild animals.
After 1918 the masks are put on again, but the peoples had got to know each other in the meantime in different respects.
People now knew what good they were to each other, on which people they could count.
1914-1918 did not need to bring more than this for the masters on this side!
Then the year 1939 approaches.
A new battle is almost here.
Which mentality do the peoples now possess?
Which peoples belong to (the House of) Israel, which to the heathen peoples?
Where does (the House of) Israel live?
The coming war will give an answer to these questions much more sharply than 1914-1918.
Great things will happen from Europe.
Anyone who now feels himself next to England, belongs to (the House of) Israel.
These peoples no longer wish for war.
They went to war many times, in particular the actual tribe of Moses and they attacked other peoples.
The purpose of this was to elevate the own existence, which was necessary in order to reach the conscious unity, but which was never understood by the world for that matter, as well as by themselves.
Now, however, they no longer wish any war to enslave other peoples, but desire to live in peace and quiet.
(The House of) Israel does everything to stop the heathen peoples from a war.
Yes, in order to keep the peace the members of state of the tribe of Moses go to the once conquered Germany.
(The House of) Israel is so deeply prepared to bow its head, but it will not help, the heathen peoples want to go their own way, even if this leads straight to war, they are extremely strong and conscious of their power.
While (the House of) Israel bows its head to the ground, the heathens stretch their necks, they feel hatred and want the destruction of (the House of) Israel, of England!
The masters do not consider bowing more deeply necessary, they know for that matter what Germany wants.
Out of all of this the character of (the House of) Israel comes forward, but also that of Germany.
The children of (the House of) Israel see what the heathens are not capable of.
They can bow their heads and they prove by this that they have taken their lesson from 1914-1918.
It has now been proven indisputably - the heathen stands opposite the Christian, evil fights good, the devil fights against God, Christ and the masters.
The heathen fights against Golgotha, where (the House of) Israel lies kneeled and asks how it must act.
The peoples of (the House of) Israel pray and beg God to be able to keep the peace and in Germany the personal Sieg Heil sounds from millions of throats!
Germany shows its true character and attacks Poland.
This animal-like conscious no longer lets itself be suppressed, it runs amok possessed by hatred, kicking what comes in its way.
And yet it will go to pieces, because the spiritually conscious grade has been shaken awake and draws up a wall of steel.
The characters of the peoples now speak, as never before.
Masks are discarded, the peoples show their colours - what will once and for all lead to unity.
That would happen in the Age of Christ, but on Earth people have forgotten Christ, even if Christ lives in millions of hearts.
People do not yet know the laws of Golgotha and those laws now have to be experienced.
They force the peoples to show their characteristics and to have them recognised.
They force them to appear naked before God.
Which peoples want to follow (The House of) Israel?
Which want to serve peace and justice?
Which peoples meet God’s laws?
Which strictly obey the ‘Ten Commandments’?
How far have they progressed on the spiritual path?
This war demands the peoples to answer these questions.
It demands of them that they show their colours towards God and Christ and learn to bow their heads and to strive for spiritual unity.
Anyone who refuses, is faced with (the House of) Israel - England and America and many other peoples.
England and America are the most powerful peoples of (the House of) Israel and they were given the task to assure peace and quiet on Earth.
The lawless life, which the peoples of the Earth have lived up until now, is in conflict with Golgotha.
They must start a higher state along with (the House of) Israel.
Every people must now know what it is up to and in which respect it must change.
There are peoples who still possess the animal-like conscious, they live in the darkness and are tuned into evil in an animal-like way.
However, there are others who already see the light, which shines down from a higher grade of life.
They are averse to violence, to boasting and to decoration, they loathe empty talk and gleaming glances, they seek Christ, in contrast to the heathens, who love themselves!
These heathens - you will get to know them.
They want to give you all the good of the Earth and give a happiness as no other people is capable of.
But - thank God - the peoples of (the House of) Israel will now be able to see through this deception, shone upon as they are by the Divine light.
Nevertheless, they will try to convince you, these heathens, but the prophesies have already warned you about them and said that they will lie and cheat, as there was never lied and cheated!
Which peoples belong to the lower grades of conscious and which to the higher?
What meaning does it have, that in this great battle heathen peoples fight with (the House of) Israel and children of (the House of) Israel with the heathens?
Where does this war derive its cosmic meaning?
The battle, which is the most terrible of all times, no longer only affects the peoples, it affects the planet Earth.
How can this be explained and how does this war possess that depth?
And why is it, which few of you will believe, the last one which will afflict mankind?
The Age of Christ will bring you the answer!