The peoples of the earth

If you wish to understand this war, you must know the evolution, the character and the attunement of the peoples.
However, in order to analyse the personality of the peoples materially and spiritually, it is necessary that you belong to the astral world.
After all, I ask you, is it now possible to determine which peoples are part of the lower animal-like grades and which already possess the higher, spiritual intuition?
Can you overseethe whole development of mankind and determine how far it has progressed on the path to spiritual conscious?
Do you know what ‘spiritual’ conscious actually is?
Who knows the past of a human being?
You cannot determine your own past, how would you then want to know the past of a people?
Who on Earth knows the hells, the heavens and the astral laws?
Who knows the origin of creation and the purpose of life on Earth?
Only someone who possesses the cosmic conscious, is able to determine the spiritual gauge of the peoples and to analyse their characteristics.
This conscious can only be reached by the human being, who can travel God’s Universe.
We, as cosmic conscious beings, have got to know all the astral laws and were able to master them.
We were able to follow God’s life in his eternal life, as a result of which it is possible for us to happen to see through and to understand the present stage and its deep problems.
For us, astral beings, the earthly life lies open on all sides - as a result of this we can analyse the peoples and we know the spiritual attunement of all the millions of souls, who are part of a people.
I now want to begin with the analysis of your own people.
You must see mankind as a personality.
The peoples represent this personality as characteristics.
THE NETHERLANDS now forms a higher characteristic of that personality.
This characteristic also points to the spiritual attunement of your people.
It comprises intuition, which makes your people the sensor of mankind.
This can be determined by a number of characteristics, which your people have achieved and which we now want to follow.
Why did your people not wish any war?
Because they have got to know a faith and a God of Love.
It seeks the higher life and bows to Golgotha.
The Netherlands had only one wish: to live in peace with other peoples in order to be able to work on the construction.
The Netherlands did not desire any expansion of territory by means of force of arms, it only wanted to be a blessing to itself and to others.
Your people had already conquered themselves long ago in this respect and discarded those low characteristics after much struggling and suffering.
The many churches that the Netherlands has are proof of this, that your people want to enrich themselves spiritually.
The people fight as a mass against the evil in its society - a battle, which other peoples still have to begin with - and it has almost conquered it here.
This characteristic is no longer open to murder, lies and cheating, it has accepted the ‘Ten Commandments’ and wishes to live according to them.
The people as a mass seek the good and as a result of this they are in harmony with the other peoples.
This characteristic is reliable, a word of this people has value since it is met, the Dutch people do not think of sullying.
The Netherlands is ready for the higher consciousness and it will master this spiritual stage.
All powers are devoted to this, it works consciously further on the own personality.
Seventy-five percent of your people are behind this task and grow in faith and wisdom.
This mass wants to live in love!
I must remark in this connection that it is not yet spiritual love, which was conquered by it.
It loves materially, but stands for astrally spiritual love.
This far exceeds the material, your people need a few centuries to reach it.
But there is the urge, the inspiration to master it.
It is because of all of this that the Dutch people belong to (the House of) Israel.
The seventy-five percent, which is working for the good, also applies itself to elevate the unconscious masses of your people upwards.
This group must also awaken, it is only then that there will be spiritual unity.
Those who belong to the twenty-five percent, walk an own but dead-end path.
Fifteen percent of them are completely unconscious, these people do not need God, they do not seek Christ and can be called his living dead.
This percentage serves lowness and deception, commits sinister practices in order to gain money and power, in brief, represent evil in all its forms.
The other ten percent appear to be plunged in sleep, they do not live and are open to all influences.
They want to follow the heathens, but also Christ, but they do not really know why.
These people are not capable of sensing what is good and what is wrong and they follow the low instincts too easily.
Since the Dutch people have released themselves as a mass from passion and conscious violence, it is ruled out that they still attract geniuses for evil.
On the other hand, other peoples precisely attract these geniuses, without knowing the meaning of this and are happy to possess that ‘Übermenschen’.
The spiritual level of your people also prevents money being made available for inventions which serve destruction, your people have come so high.
If you feel all of this, it must be clear to you, why the Dutch people did not even want to have to do with national socialism.
The child of (the House of) Israel loves, also as a mass.
And the seventy-five percent of your people is disgusted by the ideals and the concepts of this movement.
What they represent for your people is enslavement, brutal violence, deception, meanness, betrayal and thousands more characteristics, which belong to the lower, pre-animal-like instinct.
These thoughts must clash with the healthy, free, conscious, mentality of the Dutch people tuned to love.
The people who serve this movement, represent the lower characteristics of your people, they therefore act badly in an animal-like way or agree to it by keeping silent at least.
These people do not need God and Christ, they feel themselves ‘Superhumans’ and experience darkness!
Is it then any wonder that this low grade is discarded by the higher grade despite its many efforts?
It is also no wonder that the Dutchman is such a bad soldier.
The child that strives for the higher consciousness, has discarded those passions.
This mentality does not like brutal violence, domination, adornment, crusades, commands and other madness.
It tries to obey the laws of God and master them.
It must now be clear to you why your country is a sensor of mankind.
The Netherlands is tuned to the higher spiritual life, this people can no longer be found for lowness, it seeks God, in short, it is a tribe of (the House of) Israel.
Around all of this your queen is a child of the church and of (the House of) Israel.
She originates from a godly generation, which was built up by working and serving, she possesses the trust of your people and the rest of the world and she earns this, because she is just.
With her house she wants to serve God and the people justly.
She would never be capable of sending her people to the abyss, her character and her faith prevent this in the Very Highest.
Satan cannot influence her.
She has conquered that power, she goes a just path, it is the path which leads to God.
Your queen represents the higher consciousness with her people, the seventy-five percent, which is and will remain dominant!
Yet her life still has no meaning for the astral world.
She does everything for the material life of your people - she cannot do anything for the spiritual conscious, since she and her people still have to awaken for this.
When would her life and that of other queens, emperors and leaders have meaning for the astral world and for all of mankind?
If they were to complete their leadership in the way Moses once did!
Moses served with all the powers in him the spiritual consciousness, not of one tribe, but of mankind.
Your earthly rulers serve their people, but usually only themselves.
If they were to follow the leadership of Moses, they would have represented God and Christ and the masters in truth.
Now they must accept that their work has no spiritual meaning, even if they serve their own people and they receive the help from the masters for this.
Their serving is earthly, material, but not spiritual as that of Moses just is.
They gave their powers to elevate the material prosperity of their countries, but with the preaching of this a true leader cannot be satisfied.
The spiritual consciousness of mankind is infinitely much more interesting than material prosperity.
And Moses and his people devoted precisely all of themselves for this purpose!
All those leaders could therefore have made much more of their task.
The completion of such a task is of course awe-inspiringly difficult.
It demands of a leader that he goes further than the mentality of his people allows him.
He is far ahead of it and must cope with mistrust and opposition, which everyone experiences who wants to take the masses to a higher stage.
Instead of therefore adjusting to the mentality of the own people, a leader must with a true view of the material and spiritual sides of his task, with the devotion of all of his person, aim to complete the task given to a leader by God.
It is God’s will, that those who have worked up to a high social task, would work on the material and spiritual construction of his children.
They possess the power for it, but how many rulers after Moses, their great example, were occupied in this way?
In order to elevate the masses intuition is needed, an enormous inspiration and a never ceasing will!
People do not make it only by feeling love for God and the possession of a great faith.
Moses was a true king of (the House of) Israel, his life received meaning for the material and the astral world, for the material and the astral consciousness.
Not one king or emperor lived and acted as he, because all of them served earthly life, material rebellion, their own personality.
Where in the world do the conscious rulers live who represent God in spiritual attunement?
Which people received higher love and consciousness through them?
Can they really be called servants of Christ?
Are they really working from hour to hour devoting all their powers to the material and spiritual construction of mankind?
The lack of spiritual love, which no ruler has yet been able to give his people, determines the life image of the present mankind.
This also determines the mentality of your own people.
It also explains why your country was attacked and got to suffer under the scourge of the war!
If the Netherlands had reached the indicated spiritual height and had made good its cause and effect, the faults committed in the past, God would never have been able to tolerate that your country was trampled underfoot by Germany.
Your own laws would have protected you against that violence.
However, the Dutch people still had to make good, it is not yet that far, that it can say: we mastered the higher consciousness, made all the evil committed dissolve and set up our life in such a way that it means the establishment of the ‘Kingdom of God’ on Earth.
The Netherlands had to be stimulated to thinking, to new occupations.
It had gone to sleep and God does not tolerate that.
He wishes our inner self to be continually awake and busy mastering the higher feeling.
If we wish to return to him as conscious beings, we must examine our inner self continuously, working wrong qualities out of it and changing them to good.
However, as soon as we are satisfied with the level reached, our inner self goes to sleep and our inspiration flows away.
We literally stand still.
What applies to one or two people, also applies to the masses.
The Netherlands had gone to sleep, was satisfied with the results obtained and did not strive seriously anymore for the higher, spiritual consciousness.
In this way it called itself for momentum and inspiration - the war would give it that.
Germany invaded your country, crushed your army and revealed itself to be a robber and murderer.
Your people were roughly shaken awake, this people of (the House of) Israel, this small tribe of Moses, which has such a significant task to fulfil in the gigantic plan of the masters.
In the storm which moves across your country, everything is exposed which lives amongst your people in good and evil.
The conscious Dutch human being has awakened as a result of it and, as soon as the circumstances make it possible again, he will work with renewed zeal and inspiration on the establishment of the ‘Kingdom of God’ on Earth.
This people cannot be persuaded or influenced by a lower mentality - how clearly this now appears.
The Dutchman lets all the propaganda, however large-scale, pass over him, because he recognises the prehistoric conscious in it anyway.
The national-socialist idealists want to make soldiers of your people.
Does this wish not show their great conscious?
The leader of this movement has so much intuition that he thinks that he will succeed in that too!
As if in the course of the years the Dutchman has not made it overtly clear that he rejects everything which tends towards acting the soldier.
How did your soldiers walk over the roads?
They shuffled onwards indifferently, they hung in their clothes and cursed their tunic.
However, if it comes to it, is he a worse soldier than the German?
Can you sense what I mean?
A soldier represents misery, hate and destruction and the Dutch heart no longer feels for that.
However, people can also provoke the most peaceful being to craziness, then it returns to the animal-like instinct and strikes back for the preservation of his own life
(I will get back to this expression of emotion, later when we come to the treatment of the karma of one or two people and the masses.)
The German can march and stamp his feet.
Do you think that the Dutch soldier cannot do such a thing?
Of course, but he has discarded this slavish, stupid carry-on!
Why does your people no longer feel for their blaring marching music?
Because it finds that this kettle rattling belongs in the jungle!
And the Dutchman does not long for military decoration.
He possesses a healthy character and does not desire the noble metal, which is pinned to the breast as a reward for the cruelty committed.
He loathes snarling and bootlicking, which is typically German and a mentality, which we will soon get to know.
Only a few peoples turn away from it and let themselves be snarled at and commanded, the rest do not lose the calm going upwards in spirit and let themselves be led by Christ.
It is therefore an absurd thought of that leader, to be able to reduce this people of seventy-five percent conscious Dutch people to his unconscious life.
From behind the bayonets of your occupiers he sets himself up as your leader.
He gives himself that title, but does not earn it.
This leader does not even know the emotional life of his own people, if he did, then he would never have started his nonsense.
How could he have known that the present stage has a cosmic meaning and does not require demonic destruction, but spiritual construction?!
Moses and his people were also idealists and prepared at all times to devote their lives for the spiritual consciousness of mankind.
The idealists of your time are coarse-material beings, who serve their own grade of life and love themselves for the greater part.
Moses served mankind, your idealists serve a people and are hereby open to hell and horror.
Moses brought the faith in One God to Earth, your idealists destruction and demonic meanness!
Moses was a fighter for God, a preacher of love, in contrast your idealists create discord and deride God and murder the better self in the human being.
However, they cannot frame their satanic plans so covertly or the good core of the Dutch people sees through them and rejects them.
However terrible the situation will become, that good core continues to put a firm trust in a higher power.
And it will not be disappointed!
If the Dutch people had just reached the full hundred percent for the good and higher conscious, a man could never have stood up to enforce his distorted and pathetic unconscious life upon these children of (the House of) Israel.
However, it has appeared that your masses are not yet that far and they will still have to work hard upon themselves in order to help to establish the perfect stage on Earth, the Kingdom of God.
However, the conditions for this live in your people and the inspiration will be greater than ever after this war.
Once your queen strived for spiritual rearmament and it was a battle against the disintegrating powers of violence.
These powers will be settled with for good in the present battle.
Having reached unity your people will then be able to contribute to a great development of the ‘Age of Christ’!
Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden belong to the other, small European countries, which entered the House of Israel with the Netherlands.
The Netherlands is the most conscious of these countries, you can work it out for yourself.
Finland now experiences what France must also experience.
It is faced with the choice: heathen or Christian.
As a result of both its not yet conscious grade and its cause and effect, Finland now battles with the heathen peoples against (the House of) Israel.
However, like France it will reach consciousness as a result of this war and probably also during this battle and pass into (the House of) Israel, to also fight with the peoples of (the House of) Israel against the heathens.
You must just stop it!’
Austria and Czechoslovakia also belong to (the House of) Israel.
It is a fact that the masses in Austria did not want this incorporation with Germany.
Only fifteen percent of this people desired it and attacked the benevolent part by surprise with the support of Germany.
Austria experiences its karma.
It will completely merge into (the House of) Israel.
Greece fights on the side of (the House of) Israel.
It already reached this conscious a long time ago.
Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary are still unconscious and belong to the heathen peoples.
They will have to accept with damage and shame that they did not understand this time.
The leaders of these peoples call themselves idealists, they are too - but for evil.
These peoples follow Germany and they are therefore of the same pre-animal-like and animal-like attunement.
This war nevertheless teaches them a great deal, it will also elevate these countries to the highest conscious.
Poland, which has to suffer terribly under the German oppression, will reach consciousness and (the House of) Israel as a result of the misery.
Since this people were attacked by Germany, they received a place in the rows of the peoples of (the House of) Israel, although it has not yet reached this stage itself.
This people had not known how it had to act under its own power, but it stood along with France on the threshold of the House of Israel.
Turkey lives amongst good and evil, however, it will now have to show its colours.
It is not possible to travel its own path.
As every people has unconscious beings, who do not know which path they must travel and therefore just follow the strongest, in this way there are also some amongst those peoples who do not know how to choose.
However, this is not asked in this decisive time.
Sooner or later it is so far that a people must determine its viewpoint.
Not one people can place itself outside the unity, which the masters are busy achieving.
In this way Turkey will also have to tread on the side of (the House of) Israel.
It will have to attune to the House of Israel or it will be completely eliminated by the peoples of (the House of) Israel.
Spain and Portugal also belong to the unconscious grades.
Spain even descended to the heathen peoples. However, it will no more than Turkey be able to travel its own path outside of (the House of) Israel.
It will come to (the House of) Israel with Portugal.
How can it now be explained that countries remain outside of the war?
Such a thing has to do with the attunement and the karma experienced by a people.
These peoples have already experienced their part, have already suffered and strived so much that their karma has dissolved or that they are still downhearted as a result of the wounds inflicted and must first recover from their battle, fought for life and death.
The own past of these peoples therefore speaks and determines their present situation!
I now want to first subject the Eastern peoples to a short observation.
The Indian peoples are already elevated to (the House of) Israel, they received conscious, especially England as a result of the tribe of Moses and as a result of the Netherlands.
From Europe the masters built on the spiritual unity on Earth.
Various peoples of (the House of) Israel completed a task for this purpose.
The colonies in this respect speak an own language for the peoples.
The apparent suppression by those peoples of (the House of) Israel was in fact nothing but elevating the unconscious masses to the own conscious obtained.
In this way the earthly event receives a very different meaning, if only the astral laws which brought about this event speak to your own life.
The aim of the masters was indeed not to have those Eastern peoples suppressed, they had to be elevated.
These peoples, who belong to the lowest grades of mankind, could not remain behind.
Without them there could be no question of spiritual unity on Earth.
These peoples let it be seen on more than one occasion that they were generally not taken in much by that Western interference.
They will also revolt in this war and they would like to begin the battle for freedom, which prompts England to severe measures, since it cannot tolerate an enemy in the back.
After the war those Eastern peoples will get their freedom and be able to begin their own life.
However, they will have to organize it in such a way that it is instrumental to the consecrated plans of the masters.
I argued a moment ago that these Eastern peoples belong to the lowest grades of mankind.
Understand me well, this does not apply to their spiritual state.
Their faith is significantly deeper than that of the Western.
Their intuition is also more developed.
However, the East must nevertheless go to the West.
Christ, the highest conscious in the universe, came to the West, because the highest earthly conscious lived there.
He brought his Holy Gospel here.
Europe was chosen to spread it over the whole world.
All the Eastern peoples will come to Christ and will have to accept his Holy Gospel.
Here lies another task for (the House of) Israel!
For China and Japan the laws of (the House of) Israel have yet another meaning, since both peoples have reached their grade of existence.
They are independent peoples, of which China belongs to (the House of) Israel and Japan to the heathens.
China has entered the House of Israel consciously, while Japan has a large number of souls, who have attunement to (the House of) Israel.
However, the pre-animal instinct of the rest dominate this people.
China wants to live in peace and be in harmony with eternity.
You already know how Japan attunes itself from all its military actions.
However, this animal-like grade is so eager for power that it will also turn against other countries.
The facts will speak.
Japan will also have to experience along with the other heathen peoples the one which wants to dominate will be eliminated.
Making treaties with other peoples in order to prescribe the own unconscious laws for the rest of mankind, is now no longer possible.
Such a thing belongs to the past, it is prehistoric!
Why do neither Japan nor Germany possess the colonies which they desire so intensely and why will Italy have to renounce its conquered area?
Because the masters would never be able to trust these heathens with the leadership of other peoples.
They possess nothing, because they have nothing to give spiritually!
The unconscious Japanese child believes it is spiritually conscious.
It accepts under the authority of his religion that waging war is sacred and that the man he kills on the battle field will immediately enter heaven.
The pre-animal instinct in this country exploits this faith and brings the people to acts of fanaticism, which the Westerner cannot even imagine.
Japan will lose its sacred struggle, despite all the assurances of its members of state and its spiritual emperor.
The gain from this defeat will be the gradual elevation into (the House of) Israel for the Japanese.
Then he will realise that waging war, killing people and suicide is never a sacred, work agreeable to God.
And along with other Easterners he will then want to follow Christ and put his Father as the One true God in the place of his false gods!
I will now proceed with the analysis of Germany.
Germany wants to possess the leadership over the Earth.
Truly no trivial matter.
However, with this longing it proves that it is still unconscious; I will explain it to you in different ways.
1914-1918 wanted to teach Germany to never fight against (the House of) Israel again, since it has to taste defeat.
However, Germany still does not realise this, nor does it realise that it must bow the large head and has to put the weapons away for good, since there are higher ideals.
Germany has not wanted to accept these lessons from 1914-1918 and is therefore faced again now with a harsh and terrible school of learning.
The academics of this country who follow the Fuhrer, do everything they can to convince the world that they know and understand the peoples of the Earth so well.
And yet all those academics with their members of state are completely unconscious and know the peoples just as good or just as bad as their own stupid ego.
They are at the height of the development of mankind for as far as it could be unveiled.
However, they know nothing about astral mankind, no more than of Germany’s state with regard to the astral laws, God and Christ.
For our side the German mentality is animal-like conscious and the masses there have attunement to the darkness and namely to the land of hatred.
Germany does not seek God, it seeks itself, which means spiritual destruction.
It wants to dominate and give leadership with every violence and it hates the peoples who do not wish to be led and resist a German world ruling.
However, with its mentality it believes it can override these peoples with brute force.
It seeks to achieve by means of weapons what can only be achieved and fulfilled by spiritual civilisation.
Germany did not accept the lesson of life of 1914-1918.
It wants to dominate again by means of violence and by means of the power of numbers.
It trains millions of soldiers and it gives the best weapons.
Germany wants to be a soldier, it listens blissfully to the marching music and does not let it be imparted by anyone that this foot stamping and rattling of pots takes mankind back to the jungle.
As a result of this it proves that it only wants to work for the outer being in order to forget the inner life.
It curses Versailles and strangles the soul life that wants to renounce violence in order to begin a higher life in humility.
It wants to return stronger than ever in order to dominate other peoples with its animal-like personality.
The war of 1914-1918 taught the German people as a mass nothing, nothing.
This was why the masters had the protocols of Versailles drawn up.
Every thought of war had to be exterminated from the heathen peoples, as well as from those of (the House of) Israel.
Aversion to violence had to come and the longing for harmony and happiness.
Finally the human being would have to start to reflect upon the presence of the Divine spark in him and upon the almighty tasks, which his Father gives him on that account.
If the masses in Germany had been for (the House of) Israel, Adolf Hitler would never have been able to stand up.
However, only thirty-five percent of the German people belong to (the House of) Israel, the rest consists of forty percent unconscious beings, that means conscious in neither good nor evil, while Hitler and his people make up the other twenty-five percent.
Those unconscious children wanted to be led and commanded, they longed for nice uniforms and for decorations and Hitler, who felt them sharply, gave them all of this and promised them even more beautiful things.
It was this unconscious type which provided the majority and the power!
Every people possesses such a colourless mass.
In quiet times, led by a larger percent of well-meaning people, it is harmless.
However, it becomes dangerous in a state in which Germany was.
Incapable of thinking independently, easily fobbed off by promises, this mass was a willing vehicle in the hands of a demagogue such as Hitler.
This type did exactly what he wanted, it put up its hands enthusiastically and diligently, imitated what he prompted and felt very happy with it.
This mass dissolved in the rows of Hitler’s henchmen and helped him in this way to get the necessary majority of votes.
Standing on its shoulders Hitler could then enter the Reichstag and have himself declared as chancellor and leader of the German people.
While Hitler and his people headed straight for war and feverishly worked on the armament, he promised his pioneers the earth.
A trip around the world, an own house, a car, all pleasant things, which can make life more pleasant and belong to the ideals of almost every human being.
They would get all of that if they just believed in him with a strong heart and were prepared to give all their powers for the efficiency of the new and thousand-year-old Reich.
Listen to him talk under the curse of Versailles, which he will have annulled, listen to him, when he talks with thundering voice about his unshakeable will to fight for the freedom and the greatness of the German nation.
He captivates them with his fiery, thundering language and the power of his personality, they hold their breath when watching so much energy.
He drives this soulless mass crazy with this talk and elevates it into the life attunement of him and his people.
It starts to see him as a special being, a supernatural genius, yes, as a deity.
He is the wonder, that was sent to it by Providence.
It is very natural that such an unconscious, weak-willed type of people becomes a stupid, brute force in these hands, which realises every plan, however awful and far-reaching.
And these harlequins do not know how rotten and bad the core is on whose order they carry out their whims.
Yes, if they come to be in the terrible reality and war breaks out, the war which was a lovely, dangerous word up until now, which could be played with so nicely, yes, then the unconscious being gets a fright for a moment, it is bewildered, that the game which they took part in so childishly pleased, appears to be deadly seriousness.
It is just a short moment, precisely as long as Hitler needs to make it clear to them what a war can bring in terms of fame, decorations and power.
Then they roar more energetically than ever the ‘Sieg Heil’ and stamp even harder with their boots, which looks manly and warlike.
On the backs of these devil worshippers Hitler predicts the German gospel of hatred and destruction, he orders the German people to go back to the prehistoric age and he commands war, which will bring unmentionable misery over his people!
So if they do Hitler a favour, however, he in his turn does it for them.
Because as a result of his war these unconscious beings will realise where their weak, spineless attitude brought the German people.
Shrinking under the lashes of the war they will eventually reach conscious and want to make good, what they have caused as a result of their stupid behaviour.
As a result of them Germany is therefore close to (the House of) Israel again anyway!
Hitler’s movement develops an enormous energy in the years of its history.
This energy is an essential characteristic of the German people.
It has mastered this creating emotional life in the course of the times.
It is as a result of this characteristic that so many geniuses are born amongst this people.
And since the German mass soul is still only aimed at the material life and wants to rule, it can be explained that it also produces a pitifully great amount of geniuses in evil, such as, for example, inventors of weapons.
I have partly explained that precisely Germany attracts genius artists such as, for example, Goethe, Beethoven and Bach, as a result of the creating mentality of the German people.
These spiritual geniuses could never have been attracted by the Eskimo’s (see article ‘Human being or soul’ on, for example.
The material laws in which a people lives, determine such a thing.
The grade in which the Eskimos (see article ‘Human being or soul’ on still live, makes it the case that they cannot possibly understand such geniuses.
They must still master that higher grade of life and spiritual attunement.
However, your Dutch people will now not attract geniuses of that format either.
This has already mastered so much conscious and is already so sharply tuned to the spiritual life, that it no longer needs to attract those geniuses in evil.
And this situation now explains Germany’s rich possession of geniuses and artists completely.
However, these special soul lives represent a higher conscious, they possess a spiritual core.
It is they who were sent by the masters of the Other Side to the Earth in order to give their art or science to mankind.
And because the mass soul of Germany is creating, this land especially attracted them.
(The greater the mass, the greater the power of attraction.) They had something to bring for the inner being.
They did not only give themselves, they gave away higher consciousness.
Can you feel this?
And Germany needed this for its evolution.
Their art and wisdom represent a higher culture, they were above the conscious of the masses and therefore had the blessed task to carry out to elevate the masses to their so high level.
You will understand that, even though precisely Germany attracted these gifted souls, they belong to the whole of mankind with everything which they brought in beauty and wisdom.
For that matter every country attracts souls which have something to bring for all of mankind.
It will be clear to you what an enormous power the German people could mean for the case of (the House of) Israel, if this people were attuned to the spiritual life instead of to the material, to love instead of to hatred.
Now it also uses its urge to create for the low, the mean.
It still wants to dominate by brute force and to force its pre-animal-like conscious on other peoples.
Germany still forms an intellectual evil and it is a fatal danger for the whole world.
However, the masters will cut away the poisonous lump in this people and purify it physically and mentally, making use of Israel’s peoples.
The German people will not be destroyed, but be brought to (the House of) Israel led by a firm hand!
Italy, which has connected itself to Germany in life and death, has in fact nothing to do with that country.
It is also a minority there, which imposes its will on the masses.
A small but active part feels for the possession of the dictatorship.
The Italians do not like the German mentality, mankind will receive the proof of this.
The leader of this people got power in his hands, because the world is under the establishment of the ‘Kingdom of God’ and therefore also the Italian people, which, brought into the focus of the events as a result of the politics of its leader, have to show their colours.
It will soon be clear how awkward the emotional life of this man is, how much he violated the astral laws, how he lives in the past and forgets that he belongs to the twentieth century.
France is on the threshold of the House of Israel, however, until now it did not yet possess the conscious to speak out for (the House of) Israel.
France has already been busy for centuries working itself up to a leading characteristic for mankind, but it does not do this seriously and attaches itself too much to frivolity, empty pleasure.
France can be compared with a family, where there is never peace.
There are eternal arguments, God’s sacred matters are taken lightly, people are carelessly unconscious, impetuous.
It does not yet know how to choose between good and evil, easily changes friends and can as such not possibly be a leading principle for mankind.
Today with England, tomorrow it will be against it.
But like all the other peoples it will know how to choose sides for good in this dreadful war.
France will definitely pass over to (the House of) Israel!
With the blood that it must shed in this battle, its frivolity will flow away.
It will get to know the friendship of the heathenism, be cheated, frittered away and broken down, but achieve strong characteristics as a result of this, so that it knows how to serve mankind.
America is a powerful tribe for (the House of) Israel, which entered consciously for the good.
A long time ago the children of this people already received the colours of (the House of) Israel.
America has attunement to England, however, in many respects it touches the mentality of the French people.
England is more serious, more sedate and more conscious of the own power.
Like all the other peoples America still has to awaken for God.
It is materially attuned and the golden calf is busily worshipped.
However, in the Age of Christ the wrong part of this will be realised.
America draws from the past and gets its power from there, which will elevate it to great heights and make it more and more suitable to assist (the House of) England in its responsible task for Israel.
As in 1914-1918 it will also give the proof in this war!
England, the actual tribe of Moses, got the leadership of (the House of) Israel in its hands.
It is led by the masters of the Other Side in this serious task.
Nothing can happen which leads to a loss for England, therefore for (the House of) Israel.
The heathen peoples will experience this in this war in a clear and adequate way.
England possesses the Dominions.
Why do they not belong to Germany, or Russia?
It is not possible, I already told you.
If the construction of the world wishes to complete itself, as the masters see it, the unconscious countries can only be trusted to the leadership of (the House of) Israel.
But what do people on Earth know about it?
People do not yet know these laws.
Germany, Japan, Italy and others prove it in this war again.
Is it coincidence that (the House of) Israel got possession of the keys of the gates of the Earth?
No, it is the conscious work of the masters with Moses at the head!
Moses still leads his tribe through all the dangers - or do you believe that England could have done everything under its own power?
(The House of) Israel is unconquerable, since the Other Side is unconquerable.
For the material life England is no more than America further than Germany.
It likewise still has to awaken.
Germany’s hatred is deeper, it is more brutal, it wants to dominate - of course, all characteristics which both England and America have discarded.
But - and who amongst you will deny it? - (the House of) Israel will have to improve upon itself if it wants to live according to God’s ‘Ten Commandments’ and the laws of Christ!
Despite their still unconscious life attunement with regard to God’s Commandments, (the House of) Israel represents the whole of mankind with England at the head.
Its positive characteristics make it suitable to give leadership, assisted in this of course by the masters.
Not one people, not one ruler can still act from now on as a result of own power and under own tuition.
They will act through the masters - for the salvation of the world, because their leadership is infallible and always and only aimed at the spiritual evolution of mankind.
If I now come to speak about Russia, I will also touch upon the greatest wonder of this century.
Russia, it is known to you, concluded a treaty with Germany.
As a result of this treaty the heathens seem to be uniting.
But everything will turn out differently.
As a result of Russia and Germany, the words of the bible: I will set the heathens against each other, will be fulfilled.
Mankind will experience that this prophecy, once spoken through the masters, will literally come true.
Russia will become involved in a terrible struggle with Germany and unite with (the House of) Israel.
These two, great peoples strive for the same goal, ruling the Earth.
Their heathen mentality does not allow them to strive for this ideal as friends.
One does not tolerate the other, with the result that they contemplate each other’s destruction.
The masters know the mentality of each people, they already foresaw centuries ago that a battle would come.
It is their will that this war will now break out, not later, which could also have happened, if the masters had not worked on the fulfilment of their prophesy, to set the heathens against each other.
You can imagine with difficulty what the world would get to experience, if the heathens were to join together in order to turn themselves against the rest of the world.
The peoples would have known no peace, because at the height of their power and with the world at their feet, they would throw themselves at each other in order to decide who would be able to call themselves the world ruler.
The battle between the heathens amongst themselves had to come in the last war which (the House of) Israel would wage, or the Age of Christ would still not have been able to make a start.
When the peoples of the Earth were sleeping peacefully and resting from the war of 1914-1918, the masters were already in Russia and in connection with Stalin.
They placed the thought in him, to elevate the armament of his country to an unprecedented height.
How now, masters of the Other Side, did they inspire Russia?
Russia, which preached the world revolution, wanted to enslave the peoples of the Earth and wanted to elevate them to their own life?
How can the Other Side help Russia?
The Other Side oversaw the situation, knew that mankind was faced with the last and most terrible war of all times.
In that final struggle Russia would have to help England and America in order to destroy the German animal with all its heads, because (the House of) Israel would not be able to do it under its own power.
And knowing this, the masters started to incite the heathens against each other.
But is there not as much danger to fear from Russia for (the House of) Israel as from Germany?
The answer is that Germany is infinitely much more dangerous than Russia.
Germany is more conscious, is culturally more highly developed and it has leadership qualities.
It is an intellectual evil and mankind will experience in a dreadful way what this intellect is capable of in this war.
Russia has not yet reached the height of Germany.
It is attuned to the nature and does not yet possess anything of the German culture.
Both peoples still have a heathen attunement as a mass, even if they also have religious souls.
The Russian child is dead good by nature, if I may call it that, it is completely natural like the Eastern child.
But woe betide if the people that this life thinks it can sully, it awakens the mass instinct and has to pay the toll for its interference in a bloody way.
Germany will experience this, as the armies under Napoleon once did.
The whole universe knows that Germany will lose the war.
Every star, every planet, every soul on this side who knows the laws, the religious person on Earth who reads the bible, knows it!
Only the Germans themselves do not know it.
They talk about Providence, pray to the Almighty to give their weapons victory, but do not see the reality, in which they live, a reality, which was already prophesised in the grey past.
Despite all the sweet sounding theories, it is the wish of the German leaders to conquer Europe, to rule it, to enslave and to sully the life of God!
But in the Age of Christ there can no longer be ruling, there can no longer be conquering for own gain, the masters serve all of mankind, they serve Christ and God, the God of all life in the universe!
Germany will also be restrained and the demonic national socialism will be exterminated to the last thought.
This cursed system will disappear from the Earth!
Only those ideas of Hitler will be kept, which fit in the Age of Christ, I will come back to this again.
The rest is satanic, animal-like, those thoughts are a plague, which the world will be released from!
After being conquered the German people will not be able to be destroyed.
The world will realise that not all of the German people consists of murderers and sadists.
I already said it, a core also lives in Germany, which belongs to Israel and which detests national-socialist practices.
Germany will not be destroyed by (the House of) Israel but led!
The peoples will experience that Russia does not form a danger for (the House of) Israel.
When Germany and Japan are soon conquered, the heathen peoples of Russia will stand alone opposite (the House of) Israel.
Stalin will then experience that (the House of) Israel only wishes order and justice.
He will make the best of a bad job and finally join (the House of) Israel.
With the years Russian communism will then grow to a spiritual communism and (the House of) Israel will ensure this under the leadership of the masters.
A just division of earthly goods, see here, for which (the House of) Israel will strive in the first place and has striven for.
The masters will no longer tolerate that one has everything and the other must starve.
England and America will receive the information for this purpose from the masters.
In the Age of Christ God’s ‘Ten Commandments; will be accepted and will have to be experienced.
Christ demands it of mankind.
The peoples are weighed down under misery, since they cannot love in this way, as Christ preached.
It will only be when the peoples come so far that they will already possess the spiritual paradise on Earth.
Under leadership of the masters, who once took the fate of mankind into their hands, because it would otherwise continue again for millions of years with hating and destroying, under their blessed and conscious leadership the peoples will master that spiritual grade of life.