
Pilate symbolises the personality which forsakes actually loving all life, out of doubt, complacency or fear.

He washed his hands in innocence

Christ was brought before Pilate who represented the highest social authority in Jerusalem at that time.
Pilate had to judge whether Christ could be handed over to the Jewish authority which wanted to try him for alleged sins.
Pilate did not ascertain any crime for which Jesus had to stand trial.
However, he washed his hands in innocence, because he did not want to interfere in this difficult matter.
He withdrew himself from the actual judgement, in order not to endanger his social position.
As a result, he forsook his possibility to call a halt to the lower in the human being, which wanted to destroy the higher love of Christ.

His reincarnations

The masters of the University of Christ have followed the following reincarnations of Pilate, in order to see what his actions in Jerusalem caused for the development of his inner life.
They saw that in his following lives Pilate was very interested in the joyful message of Christ and started to devote himself to spreading this.
Life after life, he served Christianity and he talked about Pilate and the event in Jerusalem, without knowing his role in this.
For centuries, he was driven by the inner urge to work for Christ, without knowing where that drive came from.
In this way, he was for instance, as a bishop during World War II, persecuted for his faith.
His soul was driven to correct his actions from then, and from now on to do what he felt deeply that he should have done in Jerusalem.

The doubt

In his lectures, master Zelanus follows what feelings brought Pilate to his actions in Jerusalem.
Pilate himself could not discover any guilt in Christ, but still he did not use his social authority to defend Christ against the lower violence that wanted to crucify him.
He did not want to draw any dissatisfaction from that lower violence towards himself, and washed his hands in innocence in order to protect himself.
Master Zelanus sees in the Pilate consciousness a deep abyss which can be called ‘doubt’.
Doubting representing the truth when the accompanying behaviour can lead to negative consequences for the own material life.
All who have done something for the spiritual awakening of mankind, have had to fight the battle with this doubt.
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras and many others knew that those who did not understand them could destroy their earthly life.
However, they did not allow themselves to be stopped by the doubt which smothers every inspiration and undermines higher thoughts.
The apostle Peter also had to make this choice, when people asked him whether he was one of the pupils of Christ.
He heard the cock crow when he had denied the truth three times in order to save his own skin.
Later, he found the strength to testify for universal love and to experience a violent death for this at that time.
Master Zelanus applies this to the daily actions in society.
Each time people wrongfully shift the responsibility for an action to another, the higher feeling plummets.
If people allow themselves to be carried by society due to complacency, the own efficacy cannot grow.
If we do not work for the whole, we cannot feel that we are connected to all life.

Our All-Source

When we let ourselves be led by doubt, society will not judge us for it.
But what does the doubt do to ourselves?
In the first instance, doubt can signal that we are faced with destructive feelings, thoughts or actions.
As a result, we can become aware that we are faced with a choice.
The dozens of articles about ‘our cosmic soul’ describe how our life is driven by the All-Source in us.
That drives us to reincarnating and to the expansion of our personality.
When we attune our actions to that inner inspiration, then we receive increasingly higher feelings and thoughts.
The key to our spiritual growth is how we deal with the Pilate in ourselves.
Every second we can expand our personality by attuning our actions to the feelings of truth, justice, harmony and universal love.
Then our All-Source starts to flow more strongly, because those feelings interpret the core of our soul.
Then we receive more power and vitality because we allow the basic powers of our soul to work in harmony with all life.
Those basic powers of the All-Source created planets and suns, they are inexhaustible.
However, those planets and suns would not have been realised if doubt had been in play.
Doubt in the creation process gives degradation, darkness, destruction.
Not deploying the higher powers in ourselves leads to standstill and decline.
After Pilate came Caiaphas, and the lower feelings destroyed the higher love on earth.
Christ brought universal love.
Acquiring that higher love demands forcefully calling a halt to the self-love of the Pilate within ourselves.
This is not possible by means of a one-off choice, but only by choosing millions of times for universal love which requires more commitment, but as a result of which new and higher powers are activated in our All-Source.
And in this way we finally achieve the spiritual grade of feeling, in which no minuscule doubt still stops us from loving all life every moment.