
Dear reader,
When the cruel steamroller of war rolled over the world, millions of lives were lost, hardship, illness and misery brought the peoples of the earth into despair and people wondered desperately how God, their Creator, could allow these horrors, could keep silent while His children bleed, then, in that desperate time, my leader, master Alcar, appeared to me.
He spoke:
‘The questions which mankind asks in its great need, have reached the spheres of light.
Now the time has come, that the Other Side will speak and will give an answer to the oppressive questions of those who do not understand the sense of this world fire and do not understand God’s silence.
This war, André, is of awe-inspiring importance for the whole of mankind.
It has a completely different meaning than the people can imagine.
Its meaning is cosmic!
As a result of this not one person on Earth is capable of answering the wonderful questions which he raises.
For this purpose people need to know the spiritual attunement, the mentality of the whole of mankind.
Only a cosmically conscious being is capable of treating such a dreadful problem in earthly eyes.
Since this war does not only affect the people on Earth, but even the masters from the highest spheres, they contribute in their way to bringing this gigantic struggle to a good end.
They now want mankind to know!
The task was placed in the hands of my highest pupil on this side to treat the most awe-inspiring problems.
However, it is the masters who speak through him.
Through you, André, he will record the book.
He has got to know all the existing laws and when he obtained his cosmic grade he received the spiritual name Zelanus, which is: ‘experience through love.’
Master Alcar left after these words.
I sunk into a trance and master Zelanus began his task.
His book wishes to convince you of your eternal life and give you an idea of the thousands of laws, which rule Divine creation.
It also contains prophesies and master Zelanus passes it on to you by order of the highest masters.
The love of God and Christ.
May their indispensable blessing rest on the book!
Jozef Rulof
The Hague, Spring 1941.