The sleep

before I pass onto the physical laws, I must first tell you about your own sleep, if you wish to be able to understand the physical laws.
It is your sleep as a result of which the psychic and physical wonders can be experienced, if there was no sleep, then no spiritual gifts would exist either.
Thanks to the phenomenon sleep, the gifts have received universal meaning.
They reached development through our world, because you as a human being can go to sleep, or it would not have been possible to free the soul from the material laws.
It is remarkable, you will think, what does sleep have to do with the gifts?
This will soon be clear to you.
I already talked about this, when I told you that we must experience your own sleep for the psychic trance.
What can happen consciously and unconsciously, but takes place when the medium is elevated into our life.
If you wish to get to know the psychic and physical gifts and make a study of them, then you must first be able to analyse your own sleep, or you will not come one step further. Sleep calls you to a halt for all the gifts and occult laws.
If there were no sleep, then trance would not exist either, so that sleep opens the door for us, and you, to experience the occult laws.
The fakir and magician can tell you about this.
They had to conquer these laws. They first went through sleep, experienced the seven grades of your sleep and only then came to the occult laws and entered a new world.
They wanted to get to know that world, and this was possible because sleep brought them there.
Sleep is for them the actual building in which all the occult laws, the spiritual and physical gifts, are exhibited but shut off to the respected public, so that you would not burn your fingers, because what is kept under those showcases is life-threatening.
Sleep is for the occult laws what the mother is for her newly born baby, in comparison, as she feeds her darling. For the occult laws sleep is the possibility to experience these laws.
You feel sleep close to you, it is tangible; and yet, do you know your sleep?
The smallest insect possesses this wonder, this peace, in order to regain new strength, but it is a great mystery.
You can fall asleep every moment of the day, yet you know nothing as a human being about this incredibly deep divine wonder, which is your sleep.
Science does not know your sleep either. The academics are still faced with the great problem and do not know what to do about it.
Only the East has learned to know sleep.
How deep is your sleep and which wonders can be experienced by sleep?
Do you know that your sleep has the magic laws in its hands?
That all these laws emerged as a result of your sleep?
Moreover, that you can experience miracles thanks to your sleep?
Do you know that the first magician on earth already gave the now known occult laws to mankind?
The magic laws, dear reader, date from that moment. The first magician brought them to earth with the help of the Other Side, because of this, our life received contact with your material world and the gulf between life and death was bridged.
This experience already lies thousands of centuries behind your and my life, but the master who was appointed for this task still lives on this side, and namely in the seventh sphere. He is an angel in the spirit.
The trance must go through sleep and sleep is also a trance.
We already learned to know the conscious and unconscious trance, but sleep possesses the grades, the seven depths, which must be conquered by the medium if we wish to be able to speak to your life as astral beings.
Sleep is now also one with the trance, which was now imposed and conquered.
You are shackled to your body because of it, the magician has overcome those chains and this is the skill of the East, in which they experience the occult laws.
These two forms of sleep have now received their own meaning and also represent an own world.
One sleep, gives you rest, and you are outside consciousness as a result of it, the other must be experienced and will take you into the spiritual gifts or to the occult laws.
Sleep gave to the trance the lively consciousness and is in our hands for the Western medium.
Seven grades lie in the material, natural sleep.
The fact is: seven transitions before you can experience the last and deepest one.
You as a human being only experience four of them; you never experience the other three grades.
Mother Nature was so wasteful, she even made sleep so deep that the last grades cannot even be experienced.
Yet, those last three grades have an enormous meaning for your and our life, even if you do not experience them and people on earth know nothing about them. Day in day out those three grades are working for you as a human being and give you something.
You will soon get to know that something and only then you will understand what an amazing cosmically deep instrument that you are.
Not one single Westerner experiences the fifth, sixth and seventh grade of sleep, they are only for a magician; there he experiences his spiritual skills and lets himself be buried because of this.
Here he experiences the epileptic sleep and now lets himself be buried, because that is then possible for him, if he has overcome these grades.
If these seven grades of sleep did not exist, you would never have heard talk of apparent death, because they are the last grades of sleep which take you into the apparent death.
The apparent death is experienced in the sixth grade and is for a human being on earth the ailing sleep. For the magician the conscious, magic-epileptic, conquered sleep and grade, which he can experience as a result of his study.
What a difference if you know nothing about all these grades.
They speak for themselves and are amazing.
What can be experienced as a result of this borders on the incredible, and yet, the human being has made it so far, but lost his life for it a few times.
Nevertheless, this first magician returned and continued his occult study in order to reach the final goal.
If there were no life after death, no people would have lived in the astral world who had learned these laws.
Be assured: in that case, you would never have known on earth about all this deep mysticism.
Yet a great deal of people experienced the apparent death, all peoples experienced this grade of sleep. It is scientifically proven, but people do not know the actual illness.
The first three grades of your sleep serve as pre-sleep.You are not yet asleep, because you must still cross the threshold of the fourth grade.
Numerous people do not make it beyond the third grade, because material and spiritual disturbances interfere with going to sleep.
This sleep is not deep, you are awake again every moment and there is also no question of rest.
If you wish to go to sleep and rest physically and spiritually, then you must cross the threshold and enter the fourth grade.
In the third grade, the inner life has not yet been released from the material systems and still reacts to the central nervous system.
A great deal of other disturbances keeps you awake and prevent the natural falling asleep.
This is the half-waking sleep or namely the half-waking conscious. You are separate from the organism and yet not yet completely freed, because your own thoughts and feelings do not wish to go to sleep.
The soul is not completely asleep and as a result of this, the organism is fed, and therefore there is a disturbance.
You feel that you cannot go to sleep.
Your body tosses and turns a great deal before you suddenly know nothing more and the threshold of the fourth grade is crossed for you as a personality.
Although millions of people stay between the third and fourth grade, just as many people enjoy their healthy sleep, the natural rest, which is necessary for the organism in order to regain new strength.
The fourth grade of sleep therefore takes you into the deep sinking away and you are separate from your garment, separated from the material laws.
But where do you live now?
Now your body and your soul life rests, that is if there are no spiritual disturbances.
The inner life must be ready for sleep. No worries may obstruct your going to sleep, but who is free from worries?
Every wrong thought disturbs your sleep.Thousands of other matters disturb the natural falling asleep, the sacredness of sleep.
The healthy human being, finding himself in the fourth grade of sleep, knows nothing more about this restless tossing about.
The nervous system has been disengaged and can no longer react, at least not at full power, because it remains in operation, or death would enter.
The soul life is also completely separate from the organism.
The soul now absorbs the powers for the organism, draws those powers to itself from the Divine universe and passes them on to the organism during sleep.
It is only possible to gain strength in the fourth grade; the third grade is still consciously materially tuned in. The fourth grade is the unconscious falling asleep and then the soul life has entered that phase.
Now the soul can absorb the living and vital astral aura.
The third grade of sleep experiences disturbances and those people are, as I said, immediately awake again.
Now there are material and spiritual disturbances and your doctor cannot easily determine them, because he must be able to make a supernatural diagnosis.
We do not even need to follow whether he can do that, because the good man usually does not know himself. For him there is no hereafter.
However, in this state, in the third grade, you experience dreaming, the fourth is a deep sleep and here dreaming is no longer possible.
If the soul lets go of the third grade, then there is no question of dreaming. The life descends deeper into sleep and now gets another task, which nature has given this grade for the soul and is gaining strength!
If the soul continues to sleep in the third grade, then you can experience nightmares, do your sleepwalking and build your castles in the air; now you are capable of it, because the soul now lives between heaven and earth and is feeling and thinking in this.
Now the ghost can come to you.
Now messy and beautiful dreams are experienced, material and passionate, depending on the soul and the longings.
The soul therefore has dreaming in its own hands.
Because of the own thinking and the disturbances for sleep all these dreams come about and usually have no meaning.
However, in that grade, you can also experience imposed dreams and they are then received by an astral personality.
These disturbances during your sleep come from the material life to you during the release from the inner life, and you take them over as a personality during that restless sleep.
You are and remain one with your life, even if you have forgotten it for a moment and discarded it. Yet this discarding is only a leap to dry land, behind and in front of you gapes the deep water.
Now what?
Sleep is influenced because of all kinds of illnesses.
The fourth grade overcomes those disturbances, but the fifth grade is for the medium in trance, in which the psychic trance is experienced there.
The sixth and seventh grades are for the magician and the fakir.
They experience their spiritual problems and works of art here.
They must therefore go through normal sleep to the occult laws, if they want to experience something of it, and the spiritual grades for the gifts are experienced.
The sixth and seventh grade is the apparent death, I already told you, and you cannot experience that as a human being, but these grades of sleep are for the East the actual laws, which must be overcome. It is only then that the medium in the East can achieve anything.
Even if you do not experience these grades, Mother Nature still gave them to you for a fixed purpose.
I can therefore tell you that you must experience them anyway, but unconsciously, and that you will never get to the bottom of this mystery because you do not know your own life.
However, the magicians let themselves be buried as a result of this; by conquering the sixth and seventh grade they learned to know the magical laws for soul and material!
Therefore, these people learned to know these laws spiritually and physically and were able to overcome them because of the temple study.
There are therefore different depths in your own sleep, which you know nothing about.
A Western has never wondered why these grades were created by nature. However, the East wanted to know.
The East wondered:
“Why must I sleep?
What do I do when I lie down there and am asleep?
Is everything in me at peace then?
What is sleep?
Is there something for me to learn in it?”
Then people started to think.
A few people worked it out. Thousands of people succumbed because they wanted to get to know sleep and lost their life as a result of it or became completely mad.
Those who reached and experienced the wonderful were faced with the infinity of God and became lost in it. However, other people were also able to find their way and went further.
Those people obtained their cosmic wisdom and grade of life.
And that through your sleep?
You will now get to know the wonderful mystery.
As a result of the great gifts of this medium, through whom it was given to me to record all of this for you, you will get to know yourself and the inner life as a human being, for which you cannot thank God enough.
In the East, the grades of your sleep are known. The occult temples came into existence as a result of them.
In ancient Egypt, these were the very first laws for the trainee priest, which he had to learn.
The Egyptians asked the Other Side what their sleep meant and received an answer.
They felt that this sleep meant time loss for them and they wanted to prevent this.
Was that possible?
If this was not possible, they wanted to get to know its laws in any case.
Then these priests received instruction from us and were elevated into our life.
Now the spiritual gifts came forward, and they could master them because they experienced the occult laws.
However, sleep also called them to a halt. They must first go through sleep if they wanted to go upwards, and it is only then they were faced with the Great Wings.
This infinite divine gift lives beyond sleep and the soul enters our life.
But now as victor!
The material and spiritual laws were now experienced and came into their own hands, even if they as human beings had to accept spiritual help.
The priests surrendered and reached the highest.
Now the spiritual gifts were developed and our life received meaning.
Because of sleep they got to know the psychic trance, and as a result of this trance the very last thing which people can experience as a material being, and the doors of space were open to them.
They entered happily!
The innocent, lifeless and yet so intrusive West knows nothing about this, because science cannot accept life after death, people are not yet that far.
However, since mankind in the West is not yet so far, the inner life remains deprived of all this sacredness and continues unconsciously.
If science could accept the Other Side, then these masses would get to know the astral personality and your society would get a very different personality. All your thoughts and feelings would change because of this.
People do not know now what the inner life does during sleep and the Other Side could already have given mankind in the West all these problems a long time ago.
We will make it now anyway, it is finally time, but science does not yet possess this wisdom.
The West closes itself off to life after death and prefers to weep at the coffin, and does not see or feel any further. Going further for the West is still shrouded. It means dejection, destruction and the end of happiness.
In the first three grades, the soul life still dominates the material systems.
Children who could experience the third grade would not wet the bed, for them the fourth grade is too deep and the inner life does not feel the material pressure of the water on the sphincter or nerve and the water escapes.
The third grade now wakes the soul, the personality must react and this prevents bed-wetting.
Yet, many children wake up and this depends on the sensitivity of the nervous system and of the inner life, the personality.
In the fourth grade, the personality sinks away and the conscious material, day-conscious thinking is discarded.
However, soul and material are tuned to each other. The soul must experience the material disturbances and the body that of the soul’s, the inner life.
Both these organisms adjust naturally to each other and experience for themselves the material and astral laws.
What the soul experiences, the soul passes on to the organism and also vice versa.
However, the personality of the human being experiences them!
This personality can be either the slave of both organisms or their conqueror.
The Eastern child has understood that.
Spiritual sensitivity can sometimes be to blame for not going to sleep naturally and then the soul dominates the material life.
Now the child dreams about his experiences and the fourth grade is not experienced, because this is not possible now.
Even adults dream about material events, but sometimes they immediately awaken and must then determine that they are just too late; but the warm bed is soaking wet.
For shame, how is that possible?
However, that can be found between the third and fourth grade of sleep.
Just descend into it and you will know. You will probably start to draw or paint as well, because now you can receive and experience the spiritual unconscious inspiration, but yet which we give you consciously.
It is now possible for us to let you whitewash space, for example, during this violence.
Even if you must awaken in the morning and you think that it is nonsense, you just look spontaneously at the blue sky to see whether a part of it is not white, the law of inspiration has penetrated your life so deeply.
Here, in this sleep, all those castles in the air arise and people build their own heavens.
That happens as a result of not going to sleep and since the soul lives between two worlds, the earth has been disengaged.
These are therefore spiritual and material disturbances.
There are many disturbances for not going to sleep and they are both material and spiritual.
The inner life must deal with the day-conscious during sleep.
And when that does not happen you are extremely tired in the morning.
Now the soul life has not been able to let off steam.
In this state, the soul is still too active.
This letting off steam is a physical law, which science also does not know anything about and which you will not understand either. Even if life takes you to the occult East, in order to broaden your life, even then it is like looking for a needle in a haystack for you. Moreover, the East does not know these laws, or you are involved with a cosmically conscious being.
If the human being cannot let off steam in his sleep, then the physical material system succumbs, that clock then runs unrelentingly fast.
It now gets too much to deal with and that is not possible!
God has calculated our body so amazingly.
It is therefore the most wonderful thing that God created and placed in man and animal.
I could write ten books about this event and make your head spin, to only be able to explain the true mystery to you at the end of these ten books, it is so incredible, it lies so far removed from you. And yet?
You live in it every second of the day, you do something because of it or you are given something because of it, then your life is fulfilled.
They are not cosmic puzzles, but I want to tell you that we sometimes give each other puzzles on this side and this is the most wonderful thing which we can be given.
Guess what it is!
I repeat, the soul must let off steam during sleep, or the material body would succumb.
Nature takes care of it!
At the age of one the child would already succumb, since the soul life could no longer bear the experiences gained.
Now, how is it at an adult age?
That is weight, which you cannot even calculate, and is still carried unnoticed in your inner life.
The soul – I am coming closer and closer – makes up its own balance.
Can you already feel it?
The soul lives because of it and sleep gave it this great mercy.
Anyone who is not in the fourth grade of sleep cannot let off steam and the soul therefore holds onto all its burdens of the day, stimulating the already exhausted nervous system, which the material disturbances let you know.
You will soon visit a neurologist, because your nervous system is broken.
My dear reader, it is your subconscious!!!
The famous subconscious is a subject, which your parapsychologists have spoken and written so much about, but about which they do not know anything.
Their writings have no meaning for you.
Your subconscious already takes care of the overload and because of this the soul is completely freed from its own burden, or succumbing will be close-by.
This is why your neurologists cannot establish the most common disturbances, however learned they act.
They must descend into that subconscious if they wish to make a clear diagnosis and determine where the actual pressure lies.
The soul has this in its hands.
They can establish that you are sleeping poorly, but how can the academic descend into sleep?
Where the disturbances lie and live, no medicines help; they cannot remove the cause. Astral knowledge is needed for this purpose.
People can still not give you this research on earth, because the academic claims that this life is the first for the soul!
However, for us – or there would not be any subconscious – the following life, the reincarnation.
The inner life lives in this; the soul entered its own kingdom here and must accept the subconscious, that the last and the highest represent the sixth and seventh grade of sleep.
We only learned to know these disturbances after the material life.
On this side, we could make an astral and cosmic study of the human organism.
When we want to become skilled in a task, we must know all these laws, or we can never protect the medium enough.
If I did not know these laws, I would also not be able to put a word down on paper. I would then be an unconscious being.
Our mediums must sleep well in the very first instance, the subconscious must be able to absorb, or in only one year’s time, the medium will be completely broken. This weight cannot be carried.
The astral wisdom of our instrument would be capable of completely filling millions of souls, since this universal depth was experienced, was absorbed by the subconscious.
Because his master ensures natural sleep, he is still capable of dealing with everything alone.
If a priest in ancient Egypt could not sleep and he was a Great Winged One, this soul would be helped by all the priests, because after a week of not sleeping this cosmic machine would be completely stiff.
The body must then collapse.
However, this danger is continually prevented from happening.
They would rather face death than having to lose their dear instrument, which received the cosmic love of the Gods for them!
And this life could not be overburdened. The wonderful thing that was experienced during the séances, would sink away from the conscious that same night and belong to the subconscious, which was continually being drawn from.
However the day-conscious self is to experience, the unconscious serves as a storing place and can be heavenly, because you have stored the laws of many lives there.
Along with suffering and sorrow!
If you want to know something about the astral laws on this side, then you follow along with your master the human being on earth, it is only then that you will be ready to absorb all the other into you.
The master descends with you into your sleep and shows you how complicated both these systems are, which you know so little about during your earthly life.
Moreover, this experiencing is only possible when you have reached the first sphere.
Therefore, make sure that you give love to the life of God, and then you will stand after this life before and in the astral laws.
How would you like to float through space with your father and mother, sister and brother, or with your own twin soul and to have God’s creation explained, as only a conscious being can do?
It is only then that this vast space lies in your own hands and you can say: this is mine, I know the laws of the body and of myself as soul, and also the laws of the stars and planets, everything belongs to me.
Anyone who gives love and loves what is from God receives this wisdom as a divine gift after death!
Then I learned to know the seven grades of sleep and how the soul as a personality reacts during the first stage of sleep.
Of course, I saw the spiritual gifts before me.
I experienced that the fifth grade of sleep is in connection with our life and the fourth belongs to the organic life.
Between the fourth and fifth grade of sleep you enter our life. An opening for the soul as a medium lies here, if conscious disembodiment is experienced.
The Great Winged One now enters the astral world and then the psychic gifts are experienced for you as a human being on earth, consciously and unconsciously.
If you wish to draw and write consciously, then your own world of thoughts must be disengaged this far, it is only then that the writing received is spiritual and free from every own thought.
You must be able to empty yourself so deeply, if your father and mother wish to pass on something to your conscious.
Do you now understand the enormous difficulty?
It is something like being awake and yet going to sleep?
Between the fourth and the fifth grade of your sleep lies the balance between material and soul, it is here that the soul lets go of its lumbering and sinks away into the vast subconscious, to still continue to be part of your life.
This centre of balance therefore has great significance for your life. Even if it takes place outside of your own thoughts, this is still the spiritual balance for both organisms, the scales, given to the body by God.
This lumbering must be thrown overboard, or you will collapse.
These last three grades of the subconscious take it over from the personality and keep it for you.
If you now wish to go to sleep deeper, therefore go further than the fourth grade of sleep, material disturbances come to you as an ordinary being, but for a magician the occult life now begins.
If the soul still descends into these grades, you will be faced with apparent death and the sleep will be too deep, which can also be an illness.
You have exceeded the normal stage and now there is something wrong with the clock, the nerves are overloaded and the phenomenon follows.
Now there is a question of overload and the normal is discarded.
However, if you are overloaded in the day-conscious life, then these three grades come to your aid while you are sleeping; this happens outside of your own conscious thoughts and feelings, or you will hold onto it.
That must therefore take place in your sleep.
Those grades ensure that the balance between soul and body survives. They watch out for the collision of the day-conscious self and the subconscious.
These grades of sleep are the light in your eyes, are the intuition for the inner life and the sensitivity for the spiritual gifts.
We can draw from the subconscious, or it must be completely closed off, since you otherwise disturb.
You can disembody in the fifth grade of sleep. This grade has attunement to our life, and it takes you into the astral laws.
The human being who dies, enters life after death between the fourth and the fifth grade.Then the fluid cord breaks.
When death comes, this connection between soul and material tears and you must leave the earthly life.
During the dying process, it can be determined whether people have slept badly in their life. Now the soul must enter the fifth grade through the fourth, but it cannot separate from the body; this is your battle of life and death, which the latter will win.
The soul will now calmly release itself and close its eyes, to open them again on this side.
The dying process by heart failure and numerous other transitions are of course a very different matter.
In this case, the soul is flung from the body by a shock and the cord suddenly breaks, which means the collapse for the soul.
The human being on earth can say to himself: Thank God, I cannot experience the fifth grade of sleep, because then you are faced with the astral laws.
If you descend it is possible that madness will overcome you at the same time and you will not even be yourself when you return.
You now come into connection with all the worlds on this side.
Yet, the magician and fakir have to, like all our mediums, get to know the astral laws. They come precisely through the fifth grade of sleep to the occult laws.
This book could not have been written if the medium could not experience the fifth grade.
This sleep takes you into our world and into all the occult dangers.
The demons of hell can await you and then you can prove to what state your inner life has attunement.
You know nothing about all these dangers and yet you calmly entered and must now act under your own power.
Magicians and fakirs must conquer all the occult laws, or they will be irrevocably lost.
Woe betides those who have attunement to a dark sphere. Not one of them returns to the earth, unless completely mad.
The fifth grade of sleep is therefore life threatening for your day-conscious if the spiritual gifts manifest themselves.
Yet, charlatans say: “I am a trance medium.
Spirits speak through me and spirits draw through me”, et cetera, et cetera.
However, do you feel that all these people are on the way to the madhouse outside of our protection?
How do these people wish to protect themselves.
Now that we know that not one soul from this side can help them?
If they could really descend, you would experience a terrible drama at the same time, because you come into contact with the demons of hell.
I showed them by this that they are not trance mediums.
All these people cannot experience the psychic trance without going mad, then people can lock them up immediately.
What do these unconscious people hope to achieve in our world?
Soon it will be clear to them what they experience when the fifth grade of sleep comes over their life.
How dare they say that they are free from their organism?
They do not even know normal sleep.
Mediumship can also be recognized from their own sleep.
In this grade the ancient Egyptians learned to know our laws of life and they strengthened their concentration as a result of them, so that they could call a bird in flight, but they also learned to know all the occult dangers.
Numerous mediums could no longer return during this descent, and people had to hide them away for the rest of their life. They were possessed as far as and into the subconscious, the deepest madness there is.
They could no longer help these people and yet they were, as I told you, great healers.
This madness is universally deep, in this case the soul has become one with the discarded lives, in which reaching unity is achieved.
Now the good and evil of the inner life speak and the karmic laws come to the foreground.
And karmic madness is incurable.
The fourth grade is then exceeded and the balance limit dissolves completely.
Moreover, what the atmosphere is for Mother Earth, is this limit for you as a human being: the own protection.
Anyone who steps outside the own protection must know the laws of our life and have conquered them, or he is lost.
These priests succumbed in trance.
The astral world took possession of their grade of life and nothing could be done about it. Their own life took them into these original powers and they were not armed against them.
They did not know themselves.
Now they themselves broke the balance between material and soul and hit a great hole into the astral wall, as a result of which, the other life in space could walk, in order to take possession of this life.
Mother Earth gave every human being and animal the own protection, or you would sink too deeply in your sleep, the balance would then dissolve.
They could no longer repair the natural help for the human being. By their own will, they had destroyed this protection.
When these priests succumb, what does your charlatan hope to achieve?
When the medium in our hands has a task to accomplish and spiritual food can really be received, the master prevents all these dangers. Another protection is now carefully built up.
It is only then that it is possible to separate the medium from his own life.
This development is necessary and always takes years, so that you can accept why mediums are not suddenly elevated by the Other Side, about which a great deal of people wondered.
We are capable of everything and can act immediately, but we would also make the medium mad if we were to treat this life and the astral laws nonchalantly.
The inner life of the medium must conquer these laws in this development. It is only then that we can work and go continually deeper, which can be determined from the wisdom.
In the beginning of this development, there is no contact, at least not in this state, so that we must come through and work under our own powers. The medium is still not ready for it.
This development must take place between the fourth and fifth grade of sleep, always outside of the consciousness of the medium, or the inner life will think by itself and then we will be powerless.
We can therefore say: One in thousands has contact.
Thousands of laws must be conquered by the medium before the instrument can keep going in our life.
And anyone who conquers that, is a Winged One!
If a medium is not in normal sleep, and if there are material disturbances, you will certainly feel that the master cannot even release this life from the organism. There is now disharmony between soul and material.
The great mediums must therefore always sleep well, or they would destroy themselves, and we cannot start.
If physical ailments are present, even the most trivial, it closes us off and there is no question of further development.
If characteristics are present in this life, which have attunement to the dark spheres, then we are already powerless, because we cannot conquer them.
During disembodiment, the demons approach and have connection with the earthly life because of this, and we are powerless and cannot do anything.
That attunement can therefore not be experienced between life and death.
Anyone who commits a bad deed is no longer even suitable for the highest mediumship. That deed attunes the medium to the dangers in the astral state.
I tell you again: one in millions, who separates completely from the material life, because the possession of the Great Wings is a divine gift.
That is not placed in your hands just like that. You must devote your own life to this.
When we speak of devoting your own life, then we mean by this that all the occult laws must be conquered and that costs the medium his own life, because the conscious and unconscious madness are close by.
However, if you can conquer these laws, then cosmic happiness awaits you and eternal life will open to you.
The initiate from the East has not even learned to know the seven grades of sleep and he is still truly a conscious being.
The fakir and magician tune into them and get to know these laws. They are part of their study.
The initiate experiences his own world and seeks it in the spheres of light, wants to see God as the Absolute and sometimes comes very far from his own attunement, in which he sees, feels and receives wisdom, which he passes on to his pupils.
In this way, he serves mankind.
The initiate therefore experiences the grades of sleep in order to see in our world, but still remains connected to his organism.
He now experiences the splitting of personality as a result of concentration in an astral state. The magician reaches unity for his material domination and experiences the physical art.
Here lies the difference: where the initiate encompasses astral space, the magician experiences himself.
Magician and fakir follow and experience one direction, which is aimed at the material laws. The initiate attunes himself to the laws after death and wants to see his God.
When the initiate approaches the fifth grade of sleep, he is released from the material laws and he can go where he wants, if he has drawn up his own protection.
Now there must be spiritual harmony in his life or he will be attacked at the same time by the evil in space, because millions of souls are luring in order to descend into his body and take possession of the earthly life.
Anyone who therefore does not know himself is now already a lost man and returns mad or succumbs between life and death.
You will soon get to know how they conquer themselves.
The magician goes further, reaches the following grades of sleep, and can experience his skills.
If the initiate is open to astral help, as a result of which he has a much easier time, of course, then a master from this side can help him.
However, the East is not tuned into that help. The East wants to be master itself, and in this way, the initiate closes himself off to astral help.
Nevertheless, they still have their own guardian angels, or not one initiate would reach astral height.
Connection can still be received from the earth, in our thousands of lives on this side, there is one soul, which we were involved with, and with whom we reached spiritual harmony.
This soul will try to support us in the search.
And that happens as well, but outside of their own knowledge, because an initiate is too proud of himself where it concerns astral wisdom.
They do not want to be independent, they themselves want to dominate between life and death and in that way, and they sometimes reached incredible heights.
Many occultists have had to pay their astral toll with their lives. The laws of our life punished them, especially if they dealt with them too light-heartedly.
The soul life is dominant in this state of sleep.
The organism has been conquered and must listen to the mighty will of the human being.
The Eastern medium can now do what he wants himself.
If he wants to experience apparent death, the epileptic sleep, then he can do that, and nothing will stop him.
He tunes into the different physical systems and puts them out of operation.
As far as five percent at the most he denies the life the material organs and that material part is then completely in his power.
Now, he as the personality is the ruler over the body and can do what he likes with it.
As a result of this study, he has come so far. He has learned to know the laws for material and soul and was able to master them.
Yet, the human being has no own will, as people say on earth!
Not one material organ is now outside of his concentration.
He just has to reach out his hands and the laws of life and death are within his reach.
Yet, he is not capable of seeing into our life, because his thoughts and feelings are tuned into the material laws.
The initiate lets go of the earthly life completely. He as a magician experiences the conquering of his own garment and can now let himself be buried alive and, if he wishes, also experience yet other laws.
The initiate looks around him, stands in life after death and sees the divine infinity before him. He is like a small child and will be very grateful if he is shown something of all those treasures, all the wisdom that he longs for.
The magician lives on this side and is one of the living dead. He now lives in his own subconscious, where he feels safe and which dominates the day-conscious life.
Also, when he is spiritually and physically asleep, so many percent of consciousness must remain behind in his organism that the body remains alive.
The lower sort of magician does not get over this. This is also the very highest for the magician, which he can achieve by study.
The lower sorts all succumb when they still try to enter the magician’s nirvana.
The magician therefore goes three grades deeper than your normal sleep and experiences the occult laws. It is only then that he is faced with the physical facts.
How amazing his will is, his will to which the soul must listen, will be clear to you in the following.
If he has tuned into going to sleep under the ground and he lets himself be buried alive, then he will awaken on time anyway.
He even determines the time when he wants to awaken, and then goes to sleep.
The human will reacts to the second.
The material organs must listen whether they want to or not, and it is no longer possible to avoid this.
The human will is now dominant over all the material systems and the inner life; he, as the personality, has got that in his own hands.
Now no more disturbances come, or he would go to sleep anyway and then the heart would stand still immediately.
If he wants to withdraw himself into that state, he first closes off his throat, by which he wishes to prevent vermin from entering while he is sleeping and eating his bowels to pieces.
This withdrawal into himself has cost him an enormous study and he was therefore actually born for it, and that means that he has used many lives in order to reach that depth, to be able to call the ultimate his own.
However, now that he has come so far he can experience his astral and material skills.
If the throat is closed off – he puts his tongue back – then he tunes into the sleep and the breathing organs.
Then he starts to think, his incredible concentration now comes into operation, and he says to himself:
“I want, I want to awaken on that day and at that time.”
This tuned concentration of will is deadly accurate.
The will ensures the awakening, he has reached that unity.
And not a second later he awakens, the human will calls the life force remaining behind back to being active, and he also returns to the day-conscious life in order to take part in this working and, to take the organism in hand again.
If he wishes to sleep for a short time, he just needs to will it; his material clock does not refuse in anything.
The remaining five percent therefore ensures that the organism remains alive.
In this state, the heartbeat can no longer be heard. The material heartbeat therefore dissolves, but the spiritual heartbeat has started working.
This is enormously deep for you, but can also be explained, if you can accept that we also feel our heart beating after death and that blood flows in our body, our life is so real.
The astral heartbeat now takes care of the material working and can do this as a result of the five percent willpower of the magician, a power that is like energy and keeps the body alive.
That energy gives inspiration to the astral working for the heart, so that death cannot occur.
The magician does not even know all these laws, and he would not be able to give you an answer for them. It is only in our life that we get to know these laws.
Five percent life force remained behind in the organism attracting the astral laws, as a result of which a half-material and half-spiritual state is tuned in.
The magician knows that his heartbeat can no longer be heard.
What people hear is a soft murmur, very soft, but still audible, which is the working of the heart, that has therefore half-materially and spiritually taken over the working of the heart.
All the material organs now work because of that five percent expression of will.
Every organ can be taken back to the zero stage, but then death occurs.
The body can be denied the actual life force as far as one percent; however, the organism remains alive.
Even as far as the fluctuation between life and death, the weighing scales for both organisms, you as a human being are still the ruler. However, just a bit under this the fluid cord breaks and death occurs.
After the fifth grade of sleep, this must be regulated.
Gradually the human will withdraws as a personality and the systems must let go of the life.
The body now becomes free of the conscious life and this is achieved through the personality, which has made a study of itself.
The magician gained his knowledge as a result of this.
The amazing thing, which he now has in his hands and which is his obtained possession, will be clear to you, when I tell you that the organism does not have the colour of death, even if the natural tint has dissolved for a moment.
Because of this gradual release from his systems there is no question of inner, physical disorders.
However, every body experiences that, when the life drains from the body the skin colour changes immediately and we see the phenomena of death before us.
The magician prevents this happening since he withdraws slowly and in this way, no blood disorders can occur.
However, because of this the phenomena occur.
He received all of that in his hands and this is part of his study.
The sudden shock disrupts the blood circulation and this also puts systems out of operation, which the heart cannot deal with.
The magician has all the physical organs under control as a result of his developed will and the knowledge of his body and soul.
We could fill volumes about this enormous wisdom. You will only then get to know your own body, because the meaning of your yet so simple system is so deep.
The human life of a medium is too short to record all these supernatural laws.
We come to you so gladly, in order to give mankind this astral wisdom.
“If only science would listen.
My God, the thing that You could then give Your child on earth”, is the prayer, which we would already like to send up to Him, this study of the human body and the life in it is so great and sacred.
It will probably come, by means of this instrument it can be given to the earth.
We are completely prepared for it!
A bit of this going to sleep is already known in the West.
It is just a little thing, but numerous people possess this concentration, as a result of which, for example, they keep on waking up on time without a clock.
These people tune themselves into time like the magician, and in the morning, they awaken to the second.
This is not a born talent, however, they obtained it by willing it.
And that little bit of will now ensures awakening.
Despite that, it still takes you in the direction of the magician.
A great deal of people no longer need a clock for this, the inner clock is infallible.
It appears incredible, but numerous people can confirm that you can achieve everything as a result of concentrating on one point, provided you just start it.
The human will is dominating for material and soul.
They are the laws of the body and those of the inner life, which are conquered by the personality.
The lama priests fly because of it.
They free themselves of gravity and float over the earth. They can move themselves incredibly far in a short time.
These people live in Tibet; they have conquered the magic laws and also mastered the gifts for the physical occult phenomena.
They levitate themselves as a result of their developed, consciously tuned concentration of will.
The inner life listens to this command like an astral clock.
The Oriental understood then that the organism could be conquered.
The inner life has no meaning, it is the personality that must experience all those systems and must have them in hand.
The human will in the West is living dead and still unconscious. The East on the other hand has obtained an enormous consciousness in this and can reach the highest.
Now the magic laws came forward and the priests also learned to know them.
Wakening on time is therefore a question of thinking and wanting.
You now calmly go to sleep, the will, tuned into the life, is now your clock.
The life listens; this can only be stopped if the personality has experienced the hour.
Something that is longed for must be experienced, or it will not be released from you.
The East has already experienced these laws and was able to establish them during the study, even if there people still knew so little about astral knowledge and grades.
A fakir and magician have learned to know their will at full power.
They know that millions of people do not possess any will.
They were able to establish as a result of their study that the human being only lives at thirty-five percent expression of will at the most. The other percents lie in you and are never used.
This must show you that as a human being you still have to awaken for the actual natural phase, as a result of which the life is experienced at the full hundred percent.
You will not achieve that in your social life, perhaps your painter and other artists for a moment and they already think that they are under inspiration.
You see that you as a human being still have to awaken for thousands of states.
Now that the East has kept its own natural grade of life, the magician has come so far.
They learn to split themselves and a result of this division of material and soul the personality got a hold of the occult laws.
As a result of this, the magician understood that neither the inner life nor the material systems has something to tell the personality and he must be able to conquer those laws.
He now became ruler and buried himself consciously in order not to die.
A priest started to think about all these laws and wanted to know what actually lived in him.
What is life, he wondered.
What am I if I lie there and have gone to sleep and the life of the day escapes my conscious?
What is sleep?
Is it not wasting time?
Must a human being go to sleep?
This priest wanted to know more about it, because he also understood that numerous laws were within him, which he knew nothing about.
He started to think, continued with it, until he was able to elevate the life from his hand, so that he could stab the flesh and he still felt no pain.
He found it so remarkable that the longing awakened in him to disengage his whole organism.
Then what am I, he thought, when my body is lying down?
Am I something different to my body?
Is there another self present in me, which controls what I am for the earth and which is a human being?
He found that incredible, he had never been able to ask such questions. Now he suddenly understood that he himself must be more than this one body that died.
When he had stabbed his hand, he had looked at that material part, no pains bothered him, and he also understood that he himself could be that pain, because he wanted that hand to be painless.
He thought for days on end and for weeks after each other, then he believed that he understood the wonder.
He understood that this was a wonder, he himself wanted his hand to experience no pain, because the hand could not think, could it?
Who controlled the hand, gave the hand life?
He, of course, he was therefore ruler of his own hand. He now already had control of his hand, the hand had to listen to him, to his will.
However, where was the life of his hand?
He tuned into himself and saw, no, he felt that the hand now lived in his shoulder.
The hand was still there, but lived elsewhere. He himself wanted the hand, the life of his hand, to stay there.
Now he let the life descend and look, the hand relaxed and got its own life back.
This priest went further and achieved a magical height, but then lost his own life.
Another took over his body and madness came to the fore.
By ending his life, he got his freedom back, but he had lost the earthly life as a result of it and now lived in the astral world.
His research therefore took him to this side, but he would return to earth in order to continue his study.
This is worth following, it is the life of the first magician on earth, which I will describe to you, and, as result of which, we will also get to know all these laws.
You will also get to know your sleep, how deep your sleep is, and what significance sleep can have for the soul and the body, if you can experience the laws of it.
This priest experienced that his hand, which had been released because he wanted that, lived somewhere else in his body.
That hand, he felt, still belonged to the actual life.
If I can arrange it, he said to himself, that the whole body is released from the material body, what would happen then?
He wanted to try to feel it.
However, he also asked, how did this life emerge?
Where does the life of a hand belong to and all this life, does it belong to myself?
To this, which I am?
They were great mysteries, but he wanted to solve those mysteries.
It was actually all too powerful for him, and he has to continue calmly.
It was completely clear to him that if he let go of his grip on the inner hand, which he achieved by thinking, the life flowed back into the material hand and the hand became normal again.
As a result of the power of thought, he elevated the inner hand and laid it down somewhere else, according to his choice.
Which powers allowed him that he himself could think for a hand?
He also wanted to know that.
However, he felt that daylight bothered him and darkness could help him think and he therefore locked himself up in his cell.
He comes so far that the hand no longer has a life and now hangs next to his body like a dead part, which makes him afraid, and he immediately lets the life flow back.
And look, he saw his hand as normal; it returned to the same colour again and felt warm to the touch.
He purely experienced the dying off of his hand and then went further.
He also felt that the blood circulation slowed down and that he could control it as he wanted to himself; he found everything a great wonder.
He learned a great deal in this darkness, but the hand was not allowed to die, he had thought wrongly about this.
He felt that he had thought too deeply.
He now gave a bit more life to the hand and now the hand returned to normal, as a result of which he felt very happy.
He tried the same method a dozen times and it went of its own accord now that he had finally come so far.
He could feed his hand as he wanted to himself, as a result of which he understood that the hand had become his own possession.
The hand also used to belong to him, but now he dominated that body part and it had to listen to him.
Now he wanted to put the whole arm under his command and he also managed that completely.
He stabbed his arm in various places, but it did not hurt him.
Now he wanted to dominate all the organs of his body.
It seemed very difficult to him to achieve that with the internal organs, and yet he wanted to take away the actual life from the bowels, stomach and kidneys and all the other systems.
What would he then experience?
When he had conquered the arms, he tried it with his legs.
And the leg also listened to his will and let itself be released by him from the body.
He could stab the leg, blood did not flow and he did not feel any pain.
It appeared a great wonder to him to experience that with all the systems, but he would try it.
His thoughts and feelings, he understood, were tuned into his arms and legs. It was he who fed the body parts, no one else.
His thoughts were tuned into them and he could remove those thoughts from those organs.
Now he would try the inner organs also, but then what?
His organism would have no more say, he would be ruler.
What wonders did he experience?
These were wonders, were they not?
Did one human being know anything about them?
His concentration was tuned into the outer and inner life.
When the blood circulation listened to his will, he started to think again.
The legs refused now, there was no longer any life in them, he was the life.
In the darkness of his own cell, he now gets to thinking and feeling and he strengthens his will.
The blood flows through veins, he knows, and those veins are in his power.
He can do what he wants himself with the blood, but the blood is also fed by himself.
If he wants to let it flow slowly, which happens as a result of thought, then he also takes away the life from the leg at the same time.
It is wonderful.
He puts out his hand and at the same time, it is as if that hand is dead.
Yet, he keeps life in it and the hand continues to feel warm; if he goes any further then the hand will become as cold as ice and he has learned that must not happen.
He must prevent that happening, or he will not be able to think normally, the hand will then disturb him.
That cold hand is like a corpse and something which is dead, he feels, does not live and must disturb.
And disturbances while thinking obstruct him in his study.
He knows what he has to do.
Now there are all those other organs also.
Am I learning?
Yes, what will he learn?
He has become longing because of it and wants to know.
He asks himself questions for hours and also gives himself the answers.
He notices that those thoughts suddenly occur to him.
Who is he really?
He now learned that every organ has its own meaning, but that all those organs are still in connection with each other.
He continues and puts the leg out of operation, but still wants to make his back muscles move in order to feel how the body parts react.
Now that he tunes his concentration into the nervous system, the leg refuses and does not become separate from the life.
What does this mean, he wonders?
Why did the leg refuse?
He thinks about it for days on end, keeps trying it again, but he does not manage it.
There is a disturbance in his thoughts, he feels, but where does that disturbance lie?
Suddenly he thinks that he knows, as if another gave him those thoughts. They enter his life of their own accord.
He now feels that the leg is fed by other organs and those organs also dominate him. He must also have them in his power if he wishes to continue.
He must first of all bring those organs under his command.
The leg, he feels, has meaning for those other organs; he must follow another path for the leg.
Now he follows the muscular system and tunes his concentration into it.
He follows this system and comes into his leg as a result of it, so that he begins to feel the leg and the muscular system.
He returns to the blood circulation and the vein system, follows that life in his thoughts and brings it under his command.
He lays stone for stone and now builds on an astral building, the life after death, the spirit.
Then he elevated the life of the leg into himself and brought it to the stomach. He did not actually know yet where he would place that life, it suddenly occurred to him and he carried out what he thought.
The leg was now without feeling, but a moment later, he became extremely short of breath.
The life of the leg obstructed him in the stomach. He had not thought about this, that was a new phenomenon for him.
A moment later, he became extremely hungry.
What kind of phenomena were they and how did they come about?
He thought about it for days on end, and meanwhile, continued and kept on trying it again.
When he took the life back to the leg, the feeling of hunger decreased.
That is remarkable, he thought, until he suddenly understood that the stomach could not deal with all that life.
Because of this the stomach became hungry and he himself created that phenomenon. It was accomplished as a result of his thoughts.
He let his concentration weaken, and the pains, evoked by the hunger, went away again.
Now he understood.
In a normal state, he did not feel his stomach. Now he felt a double stomach, the power, he understood, was too much for this organ.
When he understood this, he danced around his cell for joy and thought himself a great wonder.
All those body parts no longer actually had anything to say, he was ruler.
Only he did not yet understand how far he must go to conquer all the organs.
He would have to prevent the stomach from being disrupted.
Suddenly he knew it, and was jubilant again.
He must take that power somewhere else.
What then, he thought?
However, that is very natural, then he could continue and there would be no disruptions.
Would those powers not be disruptive everywhere?
He wanted to know that and continued.
He elevated the life of the leg into him, but held it fixed in his concentration and put it down somewhere else.
When he brought it higher and wanted to place it in his head in his thoughts, he suddenly got such splitting headaches, that he thought he would succumb because of it.
At that moment, he could no longer even think and was therefore completely wrong.
That did not work!
Yet, he tried it again.
Immediately afterwards blood flowed from his nose and could barely be stopped and the life of the leg flowed away from him again.
He again had to start at the beginning, but wanted to think first. He did not know this phenomenon.
What should I actually do, he wondered.
How far am I already?
He continued taking a walk through his body and followed all the systems. Not ten, but a hundred times he placed the life of his leg in his head, until he became dizzy from it and had to stop.
Wherever he put the life of the leg, it disturbed the other organs.
He felt that his eyes were bulging from their sockets and that his head was tensed, because his lips were very thick.
At that moment, his breathing also stopped and he thought he would suffocate.
Yet, he continued to look for this mystery and did not think of giving up, he wanted to know.
Both legs listened to his will, now also the complete dissolving of the life and then he could continue.
Where to?
In thoughts he was outside his cell, he went for a short walk.
What must I do outside?
What do I actually want there? Then it occurs to him.
What does this outside mean for my life?
Suddenly he screamed and called out: “I have got it, I have got it, I have worked it out!”
Now he could continue to build.
He now tuned into the nothingness, to the emptiness in him and outside him, to the space.
That space was the outside, which entered him.
I did not take that walk for nothing.
He elevated his leg to that space.
First, the left leg, then the right leg and left them behind.
Now his stomach was free and he could continue.
How wonderful it is, he thought, what a wonder.
The life of the leg now lived in space. Both legs could no longer obstruct him and he could pull them back when he wanted to himself.
He went even further.
When he thought of the left leg and wanted to kick with that leg, the leg kicked and did what he wanted it to do.
The right leg also obeyed his will and kicked.
Now he let the legs walk outside of him and that also happened of its own accord.
Look, just look, he thought, my legs are dancing for joy and they are just as happy as I am.
Moreover, the legs were also happy.
However, it was he who placed the happiness in them.
Dance, dance, I want you to dance, legs of mine, my own legs, just dance.
He played with his legs for days on end, letting them do the strangest tricks, until he had enough of it.
What is it?
He now learned another new wonder.
The legs collapsed and lay down there to sleep.
He also felt dopey and wanted to go to sleep.
Just for a moment, then he screamed in pain.
What is it?
He pulled his legs back as fast as lightning and now the pain went away.
This was also new, very new to him and he would like to get to know this.
He lay down to go to sleep; his daily task was over.
His fellow priests brought him food and drink, but he did not want to tell them anything yet. He wanted to be that far first, however much they longed.
Yet, he could no longer offer any more resistance to it and he broke his confinement for a moment.
Where am I anyway? He thought. What a strange world this life actually is, in comparison to where I live when darkness is around me.
The following day he continued again. He took enough food and drinks with him for a long time, and continued his study.
When he thought about food, he got a terrible fright.
How can it be, I barely ate or drunk anything during all that time.
He did not have time to think about food and drink and the body did not even send that need to him.
Something new again.
He continues where he left off.
His legs dance again and he does it by thinking about the legs, it is all extremely beautiful.
But suddenly he feels a shock, he clearly feels that his legs are being gripped.
The pains also come back now.
His legs were taken away from him?
Who could take his legs off him?
Yet, he had the feeling that hands grasped for his legs and gripped them.
He felt that pressure very clearly.
He must exert himself intensely, if he wishes to free his legs, but he manages it.
He does not understand this.
Could people in this space think?
Or had he made a mistake?
Only a human being could feel something and exert strength on it.
Were these thoughts from a human being?
Did people know about him in space?
He tried it again and a moment later his legs were held again and pressed and very firmly as well, so that he thought he was being torn apart.
He allowed his powers to weaken a little and look, his legs go away from him, and they are dragged forwards.
By what?
Who lives in that world, in this space?
He pulls his legs back with all his strength, actually tears them from those hands, as if he must fight for his own legs, and reaches consciousness.
He has to leave immediately and runs to the other priests.
He wants to tell them the awe-inspiring news, because he is no longer sure of himself.
Now he makes it clear to them how far he has come and teaches them the release from the organism, but goes further himself.
They begin to think and want to achieve what he has experienced.
When he continued, he resolved to watch over his legs and to pay sharper attention; he would then probably work out the strange mystery.
There was danger in the world where his legs lived.
What kind of space was this actually?
Was it a world like this one?
He feels that the fact that he did not think of this before is because he was tuned into his legs.
Now he understands and will watch out for it; he must know.
He will now go along himself and watch out.
He lets his legs dance again, and look, a human being pulls his legs and wants to possess them.
He pulls them back, looks into that other world and follows the being that leers at his legs.
I am no longer alone in this, he thinks. Are others ahead of me anyway?
I have come this far, and other people have already achieved it.
He does not see one single human being, but dozens.
Where do these people come from?
Do people live in this ?
Yet he let go of his legs again, brought them into this world and followed everything.
He could see them clearly.
When those people came to grab them, he pulled them back.
He thought about this for a long time and thought it was tremendously interesting.
It was another world. What he knew was not yet known amongst people, that was clear to him.
However, this was something new and he got to know it.
My legs, he feels, belong to that in which they lived and that is a space and that space is a world.
The part of him of that world was his legs.
Legs and space, space and legs were one.
Are, he thinks further, like the life of space.
Start again!
My legs are mine and that world is a space.
This, he feels, was very clear.
If his legs were not of this world, then they could not live in it either and he was able to follow that.
Legs and arms, head ... He shouts for joy again.
He has almost made it. Head, arms ... Now think calmly, but he cannot do it anymore.
He pulls his legs back and has a rest first.
A drink will do him good.
He takes a drink and spits it out again.
What is that?
Something new again, a new phenomenon.
He understands it very quickly and concentrates on the drink, now the drink remains in his stomach, but it bothers him.
Another phenomenon, he feels. Where should I start?
He thinks calmly and feels it.
He needs neither food nor drink in this state. He can do without food and drink, but he is dead tired.
Can that tiredness also be conquered?
He feels all the systems intensely and thinks: when he is that far, that he will also have conquered those phenomena.
He must first know this about the body, or it will disturb him in his thoughts for that world.
It seems the best idea for him to have a little to eat and drink, and then the organs will not be disturbed.
He does it, drinks a few more drops, and look, he feels powerful as a result of it.
Now he can continue.
His legs belong to that space and are the same as that space.
His legs are part of that world.
He reflects upon this and cannot think any further.
Yet he must know that world, but how is that possible?
I myself am like those legs.
This part of me ... hold onto this ... must go there.
He thinks that he feels it.
Legs also have a trunk.
Bowels and other systems also live in that trunk and they are part of it.
All those systems have life.
I have worked it out; I have worked it out!
I am thinking properly, I will make it; he shouts it out.
All the systems must go to that space.
Am I not going wrong?
No, all these systems – I myself must go to my legs, it is only then that I can go further.
He carefully thinks in that direction and will conquer himself.
Everything that I am must go to the legs.
He now feels himself and understands that he is very weak.
First, have a rest and then continue, seems the best thing to him.
He gives the sign that he has agreed with the others and they come to free him from his cell.
After a short time he is ready, sufficiently fortified, he wants to continue.
In addition, a few other priests make progress and he points them the way, helps them as much as he can, so that they can stab themselves.
It is already well-known in the vicinity. Everyone wants to see these wonders and people like to do something for it.
The priests see their provisions store filled and can now continue their study.
He understands that what he will now experience will be incredible, if he conquers himself.
But then what, he thinks, if I am in there, with this?
This body that I leave and which remains lying there in my cell.
However, that will come later, he feels, first the other one.
And he tunes into the other one again.
He frees his legs, leaves so much strength behind in them that they cannot die and now thinks about the lower part of his body, which must go on top.
Then he will see further.
Abdomen and bowels must follow the same path as his legs and that is possible.
He starts to think and feels that he must protect his legs, make them invisible to those people, and then he can continue.
He tunes into them and sees that a haze like a cloud closes off the legs and makes them invisible.
The legs are visible because they radiate light and as a result of that light, he places an aura around the living substance, which are his legs.
He understands everything and is pleased that he has come so far.
He also sees an aura around these people.
As a result of this he establishes that he has taken the correct path and can now carry on working.
He also understands that he should not have sent his legs so far away and he may not show those abilities again.
He must complete his work, in silence, outside of them.
He must bring himself there and only then will he see further.
When he brings a part of himself into that world, a feeling of sleepiness enters his body, which is still here on earth.
Is it the material sleep, he wonders?
He comes under the pressure of this organism and yet he must feel and think.
He comes so far, withdraws the life from the material organs, brings his lower body and chest with the systems living in them into that other world and adds them to the legs, places one body part on the other and now sees that these parts draw the accompanying parts to them of their own accord.
However, he feels himself sinking into sleep in this life and must resist that to the last second.
He understands that those systems must be released from the nervous system, senses sharply for what purpose that serves and is completely himself.
His material stomach now no longer needs any food. The strength for it lives in that other world, where he also wants to go.
He sees that numerous body parts are materially conquered.
Now only the thinking capacity to follow and he will be there of which he wants to know everything.
Everything goes very well. The systems want to draw to them what belongs to them and now that he is finally that far and has lost the balance between material and spirit, dominates that world in power and vitality. He only needs to let go of himself and he will be with all those systems, that belong to this of which he is the owner.
Now something holds him back and he is faced with new problems again.
How must he think in order to be released from himself?
He must think here and there, and this is not so simple, because he wants to remain awake.
He wants to think there and not here!
Again, thoughts enter him and he thinks he feels the mystery.
He has to think for a moment and then let himself go.
He lets himself go, sinks deeper into sleep, he almost no longer feels the material body, but fear enters him.
He does not dare and does not know what he must think about.
Yet, one part after another dissolves for him and adds itself to the astral living body.
He concentrates on all these systems, only the head is still missing and then he will also be in that world.
It is an amazing sight. He sees himself without a head in that other world; walks back and forth there, but he does not see people.
However, he will be careful and watch over all those systems.
He really wants to go there and know everything about that space. He will probably get to know all those people.
What he sees and feels is really wonderful.
He can think there, and here.
If he lets himself go and lets his thinking weaken in this organism, another form will come to life there in that other world, but then he will have left this here, the material.
He does not manage to let go, and yet, he knows, there is no other way.
He calmly considers every possibility and still realizes: there is no other way, and it is I myself who can still rule over both organisms.
He lets himself go, feels the body sink away under him and steps out of the earthly into the other, but he feels himself becoming dizzy at the same time and going to sleep.
Yet, he is wide-awake. In that other world he feels like he does in the organism of the earth and he can think like there, outside of those systems, which are still alive and which he keeps alive during this trip.
However, suddenly he feels a terrible shock and comes to himself.
What is that?
He sees that his earthly body starts to live and yet he had not thought about it.
He is outside of it, but is thrown into the earthly as a result of it. The shock affects his balance and he collapses.
He feels another human being in and around him and he wonders what has happened in the meantime. He must know.
Who stepped into his body?
He tries to get his bearings and sees that another being has taken possession of his body.
He exerts his strength to remove that other one from it and a fight emerges in which he cannot overcome his opponent.
“Get out”, he shouts at the other being, “go away, out of my body.”
The human being, who has taken possession of his earthly body, calls out: “Stupid idiot, this life belongs to you, not that in which we live.
Now I will live for you, I am lord and master of this organism.”
The magician resists. A terrible fight emerges, so that the other priests hear him and want to assist.
Is that our master?
How strangely he is behaving.
He steps out of his cell and wants to have food and drink and also a woman.
He still wants to enjoy life.
Their master eats his fill, drinks for four people at the same time, which is a great mystery to them.
How the man has changed, this is not their master.
He must have women; he wants to live!
People ask him why he is eating so much, but he does not give any answer.
The master leaves and he wants to live his own life from now on.
No matter what they say, it does not help them any, and he can do what he wants himself.
The man has changed a great deal, but he is calm. The demon in him knows the laws.
The magician is possessed.
Another being lives in his material body and he cannot remove that soul; he has attunement to that life as a result of a few characteristics.
He lives in himself, he has descended into his subconscious, cannot come any higher than between the fourth and fifth grade of sleep. The demon has taken possession of the first three grades and these keep him imprisoned.
The priest is a prisoner in his own body.
Yet the priest wants to think and not let him up there feel his thoughts. He must try to free himself and thinks about how he can achieve this.
He hears the amazing conversation of the priests. He hears everything, but cannot say a word himself. The other picks up his thoughts and feelings and does as he pleases.
First, the priest is extremely sad, he now feels and knows his situation and understands in which grade he is imprisoned.
He absorbs some of the food that the demon eats. He still has his own longings, but must share with him in everything. The demon demands supremacy.
The demon lives in the organism and not he.
He thinks women are dreadful, but he can do nothing about it, he must approve of everything.
The feeling of it penetrates him and he knows what the demon intends to achieve.
In this way, the body will soon be exhausted.
Must he experience those burdens and misery with him?
He will resist it.
How he would have liked to continue his study.
He is disgusted by that lust, and yet, he does not find it unpleasant either to experience all of this.
If only he could forget himself for a moment.
The pupils follow him, but the demon kicks them away from him, so that they no longer know their master.
He is completely possessed to them, even if they do not understand everything about it, because they still have to get to know those laws.
However, they know these people.
Numerous people do as their master does, another self speaks in them.
Is the master ... they really do not get any further and give it up.
The man up there in him laughs about everything. He lives it up and is on earth, nothing will tear him away from this organism.
However, the magician learns to think without being felt. He has found a way to still be able to think outside of his guard.
He who lives up there in him sees the daylight. He lives in the darkness and is still conscious of his own life.
He must free himself from his own thoughts, and he must be disgusted by all that passion. It is only then that he will become free of him. His world of thoughts will then be too rare for him.
And at an unexpected moment he has to act, soon that life will forget itself.
He must act as he who is keeping him prisoner. He will build up a counterforce, a second self.
His pupils carry on, they continue their study and he thinks about them.
Arms and legs are stabbed; a few of them are very far and have locked themselves up like their master. They will also pay their occult toll.
Other people heal; they have increased their concentration and can overcome illnesses. Their temple receives respect and significance.
The school becomes larger. More and more men want to follow this study.
Their master has died for them, and they cannot help him. The demon takes the body as far away from them as possible.
Will they overcome him and lock him up?
Now that the highest priest is starting to understand that life, he says, that they must let their master act. He will know the state in which he lives and come back to them.
Yet, one priest tries to reach his master and finds him in a remote world.
The magician hears the following conversation:
“Why are you living in my master?”
The demon does not say anything.
At that moment, the possessed priest feels that a pupil is standing in front of him, even if he cannot see him.
He resists with all the powers which are in him, and dominates the demon for one second and can say:
“Wait for me, Lainti, I will come back.”
That is his master.
He trembles.
He clearly heard the voice of his dear master.
He calls as hard as is possible:
“We are waiting, Master, we are waiting.
I am leaving!”
The priest runs away and tells the others what he was able to experience.
They want to get to know those laws. They must continue their study.
The priest understands that he cannot keep on resisting. He feels dead tired.
He tries in different ways to influence the day-conscious, but still cannot conquer that power.
Arguing does not help, nor imposing his own longings on the demon. He must wait and see.
However, he wants to experience what the demon sees, so that he can find his bearings to a degree.
During the day, the demon can do what he wants, but when the body must sleep, the demon is not capable of elevating the body to his will, and he must also listen to those laws.
These material thoughts must come to his aid, the priest feels, this is the only possibility there is for him.
The demon drinks, overindulges on herbs and strong drinks, he steals, robs and behaves like a wild thing, and in all of this, the priest must remain himself and he manages that completely.
He can escape those powers and forces and as a result of this remain himself.
The acid drink, which the demon wants to possess in order to be able to satisfy his senses, takes him upwards, but in the long run, the demon must experience that the body weakens and he falls down in order to sleep.
That is my chance, the magician thinks, now the time will come. I want to be free and separate from this life, away from here, I want to study.
They are lying outside resting.
The priest feels that the material body is thirsty. The demon will soon have to act.
He can feel this phenomenon, even if it is weak. The demon must experience it very strongly.
The trembling of the organism reaches him in his dungeon and he feels that the evening will soon fall.
Suddenly, the demon jumps up and wants to have a drink. The body forces him to drink water.
The magician is now free from these worries, and the demon must take care of the day-conscious.
He understands everything, but the demon is careful.
The priest is not bothered by the organism and knows that the demon is dominated by it.
He tunes into the day-conscious life and sees through the demon where they are.
Like in his cell, he sees into that other world familiar to him and now feels that his time has come.
He pretends he has fallen asleep in his cell.
The demon wants to feel his state, wants to know how the owner feels in whose body he now lives, whose house he has entered.
He believes that the owner is calm.
Both lives are now tuned into the day-conscious.
Slowly and carefully, the demon goes down the slope.
To his right, the priest feels, lies the foaming water, of which the demon is afraid.
The master feels it, and this is his chance.
He flashes up to the day-conscious, dominates the demon for only a few seconds, takes in what the situation is and jumps.
The water absorbs him, the terrible howling of the demon sinks with him under water, and death comes.
Now the auras are torn from each other, the fluid cord breaks and the priest is released and dissolves before the eyes of the other.
Where is he going?
He feels himself back in his own world. The other has dissolved, and he does not know the laws of his life.
Then just search for a new existence, because he wants to live, he does not want to stay in this dreadful world where it is forever and eternally night.
In the temple of the priest magician a school has emerged where people can learn the occult laws. The pupils are taught by priests.
One priest dies after another, but before they die, they promise that they will come back in order to continue their study.
Their last master will also come back and it is a case of waiting for him. It is only then that their temple will receive the highest of all, for which everyone wishes to serve.
The priest who lost his life as a result of the astral possession, dissolved into the world of the unconscious.
Nothing has changed in this life, it waits for the new birth and only God can give him that new life.
The masters on this side know him and follow this life. They bring the occult laws through this life to the earth, because by means of this, the spiritual contact with the material being occurs.
In that one life, great progress was made, but they knew beforehand that the man had to succumb.
Yet, the astral master takes that life further, but he himself as a human being has to master the laws.
He must come so far under his own powers, and it is only then that it will be his own possession. Despite that, this soul is helped in all his searching and thinking.
He will achieve this step by step. He goes through the darkness to the light and will conquer the astral worlds.
God gives him a new life and we see him again in the vicinity of the temple, where he will soon be discovered.
The child is just six years old when the experiences gained from the previous life already manifest themselves to the day-conscious self.
There are just twenty years between dying and returning to the earth.
This life serves for space and can continue his study for the masters and he will complete his task begun for our world.
The parents notice that he behaves strangely.
The boy is always occupied with himself; he is in thought day and night, he is not a normal child.
Could he be sick?
He is examined, questioned again and again, but he gives sharp answers.
One day he says to his parents:
“I am a master, I must go to the temple.
Soon they will come and call me and then I will go.
Will you let me go in peace?”
The parents are astonished.
What does this child want?
They speak to no one about it, but the boy does that himself.
He tells everyone who is prepared to listen that he is a master.
He can think well, he can even kill his hand.
Do you not believe it?
Look, I can stab my hand.
He pricks his hand for his little friends.
They look, no blood comes, and they try it themselves, but they feel pain and blood comes.
“Yes, you are a ‘gaing’, the boys say, “you must go to the temple.”
Soon the high priests come from the temple to visit the parents.
They look at the child and ask him whether he will show his skills.
The boy stabs himself, and look, no blood. He can even stab his arms and legs, but then he becomes too tired.
They fall down before him, kiss his hands, caress him and recognize their master.
It is he; only their first master reached this height.
He is a great wonder.
He must go with them to the temple.
The parents experience a great feast with the child, in honour of the young master. All the priests feel happy as a result of this divine gift and the parents will be blessed by him.
When the feasts are over, the development was immediately begun with.
The highest priests take him in hand. The child is watched over and remains under their eyes. The boy cannot move a step, or three priests are following him.
Only they know what lives in the child and that is a precious gift.
He receives a study. The first tests in concentration are taken by him, but in thinking, he is master over the older priests.
People understand that he is a great wonder. He will serve their temple and the spiritual gifts.
The years pass. He may not tune in his concentration himself under any circumstances, and he has been forbidden to do this. The boy must first grow physically and become strong.
He grows up, feels strong and is extraordinarily conscious. He is now already begging to be able to continue his study.
He gives proof, sees back into the previous life and already understands how far he has come in the previous existence.
In his cell, he descends back into all those laws and shows that life in one existence on earth cannot end.
The priests record every word that his soul speaks and will still speak.
At the age of fifteen, he is already an accomplished yogi.
The soul did not discard the conscious in dying. They understand that heaven and earth come close to each other.
The young priest reaches the moment that the other took possession of his organism, and he can now explain all those laws to his fellow priests.
He is their master again.
Soon he can begin his task.
People understand that the material laws will be experienced by him. They are busy analysing the mystery of body and soul. God wants them to get to know themselves.
An illness forces him to postpone his study for a few years and it is felt that this also has significance.
However, life is short. He wants to make progress, and he must reach the last part. He wants to know how that other world emerged.
He wants to know how those people received their existence.
Why do they not return to the earth?
Look, those are mysteries, which he wants to solve.
Then, the time will come when he feels ready.
The years of waiting have made an old man of him. He discarded his youth as a result of his illness.
He is like a powerful man; having reached the age of twenty-five he feels ready to continue the wonderful study.
Ten years have passed under meditation, healing and temple study. He has walked outside and prepared himself for his task.
He calls a bird in flight to him. The animal is attached to his strong will and cannot flap its wings anymore.
He has just given the highest proof. Not one single priest is capable of that, only he has conquered the material.
The moment of locking up is solemn; the beginning of his study, when he closes the door of his cell and the darkness absorbs him.
The priests will follow him in everything.
In a short time, he is free of himself, arms and legs are placed outside the actual life, and the spiritual check has been started.
He now wants to know where he lives, what the body is like during thinking and what all this sleep, that tiredness means.
He sees himself placed before thousands of problems that he wants to solve and get to know.
He will not lose any time, but he must remain calm, very calm in everything.
He feels that he will take a very different path than in his previous life, but he does not know why he feels this.
It is for him as if he has only slept for some time.
He has felt nothing of being dead. Death, he knows, is not an obstruction.
He releases himself from the day-conscious thinking and now sinks into sleep.
This is new, he feels, a very new thing. I did not know that.
Where do I get these thoughts?
I tuned into the organism, and look, I fall asleep.
Which sleep is this?
He returns to being awake and wants to think, he wants to feel in which he is thinking.
Now he thinks he feels it, it is jubilant; he understands it.
He is tuned into himself, a centre to which all the organs belong.
He feels that he has touched the place from where all the organs are fed.
It lies here; he calls out, and grasps his stomach.
I have entered myself.
I have entered myself; I unexpectedly entered myself.
Is it because I conquered those systems?
He talks to himself, and he still lives in the day-conscious.
Now he feels that he is immediately intervening where the life begins and as a result of which the systems receive life.
If he can elevate the life of those systems into himself, the day-conscious self sinks from him and sleep overcomes him, which he must resist.
The body goes to sleep; the body must listen.
I force the organism to sleep, but I myself wish to remain awake.
He does not free one organ after another, and he now feels the source, lives in the source of the life. An inexplicable depth lies here.
He thinks for days and nights, lies down now and again in order to sleep and rest, but then carry on again. He wants to know more about it.
He wonders how he came to these thoughts; suddenly he feels how he must think.
He lies thinking quietly, both hands rest on his stomach, his eyes shut. He does not want to see any of the life that belongs to the material, from which he must free himself. He can even see in the darkness.
I am lying waiting for something, he suddenly feels.
I must withdraw myself, and namely immediately, immediately – arms and legs have no meaning, my shape will follow me. It is I, who thinks.
I will free myself from myself!
He tunes into the solar plexus, the source from which all the organs are fed. He now does not want to divide his organism, because there the danger lies.
Now he understands his own danger.
This feeling makes him happy.
He knows that he is on the right path.
He thinks himself into that source and feels that sleep overcomes him.
He sees himself as a second self, but he descends and the deeper he sinks away, the body loses the life.
He feels and sees that there is life.
The human being can live and can sleep; he is awake after all.
The organism lies down, now his arms lie next to his body, he can die.
However, he will live, he wants his body to listen to his will.
Now he is asleep, and yet, alive and awake, but he experiences this being awake differently than before.
He now tries to speak, and look; does he hear it?
His mouth opens and he says to himself:
“I am here!”
“I am here”, he repeats.
“I am here ...!”
He feels that he must tune into the speaking and sleeping.
Speaking and sleeping are two things at the same time.
One is connected to the other and he must absorb those two things.
Again he says:
“I am here ... and”, he thinks calmly and then continues to speak: “I want to speak.
“I want to say where I am.
I can see my own body.
I do not live in that where my life was dominated, another being lived in me, that is deeper away, further, much further, but I will go there.”
He is dead tired and must rest.
After moistening his lips, he feels able again to let his organism go to sleep.
He tunes himself in and elevates himself into the life.
He now sees more sharply than before, can clearly feel that the life forces of the organism lessen, and yet he remains himself.
He actually withdraws a little, there is no more to it, but he feels that it emerged as a result of his hands, arms, legs and other systems. He now knows his own system.
That which he is has been conquered by him.
However, he wants to descend deeper into himself and he wants to speak. He wants to let himself talk, say everything, which he can now experience.
The others must also know.
“I am asleep and I am still awake.”
He can say these words without any disruptions; it is already going much better.
This is the way it must be, he feels, if he wants to convince the others of his wonders and, if others like him want to finish this study.
He just needs to tune into the speaking and then he hears himself. The organs now receive power and follow his commands as will.
He exerts his willpower and his will is perfect, he can will what he desires.
This is the way it should be, and it is only then that he can go deeper and further.
However, he wonders where he now lives and reaches the true knowledge.
Suddenly he knows it and cries with happiness.
Yet, he still feels himself in the organism.
It was not like that in my previous life.
Those people came to me, now I cannot see them. I am still living in my body.
However, he wants to know what the others say about it, how they will see him from their own lives, even if he now looks upwards to the moment before going to sleep.
It is quiet here, and nothing disturbs him. Up there, if the eyes open, there will be life.
He will tune into that and he will probably then see.
What he now gets to behold is amazing.
He sees himself lying down, looks from his own depth and world into the day-conscious self, and immediately feels that he has discovered a new possibility, another phenomenon.
Before, he feels, another being lived there, that other being closed the view off for him. He saw and experienced for him. Now that opening can be seen.
As a result of this he can see into the life, it is an opening for this house in which he lives.
Now he is alone in this house, then that room was occupied by the other being.
Now he is lord and master.
However, that looking also tires him out too much. He understands that the body will awaken as a result of it and that may not happen.
“Oh ...”, he calls, “oh ... I have discovered a new wonder ...
I can see and I am asleep.
I can see, I can see ...!”
He must first deal with this seeing.
This seeing, he reflects, that is what I am when I live there.
This life can see.
My hand can see and my legs can see?
But how?”
“Through me”, the answer immediately follows.
“But who am I?
Where do I belong?
Who gave me this seeing and how did this seeing emerge?
Where have I come?
Where ...”, think calmly now, “where was I born for the first time, for the first time?”
It is deep, he feels dissolved.
Yet, he must follow and continue to hold onto those thoughts; they suddenly entered him again.
I will go back, I want to continue thinking up there.
However, he feels that he must not do that. He must first try to answer all these questions.
Then further, further, going continually further, but where am I going?
“How did I come into existence?
Something in myself can see!!!
That something which I now am, sees, sees into that up there and what lies there, in which I live, and which is my body.
However, I am also a body.”
Jubilantly he establishes that he has arms and legs. He feels himself.
I am like this body; it is I who must control the body, that body lives through me, which is now asleep.
The wonder!
This is the wonder that I sought, which I wanted to get to know.
I must speak to the others.
He unlocks his cell and wants to go outside, but suddenly he feels a power that holds him back.
He cannot go any further. His eyes close, he is dizzy and he feels that he must first bring his other eyes up to strength and that they must get used to this light.
How long have I slept?
When his eyes can bear the light, he visits the others.
What he discovered is written down. They understand that he experiences wonders.
The great wonder is, from where the human being came, how this shape emerged and who created the wonder.
They must know and will get to know it through their master.
Now that he considers himself ready the locking up follows, but he will speak to them from time to time.
He will try to conquer himself for the daylight.
Then this darkness will no longer be necessary.
He wants to continue his study in their midst, so that they can continually ask questions, if he wants that. Now time is lost.
He now knows that the human being in sleep can be awake.
However, he must now know everything about the body and about his other self.
He understands that the sleep for the body has another sleep, one in which he can think and in which he is himself.
People do not know that, only people in the temple know that.
The magician is now faced with the psychic trance.
He builds on the trance and he gets to know these grades of sleep.
Since he has conquered his organism, he descends of his own accord into the psychic trance.
However, he wants to descend deeper into the body.
This experience takes him over the threshold of the fourth grade.
He now lives in the fifth grade and still has the body in his power.
He will take the body back, until death is in front of him.
The body will experience what a hand and a leg can experience, it is all the same.
He feels that his breathing weakens, the blood circulation is different and the heart beats more weakly.
It is visible to him; if he tunes into it, he can see it.
Now he gets the longing to speak to the others and he calls them to him.
He also wants to change cells. He wants to be with them, they must watch over him.
Now he is asleep, but the others have sat down next to him. They are prepared for everything.
He is lying there quietly; the others have formed a circle and follow him by means of their concentration.
He will speak, he said, and it is a case of waiting for it.
However, the master descends deeper into the body. He has still not reached the deepest grades of sleep.
His path takes him there and he wants to get to know laws.
It is as if someone takes him by the hand and takes him in there. A soft caressing feeling enters his life, the feeling of a human being. He is so sharp in his own thinking.
He descends through that feeling in the body and now reaches the last part.
Suddenly he feels fear.
What is it?
Must he go back?
Can he not go further?
The feeling enters him that death is approaching him.
Death now lives in his organism. He is busy leaving that body, and he did not think to feed it.
He senses sharply and knows that death and life lie in his hands, he lives between life and death!
He must tell them that.
He returns to that life, but still remains in the fourth grade of sleep.
From here, he will speak to them.
His mouth unexpectedly opens and they hear him say:
“I am now in the human sleep.
I am here, but what did you see there?
Quiet, I will tell you.
You thought that I would die.
It is correct, because I forgot to feed my body.
Now I have conquered that. I reached the deepest part of your sleep.
Then, at that moment, I could have died, because I broke the earthly life.
That is the limit.
I can go deeper and I can return, but I must talk here. There in that depth the word no longer comes to you, the body cannot speak then, it must sleep.
As a result of my talking, I waken the organs.
Let me stay here, I will get to know many wonders. Soon I will come back to all of you.
Continue to watch over me, and my body, divide your time, watch over me and rest.
I do not need food, moistening my lips from time to time is enough.
If I go further away from you, then the body will also go to sleep and you will see other phenomena.
I can hear you speak; if I want, I can tell you what you are doing, so that we learned that I am clairvoyant, it is I who gives the body power. I dominate in everything.
The body lives through me.
However, I am different, rarer and transparent.
That is the other self that we now get to know.
I am conscious of everything.”
They do not hear anything for some time.
Then he speaks again and they heard:
“I am starting to see and feel in the life where I am.
I live and prevent my body asking for food.
It only needs some fluid.
I want to speak to you continually.
Watch over the organism, four of you are enough. The other people can carry out their own work.
I will stay here and finish my study.
Do not be afraid, love lives here, invisible to me, on the other hand it can be felt.
This sleep is part of the life there, the other is part of the life in which I live; and can never be experienced by the human being.
They still have to get to know all these wonders.
Here next to me is life and that life helps me.
Can you accept me?”
The master remains asleep.
It was only after the tenth day that he broke the silence and they heard him say:
I have been here for ten nights and days and to you I was asleep, but I have learned to know the laws.
I have no need of sleep.
The body is now fed by me, you feel, I am now further again.
My voice has changed and that is because of the body being deeper asleep.
Soon I will continue to speak.”
Now two days and nights pass.
Then the master spoke again and said:
“I will tell you about a great wonder and you will experience that wonder with me.
I now know that I am so far.
Now listen to what I will say and do what I say!
You must bury me as if I was dead.
You will watch over my grave, until I tell you to dig me up.
My body will now no longer need to breathe.
I will experience the last part.
I have conquered all the systems, but others help me.
I am informed that I will finish this study in this life. Only this, my life will not be able to experience all those other wonders.
That is a pity, but other people will continue it.
It is, I am told, for those who want to know who created them.
Now bury me.
You will dig me up after four days and nights at this hour and then you will see that I am alive.”
The priests do not doubt for a second.
A coffin was made, the sleeping body laid in it and then buried.
A few of them held watch over the body and followed the wonder in their thoughts.
The priests remained calm and when the hour came, they dug him up.
From the colour of his face, it could be seen that their master was still alive.
Slowly consciousness returned and now he first had to recover in order to continue his study.
He has some fruit juice, soon felt his strength returning and he now had to conquer those laws.
But now what?
Where would his study take him?
The body had been conquered, they knew nothing about the life, but they actually still knew nothing about all those other things.
The master locks himself up again. Now he wants to get to know that other world.
He feels that he will be faced with many dangers again and agrees with them that the work must be continued, if he is to remain in that life.
He is conqueror over the body. However, is it the other body?
Which laws rule this life?
He wants to get to know those laws.
He locks himself up, but he is guarded.
Soon the trance comes and the day-conscious life has dissolved for him.
Now he says to the others:
“I must try to get to know what is behind this life.
When we people sleep, we can also be awake, at least if we know the laws, or it will not be possible.
I explained to you that I continued to feed the body myself and I will also do that now.
My life will be short, and I have used up all my powers. Yet I will continue.
Who will help me?”
I certainly do not need to tell you, dear reader, that an astral master assisted him. He would never have come so far under his own power, and if it had been possible, then hundreds of lives would have passed before he had experienced the end of his study.
Now this help hastened his searching and feeling. He kept receiving other thoughts and they were given to him.
Yet, he had to continue under his own power. No one could help him in this, or the obtained possession could not be passed onto the earth.
Mankind would master this.
In normal sleep, he could think and speak. However, if he descended deeper into the organism, then his voice weakened and he was not capable of it.
It was still possible slightly under the fourth grade and he therefore did that, but then his body sunk into the epileptic sleep and he could only think.
He left five percent behind in the body and now he could be buried. As a result of this, he could stay alive.
On this side, it was seen how everything would end.
That he would die had no meaning for this life.God would give him a new one as soon as he was ready for it. Laws that people on earth understood nothing about.
Yet, people would soon get to know all of them, because the Other Side continued to build and wanted to finish this work.
However, the magician himself did not understand what his end would be like, he still had to get to know these laws.
Nevertheless, the Other Side brought wisdom to the earth.
Now he was faced with the astral laws; he had got to know those of the material and passed them onto his temple.
This man lived in China. It was there that the first phenomena were experienced by help from this world.
It is only later that the Temples of ancient Egypt took over the wisdom and people continued this study.
It was in Egypt that this cosmic study was finished.
The priest continued and learned to build up a second body, so that he would not come to grief, as in his past life.
Now he continued to build on it and wanted to finish that.
However, he now also succumbed completely.
In this sleep, he followed the building up of his second self and then went into the astral world.
Between the fourth and fifth grade of the sleep he saw that opening and entered the astral laws, about which he understood nothing.
He comes completely free, wants to see what the world is like.
He can go where he himself wants. Nothing stops him.
He is delighted about it and tells the others how far he has come.
However, he must know more.
He can think in that world like on earth, but there is darkness around him; when the sun rises soon he will be able to tell them more.
However, that sun does not rise for him, he still has to master the spheres of light. His attunement is the world in which he lives and in which he was attacked in the previous life.
He cannot release himself from this.
What he does, is wanting to know. He still does not serve any human being other than himself.
As a result of this, no heavens can be earned, but he does not know that.
He goes further and further, the others watch over his body and he can return to it when he wants to.
However, suddenly he is faced with the astral danger.
There before him he sees the astral being, and hundreds of people come towards him.
He sees men and women together and they look at him.
He has no time to wonder where they come from and he does not know anything about the laws either, which can protect him against them.
They close him off; his path is blocked.
What should he do?
He is completely closed in, and he cannot go forwards or backwards.
And there yonder lies his body.
Do they wish to murder him?
How must he save himself?
Must he surrender?
Will they descend into his body again?
He wants to go back, but he cannot, they hold him captive.
Then they attack him, strangle him.
He calls for help; calls, shouts and collapses, rattling. His throat is closed.
On earth, the others experience this dying. They hear him call for help, but cannot reach out a hand.
Again, their master has died as a result of the astral danger.
They do not know now whether he will return. He leaves them behind, alone and uncared-for.
They can bury him now.He is not possessed, but dead.
What should he have done?
In the first place, he had to tune himself into the body and to tune himself as fast as lightning, because he did not think for a second again on the organism.
During this attack, he should have thought of hundreds of things at the same time, if he had wanted to save himself.
Then he should have broken through that gang, should have withdrawn into his earthly protection, the body.
He lived in this sphere and yet he was ahead of them as a result of the laws experienced by him and for him this was his only protection.
However, now they could strangle him and this broke the fluid cord.
He was killed by his own kind. He could not even see the lower sorts and they would also attack him, because he knew nothing about all these laws. He still had to master the astral laws.
These mistakes taught him how he should act between life and death.
The human being who dies on earth as a result of a fright, loses life because of a shock, experiences exactly the same thing, because this strangling is the same experience as the fright.
The magician was outside of his body. The sober being, goes, like him, through all the grades of sleep, because it is there that the fluid cord is broken.
If the magician had tuned into the organism, if he had lightened up his own image sharply as a result of his concentration, then the demons would have seen him changing and dissolving before their eyes and he would have been the conqueror of his second self.
Now his second self became the master of him and this broke the earthly consciousness.
As a result of his fright, he forgot all of this, but the astral laws must be experienced and demanded their toll.
I ask you, what does your charlatan hope to achieve?
Can you now accept that only one or two mediums are capable of conquering all these laws?
The master on this side, who must take his instrument through all these laws, already begins with the first thought and still in day-consciousness to build an astral wall, as a result of which the medium receives resistance, or he must later accept that the instrument, however good, will succumb anyway.
If the Great Wings are built up, then the instrument experiences what the magician mastered, and only behind this that the Great Wings live.
As a result of the psychic trance, the master comes that far, but the medium possesses the feeling for it.
The child, who returned to earth, knew the concentration.
Those powers were present in the child, but in the inner life, and the child drew from there.
Nothing had been lost. The life had had to master this in the previous existence.
No thought was given to the boy, nor later either, even if people thought that he was an accomplished master.
The soul could not achieve it in one earthly life.
In the following life the personality continued and only received knowledge as a result of it, not love.
This wisdom served him, even if he wanted to awaken the other life as a result of it.
Yet, he released himself completely from that sphere and then entered a higher grade.
He then became the greatest medium of ancient Egypt.
It was only in that life that he could continue his study and completely finish it.
People accepted him as a deity and held him dear. He was the only one who could experience a normal end. All the others succumbed, as he had had to accept it in other lives.
Our instruments possess the feeling for it. They also had to master this grade of life through many lives and can now serve for your own century.
Now it is serving!
In previous lives, this was a study for them, now we keep the laws and gifts in our hands and they work for higher powers. This difference speaks to your own life and consciousness!
The fakir and magician in the East can make journeys and divide themselves. Nevertheless, they serve themselves.
Now they do not forget their own personality.
This school of learning is therefore further developed, and anyone who can reach this height has mastered the feeling for it in other lives.
However, if the first magician had not come so far, we could not have given you this writing now, because you, and other people, have to have mastered the feeling for it.
We draw from this and it is contact for you and us. We reach spiritual unity as a result of it.
The magician therefore searches for the material laws, it is the yogi and the initiate who want to release themselves from the earthly life and then want to see into the astral world.
Their own life attunement must protect them, or they will also lose their life.
Thousands have lost their earthly life and did not return or were possessed for a long time.
One person put an end to that double life, other people were not released until their end on earth tore them apart, and it was only then that they entered their own life attunement.
At the moment, only one great magician lives in the East, the rest cannot be released from themselves and experience the first grades.
One person can have himself buried for a month and still remain alive; he has conquered the laws.
The other thousands do not dare to continue, because they have felt their own limit and this also became the occult halt.
You now see that Mother Earth has not given you all these grades of sleep for nothing.
For the West the subconscious is a depth in which everything from previous lives lies hidden and that which absorbs everything, which is experienced during the life and serves as lumber, or the nervous system would already succumb early.
And your child prodigies draw from this when they are conscious of their skills at an early age and want to start doing art.
The subconscious possesses both the feeling for it and the longing, because the personality is influenced by these feelings in the day-conscious.
People call this on earth born talent. We tell you, this feeling was experienced in previous lives, or you would not be able to possess it now.
You experience your subconscious anyway in the day-consciousness, or the child prodigy would be one of the living dead like the other children.
The child draws from the past, for you on earth the subconscious.
Everything lays there, and the feeling for your art and science lives there. All your thoughts live there in order to be able to create something.
Your artist himself will therefore have to descend deep into himself, if he wants to experience himself for a hundred percent.
He must consciously achieve that, and that is also simple. He inspires himself, one elevates the other, and this is played, described or recorded by him as art.
Other people represent their sciences by the possession of their own life and draw from the existing, which the day-consciousness has given the personality.
God cannot give you feeling.
The universe is immeasurably deep, millions of kilos of feelings live there, and yet, not one gram of it is given to you.
God wants you to experience His life.
However, the West still has to awaken to this!
People wonder why they know nothing about their past life and why they cannot see I in it.
Yet, their social state represents their own past, in which they were once able to reach that grade.
This searching is therefore nothing else than ignorance.
They do not know themselves.
The parapsychologist therefore has the right to say and to think that a great deal originates from the subconscious when the mediumistic gifts must speak.
We now see that everything that you possess is kept in the subconscious, but was once mastered.
The present has meaning as wisdom, the past takes care of the feeling, and it is this, as a result of which the things are now achieved.
The truth is obvious, one depends on the other, the other came into existence as a result of the other, but one or more lives lie in between, which are experienced by the personality as man or woman.
This is the astral answer!
What do you know in the West about all these laws?
The East did not get to know all the laws and the West divided itself.
However, on this side we see into your own grades of life. They dissolve for our life, because did we not discard the material disturbances?
Accept from us that you must learn what you do not yet know, it is only then that it is your own possession.
In this way, we as human beings must get to know God.
By means of the material and the astral laws we come to Him, Who allowed us to be as we are now and Who wants us to be as He is!
Missing pieces in this is not possible!
Not a footstep is given to you on this path!
Numerous people dream that they have spoken to their loved ones while sleeping.
That is possible and happens between the fourth and fifth grade of sleep.
Here they disembody, but remain unconscious. They do not know how the wonder happens.
Their loved ones waken them during sleep, however, they ensure that the organism continues to sleep, and bring them back to the body.
Great deals of people have experienced their support in this for the earthly life.
A mother loses her only child and suffers so much under it that madness awaits her.
She therefore succumbs because of her sorrow.
Then her own mother intervenes, helped by a master, and now the earthly mother experiences the unity with her child.
For her God came to her that night.
God wakened her and said:
“Look, my child, who is here?”
The mother races to her child and embraces it.
In the morning, she knows everything, but still thinks that she has dreamed.
Yet, she recovers as a result of it. This mercy gave her back the resistance.
Thousands of people experience something else, but all of them experience the temporary release from the organism during sleep and enter the astral life between the fourth and fifth grade.
However, they must be assisted by an astral personality, otherwise, it will not be possible.
They do not exceed the fifth grade. These grades are there in order to let off steam, which happens during your sleep, or the nervous system would succumb.
If you still go too far in the day-conscious, you know now; thousands of people have succumbed because of it and disturbed the natural balance.
Now the inner and material organisms are in chaos!
Our mediums experience these five grades for sleep consciously and unconsciously.
Drawing, writing, painting and speaking, the cross and board, the planchette and the table, healing and clairvoyance, they are spiritual gifts, which receive consciousness as a result of the grades of sleep and which cannot possibly be given to you in another way.
All these gifts can be experienced through spiritual inspiration. Yet you must be able to release yourself as far as the fourth grade of sleep, at least if you want us to come through purely and outside of your own inner life.
Then you therefore remain conscious and you are still disengaged in order to be able to receive.
Do you understand this difficulty?
Anyone who possesses the psychic trance as a human being can receive, and then the personality is completely freed from the day-conscious self.
All those other grades of feeling continue to feel themselves and this is a continuous torment for you, because you always have to think: what part is from me?
The ladies and gentlemen who feel themselves as trance mediums and think that they possess this gift, must now wonder to what degree they possess mediumistic feelings.
Now mediumship and the gifts are open to them, I have not forgotten anything with regard to the laws. Even if I could write a separate book about each gift, I still consider all of this enough. You can now form your own judgement.
Having come between the fourth and fifth grade of sleep, their lives must be able to release themselves from the organisms.
The astral personality enters and there is speaking, writing, painting and drawing, as a result of which all the spiritual gifts develop.
However, which of these ladies and gentlemen has the feeling for it?
Why do their masters not speak of life after death?
We have a message to bring to mankind through our instrument. All the gifts, both physical and psychic, lie within our reach.
Where are the mediums who think that they have the Other Side in their pocket?
Who close their eyes and pretend to be trance mediums?
Where are all those other spiritual gifts?
Just ask them for the explanation of all these laws; just ask them to go into these material and astral laws deeper!
A spirit of the light does it, but you will see and experience that they have to ask it first.
That is their excuse, they do not know and they never come with the answer. They cheat you consciously!
These people are not in trance!
Now that you know all these laws, not one single medium is capable of cheating you, of talking nonsense any longer. You are now ready to receive them.
Do not forget, we are not talking to people who want to convince the other life of God, not to those who hold dedication ceremonies, but to everyone who still thinks he must close his eyes, wants to be more than he possesses in gifts and feeling, who calls lies and deception to himself.
If these people are honest and want to serve, do not want to be more than their personality possesses, a spirit of light can help them.
Now they do not exceed their minister talk anyway and sully that life.
Then say honestly that you are talking yourself, because then the Other Side has respect for your life and your good will!
We come in order to destroy the conscious and unconscious deception and to bring you a wealth of astral wisdom.
It is up to you to feel how it must speak to your own life.
You will find your way and your truth in it. You will find the Life of Christ in it!
Do not want to be greater than you possess in feeling, the astral laws will call you to a spiritual halt anyway.
If you can release yourself from the deception, believe me, millions of souls will be pleased to be able to help you and it is only then that your better self will awaken.
Only the truth will take you to true love!