
Dear reader,
This trilogy I also received from the Side Beyond.
What you have read so far in my previous books is amazing, but this is well-nigh incredible.
Nevertheless, I was allowed to experience this at the side beyond, and when it was done, it was written down.
In this book my leader deals with the Origin of Creation.
This first part relates to ‘The Material Organism’.
The second part deals with ‘The Soul Life’, and the third part with ‘Reincarnation on Earth’.
Alcar relates how he was convinced on the side beyond, and I was allowed to experience it with him by departing from the body.
What more should I say?
I only wish to point out the following.
In the third volume of ‘A View into the Hereafter’ Alcar discussed my mediumship, and in fact I did not even have that in my own hands.
In that book he relates why this was essential, so that you feel that everything I received must be the pure and absolute truth, or I would not have received it.
How could I, who have never heard about it, never had a book on such spiritual wonders in my hands, ever tell about this?
Where would I have acquired all this wisdom, all those amazing problems, the hundreds of questions which are answered in these books, and of which we people of the earth cannot know anything?
Whether you want to accept this is up to you.
Alcar says that the answer is deep within us and that you must feel it, nobody can impose that on you.
I can only say that I received this book after I had experienced everything on the side beyond.
I answer for it with my life, for I know that this is sacred and that it is for us, worldly people, a mercy to be allowed to receive this.
It provides answers to all our questions: where did we come from, and where do we go to.
Whether there is an other life after this terrible worldly and material life.
Whether there are inhabited planets.
Whether we return many times to the earth.
And many more questions.
Dear reader, all your questions will be answered by the spirit Alcar, who in his final life on earth was a great artist.
In the third part Alcar mentions his worldly name that he was called when he spent his last life on earth, and he explains why I was allowed to serve as a medium for him.
I am most grateful that I was allowed to receive this for those who can feel this, and dare descend in themselves to seek the answer.
I could not describe this myself, for it is also too amazing for me.
Only they can who know, who lived on earth and are now there where there will be happiness once for us all.
May Gods blessings rest on this work.
The Hague, September 1939