Word of the publisher

Dear reader,
This book belongs to the series of 27 books which came to earth via Jozef Rulof between 1933 and 1952.
These books are published by Foundation Spiritual-Scientific Association “The Age of Christ”, which was set up in 1946 by Jozef Rulof.
As the board of this foundation, we guarantee the original text of the books which we are making available today.
In that text, the additions by the publisher are in (round) brackets, to distinguish them from the original text.
We have also published an explanation for the books, which contains 140 articles.
We consider the publication of the 27 books and this explanation as an inextricable whole.
For some passages from the books, we refer to relevant articles from the explanation.
For instance (see article ‘Explanation at soul level’ on rulof.org) refers to the basic article ‘Explanation at soul level’ as you can read that on the website rulof.org.
With the first book that Jozef Rulof received mediumistically in 1933, his mediumship was not yet sufficiently developed in order to write his own name in the book.
When this happened, Jozef Rulof awakened from the trance, because he felt himself being called 'awake' as it were by writing his name.
This also applied to all the names and circumstances which lived inwardly in his inner life.
This is why, in ‘A View into the Hereafter’, other names and circumstances were used, which would not disrupt the depth of the trance during the writing of the book.
For more information about writing these books in trance, we refer to the book 'Spiritual Gifts’.
This is why Jozef Rulof was called ‘André’ in this book and various other names and details were also slightly changed by the writer.
The exact names and details of the life of Jozef Rulof can be found in the biography ‘Jeus of Mother Crisje’.
Jozef says about this in the foreword to the fourth edition of ‘A View into the Hereafter’: ‘However, this is not about a name - but about the message - of this oh so beautiful piece of work.’
With kind regards,
The board of directors of the Foundation The Age of Christ