spiritual leader of Jozef Rulof
The spiritual leader of the medium Jozef Rulof is master Alcar.

Illustration: painted by master Alcar, via Jozef Rulof.
Alcar and Jozef Rulof
The confidential relationship between Jozef Rulof and his spiritual leader Alcar is centuries’ old.
Via the medium Jozef Rulof, Alcar wishes to convince the human being on earth of a spiritual life after death after the earthly death.
In order to achieve this objective, he only works via Jozef Rulof, and not via another earthly medium.
In the book ‘Spiritual Gifts’, it is mentioned that Alcar will not come through another medium either after the earthly passing on of Jozef.
Art and wisdom
Already during his last life on earth as Anthony van Dyck (1599-1641), Alcar served the evolution of mankind by means of his painting.
Just like many other artists, he was inspired then by spiritual leaders from the hereafter to bring an exalted art to earth, which can elevate the feeling of the audience.
However, after his death he saw that he also brought disharmony through his art, because thieves came who stole his artwork and ended up in prison as a result.
From the hereafter, he studied life on earth, and saw that in the first instance the human being had to get to know himself as a being that lives eternally, with the spiritual evolution as the main focus.
This is why he no longer focuses on bringing art but on bringing wisdom.
If, via Jozef Rulof, he convinces one human being on earth of an eternal life after death, in his own words he will have achieved more than with all his previous paintings.
You will find more information about the many lives of master Alcar in the articles ‘Making amends’ and ‘Reincarnated as Anthony van Dyck’.