the soul restores its harmony
Our soul is eternally driving in order to convert each disharmonic action of our personality into universal love for all life.

‘What you sow you will harvest.’
‘What you sow you will harvest.’
Christ used a metaphor which could be understood by everyone.
Since mankind was not open to that, He could then not tell that the principle of ‘cause and effect’ applies much more strongly to consecutive lives.
The ‘University of Christ’ can indeed do that now.
The masters of this university have explained the underlying principle of ‘cause and effect’.
In the books by Jozef Rulof, they have described how our soul makes sure that we correct our disharmonic actions in the same or in a following life.
The article ‘harmony’ explains how our soul is essentially harmonic.
As a human personality, we are only conscious of this harmony to a limited extent, and as a result we still bring ourselves into disharmony with the life around us.
However, in a following life our soul is driving in order to dissolve this disharmony again.
If for instance we steal something, our soul will become driving in order to give back the stolen goods.
For this purpose, our soul will take us to the correct circumstances, as a result of which we can free ourselves from our disharmonic past.
As a personality, the human being usually does not find that pleasant, because as a result undesired life circumstances occur.
However, the harmonizing driving force of our soul only stops when the disharmony has been dissolved, because it is only after that our soul gets back its harmony with all the life in this aspect and as a result can grow further in consciousness and love.
The Cycle of the Soul
In the book ‘The Cycle of the Soul’, Lantos describes how the ‘cause and effect’ ran like a central thread through his consecutive lives.
During his lives on earth, he had often wondered why particular feelings drove him and why he had ended up in those specific life circumstances.
After these lives, this was explained to him in the hereafter by his spiritual guide Emschor.
For instance, Emschor explains to him that as a spiritual guide he had given Lantos the feeling to distance himself from the extensive estate with a castle which Lantos was heir to.
As a result, Emschor could achieve giving back this estate to the lawful owner from whom Emschor had stolen it.
But what had Lantos to do with that?
In a past life, Lantos had been the son of Emschor.
In that life, Emschor had stolen this estate.
At the end of his life, he wanted to give back this estate, but Lantos refused then to relinquish this.
In a later life, Lantos was born on this stolen estate as heir, so that the disharmony from the past of both souls could be restored by giving back the estate.
Emschor also shows Lantos other causes which originated in that past life.
Lantos had then tortured a man to relinquish his possessions.
He saw his victim again in a following life as the dark spirit which encouraged him to commit suicide.
As a result of that suicide, Lantos received a spiritual suffering that is described in the article ‘euthanasia and suicide’.
The dark spirit experienced this as revenge and thus let go of his focused hatred which had originated due to the torture.
As a result, Lantos came into harmony again with the soul of his victim, because by letting go of the hatred that soul could go further again on his own evolution path.
Emschor also explains why during his last life on earth Lantos did not have the fortune to be able to be together with his twin soul Marianne.
In that life, Lantos was friends with Roni, they were both artists.
At a certain moment, Roni visited with his new girlfriend.
Lantos recognized his twin soul in her, and a slumbering hatred between Lantos and Roni flared up.
Roni wanted to attack Lantos, but Lantos was faster, grabbed a piece of stone and beat Roni to death.
For this Lantos was given a life imprisonment and as a result he could no longer even meet Marianne again.
Emschor shows Lantos what the cause was of this event.
In a past life, Lantos and Marianne together had tricked Roni.
Roni was then married to Marianne, and Lantos was the lover of Marianne.
Roni then became aware of this adultery and therefore developed a hatred towards Lantos.
In their artist life, Marianne felt attracted to Roni.
She felt that she wanted to be with him, but did not know why.
She did not feel that her soul drove her to give back the love that she had denied him at that time.
Since Lantos had knocked down Roni, the ‘cause and effect’ had not been dissolved.
As a result, Marianne could in fact not give back the stolen love.
For this purpose, she had to reincarnate again later.
During her last life on earth, she felt attracted again to Roni and she married him.
Her marriage did not bring her any happiness, because Roni was still not rid of his hatred towards her.
Yet her soul drove her to remain with Roni, in order to free herself once and for all from the own disharmonic past.
In that last life, she was helped by Lantos as guardian angel.
Lantos had meanwhile experienced his last earthly life.
From his spiritual life he followed Marianne and he could help her now and again by allowing her to have an ‘out-of-body experience’ at night.
Then the twin souls were together for a while, as a result of which Marianne had gathered new courage again the following morning in order to endure the consequences of what she had once caused.
The writer lives on
After ‘The Cycle of the Soul’, Lantos also wrote other books via Jozef Rulof, such as ‘Spiritual Gifts’.
In this book he further explains the working of ‘cause and effect’ using other examples.
For instance, he analyses the spiritual life of a writer who wrote books filled with passion.
After that earthly life, this soul wanted to begin with a higher life, in order to reach the spheres of light in the hereafter.
However, each time someone on earth reads his passionate novels, he is pulled back by his own creations.
He now realizes that in this way he not only hinders the soul of the reader in its spiritual development, but that as a result his own evolution is also prevented.
As long as one person likes his books, he will not be able to free himself from this.
He hopes that his books will one day be read to pieces, but even then no other writer must like these books and take over ideas from them, because then his suffering will also go further.
Fortunately for him, in his time on earth there were still no digital books, because otherwise he could also be stuck in his own ‘cause and effect’ for centuries longer.
Illuminating consequences
In the article ‘karma’ the specific case of ‘cause and effect’ is dealt with whereby the cause concerns a murder.
The soul deals with these disharmonic actions the first during following lives.
Then the soul is driving in order to dissolve all the ‘cause and effect’, until all the souls which people have ever burdened are released from this.
Then the soul can free itself in the spheres of light from all the earthly feeling and thinking, in order to continue its spiritual evolution.
Then it remains consciously in harmony with all the life which it is part of.
The consequences of all its actions will then bring it back the happiness and the love which it gives to the life.