driving force to give love
Regret, remorse and repentance will transform into peace when people have given more love than misery, in this life or hereafter.

‘In the book ‘Those who came back from the Dead’, Gerhard the coachman tells how he was also able to free himself from his remorse.’
Thanks to reincarnation
In the book ‘The Origin of the Universe’, a man is followed who conceived a child with a woman and then abandoned her.
As a result, the woman ended up in a state of misery.
The man did not pay any attention to her condition and only lived for himself.
The woman died in misery.
At the end of his life, the man felt something gnawing in his soul.
He tried to make amends for everything by giving away his possessions to the poor.
In that state, he passed on to the hereafter.
When he awakened in his spiritual life, he felt that he had changed very little in his inner life.
The regret about what he had done to that woman was all the stronger until he could not think about anything else.
The remorse was a tremendous driving force to make amends.
He felt that he would no longer find any peace until he had transformed the suffering that he had caused that woman into happiness and love.
Because the woman reincarnated on earth, he felt that the reincarnation also gave the opportunity for him to dissolve his remorse.
He was reincarnated on earth and when he had come to her again, he no longer abandoned her.
He gave her nothing but love, for the whole of his life.
As a result, the unrest in his soul dissolved, and he felt himself freed from his deed from his own past.
The dissolving of remorse
In the book ‘Those who came back from the Dead’, Gerhard the coachman tells how he was also able to free himself from his remorse.
He had severely mocked what Jozef Rulof said about life after death.
He tried to hurt Jozef deeply and reproached him with deceiving the people with his crazy stories about the dead.
Shortly afterwards, he got to experience life after death himself.
After his death he saw where his mocking had brought him.
Then he wanted crawl to Jozef on his knees to ask him for forgiveness, but that was no longer possible, in his hereafter he was stuck in the closed-off space that he himself had created, by closing himself off on earth from the life.
Then he started to work on himself, in order to banish every mocking and rejection from his inner life.
He started to help people instead of mocking them.
For years, he worked in the most difficult circumstances in order to provide himself with light.
And for all those years, he had one goal, to ultimately achieve being able to dissolve his remorse.
He was given the opportunity to do this.
The spiritual leader of Jozef, master Alcar, allowed Gerhard to bring his story, about his entering the spiritual world, to the earth via Jozef in the book ‘Those who returned from the Dead’.
In this book, Gerhard also describes that his remorse gave him the insight into how some people must have felt when they nailed Christ to the cross.
By sharing his experiences, Gerhard contributes to the series of books by Jozef Rulof in which it is explained how every soul in its eternity is continually given the possibility to come back into harmony with all the life by means of making amends.
For a number of people that is still possible during their earthly life.
Other people only begin with this in their hereafter.
And many others make amends during their next lives on earth.
However, people will always find the way to transform remorse into peace, after they have given more love than misery to all the life.