his All-Consciousness
The University of Christ reveals the All-Consciousness of Christ about which nothing was written in the Bible.

The Christ light, a painting received mediumistically by Jozef Rulof
Christ in the All
On earth, people know in particular the Biblical Christ who was described in the New Testament.
The articles ‘Bible writers’ and ‘apostles’ explain that the Bible was written by people who were subject to their own spirit of the times.
The article ‘ecclesiastical stories’ analyses the image of the weak Christ that emerged in this way.
The article ‘University of Christ’ explains how Jozef Rulof and his masters got to know Christ very differently.
The article ‘our cosmic soul’ gives an overview of the articles about the cosmic path of the ‘All-Source to the All, which Christ followed before he became the Messiah.
A narrow path
When Christ reincarnated on earth from the All, He knew what awaited him.
Moses and the prophets had paved a narrow path for him by giving mankind the faith in one almighty God and by predicting the coming of the Messiah.
He could build further on that, so that He did not just come from the nothingness for the world.
However, He knew that He could pass on precious little of his All-Consciousness, because mankind was still attuned to violence and power.
He himself lived in the highest grade of love, but on earth the masses only experienced self-love.
Mary and Joseph
Mary and Joseph were an exception to this, they already felt universal love.
That was not coincidental, they were reincarnated for their task.
They reincarnated from the first sphere of light of the Hereafter in order to receive the All-Conscious in their harmonious togetherness.
The articles ‘our hereafter’ and ‘our reincarnations’ give an overview of the articles which describe the worlds of the human soul.
When Christ attuned himself to these two people, Joseph was inspired to give himself to Mary.
Man and woman reached physical oneness, so that the soul of Christ could connect itself with a sperm cell and an egg cell, like every reincarnation on earth begins.
Christ knew that motherhood and fatherhood interpreted the basic powers of all life, and He followed this universal life possibility in this.
During her pregnancy, Mary felt that she was carrying a very special child.
The masters brought her into a state of clairaudience and clairvoyance in order to be able to make it clear to her in words and images what path her child would take.
These masters were called angels by mankind.
Christ and Jesus
Before Christ could speak as All-Conscious on earth, He first had to build up a new earthly personality which was adapted to the language and the customs of that time.
That personality was called Jesus on earth.
As a child, Jesus could play like every child, but sometimes He withdrew in order to meditate.
Then Christ was engaged in letting his All-Consciousness be born step by step in his earthly personality.
That had to happen very gradually, according to the rate that the nervous system could absorb and process his All-Conscious inspiration.
Sometimes, Mary found her child amongst the flowers and the birds, with whom He then felt connected in feeling.
Mary felt this son more intensely than her other children, because by means of the connection of feeling, He communicated with her and all the life.
First, He took nature as mentor, in order to sense the laws of nature and to also bring these feelings in this new earthly body to material thoughts.
Then He focused his attention on the human being, and followed the life cycle from embryo to old age.
He gauged all the grades of feeling of his fellow human beings, and understood to where their thinking had come.
At the age of twelve, He entered the temple and He talked with the scribes.
He astonished them with his knowledge, which was already completely attuned to God and his creation.
He spoke from his feeling, which He had mastered in his millions of lives and that had become Omnipotent.
He placed the earthly religious authority before soul and universe, but was not accepted.
In this way, He indicated what was correct in the Bible, but also what had been written wrongly by the Bible writers.
The scribes clung to their learning and renounced his All-Consciousness.
The world had begun to turn against him.
He left the scribes alone in their faith and further connected himself to life in the universe.
In this way, He experienced the moon and the sun, the planets and stars, and penetrated their cosmic depth.
In this way, He prepared himself seriously for his task, and did not go one step further in this than He could deal with at that moment.
Day after day, He allowed his All-Consciousness to awaken in his earthly personality, in harmony with the growth and the strength of his material body.
In thoughts, He followed the journey which his cosmic soul had travelled.
He examined his lives on the first planet in the universe.
He followed his soul which built up body after body in order to reach the human shape on Mother Earth.
When He examined the moment that He arrived as first soul in the hereafter, He saw himself wondering again where the sunlight had gone.
He saw himself becoming ‘creator of light’ and continuing his cosmic evolution up to the seventh cosmic grade of life, the All.
In this way, He reached the moment that He set up the University of Christ in order to lead mankind to universal love.
Then he saw himself reincarnating with Mary and Joseph in order to show on earth what higher love actually means.
A permanent grasp
When his body was mature and He had absorbed every cell of that body in his feeling, He felt ready to speak out in public.
Now no physical tissue could disturb and distract him again, He was lord and master over both his earthly body and his earthly personality.
He attracted his apostles and gave his first lecture to the people.
The truth that He felt was now interpreted, received a universal meaning word for word, not only for that time but also for the coming centuries.
He wanted to give the human being of all times a permanent grasp in order to conquer the lower self and the disharmony within himself.
His Joyful Message
Christ knew that He could not say much before people would prevent him from speaking.
Furthermore, He attuned himself to the intellectual capacity at that time.
This is why He summarised his message with a few words: love one another, love everything that lives, love the other person as you love yourself.
It concerns a higher love than the self-love that people usually experience in the world.
The article ‘grades of love’ goes into this more deeply and explains what Christ could still not explain in his time.
However, he did give indications of how that higher universal love could be understood, such as for instance ‘If you possess all the languages of the world and you do not have love, then you have nothing and you are nothing.’
It is not about knowledge or a prayer, but about an actual love which helps and gives.
Universal love is more than a feeling that goes out to one human being.
It has many aspects within it, such as warmth, benevolence, understanding, acceptance and servitude.
The first stone
Loving is the opposite to judging someone or blaming them for something.
When people wanted to stone a woman, Christ wrote in the sand: ‘He who is without sin may cast the first stone.’
When Peter came to Christ to complain that they had booed him, Christ asked him whether he had given a reason for this.
Peter had to admit that he had first said that they should not interfere with him.
Christ kept asking who was the first to start with deception, gossip or destruction.
At that time, he could still not explain the fundamental principles of ‘cause and effect’.
He could only say: ‘You reap what you sow.’
And when John and Peter asked him whether they did well, He asked whether or not they felt that they got back from the other what they radiated themselves.
A heartfelt love opens hearts and allows the warmth to radiate back.
When Christ stood before a person who had committed a crime, He said: ‘You are not a criminal’ and He said about Mary Magdalene: ‘She is not a public woman. There are no sins.’
And He said to herself: ‘Leave it and you will heal.’
He could not express any more at that time, his audience was not yet ready for an explanation at soul level.
They did not yet know anything about their cosmic soul.
They could not yet imagine that no criminals or public women existed, because every soul is immensely greater than those few actions for which people judge someone.
Furthermore, it is much more important to wonder where we as soul are on our way to and how we will come there.
This is why Christ went against the concept of ‘sin’, because it ties the human being in feeling to his past.
If we learn from our past what does not feel harmonious and then leave that, then we make progress.
The article ‘ecclesiastical stories’ goes more deeply into what the concept of ‘sin’ has done to the human being over time.
Christ addressed Mary Magdalene because she could change her life for the better with his help.
He knew that people would reproach him for that later.
However, that did not prevent him from making it clear to his audience in this way that they were not allowed to scorn a single fellow human being.
Christ felt connected to all life, and then you can no longer say: it does not concern me, I wash my hands in innocence.
No, Pilate, that is not universal love.
Casting the first stone does not begin with our actions, but with our thoughts.
Christ said: ‘But I tell you all that, he who even looks at a woman, to covet, to possess her, has already committed adultery.’
He warned the human being against the passion which stops universal love.
Casting the first stone goes back much further than the current life.
Christ knew that his audience had reincarnated in order to dissolve their karma from their past lives.
This is why He said: ‘You will end up by no means, not there, you will have to pay the last toll for your life.’
Every soul will ‘have to pay back its last toll’ for every disharmony which has been committed against another, before people can enter the spheres of light.
Christ knew all his past lives, and said: ‘Before you were, I was already here.’
His audience would not have accepted that He also told that He had already lived on earth in the prehistoric age, and had already completed his earthly life cycle many millions of years ago.
They could not form an understanding of cosmic grades of life.
Gethsemane and Golgotha
When the Messiah felt that his crucifixion was approaching, he went into a meditation.
In this way, He prepared himself for the violence of the world that charged towards him.
He knew that He would not be able to do much more in order to be an example to the human being of how people could absorb violence without losing the own harmony.
When He had completed his meditation, He made his apostles aware of their possible commitment with the words: ‘Can you not watch with me even one hour?’
He accepted the kiss of Judas, and let himself be taken willingly by the soldiers.
He did not say anything to Pilate, because the authority of society then could not understand him anyway.
When Caiaphas as the religious head of the people asked him whether He was the Messiah, He only said: ‘You say it.’
The far-reaching consequences of all these events is explained in the articles ‘Judas’, ‘Pilate’, ‘Caiaphas’, ‘Gethsemane and Golgotha’ and ‘apostles’.
When Christ hung on his cross and experienced his last moments in this body, He did not feel forsaken because He was one with God and the All-Source every second.
He said: ‘I am that life. You originated from God. I suffer for you.’
These words were not understood by the audience and were later distorted by the religious thinking that still thought in sins, as is explained in the article ‘ecclesiastical stories’.
People did not understand that Christ meant that He felt the suffering of all people, because He experienced a cosmic connection with all life.
He suffered from the lack of consciousness which mankind lived in, that He could not bring any higher at that time because people murdered him deliberately.
Up to his last thoughts, Christ was engaged in driving the human being on earth to the light.
The last words that He spoke from feeling to feeling were directed at a needy pupil with whom He was connected, his beloved apostle Judas.
Judas did not feel him at that moment, because this pupil had dissolved into despair and wanted to commit suicide.
However, Judas would one day be able to look back at this moment and then experience that his Master knew that no betrayal had played a role in his feeling.
The resurrection
Christ died and people placed his body in a grave.
When people opened that grave again a few days later, the body appeared to have disappeared.
The masters later explained via Jozef Rulof how this was possible.
The body became dematerialised and elevated to the spiritual body.
When Christ later showed himself to the apostles with this spiritual body, it became clear to them that He had risen from the dead.
The religious human being did not understand that this resurrection was not material.
The article ‘ecclesiastical stories’ explains how people made a ‘last judgement’ of it, with a physical resurrection which would make use of the bones which lie in the grave.
However, the actual resurrection belongs to the soul, for whom the physical dying is only a transition to the following phase in its cosmic evolution.
Our soul rises again millions of times after having experienced the end of the past life.
By means of millions of resurrections, we evolve toward the Christ consciousness.
Our own Christ
The University of Christ explains that it is not so much about following Christ, but about allowing our own Christ to awaken.
In every soul the Christ consciousness will awaken, when universal love starts to lead the actions.
Thanks to many reincarnations, every soul will one day realise this spiritual awakening in the universe.