Spiritual consciousness
In the fourth sphere of light, Summerland, people reach spiritual consciousness.

Like a radiant summer morning
The fourth sphere of light is also called Summerland in the books by Jozef Rulof, because nature reflects the full summer of the earth for eternity.
This is illustrated in the painting above, received by Jozef Rulof as a medium.
It represents a radiant summer morning when the human being feels the lovely nature speaking to his heart.
A purplish glow descends from the universe to this life garden.
The inhabitants are radiant like a summer sun, their inner light has developed that much.
They now live in the happiness of the eternal togetherness with their twin soul.
An in-depth study
In the fourth sphere of light, the human being has reached the spiritual consciousness.
Here, he has discarded all the material feelings and thoughts.
Freed from the earthly thinking, he can now get to know the life fully by means of the direct unity with it.
Here, people get to know all the laws of life by sensing the life directly.
As a result, people can start an in-depth study.
Such a study takes hundreds of years, because people learn to sense every law of life from the inside.
People no longer base their knowledge on teachings built up by other people, as the knowledge on earth is passed on.
Each inhabitant of Summerland makes himself one with all the laws of life on which life on earth and in the hereafter is based.
People follow the development of all the life, from the origin of the universe.