completely from ourselves
From where do the inward resemblances to parents come from, if we built up all our character traits ourselves during our past lives?

‘In our eternity no one else can give us something lasting or permanently withhold something from us, the fruits of all our works will be harvested by our own soul.’
Inward resemblances to parents
The article ‘external resemblance to our parents’ explains why the face of a child can look so much like the parents.
However, the resemblance can also be inward, in character traits that correspond.
This inward resemblance is often causally interpreted, namely that the child has inherited character traits from the parents.
One child takes after her mother, another child has more from his father, and some children receive a mix.
Does a child also have something from itself?
According to Jozef Rulof, we have all our character traits from ourselves, and we have not inherited a single character trait from our parents.
We built up our whole character ourselves during our past lives, we have ourselves completely to thank for all the strong and weak sides to our character.
But how can the sometimes striking resemblance to a character trait of the parents be explained?
By means of the parental influence!
There are even people who are still under the influence of their parents up to the age of seventy, and do not have the independence to free themselves from their parents.
In addition, there is the connection with the soul of the child, from a past life.
Parents usually attract children whose inner life has attunement to their own attunement of feeling.
As a result, parents and their children have often built up similar character traits, each in their own past lives.
Reincarnating of character traits
Life after life we build further on our character.
What we begin with in one life we make stronger in the following life.
Thanks to the reincarnation of character traits, we do not need to keep on beginning from zero again in each life, because otherwise we would never have a strong character formed.
Just as with aptitude, we receive a great deal of feeling for art or spiritual possession, when we work on this possession for many lives.
As a result, we can determine for ourselves what we will make of our lives.
Do we wish to achieve happiness?
That is possible.
Do we wish to experience spiritual possession every day?
That also lies in our hands.
In our eternity no one else can give us something lasting or permanently withhold something lasting from us, the fruits of all our works will be harvested by our own soul.
Loving the life
We are better not to set a time for that harvesting, not for ourselves and certainly not for another person.
Because the human character is often still not that nice.
And improving the character costs a great deal of devotion, tenacity and time.
However, we do not need to look at the character of another person.
If another person cheats, we do not need to do that.
If another person is too lazy to work on himself, then we do not need to let our spiritual development depend on that.
When Jozef Rulof asked his master Alcar how he could absorb the characters of all those people in society, he was given one advice: Love life, then you will absorb everything.
If you love the life in the human being, the soul, then you do not need to occupy yourself with the character of another person, because that is completely from and for the human being himself.