our eternal identity
The unique world of our own feelings makes us different to every other human being, in the past, now and later.

How did our feeling originate?
How did we build up our whole life of feeling?
Everyone has feelings which originated as a result of a concrete experience that they still remember.
If someone was almost bitten by a large dog, they will still very vividly remember that incident for years.
That experience will usually ensure that people have the feeling to no longer approach any large dogs.
If that experience lies far in the past, the memory of it could have disappeared, but the feeling could have remained.
For instance, if the incident took place at the age of ten, it can be the case that an eighty-year-old will no longer remember that incident exactly.
Nevertheless, the person could have the feeling to avoid large dogs.
But what is the situation with regard to an aversion to spiders, snakes or rats, without people ever having had a negative experience with these animals, as a child?
And with a pronounced phobia and fear?
Or with a special aptitude talent gift?
How did the child prodigy build up his feeling?
Unique life of feeling
The answer to all these questions can be found in the past.
Not only in this life, but also in our past lives, we gained many experiences, which gave us all kinds of different feelings.
Due to all these experiences subsiding into the depth of our life of feeling, we no longer have any concrete memories of the incidents which built up our feeling.
All these experiences contributed to our life of feeling, shaped us into what we are now, inwardly.
Since we all experienced different lives, our life of feeling is different from every other human being.
It makes us unique, in the past, now, and later.
Inwardly, we will never be the same as another person, even if that is our identical twin.
Depths of feeling
Our life of feeling has seven different depths.
We can refer to the upper layer of our life of feeling as our consciousness or our ‘day-consciousness’.
The six levels of feeling which lie under that and which we are usually not conscious of can be referred to as the subconscious.
There, as soul, we store not only the experiences from this life, but also from all our past lives.
Experiences from thousands of years ago can have sunk very deep, while more recent experiences lie closer under the surface of our consciousness.
All these experiences have built on our life of feeling which drives us, inspires our actions, protects us against danger and leads us to the people to whom we feel attracted.
We do not need any concrete memories of previous lives in order to know what we experienced during them, because those past lives are present in us as feeling.
In that sense, we live in the now, at the same time also in our past.
If we investigate our feelings, analyse our motives and study our behaviour, we will automatically come to all the experiences that we must have had in order to have built up those feelings.
You really do not need to tell someone with severe claustrophobia that he is imagining things, to him the panicky fear of small spaces is a reality of feeling in which he lives.
However, also for less pronounced feelings, we can say that we live in our own past life.
Our past lives are steering and tangibly present as feeling every second of our conscious life.
Even if we have never wondered why we have all our likes and dislikes, they too did not appear from nowhere.
Why does one person have a preference for a particular holiday destination, a particular style of clothing, a type of music, a special type of food, and does another person have a dislike of a particular language?
Why does someone want to know all about a particular period from history?
‘Know yourself’ is the greatest study for the human being.
For this purpose, we do not need any research instruments or professors, all the necessary material is always present in us and we refer to this as ‘our feeling’.