where does the cause lie?
If the cause cannot be found in this life, when was the horrendous experience gone through which caused the phobia or fear?

Shock and acceptance
During a contact evening, Jozef Rulof was asked why a certain woman was jolted awake every year at 3.45 am, the time when her husband died on 12 May 1940.
Jozef explained that events which have a great deal of meaning for our life can only subside when we have completely experienced, dealt with and conquered those events.
That woman reacted every year again at the time of death, because she could not surrender this loss.
She herself held onto this time, because inwardly she did not accept the loss.
As a result, she kept on experiencing a shock at that time.
Her will held onto this time, unconsciously she did not want to let go of this.
Another mother came to Jozef because she always jolted awake at the time that her daughter perished in another country as a result of much suffering.
Jozef advised her to surrender everything, in order to be freed in this way from her own longings.
After all, her daughter lives on and she will see her again.
He said to the mother that she must try to experience the misery of the loss, because that misery had to die.
She set to work with this, experienced the misery to the depths, and after months conquered the event.
On the anniversary of the time when the misery had begun, she now remained free from fear, because there were no longer any unprocessed feelings.
No phobia without a cause
However, what should be done if people do not know the cause of their fear?
Why does someone have a frantic fear of fire, water, small spaces, heights, or precisely for crossing a street, while in this life nothing happened which can explain that fear?
Someone else is totally not bothered by this, he calmly stokes a camp fire, has a lovely swim in the sea, sits on a small toilet without any tension, stands whistling on a high ladder, and crosses a busy street ten times a day without fear.
A phobia cannot arise without a cause.
At one time people experienced something very bad, to later feel such a strong fear of that.
If that experience is not in this life, that experience must lie before this life, in a past life.
If someone was once burnt alive without being able to find a way out, that experience could not be processed in that life.
When all the experiences from that life subsided to the subconscious of the soul in the ‘world of the unconscious’ between two lives, that experience of the burning in a closed-off space could not come to rest in the life of feeling.
In a next life, the human being will avoid small spaces and it will be referred to as claustrophobia.
While crossing a street, if someone was once suddenly run down by two horses pulling a cart, in a next life they will have a panicky fear for crossing streets or squares, which is referred to as agoraphobia.
For anyone who ever fell into a ravine, and therefore developed a fear of heights, standing on a ladder can already be threatening.
If someone drowns in sea, he will probably not swim calmly in open water in his next life.
If someone was run down on the street in a past life, then it can help to now cross the street very consciously and to let himself experience that crossing a street does not lead to the same result now.
Re-experiencing the same situation without the feared (and experienced) fatal consequences can promote the healing process.
To what extent a therapy by re-experiencing can help will usually depend on how far the cause lies in the past.
If the soul has already experienced many lives between the fatal accident and the present life, the fear for the street could have already subsided considerably.
If the cause is milder, then the remedy will be within grasp.
During a contact evening, Jozef Rulof gave an example that he himself had experienced.
Since he was completely engrossed with his feeling in his book ‘The Origin of the Universe’, he missed various trains and arrived four days too late at his wife who was waiting for him in Vienna.
He reprimanded himself, but an inner shock took hold of him.
For two years, he dreamt that he had missed the train, he never managed to get on that train.
Until two years later in reality he had to take that train again.
This time he acted in full consciousness, it would not happen to him again!
He now got on the right train, and... his dreams were over!