a decision of vital importance
For the deceased person, cremation has serious consequences; on the other hand burial allows the time necessary to release the body.

Retrieving feeling from the body
People who are cremated assume that they will not suffer from the burning of their body.
However, in the book ‘A View into the Hereafter’ by Jozef Rulof, there is a description of the way in which a deceased does suffer from this.
How is that possible?
The book first describes exactly what happens with regard to dying.
At the time when the physical death approaches, most people are not yet immediately separated from their body in feeling.
For this purpose, during their life on earth they have become too inwardly connected with their physical experiences.
That unity differs from human being to human being.
One person connects more strongly with his physical feelings than the other person.
This is expressed by the extent to which we were attuned to good food and drink, sexuality, comfort, etc.
Some people use all the cosmetic and medical aids to model their body into the desired shape.
They identify themselves so much with their body that their appearance takes up every minute of their consciousness.
How long will they need to later become released from their body?
Most people only begin with becoming released from the physical experience after their death.
They are then faced with the task of withdrawing all their feeling from their body.
They need that feeling in order to build up their conscious continued existence in the hereafter.
Since most people attuned much feeling to their physical experiences during their earthly life, after dying they need more than a week in order to withdraw this feeling.
For many people this even takes longer than a month.
This is not a problem if the body is buried, then they are given the time they need in order to take leave of their body in a natural way.
As long as they have not been able to regain all their feeling, they remain connected in feeling with their earthly body.
As a result, they still feel what is happening with their body to a certain extent.
The more feeling is still aimed at the body, the more they feel what their body is experiencing.
When their body is cremated, they feel that cremation to the extent in which they are still connected to their body in feeling.
Does this apply to every human being?
In ‘A View into the Hereafter’, the focus on the physical experience is seen as part of the whole feeling and thinking that is focused on the earthly material.
The more the human being is focused on acquiring possessions, wealth and power, the more feeling becomes intertwined with the earthly material.
Due to this material attachment, it costs a great deal of time to become released from the body, because that body is the connection with the earthly possession.
The stronger the feeling is intertwined with the body and the earthly material, the more the deceased will feel the burning of his body.
Are there people who are free from the attachment to earthly possessions, and who do not suffer from the cremation?
In ‘A View into the Hereafter’ it is explained that it is about our whole life of feeling.
To not experience any suffering at all, no single feeling and no single thought may be given to the physical experience and the earthly possession.
But what do people feel and think?
Feelings and thoughts which are attuned to what we can do for our fellow human being to help them to move forward, rise out above the own physical experience.
The more feelings of unselfish love we have, the freer we become from our own body, because we then start to think outside the material and self-interest.
The more universal love we feel, the greater the part of our life of feeling becomes which is no longer focused on the material and on ourselves.
When that part of our life of feeling gains the upper hand, and most feelings and thoughts are filled with love for everything that lives, we will barely be affected by what happens to our body.
People who are fulfilled every second of their earthly life with unselfish love, would only suffer to a small extent from the cremation.
However, according to ‘A View into the Hereafter’, there are no people living on earth who have evolved that far spiritually.
The human being only reaches that grade of universal love in the fourth sphere of light of the hereafter.
Long-term consequences of cremation
In ‘A View into the Hereafter’, a famous conductor is followed whose entire life of feeling was focused on acquiring even more prestige and possessions.
Since he could not form a single loving thought, his whole personality was solely focused on self-interest.
Honouring his last will and testament, he was cremated.
Since he was still completely attuned to his body and his earthly possessions, he experienced the cremation as being burnt alive.
This traumatic experience gave him a spiritual shock.
Jozef Rulof compares that state with the remorse of a murderer who would like to reverse his murder.
The human being who feels that he has acted wrongly and realizes that he can no longer make amends for that deed in his further life, can become so consumed by remorse that all his thoughts remain focused on that like an obsession.
In a similar way, the conductor continued to think constantly on the cremation of his body which he wanted to reverse but could not.
Ultimately, this conductor will also recover from this spiritual shock, but that could take dozens of years up to hundreds of years.
If the conductor reaches the point that he no longer spares a single thought for his earthly existence, he will be liberated from his traumatic experience.
The certainty of a burial
By burying the body every deceased person has sufficient time to calmly take leave of the earthly life.
When he has been able to get all his feeling back from his body, he can focus himself in feeling on his continued existence in the hereafter.
He then goes to the spiritual world that is in attunement with his life of feeling.
The article ‘spheres in the hereafter’ gives an introduction to the spiritual worlds where the human being can go after dying.