
wise research of every thought

The Socrates in ourselves can research all the feelings and thoughts and establish whether they bring light or darkness in our inner space.
By Ludo Vrebos, based on the books by Jozef Rulof.

What is feeling?

In Ancient Greece, as a philosopher Socrates began to think for mankind.
In the temples of Ancient Egypt foundations were already laid in order to reach clear thinking, but Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were at the root of thinking as philosophy.
Socrates brought his fellow human being to thinking by asking questions.
‘What is feeling?
What is happiness?’
Some people told him that they were happy.
‘Yes’, says Socrates, ‘about that little bit of money that you got there.
But I do not mean that, I mean that feeling that connects us with all the laws, as a result of which we and if necessary all the life originated.’
And then the human being began to think philosophically.
‘Why do you kiss?
What do you feel when you kiss?
And what feeling do you get when you hit someone?
If you say something harsh and destructive, what happens then in your space?’
Socrates wanted to make the human being aware of the difference between feelings which give harmony and feelings which darken our inner space.
‘If I think and I want do the right thing, why do I still have the feeling inside me that does not want to take part in my goodness?’
The articles ‘’ and ‘personality’ go into what Socrates asked the people.
Later, people made philosophy of that at the university, but the article ‘self-knowledge’ states that they are universal questions for every human being who wants to get to know himself.
The articles ‘thoughts from another person’, ‘what we know for sure’, ‘learning to think’ and ‘universal truth’ zoom in on this philosophical thinking.

Poisoned chalice

Socrates questioned the thinking of the human being, and many contemporaries found that going too far.
He brought a higher feeling and thinking, questioning whether everything that the human being thought was that certain and that true.
However, many people did not want to begin with becoming conscious, they preferred to hold onto what they knew.
This is why Socrates was presented with the poisoned chalice, because in their eyes he contaminated the human being.
They harshly destroyed this higher feeling and thinking.
They created a fog in order to obscure the truth, in order to not have to begin with new feeling and thinking, letting go of false assurances.
What Socrates asked them did not suit them, although some felt that it was true.
However, they chose social certainty over spiritual awakening.


Where did the feeling of Socrates come from, to question the human being?
When he entered the hereafter and he could look back into his past lives, he saw that he had begun in the temples of Ancient Egypt with his own becoming conscious.
There he learned to base his feelings on reality by means of the connection of feeling with the life.
There he had begun with his philosophy.
In the spheres of light, he was received by the masters of the ‘University of Christ’, because he had served for their order.
He had reincarnated in Greece, in order to bring higher feeling and thinking.
He had wanted to give much more in that life, but did not get the chance for this.
In the hereafter Socrates received the inspiration to reincarnate again, in order to continue his mission, but the masters made it clear to him then that other people such as Jozef Rulof would return to the earth in order to serve the mission of Christ.
Then he understood that his poisoned chalice was still not the worst thing, because it had not stopped him in his own spiritual evolution.
He saw that the people who had given him his poisoned chalice and the people who murder, destroy and gossip attach themselves for centuries to the destruction that they bring into the world.

The Socrates within ourselves

Socrates, Plato and the others began with the becoming conscious that every thought represents a world of light or darkness.
By means of every thought, we build on a sphere of light or darkness within ourselves and in the hereafter.
The University of Christ further explores this philosophy by researching every thought philosophically, on the basis of truth and love.
When the Socrates and the Plato within us awaken, we can look at how much harmony and real oneness with the life every thought interprets, and we only inspire those thoughts which contribute to a better world within and outside of ourselves.

Sources and deepening