Alcar’s attunement
The fifth sphere of light is the attunement of the spiritual leader of Jozef Rulof, master Alcar.

In order to give an illustration of the spiritual consciousness of the inhabitants of the fifth sphere of light, in the book ‘A View into the Hereafter’, master Alcar describes his own dwelling in this sphere.
Central to the spiritual dwelling is the room of universal love.
Here there is the spiritual fountain, as symbol of the loving care for all life.
The rooms around it are formed by the characteristics.
For instance, there are rooms of trust, simplicity, truth, concentration, strong will, peace and art.
There is also a room in which Alcar can see his experienced earthly life.
Here lies everything, not a single thought has perished.
The rooms that are situated higher in the house are more rarefied and more ethereal.
Here invisible parts are also situated which Alcar will only get to know as his love and consciousness grow.